#aaaah this was too much trouble to put any effort into doing
hopefull-mindset · 5 months
Kyara Makura (伽羅枕)
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The Kuchi-e (Frontispiece) for Ozaki Kouyou’s novel of the same name; artwork by Takeuchi Keishū. The literal translation of “Kyara Makura” is Agarwood Pillow. It was a wooden pillow with drawers so that incense could be burned inside. It had been mainly used by those in the Red Light District.
Novel Description Translation:
Born in Gion, sold in Shimabara, and became famous in Yoshiwara, this is the story of Sadayū. As it continues to unfold the many brilliant stories surrounding her, the author's brush reaches its full potential, vividly capturing the state of times and the underbelly of humanity in appearance and richness. It’s one of the masterpieces of Meiji Era brothel literature and Kouyou’s first full-length novel.
Wiki Summary Translation:
Osen was the child of a Geiko from Gion and Mizuno Iwami-no-Kami, a Hatamoto on duty in the capital. After the death of her mother, she was taken in by a rice trader named Nishiokaya and raised in luxury. At the age of 12, her adoptive family went bankrupt and was sold to a bald man in Shimabara as a “stepping stone to tamanokoshi**”. At 16 years old, her fee was paid off by a retired man—then after his passing, became the mistress of a samurai in the capital. Wishing to see her father, she begs to come with him into Edo, but shortly after, the samurai dies and all that remains is a child she bares. At a loss, she visits the Iwami-no-Kami residence to find that her father had died 17 years earlier.
Hearing that her half-sister—who‘s the wife of a high-ranking man—missed her, she waits at Ueno Yamashita to meet her. However, the attendants of the Kago her half-sister rode scolded her and didn't let her get close. At the age of 22, in order to survive with resilience and a feeling of rebellion, she sent her baby to another and immersed herself in Yoshiwara, where she became an Oiran. She spent her dramatic, tumultuous years with the spirit and skill of a prostitute in Kofu at 28. Finally, she became a servant of a 67 year old man with leprosy in Kajikazawa. With the heartfelt wish to “extinguish the immeasurable amount of indiscretion that can be created”, she gently nursed him back to recovery.
As she cuts her black hair, she also cuts off the men that come into her life again and again. Till she’s 62 years old and onward, she secluded herself in a home within Dangozaka to enshrine the 34 departed souls of prostitutes.
(**tamanokoshi (玉の輿): I wasn’t entirely comfortable trying to put it into something concise, but it’s an expression that means money and status gained by marrying a rich and powerful man.)
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brunos-beloved · 4 years
Do you think he can order Okuyasu's headcanons, falling in love with the nerd girl from his class? 😳
aaaah so cuteeeee
nerd in class headcanons : okuyasu nijimura x reader
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Usually, Okuyasu would never in a million years go out of his way to put extra effort into academics, however.
If he can’t find any excuses to spend time with you, he most definitely begs for your help, though you do notice about 8 of 10 times you study together Okuyasu somehow always manages to steer the conversation from quadratics to what you ate for breakfast or what you did that day. Not that you minded, you were shy to admit it but your heart fluttered when he did things like that. His interest in your wellbeing made you hope that maybe...no Okuyasu was too dense for something like that, right?
You two had first spoke when you’d helped him in class, you’d noticed after days with him sitting in front of you that he didn’t usually try too hard, but when he did he tended to struggle quite obviously. So, you lended him a hand, and suddenly you lended a boy named Josuke a hand, then even Koichi.
All three began visiting you at lunches for answers or assistance, though you put on a sigh, you enjoyed their company. Your grades may have been great but all that time invested in studying meant you were alone the majority of the time.
Soon Okuyasu found himself wanting to talk about topics other than academics a lot more often, with the help of Josuke’s and Koichi’s advice he even took up your afternoons now, whether you walked for icecream or went to the library (which never lasted too long with his boisterous voice).
However, after a bit of odd behaviour you concluded that Okuyasu was definitely off. He’d been plenty quieter around you lately, you’d wondered if you’d made a mistake somewhere, but you couldn’t recall. Finally, after a week you confronted him.
“Oku? What’s wrong with you lately?” The flushed tan cheeks startled you, it was cute, but why was he embarrassed? “Did I mess up? Did I teach something wrong or are you having trouble again? I can help if need be.” The boys nose only turned brighter, onyx gaze whipping around in search of the friends who’d betrayed him without his knowledge at the lockers. Okuyasu hadn’t really paid attention to it until Josuke teased him about you, but he’d realized just how much he liked your voice. It was such a soft and graceful contrast to his own, maybe that was why he loved your “teaching” so much, even though he hardly payed attention to their true topics. The thought had snapped something within him, and now he noticed every little thing about you, the bliss of ignorance no more.
“No! Oi, well-” he watched your brows furrow with worry. He finally huffed and met your eyes, a strangely cute expression on his face, his lip slightly jutted. The silence ensued, you kept staring up at the boy, cheeks still rosy, but awaited his response. “It’s just...”
“OKUYASU! HURRY UP BEFORE MY MA’ KILLS ME!” A pushy Josuke emerged, dramatic brows annoyed, only to show his back and walk away and back toward his home. A distressed sound from Okuyasu, your face swing back to his with a quiet chuckle, sad you may not hear what he had to say. But then, he grabbed your hands, surprisingly careful, and your eyes widened.
“Go out with me y/n!” Okuyasu was equally stiff. Oh. Oh. You nearly gasped, your own cheeks aflame. After the initial shock though, you gave him a curt nod, and a gentle smile. Dark eyes merely blinked, his mouth falling agape. Your arms weaves under his, and you brought the blunt boy into your embrace.
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prncesselene · 4 years
Prompt: Anthony being a great father to Hyacinth. Literally any scenario will do I just really want some daddy Anthony.
thank you for sending this in! i’m always eager to spread the anthony bridgerton DILF agenda ♥️ 
Anthony first heard a wail.
It was a shrill, tinny sound — not exactly one he’d never heard before, but certainly the kind that raised alarm in the middle of a bright, sunny day in the country. The sort of day that made painters rush out with their canvases and smattered the hands of poets with ink. It was such a beautiful day, in fact, that most of his siblings had all filtered out to enjoy it. He had chosen to sit back and watch them as they enjoyed the sun.
At the age of twenty five, Anthony had settled into as peaceful an existence as was possible for a man like him — as head of the family, its finances, and everyone’s general wellbeing, it wasn’t necessarily easy, but he was managing. Colin was set to start university soon, Benedict had recently finished, and Daphne wasn’t set to debut until the following season. The lull in activity gave Anthony enough momentary peace that it finally felt as though he could take one long, deep breath.
And in truth, he was enjoying the country and the time spent with his family. Atypical as it may have been, he would always be grateful for the special bond they all shared with each other. Things were certainly never dull when they were all together.
Case in point: the wailing coming from a six-year old Hyacinth Bridgerton.
Anthony sat up the moment he heard it, his eyes narrowing to locate the source of the sound. Gregory was only eight, and just as incorrigible as the rest of the boys had been at his age. Him and Hyacinth got on just as often as they fought — which meant, at any given moment, either of them might have been the one crying.
Violet let out a resigned sigh, looking up at the scenery ahead of them. “Anthony, would you…?”
Anthony grimaced, rising from his seat and stalking across the field. Hyacinth’s sobs had only grown louder in the few moments it took for him to walk over, Gregory’s eyes wide and filled with fear as he approached.
“I— I promise I didn’t—”
“He PUSHED me!” Hyacinth shouted through her tears as she held onto her knee, her face red and splotchy with the effort. “He MEANT to!”
“I didn’t!”
“He DID!”
“Both of you, settle. Down. Now,” Anthony said, putting on his most authoritative voice. This still came awkwardly to him — the discipline and strong words, especially when they were both so young. But it was just another part of the role he’d been given, the one he’d never quite asked for but had to bear all the same. He leaned down to meet her eyes. “Are you hurt, Hyacinth?”
She was still sobbing loudly — a sound that tugged viciously at his heart, even if his youngest sister did have a flair for the dramatic — as she opened up her palms to reveal a particularly bloody knee.
Anthony winced, hissing as he inspected it closely. Gregory began to cry at the sight of it. “I promise I didn’t mean to… I didn’t see the rocks, and—”
The wound was not disastrous, but bad enough that Anthony could confirm Hyacinth’s tears were not, in fact, exaggerated. Anthony sighed. Discipline would have to come later. “Go to mother, Gregory,” he said. “Now. I will deal with you later.”
Gregory did as told, walking back towards their mother with his head hung low as Anthony picked Hyacinth up. Her arms came around his neck while her legs swung around his chest. She wasn’t very tiny anymore, all long arms and pointy elbows — she was going to be tall, he could already tell — but he was able to lift her with ease. As they walked, her arms tightened around him as she continued to cry into his shoulder.
“Shhh,” he tried to console her, the walk from the field to the nursery inside feeling longer than it had ever been before. “You’re okay. It’ll be alright.”
Once they were inside, Anthony didn’t bother to locate the nursemaid — Hyacinth was clearly in distress, and that seemed like a waste of time when he was perfectly able. He sat her down on one of the dressers and grabbed a washcloth.
“Does it hurt badly?” he asked, his voice low as he tried to soothe her. This was a trick he’d learned with Eloise, who’d always gotten into more trouble than it seemed a young girl should have been able to. If he spoke softly enough, nearly in a whisper, it was often enough to get them to relax.
Hyacinth sniffed, using her hands to wipe at her face. She had stopped crying, but her cheeks — and Anthony’s shoulder — remained damp. “Mmmmhmm.”
Anthony dabbed at her knee with the washcloth, clearing away most of the blood while Hyacinth slowly caught her breath. The scrape was still fairly bad, but it would likely heal by the following day.
“Here we go,” Anthony said, taking the ointment from the nursery cabinet and dabbing it around the skin of Hyacinth’s knee. Once that was done, he took the bandage and wrapped it twice — enough to cover it fully without limiting her mobility. “Does that feel better?”
Hyacinth nodded, her frown deepening. “I hate Gregory. He’s mean and rude and I hate him.”
Anthony smiled, reaching up to wipe away some of the last errant tears on her cheeks. “No, you don’t.”
“Yes, I do.”
“No,” Anthony stood up, putting his hands on his waist. “You don’t. He made a mistake — for which he will apologize to you and see consequences — and then you will go back to loving each other and being the best of siblings. That is the way things are, and the way they will always be. That’s what family is. Alright?”
Hyacinth rolled her eyes, unconvinced, and Anthony was immediately provided with a glimpse into what the future held in store for him when it came to the youngest Bridgerton. He would have to really enjoy the relative calm while he had it.
He whisked her off of the table unexpectedly, careful not to hurt her knee, eliciting a girlish squeal. “Did you just roll your eyes at me? That is quite undignified, Miss Hyacinth. Even for a young lady of six.”
“No, I didn’t!”
“Oh, I believe you did,” he tsked, smiling. Reaching under her chin, Anthony tickled her until she was giggling, her hands reaching out in a futile attempt to stop him between fits of laughter. “Aaaah! — Anthony — please!”
Anthony found himself laughing along as Hyacinth tried to retaliate, sticking her hands under his arms and neck. Despite her mighty attempts, the girl was still only six, and thus Anthony found himself the indisputable winner of the battle as their laughter slowly settled into small giggles, stopping only once it was clear that any unhappiness was well and truly behind her.
Once she’d caught her breath, Hyacinth leaned into Anthony, her head tucked into his shoulder the way she’d often done as a baby. Emotion clogged in Anthony’s throat at that realization — he could hardly believe she was already six. He supposed he would always see her as the cooing infant she’d once been. 
Her arrival had been the first moment of happiness Anthony had felt after losing his father, overshadowed only by the realization that she would never know him. That, in turn, inspired a fervent desire to try and fill the gap, however clumsily.
“Are you feeling better now?” he murmured, smiling when she nodded and tightened her grip on him again, her eyes slowly closing. All the excitement seemed to have sapped her of her energy.
Anthony took a quick turn about the room, drifting towards the window and watching his family outside as he carried her. As difficult as it was — dealing with his siblings, worrying relentlessly over their wellbeing, lending an ear for listening or a shoulder for crying whenever they needed it — it was satisfying, too. Especially in moments like this.
He would have to find her nursemaid now, and then have a few choice words with Gregory about being careful with his younger sister, and then after that he would likely have to go and deal with some other issue that arose, whether it was with his mother, or his sisters, or his brothers.
It seemed to never end, the laundry list of problems with which he was presented — everyone looked to him for guidance, and Anthony didn’t have anywhere else to look to anymore. He would have to find the answers within himself, the way he’d been doing for seven years now.
He would never be their father — that much went without saying — but that didn’t mean he couldn’t try to fill the hole he’d left behind for them.
When he turned back towards Hyacinth, she was asleep, her breaths even. Anthony smiled to himself, grateful to see her calm and peaceful for once, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead before lowering her onto the bed and closing the curtains.
He could only hope he was doing a good enough job of it all.
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Diabolik Lovers GRAND EDITION for Switch ;; More, Blood ー Yuma [After Story]
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ー The scene starts in the garden
Yui: ( One year has passed since Yuma-kun and I got married... )
( And now it’s time to harvest the vegetables we’ve been meticulously growing ever since. )
Nn...Just a...little more...!
( And right now, while Yuma-kun is letting me ride on his shoulder, I am in the middle of plucking them... )
( However, there’s just no way Yuma-kun - being the bully he is - would let me harvest them in peace... )
Yuma: Come on, ya gotta extend yer arms some more, Sow!
Yui: Easy for you to say...!
You’re the one shaking me around...! I can’t get a good grip...!
Yuma: Aahn? It’s shakin’?
Yui: I-It is...!
Yuma: How so?
Yui: How, you ask...? Kyah!
Yuma: Oi, oi. Don’t want any misunderstandings, do ya?
I’m not the one to blame, ya end up swayin’ from left to right ‘cause you’re too damn heavy.
It’s ‘cause ya haven’t been looking after yer own physique, right? Not my fault.
This is what they’d call ‘ya reap what ya sow’.
Yui: A-Am I that heavy?
( I thought I was around average, so it’s somewhat of a shocker if I actually am on the heavy side... )
Yuma: Aah, so heavy! If I continue havin’ to carry ya like this, Imma bust my shoulder.
Yui: Eeh!? It’s that bad!? 
( ...Uu, I seriously have to go on a diet then...! )
Yuma: ーー As if, there’s just no way.
Yui: ...!? You were lying just now!? You meanie!
Yuma: Aah? Who ya callin’ a meanie?
Yui: B-But...! I was about to fall into a depression for real...!
Yuma: Haah? Why? Aah, ‘cause I called ya a fattie?
Haha! That was obviously a joke?
Do I really look like the type of guy who would struggle carryin’ ‘round a skinny chick like ya on my shoulder?
Oi, what’s yer answer? Come on!
Yui: W-Wah...!
Yuma: Come on, what’s wrong, Sow? I’m askin’ for yer answer, aren’t I?
Yui: L-Like I said! Stop shaking me like that!
Yuma: That’s not an answer to my question. If ya won’t listen to me, guess I’ll have to punish ya then.
Yui: Kyah! A-Aaaah, it’s dangerous!
Yuma: Hah! What? Pissin’ yer pants or somethin’?
This is kinda fun, makes me want to shake ya ‘round even more...There!
Yui: Wah! I-It’s scary when I’m up high like this!
Yuma: Hm? Scary?
Do ya have a fear of heights or somethin’?
Yui: I-I don’t but...
( T-Thank god...He stopped moving around... )
Yuma: Damn, ya gave me a scare for nothin’...
For one, you’re to blame for not gettin’ on with it.
Come on, don’t be such a slowpoke!
We’re runnin’ out of time! I have a busy schedule!
Yui: Even if you say that...!
Do you want to let me harvest these vegetables or notーー
Which one is it, honestly?
Yuma: Are ya stupid?
Why do ya think I’m carryin’ ya, if I wouldn’t let ya help me with the harvest?
Ya don’t understand why I’m goin’ out of my way to lift ya into the air like this?
Yui: W-Well...I think it’s so I can pluck the vegetables.
( I want to believe that’s the case...But! )
Yuma: Then get those hands movin’!
Or what? Are ya doin’ this on purpose ‘cause ya wanna get punished?
Yui: That’s not it!
Yuma: Then get on with it! Geez, ya start cryin’ ‘round like a baby just ‘cause of some minor shakin’...
Come on, those ones on top look pretty good, huh? Hurry up and grab them!
Yui: Ah! Like I said, it’s dangerous!
Yuma: Hehehe! Yer voice is quaverin’, Yui!
Yui: I-I’m gonna fall...!
Besides, if you keep on messing around like this, I don’t think we’ll ever finish the task at hand...!
Yuma: Aahn? You’re gonna start lecturin’ me...?
Yui: I-It’s not about...lecturing you...! Kyaah!!
Yuma: Idiot. Ya really think I’d drop ya?
Look at that dumb expression on yer face. Who do ya think I am?
No matter what stupid things I may do on a daily basis, I wouldn’t let ya get hurt.
Yui: Yuma-kun...
Yuma: I’m shakin’ ya ‘round ‘cause you’re too damn slow...
In other words, a punishment...Wait, no.
It’s tough love! (1)
Yui: Kyaah!
( I figured he’d stop but Yuma-kun’s really having a blast...! )
( I don’t want this ‘tough love’... )
Yuma: Come on! Pick them already, Sow!
Yui: Kyah...!
( Yuma-kun really always seems to enjoy himself whenever he’s teasing me. )
( But...I won’t lose. )
( If I give in here, we’ll never get anywhere...! )
( I have to...stretch my arm all the way... )
( Okay...! I got it...There! )
Yui: Kyaah! G-Geez! Yuma-kun! Ah...Watch...out!
Yuma: Haha, you’re makin’ these really funny sounds.
Yui: Say, if you do this, we really won’t get this done, you know?
We have to properly pluck these in time for the harvest festival...
Yuma: Aah? You’re the one who brought that up though?
Yui: T-That’s true but...
( We managed to get this many delicious, ripe vegetables just in time for harvest season. )
( So I brought up the idea of holding a celebration. )
( Speaking of which, I feel like Yuma-kun was never truly on board with it... )
ー A flashback ensues
Yui: You know, these vegetables from our garden really are delicious.
Yuma: They sure are.
Yui: Say, why don’t we do something with these?
Yuma: Haah? What do ya have in mind then?
Yui: Hm...For example...Why don’t we hold a harvest festival like they do abroad?
Yuma: Harvest festival?
Why do we have to do that shit?
Yui: Look, we could turn it into a garden party and have a meal together with everyone outside...
I’m sure the vegetables we eat every day will taste even better than usual.
Yuma: Ya think so?
Yui: Of course! I’m sure it’ll be fun!
Yuma: But we’re eatin’ these veggies every day, right? What’s the point in doin’ this now?
Yui: ( Uu, seems like Yuma-kun isn’t too stoked about my idea... )
But you spent so much time and effort into growing them, so I just wanted to think of a way to enjoy them even more...
Yuma: ...
Yui: Please, Yuma-kun? Let’s harvest a bunch of vegetables and hold a party?
Yuma: ...
Yui: ...No?
Yuma: ...Che. Guess ya leave me with no other choice.
If ya want to do it that badly, I’ll tag along.
Yui: Really!?
Yuma: In return, you’re gonna be the one doin’ most of the work. That’s my condition.
Yui: Hooray! I’m so happy...Thank you, Yuma-kun!
Yuma: Haah...I always go way too easy on ya.
I can’t be like this...Gotta be more strict...
Soon, she’ll play me like a fiddle...!
She may be the chick I fell head over heels for, I’m not gonna let her use me as her loyal lil’ servant...I gotta think of some sort of plan...
Yui: ...
( I managed to convince him somehow, I guess? )
( Okay, I’ll try my best on the preparations for harvest season! )
ー The flashback ends
Yui: ( He gave me green light back then, but it’s Yuma-kun we’re talking about, so he might be sick of it already... )
Yuma: Whatcha spacin’ out for? Come on!
Yui: Kyaah!?
Yuma: Woah there!
Yui: I-It’s dangerous...You just gave me a heart attack...!
Yuma: See? I caught ya so ya wouldn’t fall, didn’t I?
Even if I spook ya a lil’, I would never put ya through pain. 
Yui: You big dummy...! I was really scared...!
Yuma: Who ya callin’ a dummy, Sow? Ya can’t trust me or somethin’?
Yui: Kyah! Y-Yuma-kun...?
Yuma: This is what I do...to cheeky women like ya!
ー Yuma bites her
Yui: ...!
Yuma: Nn...
Yui: Ah...
( Geez, Yuma-kun, he suddenly bit my neck...! )
Yuma: Don’t be fightin’ back...! Nn...
Yui: ...Nn...!
Yuma: Nn...!
...Per usual...Your blood’s...Nn...
The sweetest thing ever...Surpassin’ even Sugar-chan...Nn...
Yui: ...Geez...Oh you...~
Yuma: You’re at fault. For having...such delicious blood.
Haah...It’s hella delicious...Nn...Kuh...!
When I drink yer blood, I feel like I’ll let everythin’ else slide, it’s kinda odd.
I might have seriously fallen head over heels for yer blood...Haha!
Yui: Only my blood...?
Yuma: ...Aahn?
Yui: You only like my blood...? How about me as a person...?
Yuma Fool.
Whatcha soundin’ so miserable for?
Yui: W-Well...
Yuma: Whatcha sayin’ at this point? Ya really are a fool.
Yui: H-How could you!
Yuma: Listen to me. ...Yer blood is definitely delicious.
But if that was the only thing, ya really think I would have gone through the trouble of marryin’ ya?
Yui: Yuma-kun...
Yuma: Che. Geez, I really have to spell everythin’ out for ya, don’t I...?
Or maybe this is enough to satisfy ya? Aah?
Yui: ...!
Yuma: Nn...
Yui: Nn...!
Yuma: ...Geez...
I...love ya.
Didn’t I say that I’m head over heels for ya?
Yet that’s not enough for ya, huh? You’re so greedy.
Yui: Yuma-kun...
Yuma: Che. You’re makin’ me say all the embarrassin’ shit. ...Fuck.
For now, lemme suck yer blood...!
Yui: K-Kyah...! Hold up, Yuma-kun!
ー The scene shifts to the shopping mall
Yuma: ...Say, there’s still more stuff to buy...?
Yui: Yeah. There’s still some daily necessities we’re running low on...
Yuma: Ahー Fuck! This damn crowd is drivin’ me mad!
Yui: It’s a holiday, so it’s more crowded than usual, isn’t it?
Yuma: Ya really should have just come by yerself.
Yui: But I can’t carry all of this stuff by myself...
Yuma: Hooh? So ya always intended to bring me along just to carry yer bags, huh?
Yui: I’m pretty sure I was honest about that when I invited you along...
Yuma: Yeah. I tagged along ‘cause I felt like I had no other choice after ya came cryin’ to me like that.
Yui: I-I wasn’t crying...!
( I also asked him because I enjoy going out shopping with Yuma-kun though... )
Yuma: Ya didn’t speak a word of this crowd tho!
Ah-ah, if I had known this, I would have much rather taken a nice nap at home.
Yui: ...
Yuma: ...What? Don’t go quiet on me.
Yui: ...But...I didn’t think you’d dislike it this much...
I’m sorry, Yuma-kun...
Yuma: ...Oi, don’t look like you’re ‘bout to cry.
I don’t hate it that much.
If I did, I wouldn’t have come.
Yui: ...Really!? Thank god...!
Then, can we go look at some clothes after getting the daily necessities?
Yuma: ...Excuse me? Ya sure change yer mood from one second to another...
Yui: Eh?
Yuma: Ya were in tears just now! Where did those go?
Yui: But you said you don’t dislike this, right?
ー She holds onto his arm
Yui: I’m happy to be able to head out together and shop like this!
Yuma: ...Che. You’re a wicked woman.
Yui: Eh? How so?
Yuma: Oh well, whatever. But only use yer charms on me, ‘kay?
Come on, let’s go!
Yui: Kyah! You walk way too fast!
Yui: Ah, look! There’s so many delicious-looking fruits...!
Yuma: Ahー? We’re growin’ these at home so we don’t need them, right?
Yui: But there’s ones we’re not growing as well. We should buy different ones every now and then...
Yuma: Like I said, we don’t need them...
Yui: But...
Yuma: Are ya even listenin’!? If there’s a kind ya wanna eat, just tell me!
Yui: Eh?
Yuma: If ya want it, I’ll grow it!
Well, I can’t do it overnight ‘course.
But I’ll make sure they will be ripe and ready to be eaten by next year.
Yui: Yuma-kun...
Yuma: Why are ya in tears again?
Yui: B-Because...!
Yuma: If ya actually start cryin’, I’m leavin’ ya behind, got it?
Yui: Eh? W-Wait! Yuma-kun!
Yuma: Che. Don’t go ‘bout shoutin’ like that!
Azusa: Huh...? Yui-san? And...Yuma as well.
Kou: Seems like the two of you are being lovey-dovey per usual~
Yui: Huh? You guys! What brings you all here? Out shopping?
Kou: Yeah, exactly. But the two of you really are close both at home and outside, huh? It’s almost making me jealous.
Ruki: Don’t stand out too much in public.
Kou: You tell them!
Yui: ...Uu, sorry...
Yuma: The fuck? Ya guys appear out of nowhere and you’re already callin’ us out?
Kou: Don’t you think you two are to blame for flirting out in the open like that?
Yuma: Fuck off! That’s our business, isn’t it?
We’re a married couple and she’s my woman.
I obviously gotta keep her close so some weird fucker doesn’t set his sights on her.
ー Yuma wraps his arm around her
Yui: Kyah!?
Yuma: Come on, let’s go, Sow!
Yui: Y-Yeah!
Yui: ...
Yuma: ...
Yui: ...
Yuma: ...What? You’ve been quiet this whole time.
Yui: Yeah...Ruki-kun and the others saw us earlier...
Yuma: Ahn?
Yui: It never bothered me up till then, but I suddenly grew embarrassed.
Yuma: Ah? What do ya mean, embarrassed?
What’s so embarrassin’ ‘bout bein’ seen together with me?
Yui: N-No. That’s not what I meant...
It was the first time they all saw us together outside, so I suddenly grew very self-conscious.
Yuma: You’re the one who clung onto me, right? It’s yer own fault.
Yui: That’s...true but...
Yuma: It’s not like we did somethin’ naughty in front of them, so don’t let it bother ya.
Yui: W-Well of course we didn’t!
( Who would do that in public...!? )
Yuma: Hmm?
Yui: W-What?
Yuma: I see.
Yui: Honestly, what?
Yuma: Next time ya give me that kinda cheeky attitude, I should just knock ya out with a single kiss, huh?
Yui: Eh!?
Yuma: It’s fun to see ya cry ‘bout as well, but I guess I should just do this when I want to shut ya up real quick?
Yui: W-W-Wait, Yuma-kun!
Yuma: ...What?
Yui: Y-You can’t? L-Like...kissing and stuff...Out in public...
Yuma: I won’t if ya behave. Yer fate is in yer own hands!
Yui: Eeh!?
Yuma: Well, ya better be careful!
Yui: ( Uu...! I will... )
ー The scene shifts to the garden at night
Yuma: ...They still won’t bloom, huh?
Honestly...What has gotten into me...?
Why am I puttin’ so much effort into growin’ these...?
Do I blame it on her? Or am I doing it for her...?
This doesn’t suit me tho...
But she was super happy with them the other time.
And she looked rather pretty when I put it into her hair...
It marked...the first step of our relationship after all.
I guess I can’t do much wrong by tryin’ to please her...
For one, it’s out of character for me to even worry ‘bout something like a wedding anniversary.
