#aaaand reblogging this here too cause
kittykittyanon · 11 months
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♡♡introooo!!! ---- (≧▽≦)//
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woah!! hii!! welcome to my blog!! whaaat!??!! (°ロ°) !
this was made cause i think aggressive anon and worm are really cool and i really liked the idea of making an anon blog, i think was the word?? (and i'm too nervous to just talk on my main),, so yay!! credits to them :DD
i'm really anxious and i'm scared of social interaction,, but with the shield of anon, i feel a little bit more confident now!! yippeee!!! (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) !!!
pronouns are she/they,, and also BOO!! AGE REVEAL!! i'm 14 WOAHHH!!! GAHH!!!! Σ(°ロ°) Σ(°ロ°)
please please please tell me if anything i do or say upsets or hurts anyone,, it's kinda hard for me to tell tones and i don't wanna be mean or insensitive or anything,, so by all means,, call me out!!
uhhmm,, uhhh,,,, i like art and music and and aaaand turtles that are teenagers and mutants and who also, possibly, maybe live in the sewers (/j) feel free to talk to me about literally anythinggg!!╰(*´︶`*)╯
i think i'll just kinda,, sit here, i guess?? i'll use this to reblog stuffs and post random whatevers,, i will probably pop up somewhere and actually get the somewhat confidence to show my appreciation towards a couple people i've been following on my main that i was too nervous to talk to sooo yah!! im so sorry for making this so long, this took me a while to get the courage to post,, thank you for reading!!!
edit!! i changed my prns from she/her to she/they!! going to try it out for a little and see if it feels right (*´▽`*)!!
tags!!!;; #kittykitty interactions , #kittykitty reblogs , #kittykitty art , #kittykitty asks , #kittykitty rambles , #kittykitty yaps , #kittykitty treasures , #kittykitty hoards , #kittykitty writes
my amazing mooties' tags!!!!;; #rocky!! rocky!!! , #zeepie beepie!!! zeepie deepie!!!! , #big sib aggie!!! , #omg hi frankie!!! hiii!!!! , #woah!! chip is here!! hi chip!!!! // #chippy chip chipper chippzie!! , #the wormiest worm ever!!! , #finnie forevermore!!! finley!!! finn!!! , #woah!! its lykaios!! hii!! , #skrap-a-skrip!! ,, #the loveliest amor!!
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sunchay · 2 years
Mystrade as fox and wolf
So I was sitting in Pinterest and making my 58k pins collection even bigger and ran across some of the photos of the foxes and wolves and... An idea immediately crossed my mind. I'm sure this was done before and I may even reblogged something long time ago, but I still wrote short fic where Mycroft is fox and Greg is wolf based on these few photos.
Also, thanks @goodold-fashionedloverhitman for a little correcting. You're my savior.
So here are the photos
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Aaaand this one... Let's imagine that wolf could somehow leave such lipstick marks
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The morning sun had finally begun to warm the ground, frozen overnight, which was covered with a thin layer of snow that was gradually beginning to melt, opening the forest dwellers to a view of the green grass that everyone must have missed. 
The most ordinary wolf, which differed from other representatives of his species only by the fact that he had no pack, decided to use such an attractive opportunity to get warm, so he found a large rock in the open field, and climbing on it he felt his soft paws finally getting warm, and then he immediately laid down, beginning to roll over from side to side, sticking out his tongue and glad that the harsh winter was finally over. 
His ears did not immediately detect the sound of a stranger coming from below, but when the stranger was spotted, the wolf landed on his stomach and pressed his head to his paws, staring at the fox, hiding among the still low grasses and watching the gray fluffy ball with his head slightly tilted to the side. 
The animals stared at each other for several minutes without moving at all, studying each other, until the wolf, who was naturally stronger and more confident, laid with his back to the fox, which usually in animals meant trust. 
The fox, who was as lonely as the lone wolf, leaped onto a rock and laid down next to him, not daring to get too close, but it was rather difficult to keep the distance, as it appeared that the rock was too small for them two. 
In the complete silence that had accompanied the wolf throughout the winter, he pulled himself up and laid down on top of the fox, causing the fox to squeal loudly as the wolf had no idea how big he was. Soon the fox got out from under him and climbed up himself. Nestled comfortably on the gray fur, which was even warmer than the stone itself and also soft and thick, the fox burrowed his nose into the fur on the wolf's neck and closed his eyes. 
Realising that his new and no longer so lonely friend felt comfortable, the wolf also closed his eyes, welcoming spring together with the fox in each other's warmth and feeling happier than ever.
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gallexy-cat · 3 years
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Aaaand Logan! The Sanders Sides are complete! (Might do Remy and Emile too)
It was discovered in a deep trenches of the Atlantic Ocean. There had previously been no sign of it, but when a submarine explorer reported seeing a 'giant angler fish', the foundation stepped in to find it. When it was found, the scuba diver reported hearing a weird voice in his head in a language he didn't recognize. It was discovered in a giant cave full of large white crystals in clumps, with smooth, tall, blue-ish walls and occasional stalactites and stalagmites. Certain areas provide a space for it to come above the surface. The scuba diver inspecting all this took a video and many pictures, following the giant creature. It seemed unbothered by the persons presence, but once in the cave, turned around and grabbed him. However, it seemed more curious than malicious, holding him easily on its large hand, the other hand resting on the sharp crystals. Unlike the diver, who reported the crystals being extremely sharp, SCP-7214 was and is unbothered by it, leaning on the crystals without being damaged. It inspected the diver, large antenna bending down as well. Eventually it let the diver go, swimming away into the giant cave. The diver went back up and gave the researchers the run down and showed the footage.
Because of SCP-7214s size and inability to understand them, it couldn't be moved to any of the existing facilities. After a few interactions, it allowed a small tracking device to be placed on it so that the SCP Foundation could continue monitoring its activity. A small site was built on the nearest land to it so that investigations can continue to be conducted on it.
SCP-7214 is docile and appears to have no desire to roam any higher than the Abyss/Abyssopalegic Zone, eating large meals once a month and otherwise staying in its large, maze of a cave, most often resting or swimming around slowly. Those who have seen it in person always describe it as beautiful and infinite, and often are mesmerized with either its fins or its eyes, which shift in a galaxy looking pattern of stars.
Researchers are working to decipher the telepathic language it speaks, but are so far still unsure of it all. Thankfully, SCP-7214 stays generally where it is and causes no trouble, allowing them to poke around it carefully as long as it can poke around them a bit in turn, clearly curious about learning more about them.
So yeah! That's Logan. No death, just a super big mermaid dude who looks very threatening but is actually chill. And he would come across awkward if they could understand what he was saying, but they can't, so they just think he's cool.
And here's two extra pics, with a real life cave background because I'm lazy and can't draw backgrounds, but I wanted to get the idea down of what his cave looks like, also I just love drawing him and will probably some more art of him soon
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If you like it, please like and/or reblog, it would mean a lot to me :3
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emsylcatac · 3 years
Love you and your blog so much! You are a lovely artist and writer, I super enjoy seeing your creations! Do you have any recommendations for other ML artist Tumblrs and ML writer Tumblrs to follow?
Hey! ♥ Aaah thank you, you’re very sweet!!! 🥺 Comments like this make my day!!!
Yes of course, I have blogs to rec!
I had made a list back in September, so I’ll link it here again and there’s already plenty of blogs!   Have a look at it so I don’t rec the same persons again but I would cause they’re all great!! (Note: since the last post, chatnoirinette changed her url and can be found at @carpisuns, ladybuginettes too and is now @ladynoirist, and the_picayune is now @picayunearts)
I will add a few more people to this list though, however you probably know some of them already (order is alphabetic):
@aerequets — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: Very funny and cute comics that makes your heart full of love!
@buggachat — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: She makes some of the funniest & wholesome small comics, her art is precious and she has written some fanfics that are pretty cool!
@bugsandchatons — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: Rachel is a fantastic writer, she hasn't written for ML a lot yet but is definitely someone to keep track of because the one she wrote made me scream & cry & filled my heart with love!
@caytaclysm — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: Cay has some very cute and wholesome fanart, and particularly Ladrien fanart which automatically makes her awesome. She reblogs also lots of posts and it always makes me discover new art or fics, which is really great!
@chocoluckchipz — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: Lucky does amazing art & writes nice fics as well, so have a look around her blog!
@eggrestes — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: Luna's really nice and funny and supportive, I love her posts too!
@fearlessinger — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: Chiara has great analysis and insight on the show, and she's super sweet!
@fizzyarts — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: her art is gorgeous and she has made recently very beautiful edits/drawings of the ML characters.
@hannahyonana — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: I adore her comics & her art style, and she makes super fun post-episodes comics these days it's amazing.
@jennagrinsoverml — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: Jenna writes lovely fics and is super supportive of writers! She seems like a delightful person, I really recommend her blog & her fics!
@jjuuppiter — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: I really love their art, and they sometimes do short animation that are insane!
@kittychatnoire — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: Bri writes beautiful fics, and posts wholesome content; she's really cool and nice!!
@ladyofthenoodle — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: Noodles has great analysis, great fics, great & fun fanart and is a great person overall so give her some love!
@lc-holy​ — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: I cannot say how much I adore her art style! On top of it all, she makes very good comics with thoughtful & intriguing plots or original AUs, fully coloured and super professional-looking, it’s crazy. Really wholesome content, I highly recommend!!
@lnc2 — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: She writes very good fics & is an amazing writer, and her posts are pretty fun as well!
@marinetteplztakeabreak — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: She's very sweet and writes fun fics and very insightful meta! She also has super funny posts.
@peachcitt — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: Her writing is so good, I really recommend her fics!!
@sweetjupiterr​ — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: They’re new to Tumblr but I saw their art before on instagram and I adore their art style! They make pretty wholesome drawings so I’d advice everyone to check them out!
@thesquipproject​ — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: I discovered her blog pretty recently so I can’t tell much about the other content she does yet, but she has very cute and fun fanart and seem like a lovely and supportive person!
@yuumi0035 — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: She makes adorable fanart & is pretty fun!
Otherwise, you can also follow:
@discoveringmiraculousartist and @discoveringmiraculouswritersthat are blogs made specifically to discover artists & writers! They've both managed by the sweet @verooquieremimir (who also draws herself lovely art!)
Aaaand I’ll stop there, I probably forgot tons of people & I’m sorry!
Note that I selected blogs that aren’t (or minimally) salty, and I’d rather avoid anyone adding salty blogs in the comments, thanks ♥
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ticklishfiend · 4 years
Pure Gold (My Hero Academia)
Lee!Mina / Ler!Bakugou ⚠️PLATONIC⚠️
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A/N : haven’t posted a fic in a while cause my laptop broke but hey!! i fixed it!! so here we go. i wanna make a sequel to this with the sleepover mentioned at the end, so if ur interested or have any ideas, lemme know!!
Summary: Mina catches Bakugou in a very incriminating circumstance, and of course, records it (cause how could she not). Unfortunately for her, Bakugou doesn’t think this is as funny as she thinks it is, but decides to make her laugh with his own methods anyways.
Word Count: 3084
. . .
Mina rolled onto her right side for what had to be the millionth time tonight, nothing ever feeling comfortable enough to just loll her into the right sleepy headspace she needed to get some goddamn shuteye. She’s never really had many problems with falling asleep before, so why tonight she had to be burdened with this temporary insomnia was beyond her. 
Mina threw her arm out behind her back towards her bedside table, fingers fumbling around for her phone before finding it connected to the charger. Detaching it from it’s plug, she brought it towards her, face flinching at the sudden brightness before her eyes adjusted to the light. She groaned as she scanned over the time, 1:02AM, far later than she would typically still be awake. Sure, it was Friday so she didn’t have any classes to worry about the next day, but it was still frustrating to get off her normal sleeping schedule so suddenly and for seemingly no reason. She had to fix it soon before she pulled an accidental all-nighter.
Whining and groaning the whole way, Mina threw her legs out over the side of her bed, dangling her feet for a moment before slipping them into her cute fuzzy panda slippers she kept on her bedside. The girl figured her best bet for now would be to drink one of the soothing teas that Momo kept lying around in the kitchen for anyone to use. She dragged herself towards the door, allowing her arms to stretch over her head with a yawn before grabbing at the cold metal door handle and slowly creaking open the entrance. 
She was careful to be quiet, turning the handle before shutting the door as to avoid any unnecessary clicks. She’d be damned if she made any of her light-sleeper classmates go through the same sleepless night she was currently going through by waking them up so late in the night. She walked heel to toe through the carpeted hallway, finding her way to the elevator finally and breathing a sigh of relief as the doors closed without a dinging sound.
