#abril // laughing at the sight of it
jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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🤗 - @sixlaws​
She wraps herself up in him, stands on her toes to get her arms around his neck and even lets herself be lifted off her feat so she can squeeze him to her properly until her weight brings him down to her height. Nice, warm, comforting, like a blanket or an old friend.
                                  “Hey, cowboy~”
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zwritestuff · 4 years
Some Things Are Bound To Be (Chapter Six) - Kyara
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A/N: WE'RE ENTERING THE FINAL CURB FOLKS. I've decided to make this 9 chapters instead, for practicity more than anything. But also that means these two dumbasses will be hurt, a lot. That being said, this chapter sure has some feelings, I am not responsible for how you may react to them. Thanks to emerald ( @fromthenorthernskies​ ) for screaming aggressively beta-ing 💓 
Read on AO3.
“I have good news and bad news,” Kiara starts, trying to not let the nerves show in her voice. Kyne turns to look at her, drifting her attention to the intricately designed cupcakes, cocking a brow.
“Well, that explains why you kept your hands to yourself so far,” she teases, cleaning the edges of her mouth with her index finger. Kiara absolutely doesn't follow the trail her finger makes without blinking once. “C'mon, rip the bandaid off at once and tell me the bad news first,” Kyne says, leaning back in her chair, curiously eyeing her up.
Shit. She was hoping she'd ask for the good news first.
Kiara fidgets with her rings, trying to remember the rehearsed speech she'd gone over with Rita and Tynomi before coming to Kyne's office like she always did; of course, now there was a slight change of plans. She chews the inside of her cheek, thinking. 
When asking for her friends’ advice on how to bring the bad news up, Tynomi had straight up told her that she had to stop acting so awkward—why start now if she was acting perfectly fine before realizing she was head over heels for Kyne? Rita had swatted her, but by her expression Kiara could tell she somewhat agreed with her. 
They both had said the same thing as Kyne, to rip the bandaid without thinking much. But over-thinking is Kiara's second nature, and all she wants to do is turn it off. 
So she does the next logical thing and unceremoniously drops the bomb.
“I am appalled to inform you my mom’s birthday party is this Sunday, and she has threatened to disown me if I don't bring you,” she announces, her tone far too solemn and sorrowful for Kyne to take seriously. So she laughs. The bitch actually laughs, before she realizes Kiara is for real. 
“Fuck, you’re serious, aren’t you?” she whispers, eyes blown wide as her hands tremble. “Shit, I thought it was a one-time thing?” Her voice is full of fear and concern, and Kiara can't honestly blame her. That was the deal—one time it's good enough, and then they'll figure out when they're going to break up without making it suspicious.
But they've been postponing it a lot. Kiara's not sure why, but everytime she tries to bring it up things just take a different turn; they end up watching movies with homemade popcorn at Kyne's place, talking about shitty movies over coffee on the weekends, modelling the clothes Kyne tweaked after thrifting them—one way or another they've avoided the elephant in the room. And now, three weeks after the ball, soon to be a month, they have no intention of stopping this scheme, and Kiara feels somehow guilty.
She's indulging a lot on the fakeness of it all, running her hand through Kyne's hair when she falls asleep in the middle of the movies, walking around the company with her hand firmly placed on her waist, showing Kyne off in all of her social media—Kiara would like to think it's real, that her feelings are reciprocated, but she prefers to think that the sneaky smiles and the stares are a product of her imagination.
Tynomi had told her to stop dancing around it like a moron and actually tell Kyne about her feelings, that she wants a real relationship and not just pretend. Rita had more or less agreed with Tynomi, without all the bluntness Tynomi was known for, that is.
“I thought that would be it, too, but— well, it seems that they liked you. Like, a lot,” she stammers out, cheeks blushing under Kyne’s inquisitive gaze. They’re not the only ones that like you, Kiara thinks, but she leaves it unsaid.
Kyne chews on her lower lip, fidgeting with a pen as she stares right past Kiara. She hasn’t seen her this spaced out since, well, the day before the ball in which she confided that she was scared to meet her parents. She wouldn’t be surprised if some of those nerves are still there, looming at the back of her mind.
She finally meets her gaze, and Kiara certainly doesn’t expect what comes next.
“I’m not doing it.”
She blinks repeatedly, not fully processing what Kyne just said.
“What? But—”
“I said no,” Kyne sternly cuts her off, and Kiara wants to shrink on her seat and hide away, not only from the embarrassment but also because of Kyne’s fiery gaze. It’s the first time she’s seen her this angry, but she knows she doesn’t like it. “You said it was a one-time thing, I’ve already done my part of the deal. I’m really risking my job here, y’know? I’m not sure I’d keep it if your parents find out their little girl got her heart broken by a bitchy accountant.” Her tone is cold and cutthroat, like a knife straight to Kiara’s heart.
She doesn’t know where all of this comes from—the expressionless stare and pointed glare, icy as a crude Canadian winter, where there used to be the warmth of a late summer night.
Kiara is still speechless when Kyne mumbles something she can’t quite catch. “What did you say?” She asks, tilting her head slightly. Kyne just dismisses it with a wave of her hand, saying it was nothing; but by her flustered expression Kiara can tell it’s something.
She doesn’t push for an answer. She’s already on Kyne’s bad side; the last thing she wants to do is fight with her.
“You’re right, your part of the deal is done. I’ll make up an excuse, I'm sure my mom will believe it.” Kiara shrugs, not giving much away in her expression, because she doesn't want Kyne to see how much it affects her—because it shouldn't affect her at all. 
Their deal is over, for all she knows. And it's probably the thing she hates the most. 
“I believe you still have good news to tell me, though,” Kyne muses quietly, meekly meeting Kiara's gaze. The anger is gone, a tinge of regret replacing it, and Kiara bites back a sigh of relief.
Then, she remembers the good news she had to tell her—good news with a lot of air commas.
She bites her lower lip, all her confidence gone out the window now that she barely avoided an argument with Kyne.
I guess Tynomi was right, she thinks, I should've done this over a nice dinner instead of our morning hangout. 
Kiara barely scrambles to think of fake good news to give her, which, in the end, it's not so fake. “I succumb, we can watch Legend of Korra together next time we have movie night at your place,” she says, and the smile that blooms on Kyne's face makes her heart tug—both because she never gets tired of the sight of her eyes crinkling at the corners, and because she just threw Rita and Tynomi's motivational speeches to the trash.
Kyne chatters away about how excited she is that she finally relented, and that they'll spend all night long watching the show if it's necessary. But Kiara can only think of all of the conversations she had with her friends over the past few days, psyching her up and giving her motivation to come clean to Kyne about her feelings.
God, Tynomi sure would love to slap some sense into her if she were there. 
She sighs internally; if only Kyne had chosen the good news first.
“I completely fucked up whatever chances I had with her,” Kiara laments, unceremoniously draping herself all over Rita's couch. “Fuck, I should have had a back-up plan instead of thinking everything would go like I thought it would. Calisse de tabarnak, j'ai fait n'importe quoi.”
“I’m not sure what you said, but it’s probably nothing lady-like,” Tynomi quips, settling on the other couch. Rita just sighs and stands on her tip-toes to grab her nice alcohol; it’s barely Wednesday, but when has that stopped them?
It’s not unusual for them to crash Rita’s place for a drink whenever they’re having a shitty day—Rita has an extensive collection of liquor (“Not because I’m an alcoholic,” she says when you ask her, “I just like to be ready in case of anything.” Then she shrugs, because it just makes sense that Rita is that kind of person) and a really cozy apartment. Rita’s place is heaven for all they know.
“No, it’s not lady-like at all,” Rita replies after a moment, fetching three glasses, “but then again, that’s not the point; Kiki, would you like to walk us through what happened?” She asks kindly, sitting cross-legged on the ground as she pours generous amounts of red wine in their glasses.
Kiara rolls over on the couch, groaning against the pillows, but she figures there's no use holding it all in. She rolls over once again, staring at the ceiling as Rita sets the glass of wine near her, but she doesn't even reach for it.
She tells them of Kyne's icy glare as she said no, putting her foot down with a tone so determined, so void of any emotion but anger—how she didn't say it, but Kiara could distinguish in the turmoil of her eyes that she thought about calling off their deal right there and then. After all, they were done, weren't they?
At some point she sits upwards, grabbing the glass and taking a big swig. Rita and Tynomi say nothing, but they're probably thinking of something useful to say—all of the other times she's come to them for advice, it had been over mundane things such as how to not choke the annoying men at work, how to make her heart stop beating like crazy whenever Kyne was around, and ultimately how to gather up the courage to confess her feelings.
Of course, this is uncharted territory and they're going in completely clueless as to how to aid their friend.
So Tynomi just reaches for the bottle, pours herself another drink, and looks at Kiara with a tired expression.
“Break up and get over her,” she says, like it's the easiest thing ever, but Kiara shakes her head right away. “I’m just saying Kyne’s right, your deal is over, and y’know, she has a point. Don’t you remember what happened with Abril?” Tynomi asks, cocking a skeptical brow.
Almost instantly a cushion flies directly to Tynomi’s face, courtesy of Rita, who doesn’t waste a second in scolding her—they’re not supposed to say her name, or talk about her, or reference her, or anything really, she says, slipping into French from time to time, and Tynomi is quick to reply, voices overlapping.
“It’s fine, whatever, I get the point you’re trying to make, Nono,” Kiara says over the noise, dismissing it with a wave of her hand, slightly annoyed at the mention of her— not ex-girlfriend precisely, but something along those lines. Well, we’re making progress, she thinks, mind going back to all the times she had either teared up or broken something at the mention of her. 
Perhaps it has to do with the fact Kyne has her wrapped around her finger—yeah, that’s probably it. Which isn’t all that good in these circumstances.
“Either way,” Kiara follows, tucking her legs under her body, “I’m not sure if I want to break up with Kyne yet,” she muses quietly, lowering her voice like she’s telling them a secret.
Rita sighs, Tynomi rolls her eyes, and their gazes meet for a split second before Rita speaks again, much calmer now.
“But you won’t tell her you like her either, won’t you?” She asks, tilting her head slightly, with that careful tone she always uses when she knows she’s bound to touch a sensitive spot. Kiara huffs, but she begrudgingly replies I suppose not between gritted teeth. “Then I guess it makes no sense to drag this further, don’t you think? Kyne does have a point, like it or not.” Rita, ever the voice of reason, stares at Kiara as she takes a sip from her drink, and Kiara groans like a child that’s just been scolded, plastering her face against the cushions again.
