#about masanori
superbellsubways · 3 months
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they were so evil for this btw
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snowshinobi · 10 months
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C3 Kuki on a triple EM build changed my life
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thunderboltage · 2 years
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Well look here, it seems we have 
  a fool,
     a bigger fool,
        and a fool beyond all help
masanori: hey!! ୧( ಠ Д ಠ )
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kairunatic · 4 months
Jiroh latest Doujin about the Hakkenshi showed their Grades at school
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Mori flopping at IT says he's definitely a Boomer like Shino
Tada failing a lot of subjects cause of his part time job
Yasuyori excelling on music is a bit of surprise
Tanetomo seems to dislike science
Masanori flop in PE but has a 6 pac
Yoshito being Average
Nobumichi being in the discipline committee and showing his Tie up kink to them
And Masashi ust being an ace student
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Have You Seen This Lost GUMI Anime Pilot?
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This is a bit of an unusual post for this blog, but I think I may have come across a case of lost media involving an anime pilot starring GUMI. It's possible that it exists on the Internet, and I hesitate to declare this as "lost media," but I cannot find it anywhere, and I figured that a post on this blog was the best way to see if anyone has any leads or extra info.
The anime is titled "Koisuru Dessan Ningyo," with an English title of "Do Drawing Dolls Dream of Love?" I don't know the runtime of the pilot, but I think it was most likely around 5-7 minutes. I believe this could have been the first instance of a Vocaloid being cast in a main voice acting role (perhaps, the first one cast in any voice acting role). I'm not completely sure if they actually used the Megpoid voicebank, or had Megumi Nakajima voice act as GUMI, but the way AnimeAnime (Japanese anime news site) describes it, it seems like it may have been the former. In either case, the character that GUMI portrays in the anime is a character that is clearly made to resemble her.
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(These are the only screenshots I could find that come from the pilot, but more may exist.)
The main character is a doll (who I'm not sure is named), who models for a girl's drawings before eventually falling in love with her. I don't believe GUMI's character has a name, but she plays a main role as the girl the doll falls in love with.
Where It Was Seen
The pilot aired on NHK TV on January 9, 2014, during late night (possibly just after midnight?). It aired alongside another pilot as part of the program Aoyama 1seg Kaihatsu. This was a sort of tournament, where two pilots were broadcast once a month for three months, and viewers would vote for which pilot they liked best. Then, the three winners would go against each other in a final round, where the pilot with the most votes would get picked up to become a series. (I think they held this tournament once a year from 2010 to 2014 or 2015, though I don't know if it was the exact same every time.) The broadcast was 25 minutes long for each of the first three rounds, with the first half dedicated to showing both pilots and the second half dedicated to presentations about each pilot. (This is why I think this pilot was around 5-7 minutes, though I'm not sure exactly how much time commercial breaks would take up.) For a few years, including 2014, the program was hosted by the now-disbanded Japanese girl group E-girls (no relation to what you and I know as "e-girls." in their case the E stands for "exile.")
According to the official Tumblr account, karappo-heart, this pilot won the first round of the competition! It probably didn't make it out of the finals, though, since it didn't get picked up for a series. It's also possible that it did win, but some other issues prevented its production. In any case, the Tumblr account hasn't been updated since the first round ended. While this contest was going on, three shorts were apparently available to watch on NHK's website, but they have since been removed. I think at least one of the shorts was web-exclusive. I haven't been able to find info on who actually won the finals, or even what GUMI's short won against.
People Involved
The doll is portrayed by a masked dancer refererred to as Hitori de Dekiru Mon. I can't find much info about him online, but I think his real name is Takemura Ryohei. (I'm not sure because that part on his Japanese Wikipedia article has a "citation needed" label.) AnimeAnime specifically refers to his role as being the doll's "human form," though it's possible he provided voice acting too. AnimeAnime points out the unusual nature of having a human portray a doll, and having a Vocaloid portray a human.
Masanori Okamoto (who also wrote the screenplay and produced the pilot) animated the pilot with the pixilation technique, using time-lapse pictures to show movement of objects and people (this may have included live-action photos of the doll's actor portraying a "human form" of the doll). It seems like it may have blended stop motion/puppetry and live action stills with traditional animation? This is an example of Okamoto's work from around the same time, which seems like it might have been made in a similar style:
The third known person to have worked on this is none other than Vocaloid producer sasakure.UK. He composed the theme song, which of course features GUMI, and a few other songs to be used in potential future episodes. If you're a big fan of his, the anime title may sound familiar to you, as he released 3 of these songs (though both news sites I looked at, AnimeAnime and Anime News Network, say he made 4 total) plus their instrumentals as an EP under the same title. You can listen to the whole thing on YouTube!
