#aaaaaaaand he's gone
a-hazbin-reader · 8 months
Okay random thought but Alastor looks like the type of dad to turn into his demon form because his children find it funny for some reason
He totally fucking would, his wife would literally find him terrorizing people and think that someone attacked him or the children. Just total chaos, people screaming and running, Alastor laughing as he towers over everyone-
Only to see the kids being tossed around by his tentacles and squealing like they're on a rollercoaster 🎢 Then she just 🤦‍♀️ and goes back to whatever she was doing before
I like to think that it starts when they're babies and something happens where Alastor has to go into that form in order to protect them. He's all cradling them in his claws after the fight and everyone is expecting them to be terrified of their daddy's new look.
But instead, they just giggle and try to use him as a jungle gym. Then it continues because Alastor gets a kick out of it too, and his wife has to stop him because it causes too much damage.
To them it's like asking their dad for a piggyback ride but everyone else thinks that they're about to be eaten or what's even more likely, crushed.
This is literally their relationship after finding out the kids like Alastor's demon form-
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keline11 · 11 days
And to one of the best deathduo streams <tres
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Everything looked so pretty, and was so fun how they were dancing to "Payaso de rodeo" and "La chona", pipiippi I miss it so much.
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Aaaaaaaand also as a nice ending, deathduo saying "see you in a moment" and then when qmissa came back qphilza was gone, locked up in the cage.
LOOK, maybe he was in a cage but he was slaying in that outfit.
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whiteshipnightjar · 1 year
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AAAAAAAAnd there was a booming above you, that night black airplanes flew over the sea. And they were lowing and shifting like beached whales, shelled snails, as you strained and you squinted to see the retreat of their hairless and blind cavalry. You froze in your sand shoal, prayed for your poor soul; sky seemed a bread roll, soaking in a milk-bowl. And when the bread broke — fell in bricks of wet smoke — my sleeping heart woke, and my waking heart spoke. Then there was a silence you took to mean something: mean, Run, sing, for alive you will evermore be. And the plague of the greasy black engines a-skulking has gone east, while you’re left to explain them to me — released from their hairless and blind cavalry. With your hands in your pockets, stubbily running to where I’m unfresh, undressed and yawning — Well, what is this craziness? This crazy talking? You caught some small death when you were sleepwalking. It was a dark dream, darlin; it’s over. The firebreather is beneath the clover. Beneath his breathing there is cold clay, forever: a toothless hound-dog choking on a feather. But I took my fishing pole (fearing your fever), down to the swimming hole, where there grows a bitter herb that blooms but one day a year, by the riverside — I’d bring it here: Apply it gently to the love you’ve lent me. While the river was twisting and braiding, the bait bobbed and the string sobbed, as it cut through the hustling breeze. And I watched how the water was kneading so neatly, gone treacly, nearly slowed to a stop in this heat; frenzy coiling flush along the muscles beneath. Press on me, we are restless things. Webs of seaweed are swaddling. You call upon the dusk of the musk of a squid: shot full of ink, until you sink into your crib. Rowing along, among the reeds, among the rushes, I heard your song, before my heart had time to hush it! Smell of a stonefruit being cut and being opened. Smell of a low and of a lazy cinder smoking And when the fire moves away, fire moves away, son. Why would you say I was the last one? Scrape your knee: it is only skin. Makes the sound of violins. When I cut your hair, and leave the birds all the trimmings, I am the happiest woman among all women. And the shallow water stretches as far as I can see. Knee deep, trudging along — the seagull weeps ‘so long’ — I’m humming a threshing song — Until the night is over, hold on, hold on; hold your horses back from the fickle dawn. I have got some business out at the edge of town, candy weighing both of my pockets down till I can hardly stay afloat, from the weight of them (and knowing how the commonfolk condemn what it is I do, to you, to keep you warm: Being a woman. Being a woman.) But always up the mountainside you’re clambering, groping blindly, hungry for anything; picking through your pocket linings — well, what is this? Scrap of sassafras, eh Sisyphus? I see the blossoms broke and wet after the rain. Little sister, he will be back again. I have washed a thousand spiders down the drain. Spiders’ ghosts hang, soaked and dangling silently, from all the blooming cherry trees, in tiny nooses, safe from everyone — nothing but a nuisance; gone now, dead and done — Be a woman. Be a woman. Though we felt the spray of the waves, we decided to stay, 'till the tide rose too far. We weren’t afraid, cause we know what you are; and you know that we know what you are. Awful atoll — O, incalculable indiscreetness and sorrow! Bawl bellow: Sibyl sea-cow, all done up in a bow. Toddle and roll; teethe an impalpable bit of leather, while yarrow, heather and hollyhock awkwardly molt along the shore. Are you mine? My heart? Mine anymore? Stay with me for awhile. That’s an awfully real gun. I know life will lay you down, as the lightning has lately done. Failing this, failing this, follow me, my sweetest friend, to see what you anointed, in pointing your gun there. Lay it down! Nice and slow! There is nowhere to go, save up; up where the light, undiluted, is weaving, in a drunk dream, at the sight of my baby, out back: back on the patio, watching the bats bring night in — while, elsewhere, estuaries of wax-white wend, endlessly, towards seashores unmapped. * Last week, our picture window produced a half-word, heavy and hollow, hit by a brown bird. We stood and watched her gape like a rattlesnake and pant and labor over every intake. I said a sort of prayer for some rare grace, then thought I ought to take her to a higher place. Said, “dog nor vulture nor cat shall toy with you, and though you die, bird, you will have a fine view.” Then in my hot hand, she slumped her sick weight. We tramped through the poison oak, heartbroke and inchoate. The dogs were snapping, so you cuffed their collars while I climbed the tree-house. Then how I hollered! Cause she’d lain, as still as a stone, in my palm, for a lifetime or two; then saw the treetops, cocked her head, and up and flew. (While back in the world that moves, often, according to the hoarding of these clues, dogs still run roughly around little tufts of finch-down.) The cities we passed were a flickering wasteland, but his hand, in my hand, made them hale and harmless. While down in the lowlands, the crops are all coming; we have everything. Life is thundering blissful towards death in a stampede of his fumbling green gentleness. You stopped by; I was all alive. In my doorway, we shucked and jived. And when you wept, I was gone; see, I got gone when I got wise. But I can’t with certainty say we survived. Then down and down and down and down and down and deeper, stoke, without sound, the blameless flames, you endless sleeper. Through fire below, and fire above, and fire within, sleep through the things that couldn’t have been, if you hadn’t have been. And when the fire moves away, fire moves away, son. Why would you say I was the last one? All my bones, they are gone, gone, gone. Take my bones, I don’t need none. Cold, cold cupboard, lord, nothing to chew on! Suck all day on a cherry stone. Dig a little hole not three inches round — Spit your pit in a hole in the ground. Weep upon the spot for the starving of me! Till up grows a fine young cherry tree. When the bough breaks, what’ll you make for me? A little willow cabin to rest on your knee. What’ll I do with a trinket such as this? Think of your woman, who’s gone to the west. But I’m starving and freezing in my measly old bed! Then I’ll crawl across the salt flats, to stroke your sweet head. Come across the desert with no shoes on! I love you truly, or I love no-one. Fire moves away. Fire moves away, son. Why would you say I was the last one? Clear the room! There’s a fire, a fire, a fire. Get going, and I’m going to be right behind you. And if the love of a woman or two, dear, could move you to such heights, then all I can do is do, my darling, right by you.
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gayelectro · 10 months
Do you wanna talk about Aiden? I haven't seen anyone ship canon Iron Leaguers with OILs here before!
I would love to!
I know I've seen "OIL" thrown around before, but I'll be honest, I don't know what it means! Happy to hear that Aiden miiiight count as one?
Here he is!
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(Art by @toxiccaves! The big ref sheet is here!)
I dunno if you wanted to hear more about his backstory or his history with Top Joy, so I'll give you a little sprinkle of all of it.
Basically, Aiden was custom commissioned for a furniture store. Mostly just as a huge flex to say "we can afford a mecha". It's a teensy bit advertising, but more than anything, Aiden is a retail worker and a pro mover. He can lift very heavy things with ease and he's really precise and careful. But the thing is, in the Iron Leaguer universe, retail bots are outrageously few and far between. By and large, it just makes more sense to hire humans, they're cheaper and don't run on oil.