After what felt like a treacherous journey, she finally made it to the corner that would lead her to both the kitchen and common area. But, before she turned the corner, she saw a light illuminating off the walls coming from the commons. Her brow quirked, not expecting any type of light to be shining from the area.
No worries, she thought. If someone accidentally left a light on I’ll just turn it off real quick so no one gets in trouble, easy peasy! She finally made it around the corner when it finally dawned on her where the light source was coming from in the first place; the TV.
Her eyes met the muted TV that seemed to be playing a...romance anime? The subtitles were on and the volume was completely turned off, so whoever had been watching it was obviously aware of how late it was and was trying to stay quiet for the rest of the class like Mina had been.
The pink girl watched the screen for a moment, reading the subtitles to find that one of the characters had apparently just confessed their love to someone else in some heroic fashion. It was super cute, and she’ll definitely have to look up whatever this is so she can watch it in her own time. Before she could make her way towards the action to turn the TV off, however, she heard...is that…?
She paused, her ears perking up at the sound just in case she had imagined it. Then, no more than 3 seconds later, she heard it again. Sniffles, this time accompanied by a little groan of what sounded like endearment. This is so cute, she thought to herself, bringing her hand to her mouth to cover up any giggles that dared to escape. Someone’s crying about a romance anime right now, and it definitely sounded like one of the boys too! There’s no way I can’t find out who this is.
As quietly and sneakily as the acidic girl possibly could, she made her way towards the back of the couch, crouching down just slightly as to not alert them with her shadow. She finally allowed her eyes to peer just above the top of the cushion aaaand…
Mina could hardly believe what she was seeing. Was she complaining? Absolutely not, this was pure gold, it was just surprising! THE Bakugou Katsuki, curled up on the corner of the couch swaddled in a fluffy All Might blanket, tears pooling at the corners of his eyes with an actual smile on his face. He stuffed his mouth with popcorn before wiping his tears with the corner of his printed blanket, muffling a small “Finally,” into the fabric. 
There was no chance in hell Mina was going to miss this golden opportunity.
Like a spy, Mina quickly but quietly snatched her phone from the pocket of her sleep shorts, opening the camera before pressing record. She zoomed in on the romantic scene displayed on the screen, before slowly panning down to the still sniffling Bakugou, the light from the TV bright but his smile even brighter. She hit the off button before stuffing the phone back in her pocket with a grin, quietly making her way towards the kitchen.
She went to take a mug out of one of the top cabinets, purposefully shutting it louder than she needed to to alert the blonde on the sofa. He jumped at the noise, whipping his head around towards the girl before throwing his arm towards the coffee table to snatch the remote and turn the TV off with force.
“Why the fuck are you in here, Pinky?!!” Bakugou whisper-shouted from across the room, and though the light from the TV was now gone, Mina could just tell he had to be blushing from embarrassment. She grinned widely.
“Oh, y’know, couldn’t sleep,” She smirked, not looking Bakugou’s direction while filling her kettle with tap water. “I’m guessing the romantic buildup had to be pretty intense to make THE Lord Explosion Murder shed a few tears, huh?”
Bakugou froze before his body started to shake with anger, launching himself over the back of the couch and lunging towards Mina, grabbing her by the shoulders and digging his fingers into the flesh aggressively. He was seething, his jaw clenched and eyes white with anger, and though Mina was a little shaken up when he initially grabbed her, she couldn’t help but giggle when remembering what she had just seen moments ago.
“I WILL KILL YOU, YOU ALIEN FUCK!” He almost-shouted, and it was obvious he was still cautious of waking anyone up so Mina wouldn’t be able to tell anyone about what she had witnessed. “You keep this shit to yourself, got it?! Cause I’m not scared to fucking kill you!”
“Oh I know that, Blasty,” she smiled up at him, unable to suppress another giggle. “It’s too bad I got your little cry-sesh on camera then, huh?”
Bakugou’s face fell, his eyes wide before he squeezed even tighter into her shoulders. “You...you WHAT?!?!” Mina had meant to let out another laugh at his expense, but it turned into a yelp as she was aggressively hoisted up over his shoulder. 
Mina kicked and laughed, hitting at his back to no avail as he stomped towards the couch and unceremoniously threw her down onto it, pinning her against the cushions, her hands now laying flat underneath his knees that were thrown over her waist.
“Woah, take me out to dinner first!” Mina’s eyes were wide as she let out a nervous chuckle. She tugged at her hands, but they weren’t going anywhere under his weight. She even tried kicking a little against the cushion, but yet again, nothing.
“Not into you like that, Pinky,” He aggressively pointed towards her face, the angry scowl never leaving his now wrinkled expression. “And you’re gonna delete that fucking video, got it?!”
“Are you kidding me?! I could never delete that! It’s gold and you know it!” Mina exasperated, shocked he could even consider that a possibility. 
“NO IT’S FUCKING NOT!” He whisper-shouted into her face, moving his hand even closer to her face until it booped her nose, her eyes crossing down to look at it. “Delete it, Horns...or I’ll fucking make you.”
Mina uncrossed her eyes and looked up to Bakugou, whose face remained angry and undeterred. She sighed, “Ok, first of all, they’re not horns; they’re antennas. Secondly, you were too cute in the video to delete it! I’m sorry, Baku, but I can’t do that.”
Bakugou just grunted, moving both of his hands down now to grip at her waist, making her eyes widen with a sudden knowing fear. “I am NOT cute, and you WILL delete that fucking video, Pink-Fuck! You always give in to this shit,” Bakugou couldn’t help the smirk that rose on his face as he squeezed her sides once, making her jump and yelp.
“Nohoho! Bakugou, please, not thihis!” Mina couldn’t help the giggles that left her lips even if he hadn’t properly done anything yet. It was just the knowing of what was to come that caused nervous laughter to bubble from her chest and into both their ears.
“It doesn’t have to be this way, moron,” Bakugou said, eyeing down at her waist before noticing the phone-sized bulge in her shorts pocket. He smirked, reaching down and pulling it from its hiding spot. He looked at the screen before huffing, turning it to face her eyes. “Gimme the code. Now.”
“No way! You’ll just delete the video!” Mina said before yelping with another jerk as he pinched at her side again. “Dohon’t!” He sat her phone down on the arm of the couch before wiggling both his hands over her belly, the sight alone making her shriek and let out a flow of giggles.
“You’re gonna wanna give me that code, loser,” Bakugou grinned, jerking his hands down towards her stomach without touching her and bringing them back up, making Mina jerk aggressively with another yelp. “I haven’t even touched you yet and you’re already freaking out! This is gonna fucking suck for you if you don’t let me delete that damn video!” 
Mina just pursed her mouth shut tightly, shaking her head “no” while letting little huffs of suppressed laughs escape from her nose. Bakugou just sighed, raising his wiggling fingers just slightly higher before a wide, sadistic grin cemented itself to his face.
“You asked for this.”
Before she had time to retaliate, wiggling fingers came down to pinch up her sides and into the dips of her ribs, sending her into a cackling fit. She kicked uselessly from behind him, tugging at her trapped hands to no avail.
Bakugou used his right hand to dig his fingertips into the bottom of her ribs, while skittering his other nails over her quivering belly. She sucked her stomach in as much as possible, but with each laugh it was brought back up, practically tickling itself on his fingers.
“Bakugohohou! Plehehease! Nohoho!” She squealed, her eyes squeezed tightly shut as he continued his relentless but playful torture.
“No what?” the blonde teased, using his index and middle fingers to vibrate into her tummy. She let out a shriek at that, jerking violently while trying to smush her face into the cushion beside her. “Ohoho, that bad, huh? Pretty effective method if I do say so myself,” Bakugou then used his two fingers on each hand to vibrate into her lower ribs, a spot he knows all too well is absolutely unforgiving. She screamed at this, shaking her head side to side as laughs poured from her gut. “I always get what I want, Pinky, and this isn’t gonna be any fucking different.”
Mina couldn’t help the loud shrieks and squeals that left her body, tossing herself from side to side with no effect whatsoever. “GAHAHAHA! Plehehease! It tickles too muhuhuch!”
“Not my fucking problem,” Bakugou went back to his squeezing method from before, this time bringing one hand down to pinch at her hip. Mina jolted at the touch, screaming and cackling at his relentless squeezing. “The code, moron, lest you forget about what got you here in the first place.”
“Nehehever! I cahahan’t!” she laughed before gasping in a breath of air as his hands let go of her body for a moment. She hesitantly opened one of her eyes to look at her tormentor, who was yet again wiggling his fingers over her tummy. She shut her eyes again tight at the sight, a new bout of giggles leaving her from anticipation. “Nohoho!”
“You can never handle being teased, can ya?” Bakugou grinned, before bringing both his hands back down to lift up her nightshirt up to her bottom ribs.
“No! No no no! Please! Bakugou, let’s talk about this!” Mina spluttered out nervously, opening her eyes to see him just ghosting his fingers over her still quivering belly. She tossed her head back with a giggly whine, kicking her feet behind him like a child in a tantrum.
“Nope. You had your damn chance, and you blew it,” He smirked devilishly, bringing his fingers down to gently skitter over her now bare belly, dissolving her into a fit of high-pitched giggles. “Now you’re gonna get-” BZZZ! BZZZ!
Bakugou paused his previously wiggling fingers, his head whipping up and eyes making contact with the now buzzing phone resting on the arm of the couch. He groaned when he read who was calling on Mina’s FaceTime, resting one hand on his knee while reaching out and swiping the phone from it’s resting spot (though his knees were still pressed firmly against Mina’s trapped hands- he hadn’t yet planned on stopping her torment.)
Bakugou pressed the bright green button on the screen and stared blankly at the dark screen as Denki answered. The boy had obviously been trying to sleep, evident by the fact no lights were on in his room.
“Bakugou?” The boy asked groggily on the other end, and even though Bakugou couldn’t technically see his face, he knew he had to have the dumbest expression printed all over it.
“Yes, what the hell do you want Pikachu?” Bakugou growled at the screen.
“Can you tell Mina to quit screaming? I could tell it’s her, her laughs are always the same; just so fuckin’ loud,” Denki chuckled, and Bakugou could hear his sheets shuffling. “What’s got her laughing so hard anyway? You aren’t exactly the funniest person on the planet.”
“I’M FUCKING HILARIOUS YOU DUNCE!” Bakugou shouted angrily into the phone, gripping it tightly as Mina just prayed he wouldn’t crush it with his pure fiery rage. “And that’s none of your fucking buisness!” Bakugou paused, looking down at Mina who had a sheepish grin on her face. He sighed. “She’ll be quiet now. Just go to sleep so you aren’t dumber tomorrow than you usually are,” Bakugou huffed, hanging up without allowing the blonde on the other end to get any word in. 
The explosive teen threw Mina’s phone down beside her on the couch, hoisting himself off her with a scowl on his face and a roughness to his movements. Mina couldn’t help but feel a little guilty as he jerked his blanket out from under the girl aggressively and began making his way away from the couch. She quickly sat up and snatched his wrist, pulling him back slightly and making the boy grunt, looking back at her with tense brows.
“How about a compromise?” She proposed, a small grin on her face. He looked at her through squinted eyes for a moment, questioning her request. Finally, he rolled his eyes with a huff.
“Hit me with it,” he didn’t look at her in the eyes, but she celebrated internally at the fact he wasn’t too visibly angry at her.
“I’ve got a sleepover tomorrow with all the girls, and we’ve been dying for a special guest,” She bit her lip with a cheek-tearing smirk as his brow somehow managed to furrow even deeper. “Hang out with us for just a few hours tomorrow night; you don’t even have to sleep over, just stay for the fun parts. I’ll delete the video as soon as it’s over.”
He continued to stare at her questioningly, obviously not convinced nor happy with this compromise. She needed to give him more.
“I promise I won’t show a soul the video if you promise to go tomorrow. No one will even know it existed before it’s already gone,” she said, before deciding to finally pull out the big guns. She pouted out her bottom lip and lowered her wide eyes, eyebrows piercing upwards like a sad puppy. “Pleeease Bakugou? I promise it’ll be fun!”
He paused, staring at her sad little face and feeling himself go slightly soft inside while staring at his friend. He squeezed his eyes shut tight and jerked his arm out of the girl’s grasp with a loud groan.
“Fine...as long as this shit stays between us...I guess I’ll go,” Bakugou nearly whispered the last part, as if the words had to crawl their way out of his throat while being tied down from his sheer stubbornness alone. 
Mina couldn't help the shriek of excitement she let out, her mouth quickly getting covered by Bakugou's large calloused hand while his other planted an index finger on his own mouth towards her. “Shut the fuck up Pinky, we already woke Dunce up!” She just smiled behind his hand, nodding up and down quickly.