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I think this EP uses GUMI's VOCALOID3 voicebanks (the first sounds like either Native or Sweet, the second one sounds like Adult or Power (if it even is GUMI--it sounds more like IA to me, but sasakure.UK labeled it as a GUMI song so I kinda have to take his word for it) and the third sounds like Sweet). If that's the case, her V3 voicebanks would have probably been used for the voice acting, too.
Places I've Looked
After some Internet searches only garnered me a few screenshots, I decided to see if there was a way I could ask sasakure.UK himself about the short. I believe he has a contact form on his website, which I used to send a message in both Japanese and English (in case Google Translate was more helpful to him than my incoherent Japanese). This was back in May of this year and I never received a response. (Since I used a website contact form and not a direct email, I don't have the message I sent him anymore. I guess that's lost media now too.)
It occured to me while writing this post that I never contacted the animator himself, Masanori Okamoto. While his Vimeo and YouTube pages don't have the pilot, and his Twitter and Tumblr links haven't been updated in several years, he does have an email address listed. I sent him a message (in English because I was too sick and tired to try to write a coherent email in Japanese and I don't like waiting to do these things). I'm not sure he still checks his email since his social media that I've found has all been inactive for years, but I will post an update if he responds.
I know that this pilot is not on the NHK website, or, again, on the animator's YouTube or Vimeo pages. I also could not find it on the Internet Archive.
Now, I don't expect anyone reading this to have saved this on their computer and kept it there since 2014. But with this post, my goal is simply to make more people aware that this exists at all, and I'd also like to learn more about it myself (such as whether or not the pilot won in the finals after all, how much animation actually exists for it, if any more screenshots are out there, etc.)
Thank you for reading such a long post! Please feel free to correct any info I got wrong, or add on to this post with any knowledge you might have about this lost pilot!
(also sorry for any typos :()
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codenamesazanka · 9 days
Saw some Spinaraki kid OCs so I decided to try my hand at it too. Though it's less happy family kidfic and more resentfully making Heroes and Deku face consequences post-canon. Sorry.
the Spinaraki lovechild:
Shirakata Masanori | 白方正憲
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Age: 15
Appearance: Lizard heteromorph. Black hair, pink eyes, white scales.
Quirk: Adhesion. Decay's spreading effect + Gecko's sticking trait. Anything object Masanori touches and remain in contact with will adhere with anything the object is also touching. If he touches a sidewalk, everyone on it will be stuck and trapped, unable to move their feet.
result of Spinner and Shigaraki getting together post-Deika/pre-surgery. super unexpected.
three months after Shigaraki went in for surgery, Spinner pops out an egg (please go with it)
During Heroes' raid on the PLF Villa, Spinner entrusts egg to ReDestro. Unfortunately, when everyone got arrested, egg gets swept up in custody capture of MLA kids.
With no one to claim the egg, it is placed in orphanage; all contact is then lost.
Egg hatches after war, at end of August.
Spinner was never able to tell Shigaraki about their kid due to the possession.
He decides not to say anything to the Heroes either. Doesn't trust them after Shigaraki got killed, and better that the kid doesn't grow up stigmatized for having terrorists as parents.
But Spinner does leave a letter with his court-appointed lawyer, hoping that one day it will reach the kid, when they come of age.
Spinner dies early due to effects of having multiple quirks; dies ten years after war
The lawyer, deciding to just finish up this assignment cleanly, finds the kid 4 years later and delivers the letter despite the kid not reaching age of majority.
Despite half-assed mild societal change efforts, Masanori grows up an orphan in the system, with the additional stigma of being an PLF raid kid (and therefore very likely the child of dead/arrested Villains/criminals)
Abandoned, unnamed babies in Japan are named by the city/town's mayor. Masanori was named with the kanji "white-direction correct-law" in hopes that he would become a law-abiding citizen (unlike his unknown parents). The Mayor is an asshole.