She hates when Rita is right, because she always ends up doing whatever she suggests she does, and while Kiara does avoid many conflicts and problems by following her advice, it’s never been about relationships or feelings—well, romantic feelings; she feels like throwing her heels at every straight white man at company meetings, and Rita has to take her outside to cool down and drill into her brain that, even if it would be funny knocking out one of these men, it wouldn’t be as funny once they retrieve their economic support for her father’s projects. And then Kiara begrudgingly adjusts her heels back, counts until ten and returns. Because she knows she’s a damn smart businesswoman, capable of sealing any kind of deal.
But it seems like her ability for negotiating prices and contracts doesn’t translate well when it comes to negotiating relationships.
Kiara finally shifts her head, looks at the expectant pair, and sighs in a dramatic manner.
“I suppose I can consider it,” she gives in in a long suffering tone, and Rita chuckles alongside Tynomi.
On Sunday, Kiara struggles to give her mom an excuse as to why Kyne’s not there to meet the rest of their extended family, and once she finally stammers out an answer she knows for a fact her mom didn’t believe a single word. She spares her, either way, and keeps on greeting the family that keeps arriving.
Although she gets the eerie feeling that her mom spared her for the sole fact that, as soon as she settles down at the table, one of her aunts asks about her girlfriend, a faux sweet tone she’s all familiar with, and freezes for a second.
Shit, she should’ve known her parents would run their mouth.
Well, there’s nothing she can do about it now; so she just answers questions without going into the details, lies through gritted teeth when she says her girlfriend doesn’t like pictures—even though she posts dumb selfies every other minute to her close friends story. The kids ask about her girlfriend, too, mostly her nephews; they want to know if it’s true their auntie has a partner, and if she’s more forgiving when they break things around the house. Kiara just laughs, something tightening in her chest when she thinks of Kyne covering up for the kids when they break a vase or something like that in family gatherings, a wicked grin on her face as she ushers them out and tries to convince Kiara it was just a silly little accident.
And on god the image is tempting, making her insides churn and a warm feeling spread through her chest, at the same time it leaves to be replaced for a hollowness she can’t quite shake.
There’s no way to make that image come true, for Kyne would have to reciprocate her feelings first. That’s harder than actually getting the guts to tell her how she feels.
So she does the next logical thing once she’s a little tipsy; she sends Kyne the classic we have to talk text, adding a hey at the beginning and a please at the end to not seem so dry. If it works she doesn’t know, but she does get a response within a few minutes.
Kyne: i’ll come by your office tomorrow, want anything from the starbucks around the block?
Kiara half smiles, typing out her reply and hitting send before she chickens out.
She hears a loud crash coming from the hallway, and she sighs heavily when she perches one of her youngest nephews to her hip, softly scolding him before handing it to his mom without saying anything, and goes to fetch a broom and a stick to clean out the mess. The image fights its way back into her head, but Kiara tries to push it aside for all that’s holy.
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talpup · 5 years
Light In the Darkness: 17
Please remember this fic is rated mature and has warnings of violence, abuse, sexual tension, eventual sexual behavior, and other possible triggers.
***If you prefer reading off AO3 here’s the link for that: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20887595/chapters/54556873
I write for my own enjoyment, but edit and post for yours.  If you enjoyed reading this at all please comment and let me know.  It’s the only thing that encourages me to keep editing and posting.
Thank you to those who have left hearts.  And a special THANK YOU to those who have recently left comments or re-blogged. They really mean a lot.
Taglist: @captncappuccino
The following morning Venice and Teris entered the dining hall.  At the sight of Yami wearing the belt she had given him, Teris smiled and looked away blushing.
As they served Venice whispered.  “Did you see? ��He’s wearing the gift you gave him.”
“I would hope so.”  Teris said trying to keep her tone and butterflies under control.  “His other belt was in such bad shape I doubt a bit of it would be usable as scrap.  It’s a wonder he hadn’t bought himself a new one.”  She added wondering why he hadn’t.
It wasn’t as if the pay of being a Magic Knight left one wanting. Granted the pay raised as your rank did but even as First Class Junior Magic Knight Yami should have been able to use the income from a pay day to get himself a decent belt.
Venice stared blinking.  “After weeks of thought and searching.  That’s the reason you decided on the belt.”
“What?” Teris said looking at friend.
“It’s so utilitarian.  Giving a needed gift.”
Teris shrugged.  “He liked it.”
“I’m sure he did.”  Venice grinned.  “I’m sure he imagines it’s your arms wrapped around his waist in place of that belt.”
“Stop it!”  Teris hushed looking away and blushing.
“Oh, don’t tell me that such a thought never entered your mind when you made your decision.”  Venice called after her as Teris turned and made her way to the table.
Teris sat in her usually seat across from Yami.  She patted the bench space beside her.  “Slide over here Olsen.  I can’t take any more of Venice this morning.”
Olsen obliged all too happy to sit closer to her and speak with a lesser chance of Bronn hearing.  He leaned over.  “Did you--”
Teris looked up at him.  “Is that a black eye?  What happened to you?”
“Oui!” Venice called coming around the table.  “You’re in my seat.”
“I didn’t see your name on it,” Olsen said.
“I always sit there,” Venice told.
“Doesn’t mean it’s yours.”  Olsen shot back.
“Captain.” Venice called whining.
“We don’t have assigned seats.”  Jax said sounding bored.  “Find another one.  Preferably out of the room where I can’t hear you bicker.”  He finished to himself but still loud enough for everyone to hear.
Venice smack Abril’s shoulder.  “Scoot.”
Abril shook her head.
“Why?” Venice asked the girl.  “It’s not like you have a usual seat. You’re either seated across from Gendry or beside him.”
“That’s right.  I don’t have a seat.  I have seats.”  Abril said stressing the ‘s’.
“Then go sit in your other one,” Venice said.
Abril shook her head again.  “I want to sit beside Teris today.”
“You could always come sit beside me.” Tobin offered from Yami’s right as he pushed Bran up the bench a space to make room for Venice.
Venice wrinkled her nose.  “I’d rather sit beside Iban.”
“Then do so.”  Olsen said gesturing to his usual seat.
“I don’t want to sit next to Iban.”  Venice whined stomping a foot. “Iban’s creepy.”
“I appreciate that.”  Iban smirked, appearing as if he truly did.
“I don’t wanna hear another word outta you.”  Bronn barked silencing Venice’s words.  From his seat to the right of Jax, who sat at the head of the table, the Vice Captain turned to look at Venice and pointed.  “Sit down and shut up.  Now.”
“Someone’s in a temper this morning.”  Teris muttered.  She tilted her head and looked at the guys.  “Is it a Black Bulls or a class thing?”
“What having a temper?”  Yami asked.  “Cause I’ve seen my fair share of royals angry at seemingly nothing.”
“Experienced it too.”  Tobin added nodding.
“No.” Teris said making a face.  “The physical violence.  Before coming here I’d never seen a person raise their hand let alone physically hit anyone.”
“You should talk, Princess.”  Yami smirked thinking of her whipping Bronn with the belt she gifted him last night.
As if the gift hadn’t meant so much already.  Seeing that and wearing the thing that had beat Bronn made his bruised neck worth it.  Heck, he probably would’ve gladly suffered a broken neck just to see Bronn suffering Teris’ wrath unable or unwilling to do anything physically because she was a girl and a royal one at that.
“Yami told us what happened.”  Olsen whispered.  “Though his shirt likely covers the worst of it, you can see the welts and bruises on the back of his hand and neck.  The one at the neck is rather poetic if you ask me.  After all the times he’s grabbed us by the scruff of the neck it serves him right.”
Teris’ eyes widened.  “You mean—I—but I didn’t hit him that hard.”
“Guess you were angrier than you thought,” Yami said.
Teris looked down the table at Bronn.
“And he didn’t kill me?”  She breathed in wonder.
“He took it out on these two.”  Yami said looking from Tobin to Olsen. “And rightly so if you ask me.”
“What? I wake you up with a bucket of cold water one time and you turn traitor.”  Tobin complained.  “I’ll remember this next time I have to wake you.”
“What’s going on down there?”  Venice called from the other side of Abril. “I can’t hear a thing.”
“Should’ve stopped when I told you to.”  Teris called to her friend.
“I’ll keep on for all to hear if you continue your lip.”  Venice threatened.
Teris’ head snapped to her.  “You wouldn’t.”
“That belt looks really fine on you, Yami.  Like the way the subtle leather hugs your hips?”  Venice questioned wickedly.
“Venice. Stop it.”  Teris squeaked.
“All of you stop it!”  Bronn silenced.  “Mother of mana.  It’s like a school of rowdy children live here, not a squad of Magic Knights.”
“I haven’t said anything,” Abril told.
“Shut up girl.  You know you can be the worse of them when you want,” Bronn said.  “In fact, the youngest of you is the best behaved.”
“Thank you,” Teris said.
“You’re sixteen,” Yami said.
“Yeah,” Teris nodded.  “My birthday isn’t till October.  Even then I’d still be the--”
“Second youngest.”  Tobin cut in pointing to his right at Bran.
In all honesty Teris had forgotten about their newest member.  But, it wasn’t completely her fault.  The boy was just so quite.
Looking to Bronn, Teris said.  “He’s only been here eighteen days.  Who knows.  He could be the worst out of all of us.”
Just then a mouse scampered down the center of the table passing the Magic Knights.
Venice let out a squeal.
Abril tried to catch it as it passed in front of her.
“It’s only a mouse.”  Abril said hushing Venice.
Venice gave a violent shiver.  “I can’t stand those things.  Get it away!”
Teris pulled her plate closer and Tobin tried to spear it with his fork as the rodent continued down the table.
It stopped in front of Bran, whiskers moving as it stood on it’s hind legs.
Bran laughed silently.  He pulled a small piece from his muffin and placed it before the mouse.
“Possession magic.”  Olsen said softly, as they all watched.
Teris looked back at Bronn.  “Calling rodents onto the table to feed them during meal time.  You call that the best behaved?”
Bronn watched a moment in discomfort.  Captain Jax had assured him that the boy could only posses lesser thinking creatures but, if Bronn was honest with himself, he knew he wasn’t all that smart.
Iban smiled at the antics a while before lifting his hand off the table and turning his fingers.
The mouses neck turned at an unnatural angle.
Bran’s head shot up, eyes clearing as he look for the cause of his furry friends death.