I guess this shows that love makes a guy go weak...
These roses are different from the ones I grew in memory of my comrades back then...
I grew these with her in mind...
I won’t give up, even if they won’t bloom.
I’ll keep lookin’ after them till they grow beautiful flowers...
...Che, I’m really not actin’ like myself...
Makes me laugh...
I can’t let her see me like this.
I hope they’ll bloom in time for the anniversary.
Or rather, I’ll make sure of it!
ー The scene shifts to the dining hall
Yui: Say, Yuma-kun.
Yuma: Ah?
Yui: Things are gonna get busy today!
Yuma: ...Why?
Yui: Did you forget already? Today is the harvest festival! I have to prepare for the party.
Yuma: Aah, that’s today?
Yui: I told you several times yesterday! How come you’re so out of it?
Is it because...you don’t want to celebrate the harvest festival?
Yuma: ...Not really, honestly.
Yui: ...
( I wonder what’s wrong with him? He’s been like this for a few days... )
Yuma: ...Aahn? Why are ya lookin’ at me with that weird look on yer face?
Got a problem with my behavior or somethin’?
Yui: No, I don’t but...
Ah, right.
Yuma: Ah?
Yui: I’m gonna start cooking now, so you lend me a hand too, okay?
Yuma: A hand?
I told ya that you’re gonna do most of the work for this festival, right?
Yui: Of course, I’ll give it my best shot as well. But it’d be a great help if you could at least assist me a little...
I can’t rely on you for help?
I’m sure you would be such an amazing help though...
Yuma: Che, ya always give me that crap. I don’t mind tho.
Yui: Hooray! Let’s start preparing the food right away then.
I’ll leave setting up the table outside up to you!
Yuma: Roger...
...Geez, first she butters up to ya and then starts orderin’ ya around like a slave...
Yui: ...Hm? Did you say something?
Yuma: No? Nothing?
Yui: Really? Okay then...
Well then, I gotta give it my best shot! I have to make sure it’s extra delicious today!
ー Yui walks to the kitchen
Yuma: Geez...Look at her bein’ all excited.
I shouldn’t have agreed to lettin’ her organize this garden party so easily.
Why do I have to help my own wife prepare food for some other guys?
I fucked up...
Yui: Hm? Did you say something?
Yuma: Nothin’! ...Ya sure have some sharp ears...
Yui: Ah! You were talking bad behind my back just now, weren’t you!?
Yuma: ...I wasn’t! Geez...
Yui: Really?
Yuma: Like I said, have some faith in me.
Yui: ( I do trust him but...He definitely said something just now, didn’t he? )
Yuma: You’re gonna make a real feast, right? Hurry up and get started on the food!
Yui: Yeah! Look forward to it, okay?
ー The scene shifts to the kitchen
Yui: Phew...Guess this is the best I can do...
Yuma: I’m all done. Woah! Looks good!
Yui: Really? I’m glad! Thank you for helping me, Yuma-kun.
Yuma: Yeah. Should I carry these?
Yui: Yeah. I’d appreciate it if you could take all finished dishes with you.
Yuma: Roger.
ー The scene shifts to the garden
Yuma: Oh? Ya guys are already here?
Azusa: Because it’s already...the designated time...
Kou: Wooow~ M-neko-chan’s homemade cooking looks delicious!
Azusa: I’ve gotten...kinda hungry...
Ruki: The meals she makes aren’t half bad for livestock.
Yuma: Hah! Right?
My Sow is well-trained after all!
Kou: And what are you so proud about...?
Ruki: Good grief, how shameless...
Azusa: You’ve become a total softie when it comes to her, haven’t you, Yuma...?
Yuma: Hah! What’s the problem with bragging ‘bout what belongs to me?
Kou: How many times do I have to tell you to stop subconsciously going into ‘loving husband’ mode!?
Yuma: I’m not doin’ that!
Anyway, what is she up to? She’s still not done?
She really is such a slowpoke...
ー The scene shifts back to the kitchen
Yui: Nn...There we go.
This wraps up the final dish...I guess?
What should I do? I’d love to sprinkle some herbs on top of the meat but...
I don’t think we’re growing any in our own garden?
I’ll go take a look.
ー The scene shifts to the garden
Yui: Hm...?
( There’s an enclosure I haven’t seen before...? )
I wonder what it’s for...?
Yuma: Hm...? Why is she there!?
ー Yuma rushes over to her
Yuma: Oi! Yui!!
Yui: Eh? Kyah...!
Yuma: What are ya doing here!?
Yui: Hey, you’re hurting me, Yuma-kun!
Yuma: I’m askin’ ya a question!
Yui: I wanted to sprinkle some herbs on top of the meat of the main dish...
Yuma: Herbs?
Yui: Then I found this unfamiliar enclosure...So I was wondering what it could be for...
See, over theーー Ow!
You’re hurting my arm, Yuma-kun!
Yuma: Ya...can’t look at that.
Look away! Geez. I really can’t lower my guard for one second ‘round ya...!
Yui: ( Lower his guard...What does he mean? )
Say, what has gotten into you all of a sudden?
Yuma: Ah? ...Nothin’, really.
That’s just none of yer business.
Yui: W-What...?
I was just curious. Why do you have to get so mad?
Yuma: Fuck off! It’s none of yer damn business! ーー That’s all.
Anyway, stay away from it. Understood?
Yui: Yeah...But you could always tell me...
Yuma: Shut up!
Yuma: Just get goin’ and join those guys already!
All ya have to do is shut yer damn mouth and listen to me!
Yui: I know, I will. You don’t need to shout at me like that...
Yuma: Scram!
Yui: ...!
ー Yui walks away
Yuma: ...Che!
I didn’t think she’d come here...
I started panickin’ and accidentally lashed out at her...!
Yui, she seemed frightened...
...Fuck...I don’t want to make her cry or anythin’ tho...
Why can I never be honest...?
Kou: Nnー! This is deliciousー!
Yuma: Oi, stop chowin’ down ya guys! I’m fuckin’ starvin’ too!
Kou: The same goes for us though? Right, Azusa-kun~?
Azusa: Yeah, I’m hungry too...I came here with an empty stomach because I was looking forward to Yui-san’s cooking...
Ruki: You are all being way too gluttonous. It’s a disgrace...
Yui: There’s still plenty left, so you don’t have to eat that quickly, you know...?
Kou: Really? Then keep it coming!
Azusa: I still have plenty of space in my tummy...
Yui: You’ll have some more as well, Yuma-kun?
Yuma: ...
Yui: ( ...Seems like he’s upset after all. )
( He has never given me the silent treatment like this... )
( I must have done something truly upsetting... )
Yuma: ...
...Haah, I’m goin’ to the restroom.
ー Yuma walks away
Yui: ( So he really is mad at me for what I did... )
( What should I do...? )
Kou: Sayー Aren’t the two of them acting kind of off?
Ruki: They are...
Azusa: It’s odd...
Kou: I wonder what happened?
Kou: Phew~ I’m stuffed! Thank you for the feast! It was delicious!
Yui: Fufu, I’m glad to hear that. Thank you guys for joining us today as well.
Kou: Yeah!
Yuma: ...
Azusa: The food was extremely delicious.
Yui: Thank you, Azusa-kun.
Ruki: See you.
ー The scene shifts to Yui’s bedroom
Yui: Phew...
( Yuma-kun’s mood remained sour the whole time after that... )
( That was never my intention...It should have been so much more fun of a day... )
( ーー Why did things have to turn out like this? )
( Yuma-kun retreated back into his room right away... )
I feel a little...lonely.
ー The scene shifts to the living room
Yui: ( A few days have passed since but...Yuma-kun’s mood just won’t improve. )
( He won’t shout at me, but he barely talks to me either. )
( It’s obvious he seems to be avoiding me... )
( What should I do...? )
*Ding dong*
Yui: ( Huh? A visitor...? )
ー The scene shifts to the entrance hall
Reinhart: Hello.
Yui: Oh? Reinhart-sensei? Hello.
Reinhart: Hey, it’s been a while.
Yui: What brings you here today?
Reinhart: Yeah, I’ve got a little something to discuss with Ruki-kun.
Yui: I see... Ah, please come in. (2) I’ll go call Ruki-kun right away.
Reinhart: Thank you. Sorry for the trouble.
Yui: It’s nothing...
ー Yuma enters the manor
Yui: Ah, Yuma-kun, welcome back. Reinhart-sensei is visiting us right now...
Yuma: ...Heeh.
Yui: Uhm, I’m going to set some tea so would you care for a cup as well?
Yuma: ...Nah.
Yui: ...Really?
Yuma: Yeah.
ー Yuma leaves
Yui: Ah, I’ll go make the tea then.
Reinhart: Thank you.
Yui: ( ...Yuma-kun’s mood really won’t get better. )
( Furthermore, that attitude...Sensei might think of us weirdly now. )
( Sensei was there to witness our wedding vows, so I wouldn’t want to make him worry. )
( What should I do...? )
ー The scene shifts to the living room
Kou: Ah! Sensei’s actually here! Hello~ 
Reinhart: Seems like you’re doing well too, Kou-kun. Hello.
I ran into Yuma-kun earlier and...Did something happen between the two of them? The mood seemed somewhat tense.
Ruki: Right...
Kou: It’s been like that for days now. As fellow members of this household, it’s become kind of awkward for us as well, right?
Azusa: ...Exactly...
Yui: Sorry for the wait.
Reinhart: Ah, thank you.
Yui: You guys can have some as well if you’d like.
Kou: Thank you, M-neko-chan~
Ruki: I shall have a sip then.
Azusa: Thanks...Eve...
Reinhart: Smells wonderful. Is this a herbal tea?
Yui: Ah, yes. It’s made with the herbs we grow in our garden.
Reinhart: Heeh, you’re growing them yourself?
Yui: Rather than alone, I do it together with Yuma-kun.
Reinhart: Right, about the two of you.
Yui: ...Yes?
Reinhart: Things seemed a little awkward. What happened exactly?
Yui: ...Well...
( So he did notice after all... )
( But I’m not sure how to explain this... )
Things aren’t going so well...
Everyone: ...
Reinhart: Well, I’m sure being together every day comes with its up and downs but...
Since you married out of mutual love, I hope the two of you can talk it out soon.
Yui: ...Yes.
Reinhart: You know, I witnessed the two of you getting married, so I can’t help but be a little worried.
I know I might be sticking my nose into someone else’s business by saying this but...Are you okay?
Yui: ( Sensei’s worried about us... )
( I’m sure Ruki-kun and the others are as well... )
Reinhart: Yes?
Yui: I’ll try my best to make up.
So...We’re okay.
Reinhart: ...I see.
However, don’t push yourself, okay? When you feel like you’re at the end of your devices, make sure to rely on the people around you, okay?
Yui: Yes...Thank you very much.
ー The scene shifts to Yui’s bedroom
Yui: Haah...
( I told everyone we would talk things out but... )
( In the end, we still haven’t had a proper conversation... )
( It’s almost our one-year wedding anniversary, yet things are still awkward between us. )
( What should I do...? )
( I know that I tried to approach something Yuma-kun wants to keep hidden back then. )
( But if I apologize without knowing why he got so upset exactly, he might only grow even more angry with me... )
( I hope the two of us can have a good talk... )
I wonder how we can make up...?
Yui: ...It’s finally our wedding anniversary...
( I would have liked to have talked things out with Yuma-kun by today... )
He was so very upset back then...
( However, he wouldn’t become aggressive towards me without a reason. )
( There was definitely some sort of reason behind his anger. )
I wonder if he has forgotten that it’s our wedding anniversary today?
( Even if he has, this is an important day to me. I do want to talk things out. )
( I have to talk to him...! )
( I don’t want this misunderstanding to last forever...! )
ー The scene shifts to the hallway
Yui: ( I’ll go see him...! )
Yui: ...Kyah!
Yuma: ...Yui?
Yui: Yuma-kun!?
Perfect timing...I was just about to drop by your room.
You see...I want to talk to you and make up...
Yuma: ...The fuck?
Ya really are...!
Yui: Eh...?
Yuma: Che...! Whatever, just follow me for a sec!
Yui: Kyah!? Y-Yuma-kun? W-Wait...!?
ー Yuma tugs her along as they move to the garden
Yui: ( This is where we fought on the day of the garden party... )
( I’m sure there’s something here which he doesn’t want me to get close to... )
( ...Even though I didn’t know, I should apologize for upsetting him. )
Yuma: Yui. Can ya listen to me first?
Yui: Y-Yeah...
Yuma: Ahー... Ya see...
Yui: Mmh.
Yuma: ‘Bout the other day...
Yui: Yeah...
Yuma: ...
Yui: ( Yuma-kun...? )
Yuma: Well, it’s that...
Yui: ...I’m listening?
Yuma: ...I know that much!
Yui: ( I wonder what has gotten into him? Unlike usual, he seems to be having a hard time expressing himself... )
Yuma: Oi, Yui!
Yui: ーー Y-Yes!
Yuma: ...I’m sorry for what happened the other day.
Yui: ...Eh?
Yuma: ‘Eh?’, my ass!
Knowin’ ya, I’m pretty sure that...Ya haven’t looked ‘cause I told ya not to, right?
At the...flowers from the other day.
Yui: Flowers...?
Yuma: So ya really haven’t looked.
Yui: Which flowers are you talking about?
Yuma: I lashed out at ya the other day, right? ‘Cause ya approached this place.
Yui: Yeah.
Yuma: I didn’t actually mean to get that upset.
But ya were suddenly standin’ here, I got completely thrown off.
Then I panicked and took it out on ya. ...I really do feel bad.
Yui: D-Don’t say that...! It was the first time seeing you so mad for me as well...
I figured I must have done something horrible, so I was going to apologize as well.
...I’m sorry too.
Yuma: Idiot, you’ve got nothin’ to say sorry for. ...I won’t suddenly shout at ya like that from here on out.
Yui: Yuma-kun...
Yuma: Take a look. I just wanted to keep the fact I was growin’ these a secret.
Yui: These are...Roses...!
Wah...Amazing! They’ve bloomed beautifully...
Yuma: Back then they hadn’t bloomed yet...So that’s why I panicked.
But I somehow got them to bloom in time for today.
Yui: Eh? In time...?
Yuma: ...Say, Yui. Do ya remember the wedding ceremony we held here one year ago?
Yui: I do. I could never forget.
( Yuma-kun gave me such a wonderful memory back then... )
( I could never forget about such a lovely day... )
Today is a special day to me as well. That’s why I’ve been looking forward to it this whole time.
Yuma: Heeh?
Yui: That’s why I was on my way to meet you, because I definitely wanted to make things up to you today.
That’s when I coincidentally ran into you.
Yuma: I see. Guess ya were lookin’ forward to it in yer own way as well.
Yui: ...? What do you mean?
Yuma: Listen up.
I proposed to ya last year, right?
Yui: Yeah.
Yuma: Back then, I vowed to only ever love ya, forever.
That feeling hasn’t changed to this day.
Yui: Yes...
Yuma: So...
It was a rocky road but, I chose ya and ya chose me.
Yui: Mmh...
Yuma: But I’m not very smooth.
So there’s times where I can’t always treat ya with care.
And I might take things out on ya like the other day.
...But even so.
My feelings towards ya are the only thing which won’t ever change.
...Even after one year, they’re still the same.
Yui: Yuma-kun...
Yuma: If anything...
Rather than changin’, I treasure ya even more than I did back then.
Yui: ...
Yuma: Che, this shit really is embarrassin’...
Yui: Yuma-kun...
( He’s a little awkward, but despite that, he’s still expressing himself... )
Yuma: Well, I do love ya properly.
It’s our anniversary, so I figured I should tell ya that.
Yui: I feel the same way, Yuma-kun.
Yuma: Ah?
Yui: I love you too.
Yuma: ...Whatcha sayin’ all of a sudden?
I know that already!
Yui: Fufu, but you gave me such a wonderful love confession. I want to return the favor as well.
However...I really can’t believe one year has gone by already.
Back then ーー I felt so happy when you made that vow to me.
Yuma: ...I only stated the truth, that’s all.
Yui: But you usually wouldn’t say those things, right?
Yuma: ‘Course not! Why would I have to proclaim my love to ya 24/7?
Yui: Maybe not 24/7, but I still feel happy when you do.
Yuma: Happy, huh?
Yui: Also back then, I was happy to receive the rose you had so carefully grown.
Yuma: That was...
Yui: You gave me the rose you had grown for the special people in your life.
So I felt as if I had become someone special to you as well...
Yuma: ...You...
Say, Yui.
Yui: Yes?
Yuma: I did raise that rose for Boss and the others but...
These are different...
I grew this one from scratch, with ya in mind.
Yui: Me...?
Yuma: Well, it’s still a rose of course. And both roses are special to me in their own right.
...But ya know.
But I wanted to give ya a rose, which was grown for yer sake.
This might just be my own self-satisfaction showin’ again tho.
How do I put it? I wanted to put my ‘feelings’ (3) in there...
So when ya nearly saw them before they bloomed...
I felt as if they wouldn’t properly convey my feelings so...
Yui: I see...
Yuma: ...It’s bullshit, huh? And there was really no point in fightin’ with ya over somethin’ like that.
Yui: It isn’t ridiculous...
( He’s properly conveying to me his thoughts in his own words. )
( Not a single one of those is pointless. )
Yuma: Well, I guess I wanted to make a distinction for myself.
Also, there’s actually one more reason why I grew these roses.
Yui: And that is?
Yuma: ...It’d be too out-of-character so I’m not tellin’ ya.
Yui: Eeh~? You already hinted at it, so I’d love to hear the rest now though...
Yuma: ...Geez, stop lookin’ at me with those puppy eyes (4)! Ya know I’m weak to those suckers!
Yui: Eh? Sorry...
( That wasn’t my intention... )
Yuma: Then, I’ll only say it once.
Yui: Yeah.
Yuma: I put a rose in yer hair last year, remember?
Back then, ya looked a lil’ different than what I expected...
Yui: What did you expect then?
Yuma: ーー For some reason, ya looked hella stunnin’ back then.
So I wanted to put one in there again, I guess...
It’s a really shallow reason. I just wanted to...see ya with a rose in yer hair again.
Yui: Yuma-kun...
Yuma: So!
This rose I grow with ya in mind...
I’ll put it on ya again.
Yui: W-Wait! Yuma-kun.
Yuma: ...What?
Yui: You worked so hard growing those roses...It’d be a waste.
Yuma: It’s fine. These are for ya.
Yui: But...
Yuma: If ya really think it’s such a waste, we can just grow some new ones again.
Yui: Eh?
Yuma: Next year and the year after all, forever. As long as ya want the roses I grow...
I’ll raise them for ya, year after year.
Right...In that case, I might as well raise 999 roses at some pointーー
Then turn them into a rose bouquet for ya.
Yui: ...Fufu, I doubt I’d be able to carry that in my arms.
( However, I’m not happy just to receive roses... )
( The fact he’s giving me these flowers he grew with me in mind, is what makes me so happy... )
Thank you, Yuma-kun.
Yuma: ...Yeah.
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Yuma: Say, Yui.
Stay by my side another year.
Then next year, lemme vow to ya again. That I love ya...
Next year I won’t just stick to one, but grow lots for ya.
Yuma: Yui, I love ya...
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Yuma: Better brace yerself for next year, ‘kay...? Nn...
Yui: ...!
Yuma: Ya will be my woman forever. Understood...?
Yui: Yeah...! We’ve made up now, right...?
Yuma: Yeah...We have.
Yui: If we can make up like this, then perhaps having a fight every once in a while isn’t too bad.
Yuma: Don’t be silly.
I seriously don’t want any fights.
Honestly, I thought I was gonna go fuckin’ bald from thinkin’ of a good way to apologize to ya...
Yui: You had such a hard time deciding? You did?
Yuma: I did! ‘Cause I definitely didn’t want ya to hate me.
Yui: Fufu...I don’t want to quarrel with you either.
Yuma: Good to know ya understand...Nn...
Yui: Geez...Yuma-kun...Nn...
There’s no end...!
Yuma: Oh right. The harvest festival ya were lookin’ forward to so much kind of ended up being anticlimactic as well.
Yui: Yeah, but everyone enjoyed it...
Yuma: Next year we definitely won’t fight.
Even if we do, we’ll make up right away.
We just have to honestly apologize to each other.
Yui: Yes.
Yuma: So...
Let’s hold an even bigger party next time!
We’ll make so much food, even Kou will be stuffed to the point he can’t take another bite...
Yui: Yeah, we will. I’ll cook even bigger of a feast next time!
Also, want to try inviting someone over? The more, the merrier!
Yuma: Who would ya invite then? We barely have any acquaintances, do we?
Yui: How about Reinhart-sensei? He did seem worried about us after all.
Yuma: Well, he was pretty much our Priest too. I wouldn’t mind inviting him.
Yui: Gosh, Yuma-kun. Don’t put it like that.
Yuma: In that case, I wouldn’t mind addin’ one more into the mix by next year. A family member.
Yui: Eh?
D-Do you mean...!?
Yuma: You’re the one who said the more, the merrier, right?
If that’s what ya wish, I wouldn’t mind helpin’ out a lil’?
Yui: Geez...
( However, that might not be a bad idea... )
( Expand our little family by next year...Invite a bunch of people over... )
( And all have a feast together. )
( I’m sure...it’ll be a blast. )
Yuma: Well, either way, as long as you’re here with me, I’m enjoying myself, and feel happy.
Don’t ya dare forget that. ーー Never.
Yui: ...Yeah!
ーー THE END ーー 
Translation notes
(1) In Japanese, the term is 愛の鞭 or ‘ai no muchi’ which literally means ‘the whip of love’. 
(2) When inviting someone inside your house, you can use the verb 上がる or ‘agaru’ which literally means ‘to go up’ or ‘to ascend’. Most Japanese houses have a little step at the entrance hall to indicate, hence why they use said verb. 
(3) When 想い or ‘omoi’ is written with said particular kanji, it doesn’t just refer to ‘thoughts’, but to ‘feelings’ (often in the romantic sense of the word) as well.
(4) Literally he says she’s looking at him with ‘upturned eyes’. 
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nightowlfandom · 4 years
Min Yoongi- Sweet Therapy
So one of you messaged me saying you needed a pick-me-up. Girl I got you! Hope this boosts your mood chica.
And yes I was totally jamming out to Ryuji Imaichi’s song “Sweet Therapy” (If you wanna get your thot on, listen to that song I swear- That man’s voice is like warmed honey on cold skin...)
You walked out the front door, slinging your bag over your shoulder. You let it swing shut as you stepped down. You’ve had enough with the outside world for the week and you just wanted to be alone with the only other person you cared about and that person just so happened to seem like the only person who cared about you.
But then again, you can’t choose your family, right?
You saw Yoongi leaned up against his car. He was staring looking down at his phone while he waited for you. He had no interest in talking to anyone other than you and knocking on the door put that at a huge risk. He’d probably be arrested if someone other than you answered. He wouldn’t go to jail over something as stupid as one of your siblings looking at him to wrong way, but it was tempting as hell.
 The second he looked up, he walked towards you. The somber look on your face told him all he needed to know. He met you halfway in the parking lot. He wasted no time in grabbing your free arm and pulling you to his chest. You squeezed your eyes shut to refrain from crying. You didn’t want to let them linger in your head anymore than they already have. Yoongi however, was no idiot. He could see the tears form before you even tried to blink them back. Luckily you were able to remain silent. He gently scratched the back of your head with his fingertips.
“Hey.” he finally greeted, stepping back from you. He kissed your forehead then grabbed your overnight bag that had a shirt sleeve hanging out of the side zipper. He could only smile at your half-effort. “Home alone today?”
“Mhm.” you nodded, letting him take the heavy duffel from you.
“Good.” he grumbled. “I don’t want to have to put up with those fuckers today. I’m in a real good mood.” he could feel his blood boiling at the thought of even speaking to one of the assholes you lived with. “You gonna kiss me, or what?” he smiled cheekily at your shyness. 
You could feel the heat rising to your cheeks. He was always like this when he came over to get you. You stood on your tip toes and gently bought your lips to his. He used his free arm and hooked it around your waist. He kissed you back with a hunger you could only read as ‘horny bastard’. When he pulled away, he saw the corners of your mouth turn up a little. Good, this mission was turning into a success already. 
“Come on.” he began walking you to his car. “We’re goin’ out tonight.” 
“Where?” you spoke real words for the first time since you stepped outside.
“I was thinking somewhere where we could chill. Rent us a booth where we’ll be alone, away from all that noise. Spend some quality time together?” he smirked. “Get into some trouble-.”
“Aaaah! Don’t be dirty!” you whined as he opened the passenger door for you.
“Nah.” he burst out laughing. “Your reactions are too cute.” 
“Jerk.” you scoffed as he shut the door. He tossed your duffel in the back seat and walked around to the drivers side, getting situated himself. Yoongi had a nasty mouth. It always made him wonder if he had to have his mouth washed out with soap.
“Don’t act like you don’t love it.” he bit his lip mischievously as he started the car. He laced his fingers in yours as he drove off. You wordlessly stared out the window, feeling his thumbs trace over your knuckles.
...(Le time skip!)
“Thanks babe.” Yoongi winked as you poured his another shot. “You want another?” he got ready to take the bottle from you.
“No.” you shook your head, placing the bottle on the table. “If I have anymore you’re gonna have to pick me up off the floor.” you giggled, covering your mouth to stop from getting too loud.
“I wouldn’t mind that.” he replied with his own laughter. “I should stop too, I guess. I’ve probably had too many already.”
“Well we almost finished the whole bottle.” you said. “I’d say we’ve had well over our limit. You still need to drive tonight, dude.” you leaned on his shoulder. “What should we do for the rest of the night?”
“What do you want to?” he asked as he downed the shot. “It’s pretty late, isn’t it? What do you say we... Go back to my place.” he bit his lip with a sly smile on his face.
“And just what are we gonna do at your place?” you raised a curious brow at him, already having a good idea of where this was gonna go.
“We could relax...have a nice drink.” he bit his lip, obviously forgetting you two were just drinking now. “Maybe have a bath together?” he ran his fingers up your thigh. “Help you forget about the day you’ve had.” he bit his lip.
“Yoongi are you trying to get me naked?” your legs shook a little under his touch.
“Is it working?” he leaned forward to press his lips against your forehead.
“Maybe.” you tried to hide the smile rising on your face. “If you can convince me.” you shrugged innocently. 
“I think I can be really convincing.” he whispered.
...(Another time skip!)
You were the first to stumble through the door of his room, him trailing behind. His chest was pressed flush against your back, his mouth whispering dirty sentences in your ear. You could feel his hands trailing under your shirt. Both of you were a tiny bit tipsy, so you were a giggling mess. You both were now completely sober, and all you could focus on was each other.
“So how about that bubble bath?” he began leading you towards the bathroom. He tugged at the hem of you shirt. 
“Lead the way.” you bit your lip to keep from smiling.
“Give me a second.” he briefly kissed the side of your head. Without another word, he walked ahead of you to the bathroom. You heard water running, followed by the movement of things. You took the time to look around the room. His place looked just like the stereotypical men’s room. There was a little bit of messiness here and there. His blankets and pillows were everywhere. You had spent the night before, but not to this degree. You eyed his open closet, looking like it had exploded in an array of clothes and shoes. If he was freaking out as much as you were, then it was perfectly excusable why his closet looked like a tornado flew threw it.
Before you could look around any more Yoongi came up behind you. You turned around to face him with a shy smile. He took your hand, leading you in the direction of his bathroom. 
As you got the the bathroom, there was a strong flowery scent wafting through the air. You looked at the bathtub, which was covered in a mountain of suds. You felt his hands under your shirt. “Can I help you out of these clothes?”
