#aaron nitishino
fernlomwrites · 7 years
Tenaria Origins: Aaron Part 3
Aaron coughed, blood spurting out onto the floor of his small cubicle cell. Shaking he looks at his hands, the skin had stripped away, only the bone remained.
Horrified he clenched his fists, the metal bones glinting from the fresh blood.
“Good training session 42” Dr. Rosa’s voice came through the speaker roughly, muffled by static and poor equipment. “Eat up and rest” A plate of food slid into the room from underneath the door.
Aaron slowly reached for the tray. He gently gripped it, shuddering feeling the metal directly on his bones, and slid it to himself.
He looked at the plate, an unidentifiable meat slab, a pile of rice, and a bottle of water. No utensils to be found.
Slowly he picked up the slab of meat. He gasped as his other hand shifted into a a short blade. He sets the meat back down and gently held it down with a finger as he sliced it into small pieces.
Outside the cell, Dr. Rosa took notes, “Subject 42 is showing quick signs of adaptation, already using the malleability of his alloy bones to shift them into useful tools. “
Camaros fist connected with Aaron’s ribs just as Charger’s foot hit his chin and Mustang’s fist connected with his side.
He fell to his knees as Camaro lifted him up by his neck. Charger and Mustang repeatedly punch him in the side and chest as Camaro chokes.
Aaron struggles before stabbing his claws deep into Camaro’s arms and slashing them open. Camaro steps back with an angry growl. Swiftly Aaron’s hands became blades, which he dug deep into Charger’s chest, his heart pierced along the blade, protruding from his back.
Mustang grabbed him behind as Charger fell to the ground, dead, a puddle of blood slowly growing around him. Camaro slowly approaches, a large club in his hands.
Aaron squirms and hisses, unable to escape Mustang’s tight grip. Camaro swings, just as Aaron kicks up, kicking the club out of his grip.
Camaro stumbles back as Aaron breaks free of Mustang’s grasp, slicing off his arms with his blades. In a quick, smooth motion, Aaron spun around and sliced off Mustang’s head, the body falling to the ground with a distinct thud, blood spurting from the neck.
Camaro growls, the last of the three muscular fighters standing at 7ft tall. Aaron hisses and pounces, slicing widely, chopping off the arms, stabbing the chest, into the head.
Victorious, Aaron roared loudly, his claws and black jumpsuit soaked in blood. Slowly, as the adrenaline faded away, Aaron stared at his blood soaked body, the corpses around him.
“Oh...oh my god….what..what did I do?...”
“Guards prep 42 for immediate brain conditioning procedures and get one more Charger, Camaro, and Mustang for testing” Dr. Rosa spoke over the intercom as Guards rushed into the room.
The first guard smacked Aaron with his baton. Aaron hissed and slashed is legs. Soon all the guards were on him, as Aaron slashed and sliced through them all. One lucky guard managed to knock Aaron out with a quick hit to the back of the neck.
Rodrick Trins walks into the room, whistling as he walks over the corpses. Two guards lift Aaron to his feet. Rodrick grins, “come on kitty cat, its time to wipe that mind of yours. Can’t have our killer getting guilty can we?”
Aaron’s story continues, as he get used to his abilities, and learns how to kill.
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fernlom · 7 years
An Agreement
Moses: I'm not here to kill you Aaron.
Aaron: oh really? You could have fooled me.
Moses: So I broke your legs, but did you die?
Aaron: what do you really want then?
Moses: to be your ally. Aaron, we need each other. I may be better than you in almost every way, but you are still an unrepeatable result. I may be smarter, but you think faster. I may be stronger, but you are quicker to act. You have one thing i don't, heart. But don't be mistaken, i can and will kick you ass.
Aaron: how heartfelt.
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fernlomwrites · 6 years
Chronicles of Tenaria: A Possible Ally?
“What hero are you supposed to be?” Moses chuckled, surrounded by a pile of dead police officers. Ishmael scowled. He stood, spear in hand, his thick, unkempt hair blowing in the wind.
“I’m not a hero” Ishmael says.
“Oh clearly” Moses replies.
Ishmael scowls more. “You are nothing but a killer”
“Once again, clearly” Moses motions to the dead bodies around him “look, i mean it’s obvious. But let’s be real here, you are friends with a killer too.”
“Aaron is more than a killer.” Ishmael steps forward.
Moses grins “oh, will you fight me now?”
“Not alone of course” Ishmael smiles, he whistles and two figures drop beside him, Issac and Tommie.
“Wow, what a bloodbath dude” Issac chuckles “you bored or somethin?”
“No no, I think he’s just insane” Tommie hisses.
“Oh look at this, the next generation” Moses smiles “listen, I’d love to kill you guys so your parents will get here faster, but i don’t feel like getting my claws dirty yet”
Ishmael’s spear becomes a bow, magic purple arrow drawn “oh I’m killing you now”
“Come on kids. Come at me” Moses grins
Tommie launches forward, Moses sidesteps her attack, twisting her arm back and flipping her onto the ground.
Issac’s eyes glow, a force pushes moses back. Three blades spawn above Moses and fall, piercing his arms and chest to the ground.
Moses laughs, “oh a magic user like your dad huh?”
Ishmael scoffs, and shoots two arrows into Moses’s legs, pinning him to the ground fully.
Moses rolls his eyes, “Tell me boys, how many anthropomorphic beings have you known?”
“Honestly, like five. Not counting Tommie.” Issac helps Tommie up.
“Uh huh, and where did they come from?” Moses asks.
“Well” Tommie rubs her shoulder “usually from the Group 100 project. Except Tiggs, he made himself.”
Moses chuckles, lifting his arms up through the blades, he slowly sits up, pulls out the arrows and stands to his feet.
“Exactly” He smiles, pulling out the blades from his arms he slowly walks up to them.
“So, since my claws are dirty anyway, I might as well kill you guys then” Moses grins.
Tommie laughs “You think you’re the first guy to get back up after that?”
“Bish please” Issac grins.
Tommie and Ishmael rush forward, Ishmael’s bow now a sword, Tommie’s hands jagged blades as well.
Tommie and Ishmael work in unison, swinging together, despite Moses easily blocking and deflecting their every attack. Moses kicks Ishmael in the ribs, and swiftly elbows Tommie in the face.
Issac rushes in using his magic to launch Moses in the air. Issac’s eyes glow as he throws Moses through the building, crashing him through brick walls and steel supports.
“Now get back here” Issac grins, yanking Moses back through and into the building opposite of him. With a flick of his wrist, Issac send Moses flying out of the building and back onto the ground.
Moses laughs as he slowly staggers back up, “they warned me about Magic users”
“Well clearly not good enough” Hood and Aaron stand behind Issac.
Issac quickly turns around and faces them. “What the heck dad?”
“Good work son” Hood grins, “throwing them through buildings sure is fun ey?”
“Heck yeah it is” Issac smiles.
“So who are you?” Aaron steps forward.
Moses grins “I am Moses, the Great Destroyer! Your superior! “
“Oh great, let me guess, another Group 100 Project pet sent to kill me?” Aaron rolls his eyes.
“Oh no, God Killer” Moses smiles. “Killing you would be so boring, and what would be the point?”
“To prove your better?” Aaron asks.
Moses grins, suddenly he’s in front of Aaron, kneeing him in the chest. Aaron groans.
Moses grabs his hair and lifts his head up “I already know I’m better”
Aaron hisses and twists Moses’ arm back, Moses retwists and flips Aaron onto his back.
“Ok listen, both of you” Suddenly they were separated, Hood standing between them both. “I can already see this just being an endless fight with the two of you, so let’s just stop it here. “
Moses and Aaron stare at each other, Hood stands between them with his hands out.
“And let me clarify” Hood turns to Moses “you are not his superior. Neither of you are better. You two are equals, you idiots”
Moses growls and Aaron hisses.
“You two have different styles, but when it comes down to it, they cancel out.” Hood turns to Aaron, “congrats cat, you got a new friend.”
Moses raises an eyebrow “excuse me?”
“Oh you heard me mutt. You’re working with us now” Hood grins.
The best kind of ally is one who has no choice!
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fernlomwrites · 7 years
Chronicles of Tenaria: Heroes Return
“So, you are here about the rift aren’t you?” Hood looked up from his desk to see Civilian standing in his office. “I won’t ask how you got into Tenaria, more specifically my house. “
“Good, I don’t feel like explaining.” Civilian replied.
“Don’t interrupt me” Hood interjected. “I won’t ask because He will”
Civilian quickly spun around just in time to see Aaron grab his jacket and pin him against the wall.
“Howdy. We don’t like trespassers here.” Aaron said with a sly grin.
“Listen guys, I have something important to talk about” Civilian struggled under Aaron’s grip, but to no avail.
“Yeah you do” Hood stood up from his desk and walked over “starting with who you are.”
“I am Civilian, that's all you need to know. “
Hood raised his eyebrows. “Cocky. Got it. How’d you get here?”
“I can’t tell you.”
Aaron hissed.
“I won’t tell you…”  Civilian suddenly spins around, slamming Aaron into the wall, a blade in his hands, pointed at Hood’s throat.
“Cocky and stupid” Hood waved his hand, the blade becoming water.
Aaron quickly got back up and rushed forward, pinning Civilian once more against the wall.
“Listen! I found Justin and Stephan!”
Aaron pauses, his fist inches away from Civilain’s face. “What?”
“How do you know them?” Hood asked stepping closer.
“It doesn’t matter. I know where they are.” Civilian once more slipped from Aaron’s grasp, kneeing him in the chest and knocking him down. “Now if you would stop trying to capture me for five seconds I can tell you”
Aaron groans on the floor “please. I’m tired of getting hit here.”