“Don’t use your magic at the table.”  Iban said, returning to his food. “It’s unseemly.”
Bran looked down at the mouse.  Scooping it gently up, he stepped out of the bench and left the room.
“You forgot to take your plate to the bin,” Bronn called.
“I’ll do it.”  Tobin said and pulled the boys plate beside his.
“I’ve never felt sorry for a mouse before.”  Abril softly admitted.
“Iban.” Olsen said, sliding closer to his friend.  “You creep everyone out when you do things like that.  Didn’t you just tell the boy that using magic at the table was rude.  And after you just did the same.”
Iban looked away ignoring Olsen.
The Black Bulls finishing their breakfast in uncomfortable silence.
Closing the door to his office Jax gestured to a seat.
Magic Knights Commander Greywright shook away the offer.
Sitting himself, Jax asked.  “To what do I owe the honor, or should I say trouble, Commander?  Hope it’s nothing involving my light and dark magic users again.”
“There’s Wild Fire burning northwest of Saussy just twelve miles south of the Spade Kingdom border.”  Greywright said looking ill at ease as he fidgeted with the mission ordered the Wizard King had written up himself.
“Fire’s happen in the wild all the time.”  Jax shrugged.  “Not so much during this time of year but still not unheard of.  Don’t see why it requires intervention from the Magic Knights unless it’s directly threatening the populace, cattle, or farms.”
“Not a wild fire.”  Greywright said.  “Wild Fire.”
“Oh.” Jax blinked in surprise.  “That definitely requires our attention. But transporting, owning, and making Wild Fire is illegal.  Even the Clover Kingdoms own stores of the stuff is highly guarded, it’s where abouts only known to a handful of high ranking officials including the Wizard King and yourself.”
“I’m well aware,” Greywright said.  “Hence our concern.”
“You didn’t by chance have a slip up with our kingdoms stores did you?”
The Knights Commander shook his head.
“So the next likely bet is the Spade Kingdom or, I suppose less likely, some local upstart looking to--”
“It’s the Spade Kingdom.”  Greywright said pacing.  “It’s too close to the border with them not to be.”
“How bad is it?” Jax asked beginning to worry that this did have to do with Yami and Teris after all.  And just when things surrounding them had been quiet for a few months.
“From what we can tell, it was one small container and hasn’t spread much thus far.  But with the autumn winds known for picking up as the sun sets it’s only a matter of time before it becomes unmanageable.
“So all hands on deck.”  Jax said, getting to his feet.
Greywright shook his head.  “Just a handful of Black Bulls.”
“But you just said--”
Greywright held up his hand.  “If after a few hours it looks like your squad is incapable of containing it, contact me and more Magic Knights will be sent.”
“This doesn’t feel right Commander.”  Jax said.
“Of course it doesn’t!  Wild Fire so close to the Spade Kingdom border. Don’t think for a second they’ve forgotten about those two.” Greywright said, referring to Yami and Teris.  “Who knows?  They might have done this to draw them close to the border or have them left behind for abduction.”
“So if that’s their aim.  We’re not going to make it easy on them.” Greywright interrupted setting the mission order down on the Captain's desk.
“So what?”  Jax asked.  “They sit this one out?”
Greywright shook his head.  “We separate them.  Just in case capturing them is the Spade Kingdoms objective.”
“They won’t like--”
“They’re Magic Knights.”  Greywright said, silencing whatever argument the Black Bulls Captain had been about to make.  “Two very powerful ones given their age and rank.  Teris is to stay at base while you, Bronn, Olsen, and Iban head out with Yami.  Yami’s dark magic should be of more use to you than Teris’ light magic in this circumstance.”
Jax couldn’t disagree.  In fact he had internally mourned the lost of Yami’s dark magic when he had thought the two would have to sit this one out.  “I don’t see how Iban’s blood magic would be of use in this.”
“I don’t either,” Greywright admitted.  “But his name is on the mission order.  Sir Jorah must want him there for a reason.
“Iban’s from the Spade Kingdom.”  Jax said, mostly to be difficult cause he was angry.
“His grandparents escaped from the Spade Kingdom and sought refuge here,” Greywright corrected.  “You of all people should remember that Jax. You’ve fiercely made the distinction enough times to others.  Or perhaps you question his allegiance to the Clover Kingdom?”
“I question his care for the sanctity of anothers life, anyone's life. I just saw the man use his blood magic to kill a mouse that was simply eating some bread on the dining table during breakfast this morning.”
“What was a mouse doing on the dining table in broad daylight?” Greywright questioned in disgust.
“That’s not the point.”  Jax said, shaking a hand.
“If there’s rodents roaming around like that it’s a problem and should be a point.”
“The point is.”  Jax stressed, trying to stay focused.  “Iban is a person that requires constant vigilance to be around.  Sure, he’ll help you if you need it but he may not provide immediate assistance, instead opting to take the chance to take you apart wanting to see just how your insides work.”
“Sounds like a really good guy you got there, Jax.”  Greywright said dryly. “Still, the order stands.”
“And after we deal with the Wild Fire, that we’re hoping doesn’t get out of hand and require a call for assistance?”
“Bronn, Olsen, Iban, and Yami are to stay behind and investigate,” Greywright said.
“Isn’t that what Magic Investigations is for?”  Jax questioned.
“I’m just telling you what the mission order on your desk says.”  The Knights Commander said thinking the same.  “We need to know for certain if the Wild Fire came from the Spade Kingdom.  And if not from the Spade Kingdom, then who.  We also need to learn if there are any more containers Wild Fire on our side of the border and if there are, find them.”
“So the four of them say behind to learn these things.  And if any containers are found?”
“Contact me immediately.”  Greywright said.
“I still don’t like sending Yami out that close to the Spade Kingdom border when he doesn’t know their interest in him.”  Jax said.
“It’s our hope that now that he and Teris can control their magics interaction that the other kingdoms interest in them has died.”
“That’s a fools hope and you know it.”
“Are you calling the Wizard King a fool?”  Greywright asked with heated sternness.
Jax shook his head, not trusting himself to speak.
Greywright sighed.  “Look.  Sir Jorah doesn’t care for this either but they’re Magic Knights--”
“You keep saying that as if to relieve your guilt and make you feel better.”
“At attention.  Now.”  Greywright barked.
Jax snapped to attention.
“In case I haven’t made it clear, my patience with you ran out the day you allowed Julius to attempt his fools errand in taking those two to Magic Investigations.”  Greywright seethed in front of Jax’s face.  “Now.  What are you going to do?”
Jax repeated his orders with the same sharp solemnity as if he was before the Wizard King and King Kira Clover, repeating the Magic Knights oath with a battalion of his comrades.
“Sir?” Bronn said entering the office.
Jax didn’t even turn his eyes to his Vice Captain.  Bronn straightened seeing his Captain standing at attention.
“What is it Vice Captain?”  Greywright asked leaving Jax as he was.
Bronn swallowed looking from the Magic Knights Commander to Jax and back. “That little twerp is here again looking for Teris and refuses to leave till he’s spoken with her.  Something about family business.”
“The Silva’s and Nova’s are meeting.”  Greywright put together.  He turned to Jax.  “Despite your reservations things have worked out. Where’s Teris now?”
“I do not know, sir.” Jax answered smartly.
“Out training with Yami,” Bronn told.
“Send Olsen to take Nozel to Teris and fetch Yami while you a Bronn quickly gather what you need for the mission,” Greywright ordered Jax.
“Mission? What mission.”
“Your Captain will fill you in,” Greywright told.  “At ease and dismissed.”
Yami eased up in his attacks allowing Teris to catch her breath and get her bearings.  Both were drenched with sweat the kicked up dirt sticking to their moist bodies making them itchy.  Teris squirmed trying to get the back of her shirt to scratch her back but the top was soaked through and suck to her.
“Come at me.”  She said beckoning him with a hand.
“Whatever progress you’ve made is undone by your arrogance,” Yami told.  “I out weigh you.”
“And I will use your weight against you when you charge me, just as you taught,” she said.
“A real attacker wouldn’t be so obliging.”
“Good thing you’re not a real attacker.  Now come at me.  Unless you’re afraid the student has become the master.”
“Hardly.” Yami smiled and charged.  He went under her attempt to use his momentum to roll him over her and lifted her off the ground.
Teris gave a cry of shock as she rose up in the air only to then be taken down to the ground.  Yami was careful not to ram her overly hard or put his full weight and strength into laying her out on her back. Just enough for her to feel it.
Teris blinked, giving her head a shake.  “That was new.”  She said looking up at him.
His legs laced with hers Yami used his core and arm strength not to crush her as he laid on top of her.  “Told you.  Your arrogance was your undoing.  Now try to get out of this.”
“I can’t.  You’re too heavy.”
“I can think of half a dozen ways you could get out of this off the top of my head,” he said.  “Do it.”
Teris released a short breath irritation.  Yami smirking down at her. Teris made a quick move with her right arm that had landed above her head.
Yami grabbed it and pinned it down.  “That won’t work.”  He said shaking his head.  “Even a novice will see it coming a mile away. Try again.”
She glared at him and thought.
“Come on Teris.”  He urged.  “You can do better then this.  Think.”
Teris imagined her left leg rising as she pushed against him with all her worth.  Thinking it might be enough to at least squirm away if not hook her left leg around and turn the tables.  She sighed as if defeated, relaxing.
Yami smiled internally and slowly relaxed as well letting her believe she had gotten her way.  He felt her muscles tighten before her left leg ever started to rise.  In one swift motion he kicked her leg out from under her causing it to fall flat like the right and swung his right leg over her left.  On his knees he pulled his legs together sandwiching hers tightly between his.  Finally he dropped more of his weight on to her before letting up ever so slightly.  “Nope.  Try again.”
Legs bound between his.  Right arm pinned.  Teris couldn’t see a way out.  He out weighed and out muscled her.  She didn’t have her quickness or his momentum to use against him.  “It’s impossible,” she said.
“No it isn’t.  I can think a three ways you could easily get out of this.  Try again.”
Teris blew out a breath turning her head to the side and thought.  Her eyes brightened.  Light burst from her left hand.  Yami quickly clasped his right hand over hers snuffing it out with his dark magic.
“Remember what we agreed.  No magic during physical training,” he scolded.
“But I couldn’t see another way out,” she complained.
“Your problem.  Not mine.”
“On a side note,” Teris commented.  “You’re reaction time has gotten quicker.”
He looked at her.  “You think so?”