You wordlessly lifted your arms above your head, allowing him to help you out of your shirt. You usually weren’t this shy, but there was a pit in your stomach. “Get these pants off.” he fumbled with the button of your jeans. 
You playfully stepped away from him and rid yourself of the rest of your clothes, bra, panties, down to your socks. Yoongi could feel himself growing hot and bothered by his clothes and made short work of them. You had no idea where his clothes landed, and you didn’t care. 
Soon enough, you were leaning against Yoongi’s chest, relaxing in the hot water. It was like everything melted off, the stress, the headaches. You could feel his fingertips drawing patterns into your back. He knew how much you loved it. You could hear his steady heartbeat which lulled you into a calm trance. You began playing with the hill of sweet smelling bubbles like a child. 
It had been a while since you relaxed, going as far as to not even leave bed somedays. You felt happy, you felt like you could actually sit down and breathe without being hated for it. Yoongi held you close, pressing kisses on the back of your head as he watched you carry on. Yoongi’s kisses suddenly moved down your neck, to your shoulder, and up your jawline. 
You ceased your activity, nearly going limp in his arms.”Y-yoongi.” you whined. Yoongi began exploring your body, not leaving an inch of your torso untouched. “That’s not fair.”
“Hm. Why don’t we cut this bath short.” he whispered in your ear.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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tk-writer · 4 years
The Great King. [Haikyuu!! - Oihina]
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Hinata and Oikawa try to practice together, but someone is too starstruck by the other to focus.
Word count: 1827
There was something about Oikawa that made Hinata more nervous than anyone else.
When the third year approached him after the last Karasuno/Aoba Johsai practice match and proposed to help him practice his quick attacks, Hinata practically jumped at the offer. Mostly to piss Kageyama off, but also because he understood how valuable this opportunity would be. A private training session with a highly skilled opponent would only help him soar to even greater heights, especially when that opponent had gifts like Oikawa.
But having the setter’s full attention was more flustering than he thought it would be.
His unbelievable talent and good looks weren’t the only thing that intimidated him. Sure, being in the presence of the Great King was enough to make his heart race and his stomach do flip flops every five seconds, but Hinata knew that his power of observation was his greatest strength. No one else in the prefecture had an eye for detail quite like him. 
Perhaps it was the way his dark brown eyes focused so intently on Karasuno’s greatest decoy, or all the comments he made about Hinata’s movements that made it clear he was concentrating on him and him alone. Just knowing that one of the best players in the prefecture was observing him so closely...
Well, it was entirely too much.
“...Earth to shorty! Are you listening to me?”
A sing-songy voice grabbed Hinata’s focus and reminded him where he was. He lifted his head and saw Oikawa looking at him expectantly while spinning a slightly deflated volleyball in his hands. Once he realized he’d zoned out again, he sputtered out a meek apology with a slight bow.
“Y, yeah! Sorry!!”
“You’ve been zoning out a lot today. Whatcha thinkin’ about?”
There was no way he could actually tell him how he really felt. It was way too embarrassing. Instead, he shook his head and ignored the heat creeping up his neck, hoping Oikawa wouldn’t notice his agitation.
“Nothing! Please toss me the ball again, I’ll hit it harder this time!”
He knew Oikawa wasn’t convinced, but he shrugged it off anyway and dropped the subject for the time being, much to Hinata’s relief. 
They started talking about proper jumping forms, and Hinata did his best to listen. He met Oikawa’s intense gaze, focusing all his efforts on keeping eye contact and in turn neglected to register his words. He nodded every once in a while, but in truth it was difficult to keep listening when he was looking at him so intently.
It became impossible, however, when Oikawa started touching him. 
“... And you twist your midsection, just like this.”
Hinata tensed up as soon as he felt Oikawa’s large hands around his waist. He flinched, more noticeably than he would’ve liked, but managed to choke back a yelp. Praying Oikawa hadn’t noticed, his hopes were dashed when he saw the setter smirking in amusement.
“Relax, shorty. I’m not going to bite your head off.”
“Sorry!!” Hinata spit out.
He flinched again when Oikawa’s fingers brushed against the underside of his forearm, feeling more vulnerable and exposed than ever. Despite that, he obeyed when his senpai told him to lift his arms higher while he was spiking. He heard the third year chuckling under his breath, so quietly that it was almost inaudible. 
Was he doing this on purpose? 
It seemed so, with the way he always gently placed his hands on Hinata’s waist, the soft snicker he tried to hide every time Hinata twitched, the slight pressure and wriggling of his fingers against the thin fabric of his t-shirt… it couldn’t possibly be an accident.
Oikawa was onto him.
“Uh, Oikawa-san? It’s getting kind of late… shouldn’t we close up the gym now?” 
He didn’t really want to stop, but he knew he’d make a fool of himself if he stayed any longer. After he raced through his question in a panicked tone, Oikawa raised one eyebrow and gave him a peculiar look.
“What’s this? Hinata Shouyo wants to stop playing volleyball? Pigs must be flying.”
“Sorry!! It’s just that… I’m having some trouble focusing today and I don’t know why!”
“Hmm, well alright. I guess that’s enough for today.”
Hinata breathed a sigh of relief as Oikawa started making his rounds, picking up the discarded volleyballs laying uselessly around the court. He was full of confidence and self-assurance even in mundane moments like this, walking with his head held high and his chest out like a warrior. He was truly worthy of the title Great King. The first year felt warmth spread in his cheeks, thinking about how much of an honor it was that Oikawa wanted to practice with him and him alone.
Once everything was put away and the net was neatly rolled up, Oikawa put one arm around Hinata’s neck and led him to the nearest bench where the two of them plopped down. It happened so fast Hinata didn’t have a chance to protest.
“So, what’s on your mind? You can tell your senpai,” he purred in his ear, making him shudder in place. He was sitting so close to him, their thighs were practically touching, and Hinata felt his palms start to sweat. He rubbed them against his shorts while he attempted to put words to his thoughts.
“Um… well, I… uh...”
“Come on, why so jumpy? I’m not that scary, am I?” Oikawa poked his side playfully, eliciting a sharp squeal from the first year.
At first, Oikawa’s eyes widened. Then, his lips parted slightly before the corners of his mouth began to turn upwards. Hinata could practically see the gears turning in his head, until suddenly it was like a lightbulb had been turned on. His eyes lit up while he cracked an all-knowing grin and suddenly Hinata felt very, very nervous.
“Ohhh. You’re ticklish, aren’t you? 
“No!! I mean, yeah! I mean, wait, wait!!”
The extra emphasis on that word made Hinata fidget even more. He crossed his arms across his chest and shook his head frantically, doing a terrible job convincing the devious-looking setter who was inching closer and closer by the second. 
“I knew it. You were so squirmy every time I touched you. Do you like being tickled?”
Oikawa poked his side again, this time a little higher near his ribs. The sensation felt like lightning and shot through his body, causing him to jump back and let out another undignified squeal. He poked him again, and again, and again, until he finally broke out into cheery little giggles that echoed loudly throughout the gymnasium.
“I don’t hear a ‘no’. Does that mean you like it?”
“Ahahahahaha! Wahahait!!”
Hinata was too flustered to do anything but laugh. His cheeks felt like they were on fire, and he didn’t dare look Oikawa in the eyes. He squeezed them both shut as his senpai gave up the pokes and instead stroked the length of his sides, humming a tune while Hinata snickered and tried to twist away. Then, out of nowhere, he wrapped his hands around his kouhai’s waist like lobster claws and dug in. He alternated between harder squeezes and light scribbles, as if experimenting with different techniques to see which affected him the most. The squeezing really made him cackle, so he stuck with that method for a bit longer.
“Ehehehehee! GAHAHAHA!”
“Not gonna answer? I guess I’ll just keep going, then~...”
Hinata batted weakly at his hands, already spent after just a few seconds. In a moment of misjudgement he raised his arms to try and grab Oikawa’s wandering hands, and once the setter saw an opening, he dug his fingers into his underarms and wiggled them all around until Hinata sounded like he was going to shatter. He clamped his arms down at his sides in defense, but the setter just took hold of his wrists and held them firmly behind his back. This left his midriff wide open, and the third year took the chance to scribble his fingers across his belly. Hinata tried his best to hold back his laughter, but he exploded once Oikawa began circling his belly button with one finger. Unable to break free from his iron grip, he gave up fighting and simply writhed in place as he was tickled all over.
“Pppftblt, Oikawahahahaha!!”
“That’s my name! Wow, your arms are shaking. It’s so hard to get away when I’m holding you, isn’t it?”
Hinata shrieked in response and started to thrash even harder, still too weak to get out of his grasp. Oikawa was tickling a really sensitive spot, a squishy area right next to his belly button, and was so fllittering and soft that all he could do was giggle like a little baby.
“Oho, is this a bad spot?”
Unable to form words, Hinata just nodded as tears pricked the corners of his eyes. It was overwhelming, but it was giving him a rush like no other. He couldn’t stop smiling or laughing, and his stomach felt like a horde of butterflies were fluttering all around. Getting tickled by Oikawa was making him feel so giddy, it was so silly and ridiculous and embarrassing... and much more fun than he ever could have imagined.
“Awww, it's really bad, isn't it? Especially when I tickle it like this?”
The orange-haired player’s laughter reached a new octave when Oikawa scribbled the back of his nails on the same spot, but much more softly and at a quicker pace than he expected. It was almost more maddening than the harder tickles, which he would’ve preferred at this point over these teasy flutters. Keeping up his exploration, he hopped around from one side to the other to gauge his overall reactions. Whenever Hinata’s laughter grew in volume, he’d stay there until the spiker fell into silent laughter.
Finally, after who knows how long, he felt his senpai’s hand leave his body and release his wrists. He opened his eyes, out of breath and gasping for air, only to see Oikawa beaming down at him. His face was already flushed, and seeing that only made it redder.
“Alright, that’s enough for now. I’ll have to remember this, though!”
Oikawa handed him an ice cold bottle of water from the cooler next to the bench and waited until he finished drinking it all before speaking again. Hinata listened through his haggard breathing, now feeling a little embarrassed about the whole ordeal.
“Hey, shorty. Loosen up a little, will ya? We’re friends now, so you don't have to be so nervous around me.”
Hinata felt his strong arm drape itself across his shoulder again and fought the urge to lean against his chest.
“Oh, and Hinata? I won't tell anyone, but I’m definitely going to tease you about this again.”
Oikawa smiled innocently, as if he hadn’t just tickled poor Hinata to death. He feigned ignorance for the next few minutes until Hinata finally gave up, full of steam and too fatigued to argue. He ran off to grab his backpack and athletic bag before meeting Oikawa at the exit. They shut off the lights and made their way home together, both players feeling warm and dizzy without quite understand why.
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aceofshitposts · 3 years
I saw that you like CATS the musical. What are your thoughts on the movie?
AAAAH AHHAHA oh man oh boy y'all should BUCKLE IN cuz it's a ride
my simple thoughts? it's entertaining if only because it butchered the stage show so badly in an attempt to idk modernize it? Well, modernization is one part of it I think. The other part I'll go into below lol. I don't necessarily hate some of the more modern renditions of the songs (mostly the ensemble sets like Jellicle Song for Jellicle Cats) but then others are just... so poorly done it's insulting.
I've said this at the end of this whole rant too but I'm gonna put it up here in case people don't (justifiably) wanna see me go on and on about it:
The movie wasn't made for fans of the musical. It was made to make money and I believe they choose, at least partially, to do that through making it the weirdest and worst possible adaptation they could so that people would want to go see the train wreck. Which, really, worked! It was all people could talk about for a good while so like... Goal achieved, I guess.
A MUCH MORE COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS UNDER THE CUT cuz i don't wanna. flood your dash with... this
ALRIGHT SO. Most of my friends know I'm actually a huge fan of new adaptations of things. I love remakes (provided the people making it are coming at it with some form of heart and not just... cash grabbing which is more often the case) I love seeing other peoples interpretations of characters, or changing settings. It's one of the reasons I like American comics so much, getting to see different writers takes is fascinating.
I think musical movies can be wonderful ways to introduce people to a stage show that might have been unavailable to them otherwise! Chicago, for example, is one of the BEST musical to movie adaptations in my opinion. It kept the heart of the show, it's funny and the song numbers are done really well.
There are of course other famous examples, such as Grease or Bye Bye Birdie. Hairspray was also a wonderful take. These are simply off the top of my head, there are of course more.
CATS in particular has a history. If you go through my CATS tag you may see a few posts from @catsnonreplica which posts photos from non broadway productions of CATS! It's a fascinating read and I love, love, love looking at the other interpretations of the characters! CATS is a musical full of fun and wonderful characters if you take the time to see past the ridiculousness haha and the Korean and Japanese runs of CATS especially have some of my favourites.
How does this relate to the movie, I hear you say well. As you might has noticed the movie's interpretations of the characters is........ lackluster at best and downright uncanny valley at best.
CATS is, at its core, a ridiculous thing. I will fully admit that! But it's fun, it's entertaining and if you pay a little attention you can actually get the plot. (Honestly I don't understand when people complain it has no plot but that's a whole other rant for another day)
The movie was... obsessed with this idea of like... semi realism? Like obviously, as a fan, I think they should have leaned into the over the top character designs but instead we got...w ell:
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Demeter left and Bomba right. Demeter was actually cut! From the movie which is. upsetting lmao.
Macavity is one of the worst offenders for me:
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Macavity was... I wish I could know what the hell they were thinking there cuz it's even in his song? Ginger cat??? THAT IS NOT... A GINGER CAT...... but I digress. I would show more examples but I think you get the point.
So. We've butchered the characters appearances. Okay that's fine but what about their personalities?
There's... there's a lot to unpack here. Just for context: the Jellicle Ball happens once a year and the Jellicle leader chooses a single cat to be reborn into a new life. In the stage play all the cats who are nominated for this honour are on the older side (Jenny-Any-Dots, Bustopher Jones, Skimbleshanks, Gus The Theatre Cat, and eventually Grizzabella) AND are always nominated by another cat. Not themself, unlike the movie where they all seem to nominate themselves.
Jenny-Any-Dots went from a doting grandmother figure who's celebrated for her selfless volunteering and tireless work into a conceited, vain younger cat who is obsessed with fame.
It's an incredibly strange dichotomy. I don't doubt some of it isn't the result of the uh people playing the characters honestly. I do think some of them did the best they could! I don't really blame Jason Derulo, for example, for Tugger. And honestly, Tugger was probably closest to his stage version (while being a trouble maker, he's shown to show Deuteronomy an immense amount of respect)
Speaking of Tugger! This will bring us to one of the biggest grievances with the movie and that is how they handled Mr Mistoffelees.
So... Ugh. So. We have Victoria as the pov character, which imo is like whatever in the grand scheme of things, and then we have Misto who they have decided will be get live interest cuz... Of course. Misto is shown throughout the musical to be awkward, unsure of himself and well. Really, kinda incompetent. Which is Wild cuz in the stage show he might be aloof but he's fairly confident in his powers.
So, Old Deuts gets kidnapped. In the stage show Tugger is the one to bring Misto forward! It's really quite sweet, imo, and I'm showing myself as a Tuggoffelees shipper here, but again Tugger is previously shown to be pretty conceited but then here he is boosting and hyping up Misto to bring Deuteronomy back. My friends and I have lovingly dubbed this the boyfriend hype song.
SOMEHOW. The movie manages to make this, easily, the MOST BORING number in the whole thing. Which, again, WILD. Misto awkwardly stumbles through his whole song, which again is... Boasting of his supreme magical powers which movie Misto clearly. Does not have or believe to have. The song, to me, feels super awkward and unnecessarily drawn out in the movie which sucks cuz it's one of my favourites in the show.
The declawing (heh) of Mr Mistoffelees actually reminds me strongly of how they changed Gaston in the live action Beauty and the Beast movie. He's gone from a beloved figure in the animated movie to someone so disliked in the town that Le Fou has to pay people off to say nice things about him. It's just. Wild character choices were made!!
Skimbleshanks the Railway Cat is probably my favourite in movie non ensemble number. It feels the most... Genuine? Compared to the other nomination songs.
Other problems include but are not limited to:
The inconsistent size scale of the CATS which throws me off constantly.
The weirdly overt sexual overtones added to MANY of the songs (Jenny and Bustopher being the worst)
This is just a personal gripe and opinion but I don't like that they used the UK version of Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer. The American version is both better known and tbh way more fun. Teazer's giggle? Adds ten years to my life every time.
Victoria's added solo song, Beautiful Ghosts, while I like the song as a song it doesn't fit the style of message of the musical. In the movie she's singing directly to Grizzabella who's being an outcast for years that she should be grateful she even has memories of being part of the tribe?? What?? But I know they had to add an original song to be able to be nominated for awards in like the Grammys n shit (which is why all musical movies will have an original song, fun fact!!) kinda funny they went to the effort though considering........... I don't think anyone could have genuinely believed CATS 2019 was gonna win anything but golden rhaspberries.
Movie Mr Mistoffelees has made repeated appearances as my sleep paralysis demon
The various cut characters, shout outs to Jemima, Demeter and Jellylorum especially
Bombalurina being a henchman to Macavity rubs me the wrong way
God I've written... So much. You probably get it by now haha. Like I said at the beginning, I try to go into any adaptation with an open mind but... Let's be honest, this movie wasn't marketed to people who are fans of the musical.
It was marketed, and made, to make money. And they choose to do that through, I think, intentionally making the worst possible version ever. Bad press is still press and the more outrageous people said the movie was the more people wanted to go see exactly what kind of train wreck it was.
Which is a disservice to the stage show, honestly, and all the people who've worked on it over the years.
But what can we do, right?
And besides all that, I do... Still own the movie version and I do still rewatch it on occasion. It is entertaining even if it's in a train wreck kind of way. I usually end up watching the 1998 version, then 2019 and then various tour runs that are on YouTube. (I highly recommend the 2016 tour, it's very good)
So in conclusion. It's fun (?) to watch. I enjoy picking things apart and doing analysis (if you couldn't tell!) so like... I don't hate it?
It did what it set out to do, I guess, and I can't fault it for that but. It's not a fair metre with which to judge the stage show imo. But I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, haha.
Jazz hands. I'm more than happy to elaborate or just chat about CATS if anyone wants! I grew up listening to the Broadway CD since I was a toddler so it's been! A very long standing obsession haha. Probably the only other thing on par with CATS is my obsession with Jurassic Park which I've also been a fan of since I was 3 (but that's a whole story in and of itself)
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twistedtranslations · 4 years
Trey Clover - Just a “normal” guy
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You can unlock this story by getting Trey’s SR Lab coat
Translation under the cut
Rook: The science club. We do everything from cultivating plants, to chemistry experiments to cooking… There are plenty of clubs that do activities besides sports. Because of our wide range of activities, we are also called the "Whatever club", as there are many human oddballs affiliated with us. And here it is, today's activity of the science club…
Trey: Rook, it's nice that you come earlier than anyone else to the botanical garden to participate passionately, but… Can you please stop talking while you're watering the plants.
Rook: But Trey. Don't you think they want to know more about their caretakers?
Trey: Haha… You’re an oddball as usual.
Trey: Okay, I should take care of my potted plants as well. How are the strawberries doing that I'm cultivating…? Oh, they seem to have gotten redder than yesterday. It should be fine to harvest them now. Hm… They smell nice, and their shine is the optimal right now. It was worth it to spare no effort in cultivating them.
Rook: Hey, Trey. There's something that’s been on my mind for a while, can you hear me out?
Trey: I don't really mind… Is it that serious?
Rook: They often say that the science club is full of oddballs, but in contrast, you are a normal person. I want to expose that mystery.
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Trey: Then I'll have to disappoint you. Process of elimination is the reason I entered the club. I would enter the home economics club or the cooking club if those existed, but they didn't.
Rook: Yes, you love making sweets. So, how do you feel, having chosen this club?
Trey: I'm having fun. I'm not only cooking but also cultivating the fruits to put on my cakes… I tried it and surprisingly got into it.
Rook: I see, so you're the kind of guy who gets obsessed with one thing.
Trey: For example, there are many varieties of strawberries. They can range from having a sweet to a sour taste. The kind I'm cultivating now is very sour, so I think it would taste nice in a tart. Our dorm leader is extremely fond of strawberry tarts. He'll be glad if we have some for the next tea party.
Rook: Hehe… I think you are plenty passionate about researching strawberries. Roi des Roses… so Riddle was your motivation. Having such a deep loyalty is très bien! As expected of the Chevalier, Trey!
Trey: Deep loyalty… Don't exaggerate. Riddle is my childhood friend, so I just know what he likes. That's all. 
Rook: Is that so? My eyes reflect a much deeper bond between you two! But yes… a flower will wither if you give it too much water. It's fine to hold back so you won't break his heart.
Jade: Trey!
Trey: Hm? You are Jade from Octavinelle… Is there something?
Jade:… Actually, something awfully troubling has happened. Won't you lend me your power? Floyd has embezzled all the fruits that were supposed to be served at Mostro Lounge.
Rook: Oh my, Floyd is such a mischievous child as usual.
Jade: It fills me with great embarrassment. To request something of you is awfully painful, but… won't you hand over the strawberries you grew?
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Trey: No, I'm sorry, but I was planning on using these strawberries for the tarts for the next tea party…
Jade: I know it is an impudent request but… I must request it nonetheless. An important customer has reserved us today for a birthday party. Unfortunately, the school store has also run out of fruits. I don't have time to go shopping off campus.
Rook: Les Miserables! If you cannot have a cake for a birthday party…
Trey: It would be sad to present a birthday cake with only the base and cream. … I understand. I shall give these strawberries to you.
Jade: Really? Ah, I'm relieved. Thank you very much!
Trey: However, I have one condition.
Jade: Of course, I'm grateful. Please ask me anything.
Trey: I'm relieved to hear that. In exchange for the strawberries, I’d like…
Chapter 2
Trey: And now we remove the axillary buds of the roots… Okay, this way they won't take nutrition from the sprout. Please grow up to be sweet and tasty. 
Rook: Bonjour, Trey! Once again, are you seriously participating in today's club activities! This is the first time I've seen that planter, is it a newbie?
Trey: Yes. I'm planting new strawberry seedlings.
Rook: Ah, you did give the strawberries you've raised until now away to Jade. Oh, I know something! Let me give the newbie a name.
Trey: No, it's fine, you really don't have to give the strawberry a name.
Rook: You don't need to hold back… If you do change your mind please tell me though! Your modesty. And your kindness of yesterday. You are such a virtuous person! To think you'd give away the strawberries you put your soul into for a complete stranger's birthday cake.
Trey: I can just grow more strawberries. Besides, it's not like I gave them away to Jade for free.
Jade: Trey, I have brought the goods you requested.
Trey: Oh, now that we speak of the devil. I've been waiting, Jade.
Jade: Thank you very much for rescuing Mostro Lounge from yesterday's crisis. Here are your desired items, in exchange for the strawberries… A strawberry tart from the famous patissier from the town at the foot of the hill.
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Rook: How beautiful…! The strawberries are vibrantly shining and look like polished rubies!
Trey: As expected of you, Jade. There was a rumor going around that you have to line up in the early morning to buy it, but you managed to.
Jade: As a punishment for the embezzlement, I had Floyd line up in the morning.
Trey: Huh. I didn't expect "that" Floyd to line up obediently like that.
Jade: Even if we're brothers, I was sure to make him repay his settlement for the embezzlement.
Rook: Oh my. The relationship between those is complicated and interesting.
Trey: In any case, thank you for the strawberry tart. I'm sure Riddle will be overjoyed.
Rook: Hey, Trey. While the tart that Jade bought seems extremely delicious, are you satisfied with that?
Trey: In what way?
Rook: I thought Riddle would be more pleased with handmade tarts and the strawberries you put so much love into raising.
Trey: Haha, no way.
Rook-Jade: Huh?
Trey: What's with you two. It's not like I said anything weird.
Rook: But you started cultivating strawberries because Riddle loves strawberry tarts, didn't you?
Trey: I guess so. While Riddle tends to fuss about the taste, his tastebuds are actually not that refined. If he knows it's from a famous store, he'll be happy. And I won't have to make it by hand. 
Rook: I say… This is quite surprising, Jade.
Jade: Indeed. I was sure Trey was the type that wanted to make Riddle eat homemade food with plenty of love.
Trey: What kind of type is that? Well, it's true that I love cooking so I get why you’d misunderstand...
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Trey: Frankly, I don't care about how it's made or if there's love in it. The priority is making sure that our dorm leader doesn't get his tyrannical mode switched on. Anything in the world but that, you know.
Rook: Dear me, And I thought you were Riddle's faithful knight… what a little misunderstanding. Trey. You are kind of shrewd.
Trey: I'm nothing like that. I'm like you said, just a "normal" guy.
Heartslabyul Dorm - Tea Garden
Cater: Aaaah!
Trey: ! Why did you suddenly yell out like that, Cater?
Cater: Isn't today's tea party cake the strawberry tart from that famous shop in the town at the foot of the hill where you have to line up from morning!
Riddle: Hmpf… is it that rare?
Deuce: Yes, I even saw it on the TV.
Cater: If I upload this to Magicam it will go viral! Let me take a pic before we eat it~
Ace: Trey, how did you get such an outrageously popular tart?
Trey: It certainly took some time and effort. However, I did all of it for the dorm leader's tea party. Going this far is no problem. I don't know whether this will satisfy your palate though, Riddle.
Riddle: W-Well, I have gotten used to eating strawberry tarts. Since Trey went through the trouble of getting it, I shall carefully savor it.
Trey: That's an honor. Let's serve the first piece. Here, dorm leader. Bon appétit!
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The Two Fingers of Death || Morgan & Gabriel
TIMING: Current
PARTIES: @bugbearnecessities & @mor-beck-more-problems
SUMMARY: Gabriel needs a snack and tries out a new scare in the English department offices, to unexpected results.
CONTAINS: slight zombie body horror
“I can't believe that bitch flunked me!”
Gabriel was not supposed to be in the ladies room, and he honestly felt bad about it. Normally he did his best to respect people's boundaries, especially those involving very intimate ceremonies like make-up fixing, gossip sharing and any other mysterious ritual that normally went on in the ladies' bathroom. But he had no choice, really: it'd been far too long since his last feeding, and between that and his natural instinct to just nap the winter away, his energy level was dangerously low, so he needed a little pick me up, ASAP.
And the ladies' room, he'd found, was the best place to get a quick fix: Gabriel only needed to hide in one of the stalls, conjure up the illusion of a giant spider and BAM. Instant snack, with high-pitched shrills on the side. But not this time, apparently. No, this time the two girls washing their faces were too focused on their angry rant against Professor Beck to pay his fake Charlotte any mind, not even when he made the spider dance. The girls sounded so genuinely pissed that for a moment Gabe forgot all about his hunger and just listened intently. Apparently Professor Beck hadn't been particularly impressed with Jessica's essay about The Tell-tale Heart, and frankly Gabriel hated the idea that Jessica could be turned off that masterpiece forever just because of a misunderstanding with her teacher. And truth be told, he was looking for a decent meal... Professor Beck was no murderer, but ruining Poe for young minds all over campus was two steps away from a federal offense, as far as he was concerned.
With that thought in mind, Gabriel waited for the two girls to go away and then he left the bathroom. A quick internet search later, he made his way to the professor's office, knowing that she'd probably be inside. He stood in the hallway in front of her door for a few minutes, waiting for the perfect moment and then, when no one else was in sight, he bent down to spy from the keyhole and focused intently, projecting his magic inside the professor's office.