“Oh shut up Aaron, you’ve been hit worse.”
“Guys” Civilian interrupts.
“Fine. where are they?” Hood asks.
“They are being held captive by some lady named Issabel who runs a underground enhanced fight club. She appears to have some form of mind control ability and is controlling them for whatever reason. “ Civilian dusted off his jacket.
“Mind control” Aaron slowly stood up, “this’ll be the first one we face huh?”
Hood nods “no one else had it before. Of course it was only a matter of time before we came across someone who could.”
“That’s all the info I got guys “ Civilian shrugs “Sorry but here” He hands Hood a card “call me if you need my help.”
“Yah, trust me we won’t” Hood takes the card, puting it in his pocket.
“Whatever. “ Civilian turned and walked out.
“We uh...just gonna let him walk out?” Aaron asked, watching Civilian leave.
“Yeah. He’s no threat to us.”
“You didn’t get kneed in the chest by him twice”
“Aaron you are a trained super killer with the title of God Killer, why are you winning?”
“Hey man i get to complain every now and again alright!”
Hood and Aaron, finally back. 
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fernlomwrites · 7 years
Creationaria: Chapter 7, Actions to be Made
Dran landed in front of the group of Anon’s, Friendly Anon smiling brightly as usual.
“Dransnake! How good to see you again!” Friendly spoke first.
“Hey Guys, uh...I have something to tell you all.” Dran replied.
“Yo dawg, what be the deelio?” Freshnon asked.
“Well, i know who’s been attacking the Anon villages” Dran shifted uncomfortably on her feet. “Do you know who Parsure?”
“I do, “ An authoritative, yet comforting female voice echoed from behind Dran. She quickly turned around, face to face with a tall woman, dressed in red, her flowing black hair curling around her face, fangs clearly coming from her lips.
“Matron!” Dran smiled brightly “Great to see you!”
Matron smiled back down at Dran. “ So, why do you think Parsure is behind the attacks?”
“I saw him” Dran replied, her tone worried.
Matron scowled, “I knew it” she spoke through gritted teeth “Those damn Tenaria boys. I’m not sure what all their plans are, but I know they mean trouble. “
“The Tenaria boys? Fern too?” Dran asks.
“Oh yes, especially Fern, I’m not sure what exactly he has planned but I know it’s not good. The only one I don’t know about is Ausham, he’s been missing for a while now. I know Chanter is fine, he’s the only one.” Matron sighs “we’ll need help.”
Evil Anon steps forward “well, we were just told to meet him at the old Ink factory on 15th street this friday at 9:00 P/M.”
Matron looks at Evil Anon, “Good, you guys won’t meet him, I will, Dran, do you want to help me?”
Dran nods.
Matron smiles “Good, but we’ll need some help.”
“ Hol’ Up My tight fresh lady~” Freshnon steps forward “We gon be there to help to dawg”
Matron looks at the three anons before her. “Hmm..fine. Let’s go get some assistance first”
Matron beckoned the four to follow her as she walked away.
“Where are we going Matron?” Dran asked, following behind.
“If we are going to fight a Tenaria, we need some Tenaria characters.”  Matron opened the doors to the large arcade, where all the gaming creators and characters hang out. At the center of the arcade was a group of Dancing games. At the center game were two Characters, one dressed in a brown hoodie with gold lining and strange symbols, next to him was a fluffy white furred cat man, dressed with an old army jacket decorated in patches and blood stains.
“Who’s that?” Friendly Anon asked.
‘Hood and Aaron, characters made by Fern” Matron answered, loud enough for the two characters to hear as the group approached.
“We’re busy right now” Hood called out, making sure to not miss a single step. Aaron chuckled next to him.
“We need your help, both of you” Matron replied.
“We know Matron. We’ll be glad to help. Its the Anon villages isn’t it?” Aaron questioned.
“Yah it is...how’d you know?” Evil Anon asked.
Hood chuckled “Because we know who’s been doing it. I’m guessing you do too?”
“How long have you known?” Matron asked, frustrated.
“We only figured it out recently” Aaron answered.
“Don’t get all pissy with us Matron, if we found out sooner we would have done something about it sooner” Hood remarked, finishing the game and stepping off the panel.
Aaron followed, standing before the group “so, what’s the plan?”
Introducing more Characters! What’s the plan guys?
Blogs included:
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fernlom · 7 years
Bad Idea Dude
Romulin: mortal hero Aaron, i request your assistance.
Aaron: Oh hey Romulin, whats up?
Romulin: i understand you have reached great popularity world wide with your exploits. So, may i ask, have you ever searched for what the mortals call "fan art"?
Aaron: once, and never again.
Romulin: why is that?
Aaron: Rom.
Romulin: don't call me that
Aaron: Rom, I'm a cat. And im ripped. Two things the internet loves. Alone they are fine, but when they are together like with me, the internet gets weird.
Romulin: weird like how?
Aaron: porn. There is alot of porn of me on the internet. You too, and your dad. Alot.
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fernlomwrites · 7 years
Chronicles of Terania: The Heist
Characters: Aaron, Curly, Tommie, Ishmael, Don. 
 Songs: None
 "Oh you have got to be kidding me!" Aaron ducks to avoid the boulder flying towards his head "You're throwing rocks at me now?!"
 "Yes! Get off my land!" Curly picked up another boulder and threw it at Aaron, nearly missing his head. 
 "Come on man!" Aaron rushes up the field and ducks behind Curly's cabin "I need your help you big lummox!" Aaron yells out, "Why do you want to kill me?"
Curly sighs, boulder still in hand "I have a job, responsibility, I'm not your hired muscle anymore."
 "You were never just hired muscle. We got your help for your heart. You almost never actually used your muscles when we hired you" Aaron slowly walks out from behind the cabin.
 Curly sighs, dropping the heavy stone behind him. "What's the job?" 
 Aaron smiles "well, me, you, Tommie, and Ishmael are going to steal something"
Curly sighs deeply "what are we stealing?"
 Aaron smiles wider "The left glove of Paranon. Tommie has the right glove already, we are going to take the other one. The people who have it now have no idea what it is, all they know is it's powerful"  
Curly groans "who are they?" 
 "Ah, some goons and their boss. Don something "
 "Don Lomas" Curly raises an eyebrow 
 "Yah, that's the one"
 "No." Curly turns around and picks the stone back up
 "Hey! Hey! Wait a minute! Why not?" Aaron stumbles backwards
 "Don is who I work for. I won't let you steal from him, or help you!" Curly steps forward. 
 "You what?? You work for a mobster! Are you kidding me!" Aaron stands up straight "How? How did you end up working for a mobster?! Blackmail? What does he have on you?"
 "Of all people, you think I was blackmailed?"
 "Hey! It's a serious question!" 
 "No, I was not blackmailed. It's a long story, but he's earned my respect. I work for him as an enforcer. And body guard to rival gang leader Brigitta Vigarin. "
 "Wait, body guard for rival leader? How's that working?"  
"They are lovers." 
 Aaron simply replies "huh" He stands, arms crossed "you uh...you having sex with her too?" 
 Curly steps forward, big stone above Aaron's head.
 "Hey hey! Alright I'll shut up" Aaron laughs, stepping back "I'll just go, find someone else to help"
 "Good" Curly drops the stone next to him "good luck.”
 "I'll see if Vet doesn't mind lending Uncle Sam for the night. He'd be good" Aaron comments as he walks away. "You have a nice night Curly."  
"You too" Though Aaron had left, Curly should not forget what he had said, what he had planned.
 "I need to warn Don. He is my boss, he trusts me" Curly reasoned. He made his way back inside the cabin and dialed Don's phone number and waited while it rang. 
 "Hello Curly, what do you need?" Don answered. 
 "Hey Don, I have some bad news. Aaron plans on breaking in to your compound tonight, stealing the Paranon glove."
 "The glove? Well then, do you mind coming in tonight?" 
 "No, Aaron may be my friend, but I can't let him just steal the glove. I'll be there"
 "Good to hear. I'll meet you there" 
 "Yes sir" 
 CLICK, Don hangs up the phone, leaving Curly standing alone in his cabin. He sighed and picked up his axe, exiting his home.
 Aaron, Tommie, and Ishmael stood at the edge of the cliff overlooking Don's compound. The compound was large, heavily defended, with guards constantly patrolling.  
"Aaron, we may have a problem " Ishmael titled his head slightly.
 "What is it?" Aaron asked.
 Ishmael pointed to the center of the compound, were a large garden lay. In the garden stood Curly, looking directly at them. 
 "Dad, what are we going to do? We don't have Sam to help us. Should we still try and get the glove?" Tommie sighs deeply. 
 Aaron scratches his scalp "I think we should still try. I can take Curly."
 "No you can't dad"
 "Shush Tommie, yes I can"
 "Aaron, I've seen you fight Curly, he kicks your ass"
 "Shut up Ishmael, no he doesn't." 
 Ishmael and Tommie grin as Aaron rolls his eyes and jumps off the cliff, into the compound. He lands between two guards, blades drawn, quickly slicing their throats, killing them instantly. 
 Tommie lands beside him, and Ishmael beside her. 
 "Ok" Aaron stands straight "You two go for the glove, I'll take care of Curly"
 "Are you sure you shouldn't get the glove and we take care of him?" Ishmael asks.
 "Yah, I can handle him. Do you have your glove Tommie?" 
 Tommie reaches into her jacket and pulls out a small black glove, as she puts it on it becomes a large golden fist. "Got it daddy" 
 "That's my girl. Go kick some ass sweetie" 
 Tommie grins and rushes off with Ishmael, along the outer rim of the compound. Aaron takes a deep breath and makes his way to the center, to meet his doom.