Bakugou let out a sigh as he moved his hand from her face, using his fingers to squeeze at the bridge of his nose. “You are so fucking annoying, y’know that?”
Mina just giggled, standing up and giving Bakugou a hug so quick he couldn’t pull away from it. He stood in shock for a moment, before shoving her shoulder and making the girl fall back on the couch with an oof! followed by her giggles. He just rolled his eyes with a, “Tch,” throwing his blanket over his shoulder and walking towards the hallways.
“Night, Blasty! Get ready for the night of your life tomorrow!” She whisper-shouted towards the exiting boy, who only flipped her off as his body finally disappeared into the shadows of the shared hallways.
. . .
A/N : hope you enjoyed!! i didn’t rlly proofread this so if it’s terribly written i apologize lmaoo, again if ur interested in a part 2 lemme know!!! much love <3 xoxo
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tarithenurse · 3 years
Spark - 25
Fandom: Enn Enn no Shōbōtai / Fire Force. Pairing: Shinmon Benimaru x fem!reader. Content: Angst, feels, danger, stubbornness. The usual. A/N: Manage to get myself pretty confused because it said I’d already posted 25 chapters on AO3 but here on Tumblr it only claimed 24...aaaand then I remembered posting the what-if directly in the story there but not here...so yeah! Feel free to ASK (or reblog) for tag – in fact: always reblog. Thanks to those who have already <3
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25. Forged by fire
...   Reader   ...
Your brain is protesting as you wake up. No, scratch that. Your entire body is throbbing as you’re being jostled by each step of the one carrying. Benimaru. The scent and heat can only be his but it’s comforting to open the eyes and see the shock of dark hair flopping about, occasionally blocking the view of his right cheek bone. Somehow, probably with the help of Joker, you’ve been tied together, allowing your arms to hang limply over his shoulders while he supports your by wrapping his arms around your thighs. It’s not comfortable but it’s efficient.
“Wait,” Joker hisses from up ahead.
There’s very little light – barely enough to illuminate the obstacles littering the crumbled hallway – and you can’t see what has alerted the gangly man, but you feel the uncrowned king of Asakusa tense beneath you, his lungs slowly expanding as he takes in the surroundings.
“Hm. I smell it.”
Smell? Sniffing the air, you don’t pick up on anything much at first apart from Benimaru, dust; and your own need for a bath.
“Don’t worry, [Y/N], just stay calm.” He must have felt you stirring.
Nothing snappy comes to mind and it doesn’t matter because that’s when you realize that a curl of sulphurous stench is mingling with the air.
“Let me down.”
“You can’t stand on that leg,” he argues as Joker steps closer.
Already fumbling with the sash holding the two of you together, the idea of supporting the weight seems like a horrible idea. “It wasn’t an invitation to a discussion, Beni,” you growl, “I’ll hold you back if you carry me.”
“I’m not leaving you behind!” Stubbornly digging the fingers into your thighs, he’s probably stubborn enough to stick to the word.
Finally free of the restraints, you tug at his hair. “I’m only telling you to put me down for now.”
There are whispers now, low murmuring groans coming from both directions as if carried on the fumes. The lightest dust and ashes are starting to dance on the ground in spiralling patterns that clash and divide in mesmerizing patterns. They could have been fascinating to watch if it wasn’t for the temperature slowly rising.
“Do as she says, Shinmon,” Joker drawls, his eye fixed at a warm glow that has appeared in the distance.
Begrudgingly, the man sets you on the ground, careful to let you gain the balance on your good leg before letting go. It’s obvious on his face: one wrong move and he’ll sweep you off your feet. I’m so gonna use this to my benefit once we’re home. You decide to ignore the nagging sense of doubt and instead focus on the growing lights in either direction of the tunnel.
What at first was nothing more than a glow has now, beyond a doubt, taken shape of several flickering fires moving towards the same cluster of targets. Misshapen bodies cast their stretching shadows beneath the flames, obscuring dozens of shuffling feet as the pace begins to pick up. They know you’re there. They are hungry.
Glancing at the men, the darkness before them is illuminated in red and purple and the air around them is shimmering with heat.
“Let them get close.”
“Guess you’re too exhausted to think clearly, dear,” Joker chuckles but then hesitates as he sees your face, “...okay. Call it.”
...  Joker  ...
Smiling behind the collar, Joker recognizes the worry flashing across the other man’s face. It’s a bold plan and he isn’t sure it’s strictly necessary...but they can’t be sure what else they’ll be facing on their way out, so [Y/N]’s idea of preserving the would-be rescuers’ power for later makes sense.
“Lighten up...or not, actually,” he smiles wickedly at Shinmon, “let’s see what our girl can do, eh?”
The glare he receives from the captain is a logical response.
“[Y/N]...there’s no reason to push yourse-”
“I didn’t survive this shit just to be rescued like some fairy tale maiden.” The threatening purr combined with the half-dried blood makes her seem tantalizingly dangerous. “There’s no one to take out my revenge on, but at least I can clean up the mess I’ve made when I let the lab blow up too.”
Oh? That must be an interesting story...for later. Finding an adequate slab of broken concrete, he brushes it off and sits down. In one of the inner pockets of the coat is a pack wrapped in cellophane and he picks a cigarette from it, lighting it with a flick of his fingers. Aaah. The acrid taste fills him for a handful of seconds before it’s blown out through his nostrils together with the last hours’ worth of stress – he could almost chill for a moment if it wasn’t for Benimaru joining him by the boulder, sitting as relaxed as a statue about to crack.
“Has anyone ever told you t-”
“Shut up, Joker.”
The men relapse into silence. It’s not that the man with the hat doesn’t understand Benimaru’s sentiment: the girl’s in horrible condition and is using almost all her strength to stand, it seems. The white-clad ran from her. The image of a dying man clutching a bundle of hastily written notes is still clear in Joker’s mind. Abandoned a comrade together with a demon infernal...he didn’t think they could end it. It’s clear, though, that something did put it to rest, most likely causing the explosion at the same time. Show us what you’ve got, [Y/N).
...  Benimaru ...
Like lit matches, only their heads are burning as they rush forward. At first surging for whomever is nearest until a clear shout orders them to ignore the men.
“I am what you want!”
The way the infernals all zero in on [Y/N] it really looks like she’s right and as they swarm around, pushing closer but never able to touch her, he can barely see her until he stand up on the slab of concrete.
Eye glowing bright yellow even against the infernals’ blaze, she doesn’t flinch as charred fingers scrape against the air, trying to reach her. She stands, immovable, talking calmly as if they could understand her. Maybe they can. Yes, they absolutely can and some must be accepting what she says because they stop and wait without a sound. Wait for what? A few infernals continue their struggle only to be wrapped in the arms of those standing by until finally, none of them are moving more than their dead faces.
There’s a shift in the air as [Y/N] spreads her arms, smoke and heat pushed outwards by an unseen pressure and stilling the flames of the damned.
“I’m sorry,” the woman whispers a second before tugging her fists tightly to the chest and plunging the Nether in darkness once more.
Benimaru can hear the muted sounds of clothing landing in heaps on the ground, the impact softened by dust and ashes, but the room is obscured by dark flakes filling the air to the extend that the glow from Joker’s cigarette nor the captain’s excellent vision can guarantee a view of the woman they came here for.
“Impressive,” the smoking man comments, snapping a fiery playing card out of nowhere to illuminate the space.
No one is listening to the compliment. The captain of Special Fire Force Company Seven is reaching out for the swaying figure of the woman he loves, barely making it over the heap of sooty jumpsuits in time to catch her as she collapses one more time.
“[Y/N]!” he croaks, frantically feeling for a pulse.
Eyelashes flutter for a brief second before she scrunches her face to look up at him. “Yeah yeah...I’ll let you carry me this time too.”
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studiobeebo · 4 years
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aaaand part 2 featuring gojō! thank ya again for the request :) @alibrick1
find part one ft. megumi here!
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A - Asking You Out
Satoru Gojō x Fem! Reader
as always if y’all enjoy this please remember that reblogs are greatly appreciated :D
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Gojō is convinced that he is god’s gift to humanity and there is nothing that could convince him otherwise.
That being said, even since he was young, there weren’t really many people that tried to convince him otherwise, he was often pandered to either for his power, his looks, or both so while he may not entirely be a narcissist, he certainly doesn’t have any self esteem issues.
Of course along with the general praise he got, as he got older, he began to gain significantly more romantic and/or sexual attention from others and there was hardly a place he could go without feeling eyes on him, hell he could have had a record breaking collection of phone numbers that had been slipped to him over the years if he had actually bothered to keep any of them, yet very few of them ever caught his eye.
If they did, it was more out of a sense of him needing, to put it plainly, a quick fuck for some stress relief or fun and not someone he had much intention of keeping in contact with. He didn’t have time for stuff like that anyways and he figured if he did find someone worth his while, he would make time.
Well, now he was making time.
Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately for you, you had peaked his interest almost from the moment he met you, though he didn’t start really considering the idea of being with you until much more recently. When he did though, he made it very clear.
His flirting was almost constant whenever you were around and actually, he asked you out on quite a few dates because asking was never the problem. He was a simple man, if he wanted something, he would go for it, so he was never nervous or hesitant about his intentions. You, on the other hand, weren’t quite the same.
The handful of times you had turned him down weren’t because you didn’t like him, in fact you did like him, too much for your own good in your eyes. You didn’t misinterpret his intentions or think he was lying, if he only wanted to get into your pants then he would have said so, so you believed he genuinely wanted to get to know you better, but that wasn’t really the problem.
The problem was that you couldn’t grasp Gojō and the reality was that you would never be able to do so. What he saw and knew of the world was so beyond anything you could even begin to comprehend, he saw and understood things that no one else could. He was leagues away from you in that sense and for some reason, you really hated that idea. You would always be beneath him in a sense, your naivety may have even been endearing to him for all you knew, so you put your foot down and told him ‘no’ many times, convinced that it would be better not to risk anything or even try.
He had an idea of your thought process, but surprisingly enough, that was something he didn’t quite know how to navigate. He was the best, after all, and being the best was often lonely. He would never expect you to be able to understand everything he did, in fact he really couldn’t care less about that difference between the two of you. He liked you and you were someone who made his time on earth worth enjoying, it was that simple for him, but he didn’t know where he could begin to convince you of the same, to just let go of inhibitions and trust that he just wanted to enjoy his time with someone he had developed feelings for.
Because of this, for a long time things stayed the same between the two of you, both of you knowing about the others feelings, yet nothing really coming of it. He’d ask you out, you’d say no, then back to business as usual. It got to a point where he was actually getting a bit frustrated because he knew you felt the same for him and yet he couldn’t get past whatever wall you had built up to keep him out. It frustrated him enough that he began complaining to Nanami about it, something he did painfully often much to Nanami’s dismay, but despite being younger than Gojō, he had to admit that he had some solid advice.
He suggested that he stop asking you out on dates, which at first just made Gojō groan in annoyance, but Nanami was quick to explain that what he meant was that he should stop putting the idea in a romantic context and instead make it seem like nothing more than two colleagues hanging out. Gojō thought about it for a second, which was much longer than he usually thought things like this through, before giving a thankful pat on the shoulder and going off on his way.
He didn’t intend to waste time and as far as he knew, you were probably making dinner for the first years, something you usually did on Friday evenings to give them time to relax after a week’s worth of training and missions. So that’s where he went, paying little mind to his students who sat around in the commons area arguing over this or that as they usually did and instead making a beeline for the kitchen.
“Yo, (Y/N).~”
You immediately jumped, your mind having been preoccupied with cutting up some vegetables for curry before turning around to glare at the man who had so kindly interrupted your daydreaming.
“I could have sliced my finger off you know.” “Yeah? You’d really do anything to get my attention, hm?”
You simply rolled your eyes and stifled a laugh, returning your focus to what you were doing, but he couldn’t help but smile as he watched you from his place leaning against the doorframe.
“Can I help you or do you intend to stare all evening?” You questioned, turning your back to gently pour your vegetables into the hot skillet you had waiting on the stovetop.
“Was going to ask you to go out for drinks with me once you’re done coddling my students.”
You stopped for a moment, letting out a sigh as you fiddled around with the now sizzling veggies.
“Are we really going to keep going through this or-“ “Ahh, don’t be like that, I’m not asking you out on a date. Just wanted to hang out, that’s all. As friends.” He replied, raising his hands defensively as you turned to face him with your hands on your hips.
That caused you to raise an eyebrow skeptically as you searched his face, trying to figure out what he was doing. Of course you were just about to nag him about knocking it off with the faux romancing, but you didn’t expect him to actually do so.
“As friends?” You replied flatly.
“What, is that too generous? Fine then, as ‘coworkers-that-are-on-good-terms’.”