Morgan cherished her office hours no matter what: if any of her students got over their anxiety enough to come visit, she had a chance to get to know them and put in enough help and suggestions to make whatever homework they turned in after more interesting; if they didn’t, she had some time alone to get her work done,  have fewer things to take home, and listen to some her playlists that didn’t get as much airtime around the house. Today was the latter, and Morgan’s only concern was making sure she didn’t write down the lyrics to “Ivy” while she was trying to respond to her students’ questionnaires. There’s no shame in liking Twilight, she wrote, Looking forward to seeing what your thoughts will be when we get to Carmilla! She got through a few more like this, singing along under her breath since the Medievalist Bros were out doing stars only knew what. Her timer went off. Morgan jolted from the switch between Taylor Swift to the X-Files theme, hard enough that one of her earbuds fell out and rattled to the far side of her desk. Morgan chased it with her hand, only then noticing the bright, bleeding heart on her desk.
She yelped with surprise and scanned the room. “Hello? Is this, uh...for me?” Morgan hadn’t seen anyone come in with a special delivery. But then again, whoever had been tasked with it might’ve been too grossed out to ask questions or stick around. Deirdre was usually more discreet than this when she sent presents over, but sometimes she used her promise binding powers to be a little dramatic. Morgan laughed fondly, remembering a small candy box of eyeballs. “Babe, you shouldn’t have…” she sighed, and reached for the snack, which called to her the same way chocolate cake had when she was alive. Morgan reached and--nothing.
Morgan couldn’t stifle her whine of disappointment, but now there were more pressing problems. “Okay,” she called, louder this time and mildly irritated. “Now I know you’re hiding. Come on out!”
Gabriel had to stifle a villainous chuckle (or, well, the closest thing to a villainous chuckle he could muster) as he waited impatiently for the screaming and the flood of energy that'd follow. Alright, maybe a still beating heart was a bit much, but hey, she was a Lit professor, she had to appreciate the poetic justice in that, right? In any case he'd make it up to her somehow, anyone who listened to the X-Files theme couldn't be so bad after all, and...
Gabriel frowned. There was no screaming, no delicious fear. Why was there no fear, the woman had a freaking human heart on her desk! Granted, hearts were fascinating, Gabriel couldn't wait for the embalming classes to start just so he could maybe see one up close, but most people were at least a little squeamish about them. Was Professor Beck actually... Something else? Blood-thirsty murderer? No, it couldn't be: she'd also been listening to TSwift, and most comments he'd read about her on ratemyprofessors.com actually depicted her as a sweet, caring person. Then again, wasn't that what neighbors always said about serial killers? I never thought he'd be capable of something like that, he was always so nice...
The theory was starting to look more promising as Gabriel watched through the keyhole. She was trying to grab the heart, holy crap! And when her hand just passed through the illusion she looked... Disappointed? Gabriel was so confused that it took him a few moments to realize she'd called out to someone, to him. He hesitated. Should he just go away? That would be the wisest course of action, for sure. But then again, if Professor Beck was a serial killer wasn't it his duty to expose her? He, unlike most people, had the means to defend himself against a crazy murderer, after all. And also he was still so hungry. His mind made up, Gabriel took a deep breath and opened her door, his steps far more boisterous than he actually felt.
“I wasn't hiding!” Gabriel mentally slapped himself. Of all the things he could have said, that was going to be his first line to the very first potential serial killer he'd ever met? Lame. And then he added “Dude, you do realize that's a human organ, right? Like, from an actual person. With a hole in their chest. And it's bleeding all over your papers. Doesn't that... Scare you? Please be a little scared, please.” Even just slightly grossed out. And then he realized what he'd just said. “Uh, I mean... That's a human heart, professor.” Hunger was no excuse to ignore someone's academic accomplishments, not even those of a serial killer.
The door opened and Morgan reached for her bag. Salt, knife, iron, they were all still in there, even if she didn’t want to use them. A dozen different possibilities flickered past her head. Was this a trap? A hunter trap? Some magic critter she’d never heard of? Morgan was alone, and if it hadn’t been for her earbud falling out, she might not have heard anyone come in. This world was cruel and bloody and maybe she was an idiot after all for setting aside her combat training---But then the door opened a little wider and there was just a kid. A college kid, twenty-one at most. Not one of hers, although he did have that awkward intellectual vibe that her more enthusiastic boys held. But he didn’t flaunt that archetype like them, he hadn’t finished growing into himself yet. He wore his presence like a suit that hadn’t been tailored yet, a little oversized in some places and a little too tight in others. But maybe he was just flustered, and she was reading too much to give her mind something to do while she came down from the surprise. Morgan looked from him to the phony heart and back again. Scared?
Granted, most people probably would. The Medievalist Bros absolutely would, even though they loved to posture about how ‘sick’ some of their favorite comic books were when it came to gore. But this was White Crest, people were weird, everything was weird. Please be a little scared, please. And it was only then that Morgan remembered the last time she had been startled by illusion magic: in her family’s old haunted house, the day she’d met Nora.
“It’s...so gross. Nasty, ooey, gooey, gross...thing! Aaaah!” Morgan eyed the boy as she tried to scream. But her heart wasn’t in the charade, she was too focused on the idea of there being another Nora in White Crest and what it was about her that made her seem so yummy to them. Sighing, Morgan deflated. “I’m sorry. I actually kind of…like this stuff.” Especially for dessert. “And it’s actually pretty good looking! More true to life than most movies. Actually, I was too caught up in the visual to know it was pulsing, but that is a really great touch. And um….” Oh, stars, he didn’t think she was being patronizing, did he? He was so young, and she didn’t want to crush his confidence. “Look, it’s not you. Really. Anyone more a...well, anyone different from me in this office and you would’ve really had something. And I’m not just saying that! But, if we’re going to be coming clean about our respective supernatural secrets, you should probably come inside and close the door.”
Gabriel appreciated the effort, truly, but Professor Beck's fake groans were doing nothing to quench his thirst for some genuine shivers. And in truth her act could even get him in trouble: someone might pass by, hear a teacher scream (albeit unconvincingly) and think he was attacking her or something. Which he was, technically, but not in a 'this might get you expelled' sort of way. So even though he was still more than a little disappointed his illusion hadn't sorted the desired effect, Gabe let out a sigh of relief when she apologized. And then, listening to her following words, he actually perked up, a tiny smile tentatively making its way on his face. “You really thought it was realistic? It's kinda tricky to really shape them from behind the door, and I focused really hard to get the rhythm right, but I figured it'd be like, uh... Shakespeare! Mess up the beat and the Bard is just not the same, right? Rhythm's important, so...” Gabriel's voice waned as he looked past the warm fuzzy feeling only a straight-A student could get from a teacher's praise and he finally realized exactly what she had said.
Slowly Gabriel took a couple of steps into the office and closed the door behind him, one hand awkwardly flying to rub his neck. “Wait. Respective supernatural secrets?” Wait, not the right word to stress. “Err, I mean- Supernatural secrets? I don't know what you're...” He didn't finish the sentence, he realized no one, lest of all Professor Beck, would ever buy it. Note to self: learn to come up with a decent lie when put on the spot. “Nevermind.” Gabriel blinked, once twice, three times as he felt the awkwardness of that pause weight on him like a heavy blanket. He drew little circles on the floor with the tip of his foot, unable to meet Professor Beck's gaze as he quickly added “Sorry. About the heart. I know you said you liked it -which we're totally gonna go back to eventually by the way... But, uh... Sorry about the intention behind the heart, I guess. I just...” His stomach chose right that moment to rumble loudly. “I'm really hungry.”
Morgan waited until the boy had closed the door and they were well and truly alone. She ached for her magic and good old fashioned silencing charms. Whatever confusion and discomfort she’d had around his trick was gone. He was too clumsy and good-natured for his own hunt. If she had been a hunter or some kind of heartless caster, he might be in a lot more trouble, and he put so much thought into his magic, he was so...eager. Morgan couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen a young supernatural so positively engaged with their power and identity. She struggled not to smile as she said, “First of all, you really need to have your cover story in place before you do anything that might make a normie ask questions. You never know who’s going to turn out to be a hunter or an alarmist. You and I are fine, and I know you didn’t mean anything by it, but that may not always be the case.” She gestured for him to sit and reached into her bag for her pyrex, which had her brain stash, and her knife.
“Secondly, yes. The animal hearts I’ve seen are a little more purple-y, than that but not by much, and your average normie is definitely not going to notice any difference. And the texture of the blood? Amazing. We can and will circle back and it probably won’t take long because thirdly…” She eyed him warily. If anyone was going to not be terrified of what she was, it would be this kid, right? Nora hadn’t minded any, and whoever this boy was, he had her kind of fear magic. He thought bleeding hearts were cool, so maybe a whole zombie body might be something to feel excited about. Or at least...not something to flee in panic over. “Thirdly, first rule of supernatural club is you don’t talk about other people’s powers or species or whatever else without asking them. So I’m keeping this snack attack between you and me--well, I’ll tell my girlfriend, but I’ll leave anything specific to you out of it--and you’ll do the same for me. I uh, can’t help your food front, yet, but I can show you something about me that you might find….” Cool? “...Interesting.”
Morgan couldn’t help it; she smiled, she hoped. “How are you with real-life body horror? And how much would you like to see a real zombie…?”
Gabriel's fingers had a little spasm, desperate for a pen and a notepad. It was an automatic response, atavistic almost: when a teacher spoke, you took notes, and you listened and you learned. And man, was class fascinating today! Gabriel nodded, although part of him was so desperate to tell Professor Beck she didn't need to worry: he could become a 10 feet bundle of muscles and claws, he could defend himself. Then he remembered all those times his roommate had managed to draw penises on his face while he was snoring, and he realized that even an 800 lbs monster, when asleep, could easily be poisoned, suffocated, paralyzed... “Cover story is important, got it.”
As Professor Beck described the ideal heart, Gabriel tried to summon up a good image of it, but the result was somehow worse than the first one: less tangible, the heart illusion floated behind the professor, ghastly and practically see-through, such a pathetic attempt that he made it disappear without even showing the Professor. Gabriel frowned: why couldn't he do it anymore? Was it because he was running out of energy and needed a good scare? Or maybe it was because now he knew the Professor wasn't afraid of hearts, so his illusions would no longer be able to summon a heart for her? He would ask mami later, Gabe promised to himself: she was no bugbear, but with his father still doing his disappearing act she was the only one that had been able to give him any sort of info about those things. Until now.
“So basically supernatural powers or species is sort of like...” Gabriel paused, looked for the right metaphor, and then he perked up again. “S&M! Nothing inherently wrong with it, but some people don't really get or understand it so you gotta respect someone's choice to keep it on the DL.” Immediately he paled. Had he really just said that? To a professor? “Not that I know anything about S&M! I mean, that's not the point, the point is... Respect people's privacy, got it. I won't tell anyone about you, I swear.” Once again, Gabriel nodded solemnly, hoping that his awkwardness wouldn't make her doubt his sincerity as he raised his right hand up and made that promise, an oath he fully intended to keep.
Luckily for Gabriel, Professor Beck's next question brought the conversation back to a topic that was far more comfortable to him. “Body horror? Puh-lease! I'm majoring in Mortuary Science and yesterday I fell asleep watching The Hills Have Eyes... think I can handle some gor- Woah, wait, back up...” While during the rest of the conversation Gabriel's eyes had darted around the room, dancing between captive attention and awkward embarrassment , now they landed solely on the Professor, rudely staring. Normally Gabriel would have apologized about that, but all he could focus on right then was...“Did you just say... Zombie?” If the giant grin and wide-eyed excitement on his face didn't answer her doubts, the excited twitching probably would.
Morgan snorted with laughter at the boy’s comparison. More people knew about her species than the particulars of how she and her girlfriend frequently enjoyed sex together, and she didn’t know of anyone who was maimed for having a ball gag in their purse, but he was on the right track. “Oh, of course you don’t, totally just stuff you’ve heard around the dorms, strictly abstract, intellectual curiosity.” Her smile was knowing as she waved away the subject. There were a lot of things she was willing to speak to that other professors weren’t, but this wasn’t one of them.
The boy had put her so much at ease with his enthusiasm, she almost forgot to warn him. “What’s your name, by the way? This feels like a weird thing to demonstrate to just some kid in my office. But, anyway, brace yourself.” Morgan’s words were for herself too. It had been a while since she’d shown anyone this particular part of herself on purpose. She reached for the knife on her desk and raised it over her hand. She closed her eyes and imagined she was chopping carrots as she brought it down swiftly over her fingers.
There was a bite of pain, enough to make her whimper, but there were no tears, and by the time she opened her eyes and scooped up the two severed fingers to give to the boy, fresh white bone had sprouted from the sockets and red muscle and purple sinew were braiding themselves over it. The severed fingers did not bleed, per se, but dripped a few globs of black blood where they had been cut, but only when squeezed, like tube of toothpaste. “These’ll keep for about a day or two, if you want to stick them somewhere for somebody to find,” she said. “After that, they turn to goo.”
“Gabriel Rivera. Swear on mami's snake, I usually introduce myself before sharing secrets, but in my defense... Zombie.” There was still a hint of amazed incredulity in that last word, but any lingering doubt he may still have was quickly cut down with that swing of the Professor's knife. No matter how comfortable as Gabriel was watching gory movies or even studying the theory of preserving corpses, he still flinched out of concern for Professor Beck more than squeamishness. It was just a moment, and then he was back to enthusiastic curiosity. Without hesitation he grabbed the fingers and held them close to his face, squeezing a little and even sniffing them. He stopped short of tasting the dark blood and, after a few moments of enraptured studying, he looked up at the Professor again. “Did it hurt? Are you okay? Will they grow back?” She seemed pretty unfazed by the fact someone else was holding bits and pieces of her, though, so the questions continued rapidly, before she could answer. “Have you ever tried preserving them? I could stea- Borrow some embalming fluid from the lab and... Wait, is that offensive? Asking if I can keep your finger in a jar must be rude, I'm sorry. But just... Look at 'em!”
Gabriel traced the tip of her fingers with morbid fascination before closing his whole hand around them, like protecting some precious treasure. The Professor's words registered a second later. “Stick them somewhere for somebody? Wait, so you're saying you're not going to tell me I shouldn't scare people?” Not that he wanted to scare anyone, really, he just had to, as the waves of exhaustion made themselves known again. “Because I get it, it's not exactly nice. And, uh, I'd totally understand if you were upset about the heart or if, at the very least, you wanted me to just... Not scare people on campus. And I can totally do that, no feeding on school grounds is a reasonable rule! But since we're being so open I'll be honest.” Gabriel paused, a hint of guilt tinging his next words. “If you let me keep these I definitely will hide them somewhere. Pretty soon, too. And then I'll feed from whoever finds them. Kinda hoping it'll be Baker, since he's kind of an assh- A jerk. And then, after he runs away terrified and I'm no longer hungry I'll swoop in and retrieve them because I don't want the cops to close down the school to investigate your fingers. No need for a cover story if no one is the wisest, right?” Truth be told, Gabriel was proud of himself: between the pangs of hunger and the excitement of the Professor's revelations he thought it quite impressive that he'd managed to think ahead like that. Apparently moms with babies under cars had adrenaline bursts, teacher's pets trying to impress their new favorite Professor had bright ideas. “So, uh, if you want Baker to not see a severed finger maybe just...” It visibly pained him to finish that sentence and offer the fingers back, but he still did. “...Take 'em.”
“Yes, Gabriel, it hurt,” Morgan admitted, “But not to the same degree it would hurt you. And--” She waggled her hand in front of him. All the muscle had regrown on her once severed fingers and fresh skin was slowly growing from the knuckles upwards. “I’m fine. No need or interest in preservation. I can regrow anything but my head, which is great, because I can’t begin to tell you how many times my feet have been eaten by hungry critters here.” She determinedly kept up her blasé attitude, because at least this time she was in charge of what happened to her body. She didn’t need to feel like food or remember that to some creatures, even some people, she was only a thing. This was different. At least she and Gabriel were the same, and he understood the distinction between who she was and what she could do.
Satisfied, Morgan opened her pyrex and popped a brain meatball into her mouth, swirling it in some eyeball puree first. It would speed the re-growing process along and get the taste of fresh heart out of her head. “I should probably mention, the reason I wasn’t scared was because I kind of eat dead organs for dessert. Not really nutritious, but neither are candy bars, and that’s never stopped humans before. It’s like that.” She waved away Gabriel’s hand as he ate, insisting he keep the rather unconventional gift she’d handed him. “Oh, stars, what do you think I am? You’re, what, nineteen, maybe twenty? You’re a college kid, you need to eat! Granted, on campus is a big risk. But I understand that you need this.” And this gave her an idea. She scarfed down the rest of her food and ducked her head out of the office door. No one around, but there were some murmurs from the lower floors. Another class period had ended, and the Medievalist Bros’ lunch break was probably ending soon.
Morgan turned back to Gabriel, brow arched with a friendly challenge. “How do you feel about sticking a zombie finger inside a candy bar wrapper and telling a TA who still needs to respect women more that it came from a secret admirer?” She asked. “This will be easier if you have cash, but I don’t think my snack was so big that I can’t bust through some glass for a good cause. You can still save the other one for Baker. Also, side note, I really respect how fast you learn. But whatever you’re comfortable with, you should decide quickly, because my guess is we’ve got about five minutes to pull this off.”
Zombies were fascinating. Gabriel briefly wondered if there were any zombies working on movie sets, donating their limbs to get that perfect decomposing tint on the thousands of severed hands flying around during movies with a chainsaw-wielding maniac as the main character. Gabriel tried to listen to all the cool facts Professor Beck was spouting, but honestly it was hard for him not to get sidetracked by the gross, slopping noise of brains and smushed eyeballs being chewed. Not that it grossed Gabe out: he was actually memorizing it for his Scare Bank. “I'm 20,” He answered almost distractedly, with a small chuckle. “I only look younger thanks to my healthy diet.” Part of him was dying to ask about her diet: if organ snacks didn't cut it then what? Was the brain myth accurate? How come she was so present, so alert and aware? She moved like a living person, talked like one as well... Had she not claimed the title for herself Gabriel would have never guessed she was a zombie, not even after seeing her gulp down raw mashed livers. But something told him that was not a first meeting question, and the last thing he wanted was to upset the professor, so he kept those questions to himself. For now.
Gabriel's grin grew into a mischievous smirk as he listened to the Professor's plan. “Say no more, misogynistic dic- douchebags are my favorite meal! And it'll be the best two bucks I ever spent!” Acquiring the snack was easy, just a quick trip to the closest vending machine and back to her office, bless consumerism. Unwrapping the snack without tearing the plastic apart was a little bit trickier, but Gabriel was not going to ask the Professor to help, not after what she'd already done for him. Gabriel had finally managed to put one of the fingers inside the colorful wrapping. Not perfect, but hopefully the TA wouldn't notice. “Ready to go, just point me in that guy's direction and watch the magic happen.” He sounded more confident than he actually felt, but this time Gabriel's usual self-doubting and insecurities weren't enough to sully his excitement. “Also, do you want the candy? I'm not sure if you even can eat it. For all I know it's poisonous for you, like chocolate for dogs, and I definitely don't want to poison you.” The wrapped fingers almost fell as Gabe flailed and rushedly added “Not that I'm comparing you to a dog!!! And even if I did, hello, bear here! But, uh, what I mean is... You've been great, and I kinda feel like I owe you, so if you want candy it's all yours.” Another long pause. “Speaking of how great you've been, is this... Common for you? The whole reveal thing? Because it's a skill that might come in handy one day, really so I was wondering if I could maybe... Ask for your advice every now and then. Office hours only, of course!”
Morgan grinned, ducked her head out of the office door to listen. “Even better than that,” she whispered. She grabbed one of the spare chairs and tucked it near her own. “Have a seat here, and uh…” She grabbed one of the books stacked around her work and put it in front of Gabriel. “Look busy, or borrow it to read, if you want, I’ve got way more copies than I should really have.” She huddled near him. “The guy in question might be one of the people I share this office space with, so you can probably watch your handiwork play out if you really want. But, this is your scare, so you can do all the talking. Also, you can keep the candy. It’s not toxic, but it also doesn’t taste like much of anything to me.” She shrugged.
The TAs had made it to the hallway, making plans on how they were going to humiliate the competition on their next co-op game and how they were going to bribe the Anthro Babe into going out with Jeryn.
Morgan rushed herself, whispering rapid-fire, “And uh, about the reveals, I’ve only been dead nine months and I was a little depressed and graceless when I talked to my friends about it. I’ve been trying to work on it more recently, but you’re the first person I’ve told this month who didn’t feel the need to immediately run away. And I only made them check for my non-existent pulse.” She shrugged haplessly. “But, hey! Being dead is really different than eating fear. Maybe--”
Jeryn and his tweed wearing bros burst through the door.
“Maybe you should spend a little more time developing this post-colonial theory you’ve got!” Morgan turned to the TA’s, smiling sweetly. “Gentlemen. Nice to see you back.”
The shyest of the bunch flinched back, still traumatized from the time Morgan had threatened him with bloody murder. But Jeryn, the newest recruit to the program, was unphased. “Good day to you too, my lady. No girlfriend today? I came back early just to see you two.”
Morgan bit back her retort. Whatever she had to say wasn’t going to be nearly as satisfying as what Gabriel was going to do.
Gabriel sat down with his eyes glued to the book, but his mind was busy wrapping around Professor Beck's words. I've only been dead nine months. What do you say to something like that? The Grief Counseling classes included in his major often discussed how to talk to the family members of the deceased, the proper way to offer your condolences while keeping the professional detachment needed to help them through the trying process of accepting a loss, and yet Gabe had no clue regarding the proper etiquette to adress someone who had died. Luckily the door opened and spared him the awkwardness of replying.
When the TAs entered Gabriel was reminded of his high school's football team, only with tweed instead of letter jackets. Any hint of guilt he might have had at the fact he was about to scare, maybe even traumatize a young man was dissipated the moment Jeryn opened his mouth. Gabriel didn't need to look at the professor to recognize the target.
“Wait, it's you!” Gabriel did his best to sound surprised and annoyed at the same time as he stood up and approached Jaryn. “I thought Linda was making stuff up, but man you are something! Linda Blair, you know her?” Jaryn blinked. “The name sounds familiar, but I can't quite pla-” Gabe interrupted him. “She's been auditing your classes and just won't shut up about you, says her fingers literally fell off from refreshing your Facebook page.” As he spoke, Gabriel pretended to dig through his pocket for something, and after a few moments he produced the fake snack. “When I told her I had an appointment with Professor Beck she basically begged me to give you this. Think she wrote her number on it or something. Apparently the way you treated her made her feel things she just can't ignore, and she just has to meet you... Women, am I right?” The wink he offered Jaryn made him feel dirty inside, but it was for a good cause.
Everything on Jaryn's face seemed to scream 'Is she hot?' and sensing his reluctance Gabriel retreated his hand and started to tear the wrapper, raising it to his mouth as if to take a bite. It took all his effort not to gag as putrescine and cadaverine (They were decomposing already? So cool) assaulted his nose, but somehow Gabriel managed to keep his poker face on as he said “Hey, don't worry, you don't have to accept! I mean, honestly I was thinking about asking her out myself, so I was kinda hoping you wouldn't be here, I can tell her I-” Jaryn basically ripped the 'candybar' away from Gabe. “No need, kid. It'd be rude to refuse a thoughtful gift from... What was her name again?”
“Look inside...”
The female voice echoed through the office, repeating the name over and over, punctuating it with the occasional forlorn sigh. Gabriel's eyes were closed as he channeled his energy into the magic. “What the...?!” Jaryn and the other TAs looked around, tense. The more their panic grew, the easier it was for him to add whistles and bells to the trick. “Look what you did to me...” Jaryn turned to stare at the Professor, confusion and nervousness painted all over his pale face. “What's the meaning of this, Profe-” The door slammed shut. Or rather, the door sounded like it had been slammed shut, though it was all part of the illusion.
When a ghastly, disembodied voice barks an order at you, you obey. Or at least that seemed to be Jaryn's thought process. He went above and beyond the call of duty and clumsily tore the wrapper, revealing the two fingers inside. Gabriel had to hide a smirk. The smell of decomposition assaulted everyone in the room, magically enhanced by Gabe's illusions, and the sticky dark ooze coming out from the fingers added a layer of realism to the image of copious amounts of blood running down from the severed extremity. Gabe's magic couldn't give it weight or make Jaryn's hands actually wet, but Professor Beck's impeccable prop did the work for him. Jaryn's face paled and his terror... Man, his terror was prime. Gabe even let out a satisfied hum, almost a cat-like purr as he absorbed their fear, sharp and vibrant and oh-so-filling. After a few long moments Jaryn dropped the fingers inside a sizable pool of fake, intangible blood that had collected at his feet. Almost as if that were the signal they were all waiting for, the TAs snapped out of their petrified terror and trampled each other in a clumsy race to the door, their screams echoing across the hallways as they ran from the office.
With a satisfied sigh, Gabriel picked up the fingers, rubbed his belly and turned to the Professor, finally breaking down into a laughter that took a while to die down. Normally he would never be so informal around a teacher, but man he always felt ready to take on the world after an all-you-can-eat buffet like that. “So... Was it as good for you as it was for me?”
Morgan did her best to keep her face straight, even disinterested, as Gabriel summoned the disembodied voice of a young woman into the room. She opened her laptop, watching Jeryn’s reflection through the screen. When he called out to her she looked at him confused. “What?”
The voice cried for everyone in the room to look, and Morgan, her face still bland and innocent as before, did. She had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep herself steady. His scream, shrill, throaty, and desperate, must have echoed through the entire hall.
“Aw, guys! What happened?” She called. “Come back, are you okay?”
When she could only hear their footsteps thundering to the bathroom, Morgan finally let out all the laughter she’d been holding in, tipping in her seat and covering her mouth to stop from getting any louder. “Are you kidding me? Gabe! That was amazing! I mean, the way his eyes looked like they wanted to melt! He sounded like a little kid when he screamed too! I’d be surprised if one of them didn’t piss themselves! Oh, stars, I can’t wait to tell him he screamed over a plastic toy when he comes back. This is way better than anything I could’ve done on my own. Seriously, you were--” She shook her head, speechless, and offered her hand up for a high five.
“Hang onto those so you can grab dinner tonight, or dessert,” she said, pointing to the fingers. “They won’t be any good after tomorrow, and I’d rather them go to a good cause than Besides, I can trust a fellow supernatural to look after them, right?” She smiled fondly at Gabriel, already certain that she could. “And, in case it wasn’t clear, I’m really glad you showed up to my office. I think you’d also like my lit seminar, but I hope this isn’t the last time I see you either way.”
Gabriel shook his head vehemently. He wasn't going to take all the credit, he was raised better than that. “Listen, you're the only reason it worked so well, it had weight! Lots of people can take the sight of horrible stuff because, well... TV, I think. But the feel of holding a severed piece of a human bo--teacher?! CSI can't prepare you for that.” Gabe nodded solemnly at his own words, as if he was the teacher and she the student. And then he finally realized her position. Was that a... Holy crap, it was. An actual high five! From a professor! It was almost surreal, but he'd promised to himself long ago he'd never leave anyone hanging. The high-five echoed through the office, to his ears even louder than his own illusions, and his huge grin threatened to split his face in half.
“I'm glad I showed up, too! Though now I better go, I kinda don't want them to come back and find me still here...” Truth be told, part of Gabriel was dying to just stay and ask her all sort of questions about herself, but he still wasn't sure he could trust himself not to put his foot in his mouth and ruin what felt like the luckiest meal of his life. “Oh, and by all means, mail me the deets on the seminar because I am so there...” It was only then that he realized, once more, that this was not one of his peers, this was a teacher, he shouldn't be so casual with her. Yet something about her demeanor had managed to put him at ease from the first moment, to the point where it was hard not to file the Professor under the Potential Friends category in his mind. Maybe, just maybe, that's exactly where she belonged.
