#abigail adams necklace
jiminysjournal · 3 months
Vampire Rat Pack as Derry Girls:
Joey is Erin.
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Sammy is Orla.
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Rickles is James.
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Peter is Claire.
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Frank is Michelle (minus her heart of gold).
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And, of course, Dean is Bethany.
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discocandles · 1 year
Sarah Phillips will fiddle/fidget when she's deep in thought, and if she's thinking about certain people, she'll fidget with certain things in particular.
Most obviously, she'll fiddle with her necklace when she's thinking about James. Flipping it around the chain when she is worried about him, like if he's not back home when he said he'd be. If Sarah is twisting it back and forth between her fingers, she's annoyed because of something he did. If she's gently rubbing the pendant with her thumb in middle finger, she misses him. When Sarah was in England, her mother saw her messing with her locket like that most when her daughter was by herself.
When Sarah taps her feet in a little rhythm, she wishes Henri was there. She can imagine how he would react, and how he'd lighten the mood, make everyone laugh a bit. Or she's hungry, which hunger is something she's grown to relate to Henri, as he's almost always hungry.
If Sarah is thinking of her mother, she'll often twirl the hair around her face, especially when she wishes her mother were there to make sense of the situation or to just sweep her hair from her face and put it where it belongs. Or Sarah will spin her quill between her fingers, trying to commit whatever is going on around her to memory as her mother would love to hear it.
When thinking of Moses, Sarah will mess with her skirt. She'll wrap a bit of the fabric around her finger when she misses him, or wishes he was there to talk her down and help things make sense. If she's bunching her skirt in her fists, something is reminding her of Moses and Cato, and how Moses looked at his brother with so much heartbreak in his eyes. How he'd stay calm in the face of atrocities when he has every right to be enraged, how he doesn't want her to be enraged on his behalf("It won't change anything they do, Sarah.")
She could be thinking about anything or anyone if she's messing with her ponytail or the end of her braid(Sarah had to have braided her hair a lot. I know dic animation never changed character models unless they had to, but still). Sometimes it's her dad, cousin Tom, Abigail Adams, Udney, Arnold before his betrayal, Dr. Franklin, Molly from the women's camp. It could be anyone she grew close to in the war, honestly.
Very few people know that Sarah's thinking about certain people based on what she's messing with. The person who'd know most of them would be Henri, as he's the person that she spends most time with in the liberty's kids timeline. He mostly picks up on the big ones, like when Sarah misses her mom, or how she memorized the rhythm he played when getting the sheep to New York, which if Sarah wasn't one of the best people he had met before, she is now. The day he picked up on Sarah messing with her necklace = Sarah is thinking about James was rough. For her(I should just write that as a story). Sarah had to promise she would make Henri his favorite dinner for a week if he didn't tell James.
Speaking of whom, James would probably notice the different tells if the sight of his crush best friend and colleague staring softly into the distance while tenderly fiddling with the necklace he helped make for her that he'd never seen her part with since didn't make his brain shut down for a solid minute. At least.
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psychicequalizer · 1 year
Spring 1864
Ryan looked in the mirror. He was in the parlor of a lovely little home in Charleston, thanks to the hospitality of some of Lani’s family, and he had a plan.
“I have to see him,” Ryan said. “I can’t get him out, but I have to see him.”
“They’ll lock you up if they know what you are.” Abigail was one of Lani’s distant cousins. She was a lovely girl, and a stalwart supporter of the Southern cause. She would help him.
“I know. But they won’t lock up a lady.”
“I’m not going there.”
“I’m not asking you to. I’m asking you to help me become a lady for a day.” Ryan knew he was pretty for a boy, and he knew Union officers weren’t immune to the charms of a lady. He had to see Lani.
Abigail looked at him.
“I think I can work with that,” she said. “Let me get some things. Strip.”
Ryan did as he was told. He was uncomfortably aware of how skinny he looked and the array of scars on his torso.
“Oh, honey…”
Ryan hated the pity in her eyes. He didn’t want to think about how he’d gotten some of them, or the ones he’d given to other men.
“Bloomers,” she said, handing him a bundle of linen and lace. “Put them on. So, you don’t have anything to fill out the top. We’re just going to have to put you in a corset and hope for the best. You’re probably not going to like the way this feels.”
“Just do it. I don’t care. Can’t be worse than anything else I’ve felt.” Couldn’t be worse than grapeshot to the stomach, couldn’t be worse than marching miles upon miles in the snow with no boots, couldn’t be worse than being bucked for hours because you mouthed off when you were drunk, couldn’t be worse than watching your best friend shot dead, couldn’t be worse than watching your lover dragged off to the pits of hell.
“Breathe in,” Abigail saId, slipping the corset under his arms, “and don’t breathe out until I say.”
Ryan breathed in and held it as she tightened the laces.
“You can breathe now.”
“Christ,” he gasped. It was tight, but not unbearably.
“Yes sir, you see what we deal with every day? Now, petticoats.” She handed him another bundle of lace. “Step in, and I’ll fasten the back.”
He stepped into the skirts and held them up while Abigail hooked the back. Next was the dress itself.
“I picked out three, you can decide which one you think loverboy will appreciate the most.”
“I—Wait, what?”
“Oh, don’t think I’m a fool. I see the way you look when you talk about him. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. I think it’s sweet.”
“I ain’t no sodomite, I swear!”
“I don’t mind, honey, I really don’t. If you love him, you love him. You’ve been through a lot with him, it only makes good sense that you’d care for him.”
“You don’t think it’s a sin?”
“Sin or not, I don’t mind.” Abigail patted his head. “Now pick out a dress.”
Ryan looked at the three dresses laid across the settee. One was pale blue, with puffed sleeves and bows on the skirt. One was dark purple, with a lacy bodice and a ruffled skirt. One was green, with a beaded bodice and a tiered skirt.
“Purple,” he said. He’d always liked purple.
After much fussing, an hour spent on hair and makeup, and another hour spent on the art of flirting to get what you want, Ryan looked in the mirror again. He almost didn’t recognize himself. Abigail had put his hair in some elaborate updo containing braids and ringlets, situated a bonnet which matched the dress on top, fixed a glittery necklace around his neck to hide his adam’s apple, and given him a pair of place lace gloves. He looked like a proper lady.
“I’ll be damned,” he said. “Hell, I look all fancy.”
Abigail looked very pleased with herself.
“It’ll do. Now, remember what I told you. Flirt a little, say you just MUST see your fiancé or you’ll simply perish.”
“I owe you, Miss. Thank you kindly for everything. Please let me know if I can ever repay you.”
“No need, honey. You just tell Lani I said hello, alright?”
Ryan stepped out of the carriage to Fort Pulaski, heart in his throat.
“Hello, sir,” he said to the officer by the gates, pitching his voice up. “I’m here because my fiancé is being held, and I simply must see him.
The officer looked at him. Ryan saw the tiredness in his eyes and knew his pain.
“Please, sir,” he said, his voice breaking a little bit. “I beg of you.”
“What’s his name?”
“Lani Sparks.”
“Ah, yes. One of the few I know by name. He’s a spirited one, for sure. I can take you back, give you a little time. We’re not really supposed to let anyone in, but…” He trailed off. “I’ve got a girl of my own. I know what it’s like.”
“Thank you kindly, sir. Truly, thank you.”
“I’m not promising he’s still alive. He was the last time I saw him but…the conditions aren’t great. Nothing anyone can do about it.”
“I know.” Ryan didn’t want to think about Lani dying here, like this. If he went down, he was supposed to go down in a blaze of glory, fighting for his life and his home. He wasn’t supposed to die a prisoner on his own soil.
“May I ask what your name is?”
Ryan panicked. He hadn’t planned on an alter ego.
“Oh, yes. Forgive my lack of manners. Alice Jackson.” He hoped it was believable. He’d taken the first two names that came to mind, both from dear friends, one dead and one missing.
“Pleased to make your acquaintance, Miss Jackson. I’m George Mayfield.
“And pleased to make yours, Mr. Mayfield.”
Ryan wondered why the officer was being so nice to him. He was starting to wonder what this stupid war was about in the first place. Politicians’ nonsense was all it was, really, and men like himself and George were dying for a cause that really didn’t affect poor boys like them anyways.
“This is it.” George pulled a ring of keys from his belt and fitted one into the heavy iron lock on the cell door. “We had to put him in here alone because he was riling up the others.”
“Sounds like him,” Ryan said, choking back tears.
“I’ll leave you for a while.”
“Thank you, sir.”
Ryan stepped inside and George locked the door behind him. It was dark, save for the slight bit of sunlight tricking in from the barred windows high above. He choked when he saw Lani, curled up in the corner, asleep, unconscious, or dead.
He dropped to his knees on the dirt floor.
“Lani? Lani, please, it’s Ryan, please wake up, please don’t be dead!”
Chains clinked as Lani stirred and opened the one eye that wasn’t black and swollen shut.
“Oh, shit, I must be dyin’, cuz you look like a goddamned angel.” Lani cracked a crooked grin and took Ryan’s hand. “God, where’d you get that dress? Wait, why are you wearing a dress? What the hell is goin’ on?”
“Oh my god, I thought you were dead!”
“Will be soon. I’m goin’ insane in here. Everything hurts.” He looked like hell. His hair was ratty and his face dirty, his clothes torn and bloodstained. Ryan realized belatedly that he was shackled at both his wrists and ankles.
“They got you tied up like a dog in here. Hell, I’ve missed you. You look awful, what have they done to you?”
“Hell of a welcome, ain’t it? ‘Damn, love of my life, you look ugly and I hate your house.’ They got me like this cuz I was startin’ shit.”
“You know that ain’t how I meant it.” Ryan wrapped his arms around Lani and pulled him to his chest. “They hurt you.”
“Nothin’ I can’t handle,” Lani said with a bitter laugh. “Goddamn, you look pretty. You got a corset under that thing? Jesus Christ, Ryan, you gonna get me all hot and then leave?”
“Lani, you’re half starved and beaten to hell, and all you’re worried about is fucking?”
“Hey, a man’s gotta have somethin’. They ain’t gentle in here. I miss you.”
“Did they touch you? I’ll kill them Yankee shitheads, I swear to the Lord, if they touched you-”
“Calm down, honey, ain’t nothin’ I can’t take. I promise.”
“Lani, they’re treating you like an animal!” Ryan broke down, sobbing into Lani’s filthy grey jacket.
“Hey, hey, breathe,” Lani said, chains rattling as he wrapped his arms around Ryan’s neck. “I’m gonna get outta here. We ain’t winnin’ this war, but I’m gonna get outta here and we’re gonna have a pretty little farmhouse in…Beaufort, or somewhere nice. It’s gonna be okay. I’m tough, remember? I can take it. Hell, I’m glad I’m in here and not you.”
“Don’t say that.”
“Why? I mean it.”
“You don’t. God, I never woulda started anything. I woulda kept my mouth shut and behaved.”
“Naw, it was worse before they put me away. Least in here I don’t gotta hear ‘em all jeerin’ at me.”
Ryan sobbed some more. It wasn’t fair. It just wasn’t fair.
“Hey, you listen to me. Don’t you be cryin’ over me. Look at me.”
Ryan looked. Lani’s face was as handsome as ever, underneath the dirt and blood. His eyes hadn’t lost their sparkle. How he hadn’t broken yet was beyond Ryan.
“You never told me where you got that pretty dress. I know you didn’t do all that fancy shit on your own. I love you, but you can’t do makeup like that.”
“Abigail helped me. She said to tell you hello.”
“That little minx! Always knew she was a good woman.” Lani smiled. “God, I’m so glad you came. Missin’ you like hell.”
“I wish I could get you out. The officer that brought me here—Mayfield—he was real kind.”
“Oh, he’s one of the good ones. If a damn Yankee could ever be good, George would be a good one.”
“Yeah,” Ryan said, dropping his head back onto Lani’s chest. The cold metal of Lani’s shackles was digging into his neck, but he didn’t mind. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Don’t die in here.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
“Oh!” Ryan yanked up the top layer of his skirts, revealing a bag. “Abigail sent you some food.”
“Oh, shit, please, oh God,” Lani moaned. “Food!”
Ryan unwrapped the spread Abigail had sent—biscuits, a bit of ham, apple fritters, and some cold bacon.
“Oh, fuck me. I ain’t had good food in months.”
Lani ate faster than Ryan had ever seen anyone eat in his entire life, and he’d seen a lot.
“God, thank you.”
“They aren’t feeding you.”
“Not much. Hardtack and some beans if I’m lucky. Least I ain’t caught the fever yet.”
“I’ve gotta get you outta here.”
“Don’t know how. I’m just hopin’ the war ends and they let us go.”
“We ain’t gonna win.”
“I know,” Lani said. “It’s a lost cause.” He leaned back against the wall. “But our love ain’t. Come over here and kiss me.”
Ryan did, holding Lani as close as he possibly could. Again, he was aware that this could be the last time. He wondered if they might ever get to live in peace, not running, not hiding, not fighting.
A key in the lock sounded, and Lani flinched.
“Miss Jackson, are you decent?”
“Just a moment, please, sir.” Ryan replied.
“Don’t leave me,” Lani said, panic written on his face. Ryan hated it when the scared little boy showed through his tough facade.
“I have to. I’ll come back, I promise. I love you.”
“I love you too. I love you more than anything. More than God. More than the South.”
Ryan walked out before he could start crying again, not daring to look back at Lani, defeated.
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medici-collar · 2 years
First Ladies’ necklaces (description below)
Martha Washington, Abigail Adams and Elizabeth Monroe 
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The Mount Vernon website writes:
Garnets were in vogue when Martha Washington received this necklace from England in 1759. The semi-precious stones, ranging in color from deep pinks to purplish-reds, were probably mined in Bohemia, while the necklace's style and mounting suggest a Parisian maker. It ultimately retailed in goldsmith Susanna Passavant's Ludgate Hill shop, where the Washingtons' agent in London purchased it. Mrs. Washington's fondness for garnets is evident from the number of necklaces, earrings, pins, hair ornaments and rings she assembled for herself and her daughter, Patsy (1757-1773), in the 1750s and 1760s. Properly faceted and set, this hard stone out-sparkled even more costly precious gems such as diamonds.
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Faux Pearl necklace, the ribbon is a prop.
These Faux pearls, made of glass, were called Roman pearls and were worn to emulate the more expensive natural pearls.
It might be the same or a similar necklace as she wears in her 1766 portrait.
Pearls were associated with love and virtue, so it was probably made around her wedding in 1764.
It belongs to the Smithsonian
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A golden topaz necklace worn by Elizabeth Kortright Monroe, the fifth First Lady.
These lavish jewelry suit Elizabeth Monroe, who seemed to favor the customs of European Royalty. She also owned amethyst tiara. It belongs to the Smithsonian
Write in the tags which one is the most beautiful
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sinstxrscreamwritcr · 3 years
< Dossier: Charlotte >
🕊 Full Name: Charlotte Eloise O'Lear
🕊 Nickname(s) / Aliases: Lucky Dove, Clover, Enigma, Wild Card, Char, Lotte, Elly
🕊 Gender: female
🕊 Sexuality: pansexual
🕊 Race / Nationality: caucasian, irish-american
🕊 Height / Weight: 5'8" and undetermined
🕊 Personality: bubbly, optimistic, flirty, thrill-seeker, joker, sarcastic
🕊 Skill(s): hand-to-hand combat, gun disassembly & reassembly, acrobatics, narcotics identification, hacking & data funneling
🕊 Notable Organization(s): [ redacted ]
🕊 Occupation(s): stripper, mercenary, former cia agent
🕊 Notable Possessions: rosebud necklace & matching open-petal ring, pair of throwing knives, cellphone, smartwatch, laptop
🕊 Home Location: United States
🕊 Relationship(s): Adam Argyle ( former boyfriend, spurned ex-lover ), Akhos Laos ( partner ), Renault LaMont ( superior ), Rebekah O'Lear ( estranged sister )
🕊 Verses: Assassin / Modern ( obvs ), Vampire, Supernatural
🕊 FC: Abigail Spencer
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xingplytwelve · 4 years
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Author’s Note: This story was inspired by ZYX!!! LOL ok so I was casually listening to Tattoo a few days ago and idk man it was like ZYX was asking me to write this write all about his one night stand 

Title: That Morning Love

Pairing: Yixing x Abigail (OC)

Genre: Smut

Rating: NC-17

Word Count: 4.6k
It had been an extremely bad period for Abigail, as she was having all kinds of problems at work, and not to mention that she haven’t been having a social life for quite some time now. Whenever she wanna meet up with her friends, she was always pulled back by last minute projects and had to work till late. Of course, she wasn’t in a relationship as well, she just couldn’t commit to one at this point in time, as she was busy being a workaholic. The last time she had one was probably 3 years ago, and that was how long she hasn’t get laid. Her friends, completely aware of her situation, decided to give her a girls night out at the local club coming Saturday, hoping that she can finally spend a day without having to think about work. And if she’s lucky, to get laid after so damn long. Not to lie, but Abigail was pretty excited about it, to finally meet her friends and update them on what has happened in her life recently. Nothing interesting in particular, no juicy boy troubles, but would have been nice to catch up with her friends over a meet up instead of texting them all the time. It was finally Saturday, and Abigail was busy choosing her outfit for later. It had been too long since she last wore a daring outfit, and she felt as though she had lost her fashion sense. A body con dress? Too boring. A classic romper? Too troublesome. She was getting frustrated, and decided that she should just play it casually, putting on a black cropped top with bandage denim skirt, flaunting her tiny waist, and not forgetting her classic sneakers. She was never one to wear heels, especially to a club. She was soon on the way after she had accessorised herself, putting on one of her favourite set - A pair of earrings and a necklace that were all in the shape of a seashell. 