You laughed, knowing he knew damn well that wasn’t what you meant and he couldn’t help but smile, it always made him a little giddy when he could coax that cute laughter out of you without you holding back.
“Alright, alright. Yeah, I’ll go with you.” You hummed, turning back around to focus on the task at hand. If he was ready to cut his losses and settle for the weird in between thing that the two of you had going on, you were more than happy to oblige. Oh, if only you knew that there was no way in hell your resilience would last, but that’s a different thought for a later time.
“Great!” He said with a clap of his hands. “Then as a friend I’m obligated to tell you that I have no intention of paying for any of your drinks. Or a cab if you get wasted. Since, yknow, it’s not like we’re together. That would be gross. See ya.~”
With that he was gone, a grin on his face that he wasn’t even going to bother trying to hide as his pride was bolstered almost instantly and his excitement over the simple prospect of getting drinks with you had him feeling like a teenager again. To be honest, you were feeling much the same as you blamed the heat that fanned your cheeks on the steaminess of the kitchen. You couldn’t, however, blame the smile that spread across your face on anything of the sort, but for now you were fine with chalking it up to the fact that you were just excited to be going out for once and definitely not thrilled to spend time with someone who was nothing more than a ‘friend’. Maybe a small part of you knew this would happen one day and your resolve to deny him would falter, but like you had thought before, that was simply another problem for another time.
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caitlinsnicket · 4 years
Touch starved Geralt would include
A/N: I can’t write anything that actually makes sense, but headcanons are easy and don’t take up much of my time or my mental health, so here is this. Sorry for any typos, I don’t edit these. Feel free to like, reblog or leave a comment. Requests are open!
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he knows what kissing and sex feels like
but he craves intimacy, which is hard to find in brothels
so when he starts to date you properly
he doesn’t know what to do with himself or with his hands and oh god why are you looking at him like that
first is the cuddling
which he enjoys very much, it being after a steamy moment or just to sleep 
and he is fine in the begining with just holding you, but when you hold him back and caresses his hair and face like he’s the most precious thing in the world
he swears his heart stops beating for a moment
speaking about hair...
you ask to take care of it innocently, not knowing what it could cause
but he’s weary, not because it’s you, but because no one took care of his hair before
eventually he let’s you do it
aaaand he becomes a puddle
your fingers touching his scalp so softly he almost doesn’t feel it
the brush getting rid of the knots without hurting him once because you’re so careful
and when you bend down to kiss his forehead, he feels safer than ever before
lets be honest he falls asleep like that 
and when he wakes up you’re sleeping too, his head in your lap, your fingers buried in his hair
and his heart stings because he wants you to keep touching him
you two never adress that he’s touch starved, but you know, and deep down he knows too
hugs, kisses on the cheeks, cuddling, everything seems so intense now that he’s with you
because he knows you love him
he seeks you like a dog, and starts to leave his gloves in a bag more ofte, so he can feel your skin
loves your hands, keeps kissing them for hours if you let him
“Y/N please come here and take care of my hair there’s a fucKING KNOT-”
braiding his hair is mandatory after the first time you do it
he says it’s because it’s more pratical in fights
but let’s be honest
he loves the way you take care of him
and when you bite him neck and leave marks?
adores the feeling of belonging, and seeing those marks there remind him that he’s yours
and you’re his
he’s a bit taken aback when you hold his hand in public
after all, he’s still the witcher, and people tend to treat him badly
but you hold it like a animal and shoot sharp glances at anyone who dares to say something
and he finds it adorable that someone so small compared to him would do that for him
everybody is short compared to him
just a tall man that loves being loved and cherished
and being honest?
it’s what he deSERVES
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I absolutely LOVE Sketchy Saturdays and I always look forward to them!! As for my question(s)? What made you decide to start doing it(I'm glad you do but I was just curious!)?
Hoooo boi the Sketchy Saturday Origin Story: I suppose there's two versions.
The short version reads " Moving stress, deployment depression, and isolation VS. my utter determination to DO SOMETHING whilst trapped in my home " -- Sketchy Saturday was the result of that title fight, so I guess the fandom won in the end? XD
The long version, however... Well, buckle up, cause this is gonna be a ride.
It may surprise y'all to know that two years I was eyeballs-deep in the South Park fandom. The blog still exists; my mainblog, JustCallMeButtlord, built to interact with the audience of my fanfictions-- the New Kid Stories, called NKS for short [gonna be porting those to Ao3 soon, just gotta figure out what robo-reader I'm gonna use to make a quick n dirty podfic out of the series as well as help me hunt down typos my eyes galze over]. The first 'season' of stories had ended, 8 completed fics, and I was puttering about with a bonus holiday story that was several months out of season. Not that I CARED because I was on GUAM where seasons don't exist and my time blindness gets even worse becasue without seasons changing it feels like time never progrsses even after being on the island for three cocksucking years.
I don't hate Guam, I am just not built for constant heat. I am a snow creature; I like below-freezing temperatures so I can layer up in fuzzy, fluffy things and drink hot drinks and cuddle loved ones and/or furry animals. It's a lovely island, I adored my first week there... I just wasn't made to live there.
HIlariously, NKS started out of the stress of moving to Guam. Two years and 8 fics later, the place we were renting was no longer within our price range and my hubby and I were forced to move onto base. Under the leader whom I refuse to name, military pay was given a precentage raise... but it was ripped out of bonuses and OCONUS pay. OCONUS is what a military member is paid when they're stationed Outisde the CONtinental United States. This usually means overseas bases like Japan, but it also means Hawaii, aaaaaand... GUAM. So that percentage pay increase for the military at large meant belt-tightening for every service member abroad, and we were forced to move onto base.
In case y'all haven't noticed by now, I'm a raging socialist with some issued with authority. I DO NOT LIKE EXISTING ON BASE. I do not like existing in a place where the national anthem plays twice a day, every day, at 6 AM and then again whenever the hell sundown is that day. And there's an unspoken rule no one tells you that when it plays you're supposed to stop what you're doing, face the nearest set of speakers playing the song, and stare in that direction with your hand over your heart until its over. That, if you're driving, you have to put on your emergency flashers and pull over. No one tells you this. NO ONE TELLS YOU THIS.
And then, before we had secured a place on base but we had set a move out date for the rental house, the Pandemic happened. While we were between homes. The base is talking full lockdown, Guam authorities want to shut down the island but businesses are terrified of not getting the tourist season business, we don't even know if we'll be allowed to move on to base.
Surprise, I stopped writing for a while... but I picked Fallout 4 back up again. I had been forced into the series years earlier by a toxic relationship, but the game itself hadn't been bad-- just the way I'd been forced to play it by someone who was firmly not in my life anymore. When confronted with character creation, I wasn't sure whom I wanted to make... but decided to go back to an old character. A VERY old character, whom I hadn't thought of since I'd finished ME3 at least 4 years prior, and a character I first conceived of when I was 14-ish... which is now about 15 years ago.
I've talked before about how well Paige's story maps onto Fo4, but this was before I knew that. I knew the opening, her losing her kid, and that fit with her-- but something clicked while I was playing and the part of my brain that likes to create started wandering off. Soon enough I've got a couple chapters of a ficlet that I'm TOTALLY just writing as a personal one-shot to de-stress, no way I'm publishing this, I don't wanna get distracted from NKS, I got a whole 'nother season to write! Who cares if no one is reading it anymore because South Park Fandom doesn't like continuous plots.... right?
I was burnt out as hell, the move was looming, the Pandemic was getting worse and everything was getting scarier.
Then the news came through that hubby would be deploying again.
He wasn't supposed to, but the Navy decided the safest place for their sailors was the middle of the ocean, so if you WERENT in quarantine you were going on the boat and you were living there. Didn't matter if your spouse would be alone, unpacking a whole home by themselves.
I had a friend on base. We hung out. I met with my DND group on weekends; we all lived on base now, so we could meet up in like five minutes... and then restrictions tightened. You could be fined up to 5 grand for gathering in groups greater than 5, even outdoors, and detained if suspected of going to a home that wasn't yours. I still met 2 of my friends once a week for walks; get outside, be active, talk to other humans, but besides that? I was locked up alone in a new house in a place that I did NOT like existing in.... with a fresh new hyperfixation developing.
I think it was about a week into the new house that I made the new blog. At first I tried to run it side by side with the South Park stuff, but it wasn't long before all my attention was here... aaaand it also wasn't long before I was confronted with a lot of my own despair; of lockdown, of isolation, of watching a broken system crumble and not being able to DO anything about it, and I started to kinda lose my shit. I fuss-- I can't leave things alone, and I couldn't leave this feeling alone; of being fully and entirely helpless and hopeless.
And then I sketched a thing for a friend, and it made them happy. They were having a rough time, too, and I put something together because I couldn't think of anything else. And it helped. It lifted them up, and it lifted me up, too. Someone else had recently reblogged one of those pallet challenges that floats around Tumblr, and I decided FUCK IT LET'S DO THIS THING AND CALL IT SKETCHY SATURDAY!
Little secret, the very first Sketchy Saturday request? Was me. I was so scared no one would noticed the event, I sent myself the very first request, back when the event still took anons. Soon as that first picture was up:
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BANG, suddenly four more; some people off anon. I met people that day, talked to them after the very first Sketchy weekend was over, chatted about the games and characters and art and writing and just... felt human for the first time in a really long while.
I figured I'd hold on to Sketchy Saturday until the deployment was over-- once hubby was back, I'd decide whether I was keeping it or not... but he came back, and I was still super into it, and he was supportive, sooooo I kept going! And then we did Sketchy Secret Santa, and people loved it, and my volunteers are excited about being Sketchy Elves and Secret Helpers and just OH MY GOD I DID A THING GUYS. I DID A THING-- that was just me all December and January long lmafo.
AND JANUARY! Because AH HECK, WE MOVING AGAIN! Because hubby finally got orders, and OH MY GOD we're going back to WA... but it's still a move half-way around the globe, and I was SURE I'd have to shut down the event for a month while we got our shit in order and NOPE, because here come the volunteers from Sketchy Secret Santa, and they wanna fill in all month long! Like... I didn't even ask for that shit, guys. They offered it so the event wouldn't have to take a gap.
Jesus I'm getting teary just remembering it.
So yeah. Sketchy Saturday is here because I got really lonely and stressed out while Fallout 4 provided me with some... catharsis for my situation, and then a pandemic happened.
And then y'all happened, and I'm still here. :D
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unholyplumpprincess · 4 years
Winner Winner Porkchop Dinner
Cryptage commission for @trashyoctopus !
Summary: Crypto and Mirage are set up on a blind date, with neither knowing that it was each other. Rivalry COULD have gotten in the way, if Elliott wasn’t too fucking pretty for his own good.
(Older content)
Reblogs > Likes. It costs zero dollars to reblog the fics you like :D Minors and ageless blogs DNI or you will be blocked!
Relationship: Crypto/Mirage
Fandom: Apex legends
Warnings: R18+/NSFT, both Crypto and Mirage are cis, anal sex/fingering, Crypto being a bottom baby, tears, overstimulation, fucking on the floor
Words: 3.2K
Dating for legends was rather difficult. In a world that saw you as stars, people could become rather obsessive. Crypto was no stranger to the ‘starstruck’ vision upon seeing a legend. He had been one of the people who had set up the drones to broadcast them all fighting, after all. It was no different to him to pick and choose favorites.
Except now he WAS a legend. Walked among them the same way they walked with him. Partners or rivals, it didn’t matter.
Dating, again, for legends was rather difficult- and yet, Elliott Witt, better known as ‘Mirage’, famous trickster of the arena. Well, he got along just fine.
Or so he had made it seem.
~Rest under the cut~
Elliott talked a big game. Had a big mouth, for that matter. Talked about both men and women he could charm, even those who fit neither category. Last, of which, he boasted whilst making finger gun motions at Bloodhound who had waved him off with a ‘shoo’ motion as if he was a horny dog.
Something Crypto thought to be rather amusing when the flirty legend had pouted in response.
Being among them all, he’s learned they’re all much like a family. Romance could blossom between specific people within their circle, he’d seen it himself with Wraith eyeing Anita from across a room. Only to look away the second the woman’s eyes looked back at him and he’d pretended he’d never seen her looking.
Because loving while being part of this bloodied sport wasn’t an option. To stay available and don’t let feelings get in the way of how brutally they could kill each other. Only to wake up again like it never happened, except now you hold a grudge in your heart for the pain one caused you.
All for sport- entertainment.
Yet, the sponsors seemed to go crazy if they could see one of the legends being soft. The media loved it too. When someone like Wraith had seen her teammate, Bangalore, get knocked- normally she wouldn’t have thought twice about gunning down those around her and going back for the beacon. However, you could see her hesitate, flick her head back and run for her downed squad mate with an open portal to safety.