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animeniacss · 4 years
6 Years - Hoseok x Reader - Chapter 34 - 6 Years Til Forever (FINALE)
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Synopsis: 6 years. That’s all it can take to take another look at someone and see that they have completely changed. You were once an eager 20-year-old, with your dreams all in view, and Jung Hoseok at your side to view them with you. However, after a break up the end of your junior year of college, everything seemed different. Now, you’re a recently divorced single mother of two, and your life is nowhere near what you thought it would be. However, after reuniting with Jung Hoseok, you may just be able to capture a little bit of that exciting youth you once knew so long ago.
Feat. BTS Members, Nayeon (TWICE), and Yuna (itzy) 
Genre: Romance, SingleMother!AU, Past Relationship, Drama, Some Depictions of Violence/Domestic Abuse
Length: approx. 4.5k words 
Chapter 34 - 6 Years Til Forever (FINALE) 
Friday morning you found yourself sitting in the living room, awake before even the sun had poked its head out to say hello. You were excited about the picnic, and knowing the girls would be there put you at ease, as they also were unaware of the baby. It was wild, just thinking that yet again, there was a baby growing inside of you, one you created with someone you truly loved. Min Ja and Hyo Bin were the only two things you positively took away from your time with Weong-Bin, but this child? This child was just the beginning of many happy memories that were just waiting to be shared. Despite knowing deep down this would work well, you were still ungodly nervous.
           As you sat in the living room, you heard footsteps approaching from down the steps. Looking over, you saw Taehyung, rubbing his eyes and ruffling his curly hair. You didn’t expect him to be awake at this hour, but here he was despite the slight annoyance etched on his face.
           “Hm? Morning.” He mumbled, walking over to you. “Why are you awake this early?”
           “Couldn’t go back to sleep. What about you?”
           “I promised Hobi-Hyung I would help him get your picnic set up Apparently he had a whole bunch of stuff he wants to make.” You chuckled a bit. “So, you need to go inside. It’s a huge surprise.”
           “Well when Hoseok gets up and comes out here, then I’ll get ready to go inside.” You said. Taehyung sat beside you, and you ruffled his hair. “How does your hair look good even when you first wake up?” you asked curiously as Taehyung let out a yawn.
           “Mmm, I’m perfect, of course.” He said, making a dramatic pose with his hand in front of his face. You rolled your eyes as your brother let out a playful giggle. “So, are you ready to tell Hyung?” he asked. You let out a shaky breath. “You can’t hide it much longer.”
           “I know. I think I’m ready. I just can’t help but think the worst.”
           “You know he’ll be thrilled, right? You just need to tell him.”
           “But what if he just wants it to be us and the girls? I want to be with Hobi forever, which means the kids will be with him too. Maybe two is all he wants.”
           “There’s a difference between kids you help raise and kids that are yours, no matter how much he loves the girls. Besides, Hyung has enough energy for fifty kids.”
           “Jesus, Tae.” You sighed, and once again, Taehyung laughed a bit. “Fifty?” He could only shrug in amusement. “…I didn’t think I would have any more kids after Hyo Bin. I’m a bit nervous too.”
           “You’ll do just fine.” He assured, ruffling your hair. You smiled. “I’m always here too, you know. So are Mom and Dad, who I’m sure stopped at a baby store on their way home.” You laughed.
           “I know they did, they sent me pictures of cribs.” Taehyung laughed a bit. “Once he knows we’ll really need to start saving for an apartment. I wouldn’t want to burden you with-.”
           “Shut up.” He said quickly. “You’re not a burden, don’t rush. There are more important things you need to worry about than a place to live, you’re always welcome here.” You smiled.
           “You’re trying to make up for all those times that you were an absolute pain in the ass as a kid, aren’t you?”
           “I don’t think I’ll ever in my life make up for all of them.” He grinned. You laughed a bit as Taehyung chuckled shyly. “You should get some more rest before you have to get the girls up. Hyung should be up at any moment and we’re getting right to work.” You nodded, getting up off the couch.
           “Oh, alright.” You hummed, waving him off before heading back into the bedroom. When you walked in, Hoseok was already sitting up in bed, a grin on his face.
           “Why are you up?” he asked curiously. You crawled back into bed just as he was slipping out. “Get some rest, we have a long day today.”
           “Does a picnic really count as a long day?” you asked curiously, cuddling up under the covers. Hoseok grinned sheepishly, scratching his cheek.
           “This one will. I can promise you that.” He assured. You raised an eyebrow. “Aaaah, go back to sleep. I need to go get everything ready.” Without another word, he hurried out of the room. You smiled, laying back and closing your eyes.
Hoseok also realized as he headed down the hall that he wasn’t too sure how he felt when Friday finally rolled around. It was a day he had been planning since he was bored and alone in his hospital room. He made sure he had everything down: he knew exactly what he wanted to say, how he wanted to say it, where he wanted to say it, and even practiced the reactions he would have based on different responses from you. He practiced his happy cry, his sad cry, he practiced not crying at all just in case. He felt that he was absolutely prepared for everything that could happen when it came to proposing to you. He was ready!
           The family was still residing in Taehyung’s apartment until they could find another place to live. Your parents had spent another few day’s there as well before they had to pack up and head back home themselves, leaving the five of you in Taehyung’s nice house. Taehyung had no problem with you guys staying, in fact, he was trying to make your stay as long as you possibly could because he loved having you around. Not only that, but it meant when friends like Namjoon, Yoongi, Jungkook, and Seokjin came by, they would have to come to his house. The trial allowed all 7 boys to finally meet all together and get acquainted with those they had never met before, leading to a tight friendship beginning to form. However, the company was not the focus of today. As Friday afternoon crept its way into Seoul, Hoseok was standing at the counter of the kitchen, with the help of an eager Taehyung. Both of them were chopping up some vegetables, putting side dishes in Tupperware, and setting everything into a nice picnic basket.
           “I’m so excited.” Taehyung beamed, looking at Hoseok.
           “I know, me too. I thought I would be nervous, but I don’t think I am.”
           “Well Noona won’t say no.” Taehyung assured. Hoseok looked at him.
           “How are you so sure?” he asked.
           “She’s my big sister, I just know. She’ll definitely say yes, trust me.” Hoseok hummed.
           “Alright, I trust you then, Taehyung.” He said simply. As he set the final ingredient into the basket and closed it all up, he hummed. “Okay, ready.”
           “Where’s the ring?” Taehyung asked softly, although you were dressing the girls in another room and there’d be no way to hear him. Hoseok simply patted the little pouch that sat comfortably on his waist.
           “In plain sight and yet totally hidden, aren’t I brilliant?” he grinned. Taehyung grinned. “Okay, everything is ready to go. Let’s go see if the girls are ready.” As the boys hurried to the girl’s shared bedroom, Hoseok knocked on the door. “You girls ready to go yet?” He asked. It only took a second before Min Ja opened the door. She was wearing a pair of overalls with a rainbow-striped shirt and matching sunhat. Across her chest laid a tiny flower handbag that Taehyung had bought her to put all her important items, you know, like rocks she found on the floor or pieces of sparkles and glitter she planned to save. Important things. “Wow, how cute you look, Min Ja.” he grinned.
           “I know. Hyo Bin wants to dress like me, but she doesn’t have the same bag. The one Uncle Tae got her was of a heart.” As if on cue, a loud scream ripped from the room, and the boys stuck their heads inside. They saw you wrestling your three-year-old’s socks on, but she was kicking and screaming.
           “Hyo Bin your bag is just as cute as Min Ja’s.”
           “I HATE THE HEART BAG, MAMA! I DON’T WANT IT!” She shouted, sobbing hysterically. You sighed, grabbing hold of a flying leg before it clocked you in the forehead. “MAMAAAA!”
           “You liked it when Uncle Tae took you to the store and bought it, didn’t you?” you asked softly. Hyo Bin continued to wail and scream. “…You’re ten seconds from staying home and not going anywhere if you keep acting like a baby, Hyo Bin. How are you supposed to go to school like Min Ja if you throw tantrums? You’ll get in trouble all the time.”
           “She’s right. A boy in my class throws lots of tantrums.” Min Ja said, still standing by the door. “He also throws lots of chairs.” Taehyung glanced down at the little girl, a confused look on his face, though she didn’t seem bothered. As you managed to get both of Hyo Bin’s socks on, your effort was thwarted, as Hyo Bin yanked the sock off and tossed them angrily away from her. Having enough, you released your daughter and lied on your back.
           “Okay, Hyo Bin. You’ve made up your mind.” You said simply. Hyo Bin, confused as to why she was no longer being held down, turned to look at you, though she was still hysterical crying. You slowly got up from the floor. “Mommy needs to go get dressed so we can go on our picnic. Min Ja was a good girl and got ready, so she can come. You can stay with Uncle Tae until we come back.”
           “N-no Mama…” she begged, sniffling. She watched you leave the room. “M-mama!” She tried to run after you, but you gently excused yourself between Hobi and Taehyung before heading into your own room. She saw Hobi, Taehyung, and Min Ja looking at her, snotty and runny-nosed and red in the face. “I wanna come, Mr. Hobi…I’m a good girl too.” Hobi smiled a bit, kneeling down and pointing to the crumpled-up socks that Hyo Bin had flung away.
           “How about we go get those socks on okay?” He said. Min Ja sniffled. “They match your heart bag really nice.”
           “I want a bag like Unnie…” Hyo Bin said softly, whimpering.
           “But didn’t you pick the heart bag?” Hoseok asked, picking it up. He gently laid it on Hyo Bin’s shoulder and across her chest. “Look how cute. What can we put in there?” Hyo Bin sniffled, opening it up to pull out a small plastic lipstick and blush container, as well as a few coins Taehyung had put in her bag, along with Min Ja’s when he bought them. “Oooo, wow. So cool. Don’t you like that your bag holds tons of stuff?” Hyo Bin wiggled her way into Hoseok’s arms, nuzzling her head into his neck.
           “Mhm…” she finally said softly. “I wanna come too, Mr. Hobi.”
           “Then we should stop crying, right? You won’t have fun if you’re crying.” Hoseok said gently, patting her head. Hyo Bin sniffled. Though the crying didn’t immediately stop, the girl silently went to her socks and picked them up, walking over towards Hoseok. He guided her onto the floor and simply helped her put the socks on. “There. Lovely. Ready to go?” Hyo Bin nodded as Hoseok scooped her up into his arms. The group exited the playroom, Hyo Bin still all sniffly. You stepped out of the room, fixing the ponytail you had put your hair into. “We’re ready~.”
           “Aaah look how pretty you look.” You said to Hyo Bin, who was still sniffling in Hoseok’s arms. She wiped her eyes, albeit messily, and you smiled.
           “I like your bag, Hyo Bin.” Min Ja said, looking up at her sister. “It looks really pretty with your hat.” The little girl, now with her sister’s approval, finally began to stop the sniffling and calm herself down. With that detour out of the way, the afternoon picnic could commence. Taehyung waved you all off, giving Hoseok a secret thumbs-up. He saw you turn to him as well, and he offered you a supportive thumbs up as well as he watched you guys go. He chuckled to himself, the door closing behind you as Min Ja chatted excessively about how excited she was.
           “Hope this works.” He mumbled to himself, before plopping himself onto his living room couch and turning on the TV to play some video games.
           “I hope you're excited about this.” Hoseok hummed, tightly holding your hands as he led you down one of the park roads. “I am.”
           “Of course, I’m excited.” You assured. “It was just sudden when you asked me on a date in the middle of the courtroom.”
           “Hehe, yeah I know, sorry, I hope it didn’t catch you off guard or anything. I had been thinking about when I was going to ask and when I saw you it just…eh, blurted out.” You both laughed.
           “No, it didn’t.” You assured. When Hoseok led you to the spot, which was right by a small park for children to run and play on while their parents relaxed, you smiled. “Girls, do you want to go and play on the playground while we set up the food?”
           “Yeah!” The girls shouted in unison. You smiled, watching as they hurried to the park, which was populated with a few other children as well. It looked generally safe that you could divert your attention back and forth from time to time. Hoseok pulled out the picnic blanket, spreading it on the grass before setting different items down to keep it from blowing away.
           “You and Taehyung made quite a spread.” You said.
           “I made it. Taehyung put it in Tupperware and into the basket.” Hoseok assured, making both of you laugh a bit. “But he helped a lot, so it’ll be a good meal.”
           “I’m sure it will be.” You smiled, sitting down on the blanket. Hoseok plopped himself down next to you, before laying back fully and stretching out his limb. “The weather turned out so nice too.” You hummed.
           “Oh, I know. The weather called for rain and I was so nervous I’d have to reschedule everything.” Hoseok pouted a bit, glancing up at you as you looked towards the playground. His hand rested against his pouch, feeling the box that was sitting patiently inside, waiting for its time to shine. Like he did before, all the different possible paths of the day were running through his mind and he was wondering which one he would be walking down. He had to be careful if he wanted to walk down the right path. “I’m just glad we get to spend the day together.” You glanced down at him, smiling.
           “Me too.” You said happily. Like Hoseok, you were also worried about the path you would be walking down. You thought about the talk you had with Taehyung early that morning before anyone else had woken up, and it made you feel a lot better knowing that not only did you have his support, but your parents as well. It comforted you, and already, you knew that the path you were heading down now was leagues different from the path that you found yourself on in college. You needed to just wait for the right moment.
           You allowed the girls some more time to run around, getting themselves hungry enough that they would sit down and eat without much distraction. This allowed you and Hoseok time to relax together, just enjoying each other’s company under a nice, refreshing breeze. Everything felt serene and peaceful, a feeling you had finally been waiting for among all of the trails, secrets, and violence. Everything was falling into place. Hoseok glanced over to you as you reached into the basket and picked up a strawberry, popping it into your mouth. His eyes trailed the finger that would soon hopefully be decorated by the beautiful ring, and he knew he had to do this now before he chickened out for real.
           “I need to talk to you.” He said. You glanced over, curious as to what he meant. “It’s…important.”
           “Is…everything okay?” you asked curiously.
           “Everything is fine, there’s just something I’ve been meaning to ask you. But I wanted to wait until the trial and all the stressful stuff was over so that I wouldn’t be adding more pressure onto you.” You blinked, turning to face him.
           “Well…that’s a coincidence…” you said. “Because I feel the same way.” Hoseok looked at you with slightly wide eyes. “I have to tell you something important too, but I wanted to wait until the trial ended.”
           “I see.” He said. “How about we….” He couldn’t help but chuckle. “Fuck, I wasn’t expecting that.”
           “Sorry. Do you want to go first?” you asked. Hoseok gulped a bit. “No?” You were kind of hoping he would say that because you wanted to just get this off your chest. However, Hoseok did not immediately respond. Hoseok took a shaky breath, before sticking his fist out in your direction. “Huh?”
           “Rock paper scissors.” He said. “The winner out of three rounds go first.” You nodded, sticking your hand out with a small grin on your face. Hoseok followed behind you. “Okay, Rock, Paper, Scissors, Go!” He shouted. You threw out rock, he threw out paper. Hoseok grinned. You blinked, feeling your heart race. You wanted to win, you wanted to get it off your chest. Every second that passed by felt like a knife being pushed deeper and deeper into your chest. Nodding your head, round two began. “Rock, Paper, Scissor, Go!” He said. You threw out scissors, and Hoseok, this time, threw out paper. “Aaaaah.” He groaned, pouting.
           This was the most intense game of Rock Paper Scissors that you have ever played. Never did you think that this would feel like an Olympic sport, where a massive win was on the line, a massive advantage, a massive victory. The third and final round would be the defining factor. It was currently tied.
           “Last round…” you said softly. Hoseok nodded, smiling gently at you. You hummed, before starting the round.
           “Rock.” Hoseok said. You bit your lip. “Paper-.” You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath.
           “I’m pregnant.” You said quickly.
           “Sci-.” Hoseok stopped almost immediately, his eyes going wide. You looked directly at him as soon as those words left your mouth. He was silent for a moment, looking down at his closed fist that was stopped dead in its tracks. “That’s not the next word- WHAT?!” He shouted. You flinched a bit. “You’re pre…you’re pregnant?!” He asked. You could only nod, unable to get his shocked expression out of his face.
           “I wanted to wait until the trial was over to tell you. Then you brought up the idea of the picnic and I figured that would be the best time.” You explained.
           “When did you know?!”
           “When I was in the hospital right after the fires.” You said simply.
           “Does anyone know?”
           “Nayeon was with me when I found out. And I told my parents and Taehyung after…after the first day of the trial.” Hoseok blinked.
           “How did this happen?” he asked. When he saw you open your mouth, he lifted a hand up. “Don’t answer that one. I know how it happened.” Hoseok saw the worry etched on your face, and he felt his chest bubble up with emotions. You could see his eyes watering. “Really?” You nodded, smiling a bit. “Oh my God.” He quickly closed the gap between the both of you, hugging you tightly as he tried not to burst into tears in a public space. “Wow. I was not expecting this to happen at all.”
           “Are you mad?” you asked curiously. Hoseok shook his head, quickly pulling back to look at you.
           “No not at all! After I found out about the other baby, all I could think about was having another one…” he looked down at your stomach with eyes full of wonder and amazement. You gently took one of his hands, placing it on your stomach. You were still relatively early in the pregnancy, so you were just barely showing anything. However, the minute Hoseok lied his hand on your stomach, all the strength he was trying to muster so he wouldn’t cry was gone. You watched as tears began flowing from his eyes. “Aw, man.” He quickly wiped them, and you smiled.
           “Don’t cry!” You begged. “Please don’t cry, you can’t cry!”
           “I’m so happy. Jeez, this isn’t what I planned to happen.” He said, sniffling.
           “Oh. What did you want to tell me?” You asked, looking at him. He held your hand tightly in his, the other sitting firmly on your still flat belly. You smiled. “I totally cheated; you probably would’ve won. What did you want to say?”
           “How am I supposed to propose to you in tears? Isn’t this supposed to be the other way around?” he asked. You blinked, dropping his hand from yours. He looked at you. “What?”
           “Really?” you asked, smiling. Hoseok wiped his eyes, nodding. You felt like you wanted to cry as well, however, explaining why both of you were in tears would be difficult when the girls came back. You swallowed your tears, and a grin sat plastered on your face. “You were going to-.”
           “Yeah, propose. I have a ring and…I had a speech and everything was planned.” He chuckled, opening up his little pouch and pulling out his little black box. Your eyes widened as he opened it, revealing the gorgeously expensive ring that sparkled almost as soon as it hit the light. “It was a whole big thing and I was absolutely terrified you would say no. But…man, after your news, I don’t even think I could top it if I tried.” You giggled a bit.
           “You thought I would say no, you big idiot.” You were quick to take the ring. “Even if I wasn’t carrying your baby, I could never say no…” Hoseok held your wrist, gently taking the ring from your grasp. He laid your hand into his, quickly slipping the ring onto your finger. A smile formed on your lips as you held the ring up to the light, admiring the sparkle that it radiated. “Wow…I can’t believe this is happening.”
           “Tell me about it.” Hoseok said, letting out a shaky sigh. You looked at him and smiled.
           “I think these may go down in history as the oddest proposal and baby announcement ever.” You giggled, and Hoseok followed suit. You smiled, biting your lip. “I love you.” You said softly. Hoseok looked at you, a smile once again forming on his lips.
           “I love you too…” he said simply. You looked down at the ring, Hoseok scooting close to you so that he could once again place his hand on your stomach. ���Do you like the ring? Hyo Bin helped me pick it.”
           “It’s so pretty. Not too gaudy. You know my first wedding ring was like that. Very flashy.” Hoseok chuckled. “Sold that thing for a nice sum after the divorce though.” Hoseok couldn’t help but laugh. “But I don’t think I’ll ever sell this one.”
           “Good.” He said. Just as the two of you were finding comfort in each other’s embraces, you heard the sound of two young girls shouting your names. Looking up, Min Ja and Hyo Bin were hurrying over to the picnic table. Min Ja gasped.
           “Mr. Hobi, did you ask Mommy if you could marry her yet?!” She asked. You looked at Hoseok.
           “They knew?” You asked curiously. Hoseok laughed a bit.
           “Min Ja heard me talking to Taehyung when you were putting Hyo Bin to sleep last night.” He admitted. You looked at Min Ja, who saw the ring on your finger. “Did you tell her about the baby?”
           “What baby?” Min Ja asked curiously. You smiled.
           “Well, Mr. Hobi and Mommy are getting married now, and we’re having another baby.”
           “ANOTHER BABY!?” The girls shouted, eyes just as wide as Hoseok’s were, only on their little faces, they looked even wider. You smiled a bit as Min Ja and Hyo Bin crawled into your lap. “Where’s the baby?” Min Ja asked. “I wanna see her.”
           “It’s in her stomach.” Hoseok explained. Gently, he took the girl's hands and placed them alongside his. “It’s really small right now, but when the baby gets bigger, so will your Mom’s stomach.”
           “Great.” You groaned in playful sarcasm. “Just what I want, to be a basketball again.” Hoseok smiled a bit as the girls looked at your stomach.
           “Is it a girl? Can it be a girl, Mommy?” Min Ja asked curiously. You smiled.
           “It can be, but I won’t know until the baby gets bigger.”
           “It can’t be a boy, it just can’t. Boys are gross and icky.” Min Ja pouted. You smiled a bit, ruffling her hair. Hyo Bin didn’t look as excited as Min Ja did at the idea of a little sibling. She just looked at your stomach.
           “Are you excited?” Hoseok asked curiously.
           “No.” she pouted up at him. “I don’t want a new baby.” You smiled, running a hand through her hair.
           “Hyo Bin, you’re going to be a big sister, just like Min Ja is your big sister.” Hyo Bin looked at Min Ja, who was beaming just as much as Hoseok was. She still seemed unconvinced, but she kept the pout on her face and simply held your stomach tightly. You smiled. “How about we all eat, I’m starving.” You suggested, motioning to the opened picnic basket with food just waiting to be eaten. Hoseok pulled the basket over to you and began to pull out food, setting it out for everyone to enjoy. You watched as the girls tried their best to help him by setting out some food as well. He smiled happily, encouraging their helpfulness, which only wanted them to do more to help him. A smile formed on your lips as Hoseok passed you a small wrapped up sandwich, making sure to quickly kiss your cheek before he finished emptying the basket. A hum escaped your lips as you watched the scene unfold.
           Just over 6 years ago, you never would have thought this would be how your life would’ve turned out. So many different paths had been found, doors had closed and others had opened, while other doors were completely destroyed. Despite this, the path that you were on and had been on since you were 20 years-old was one you would never change for anything, despite the hardships that were bestowed upon you. You were hoping that the next 6 years, and even longer, would only allow those paths to open wider and present you with even more wonderful and breathtaking memories.
Author’s Note: I wanted to thank you all for your support throughout this story. With work restarting for me next week, I’ll be going on a mini-hiatus so I can work on the new story ideas I have planned. Thank you all for your continued support and I look forward to seeing you in my next work !!! <3 - Jeni 
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paladin-andric · 5 years
Jotober, Day 30: Catch
A follow-up to Bait! A young koutu makes a bad decision and finds himself in a new, frightening place...
A group of guards escorted the young prisoner to his new home, for the time being.
All the guards, as well as the prisoner were koutu. Two guards escorted the others with spears in hand, while another two hauled the prisoner, hands around his arms.
The prisoner, a young koutu resembling a dove, was wearing a simple white shirt, old and raggedy looking and hanging fairly loose on him. It was ‘decorated’ with a red symbol, crudely painted on the chest. Two triangles starting at the top and bottom, intersecting halfway in the middle. It was the standard symbol for lawbreakers and prisoners.
The shirt would ensure he was caught if he somehow managed to escape. In addition, sheets of cloth were placed over his wings, then bound tightly with rope, causing the wings to get trapped around his arms, ensuring he would be unable to fly. This greatly reduced his chances of escaping in the first place.
He wore, nor carried, anything else.
As the guards came to a stop at last, the prisoner found himself before a jail cell like the others.
“This is your cell. You’ve got a roommate, so you’d better not start any trouble.”
One of the guards escorting him had spoken these words loudly, and it was at this point the prisoner lost all composure. He thought that maybe if he was alone, he could at least quietly wait until he was let go. But the thought of living with one of these violent criminals…
One of the guards carrying him raised a brow and turned the escorts. “He’s...shaking. Like a leaf.”
“Oooh, that’s a bad sign,” one of the guards answered back, “They’ll eat you alive in here if you can’t keep it together, you know.”
That likely had the opposite of the intended effect, the prisoner now starting to breathe heavily as his heart began to pound. Who was in there, and what would they do to him?!
The guard that appeared to be the leader of the rest shook his head. “Shining Lord...good luck.” He produced a key and unlocked the cell, pulling it open. “Hey! You’ve got a new roommate. Play nice, you hear?! I don’t wanna have to come breaking things up!”
“Very well.” the voice that answered back was low and gruff, causing further panic in the young koutu who was quickly shoved inside.
“W-wait,” the prisoner squeaked out as the door was closed and locked behind him, “Don’t go…”
The guard, much larger than he, glared down through the door slot. “Sorry kid, we’ve got work to do. Just keep your head down.”
As the guards left, his worry began to manifest itself through nervous foot-tapping, talons scratching noisily against the stone ground.
“Well well well,” a voice called out to him, “Take a look at this catch.”
That voice...it was the gruff one he’d heard earlier. After some hesitation, he turned to see who he would be living with. To his utter dismay, the small and frail koutu saw a much taller, wider, stronger koutu staring back at him. He had completely pitch black plumage, in stark opposition to the smaller koutu’s pure white head and body. In addition, he had a nasty scar across his eye, and bore a mischievous smile.
The raven hopped off the bed he’d been sitting on, rising to his full height. He utterly dwarfed the other prisoner, though he wore the same painted shirt and bundled wing-arms.
He seemed to notice the other man’s fear, and began to grin, approaching the new prisoner. “What’s the matter? Are you scared?”
The dove began to backpedal, head shaking. “N-no…”
The raven came to stop right in front of him. “You’re not very convincing.”
The dove tried to think of something to say, but what could he do? He was a complete mess at the moment. Trying to assert himself would only cause him to sputter and get laughed at, and crying for the guards would lock his weakness in place. He opted to remain silent, eyes averted from the bigger prisoner.
“My, my...you’re shaking like a newborn,” the raven announced, “Not a good idea, friend. You’re showing me I could walk alllllll over you…”
“I-I just...I never…”
The raven leaned in. “Hmm? Just WHY are you so afraid of me…? Is it because I’m...mean looking?”
The dove nodded, shame and fear apparent on his face. That made the raven put on a dour frown. “Hmph. You little runt. You think you’re better than me, is that it?!”
Terrified, the dove shook his head wildly. “N-no!”
“Think you’re something special?!”
“No, no!”
“Well I’ve got news for you, boy,” he emphasized, “I don’t appreciate some runt waltzing into MY cell and passing judgement on ME!”
With his fear overwhelming him, the dove stumbled backwards, tripping and collapsing to the ground. When he looked up and saw the huge, scarred raven looming over him, the last of his resolve broke.
“P-please don’t kill me!” he cried, “Please! Please! PLEASE!”
As tears ran down his face and he started sobbing uncontrollably, he managed to see the raven through the tears.
He looked utterly dumbstruck, unable to process what was happening.
“Wha…?” was the only response he got. Time passed as he continued to cry, unable to stop himself at this point. After some more time, he felt a talon on his shoulder, causing him to reflexively jerk away and start crawling backwards, away from the threat.
He could see the raven kneeling down where he had been, who quickly raised a hand up. “Wait, wait a moment, now!”