(Though Shirakata is a real surname, and chosen because kid has white scales)
Early on, Masanori looked out into the world and realized it doesn't want him, made it clear he doesn't belong. So he accepted it.
However, he knows the path of Villainy only leads to doom.
His caretakers drilled that into the PLF raid kids. Quirk counseling emphasized it a lot. So did teachers. Everyone.
He’s (reluctantly) played the ‘Villain’ in enough playground games that ends with the ‘Heroes’ pretending to smash him to pieces or explode him to nothing, because everyone has seen the war footage.
And he’s known too many people who salivate over the satisfaction of proving his blood is irreparably criminal.
So he won't be a Villain.
He just wants to leave - leave the orphanage, leave the city, leave Japan. Maybe travel the world alone forever.
Masanori is: very solitary, utterly disinterested in people, self-reliant, pragmatic, opportunistic, clever enough but can bite off more than he can chew
Masanori doesn't really have any sentimental feelings about his parents; or rather, he feels there's no point to dwell on it
He always knew he was the son of criminals. Discovering that he's the son of the most notorious criminals is somewhat cool, but Spinner and Shigaraki are long dead and gone.
When Masanori first received the letter, there was a satisfaction to finally knowing, nearly a sense of destiny. So he read the League of Villains memoir. He read the manuscript drafts that he inherited from Spinner. He did a lot of research.
(In the letter, Spinner admits that the kid was a surprise, that Shigaraki never knew, and Spinner himself doesn't know anything about the kid and will likely go to his grave not knowing.
They dealt the kid a shit hand.
Saying something cliche like they loved the kid they never knew would be hollow; and besides, Spinner and Shigaraki were twisted and distorted people. Villains. So the truth is, the kid is likely better off without them.
Spinner wishes he and Shigaraki could've known the kid, and he regrets that neither of them were able to stay alive and free.
Spinner also writes that if Shigaraki knew about the kid, he knows Shigaraki would've tried to give them the world.)
But eventually, for Masanori, the end result of all that is realizing that there's nothing to be done with this information. Spinner and Shigaraki don't know him, and he doesn't know them; never will. They were criminals, they were young and stupid, they picked a fight and lost, and they left him behind.
All he has is still just himself.
...and this new knowledge he might be able to use to his advantage.
Which is why Masanori decides to confront the Hero Deku and demand compensation for the death of his parents and other hardships
Age 15, Masanori arrives at Deku's agency, carrying Spinner's letter that is his only proof
But just looking at Masanori convinces Deku. Kid's appearance is basically Tenko in lizard heteromorph form, but even his demeanor reminds Deku of Shigaraki - aloof but intense, determined. (tho he is still younger, less hostile, a bit stiff in nervousness)
Deku is shocked, guilty, suspicious, already wants to help, appalled at the extortion attempt. Ready for a conflict.
At least until he hears Masanori's demands:
Guaranteed admission to UA's General Studies Program, a recommendation letter, as well as a stipend all three years that Masanori is in high school.
And that's it.
Masanori has only an okay school record.
He did not have an enriching school life.
He's been accused of delinquent behavior - mostly suspected small theft and 'incidents' with other students
(They could never actually prove he stole anything; and the incidents he get into are always with the more aggressive classmates. They're not so much fights as pranks, and the bullying usually ceases immediately afterwards.)
High school is not mandatory in Japan, and minors legally can start work at age 15, so Masanori has been "asked"/expected to leave the orphanage after middle school. Jin Scenario
Not a very bright future. But he was ready for it... until he received Spinner's letter.
If Masanori gets into UA High School, an elite national school, with recommendation from a world-renowned and beloved Hero, it's leaving the orphanage, leaving his hometown, starting a new life.
(General Studies program because he has zero interest in being a Hero.)
Graduate and better prepared to leave everything behind and travel the world alone forever.
Opportunity of a lifetime. He will shamelessly seize it.
Masanori's not blackmailing Deku or anything - nothing to blackmail, since no one cares Deku killed Shigaraki, and admitting he's the son of terrorists is social death. He's relying entirely on Deku's heroism.
Even if his Shigaraki was a Villain that Deku had to kill for the good of the world, that was still his father. Deku will feel compassion and guilt for Masanori.
Because Deku is a hero.
Manipulative? Yes. Is he unqualified for UA? Yes. But Masanori wants a chance at having more to life.