This is when Crypto truly began to get interested. Media where he was from- if someone was that popular, they would have been KILLED for daring to date someone. It wouldn’t have made them ‘available’ for minds all around. But, it seemed media across all planets alike delighted in the idea of love blossoming in war.
He’d watched it himself online. Different articles popping online. How Wraith would huff and throw a magazine across the legends’ lounge room or toss it at Elliott who’d playfully tease her about it.
It affected legends as well.
And when he’d picked up the magazine and looked at the headline, with a still of Wraith and Anita making eye contact whilst picking one another up, with the words ‘LOVE IN KINGS CANYON?’?
Well. Maybe he wouldn’t mind it if something like this affected him either.
It’s why he agrees to this stupid blind date thing. A mutual of his, someone he didn’t quite trust but she was at least a nice enough person, had a brilliant idea of a blind date. Said she knew someone who was JUST his type. There was no need for awkward ‘do you like girls or boys?’ conversations to happen, thankfully he knew it was at least a man he was meeting.
Crypto could only feel anxiety when he woke up that morning. Twisting in his stomach about who they could be. What did they look like? Would they mind if he was a quiet person? Would they worry and fret too much over him not talking the whole time? Would they be funny? Would they have curly hair- long hair- were they kind?
So many questions.  
The unknown made him paranoid.
The woman leads him to a nice café. Crypto, for the date, adorned an oversized black hoodie that’s left unzipped, a lower black face mask with a filter on it, a low cut white shirt and ripped black skinny jeans. He felt more punk than anything, but it was casual for a setting like this. Except, perhaps, all of the jewelry he wore around his neck.
She guides him to the back to sit down, a nice little area while she excitedly chirps that she’ll be right back with his date.
Crypto’s on edge the entire three minutes and twenty two seconds she is gone. Fussing with a little fidget toy in his pocket to keep a hand busy and keeping his other resting on the table in case he needed to jab at someone.
Prepared, not paranoid.
The chatter of the café is quiet. The music is soft, and yet his shoulders are taut.
But then he sees her walking back over, someone behind her, taller, curly hair-
“Oh! Hey, buddy!” Comes from the man as he comes padding over excitedly like a dog, sitting in front of Crypto with a big, dimpled smile on his face.
Elliott Witt.
No fucking way.
Crypto’s eyes widen, and he looks up at their mutual friend who passes him a wink and a, “Have fun, boys!” Before she’s off.
“Fancy seeing you here,” Elliott continues with a bit of a laugh exhaling from him. Fiddling with his hands uncharacteristically in his lap. Nervous, it appeared, as Crypto’s eyes smooth over his frame. “S-so ya’ like coffee? No- no it was tea, right? I can order for us! Er, Wraith was saying sometimes you come out at night and make tea?” Definitely nervous.
He cleaned up well enough without wearing his sponsors or his gear for that matter. A v neckline on a black t-shirt that was form hugging, a yellow and black printed flannel with the sleeves rolled up just above his elbows to show strong, hairy forearms. Form fitting black jeans hugged him just as well and his hair was styled to the side. Curls looking washed and fresh with their fluffy texture.
He cleaned up extremely well.
Elliott is fussing again, nervously displaying his hands out on the table as he fusses with his hands. Crypto can’t help but think it’s kind of...endearing.
They’d been rivals on the battlefield ever since their first match together. Mark on the scoreboard, he supposed that may have been his fault for counting and rubbing it in Elliott’s face. But...
“Tea would be nice.” He finally speaks up, cutting Elliott off as he pulls his mask down to rest around his neck so he could prepare.
He watches Elliott’s eyes light up like an excited dog’s, nodding his head quickly as his curls move with the motions. “Yeah! Y-yeah, yeah of course, gimme a sec. Preference?”
And that’s how they spent that afternoon. Not as legends, or as rivals. But as two people set up on a blind date and enjoying one another’s company. Even laughed when Elliott had sputtered and quietly shout-whispered the question of ‘YOU HAVE A TONGUE PIERCING?!’ when Crypto had stuck his tongue out.
Crypto hated to admit it. But he had a great time.
And then an even better time the time after that, and then the next. Aaaand another.
Until the new headlines were now saying ‘LOVE BLOSSOMING IN NEW “MELTDOWN” ARENA?’ with their faces on it.
Their relationship was under wraps. No one knew, no one was allowed to know in full, but the media could speculate. That much Elliott allowed. Little teases to the public whilst Crypto preferred not to do interviews.
Their relationship blossoms from there. They become close- turns out they both had missing family members. Crypto opens up about his sister, Mila. While Elliott opens up about his brothers. He speculates they may have passed in war, but that he holds out hope. While Crypto opens up that he worries that she was killed, and that if she wasn’t, that she was not in agony.
There, they build their foundation on. Trust and love. Opening up to each other slowly. Elliott is much easier to open up about himself and his interests, Crypto is harder. He doesn’t talk anymore on his past from his sister or his mother, only bits and pieces. He allows Elliott into his life slowly, more and more until one another cannot stand to sleep alone.
Wraith teases Elliott nowadays on who is making goo-goo eyes now. Crypto over hears it through the walls and tries not to smile at their antics.
It’s in the ring they have to be more mindful. After the first guess of their relationship, Crypto had to explain to Elliott that though his partner may have loved the cameras, Crypto did not. The attention became too much, and Elliott immediately made that all die down. With his charming smile and a joke about how if he had chosen someone to settle down with, don’t you think he’d be all over them?
Oh, he was all over them. Crypto couldn’t go a day without hands jerking him close. Even if at first he had rolled his eyes and huffed at it, Elliott quickly found out that this tough cookie was just giving him a rough time. Especially when Crypto would give up the ruse and lean back into him.
No, it’s in the ring they have to be careful. Otherwise, anywhere else? Free game. Other legends could shut their lips.
Hence why this match was going rather roughly.
Mirage, Crypto, and Lifeline all on the same squad. Ajay makes a joke about ‘old times’ and how they should keep score again. Playfully bumping Crypto’s hip with her own and earning her a bit of a smirk before it’s turned to Elliott with a cocky look and a soft hum of, “I am sure that the old man has learned his lesson.”
Which earns him wide eyes, a gaped mouth, and, “Hey! Not that again!” Before Ajay is shoving them both off the dropship for round two.
The teasing in the ring could be seen as rivalry. They do count the kills, oh they do. Crypto keeps the lead by one point as Ajay keeps score. They bicker and huff the entire time, especially when Ajay takes down a newbie that was hanging in the back and trying to get a drop on them.
At some point they are under squad fire, a grenade heading their way and rolling on the ground. Ajay calls it out from afar, Crypto is the one who spots it.
His fingers twist in Elliott’s coat, yanking him close to his body and throwing their bodies to the side so it only can get a fraction of their shields.
The tension in the corner of the room with Crypto on top of him, both panting and looking into each other’s eyes. So close and so good-
Is their ultimate down fall when they’re shot in the back.
Ajay at least laughs about it in the med bay, saying that, “Ya looked like a proper married couple. Keep ya heads down, ya hear me?” With a tease.
And then a call back, “Oh! Crypto? Two points in the lead.”
There’s a gasp as Crypto’s back hits the door of Elliott’s dorm. Inside his room as Elliott fits a leg between his thighs, grabbing his chin and tilting it down ever so slighty so he could devour his mouth. They were about equal heights, with Crypto maybe being an inch taller. Something he took a bit of amusement in.  
But right now, that’s not on his mind. What is, is the pressure on his cock through his pants. How Elliott’s tongue licks into his mouth. Feeling over the piercing on Crypto’s tongue and groaning in reply when Crypto’s hands fists into his jacket and yank him closer.
Their mouths move in sync. Having kissed each other a hundred times over, they know their pace. Crypto presses, sinking his teeth into Elliott’s full lower lip just to hear him let out a shaky breath through his nose in response. His hands come up, fisting Elliott’s curls and tugging him closer with a growl.
The knee between Crypto’s thighs presses up, grinding until he’s pulling back with a whine, head thunking back against the door. This leaves him open for Elliott’s mouth to kiss at his exposed neck, mindful of where the cybernetics were most exposed and aiming for the sensitive wiring. His teeth lightly bite into the flesh feeling silicone, feeling Crypto yelp in reply with pleasure as his leg hitches around Elliott’s waist.
He’s biting his lip, keeping quiet and stubbornly trying to yank on Elliott’s hair. That won’t do.
“Think you can embarrass me like that in the ring, baby?” Elliott’s voice is steady in situations like this. His stutter maintained if he tried not to think about it too hard. His breath hot on the shell of Crypto’s ear as his tongue follows, just to feel him shudder against him.
He’s melting. He couldn’t stand being a brat for too long.
“T-think you just- ah- can't keep up.” Is Crypto’s haughty reply, followed by a huff when Elliott’s hand moves from caressing his cheek to his hair. Yanking on it to pull his head to the side to expose the other said of Crypto’s neck for another onslaught of kisses and hot bites. Pushing at his jacket with his other hand until it falls to the floor and Elliott can bite at the crook of his shoulder instead. Sucking a dark bruise there.
“Really?” Elliott breathily laughs. Tripping up Crypto behind his knee before pulling him by his hair to the floor. Watching him hit his knees almost too easy and looking up at Elliott with a dangerous gleam in his eyes. “Because from what I saw, you just about bent over for me in front of a camera.”
A sniper position, one so open that Crypto wouldn’t normally take. Lying prone to get a good shot- that's what he’d told Ajay. But he knew exactly what he was doing when he shifted his hips eeever so slightly for the trickster behind him.
He huffs through his nose, embarrassed at being caught, looking to the side. But, Elliott coos under his breath, catching his chin and dragging his gaze back up. “No, no, none of that. C’mon, kitten, you can make it up to me, can’t you?”
The nickname has Crypto’s cheeks flushing red to his ears. Surely spreading down over his chest as Elliott works on his own pants. Pulling out his cock, the head shiny with pre-cum when he smooths his hand over it a few times. Pumping to show how hard he was, pulling back foreskin and making Crypto’s mouth water.
He huffs again through his nose, followed by a whine. He about chokes when Elliott smirks, “Theeere’s my good boy. See? Can’t be mad at me for long.”
No, no, he couldn’t. Especially with his mouth stuffed full of cock and his fingers desperately pawing at Elliott’s hips not a few minutes later. Cryptos own clothing removed and his own cock aching as Elliott cradles his jaw, fingertips pressing lightly to feel the bulge in it every time he slides into his throat. Another appreciation for his piercing met every time he swipes it over the swollen head.
Crypto’s sure he’s drooling. Even by the time Elliott pulls out and is calling him a good boy. Even with the bed in the next room, Elliott can’t seem to wait. Lying Crypto down on the living room floor on his belly as he finds lube left behind on the coffee table from their LAST root around. Squirting a generous amount onto his fingers and working one into Crypto. Caressing his hip with his other hand and petting, telling him he’s a good boy, good baby.
Crypto hums in reply, cheek resting on his crossed arms under his head like a pillow. Cock jumping under his body, trapped and caged. By the time two fingers are in him, he’s sure he’s going to leave a stain on Elliott’s rug. Rocking his hips both into the rug for friction and back onto his fingers.
“Yeah, just like that. Keep it up, sweetheart.” Elliott is full of praise when he slips in a third finger. Making Crypto bite into his arm and shudder with each twist of fingers, scissoring them outwards and crooking them upwards.
A spurt of pre-cum leaves his cock and he can’t help the sob as his hips jump a bit as if stomping his foot. “Fuck me! Just- just fuck me, Elliott, I can’t take this!” Crypto hisses out, earning him a laugh from his boyfriend and an ‘alright, alright’.
He’s rolled onto his back. From there it’s a blur. The slow enter of Elliott leads to his legs around the trickster’s hips, arms around his neck and burying his face into his shoulder. No clothing between them, naked chest to naked chest, heartbeat to heartbeat.
Crypto’s cock is jostled with each thrust. Grinding up against Elliott’s slightly fuzzy abdomen and providing enough friction to keep him very much interested. Even if Elliott is hitting just right to where pleasure bubbles in his abdomen like butterflies.  
His teeth sink into Elliott’s shoulder just as Elliott begins fucking him harder. Whining into Crypto’s ear in response when the other tightens his hold around his waist. Biting at the shell of his ear, nuzzling at his hair, murmuring praise just below his ear where his lips brush and his stubble scratches pleasantly.
Crypto cums suddenly and without the warning of budding heat. It happens with a shock and his nails rake down Elliott’s back with a cry. “I love you- I love you I love you--” Escapes his lips in soft sobs as his hips buck upwards into Elliott’s abdomen. Smearing the cum there, which will make for a mess to clean up later.