He froze, lying beside the door and looking over at the other prisoner fearfully. He couldn’t muster a response.
“Relax.” the voice was softer, less gruff now, “Just calm down.”
The dove could only cringe and wince, muttering out a “Please,” in response.
“Relax. Come here.”
The prisoner looked back to see the raven extending his hand out towards him, offering him help up. At this point the other man knew he was a lily-liver, and all he could do was accept and hope to be taken pity on.
He took the hand, the pair locking talons as the larger man heaved him back onto his feet without the slightest effort.
“Come, sit down.”
The dove trudged over to one of the beds, shakily taking a seat at the raven’s instructions. He anxiously wrung his hands as the raven sat down and patted him on the shoulder.
“Take a deep breath. I’m not gonna hurt you. Relax.”
The dove took several slow, deep breaths...and actually began to feel a little better. He was still frightened to hell, but he wasn’t a sobbing mess lying on the floor anymore.
The raven gave him a funny look. “How in the nine hells did someone like you end up in here?”
The dove tapped his talons together. “I...I, um...I…”
The raven gave him an unamused look. “Really, now. I’m a damn outlaw, you fool. Short of rape and murder I’m not gonna pass judgement.”
That was...sort of reassuring. He hadn’t done either of those things, at least.
“W-well...I, um...stole from Count Cadrian.”
“Aaaah,” the raven answered knowingly, “I see now. That explains why you seem, uh...innocent, I guess. No dirty hands, eh?”
“I-I just...it was a stupid idea!” the dove cried, “I-I made a mistake!”
The raven’s visage was a lot kinder than it had been earlier. “I hear ya, kid. We all have.” The larger koutu paused. “...say, what’s your name?”
“A-Adrian,” the dove admitted after a moment’s hesitation.
“Right...let’s start over. Hey Adrian, I’m Edgar.”
The raven held a hand out, which Adrian quickly accepted. “H-hi, Edgar.” The larger koutu’s vice grip handshake made him wince a little.
“Well, I think we need to talk about some things before you get let out for dinner,” Edgar said sternly.
“Like what?”
“Like the fact I COULD have been a nasty man!” the raven shouted. “If the wrong person saw you grovel and beg like that...Shining Lord knows what might happen!”
That caused Adrian to seize up and start shivering again. “I-I don’t, I mean...I-I shouldn’t be here!”
“I wanna go home!” the dove cried, “I-I won’t make it!”
“Hey!” Edgar wrapped an arm around his shoulders and harshly pulled him closer. “Get it together! This is exactly what I’m talking about!”
The dove looked up a moment before ducking his head back down. “I’m scared,” he admitted quietly.
Edgar relaxed his grip on the smaller koutu. “Look, it’s not that bad here. Really, it isn’t. The guards are all very nice as long as you fall in line. That’s my first bit of advice to you, by the way; obey the guards and everything else falls into place.”
The dove sniffled. “B-but you said...the others…”
“Only a few of these guys are REALLY that bad,” Edgar said soothingly, “A lot of them just...made some mistakes. As long as you don’t go around sobbing and flinching and begging like a little boy, no one should start trouble with you. Tip number 2, alright? Just put on a brave face, no matter how you feel.”
Adrian nodded. “O-okay...thank you…”
“No problem.” The dove found a bit of courage and decided to probe. “Umm...hey, Edgar?”
“Why are you being so nice to me?”
The older koutu frowned. “Seein’ ya just...break like that, it, uh...it was worrying. Thought about what might happen if I didn’t calm you down. Don’t want some kid dyin’ of a heart attack seconds after meeting me, now! Might extend my sentence,” he finished with a short laugh.
The raven smiled and patted his shoulder again. “Hey, relax. We’re roommates. Better to get along, yeah?”
“You seem nice,” Adrian started, “Why are you...here?”
The raven’s smile was wiped away in an instant, causing Adrian to hold his hands up.
“W-wait, I didn’t mean-”
“Nah, it’s fine,” Edgar said in a flat tone, head turning away, “It’s just like you said...I made a mistake, too.”
“Did you...hurt someone?”
“Yeah. I did.”
Adrian’s curiosity was peaked now. “What happened?”
Edgar’s face dropped. He seemed reluctant to answer. “Well, Adrian...I didn’t judge you. Don’t judge me, alright?”
The young bird’s curiosity was replaced with worry. “Umm...okay…”
“Well, the truth is that I was...a…” he strained to force the answer out. “...brigand.”
The dove’s eyes shot wide open, and he instinctively moved away from the larger bird. “A-a bandit?!” the dove cried, fear returning to him once more. He was stuck in a cell with a bandit?!
“H-hey, Adrian,” Edgar said hurriedly, “What did I say?! No judging!”
Having never mixed with such dangerous people before, Adrian found it hard not to cringe away in fear, even though he was worried about hurting the raven’s feelings as well.
“Adrian, come on,” Edgar pleaded, “We’re friends here! I’m helping you out, aren’t I?”
“Y-yes,” the dove admitted, ceasing in his attempts to back away. The raven didn’t make any effort to close the gap, thankfully.
“I, uh...made a mistake, like you. I just...want to serve my time and move on. Is that so bad?”
“You’re really a brigand?”
“EX-brigand!” Edgar insisted, “That’s an important distinction! Yeah, I did wrong, alright?! Why do you think I’m here?!”
Adrian looked down at his feet. “I just…you know.”
“Look,” the raven lectured, “I’ve been trying to help you. If you think you’re too good for me then so be it. I’ll just go back to my bed and...we don’t need to talk to each other anymore.”
The raven stood up and walked to the other side of the room, lying down in the other bed. He looked up to see the dove’s attention elsewhere. With a huff he picked up his book and continued reading.
He tried to focus on the novel, but his eyes squinted as he stewed over what had just happened.
They said if I atoned and moved on I’d be accepted...hmph! So much for that! How am I gonna make it out there when all anyone will do is shun me?! Damn it...I knew that merchant was too easy! How did I not see it was bait?! Why’d I get myself wrapped up in all this?! Damn crow…
Edgar’s thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of talons scratching against stone. He lowered his book and saw the other koutu standing in front of him. His gaze was on the floor and he looked like he’d just been caught stealing from the elderly.
“...I’m sorry,” he said in a strained voice. “I didn’t mean to be...judgemental.”
Edgar sighed. “Well...it’s fine, I guess. I just...I’m trying, you know? I don’t want this to be the rest of my life.”
“I understand.”
The raven nodded. “Good to hear.”
Adrian held a hand out. “Friends?”
Edgar smiled and accepted, shaking on it. “Friends.”
Tag list: @thereisnothingwrongwithbeingmad, @lady-redshield-writes, @paper-shield-and-wooden-sword, @sheralynnramsey, @tawnywrites, @writer-on-time, @oceanwriter, @zwergis-spilledink, @fluffpiggy, @elliewritesfantasy, @homesteadchronicles, @laurenwastestimewriting, @elaynab-writing, @the-ichor-of-ruination, @candy687, @fierywords, @shewrites-sometimes, @nerds-and-nebulae, @purpleshadows1989
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
When you wish you were asleep…
… Watch raws! XD
Actually, I still kind of wish I was asleep. Maybe I’ll grab a nap after this. (-_-)
But on to my children!
In no order and w/ many typos:
Okay, look. Wyzul’s not ‘weak,’ he’s just meant to have essentially the opposite style of Tankjoh. He’s a ‘planner.’ The manipulative, cunning ‘evil genius type.’ Doesn’t mean anyone has to like him, or think he’s a good villain—hell, I promise you I already miss Tankjoh, too—but he’s not ‘weak.’ He just has a different style. His plan this week was actually rather clever.
Sorry. Wanted to get that off my chest. I miss Tankjoh, too, but I actually like that they followed him w/ a general w/ an opposite style, that the one time Tankjoh kind of tried it, it got him killed (the plan w/ the Cerberus Minusaur).
XD TOUWA. Oh, honey. Who put you in the back? ^^
Knowing the twist makes this whole thing all the more hilarious, somehow.
Though this plan was actually rather clever! If Cardena hadn’t had a few slips in her words… Though admittedly, she was so clearly anxious about it that Banba and/or Melto might have caught onto something anyway, but… It was close.
Banba’s become naturally suspicious, so he may have doubted them anyway, but… It could’ve worked.
Poor Touwa’s so short. And even Banba is kinda hiding in the back there! XD
Other facts about Banba: Google Earth, always taking pics.
Ah, yes, we’re sneaking in. Let us yell, loudly! XD Ah, Toku…
Odd place to keep things, honestly…
There’s something incredibly goofy about the fact that this confrontation is taking place in a cramped stairwell…
They forgot the little men for Banba and Touwa’s transformations. XD
Everyone else is in the middle of fighting a Drunn. Banba has alreday freaking killed his. ><
I think Touwa just asked Wyzul to repeat himself bc they didn’t catch it the first time. And Asuna just figured it out? Uncertain.
Wait. Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. I guess it’s Pink??? But she looks purple???
Curse my inability to put an image in the middle of a bulleted list! Curse my attachment to bullet points! DX
I’ll put it at the bottom?
Touwa here, stealing the monster’s lines. XD
Rip unnamed Drunn.
I’m confused as to whether Cardena was trying to tip them off, or just conflicted and getting anxious. Most likely the latter, as she didn’t seem to understand they’d figured it out later.
My watching experience is foiled once more by how INCURABLY BEAUTIFUL TATSUYA IS! DX
Now she’s getting the hairy eyeball from both big brother/dad and mom. XD Deception check failed.
Is that a thing?
They are dunking on this man so hard. I mean, he doesn’t seem to mind, but…
I really hope that smirk really was just Tatsuya and wasn’t planned. I like how they had trouble getting the ‘towel scene’ (a line ad libbed by Simon Pegg) bc Zachary Quinto kept laughing, so they just went w/ a scene where he jus barely smirks and they cut away real fast. This is smaller, scale, of course, it’s very low key and I only noticed it bc I am almost always watching Banba in any given scene, but it’s funny to think it was unscripted.
Aw, I thought Dad was an alright singer. Also, love Ui’s face here. ^^ And she tries to comfort him, such a sweetheart.
Aw, Touwa also looks like he’s finding it cute, too. ^^ I’m still thinking of Touwa and Ui as the ‘babies’ of the fam. Resident youngest sibs. :)
Nah, Banba doesn’t trust this situation enough to start stabbing people, don’t worry, Kou.
Pretty sure he’s just looking for an excuse to leave, actually.
Melto takes the opportunity to go full mom friend.
Banba’s like ‘so one of you was paying attention.’
There’s never any indication here if Touwa figured it out, too. I’m inclined to think he didn’t? But I don’t know.
Why must Tatsuya persist in being so attractive??? DX
Okay, guess it’s confirmed they can call Ui from the braces. … How. Did they program her number into them? Is there some frequency that they tapped her phone into?
Also, largely unrelated, but Ui is really pretty. She really is. She makes goofy faces sometimes, but this actress is really beautiful. I’m love her. ^^
She’s jack awful at lying, though.
Though it is justified that no one caught on, here. How would Wyzul know how modern human technology works? And Cardena’s an alien. And neither of them know Ui very well. She could be like this all the time for all they know.
But also… Did Melto text her? How did she know to leave her phone?
I say Cardena didn’t catch on bc she doesn’t seem to have realised that they knew later.
Tall Cheese seems to be having a good time hamming it up, and that is valid of her.
Really, though. There’s no way they would have actually released Tall Cheese, if this had worked. That’s not Short Cheese’s fault, she didn’t have many options, but I highly doubt Wyzul intended to honour any sort of deal.
I realise I shamefully remembered Short Cheese’s name in the rest of this post. Whoops. I’d go back and fix it, but now it’s funny… ^^;
Oh, yeah. And this explains why Tall Cheese was looking so evil in those photos.
So… Was Wyzul actually just sitting chained up in the park the whole time?
But also… Wyzul is a shapeshifter. Toei, would you mind…? >:)
Synchronised staring at Kou. XD
Oh, yeah. Moment of appreciation for Tatsuya sitting on the bloody playground equipment like a freaking model.
Banba going for a low blow, there. But he has a point.
And… Kou hits a button. We’ve only really seen Banba be this angry when yelling at Crayon the Mushroom Man about curing Touwa, I think… Makes me wonder if the betrayal he suffered happened in a situation like this? He took a risk for someone in a similar fashion, but it turned out they were lying and stabbed him in the back? Like, loosely similar, maybe. Like… Kou’s reaction clearly hits a nerve.
GAH! Toei, give me more to go on! DX
He backs down, though. Either bc he’s still soft for sibling relationships and can’t help it, or he’s getting soft about Kou—or both. This makes me think even more that he’s never killed anyone before. For all his apparent willingness to do so, in the end he can’t got through w/ sacrificing someone like that.
Esp not when considering it while staring into Kou’s sad puppy eyes.
As Touwa mysteriously vanishes from the shot, despite being exceedingly close by a moment ago.
Though… Banba seeing the fact that Kou et al. being willing to sacrifice what’s important to them for what’s important to others… And seeming kinda effected by that… Is kinda fuel for my ‘he ends up trying to protect their innocence/kindness’ idea? In, like… A ‘I’m the expendable one’ kinda way? Not exactly, but… Augh, explaining is hard. I’m sure I’ll think of one later. DX
Like… Could lead to a moment later where he tries to sacrifice himself/something so that they don’t have to? Or forcibly decides to be the sacrifice for something.
Oh, boy, that sounded weird.
Tyramigo is adorable, and will be the death of me.
Tyramigo be like ‘Is this the bomb I’m meant to eat?’ Then checks w/ Kou just to be sure. ‘Eat the bomb? Okay, eat the bomb!’
Him going ‘aaaaaaaah’ like a little baby, he’s so cute. DX
And how it awkwardly cuts out when she says ‘don’t.’ XD
HOW DID SHE NOT CATCH ON? Either her lysing skill improved significantly, or she completely misunderstood Kou’s nod here.
They are dunking this poor man so hard… But, like, he’s listed as a special guest star, so I guess he doesn’t mind, and he seems happy, but… XD
Banba in the back: Google Earth, always taking pics.
Actually, that’s him at any given moment, really.
So… Were those copies of them, too?
Kou, you do not get to call people ‘baka.’ You are the baka!
I don’t actually know what he said. Could have been a different word.
Where were they hiding? Did they hang off the edge of the roof? Stairwell?
Banba not only refuses to smile, he sighs like he’s only there under duress.
He maintains his carefully practiced grumpy face for the whole scene, too. XD
Aw, I think Touwa just said ‘we barely did anything.’ Honey, I watched the flashback, you were the other person making copies.
Synchronised brother head tilt. Seriously, they’re at exactly the same angle. Ah, family. XD
Touwa loves it, Banba is required by contract to keep glaring.
His little awkward looking at the ground after, like ‘shit they’re cute’ what do I do??’… ^^ XD <3
They did do great, though. Plus he knew they’d never leave him alone if he didn’t do something there. XD But he is getting fond of them. Will probably be in denial until something happens and then have a freak out. Maybe it won’t even be that big, maybe it will just be Gold shows up and he finds himself getting protective. But I like big. ^^
Oh, please let Gaisoulg be who I hope it it… >.<
Aaaah! They’re so pretty! DX
So… Is it still a Minusaur if it didn’t come from a human?
What’s this? Minusaur is evolving!
Wait… So so they all turn into dragons when they complete????
I guess they didn’t tell her how Minusaurs actually work.
How did we get down on the ground? Who knows. Toku.
The others go w/ proper combat Souls. Touwa and Kou use the balloon Soul and the shiny Soul. At least one of those kinda makes sense.
Aw, she’s self conscious. ^^
What I think I love most is that she’s clearly putting conscious effort into being out of tune. Which she can do bc the actress actually knows how to sing. XD
Asuna playing the drums is SO CUTE. I’M GONNA DIE.
I love how Melto explaining implied the brothers asked.
And the fact that you can just hear her in the background through the whole scene.
I realise it was Wyzul impersonating her, but it seems like something he might pick up from the real her to make it more believable. Plus Short Cheese had a a name for it, making it more likely.
Gods love her, she’s putting so much effort into it.
Banba briefly checking on Touwa when he rejoins them. ^^ I love this family.
Short Cheese thanks everyone, and the kids smile, but Banba gets embarrassed. XD
Oh dear. Wyzul knows we’re in a TV show…
Ui playing the demanding voice instructor is ADORABLE. XD
Kou and Melto in the corner imitating Banba. XD
Next week, looks like Melto is piloting Kishiryu Oh alone, Biker Dad returns (as an illusion), and the kids get stuck in Wonderland when Banba turns his back on them for five minutes.
I’m kidding, I don’t actually know if his subplot is at all related to Wonderland. All it says is that he’s dealing w/ an ‘antiques dealer.’ I have this wild theory that what the summary means is that ‘Wonderland’ is inside a box (the chest that’s referenced in the title and is the goal of the ‘attraction’), and then Banba also ends up chasing it around. Alternatively, he could just end up in a situation where he’s wandering around like ‘have you seen five brightly dressed dork children? I left them right here, but I looked away for one minute and they all disappeared.’ Or he doesn’t know at all. The magazine did say something about him doing things alone… Maybe he’ll get himself into trouble and they’ll have to come save him in episode 10. I mean, we know he’s gonna get a plot about not doing everything himself eventually.
I’ll leave everyone w/ this thought: the shapeshifting Druidon general now knows where the Tatsuis live.
That’s all, folks! Virtual rock candy for anyone who read all that. Excited for next week. I hope we get episode summaries for the next few eps, soon, as that might give me more of an idea as to whether I was actually right. I like the idea of Banba chasing a box that may or may not have his younger siblings in it around the city and drama that could ensue. But they could go other ways w/ this subplot. Like… Maybe the antiques dealer is the hooded person? Or Banba is trying to investigate the hooded person? Or it’s Gaisoulg (please be who I want you to be, Gaisoulg!)? Or an early cameo of Gold? Or a Druidon? Or a completely inconsequential side character. Who knows.
Oh, yeah! Purple chibi!
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Though… I guess it’s Pink? It… It looks purple, though… Wait. Could it be… Magenta?
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soveryanon · 6 years
Review for MAG123 (rambling/pondering/speculating/ etc. /o/)
-  That’s it, time is catching up and we’re fully reaching Jon’s era as the Head Archivist: the statement was given on August 1st 2015, explicitly after the end of Gertrude’s reign, and the consequences culminated… when Jon was already firmly rooted in the position:
(MAG123) ARCHIVIST: […] I did do some light searching myself on Gregory Cox. … Vanished, unsurprisingly. Sometime in late July 2016, which is… [CHUCKLE] Two years ago. […] It looks like the statement came in just after Gertrude disappeared. […] I may be the first person to actually read it, so… sorry Angie, I suppose.
I always felt strongly for people coming to the Institute as a last resort – not because they wanted to share a story, but because they needed help and that nobody was able or knowledgeable enough to believe them. They don’t appear often (and none has topped the heartbreak of MAG037′s Jason North for me… yet) but they still pop up from time to time, and this one was almost in that category, which served as a reminder that from then on, people’s calls for help will technically be… Jon’s responsibility, too, unless he follows the Institute/Elias’s guidelines (MAG017: “record and study, not interfere or contain” / MAG092: “Jonah Magnus did leave him in that place, Jon. […] it was because he was curious. Because he had to know, to watch and see it all. That’s what this place is, Jon, never forget it.”) and declines to get involved. Jude Perry had also snarled about it, so it doesn’t sound like it’s an Institute thing, even less an Archivist, to intervene in anything (aside from stopping other rituals). Despite that, Jon still felt like he had to apologize to Angie – a bit light-heartedly… but he still did, as if he had indeed let down someone who was expecting assistance in her situation. Which… is not even something that Jon used to do in season 1. That’s pretty good?? I had feared that there would be something about his guilt getting cauterized, but no, it’s still sweetbean!Jon-trying-harder from the end of season 3???
(MAG123) BASIRA: Well, just back off. You haven’t been here. ARCHIVIST: O… Okay. You’re right. I haven’t. So explain it to me. […] BASIRA: That isn’t funny, Jon. ARCHIVIST: I know it’s not–! … Sorry. It’s just… it’s a lot.
He’s putting efforts in when interacting!! Relenting!! Taking a step back and calming himself down instead of taking offence right away!! Same strategy as with Tim in MAG114: developing what he’s thinking and avoiding to ask direct questions!! Jon!!!
- … so what the heck HAPPENED for Jon to apparently forget a chunk of memories, starting with the end of The Unknowing (and until – and including – when he apparently ~made his choice~ after Oliver’s statement). Jon might still be lying through his teeth when recording but… it sounds like he indeed doesn’t remember anything and still thinks he’s coming out of a normal (if long) coma (without any actual damage, since he’s back in office two days after waking up (the medical staff wanted to kick him out fast, didn’t they.), but still):
(MAG123) ARCHIVIST: [HEAVY SIGHS] Where did the– [PAPERS RUFFLING, THEN MUTTERING] Coma, great! Let’s rearrange his office. Sleeping people don’t need… pens. […] MELANIE: Tim is dead. Daisy is dead. And you, what? You’re just fine? ARCHIVIST: No, I’ve been in hospital for six months! […] ARCHIVIST: [CHUCKLE] Two years ago. … That doesn’t seem right. It doesn’t feel like… … There’s just this… great… gap of time, where I wasn’t. […] [SIGHS] Two days out of a coma, and I’m already tired.
Is it Jon blocking out the memories because he can’t handle them? Beholding censoring them? The Spiders? Something else? (Also, has Jon had the time to visit his flat? Does he still have his flat? Does he still legally exist? I suppose that Tim’s body was Section 31’d, not sure that Jon was even reported as having been at the Wax Museum, the Institute could have transferred him without any proof… but aaaah, what is Jon’s current legal status.) I’m not sure whether the others never telling him outright that hi!! Jon!! only your brain has been functioning for the past six months, what the heck!! is a case of miscommunication (they tend to do that a lot ;;) or… something spooky preventing them from telling him, without them realizing it. Who will drop the news to Jon? Or will Jon remember it/pick up on the hints beforehand? Except his introduction with “the Archivist” and his feeling of being “more real” (MAG122), there has been no indication whatsoever that… he’s actively aware of something being Different. And I don’t feel like he’s acting differently from the end of season 3 either? He still sounds like he’s Trying a lot, aware that he could make the situation worse by reacting badly? Even powers-wise: he hasn’t compulsed anyone since he woke up (unless the tape recorder doesn’t react to it anymore). And if he doesn’t remember anything of The Unknowing past Gertrude’s appearance, he probably doesn’t remember about the shiny new power of… apparently being able to See/unravel someone’s backstory…
(- But there’s no way that he hasn't in fact become a full Beholding avatar, since he now makes awful Eye puns. “I mean, I know me and Melanie have not always seen eye to eye before” jON UHJBIUBHJHJBNUIHJN NO, DON’T–)
- … yeaaaaAAAAAAaaah, I’m definitely dreading Elias&Jon’s next conversation, whenever it finally happens: I’m fearing more and more that Jon or someone will be reduced to asking for Elias’s help since… nothing is good right now, and how are they supposed to get rid of Peter? How are they supposed to stop becoming a target for other entities? (I’m still wondering if Jon’s clock in his hospital room was Elias’s, and maybe acted as a protection? It’s curious that Jon wasn’t attacked when at his most vulnerable (even half-dead, there could have been ways to ensure he would get a bit deader.), while other avatars, such as Nikola or “Michael”, had been able to track him down before. Then again, the spiders apparently sent Oliver to him, so maybe they’d actually been protecting him, too?) But whether it’s a visit-of-shame to Elias in prison, or Elias coming back by himself at some point… I’m D: that if Jon still doesn’t remember, Elias… might know about it already anyway… He seems aware of which statements Jon reads, according to MAG102, so even assuming he would not know or have witnessed the moment of ~choosing~ firsthand from Jon’s dreams (since he demonstrated that he could see them in MAG120), he… probably has already noticed the switch to “the Archivist” in Jon’s introductions. (And no mention of Jon getting his hands on MAG120′s tape so far, but that one surely won’t be pleasant either.)
- Jon explicitly said that it’s been “Two days” since he woke up, which means that heeee recorded two statements in two days (and received Oliver’s), which is… a lot, but not unheard of (he got three VERY intense weeks from MAG071 to MAG081, and five awful days from MAG089 to MAG094). But!! Interestingly, he ended up audibly drained after this one. I thought he was mostly emotionally drained, but he did explicitly mention getting tired (“Two days out of a coma, and I’m already tired. … End recording. [CLICK.]”) and his voice was getting slower and he sounded like he had trouble focusing. Which means that statements might still be taking their toll on him?
- Belated realisation, thanks to Melanie’s comment that… Well, I had assumed that Basira behaving so warily and firmly around Jon in MAG122 was because she suspected he might have fallen deeper into Beholding, hence the fact that he surprisingly managed to survive? But it’s because Elias’s statement in MAG120, and Oliver’s in MAG121, that we listeners knew that something was in the works in that regard. Other characters… had reason to suspect other things:
(MAG123) ARCHIVIST: Me–Melanie, it’s me– MELANIE: No. No. […] How did you make it out, then, mm? […] Tim is dead. Daisy is dead. And you, what? You’re just fine? ARCHIVIST: No, I’ve been in hospital for six months! MELANIE: Something has been in hospital. Something that’s got your face like– I warned Basira, I said not to let you back in here, but she just doesn’t listen!
… with him back as basically a corpse with an active brain, did they initially think that he was one of the Stranger’s creatures that had managed to take his skin? Melanie’s description sounds exactly like… something resulting from an encounter with the Anglerfish… (AND AOUCH AOUCH AOUCH when thinking about Sasha ;; The Not!Them acted differently with her, overwriting her existence in the mind of others, but still… Melanie had been the only one to be able to tell that “Sasha” didn’t look like the Sasha she had met, and had to deal with people not believing her about the differences, back then… And unlike Jon, she actually liked Sasha, from their single encounter… even without taking her Possible Current Slaughter-Induced Condition into account, that would be enough to not want to go through that experience again…).
- ALL THE KUDOS TO LYDIA FOR HER PERFORMANCE THIS EPISODE HOLY HECK… The frenzy and irrationality and rejection was just WOW… And ;; Elias had pretty much stated that she would see Martin ensuring his arrest instead of letting her kill him as a form of betrayal (MAG120: “You didn't tell her. [CHUCKLES] Worried she might create too much of a scene. I understand. I just hope she… doesn’t hold it against you.”), and she hasn't even mentioned Martin in this one but… was not tender about Basira, worse towards Jon:
(MAG123) MELANIE: […] I warned Basira, I said not to let you back in here, but she just doesn’t listen! [STOMPING? AND FURIOUS STRANGLED NOISES] […] You don’t know me. And I don’t know… you, so stay the hell away from me, or I swear– ARCHIVIST: Okay– MELANIE: –I will…
It seems like the influence of the bullet (?) tends to make her see anyone as a potential enemy? ;; According to Elias, she mostly couldn’t stand the feeling of being trapped by the Institute (MAG102: “Even more than the others, she has a visceral hatred of being trapped. Regardless of how much freedom I afford her.” / MAG106: “A rationalization, of course. A lie, about your own selfishness, that you would rather be dead than trapped without the self-determination you prize so highly.”) and it seems to be confirmed that her biggest problem is with the concept of the Institute:
(MAG123) ARCHIVIST: Basira said Elias was gone! MELANIE: Oh gone, right, yes yes, he is… he’s gone. Like that makes any difference. ARCHIVIST: I don’t understand. MELANIE: No? You don’t, do you? He’s still alive. You are still alive. So THIS PLACE is still–! [HEAVY STRANGLED BREATHING]
;; She had told Jon that she saw him as responsible when he had talked her into not killing Elias (right now) in MAG102 (“We’ll try it your way. But whatever your way actually is, you’d better figure it out fast. Because it is your fault that I’m here. Fix it, or get out of the way!”), and Elias’s arrest… indeed has fixed nothing. More dead people on the borders; a worst replacement; and attacks on the Institute itself. There is a part of irrationality in her reasoning (Jon wasn’t even there when she accepted the job, and he had done nothing to make her feel at ease in the Institute?) but also enough arguments that hit the mark so efficiently, holy heck. Her words were a riot, fifty shades of HURT and stabbing hearts here and there. She managed to render Jon speechless, for Arceus’s sake!!!