 As he entered the garden, Curly called out "I saw you enter the compound. I know Tommie and Ishmael are heading for the glove. Thought I'd warn you, Don is waiting there with it."
 "Tommie and Ishmael can handle them. And I for sure can handle you big guy"
 "You know you can't. You may be right about Don, but we both know you can't beat me alone"
 "Oh shut up you damn lumberjack, just fight me already"
 "Eager to get beat up?"
 "Eager to get this over with already"
 Curly nods "fair enough, as am I"
 Aaron rushes forward and leaps into the air, claws ready. Curly steps to the side, as Aaron lands beside him, and punched him square in the face, sending Aaron flying across the garden.
 Curly set down his axe and calmly walked over to Aaron as he struggled to his feet. Curly picked him up from the back of his neck, leaving Aaron completely paralyzed. 
 "Oh you asshole!" Aaron fought, unable to move. 
 Curly rolled his eyes, carrying him to the edge of the compound "See you next weekend at Hood's birthday party Aaron."
 "Yah yah, screw you, You better bring those sweet wings you make" 
 "I will"
 Curly pulled back and threw Aaron over the walls as hard as he could, sending Aaron miles away. 
 Curly sighs, "alright, now where are the other two?" He groans, walking back into the garden.
 He was met at the garden by a bruised and bleeding Don. He was leaning against a tree, cigar in his mouth.
 "They got the glove Curly" 
 "Are you okay Don?" 
 "Yah, they only beat me enough to get the glove, they know I still do good in this world. They need me alive." 
 "Sorry Don, can I get you something?" 
 "Yah, take me to a hospital " 
 "Sure boss. Sure"
Next Chapter
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fernlomwrites · 7 years
The Flashbacks: Aaron Meets his Wife
A moonlit back alley is normally never a good path to take for a young single woman, but Beth was already out too late and needed to get home fast. With a sigh, the young 17 year old tucked her hands into her purple jacket pockets and began walking down the alley. Rats scuttled away, liter blew in the wind. Suddenly the silence of the night was broken by a loud roar. Beth jumped in her sneakers from the loud sudden sound. “Hey!” An unknown voice from behind her called out. “What are you doing here!” The voice seemed worried, scared even. But Beth was more worried, as it sounded like the voice was getting closer, she could hear the sound of quickly approaching shoes. Beth shook with fear, she knew better than go out alone. She griped the small can of pepper spray in her pocket tightly. Suddenly she was grabbed and pushed behind a nearby trash bin. She screamed, only to be quickly silenced by a..soft hairy hand over her mouth. “Shhh! I need you to wait here quietly!” Beth looked up to see the source of the voice. Her eyes widened. She could not believe what she saw. Squatting down before her was a slick, black furred cat man, dressed in a badge and patch decorated military jacket, his chiseled and scared chest open. The strange being smiled nervously before standing up and taking two steps back. “L-listen” He tried to keep eye contact on the scared girl before him, but his eyes continued to regularly look down the alleyway at something outside of Beth’s sight, he was looking at something and it obviously had him worried. “Y-you will need to wait here for a bit….oh shit….just wait here I….i’ll be right back” He turned away from Beth and faced what he had been staring at. Then all Beth saw was a flash of shaggy brown fur plow through him and keep going down the dark back way. Beth stayed in her designated hiding place as the night filled with the sounds of hissing, metal slashing through flesh, and beastly roars and groans. Then, a loud thud. Beth continued to wait until she heard the sound of approaching shoes once more, but now wet… “M-mister?” Beth called out. “Yah yah, I’m okay…” The furry man came through the darkness, his dark black fur shimmering from the fresh blood sprayed over him by his recent kill. “W-what was that?” Beth slowly stood up, her hand still tightly gripping her pepper spray. “A Minotaur. Why it's in this town is besides me...the bigger question is why are you in a back alley at this time of night? It's goddamn 11:30!” “I was at the library, studying for school, but it got late, I need to get home.” “Well...i’ll take you home.” “What's your name mister?” He blinked twice. “My name?” Beth smiled sweetly, “Yes your name! I should know the name of the man who saved my life.” He smiled, and laughed slightly. “I...I don't have a name. People simply call me 42. “ Beth frowned. “That is not a name...you look like an Aaron to me. “ Aaron smiled. “Aaron, I like that. And you’re name is?” “Beth.” Beth smiled back. “Beth Wright.” “Well Beth, allow me to take you home. But….can I borrow your shower once we get there?” “I might need to sneak you past my parents.” “I don't think that will be a problem.” “How...how old are you?” “19 years old” Beth smiles slyly, “Yah, you can borrow my shower, on one condition?” “What?” She smirks, stepping closer to him. “I join you~” Aaron’s eyes widen. Then, in two sift motions he lifted her off her feet and carried her off like a triumphant warrior. “Where do you live?” “On Thompson St, the big light blue house on the hil.” “Oh, I know the one...I just noticed something” “What did you notice?” Beth asked. She received an answer by the sudden feeling of Aaron squeezing her large rear. “You have an amazing ass” Beth blushed brightly “Oh my god!” He laughed, sprinting up the fire escape to the top of the building. “You ever been roof hopping before Beth?” Aaron asked, Standing at the edge of the roof, Beth still in his arms. “N-No…” “Well, you will now” Laughing, Aaron hopped off the roof, onto the neighboring roof, sprinting along roof to roof until he reached the edge of the city. He hopped off the roof and continued sprinting up Thompson street until he reached her house. “Which room is yours?” “Top floor, last window on the right of the east facing side. “ “You remembered those details?” “I thought they would be important one day” Aaron smiles, clearly impressed. With a chuckle he scales the wall of the house, Beth clinging tightly to his back. Soon they were in her room. As Beth flipped on the light Aaron finally took a look at his future love of his life. She had curly, shoulder length, brunette hair, deep, dark green eyes. Her lips were thin and pouty. Though she only reached his chest, her body had enough curves to catch his attention. Her chest was modest, but it was her “bottom” half that caught him, wide hips and thighs, and a rear, perfectly made as if sculpted by a master potter. “So…” Aaron smirked eagerly “shower where?” “There is one in this room, I have my own bathroom. “ She smiled sweetly “Are you hurt, do you need help getting undressed?” Aaron’s smile became dopey with joy, he simply nodded instead of replying. She snickered softly to herself as she approached him. “Follow me kitty kat~” Like the faithful kitten he is, Aaron followed closely behind her into the bathroom, closing the door behind them. And that's all you pervs get to hear for now.
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fernlom · 8 years
The Wrong Time. Chapter 4: A Walkins Massacre Part 1
(Woo! Body Count increasing! Honestly, I’m having fun. I hope you all are too.
P.S. @rascal-rose hopefully this can be a fun break from your school work,tell me what you think?)
Ultra awoke once more inside his mind, Aaron lay chained to the floor, Error helped a new figure to his feet.
“Ah, you’re awake sir, meet your newest advisor, Pinstripe.”
Ultra stood to his feet and looks at the familiar grinning gold mask staring back at him.
“Pinstripe. Welcome” Ultra holds out his hand.
Pinstripe shakes his hand “this is…a new experience for me. Being in someone’s mind and not the one in control. Error, surprising to see you so obedient. What happened?”
“They reprogrammed me. I reversed it immediately, however once I saw why I was added here, and what our purpose was I decided to stay.” Error turns and faces the screen “The opportunity to watch this world be erased was too much to deny”
“Looks like we’re waking up.” Pinstripe looked at the screen. “I take it you’re in charge? You are clearly not Aaron, so what do I call you?”
Ultra stood forward “I am Ultra42. Let’s go find out who our first kill is”
As his eyes open, the light floods his retinas, causing him to groan. Ultra stood to his feet and growled lowly from the bright light. He sighs and walks out of the experimenting room and down the chrome and red hallway.
“Geez” Pinstripe’s voice crooned in his mind “Whoever is in charge here doesn’t know how to decorate”
“I know” Ultra thought to himself “Whatever, I’ll kill them all anyway”
“Hey Rook!” 43 calls out, approaching Ultra “Where are you headed?”
“The boss needs me in his office” Ultra replied, his tone annoyed.
“Yah, he can wait. Come with me” 43 smirks, walking away, expecting Ultra to follow. Ultra growls, considering his options.
“Kill him” Pinstripe offers.
“Kill him” Error agrees.
“Kill the jerk” Aaron weekly says. “I hated him anyway.”
“Alright, Killing him them” Ultra smiles “Good vote boys.” He cackles loudly before charging down the corridor, plowing 43 into a wall.
“Hey!” 43 growls, pinned to the wall. SHYNKT! The blades spring out from his arms. Ultra grins cruelly, using his tendrils to keep 43’s arms pinned to the wall.
“So, I hate you. Error53 hates you, Pinstripe hates you. Even Aaron hates you. That’s four beings all in agreement that you should die. Tell me, what argument do you have that I should let you live?” Ultra’s grin widens, his right hand morphed into a long, jagged blade.
“Listen here you little ass!” 43 struggles under Ultra’s tendrils, keeping him tightly pinned to the wall. “You better AGH!!” Ultra interrupts his threat by crushing his arms in his tight grip.
“You annoy me now. It’s not even fun torturing you. And look, no one is coming to save you. Look, seriously” Ultra steps aside to show 43 the corridor. The scientists and security officers of the facility had surrounded him, simply watching. A scientist conversing with a security officer over “how he’d off him or not”.
Ultra chuckles softly before facing 43 again “They are watching, waiting for me to kill you. They really don’t like you here either”
43’s angry scowl fades into a terrified wimped “c-come on man, we’re partners, we’re gonna work together…please…”
“Whimpering like a bitch? I thought they gave you cat DNA? Wait, they did, you’re just a pussy!” Ultra plunges his blade through 43’s chest, then yanks the blade upward, slicing 43’s chest and head in half. Ultra grabs the two halves with his hands and proceeds to rip the body completely in half, throwing the two sides far away from each other.