Instead, Elliott only groans at the sudden tightness and whines back, “Fuck, I love you-” As his hips piston into his boyfriend beneath him.
It’s all too much. Crypto’s eyes are welling with tears from overstimulation. His legs tighten even further, giving Elliott not a lot of room to work with except grind. And even then it’s all too much.
He sobs as a dry orgasm wracks his frame, just in time to hear Elliott deliciously moan in his ear like a whore as he cums. Pressing a hard kiss to Crypto’s temple as they hold each other through it all on the floor.
With a satisfied sigh and tension leaving both their frames, Elliott carefully peels back to assess the damage. Looking down at Crypto splayed out, legs still locked around his hips but looser, his hands resting by his head and his head turned to the side. Face flushed, eyes teary, lips wet and swollen.
He looked beautiful.
Elliott says so too, with a soft sigh of, “Absolutely gorgeous.” As he cups Crypto’s chest with one hand. Running his thumb over a nipple just to watch him jerk and moan softly, smacking at his hand with a grumble.
He may have lost in the ring, but in the bedroom, Elliott ‘Mirage’ Witt always won.
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prismatic-cannon · 5 years
uhm sis (or bro or whatever u prefer i just call everyone sis) pls reblog more fics like i need some good ones and pieces was hella good
Ahhh i’m really glad you like Pieces!!! It deserves more love for sure and the feels are only going to get better I can promise you that hoho \o/ (and I’m good with both sis/bro, I don’t mind either or it’s cool)
So far I’ve been blindly going through the AO3 tags for jojo fics so I’m not sure if my fic recs would entirely appeal to you … but if you’re interested you could definitely take a look at some of these faves! (Do mind the fics’ tags if you’re sensitive to certain tropes) Most of these are going to be heavily skewed towards part 4 and 7 (absolutely no one is surprised), but there’s other parts under the cut too!
Part 2
see you again by efthemia (6k oneshot with background Part 7 ship) - A Caejose reincarnation fic! This is set in a modern day au where Joseph and Caesar meet in another life … by crashing vehicles into each other lol
Can You Ever Go Home Again? by alexclusive (4k oneshot, contains Part 4 spoilers but is mostly centred around Part 2 and 3 characters) - I don’t want to spoil too much for this fic so I’m just going to copy paste the fic’s original summary here: “A few months after his adventure in Morioh, Jotaro goes on another personal errand at the request of his grandfather, and ends up discovering yet another lingering ghost.” A lowkey fix-it with feels!
Part 3
Torture Me by Xyloto (nsfw 2k oneshot) - The SDC gang walks in on jotakak inappropriately using their stands lmaooo enough said
Young Flame by greenteafiend (nsfw 7k multichaptered) - More Jotakak! Takes place during the Devil-Yellow Temperance part of SDC where Jotaro and Kak share that hotel room in Singapore lol
Kiss With A Fist by nevermordor (nsfw 6k oneshot) - Tempers and egos flare between Jotaro and Kakyoin as they make the long tenuous journey to Egypt – Fistfights inevitably happen. I really like how much of a cold hardass bastard Kakyoin gets in this lol
time after time by dimolto (11k oneshot) - TIME LOOP TIME LOOP TIME LOOP!!!! God time loops are one of my favourite tropes of all time, I don’t think I could get sick of it. SDC canon compliant (kinda) – Jotaro is the only person that’s aware of the loop and has to work his way out of it somehow. It’s jotakak too!! Highly rec this fic
Part 4
No place where we can’t go by tjesje (4k oneshot) - Josuyasu! Two dudes slowly fall in love over the course of their summer break. OP really nails the friendship between Josuke and Okuyasu – the banter flows so easily you can’t help but get caught up in how close and in sync they are with each other. Also, the summer vibes are super strong in this fic! Always a big plus with duwang content lmao
electric word life by Fluffifullness (8k oneshot) - More Josuyasu mutual pining + confessions, suuuuper sappy and sweet with some light post DiU angst.
Just Let Me Know, How Do You Feel? by hushroom (6k multichaptered) - Post DiU – Set during their college years, Okuyasu meets up with Josuke for the first time in a while, and they work towards overcoming emotional distance caused by the strain of long distance relationships and misunderstandings. Aged up Josuyasu content is always such a treat and this one doesn’t let down!
Bosozoku Boys by VulpesVulpes (nsfw 4k oneshot) - Takes place a few years after DiU. One night during a sleepover Josuke accidentally stumbles upon a porn mag under Oku’s bed – midnight confessions and feels ensue. This fic always has a soft spot in my heart just because of how vulnerable Josuke gets, argh my heart it aches
Crashing Waves by chamomilekai (7k multichaptered) - Post DiU – Josuke and Okuyasu deal with the lingering effects from the final Kira fight. It’s a slow burn romance with heavy feels where both bros find comfort and support in each other, very delicious part 4 h/c sob x10000
Part 5
the passenger by havisham (nsfw 5k oneshot, contains Part 6 endgame spoilers) - A Brugio fix-it …. of sorts. Ten years after Vento Aureo ends, mob boss Giorno somehow finds himself sent back in time with the opportunity to save Bruno and the others. I really like how desperate and jaded Giorno is in trying to save everyone, and how despite everything things still don’t go entirely the way he wants them to …
DIOmestic by writers_haven (4k oneshot) - Yep, it’s modern au mudad lmao. Some JonaDio here and there but the focus is mostly on Dio+Gio father-son fluff. It’s stupidly cute and there are little nods to canon material that I love to bits, like Hamon being reimagined as a fancy form of new age yoga ahahaha
Part 7
Riches and Wonders by etymology playground (8k oneshot) - A lighthearted gyjo fic that takes place during canon events – Two weeks after Sugar Mountain, Johnny and Gyro spend some R&R at a stand-powered onsen lmao. This was one of the first few fics I read right after finishing part 7, and it really helped to soothe the post SBR pain … not that I’m completely over it yet but then again would anyone ever be lol
Laundry by Petronia (2k oneshot) - Another lighthearted canon gyjo fic with lowkey ust lol – Johnny and Gyro take time between travels to do laundry. Idk, there’s something about gyjo domestic downtime that’s so comforting sob
i’ll see your face again by queenieofaces (2k oneshot, Part 7 endgame spoilers) - Oh boy this one … It’s a reincarnation au where Gyro experiences deja vu and misplaced memories from Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency during the events of SBR. 10/10 lots of feels bc reincarnation aus pair so incredibly well with gyjo gosh
nowhere to go; I’m already inside by librisdedita (31k multichaptered, major Part 7 spoilers all around) - A canon compliant gyjo fic – Johnny’s perspective on life is especially bleak in this one. OP tore my heart asunder by the end of this fic but oh man I wouldn’t have it any other way lmao
Cowboys Ain’t Easy To Love by jotarosgirl17 (36k multichaptered, Part 7 spoilers) - A series of interconnected slowburn gyjo canon compliant fics, suuuper heavy on angst and period-typical homophobia and internalised homophobia. Very good for a cry … or ten lmao
see you when the sun sets east by mourn (nsfw 2k oneshot) - Two cowboys sit five feet apart from each other not talking about their repressed feelings yeehaw. Jokes aside this is a quick but intimately tender glimpse into the beginning of Johnny and Gyro’s relationship
Spin This! by polyphenols (17k multichaptered) - A modern day office au where Diego works at a new tech startup named Steel Ball Run. Honestly, I don’t think I could ever properly articulate how much I love this fic – It’s full of sooo many nods and easter eggs to all the bizarre eccentricities that happen in part 7′s canon, and I think nearly every major/minor character gets featured one way or another, if not all (everyone works in the same horrifyingly open air office space after all). The witty banter and dialogue between characters are so snappy and succinct you can’t help but smile or laugh while reading along. Diego in particular stars as the long suffering Straight Man and audience surrogate into the madness that is SBR, with a lowkey crush on HP that slowly builds as the fic progresses (there’s background gyjo too!). While there’s more of a central focus on Part 7 at first, characters from other parts also make an appearance and gradually become more involved as well. I can’t rec this fic enough!!!
Diamond Ball Run by polyphenols (15k multichaptered, Part 7 endgame spoilers) - A gyjo fix-it of sorts … Johnny takes up Funny Valentine’s offer and asks for an Alternate Universe Gyro. The fic is mostly told from Alt Gyro’s perspective in the later half, and argh this makes my heart ache in so many ways I didn’t know were possible god help me –
happy new year, johnny by 3kanite (7k oneshot, Part 7 endgame spoilers) - Aaaah I just read this one today lmao – The fic is written from Johnny’s POV over the course of several new year celebrations – pre-race and during SBR canon. It really nails Johnny’s characterisations and personality shifts down nicely and makes the last year spent with Gyro that much more bittersweet and heartbreaking oh why won’t these part 7 feels stop coming for me
desperado by 3kanite (35k multichaptered) - Features missing scenes that take place during the events of SBR – Admittedly I’ve only read the first two chapters so far and haven’t fully processed things yet but I’m already so caught up in these pre-slash gyjo feels that I can’t help but rec this one catch me crying behind Owson’s @ 3am bc it’s just that good urgh I need an adult Could possibly be nsfw but I haven’t gotten that far in yet obvs
Aaaand that’s about it for now! Hopefully some of these interested you haha. Go show these wonderful OPs some love because they deserve it!!!
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demonsofhunting · 5 years
"A Sweet Embarassment" ( Dean Winchester x male!reader )
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Request from @winchesterzforever​ :
"I just need a really intimate Drabble with dean winchester, male reader aswell, I miss seeing male readers for Dean I haven’t seen one on a while, is if you’re taking requests that would be nice 😊😊"
Warnings: very light angst, fluffy fluff, implied smut
Words: About 900
A/N: Hey! Thanks again for sending in a request, I feel very honored. <3 Well, about this one...since I'm not writing smut ( I would mess up, trust me XD ) this is all I could do for you. I hope that's okay as well. <3 Creating this was pretty fun, and I kinda got carried away while writing, so it turned out as a little longer than I expected. XD
( If anyone wants to send in drabble requests ( character x reader or destiel ), feel free to do so! <3 )
Anyway, hope you'll like it! Enjoy! <3
"Y/N! Get down!" Dean's voice pushes you back into reality, saving you from drowning in your own thoughts and getting stabbed, additionally. You throw yourself onto the ground, quickly. And you are just right in time, gladly. The spear, that Sam just threw at the monster, is flying above your head, sinking into the thick, smelling flesh of the creature. Oh, fuck. I didn't even know that it was behind me. Jeez, I'm a terrible hunter. Blood spills all over your body, sticky and disgusting. You swallow, carefully, making a face. How embarrassing. "Ew. That's gross," you moan, trying to get up again. Dean chuckles, helping you to your feet. "Awww, look at him, Sammy. Isn't he cute when he's grumpy?" he scoffs, playfully. "Sure, Dean," Sam mutters, "That was the last one of these creatures. I think, we're done here. Can we go now, please? Or..." "No, it's fine. Let's go," you cough, shooting Dean an angry look, while trying to hide your blushing. The elder Winchester just blinks with his long lashes, making an innocent pout. You shiver internally, wishing that the other hunter knew how you feel about him. Sure, he's always pretty flirty with you, but this doesn't mean anything. This guy flirts with literally anybody on a daily basis... On the one hand, you want him to stop, too afraid that he will notice your feelings for him, but...in the other hand, there's nothing hotter than him talking to you like that. Wow. This hopeless love already fucked me up, didn't it?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back at the bunker, you go to your room without hesitation. Your face still feels like it's burning because of your embarrassment. Every single hunt, I'm the one who needs to be saved! I'm always the clumsy one who can't stay on their feet. In your anger you forget to close the door, that leads to the hallway, as you're starting to get rid of your filthy clothes. You're muttering curses to yourself, throwing your bloody flannel onto your bed, just to realise that you screwed up your sheets with this move. Fuck. "Oh...no," you moan, trying to make the mess disappear, quickly. "You need any help, honey?" a deep voice asks from the door frame, filled with amusement. You almost jump out of your skin, your heart skipping a beat. Dean! Oh - You turn around, stuttering something about the lines of: "N - no, I'm fine. I just..." You can't help but be aware of his gaze that lands on your bare chest. You shift, uncomfortably, crossing your arms with an unsteady gesture. You try to look as calm as possible, trying to read the other's facial expression. Dean just looks up and down on your body, raising an eyebrow, slowly. "What the hell are you're doing, Y/N?" he asks with a smirk, stepping closer. You try to avoid his gaze, looking down. "I - ", you begin, but get distracted by the feeling of his fingers touching your shoulder, gently. "Why so nervous?" Dean whispers near you ear, making you close your eyes while breathing in, deeply. "Dean..." "Hm...?" "Can you please stop doing that? I...I need to take a shower. I'm covered in blood, if you didn't notice yet," you mutter, weakly. Dean hesitates, searching your gaze. "And?" he asks, chuckling. "And...and when you're standing so close to me, you're getting all filthy..." you whispers with wide eyes, biting your bottom lip. Dean just smiles at you. It's a wide smile, his eyes filled with...what is that? Love?! No way! "Are you fucking kidding me?" he says, softly, "I'm trying to flirt with you since the moment we met, and you still don't get it?" You froze, feeling thousands of butterflies fluttering in his chest. "Oh," is all you manage to say. Then the other hunter's lips are meeting your, making you drown in the moment, completely. You always imagined how Dean might taste, but this...this is so much better than you ever imagined. Dean's hands are running through your hair, over your chest, making you feel dizzy. It feels like you're on fire. "Y/N," he hums, just to kiss you again. Obviously, he doesn't mind all the blood and dirt getting on his clothes...he just enjoys this moment with his whole heart. After a while, you pull away, breathing, heavily. He grabs your hand. "Wow," you whisper, smiling, widely, "And I always thought that you're just trying to fool me with your flirty comments." Dean frowns: "Seriously?" You chuckle, stroking his cheek with a gentle gesture: "I'm so sorry, honey. But now, I really need that shower. If you don't mind me disappearing for a couple of minutes, of course." Dean just cocks his head, thoughtfully. Then he holds your gaze, firmly. "Actually, I do mind," he says, making no attempt to let go of your hand. That causes you to form a thought in your head, that makes you blush. You blink at him, slowly, searching for his gaze. "Well...you are welcome to join me, if you want," you say, immediately regretting your words, biting your tongue Oh no, that's it. I messed up, I - Dean just cocks his head, licking his lips. He looks down on himself, his gaze lands on his filthy clothes. The he smiles. "Actually, that's a great idea. I really think that I could use a shower," he mutters, deeply. Your heart almost stops. "S - sure?" you whisper, shivering. "Absolutely," he answers, kissing you, gently.