‘Hey!’ Her friends called the moment they saw her. ‘Are you even trying with that outfit!’ One of her friends, Chloe hissed the moment she saw her. ‘Typical Abi,’ the other, Leah chuckled. ‘Stop teasing her y’all, come here you!’ the most sensible, Gabrielle said as she pulled Abigail into a hug. ‘It had been so long!’ Abigail replied, returning Gabrielle’s hug. ‘I really tried ok, but I decided to just go with what’s comfortable,’ she added, taking a look at her two other cheeky girlfriends. ‘Let’s go!’ Chloe gushed. Soon enough, the girls were inside the club and were getting their drinks. ‘I’m not gonna hold back today girls, get me drunk and laid man!’ Abigail joked, though she was sure about getting drunk, but getting laid was pretty much questionable to her then. Call her old fashion, but she was never really the type to go for a one night stand. Well, not until that night at least. And what she didn’t realised was that a man had been gazing in her direction from the second floor the moment she stepped into the club. Her brunette hair, with streaks of red, completed with her bangs. And her dressing style, unlike other typical girls who were in revealing dresses. Though she was no where near sexy in the eyes of others, she was perfect in his eyes. He could see how she was showing the perfect curves of her petite body. ‘Zhang Yixing! It’s your turn to drink!’ Baekhyun called in annoyance as he snapped his fingers in front of yixing’s eyes. ‘I’m sorry,’ yixing apologised, he was just too occupied at the sight of the girl who just walked in. ‘I see whatchu staring at yixing,’ Baekhyun added with a tiny smirk, knowing where yixing’s eyes were trailing off to while yixing gulps down his whisky. ‘Yea, she’s hot,’ Yixing answered with an awkward laugh, still embarrassed that he was caught red-handed by Baekhyun. ‘Go talk to her,’ Baekhyun whispered to yixing, preventing the rest of the group from hearing their conversation, knowing that yixing was already embarrassed. Yixing nodded, as he signalled for the waiter to order another cup of whatever she was having for her. ‘Oh I didn’t order another glass of whisky,’ Abigail said as the waiter soon served her. ‘It’s from the gentleman upstairs,’ the waiter replied as he pointed politely to the second floor. She looked up, to find herself locking eyes with the one who bought the drink for her. She then took the drink, giving him a smile. Noticing that he had a glass in his hand as well, she raised her glass, signalling for a cheers, which he returned. ‘Wow Abi still got it! Looks like you’re getting laid tonight lady,’ Leah teased. ‘Oh come on it’s just a drink,’ Abigail answered. She didn’t get the chance to take a good look at that man, since he was on the second floor. But she was certain that she was getting a little flattered, knowing that someone was willing to buy a drink. ‘You’re still so sober, drink up!’ Chloe yelled, to make sure that she was being heard despite the loud EDM blasting in the background. It was 3am in the morning, and the girls were starting to get tipsy. As for Abigail, she was too. In fact, she was almost beyond tipsy. She also couldn’t help but to wonder why the man who bought her drinks didn’t came down and talk to her, or so she thought. ‘Are you still not going to talk to her?’ Baekhyun questioned, as it has been awhile since the glass that was on him. ‘You seemed to be more impatient than me, baekhyun,’ yixing answered, raising his brows while looking at baekhyun as he took another slip of his drink. ‘Cause it’s the perfect time to excuse yourself right now! I’ll cover up for you just go!’ Baekhyun exclaimed, and yixing knew that he was right. Half of the group were down on the dance floor, some were outside the club smoking, and it would have been the most convenient time for him to excuse himself without much explanations. Yixing nodded as he stood up, giving baekhyun a fist bump as he added, ‘drinks on me another day.’ ‘Hey,’ yixing called as he tapped on Abigail’s shoulders lightly. Abigail’s friends cheered, seeing that a guy had finally approached their friend who was in need of a good fuck. Despite being intoxicated, Abigail could see that how good-looking the man standing in front of her was. He was so fair, and his almond brown eyes, were so soft and seductive. She also noticed that he had dimples popping out whenever he formed a smile. All in all, if she was looking for a one night stand, this man would have been perfect. Chloe and Leah sensed what was happening, and were soon leaving the two of them alone, but seeing that Abigail was pretty intoxicated, Gabrielle whispered in her ears, ‘you sure you wanna do this?’ ‘Yea I guess, don’t worry bout me! Go enjoy your night, besides he’s damn hot,’ Abigail replied sheepishly with a nod, then shooing her friend away. The same for yixing, he finally got the chance to take a good look at her. Her body was already attractive enough, but her features made him lust for her even more. Her eyes, they sparkled. Her nose, so sharp and perfect. And her lips, they looked so soft and sweet. He couldn’t help but to wonder how they would taste like. Once they were alone, he placed one of his hands on her table, and leaned in gradually while she was still seated on the bar stool. Both of their hearts were racing, and those eyes that were looking into each other’s, Abigail could have sworn that she would have gotten wet just by staring into those eyes long enough. She didn’t resist, and soon found her lips meeting his. The kiss was soft, gentle, and delicate, leaving Abigail yearning for more. He wanted to break away, to take another good look at her, but Abigail landed her arms around his neck, and gave him a harsh and impatient kiss. He soon responded to her, his tongue finding his way into her mouth, tackling her tongue and swirling it around hers, making Abigail releasing soft moans in the process. As they finally broke away, he lifted her chin with his forefinger, commenting, ‘you’re quite an impatient one huh, baby girl?’ Abigail chuckled at his comment, and answered, ‘I’m not only impatient, I’m also quite a tease.’ She then ran her finger over his Adam’s apple, sending chills down his spine. Abigail giggled at his reaction which got him to smile as well, and those adorable dimples soon appeared on his face. ‘Shall we go then?’ He asked, and Abigail nodded in agreement as she hopped off her seat. He then threw his arms around Abigail’s shoulders, as he led the way out of the club. Once they’ve exited the club, he took out his cigarette pack and before he drew a stick, he asked, ‘you wouldn’t mind, right?’ Abigail shook her head, as he then put the stick in his mouth and then lighting it up, taking a deep first puff. ‘I live right there,’ he added, as he exhaled and pointed to the building besides the club while they continue to walk in that direction. Abigail looked at him in surprised, but she didn’t say anything. Instead, she asked, ‘why did you asked me if I’ll mind?’ ‘Well, if you did I won’t. I won’t want those beautiful lips to be tasting the smell of my cigarettes if you had mind,’ he replied as he threw away his cigarette butt. His reply made Abigail smiled, she didn’t really know why either. It was a strange kind of sweet, coming from a guy she was planning to have a fling with. They soon arrived at his apartment. Abigail had expected him to live in a big house, considering that the building was one of the most expensive ones in town, but instead, it was a studio apartment, minimalistic styled. The moment he closed the doors behind him, he placed both his palms on her jawline, holding her face a little higher and closer, giving her a light, yet passionate kiss, so delicate that it was just like a pair of butterfly wings. She could still inhale the smell of his cigarette lingering in his mouth, and it was surprisingly sweet, just like blueberries. She then placed her hands on his waist while responding to his kisses, and she could feel that he was smiling. He begin to nibble on her lower lip, causing her to whine as she dropped her hands to his hips, resulting in her dropping her handbag and her belongings were falling out of it. They paused, and then giggled among themselves as their lips met again. Using the back of his fingers, he stroked her face gently, as he held her hand with the other and led her closer to his bed. He then moved on to her nape, taking in her intoxicating scent at the same time while fondling with her hair with his free hand. Whimpers were escaping her mouth, and that turned him on even more. The other hand of his were slipping underneath her top, grabbing her breast as his fingers started playing with her clothed nipple. ‘Ah… Don’t stop,’ she mumbled in pleasure, as her hands started running wild on his back. The moment he heard that, he lowered his hand from her hair downwards, passing by her bust, her waist, and finally to her thighs. He sneaked inside her skirt and started caressing her inner thighs, finding his way up to her pussy. He started to tease her even more, by running his fingers up and down it. Seeing that he was teasing her so much, she wanted to get back at him. She started kissing his collarbones, and sucking on his skin thereafter, leaving a couple of hickeys which caused him to moan. Hearing that, she stopped and said, ‘just fuck me already.’ He smirked, as he found his way into her clit, inserting his finger inside her and started pumping. She screamed in pleasure, as she held onto his arms for support. He soon inserted the second finger, as he whispered in her ears, ‘Fuck, you’re so tight.’ Her moans echoed in his apartment. The third finger didn’t take long, and once he felt satisfied, he then pulled them out and helped her to remove her top in a rush. Seeing how her racerback bra was flaunting her cleavage, he can’t help but to let out a wow. ‘You’re fucking hot, you know that?’ He asked as he took off his blazer, and then unbuttoning his shirt which allowed her to take a glimpse of his lean body. Loving how he was complimenting her, she took off her skirt voluntarily, which amazed him even more. ‘Same to you,’ she said, in her drunken state, as she reached out to touch his well-defined abs. It was unknown where she got her courage from, but she then pushed him onto the bed, taking him by surprise, and crawling on top of him as she touched his crotch. He groaned, and he was loving how this woman was taking charged. He grabbed her waist, then sliding his hands down to her hips, yanking off her panties that was soaking wet from earlier on, which she then removed it completely with her legs. As she continued to stroke his rock-hard junior, she leaned in for a quick kiss, and that was when he realised she had a tattoo over her shoulder. That’s hella sexy, he thought. She tried to remove his pants, but she couldn’t figured out how to remove his belt, which got him to laugh a little. ‘How did you transit from fucking hot to cute in a minute?’ He asked, as he sat up and moved backwards leaning against the headboard, pulling her along with him by her waist. She placed her hands on his body for support, as she watched him removed his pants. She then helped him to pull them off completely, along with his boxers, releasing his manhood. ‘Ride me, baby girl,’ he ordered, as she inserted him inside her. She started to move her hips, feeling him deeper and deeper each time she goes, at times leaning in to taste his lips again. He then unclasped her bra, and was soon enjoying the sight in front of him, especially the way those tits moved up and down because she was riding him hard. He held her breast with one hand, while caressing her face with the other. As he was doing so, she took his hand, and started licking it. She quickly took the chance to suck on his thumb, which made him moaned, loud. ‘Fuck,’ he cursed, as he looked at her. He’ve never met someone who knew his sweet spots so well before, and it was unbelievable that this is the first time they’ve ever seen each other. Her, on the other hand, wasn’t even thinking at all. She just did whatever that felt natural, and her mind was overwhelmed by pleasure to even harbour any thoughts. After all, she hasn’t been doing this for a good three years. She was going to reach her high, and sensing that, he leaned forward, pushing her hair that was covering up her tattoo away to take a good look at it, before giving her a bite which made her moaned even louder than she already was. She stopped for a moment, catching her breath, and he knew that she came. He then pinned her down by her shoulders, switching positions quickly, as he started to thrust inside her. He soon fasten his pace as he could feel that he was close as well, and thrusted inside her hard and fast, causing her to grabbed onto his arm with one hand, and the bedsheets with the other. Her nails sank into his arm as she felt another one coming, causing him to groan in pain but he couldn’t be bothered as well, he was gonna shoot. He soon came inside her, still hovering above her body trying to catch his breath. He looked at her, parting her hair that was getting in his way aside, before giving her one more kiss, then finally laying down beside her. He took a look at his wall clock, it was already 5ish in the morning. He turned over to look at her, to realise that she was already falling asleep. He smiled, stroking her face gently with his thumb, before getting out of bed and putting on his boxers. He grabbed a cigarette while walking up to the window, where he usually smokes. As he light up his cigarette, he found himself staring at her yet again. For fuck’s sake, I gotta stop, he thought as soon as he realised what he was doing. He took another puff, as he looked for his phone silently, fearing that he’ll wake her up. Once he found it, he quickly sent out what he wanted to, before taking one final puff and throwing the stick away. He then joined her in bed, and soon dozed off. Yixing Z I think I’m in trouble Abigail was woken up by the breath of someone against her skin, and as she opened her eyes lazily, taking a look at the unfamiliar surroundings, she realised that she was in someone else’s bed. She remained still, as still as water, fearing that she’ll wake him up by accident while she recalled what happened earlier on. Though she wanted to take a final glance at the stranger that she had slept with, she thought of the possible consequences and decided to sneak out quietly instead. She got off his bed silently, while dressing herself and then picking up her belongings, which were still in a mess from hours ago. As she was picking her things up, she realised that her seashell necklace was missing from her neck. ‘Fuck,’ she cursed under her breath, realising that it must have been in this apartment somewhere. She knew she couldn’t go back and try to find it, it would have been too risky. She was just about to make it out when she heard a voice from behind. ‘I have some emergency contraception pills in my drawer,’ he said, as he sat up and placed his palm on his forehead. It was not very typical of a guy to be this sweet after a one night stand, and though she was tempted to look back, she knew that nothing good would come out of it, or so she thought. ‘It’s ok, I can get them myself,’ she answered, and walked towards his door. ‘Hey wait,’ he called, stopping her once again. ‘Can I at least get your name?’ He asked. ‘Abi,’ she answered, reluctant to give him her real name, and then leaving his apartment without looking back. Baekhyun B What do you mean you’re in trouble! Did you not bring her back? Baekhyun’s message popped up in yixing’s notifications, the minute he checked his phone. Yizing Z That’s the problem, I think I might have fallen a little for her… She tried to sneak out just now, and when I asked for her name, she replied Abi. I’ve a feeling that’s not her real name Baekhyun B What?! This never happened!! But seriously though, if you like her just go for it, it’s been 5 fucking years! Come on, you’re resourceful, don’t tell me you can’t find her? Yixing Z That’s true… Yixing sent his final message, as he put his phone away and took out a cigarette. He lit it up as he stayed in bed. It was only 8am. He started to wonder about the reasons why she left in such a hurry, no women had ever left him hanging like this, and he could not believe that she’ll rather go to the pharmacy and get the pills by herself. She’s so, unique. Yixing found himself smiling again as he exhaled, before taking in another puff. What the fuck, what is happening, yixing thought. As he stood up to throw the cigarette away in the ashtray that was on the coffee table, he noticed something on the floor. A namecard. Must have fallen out of her handbag, and she must have missed it earlier on since it was under the couch. Abigail Liu. Editor. ZYX Holdings. Yixing read. He grinned, as he realised what fate had in store for him, for them. He then pondered about why he had never seen her, but soon found the obvious answer. He was seldom in the office anyway, and when he heads over, it’s often on weekends, or during PHs. Yixing went back to bed, picking up his phone, planning to tell his bro the good news, when he saw something shimmering in his bed. It was her necklace. Yixing Z Guess what! She’s my staff what the fuck! And look what she left behind Baekhyun B What in the world LOL. I can imagine you grinning right now, but I’m so happy for you bro!!! As Abigail quickly made her way out of the building, she took out her phone to find that there’s been a ton of unread messages from her girlfriends, and started replying. Leah C How did it went! Was it as great as it seems? Chloe S I’m sure it went great, she haven’t even replied a single thing! Must have K.O from all that riding HAHAHA Gabrielle T Hey Abi are you ok? Abigail L I’m fine guys, tbh I had one of the most amazing sex ever LOL. But it’s just a one time thing ok!!! I don’t even know his name, and I sneaked out of his apartment Chloe S YOU GO GAL Leah C Why didn’t you exchange numbers if the sex was amazing!! Gabrielle T I agree with Leah on this hahaha, but maybe fate will have something in store for you Abigail L Idk man, I can’t imagine myself getting into a one night stand again. Even tho it was good but I guess I didn’t want to constantly get reminded that I had sex with a stranger? Anyway it’s over!! Abigail typed, and then hit send. True enough, she don’t need to get constant reminders of her making such a decision, and keeping him out of her life was the only way to do so. She then stopped by the pharmacy, getting what she needed before finally heading home. She started to undress herself the moment she reached home, just like him, she also stayed alone in a one room apartment, much smaller, of course, and went into the shower. As drips of warm water started to fall on her skin, she placed her hand on the bathroom wall for support, her legs still weak from earlier on. She didn’t even know how she managed to make it back without having jelly legs. She flinched when her wet hair came in contact with her tattoo over her shoulder. She touches her skin gently as she turned to look at it. There was still some traces of him, and she found herself letting out a small grin. It’ll be a beautiful piece of memory, she thought. She was soon out of the shower, dressed in her short, satin nightdress, planning to take a nap. She was woken up by the doorbell a few hours later, and she got up to get the door. She opened the door, rubbing her eyes, still sleepy, as she took a look at who’s outside. He was dressed in a simple black tee with black slacks, exposing a little of his ankles which were so fair. His arm, filled with tiny wounds. But something was very familiar about him. That belt. She looked up at him, to realise that it was really him. ‘You left this at my place, Ms Abigail Liu,’ he said, as he opened his fist, exposing what was inside. It was her necklace. She had so many questions right now, how did he know her full name? How did he found her place? She was still taken aback, but soon snapped out of her thoughts by his voice. ‘You’re not inviting me in? After returning what’s yours?’ He asked, a small frown hanging on his face. ‘I’’m sorry, please come in,’ Abigail gestured. He stepped in, and she followed suit. As he stopped and turned around to face her, she noticed that he was literally staring at her, top down bottoms up, completely checking her out. He reached for her hand, and then placing the necklace back in her palm, saying, ‘Here you go, Abigail.’ She thanked him, but before she could asked any of those burning questions, he continued, ‘I know you have a lot of questions. But I’ll like to introduce myself first. I’m Zhang yixing. Nice to meet you.’ He extended his hand out for a handshake, and Abigail, still as lost as ever, complied. ‘Now that we’ve officially met each other, I’ll like to take you out on a date, Abigail,’ yixing said. ‘And I won’t take no for an answer,’ he added. Abigail didn’t know how to respond, but this was certainly something that she had never expected from a stranger whom she just slept with. Aren’t one night stands supposed to just end at sex? What’s with this guy asking her out? As much as she was confused, she couldn’t help but to think that it was just a little sweet as well. Yixing continued to look at her, and raised one of his hands to help her tidy up her messy bangs from the nap she took just now. ‘You’re damn cute, you know that?’ He chuckled. His actions startled her slightly, causing her to flinch a little, as he said, ‘Don’t worry, even though we’ve slept together, but I won’t do anything to you without your permission, ok?’ Abigail finally raised her head up to look at yixing properly, her eyes meeting his. ‘Who are you exactly? And how did you find me? Why are you here? You could have just throw the necklace away… And the date?’ Her questions came out in a rush. Yixing laughed, answering, ‘Wow hold up Abi, you’re still an impatient one I see. Firstly, if you must know, I’m technically your boss. If you’ve yet to realise, the initials of my name are ZYX. I’m the the CEO of ZYX Holdings. Your namecard fall out of your bag last night, and I found it. I got the HR to give me your address, telling them that I needed it for personal reasons. I’m here because, I think I like you, Abigail. Of course I won’t throw your belongings away, I know you must have treasured the necklace a lot. And I want to bring you out on a proper date.’ As Abigail processed what yixing just said, she couldn’t help but to ask, ‘How did you know that the necklace was important to me?’ ‘You have it tattooed on your back, silly,’ he replied. Realising that he’s not someone that’s just about sex, and that he actually noticed the little details about her, Abigail smiled, as she gave him a light hug.
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arcanemoody · 5 years
It's 11am.
I’m in Chicago.
I’m drinking cold brew with coconut milk.
Communication necklace: blue (full battery)
Anxiety symptoms are minimal today -- no sound sensitivity, no itches, no feelings of constriction. Overall mood is good. 
Some feelings of being overwhelmed by my schedule: I got up early to mix henna paste for my hair which needs 12 hours to set before I can apply it. Then I realized I had tickets to see Endgame with my friend at 7, and another friend is having a get together at Haymarket after 9. Also, tomorrow is Free Comic Book Day on May the 4th, so who knows what kind of Star Wars goodies are going to be available... which leaves me this short window of time to do my hair, let it set, then shower and rinse. This is going to be a very long 24 hours.
Things I feel positive about today: the long text Rocket wrote me this morning in a comedic flowery take on Abigail Adams, going braless (it was the more comfortable choice today, that I remembered to bring my gazpacho and baked potato for lunch today, the sun’s out.
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March 2018 Challenge: Middle-earth Museum
In the Germanic tradition he admired, Tolkien gave us many named objects in his stories: knives, helmets, lamps, jewelry, and--of course--swords. However, much more ordinary, nameless objects also existed, and imagining what these looked like, how they were used, and how they differed among cultures is something many fanworks creators delight in doing. This month's challenge asks you to stroll the halls of an imaginary Middle-earth Museum and choose one (or more!) objects to inspire the creation of a fanwork. Lists of the objects can be found below the jump. You can select the object you want to use. More than one participant can select the same object, and you can select multiple objects if you want. You can use the name, the linked image, or both, and you can use the object in any way you want to inspire your fanwork. Fanworks for this challenge will be due on April 10, 2018 in order to receive a stamp. As always, we recognize the March and April are busy months for Tolkien-themed challenges, and we encourage you to combine our challenge with Back to Middle-earth Month, Feanorian Week, and Legendarium Ladies April.