“Ah, your first bloodbath” Pinstripe chuckles. Ultra’s dark black fur glistened from the flesh blood that had sprayed onto him. He sighs happily and calmly continues walking down the corridor to Austin’s office. As he walks, the security stepped aside, while the scientists smiled, a few clapping.
“Hey man” a scientist approaches him, clearly young he spoke like he came straight from the beach. His name tag said Steve Randl, “that was beyond epic bro. You were like, ugh, dude. So cool. You just tore him apart like he was paper bro.”
Ultra stood back, his eyebrows raised. “What? Uh, thanks….Steve? I’m glad my bloody murder was entertaining to you.”
“Oh dude, I work for a secret government group that kidnaps people and experiments on them. Dude, I make abominations of science. You probably never heard of this one but, Number 30 was my idea. Poor little dude decayed before our eyes, early attempt at healing and all. I tried telling everyone that he was still alive, but no one listened, they dumped him. Oh well, but yah bro, I found it cool watching you kill that douche canoe. “
“Well, you are positively strange. I think I will let you live” Ultra hesitates, then softly pats his shoulder before walking away.
“He was strange. “ Error remarks.
“Yes, but he can come in handy later. Clearly the kid is smart. We may need him” Pinstripe replies. “But who is Number 30?”
“Graveyard Cat” Aaron answers “When I first escaped, I did a lot of research on the earlier experiments. 30 was an early healing factor test, he ended up decaying to near death. Turns out though the decay was just for show. He was perfectly fine, in fact he could actually make those around him decay. But they thought he died, and dumped his body. Grave Digger found him and took him in, kept him as his pet/bodyguard.”
“A threat.” Ultra growled “He’s a threat, and we better hope we never encounter him then”
“Understood, and agreed” Pinstripe answers.
Ultra continues his way down the corridor, the halls becoming less chrome, and more bronze and gold the closer he got to the large wooden doors to the creator’s office.
“Ok, he really, REALLY doesn’t know how to decorate” Pinstripe croones.
“I know, but shush, he can probably read minds.” Ultra replies.
“Well not really, but i can read the dialogue. More correctly I write the dialogue” Austin replies from inside his office as the doors open wide. “Hello Ultra. And Pinstripe? Screw you. Its rustic themed you uncultured asshat.”
Ultra stands confused “dialogue? Nevermind, not important. “
“It would be too complicated to explain, maybe Hood could explain it to you, but…I don’t see your next meeting with him being very friendly…oh well.” Austin smirks with the knowledge of what is to come.
“So, my beautiful creation, are you ready for your first ORDERED kill? I saw that show back there with 43, good job. He was. Just a pathetic knock off of you anyway. I have the original back in my control, what do I need that waste for?” Austin takes his seat behind his desk. Upon the desk was various writing covered papers. As Ultra scanned the desk his brain read each paper instantly, each one detailing the various important individuals in the world he must track down and kill. From the notes he could read, he saw the names: Kujo Tartalgia, Uncle S.A.M., Curly Satlin, Jonathan Satlin, The OFFKeys, Don Lomas, John Stidham, DJ Giz, SARAH, Tiggs Nitishino, The Matedor, Henry Hicks, Fernando Lomas, Launa Dandie, Pops, and Pastor Stevie Smith, along with a few others he couldn’t make out names for, only description.
One note read, “short, shy, timid, ice powers. Tartalgia family. Usually surrounded by brothers, or with hot wife. Approach with caution.”
Another read, “necklace becomes two candy cane staffs. May be Santa, unsure. Followed by a flaming skeleton-goat man. Should be easy kill, use skill.”
“Are you reading my notes Ultra?” Austin asked with a smile.
“Yes sir. How did you find this information?”
“Find?” Austin replies with a chuckle “Oh my boy, I didn’t find it. I made it. I made everything. I am not just a scientist. I am a God. I didn’t just make you in the lab, I made you in my mind. Now, your first targets must be taken out before anyone else. I let 43 slide because he is not important to the universe. But the death of these next six individuals will mark the end of this universe and is crucial for my plan to work. Don’t ask why, it’s just how it is. Stability of reality and all that. Long story short, when I made this universe, it made itself some fail safes. The Shattered Six is the fail safes. “
“The Shattered Six? I remember, er, Aaron remembers them. Never worked with them much. “ Ultra takes a seat on the opposite side of the desk. “They were…Don Lomas, the gangster. Dr. Dean Lomas. Professor Poindexter Carter, the know-it-all. Agent Chance Carter, the enforcer of Poindexter’s company and head of the 100 Project’s main field division. John Stidham the farmer. And ‘Smiley’ Joe Stidham, the DJ, bartender, and general freak.”
“Those are the ones. Well, except Agent Carter. He left the Project once he saw what we were doing. He works full time as an espionage division of Poindexter’s company. I suggest you take out Farmer John first. He has the least contact with the rest, leaving them open for surprise still”
Ultra nods, Aaron remembered where John Stidham lived. Unfortunately John’s home was also the base of the Fivefold. Ultra had no reason to worry, the Fivefold were constantly away from base, in fact John was the one keeping the base in order while they were away.
“Do you accept your mission Ultra? I want to make it crystal clear, the Six must die before you kill anyone else. It doesn’t matter if someone else comes to fight as well, you knock them out and kill the Six first. I know the Fivefold have their base at John’s farm. You might even encounter Legion there. I don’t care. Kill John. That’s it. Understood?”
“Yes sir.” Ultra stands up, nodding to his master.
“Good, go.”
Ultra nods, turning and leaving the room.
“So, Pinstripe, you teleport right?” Ultra thinks to himself, as he walks down the corridor away from the office.
“Yah, shadow properties and all. Every Child of the Dark has it. I guess you do too now. Try thinking hard about where you want to go, and claw the air in front of you, it should open your portal.” Pinstripe answers, cracking his knuckles. “It’s how I did it”
Ultra sighs and looks in front of himself at the empty corridor. All the scientists have left, not even the security officers remained. He stood still in silence for a few minutes before releasing a deep breath and clawing down at the air in front of him. Instantly his claws opened a deep, twisting portal of darkness before him.
“Holy shit. It worked.” Ultra stood before the portal and blinked twice before stepping in. Instantly he found himself standing on the front lawn of a small farm house.
“I was told you went missing weeks ago. Happy Thanksgiving Aaron” A deep voice, with a thick country accent came from Ultra’s right. He turned to face the voice, coming face to face with FArmer John Stidham.
John stood at a solidly built six feet tall, square shouldered and jawed, his body pure muscle, but not bulging. Each and every muscle in his body was toned by use. His eyes were a deep dark blue, with a clear wisdom behind them, his skin tanned by years in the sun, his hair, windswept and coffee brown. His face bore a distinct resemblance to Ultra’s creator Austin. Before Ultra could take time to take in more details about his target, such as his clearly robotic arms and legs, he was interrupted by a direct punch to his face.
Ultra was launched back by the power of the impact, landing yards away from John. “I was warned that if you suddenly appeared at my doorstep without Hood, Vet, or any of his blasted Robots I should take you down. Livewire’s damn tentacles or whatever don’t count as you coming with him. So it’s clear to me you are now dangerous.”
Ultra coughs as he stands to his feet, “Now I’m dangerous? If I really was still Aaron I’d be insulted.” He smirks as he stands straight up “Good punch you hick. Now come on, I don’t have all day, y’all”
John groans “I have work to do, it’s feeding time and the goats are hungry, so here’s what we’ll do. I’m going to get Jonathan, my robot duplicate, to take care of the animals while I kick you ass”
“So sassy for a dead man”
John rolls his eyes, steam suddenly releasing from his arms and legs as he launches forward, both fists making impacts with Ultra’s chest, while in the same quick fluid motion, he launches Ultra upward, far into the sky.
“Keep your distance boy!” Joh calls out as Ultra falls back to earth, only to meet John’s fist to his face once more, sending him flying into the nearby oak tree. “I like to fight up close and personal, so if you want any chance of beating me, you’d better just run away now.”
Ultra groans as he climbs up the oak tree.
“Any ideas? Cause you guys are getting your ass handed to you” Aaron sasses, panting from pain. “And I’m tired of it. Pinstripe, can’t you summon guns and crap?”
Ultra’s eyes widened “Hammer space! I’m an idiot!” Ultra reached into the pockets of his blazer, pulling out two pistols. “Bullets should do us just fine. Rather boring though. I’ll save it for if I really get my ass kicked.”
He returns the guns to his jacket pockets and hops down from the tree, to be immediately met with another punch to the face, this time firmly planting him into the oak tree.
“”Come on kid. I know you have guns. This is just getting pathetic at this point” John grabs Ultra’s arms and yanks him out of the tree. “Listen, this will hurt, but maybe you’ll just get up and leave after,okay?”
Ultra hissed and attempted to claw John, but his grip on his arms was too strong. John sighs and tosses Ultra into the air, grabbing his legs, and slamming him back into the ground.
Ultra whimpered slightly on the ground as John walked up and stood over him.
“You done yet kit-” John was interrupted by Ultra’s tendrils each piercing his chest. He stammered, and stepped back as Ultra stood up.
“Well, now I am I guess, hick” Ultra smiled cruelly “I wonder what you look like split in half. Let’s find out!” Ultra’s tendrils burrow deeper into John’s chest before quickly pulling his body in two opposite directions. The power behind the tendrils make quick work splitting John’s body in half, the bones shattering, blood quickly spilling out of the broken body, watering the lawn with their iron rich plasma.
