#about sherb
Okay, the one zaau fic is. Almost done. And will probably be out very soon.
But earlier I had thoughts about the reunion zaau fic (as I'm dubbing it) and I really enjoy this paragraph from Rae's pov.
"He doesn't particularly get (or like) the vagueness. He never has. (Icarus was always vague on bad days. Never dared talk about their feelings. Always had to be the strong one. To their detriment, he suposes.)"
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emberunderscore · 2 months
sherbertquake character try not to be a social recluse challenge. difficulty: impossible
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flameishstudios · 5 months
Krit got a happy ending, they got to be happy with their family, they didn’t end up doomed by the narrative
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homosherb · 1 year
“You were always Its favourite” with the context of “You guys know there was no ‘It’, right? ‘It’ was just us!” “Is there a difference?” and how Lottie was the original voice for The Wilderness
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sherbertilluminated · 9 months
Of all the titles in Songs for Pierre Chuvin, "Their Gods Do Not Have Surgeons" is the most strikingly melancholy. It's not just that Darnielle's voice sounds muted and plaintive, that the chorus is one request, over and over again:
Restore the temple of Isis at Memphis
It's not even that the singer wants something so simple. It's that he wants something that the listeners believe is good.
The title of this one is a reference to Chapter 8 of A Chronicle of the Last Pagans, where a Christian mob destroys a number of statues honoring Egyptian deities, breaking off their limbs and shouting "their gods do not have surgeons." Which is conspicuously wrong in the song, because one of the most famous stories to survive from Egyptian religion is one where a deity performs a reconstructive operation.
I doubt my USAmerican upbringing offered me a nuanced look at ancient Egyptian religious belief, but even as a child I was familiar with the story of how the god Set dismembered his brother Osiris, and how his sister/wife Isis (almost) put him back together to conceive a son. This myth is present in the lyrics of Their Gods Do Not Have Surgeons—the Christians are compared to "beasts" with "pawprints" in a way that matches Set's quasi-canine depictions and I'm pretty sure the line "return the peace you took from me" is a homophone/pun on the missing "piece" of Osiris' body which prevented his complete resurrection—and relevant to its rhetorical situation.
The "they" and the "you" of the song are Christians of the (reunited?) Roman Empire in Egypt, people familiar with Jesus' comparison of his own body to the temple in Jerusalem and his assertion that it will be destroyed and reconstructed. When Darnielle sings "you who come demanding proof/let your God rebuild this roof," it's especially poignant because's he's arguing that if only the singer were offered a chance, ie if only he were allowed to worship the surgeon-goddess Isis in her temple, he could demonstrate that Christianity is not the only religious tradition to believe in a resurrection.
The reason for the pathos of the chorus becomes clear at the end of the second verse, with the request "show us the goodwill you were shown/or leave us alone." The poignancy of that plea comes from the recognition that if the people oppressing you would only listen to you, they would realize you love similar stories, that they won't listen to you, that religion will not prevent people with imperial support from acting imperialistically, and that you're desperate enough to ask anyway.
The other tracks on Songs for Pierre Chuvin showcase a range of reactions to the Christianization of the Roman Empire, from violent resistance in "Aulon Raid" to syncretism and covert hope in "Exegetic Chains." But "Their Gods Do Not Have Surgeons" is special to me for the raw pain it depicts and the way it frames that pain as a product of hypocrisy and religious myopia.
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ya-boi-haru · 8 months
I had a weird dream the other night...
I won't go into too much detail about the overall "plot" cause it's a whole other thing + you only really need to know a little bit of it...
The main point is:
I was with Sherb and Heyhay and they were dressed as Icarus and Rae (slightly different details on Icarus and Rae had a different outfit - had more grey in it)
And we had to go into this dark space and the lower part of Sherb/Icarus' jacket started to glow these orange symbols
I can't remember all of them but I think this was one of them (or something like it?)...
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I did try to ask about it but other things happened and I didn't get a chance to
... Do whatever you will with this information but this something that happened for me????
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rima-niki · 10 months
Icarus always seems to fall in those "dreams".
They always fall.
And always with Rae there.
I don't know if those are truly dreams, they could easily be other resets and memories from those times.
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potatoesmoomaddie · 3 months
Bro does Roommate Trio being gay mean there are TWO sherbs with rizz
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toxicrevolver · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy then put this in the ask box for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! :3
(flings this back towards you)
It’s been like 2 hours since I answered this the first time but I deserve the attack so.
1) banana bread still. (I really hate the fact I’m mildly allergic to bananas)
2) watching tv show/movies I enjoy (I’m looking at you marvels Venom with Tom Hardy)
3) when it rains (I fuckin love the rain)
4) can I say banana bread again? If not then creating. Just like in general. I like making art and writing.
HAVE A PICTURE OF MY SON. (Pls ignore the mess. He lives with someone else in my family and they just moved)
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its-fablin-time · 10 months
being so normal about ripley being a ghost and its implications. there are so many implications about that, and I'm thinking many thoughts /vvpos
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snow-lavender · 7 months
god damn it with that hint toward next season now i want to classpect the sherbs
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you know, considering Reo was Quixis before Midas was, that meant their eye was bleeding not once, but twice. and. i have to wonder if they remember that. remember their eye bleeding once and then them losing a horrible amount of time, and then their eye bleeding again and nothing happening. they don't lose time it's just. normal. my silly brain really needs to know if they remember the first time their eye was bleeding. you know. for the angst.
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typehoney · 2 years
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The first four residents of my island 💙 💖 💙 💖
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homosherb · 1 year
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my life was forever altered last year
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Lessing says kissing your friends doesn't count
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from "Die Küsse," in Lessing: Biografie einer Emanzipation by Dieter Hildebrandt.
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