If you’re new to our challenges, find the SWG challenge guidelines here.
And last but definitely not least, I want to show my huge appreciation for Lyra (@nimium-amatrix-ingenii-sui), who not only does 95% of the beautiful stamps each month but found all of the objects for this month's challenge. Thank you, Lyra, for all that you do to make these challenges a success!
Fortuny silk caftan (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Gucci dress (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Cape (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Tunic with Dionysian Ornament (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Pocket (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Haute couture white gown (Givenchy)
Abaya style suit (Utsav Fashion)
Enamel & gilt wedding belt (Michael Backman Ltd.)
Wedding outfit (Tarun Tahiliani)
Wealthy Viking (National Museums Scotland)
Viking trader ensemble (VendelRus)
Salmon skin boots (CNN Travel/ Shiraoi Ainu Museum)
Arms and armour
Leaf decor dagger (Czerny’s)
Sickle sword (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Suit of Armour (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Shield (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Short sword (Yataghan) (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Bow (British Museum)
Sawfish sword (Martel Maides Auctions)
Ngulu sword (Cleveland Museum of Art)
Tibetan short sword (Hermann Historica)
Corinthian helmet (Phoenix Ancient Art)
Armour of a heavy cavalryman (Royal Armouries, Leeds)
Forearm guard
chainmail shirt and trousers (Czerny’s International Auction House)
spear of Oromë (Cedarlore Forge)
axe (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Ear ornament (winged runner) (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Sapphire ring (University of York)
Circlets (Abigail Adam)
polar bear claw necklace (SkullStore.ca)
Pectoral ornament (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Musical instruments
Pipa (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Sgra-Snyan (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Guqin (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Guitar (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Transverse flute (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Shô (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Walking stick flute/oboe (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Chest (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Screen (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Side Chair (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Wardrobe (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Low table (Asian Art Museum)
Armchair (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Round end table (Paulus Fine Furniture)
Sideboard with mirror (Terry Bostwick Studio)
Mahogany bed (The Harp Gallery)
Cobbler chair (The Harp Gallery)
Household Objects
Ibex Amphora (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Glass garland bowl (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
bowl with wheel-cut facets (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Oil lamp (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Ukidama lamps (Cheeky Tiki and Blue Blue)
Mirror (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Water basin (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Warming pan (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Tiffany Inkwell (Tiffany Studios/ MFA Boston)
Tiles (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Basket (Asian Art Museum)
Gold Horus (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Yuny and his wife Renenutet (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Seated Female (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Veiled and masked Dancer (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Marble seated harp player (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Horse with bridle (Asian Art Museum)
Paddle doll (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Wood doll with silk dress (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Cart and driver (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Model sporting boat (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Small harpoon (British Museum)
Long harpoon (British Museum)
Loom (Tiroler Volkskunstmuseum)
Sickle (DeWit)
Bronze chariot (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Royal Whip and Goad (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Saddle (Asian Art Museum)
Boat (Obihiro Centennial Museum)
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my-random-ocs · 3 years
Rise Up Chapter 1: Percy Blows Up Another Building
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x OC (eventual)
Warnings: Mentions of Percy accidentally blowing up a school, betrayal, angst
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"You know this isn't as bad as you think," I told Annabeth, walking down the street.
"Of course it is!" Annabeth insisted. "It's awful!"
"You're being dramatic. Having feelings for Percy... it's great." Annabeth opened her mouth to protest, but I interrupted. "Look, he's a great guy. And it's obvious he's been in love with you since you nursed him back to health and announced he drooled in his sleep. What's so bad about having feelings for him?"
Annabeth looked down at the ground, kicking a pebble along with her feet. "I just- I feel vulnerable."
"Perfectly natural when you have a crush," I assured her.
She sent me a look. "Says the girl who's never had a crush."
"There was this one boy," I said, casting my eyes downward. I shake my head. "I was also ten and he was one of, like, two friends." The boy I was talking about was one I haven't talked about at camp often- even to Annabeth, though she was my best friend. Doing well in school was fairly uncommon when you're a demigod, what with a large percentage having learning disabilities, and skipping a grade was almost unheard of. I was an exception. I skipped the fourth grade, despite having ADHD and dyslexia. It also didn’t help that I’m on the autism spectrum, and that I had gotten kicked out of two elementary schools before Beacon Hills Elementary. I didn't have very many friends before I got to Camp Half-Blood, but there was this boy who was my best friend, and he always defended me.
“Zia!” Annabeth called, waving a hand in front of my face, breaking me from my thoughts. “Help, please!”
“What do you need help with?” I asked, smiling. “Gods, you’re dramatic! You’re not going to die for having feelings- what’s the big deal?”
“The big deal is- I just- what if he doesn’t-” Annabeth stammered.
“The last words out of your mouth better not be ‘what if he doesn’t like me?’ because I will be forced to kick your butt,” I said. “Annabeth, the guy is crazy about you- or was last winter not enough proof of that?” Last winter, Annabeth had gotten kidnapped by a monster and taken to Mount Tamalpais. Percy had just about gone crazy with worry. Annabeth looked at her feet. I nudged her shoulder with mine. “Look, you guys are…” I wave my hand around, looking for the right words. “Meant to be.”
Annabeth snorted. “Oh, yeah, you’re definitely Aphrodite’s daughter.”
“Shut up,” I grinned.
More serious now, Annabeth said, “This is the first time I’ve told anyone. It just- it makes it real.”
I smile softly at her. “Look, whatever happens… you’re going to be okay. Just tell him how you feel. What’s the worst that could happen?”
Annabeth widened her eyes. “He could hear me?”
I laughed, linking my arm through hers and walking faster down the sidewalk toward Percy’s school.
My friend Percy Jackson was recently accepted into Goode High School, the school his mom’s boyfriend teaches English at. I attended Abigail Adams Academy, a K-12 private school near my apartment that I managed to get a scholarship to. I tried to talk him up to the principal there, but they heard Percy’s reputation of getting expelled, and didn’t want to deal with that. Right now, he is at orientation. Why a school held freshman orientation in June, who knows, but he was getting let out in a few minutes. After that, he and Annabeth were going to go to a movie, and that would be my cue to head to Percy’s apartment to visit his mom, Sally. I was meeting my sister and niece there.
Suddenly, my phone buzzed and I pulled it out of the back pocket of my jeans to see a text from my friend Kira. While I was still in the city, I had decided not to wear my camp gear, opting for plain jeans, a long-sleeve gray t-shirt, black converse high tops, and my favorite dark pink hijab. In early June, it was too warm for a jacket.
Hey the text read. Do you want to hang out tonight? Just rented Star Wars
I smiled. Love to. Text you later?
See you
I turn my phone off and put it back in my bag.
“Who was that?” Annabeth asked.
“My friend Kira,” I answered. “We go to school together.”
Just as Annabeth and I arrived at Goode High School, I spotted Percy sprinting down the hill. “Hey, you’re out early!” Annabeth said, clearly excited. She grabbed his shoulders, steadying him. “Watch where you’re going, Seaweed Brain.”
Percy’s appearance was my cue to leave and head to Sally’s apartment. I was about to say goodbye to both of them when a redheaded girl came out. “Percy! Wait up!” She called.
I glanced behind Percy and gasped at the sight of the smoking school in the distance, fire alarms ringing out. “What did you do?” I demanded, my eyes still on the scene.
“And who is this?” Annabeth frowned.
“Rachel Elizabeth Dare,” I realized, recognizing her from last winter.
“Yeah,” she said. “Sorry, I didn’t get your name last year.”
Percy was flustered. “Oh, Rachel- Annabeth and Zia. Guys- Rachel. Um, she’s a friend. I guess.”
“Hi,” Rachel greeted us quickly, then turned back to Percy. “You are in so much trouble. And you still owe me an explanation.
Sirens wailed, getting louder as they made their way up the street.
“Percy,” Annabeth said coldly. “We should go.”
“I want to know more about half-bloods,” Rachel said as if she didn’t hear. I looked at Percy in surprise. He told a mortal about demigods? “And monsters. And then stuff about the gods.” She suddenly grabbed Percy’s arm, took out a marker, and wrote a phone number on his hand. “You’re going to call me and explain, okay? You owe me that. Now get going.”
Percy shook his head. “But-”
“I’ll make up some story,” Rachel insisted. “I’ll tell them it wasn’t your fault. Just go!”
Before anyone could respond, she ran back toward the school, leaving Annabeth, Percy, and I standing on the street.
Annabeth stared at Percy for a moment, then turned and took off down the street without a word.
I offered Percy an encouraging smile, then followed Annabeth.
“Hey!” Percy called, jogging after us. “There were these two empousai-”
My heart stopped. “Empousai?” I demanded. I immediately reached for my camp necklace, and to a locket charm that hung there. In the locket was a photo of me, Nisha, and our father before the attack.
Percy nodded reluctantly, knowing that my father was killed by an empousa. “They were cheerleaders, see, and they said camp was going to burn, and-”
“You told a mortal girl about half-bloods?” Annabeth demanded.
I flinched at her tone, suddenly wishing I was anywhere but here.
“She can see through the Mist,” Percy explained.
“She can?” I asked.
Percy nodded. “Yeah. She saw the monsters before I did.”
“So you told her the truth,” Annabeth said.
“She recognized me from Hoover Dam, so-”
“You’ve met her before?”
“We met last winter, when we were looking for you,” I explained. “Percy almost killed her, and she could see the monsters then, too.”
Annabeth’s expression softened only slightly at the mention of her kidnapping. “She’s kind of cute,” she observed.
I looked at Percy, who was slightly confused. Oh, gods, Percy answer faster, please.
“I never thought about it,” he said.
Answer better.
Annabeth just kept walking.
“I’ll deal with the school,” Percy promised. “Honest, it’ll be fine.”
Annabeth wouldn’t look at either of us. “I guess our afternoon is off. We should get you out of here, now that the police will be searching for you.”
I nodded in agreement, fingering my camp necklace nervously as I watched flames billow up from Goode High School. What had Percy said? Camp would burn.
“You’re right,” Percy said. “We have to get to Camp Half-Blood. Now.”
Annabeth was angry the entire cab ride to Long Island.
All Percy managed to get out of her was that she had had a monster-infested spring in San Francisco, and had come back to camp twice. She wouldn’t tell Percy why, but I knew- I had gone to camp for the same reason. We told Percy that neither of us had heard anything about Nico di Angelo, this demigod son of Hades we found last winter. After his sister died, he ran away from Camp Half-Blood, and, despite our best efforts, we have no idea where he is.
“Any word on Luke?” Percy asked.
Annabeth shook her head. The subject of Luke was a pretty touchy topic for Annabeth. He had practically raised her since she was seven, and she always admired him. About two years ago, he had betrayed the camp and joined Kronos, the king of the titans. Last winter, we fought him on Mount Tamalpais, and he somehow survived a fifty-foot drop off a cliff. Annabeth refused to admit it, but I knew that she still believed in him, and wanted him to come home. Me? The jerk betrayed his girlfriend, two young girls he helped raise, and an infant daughter, though he hadn’t known he had a daughter then, not to mention an entire camp who loved and admired him. Annabeth might not have lost faith in him, but I certainly have.
“Mount Tam is still overrun with monsters,” Annabeth said. “I didn’t dare go close, but I don’t think Luke is up there. I think I would know if he was.”
“What about Grover?” I asked, because I hadn’t really heard from him either.
“He’s at camp. We’ll see him today.”
“Did he have any luck with the search for Pan?” Grover had been searching for Pan since he heard the god’s voice last winter, but hasn’t heard anything since.
Annabeth fingered her bead necklace nervously. “You’ll see,” she said vaguely. Percy and I exchanged worried glances.
As we headed through Brooklyn, Percy called his mom with Annabeth’s phone, and I used my own to call my sister to tell her what was happening. Demigods normally try not to use cell phones, since using one is like broadcasting a light up sign saying “EAT ME”, but I knew my sister would be concerned. As understanding as she is about how suddenly I need to go to camp sometimes, she has the tendency to worry.
After that, the rest of the ride was silent. I decided to text Kira quickly, and tell her I wouldn’t make our Star Wars marathon tonight. I turned my phone off without waiting for a reply. Sometimes I wished I was normal. I loved camp, and my friends, and I wouldn’t trade them for anything, but sometimes, like today, I just wanted to hang out and watch a movie without the fear of monsters attacking or having to ditch them to go to camp because another friend accidentally blew up their school.
Eventually, Annabeth had the cab driver pull over on Farm Road 3.141, the base of Half-Blood Hill.
“Ain’t nothing here, miss,” the driver frowned. “You sure you want out?”
“Yes, please,” Annabeth said, and handed him a wad of cash. The driver decided not to argue.
We hiked up the hill, where the young dragon Peleus was sleeping, coiled around the pine tree. He lifted his head as we approached, and allowed me to scratch under his chin.
“Hi, Peleus,” I said. “Keeping everything safe, baby?”
Last time I saw Peleus, he was about six feet long, and now he was at least twice that, and as thick as the tree. Hanging on a branch was the Golden Fleece, protecting the camp’s magic borders from unwanted visitors, like monsters. Peleus was relaxed, so I knew nothing was wrong.
Camp Half-Blood itself looked peaceful, normal even- as normal as you can get at a camp with monster-infested woods, a climbing wall oozing lava, and real swords.
Still, something felt off. You could feel the tension in the air, as if the whole place was holding its breath, waiting for something bad to happen.
“I need to talk to Clarisse,” Annabeth said as we walked through the valley.
“What for?” Percy asked in surprise. Normally, Annabeth and Clarisse never even got along, much less worked together. But this was important.
“We’ve been working on something. Zia, too,” she answered. “See you later.” She turned to me. “Z, stay with Percy.” I nodded.
“Workin on what?” Percy asked, looking between Annabeth and I.
“I’ll tell Chiron you guys are here,” Annabeth said instead of answering the question. “He’ll want to talk to you before the hearing.”
“What hearing?”
She didn’t answer, jogging toward the Big House without looking back. Percy looked at me.
“We’ll explain later,” I said vaguely.
“Does… does it have something to do with Luke?” He asked tentatively.
I nodded, fingering my camp necklace. “It has everything to do with Luke.”
Eventually, we made our way to the sword arena to train. We walked into the amphitheater, and Percy threw an arm across my stomach, pushing me back. My eyes focused on what he spotted, and my heart stopped. Sitting in the middle of the room, chewing on a combat dummy, was a hellhound.
It hadn’t noticed Percy or I yet, but it would soon.
Percy took out his sword, and charged. “Yaaaaah!” He yelled, bringing the blade down toward the hellhound when someone came out of nowhere and blocked Percy’s strike with a clang.
The hellhound perked up. “WOOF!”
I drew my own sword, ready to jump in, but Percy seemed to be handling it fine.
“Whoa, there!” The man yelled. “Truce!”
“WOOF!” The hellhound barked again.
“That’s a hellhound!” Percy shouted.
“She’s harmless,” the man said. “That’s Mrs. O’Leary.”
“Mrs. O’Leary?” I asked.
At the sound of her name, Mrs. O’Leary barked again, and I realized she wasn’t angry, but excited. She nudged the soggy practice dummy toward the stranger, and he happily took it, saying, “Good girl.” He launched it across the room toward the bleachers. “Get the Greek! Get the Greek!”
Mrs. O’Leary bounded after the dummy and started chewing on its helmet.
The stranger smiled dryly. He looked to be in his fifties, with short gray hair and beard. He was in good shape for a man that age. He wore black pants and a bronze breastplate over a camp t-shirt. I noticed a weird-looking purple blotch on his neck, like a tattoo, but he covered it with his armor before I could ask what it was.
“Mrs. O’Leary is my pet,” he explained. “I couldn’t let you stick a sword in her rump, now, could I? That might have scared her.”
“Who are you, exactly?”
“Quintus,” he said, sticking out his hand. I didn’t shake it, and he pulled it back toward his side. I didn’t love physical contact with people that I am not comfortable around (for example, holding hands and hugging my friends is fine, but Quintus was a stranger). Plus, I was Muslim, and there were certain restrictions for physical contact between a man and a woman, though sometimes I ignored them when it came to my friends.
“Zia Banerjee,” I answered, giving a small wave.
“Percy Jackson,” Percy said, eyeing the hellhound. “Sorry about- How did you, um-”
“Get a hellhound for a pet?” Quintus asked. “Long story, involving many close calls with death and a few giant chew toys. I’m the new sword instructor, by the way. Helping out Chiron while Mr. D. is away.”
“Mr. D. is away?” I asked. Why would Mr. D. leave camp?
“That’s the best news I’ve heard all day,” Percy whispered, making me snort.
“Yes, well… busy times,” Quintus answered. “Even Dionysus must help out. He’s gone to visit some old friends. Make sure they’re on the right side. I probably shouldn’t say more than that.”
I slowly stepped toward Mrs. O’Leary while Quintus spoke. Despite the hellhounds I’ve encountered in my life, this one didn’t seem dangerous. Or, she was, but not to me, at least.
She stayed calm as I walked over, happily nudging my hand, clearly wanting pets. I giggled softly as I scratched the top of her head. She sighed. It almost looked like she was smiling.
“Good girl,” I smiled. “You’re such a good girl.”
“She’s very gentle,” Quintus said. “She won’t hurt you.”
“I can tell,” I laughed. “She’s so sweet.”
Suddenly, there was a loud thump. Six very large wooden crates were stacked off to the side, and something was rattling inside. Mrs. O’Leary heard and started toward them.
“Whoa, girl!” Quintus called quickly. “Those aren’t for you.” To distract her, he tossed a large bronze shield for the hellhound like it was a frisbee.
The crates shook. They said something, but I was having a hard time reading the words due to my dyslexia.
“What’s Triple G Ranch?” Percy asked.
“A little surprise,” Quintus said. “Training activity for tomorrow night. You’ll love it.”
Along the bottom, I managed to make out a few sentences- a warning label, in all caps: OPEN WITH CARE. TRIPLE G RANCH IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR PROPERTY DAMAGE, MAIMING, OR EXCRUCIATINGLY PAINFUL DEATHS.
“Sounds awesome,” I said.
Quintus threw the shield again, and Mrs. O’Leary bounded after it. “You young ones need more challenges. They didn’t have camps like this when I was a boy.”
“You- you’re a half-blood?” Percy asked in surprise. I was, too. I’ve never met an adult demigod before. I didn’t think my sister really counted.
Quintus just chuckled. “Some of us do survive into adulthood, you know. Not all of us are the subject of terrible prophecies.”
“You know about my prophecy?”
“I’ve heard a few things.”
I wanted to ask what few things, but then I heard a clip-clop, and I turned to see Chiron step into the arena. “Percy, Zia, there you are! I see you’ve met our new instructor.” Chiron sounded casual, but I could see the uneasiness in his eyes. “Quintus, do you mind if I borrow Zia and Percy?”
“Not at all, Master Chiron.”
“No need to call me ‘Master’,” Chiron said, though he sounded pleased. “Come, both of you. We have much to discuss.”
“Well, see you,” Percy said to Quintus.
“See you later,” I said. I turned to Mrs. O’Leary, smiling and using the same tone I used for my little niece. “And bye, baby girl.”
