espressosandexams · 7 years
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So, now that I’m one week into my summer vacation, I thought I’d jump on the bandwagon and make a master post about summer. I’d love love to hear about your summer goals so feel free to message me or send me an ask or anything! 
1. Figure out what you want to do this summer. You don’t have to learn a new subject. You don’t have to study math everyday. You don’t even have to read. Just figure out for yourself what a really fulfilling summer means to you. That might be sleeping until noon everyday. That might be watching a bunch of Netflix TV shows. That’s ok. You’ve earned it after a long school year. What I mean to say is know what a fun, enjoyable, fulfilling summer is for you and be totally ok with that not being what everyone else thinks it is.
2. Write down what it is you want to do and put that list somewhere visible. The fulfilling summer I was talking about above, write that stuff down. If you’re like me and tend to get a little sidetracked, it can be helpful to have an actual list somewhere reminding me daily what I want to do this summer. If it’s a more complex goal (reading x amount of books for example) then figure out a plan to get there.
3. Work a little towards your goal each day. Is it watching the entirety of “Grey’s Anatomy” that’s on Netflix? Watch an episode or two a day. Is it running a half marathon? Run a few miles a day and train towards it. I’m doing an 80 Days of Summer challenge. If you feel inclined to do something similar, I’d love to hear about it! 
4. Be really ok with not completing all your goals. Don’t get worked up about not finishing everything you wanted to. Summer is about enjoying yourself and taking some downtime from the very stressful school year. So just have fun!
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espressosandexams · 7 years
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(6/9/2017) Day 4/80 Days of Summer. More reading today! To anyone looking for summer reading recommendations, this book (although it came out awhile ago) is absolutely incredible and I highly recommend it!
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espressosandexams · 7 years
So I’ve currently got a bullet journal (pretty big) and a regular journal (really small) that I use to monitor my thoughts, keep track of news, etc. Once I run out of pages in these journals, I was thinking of merging the two and just keeping one journal that is both a bullet journal and everyday thought journal. Does anyone have recommendations or thoughts on how to go about this? Or if this is even a good idea?
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espressosandexams · 7 years
Does anyone have travel journal tips or advice?
I’m going to Venice in about a week and I really want to keep a travel journal. I’d love to hear about stuff you like to put into your journal and/or tips and/or advice and/or anecdotes and/or pics!
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