So overall, Aiden is a very lonely guy and super isolated from other mecha. Plus, his job (where he works somewhere between 60 to 80 hours a week) is soul crushingly boring. So, like many people, he watches sports to escape. He quickly becomes attached to his local pro basketball team. Since their home court is so close, he ends up getting to go watch live games a lot! The court is the only place he feels connected to others, even though he only spectates.
The Dark Queens is my headcanon name for Top Joy's first basketball team. It just follows what we know of that country's naming convention for DARK Federation teams; "Dark [Noun Relating to Royalty]". And DQ just happens to be Aiden's local team. He was already pretty new to basketball in general when Top Joy joined as their Super Rookie. So naturally he becomes a bit of a super fan himself.
Top Joy is sooooooooo happy to have such an enthusiastic fan, so he in turn makes an effort to get close to Aiden. After all, if Top Joy is gonna be the best Leaguer in the history of the league, he's gotta be good to his fans. They become fast friends. Both Aiden and Top Joy are inexperienced and desperate for attention, so they fit together like peanut butter and jelly. A puppy love blossoms between them. Fan meet and greets dissolve into romantic trysts after work. They're cute and giggly and sweet to each other.
But unfortunately, they feed into each other's worst habits and tendencies. Namely, Aiden is a people pleaser, thinks his opinions make him an expert at things, and jumps to put others on a huge pedestal. Which means that when Top Joy vents about his teammates being mean to him, Aiden calls his teammates jealous, because TJ is perfect and his way of playing is the most entertaining. And TJ will listen and take it to heart, mostly because it's exactly what he wants to hear.
Aaaaaaaand we all know that Top Joy's ball hogging and showboat-er-y eventually got him totally kicked off of the team. Because of how DARK handles things, Top Joy essentially just disappears one day. Aiden's boyfriend is gone without a trace and he slowly pieces together that most Dark Queens fans are glad that he's gone. This makes him further retreat back into his job.
But holy crap, the entire plot of Shippu! Iron Leaguer happens! Top Joy goes through a crazy amount of development and now he's got a soccer world championship under his belt?! The news is crazy enough and big enough to reach Aiden, even in his reclusive state. Aiden tried avoiding talking about his job as much as possible, so it would've been hard for Top Joy to find him, but thankfully it's pretty easy for Aiden to find TJ once he knows what team he's on!
They'd end up reconnecting really easily at that point. Aiden had been heartbroken that Top Joy left without so much as a word, but he genuinely believes him when he explains that it wasn't by choice. Plus, in the time they've been apart, Top Joy has grown a lot as a person. He's a lot more emotionally mature than he was. Sadly, Aiden was sort of frozen in place by the separation and self-isolation. So they probably wouldn't fall in love again, they're now in different life stages, but they would be the best of friends.
Plus, now Top Joy has lots of friends and would be eager to introduce everybody on Silver Castle to his first fan and first boyfriend. They'd love him and he'd get the chance to finally make some more connections, deeper connections, to other mecha. Hell, someone might even convince him to try playing a sport. If anyone could do it, it'll be Top Joy and Silver Castle.
Also this is his voice claim:
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The Family Business
Criminal Minds x Winchester!Sister
BAU Team x Supernatural Reader
Saving People Part Three and Final Ending to the Saving People Trilogy :)
What an accomplishment it was, to be 19 and living a good life. You were interning at a law firm when your Boss got called in on a priority case, and you were the lucky duck who got to go with him to carry around all his paperwork. But you didn't mind- cause you knew pencil pushing would eventually lead to taking leads on cases. Normally, your Boss worked on the side of the DA's office, prosecuting criminals to the full extent of the law. But this case was an exception. Y'all had been hired to be counsel to a suspect in a major murder investigation. And low and behold, the group of individuals running the case just so happened to be the FBI's BAU.
You watched Hotch's reaction as your Boss pushed past him into the interrogation room to interrupt Derek Morgan in his stare down with your new client. All of the agents that currently occupied the room looked affronted but unsurprised at your Boss's appearance. Though none noticed you standing in the doorway until a certain computer tech had to get into the room.
"Excuse me. So sorry," she sang as she glided into the room. It was then that a certain individual with eidetic memory turned around and saw your face.
"Y/n Winchester?"
That name had everyone whipping around. Your smile was genuine as you gazed back on them.
"Hello guys. Long time no see."
"Winchester? Why does that sound so familiar?" Came Garcia's cheery voice.
"Because we got to work together 4 years ago. On what the news dubbed the "Sacrificial Spree Murders" that consumed upwards of 80 deaths once you got those perpetrators to confess."
"Holy shit. That's right!" Emily Prentiss's face was kind even in its shock. Though everyone's perceptions changed when Hotch spoke.
"I also recall you conveniently disappearing when said confessions happened before you went MIA for 6 months."
You couldn't help but blush at that. "Heh- yeah. Fight or flight- ya know? You no longer needed me with those confessions, and I was getting antsy from having been in the same place for too long. So- I bolted. Besides. I didn't need you guys tracking me to figure out where I parked my car or putting a gps device in the wheel well. I know you're with the government- and that's exactly why I didn't trust you."
"Fair enough I guess," commented JJ. "Especially since those guys got effectively sentenced without your testimony. My question would be- why are you here now?"
All attention was on Jennifer Jareu as she asked that question. But before you could answer, distinct yelling came from the interrogation room where your Boss was making his way to the door with your new client.
"Interrogating my client without offer to counsel is against this man's given rights. It is because of this we will be taking our leave unless you can provide a valid warrant for his arrest?"
Before Hotch could get a word in edge-wise your Boss paced forward.
"Exactly what I thought. Here is my card," with a snap of his fingers you had handed him a business card to give to Hotch, "And you can contact me or my intern with any future desires to reach out to my client. Good day, Agent Hotchner." And just like that he was marching out with the potential Unsub in tow.
"Aaaaaaaand that's my cue. Gotta follow the boss cause I have the keys to the Mercedes. It was nice seeing you guys- though I don't know if I'd call this "better circumstances". I guess I'll be seeing you around. Bye!"
And just as suddenly as you'd appeared to them, you were gone.
"Who the hell was that?" Came Morgan's voice as he stared around at his team as they watched the practical (familiar) teenager leave the room.
"That," explained Rossi, "Was one Ms. Y/N Winchester."
"Wait- Winchester as in that psycho-genius from that Sacrificial Murder Spree?"
"The very one- so it would seem." Prentiss said, a quizzical look on her face.
"What the hell is she doing working in a law firm? More importantly how? She's like 18!"
"If memory serves she would actually be 19 going on 20 as she had turned 16 by the time the case was wrapping up." Spencer buttoned his suit jacket, as he collected his bag and made his way from the observation room, now made obsolete with no one to observe.
The rest of the team merely looked at each other, before following him out to re-strategize in the conference room.
"Winchester," you're boss said, as you drove him and your client to the hotel. You looked up into the rear view, as he was sat in the back conspiring with the potential Unsub.
"Yes, sir," you acknowledged.
"Do me a favor when we get back to the hotel and call up your brother. We're going to need all the assistance we can on this one, if we're going against the FBI instead of working with them."
A trickling sense of unease slithered down your spine and coiled in your stomach. Call my brother?
"My – uh – brother sir?"
"Yes, Samuel."
Sammy, you want to say. "And why would we need him, sir?"
The look on your boss's face is incredulous. "Why would- you think you got hired because of your grades kid? Shit no, this industry is all about connections. Winchester is a powerful name in these courts. You're here so I have a solid line directly to the big man. So call him. We'll need all the wisdom we can get."
"Yes, sir. Will do." Is all you can say. Samuel Winchester the Lawyer? What kind of weird alternate reality was this? Did you fuck with the wrong dragon that stole a magical charm and get thrust into another world that mimics this one?
No, you think, you remember too much, and far too little at the same time. Because that's the truth. You remember your mother and her funeral. Your father and your brothers. Dean's mother hen attitude, Sam's healthy fitness lifestyle. Hunting. You remember all of it. You even remember Dean taking the Mark. The demon possessing him. Hell- literally. You even remember the case with the BAU. Every last detail of it. Getting captured, getting the girls out, going to the police, and...
You don't remember actually catching the bad guys.
But the BAU did! They said you bolted. And that sounds like something you'd do, but you can't actually remember it.
Why can't you remember it?!
"Winchester- watch out!"