As we walked away, Percy said to me, “I love how you barely talked to the human at all, but talked to the hellhound like she was Amara.”
I shrugged. “She was adorable,” I countered simply.
He smiled, then turned to Chiron, his expression becoming more serious. “Quintus seems kind of-”
“Mysterious?” Chiron supplied. “Hard to read?”
Percy nodded. “Yeah.”
Chiron nodded. “A very qualified half-blood. Excellent swordsman. I just wish I understood…”
He trailed off, apparently thinking better of saying whatever he was about to say. “First things first, Percy. Annabeth told me you met some empousai.”
“Yeah,” Percy said. He told Chiron about the two empousai he fought at Goode, and how one of them, Kelli, had burst into flames.
“Mm,” Chiron said, considering everything Percy had told us. “The more powerful ones can do that. She did not die, Percy. She simply escaped. It is not good that the she-demons are stirring.”
“What were they doing there?” Percy asked. “Waiting for me?”
You know, High School Musical really gave you unrealistic expectations about high school. Troy and Gabriella weren’t exactly fighting monsters in between musical numbers.
“Possibly,” Chiron frowned.
“It’s amazing you survived,” I said, thinking again of my father. “They’re wonderful at deception. Any male hero would’ve been devoured.”
“I would’ve been,” Percy admitted. “Except for Rachel.”
Chiron nodded. “Ironic to be saved by a mortal, yet we owe her a debt. What the empousa said about an attack on camp- we must speak of this further. But for now, come, we should get to the woods. Grover will want you there.”
“Where?” I asked, gladly taking the change of subject.
“At his formal hearing,” Chiron said grimly. “The Council of Cloven Elders is meeting now to decide his fate.”
Chiron said that we needed to hurry, so Percy and I rode on his back. I thought I knew the woods pretty well after living at camp for four years, but Chiron took us an unfamiliar way. We galloped through a tunnel of old willow trees, past a waterfall, and into a glade blanketed with wildflowers.
Three satyrs were seated on rose bush thrones in a circle, with Grover standing nervously in the middle, telling them a story. I figured that this must be the Council of Cloven Elders.
Standing off to the side was Clarisse and Annabeth, who had an arm around Juniper, a dryad, and Grover’s girlfriend. I had met her once when I came back to camp during the spring for the project me, Clarisse, and Annabeth were working on. I liked her a lot.
“It’s going terribly,” Juniper sniffled.
“No, no,” Annabeth reassured her. “He’ll be fine, Juniper.”
“Grover’s girlfriend,” I whispered in Percy’s ear, and he looked at me in surprise.
“Master Underwood!” One of the council members shouted, interrupting Grover. “Do you seriously expect us to believe this?”
“B-but Silenus,” Grover stammered. “It’s the truth!”
Silenus turned to his colleagues and muttered something. Chiron stepped up to them, and I remembered that he was an honorary member of the council.
“Master Underwood,” Silenus continued, “for six months- six months- we have been hearing these scandalous claims that you heard the wild god Pan speak.”
“But I did!” Grover insisted.
“Impudence!” Exclaimed another elder.
“Now, Maron,” Chiron said in an attempt to calm the group. “Patience.”
“Patience, indeed!” Maron said. “I’ve had it up to my horns with this nonsense. As if the wild god would speak to… to him.”
I raised my eyebrows, ready to go over there and knock the horns off their entitled heads, when Juniper bravely stepped forward, looking like she wanted to beat them up herself. Annabeth and Clarisse held her back.
“Wrong fight, girlie,” Clarisse muttered. “Wait.”
“For six months,” Silenus continued, “we have indulged you, Master Underwood. We let you travel. We allowed you to keep your searcher’s license. We waited for you to bring proof of your preposterous claim. And what have you found in six months of travel?”
“I just need more time,” Grover pleaded.
“Nothing!” The third elder chimed. “You have found nothing.”
“But, Leneus-”
Silenus raised his hand, silencing him. Chiron leaned in and muttered something to the group. The council didn’t look happy, and argued amongst themselves, but Chiron said something else, and Silenus sighed and nodded reluctantly.
“Master Underwood,” Silenus said, “we will give you one more chance.”
Grover brightened, and I smiled. “Thank you!” He said.
“One more week.”
The smile dropped off my face. “What?” Grover exclaimed. “But sir! That’s impossible!”
“One more week, Master Underwood. And then, if you cannot prove your claims, it will be time for you to pursue another career. Something suited to your dramatic talents. Puppet theater, perhaps. Or tap dancing.”
I narrowed my eyes in anger.
“But, sir, I- I can’t lose my searcher’s license,” Grover stammered. “My whole life-”
“This meeting of the council is adjourned,” Silenus interrupted, ignoring Grover. “And now let us enjoy our noonday meal!”
He clapped his hands, and a bunch of nymphs stepped out of the trees with platters of vegetables, fruits, tin cans, and other stuff satyrs liked. While the council ate, Grover walked toward us, dejected.
“Hey, guys,” he said sadly. “That went well, huh?”
“Want me to fight those guys for you?” I asked. “Because they seem to suck, and I will totally fight those guys for you.”
“Those old goats!” Juniper exclaimed. “Oh, Grover, they don’t know how hard you’ve tried!”
“There is another option,” Clarisse said darkly.
“No. No,” Juniper immediately protested, shaking her head. “Grover, I won’t let you.”
His face was ashen. “I- I’ll have to think about it. But we don’t even know where to look.”
“We’ll figure it out,” I assured him, knowing what Clarisse meant. “We’ll find something.”
“What are you talking about?” Percy asked, confused.
Before anyone could explain, the conch horn sounded.
“I’ll fill you in later, Percy,” Annabeth said. “We’d better get back to our cabins. Inspection is starting.”
I walked quickly toward the Aphrodite cabin, where I was senior counselor- well, half the time, anyway. Since I had been at camp longer than anyone in cabin ten, I was the official head counselor after my sister left. But since I lived away from camp during the school year, my older sister Silena Beauregard took over.
“Hi!” I called, grinning as soon as I saw her. She was straightening her bunk, and overseeing the rest of the cabin cleanup in preparation for cabin inspection in a few minutes.
“Hey!” Silena greeted happily, placing her inspection scroll and pen to the side to hug me. “I thought you weren’t getting here until tomorrow.”
“Little thing with Percy,” I said, pulling away. “It’s fine- I’m happy to be here.” I looked around the cabin. “The place looks great.”
It was true. My siblings were normally neat-freaks, and honestly, so was I, so our cabin always looked nice. I turned back to Silena. “You’re doing a good job.”
For a split second, she looked pained. But when I blinked, she was smiling brightly, so I must have imagined it. “Thanks. Hey, how’s Nisha? And Amara?”
“They’re doing great,” I said. “Amara’s growing like a weed.”
“Hey, Silena?” A timid voice called. I turned to see a young girl with braces and pigtails step hesitantly up to us. “Where are the trash bags kept?”
Silena reached out, grabbing the girl’s hand and pulling her closer to us. “Oh, Lacy, I want you to meet Zia Banerjee, our sister, and senior counselor in the summers. Zia, this is Lacy. She got here a few weeks ago. Mitchell found her on his way to camp.”
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you,” I smiled, holding my hand out for Lacy to shake. She shook it, smiling shyly, then turned back to Silena.
“Trash bags are in the bathroom, under the sink,” Silena said. Lacy nodded and scampered off.
“Okay, she’s adorable,” I told my sister.
“I know, right?” She agreed. “Really shy, though. She’s practically imprinted on me, and Mitchell.” Mitchell was one of our half-brothers, and a year younger than me.
I laughed. “Well, we’ll get her out of her shell soon enough,” I said, and Silena laughed.
“I should go,” she said, picking up her scroll and pen. “Inspection is starting. I’ll see you in a little while, for dinner.”
I nodded, and Silena stepped toward the door. “Hey, Silena,” I called, turning to face her before she walked out.
“Yeah?” She asked.
“What do you know about Quintus?”
Her expression darkened. “I don’t know much,” she answered. “But I know his presence probably means something bad is going to happen.”
After inspection was over- cabin ten did very well- I decided to head down to the strawberry fields with my guitar and song notebook. I was a few measures into the song I had been working on when a voice called out from behind me, “Writing a song about me?”
I jumped, stopping my music and turning to see Ethan Nakamura standing behind the bench. I grinned, leaping up and placing my guitar back in its case. “Hi!” I exclaimed happily.
Ethan was one of my best friends at camp besides Percy and Annabeth. He had gotten to camp a few weeks after I had, and I was tasked with showing him around. He was also from California, from San Francisco, and we hit it off immediately. He was a year older than me, and practically my big brother. He was claimed by Nemesis soon after getting to camp, but since Nemesis didn’t have a cabin, he stayed in the Hermes cabin.
We hugged quickly, then did a complicated handshake we came up with a few years ago. No one else knows it.
“How are you?” Ethan asked, both of us sitting down on the bench.
“I’m good, I just got here a few hours ago,” I answered. “I actually just went to Grover’s hearing.”
“How did it go?” At the look on my face, Ethan guessed, “Not good?”
“Not good,” I confirmed. “They gave him one more week before they take his searcher’s license away.”
“One more week?” Ethan asked. “To find a god that’s been missing for thousands of years?” I nodded, and Ethan whistled quietly. “Wow. What’s Grover going to do?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know. Annabeth has been trying to convince him to try something we’ve been working on with Clarisse all spring, but no luck. But if he only has a week, then this might be his only option.”
“What is it?”
I sighed. “I can’t say just yet. Chiron knows, and he asked me, Annabeth, and Clarisse not to share it with anyone.”
“Not even your best friend?” Ethan asked. His offense was probably a joke, but I couldn’t tell.
“No,” I said, nervously fingering my locket charm. “Sorry.”
“Hey, no, I’m just joking,” Ethan assured me quickly. “You don’t have to tell me if you can’t.”
I relaxed, moving my hand back down to my lap.
“Hey, so how’s Nisha and Amara?” Ethan asked, changing the subject.
“They’re good,” I smiled. “You wouldn’t believe how big Amara’s gotten.”
He must have noticed something in my expression, because he asked, “What’s wrong?”
I shook my head. “Nothing.” He gave me a look and I sighed. “I just- I’m worried about them. I mean, I know that Nisha is more than capable of protecting herself, and Amara, but- Luke is still out there. And he knows that Amara exists, and I’m just worried he’s going to use her to his advantage or something.”
Once, Luke had said he still had friends at camp, and I had realized he probably had spies here, people who had left camp to join his army. I didn’t think there were any spies at camp now. From them, he found out about Amara, his daughter with my sister. She hadn’t told him about her, worried he would try to use the toddler somehow in the war, but he found out anyway.
“They’ll be fine,” Ethan assured me. “Like you said, Nisha can protect herself, and her daughter. And if something does happen, they can come to camp, and we’ll protect them here. Luke is not going to hurt either of them.”
He shakes his head angrily.
“What?” I asked.
Ethan sighed. “It’s just- I hate that the gods won’t protect them. Amara’s a baby, and do you see Aphrodite or Hermes- her grandparents- coming to help? No. They’re gods; they should be doing something.”
“They can’t,” I said, confused at Ethan’s anger. I knew that sometimes he got annoyed with the gods, especially lately, with the war brewing, but I never knew him to be angry. “They can’t interfere. Besides, it’ll be fine. Like you said, Nisha can protect Amara just fine.”
“Yeah,” Ethan said. “Yeah, I know.” He shook his head, clearing his thoughts. “Anyway, did you meet Quintus yet? What do you think is in those crates for tomorrow night?”
I let him change the subject to camp training sessions, happily talking about Mrs. O’Leary, and what would be served for dinner tonight, and anything else besides Luke and the gods and the war.
But, still, in the back of my mind, I wondered at his tone.
That night, I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. Unfortunately, that didn’t mean I slept well. I entered the dream world pretty quickly.
See, most demigod dreams weren’t like dreams mortals typically had. We could see events happening in the present, in a different place. We could see events that are about to happen.
Or, sometimes, we could travel back into the past.
I was wandering the woods, not wanting to run into any monsters, but just to look for a quiet place to play my music. I was working on a song that I didn’t want anyone to hear just yet. I walked over rocks as stepping stones, balanced on fallen trees, and splashed through ponds. I was lost in thought. I hadn’t realized how far into the woods I had gone until I heard voices.
“… The heck with laurel wreaths,” a voice was saying. It was rough, and familiar- Luke. I slowed down, something telling me to stay quiet and out of sight.
“I’m not going to end up like those dusty trophies in the Big House attic,” Luke continued.
“You make it sound like you’re leaving,” another voice said. Percy.
I quietly set down my guitar case, and peered around a tree to see Luke wearing a twisted smile. “Oh, I’m leaving all right, Percy. I brought you down here to say goodbye.”
He snapped his fingers. A small fire burned a hole in the ground at Percy’s feet, and out crawled a small creature. A scorpion. My eyes widened.
Percy immediately went for his pen, but Luke stopped him. “I wouldn’t,” he said. “Pit scorpions can jump up to fifteen feet. Its stinger can pierce right through your clothes. You’ll be dead in sixty seconds.”
Percy stared, incredulous. “Luke, what-” He paused. “You.”
Luke stood calmly, brushing off his jeans. The scorpion ignored him. It kept its eyes on Percy as it crawled onto his shoe.
“I saw a lot out there in the world, Percy,” Luke said. “Didn’t you feel it- the darkness gathering, the monsters growing stronger? Didn’t you realize how useless it all is? All the heroics, being pawns of the gods. They should’ve been overthrown thousands of years ago, but they’ve hung on, thanks to us half-bloods.”
What was Luke doing?
“Luke…” Percy managed. “You’re talking about our parents.”
Luke laughed. “Is that supposed to make me love them?” He asked. “Their precious ‘Western Civilization’ is a disease, Percy. It’s killing the world. The only way to stop it is to burn it to the ground, start over with something more honest.”
“You’re as crazy as Ares.”
“Ares was a fool,” Luke spat. “He never realized the true master he was serving. If I had time, Percy, I could explain. But I’m afraid you won’t live that long.”
The scorpion crawled onto Percy’s leg.
“Kronos,” Percy said. “That’s who you serve.”
The air seemed to get colder when Percy said that name.
“You should be careful with names,” Luke said.
“Kronos got you to steal the master bolt and the helm,” Percy continued. “He spoke to you in your dreams.”
“He spoke to you, too, Percy. You should’ve listened.”
“He’s brainwashing you, Luke,” Percy insisted.
Luke shook his head. “You’re wrong. He showed me that my talents are being wasted. You know what my quest was two years ago, Percy? My father, Hermes, wanted me to steal a golden apple from the Garden of the Hesperides and return it to Olympus. After all the training I’d done, that was the best he could think up.”
“That’s not an easy quest. Hercules did it.”
“Exactly. What’s the glory in repeating what others have done? All the gods know how to do is replay their past. My heart wasn’t in it. The dragon in the garden gave me this-” he pointed angrily at his scar “-and when I came back, all I got was pity. Even from Nisha. I wanted to pull Olympus down stone by stone right then, but I bided my time. I began to dream of Kronos. He convinced me to steal something worthwhile, something no hero had ever had the courage to take. When we went on that winter-solstice field trip, while Nisha and the others were asleep, I snuck into the throne room and took Zeus’ master bolt right from his chair. Hades’ helm of darkness, too. You wouldn’t believe how easy it was. The Olympians are so arrogant; they never dreamed someone would dare steal from them. Their security is horrible. I was halfway across New Jersey before I heard the storms rumbling, and I knew they’d discovered my theft.”
The scorpion was sitting on Percy’s knee now. I could barely breathe. All of this- it was too much.
“So why didn’t you bring the items to Kronos?” Percy asked, bringing me back.
“I… I got overconfident,” Luke admitted. “Zeus sent out his sons and daughters to find the stolen bolt- Artemis, Apollo, my father, Hermes. But it was Ares who caught me. I could have beaten him, but I wasn’t careful enough. He disarmed me, took the items of power, threatened to return them to Olympus and burn me alive. Then Kronos’ voice came to me and told me what to say. I put the idea in Ares’ head about a great war between the gods. I said all he had to do was hide the items away for a while and watch the others fight. Ares got a wicked gleam in his eyes. I knew he was hooked. He let me go, and I returned to Olympus before anyone had noticed my absence.” He drew his sword- but it wasn’t his sword. This one was different, one side celestial bronze, the other steel. Why did he get a new sword? “Afterward, the Lord of the Titans… h-he punished me with nightmares. I swore not to fail again. Back at Camp Half-Blood, in my dreams, I was told that a second hero would arrive, one who could be tricked into taking the bolt and the helm the rest of the way- from Ares down to Tartarus.”
“You summoned the hellhound, that night in the forest,” Percy realized.
“We had to make Chiron think the camp wasn’t safe for you, so he would start you on your quest,” Luke confirmed. “We had to confirm his fears that Hades was after you. And it worked.”
“The flying shoes were cursed,” Percy said. “They were supposed to drag me and the backpack into Tartarus.”
“And they would have, if you’d been wearing them. But you gave them to the satyr, which wasn’t part of the plan. Grover messes up everything he touches. He even confused the curse.”
My mind was reeling, trying to process everything Luke was saying. What had happened to my big brother?
Luke looked down at the scorpion, which was now on Percy’s thigh. “You should have died in Tartarus, Percy. But don’t worry. I’ll leave you with my little friend to set things right.”
“Thalia gave her life to save you!” Percy said. “And this is how you repay her?”
“Don’t speak of Thalia!” Luke shouted. “The gods let her die! That’s one of the many things they will pay for. I remember seeing Nisha after that empousa killed her father. She was devastated, but she had to be strong. Zia… she was wrecked, and Nisha was forced to step up and raise her. The girls were destroyed, and Aphrodite, their mother, wasn't there for either one. She should have been.”
That was the breaking point. I drew my sword, stepping out from behind the trees. “What are you doing?” I demanded, drawing both Luke and Percy’s attention. My eyes were on Luke as I tried to keep my voice from shaking. “What- you made us go through- I- I trusted you!” I couldn’t stop stammering, my mind going a mile a minute. “I loved you- Nisha loved you. You were my hero!” I shook my head. “Why?”
“You wouldn’t understand, Zia,” Luke said. “You have enough trouble understanding the little details, let alone the big picture, of anything you encounter. I don’t expect you to understand my reasons.”
My eyes stung. Never- not once- has Luke ever spoken to me like that. He had been dating Nisha for two years before we met, and he immediately took me under his wing. With my autism, I always had to try hard to come across as socially competent. My jokes tended to land wrong, I had a difficult time registering social cues, and I info-dumped a lot. But Luke never cared about any of that. He helped Nisha raise me since the moment I got to camp. I couldn’t believe he would use that to insult me now.
“What has your mother ever done for you, Zia?” Luke continued. “Kronos will rise. You two have only delayed his plans. He will cast the Olympians into Tartarus and drive humanity back to their caves. All except the strongest- the ones who serve him.”
“You won’t get away with this,” I vowed, forcing my voice to be stronger.
Luke tilted his head, smirking. “Oh, Zia. I already have. Good-bye, both of you. There is a new Golden Age coming. You won’t be part of it. I would ask you to tell Nisha good-bye for me, but neither of you will be able to make it back to camp.”