And Deku has to face what he (and All Might, and OFA) never actually did: resolve the continued rejection and ostracization problem in quirk society, and the cycle of Shimura tragedy
Because it's quickly obvious Masanori is just like his parents: given up on the world, given up on people. He's just not dangerous about it.
But his heart is empty. He has never been saved. And he no longer wants to be.
In other words: this time, Deku has to truly save someone that's been failed and rejected by this society he upholds. even if easy mode too because Masanori is not a villain. but is less receptive than a seven-year-old. or someone already having Pro-Hero aspirations
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dorokora · 5 months
Some Facts about Daichi:
He’s calm, yet quick to anger. He can get very easily annoyed. He’s prone to violent impulses.
Uses a pragmatic approach to problems
He doesn’t forgive people easily.
Sometimes his intrusive thoughts comes out randomly and he accidentally speaks his inner thoughts out loud more often than not (and never apologizes for it).
Is very curious about the other worlds and how they operate and the mythology behind them.
His dream is to one day leave Tokyo and explore the outside world or other worlds. If he can’t, then he wants to live his life in peace and normalcy.
He’s sometimes arrogant. He can be mischievous. He’s blunt and tells it like it is. He can and will be overly petty.
He can be very malicious and sadistic if pushed far enough.
He’s very comfortable with his body type and wouldn’t change it.
Despite not looking like it, he does worry about things a lot.
He can be a bit (very) overprotective towards those he cares about (especially towards members of his guild).
Horny thoughts fill his brain 70% of the time.
Bottles up his feeling and problems, and won’t talk about them unless it’s with someone he can absolutely trust.
He really hates being treated as one of the exiles. He’s himself and no one else and wants others to see and treat him as himself. Finds it difficult to form genuine bonds with those that sees him as an Exile.
Doesn’t like being worship or put on a pedestal by others but will use it to his advantage if he has to.
Doesn’t like being treated like a child by Horkeu. Considers Horeku to be overbearing and suffocating.
Like his alone time.
May or may not have daddy issues.
He makes it very clear what he likes and doesn’t like.
He prefers cute/chubby/older men.
He’s Vers but tend to lean towards being a Bottom more.
Ever since CH12, he developed major trust issues (thxs to Masanori, Smoky God, and Fuxi). That chapter was very traumatic for him.
He prefers the company of reasonable people who have good common sense or those who are in similar situations as him.
Doesn’t really like any of his older brothers. He much prefers to have an older sister instead.
He doesn’t like egotistical, overly eccentric, annoying, loud, and/or dumb people (Himbos) who don't listen.
He doesn’t like people who can’t think for themselves and revolve their entire life around one person (henchmen).
He’s extremely friendly towards Kirito.
He really really really really hates Fuxi.
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firelightmuse · 1 month
I wonder about Yume's conflicting feelings when she first starts to fall for Zenos. Obviously him being an enemy is an issue for her, but is it also because he is the type of man her father would have expected her to marry? Is there an internal conflict with her being attracted to someone her father would approve of (were she not exiled)? Would she want to fight against that and (to rope in ships of hers) would she try convince herself that she wants a "normal" relationship with someone like Cid of G'raha, even though she cannot see them as her equals?
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Ohhhhh now THIS is the good stuff! THIS is totally what Yume’s inner conflict is all about!
So, let’s start with a short summary of Yume’s backstory so that the rest of this explanation makes more sense.
Yume was born the eldest daughter of a daimyo (a feudal lord who ruled over a territory in Hingashi), Lord Masanori Aino, and Yume was his heir. He and the rest of the Aino clan raised her to be the ideal samurai, who would be able to beat any opponent in battle. Yume excelled in her studies, and she eventually became one the most powerful warriors in Hingashi.
When she came of age, Lord Aino began the search for his beloved daughter’s suitor, and he had narrowed down his criteria to a very short but nigh impossible list: 1) Must be a son of a prominent noble family, 2) Must be able to sire children, and 3) He must be Yume’s equal in battle, as determined by a 1v1 duel with Yume herself.
The first two criteria were the easy part. But every would be suitor who dueled Yume for a chance to win her hand in marriage was defeated. There were none that proved worthy of her. Yume would soon be banished from her home, stripped of all her power and titles, and would forever be known as a dishonored ronin after she refused to marry her own uncle as was ordered by her father once no worthy suitor was found.