The sound of a truck horn has you zoning back in, though too late. You swerve, in an attempt to avoid the head on collision, and instead loose control of the vehicle, speeding uncontrollably off the edge into a deep forested drop below. There's screaming, and yelling, and a whole lot of fear.
This is not how I thought I'd go out! You think, closing your eyes and bracing for impact.
You feel yourself fall, and hit the ground. But it's far more mild than you expected. There's no screaming any more, no smoke. In fact, you're lying on linoleum tiles.
"Oh gosh, I am so sorry, are you ok miss?" You know that voice.
You pick your head and yourself from the ground, to see Spencer Reid of the BAU, reaching around a door, shock and remorse clear in his eyes.
"Uh, yeah. I'm ok, I think."
There it was again, the coiling unease, it was growing.
"Ah, Ms. Winchester, what brings you back to the precinct?"
You look around, surprised to see that, yes, you are back in the precinct. The one you had just left yesterday. When you got in a car crash.... Only you didn't.
Why were you back?
"We've brought back our client," your boss says behind you, exasperated.
Suspicion crosses Spencer's features, "Pray tell, for what reason. For you both left quite confident and angered yesterday."
"He wishes to make a deal." came another voice further down the hall your boss was standing in.
Your blood runs cold. You know that voice. Leaning around your boss, you see, of all people, Sam Winchester. And he's in a suit. And his hair- oh Chuck his hair!! It's cut short, and slicked back. He- he- he looks- jeez, he looks like a prick.
It doesn't take long for everyone to gather in the conference room, a camera set up in the corner, to record the whole room and this odd interaction. You sat against the same wall the cameras on, claiming to stay in the back ground to observe. Which, technically isn't wrong.
You were mostly trying to figure out, what in all of HELLS HALF ACRE WAS GOING ON!!
You were silently freaking out, and don't know how you managed to keep your face so neutral. Cause there was Sammy. Your brother Sam, dressed up in an expensive pin-stripe suit, hair all wrong, face too cold, working with your boss and client (do you even know their names?? Who are these people?) sitting across from the FB-fucking-I!
How do you not remember anything before this. Why don't you remember the arrests from the Murder Spree case like the team does?? Why didn't you die last night when the car went off the highway? Was that even last night?
For the love of all that is holy- what the HELL WAS GOING ON!
Your distress must have been obvious to everyone in the room, for it was Agent Prentiss who addressed you. "Are you alright Y/N?"
You look up in shock, ripped from your internal break down, and realize that everyone in the room is looking at you. You had to get out of there.
"Um, actually... no, I'm not." Your hand comes up to your head, pushing on one of your temples, while the other lays against the wall for balance. "I have a killer head ache that came out of nowhere. I think I may have a concussion from my collision in the hallway." You wince, hoping the lie is believable.
"What collision?" Asked Hotchner.
"That would be my fault," came Reid, "I opened the bathroom door to quickly, and preceded to hit Ms. Winchester with it." Remorse was evident in his voice. But you didn't care. This was all wrong.
You wanted to leave. You needed to leave.
Your panic must've shown through some, for it's your brother who speaks next. "Why don't you go to the break room and get some water, then find an observation room to lie down in the dark. We'll come get you when we're done here."
"That sounds like a good idea. Thanks, Sammy."
You don't see the confusion that crosses your brothers face at the nickname. He was Samuel to most, Sam to few and well, hadn't been Sammy since you were 12. At least here.
But you didn't know that. And you didn't care to. You speed walk to the break room, lowering your hand from your head, only when your in the seclusion of the room. The windows in the room are fortunately covered by their blinds for now. You grab a drink of water as you were told. But your growing panic doesn't let you sit.
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. 
Run. Run. Run. Run. 
Over and over it screams in your head. You begin pacing the floor. Mug squeezed so tightly in your hands, your knuckles are white and your fingers are red.
This is wrong! You slam your mug and hands onto the counter, frustrated. The surface clinks underneath the impact. And that's when you see the drawer in the cabinetry.
You rip it open with a bang! At first glance it's all tongs and serving spoons. But buried under the layers of grimy and unorganized plastic wear you see it- a knife.
The tarnished reflection it shows in the horrid florescent lighting tells you the only truth you need- it's silver.
You hop to the fridge next, squished between the counter and the sink you had drank from earlier. The chances were low.
But there, inside that fridge was a fuck ton of brown butcher-paper-wrapped slabs of meat that said "Loui's Lambs. Best Chops in the State!" As well as a sticky note saying thank you to the cops or some shit for a stupid fundraiser.
You skip that useless information and instead look for the messiest wrapping on all the products. The one that was the juiciest, leaking the most, promising to be the bloodiest. Instead, you found a plastic Tupperware container, like the one you get potato salad in at the deli, full of "spare bits". Hey- don't hate- that's what it was labeled as, that was not your doing.
But it was full, and it was bloody. And it was as you starred at the two contents filling either hand, knife and bits, you realize why this doesn't feel right.
Your vision flashes. Dark warehouse halls, the dripping echo of an old abandoned and leaking building. Two men, one with dark and one with light hair. Tattoos, hidden under layers of grimy clothes. Glowing eyes.
You whisper it, but the sinking in your stomach makes it feel like your yelled it. Djinn. It explained everything. Sam, the lack of memories, the glitch when the car almost crashed. The migraine! You were losing blood. You were loosing it fast. Cause these men didn't take long to act. You remember. Leaving the precinct, the day you brought back the girls, sneaking off to your car and searching out the two men.
Only back then you hadn't known about ask the tattoos that lingered beneath the dirty sleeves of your captors. You thought they were just human psychos. You remember it now. You remember it all. You also remember the only way to escape this dream world.
Your death.
You glance at the knife again. Putting the blood back into the fridge. You wouldn't need it. Because there was no djinn here. Not in this world. No, this world was controlled by djinn.
You slip the knife very carefully up your blouse sleeve and make your way from the break room to the bathroom. You double the act of the headache. One hand gripping your forehead, the other pressed against your stomach to keep the knife hidden in your blazer.
You could feel your heart beating out of your chest, headache and nausea becoming quite real as you physically lost more blood to the djinn. 
Chuck you hoped this worked. You were a Winchester for fuck's sake. Dying at the hands of a djinn, was not in your "Top 10 Ways to Die as a Winchester" list. 
You rushed into the bathroom and then the biggest stall, falling down as a harsh pang shot across your head. 
Why did your mouth feel so dry suddenly?
You pulled the knife out from your sleeve with shaking hands. Carefully, you lined the blade up with your heart. Just as you were ready to act, the creaking of the door broke through your pounding head.
"Y/N? Are you in here? Are you alright?" called out one Emily Prentiss. A vision of her flashes before you at the sound of her voice. Of FBI Agents swarming an abandoned warehouse. Flashlights swinging across the darkness. Voices calling "CLEAR" as they pass through rooms. An echo of Emily's voice as she lifts your head, the rest of the team following behind her. And a shadow and a flash of blue.
"No!" you shout, bringing the blade down, stabbing yourself in this dream world. 
"Y/N!" Emily's voice is urgent now. You blearily look down and see blood quickly pooling on the floor, hands going numb. The door bursts open, Emily standing above you with horror on her face. A shadow forms behind her, magic blue eyes and arms of tattoos visible in your fading vision. 
The last thing you can process in this false world is the word "duck" before the world goes white.
The beeping of the heart monitor is almost lulling to the team as they sit in your hospital room. All six of them crammed into the small emergency room, waiting for you to wake up. If Strauss or anyone higher up were to ask why all of them were waiting there, Hotch was prepared with the "protocol" argument. They needed to interview you, be assured of your safety, be prepared to get CPS involved if needed, and all that other red-tape type shit.
The real reason, though, was you had saved them. Barely conscious from the head trauma visible on your forehead you had stabbed the unsub, while laying in Prentiss's arms, as he attempted to kill her himself. Then you somehow managed to pull yourself up, half alive and still bleeding to death, to follow the sounds of gun shots and end the life of the other Unsub who wasn't falling, despite having over five bullets in his chest. They don’t even know where you got the knife from.
The team had been in shock as they watched their respective suspects die. Blue flashing from their eyes, the light of their tattoos dying with them as they collapsed to the ground. Morgan and JJ, both of whom had fallen victim to the magic of the djinn, awoke with a gasp as the last one fell. You falling alongside the second one had the team acting fast. Ambulance already on standby they got you rushed to the hospital. You had to have three blood transfusions. One in the ambulance on the way, and two more once you got to the hospital and your neck wound was stitched up. Doctors state you had lost about 30% of your blood before you had finally passed out. It was that fact that left the team truly speechless. By all rights you should have been unconscious and on the brink of death by the time the found you. 