“Six months ago you wouldn’t have gotten to me in time to stop me.” She said noticing just how close his face had gotten to her when he had reached out to stop her magical attack.
Yami looked down at her noticing too.  His eyes took in her neck, watching how it moved as she swallowed, the thump of her pulse beneath her skin.  He studied her lips as she pulled them nervously between her teeth just to release them the pressure turning them redder than before.  Finally, his eyes reached hers capturing them just as tightly as he had captured the rest of her.  He felt her chest rise and fall with every breath she took, noticing how her breathing had shallowed and quickened despite the lack of physical exertion. Between his legs her own began to squirm, another form of wanting stirred forcing him to lift his hips further off her.
Yami took a breath and thought of something that would quickly silence the growing excitement her squirming hips and legs were causing.  Nozel. It worked.  Only it too well as the next thing he heard was the royals harsh voice.
“What are you doing to my Intended?”  Nozel seethed.
Yami turned his head but made no other move while Teris struggled to get up beneath him.  “Your what?”
“Yami.” Teris reprehended pulling against his hold in an effort to free her arms.
Yami relented and pushed himself to his knees.  Standing he held his hand out to assist her but Teris didn’t accept his offer, quickly getting to her feet on her own.
“I’m so sorry.”  Olsen said eyes wide appearing as if he truly was.  “If I had known--”
“We were training.”  Teris said dusting off her hands.  “Nothing more.  What do you want Olsen?”
“Yeah.” Yami said staring at Nozel who’s heightened mana he could sense clearly as the royal glared back.  “Why are you here?”
“Nozel has come to speak with Teris and Captain wants you back at base.  We have a mission,” Olsen said.
“Then whatever you want to say will have to wait.”  Teris told Nozel making her way to the new arrivals.
Yami followed picking up his sheathed katana that had been left on the sidelines while he and Teris spared.
“Only Yami.”  Olsen said holding his hands up to Teris.
“What?” Teris asked confused.
“Captain only called for Yami.”  Olsen told her sadly.  Before she could ask he went on.  “I don’t know why.  But you’re to stay behind on this one.”
Nozel smirked a fraction as he waited for Yami and Olsen to leave.
Teris and Yami looked at each other.
“Sorry.” Olsen said once again sounding truly apologetic.
Yami didn’t move, instead he put his had on Teris’ lower back.  He didn’t need to read her Ki to know that she was on edge by Nozel’s appearance.
“Jax said to hurry.”  Olsen told Yami, his voice rising as he tried to rush him.
“Go.” Teris urged looking up at him.
Yami rubbed the fabric of her tank top between two fingers looking from her to Nozel.  Finally he looked back at her and said.  “We’ll finish where we left off when I return.”
At that Teris’ heart skipped a beat.  She watched him and Olsen quickly disappear at the sharp bend in the path and continued staring.
Nozel waited for her attention to turn to him.  When it still didn’t after several excruciatingly long moments he asked.  “What kind of training was that?  I’ve never seen the likes.  Nor would I want to again.”
Teris turned to the Silver Eagle, his meaning clear enough.  “Physical combat.  Speaking of things one wouldn’t want.  I thought I told you never to call me your Intended.”
“It’s what you are,” Nozel told.
“It’s what Fyntch and your father believe me to be.  You know very well I have no intention of marrying you.”
“Not this again.”  Nozel uttered under his breath sighing heavily. “Teris--”
“No!” She slapped away his hand as he reached for her, her stance readying, without thought, like Yami had taught her.
It took a moment for Nozel to trust his voice, his expression unable to hide the anger and pain he felt.  “There is no need to defend yourself so, Teris.  I’m not going to attack or force myself on you.  Such a thought would never enter my mind.”  He thought of Yami sitting on top of her, her hands pinned to the ground and wondered if the foreigner had done something to cause this fear in her.
She relaxed and stood normally, embarrassed.  “I know.  Sorry.  It’s just the adrenaline is still pumping and--”
Nozel couldn’t help it.  He had to know.  Cutting over her words he asked.  “Has Yami ever--”
Seeing where he was going Teris shook her head and spoke over him.  “Mana, no!  Yami would never.  More over he’d likely kill anyone he believed had such ideas.”
Unable to look at her, Nozel nodded once put at ease.  “That’s good. Mind you, I’d do the same.”
“It’s not a competition Nozel.  You don’t have to play the dutiful future husband.  I already told you.  I’m not marrying you.”
Nozel look at her wondering where she got the idea that he had ever been playing a part.
At his expression Teris cajoled.  “Come on Nozel.  It’s not like you’re looking forward to following your father’s orders anyway. On our best days we couldn’t get by without arguing at least once when in each others company.  Since becoming Magic Knights it’s only gotten worse.  Can you imagine us wed?  We’d kill each other.” She huffed shaking her head.  “I understand you’re worried about your father’s displeasure.  But think about how much happier you’d be once Lord Silva gets over my refusal.  He’ll marry you to some well-bred, sweet, docile, proper young lady who will honor you and your family and do all she can to please you.  After dealing with the mess that is me he’d be a fool not to and Lord Nathyn is no fool. The only reason he’s likely still upholding this intention for us to wed is cause of some sense of honor bound obligation he feels at having agreed to it.  It surely isn’t cause I’ve given him any reason to hope I’d make you or House Silva a good wife and Lady; which we both know I won’t.”
At length Nozel asked her.  “So what do you plan on doing?”
“I’m hoping to prove myself and make Knights Commander,” she said.
“I know that.  And not that you can’t do it but, what if that doesn’t happen in time.  Your father and Fyntch won’t be pleased at your disobedience.
“Fyntch won’t.”  Teris growled thinking of how her brother abused his magic.
“I won’t let you be cast out of your family and banished from the kingdom,” Nozel said.  “And we both know that’s what your brother would see done as a last measure to force you to do his will. So I ask again, what do you plan on doing?”
Teris took in an unsteady breath.  Granted it was always in the back of her mind on some level, but to say it out loud made it seem more real. “If I can’t prove my worth to the kingdom by becoming Knights Commander that’s exactly what’s going to happen.  I’ll be cast out of my family and very likely banished from the Clover Kingdom.”
Nozel stared at her incredulous.  “You find the thought of marrying to be worse then that?”
Teris looked away her fear at not becoming Knights Commander raising it’s head.  Finally she said.  “I refuse to marry someone I don’t love who doesn’t love me in return.”
The remark hurt and turned him bitter.  “Or do you believe that foreigner will fight to free you from your family ties?”
Teris looked up sharply.  “I don’t know.”  She said dangerously.  “I haven’t mentioned any of my troubles to him.  Nor do I plan to. Either way, I wouldn’t let him.  This is my problem.  I’ll solve it myself.”
“For the love of mana, Teris!  Don’t you understand.  There is no solving this.  You either become Knights Commander or don’t.  If you do.  You’re free.  If not you must obey your family and marry me or be cast out and banished forever.  Do you really want to spend the rest of your life like Yami.  A foreigner.  Never accepted.  With no friends or family.”
“The Black Bulls are his friends, his family.”
Nozel released a growling breath.  “You’re a silly girl, with romantic dreams.  You’ll grow up and get over it.”
“No.” Teris shook her head fiercely.  “I won’t.”
Nozel watched her struggle with herself.  Part of him couldn’t wait till she grew up and submitted to it all while another part of him wanted her to fall in love with him and get her way which just happened to be what their families wanted as well.  He could picture them married and laughing as they thought back to this time and the foolishness of it.
“What do you want Nozel?”  Teris questioned at last.
“For you to stop--”
“No.” She snapped.  “Why did you come?”
“I received a letter from my father this morning.  In it he said that we would be resuming our families annual gathering for you birthday.  I know how Fyntch doesn’t notify you of these things so I thought I’d do you the favor.”
Teris closed her eyes sighing heavily.  She supposed it had been too much to hope that last years cancellation hadn’t been a one time thing. That now that she and Nozel were Magic Knights the annual gathering would cease all together in respect for their duties to their squads and the kingdom.
Nozel watched her wishing he could be like more like Yami and touch her with easy.  The imagine of Yami on top of her flashed through his mind unwelcomed.  No, Nozel thought, he wouldn’t change who he was in an effort to win her affection.  There was time enough to earn it when they were wed.
Nozel made his way up the path, leaving her, without word.  As soon as he was certain he was out of sight he looked down at his trembling fists.  He forced his fingers open, each one complaining painfully having stiffened and cramped in position.  Looking down at his hands he was eight bloody half moons marring his palms where his nails had dug in, four on each hand.  He would never hurt Teris but he obviously wasn’t above harming himself he thought ruefully.
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sidlyrics · 6 years
Letra / Lyrics: Mao Música / Music: Aki
マグカップの底に 辿り着く速度 角砂糖みたいな恋をして 鍵穴が錆びた 手錠をかけられた気分 とても悪くない 良く笑う
三ケ月余りで 唇にも飽きる 定説の殻に 火をつけて遊ぶ 半年後の二人は? 約束もなく 繋いだ手 離さない
花びら舞う季節に 誘われて 結ばれて 僕らは いつから変わったんだろう そればかり考えて 答えは
募る想いとは 裏腹な言葉 素直さに欠ける恋をして 綺麗になる君を 綺麗に縛れない僕 もどかしさは やがて刃をたてた
一年目の記念日 黒髪の奥 決心で濡れてた
四月の風の香る この場所に戻った 僕らは やがては忘れるかな 繋いだ手 離した手 背中を
明日から別々の日々 君にお願い 忘れないで 忘れないで
花びら散る季節に 誘われて 千切られた 僕らは いつから変わったんだろう そればかり考えて 答えは
MUG CUP no soko ni tadoritsuku sokudo kakuzatou mitai na koi wo shite kagi ana ga sabita tejou wo kakerareta kibun totemo warukunai yoku warau
sankagetsu amari de kuchibiru ni mo akiru teisetsu no kara ni hi wo tsukete asobu hantoshigo no futari wa? yakusoku mo naku tsumaida te hanasanai
hanabira mau kisetsu ni sasowarete musubarete bokura wa itsu kara kawattan darou sore bakari kangaete kotae wa
tsuyoru omoi to wa urahara na kotoba sunaosa ni kakeru koi wo shite kirei ni naru kimi wo kirei ni shibarenai boku modokashisa wa yagare ha wo tateta
ichinen me no kinenbi kurokami no oku kesshin de nureteta
shigatsu no kaze no kaoru kono basho ni modotta bokura wa yagate wa wasureru ka na tsunaida te hamashita te senaka wo
kyou no hi wo
ashita kara betsubetsu no hibi kimi ni onegai wasurenaide wasurenaide
hanabira chiru kisetsu ni sasowarete chigirareta bokura wa itsu kara kawattan darou sore bakari kangaete kotae wa
At the speed it takes to struggle to the bottom of a mug, we're in a romance akin to sugar cubes The keyhole has rusted  A feeling I could have handcuffed  It's not too bad, I can laugh just fine
After a little more than three months, I've gotten tired of your lips too  Set fire to the husk of established theories and play with it What will we be like half a year later?  Not even a promise between us, our joined hands won't let go
We, who enticed and binded in a season when petals dance, I wonder when we changed - that's the only thing I think about and the answer is
I want to meet you
Deepening affections and words contrary to the heart  We're in an unfrank romance You, who will become beautiful and I, who cannot do a beautiful job of tying you down  Agitation soon built into a blade
First year anniversary  The depths of your black hair was wet with determination
The fragrance of April's winds  We, who have returned to this place, I wonder if we'll soon forget our joined hands, hands that let go, the sight of our backs,
And this day
From tomorrow onwards we'll live separate lives  I ask of you: Don't forget, don't forget
We, who enticed and were cut to pieces in a season when petals scatter I wonder when we changed - that's the only thing I think about and the answer is
A la velocidad a la que se tarda en luchar por llegar hasta el fondo de la taza, tenemos un romance similar a los azucarillos. La cerradura se ha oxidado, un sentimiento que podría haber esposado. No está tan mal, puedo reírme.