He slashed his sword in an arc and disappeared in a ripple of darkness.
The scorpion lunged at Percy. I jerked forward instinctively, and swatted it away from him with my hand. Percy uncapped his sword and swung at the scorpion as it jumped at me, cutting it in half in midair.
I thought that everything was fine until I looked down at my hand. The back of it, where I had hit the scorpion, had a huge red welt, oozing and smoking yellow. The thing had gotten me.
My ears pounded. My vision went foggy. I stumbled, almost collapsed. I barely registered arms around me, holding me up, someone calling my name.
My vision was getting dark.
‘Sixty seconds’ Luke had said.
I had to get to camp. Percy was holding me, shouting for help, dragging me toward camp.
I felt something wrap their hands around my arms, removing me from Percy’s, tugging me toward camp.
I made it to the clearing, where I recognized my sister’s face, her screaming, a centaur blowing a conch horn.
Then everything went black.
I bolted upright in bed, breathing hard. I was sweaty. I felt something wet on my face, and I reached up and realized I was crying. I glanced at the clock on my nightstand. Four in the morning.
Everyone in the Aphrodite cabin was sleeping. The girl on the top bunk above me, Emily, was snoring lightly. The new girl, Lacy, turned over in her sleep.
I looked down at my hand. I couldn’t see it in the dark, but there was a scar there, from that scorpion. Even the ambrosia and nectar the Apollo cabin gave me couldn’t heal the scar, a vivid reminder of that horrible day.
I remembered how much I missed Luke in the days after his betrayal. I hadn’t wanted to admit it, but I did. Before that day, I had a big brother. I was sure of my place in the world, I was happy.
Now, everything was so uncertain, and I didn’t have a clue what to do about it.
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I got tagged by @bimikes
Rules: answer 20 questions and tag 10 people
Name: Adam Dawson Clemens
Nicknames: family calls me Abigail or Abbie (this is what I think to deal with the dysphoria), friends call me adamn, my love calls me more things than I can count
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: 5'5" - 5'6"
Nationality: ‘murican (I hate myself so much)
Favorite Fruit: Strawberries or Watermelon
Favorite Season: Autumn
Favorite Book: The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant
Favorite Movie: Power Rangers (2017) or Stuck in Love
Favorite Flower: I don’t like flowers but if I had to pick, I’d say lilies
Favorite Scent: Campfire or Gasoline or Motor Oil (it’s weird)
Favorite Color: Navy Blue, Forest Green, and Maroon
Favorite Animal: Sloths
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Ever since I got back from Italy, I can’t drink American coffee and I only like one kind of tea (lemon ginger) so hot chocolate
Average hours of sleep: 1-9
Cats or dogs: Both
Number of blankets you sleep with: 1
Dream trip: Ireland (it’s where my family is from)
Blog created: Three years ago I think? Probably not
Follower count: 232
I tag @emswonderfulworld @gayerthanyoucanimagine and @lavenderfestival
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Artifact Series A
A Christmas Story Leg Lamp (canon)
A Dictionary of the English Language by Samuel Johnson
A.A. Milne's Honey Dipper
ABBA's Champagne Glasses
AFV Video Screen
A.J. Hackett's Bungee Cord
ATLAS Android Test Subject
Aaron's Rod
Aaron's Staff
Aaron Anderson’s Oars
Aaron Swartz's Computer Mouse
Abby Normal's Brain *
Abd Al-Rahman Al-Gillani's Walking Stick
Abebe Bikila's Jersey
Abigail Williams' Pendent
Abing's Erhu
Abraham's Sapphire
Abraham Lincoln's Top Hat *
Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy Chart
Abraham Suydam's Golden Pocketwatch
Abraham Ulrikib's Caribou Pelt
Absorbent Photo Album and Camera
Abu al-Qasim's Bellows
Abu al-Qasim's Forceps
Abu Hurairah's Tombstone
Achilles' Arrow *
Accordion from Kunstkamera
Acme Police Whistle
Ada Lovelace's Dress
Adad-nirari I’s Axe Blade
Adam Lanza's Gun
Adam Rainer's Measuring Tape
Adam Sandler's Idea Pad
Adelard of Bath’s Abacus
Adolf Eichmann's Eagle Insignia Badge
Adolf Frederick's Silver Cutlery Set
Adolf Hitler's Colored Pencils
Adolf Hitler's Microphone *
Adolf Slaby's Snuff Box
Adolphe Chaillet's "Shelby" Bulbs *
Adolphe Dugleres' Menu
Adrian Hill's Sketchpad
Aegean Sails
Aegicoros' Goblet
Aesop's Cloak
Aesop's Grapevine
Aesop's Pendant
Aesop’s Rope
Aeschylus' Turtle Shell
African Ngil Fang Mask *
African Tribal Elephant Tusk *
African Witch Doctor's Staff
Agamemnon's Mycenaean Bronze Sword
Agatha Christie's Car
Agatha Christie's Typewriter *
Agatha Christie's Wedding Ring
Agathodaemon's Natron
Agent Aden Taylor's God-Tier Clock
Agent Aden Taylor's God Tier Outfit
Aggressive Metal Lunchbox
Agnodice’s Tunic
Aguara's Carob
Ahmad Shah Durrani's Pesh-Kabz
Ahmose I’s Armband
Aileen Wuornos' Black Ledger
Aimée Crocker's Hat and Fur Stole
Air from the Great Stink of 1858
Air Raid Siren from Pearl Harbor
Air-Raid Skeet Thrower
Airbrushes from Disney Studios *
Akbar the Great's Water Container
Akira Kurosawa's Mao Hat
Akira Toriyama's Original Pen
Aki Ra’s Landmine Casings
Alain Robert’s Bag of Chalk
Albert Fish's Whip of Nails
Al Capone's Fedora
Al Capone's Machine Guns *
Al Smith's 1928 Campaign Badges
Aladdin's Lamp
Alan Hale Jr.'s Skipper Hat
Alan Seeger's Helmet
Alan Turing's Typewriter
Alan Wake's Flashlight
Alarm Clock
Albert Abrams’ Vials
Albert Anastasia's Barber Shop Chair
Albert Bandura's Bobo Doll
Albert Butz's Glasses *
Albert Camus' Coffee Cup
Albert Einstein's Bridge Device *
Albert Einstein's Chalk
Albert Einstein's Comb *
Albert Stevens’ Paintbrush
Albert Tirrell’s Razor
Alberto Burri's Sacking and Red
Albertus Magnus' Quill Pen
Alboin’s Skull Cup
Albrecht Dürer's Rhinoceros Horn
Self-portrait at 26" href="/wiki/Albrecht_D%C3%BCrer%27s_%27%27Self-portrait_at_26%27%27">Albrecht Dürer's Self-portrait at 26 *
Alchemist's Curse
Alcmaeon of Croton's Ring
Aldrich Ames' Chalk
Aldus Manutius’ Vellum
Aleijadinho’s Palanquin
Aleister Crowley's Ruby Studded Universal Hexagram Necklace *
Alejandro Jodorowsky’s Keisaku
Tetris" href="/wiki/Aleksandr_Serebrov%27s_Nintendo_Game_Boy_%26_Copy_of_%27%27Tetris%27%27">Aleksandr Serebrov's Nintendo Game Boy & Copy of Tetris
Alessandro Volta's Biscuit Bin *
Alessandro Volta's Lab Coat and Goggles *
Alex Mercer's Jacket
Alex Sander's Scourge
Alexander of Abonoteichus' Grimorie
Alexander Alekhine's Chess Set *
Alexander Bain's Fax Machine
Alexander Calder's First Mobile
Alexander D'Agapeyeff's Telegraph
Alexander Fleming's Beaker
Alexander Graham Bell's Telephone Wire
Alexander the Great's Bronze Breastplate
Alexander the Great's Xyston
Alexander of Greece's Pocket Watch
Alexander Grey's Owl Pendant
Alexander Hamilton's & Aaron Burr's Dueling Pistols
Alexander Herrmann's Gold Watch
Alexander Hermann's Mustache Scissors *
Alexander Keith Jr’s Barrel
Alexander Litvinenko's Tea Pot
Alexander Morison's Top Hat
Alexander Polyhistor's Animal Fiber Sponge
Alexander Steinert's Grand Piano
Alexander von Humboldt's Fern
Alexander Wilson's Falconry Glove
Alexandre Étienne Choron’s Menu
Alexey Leonov's Near the Moon
Alexis Soyer's Cutting Board
Alexis St. Martin's Musket Powder
Al-Farabi's Shahrud
Alfred Adler’s Coat Rack
Alfred Dreyfus' Sword Hilt *
Alfred George Hinds' Prison Uniform
Alfréd Hajós' Measuring Tape
Alfred Hitchcock's Metal Pinwheel (canon)  
Alfred Kinsey's Abacus
Alfred, Lord Tennyson's Bronze Statue of Chiron
Alfred's Monarch Ice Skates
Alfred Nobel's Box Detonator
Alfred Nobel's Curtains
Alfred Packer's Gold
Alfred Snoxall's Lee-Enfield Rifle
Alfred N. Stevenson's Military Helmet
Alfred Stieglitz's Tripod
Alfred Watkin’s Theodolite
Alfred Wegener's Parka
Algie the Pig
Al Herpin's Rocking Chair
Al Hirschfeld’s Chair and Lamp
Ali Asghar Borujerdi's Prayer Beads
Alice Manfield’s Trekking Pole
Alice Bailey's Necklace
Alice's Crown
Alice Stebbins Wells’ Police Badge
Alien's Device Prop
Allan Pinkerton's Briefcase
Allan W. E. Jones' Underwear
Alleyway from Kowloon Walled City
Alliance Tenna-Scope TV Signal Booster
All Hallow's Eve Pumpkin
Alphonse Bertillon's Shaving Mirror
Alphonse Cahagnet's Magnets
Alpine Brandy Rescue Cask *
Aloysius 'Alois' Alzheimer's Eye Glasses
Alpharts Tod's Hauberk
Altaïr's Hidden Blade
Aluminum Bluthner Piano *
Álvaro Obregón's Right Arm
Alvin C. Graves' Tie
Alvin C. York's .45 Colt Automatic Pistol
Alvin C. York's Medal
Alvin Straight’s Riding Lawn Mower
Alyattes of Lydia's Electrum Coins
Amanda Palmer's Ukulele
Amanda Todd's Flashcards
Amasa Coleman Lee's Porch Swing
Amaterasu's Yasakani no Magatama
Amazon Fish Tank *
The Amber Room
Amber Sphere *
Amber Spyglass
Ambrose Bierce's Skull
Ambrose Burnside's Jacket
Amelia Earhart's Goggles
Amelia Earhart's Lockheed Vega 5B
Amenemhat III’s Pyramidion
Amenemhat III's Sistrum
Amenemhat IV’s Sphinx
"American Idiot" Stage Set
Amerigo Vespucci's Armor Plate
Amityville House Windows
Ammunition from the USS Maine
Amphion's Lyre
Amulet of Hapi
Amy Lowell's Cigar
Amy Winehouse's Microphone
An Zhengwen's Brush
Anasazi Rope
Anatoly Onoprienko's Sawed off Shotgun
Anatomical Model
Anaxagoras' Krater
Anaximander's Sundial
André the Giant's Wrestling Singlet
André Citroën's Double Helical Gear
André de Toth’s 3-D Glasses
Andre Devigny's Bedding and Lantern
André Devigny Spoon
André-Marie Ampère’s Notebook
André Martinet's Phonograph
Andrea Aguyar’s Lasso
Andrea del Verrocchio's Workshop
Andreas Mihavecz’s Prison Cell
Andreas Vesalius' Watering Can
Andrew Borden's Couch
Andy Dufresne’s Rock Hammer
Andrew Jackson's Keg of Ale
Andrew Wyeth's Christina's World
Andy Kaufman's Bowl & Spoon
Andy Kaufman's Sunglasses
Andy Lambros' Fishing Pole
Andy the Clown’s Costume
Andy Warhol's Campbell's Soup Cans
Andy Warhol's Concept Dress Mannequin
Andy Warhol's Hairbrush
Andy Warhol's Marilyn Diptych
Anfo Merc's Electric Guitar and Battery Amplifier
Angela Cavallo's Car Fender
Angelo Faticoni's Chair
Angelo Moriondo’s Espresso Machine
Angelo Siciliano's Workout Trunks *
Angel Wings from the Pulse Funeral
Angkor Wat Piece of Vishnu
Ankou's Horseshoe
Angry Birdcage *
Animatronic Presidents from the "Hall of Presidents" in Walt Disney World
Anita King’s Lighter
Ann Corio's Bra
Ann Faraday's Jacket
Anna Baker's Wedding Dress
Anna Bertha Ludwig's Wedding Ring
Anna de Coligny's Crown
Anna Pavlova's Swan-Feather Fan
Annabelle Doll
Anne Boleyn's Pearl Necklace and Ornate B
Anne Bonny's Cutlass *
Anne Frank's Diary and Ribbon Bookmark
Anne Greene's Noose
Anne Sullivan’s Doll
Annette Funicello's Beach Ball *
Annie Edson Taylor's Barrel *
Annie Fox's Purple Heart
Annie Oakley’s Bonnet
Ansel Adams' Camera
Antarctic Whaling Station Camp
Anthony Bishop's Manuscript *
Anthony Salerno's Fedora *
Anthony Spilotro's Casino Tokens
Anthony Stewart/Rupert Giles' Glasses
Anti-Boarding Netting from the Mary Rose
Antique Candy Box
Antoine Lavosier's Candle
Antoine Lavosier's Microscope
Anton Aicher's Marionette Handle
Anton Chekov’s Pince-Nez's
Antoni Gaudí’s Chisel and Trencadís
Antonietta Dell'Era's Ballet Slippers
Antonio Stradivari's Violin Strings *
Antonio Vivaldi’s Aspergillum
Anton Praetorius' Hynm Book
Anubis Canopic Jar
Anubis Shrine Pyramid *
Anuket's Necklace
Aphrodite's Ankle Bracelet
Aphrodite's Girdle *
Aphrodite's Hairbrush
Apple of Discord
Apollo 11 Lunar Landing Hoax Set *
Apollo 11 Moon Rock *
Apollo 13 Command Module
Apollo 15 Geologic Hammer and Falcon Feather
Apollonius of Tyana's Amulet
Apollo of Veii's Arms
Apollo’s and Artemis’ Bows
Apollo's Sandals
Apophis Statuette
Apsley Cherry-Garrard’s Goggles
Aquilas from the Battle of Teutoburg Forest
Arachne's Loom
Arceus' Plates
Archibald McIndoe's Saline Bathtub
Archibald Spooner's Cloak
Archilochus' Aulos
Archimedes's Bathtub
Arc Light from the Iroquois Theater
Ares' Gauntlets
Aretha Franklin's Spotlight
The Argo
Ariadne's Ball of Thread
Aristotle's Lyre
Aron Ralston’s Pocketknife
Artemisia II of Caria's Chalice
Armand David's Glasses & Zucchetto
Armand Guillaumin's Soleil couchant à Ivry
Armando Socarras Ramirez's Shirt
Arne Larsson's Pacemaker
Arrow of Alan Gua
Arrow of Time
Artemis' Cloak Pin
Arthur Aitken's Pith Helmet
Arthur Aston's Wooden Leg
Arthur Blessitt’s Cross
Arthur C. Clarke's Telescope
Arthur Claude Darby's Rope
Arthur Conan Doyle's Disintegration Machine
Arthur Conan Doyle's Fairy Notebook
Arthur Conan Doyle's Pipe
Arthur Edward Waite's Tarot Deck
Arthur Evans' Magnifying Glass
Arthur Galston's Soil Knife
Arthur Rostron’s Loving Cup
Arthur Stace’s Chalk
Arthur Wellesley's Boots
Arthur Wynne's Journal
Arthur Zimmermann's Ticker-tape Machine
Artie Moore's Headphones
Artie Shaw's Clarinet *
Asclepius' Offering Bowl
Ash Williams’ Double-Barrel "Boomstick"
Ashes from the 1925 Madame Tussaud Fire
Ashley Revell's Tuxedo
Ashurbanipal's Crown
Ashoka's Hell
Ashoka's Pillars
Assorted Herbs (Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme)
Asphyxiating Blackboard Erasers
Atalanta's Spear
Æthelred the Unready's Crown
Athena's Owl Pendant
Athena Parthenos
Athena's Aegis
Athena’s Breastplate
Athens Caryatid
Atlanta Ripper's Balaclava
Atlantean Crystal Pendant
Atlas' Globe
Atomic Bombs from The Dayton Project
Atticus Finch's Pocketwatch
Attila the Hun's Battle Helmet (canon)
Attila the Hun's Swaddling Blanket *
Audio-Healing Tuning Fork *
August Bier’s Needle
August Musger's Projector
August Natterer's Bible
Auguste Escoffier’s Tasting Spoons
Auguste Piccard's Gondola
Auguste Renoir's Young Girls at the Piano *
Auguste Rodin's Hammer and Chisel *
Auguste Rodin's Gateway to Hell
Auguste Rodin’s The Kiss
Auguste Rodin's Rasp
Augustina de Aragon's Cannon
Augustin-Jean Fresnel's Magnifying Glass *
Augustin Pyramus de Candolle’s Touch-Me-Not Plant
Augustus Saint-Gaudens’ Double Eagle Gold Coin
Aung San's Pinhole Camera
Aurora's Torch
Australian Boomerang
Automatic Trash-Disposal Waste Bin
Automatic Vaccum *
Autumn Leaves
Avatar Relics from The Last Airbender
Axe Ring
Axel Erlandson's Sycamore Seeds
Axeman of New Orleans' Phonograph
Ayrton Senna's Race Suit
Azletar (by technicality)
Aztec Bloodstone *
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sartle-blog · 7 years
Marie Antoinette Undressed: 5 Things You May Not Know
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seriestrash · 7 years
You Me Her
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Chapter Ten: Winter Formal
Word Count: 6926
↠ ♥ ↞
Riley practically runs home after her encounter with Lucas at the library. Why did Lucas have to say that? She wasn’t imagining things, he was hinting at a romantic mistake. Why now? Why did he have to say that? Riley is thankful that her parents took Auggie to Philadelphia for the weekend, that meant she had the apartment to herself to just implode, because that’s how she felt in the moment.
Riley throws her backpack on the sofa and stomps upstairs. Riley paces around her room, her breathing is shallow. The brunette rips off her coat and throws it to the side. Riley stops dead in her tracks, determined to not let this shake her. She was past this, she was past Lucas. Riley clenches her eyes shut and does her very best to focus on her breathing. She inhales, holds it as long as she could and exhales loudly. Riley repeats this a few times until the sick feeling in her stomach subsides and her breathing regulates. Riley opens her eyes and takes a seat at the end of her bed.
Rattling on the fire escape startles her. Kai becomes visible and climbs through the unlocked window, he has two black bags in hand.
“Hello,” He sings upon entry.
“Hey hey,” Riley tries to act natural but fails.
“Is everything okay, Ri?” Kai asks noticing her off demeanour. “You look really flushed.”
"It’s cold out but I jogged upstairs...Confused body temperature and all that...” Riley laughs nervously. 
“Are you sure?” Kai gives her a dubious look. “Because you’d tell me if something was going on right?”
“Of course.” Riley nods quickly.