And yet, in their attempt to save you from the unsubs, you saved them. They had all seen the man with blue eyes and blue tattoos survive the gun shots, as he got his hands on their team mates, knocking them unconscious with a glowing hand. It was impossible, what they saw. Morgan refused to speak about what he dreamed about for the short period of time he was under. JJ looked haunted, but was writing it all down in the notepad she had found in the back of the SUV. Prentiss had tossed her jacket to the side, as it was covered in the blood from the first unsub, who had almost succeeded in doing the same to her, or worse. Reid sat in the corner, replaying the days events in his mind on a loop, trying to justify things and fill them in with fact when there was mostly only the impossible. Hotch and Rossi stood in the corners, worrying over their team and their wellbeing, processing everything as well. 
This job had become more of a headache than it was probably worth, and was going to be a boat-load of paperwork. But one thing they could focus on were simple facts and truth.
The unsubs were no longer a worry, but other impossible worries lingered in everyone's minds.  
Yet, as sherlock once said, "When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." And so the truth stood. The unsubs who had died were no ordinary men. They weren't natural. Nor was it some kind of extreme technology that allowed them to be what they were. No matter how much Reid and the team didn't want to accept it there was only one option that truly remained. The supernatural just might be real. 
And you had a lot of questions to answer when you finally woke back up. 
You hated hospitals. You hated cops (Jody Mills and Donna Hanscum excluded). You hated people who refused to understand your world. You hated monsters, specifically the ones who enjoyed hurting people. You hated your dad for bringing your family into this world. You had a lot of unresolved anger and trauma to work through. Not to mention the echo of your djinn induced dream haunting your sleepless nights.
But you were grateful to now have the BAU partially on your side. You didn't have to worry so much about having them tracking you. And while they weren't quite ready to absolve your brothers of their "Most Wanted" status, most of them did not see you as a potential threat. Instead you had made a deal. You'd keep a reliable form of contact with them, and they'd be sure to reach out for a consultation should a case start looking a little... unnatural. 
And as you drove away in one of the bunker's many vintage cars you had stowed away outside of town, you couldn't help but smile at how things had somehow, for once in your short Winchester life, ended relatively well.
Your peace of mind is interrupted by a chirp on one of your many cellular devices. A note from Sam.
Black eyes have been turned back to green. Next task: find a solid stain remover for this Mark. You able to come home to lend a hand with the laundry and pest control? 
The relief that flooded through you at knowing Dean was finally demon-less was strong. Foot pushing heavy on the pedal you blast some music, and text back a simple response.
Wayward's coming home. Tell mother hen I say "Hey". See y'all soon.
Being a Winchester wasn't easy and it was never boring. But hey, you know how it goes.
Saving People. Hunting Things.
The Family Business. 
Aaaaaaaaand we're finally done!!! Ah that's crazy! This has taken so long (literally over a year I am soooooo sorry) and has been through so many rewrites. But I'm so happy to have finally created an ending I'm happy with, and I hope you are too. Do timelines match up between the two shows? absolutely not, but that's not important lol.  Thank you all who have followed along on this little trilogy! You're engagement is so encouraging, and your patience is appreciated. 
One note I would like to add:  Suicide is no joke, and is never an ACTUAL answer to our problems and struggles. I plead to everyone here, that if you are having thoughts of self-harm or suicide, depressions, or even possible hallucinations to please seek help and treatment. There is nothing wrong with you, and you're allowed to ask for help. Remember, someone does actually care, even if you feel alone, and there is always a future, even if it seems bleak now. 
Thank you all again!
Tags: (I hope I did this right)
@sylum @ampal98 @singhfae @supernerdycookietrashblr
@super-sexy-agent-hotchner (I don’t think this one works)
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Ahsoka: "Master and Apprentice" & "Toil and Trouble" Liveblog
We've added Marrok and Hyuang and one of the mercenaries and Chopper and Sabine to the opening character swivels, nice.
Digging this drum cue.
And we get an opening crawl! Nice.
Hilariously this bridge sequence feels more Star Trek than Star Wars.
Good for this captain he's very suspicious.
Hi Baylan! Hi Shin!
Aaaaaaaand they all dead.
All right, well thus far I can say I definitely like Baylan's heavy forceful presence and Shin's near feral nimbleness and speed.
Also digging the general Black Knight feel of Baylan, when he calls her "Lady Morgan" here.
Definitely feeling Zeffo vibes off this temple here.
Aligning the pedestals to light up each of the map icons definitely feels like it'd be a perfect JFO minigame lol.
That... is a Treasure Planet map.
Love how these droids move.
Welp, they blew up quite a bit of the ruins.
Oh and she does have the lekku markings, nice.
I'm sorry, lol, the height difference is gonna bug me, Ahsoka with her large montrals was like... one of the tallest characters on the show and LA!Hera's got inches on her here it's unintentionally hilarious.
Makes LA!Ahsoka look like a shrimp.
This is a call to improve the alien makeup Disney, I'm sorry I will never not be disappointed in it.
My heart. :(((( Hera came to believe that Thrawn (and most likely Ezra too) died in the Liberation of Lothal. The quiet fearful hope on her face as she's holding this map.
"If Thrawn survived, does that mean Ezra--?"
And Lothal looks beautiful. *sniffles*
Hi Ryder!
And Jai Kell got to be Lothal's senator! SWEET.
The camera shot that introduces her. *chef kiss*
Sabine being A MESS because she misses Ezra so much and she can't stand being at the dedication ceremony honoring him. :((((
There she goes to the tower.
We don't ever learn its name do we? Then I'm calling it Skrunkles.
OHHHHH I heard Sabine's theme! With the pan down to her stored armor.
The cat is really too cute, they did a fantastic job on it.
Ezra's theme playing too aaaaaaaand frick I'm dead.
"Hey Sabine! Sorry for disappearing on you." YOU HAD BETTER BE SORRY YOU LITTLE SHIT.
Ha ha now I understand all the weird Sabezra related asks I got over the weekend, y'all were trying to warn me.
Like I've said before, canon validation isn't my be all end all, I love these two and that's not gonna stop.
Also? Eman is nailing this.
And there's the Nightsister reveal.
I'm slightly confused as to how and why Baylan knows that Ahsoka had Sabine as her apprentice.
Like, where to find Sabine, that's easy, obviously she's on Lothal, she's the local hero and protector.
But why does he know about Ahsoka's connection to her?
Anyway, Lothal still looks beautiful.
Bury me in Sabine having maybe prophetic nightmares and waking up gasping Ezra's name.
"Everyone was there." "Not everyone."
Natasha is killing it with this look like she's trying to hold back from crying.
They cut out the "It's been a while." line, huh. Interesting choice.
Oooooooo Sabine has doodles in one of the bunks on Ahsoka's ship!
This dialogue seems a bit redundant to the Hera-Ahsoka scene. Like, isn't this the same conversation she had with Hera?
I can't get over it, lol, it's literally a Treasure Planet map. Love it.
"The map stays here." You're going to turn around and Sabine's is gonna be GONE honey.
See, told ya. Lol.
Callbacks to Maul scenes from Phantom Menace, nice.
Skrunkles is adorable. I love him.
Ohhhhhh we are definitely exploring Ahsoka's lingering guilt over leaving the Order, leaving Anakin, before his Fall.
That design looks a bit like a Celtic knot. Maybe tying into the whole Authurian legend theme with some of the names and aesthetics?
Sabine are you seriously planning to go off looking for Ezra by yourself?
You've got it baaaaaad girl.
Okay, glad they finally explained where the turbolift was in this thing lol.
Youuuuuuuu didn't need to lurk, Shin? Literally could have just taken the map and left?
Ho ho Shin grabbing the lightsaber in order to throw Sabine around.
Ooof that's gonna scar.
Soooooo was Shin just being Extra and wanting to fight another Jedi?
Bet that was it.
"For our friend, Ray" RIP good man. :(
Star charts credits nice!
These are gorgeous and I wanna study them so much more closely. I think there's a chimera? Some kind of worm thing.
The score is also excellent and I love Sabine's theme and Ezra's theme throughout.
Bet Sabine had to spend quite a while in a bacta tank. Good thing she got medical attention right away.
