gloriouswhispers · 1 year
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Age & Birthday: 393 years old, December 13th 1630
Gender/Pronouns: cis man he/him
Birthplace: New Amsterdam (now New York City)
Time in Hollow Cove: 1 year
Species: Vampire
Role: Soldier
Positive personality traits: Motivated, Trustworthy, Protective, Confident
Negative personality traits: Forceful, Cold, Aggressive, Vengeful
Luuk Dalmaan's parents were among the largest group of Dutch settlers in the New Americas, planting their roots in New Amsterdam and what later became known as New York City. His human way of life was as usual as everybody else's, earning money from the fur trade and existing in harsh conditions as a world was being built around them. As much as his memories have faded from the time he was known as Luuk, some of these years have served him well since the war began.
But, the name Luuk Dalmaan no longer exists in history. It's last known placement is scribbled on a forgotten document that lists names of the men killed in a viscous attack when hunting. Luuk's body was never found. And life rolled on. Seasons turned into years, turned into decades and turned into centuries and eventually Luuk's human life became nothing but a speck of dust. He watched it all happen around him, cursed to a solitary life while trying to find the vampire that bestowed him the unwanted gift of immortality. He was forced into the shadows, occasionally emerging with different names and lives but it was never for long, and loneliness was more of a curse than immortality itself.
In the year 1804 after Russian settlers were next to claim home in New York City, Luuk finally knew what it felt like to live again. Not just survive. He had returned to his home as a Dominic Brooks, still in search for the vampire who doomed him but his searches pushed him onto a path of a young woman. Odessa. She was stuck within a cruel way of life, harbored by vampires as a prisoner. She became the first friend he had in years and eventually, the first love he felt in years too. However, Luuk had been a man of inaction for far too long. He stood by idly for some time, thinking of ways that he could be with her without dooming her to the same existence as his own. But, his hand was eventually forced. After Odessa was attacked when caught trying to escape, she was left for dead and just moments from drawing her last breath. The desperation to never be parted from her saw him pass the same curse on that he resented ever having. And while Odessa never blamed him for it, he blamed himself and still does.
For the centuries since, Dominic and Odessa's lives were entwined. It was rare for them to be anywhere but beside one another, except for the times that they had no choice. Dominic's newly formed vengeful spirit not only wanted to hunt for the vampire that turned him but find the ones who tortured Odessa through her human life. In many ways, he's been fighting a war long before the year 2020. And whenever Odessa has been taken, or has needed flee, or they were separated through the moving of time, Dominic has always found her again. Blind to the fact that his centuries old grudges have caused most separations all along.
They were together when the war erupted through the human world against the supernatural. They remained together while trying to find somewhere safe. They were even captured together, enduring nothing short of torture. But when the facility was liberated, there was too much chaos for them to remain by one another's side. In just a blink of an eye, they were separated and Dominic is under the impression that humans aren't to blame. He has traveled on his own since, arriving in Hollow Cove a year ago. He's still a man possessed with the need of revenge, following leads to the vampires he hates but most of all, to find Odessa.
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gloriouswhispers · 1 year
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Age & Birthday: 37 years old, November 13th 1986
Gender/Pronouns: cis man he/him
Birthplace: Atlanta, GA
Time in Atlanta: 37
Neighborhood: Downtown
Association: Reapers.
Occupation: Co-Owner of Club Diamond. Reapers Member.
Positive personality traits: Motivated, Reliable, Trustworthy
Negative personality traits: Aggressive, Sullen, Cold
Dominic's life started in Center Hill to two criminal parents both involved with The Reapers. It was common for Allen and Mary to get locked up at similar times and for Dominic to weave in and out of the care system awaiting for their return. The back and forth game eventually came to an end when they were deemed unfit for custody and Dominic remained, being passed from family to family for the rest of his childhood.
You'd think seeing what The Reapers caused for his family would make Dominic bitter towards the gang, but it did the opposite. He blamed the system and the failing law enforcement instead, pledging his alliance to the gang as soon as he hit the age of twenty. His own criminal history began then, being reunited with his father for periods of times behind bars.
Even during The Reapers' downfall, Dominic remained loyal to their vision and patiently awaited orders just as he always did. His reliable nature found it easy, and he knew it was wrong to bite the hand that feeds. Biding his time paid off and he was awarded the trust to venture into owning a business on behalf of The Reapers. Dominic opted for a classy yet fun club Downtown, packing up and moving into the apartment above it to keep a close eye on the operation. He went into business with Kieran Kelly, knowing that having a powerful name on side would be a great benefit to not only the club but for The Reapers.
Dominic is quiet and calculating, a little rough around the edges but a gentleman at heart. He's protective over those he cares about and he swore his soul over to The Reapers a long time ago. He knows that nothing will make him prouder than seeing the gang return to glory.
Nicknamed Brooks by many, Dominic is hard-working and doesn't mind getting his hands dirty. He's a good person to call if a job needs muscle or guns. He often returns to Center Hill to keep the connections with his true neighbors strong and he always takes it upon himself to patrol the Center Hill streets to protect the people from his past.
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