(MAG123) ARCHIVIST: Melanie, Melanie: it’s… it’s me. MELANIE: Oh! Okay, so what, “Hi Jon, how are you, get anyone killed lately?” ARCHIVIST: … I… MELANIE: Wipe that look off your face. Like you’re not the reason all of this is happening. Like you’re any better than– ARCHIVIST: [MESSY STUTTERING] MELANIE: –than him!
AOUCH AOUCH AOUCH for the fact that she’s putting Elias and Jon in the same bag!!! D: (And for telling Jon that… the assistants are dying because of him. That it’s a thing that's happening because of him. Tim’s death wasn’t Jon’s fault, he didn’t lie to Tim, but he still used him to stop The Unknowing, just like Tim wanted… from an exterior point of view, it would sound just like Gertrude already. If Jon was remembering any of it in the first place. Right now, for all anyone knows, it’s “Jon came back while Daisy and Tim didn’t”, and Sasha died during the Prentiss attack while Jon didn’t, and it feels like a long string of having assistants dying around/for Jon… until the next ones ;;)
- The use of “we” to talk about Beholding stuff was a bit worrisome:
(MAG123) BASIRA: [SIGHS] Alright. Best I can understand it, Beholding, or The Eye or… whatever you want to call it, we’re one of the only powers that hasn’t actually taken a shot at our ritual. Yet. And everything out there knows it. ARCHIVIST: … No, I mean, we… we can’t be the only ones, surely? BASIRA: I don’t know. Probably not. But we made a big noise with The Unknowing and… other stuff, and… now they’ve taken notice.
… but at the same time, maybe a matter of pragmatism from Basira? Kind of “us against them” talk from an ex-police officer? They’re de facto a “we” since they’re all tied (/trapped) with the Institute right now, and they have more or less the same goal of surviving. (Still, all these “we” to talk about themselves as The Beholding’s ilk hurt ;;)
1°) Basira sounded very cold and not absolutely invested in helping Martin nor preventing Melanie from falling deeper in, but that’s how she was operating before, too, and it’s not far-off from how she used to behave overall with the Institute (the only thing she adamantly wanted to do was to do something against Elias because of what he had done to Melanie after MAG106 and, even then, she didn’t act on her own but invited the others to do something about it). She’s grown colder in these six months, sounds even less ready to help than before, but at the same time… is apparently not serving? It doesn’t sound like they kept recording statements while Jon was away, and Basira was pretty dismissive/downright insulting towards the concept of Beholding when referring to it? And she insisted on leaving as soon as Jon was going to read a statement both in MAG122 and MAG123, while it used to not bother her with Martin? At least, Basira has turned against the tape recorders (“And we’ve got an audience. Perfect. I thought you said you decided to throw them all out.” “Yup. And I did. And here’s another one.”) which… is probably a good thing (or she’ll pay for it later ;;). Will Jon will be back to being the only one to record statements for a while?
2°) Squinting at the “The Unknowing and… other stuff”: is it about Gertrude interrupting the other rituals before, or did the assistants… do some other things while Jon was away? (Was there another leak of statements to the public?)
3°) Aouch aouch that of course, them preventing the other rituals from succeeding would be perceived as a matter of ensuring that their ritual would win the game… and not just plainly preventing the world from being transformed into a “factory farm” for any of them. Last time, The Stranger’s attempt had been countered by avatars from The Slaughter, and we know that The Tundra had brought Gertrude and Michael Shelley to the place where The Spiral’s ritual would happen (+ The Dark might have made a move against the old Archives in Alexandria in the 4th century, according to MAG053): it’s not only an Archivist thing to meddle with others’ rituals, people serving the powers do it all the time… but the Magnus Institute has probably been a bit too good at it to go unnoticed. Of course it would be their turn to be perceived as The Enemy…
4°) It doesn’t look like there could be many options to get out of this, uh ;; Either they stay on standby in the Institute forever (/until another power manages to wipe them out); either they launch the ceremony to get a chance of survival, or out of loyalty (ahaha.); either they find a way to kill their ceremony in the egg; either they find alternative ways. Will Jon try to make an alliance with other avatars? I’m… not sure that the archive team going vocal about not wanting to launch theirs would result in anything good: sounds a bit too much like blasphemy for it to be well-perceived by others? Is it even possible to turn against your own god without dying pretty quickly, even if Jon keeps on with the regular feeding-what-feeds-you thing through the written statements and his own fears (and avoiding the live-statements)? There have been a suspicious amount of deaths by heart diseases/cancers amongst people who were not serving while theoretically being tied to an entity (Evan Lukas, Gerry…), I’m not sure those were… natural.
- … sudden realization that maayyyybe The Lonely doesn’t have a ritual? Gerry was a bit ambiguous about it but at the same time literally said that not all of them had one:
(MAG111) ARCHIVIST: […] Tell me about the rituals. GERARD: Well, they all have one. Most of them, anyway. Takes centuries to build up to a level of power where they can try it, and if they fail, it’s back to square one. ARCHIVIST: Okay, but what do the rituals do? GERARD: They… kind of “shift” the world, just enough for the Power to come through. Merge with reality. Some say, or well, they guess, that it could bring other entities through with them. I mean, I doubt The Buried would be bringing through The Vast, but you know.
Could this be why The Lonely is collaborating with many other powers’ projects and throwing money around despite its, uh, whole… concept… of isolation…? (The ties with the Institute dating from its foundation, given that Mordechai Lukas was already on friendly terms with Jonah Magnus, that the Lukas family are currently patronaging it, and that Peter even helped Gertrude when she went to stop The Spiral; the Lukas also co-financed the Daedalus project with people from The Dark and The Vast…) Does it need to leech on others in order to have a chance to sneak in?
- I’ve literally spent a whole weekend with someone who would occasionally suddenly snortgiggle before muttering “Coma? great! Let’s rearrange his office.” out of the blue so: same, I’m still laughing hard at the return of rambling grandpa!Jon, I’M JUST LOVE HIM…
(MAG123) [CLICK–] ARCHIVIST: [HEAVY SIGHS] Where did the– [PAPERS RUFFLING, THEN MUTTERING] Coma, great! Let’s rearrange his office. Sleeping people don’t need… pens. [DISGUSTING MOIST SOUND] Ewagh? Oh, wha–
and I effing love the writing because it was an incredibly funny line (Jon is SO funny when he complains and takes mundane little things personally), it was also a very functional one (informing us right away that he’s back in his office, and that people apparently got access to it/moved things around when he wasn’t there, possibly that The Flesh attack reached all the way into there?, and that it’s another detail in the stack of alien things making him disorientated) aaaand it made the verbal roughness, the bittersweetness and the heartbreak even more violent afterwards. We began the episode laughing about Jon, we end it feeling awfully sad, thanks Darkrai. (I was wondering what was the disgusting thing that Jon had found/perhaps tried to eat or drink? Apparently, Word Of God confirmed on Discord that it was something disgusting under his desk. So, I’m guessing it was something from The Flesh’s attack. Still: laughing HARD at Jon just being earnest in his disgust =D)
- I’m not even mad at Jon for cracking up about Peter Lukas because seriously:
(MAG123) BASIRA: He’s been… restructuring. Separating out the departments a bit. Not a surprise, I guess, with his pedigree. ARCHIVIST: But i–if you’ve never… seen him, I mean… BASIRA: Rumour is, a couple of researchers up on the third floor decided to ignore some of his new directives, and… wwwsssshhhh. ARCHIVIST: … Sorry, what’s “wwwshhhh”? BASIRA: Wsssshhhhh. Gone. ARCHIVIST: … oh.
Oh My Gods, Peter. (He had mentioned that Elias was “very protective of his people” and given that Elias had allowed Martin to be besieged by worms for two weeks, Sasha to get killed by an agent from The Stranger, Tim&Jon to get worm’d, and that he traumatized Martin&Melanie himself… yeah, it was already a huge red flag for Peter’s own standards. And the Institute’s people are not even Peter’s people.) I kinda hope that the researchers are still alive, “just” isolated, though, because I’m not too fond of NPC dying around the corners when they were only doing their job and are not given any attention outside of “they dead” for nervous laughter :w But I’m also cracking up a lot jknrhdfjnrf Peter, that was so gratuitously extra fezhjdcfdnk… … I wonder how Rosie is doing.
- But, more seriously, WOW about how Peter is… already unsettling precisely because characters can’t reach him while he has an effect on them anyway. And he’s unsettling to listeners too, in the way he totally avoids categorizations so far! We don’t know what his intentions are, we don’t know why he’s set his eyes on Martin (sheer dumb bad luck because Martin was in the office the first time? Martin being a prey of choice for The Lonely partially because of sad one-sided gay crush, lack of relationships and no family? Elias sending him after Martin because less valuable, or precisely because he was reading statements? Martin having ties to the Lukas?), we don’t even know why he was specifically chosen by Elias as a replacement (Is it to prepare The Watcher’s Crown? It is to buy some time by having the assistants focusing on a shared enemy instead of teaming up against The Beholding? Is it because Peter was still the lesser evil for the Institute? Is it because the Lukas would have taken over anyway and Elias tried to damage-control the transition? Is it because Peter is supposed to keep an eye on Jon and nobody else?) ;; Even if he’s not intrinsically tied to Martin, I’m worried that there could be rumours in the Institute about how Martin could actually be the one pretending to be Peter…
(MAG123) ARCHIVIST: [LONG EXHALES] Yes. Well, I’m sure there are better ways to deal with it than getting cosy with Elias’s successor. Who I’ve yet to meet, by the way. BASIRA: [CHUCKLES] Yeah, join the club. ARCHIVIST: Sorry, you haven’t– BASIRA: Nop. Never seen him. As far as I can tell, Martin’s the only one who has. ARCHIVIST: … right. A–and you’re sure he’s… real? BASIRA: We get emails from him. Memos. ARCHIVIST: [HUMOROUS EXHALES]
…………….. the fact that Basira and Melanie have never met him is extra-weird, though, since he had asked Martin to bring them to him at the end of MAG120:
(MAG120) PETER: Oh, what’s that look for? You won! I am sorry if it doesn’t look quite like you hoped, but… here we are. MARTIN: I suppose so. So what now? PETER: Well, if you could send Melanie and Basira up to see me, I’d like to introduce myself.
Did Melanie&Basira come to the office and not realize that he was there (not seeing him while he was seeing them)? Or did they meet him and… immediately forget the encounter, somehow? It’s also strange, actually, that Elias never ever mentioned that he had chosen Peter as an interim director (even when he was escorted by the police officer, he didn’t taunt Martin about it), or even that he had been talking with Peter. We only have Peter’s word that he did…
- … is it a Lonely thing specifically, or is there something deeper about how some avatars (such as Agnes?) sound… more tied to a power than regular ones? This is the second time that a sentence referred Peter as an incarnation of The Lonely itself, and Martin had strongly reacted to it the first time (which… raised suspicions):
(MAG108) PETER: Ah, I see. I’m sorry to have disturbed you. It’s one of Elias’s little jokes. MARTIN: I don– What? PETER: Did he suggest you record a statement today? One that mentioned me? MARTIN: … yeah? Sssort of? I mean… not you specifically, but…
(MAG123) ARCHIVIST: […] Haven’t seen Martin about yet? BASIRA: Yeah, he comes and goes. He’s busy. Well, he seems it. ARCHIVIST: Working for Peter Lukas. […] Martin is working very closely with The Lonely, who is, predictably enough, isolating him […].
I don’t really remember other cases in which a Fear and an agent of it were equated so directly? Is there something deeper in here? *squints*
- I wonder if Jon will meet him soon, or if Peter will avoid him too, or if Jon will try to force his way to him. Technically, communicating through emails and memos is the best way for anyone to avoid Jon’s compulsion, so… he could still elude Jon. (I would have found it extra-funnier if he had met everyone but prevented Jon specifically from meeting him, what with Jon getting so frustrated about Elias telling him to back off when the Lukas were involved in past statements, but it seems like nop, it’s everyone-except-Martin! … Martin T___T). … if it were season2!Jon, he would probably have tried to break into Elias’s office anyway, to force a meeting and/or to try to get the rest of the files that Elias had taken from Gertrude (he had stolen the key for the tunnels from Elias’s desk before MAG041, after all) but 1°) not sure that Elias’s office is still accessible, 2°) not sure that Jon would find anything (never mind anyone) inside, 3°) Peter could make sure that Jon would grow to regret it, given how things have been going so far. (*whispers* I have no idea what Jon’s plans are since he’s been baaaaack, aarrrrg!!!)
- One of the constant things for the past two episodes has been about Jon losing small anchors, small familiar details: Georgie having enough and leaving; Basira being cautious and wary, then cutting and dry (“Ah… what do I do if… Melanie comes back…?” “I don’t know. Play dead.” was just outright MEAN, holy heck…); Melanie being hostile and threatening; Martin being… absent and working for someone else. Tim and Daisy are dead. Elias is gone and that good news is tempered with the fact that he got replaced by Peter Lukas, messing up the Institute. Jon’s clothes have been thrown away (uh.), his request of tea was cut short (while until now it was usually offered to him); his office was meddled with. It indeed feels like waking up in another world, with his footing thrown off balance, since he is aware now of what had been lost (and that it also covers missed opportunities: “I wish I could talk it through with Martin. … Or Tim. Or Sasha. But we never really did that, did we…?”).
… I wonder how Jon will behave, next time he’ll see “Helen”. Six months have passed, there is no guarantee that she will still be as unsettled as she was in MAG115, but maybe Jon could understand that situation a bit deeper, now.
- The only “stable” thing has been the tape recorder popping up again, now fully acknowledged as being totally autonomous and… choosing to be there and record whether they agree to it or not.
(MAG123) ARCHIVIST: […] Aaand we’ve got an audience. Perfect. I thought you said you decided to throw them all out. BASIRA: Yup. And I did. And here’s another one. ARCHIVIST: Maybe it’s hungry. BASIRA: Seriously? ARCHIVIST: I mean, I did have a statement I was planning to record. BASIRA: Great. Perfect. You can get on with that, and I’ll just leave, then. [CHAIR SCRAPING]
Laughing for a long while at the fact that they now sound like demanding babies that will ruin your life if you decide to not cater to their needs right away. ;; I’m sobbing a bit at the mix of… annoyance turning into “trust”, with Jon ending the follow-up with his own feelings about what has been lost. It’s nothing new, but, I don’t know. It always feels more intimate when Jon acknowledges the tape recorders as sentient or actively listening? He hadn’t done it much, so far (unlike Martin), mostly in indirect ways.
- Jon is still a sweet bean… but I didn’t feel like he was as disgusted/scared of spiders as usual…? Is it a matter of knowing a bit more about them, or has he lost some of his fears by turning full Archivist? He used to react very strongly when it came to spiders:
(MAG056) ARCHIVIST: […] As for the spider person, the only… proof of its existence seems to be that I am far too unlucky for it to simply be an old tramp’s hallucination. I need to have some words with Martin.
(MAG059) ARCHIVIST: […] I have done my best to prevent Martin reading this statement in too much detail. I have no interest in having another argument about spiders. In fact, after reading this statement, I have no interest in thinking about spiders any more than is professionally required.
(MAG068) ARCHIVIST: I’m in the tunnels. I was exploring and I got lost. I haven’t gone down any of the stairs and I– I think I’m still under the Institute. There were a couple of spiders, so I changed routes and found, I think it’s a gas main.
(MAG069) ARCHIVIST: Statement ends. More spiders. […]
But true that there hadn’t been any Web-related statement afterwards in season 3 (or not… explicitly), except for his own, the failed attempt in MAG100, and the one Martin read in MAG110 and explicitly mentioned that Jon hadn’t worked on it (“I mean, I think it sounds like a Jurgen Leitner book. About spiders. Hum. Good that Jon didn’t have to read this one, anyway, I know he’s not a fan – although this one wasn’t too bad, actually.”) Maybe the fact that Jon gave his own statement about Mr. Spider, and learned more about the entities and a bit about The Web, removed some of the horror? It’s an aspect of the Beholding that Jane Prentiss had denounced (MAG032: “I see now why the hive hates you. You can see it and log it and note its every detail but you can never understand it. You rob it of its fear even though your weak words have no right to do so.”); but at the same time, we know that Jon used to feel the fears of the statements he was reading, and he was terrified during his dreams when Elias described them in MAG120… (;; Given how turning into an avatar seems to steal from you, I’m a bit paranoid about everything and wondering if anything that feels different in Jon is related to thiiiis…)
- It isn’t established, either, whether he had planned to record this statement right now, or if he wanted to research it a bit more (“I mean, I did have a statement I was planning to record”) and ended up recording now since the tape recorder looked like it wanted to be fed! I’m curious about why it ended up being this statement in particular since… spiders. Was Jon drawn to this one by them? Has he started to investigate spiders-related ones because he’s suspecting that they’re actually more important and dangerous than what he thought before?
- Since Jon said “I have no theories on it, no… no sudden insights” -> I wonder if “Insight” is referring to what happened with him suddenly knowing that Gerry had travelled with Gertrude (MAG099/MAG102)? It sounds like the right word to cover the phenomenon, indeed.
- The statement was tied to so many incidents happening in the Archives that it… raised questions as to whether or not these events were connected. Gregory Cox was contacted to begin his work on the website shortly before Gertrude’s death; the statement was given to the Institute after Gertrude’s death (1st August 2015) and either when Jon had just been appointed as new Head Archivist, either shortly before; Gregory Cox himself disappeared in late July 2016, which was around Prentiss’s attack on the Institute (Jon took the statements from the staff post-attack on July 29th 2016). Jon got suspicious, at the very least, but it was also… a series of reminders of what had happened to Jon in the Archives since he began with the job, what was lost, and the gap between what truly happened and Jon’s awareness of it?
(MAG123) ARCHIVIST: […] Sometime in late July 2016, which is… [CHUCKLE] Two years ago. … That doesn’t seem right. It doesn’t feel like… … There’s just this… great… gap of time, where I wasn’t. […] [SIGHS] I wish I could talk it through with Martin. … Or Tim. [SHORT SAD CHUCKLE] Or Sasha. But we never really did that, did we…? … Everything’s changed. … [SIGHS] Two days out of a coma, and I’m already tired. … End recording.
The Prentiss attack was also when Sasha got killed; she’s been dead for one year and a half, at present time. And yet, it took Jon six months to realize it, and he spent another six months in a “coma” afterwards – he was only aware of it for a third of that time (from February to August 2017). Tim has been dead for six months too, and yet for only two days for Jon. No wonder the timeline feels so messed up to him…
- Following up on dates: taking a step back to think about the passage of time also helps to contextualize a bit where characters are standing. It… might have influenced Basira and sheds some light on the fact that she sounds so firm (almost ruthless) to Jon right now. She had met him a few times before, but she joined the Institute (/was coerced into signing a contract) on April 28th 2017; Jon was barely present afterwards, keeping some distance with the assistants (as Martin mentioned in MAG098), then getting kidnapped for a month, then being sent to China and America, before they went to stop The Unknowing on August 6th. That’s barely three months and a half, during most of which Jon wasn’t physically there nor trying to be emotionally present with the assistants, versus more than six months with Melanie and (a bit of) Martin, trying to keep things afloat in a place she never chose to be, and which she joined only to save Daisy and/or herself and the other archival staff under Elias’s threats… when Daisy is now “dead”. I don’t think that Basira regrets stopping Daisy when she was on the verge of killing Jon, back in MAG091, but I cannot help but think that she at least wondered how things would have unraveled, afterwards, if she had allowed it? Maybe The Unknowing would have happened, but maybe other people would have stopped it. There is, at least, something very heart-wrenching in the fact that Basira had agreed to become a prisoner and coercing material to save someone from the Hunters of Section 31, when that person is currently officially dead, and that Basira is still trapped and that she was the one who had to be “keeping things together” (s4 trailer) in that place. I mean! She was planning to get in control of her own agency by the end of season 3:
(MAG117) BASIRA: I don’t want to be here. But by the end, I didn’t want to be police either, so… guess I don’t really know what I do want, which… maybe that’s just as well. My options… they’ve gotten a lot narrower over the last year. I don’t know. I feel kind of bad. Everyone seems to be having a much worse time of it than me, and I was meant to be the hostage. It’s amazing, how much you can ignore when you keep your head in a book. Mf! My dad would hate me talking like this. He couldn’t stand people who just passively moaned about their problems. He always said: “If you don’t like something, you accept it and you adapt; or your fight and you change it. Whining doesn’t help.” I’ve always tried to live like that, but I think sometimes… you feel like you’re adapting, but… it’s just denial. But not anymore. I’m going to fight and change it. I just hope I’m not heading into the wrong battle.
… but it was also when she was presenting Daisy as her own anchor (“she’s solid. She’s a fixed point. And if she’s there, I know exactly where I stand, exactly what I’m doing relative to her.”), and now she’s lost her. There would be enough to get very resentful and bitter about the Institute and the fact that she has to be the one in charge of everything, and that she doesn’t see Jon as a reliable person. Quite clearly, she doesn’t see him as a leader right now – and indeed, Jon… never was one.
- ;; for Basira being defensive of Melanie, despite it all!!!
(MAG123) ARCHIVIST: You were attacked. … When? BASIRA: About two months ago. It was… it was The Flesh. ARCHIVIST: [MUTTERING] Oh god. BASIRA: Yeah, it was bad. We took them all out. Melanie did most of them. She was… she got a knife from somewhere and– ARCHIVIST: Basira, I… I don’t know if that’s a good sign…? BASIRA: … She saved my life, Jon. She saved all of us. I won’t forget that.
Jon is probably right on that one (the more Melanie gives in to The Slaughter, the worst it will get, probably); on the other hand, yeah, Basira indeed can’t really blame Melanie’s murderous urges if it actually protects them when nothing else does. She was also oddly defensive of Martin, after throwing some shade at him during season 3?
(MAG123) ARCHIVIST: [SIGHS] Fine… Fine. Haven’t seen Martin about yet? BASIRA: Yeah, he comes and goes. He’s busy. Well, he seems it. ARCHIVIST: Working for Peter Lukas. BASIRA: Don’t be too hard on him, Jon. Your, er… “situation”, it hit him. Hard.
;; Not one to kick the puppy when he’s (too) down, is she.
- … I wondered if Martin’s visit to Jon from the trailer was after The Flesh attack. He had claimed that he had decided to be more active, in MAG117, which resulted in him confronting Elias in MAG118 and the arrest in MAG120… but now, we know that it made their whole situation even more unstable and threatening, since Peter didn’t even protect them against The Flesh? So Martin probably felt responsible for that failure? ;; He was the one who ultimately threw Elias out of the picture and that backfired badly… In the trailer, he asked if the others would be “safe”, apologized and said goodbye to Jon, so it did sound extremely bad already, but if it happened after The Flesh attacked and he only got saved thanks to Melanie going on a rampage… no wonder that he went for something that already sounds an awful lot like self-sacrificing, in turn… (No clue about the details of what he’s doing ;; Does he specifically have to avoid the others as part of the deal? Did he trade his cooperation for a bit more protection for the others? … Is he actually helping in preparing The Watcher’s Crown, whether he knows about it or not? Or something specifically tied to The Lonely?)
- IT BREAKS MY HEART that Jon apparently still doesn’t get Martin and… is kind of assuming the worst from him? His wording was almost insulting:
(MAG123) ARCHIVIST: [LONG EXHALES] Yes. Well, I’m sure there are better ways to deal with it than getting cosy with Elias’s successor. […] Martin is working very closely with The Lonely, who is, predictably enough, isolating him […].
On the one hand, Jon already picked up that Martin being inaccessible is not natural. On the other hand, “cosy with Elias’s successor”?? He… didn’t raise the possibility that Martin had been coerced, or had no other choice since the assistants had to find ways to survive while Jon was simply not there?? It… could be, once again, Jon Biting Because Hurt – hurt that Martin, who was supposed to be a fixed point, is not there, and the bitterness turning into resentment. He was pretty insidiously vicious to Basira after Georgie’s departure in MAG122 (“… What about you? Disappointed to see me alive? … Basira?”), and it’s a usual Jon thing, so… But I’m really worried that the next time Jon and Martin finally see each other, it… will probably turn out to be a disaster. If Martin apologized to Jon in the trailer, it means he’s already doing something to feel ashamed of, and probably won’t want to have Jon anywhere close to it, or Jon misunderstanding what he’s aiming for. Or he could have changed, too, in these six months (;; when we left him in MAG120, he was very adamant about calling Peter ~Mr. Lukas~ to keep some distance between them, I really hope it hasn’t switched to “Peter” in the meantime. In a way, it would be more terrifying to picture Martin as not frightened of him anymore…?). And Jon sounds more peeved than worried about what Martin is doing, which makes me fear that he won’t be as patient with him as he was with Basira in this episode. There are so many ways it could go just awfully that… I don’t think that they will be ~nice~ to each other. (Hey!! Speaking of Hurting and How Things Could Get (More) Awful: it’s not like Idiot Jon could spit out that he heard about the crush in a moment where he would be blaming Martin for being fickle and switching loyalty so easily, is it!!)
- There is a question raised about who filed the statement, since it was given after Gertrude’s death:
(MAG123) ARCHIVIST: […] No notes or follow-up here that I can see, just… [SIGHS] It looks like the statement came in just after Gertrude disappeared. Another gap. And whoever took it didn’t do any follow-up, just… filed it away. I may be the first person to actually read it, so…
It could have been Jon who filed it, while mindcontrolled? Or one of the assistants? Or a random staff member? But someone filed it after Gertrude’s death, and without following the usual procedure, so… there might be something.
- Ssssooo Annabelle (assuming it’s her but. That description. This “network of pale stitches that stretched over one side of her head” wasn’t made of surgical stitches, uh) has been doing her own stuff for the past seven years… lo… vely… *cries*
1°) Spiders seem to be adamantly polite. Mr. Spider had “IT IS POLITE TO KNOCK” (MAG080), Annabelle wanted to have “Come in!” where the ~threads~ (YUGHJBNYUGHB I HATE) would be posted (MAG123). THAT’S SO NICE FROM THE ENTITY THAT MINDCONTROLS PEOPLE…
2°) Thank you Nelja for picking up that the website’s name was “Chelicerae”, I wouldn’t have made the word out on my own, and I’m half admirative, half horrified that you immediately understood what it was. *screams*. (Either spiders are super-smooth, operating from the shadows, hiding their very existence, either they don’t give a funk and are just the unsubtlest things that ever unsubtled. Very urban/school-legend like, though, I got Jigoku shōjo and Higanbana no Saku Yoru ni vibes from the concept of the thing!)
3°) ;; The website was created and running during Gertrude’s last moments as the Archivist… and shortly before Jon took over, and we know that a few people from the website went to the Institute. So it feels like the spiders might have been using the opportunity given by the transition to sneak into it…?