Seatos! Okay. And a "reflex point"? Color me intrigued.
Loth-kittes aww.
Ahsoka's looooong sigh when she sees that Sabine's been rewatching Ezra's holo, lol.
A lovely little moment between Hera and SAbine here.
Nightsister ichor!
I am loving the star map.
"Thrawn calls to me... across time and space." Okay lady sure take a cold shower before your crush gets too hot okay.
So there are a LOOOOOT of plot McGuffins in this story thus far lol.
I'm sorry, Shin's actress is so dead I need her to emote more in her quiet scenes, simply being vicious and feral in fights isn't working.
The Phantom II looks so beautiful.
Oh wow we're actually exploring the fact that rebuilding the New Republic is messy and complicated and you can't just fire and/or jail a bunch of low level civilian machiners just because they worked on Imperial ships.
And we're ALSO getting some hard-handed slapping Ahsoka in the face with the fact that she's a mess and needs to deal with her mess.
"I see you still have your lightsaber." "Ezra's lightsaber."
Filoni I love the messy prickly falling out between Ahsoka and Sabine but I would really like... ONE paragraph of exposition about why Sabine went to Ahsoka and asked to be trained, or however that happened.
I mean I know I can inference that she was desperate to feel closer to Kanan and Ezra and mourning them and trying to be the hero Lothal needed and worked up in her feelings about, "If Ezra's not here to be Lothal's Jedi I have to be." but the general audience might need some help.
So I'm confused is it that the New Republic was lazy and/or too trusting/too willing to give ex-Imperials another chance just to keep some kind of order and peace and infrastructure in place or are they just that bad at uncovering spies?
Because there is a good point that not everyone who worked for the machine of the Empire has to be rooted out and displaced from their jobs and livelihoods, that just builds resentment, makes it easier for the Imperial Remnant to gain support.
At the same time though I feel like this is tying into the general New Canon "The New Republic is incompetent." trend that I'm not a fan of.
Next setpiece yay!
Love Ahsoka using the droid as a body shield.
Oh, have we remembered we need to clear atmosphere BEFORE jumping? Thanks that's great. SW been slacking on that.
Oh what? Oh this is new, hang on the bulleted lists have a character limit.
Where were we?
The new Chopper model is so much more expressive than the one they build before, it looks great. Very much like the cartoon.
And cue the Kanan parallel scene with Sabine.
Gimme a minute.
Right so even if you don't ship them, their bond is hugely undeniable, they are in fact the Most Important People to each other, she misses him so much and she's been drowning in her grief about him.
Ngl the finger touch is still getting me.
"It's more me." Frick, how she's been hiding away from her true self, essentially cosplaying as Ezra because she thought that was what Lothal needed, and now she's struggling to understand who she is now.
Oh what?
Are they building a hyperspace ring? A special one???
(Reference, on the show Stargate SG-1 the plot revolves around a network of alien wormhole transportation devices called stargates, that connect to each other across the galaxy. But to connect to OTHER galaxies you either needed a plot device energy source called a ZPM or YOU HAD TO BUILD A REALLY REALLY BIG HUGE HONKING STARGATE.)
I am very nicely happy with how things are unfolding, aside from a few nitpicks here and there about the worldbuilding and backstory that's been kept from us. (Ahsoka and Sabine's whole... everything.)
But it does not look like Sabine is Force Sensitive, which I'm glad about. I've seen a couple people salty about her being a Jedi and honestly between the two options of "Make her Sensitive and retcon large parts of Rebels" or "It's a new era, there are No More Rules, we can't be picky about who we take on as Jedi so sure let's have a non-Sensitive, Ahsoka maybe thought it was safer that way anyway", I know which one I'm picking.
The whole plot with the celestial navigation is fascinating. I need to study screencaps of the starmap and the end credits for clues because WOAH BOY DID I NOT EXPECT EXPANDING BEYOND THE GFFA.
Ezra baby come hoooooooooome. :(((( Your girl misses you.
Wew lad, I hope there are plenty of gifsets, 'cause Imma reblog 'em all.
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thessalian · 5 months
Thess vs Spectres
So I finally got through that whole little chunk of main quest. And the only real reason I'm stopping now is a) hungry and b) frustrated and stuck.
Well, before I do anything, there's a rebel camp over there. Might as well clear it out.
DAMN I'm good. No one so much as saw me ONCE.
Okay okay okay, I know I know I know, Fate Of The World, etc etc. I'm going already.
I figure I can skip that cutscene; I have already seen it.
Well, at least I'm not doing all of the searching when I have companions. Just ... most of it.
Nora go down the hoooooooole...
Seriously, Zenith are assholes.
And code aaaaaaaand ... Beta. Cryogenically preserved Beta?
Wait. Wait did she have that thing in her skull? That thing is way too big to be an implant. What the fuck?
Good for you, Beta! Good for us, too!
Traps. Traps. What's this thing weak to? Acid. I'll try acid.
And it didn't matter anyway because advanced acid traps are awesome, thanks.
Oshit Erend; hold on! ...Wait, why are you not scanning for weak spots and--? Oh, right, because you refuse to use a ranged weapons and your only combat strategy is "get out there and twat it one with warhammer".
Oh. Also because forcefield. Which is only in the front. Good thing you've got a sneaky bitch on side, Erend!
Okay, that's done. And now we can look at that weapon-- Fuck.
Right. Back to base. And everyone's freaking out about Beta. But at least they ask me how I'm holding up. ...Or assuming I'm fine. THANKS, EREND. I know you think I can do anything, but...
Oh, and Beta's not coping either. Okay. Vat-made humans, unite!
Yeah. Yeah, I knew they were still the original Far Zenith assholes. I just wasn't sure whether it was cloned bodies and data uploads a la Altered Carbon or ... well, this.
Look, you bought us time, Beta; we'll go after them as soon as we can. CHILL, already! But then again, you know how equipped they are and we don't, but still, never underestimate the ingenuity of someone who isn't an entitled asshole who never knew real hurt a day in their lives.
Right. Get this thing to GAIA to see if it can help us at all-- SYLENS YOU SHITBAG!
Fine. Okay. GAIA's working on it, Erend and Varl are going to help Beta cope ... oh. Hi Zo. Wait. You have a way to fix your land-gods? COUNT ME THE FUCK IN!
Hunting tiiiiiiiiiime! Whee!
Okay, that'll take some fixing. Lemme just go to Hidden Ember, as they're calling it now, and see what-- Oh. Hi Delah. Ah, Boomer gone missing. Okay, we'll go search.
I bet the Far Zenith assholes want to strip all life on earth because the people who designed Zero Dawn weren't eugenics-y assholes. I like that we still got people on the autism spectrum when humanity was reborn. I mean, I gather it's at least partly genetic. And it's a nice statement about how, no, vaccines don't cause that shit because none of these people know what a vaccine is.
Anyway. What is this thing you're now getting me to use? ...Oh. Okay, I will try this thing.
Right. I have used the shredder gauntlet whatever thing. I will never ever use it again. But thanks. That's sweet of you two.
Back to Hidden Ember, and ... okay, where the fuck is Stemmur?
Ah, there he is. And you want another 'gizmo'. I went with 'doohickey' myself, but you do you.
Down into the ruins I go-- Oh, come on, how did the machines come back?!? Well, at least it wasn't the Tideripper. Just Snapmaws, a Burrower ... and two Spinesnouts I didn't see shit shit shit.
And apparently I just accidentally tripped over the hardest vista in the game to find. Now, where's good?
There. There's good. That'll stop bugging me. Onward to the doohickey.
...Okay, I am clearly supposed to get to the grapple point and then jump onto that bit to the left but it is not letting me jump.
Lemme see if Google has any ideas-- And apparently not. Fuck.
Maybe I'll shut down for now and see if a restart actually lets me do what I need to do here. I need food anyway.
Also my mother will be turning up any time now with some treats she brought me back from Canada. Yay! And later I will try again, but how the fuck do I jump when the damn thing won't let me go in that direction because there is no climbing point there? Maybe I need to do a left-control press pointed in a different direction? Maybe? I dunno; this is a pain in the arse but apparently I can't give my stupid doohickeys to Stemmur if I don't get this one! Why can I not just tell him, "I have a sack full of the fucking things; I can get you that one later"?!?
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spirirsstuff · 2 years
afterdeath? afterdeath.
“Hey Geno?”