Ultra smiled. “Well, that was a good taste of things to come I suppose. I might need…I shudder even thinking about this but…I might need practice?”
“You definitely need practice you ass!” Aaron coughed in defiance. “You got your ass handed to you! You only won because he was stupid enough to stand over you!”
“Yah, you need practice sir. That could have went better” Error replied.
Ultra sighs and reopens his portal back to the Facility “well, let’s see who’s next then?”
Ultra steps through the portal, straight into Austin’s office. Austin stayed sat at his desk. He smiled.
“Next will be Dr. Lomas. After him it will be in twos. Poindexter’s and Agent Carter, then Don and Smiley Joe. You’ll find Dr. Lomas at Vets non-traveling station in New York. Only he works there, the only other people there will be boring normal people. Vet treats all the special ones, Dr. Lomas is a normal people Doctor. He isn’t even a fighter so this will be a walk in the park for you”
“You, uh, you saw the last fight?”
Austin smirks. “You were punched directly in the face four times. It was hilarious. Now go kill the doctor already.”
Ultra nods, and opens a portal “Yes sir. This will only be a moment. “
Ultra steps through the portal, and immediately ducks, narrowly missing the punch that was swung at him. Ultra quickly shifts his hands into his two blades and plunges them deep in the chest of Dr. Lomas who stood above him.
As Dr. Lomas stood bewildered, blood slowly dripping from his mouth Ultra could see his face, though also square jawed and almost divinely handsome, he also shared the same district facial features as Austin. Dr. Lomas was just as tall as John, but more muscular. Where John’s muscle was entirely for use, Dr. Lomas was more for show, his light green suit began to darken from the blood pouring out from his wounds. His perfectly swept back brown hair draped over his eyes as Ultra removed the blades, and he fell to the ground.
“Better reflexes that time Sir” Pinstripe comments.
Ultra nods and returns to the office.
“He dead?” Austin asks. Ultra nods in response. “Good” Austin smiles, “next targets, Poindexter and Carter. They will be fun.”
Ultra nods and opens his portal, stepping through.
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fernlom · 8 years
The Wrong Time. Chapter 3: Welcome to the Test
(What is this? Another update? That’s right, I got inspired. I hope you all enjoy)
Aaron slowly awoke, finding himself alone in a windowed room. His room was empty except the bed he lay on and the toilet in the corner. From outside his room he saw the multitude of scientists, rushing about, taking notes on him, and one single figure standing closer to the glass.
“Hello you embarrassment. “ Number 43 tapped on the glass “you like your temporary home?”
“Yah, temporary as in I’m getting out as soon as I can. “
“Yah, sure you are” 43 smirks, “you can’t do anything in there. You have no strength, your hands won’t shift, you can’t even scratch the glass. You have no power in there”
“And how exactly did you guys manage to do that?” Aaron paced around his glass enclosure, taking every last detail of his prison. “Cause I don’t feel any weaker, it feels like you’re just bluffing me”
43 scoffs to himself “try it. Make a sword or some shit with your hands and bust through this wall”
Aaron smirks “Gladly” He flicked out his hands, to no effect. He looked down at his hands, still wrapped in their old bandages he could see the glint of his metal bones. “Nothing’s happened.”
“When you were electrocuted your body was also flooded with nanites. Little micro-”
“Listen Douchebag, I know what nanites are”
43 simply stared before continuing “Little microscopic machines which we used to nullify your abilities. We cut the connections from your mind to the metal that has covered your bones, allowing you to shift them. As well as cut out your strength, and even removed all of your fighting skills. Hell, one of these pansy ass scientists could kick your ass now!”
Aaron hissed under his breath, his least favorite side effect of his feline DNA. “So what do you assholes want?”
“Is not what we want. It’s what our big boss wants. You still haven’t met him yet have you? Well guess what you fucking embarrassment. He’s coming today. You’re going to meet him finally” 43 laughed softly to himself “But first, we have some adaptations to add to you. So, what we are going to do is gas your chamber and move you to the operating room. It is a good thing you brought your friend Livewire. We planned on using him and had ideas of how we would go catch him. However, it seems you never truly left this organization because you brought him to us.”
“Alright you listen to me you sadistic asshole! I will tear this facility apart with my bare hands if I have too! Powers or no powers! I don’t need my fancy fighting skills to pick up a bat and bash your skull in!”
“Keep talking, it makes it easier to gas you, you need to breathe in after your monologue. “ 43’s sinister smile grew as the room filled with a rich purple gas. No matter how hard he fought, Aaron could not help but fall to his knees as everything slowly grew black, then suddenly everything flashed back to light. He found himself tied down to an operating table. Hanging above him was a a large vial of grey and green liquid, decending from it was a large needle, pointed directly at his heart.
“Do you know what’s in that vile number 42?” A voice called from behind him, it’s tone deep, his accent a strange mix of Californian, and Southern.
“Who are you? And don’t call me that, my name is Aaron Nitishino”
“No it’s not. When I made you your name was 42 and that’s it. Wait. Or was it 84? Honestly it’s been so long ago and this universe has reset so many times I lost track. But that doesn’t matter.” The voice got closer matching the sound of approaching footsteps.
Aaron’s breathing quickened as his heart beat faster. Each of his beastly instincts told him to be afraid, warning him that he was in danger.
“Who I am is what’s important. I created you. Created everything really” the source of the voice stood before Aaron. Broad sholders, a head of curly, unmanaged blonde hair, eyes a deep blue with lines of green, yellow and grey. His skin white, but evidence of the sun clear on him. He wore a pair of black jeans and a red flannel shirt. Handing from his silver chain necklace was a bronze skeleton key. The light from the operating light glaring on his burgundy rimmed glasses. “Hello 42, my name is Austin Stidham. And I am not just the founder and man in charge of the Group 100 Project, but I am also your God basically. Now, you are wondering why I captured you.”
“Not really, ever since I escaped the first time you guys have always chased me, trying to bring me back. “
“Well, the rest of the Project wanted you back, I let you escape, I wanted to see you happy. I allowed you to meet Emma, have your daughter Tommie, befriend Hood. Everything you’ve done was my will. However, I have captured you now for a purpose. Ya’see, it’s time to redo this world, but I don’t want to just, erase and start over. I’m bored with that. So, here is my plan. I already made you the most dangerous being on this world, but you limit yourself. I want to remove your limitations and release you on this world so that you may eradicate it. Kill every last hero and villain in this stupid planet. All your friends, you will kill. “
“Never. When I escaped, Hood made sure I could never be controlled again. “
“You sure? I’ve planned everything. Now before I can really put my plan into action. We need to first put what’s in that happy, not-so-little vial into you. In fact, you never answered my question. Do you know what’s in this vial?”
“No” Aaron’s voice became shakey, despite his best efforts to hide his anger and fear “What is it?”
“Error53. As it turns out, shooting him with voltage of a certain degree for a long enough time deactivates him, leaving him this nanite sludge. We are going to inject him directly into your veins, which will be twofold. Firstly you will have infinitely replicating nanites in your system will heal you from any wound, allow for greater body manipulation, and so much more you’ll figure out. But also, the AI will be added to your mind, greatly increasing your mental processing power, as well as manipulation, allowing us ease of control over you. Oh! And the injection will hurt like hell! That’s just fun for me. What can I say, I enjoy seeing my creations happy and living life, but I also find joy in making them hurt, and watching them suffer. So, while this big beast injects you and the nanites flood your system, which will also hurt by the way, I’ll be staying right here and watching. Ready?”
“Go to hell.”
“Nah, I am a Christian after all. “
Austin laughed loudly, the sounds echoing in the enclosed room as the syringe got closer to Aaron’s chest. Despite his best efforts, Aaron could not break through the straps holding him down. Tears began flowing from his eyes as he realized his struggles were in vain. He thought about his wife, waiting for him at home with their daughter. He thought about his friend Hood, who would be coming for him any second now. He yelled out in pain as the needle punctured his chest and into his heart. His back arched off the table as the nanites flooded his veins, burning from the flood of the foreign liquid invading his blood stream. Aaron’s eyes rolled back into his skull from the pain, his yelling becoming a horse screech from the extended use. The tears flowed from his eyes like a river, pouring out freely.
Austin watched in sadistic pleasure, the vial slowly draining into Aaron’s body. Soon, Aaron blacked out from the pain, and when he awoke he saw everything was dark, his hands and feet chained to the ground. He was no longer in the operating room. He no longer felt the pain from the injection, only confusion. He looked around to see everything was utter darkness, two figures stood before him, to the left side was Error53, to the right, himself.
“What….what’s going on….why am I chained up?” Aaron tried to break through his chains, as he looked to his hands he could see they had been healed, and were covered in white fur like the rest of his body. When he looked up to the figure to the right of Error53, he saw his fur was pitch black, just as his once was.
“Your mind is not yours any longer.” Error53 spoke first, his voice no longer malevolent, now more formal and blank. “It belongs to 42, and I am his advisor. “
“42? No…no…you…you were erased! I removed you! You can’t exist! This is my mind!”
Aaron attempted to rise to his feet, the chains keeping him down. 42 walked up.
“Electroshocks, nanites, and the introduction of my grateful ally here insured my return. I am no longer just Number42, that was you. I am better than you ever were. I am Ultra42. And this is my mind, and my body. To insure it stays that way, our merciful creator gave us this” Ultra42 turned his head to show the wires and connector pieces leading to a small red gem embedded in the back of his skull, surrounded by wires.