So with all of that in mind, let’s get to Yume’s conflict over Zenos.
As you might’ve surmised by now, Zenos is actually the first person to ever defeat Yume in a 1v1 fight, and extra points for his young age, as Zenos is only two years older than her; so in all respects, if this fight had taken place in Hingashi and Yume was still her father’s heir, then her father would have proclaimed Zenos as Yume’s husband.
This is the biggest reason why Yume can’t stop thinking about Zenos after their first battle, and even though she had never seen his face, she becomes obsessed with him. Her excuse is that she wants to fight him again and beat him next time, but her friends and comrades have never seen Yume obsess over anyone else like this before, and to their perspectives, it’s looking more and more like she wants him for herself.
And can you blame her? This is all she knew growing up as the heir to a powerful lord who values battle prowess over all other virtues. No ordinary man would ever be worthy of her in her family’s eyes, but Zenos… he’s perfect for her. He is the crown prince of Garlemald, legatus of the XIIth Legion, and who rightfully defeated her in battle. He is the perfect man that even Yume herself had always dreamed of marrying someday.
Not to mention that he might very well be her enemy as she is now, as a Scion who has sworn to protect Eorzea from the Garlean Empire, but back in Hingashi, Garlemald was no such enemy. On the contrary, Hingashi and Garlemald were trade partners, and the Garleans were never an enemy to Yume until she arrived in Eorzea. So this doesn’t help Yume one bit in trying to push the thoughts of Zenos out of her mind, as he has become her personal enemy only very recently in her life.
Of course Yume realizes just how problematic her pining for Zenos is, and she knows that she should consider a normal romantic partner, especially when she’s known that Cid had a crush on her in the past, and G’raha has been pining for her for over a hundred years, so she should have given either Cid or G’raha or hell, nearly ANYONE else, a chance.
But it’s just not that simple. The heart wants what the heart wants. Yume will always be a samurai, no matter where in existence she wanders. She will never forget the idea of her ideal husband in her heart. She just can’t stop thinking about what could be if things were different, and if Zenos wasn’t her enemy.
Obviously Yume’s inner conflict gets even worse once she realizes that Zenos has become just as obsessed, or perhaps even more obsessed with her in turn. She can’t help but feel that he is the one that she was destined to be with, and that no one else truly understands her like Zenos does.
And it is this reason that pushes Yume into grabbing Zenos’ hand at the edge of the universe and wills him to teleport back to the Ragnarok with her, saving the life of her enemy, and her only worthy suitor.
Oof, am I the only one who’s getting emotional over this?? 🥺😭 Thank you so much for this absolutely amazing ask @meepsthemiqo!!! Thank you for this my dear friend!! 🥰💖
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fishuus · 8 months
hi!! Your art is incredible and awesome... not sure how to say it otherwise but it's super tasty looking lol 🫶
I was wondering if you have ever posted what brushes do you use ? I am always on the lookout for nice brushes! Also if you've got any tips for inking, I'd appreciate it enormously. No worries if not! 💕
hi, thanks so much!
i mostly just use whatever defaults came with clip studio paint. for inking, my go-to is the the default marker pen brush (under the marker tab in pens), but sometimes i'll swap to the calligraphy one (should be in the pen tab), or this brush but with the pen pressure turned off. just depends on how i'm feeling about whatever i'm inking. when i want to add some texturing when toning, i use stuff like the spray or diagonal line brushes (again, should be included in CSP), i just make an eraser version of them so i can also use them on layer masks.
as for inking tips ... i don't have any hard and fast "always do x for y" advice but i rambled a little about how i approach it.
this first point is actually pretty straightforward, it's just to look at inking techniques by artists you like, think about what makes them work so well in their context, and try them out for yourself. this isn't about plagiarizing art styles but more about understanding how other artists choose to stylize certain things in their work, and seeing what works and what doesn't for you personally. sometimes it's through looking at other people's stylizations that you get a better understanding of how you want to approach translating this actual 3d object (people, clothes, background details, whatever) into your own art as well. as you try out various techniques, maybe you find that some of them work well with your own style, and some of them don't and you stop incorporating those. it's all a constant work in progress. over time you can adjust how you use them in a way that fits your own drawing methods and workflows and they just start to come more naturally to you. of course, they may and should change a lot along the way because now it's something that's part of your own style. work on developing a good eye for these things and be thoughtful about what you want to convey and how.
just as an example, daiya no ace by terajima yuji definitely has to be up there for me in terms of influences, the way he approached body lines and clothing folds as a way to convey movement and posing made a lightbulb turn on in my head back when i was still reading it.