Reaper sat on the floor and spread his wings, shaking them. “Can you come here for a sec?”
“Oh, the pretty pigeon has his wings out,” Geno said mockingly, walking over to where Reaper was sitting and put his hands on his hips.
“They’re raven! But I think it’s time they get preened, and I don’t think I can do it myself. I haven’t done it for a while, they probably need it.”
Geno sat down with Reaper. “How do you preen wings? This may be news to you, but I don’t have wings.”
“Uh, usually I just start by,” Reaper shook his wings, fluffing them, “doing this.”
“What’s the point of that?”
“Something something interlocking. I forget.”
“Wow, great job, Reaper. So what’s next?”
“I have a jar of oil on the shelf, grab that. You’re gonna want to get a little bit on your phalanges and run down every feather, top to bottom. Oh, if there’s any that are loose, pull em out. And straighten the ones that need it.”
“Uh, alright,” Geno said, grabbing the jar on the shelf, “and I just take a little and go like this?” Geno stroked the feather down.
“Yeah, that’s perfect, I think.”
“You think?”
“I never learned to preen properly. Kinda just watched videos and read articles.”
Geno continued to oil each feather, until he came across a few that were crooked.
“So these ones, do I push them into place?”
“Give it a gentle pull and move it into place.”
“Where is ‘in place’?”
“Just put it where it looks better.”
Geno pulled the feathers and moved them to where they looked like they should be.
“Yeah, that’s so much better,” Reaper said, smiling.
“So I’m doing something right at least.”
“Mhm. Just keep doing what you’ve been doing, it feels really nice.”
Geno continued to preen Reaper’s wings, straightening them and pulling a few out where they were loose.
“And pulling them out doesn’t hurt, right?”
“The ones you’re pulling out need to be, it feels better once they’re gone. It only hurts a little for just a second.”
“Alright, I just want to make sure I’m not doing something wrong.”
“I’ll smack you with my wing if you do something wrong, deal?”
“Idiot,” Geno said, smiling.
It took an hour or two, but Geno was able to get the preening done eventually. He smiled as he oiled the last feather.
“Aaaaaaaand done. Do your wings feel better now?”
“Much. Thank you, Geno,” Reaper said, a bit of blue blush on his cheekbones.
“You’re welcome. Now, I’ll be goi-“
“No you will not!” Reaper said, wrapping his wings and arms around Geno. “Not before you give me more affection.”
“Stupid pigeon,” Geno mumbled before succumbing to the clingy god and his cuddles.
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purplehoodiesimon · 2 years
Wilhelm using meditation to try to calm his anxiety mood
Aaaaaaaand he ripped it up. Boy needs meds just gonna say.
God I love the title cards this season.
Wille and Felice's friendship is amazing
Hate to say it Wille cause I am rooting for ya here but honestly it's none of y US THAT SUN AFTER RAIN. EXCUSE ME. NO
Erik saw Boris as well? Hmmmmmmm
Oh man. Wilhelm. Ouch.
Hah. Having to do a group project with Simon. This feels like a fanfic and I love it.
Wilhelm has absolutely no chill I love it.
Oh Sara is about to throw hands with this dick
I really hope this choir lady lets Simon do this with the Hillerska song
Oh my god he wrote a love song
Oh my god
It's not about the school ma'am it's not about the school
God the use of music in this show it's all so important and meaningful and IS WHY I STILL WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH SUN AFTER RAIN WHAT DID IT MEANNNN WHAT IS IT FORESHADOWING
Vincent has gone mad with power ugh. August probably really was the better prefect.
Oh my god Marcus hasn't even seen the video.
they're playing it so subtly too like if I was not hardwired to know this song after listening so intently to figure out the foreshadowing thing I would not notice it but like. why is it here.
August genuinely likes her this is so cute.
It's all about the hands it's all about the touches
Okay but the yellow bra?? Yellow is such a good color on her.
"I like to smell like him" hmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnn double meanings
I did not know that digital(?) virtual(?) rowing competitions existed and this is so interesting
Aw they lost
He's looking at their photos oh my god
Okay random analysis that does not have to do with whats happening in my screen right now but Sun After Rain is a foreshadowing song, but specifically it's about their relationship. It foreshadows because it's about their relationship. I will have to elaborate on this later but it's. It's about their relationship so it foreshadows but that's also why it's called Sun After Rain. There will be Sun After Rain.
Oh. Okay August would be next after Wille confirmation. Glad we've finally cleared that fandom debate up.
This is so going to stir up controversy but honestly if August
This is not happening.
I mean this is happening. But this is not happening. THIS IS HAPPENING.
Wow b
So we're definitely going to have Felice and Wilhelm fics now.
This is just the season of everyone fucking everyone apparently.
Anyways as I was saying honestly if he worked through his issues and became a better person, August would be a good king, definitely WAY better than Wilhelm who CLEARLY does not want the role
Anyways wow oh my god okay halfway through. Damn.
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Respectless: Carmilla and Velvette both have such satisfying voices omfg. Also the beat goes sO HARD- it catches your attention and DOESN'T LET IT GO! Also it moves the plot forward very effectively which is actually really important for songs in musicals to do so. That's nice. Tbh it's only flaw is being too short-
Stayed Gone: VOX MY BELOVED- this song is so fucking catchy. It also kinda gives me Will Wood vibes, and I love Will Wood so ofc I'm gonna love the Will Wood ass song. Love how petty Al and Vox are, like it's so fucking funny. The lore drops are also really interesting. Aaaaaaaand Alastor's bit at the end reminded me of the Nowhere King and I love Centaurworld so :)
Loser, Baby: Pretty obvious why this one's so high up; Huskerdust, Keith David, cute bonding, has a message I needed to hear tbh, and its catchy as FUCK
Hell Is Forever: God I love all the different genres they play around with in this show- like I was NOT expecting a straight up ROCK BALLAD in the FIRST FUCKIN EPISODE but god Im so happy we got it. This song goes so fucking hard. Alex Brightman should be allowed to sing more Rock n' Roll.
Poison: Once again, this song is catchy as hell! Blake Roman's vocal preformance is also phenomenal, like that man can fuckin SING!!! Of course he can he's been on broadway and releases his own music bUt you get it. Also that final verse... man. In the context of the episode this song is emotionally devastating, out of context it's uh. Still really sad tbh but it's easier to bop along to it cause you don't have the visuals- Idk it's just a fuckin banger man. Though speaking of the visuals VOX WHAT WAS THAT FUCKING LOOK WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO CONVEY HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT ANGE- *gets shot dead*
Happy Day In Hell: Honestly? Pretty neutral on this song. Love Erika Henningsen's voice, I think it's catchy(no duh), and the Disney Princess vibes are IMMACULATE. Not a huge fan of the random shift in the music I wanna say half way through? But otherwise it's a good song I think, conveys Charlie's motives really well.
Whatever It Takes: Okay okay look. It's a good song. Does it's job in the episode. It's just not for me. I think it goes on a little too long, and I think that, while Daphne Ruben-Vega's voice fits the song PERFECTLY, Stephanie Beatriz was singing too high in her range to a distracting degree. Like I think there was something wonky going on because that shit gave me the same whiplash I got when Marinette started singing in the Miraculous movie, and it just. Doesn't fit the style of the song. Like Vaggie's part should've been more belty or something. Idk man I might be too out of my lane w/ this for my critique to be valid, because I have literally never written a song before, and music is VERY subjective so I don't think I can even be objectively right here, but still. Oppinions.
It Starts With Sorry: Look, I know this song is supposed to be a joke, but the first time I saw the episode that did n o t click with me, and without the understanding that it isn't entirely serious this song just feels so fucking out of place and really falls flat. Like it feels like somebody took a song from My Little Pony: FiM, made an AMV with Hazbin characters, and then threw it in the episode, y'know? And like don't get me wrong MLP has some FUCKIN bangers(Say Goodbye to the Holiday, This Day Aria, etc), but a lot of the musical numbers are still really bland and samey, y'know? So uh yeah it's a decent song and a funny joke but def my least favorite so far.
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thebahwrites · 1 year
is there superhero merch in the killshot!universe? something like in the boys?
ex: t-shirts, action figures, lunchboxes, posters, supe sponsored products, etc.
and if there are....does mav wear an iceman superhero tee to bed or viceversa?
OH YEAHHHHH I actually am adding some mentions of merch here and there in the rewrites because I realized I kinda forgot to??? Like my head assumed it was a given and just glossed over.
