#about dave lister
westernwoodblogs · 11 months
Thinking about that*.
*Whenever Rimmer is devoid of his cowardice or lowest aspects, Emohawk Polymorph II and Demons and Angels respectively, the way he speaks to Lister is so openly affectionate.
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odo-apologist · 1 month
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POV: You're a scientist and the little creatures you've been observing have discovered one of the hidden cameras you placed in their natural habitat
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wiverscuomo · 1 month
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deb and arlene fanart!!! they mean so much to me! redesigned arlene a little bit with the hair but otherwise i tried to stay true to the originals. i knew i had to draw their female counterparts after seeing someone comment about lister’s butch swag.
first time posting red dwarf??mainly a serial red dwarf tag lurker so this feels odd
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pomegranateplumes · 6 months
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Hello Red Dwarf fandom, I bring good tidings to your abode (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
give me a dollar if youre gay
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David Lister who knits. David Lister who cries at Casablanca. David Lister whose despair squid hallucination was himself as a bad person. David Lister who was excited to be a parent. David Lister who had that taken away from him twice. David Lister who sends himself Fathers' Day cards and presents. David Lister who went to the deathbed of the dying cat priest who worshipped him as a god and told him he had done well. David Lister who wanted to return to earth, only to be stranded millions of light years away from it, near alone in a desolate universe, part of an ouroboros of time. David Lister who is just a normal guy. David Lister who is the last of his species.
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I am absolutely in the same boat as everyone who thinks it's a travesty that Jim and Bexley are, like, never brought up, but I do not know why it just occurred to me now how absolutely unforgivable that is when Father's Day is a major fucking plot point in a Series 10 episode, and they aren't even mentioned. Not even in passing.
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their friendship is absolutely everything to me ☹️💕
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psychidelias · 6 months
There's something so beautiful about Red Dwarf just as a concept and as a series.
Comedy aside, it has one of the most meaningful messages I think I've ever seen. The whole idea of being hopelessly lost and alone in the infinity of space but still having hope and love is just unbelievable. Dave Lister is just the ultimate guy ever.
He's a loser, a nobody, a complete write-off in terms of his career, a depressed, lonely man who is the last of his species, the only one left, three million years away from home.
Yet he still has hope. He still appreciates beauty in the rockiest places. He still believes in justice and life above all else, so much so that his worst fear is losing his morality. He still goes on.
He's so far away from home that there's no realistic hope of getting back, but he doesn't care. He makes a home out of everything and everyone around him, eternally living in the only way -the best way- he can.
He's created his own Promised Land.
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angels-in-overcoats · 2 months
something something if I lost you I'd go insane and if I lost you I'd cease to exist
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elusivehoney · 7 months
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I.5/VI.6/VIII.5/XII.5 Rimmer's years long fixation with sticking things in Lister's butt.
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zirafail · 5 months
he looked GREAT in bte/s9 and NOBODY talks about it. let’s change that!!!!!!
(also the fps is terrible because pirate websites hate me!!! will be fixed for the next edits :P)
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odo-apologist · 2 months
Okay imagine you're Lister. Your Kochanski is dead. Your Rimmer is dead. But then your Rimmer comes back, and he's back because of you. You made him possible. Then he leaves- you encouraged him to leave. And another Kochanski appears. She's not your Kochanski but she could be. Only she doesn't want to be because you're not her Lister. And then you're confronted with a Rimmer who was your Rimmer, at one point, but not anymore, because he grew and you've grown and this Rimmer hasn't.
Then imagine you're Kochanski. Your Lister died, but he comes back because of you. You made him possible. And then you're forced to leave him due to things out of your control. And there's a new Lister who wants you to be some version of you that isn't you- his Kochanski. But you can't because you are not his Kochanski and he's not your Lister. You may never see your Lister again. You will never see your universe again.
And imagine you're Rimmer. This is your Lister. He has to be, because to you, for you, there is no other Lister. But you aren't his Rimmer. He's changed and he wants a version of you that has changed with him. He and this Kochanski (who is not his Kochanski but is the closest he has to her) and the strangers you're supposed to know are the reason you're here. They made you possible. But you are not their Rimmer. You are no one's.
Now imagine trying to be normal with this information in mind
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chanoeys · 1 year
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RED DWARF 03x06 / The Last Day
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therealsullivan3000 · 5 months
Currently thinking about the fact that during the gap between seasons 2 and 3 of Red Dwarf, Rimmer and Lister move into the officers quarters and yet choose to continue sharing a bunk? We know from Me^2 that they're fully aware that they can go to other rooms, but yet they choose to move all of their stuff all the way across the ship into a new bunkroom TOGETHER. Rimmer my man, my guy, my dude, my buddy, you claim that you find Lister to be disgusting, you say that you find him irritating, you say that you can't stand his snoring, and yet you CHOOSE to continue to share a bunkroom with him? Lister, my mate, my lad, you know that you'd prefer to have the bottom bunk because bottom bunks have more space, and you now have the entire ship to yourself, but yet you choose to continue sleeping on the top bunk just to share a room with Rimmer, the man you claim to be the most neurotic git in the universe? Guys they are so gay and in love. I cannot make this shit up.
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a-literal-toaster-wtf · 11 months
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hey uh yeah what the fuck
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wizard-beast · 7 months
the sheer amount of grief the red dwarf characters must be feeling off screen all the time astounds me, like even setting aside the incomprehensible reality of being 3 million years away from all of humanity they've all felt such extreme losses over the course of the show im surprised any of them can keep up the whole space adventures shindig
like in the series 2 to 3 timeskip lister had to give up his sons just after 3 days or risk their lives- had to watch them age at such an expedited rate if he blinked he would miss every major milestone, their first steps their first words all of it. and then to have to leave them to save them??? id be bloody inconsolable and then they just kinda move on from it
and rimmer? hes died multiple times, experienced the void and end of existence and been pulled back - and those years as a soft light hologram not being able to touch anything and needing to ask holly to simulate everything for him? never getting much of an actual choice over clothes, his body, what he can actually interact with (this concept was more prevalent in series 1 and 2 but nonetheless) sure he could ask for it but its not the same as getting the free will or real control over anything. AND THE 557 YEARS ON RIMMERWORLD ALSO like ??? they left you in that room, there alone, for five hundred and fifty seven years, thats 28,964 weeks, or 203,305 days thats INSANE. he doesnt even remember the names of his shipmates properly after all that. THATS ONLY AFTER THE BEGINNING OF THE SHOW, MIND. before that he'd spent years being belittled and abused by his parents (so much so that a court emancipated him at only 14) his classmates, everyone in his life only tolerated and made snide remarks at him at Best.
cat too, his entire civilisation wiped themselves out, hes the only survivor of a 3 million year long race of people (granted it took them a while to get to humanoid but i rest my case)
even kryten and holly arent excluded from this overwhelming loss that pervades every aspect of the show, kryten spent possibly hundreds of years ignorant to the fact that the crew of his ship had died, i wonder if he ever wondered why they stopped speaking to him? stopped giving him laundry to fold, refusing to eat any food he made for him? and as for Holly, 3,000,000 years alone on a ship in the cold black vastness of space surrounded only by the ashes of the crew you once tended for, guiding them to safety, who were reliant on you, needing you for every part of their lives it would seem. really could make a computer go mad, that sort of thing
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