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not a comprehensive list, but other manga i just like looking at off the top of my head - rookies (morita masanori), anything by yamashita tomoko but i really recommend the night beyond the tricornered window for something that's easily accessible, anything by asada nemui (please check for content warnings for their works first though!), all-rounder meguru (endo hiroki), urasawa naoki's works, dungeon meshi (kui ryoko), witch hat atelier (shirahama kamome), yotsuba&! (azuma kiyohiko), a bride's story (mori kaoru), i recollect love (moegi yukue), the later works of tojitsuki hajime (unfortunately a lot of is now out of print and not accessible online but i managed to get all their books bc their commitment to crosshatching shaved heads each time impressed me so much LMAOSJDsd) etc, etc.
this second thing is much vaguer and harder to quantify but ... honestly just draw a lot and see what feels good to your hand. inking and art styles in general are fluid things. so much of what inking comes down to, to me, is just drawing the lines that in a way that feels good to me. that only really comes from doing it a lot (not saying i'm a hardcore artist or anything lol just that i've been drawing on and off for a while now) and, well, getting a sense of what you like doing. sometimes you might look at a detail you finished that looks really good but feels like a happy accident, and it kinda is, but it's also just as much of the things you've internalized over time. combining the first point (developing your eye and a sense of thoughtfulness about inking) and the second (getting experience through developing your muscle memory) is basically it.
idk if any of this made sense lol but hope some of it helps!!!!!
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pinkarachnia · 7 months
Not even an anime review
I’m just thinking about these lesbians again. Still going to use the tag though.
So I watched the contrapoints video about twilight and it’s got me thinking about Sweet Blue Flowers again. Specifically, I’m fixated on this one scene, where “prince of the school” character Yasuko Sugimoto is at home with her family and her older sister calls her a bisexual and Sugimoto, clearly offended, gets up and leaves to go to her room.
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I’ve been stewing on this after having some time to think on the contrapoints video because of its discussion of typical heteronormative gender roles in relationships, and because of what this accusation means for Sugimoto and what her sister is actually accusing her of.
For those who haven’t watched the anime or read the manga, Sugimoto is a character with a complex internal struggle going on. At her all-girls school she’s occupying the role of the handsome girl acting as the kind of male surrogate and she’s fawned over by a lot of her schoolmates who frequently vie for her attention and affection. She embraces this role and will often flirt back, and at one point in the plot pursues a relationship with one of the main characters, Fumi Manjoume. The bisexual scene happens when she introduces Fumi to her family as her girlfriend.
It’s more complicated because throughout this plot, it’s revealed that Sugimoto has long been yearning for a relationship with Masanori Kagami, a male teacher at her school who is engaged to another of her sisters (not the one who calls her bi). Sugimoto does not broadcast this information about herself and largely keeps it hidden. It’s the fact that she keeps this relationship hidden when juxtaposed with how she projects herself in public that I find fascinating and it’s key to why she’s so offended at being called bisexual.
Sugimoto is confronted by the two sides of her that are in conflict; her confident, dominant and masculine Prince persona who maintains a kind of position of power through her popularity and reputation, and the side of her who yearns for someone unattainable for whom she wants to be seen as a woman and a potential lover.
In her dynamic with Kagami, Sugimoto isn’t in the position of power; she doesn’t get to choose her partner like she does when she’s at school, she’s the one who wants to be chosen. And it’s clear that her feelings for Kagami are hurting her - with his wedding looming and no apparent changes to their dynamic, it seems highly unlikely that her feelings are going to be reciprocated, but even when she starts a relationship with Manjoume, those feelings don’t go away.
I think it’s because she holds onto these feelings despite how they’re clearly bad for her that makes this Sugimoto feel like the more authentic one. It makes the face she wears at school feel like an act, like she’s performing a role, and in considering why she would play this character it seems like it can only be for herself. It doesn’t seem like anyone else really benefits from it, unless all her fans getting to have a crush on her counts as a benefit.