I got so carried answering this that it's super... long and hc-ish because that's what HAPPENS WHEN YOU GET ME TALKING ABT THIS FANFIC. So uh.... a lot more under the cut? <3
But oh ABSOLUTELY, there is SO MUCH superhero merch. You know how the US Military capitalizes on everything Military wise as it is? Imagine if they had heroes under their belt. You just know there's an INSANE amount of hero merch. (Which is also a little why people climb the ranks so hard, too, because it's usually the Top 20-some spots that get merch done so you know that you 'made it' when you get your official action figure.)
And as for the questions: what do you think, friend. (Being said, all of these details WILL feat in killshot/shockwave eventually but since they're not really plot relevant, I'll drop it here.)
Mav has SO MUCH hero paraphernalia/memorabilia and official merch that Ice has actually banned it all to a single room in the house, he cannot DEAL with the posters, of all things. But there's SO MANY shirts, pajamas, sweatpants, literally every single signed (and off-brand if they're cool or funny enough) piece of merch Mav has managed to get his grubby hands on. Man has probably slept the past 30 years in Iceman's shirts more than any other piece of clothing.
(also subject to Ice exhausted groaning and Maverick going "well if you don't like it, take it off of me then ;)" aaaaaaaand we go from there~)
But Ice was also never immune to the Maverick propaganda, only he prefers the TASTEFUL (or really funny) ones. He also tries to avoid the shirts with the engine core cause, ya know, Mav doesn't like it either even if he says it's fine. The shirt Ice wears the most is a deep blue one with the red eagle pattern + white MAVERICK on the back, he has like, 10 of it because it's his fave and the specific model he likes has been discontinued since 1999.
If I had artistic skills I'd draw it but unfortunately it'll have to come from your mind eye! <333
also just to make us sad: Ice has the official merch caps for every one of his loved ones hanging in his office, even if they're gone, so: Maverick, Goose, Slider, Hollywood, Wolfman, Merlin, Sundown, Rooster & Hangman.
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chounaifu · 1 year
Prrrroton. Verry anonymous question. What would make a wedding fun for you?
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A verrry anonymous question from a verrry obvious person. Proton would pretend like he couldn't see Emmet practically sticking out from behind a fake potted plant in the middle of the shopping center; he makes a grumpy expression, sticks his tongue out some, and knits his brows together, rather immaturely.
❝ Uuhhh huuuhhhh, weddings? ❞ He swung one his arms behind the bench, cracked his neck to the side, and huffed through his nostrils.
Weddings certainly weren't something that he usually attended; there were one or two that he had gone to during his time out of social obligation, but they did not take up much of his thoughts. He loathed tradition, and did not adhere to it. All of the ritualistic work put behind wedding ceremonies in his region were dull, exhausting, stale, and for what--? To get the government involved in someone's relationship?
They represented the societal expectations: settle down, buy a home in the Celadon suburbs, start a family, raise a few shithead children, get a Growlithe, build a fence around that home so that the kids don't break out of containment.
Hard pass.
But, he's getting ahead of himself. This is about what would make a wedding FUN for him.
❝ Alcohol and loud music, ❞ easy enough answer, ❝ make it an open bar while you're at it, aaaaaaaand make sure the DJ doesn't suck, AAANNNNNND it would be fucking cool if the venue was somewhere connected to like-- some kinda hotel where there's shit to do after as well. Receptions aren't really my thing, but, if I know some of the people there, I'll probably hang out with them at like a club or something in the connecting hotel. ❞ // @emmetrain
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oooo shit the supernova
Sounders has to act and he's gotta act quickly.
AaaaAaaand he McFucking did! Does it mean the dark energon is gone gone? Yes. But did it work? Yes.
Is roddie pissed? Yeahhhhh
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simblyx · 2 years
what’s been goin on:
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the twins started highschool. nico had an unfortunate run in with the LITERAL DEVIL (apparently Nancy and Geoffrey got busy and had THREE GIRLS🥴) Christina Landgraab. she got busy trying to charm nico but unfortunately for her he doesn’t play for her team ;)
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JACOB GOT A GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
don’t ask me about the caption, I’m just giving him a head’s up.
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where do I even start with her.
she’s been BUSY.
dahlia’s gone and dyed her hair and I am OBSESSED.
things have been hectic for her recently with starting a new school, student council, studying law in her free time aaaaaaaand
she’s “seeing” someone 🤫
(no one tell felicity)
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f4liveblogarchives · 2 years
Fantastic Four Vol 1 #304
Sun Feb 6 2022 [11:33 PM] Wack'd: The title page declares this the beginning of a dynamite new era so someone--maybe Englehart himself--expected him to be the next Bryne [11:34 PM] Wack'd: Aaaaaaaand I just noticed when I updated my credits page on the blog I did so from an old copy and now a chunk of 1989 writers are just. Gone. So maybe Englehart lasts through 89. I'll figure it out. Two and a half years is slightly better than one and a half [11:36 PM] Wack'd: Reed and Sue are lavishing attention on Franklin, complimenting him on how big a help he's been against the Wizard and Mephisto and also apparently in a Power Pack issue [11:37 PM] Wack'd: What?! He's still here?!
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[11:37 PM] Wack'd: They got permission to stick an eight-year-old in a rubber room indefinitely [11:37 PM] Wack'd: What the shit [11:38 PM] Umbramatic: the fuck [11:39 PM] Wack'd: I kind of assumed this got either cleaned up or forgotten about considering Kristoff hasn't been mentioned in a while [11:39 PM] Wack'd: Have they just been leaving him here while having adventures the past, like, year's worth of issues [11:39 PM] maxwellelvis: They left him a HERBIE [11:40 PM] Aleph Null: see? it’s not like it’s solitary confinement [11:40 PM] Aleph Null: perfectly ethical [11:40 PM] Wack'd: Actually a narrative caption reminds us that whole business with Kristoff being reprogrammed to be Doom and launching the Baxter into space was twenty-five issues ago [11:41 PM] Umbramatic: haha oh wow [11:42 PM] Wack'd: Johnny and Alicia get back from the honeymoon. Things are still. Very awkward with Ben [11:42 PM] Umbramatic: oof [11:42 PM] Wack'd: Johnny and Alicia have decided to get their own apartment. I guess Johnny broke the lease on the literal rats’ nest he had during the Bryne era [11:43 PM] Wack'd: And once Johnny, Alicia, and Franklin have cleared out, Reed and Sue drop a bombshell on Ben [11:43 PM] Wack'd: See, they want to be parents full-time for once, and have decided to offer Ben the chance to be the new leader of the Fantastic Four [11:44 PM] Umbramatic: well [11:44 PM] Wack'd: He decides they're just pitying him and storms off [11:44 PM] Umbramatic: aw [11:45 PM] Bocaj: "We're taking half the team, the rest is all yours bud, byyyye" [11:45 PM] Wack'd: They're not quitting, just shaking up the command structure [11:46 PM] Wack'd: Ben would make all the big decisions. Which. I'm not sure what those are? The Four tend to be fairly reactive when they're not jaunting through space. Not much to do as leader besides just fire the flare gun when something happens [11:46 PM] Wack'd: Like, these guys are less an organization and more a flat share that punches people [11:46 PM] Bocaj: Flat Share With Punching [11:47 PM] Umbramatic: living ideals [11:47 PM] Wack'd: So. Quicksilver kidnaps Alicia. For. Some reason [11:47 PM] Bocaj: HAHAHAHAHA [11:47 PM] Wack'd: Apparently Pietro's been going through some shit in other books [11:47 PM] Umbramatic: god damn it pietro [11:48 PM] Bocaj: This is the period of time where they flirted with turning Quicksilver into a villain, because of him learning his dad's Magneto [11:48 PM] Bocaj: And I think because Crystal cheated on him with a realtor? [11:48 PM] maxwellelvis: "flirted"? [11:48 PM] Bocaj: They never fully pull the trigger [11:48 PM] maxwellelvis: "Never" he says [11:48 PM] maxwellelvis: They just delayed it. [11:48 PM] Wack'd: Do they have realtors on the moon [11:49 PM] Bocaj: It was Wanda and Vision's realtor [11:49 PM] Wack'd: Sick burn on the south Bronx outta nowhere