- Ooooooookay, but anyway. The concept of the website sounded like a mirror of the Institute, inviting you to tell a “horrible event that had happened to you or to someone that you loved”, though, unlike the Institute, baiting people with a reward (getting someone killed), and with a bit more ruthless selection process than the Institute’s, where… fake made-up statements are just taken and won’t cause you any harm (the only risk being that your story will be put in the “Discredited” section in the Archives and receiving Jon’s glares). The “Chelicerae” on the other hand wins in both cases: if you give a fake story, you’ll apparently be the one getting consumed (“I’m sorry I lied”); if you give an actual one, the person you hate will get killed by them… annnnd as Jon put into perspective:
(MAG123) ARCHIVIST: […] There’s a small supplemental document with it, though, that is a… bit alarming. I–it’s apparently a list of people whose names appear in the various pieces of text Mr Cox was pasting into the code. It’s unclear if they were meant to be… users or victims, but I cannot help but note that there seem to be the names of several statement-givers who found their way to the Institute, including noted arachnophobe Carlos Vittery. Perhaps a coincidence, just… people… shopping their traumatic event around… but I have to wonder… how much their actions were their own.
… some of the people with actual stories were sent to the Institute. The whole basis of the website sounds like ~a spider catching flies in its web~, it sounded like the point of it: getting stories? Was it The Web gifting the statements to the Institute/Archives, or was it way to make its way inside of it? In any case, yIIIIIPS… (I love/hate how there were so many concerning things in this episode and then… the confirmation that The Web has been doing a lot from the shadows for a while, while we discover it has been more active than what we could fear…)
- I’m so mad about the pun for this episode (“Web development”) rizefjkdsnfd and… given the weird parallelism between Annabelle’s website and the work at the Institute (and the fact that The Web most likely sent people to give their statements to the Magnus Institute), I can’t help but think back to MAG065… and… I’m going… to be… very mad… if the trick… was that… the “power” at work in that one… was actually a Web+Beholding collaboration of some sort … because. The title. Was “Binary”.
(Which worked because Internet + Tim&Jon arguing at the end, and Jon making the distinction between the Institute’s agents/victims… but if!! the thing!! in the statement!! was that it was actually about two powers willingly trying to work together… I had personally suspected either Beholding, either The Web, either The Spiral for that one, but given that you can also summarize it as “someone was forced to watch a terrifying video, which would pursue her until she agreed to watch it through to the end”… there is the trapping and the seeing something that you would rather avoid but that you have to watch even if it makes you suffer. And we have known for a while that spiders were spreading in the tunnels below the Archives, and the whole thing about the Assistants being trapped by the Institute has always felt more like a Web thing than a Beholding one to me… So… *squints*. Is the Web trying to force its way into the Institute and/or to parasite its ritual and/or to prevent it, or is it an actual willing and mutual collaboration?)
As usual: what does Elias know about it? He said he hadn’t bothered with Tim’s backstory but surely he would have known about Jon’s and his encounter with The Web as a child, before hiring him, he wouldn’t be this dumb? (… I’m honestly not sure. It was already super dumb and lazy to not bother with Tim’s when, come on, there were only three assistants initially, you… could have… bothered…) And even if he hadn’t known before offering the position to Jon, he would have known after MAG081 and Jon giving his own statement…? And he didn’t especially change his stance on Jon afterwards, it didn’t seem to bother him that Jon had been marked by The Web. So what the heeeeeck Elias, did you plan something in that regard or were you completely fooled too… He had insisted a lot on his free will (“it’s also very important to me, in a personal capacity, that you understand I’m answering you of my own free will. […] There’s so much of this place, of ourselves, twisted by forces far beyond us. I just wanted you to know– […] It’s very important to me you understand that no action I have taken has been controlled. I have done everything because I wished to.”) and told Jon “And your will is still your own, mostly.” back in MAG092 (that “MOSTLY” was… uh.)… which sounds more and more concerning know that we have confirmation that The Web has been lurking and scheming… What do you know about it, you terrible garbage man, you……………………
(I love how there are so many reasons to get anxious about everything??? Spiders, Lonely, Watcher’s Crown incoming, Martin doing… stuff, Melanie getting worse and worse, Jon’s whole status / what happened for him to be able to wake up?? So many elements laid around for things to get terrible pretty quickly??? Aaarrrgggg.)
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Ep6, Chapter 8 & 9 (Part 1)
“think of her as my daughter” “is it okay if i date her then” “what” “what”
The chapter opens on Kumasawa and Chick in... Uh, Battler’s meta-study? I guess? who even knows anymore
The two of them set out a plate of cookies for Battler. D’aww.
In, uh... i don’t even know anymore but at any rate, Elder comments on Chick “sparing no efforts for the sake of her beloved Father.” Yasu really, truly loved Battler, didn’t she...
“To think that I would give Battler cookies... Why should I, the ruler of the night, do so much for a guest who comes so rarely?” lol
Ooof, and then Battler returns, clearly not too happy to see Chick and Kumasawa there. Kumasawa explains that Chick baked the cookies on the table for him as a gift.
“Battler looked at the plate on the study desk that was piled up with beautiful cookies... and the message card of encouragement lying next to it, and his face twisted with a complex expression, which might have had traces of both sadness and anger contained within it...”
He does thank her for the gift, but goes on to say he “doesn’t like sweets.” “I am grateful for her feelings. ...I’m in the middle of a vital game right now. This is the final game... and it’s vital both for me... and Beato as well. So please. Try not to trouble me any more than is necessary.”
Kumasawa balks and tries convincing Battler to at least try one, clearly quite upset about it. “Master, do you think there might be poison inside them!?”
“...Yeah. If Beato ever came to give me cookies... Of course I’d think that she’d put some kind of crazy poison in them...” I can’t help but feel sympathetic for both of them, here. Battler’s wracked with guilt over the end of the last game and what he did to Beato, and Chick doesn’t understand what she’s done wrong (because she hasn’t, really) to warrant the cold treatment he’s giving her... It’s really sad.
In Featherine’s study, Ange seems unsure of what to think. “I don’t have a clue why Onii-chan and Beato act so friendly together. Right now, I think of Beato as our greatest enemy, the one we must defeat... Still, even so... As a woman, I... can’t say I like Onii-chan’s reaction.”
“Onii-chan’s reason for defeating Beato isn’t to destroy an enemy out of hatred... It feels like he wants to give a sincere answer to her questions.”
“...Beatrice. I want to ask you something.” wait is this
“When Ange asked her question, Beato, who had been reading a Fragment book in the shadows of the study, jumped.” oh fuck it is
i was going to say “so let’s recap here” and go over the like fifty different layers of meta here but i don’t even know where to start, oh well let’s try anyway
so we’re reading a story (umineko) about a story (forgery dawn) written by a character in-universe (tohya) about two characters (featherine and ange) reading a story (kakera dawn) about another character (beato), and ange turns around to ask someone else (also beato) a question about the story she is in
i hate this
Anyways, back on track. Ange cuts right to the point, asking Chick why she calls Battler “Father.” She repeats what she’s said before - that Battler created her - and Ange asks why she’s so dedicated to him in the first place. “It’s almost as though... that’s your goal as a piece.”
“Yes... That is the goal that gave birth to me.” Ange asks if Battler gave her that role, and Featherine clarifies that he merely “set a piece with that goal” on the board - and, furthermore, that the first game master - Beato as we know her - was the one to create Chick to begin with.
“...Aaaah, this is getting confusing.” ANGE
Ange summarizes that Chick calls Battler “Father” affectionately, in part because he was the one to put her on the board to begin with, and then asks who gave her the goal of devoting herself to Battler in the first place - only to realize that the answer is the original Beato, who isn’t around to explain anymore.
“I will... do anything for Father... My existence will bring him happiness. ...That is my one and only pleasure... And... And... if I could one day have Father acknowledge my efforts... it would be my one and only joy...”
oh god hope started playing help
“...What the hell. If you only wanted to serve him, I’d say you’re just another furniture of the witch... but you want him to acknowledge your efforts? That’s less like furniture and more like...” And then it clicks: “That’s less like furniture and more like... you’re just a girl... who loves Onii-chan.”
“The guiding force behind this Beato’s actions... is that of a girl who adores Onii-chan. But then, what does that make this Beato? If the first Beato liked Onii-chan, then she should’ve adored him and done things for him herself. Why would she create ‘a piece of herself,’ a separate entity, to do it...? This way... even if she does attract Onii-chan’s attention, it will be towards the piece version of herself, not the creator who made that piece. [...] It’s as though this love is destined to go unrewarded... No matter how devoted she is, she will never get anything out of it.”
“That’s right... This Beato was created as a ‘piece’... because of an impossible reason...”
Ange and Chick discuss the old Beato a bit more, and Chick decides to start calling Battler “Battler-san” instead of Father. She goes back to reading her Fragment book, as dedicated as ever...
Back in the tale itself, Battler’s sitting alone in the study. “There was no colour in this dimly lit room. However... for just the short time that the plate of cookies had been placed there, the room had seemed at least a little cheery...”
He summons an image of the cookies on the desk and just sorta looks at them... then summons a piece of the old Beato. “Come ooon, have a bite~ It’s not every day that I’ll make these by hand...! Have no fear, I’m confident in how well they’ve turned out.”
One by one, he summons a few of the other magic characters - Ronove, Virgilia, Gaap, etc. - and has them make a pithy comment of some sort. Battler ends up reaching out for the plate, only for everyone to disappear just before he touches it... that is, everyone except for Beato.
Even though this is basically a conversation Battler’s having with himself, there’s a lot of interest to it. “...The more the new ‘me’ differs from the form you wished for... the more you are reminded that I can never be revived again, correct...?” Battler starts crying, though he also says, “If you never appear again... that’d be a relief.”
“The ‘me’ you were expecting... has already disappeared. My soul, femininity, sparkling personality, and splendid character were cultivated in a thousand years spent as a witch. Unless an exactly identical thousand years is traversed, it is impossible to become me.” Battler comments that Bern’s already guaranteed Beato will never be revived, and Beato retorts that Battler’s hoping for it regardless.
“One day, the new ‘me’ trips and lands on her head, and all her memories of the past are restored! ...You were hoping for something like that, weren’t you? Ahahahahahaha! A delusional plot like that wouldn’t even pass in a light novel these days!”
Battler comments that Beato was hoping for pretty much the same thing from him in the past, and she goes silent. “Does this mean... that our relationship... is exactly the opposite now of how it once was...?”
“...Well, at times, I did continue the game believing that you would eventually notice and remember, that a miracle would occur.” Battler asks her how it felt, and she cackles and tells him to “look inside his own heart.”
Battler reflects on how maybe he’d be able to cope better if Chick didn’t like the same as Beato herself, and she says, “Well, do as you wish. In the past, I toyed with you and tormented you... Now’s your chance for revenge against me.”
“...I would if it was you. It’d probably make me feel a lot better. ...But... that Beato... isn’t you.”
“Because the new Beato seems like a different person, I can’t accept her. Even though I know she’s a different person... she keeps reminding me of Beato’s face.”
“In that case... why not think of her as my daughter?”
oh no thanks for being born is playing now I’m actually crying
“She does share my blood, so consider her a daughter that closely resembles me. After all, she is my double, but hasn’t lived a thousand years, so calling her that is not incongruous. Imagine that I have died, left behind a daughter... and entrusted her to you. That way, won’t it become a little easier to think of how to deal with her?”
“You are free to press my likeness upon her. You may also let loose your pent up resentment on her in my place. Making her bear my sins and torturing her as you please may calm your grudge. If that doesn’t match your tastes, you can also guide her down the right path so that she does not end up on the inhumane road that I have tread. [...] ...With a miracle of a thousand years, she might even become me.”
With that, Battler realizes just how harsh he was being to Chick earlier, and notices that the card she left with her cookies is on the floor... except he can’t read it through his tears (or the ink is smudged by his tears, I’m not entirely sure which tbh).
Meanwhile, back on the board, Shannon, George, Kanon, and Jessica have been transported into Zepar and Furfur’s smoking room... lounge... thing. magic gonna magic
Shannon’s apparently told George a bit about what’s going to happen, leaving Jessica as the only one completely in the dark. He mentions “a test for a pair of lovers,” though.
Shannon and Kanon put the two halves of the brooch back together, and it shatters, unleashing Zepar and Furfur. YESSSS HERE WE GO
And then the two Beatos appear, right... Elder introduces Chick as her “double and little sister.” bern wasn’t kidding when she said beatrice didn’t necessarily mean “a single woman” back in ????1 huh
Zepar and Furfur explain that with the brooch broken, their work is almost done - “It was decided when the contract was made. It was decided that we must lend our power one more time before our final farewell.”
“So, this is truly the final miracle!”
Elder goes on to explain. “Those gathered here are ones cursed to have unsuccessful love unless a miracle occurs. The power of the golden butterfly brooch, which can grant this miracle, is your last chance, and like it or not, this chance is limited to this evening! This miracle can be given only to a single pair!”
Jessica does not take this well at all, understandably. When Shannon asks, Kanon says, “I didn’t know... how I should explain it.” Chick expresses confusion as well, asking Elder if she can’t explain it any better.
“With our blessing, the pair can cultivate their love at their leisure! No need to worry about suspicious demons!” “However, without our blessing, your love will vanish, disappear, wither, and decay.” Jessica angrily asks why.
“Because it is fate!! You may choose not to accept it, you may choose not to resist it!!” yeah i feel like i should have something to say here but really this is pretty blatant isn’t it
“Ushiromiya Jessica, the future you two share is far more grim than you realize.” YEAH NO KIDDING
Elder repeats what’s been said before - unless he and Jessica win, Kanon will end up leaving the island, never to return. “You will probably leave the island yourself in search of the one you love, but such a venture will doubtless be in vain!”
Jessica’s pretty angry, but she remembers something Kanon told her a long time ago - namely, that if Shannon were to ever stop working on Rokkenjima, he’d probably quit as well. Yasu really did think of everything, didn’t she?
On the other hand, if Kanon and Jessica were to win, Kanon would stay on the island with her, and they’d be able to develop their relationship from there... but, in return, George and Shannon won’t get together, though it’s not explained why (yet, at least).
“Without the power of the golden butterfly brooch, neither love is fated to bear fruit.”
Jessica, understandably, asks why the hell that is, and Elder replies, “It is due to your sin of falling in love with furniture, which is not allowed to love.”
George suggests looking at it as a test “to see who can display the strength of their feelings more strongly.”
“When I gave Shannon that engagement ring, I swore to fight all trials and barriers that stand in my way. ...No matter how unreasonable or incomprehensible these trials might be... I cannot choose to avoid them.”
“...We must fight openly for that single miracle. Even if I lose at the end... I’ll be able to accept it if we both gave it our all. And because of that, I will be able to cheer on the victors from the bottom of my heart.”
Shannon apologizes, saying that she’s “determined not to flinch in her resolve,” despite knowing what’ll inevitably happen to Jessica and Kanon’s relationship if she and George win. God, I can understand why Yasu would’ve felt so horrible about this...
“Love brings about conflict, and this conflict gives rise to determination. As the demons of love, [Zepar and Furfur] could understand more fully than any others how noble that determination was...” god
And then Elder comments that Chick is just as eligible for this miracle as the other two pairs of lovers. Hey readers are we getting the hint here yet huh
“With the miracle of the golden butterfly brooch... even your wish... your wish that your affection for Battler will be acknowledged, can be granted easily. ...And without a miracle... you also can never be bound to him.”
Zepar and Furfur state that they were planning on including Chick from the beginning. Jessica, Kanon, George, and Shannon all agree to it and restate their resolve, and Elder asks Chick if she feels the same way.
“...Yes... If there is even a small chance that Father - ah, no... that Battler-san will acknowledge me, I’m willing to put myself on the line.”
And so the demons of love declare, “Let’s begin this trial of lovers, the fight over a single miracle of magic...!!”
Meanwhile, Erika’s gone up to her room on the second floor of the guesthouse. This time around, it’s on the other end of the hall from the cousins’ room. gg batora
She tries making some of her duct tape (or packing tape, as of the Mangagamer release, but we haven’t switched to that yet so shhh) seals from the previous game, only to find out it’s not sticky enough to be used for... pretty much anything, let alone her seals.
“Letting Erika get her hands on duct tape gave her a fatal weapon to use against witches.” i’m just quoting this because i love how it sounds out of context
Dlanor points out that in all likelihood, any substitutes for the tape have also been tampered with, meaning Erika’s out of luck. She kinda takes it in stride and flops over on the bed, clearly in a bad mood.
“...Why do you hate magic, Lady Erika? [Maria’s cup-and-candy magic] was nothing more than a foolish trick to deceive CHILDREN. Everyone knew THAT... Was it really necessary to go so far to destroy that ILLUSION?”
Erika replies with, “Well, I am a self-proclaimed intellectual rapist. I can’t stand having magic confuse the truth.” Dlanor can tell that there’s something other than just “pleasure” behind her actions, though. Erika denies it and turns away, then starts talking to... herself, probably.
“I love you.” SHIP SHIP SHIP (nah i don’t actually ship it sorry)
Erika proceeds to go through random bits from her backstory, from the niceties her then-boyfriend told her to some of the strange things that started popping up - a new wallet, new cologne, suddenly having a part-time job, and so on.
“I found tons of evidence that I loved you. I found tons of evidence that you loved me. But I couldn’t find any evidence that you haven’t been cheating on me.”
“If you really find it that hard to trust me, we’re through. Stay away, just go home, bitch, I don’t love you anymore. Don’t cry dammit, it’s disgusting. Just die. Stop shouting, dammit, you’re annoying the neighbourhood. Just get the hell away from me and never come back.”
“...Without love, it cannot be seen? ...Hah. That’s backwards. Because of love, you end up seeing things that don’t even exist. It’s nothing more than an illusion, one that no one except you can see, and one that even you can never touch. Without love, humans would never need to sift through truth and lies.”
I’m pretty sure I already said it, but... Man, even if I’m guilty of not looking at Erika with enough ‘love’, her backstory here falls completely flat for me. For one thing, it’s coming after she had so much fun tormenting Natsuhi in Ep5 and destroying Maria’s illusion in the lounge earlier - it ends up feeling to me like a pithy attempt to make her sympathetic, and... it just doesn’t work. I can’t quite put my finger on why it doesn’t work for Erika, when we’ve got other terrible characters like Rosa and Kinzo (and even Yasu, to an extent) running around, but... it just doesn’t.
Part of that, and the second thing, is that Erika’s backstory just doesn’t make sense to me. While we’re never given an exact number, the narrative does say that she’s younger than Jessica and Battler, putting her around 16 or 17 at the oldest (I’m not sure where I got 14 from, don’t ask). This backstory? Suggests a woman who’s in her 20′s or late teens at the youngest to me, not someone who’s in middle school. I mean, yeah, sure, willing suspension of disbelief, plus as Bern’s piece who knows what the hell kind of person Erika was to begin with, but... it just doesn’t work for me.
...Though I suppose it’s kinda funny that one of the themes I like about Umineko so much - how two different, contradictory options are both “true” - is what trips me up with Erika, huh?
At any rate. “Right now, I am happy... Though it may be temporary, I have become the Witch of Truth. ...As I am now... I no longer need to worry about being tormented by non-red words.”
Erika ask Dlanor how she’d respond to her accusations, and the two of them re-enact the “game” Erika had against her boyfriend. It’s horrifically one-sided, in Erika’s favour.
Before leaving, Dlanor says, “A splendid game, Lady Erika. Even before you became Lady Bernkastel’s piece, you truly were a splendid wielder of the blue TRUTH... However, Lady Erika. Humans are only allowed to use the blue TRUTH. The only thing that can counter blue truth is red TRUTH. Humans are not allowed to use the red TRUTH... In that case, how should your opponent have shown his TRUTH?”
Erika just sorta replies with “who knows.” I’ll admit to feeling a pang of sympathy for her here...
“...You certainly were the victor in that GAME. However, allow me to say this as a protector of the TRUTH. [...] ...This game is your VICTORY. However... you still have not denied the six points of blue truth evidence that I showed to claim that I still loved YOU. ...Even you are HUMAN. You cannot use red truth to deny those POINTS.” 
Erika smugly replies that she “used the detective’s authority” to have her argument elevated to red truth. “I am human, yet superior to humans. A detective and a witch. I am the Witch of Truth, Furudo Erika. Any other questions? Parting remarks?”
Dlanor hesitantly says no and leaves, leaving Erika laughing bitterly on her own. Glancing at the clock, she notices that it’s almost midnight.
“The curtain has finally opened on the second day, October 5th. ...I wonder if the murder this time is happening somewhere about now. I hope our victims leave us some interesting dying messages this time.” yikes™
Elsewhere, George is confronting Eva about his engagement with Shannon. it’s finally murder time
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osakaso5 · 7 years
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Gaku Yaotome i7 Roman Rabbit Chat Part 4: The Elite Soldier Team
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5
Gaku: Tsumugi, good job. That escape game was pretty fun! I'd like to do one again sometime. 
Tsumugi: Good work, Gaku-san! My heart was pounding as I watched Re:vale's playboy team and your soldier team fight for first place..! 
Tsumugi: Unfortunately, you came in second... ><
Gaku: So you were watching us, thanks. We tried to do one last spurt because we didn't want to lose to Re:vale, but it was no use. 
Gaku: The fact that the hints were given out by King Puddings running around the park in costumes was so unexpected that it made me laugh. Chasing them around took longer than I thought... 
Tsumugi: Those puddings moved in very acrobatic ways... 
Gaku: That was just unfair. No one told me there'd be backflips (lol)
Tsumugi: We also had a situation where we had one cornered against a wall and thought we'd caught it, but it climbed over the wall and escaped ><
Gaku: Either way, since our characters were soldiers, the extras would tell us to catch the King Puddings that were making a ruckus, and we had no choice but to obey them. 
Tsumugi: It was very attentive of them to make the extras treat you differently based on your roles..! 
Gaku: True. When Nanase and the younger Izumi were caught by some villain extras, I thought the way Tenn just ran after them without a word was so typical of him. 
Tsumugi: Even Riku-san was surprised by how gallant he was! I could also feel how much Kujo-san cares for Riku-san, so even though it may have been a bit reckless since they were at work, it made me happy. 
Gaku: Our center's so not honest. The reason he was able to go save them without getting weird looks was because he was a soldier. 
Tsumugi: I'd almost like to rewatch that scene over and over again! 
1. Did anything else leave an impression on you?
Gaku: I wasn't expecting the older Izumi and Nikaido to participate as seriously as they did. Nikaido can do so well when he makes an effort that I don't think he needs to put on a lazy act. 
2. Did you have any troubles besides that?
Gaku: I'm not sure if Yuki-san was trying to seduce us or what, but he told us "I'll show you my chest if you give me your hints"... He should stop using himself like that just because he thinks walking around is a pain... 
3. How did you like the other participants?
Gaku: I thought the younger Izumi struggling because of Nanase's clumsiness was funny. He's pretty good at looking after people... 
Gaku: Aah, I think my muscles are gonna hurt tomorrow. Ryu will probably be fine, though. 
Tsumugi: Tsunashi-san was moving quite a lot, wasn't he!? Such as jumping down from high places... 
Gaku: That guy usually excercises a lot, so I'm pretty sure he'll be fine. Do you wanna touch Ryu's muscles sometime, too? (lol) 
Tsumugi: Huh..! I wouldn't dare..! 
Tsumugi: You have a fit body, as well ><
Gaku: It's a little embarrassing that you're suddenly turning this on me (lol) So, would you rather touch my muscles? 
Tsumugi: I could never do something like that!! 
Gaku: Well, I suppose my muscles aren't anything special since IDOLiSH7's got Yotsuba. 
Tsumugi: Tamaki-san still has a bit of an immature air, but you're totally different, since you're an adult ><
Gaku: That's a pretty deep analysis (lol)
Tsumugi: Aaaah, I'm sorry for acting conceited! 
Gaku: What about Tenn's body? He's not interesting at all, right. 
Tsumugi: That's not true, although he has a sort of androgynous appearance, I think his fans are charmed by his masculine figure that can be seen under his clothing! 
Gaku: How do I put this, you really are giving a detailed analysis... 
Tsumugi: That's because I'm talking about TRIGGER..! I can also have a heated discussion about Re:vale! 
Gaku: No... You can just tell me about that when we next see each other. 
Tsumugi: I'm sorry! I'm talking too much, aren't I... 
Gaku: This is just a matter of my feelings. 
Tsumugi: Feelings? 
Gaku: I'll explain it to you someday.  
Translator’s notes..? 
the new submission email is live! please send future requests to [email protected]
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scriptautistic · 8 years
In a high fantasy story, if an autistic person felt they needed to join a quest to save the world, er Queen, with a party of 4 other people, are there any personalities or actions that would impact the more than the other members? If they had to spend the EPIC journey learning/refining fighting techniques would it present unique challenges? Could you give some examples of stims that would be easy to do on horse back?
Sorry to dump so many questions on you all. I’m working on three books and got to thinking about autistic characters in them and the ideas just kept coming in. You are so awesome, I love you. Please keep up the great work.            
Hi there!
Some kinds of people an autistic person could have trouble with could be:
People who talk very loud or otherwise make a lot of noise *side-eyeing my constantly-beatboxing brother*
People who talk very fast or indistinctly and get angry when asked to repeat
People who don’t take personal boundaries into account and insist on touching/hugging… the character even though they can’t stand it
People with very little patience and a short temper who are not ready to try and learn to accomodate the autistic character’s differences
People who struggle with seeing other people’s points of view and take every autistic difference as offences against their person
People who tick off sensory problems in other ways (strong perfume, brightly-colored clothing, listening to loud music all the time…)
Here are some epic adventure things your autistic character may struggle with (as always these are just examples, it’s up to you to decide what your character struggles with and what they will encounter on their journey):
Anything that might disrupt their routine, such as an attack right as they are setting camp, will probably be difficult to deal with.
Going throught the Land Of Technicolor Fire And Vuvuzelas will probably be understandably difficult for your character. Think about what in their environment could trigger their sensory issues. This depends completely on the specific issues they have.
They’re probably not the one to put in charge when it’s time to have that diplomatic discussion with the king the whole world depends on.
If their special interest is baking, they may miss it very much while on the road, and feel bad because of it. But well, as they say, necessity is the mother of invention. I’m sure there’s a way to bake stuff on an open fire with no flour or eggs or sugar available.
Horses, since you mentioned horses, can be loud and unpredictable. This can be a problem.
Having a shutdown when you’re in mortal danger is not a very good idea, but usually you don’t really have a choice. Having a meltdown in the middle of a forest filled with will-eat-you-if-you-make-the-slightest-noise creatures is not a very good idea either.
As for the fighting training, possible difficulties could be dyspraxia/difficulty with motor skills, if they have it, as well as the noise that metal blades make when they crash into each other.
As a rider I can definitely answer that last question. First of all, many stims would be impossible or dangerous to do on horseback, depending on the horse (if it’s very chill or rather nervous). Rapid movement in the peripheric vision of the horse is best to avoid, because chances are it’ll go “AAAAH A PREDATOR” and start running away very fast. So things such as hand flapping will probably be out of the question. Since rocking changes your balance and the place where your body weight is, your horse will probably think you’re trying to communicate something and become very confused as a result, so it’s best to avoid that as well. Same things for leg movements, your horse wil probably interpret them as you wanting to go faster. So I’d say it would be best to keep to small hand movements such as finger tapping on the saddle. Humming or singing is possible too, and so is playing with hair. There are also some stims that one can specifically do one horseback, such as texture stimming with the hair or mane of the horse, pressure stimming by putting your hands under the saddle, or, well… Riding ? Riding is stimmy in itself. Going fast on a horse is great for people who like speed, and just the movement of the horse itself is kind of like rocking, except you don’t even have to put in any effort.
And don’t worry about the questions, we’ve spaced them out a bit but they’ve been great! You know where to find us if you have more :)
-Mod Cat
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