I receive:
Catharsis from emulating a position of power
Your love and attention
A girlfriend
You receive:
A crush on me
So when she’s told she’s bisexual it’s a bit more than an “I know what you are” moment. From the sister’s perspective it might just mean “I know you like/d that guy though”, but for Sugimoto it challenges her perception of herself. If she was a lesbian then she would only be her confident self, beloved by all, but the bisexual Sugimoto is hiding and wounded and masking her grief.
I don’t know whether I think this conflict bleeds into Sugimoto’s perception of the masculine and feminine self and I feel like it might be unfair to chalk all this up to internalised misogyny, but it’s a possibility. It doesn’t seem like a coincidence that the version of herself she’s proud of is the one that displays her more masculine traits, gets cast to play men in the school play, and romances women, where the side she rejects wants to be perceived as a woman by an adult man. It’s entirely possible that she hides this because she’s just embarrassed to be the one doing the yearning and not because she’s embarrassed to be acting in the kind of role typically assigned to women in heteronormative romance dynamics, but I think it could be either or both.
I think that’s more or less all my thoughts out of my system. If you took the time to read it then cool, thanks! I don’t think I’m saying anything too groundbreaking or deeply insightful here but I needed to eject this from my brain so I can be normal again.
Next I’ll write a real review I promise.
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pof203 · 2 months
A Summoner Birthday
Special Quest: Yasuyori
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This is a nice place. I can see why you wanted to bring me here.
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Yes, this place is unique.
You brought Yasuyori to the virtual fairytale world for some fun.
Yasuyori: I hear there's a pool in the desert. I'd like to see it.
Lupin: Okay, let's go.
With that, you and Yasuyori head off to the desert palace.
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A little later, you and Yasuyori arrive at the pool by the desert palace without fail.
Yasuyori: (amazed) This place look wonderful. I know this place is just zeros and ones, but it's still amazing.
Lupin: We can go swimming if you like.
Yasuyori: I don't see why not... (happy) Beside, I really like to try that waterslide.
Lupin: Okay, let's go.
So, you and Yasuyori go someplace to get changed before going into the pool.
A while later, you and Yasuyori get changed and are reading to swimming.
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I can't wait to try that slide. Can we?
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We can go together. I'm usually unsure about these things, but maybe if I went with someone, I can ride it.
Yasuyori: (a bit unsure) Really? Are you sure you want to go down with me?
Lupin: It's okay, I trust you.
Yasuyori: ... (cheering up a bit) Okay, let's go.
With that, you and Yasuyori go up the slide. Together, you two slide down the tube and into the water. You both had a fun time.
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After going on the slide a few more times and swimming in the water, you and Yasuyori sit down to enjoy the sunset.
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This was a great day. I never really knew you could have so much fun on a slide. Especially if you have someone to share that fun with.
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What are friends for? I'm just happy that you're happy.
Yasuyori is happy for a bit, but quickly looks down.
Lupin: What's wrong, Yasuyori?
Yasuyori: It's just... I don't understand. Why would you invite me to come here with you? You know I'm not a good person. Anyone I'm with, I usually betray.
You see what Yasuyori means and place your arm around him.
Lupin: Because you're wrong. I know you're not really a bad person. Tadatomo, Shino, Masanori, Yoshito, Nobumichi, and Moritaka said you just have hard times. It's no one's fault. You shouldn't beat yourself up over things like that. Wakan, Daisuke, Kyuma, and everyone at Yoyogi say you're the best student there. Even Hombre Tigre, Tezcatlipoca, Gramps, and everyone at Penitentia said so. You're a good person, Yasuyori Kobungo Inuta. Never doubt that for a second.
Yasuyori: ... (cheering up again) Thank you, Lupin. You all see the good in me because you got to know me. For the longest time, I've been afraid that if I made friends or got too close to someone, I would only turn on them. But after meeting you all, I don't think that's true. You showed me so much kindness and I'm trying to repay that kindness as much as I can. I guess that shows that I am a good person. But only because you all made it so... And I'll always be grateful for that.
You both hug each other tightly, knowing that your friendship will never break, even with betrayal, because trust has solidified it.
After spending some more time together, you both decide to get changed before making your way back to Candyland to return home.
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thebladeblaster · 3 months
Vanguard Divine-Z Episode 2 Reaction
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I love how everyone else is super serious then there’s just these two
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More sibling angst😅. We’re going to be in a world of feels. Akina, YEET THE PLUSHIE. DO IT.