“Because we get through the tough times together right?” Kai’s look remains firm but quizzical.
“Absolutely.” Riley affirms. “Now, what are you doing here?”
“We are getting ready for the dance.” Kai wiggles the two garment bags in hand.
“And by we, you mean I keep you company whilst you get ready for the dance that I’m not going to, right?” Riley eyes him.
“Negative.” Kai says with a smile, he was still worried about Riley but he’d just silently keep an eye on her instead of pressing further. The boy in glasses rests one of the garments down and proceeds to unzip the other bag.
“What is this?” Riley folds her arms close to her chest as she looks at the baby blue dress.
“It’s a birthday present.” Kai answers innocently.
“My birthday was two weeks ago and you already bought me a necklace.” Riley’s fingers brush the dainty ‘R’ charm hanging from her neck. 
“Fine, it’s an early Christmas present.” Kai sighs.
“I already know you got me travel journal for Europe.” Riley gives him a look.
“Noah told you?” Kai frowns, “Worst secret keeper ever.”
“He was excited,” Riley tries to defend him. “Plus I already know he spilled about my gift.”
“I’m totally going to love it by the way.” Kai chuckles.
Riley exhales loudly, “Is there any use fighting you on this?”
“Absolutely not.” Kai smirks.  
Riley looks at the baby blue dress. It’s beautiful, a deep V cut back with slightly more modest V cut front. Fit and flare from the waist. A beautiful white lace pattern overlay with the blue peeping through from beneath and a pretty, thin, satin bow around the waist.  ++ Visuals attached in the end notes ++ 
“You don’t like it?” Kai deflates.
“No it’s beautiful.” Riley nods.
“Then what’s wrong?” Kai sits by her. “Why don’t you want to go to the dance?”
“Mom and dad are away so I thought I could have a quiet night in.” Riley offers up an excuse.
“They’re also away tomorrow night.” Kai highlights giving her excuse little merit.
“It’s just a silly dance, who cares if I skip it?” Riley groans.
“It’s not just a silly dance.” Kai frowns. “It’s our last winter formal, ever.”
“It’s not like I’m skipping prom.” Riley sulks. 
“I know this isn’t about a date, because you turned down three guys..” Kai trails off after noticing Riley’s shift in expression. “Or is it about a date, because you know I could get you one like that-“ Kai snaps his fingers.
“I couldn’t care less about having a date.” Riley lies. Maybe she would feel more comfortable with a date but that didn’t necessarily mean she wanted one.
“So you don’t have to have a date, date but you can still come along with me and Noah.” Kai grins.
“I’m not crashing your date.” Riley shakes her head.
“Are you kidding, going to the dance with my boyfriend and my best friend?” Kai grins, “I couldn’t dream of a better scenario and Noah is more than down for it, he loves you. I even got myself a bow tie to match your dress and Noah has one of those cute pocket thingys in the same colour.”
“Kai…” Riley coaxes her head.
Kai holds his finger out to silence Riley. “I thought we already agreed that there was no use in arguing with me?”
Riley lets out a groan in defeat. “Fine.”
“We have wasted enough time, let’s get ready.” Kai claps victoriously.
Riley and Kai prep for the dance. The dress Kai bought fits Riley perfectly, the drama fanatic fought Riley on the addition of thick black stockings but the quirky girl won out in the end. Riley wears a warm white coat over her whole ensemble for the subway ride to school.
Noah meets his dates at the station, cooing compliments about how lucky he was to have such attractive dates. Riley pretends to blush as he fiddles with her loose curls. “Pretty as a picture, Sunshine.”  
Once at school, just outside of the gym where the dance is being held, Noah stops Kai and Riley in the empty hallway. When Kai asks what’s going on Noah just casually slips a flask out of his suit jackets inner pocket and takes a swig. Riley’s eyes grow wide knowing it’s definitely alcohol, she becomes anxious and fears being caught on school grounds. Kai accepts Noah’s offer and takes a sip himself before offering it to Riley. She declines, shaking her head like a fool and the boys chuckle at her innocence and escort her into the gym.
Riley’s anxiety kicks into high gear once inside the gym crammed with students and loud music bouncing off the walls. Kai drags his dates over to the photo corner and makes a real scene showing them off as each flash captures the moment. After he’s done crouching down and literally presenting Riley like she’s the prize on a game show he drags her and Noah to the dance floor. After two songs, Riley’s still not feeling it so she comes up with an excuse to part. 
“It’s warm in here, I need a drink.” Riley shouts. Kai nods as he continues to bounce to the music with Noah. Riley spins around and collides with someone, causing her to stagger back a few steps. She’s mid apology when she flicks her gaze up to find none other than her former sweetheart, Lucas looking back at her. With the past afternoons encounter fresh in her mind Riley finds herself at a loss for words.
“I didn’t think you were coming.” Lucas shouts over the music.
“I wish I didn’t.” Riley mumbles to herself as she pushes past him and makes her way out of the the crowd.
All the brunette wanted was to find her coat and leave, coming here was a mistake. Since Kai made Riley take off her coat before entering the gym - so they could be photo ready as soon as they arrived - Riley didn’t have a clue where it was. Riley is inspecting the bleachers when Noah approaches her with two cups of punch in hand.
“What’s the matter, Sunshine?” Noah asks as he hands her one of the beverages.
“Nothing.” Riley sends him a sweet smile. “Is this...” 
“Punch.” Noah finishes her sentence with a giggle. “And that smile doesn’t fool me.” He takes a seat and pats the space beside him.
“Where’s Kai?” Riley asks trying to change the subject.
Noah motions over towards the DJ booth where Kai stands with a group of guys being his usual social self.
“I saw you bump into Lucas.” Noah doesn’t allow Riley to drop the topic.
“You saw that?” Riley avoids his gaze.
Noah nods. “I thought Lucas was a problem of yesteryear, has something changed?” Noah knew Lucas would always be a problem for Riley but he still broaches the subject casually, not wanting to trigger her. 
“No.” Riley shakes her head. “Lucas has zero to do with my emotions anymore.”
“Okay.” Noah says unconvinced. “You’ve been off since I met up with you on the subway and Kai said you seemed off at your apartment too... What’s going on?” 
“Nothing.” Riley says simply. 
“Fine.” Noah didn’t buy that for a second but he chooses not to press right now, instead he lets out a heavy sigh. “Can I tell you a secret?”
“Is it your secret to tell?” Riley raises an eyebrow.
“I wasn’t at the guidance counsellor looking at other colleges.” Noah admits.
“Okay... Why were you there?” Riley questions, worried there’s an emotional reason behind it.
“Don’t worry, Sunshine, I’m fine.” Noah notices the panic in Riley’s voice and gives her hand a reassuring squeeze. “I was there talking about a few athletic scholarship offers I’ve received.”
“I didn’t know there were official offers yet.” Riley’s eyes widen. “I mean we knew there were a handful interested.. Why didn’t you tell me? Does Kai know?”
“No, only my family do.” Noah shakes his head. “That’s why it’s a secret.”
“I don’t understand…” Riley crinkles her brows.
“Two schools have made offers, Notre Dame being one of them.” Noah shares. 
“That’s your first choice right?” Riley smiles. “Why don’t you look excited?” 
“They offered me early admission.” Noah fidgets as he speaks.
“As in leave Abigail Adam’s early to attend there?” Riley questions, already knowing the answer.
Noah nods weakly. “I’d technically still graduate but there is a strong possibility I’d miss prom along with the actual graduation ceremony itself.”
“Oh.” Riley sinks into her place on the bleachers. This hurt more to hear than her confusing conversation with Lucas in the library. Things were changing and Riley wasn’t ready for any of it.
“I haven’t made any decisions yet,” Noah says positively, “It’s still early.”
“You should tell Kai.” Riley gives him half a smile.
“I can’t.” Noah rejects the idea. “If I tell him, he’ll encourage me to go.” 
“The nerve of him for being a supportive boyfriend.” Riley says sarcastically.
“But if I leave.. What does that mean for me and Kai?” Noah frowns. 
“You already know Kai has been looking into all the colleges you’ve been considering.” Riley shuffles closer. “He’s willing to follow you anywhere.” 
“I can’t let him do that.” Noah pouts. 
“Notre Dame has a terrific history program that Kai is genuinely psyched about.” Riley says. “And he’s been looking into drama classes and groups in and outside of the school too.”
“Alright, so lets say Kai does make a decision based on his future - excluding me as a factor - what if I do leave early?” Noah holds Riley’s gaze. “That gives him plenty of time to change his mind about the school... About me.” Noah’s eyes wander back towards Kai and a group of his friends. A sadness waving over the shy football player. 
“Noah, you are his future.” Riley says softly and turns his face back towards her. “If Notre Dame didn’t have an academic program that excited or suited him, Kai wouldn’t go but he’d still look for a school that was close to you because as extreme, over the top, loud and headstrong Kai may be, there is one thing about him that’s simple and easy to understand and that is how much he loves you.”
“Boy do I wish we were all going to the same school.” Noah’s smile is small. “Then we could graduate together and all move back to the city and live in some small apartment and then when it’s time for you to spread your wings you could move into the conveniently vacant apartment across the hall.”
“And we’d laugh in the faces of anyone who called us dangerously codependent.” Riley jokes. 
Noah chuckle softly, noticeably, some of his fears had melted away but Riley knew he’d ultimately feel better once he talked things through with Kai. Subtly, Noah pulls the flask out of his jacket pocket and tops his punch up with the contents of it. Again Riley declines his offer for some alcohol. 
Riley takes a deep breath, Noah had been so open with her she felt like doing the same. That and the library incident had been weighing so heavily on her mind that she needed to talk about it. “I spoke to Lucas at the library this afternoon.” 
“Oh?” Noah pricks up a brow as he takes a swig from his cup. 
“He told me he thinks he made a mistake.” Riley is looking into the crowd of teens as she speaks. “When he chose Maya over me.” 
Noah chokes on his mouthful and not because of it’s alcoholic contents. “What?” 
“Then I told him I didn’t care and walked away.” Riley says like it’s no big deal. 
“Exactly like that?” Noah coaxes his head. 
“I froze at first and then scurried away once I came to my senses.” Riley points a weak smile at no one in particular. 
“Well that explains why you’ve been so off tonight.” Noah gives her a sympathetic look. “I can’t believe he’d say that and then bring Maya to the dance.” 
“What?” Riley snaps her head towards him. 
“That’s why we’re upset, right?” Noah grows nervous. 
“My mood is directly linked to the confusion at the library.. What do you mean?” Riley lets her eyes scan the gym trying to find familiar faces. Her eyes settle by the punch table where Lucas stands with Maya and Zay. 
“Let’s leave.” Noah says hopefully. “We can find Kai and go back to your apartment, order some pizza, watch some movies...” Noah tries but he, along with Riley, witnesses what appears to be Zay encouraging a photo between the ex couple, the two blondes cuddle in doing a silly pose at first but take another where Maya stretches up to press her lips to the side of Lucas jaw. 
“Come on, Riley,” Noah softens. “Let’s just go.” 
“I have a better idea.” Riley turns back to him with a menacing look in her eye. “That flask still have anything left inside it?” 
“Are you sure?” Noah asks dubiously but he was already a little too tipsy to rationally handle the situation. 
“You and Kai are always saying how I should let loose.” Riley smiles. “So hit me.” She waves her cup in front of him. Noah ponders it for a moment but eventually tops Riley’s cup up with a liquid that smells awful and burns her throat when she downs it but that didn’t stop Riley from chugging the whole cup. The two of them finish off the remaining liquor and head to the dance floor just as the alcohol begins to take affect. 
It doesnt take very long at all to hit Riley, a definite buzz almost immediately. Her blood felt warm but in a good way and it’s not long before Riley starts to feel reality distort around her but that doenst stop the first time drunk from dancing. Then it really starts to hit Riley, it’s like the room is spinning even though she stands completely still in the middle of it. Sweaty bodies move to the music around her, music that, to Riley, sounds like it’s coming from a different room entirely. Watching Noah happily twirl around her, Riley stands frozen trying to comprehend how everything sounded so far away and how people around her were moving slowly even though her head was racing. 
Kai spots Riley first, looking dazed amongst their peers, then he spots Noah stumbling about to the music way more confidently than usual. Quickly, Kai comes to the realisation that both his dates are heavily intoxicated. Slightly irritated he quickly makes his way over to them for some serious damage control. 
Riley doesn’t notice him at first, not even when Kai lightly shakes her shoulder but she did react to it after a couple more shakes, by then Kai had turned to scold Noah, shouting something about suspension. 
When Kai turns to check on Riley he finds that she has already slipped away in a desperate attempt for fresh air. The brunette stumbles through the crowd of teens and makes her way out the gym doors, down a few hallways and ends up by the hole where her old friends got put on their first day of high school.
Riley finds Lucas and Maya having a hushed conversation at the top of the stairs. In a failed attempt to sneak past them Riley trips, not falling over completely but staggering in place as she tries to regain her balance.
“Oops.” Riley giggles when they turn to face her. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“Riley are you drunk?” Maya gives her a judgmental look.
“What Peaches?” Riley exaggerates a pout, “You sad someone else got me to unfold my hands?”
Riley wobbles on her feet and Lucas throws an arm out to steady her and Riley’s giggling continues. 
“I think you need to go home.” Lucas says not dropping his hold on her.
Riley pushes his arm away, “I’ll take that into consideration, thanks.”
“Just let her go.” Maya snaps, “Why don’t you go find your girlfriend.” The blonde was clearly taking a dig at her former best friend.
“Maya!” Lucas scolds.
“At least I don't have to worry about her developing feelings for any boys I like.” Riley holds her own. She salutes the couple and leaves them with faces of guilt.  
Riley continues down the hall with the room still spinning around her, she uses every shred of consciousness she has to walk straight under the watchful eyes of her ex friends. Riley makes her way outside to the grassy oval and breathes in the cool winter air.
White snowflakes float down upon her. Riley throws both arms out at her sides and spins around letting the white specks tickle her face.
“Riley?” Lucas’ voice snaps her out of her quiet giggling and she seizes twirling.
“What do you want, Lucas?” Riley asks agitated.
Before he could say anything else Kai’s voice drifts over to them. “Riley, I have been looking for you everywhere!” He calls out. Kai has one arm wrapped around his boyfriend trying to prop him up as they struggle to make their way towards Riley. He has her coat thrown over his shoulder.
“Sunshine!” Noah grabs at the air as they approach Riley. The alcohol clearly was working quite the number on Noah too. 
“Spin with me!” Riley takes both of his hands and they lean back and twirl around together.
Losing their grip, they break apart and both high schoolers fall backwards landing butt first into the damp, snow covered grass. They’re laughing hysterically with each other as Kai and Lucas look on at the mess.
“Up you get,” Kai bends forward and tries to pick up the sloppy footballer. He awkwardly tries to help Riley up with his other arm but they all end up fumbling back to the ground. The two boozed up teens finding it far more amusing than the sober one.
Lucas jumps in to assist but Kai snubs him, “Why don’t you just go, Friar?”
“I’m just trying to help.” Lucas frowns but is annoyed at the rejection. 
“I think you’ve done enough.” Kai remains cold. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Lucas eyes him. 
Ka ignores him. 
“Hey what’s your problem, man?” Lucas is getting worked up. “You’re acting like I got her drunk.” 
“You might as well have.” Kai scoffs. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Lucas glares as he repeats himself. 
“HEY, NO FIGHTING!” Riley growls, “We should make snow angels instead!” Riley softens completely and lays back, wiggling her limps in the white blanket on the grass. Noah follows her lead and does the same.
“Noah get up,” Kai pleads, “If a teacher finds you out here you’ll get suspended and you can kiss any chance at a scholarship goodbye.”
“Maybe I don’t want a scholarship.” Noah slurs as he sits up. 
Even though Noah’s drunk babble confused Kai he chose not to question it now, instead he turns to Riley firmly and orders her to sit up. “Riley, if a teacher catches you like this it only takes one phone call to your dad-”
“Then I’d be grounded for life,” Riley swats the air, “Fine!” She stands up with a pouty face, stomping her foot like a child. Kai helps his best friend into her coat.  
“To the subway!” Noah points a finger in the air laughing like he’s the funniest person to walk the earth.
“I can drive you guys home?” Lucas offers.
“Seriously what are you still doing here?” Kai lets out a frustrated groan. 
“I’m just trying to help.” Lucas tries to regain his cool. “Regardless of what you think of me as a person, I do care about Riley.” 
“Says the asshole who hurt her.” Kai throws his arms out dramatically. He’d reached his boiling point well and truly. 
“It was your idiot boyfriend who got her drunk.” Lucas snaps, he was tired of being treated like a villain when all he wanted to do was help. 
“He has a name you know. Noah.” Kai snaps with more fire behind his words than Riley had ever heard him have before. “And how about you take some responsibility for being the asshole who broke Riley’s heart freshman year and then waits until she’s thriving in a life without you to drop some bullshit about making a mistake when you didn’t choose her before you go blaming Noah for getting her drunk because that drunk idiot has been more of a friend to Riley then you ever were.”  
“You told him?” Riley frowns as she turns to Noah. 
“It slipped out!” Noah throws his hands up defensively. “He was mad at me for letting you drink so much so I had to explain why!” 
“Worst secret keeper ever!” Riley whines.
“You and I both know you told me so you wouldn’t have to tell Kai yourself.” Noah places his hands on his hips. The two sounded like children in a petty argument. 
“Lies!” Riley says but she know he’s right. “How would you feel if I told Kai about Notre Dame?” 
“Riley!” Noah gasps. 
“What about Notre Dame?” Kai’s anger is momentarily traded for confusion. 
“Okay, can we halt all arguments and hatred towards me for five minutes?” Lucas interrupts. “We need to leave before you get caught.” 
“I can handle this, Friar.” Kai rejects him yet again. 
“Clearly you could use the help.” Lucas calmly stresses his point. 
“Suddenly wonder boy wants to swoop in and save the day.” Kai snaps. “Where were you two years ago? Tell me? When this goddamn ray of sunshine couldn’t go a day without having a panic attack? Three months worth of panic attacks to be exact.”
“Kai?” Riley stands there feeling betrayed. Not even Noah ‘the worst secret keeper ever’ had shared this private part of Riley’s life with anyone. Not since he told Kai about the very first panic attack he stumbled upon back in the courtyard sophomore year. 
“I’m sorry, Riley,” Kai turns to her all heated from his words with Lucas. “Over the years I have been your guy. We have shared tears and laughter... We get through each day together, remember? I know I’ve played devil’s advocate in our talks about Lucas even though I know you’re right, you can’t help who you develop feelings for. I’m literally in awe of how graciously and maturely you handled the triangle on your end. But this?” Kai is back to dramatically stressing his words and waving his arms about. “This, dating your best friend for three years, breaking up with her and then telling you he made a mistake, then he brings her to the dance the very same day he claims to still have feelings for you? I don’t even like Maya and I think she deserves better than that. So Lucas can stand there looking like a wounded puppy but wonder boy is lucky words are all I’m throwing at him.”
Lucas did stand to the side looking hurt. Physically, Kai didn’t look like much of a threat to Lucas but the clear passion he had for Riley was enough to shake anyone who crossed her. That and Lucas knew that he deserved every single harsh critique he received. 
“So you wonder what my problem is?” Kai scoffs as he turns back to Lucas. “Take your pick.” 