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 Aaaand that's it! Thank you so much for reading, and if you would like to leave a comment or reblog this shit, I will love you forever! <3
( And again, guys, if this isn't your kind of thing, just ignore it. Love u! *hugs* )
Destiel/Forever Tags: @adoptdontshoppets @rebeloftheseas @trenchcoatsandfreckles @ablavalba @smodernlife @ignis-glaciesque @certaindeanwinchesterforcastiel @xsghn @helpmeluci @legendary-destiel @leahslovelylibrary
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bet-your-ash · 4 years
Sandy Ass
Cherry Tree: Chapter Three: Sandy Ass ~1,500 words masterlist | extras | << chap. 2 | chap. 4 >>
“Lila, I see spiders,” Ashley whined, clinging to Lilac’s arm as they walked under the boardwalk. Lilac rolled her eyes, not exactly annoyed by Ashley’s touchy feely habits that arose when she was scared, and said, “You’re so dramatic. They won’t hurt you. You know that out of forty thousand species of spiders, less than one tenth of one percent have been responsible for human deaths?” 
Ashley just stared at her, and Lilac sighed. “What?” 
“Numbers,” Ashley said with a grimace. 
“Jesus,” Lilac muttered, smiling despite herself.  “My point is, they’re not gonna hurt you. Besides, they’re smaller than you.” Ashley pursed her lips, eyeing a dark corner warily as they walked by. “Grenades are smaller than I am too,” she said. “Wanna tell me they can’t hurt me either?” 
Lilac laughed, shaking her head. “You’re impossible.” 
“Impossibly correct,” Ashley said back, and Lilac just smiled and didn’t dignify her with a reply. A few seconds of silence passed before Ashley asked, “When’re we stopping, again? My feet hurt…” 
Lilac raised an eyebrow, glancing down at Ashley’s flip flops. “Told you to wear sneakers.” Ashley huffed. “They’re new,” she said. “I don’t wanna get them dirty.” Lilac sighed. “You’ll never wear them anywhere with that mindset.” 
“Lilaaaaaa,” Ashley dragged dramatically. “I’m so bored! What’re we even gonna do? There’s nothing to do under here besides twiddle our thumbs!” Lilac rolled her eyes. “Think. Sometimes we just need a second of silence.” She frowned, feigning curiosity. “Do you know what that word means? Silence?” 
“Fuck off,” Ashley grumbled, crossing her arms across her chest petulantly. 
Much to Ashley’s relief, Lilac stopped a few seconds later under a section uncovered by shrubs or people and gestured to the sea, open and blue, stretching out before them. “Here we go,” Lilac said. She sat down in the sand, leaned up against a wooden support for the boardwalk, and closed her eyes as she took a deep breath. 
She peeked one eye open when a few too many seconds passed without a complaint from Ashley, and then closed it again when she saw her expression. Ashley was standing above her, her face contorted in an expression combining severe disgust and mild incredulousness. 
“What’s wrong?” Lilac sighed. 
“You want me to sit in the sand?” 
“You do it all the time, Ash.” 
“With a towel! In a swimsuit!” 
Lilac opened her eyes. “Ashley,” she said firmly, “sit down.” 
“I’m blaming you if people stare at my ass on the way back ‘cause it’s covered in sand.” 
Lilac snickered. “People stare at your ass anyway,” she muttered under her breath, and Ashley scoffed a laugh and flipped her off. “Impossible!” she exclaimed, and Lilac grinned. “Impossibly correct,” she mimicked, raising her voice a bit. 
Ashley rolled her eyes. “What were you saying about a second of silence?” 
Lilac let her jaw drop dramatically, mocking disbelief. “Ashley Maxwell, asking for peace and quiet - never thought I’d see the day.” Ashley put her head in her hands and groaned, “Shut up,” as she finally sat down across from Lilac. 
Lilac just let the silence linger, watching the waves crash against the shore and the moon sparkle against the inky night sky. Ashley looked up a moment later, glancing at Lilac before following her gaze to the sea. She opened her mouth to say something, but then looked back at Lilac’s happy expression and decided against it. 
They sat like that for only a few minutes before Ashley moved to sit next to Lilac, who scooched over a bit to let her lean against the wood. “We’re graduates,” Ashley whispered, and Lilac nodded, keeping her gaze on the water. “Sure are.” 
There was a beat of silence, and then Ashley bit her lip. 
“Have you ever been to the drive in?” she asked softly. 
“Wanna go?” 
Lilac finally met her eyes, an eyebrow raised, and said, “Why? Thought you had a traumatizing date with the idiot from your calc class there…” Ashley shook her head. “Nope. That was the diner behind school. But I’ve never been to that theater, and… Shouldn’t we go before… I dunno, before we’re adults?” 
Ashley felt a flash of panic at getting rejected as Lilac paused, but then it was washed away when a smile curved Lilac’s lips and she nodded. “Yeah. Sounds fun.” Ashley grinned. “Bet your ass it does. More fun than this mess, anyway.” 
“Bar’s not too high,” Lilac sighed, and Ashley’s grin widened. “Ha!” she exclaimed. “Agree with me, then, do you? This isn’t as, uh… exhilarating as you thought it’d be, huh?” Lilac smiled as she rolled her eyes, shaking her head, and began to get up. 
But Ashley stopped her, putting a hand on her arm and sending an electric shock through her body, and said, “Wait, wait - I’ve never seen the sunrise on the beach, either. Let’s stay? For the bucket list?” 
Lilac scoffed. “Oh, so now you wanna stay?” 
“Shut up and sit down, sandy ass.” 
“Sandy ass,” Lilac echoed with a grin. “That’s a new one.” 
“A new, impossibly correct one.” 
“Oh, shush,” Lilac murmured, settling back down beside her. 
There, they sat for hours. They bickered back and forth, remembering various high school shenanigans and watching the waves, until Lilac heard Ashley’s breaths slow and felt her head rest on her shoulder as she fell asleep. 
Lilac smiled at the sea, and closed her eyes, and fell asleep happy. 
Lilac woke up first. It must have been fate, because the sun was just peeking up from the horizon as her eyes fluttered open, and, resisting the urge to kiss her awake, Lilac gently nudged Ashley’s arm to wake her. 
“Hey,” Lilac said softly. “Hey, your bucket list’s calling.” 
“Tell it to fuck off,” Ashley mumbled. 
Lilac grinned and shook her shoulder. “Wake up, Ash. My back feels like shit - I’m not spending another night under the boardwalk for you.” Ashley groaned but opened her eyes, stretching her arms above her head before waiting two seconds and promptly falling back on the sand. 
“Ashley,” Lilac said. “The sun’s coming up.” 
“Can it wait?” 
“You’re missing it…” 
Finally, Ashley sighed and sat up, rubbing at her eyes, and Lilac turned to watch the sun. 
It really was quite the sight. Wisps of clouds tugged at the sun’s rays, pulling hues of magenta and orangey gold as the sun made its way to the sky. Seagulls flew above them, looking almost majestic, silhouetted against the sun. 
“Hey, Li?” Ashley said softly. 
Lilac glanced at her, not one bit sorry to miss the beautiful scene in front of her in exchange for Ashley’s morning glow, and Ashley gave a little smile that warmed Lilac’s heart more than the sun ever could. 
“Thanks for doing this,” Ashley murmured. 
Lilac grinned. “It’s my pleasure. I was the one who wanted to come down here, remember?” Ashley gave a half laugh, but Lilac frowned when she saw that the laugh didn’t quite reach her eyes. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Lilac asked. 
Ashley cleared her throat. “Thanks for, uh… thanks for dealing with me,” she said. 
Lilac smiled, nudging her foot with her own. “Thanks for dealing with me.” 
“No, seriously,” Ashley said. “I know I can be annoying, and you’ve… You’ve really stuck by me, huh? After all these years?” She bit her lip, looking down as she played with a loose thread on the sweatshirt Lilac had given her the night before when she’d complained about being cold. “Just… thanks for that.” She looked back up, giving a small smile. “You’re a really good friend, Li.” 
Ignoring the twinge that really good friend sent through her heart, Lilac smiled back and said, “So’re you, Ash. I never would have made it through school without you.” Ashley finally gave a real smile and gave Lilac’s shoulder a gentle push. “Bet your ass you wouldn’t have!” 
Lilac grinned as she rolled her eyes. “Stupid of me to think the second of sincerity would last more than a second.” Ashley blinked. “That was way too haughty a sentence to use casually, dude,” she said after a second, standing up. 
Taking Ashley’s hand as she offered it, Lilac stood up too. “Haughty itself is a haughty word, hypocrite,” she told Ashley, and Ashley grinned. “I think the conclusion here is that we’re both haughty.” 
“I’ll agree to that,” Lilac said, nodding as they walked back towards home. Ashley frowned, biting her lip a bit, and went on, “I mean, obviously you’re just a little more haughty since you started it, but -”
Lilac scoffed. “You’re haughtier just ‘cause you said that!” 
“We could do this all day,” Ashley sighed. 
“You’re the one who brought it back up!” 
“You’re the one who started it!” 
They bickered all the way back home, and fell asleep together in the tree house like they’d done many times before. 
🍒 la fin 🍒
aaaand another very cheesy one!!! this was super fun to write hehe so we hope you enjoyed!!!! if you did, and wanna be a gem, you can reblog and give us some feedback here! 
<< chap. 2 | chap. 4 >>
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canumoveurseatup-no · 5 years
I was wondering if you can do a headcanon on "luxury of loving you" on how the ready and tony met
ou yes, i’m gonna do it right here-
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-turned out he was your RA before you even became one yourself
-you had moved in early for a summer program and he helped you move in and adjust to the environment
-you parents gawked at the fact Tony was your RA, they pushed you to come here because so many people like him with a big name went here
-he’d check on you to make sure you’re okay, knowing how hard being away from home could be with no friends
-one day he did his round of wellness checks when he didn’t see you for about two days
-he knocked loudly on the door
-“Hey it’s Tony, your RA, just doing a wellness check,”
-but you didn’t reply, you were buried under your covers
-“RA, keying in”
-he walked in to hear you sniffling and your body trembling under your covers
-“Hey Y/N, I’m here to check in on you. You okay, sugar?,”
-you heard him come closer and pulled the covers more over your face
-“I’m not gonna leave until I know you’re okay,”
-“I’m okay, Anthony”
-“I don’t think so. You’re bawling under the covers. What’s wrong?,”
-you peaked your head out and wiped your eyes
-“You think I’m gonna make it here? Like... th-there’s so many top dogs... I don’t wanna be eaten alive. I wanna make it and be successful but I’m scared... I know no one here. No friends, no support... anything, I’m hours away from home,”
-Tony sat on the edge of your bed and rubbed your shoulder
-“of course you’re gonna make it. You’re a bright girl. How about I be your friend... and support... and your new home,”
-He was so sweet and you could tell he wasn’t saying this just to say it
-he cared about your well being
-you two would bump into each other in the hallways and say hi here and there and though you two didn’t hang out, he was a friend
-then the semester started and his crowd of friends came, so it was expected for him to be with them more
-and you felt alone again
-then you found out y’all had fucking human sexuality class together
-Tony was the wise ass always cracking jokes and you’d always be giggling beside him
-the first few times he’d crack jokes just to irritate the professor
-after a while he did it just to hear that cute laugh of yours
-you were a freshman and honesty tried to avoid Tony and his crowd
-they were intimidating.