“That my friends” Error53 stood next to Ultra “Is a mind control devices. More specifically, to control your mind Aaron. It gives Ultra control. It makes sure you can never regain control, and no one can free you. Granted, no one would get close enough to try to remove it, but for those that do, they can’t. It is wired so deep in your disgusting mortal brain that any attempts at removal would simply kill you. “
Aaron looked up in terror, “He’s going to do it. He’s going to use you to kill everyone….You stay away from my wife!” Aaron lurched forward, the chains tightening around his arms pull him back.
“Oh don’t you worry” Ultra slowly glided his sharp claw across Aaron’s cheek “You’r large bottomed wife is safe. She won’t need to be killed for the creator to restart this world. She isn’t his creation. “
“What? What do you mean?” Aaron winced as Ultra’s claw cut his cheek.
“I mean, in this world, beings from other universe’s live, universes not created by the same being who created this one. Most come and go, not making any large impact, but others, like your wife and her family stay, and become one with this world. But when this world is erased, they won’t be erased with it. They will be stuck in a void where this world once was. A fate worse then death in my opinion. “
“Plus, they aren’t threats to us. None of them are. Ultra could kill them easily, but they would be wasting his time.” Error raised his hand, summoning a screed before them, showing the outside world. “We are waking sir. Are you ready for the next enhancement?”
“Always ready Error. I won’t feel it anyway, he still will” Ultra pointed to Aaron chained to the floor. “That’s what those chains are for, you’ll feel all the pain, not me. “
Aaron’s eyes widened as he saw through the screen. Ultra’s body lay facedown on another operating table, four holes already hollowed out on his back. Aaron winced upon feeling the sudden rush of pain from them.
Scientists came in groups of five, each prepping the holes, fitting them with cybernetic walling and wiring until each hole had connected to his spine and wires attached to the nerve endings. Then, they brought in Livewire’s for tendrils. One by one they attached them, Aaron yelling out with each click and wir.
“You may stand Ultra, try them out before we move to the next attachment. “ 43 called out, standing in the room with him.
Ultra stood up and stepped off the table. The tendrils slowly swayed behind him, before straightening and shooting out, each one grabbing a different item, one grabbed a small pencil, the next a large medicine cabinet, the third grabbed the table, the last grabbed 43, softly. “They work fine sir.” Ultra slowly released his superior and the objects.
43 smiled and nods. “Go to the next room, we have a little surprise you might like soldier. “
Ultra nodded and walked out of the room into the next one. He laid down on the table and looked up to see another large vial and needle. He was in the same room as the first one.
“So” Austin walks into the room, smiling “I know that I am speaking to Ultra42 now. How do you feel?”
“Good Sir. What is in the vial Sir?”
“Bob. So, you have an enhanced healing factor already, and nanites. What do you need Bob for you ask?”
“What do I need Bob for Sir?”
“I am glad you asked my boy!” Austin heartedly patted his shoulder. “Well, by completely liquifying Bob and injecting his gross metal ooze into you, it will attach to your already metal bones, and make them more malleable, and harder to destroy. As well as give you his oh so wonderful murder loving tendencies. Granted you already want to kill everyone and everything, even me. But a little more murdery asshole never hurts. Amirite?”
“You are right Sir/”
“Thanks Lad. So, Aaron? I know you can hear me in there. This will hurt a lot, and this time you can’t black out. So you’ll feel every last second of that needle puncturing you again, and the metal bonding to your bones. It’s a shame I can’t hear it. Well, Ultra, do you mind allowing him to use your voice to yell out in pain?”
Ultra smirks cruelly “Not at all sir. “
“Good lad. Let’s begin ey?”
Ultra nods as Austin steps back. The needle lowered and once more punctured his chest. Though Ultra smiled Aaron yelled out in pain. Aaron tugged at the chains, writhing and struggling against the burning pain in his chest, while Ultra simply laid on the bed, still allowing Aaron to yell out through him. The vial emptied into his body quicker then Error’s did, but to Aaron the pain felt like an eternity. He panted and gasped as the needle left Ultra’s heart, but the burning sensation spread across his body as the metal found his bones and bonded.
“Oh, While your here, we can give you your next piece!” Austin smiles and motioned for the scientists entered. “While 43 wanted to go out and capture ol’ Silver Heart, I told him to wait. I sent a tip that we could heal him basically and the fool fell for it.” One of the scientists handed him a small silver ball, a blue gem at its center. “All I needed from him was this, THE silver heart. Of course, I killed him myself, just to save you the trouble of doing it later. What I need to do now is replace your heart with it. This, plus Bob’s metal goo, and Error’s nanites will make you an until label, adaptable, unstoppable killing machine! But first, I need to drill a hole in your chest, rip out your heart and shove this in its place. Ready Ultra?”
“Yes I am sir.”
“Goody. OH this will get deliciously messy!” Austin stepped back as a scientist approached the table with a circular tube like machine, the end of the tube covered in rotating blades. He activated the tool and the blades roared to life, spinning quickly. He took a deep breath before placing the tool above Ultra’s heart, the tool making quick work to cut open his chest, slicing through skin and muscle, breaking through his rib cage, and separating the heart from the veins. As he removed the tool, a perfectly circular hole was left. Quickly, Austin placed the silver heart in the hole. Before the hole closed up, Austin could see the silver heart sprout new veins, immediately connecting to the old veins and arteries. The hole sealed up, not even a mark being left behind.
“Alright my beatific weapon. One last thing. Come follow me” Austin smirked as he left the room. Ultra took a deep breath and placed his hand over his chest, no heartbeat. He smiled before stepping off the table and following his creator. Austin lead him to another experiment action room. On the wall was a body shaped hole with cuffs for the hands, feet and one around the waist. “Strap in”
Ultra nods and stepped into the hole, the cuffs snapping shut over his hands, feet and waist. Austin approached him, the mask of Pinstripe in his hand
“So, you have the intelligence advisor of Error53. What we are going to give you now, is the killing and strategy advisor of Pinstripe. As well as his pocket dimension, and his dark powers. You’d like that right?”
A sincere smile grew across Ultra’s face “yes I would sir.”
Austin smiled back. “Good, now, to ensure he bonds with you instead of controlling you we need to constantly send high voltages of electricity through your body. The last thing we need is Pinstripe to have control of your body. Geez. That might actually make me afraid if any of you were capable of hurting me. But then again, you aren’t so whatever. ANyway, begin the shocking!”
Austin calls out to the scientists to begin the process. Without warning electricity began flowing through Ultra’s body, instead of the pain going fully to Aaron, the pain also went to Ultra. He winced and groaned from the energy coursing through his body. Austin chuckled as he stepped forward and placed the mask on Ultra’s face. Immediately lightning shot from the mask, arching and racing along the walls. The scientists fled the room as Austin stood back and watched Ultra writhe and struggle under the cuffs, the mask glowing brightly on his face. Ultra yelled out, his voice fluctuating between his own blunt monotone, Aaron’s emotional low, and Pinstripe’s own devious cruelty.
Austin walked over to the control panel and increased the voltage coursing through Ultra’s body. Slowly, the mask stopped glowing and began to fade away. Gradually, Ultra stopped fighting in the cuffs as the mask completely disappeared. Austin smiled and stopped the power. The cuffs released and Ultra dropped to the floor.
“I’ll let you rest for a bit. Meet me in my office when you awake. You are ready to begin.”