Tras poco más de tres meses, también me he cansado de tus labios. Prende fuego a la cáscara de teorías establecidas y juega con ella. ¿Cómo seremos dentro de medio año? Ni siquiera una promesa entre nosotros, nuestras manos unidas no se soltarán.
Nosotros, que nos atrajimos y nos unimos en una estación en la que bailan los pétalos, me pregunto cuándo cambiamos - es lo único en lo que pienso y la respuesta es que
quiero verte.
Un afecto cada vez más profundo y palabras contrarias al corazón, tenemos un romance poco sincero. Tú, que te volverás hermosa, y yo, que no puedo hacer un maravilloso trabajo para retenerte. La agitación pronto se imbuirá en una cuchilla.
Primer aniversario. Las profundidades de tu pelo negro están húmedas con determinación.
El olor de los vientos de abril. Nosotros, que hemos vuelto a este lugar, me pregunto si pronto olvidaremos nuestras manos unidas, manos que se sueltan, la visión de nuestras espaldas
y este día.
A partir de mañana viviremos vidas separadas. Te pido: no te olvides, no te olvides.
Nosotros, que nos atrajimos y nos cortamos en pedazos en una estación en la que se dispersan los pétalos, me pregunto cuándo cambiamos - es lo único en lo que pienso y la respuesta es
Kanji, English: Gurakko Romaji, español: Reila
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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💭 (any of them for Jack?) - @facetedspades
Jack it’s roast o clock.
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We need you.
I am not sure I can do this by myself without the crutch you provided. You taught me so much and now I’m being forced to use it practically and my perfectionism is destroying me.
          I am not you.
There was cracks in your stature but only the keen could see it and I know those cracks are fractures now, and that your mission - whatever it is - has consumed you.
Just come back to us...
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You are brave.
         You put up with so much for so long, and while I never got to know you or took the time try, I remember what it was like when you were our shield. When Blackwatch fucked up you were there at every turn trying to protect us and while I didn’t know that then, I know that now.
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Why did it get this far?
            Maybe I’m bias because I walked behind enemy lines with the Blackwatch team and I never batted an eyelash but you never once yanked the chain. Did you think what we were doing was right? A necessarily evil?
Did you want this to happen?               did you ever think... what might happen to us? what might happen to him?
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Get it together.
             We have so much farther left to go.
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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#3 for your whole squad 👀👀👀 - @xynchronicity​  3. How does their social personality differ from how they act when they’re alone? the whole squad WHICH I DESERVE
Abril: She is incredibly extroverted in person and speaks to herself when she’s alone. Sometimes doesn’t know how to be quite. [ “It’ll be fun they said, fly to Rialto they said” ]
Akande: Incredibly intimidating and professional among watching eyes. You have to be in this business everyone is looking to cut their strings [ or get thrown over a waterfall ] so it isn’t good to let his guard down. On his own time he’s rather somber. A man that likes to read and sit by the fire for some peace.
Angela: She is incredibly professional and rigid with nearly everyone having been in the medical field in most of her developmental years she’s got some emotional dissonance and struggles maintaining and keeping relationships. Which ironically is no different than she is on her own. Which is the MAIN problem.
Widowmaker: Widow is almost a ghost of  Amélie when she’s alone. She talks to herself in French, like she’s speaking to an entirely different part of her psyche sometimes. She says and does things she cannot explain, which are muscle memories from her past life. She is mostly silent and resolved when among others. Doesn’t speak unless spoken to.
Delilah: All my muses are so professional, they have an image to protect. Delilah is no different, she is trying to bridge the gap between humans and omics. Though it’s not going so well. Despite her peppy attitude, in her solitude she feels incredibly alone and sometimes seems to droop and sag when she’s on her own.
Delaware: Barz is the grumpiest old man to ever exist. He speaks his mind when around others. He doesn’t hesitate to give Ashe a piece of his mind because he’s been around long enough he feels comfortable doing that. You’ll often hear him grumbling like the old cod he is when he’s on his own.
Genji: Genji has a lot of self loathing he still struggles with on his day to day for the hand he played in his own fate and how he pushed Hanzo. But does his best to be upbeat and cheerful around others so that he doesn’t worry them. He’s may have recovered from his rage but it still exists. Don’t be fooled, Genji finds ways to take out that bottled up rage in a healthier manner than lashing out at others like he used to but normally does that on his own.
Jack: Angry. He’s so angry all the time, he lashes out so easily at others now even the people he was close to or loved. He has these large stone walls that incircle him. But on his own he just sits in silence reflecting on all the mistakes he made. Trying to figure out how he got here and how he can put an end to it.
Hana: Hana’s entire life is on the grand stage and people thing she’s this KAWAII DESU sort of gamer girl, but D.Va is a persona that she puts on to keep her people at peace about the dangers beyond. On her own, she’s far more serious, a hero complex in the making. Spending 90 percent of her time perfecting combat and the MEKA. She’d rather be prepared than famous.
Hanzo: Hanzo has a very bull headed resistant attitude to anyone that approaches him. But in his private time he refuses to look in the mirror, really against his own reflection because if he stares at it for too long he’ll realize he is the monster everyone says he is.
Soyon: Soyon does not express emotion in similar ways as people, she often has a fox like curiosity when around people, often shaped by the people she spends time with. She only turns feral around the Shimada’s, but she is one of their protectors. Soyon is a woman of very few words both in her own time and among others. She is a bit more sly when on her own though, sometimes smiling for no reason.
Moira: She’s a huge nerd, which is masked by her disdain for humanity and dislike for nearly everyone she works with. Her eye rolls are hard to take seriously when you know she’s rocking out to anime openings and j-pop, to which she knows all the words to and definitely sings to herself when she things no one is around.
BONUS: Echo: Echo is curious, constantly asking questions when she’s around people, often repeating things over and over - not necessarily because she didn’t hear you but becasue she’s saving those words in her data bank. On her own she often practices her impressions where they don’t freak anyone out.
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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[ ARMS ] (sender holds receiver in their arms while they kiss them.) Mission kiss? @sixlaws
Damn he was so warm.
           She was spiraling quickly, always one to be overly affectionate to all the team members. Maybe too much. Maybe she was too personable. Irritated Moira, bothered Genji, but Jesse seemed to eat up any touch that she offered him and she lived with it. But this? This was a guilty haunting, a mistake, she was married - was married. Past tense, that woman didn’t love her anymore. Conflicting feelings about he past rumbled to nothingness to the gentleness she received from him. Wrapped up in cowboy, knowing they should probably be paying attention but could she ever say no to him? She liked it.
              “ Stop it, the commander is just around the corner. ”
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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Abril Abril Abril Abril Abril Abril Abril Abril Abril Abril Abril Abril Abril Abril Abril-... - @sixlaws
Her head bounces with each account of her name and after he finishes she laughs, "Yah, vaqueiro?"
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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❛ you already know how this will end. ❜ - @kcnshi​
In blood.
    Wasn’t that how it always was? Someone’s head on a pike, ready to serve to the next master. If it wasn’t Carmen, it was Reyes, if it wasn’t Reyes, what was she even worth?
              “You gonna punch a pretty girl’s clock just like that?”
The synthetic hair vibrated color, but some of the strands were broken and flickering. She smiled, “Best two out of three?” she spit blood on the ground, getting back to her feet, ignoring the blindness starting in one eye. She was going to have a lot of explaining to do. “Less you’re tired of beating me up.”
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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02 . a kiss on the forehead - For Abril - @cybushin​
It was one of those moments, that you saw a little too much and for someone who forced forward such a cheery disposition, tried to be positive with every step of her heart despite the fact they killed people. They were bad people. They deserved to die. And sometimes you saw the reasons, the really bad ones, and it hit somewhere deep that broke open a dam. She was sitting on the stone steps with her head in her hands, bawling her eyes out from the sight of everyone. She didn’t want to seem weak, though she knew none of them would judge her for having an emotional response. Sometimes. It got to you. She wondered if he was send to fetch her. She looked up at him with puffy eyes and collected herself by wiping her eyes with her fingers. She nodded her head, knowing without words that it was time to go. She picked herself off and for a moment, desiring comfort, hovered in his space. Afraid to ask for it, but screaming for it. And he placed a kiss to her forehead, or whatever his version of that would be and she sniffled, pressing her fingers to the bridge of her nose as she reveled in it for a moment, and pulled herself together. She nodded again, and followed him back to the Hawk.
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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0 notes
talpup · 5 years
Light In the Darkness
Please remember this fic is rated mature and has warnings of violence, abuse, sexual tension, eventual sexual behavior, and other possible triggers.
***If you prefer reading off AO3 here’s the link for that: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20887595/chapters/51852043
The three Magic Knights exited the cafe relishing the fresh cool night air outside.  Teris was startled by the figure standing on the other side of the patio’s enclosure, but quickly realized it was a creation of Commander Greywright’s army magic keeping passerby's at bay.