“I want to go home now.” Riley deflates. “Lucas can drive, we can take the subway, I’ll walk even... I don’t care anymore.” With slumped shoulders Riley heads for the car park, not allowing anyone else to have any further input. Something about her greatest secret being shared killed her mood completely. Only Noah, Kai and Riley’s parents knew about the panic attacks that started after Thanksgiving. Now Lucas knew, the person she quite possibly wanted to keep them from the most. 
“Fine, Lucas can drive. What do I care anymore?” Kai mutters as he escorts a very quiet Noah towards the car park. 
Sheepishly, Lucas gets behind the wheel of his car. “Where to?” He asks once everyone is seated, Riley and Noah in the back and an agitated Kai in the passenger seat. 
“My house.” Riley answers solemnly. “My parents aren’t home.” 
Without another word Lucas puts his car in reverse and exits the car park. Noah looks over at Riley’s sad expression with a frown of his own. Too drunk to think rationally Noah did the best he could to cheer her up. 
“Please don’t be upset, Sunshine,” Noah whispers but Riley gives him a smile filled with sadness. In a final attempt to perk her up, Noah pulls out another flask from his jacket pocket. Riley’s eyes widen with confusion, her muddled brain thought this was a magic trick, as she recalled they had drunk all the liquor already. Noah presses his index finger to his lip to tell Riley to keep it secret and he gives it to her to have more.
Lucas - whom at been checking on Riley through his rear view mirror every few minutes - noticed her take a big swig. “Are you seriously giving her more alcohol?” Lucas gets angry at his passenger. 
“She’s a big girl, Lucas,” Noah scrunches up his face, “She can make her own decisions.”
“Yeah!” Riley takes another sip, her sadness had washed away now, it was like she had to prove to Lucas that she was past that emotional time in her life. “How do you know I’m not the one who got him drunk?”
“Because that’s not you, Riley,” Lucas states. Riley folds her arms and looks out the window without another word.
Once out front of her brownstone, everyone piles out of Lucas’ car, the driver included. Kai turns to him with another mean look as he struggles to help his stumbling boyfriend up the stairs. 
“Look, you have your hands full with Noah, I’ll help take care of Riley and then I’ll be gone, okay?” Lucas tries to reason with him. 
“Fine.” Kai huffs and makes his way into the building. 
“Thanks for the lift but I’ve got it from here.” Riley tries to wave him off but he continues to follow her up the front steps leading to the door.
“Riley, I’m trying to help,” Lucas sighs.
“I don’t need your he-” Riley trips on the first step and grazes her knee on the cement, tearing her black stockings in the process.
Lucas helps pick her up but she shakes him off and continues up the steps on her own. Lucas follows Riley all the way into her living room where Kai already stood with Noah trying to baby him with a glass of water. 
“You two can stay in Auggie’s room.” Riley rocks on the heels of her black ankle boots.
“Alright, Noah, lets get you into bed.” Kai has an arm wrapped around his boyfriend trying to prop him up as they head for the stairs.
Noah exaggerates a playful giggle.
“Don’t be cute. I’m mad at you.” Kai fails to scold Noah.
“Malachi.” Noah says in a baby voice, stressing the name with more syllables than it actually had.
“You know I hate when you call me that.” Kai whispers embarrassed.
“Malachi.” Noah giggles again, this time singing Kai’s full name and Kai’s groan fades as they reach the top of the stairs.
“Well, thanks for the help, Lucas, it’s been fun.. We should do it again sometime.” Riley goofily pokes up her thumb. “I take it you know your way out. Drive safe!” 
“You know there’s no chance I’m leaving you like this.” Lucas eyes her. 
“A girl can dream right?” Riley sighs. The brunette turns on her feet and stumbles upstairs with Lucas close on her trail. The moment Riley enters her bedroom she’s hit with a radiating heat. She slips her coat off and fans her face with her hands. 
“Did you leave the heater on?” Lucas pulls at his tie to loosen it.
“The cat must have sat on the remote,” Riley pants dramatically as she searches for the remote which she eventually finds on her desk and turns it off.
“You don’t have a cat?” Lucas raises a brow.
“Auggie got one for his birthday a few months ago” Riley walks over to the bay window and opens it.
“I didn’t know that..” Lucas mumbles.
“Why would you?” Riley hangs half her body out the window trying to cool down, “We’re not friends.”
Her words stung but he knew he deserved a lot worse coming from her. Especially after what Kai woke him up to. 
“You can go now,” Riley sits up.
“Don’t call me that!” Riley jumps to her feet.
“I’m sorry, I’m just trying to help you,” Lucas apologises.
“I already told you, I don’t need your help, nor do I want your help!” Riley waves her hands around frantically, “I’m fine on my own. I’m not your problem anymore.”
“You were never a problem,” Lucas reaches out for her but she pulls away.
“Dont,” Riley softens, “Just please, don’t.”
“Regardless of what you think Riley I never stopped caring about you,” Lucas tries to find her gaze, “So I can’t walk away from you when you’re like this.”
“Fine, do whatever you want. I need a drink,” Riley mumbles and Lucas gives her a disapproving look, “Of water!” She rolls her eyes.
“Right,” he chuckles quietly, “I’ll be right back.” He disappears to get that for her and Riley paces around the room all worked up.
Whether it was the alcohol, her anxiety or a dangerous cocktail of them both Riley starts having another panic attack and suddenly the room is a thousand degrees again and she’s stuck with her dress zipper halfway down and the fitted bodice feels like it’s suffocating her.
Lucas returns with a glass in hand and adverts his eyes when he spots Riley half undressed. The more than tipsy girl stumbles around the room trying to rip the dress from her body.
“I’m so sorry I should have knocked!” Lucas clenches his eyes shut and backs into the door blindly.
“Help me!” Riley whines as she tugs at the neckline trying to get the dress off. It’s still soaked from her snow encounter and and feels frozen against her, even though her skin burned hot underneath. 
Lucas cautiously opens his eyes and sets down the water on her dresser. Riley has her back to him as she reaches awkwardly for the zipper.
“The zips caught on some lace,” Lucas struggles to get it undone.
“Cut it off!” Riley gasps for air, “I don’t care just get it off me!”
Lucas gives it another forceful tug and it tears the caught piece of lace and the dress zips down. With her back still to Lucas, Riley frees herself from the top half of her dress and lets out a breath of relief as she clings to the dress now loosely hanging around her hips. 
“Can you put something on please?” Lucas averts his eyes again by turning around, considering her whole top half is now bare except for the white lace bra he may have accidentally peeked at when he was helping her.
“Not like it matters anyway,” Riley mumbles under her breath as she takes out an oversized shirt from her drawer, “You’ve heard what they all say about me at school.”
“You know I don’t believe that right?” Lucas frowns to himself. 
“The part about me being frigid or the part about me being a lesbian?” Riley asks nonchalantly.  
“All of it.” Lucas answers quietly. 
“Why not? Everybody else does.” Riley slips the shirt over her head and sits on the edge of her bed to remove her torn stockings. “Even Maya.”
“She didn’t mean that at the dance,” Lucas says, “We were fighting and she took her anger out on you.”
“It’s safe to look,” Riley calls from the bed and Lucas turns around to face her.
“You’re bleeding,” Lucas is by her side in a second.
Riley looks down at her exposed knee that’s trickling with blood, a blank expression on her face. “Must have cut myself outside when I fell.”
Lucas goes to get a wet cloth from the bathroom and kneels down beside Riley as he cleans her up. He gently dabs it and Riley’s too far gone to register that it should actually hurt. Instead she starts giggling uncontrollably.
“What’s so funny?” Lucas finds himself smiling at her, “Is it ticklish?”
“No,” Riley covers her mouth to hold in the laughter, “I was just thinking about the time we went to the zoo in middle school.”
Lucas finishes fixing her up and sits beside her on the bed, “You were so excited to see the meerkats you tripped over and cut your knee,” Lucas looks back fondly at memory.
Riley lowers her back and lays down on the bed with her feet still dangling over the edge.
“You should have some water and sleep this off, before you feel sick,” Lucas bites his lip looking down at her.  
Riley makes a quiet humming noise with glazed eyes.
“Can I ask you something?” Lucas says quietly.
“Why not?” Riley shrugs. “Seems like everyone gets to know my secrets these days...” 
“The panic attacks..” Lucas has trouble finding the words. “I didn’t know...” 
“That was the idea.” Riley wriggles slightly in place. “Kai gives you too much credit.” Riley sighs. “He makes it sound like you’re the reason I had them.” 
“I’m not?” Lucas asks concerned. 
“Maybe you were a factor,” Riley shrugs one shoulder, “But so was Maya, Farkle, Issy, Zay.. It was after Thanksgiving. I’d lost my friends.” 
“If that upset you so much why did you tell Maya you didn’t want to be friends anymore?” Lucas questions. 
“Why do you think?” Riley shares a deflated laugh. 
“Maya never explained anything, she just said that you two weren’t friends anymore and she didn’t want to talk about it..”
Riley rolls her eyes and Lucas notices. “That’s not what happened?” He asks. 
“No it is.” Riley exaggerates a smile. “I told her that I made new friends and we had grown apart.”
“That’s not what happened?” Lucas shifts awkwardly. 
“You really believe that I, Riley Matthews, would allow myself to naturally grow apart from my friends?” Riley sits up and gives him a funny look. 
“I guess not, no.” Lucas mumbles. 
“Yet not a single one of my friends questioned it.” Riley’s fake exaggerated smile returns. 
“No, I know.” Riley holds a hand up to stop him. “I can’t get mad at people for believing what I tell them but you can relax, Lucas. My anxiety was not your fault it’s my brain, my feelings. You wouldn’t understand.” 
“I’d like to try and understand.” Lucas says genuinely. 
“There’s no need to.” Riley shakes her head. “I worked past that years ago. I’m good now... Well actually I was good but then you opened your stupid mouth and sprouted some blah blah in the library.” The alcohol still in Riley’s system made her have hot and cold mood swings confusing herself and Lucas with how she really felt. 
“I don’t think we should discuss this right now.”
“What do you mean we shouldn’t discuss this right now?” Riley scoffs. “I haven't spoken to you in over two years and then you come out with this nonsense about making a mistake. Why would you say that? Why now, with only six months left of school?”
“I know, I should have said something earlier.”
“Nooo,” Riley drags out the word. “You shouldn’t have said anything at all. The worst part of all is that you say that and then you still take Maya to the dance afterwards.”
“What?” Confusion waves over Lucas. “I didn’t- No- Maya and I are just friends.”
“I never blamed you for choosing Maya, it hurt - a lot - but I never could dislike you for it.” Riley lets out a breath. “Believe me I tried. I tried to hate you or at least feel negative towards you in some way like Kai did because hating you was easier than missing you... but I couldn’t.” Riley buries her face in her palms and laughs. “But this number you pulled today, the library, the dance... Maybe I should try that hate thing again.”
“I don’t want to talk about it anymore, forget I said anything.” Riley waves her hands about. “I’m tired. I want to sleep.” 
Lucas stands up and pulls back one corner of Riley’s covers and motions for her to climb in. The brunette doesn’t protest, she wraps herself in the blanket and wriggles down into a comfortable position. 
Faint jiggles of a bell sees Riley smile. She snaps her fingers and softly calls out towards the noise. “Vie, come to bed.” Then, seconds later, in trots a black fir kitten with big but dark eyes. She jumps up onto the bed and snuggles by Riley’s chest. 
“Good girl, Violet.” Riley pats her gently. 
Lucas chuckles softly at first and then it picks up into a rather hearty laughter. “Did you name her?” 
“Yes. Are you making fun of my kitten?” Riley coaxes her head. 
“No,” Lucas shakes his head as he tries to control his laughter. “It’s just, Violet the kitten...” 
“She’s my purple cat.” Riley smirks. 
Lucas’ laughter eventually tapers off completely, his smile fades into something sadder. “I’ve really missed you.” 
Riley didn’t like that Lucas said that so she doesn’t respond. Lucas sits on the floor facing Riley, his back pressed up against the bay window. Riley’s eyes flick over to him for a moment but then back on a purring Violet. 
“Where did this ‘wonder boy’ comment come from?” Lucas questions. 
A small smile creeps onto Riley’s face. “It was Caitlin. Hercules is her favourite Disney movie. She says she relates to Meg’s cynicism.” 
“Should I be offended?” Lucas asks. 
“Probably.” Riley’s smile remains. Quiet falls upon them once more. 
“You lied.” Lucas says quietly after a moment of silence. 
“Excuse me?” Riley knits her brows in confusion. 
“You told me you were relieved when I didn’t choose you.” Lucas explains. “You lied.” 
“I also told you I loved you like a brother once.” Riley says simply. “You believed me then too.” 
“The first mistake of many.” Lucas sighs. “I made a real mess of things.” 
“So did I but I moved past it.” Riley shrugs. “You should too.” 
“Letting you go was the biggest mistake of my life.” 
“And falling in love you was mine.” Riley’s words come out softly even though they cut Lucas like knives. 
“Riley, I’m so sorry.” Lucas pleads with her.
“Me too,” Riley gives him a sweet smile, “Goodnight, Lucas.” She rolls over to face away from him.
“Night, Riles.” he whispers but she’s already asleep. 
Around 2am Riley wakes shivering. She’s freezing cold after going to sleep in only an oversized t-shirt. Sleepily she pulls sweatpants out of her dresser and fumbles around in the dark looking for the heater remote to turn it back on. It’s as she’s about to climb back into bed that she realises Lucas is still in her room. 
Riley looks over at the bay window, he’s sitting on the floor but has his head resting in his folded arms that lay on the seat of the window. He’s facing the bed, clearly he fell asleep as he watched over her. Riley pauses for a moment and then takes the throw blanket from the end of her bed and gently covers him with it. He stirs lightly but doesn’t wake up. 
Even after Lucas did something that would justify annoyance and animosity towards him Riley couldn’t find it within herself to hate him and as she watched over him sleeping peacefully, Riley knew she would’t ever be able to.
END NOTES + Visuals dskjfh
I thought this dress was really pretty that I found on pinterest and would look lovely on Riley for winter formal so I thought I’d a include the picture for you all! Imagine she wore black stockings and ankle boots, maybe even a nice thin black chocker or something to play against the softness of the dress :) 
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Thank you to everyone who suggested colleges for Noah. The main being Notre Dame so I went with that! Thank you to everyone who messaged me and let me pick their brains about it to you are so wonderful!!! More on colleges in the upcoming chapters. 
As for this one..... I hope I remembered to put everything in.. It feels messy because it is messy, things won't be explained properly until next chapter and in future chapters... Its a ride fam, stick with me lfkghdfkjlhg
I have been slack with tagging people I am SORRY!!!!! I hope I haven't forgotten any one this time ... 
@jenn0bi​ @plutoxriley​ @pamela-barron​​ @nicolecolin​​ @brassqueen​​ @renait-courageux​ @helenpenhallxw​  @dallas258​
123 notes · View notes
jackieswift · 8 years
Two years
*Taylor’s pov*
“Surprise” he said when I opened up the door. He gave me a huge bouquet of red roses. I hugged him for awhile. I didn’t want this moment to end, I didn’t want this day to end. He was standing on my doorstep in Nashville, just like he did a year ago.
“Come in�� I said. We walked to the kitchen and I put the flowers in a big vase and filled it with water. “They are beautiful” I said. “Just like you” he responded and kissed me. I loved this feeling, having him here. But I was a bit confused, why did he show up when he said he couldn’t. I had been so sad when he said that over a phone call. I wanted to threw my phone across the room, but I respected his decision. Because last time I didn’t do that we broke up, and it wasn’t worth it.
“I thought you couldn’t be here” I said because I wanted to know why he decided to come. “I wanted to surprise you babe, of course we need to celebrate, it’s two years since we had our first kiss, two years since I convinced you to be with me. I know we’ve had some ups and downs the last year, but I love you and right now that’s all that matters.”
He was right. That was all that matter, that we found our way back to each other. That we love each other more than anything else in this world. “So do you wanna bake a chocolate cake or a vanilla cake?” I asked. He gave me a funny smile and said “You know the answer”. I did, his favorite taste was chocolate. I placed the ingredients on the the table. “Do we have to bake?” he complained as he laid his arms around me and kissed me. “No, but I really want to” I said. I wanted this day to be as much as last year as possible, that day was one of the best days in my life.
He still held his arms around me and I got a bit surprised when he lifted me up and carried me to my living room. He laid me down on the couch and started kissing me. “ADAM” I said and he stopped kissing my neck and turned his face to me. “What, darling?” he asked. “I didn’t knew you would show, so I didn’t do my makeup or anything” I said. I know that I don’t have to look good for Adam, because he loves me for the person I am, but still. I wanted to look great for him, because I love him. “You have never looked more beautiful than you do right now”. People might think I have great confidence just because I’m famous, but I don’t. So hearing him saying that made me blush. He was the one. He had always been. He now started kissing my lips instead of my neck. We laid there for probably around 30 minutes, just enjoying the others company. He held me tight, probably to prove that I’m his only one. But he don’t have to prove it, because I know it. But I didn’t want to say anything, because I enjoyed him being this close to me.
“We should probably do that cake now” I said. “And ruin this moment?” he asked. “Ruin this moment? We need a cake and I have to shower, you know I wasn’t expecting company” I say and turn around to look into his eyes. “Damn, Taylor. I wanted to write a song about this moment” he said with a sarcastic tone. “Well do that when I’m in the shower then” I said as I lifted my eyebrow. “I could do that, or I join you in the shower. Yeah you know what? That sounds better” he said and paused for a moment before he continued “I was going to say, because a song I can write whenever I feel like it, but maybe I won’t always have this chance…..But Taylor, I really hope we have forever. You know you’re the only one who can really make me smile, cry and yeah all of that, and that I love you more than anything.” I smiled. “I know that, Adam. I love you too”. He stood up and started walking away. “Where are you going?” I asked. He kept walking away from me without answering. I was just starting to get worried when he walked back into the room. “I wanna spend every day together with you, Taylor I can’t imagine not waking up beside you, okay when we’re touring that’s okay, but otherwise I want it to be you and me. When we broke up over the summer and I saw you with Tom, that broke my heart completely. I couldn’t see you together with another guy, it was just too much. I knew you should be with me. And you know that necklace I gave you a year ago. According to myself, but what the fuck do I know about this things, damn I swore, anyway. I was so happy with that necklace and I couldn’t think of a better gift. Then I remembered how you described your dream proposal and how you said you wanted it to be a small thing, but with a pretty big ring.” My eyes started tearing up. Was this happening, would he do this? “So I guess, what I’m trying to ask you is….Taylor Alison Swift, would you make me the happiest man in this world….” and took out a ring from his pocket. That’s why he walked away…he went down on one knee and I couldn’t hold the tears back anymore. Then he said the words “and marrying me?” The tears streamed down from my face and I felt like the luckiest girl in this world. “Yes, Adam yes, yes, yes” I said. He put the ring on my finger and then stood up so I could hug him.