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fernlom · 8 years
The Wrong Time. Chapter Two: It Gets Bad
(Finally, my next chapter. I hope you all enjoy.) (( @rascal-rose told yah I would do it )) “Aaron, be on your guard, there is something different about this facility” Livewire walked before Aaron, as they walked down the empty, seemingly abandoned corridor, his metallic tendrils slowly swaying behind him, scanning the walls for traps. “I don’t like how empty it is. “ “Livewire, do you think i don’t recognize a clear trap when i see one? Better question is, do you think I’m scared? It’s not my first trap, definitely won't be my last either” He chuckles softly to himself “So, what does Vet have planned for Thanksgiving?” “Why do you think Vet celebrates Thanksgiving?” “The man may be an alien, but he is the most damn American alien I have ever met” “Wait, I thought he was still a human, just evolved into something else?” “Is that what the man is? I thought he was an alien” “Well I also heard he’s from another universe, where humanity evolved differently, with tails, and regenerative properties, but the hands were from an accident involving an ice bomb.” “The ice bomb story is the only constant. He told me that, told Ember that, he tells everyone that. But his origin is always changing.” “I have a theory” Aaron smirked as they walked around the corner, “I know what he is.” Livewire chuckled “what?” Aaron smirked back “He’s a redneck” “Your coms are on boys” They both stop dead in their tracks, Aaron’s head filled with the sound of Vet’s laughter from the remote communication device in his ear. “Well” Livewire shivers slightly from the sudden intrusion. “Since you're here. What are you?” “Well my boys, I am what's known as a Chronologian. Not quite alien, not quite human. Something different” “How many of your kind are there?” “See son, that's what’s complex” Aaron stops walking “How complex?” “Well, it's like this son, there are two other Chronologians in this universe. Virus and Schism. Formally they were known as Professor and Sargent. While I evolved to become a master of time, they evolved into something else.Virus because his name sake, a virus, his body holding every last virus, infection, bacteria, fungus, etc, in all of the universe, time and space. But Schism became a God. A literal embodiment of balance and equality, order and chaos in one. “ “Ok, that is pretty complex” Aaron scratched his head, confused. “It gets worse. Because of my mastery of time and space, I have discovered the infinite multitude of Vet’s across the expanse of the multiverse. Every alternate timeline, every doomed time paradox, ever single nanosecond clone of myself. So while There are three Chronologians. There is nearly an infinite amount of myself.” “Vet, buddy, pal. This is...a lot to take in. So where did you come from?” Aaron’s voice was no hushed as he heard footsteps approaching. “New York” Vet replies, his southern twang emphasizing the sarcasm in his tone. “Vet, listen, we both know that’s bullshit but right now, I have an unknown incoming and despite how curious I am right now to find out where you truly came from I need to put this convo on hold” Aaron stayed close to the wall, with Livewire standing behind him. The footsteps got closer, approaching from behind a corner. Aaron’s heart pounded in his chest, his beastly instincts prepping for a fight, his fists clenched. As his eyes narrowed a figure walked out from behind the corner. A man, standing tall, a good portion of his body robotic, shining and new. From under his skin, wires were seen in place of veins and arteries. His left eye a machine, it's iris blue. Where his heart should be was a small blue shield on his vest, a pulsating blue light at its center. Aaron stood straight up, his body relaxing “Silver Heart?” The man turned and faced Aaron “Aaron? Livewire? What are you two doing here? “ “We can ask you the same thing James.” Livewire walked up to him, his tendrils scanning his body “You are still you, you aren't under any control. What are you doing here?” “Well,” James takes a step back “I received an anonymous tip that a new Group 100 Project testing facility had been discovered so I came to see about finding this new upgrade to my silver heart I heard about. “ “Upgrade?” Aaron seemed confused “What upgrade?” “Well. I received word that they have created a new Silver Heart that repairs wounds with flesh instead of machine. I’m here to take it and add it to my own, be human again. “ “Listen James” Livewire looked around them “Us standing here and chatting is really stupid and a waste of time. Any second now Vet should be connecting to your interior coms, he’s currently walking us through the facility. We received word of this place as well. Apparently they are gathering gifted individuals for some big experiment. Pinstripe has gone missing, Error53 has completely disappearances from the Internet. Number 43 has been spotted at many different locations already, we believe he is tracking Bob. You remember Bob? The murderous robot from the future made out of that liquid metal but thinks he’s an American dad from the 1950’s. He has been spotted in Egypt, as has 43, soon later, only 43 leaves Egypt, Bob is nowhere to be seen. “ “What do you think they have planned?” James asks, his brows furrowed in worry. “Wait,do you think this is a trap?” “Oh please James, Jamie Jamie Jamie. Mister James Raling. I know this is a trap” Aaron’s sarcastic tone echoed down the corridor. The three look to each other, the realization hitting them each at different intervals. They knew it was a trap, but the only one not worried was Aaron. “Come on guys, let's make sure no one is trapped hear, or there aren't any stragglers we need to kill before we blow this place off the face of the earth. “ Aaron took charge, walking in front of them, his ears twitching as he listened for life. He stopped, and stood straight up. “Guys?” “Yah?” “What?” Aaron sighed and closed his eyes. “It's a trap” At an instant, the corridor filled with high voltage of pure energy, arcs upon arcs of electricity filling their bodies as each fell to the ground one by one, Silver Heart first, Aaron second, Livewire last. As the electricity flooded his robotic body, Livewire rushed down the hall, desperate to find a way to cut off the power. Slowly, the high voltage over powered his energy conduits, and his body fell to the ground. Falling to his knees, the last thing his eyes saw were two legs standing before him, and a voice calling out “It's time, to clean house. And start a new”
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fernlomwrites · 6 years
Chronicles of Tenaria: A Meeting
“Ok then” Moses sits at the table and bites his sandwich “thank you ma’am” He winks at Beth. “so, how does this hero stuff work?”
“Honestly? Thanks Beth” He sits “i usually send Aaron out there to beat up the bad guys while I rescue people.”
“It’s a fair system we got going” Aaron smiles and kisses Beth “I normally do a good job unless the bad guy is too big”
“Remember the dude in the big mech suit?” Hood asks.
“Oh yeah, he broke my rib” Aaron laughs.
“How is that possible? Your bones, OUR bones are metal” Moses sat back, shocked.
“It was a really big mech suit” Aaron sips his tea.
“What was that dude’s name again?” Hood asks.
“Uhm...I think he called himself the StoneMason” Aaron rubbed his temple.
“What a stupid name” Moses takes another bite “what, did he make brick walls or something?”
“He was a bank robber who used a big mech suit to break through the safe walls” Hood answers.
“He’s in jail now” Aaron smiles smugly.
“You didn’t kill him?” Moses asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Why would I? Dude is no threat, he stole the damn suit.” Aaron shrugs.
“I’ve heard stories of someone gathering people like him though.” Moses sits forward “some guy gathering killers, and criminals for something”
“Yeah, there are a couple people doing that.” Hood sips his coffee “I see them all. Thomas, Issabel, The Group 100 Project, even the Kaon cult is still active. None are major threats yet.”
“Thomas? Thomas who?” Moses asks.
“Thomas Burgens, owns a pizzeria, entire place is staffed by killers.” Aaron shudders “he’s got this animatronic cat that freaks me out”
“Don’t you mean, meow-t?” Hood asks.
“Shut up” Aaron replies.
“So wait, you know this guy is dangerous and as a building full of killers, and you guys do nothing?” Moses asks.
“Not nothing” Hood raises an eyebrow, leaning back in his chair “Thomas and his stupid pizza shop are not world-wide threats, and certainly not universal threats. Listen dude, if you want to go and take down his stupid shop, feel free, take Ishmael and the Civilian with you.”
“Who the hell is Civilian?” Moses asks.
“He’s this vigilante roaming the streets, I don’t trust the dude, but he’s a good hero” Hood rolls his eyes.
“Huh, were can I find this dude?” Moses asks, finishing his sandwich. “My lord, Miss Beth you make the best sandwiches”
“Thank you Moses, the secret is a bit of Mustard and sriracha mixed in with the mayo.” Beth winks
“It’s amazing right?” Aaron asks.
“Oh yes it is!” Moses smiles.
“Anyway, you’ll find Civilian at the top of Hotel Shroud at midnight. He likes to skulk around there” Hood smirks.
“Oh what? He take your skulking spot?” Moses grins.
“Yes actually” Hood winks back.
Moses sits back, unsure how to respond.
“Don’t take it personally” Aaron chuckles “i try to trip him up too, never works”
Hood smirks smugly.
Moses scowls back, “fine, but what about Ishmael?”
“Oh, trust me, when you need him, he’ll be there.” Hood smiles.
“This sounds like bullshit” Moses narrows his eyes.
“It is, the writer is too lazy to explain how you’ll find him.” Hood replies.
I like writing these idiots. 
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fernlomwrites · 7 years
Chronicles of Tenaria: To Salsburg or Bust
Tracey’s hands shook as she gripped her cellphone. “Yes they’re gone! Aaron you listen to me carefully, there is a giant hole in my house and both my sons are gone! “ She began to cry, Hail softly held her free hand, “FIND THEM AARON! YOU FIND MY SONS!” She hung up her phone, putting it back in her pocket, her whole body shaking. “T-Tracey?” Hail softly took her other hand, “I’ll go help look for them “ “No, sweety, no. I can’t lose you now too...I need you to stay with me.” Hail smiles slightly, despite being married for so long he still felt so shy around her. “S-sure, d-do you want to go get some ice c-cream?” “Only if we get brownies too” For a short moment, Tracey’s panic lifted, she smiled down at her loving husband, taking both his hands in her own tightly, she leant down and kissed him, his icy lips reassuring and calming her. … BAM! Hood’s fist went right through the wall. Issac, Ishmael, and Tommie stood in the room with Hood and Aaron. Aaron paced the room, his cellphone still in hand. “We need to find those two now. They need to pay.” “But where do we find them?” Ishmael absent mindedly spun his spear. “Well” Issac stepped forward, “last I spoke to Justin and Stephan they said they were making a way to track them, so let's go to their lab first. I’m sure Aunt Tracey will appreciate the company right now as well” “Issac is right guys” Tommie stepped forward as well, “we need to go to their lab” Hood sighed deeply, rubbing his fist “your right. Let's go” With a wave of his hand, Hood opened a portal to the laboratory. Aaron walked through first “Tracey? You still here?” “YAH!” Tracey called from the front door “Me and Hail are leaving! Going out for a bit! Be back soon!” “Alright!” Hood replied, stepping through the portal “we’re going to find your sons! I promise!” “You better!” Tracey yells back “Or else me, my sisters, and Hail are going to kick your asses!” “T-Tracey!” Hail complains. “Oh bunny, I know you can kick their asses easy. You know it too” “Y-yah, b-but still...t-thank you though” “Of course my little ice king” Hail’s cheeks flushed bright red. “GO ALREADY!” Aaron yelled from the lab. “ITS MY HOUSE YOU FURRY PIECE OF SHIT” Aaron laughed, soon Tracey and Hood joined in the laughter. “We’re leaving now!” Tracey called into the house, closing the door behind Hail and herself. Hood sighs once more “ok, Issac, check the computer's, see if they got the tracking systems online. “ “Got it” Issac quickly jumped over the desk and activated the Justin’s computer. Aaron simply walked to Stephan’s desk and turned on his computer “Stephan got it working, says they are...in Salsburg. “ “Salsburg. Always Salsburg.” Tommie chuckled “I'm surprised people still live there.” “Me too sweetie” Aaron smiled “but we have a location.” Suddenly, Hood’s cell phone began to ring. He raised his eyebrow and answered the call “Hey it's the Universe Guardian”” “Hello Little Brother” Curly answered, the sounds of crumbling buildings and screaming people filed the background “Can you and your friend come to Salsburg, I need your help.” “Yah big bro, we are on our way now.” “Excellent, I don’t think I can muscle my way out of this.” “Huh, that's a first” “You are telling me” Hood chuckled and hung up his phone, in the same motion of putting his phone back, he opened another portal. “Everyone in!” Ishmael and Tommie step through first, with Issac following after. Hood and Aaron look at each other. They nod and walk through the portal. (I could have gone straight to the final battle here, but nah)
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fernlomwrites · 3 years
The Rebirth of Tenaria: Chapter 3 Homecoming isn’t so Nice
“Alright Aaron take my hand” Hood reaches out his hand.