She looked over her squad members and the Silver Eagles noting the tension between the groups, each squad sitting on opposite sides of the small fenced enclosure.
“Glad to see you haven’t kill any one.”  Teris praised the Black Bulls, only half jesting.
“Only just.”  Olsen confessed, eyeing Neyres and Margery.  “You would think that as royal ladies those two wouldn’t have such vial tongues; but they’re worse than a drunk cutthroat, only they use far more eloquent words.”
“I could’ve warned you about Neyres.”  Teris said quietly to him, glancing in the royal girls direction.  “Don’t know about the other; but, I suppose one’s bound to pick up things when in Neyres’ circle.”
Margery went to Nozel wrapping her arms around his left one.  “I know we’re not suppose to talk about it, but please tell me those two Black Bulls didn’t get you in trouble.”
Nozel glanced over Margery’s head at Teris, wordlessly suffering Margery's fawning.
“When I saw Danior come out and not you, I feared the worst.  Didn’t I say I feared for Nozel, Neyres?”  Margery said, looking at her friend.
“That you did.”  Neyres sighing, bored.
Unable to stand it any more, Nozel pulled his arm free and stepped between Danior and Neyres seeking shelter from Margery’s attention.
“I am still a Magic Knight aligned with the Silver Eagles.”  Was all Nozel said on the matter.  “Can we change the subject before that is no longer true for any of us.”
“His Highness is right.”  Neyres said, violet eyes dancing with amusement.  “Does anyone have any celebratory plans for the Star Awards Festival?”
“No.” Abril answered from the Black Bulls side.
“One would have to have something to celebrate in order to have celebratory plans.”  Neyres smiled, condescendingly.
Abril put her hands on her hips.  “Meaning what?”
Neyres shrugged as if the answer was evident.
“Don’t engage the mean spirited pretty ladies.”  Olsen told Abril.
“The what?”  Danior demanded.
Even Nozel looked at Olsen in disapproval.
Raising his hands, Olsen said.  “If you take issue with my saying they’re mean spirited you are either blind and deaf or don’t know your comrades all that well.”
“Not that,” Danior growled.  “The other bit.”
Venice scoffed at Danior’s idiocy; while Teris cringed, sure where this would surely lead.
Abril gave a snorting laugh.  “You just agreed they were mean.”
“Do you not agree that they are pretty?” Olsen asked.  He leaned forward and whispered loudly, as if imparting wisdom.  “Even if you find them hideous, a true gentleman would never admit as much to a lady.  Didn’t your finishing instructors teach you as much?  Or, as a lower noble, could you not afford one?”
Danior took out his grimoire causing Olsen to reach for his should he need it to defend himself.  Nozel stood in front of Danior.  Teris placed a hand on Olsen’s shoulder.  Olsen relaxed dropping his hand from the leather case that hung from the side of his hip.
“Put it away.”  Nozel ordered Danior.
“But he--”
“And what will come of your escalation?”  Nozel questioned.  “Think.” He muttered in disgust turning away and back to Olsen and Teris.
“Olsen’s a flirt.”  Teris said by way of apology.  “He means nothing by it.”
“Yeah,” Venice agreed.  “He’s already dating his true love.  Though he refuses to tell us who she is.”  
Olsen smiled at Venice’s sullen look.
Teris looked over to two Silver Eagles girls.  “Either don’t read too much into it or take the boost to your ego.  Not that you need it.” To Nozel, she admonished.  “Control your comrades.”
“Me?” Nozel questioned, heatedly.
“I mean I know that Neyres and Danior out rank you,” Teris allowed. “But you’re the royal male.  Isn’t that what you believe you’re suppose to do?  Have everything and everyone under your control.”
Nozel stared at her feeling angry and bitter.  She was being unfair.  His need to restrain those around him and be overly disciplined himself was because of his father’s expectations of him as heir.  It wasn’t as if he had a choice.
Nozel’s teeth clenched, eyes slitting as his cool glare intensified.  “It is you who should attempt controlling that menagerie of dirty, uncivilized, foul mouthed--”
“You don’t want to finish that thought,” Teris warned.
“--pack of wild beasts masquerading as Magic Knights.”  He looked her over, his lip curling in revulsion at the thought of his Intended being part of such a group.  “Not that you could if you tried.  Even your own Captain can barely manage that lot.  Though he’s not much better spoken or behaved.”
The other Black Bulls made for him with the Silver Eagles moving to defend their own.  Teris held up an opened hand to Nozel.  Seeing the glow both the Bulls and Eagles stopped.  Feeling heat and pressure from her begin to push him back, Nozel adjusted his stance and dug in his heels.
Yami stepped back, watching, and waited.  He knew that if he got near Teris something bad and uncontrollable would happen as their heightened mana caused a reaction with each others.
Nozel squinted as the brightness as the light grew, wincing slightly in pain as the pressure and heat intensified.  The hem and trim of his clothes began to scorch filling his nostrils with their burning smell.  Still, Nozel refused to act to defend himself.  As angry as he had been at her, he would never do anything that might harm Teris physically.  That was why he had always lost to her during their sparring sessions.  At least that’s what he had comforted his ego with.
He had expected his words to anger her.  That had been the point of it. To wound whatever pride she had in the Black Bulls.  But he hadn’t realized just how much she cared; not just for the squad in name but for the members that made up the Bulls.  It was a miscalculation on his part and his was willing to stand there and put her care for him to the test against it.
Arm trembling Teris slowly relaxed.  The light, heat, and pressure dying as her fingers curled into a loose fist.  Her arm dropped and so did everyone's tension.
Nozel released the breath he had been holding.  She had stopped and his doubts had ceased along with her building magic.  She truly did care about him.
“We’re through.”  Teris panted, out of breath from trying to control herself.
“What!” Nozel asked, in shocked disbelief.
“We’re through,” Teris repeated.  “Whatever small accord we may have had is over.  Do not pay me call or write.  Do not presume upon our mutual friendship with Fuegoleon, or anything else.”  She said, hating that she had to refer to the intentions of their families to see them wed.  “Don’t even speak to me unless you have to.”
“Teris.” Nozel whispered, unable to believe the turn of events.  How could she-- How dare she belittle their friendship down to a mere mutual attachment to Fuegoleon.
“That’s more than fine with us.”  Margery said, stepping beside Nozel and wrapping an arm around his.
“You never were very good at being a royal.”  Neyres agreed, joining them at Nozel’s other side.  “Good luck being ostracized from polite society.  Hope you find your dirty peasants worth it.”
“They’re not dirty and I already do,” Teris said.
Neyres looked the Black Bulls over giving a tittering laugh when Abril tried to hide her filthy hands behind her back, and Tobin quickly brushed the crumbs of food off his shirt.  It was pointless since Abril did nothing about the dirt on her neck and cheeks, and Tobin didn’t notice the food trapped within his beard.
“Keep telling yourself that.”  Neyres said.  “You may grow to believe. Or worse turn into them.”
“You lie with pigs, you become a pig.”  Danior warned joining the line of Silver Eagles.  He looked at Margery’s arm laced through Nozel and attempted to loop his through hers.
“What are you doing?”  Margery whispered harshly, pulling away from him.
“Oh. Sorry.  I thought we were linking arms in solidarity or something,” Danior apologized.
Margery wrinkled her nose.  “Not with you.”
Having recovered from his shock, if not his hurt, Nozel ordered.  “Enough. Return to your seats and let’s try to forget about their presence while we wait for Captain Pyter.”
“A difficult task given the smell of them but we shall endeavor to try.” Neyres said, turning away.
Danior and Margery quickly followed the platinum haired royal.
Nozel caught sight of Tobin rising an arm to sniff himself.  Giving a huff of disdain he quickly tried to think of something to say to Teris that would fix this.  He looked to her only to find she had turned her back and was already walking away.
“Try to be more civil when our families met again to further discuss things.”  Nozel called after her, immediately cursing himself for making matters worse.
Teris turned.  Nozel’s eyes widened certain that he had gone too far in mentioning their eventual betrothal and that she was going to send him to the healing mages.
Yami took a step forward to stop her from doing something he knew she’d eventually regret; but feeling her rising mana took two more back, cursing his insecurity in his ability to control his mana’s thirst for hers.   He gritted his teeth battling his own mana as it fought to be released from his restraining hold.
“Wow! There beautiful.”  Olsen said, grabbing Teris’ arm before she could lift it.  He turned her toward the Black Bulls.  “We’ve had our fill of the mass of food you all left.  What do you say we save fired eagle for another day?  Hum.”
Yami breathed a sigh of relief.
Olsen gave Yami a wink and told him.  “I got your lady for you.”
It was likely everything leading up to this point that set Nozel off. Olsen’s flippant comment, and Yami nodding his thanks to the Water Mage sure didn’t help.  But, it was Teris’ silence at being called the foreigners lady that truly did it.  After she had belittled their friendship, never mind how tremulous it sometimes was.  And then, without thought or hesitation ended said friendship as if believing what they had could be so easily ended.
Gathering his mana, Nozel lashed out at Yami with his mercury magic.
Yami landed several meters away, outside the patios fencing.
Rolling to a stop he groaned, wincing.  The royal ball of pride had power, Yami begrudgingly thought to himself.
Yami wasn’t certain what shape he would’ve been in if Nozel’s Ki hadn’t told him what the royal was about to do.  He was just grateful that the tell had given him a chance to partially cloak himself in mana before the magical blow came.
Yami rolled to sit up.  Instantly regretting the movement, he laid back down.  Damn.  He knew this feeling.  His ribs were cracked.  But this was way worse than when Bronn had cracked them during his second night at the Black Bulls base.
Man, that seemed like ages ago.  Yami wondered how the Vice Captain would react.  He didn’t want their superiors to know, and he would shield Nozel as best he could cause that’s what real men did.  But, he couldn’t see how they would get around the higher ranking Magic Knights learning that something had happened.
On the patio Teris had turned, feeling a rise in Nozel’s mana; but had realized too late that the royals magical attack wasn’t meant for her.
“Yami!” Teris had called, just as Nozel’s strike had hit and Yami had gone flying.  “Yami.”  She said again, this time in a whisper.
Teris made for the gate, the rest of the Black Bulls doing the same.  They had only taken a step before men, formed of Greywright’s army magic, appeared between and surrounding the two squads.
“Mother of Mana and Magic!  What the hell is going on here!”  The Knights Commander bellowed as he and the Captains exited the cafe.