-they were like... the elite of the elites
-but Tony would bump into you at all costs, he missed your presence
-you’d be sitting by yourself in the cafe since you hadn’t made friends yet
-he would literally ditch his group of friends just to sit with you
-“Tony Stark, you’re the girl with the cute laugh in our sex class aaand my resident who I hadn’t seen in a while. Missed your aura, sugar”
-you stared at him like he was a ghost
-Tony fucking Stark was talking to you and called you cute...
-well he called your laugh cute, but it’s one in the same, you thought
-“Y/N Y/L/N, you’re the cute, intimidating guy... my cute, intimidating RA”
-you absolutely facepalm.
-you didn’t mean to blurt that out.
-“I’m cute? Aaaand intimidating?”
-“you’re Tony Stark... absolute genius... never expected someone like you to talk to a girl like me,”
-“a girl like you?”
-“A loner... not really up there with your crowd”
-he scoffed at you, he thought your words were ridiculous.
-of course he’d talk to you.
-“You don’t have to be with my crowd. I prefer you anyway and I’d much rather like to do more than just talk to you”
-aaand he did
-he took you on an expensive date that you scolded him for the entire night.
-“This is our first date you didn’t have to go all out”
-“I had to go all out because it was our first date”
-“You expecting more after this, Stark?,”
-you were quick with your quips and that’s how he liked it
-you were sassy and funny, smart, genuine.
-you were a healthy change in company
-you two would go to carnivals together, you two LOVED the farmers market with organic ice cream and honey
-you loved the drive-in movie dates, especially when they were scary and he’d hide behind your arm
-Tony let you see him in his vulnerable states and he didn’t mind one bit when it came to you
-Tony was an RA at the time so you were always in his room.
-He helped you study when you would have the mental breakdowns of being a freshman and away from home
-you helped him study when he was lazy and just said fuck the class
-when you didn’t feel like going back to your room with your bitchy roommate, he’d set the bed up for you and he’d sleep on the floor.
-“don’t sleep on the floor tonight,”
-“Y/N, sugar if you hadn’t noticed, it’s a twin bed. I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable,”
-He wasn’t so much of a playboy as people thought. You two had been talking and going on dates for a good three months and not once had he made a move
-“W-well... if we cuddle I won’t be uncomfortable... th-that’s what couples do?,”
-Tony stopped fluffing his pillow to look up at you to find you peaking over the bed at him
-“Are we a couple?,”
-“I want to be,”
-He stares at you, he always stared at you and it made you nervous
-“I want to be too,”
-neither of you could really help the smile on your faces
-he crawled into bed with you and wrapped you in his arms
-“and I want to be for like... ever”
-“is that right?,”
-“damn right it is”
-Tony knee from the moment when he heard that laugh that that was something he always wanted to hear
-something that he always wanted to be the cause of
-he knew he wanted to be by your side and see you succeed
-he knew you were the one when you scolded him for the expensive first date... and the second and third and every expensive date he took you on
-he knew you weren’t with him for the money
-and you knew he wasn’t with you fornjust your body
-he saw your potential
-you saw his heart
-freshman or not, you knew that you loved him
-you made the right choice coming here
-you made the right choice and not listening to your parents and choosing that human sexuality class
-you made the right choice blurting out your true thoughts about him and agreeing to the date
-Tony made the right choice in checking in on ou that day
-He made the right choice cracking those horrible jokes in the first place
-“Thanks for caring enough to check up on me that day, Ant,”
-“Yeah... everyone calls you Tony... I’m different. I like Ant better for you anyway,”
-he kissed your forehead and accepted the nickname
-“Well okay then... and you’re welcome, sugar”
Hope this was good enough!! 💛
Reblog and comment☺️
Tags- @blackreaders-assemble @mbaku-babygirl @vozit @babybubastis @yournonlocalpoc @mokacoconut @spideys-wife @crawlingnightmares @valynsia @chonisberonica @warmchick @sexysamsungl @veryhellshdia @xye-weirdo @ilovefanfic86
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dimancheetoile · 5 years
Flowers bloom at daylight
Written for ShikaSaku Week 2019 (Fall Edition) @shikasaku-week Day 1: daylight so violent also on AO3 (where all the italics isn’t lost so i suggest you read it there instead cause they play a big part in this story but reblogs are still appreciated since putting a link in this post has hidden it from search results)
i'm late. really late. but i actually have some stuff written that i prepared in advance i just need to finish them up and i can post them so don't worry too much and forgive me also please i love all of you. also this is my first hanahaki story!! yay!! revel in the shikasaku goodness while the week lasts
love to @mouseymightymarvellous, my incredible partner-in-crime and shoutout to @the-formerone for ranting with me about great stuff like shikasaku content
The thing is, he never would have thought his laziness could possibly show even in this. When it happens, his first reaction is to snort, then followed by a laugh surprised out of him by how stupid this is aaaand that's about the moment the tears start to come him.
Because his body is apparently so lazy it couldn't even deign to cough and he instead just woke up one morning with an entire daffodil in his mouth.
He's fucking allergic to daffodil too, is the absolute irony. Gods he hates his life.
The thing is, he's never associated her with sakura blossoms. They come too quick and go too soon, they smell sweet and clean and they shower everyone in a never-ending flow of petals whenever you dare breathe in their direction. In short, they're everything she's not. She's reliable and resilient, strong and determined and more often than not, she smells of the sweat and dirt of the battlefield or the blood of the medics tents. She doesn't shower anyone in affection or attention or anything of the sort. Her affection is quiet and hardly won and her attention is precious when lives depend on her.
No, he's always associated her with daffodils, because of Ino. Because of their childhood, when the four of them used to run around together, before boys and girls became a thing, before lovers and liars were ever part of their lives, before they learned through experience that no one cares who you're fucking when you're all about to die anyway and he's been in more foursomes and moresomes than he likes to think about when he thought he was living his last day, which happened quite a lot (un)fortunately but that's not the topic here, right, because the topic is—
Before they learned that there was these things called clan separatism and hierarchy, that the three of them weren't supposed to talk to low-status, clan-less children who would become desk ninja anyway, before they learned that the only reason she ever went after the last Uchiha was because she had no parents and no support system and the desperation of knowing she would become a desk ninja with the pay to go with it made her night terrors stop featuring closet monsters and instead the days she went without lunch becoming a fixed feature of her life-to-be.
Before she ever went after the last Uchiha out of desperation and plain, simple hunger, and lost the only support system she ever had in the form of three clan heirs who didn't know the way out of the prejudice crawling out of their asses without even realising it.
Before all that, when the four of them used to run around together, Ino made her a flower crown out of daffodils and he talked about it to his father who gave him a scroll on kunoichi training which included, amongst other things that made his poor, four-year-old self want to crawl up into a closet and throw up, a section on flower meaning.
The thing is that he never associated her with sakura blossoms, and instead, she became in his mind the living embodiment of the small yellow flower.
Somehow he found it quite fitting, a few years later when he found out he was allergic to the stuff, that his body would have such an intense reaction to a flower he associated with the woman he's been in love with since reading a potentially-traumatizing scroll. Quite fitting, that he would be allergic to a flower meaning, amongst other thing, unrequited love, while associating it with a woman who stopped running after wealthy, upper-class boys for survival and instead ran after them to prove her own worth.
(though she didn't need to do that, ever, now did she, when she's always been worth the fucking world to him and he would gift her the moon if she hadn't punched its goddess right in the fucking face, wouldn't he, because she is worth so much to him he sees her in the shadows that shape his identity and he would formally present her to the forest spirits and the Shikami is she let herself be loved in the way she deserves because she is worth so much—)
The thing is, he woke up one day with a daffodil between his lips and laughed until he cried and sobbed until he choked on petals and
haven't we established the irony of the situation
she appears on his windowsill like the fucking goddess that she is and founds him in a pool of petals, flowers, tears and blood and doesn't even blink before crouching next to him and saving his life.
The thing is, Hanahaki is a misunderstood, poorly researched, rarely cured disease that no one really bothered to look into because not only does it mostly happen to civilians (and we all know how the Konoha Administration feel about civilians) but the few shinobi who happen to suffer from it are strictly male and they are the expendable, replaceable bunch in the shinobi hierarchy and on top of being such a rare condition, the Konoha medical system is fucked up beyond recognition, has been ever since Tsunade fucked off the first time and even after she came back and revolutionized everything to the fuck off again leaving everything to—
The point is, it's rare and medics had more important shit to do, when there were medics at all in the Konoha hospital besides civilian healthcare providers, than find a cure for Hanahaki when there was, you know, a literally war going on.
So no one knows how it works, why it starts, why it only touches males, why flowers, why deadly, why it sometimes goes away without the love being requited, why it sometimes happens for platonic feelings, why
yeah, why?
Why does Hanahaki take one look at Haruno Sakura-sensei, Titan Sakura, Godslayer, Sannin, Minister of Public and Shinobi Health in the newly elected (and honestly he still can't believe they managed to make pull this shit off) Konoha Government, and decides that attempting to save his life counts as requited love, is a very good question.
That he's obviously not going to ask, duh.
The thing is, he might not have grown out of being a lazy fuck, but he absolutely has grown out of being a coward. Hearing your father dying sometimes does that to a person.
Which is why, still lying on the floor in a pool of petals, flowers, tears and blood, his abs still aching from the laughter and his eyes still burning from the weeping and his lungs still aching from the disease and his mouth still tasting like flowers, he says:
"I'm in love with you."
which, granted, doesn't make for the greatest conversation opener but he might possibly maybe be going into shock so
"Yeah, I gathered," she replies faintly, looking ghostly and about to pass out.
"Sorry I scared you with the deadly, incurable illness. I had only been aware of it for two minutes when you came in." He looks at her face, mapping it quickly. She doesn't look very awake. "...why did you came in, by the way?"
Her voice is shaking, and still very faint. "So it turns out waking up coughing leaves from the Nara forest oaks makes for a powerful excuse to barge into one's window at five in the morning."
He'll concede her point.
wait what
“I love you, too?” she offers, looking terrified and unsure and about the most incredible person in existence.
The thing is, sometimes he only pretends to be lazy. Which is why he kisses her first.
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paragonevil · 5 years
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WISHLIST || As long as I’m taking a homework break... A few days ago, I reblogged this one gifset of a couple having a soft moment with their baby aaaand apparently loaded the damn thing so full of tags that I wasn’t able to tag it wishlist. Oops...
Anyways, the post is juuuust a teensy smidge too soft to keep up on this blog, so I’m going to delete it. Not to mention the tags on it being all kinds of fucked up. BUT for my reference as well as yours... here’s a proofread version of the tags from that post, ‘cause they’re at least still relevant... 🤷🏻‍♀️
Not saying Aku really DESERVES a family or a happy ending after he fucked over the lives of so many people but— consider. Similarly to how he learned a lot about caring for another person when first Ashi and then Rick came into his life, and through them learned a lot about love and what it feels like... I think it would be really really nice for him to experience the kind of overwhelming need to protect and cherish which would come from finally having a REAL family. By that, I mean a wife / husband and a baby that wasn't a bastard. By bastard I mean it in the literal sense— as in illegitimate. ( ‘Cause lets be real 95% chance w/ aku as the daddy? Kid’s almost destined to have evil in its nature. )
Anyways just— Aku having a family would teach him so much abt NOT being destructive for once. It’d teach him abt like... holding onto something and working to keep it together and like... suppressing his instincts to abandon them in a botched effort to protect himself from mortal feelings. It’d teach him that he could still be evil and feel love for another. It’d teach him not to shy away from it. It’d give him more to fight for other than simply the destruction of the other Gods who harmed him back then, and his ultimate goal of destroying all life in the universe ( or at least subjugating it to work for / worship him instead ). Basically, it would give him humanity he’s severely lacking in his current timeline— and especially once Darkness Falls is over and I switch him over to his ‘Bad End’ verse.
Just... it would be good for him to learn, I think. And it’d also reveal a fun, new facet of his character for me to explore.
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