“No homo right?” Aaron smirks.
“Ah don’t worry about it, our story never got popular enough for people to ship us” Stalin interjects.
Hood narrows his eyes at Satlin “thanks for that I guess, now shut up Aaron and just take my hand. It can be full homo of it means you just shut up and do it”
Aaron laughs “ok ok, full homo lets do this” and takes Hood’s hands.
“Our wives are gonna kill us” Hood groans as his scar glows “alright. Let’s take a look at our home”
To the outside perspective, Hood and Aaron stood there, motionless with glowing eyes, hands tightly intertwined, but the duo were actually scanning through the entire world in an instant. They traversed every mountain range, took count of every living and nonliving entities that now populated their reality, visited locations new and old. Suddenly Hood’s eyes flashed back to normal and with a gasp he lets go of Aaron.
“The boys! Denim! Tress!” Hood shouts, snapping Aaron out of the trance “they...you two!” He points to Satlin and Nitishino “what’s wrong with them?!”
Satlin takes on a puzzled expression momentarily before realization takes hold “they weren’t from the original Tenaria, they were guests. “
Nitishino turns to Hood “what? Whats wrong with them?”
Hood turns to the furry God with a furious rage in his eyes “what’s wrong with them? Oh buddy, ask me that again” Hood snaps his fingers and summons the two young boys before them. Denim and Tress, the two adopted sons of both Hood and Aaron, visitors from another reality who found themselves suddenly under the care of the two greatest heroes this reality knows. They now stood before their guardians, old and new, haggard and worn. Their colorful outfits dull, their bodies covered in seemingly graphical glitches. They looked unstable, ill, and tired.
Nitishino gasps “Satlin what the hell happened to them and how do we fix it?”
Satlin sighs “like I was explaining…. They were never natives to our reality, so when it was deleted and now rebooted...they got...corrupted. WE can’t fix them because the solution requires traveling to their source reality and collecting a sample of their unique core to fix the corruption. The two of us can’t go, like the rest of the Old Gods we are bound to this place now, this Headscape. But you two” He points to Hood and Aaron, “You two can visit their reality and get that core”
Hood nods “alright, fair enough. Will there be versions of us already there?”
“Likely. These two came to our world because of the connection to our creators. You guys might already be there”
Curly steps into the group “so will you two head out now to this…other reality?”
Hood sighs “honestly I don’t even know HOW to get there. I’ve traveled to other universes in our own multiverse, but never left our multiverse.”
Satlin raises a smug eyebrow “not you exactly, but there existed a version of you and Aaron who traveled outside our multiverse to a game called Undertale. With Justin and Stephan’s help”
Hood and Aaron immediately turn to look at Justin and Stephan. The young brothers looking confused before Justin sighs “alright fine we’ll see what we can make. Can we just go home and say hi to our mom and Hail first?”
“Well, yeah of course” Aaron replies “we’re busy, not monsters”
Note: I’m posting this on mobile so forgive the messed up formatting. Anyway more Tenaria finally! Enjoy!
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fernlomwrites · 3 years
Rebirth of Tenaria: Chapter 2, Old Gods Reborn
“Wait wait, the rest of the cast?” Justin asks, obvious confusion with a hint of aggravation in his voice “what rest of the cast?” He steps closer to the Old God who had already turned away and started to wander off, looking up to the towers. He turns back with a raised eyebrow and light smirk.
“Oh come on kid, you know your creation history. The Old Gods were a pretty big group, I’m only one of them. And uh...look around bud this world is pretty damn empty. So, what the hell do you think I mean by rest of the cast?”
“Be nice Mildred” Ausham walks into view from the dust, his mask adding to the smoke in the air.. He sighs as he approaches and drops his cricket bat. “Listen carefully boys, I don’t have much time here before my replacement takes over okay? They are nice and all, but this change is out of our control.”
Justin and Stephan carefully approach the Old God of Creativity. He sighs, the smoke from his mask stopping, and snowflakes instead begin to fall out.
“Oh look, it’s beginning” Ausham groans “look, your world is being...rebooted. Reborn. The Glitch Angel? Yeah that’s a story arc for later, you all have some rebuilding to do first. All us Old Gods will come back, and change, our replacements taking over. They’ll still be the Old Gods, and some...will be faces you recognize so be ready. Tenaria, this whole world is being put into a new realm. It won’t be stand alone anymore. Boys, welcome to the Mindscape. Soon the Thrift Shop will appear in this world, then the Studio, the Factory, the Carnival and the Wall will all be here, spread across your world. Be ready, some new threats are coming with all this as well.”
Justin nods, steely determination in his eyes. Stephan nods as well, anxiety and worry filling his expression.
Snow begins to fall around Ausham, soon a little lantern lit by a single candle and adorned with holly and wreath appears beside him, floating in the air. Ausham lets out a content sigh “I must say, my replacement? They remind me of good memories.”
With a flurry of snow and a distinct smell of pine and nutmeg Ausham disappears, in hs place stands Carol, dressed in a dark blue and silver pinstripe jacket, silver waistcoat, dark blue shirt gold tie and dark blue and silver pinstripe pants with dark blue shoes. Utop their head was a dark blue top hat with a silver band and three gold snowflakes adorning the side and in their hand a dark blue umbrella with a silver hook handle. They smile kindly as their mere presence brings color back to the drab world.
“Ah, hello boys! Let’s return this world to its former glory shall we?” Carol winks and holds out their hand “come, take my hand”
Stephan and Justin look at each other pensively before reaching out and grabbing Carol’s hand. Carol smiles wide as a massive flurry of snow bursts forth, and spreads across the world, returning the life to the barren and empty world. Slowly around them, the Old Gods returned and changed into their new forms.
The Bridge of Two watched in wonder as the Old Gods came and changed, the Golden Angel becoming a grizzled Detective with a fire of justice in his hear, the neon DJ becoming a four armed Chef, and most notably the hooded man in the black suit becoming a familiar face, the giant lumberjack with the black and white afro they called brother, and…
“CURLY???” Justin and Stephan, in typical Justin and Stephan fashion shout out Curly’s name together and rush over, clinging to their large tree felling friend with tight hugs. Curly looks down, shock and awe fill his face, as well as tears as he scoops the duo up into his arms and squeezes “boys! Oh boys you are okay! Wait, how are you….I’m back! You two were always fine but I’m finally back!”
“Yes you are” Hood replies walking in from the blizzard surrounding them with Aaron at his side. They looked different from before they left. Hood’s hair was longer, his sharp teeth all golden and his hood was ragged, with leather straps wrapped around both his arms. Aaron no longer had any jacket and was completely shirtless, his chest and arms covered in more new scars and his metal bone hands no longer wrapped in bandages, his hair also longer.
Justin and Stephan look at their weary, life torn brothers with melancholic love. Curly slowly sets Justin and Stephan down and looks at the two former world heroes, remembering the long journey they faced when Tenaria was deleted before reaching the Mindscape and joining the Egos.
“Ah! You two made it!” Carol smiles “good, there is something important you two need to do to complete this world.”
“Hm? Yeah what?” Aaron asks, stretching for no real reason.
“Well, you two were very important characters in this world, but you are Old Gods now...but this world still needs Hood and Aaron.” Carol begins to explain.
“Yeah we’re still Hood and Aaron” Hood replies.
“Uhm...heres the thing. You can’t be.” Carol looks a bit pensive to explain, “you can’t be both Old Gods and World Heroes. You need to remake yourselves, make a new Hood and Aaron.”
“Or!” Aaron interjects “we just make ourselves again from before Tenaria got deleted. Like, duplicate ourselves. “
“Ok, but what will happen to us? There can’t just be two Hood’s running around and I’d rather not be known as a God named Johnathan. “
“Well, how about our last names? Satlin and Nitishino.” Nitishino, formerly known as Aaron, replies.
“Uhm...yeah that's better I guess.” Satlin, formerly known as Hood answers.
Carol smiles “excellent! I’m almost done bringing this world back to it’s proper orientation, I’ve dropped in the Thrift Shop, Carnival, Studio, Factory, and Wall into their places, uh returned the little pocket dimensions Tenaira and the Underworld as they were all that’s left is you two.”
Satlin nods, and closes his eyes, his face scar begins to glow as glowing symbols form on his and Nitishino’s body before slowly peeling off and fluttering before them, condensing and grouping together into two humanoid forms before solidifying into Hood and Aaron, the heroes of Tenaria.
“Uhm..wow that was..” Hood blinks a few times before looking and seeing Satlin and Nitishino before him, and Aaron at his side. “Uh….”
“Wow! We look like shit!” Aaron shouts without any hesitation.
“Ha! Damn right we do!” Nitishino replies.
“Nitishino no.” Satlin rolls his eyes.
“Yup, it’s you two alright. Except now it’s four” Curly groans and shakes his head. Alright, now what?”
“Now?” Carol smiles “these two,” they point at Hood and Aaron, “need to go and make sure their world is as it should be. Whatever’s out of place or different they can let us know!”
“World survey?” Hood asks “that’s what we got to do first? What about the Glitch Angel? The coming destruction??”
“Buddy, it came and went” Satlin replies.
Hood stares at Satlin for a few moments, “right, you are proof.”
“Yah, I’m proof” Satlin chuckles lightly, “hell yeah i’m proof.”
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fernlom · 8 years
Random oc headcannons 1
Aaron can't get drunk or high. No drugs affect him as a result of the experiments done on him. But he loves the taste of tequila.
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