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[11:50 PM] Bocaj: You look really reasonable right now, Pietro [11:51 PM] Wack'd: Oh boy, uh [11:51 PM] Wack'd: So Pietro has decided that since Johnny Storm didn't fight for Crystal when she cheated on him, the subsequent relationship and therefore Pietro getting cheated on is Johnny's fault [11:52 PM] Wack'd: And his revenge is, uh [11:52 PM] Wack'd: To leave Alicia tied up in the south Bronx [11:52 PM] Umbramatic: oh [11:52 PM] Wack'd: Where she is sure to be accosted by "rats" and "roving street gangs" [11:53 PM] Bocaj: That's dumb, Pietro [11:53 PM] Bocaj: This is why nobody likes you [11:53 PM] Bocaj: Not even me [11:53 PM] Wack'd: It's also, uh [11:53 PM] Wack'd: "I'm gonna tie this defenseless white woman up and leave her in the slums to be accosted by gangs" [11:53 PM] maxwellelvis: Racist [11:53 PM] Wack'd: Yes [11:53 PM] Wack'd: That [11:53 PM] Bocaj: That's dumb, racist, and heinous, Pietro [11:53 PM] Umbramatic: yeeeeeeeeeeah [11:53 PM] Bocaj: This is why nobody likes you, not even Magneto [11:54 PM] Wack'd: Fortunately Reed has tracked Pietro by, uh [11:55 PM] Wack'd: Apparently in normal people, poison builds up in the body when they're fatigued, and Pietro, as a speedster, exhales great amounts of that poison to keep himself going [11:55 PM] Wack'd: So Reed tracked that [11:55 PM] maxwellelvis: I don't think that's what lactic acid is, guys. [11:55 PM] Wack'd: I do not know if this has any basis in biology and I'm only moderately curious to find out [11:56 PM] Bocaj: Reminds me of the metal gear geckos that spray lactic acid out of their muscular cow legs [11:56 PM] Bocaj: Somehow. [11:58 PM] Wack'd: Reed and Sue can't do much against a speedster so Ben taunts him, and then pulls up a ramp of asphalt in front of him so when Pietro rushes in to attack him he gets mad air instead [11:58 PM] Wack'd: And then once he's in the air Johnny socks him [11:58 PM] Umbramatic: radical [11:58 PM] Wack'd: ...you could probably have gotten here with Reed and Sue but Alicia's not been a romantic partner to them so it's not as narratively satisfying [11:59 PM] Wack'd: Honestly the ramp thing makes more sense if it's an invisible force field I feel like? Whatever [11:59 PM] Bocaj: Making Pietro run into an invisible wall would be great [12:00 AM] Bocaj: Deeply satisfying [12:00 AM] Bocaj: And running into a wall and breaking every bone in his body is how he met Crystal so like. Thematic? [12:01 AM] Wack'd: In a perfect world Ben and Johnny both getting the win would turn to mutual respect and maybe, like, hey, you both love her so maybe both date her [12:01 AM] Wack'd: That is not what happens
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[12:02 AM] Wack'd: Stan and Jack also had a workplace power imbalance and lowkey one-sided loathing so this is as good an issue as ever to dedicate to them [12:02 AM] Bocaj: To the best of my knowing, this makes Johnny the only person never to 'lead' the FF [12:02 AM] maxwellelvis: Next month: SONGS THAT MADE THE HIT PARAAAAAAAAADE! [12:02 AM] Wack'd: Also I guess Reed and Sue are leaving? Even though they said they weren't earlier [12:03 AM] Wack'd: I guess when Ben asked if they were breaking up the team and they said "no" they thought since they'd be replaced it's technically not breaking up the team? [12:03 AM] Wack'd: Anyway, I hope 305 has a wacky rejected applications montage [12:04 AM] Bocaj: So they DID take half the team and leave Ben holding the bag [12:04 AM] Bocaj: It goes right back to being funny [12:19 AM] Wack'd: Oh right there's letters [12:21 AM] Wack'd: All the letters are about how a previous issue reprinted a previous previous issue's letter page [12:21 AM] Wack'd: So moving on
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41 - Otis Redding - Otis Blue
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Welp, all I know of Otis Redding is "(Sitting On) The Dock of the Bay" and that he wrote Respect before Aretha covered it and effectively made it hers.
Wikipedia says this is (paraphrased) mostly a cover album. Otherwise, I'm going in blind on this one.
•Ole Man Trouble-
It's ostensibly a blues album, and this is an amazing first track; a blues song about getting stuck in the dumps again and again and again. Fuck Ole Man Trouble.
All my homies hate Ole Man Trouble.
Those horns are hot, though! Hoping for a lot more of that coming up.
Okay, I was expecting this, but this version is just WEIRD. The pieces are there, but it's subtly wrong. Lukewarm take: Aretha did it WAY better. This song works so much better as a feminist anthem than it does like this, it's very 'better have my dinner ready when I walk in the door'.
•A Change Is Gonna Come-
Hearing this man's beaten-down and bedraggled optimism about how things have to get better for the black community despite living though a particularly dark part of America's history gave me a bit of hope that, yeah, things have got to get better.
Then, I think about my racist, fascist governor and I can't stop myself from thinking: "well, not fuckin yet, I guess."
Then, I lose myself in thinking about pushing Ronathan Desantis into the industrial crushing machine from the end of 30 Days of Night, and I get just a bit happier.
It's legitimately soul-destroying to think that it's been so long since this song was written and we've gotten to "no no, you see, slavery was good actually because it taught them valuable skills!" and that kinda makes me want to slit my fucking wrists
This country sucks shit.
•Down in the Valley-
As if he knew the last song was gonna be A Bummer, this one is basically "oh yeah, shit SUCKS, but those motherfuckers can't stop us from dancing, even if it's just to spite them."
That said, I really like it. A breath of fresh air.
•I've Been Loving You Too Long-
My man, she's gone. She's checked the fuck out.
She wants out, you said as much. Let her go.
I get that you feel like you can't let go, but you're being the Crab in the goddamn Bucket right now.
(For real, it sucks to be in a one-sided relationship but let them go if they want to leave, and you'll both be happier eventually for it.)
This song has some SERIOUS energy to it. Funky as hell, and the horns are working overtime. If this doesn't make you want to move, you're broken.
I bet this one was a killer at a live set.
•My Girl-
I was initially going to say that this sounds wrong without the Temptation's back-up singers, but the horns actually work pretty well in their place.
Also, god DAMN, the man could sing.
A beautiful cover. I almost like it more than the original, tbh.
•Wonderful World-
Was expecting trees of green and red roses, too, aaaaaaaand now all I can think about is Animal House, a now deeply problematic fave from my younger years. (But still not nearly as problematic as Revenge of the Nerds.)
(For those who aren't familiar, this was a featured song in that film, iirc the last song of the movie that plays over the epilogues.)
I definitely relate to this song though, as I also don't remember much about the French i took, either.
Possibly the most upbeat song so far.
•Rock Me Baby-
2001. Junior year history class taught by one of my all-time favorite teachers: Mr. Bradish.
This song was the given example of how creative people could get around the strict censorship laws in the mid-century like the Hayes code.
"Well, we can't say 'i want you to screw me all night long', but these dipshit honky record executives don't exactly understand what we mean by the word 'rock', they're just snapping their fingers, so we're good."
I simply cannot divorce this song from that moment in time.
That said, A SERIOUS blues guitar solo, hot damn.
•(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction-
To be totally on the level, I was always more of a Beatles fan than a Stones fan.
That said, this cover FUCKING SLAPS!
In a perfect world, this song would be known as an Otis Redding song.
•You Don't Miss Your Water-
The inverse of I've Been Loving You Too Long, and the return of: "Aww, man I've been such a gigantic cheating prick it's been so great, wait, why is my girl leaving me? [Surprised_pikachu.jpg]"
I seriously CAN'T believe how common a subject that has been during this project.
Well, that was an interesting album, all in all. Otis Redding had one hell of a voice, and it's on full display here.
Definitely worth checking out, especially since it's a quick one at like 35 minutes long.
Favorite Track: (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction. It's amazing how much better this song can seem when it's not being sneered at you by a quasi-noncey British multi-millionaire. It comes off much less like the diatribe of a jaded douche when it comes from Otis.
Least Favorite Track: You Don't Miss Your Water.
Yeah, maybe I'm a dyed in the wool wife-guy, but I will never, ever be a fan of the nigh-omnipresent "I'm an asshole, I'm a cheater, wait a minute, why doesn't my partner like me anymore?" song.
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