After we had hugged for awhile, who knows for how long(?) he pulled back and wiped the tears away from my face and kissed me. “Now we can bake” he said and I started to giggle. We walked back to the kitchen hand in hand, his eyes on me and mine on the ring. He knew me more than well, or maybe he had gotten some help from my mother or Abigail. I didn’t care if he had picked it out himself or if not, it was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. “You know what your dad said when I asked him for permission?” He asked me and my eyes met his. “No, what did he say? I wasn’t even sure you’d ask…” I said and smiled. He had asked my father if he could marry me. Of course my dad said yes, my dad loved Adam, almost as much as my mother. The only thing my dad wasn’t a big fan of was that he swore a lot, but he had gotten used to it after two years. “He told me that he wasn’t sure if it was the best time, but that he even the time when we were broken up was sure it would happen. Because he always had the feeling that I was the one for you. He said, do it now or in a half year, you will always have my permission. And you should have seen Austin…” he continued. “AUSTIN KNOWS ABOUT THIS?” I asked. Austin loved Adam as much as I did, Adam was like a brother to him, like the brother he never got.
“I’m sorry, maybe you wanted to tell him that, but he came out when I showed your mother the ring. So I kind of had to explain to him that I wasn’t going to ask his mother, but his sister” he said and laughed at his own story. I loved that with Adam, he didn’t care. I laughed too when I started getting up pictures in my head of them, and Adam showing my mother the ring.
We baked the cake and took a shower. Then it was time for the whole “telling the world about this” thing. “2 years, we got a two years cake, we got a two years cake, it’s two years, yeay” he said while he filmed a video to his snapchat of the cake and me, just like we did a year ago. He posted the video on his snapchat story for the whole world to see. I was so happy I had met him. That we fell in love with each other. I took a photo of the ring and posted that on my Instagram with the text
Two years down
And many more to come ❤️”
I saw how the photo went from 0 likes to over a million and how I got thousands of sweet messages. This was it. This was forever.
Today, on March 6th I wish nothing more than for this to be reality, but it’s not. He’s not here, because I never forgave him.
You SO didn’t expect that ending, right? I’m sorry for you guys who wanted a happy ending, just pretend the last words doesn’t exist then or something. The words are there because I think Taylor will put on this mask today, to be strong, but I think she’s hurting like hell on the inside. Maybe she’s like 100% over him, but if you have a date, that day is ruined forever (or maybe that’s just how I feel) however you feel about him now. Anyway I hope you liked it. I would love to hear what you thought, so what did you think of the story and the dramatic ending?
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plutomeetsgenius · 8 years
A Cinderella Story: Isadora Smackle and the Glass Beaker.
Authors Note: Hi everyone! Hazel here. I am a sucker for Fairytale AU’s and College AU’s so I decided to reimagine Cinderella at Princeton staring Zay and Smackle. I hope you all enjoy!
On most sunny days at Princeton, the students would be lounging on the quad or playing competitive games of chess outside the dining hall. Instead of engaging either of those activities, Isadora Smackle stood by the sink in the back of the science lab, washing chemistry equipment for Professor Tremaine. It wasn’t like Smackle had a choice really, even with a partial scholarship to Princeton she was struggling to make ends meet, and Professor Tremaine paid her ten cents per beaker that she cleaned.
Smackle looked at her watch which read 4:19. She liked the number 419 as it was a prime number. Prime numbers were stubborn and couldn’t be divided by any number other than one. As Smackle reached for the thermometer a strand of dark hair fell into her eyes. Removing a bobby pin from her bun, she pinned the hair back into place. The other students often made fun of her bun, telling her she looked like an old lady, but Smackle had gotten used to the teasing. She knew she could beat any of her provokers in a debate tournament.
Smackle continued working through the piles of lab equipment, making sure every beaker was spotless. It was monotonous work but she knew Professor Tremaine would deduct pay if anything was less than perfect. Smackle was just finishing up the last few beakers when she heard the lab door open. She turned around to see Zay, the captain of the Princeton dance team, and her former high school friend. He strode into the lab confidently, gracefully encircling the microscopes and making his way back to the lab sink where Smackle worked.
“Hey,” he grinned, his voice as smooth as milk chocolate. Smackle was confused by Zay’s forwardness, but found that a giggle escaped her lips.
“Stupid emotions” she mumbled to herself, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Smackle was a woman of science and emotions never had made sense to her.
“What are you doing here?” she asked bluntly. The words must have come out harsher than she intended because Zay recoiled, backing himself into a cabinet. Smackle took a deep breath and began again.
“Not that I mind your presence, Zay,” Smackle clarified. “It’s just that we haven’t talked since we went to Abigail Adams High School. I know you aren’t here to help me clean lab equipment, so as far as I can deduce your presence is totally illogical.”
“We haven’t talked since High School?” Zay asked, running his fingers through his curly black hair. Smackle studied his arms. Something about them was different. They seemed more sturdy than she last remembered. Well it had been two years since she had seen him last at high school graduation. She thought she would have seen Zay more because they were at the same college, but she should have known that wouldn’t be the case. Zay was the captain of the dance team and a flamboyant theater major, and she was a Science major and an a member of Speech and Debate. She sometimes wondered how they even became friends in the first place because their interests were so different. She was such a nerd, and he, she looked at his biceps again, he was anything but.
“Is something wrong Izzie?” he asked, calling her by the nickname only he was allowed to use. A smile crept up in the corner of her mouth. She liked it when people called her Smackle, but being called something else was nice too.
“No, everything is fine. So why are you in the lab on such a sunny afternoon?”
“Well, I started taking an intro to Chemistry course, and it turned out, Chemistry is really hard for me.”
“Chemistry is simple,” Smackle scoffed, grimacing as she saw Zay’s reaction. Knowing she had hurt Zay’s feelings she followed with “I can help you. What unit of Chemistry are you struggling with?”
“I don’t understand how complex carbohydrates work,” Zay admitted, looking at the ground. Smackle nodded and pulled a pearl necklace out from her pocket. Although she didn’t generally like jewelry, there was something about pearls that made her feel sophisticated. When she wasn’t in lab, Smackle wore her pearl necklace all the time.
“Nice necklace,” Zay commented, rubbing his neck. Smackle knew from their time together in high school that Zay rubbed his neck whenever he was confused.
“This is part of the lesson,” Smackle reassured him “Complex carbohydrates are like a strand of pearls. Complex carbohydrates are polymers of sugars, often glucose.”
“Wait, slow down, Izzie,” Zay laughed a deep rumbling laugh “Let me get a notebook so I can write all of this down.” As Zay rummaged around in his backpack, Smackle checked her reflection in the mirror above the sink. To her surprise she found her cheeks were flushed pink.
“That’s funny,” she whispered, “They haven’t been this color pink since I had a crush on Farkle back in middle school.” Zay tapped her on the shoulder, bringing her out of her thoughts.
“You were talking about sugar polymers?”
“Yes,” Smackle stammered, regaining her composure. “They digest much more slowly than pure glucose because of their large size and composition. Visually, a complex carbohydrate is like a string of pearls and a glucose is like a single pearl earring. To get a sense of how this size difference affects blood glucose levels; If you drop a 30 pearl necklace on the floor, the necklace stays in one piece.” Smackle dropped the pearl necklace on the floor to demonstrate. Just before it touched the ground, Zay swooped down and saved it. He ran his narrow fingers over the pearls admiring their iridescent qualities.
“I don’t know why you’d drop such a beautiful necklace,” he mused. Carefully, he passed the necklace towards Smackle, and for a second their fingers touched. The pink in Smackle’s cheeks only deepened.
“Now imagine dropping 30 pearl earrings on the floor,” she continued, focusing her eyes on the strand of pearls in the hopes that her blush would subside. “The 30 earrings would explode over a wide area. This is what’s occurring in your blood when you are constantly eating high-glycemic index foods like cake and cookies. There is a constant explosion of glucose into your blood that stresses your pancreas to produce insulin to lower your glucose levels.”
After she finished her explanation, Smackle tilted her head up to meet Zay in the eyes. He had truly amazing eyes, they were a rich dark brown, so dark that the iris and the pupil combined. Looking into his eyes was like staring into a glass of rich hot chocolate, and Smackle felt like a marshmallow melting in his gaze. Likewise, his skin was a rich caramel brown, and against her better judgement, Smackle reached out to touch his arm. Soon, Zay and Smackle were in a tight embrace. As Smackle finally pulled away, Zay asked softly
“Izzie, has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?”
“Beauty is skin deep,” Smackle replied crossing her arms in a defensive stance. Smackle felt ashamed for hugging him so freely, she didn’t know this new Zay. Maybe he was just trying to take advantage of her. Noticing she still had a beaker left to clean, Smackle turned away from Zay and turned on the faucet. As she began working, Zay continued talking.
“Your tutoring session has reminded me just how beautiful you are. I love the way your coffee brown eyes light up when you talk about science. I love that little face you do when you are trying to figure something out. I love your dark hair which you always pile into a little librarian bun on top of your head. Izzie, will you go to the Spring Ball with me?”
Smackle froze remembering that the Spring Ball, Princeton’s famous formal event, was that night. Why would such a talented dancer like Zay want to bring a nerd like her?  Could Zay possibly have feelings for her as well? Smackle pushed those thoughts aside. There was no way such a handsome person could have a crush on her, so it was probably just a trick. She had to get out of the lab fast. As the clock tower struck five, Smackle dropped the glass beaker she was cleaning and ran out of the lab.
Smackle kept running, not stopping until she reached her dorm. She ran down the hallways of the science building, sprinted across the quad, until she finally came to the brick steps of her dorm. Inserting her key into the lock she opened her building and let out a sigh of relief.
“That was close,” Smackle sighed to herself “I almost fell for Zay.”
As she entered her dorm room, she found a strange package nestled between the pillows on her bed. She opened a package to find a letter from her mother.
“Dear Isadora,” Smackle read aloud “I am very proud of all the hard work you have put into your studies at Princeton, but I hope you consider having fun once and awhile. I know you avoided the Spring Ball last year but I hope this present will change your mind. I hope you are willing to take a risk and put yourself out there. Who knows, maybe you’ll find true love, my little Isadora. Please send me a picture of you in the dress when you attend the spring ball. Much Love, Mother.”
Smackle ripped open the brown paper packaging to find the most beautiful dress she had ever seen. The strapless bodice was a warm rose gold color that glowed in the late afternoon light. As Smackle unfolded the dress she found it had a full ball gown skirt composed of ruffled pink tulle that reminded her of a cloud.
Smackle quickly slipped the dress on. The gown was lined with the softest silk lining, so it was just as comfortable as it was beautiful. Smackle looked at herself in the mirror. She was surprised to see a radiant goddess staring back at her. Her golden limbs, which she usually viewed as gawky and skinny, had transformed into appendages fit for a ballerina. The rose gold color of the dress brought out the pink in her cheeks and the chestnut highlights in her hair. She smiled at the girl in the mirror, admiring how her visage appeared to be lit from within. Enjoying the newfound confidence the dress provided her, Smackle realized that she was worthy of Zay’s love. After finding a pair of shoes to match the dress, and putting on a little makeup, Smackle set out across the quad eager to claim her prince.
At the edge of the Spring Ball, Zay stood in a midnight blue suit, a glass beaker resting in his hands. Although, many ladies had asked him to dance, he had turned down all of them. His heart belonged to the one who had dropped the glass beaker that his impatient fingers now fidgeted with. Suddenly, the most radiant woman he had ever seen raced across the quad. She was dressed in a rose blooming at sunset, and her skin glowed with the radiance of the setting sun.
“Excuse me, my fair princess, I have sworn to devote myself to the one who dropped this glass beaker. Do you have any idea where she could be?”
“I believe that would be me, your highness,” Smackle smiled coyly.
“Am I permitted to hug you Izzie?” Zay asked shyly. Smackle wrapped her arms around Zay’s torso, admiring the way he smelled of lemon grass and cedar. She stared up into his warm face, admiring the way his deep brown skin glowed against his midnight blue suit. Soon she found herself staring at his full dark lips that seemed to be drawing her in by a gravity she couldn’t explain. Her mother’s words “maybe you’ll find true love” echoed over and over again in her brain as she pulled his face closer to hers. Soon, their mouths touched in a soft, gentle kiss. Their kiss was as warm as the flickering light of a candle and as soft as a down pillow. As the sun went down, a relationship ignited between the unlikeliest of couples, and it was all due to the power of a glass beaker.
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investmart007 · 6 years
HOUSTON  | Barbara Bush brought plainspoken, grandmotherly style to DC
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HOUSTON  | Barbara Bush brought plainspoken, grandmotherly style to DC
HOUSTON  | April 17, 2018 (AP)(STL.News) Barbara Bush didn’t hesitate to tell people that her trademark pearl necklaces were fake. Americans liked that everything else about the snowy-haired first lady was real.
The wife of the nation’s 41st president and mother of the 43rd brought a plainspoken, grandmotherly style to buttoned-down Washington, displaying an utter lack of vanity about her white hair and wrinkles.
“What you see with me is what you get. I’m not running for president — George Bush is,” she said at the 1988 Republican National Convention, where her husband, then vice president, was nominated to succeed Ronald Reagan.
Mrs. Bush died Tuesday, according to a statement from family spokesman Jim McGrath. She was 92.
The Bushes, who were married on Jan. 6, 1945, had the longest marriage of any presidential couple in American history. And Mrs. Bush was one of only two first ladies who had a child who was elected president. The other was Abigail Adams, wife of John Adams and mother of John Quincy Adams.
“I had the best job in America,” she wrote in a 1994 memoir describing her time in the White House. “Every single day was interesting, rewarding, and sometimes just plain fun.”
The publisher’s daughter and oilman’s wife could be caustic in private, but her public image was that of a self-sacrificing, supportive spouse who referred to her husband as her “hero.”
In the White House, “you need a friend, someone who loves you, who’s going to say, ‘You are great,'” Mrs. Bush said in a 1992 television interview.
Her uncoiffed, matronly appearance often provoked jokes that she looked more like the boyish president’s mother than his wife. Late-night comedians quipped that her bright white hair and pale features also imparted an uncanny resemblance to George Washington.
Eight years after leaving the nation’s capital, Mrs. Bush stood with her husband as their son George W. was sworn in as president. They returned four years later when he won a second term. Unlike Mrs. Bush, Abigail Adams did not live to see her son’s inauguration. She died in 1818, six years before John Quincy Adams was elected.
Mrs. Bush insisted she did not try to influence her husband’s politics.
“I don’t fool around with his office,” she said, “and he doesn’t fool around with my household.”
In 1984, her quick wit got her into trouble when she was quoted as referring to Geraldine Ferraro, the Democratic vice presidential nominee at the time, as “that $4 million — I can’t say it, but it rhymes with rich.”
“It was dumb of me. I shouldn’t have said it,” Mrs. Bush acknowledged in 1988. “It was not attractive, and I’ve been very shamed. I apologized to Mrs. Ferraro, and I would apologize again.”
Daughter-in-law Laura Bush, another first lady, said Mrs. Bush was “ferociously tart-tongued” from the start.
“She’s never shied away from saying what she thinks. … She’s managed to insult nearly all of my friends with one or another perfectly timed acerbic comment,” Laura Bush said in her 2010 book, “Spoken from the Heart.”
In her 1994 autobiography, “Barbara Bush: A Memoir,” she said she did her best to keep her opinions from the public while her husband was in office. But she revealed that she disagreed with him on two issues: She supported legal abortion and opposed the sale of assault weapons.
“I honestly felt, and still feel, the elected person’s opinion is the one the public has the right to know,” Mrs. Bush wrote.
She also disclosed a bout with depression in the mid-1970s, saying she sometimes feared she would deliberately crash her car. She blamed hormonal changes and stress.
“Night after night, George held me weeping in his arms while I tried to explain my feelings,” she wrote. “I almost wonder why he didn’t leave me.”
She said she snapped out of it in a few months.
Mrs. Bush raised five children: George W., Jeb, Neil, Marvin and Dorothy. A sixth child, 3-year-old daughter Robin, died of leukemia in 1953.
In a speech in 1985, she recalled the stress of raising a family while married to a man whose ambitions carried him from the Texas oil fields to Congress and then into influential political positions that included ambassador to the United Nations, GOP chairman and CIA director.
“This was a period, for me, of long days and short years,” she said, “of diapers, runny noses, earaches, more Little League games than you could believe possible, tonsils and those unscheduled races to the hospital emergency room, Sunday school and church, of hours of urging homework or short chubby arms around your neck and sticky kisses.”
Along the way, she said, there were also “bumpy moments — not many, but a few — of feeling that I’d never, ever be able to have fun again and coping with the feeling that George Bush, in his excitement of starting a small company and traveling around the world, was having a lot of fun.”
In 2003, she wrote a follow-up memoir, “Reflections: Life After the White House.”
“I made no apologies for the fact that I still live a life of ease,” she wrote. “There is a difference between ease and leisure. I live the former and not the latter.”
Along with her memoirs, she wrote “C. Fred’s Story” and “Millie’s Book,” based on the lives of her dogs. Proceeds from the books benefited adult and family literacy programs. Laura Bush, a former teacher with a master’s degree in library science, continued her mother-in-law’s literacy campaign in the White House.
The 43rd president was not the only Bush son to seek office in the 1990s. In 1994, when George W. was elected governor of Texas, son Jeb narrowly lost to incumbent Lawton Chiles in Florida. Four years later, Jeb was victorious in his second try in Florida.
“This is a testament to what wonderful parents they are,” George W. Bush said as Jeb Bush was sworn into office. Jeb won a second term in 2002, and then made an unsuccessful bid for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016.
Sons Marvin and Neil both became businessmen. Neil achieved some notoriety in the 1980s as a director of a savings and loan that crashed. Daughter Dorothy, or Doro, has preferred to stay out of the spotlight. She married lobbyist Robert Koch, a Democrat, in 1992.
In a collection of letters published in 1999, George H.W. Bush included a note he gave to his wife in early 1994.
“You have given me joy that few men know,” he wrote. “You have made our boys into men by bawling them out and then, right away, by loving them. You have helped Doro to be the sweetest, greatest daughter in the whole wide world. I have climbed perhaps the highest mountain in the world, but even that cannot hold a candle to being Barbara’s husband.”
Mrs. Bush was born Barbara Pierce in Rye, New York. Her father was the publisher of McCall’s and Redbook magazines. After attending Smith College for two years, she married young naval aviator George Herbert Walker Bush. She was 19.
After World War II, the Bushes moved to the Texas oil patch to seek their fortune and raise a family. It was there that Bush began his political career, representing Houston for two terms in Congress in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
In all, the Bushes made more than two dozen moves that circled half the globe before landing at the White House in 1989. During the next four years, opinion polls often gave her approval ratings that exceeded her husband’s.
The couple’s final move, after Bush lost the 1992 election to Bill Clinton, was to Houston, where they built what she termed their “dream house” in an affluent neighborhood. The Bush family also had an oceanfront summer home in Kennebunkport, Maine.
After retiring to Houston, the Bushes helped raise funds for charities and appeared frequently at events such as Houston Astros baseball games. Public schools in the Houston area are named for both of them.
In 1990, Barbara Bush gave the commencement address at all-women Wellesley College, though some had protested her selection because she was prominent only through the achievements of her husband. Her speech that day was rated by a survey of scholars in 1999 as one of the top 100 speeches of the century.
“Cherish your human connections,” Mrs. Bush told graduates. “At the end of your life, you will never regret not having passed one more test, winning one more verdict or not closing one more deal. You will regret time not spent with a husband, a child, a friend or a parent.”
By Associated Press – published on STL.News by St. Louis Media, LLC (A.S)
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