After a moment of silence, Tobin offered an explanation that sounded more like a question.  “Having a bit of fun?”
“Fun,” Greywright repeat.
“Ye—yeah,” Olsen nodded, warming to the fabrication.  It just might work as it couldn’t be refuted no matter how much their superiors might disbelieve them.  All they had to do was sell it and deny any different.
Bronn jumped the fence to check on Yami, muttering curses the entire time. Olsen, who still held Teris, had to tightened his grip to keep her from following the Vice Captain.
“We got bored just sitting here and, not familiar with each others magic, decided a demonstration was an order,” Olsen said.
“A demonstration,” Greywright intoned.
Teris pulled further against Olsen in an effort to once again make for Yami.  Tobin and Venice came to assist.  Tobin grabbed Teris’ hand and spun her around, as if dancing, before he and Venice tossed their arms over her shoulders.
“That was some impressive stuff.”  Venice told Nozel, an over large smile plastered on her face.  “That was mercury magic wasn’t it!  I’ve never seen the like.”
With too much left to do, Greywright didn’t have the time or inclination to deal with this and so let them have their lie.
“No more demonstrations.”  The Commander said, piercing each and every one of them with a glare.
“You got it,” Tobin saluted.
“Pyter. Jax.  Get your people back to your bases.”  Greywright ordered.
“You’re just going to take their word.”  Pyter challenged, gesturing to the Black Bulls.
Greywright turned to the Silver Eagles Captain.  “Considering it was their comrade that was thrown more than dozen meters by one of yours, I don’t see a reason for them to lie.  But if you wish, we will stay and I’ll look into it.  Do you want that, Captain?”
At that Pyter sobered.  “No, sir.”
“Are you sure?  I could separate and hear what each of them has to say if you wish,” Greywright offered.
“That won’t be necessary, sir.”  Pyter assured, giving the Knights Commander one of his winning smiles.
“Got an issue with taking your squads word and seeing them back to base, Jax?”  Greywright asked, looking over his shoulder at the Black Bulls Captain.
Jax, who had been watching Yami and Bronn, turned to the Magic Knights Commander.  The kid appeared injured enough to require a nights stay at the healing mages, but otherwise fine.  He scrutinized Nozel wondering what had been said or done to make the royal loose control and lash out like that.  Granted there had been numerous occasions where Jax had wanted to crush Yami with his stone magic...  The boy could be a trying little shit.  But to actually give into the urge and act on it?
Nozel waited, eyes lowered, certain that the Black Bulls Captain was going to challenge the matter and demand to know what really happened.  He wondered if he would be discharged from the Magic Knights for his attack.  He could feel Teris’ hate filled eyes boring into him and knew that any hope he had at rectifying what their heated words had wrought was long past.
“Nozel,” Pyter said.  “Apologize to Captain Jax and the Black Bulls for over doing your magic demonstration.”
“That’s not necessary.”  Jax said, waving Pyter and Nozel off.  “Bronn’s done worst to the boy I’m sure.”
Teris’ eyes flicked to her Captain, displeasure clearly showing on her face. Venice squeezed her friends shoulder certain that Teris was going to demand Nozel’s head and in doing so get herself in trouble. Thankfully none of their superiors had seemed to notice the scorch marks along the edges of Nozel’s clothing.
“Excellent.” Greywright said, to which everyone looked at him curiously wondering if the Knights Commander was referring to Yami having had a tougher go of it at Bronn’s hand or the dismissal of the current matter. “Everyone get going.  Not you.”  Greywright said to Julius as the Azure Deers Captain turned away.
“I was going to--”
“Come with me back inside.”  Greywright finished.
Julius looked over at Bronn and Yami hoping the young Magic Knight was truly alright.
“Now!” Greywright barked.
Julius flinched slightly and hurried indoors.
Teris watched her brother and the Knights Commander disappear back insider. She had never disliked Greywright, but  right now she was beginning to.  How could he let Nozel and the Silver Eagles leave after what Nozel had done?
“What happened to your clothes?”  Pyter exclaimed looking Nozel over.
“It’s nothing,” Nozel assured.
“I doubt it’s the newest rage in fashion.”  Pyter said, rising an eyebrow.
“Though if people see him like that it may become one.”  Danior said, jealously.
“We’ll talk more after we get back to base.”  Pyter said, almost jovially as he placed a hand on Nozel’s shoulder.  “There you can tell me exactly what happened here.”
The Silver Eagles gave each other nervous looks before following their Captain out of the patio enclosure and down a pathway.
Nozel and Teris’ eyes locked once more before he turned the corner and was out of sight.  As soon as he was she tossed off Venice and Tobin’s arms and made for Yami.
“Hold up there light bug.”  Jax said, placing a hand firmly on her shoulder.
Teris turned and looked up at her Captain with a glare that gave him a moments pause.
Regaining his composure, Jax darkened, looming over her.  “You better fix your face before I rearrange it for you Princess.”
Unable to do as the Captain order, Teris looked down, letting her hair curtain off her face.
Jax gave a huffing smirk of amusement.  “You alright Olsen?”  He called.
Olsen held up his hands showing the Captain the burns he had suffered by holding onto Teris while her mana was at its highest.  “I believe lovely Venice’s gentle touch and a police will see me to rights.”
Jax shook his head.  “Go with Bronn and Yami to the healing mages. They’ll likely want to keep him a while, if not over night.  Have Bronn send you to base when they’re done with you.”
Olsen nodded, knowing as Jax did that Bronn would insist on staying at the healers until Yami was released, but that the Captain would want to know how Yami was doing.  “Yes, sir.”
Jax watched him make his way through the gate and around to the other two.  “Bronn!”  Jax called.
“You got it, Captain.”  Bronn called back.
A portal opened within the patios enclosure.
“Let’s go home guys.”  Jax told Tobin, Venice, and Abril.
Teris pulled against her Captains staying hand trying to get to Yami.
Jax turned her roughly around to face him.  “Bronn’s tired and can’t keep this gateway open forever.  Now walk through before I throw you through.”
“But, Yami.”  Teris said, so softly is was almost a whisper as she tried once again to view him through the shrubs and failed.  If only she could see him.  See that he was alright.  Then she would feel better and do as her Captain wanted without complaint.
Jax looked in the same direction as Teris grateful for the tall shrubs and her shorter height.  He probably never would have been able to control her if she could see the state he was in.  Jax balked at the pool of blood that began to form around Yami.  Knowing that Bronn couldn’t make another portal to take Yami to the healers till they had gone through this gateway Jax half shoved, half flung Teris through before lunging through himself.
“They’re gone,”  Olsen said, with unnecessary volume.
“Alright, kid.”  Bronn said, as he looked down at Yami.  “We’re gonna get you to the healing mages.”
“Don’t want—to go—stupid—mages,” Yami rasped, skipping words as he struggle to stay conscious.
“Too bad.  We’re already here.”  Bronn said, rising and stepping away to let the healers at him.
He watched as three of them went quickly and efficiently to work taking stock of Yami’s injuries and magically tending to them.  While another two went about the task of cutting open Yami’s shirt careful not to bump or jostle the iron stake that had been part of a short decorative barricade that lined the walkway protecting the garden beds.
From what Bronn could piece together of the scene, it appeared as if it had impaled Yami when he had first landed and either the force of the the landing or the momentum of his continued skid had broken the square bar off.  By the time Bronn had gotten to him the wound had further opened with Yami’s continued movement.  The idiot hadn’t seemed to realize that there was a metal rod skewered through his back, just below his shoulder blade, and exiting his chest near the first and second rib.
Bronn couldn’t entirely blame the kid for not noticing.  Pain could sometimes that could take a while to register.  Though the idiot should have noticed the fat, two inch, teardrop shaped iron finial that had been protruding from his front.
A Healer followed, by two others stopped before Bronn.  “Do you require assistance?”
“What? No.”  Bronn looked himself over.  He wiped the blood from his hands on the front of his shirt and held them up.  “It’s not mine.  Olsen over there--” Bronn stopped, having turned and seen two healers already attending to the Water Mages burned hands.  He gave a nod and looked back at the Healer who had spoken.  “Just see my friends put to rights, if you please.”
“That is what we’re here for.”  The Mage said.  She gave a wave and the two that were behind her stepped back, walking away.  “I suppose you’re not going to tell me what happened.”  She said to Bronn.
“Will it help the healing process?”  Bronn questioned, eyes on Yami.
That bloody, bratty royal sure did a number on him, Bronn thought wincing in sympathy as the metal was pulled free.  But, Yami didn’t groan or cry out.  It was then that Bronn noticed that the he was no longer conscious.  Whether Yami had gone under himself or one of the healers had put him under, he didn’t know; but the Vice Captain was grateful.
The Healing Mage shook her head.  “You Magic Knights are all the same. Getting injured with little care for the trouble you cause.  Barging in here.  Dripping mud, sweat, and blood.  Barking orders.  Rushing us.  Even going so far as to threaten us if we don’t save your friends and comrades.  And after we do.  You’re gone with barely a backwards glance, let alone a thank you.  Off to get injured all over again.”
Bronn turned to the Healer.  “Wow.  You make us sound like a bunch of ingrate, selfish, assholes.”
She looked up at him blinking and blushed.  “I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to say that.  It’s just that—it’s been a rather rough day.”
“For you and me both, luv.”  Bronn sighed, stuffing his hands into in pockets.  “It’s actually been a rough couple of days for me if I’m being honest.  But if what you said is true, it’s us who should do the apologizing.”  He looked about the large, pillared, open aired room.  “The amount of times I’ve been in this place. Well.  I suppose you could say it’s like a second home.”
“You’re not a very good Magic Knight then.  Are you?”  She smiled.
He looked at her sharply and then smiled seeing that she had been teasing.  “Naw, luv.  I’m Vice Captain of the worst Magic Knights squad.”
“The Black Bulls,” she said.
“Our infamy precedes us I see.”
She gave a pointed look to the insignia on his cape.
“Ah. Smart.”
“So I’ve been accused of on occasion.  I’m Gilly Shae, Grand Healing Mage.”
“You’re in charge,” Bronn said, mildly impressed.
“Of this shift,” she clarified.
“Just getting started or near it’s end?”
“Me and my team will be here till sunrise,” she answered.
“Unless your people give me some good news it looks like I will be too.” Bronn said, looking back at Yami.
“I can guarantee you that your friend will be staying the night.” Gilly said, looking sympathetically down at Yami.