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Interesting that he has the same goal as Aichi in G. The red eyes are very concerning.
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Trademark Vanguard dialogue of all time
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I think Kuon knew Suoh because all of the Destined Ones seem linked to the Fated One’s somehow. The winner was super predictable and I hope that changes going forward. Obviously Kuon wasn’t going to lose because he was hyped up and it would make the Destined One’s look like jobbers if they immediately lost.
-There’s definitely going to be a 3-3 tie
-Hikari’s wish is something like wishing that her brother wouldn’t have to worry about her or will be helped in some way (I’m thinking that Sybilt either told her about future Hikari or some lie)
-The tiebreaker is Akina vs Kuon
-The last 2 Fated one Ls will probably be from Masanori and honestly maybe Akina (for the subversion) or Mikoto
-After Akina loses he will feel demoralized and need to be brought back up to face Kuon
-This leaves the Ws for characters who need wins like Taizo, Nao, and Mikoto to make them look less like jobbers (Akina could also have the win instead of Mikoto)
-Sylibt will be fully summoned at the end with it being the final boss of the season or an overarching villain that will spread throughout Earth
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Do You Know This (Non-canon) Autistic Character?
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Evidence below the cut!
He speaks very rarely and usually sticks to the same subject or focuses on reacting to his best friend. He has a pretty flat affect and is noted by other characters to have strange habits that he considers normal. There's a running joke about how no one can tell what he's thinking.
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kairunatic · 7 months
Valentine's Crossroad
Masanori SQ
I was supposed to do Krampus SQ first but I remember how @neirumilysor is waiting for Masonori SQ so as a thank you for their gift to me I did him first lol
So let's begin
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So we start with a small Flashback of Masanori recalling his time in Wa no Kumi talking about how he lost his Spouse
His time working in Tokyo Police Security hurrying himself in work. Just to forget about his past. And him becoming part of the Invaders
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Back to the present, it's the last day of Setagaya Agricultural Academy Event and Masanori is waiting for MC outside the school
He tries his best to not feel cold cause usually Dogs love winter and would like to be outside
MC who is shivering suggested both of them should go inside to warm up
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stormbluestories · 3 months
like this is a legitimate issue I think. not only was there that Whole Entire Thing about suo’s wish (a.k.a. THE ENTIRE PLOT OF SEASON 1) but for the rest of them we have: akina’s already had his, taizo’s made it clear he doesn’t want his, Masanori absolutely should not be trusted with anything like that kind of power, and… uhhhh the girls can both manage i guess
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johntayjinf · 1 year
[Alternate] Big Arms (S&K) (YM2612 + SN76489)
Big Arms! Even if we've only seen its' fingers in Sonic & Knuckles. Presumably it has Big Arms, but I don't know if this mech is the same as Sonic 3's.
There isn't too much to say for this theme? I think?
This theme is meant to give off the vibe of, "this can't possibly be the final boss!", to which I think I did an okay job at communicating because of the marching band style and repeated main melody for several sections. I believe this is only intended for Sonic & Knuckles simply because the original should stay in Sonic 3; otherwise I'd have to deal with the disappointment of other people with me downplaying Big Arms.
The instrumentation is taken from (Advanced Busterhawk) Gleylancer. Despite being a decent enough shmup, I love its soundtrack a lot. Bless you, Masanori Hikchi, Noriyuki Iwadare, Yoshiaki Kubotera and Isao Mizoguchi.
This theme is specifically inspired by its Final Boss theme! Always love myself some FM orchestra lol. Honestly, people should do it more often; it's simply fun to do.
There was an initial version of Big Arms, written two months ago from now, I think. I honestly felt that this felt rushed... but it was done in a whim, an it at the very least served as a basis. I was thinking of actually releasing this version instead. The YouTube peeps wouldn't know about this haha.
they don't even know that the jingles used in certain s3 air mods come from my tumblr lol
It was about a few weeks ago did Sakey on Twitter made me change my mind about it.
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(i hate that i succumbed and changed the music because of a simple prediction tweet, should've stuck to my guns but for what the final track is i think that was for the best)
Obviously the theme was loosely based off of Freedom Planet's Final Boss 1, noticeably so with the key changes.
Other than that, I don't think there's much else to say. Perhaps I should start encouraging people to read my Tumblr blogs more often because I usually share unseen content here lol.
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