“Not my friend,” Bronn said.  “Just my subordinate.”  He looked back at Gilly, tilting his head studying her.  “You can sense the kids injuries, can’t you.”
“Same as I can sense your fatigue and mana's depletion,”  Gilly said.  “I can help.”
“Naw, lass.  Don’t want to be any more trouble than we already are. Besides, you should see the other guy.”  Bronn gave a low whistle and shook his head.  “Pretty sure he spent last night at his own healers, if he isn’t still there today.”
“You sound proud.”
“Proud to have survived a fight with the some Spade Kingdom spatial twit who took a cheap shot at me from behind and nearly took my head off.  You bet your pretty face I am.  That bastard wouldn’t let up and left me stranded in the middle of nowhere by the time I finally proved who the better spatial mage was and sent him fifty feet above his countries side of the mountain peak.  Took me hours to recoup enough mana just to be able to fly some broken branch home.  You have no idea how embarrassing it is for a spatial mage to have to resort to flying on a makeshift broom.”
“So this is what you consider better?”  Gilly asked, referring to his health.
“Better than yesterday for sure.  I would been even better if I hadn’t had to transport folks around today, but my Captain and squad needed me.”
“And now whatever meager recovery from yesterdays altercation has been undone,” Gilly finished.
“Still managed to do what was needed when it counted,” Bronn said.  He looked at Yami.  “Will he be alright?”
“He will be good as he ever was in a few hours, unlike you.  The reason for his prolonged stay is so that I can keep him under and give him and his body a chance to recoup.  The knitting together of bone and tissue is not always easy or pain free, which is why I’m keeping him under.”
“You don’t have to tell me that,” Bronn said.  “I remember this one time, a healers administrations hurt almost as bad as the wound itself.  I about punched the mage till I realized that he was a girl.”  He looked castigated without her having said a word. “Suppose I should try to find her and apologize.”
“Could you?”
“What apologize?”
“Find the girl if you tired?”
Bronn blinked at that.  He tried to remember the shocked, frightened face of the girl as his fist had raised.  “I--”  He shook his head. “I don’t know.”  He looked at her.  “But you lot keep records of patients don’t you?  You’re like the Clerks over at Magic Investigations with your sheets of paper and files.  You’ve gotta have that visit and which Healer I saw notated in my file or something.  Right?”
“Possibly,” she said.
“Bronn.” Olsen called making his way to him.  “I’m done.  And I’ve already spoke with one of the healers tending to Yami so I can let Jax know what’s going on.  Ready to send me home?”
“Did you thank them?”  Bronn questioned.
“Thank you.”  Olsen told the Vic Captain in slow, confusion.
“Not me you idiot!”  Bronn snapped.  “The Mages who fixed you up.”
“Uh. Sure.”  Olsen said.
Bronn reached out a hand causing Olsen to take a step back.
“Don’t lie to me, you flowery Water Spout.”  Bronn warned, closing his hand into a fist.  “Go back and apologize to the Healers for not properly thanking them, then thank them for their efforts.”
Olsen looked at Bronn as if he has lost his mind.
“Now!” Bronn barked.
“Alright. Alright.”  Olsen griped, walking away.
Bronn looked back at Gilly shaking his head.  “Kids.  I’m Bronn by the way.  Bronn Rendel.”
“I know,” she said.
“How? Oh.  Aright.  Olsen said as much.”
“I knew who you were before that,” Gilly told.
“What? How?”
She turned away.  “Send your comrade off and we’ll talk.  There’s not much else for you to do while you wait till sunrise for your other friend to be released.”
Sorry for the delay.  Though I'm not editing this fic, I am giving it a second read before posting to make sure it's somewhat readable.  With the holiday's and my other fics...
Thanks reading.  Hope you enjoyed.
Comments or questions are always appreciated.
14 notes · View notes
talpup · 4 years
Light In the Darkness:35
SORRY!!!  I’ve been uploading this fic every Tuesday on ao3 but have forgotten to post updates here.  You all need to tell me these things.
Please remember this fic is rated mature and has warnings of violence, abuse, sexual tension, eventual sexual behavior, and other possible triggers.  For a full list of story tags please check the fics AO3 (link to that at the top of my tumblrs homepage).
Chapter 35
Three days later, Yami and Gendry headed out to capture the lone Saber Wolf that had been sniffing around Pilfer’s kennel causing him to tear up his cage.  Abril had wanted to go but Gendry had told her no.  She had pleaded her case to Yami but he had been of no help.
Heading down the hall to the back of the house, Abril exited back door and found Teris tending her mint garden.
Joining her, Abril asked.  “How much effort to they take?”
“Lucky for me, my father was right,” Teris said.  “Mint is practically a weed.  It pretty much takes care of itself.”
“So what do you do with them.”  Abril asked.
“Whatever you want.  Tea, flavoring, scents, even additions to salves.”
“But why so many different kinds?”
“Different properties and flavors.  It was a hobby of my mother’s.”  Teris said smiling sadly.
“You miss her.  Your mother?”
“I use to miss her all the time.  Not a single day would go by that something wouldn’t happen that I would want to tell her about. Often several times a day, there would be something that brought her to mind or made me remember a moment I had with her.”  She sighed. “Now, days pass where I don’t think about her even once.  I’ve forgotten the sound of her laugh.  The stern but amused, patient expression she use to give me when I didn’t behave as a young royal lady should.  It’s funny.  Back then all I wanted was to get to this point.  Where she stopped haunting my every moment.  Now that I’m here.  I realize how stupid I was.”
“I had a twin.”  Abril confessed.  “We weren’t identical.  He died before we turned six.  I often use to wonder what he would look like were he still alive.  What he’d want to do with his life.  If we would have still been inseparable or hated each other.  Now, I only really think about him on our birthday and the day he died.  I know it’s not the same--”
“But it hurts.  Loss is loss.”
Abril nodded.  “Sometimes I think that’s why I make such a horrible girl.  Because I’m trying to live for the both of us.  I know it doesn’t make sense--”  She stopped unable to go on.
“Does it make sense to you?”  Teris asked.
Unable to speak Abril merely nodded.
“Then it doesn’t have to make sense to anyone else.”
Yami and Gendry sat at the dinner table, exhausted.  Not only had the Saber Wolf put up a hell of a fight but Pilfer hadn’t been pleased with a new neighbor and had broken through the kennel twice.  In the end Yami had enlisted Tobin’s help and the three had moved the newly captured Wolfs cage down wind and out of sight of the unhappy Pilfer.
“You should have let me join.  I could have used my magic on it.”  Bran said again.
Gendry had already explained on multiple occasions why such a thing would’ve been counter productive to the training and trust of the new addition and Yami was too tired to do so himself.  Instead Gendry glowered at the younger boy until he stopped talking and shrunk in his seat.
Still mad at Gendry and Yami for not letting her join them, Abril sat to the left of Gendry refusing to speak or look at him.
“Seems you’re getting the same treatment I am.”  Yami commented glancing passed Gendry to Abril.
“Only I’m thankful for it.”  Gendry responded.  He looked over at Teris who sat across the table between Venice and Olsen.  “When do you think she’ll move back to her regular seat?”
Yami had quit playing seat shuffle and had taken to sitting in what had been his usual seat, between Gendry and Tobin.  Teris had quickly caught on and had stop trying to sit in her usual place altogether forcing Venice to sit across from Yami as she sat across from Tobin.
Understanding his friends meaning Yami sighed.  “Soon, I hope.  I’m getting impatient.”
“Yeah well, patience isn’t exactly your strong suit,” Gendry said.
“So what are you two gonna name the beast?”  Tobin asked Yami and Gendry.  “Though since I helped move its cage I should at least get a vote if not be allowed to make a suggestion.”
“You can make all the suggestions you like,” Yami said.
“We just don’t have to listen to them.”  Gendry added.
Tobin looked over at the two of them.  “So?  What are you going to name it?”
“Don’t know.”  Yami said mixing his vegetables in with grains.  “Have to work with him a bit and get to know him.”
“I say we name him Rover,” Bran said.  “You know since he was roaming around Pilfer’s.”
“No.” Yami told not even looking at the boy.
“Aw, come on.  At least consider it.”  Bran urged.
“I’d like your help sectioning off the training pen.”  Yami told Tobin easily ignoring Bran.
“You don’t want to add to it?”
“No.” Yami shook his head toying with his food.  “Too large and it’ll only make them more difficult to control.  Pilfer’s good with obeying commands and will be of use when training the other but first they have to adjust to one another.”
“Which they won’t be able to do if they can avoid each other from opposite sides of an overly large pen.”  Tobin nodded understanding.  “Sure. Tomorrow sound good?”
“The sooner the better.”  Yami responded.  “Gendry.  You good with tomorrow?”
“Unless this quiet breaks and there’s a mission,” Gendry said.
Yami remembered what Jack had told him a few nights back.  His eyes slid over to Jax and Bronn.  If Jack was right and wasn’t just fooling with him there would soon be a squad challenge.
Bronn caught him staring.  “What?”  He questioned chewing.
Yami couldn’t be sure if it was his sense of Ki or just a gut feeling but he looked back to Tobin.  “Never mind.
“What? Why?”
“Yeah.” Bran said from across the table of Gendry.  “I want--”
“You won’t be doing anything anyway so shut up.”  Yami told.
Bran deflated.
“What are you thinking?”  Gendry asked after everyone had settled down. “What’s going on?”
“Not sure.”  Yami said glancing at Jax and Bronn again.  “But I’d take it easy the rest of the night and turn in early if I were you.”
At Jax’s request Bronn had asked Gilly to come and check in on Teris before lights out.  The Captain and Vice Captain would be giving their squad a rude awaking before sunrise and Jax had wanted to make sure Teris had been getting enough sleep and wouldn’t loose control of her mana during the coming challenge.
“I checked her over after I got her message a few days ago.”  Gilly told Bronn as he greeted her.
“Captain just wants to be sure she’s—wait.  What message?”
“Bronn. You know I don’t discuss my patients with anyone unless their health or anothers safety requires it.”  Gilly told.
“Well in this case it just might, love.”
“The Magic Knights Squad--”
“Shh.” Bronn hushed pulling her aside and looking around.  “Not so loud.”
Gilly allowed herself to be lead to the darkened area behind the stairs of the great room.
“Every Healer is on call.  There’ll be six teams present and available with the usual one on shift at Healers Hall and the other two ready to assist should the need arise.”  She shook her head.  “Mana help us if some gang or army got the bright idea to attack the kingdom during this.  With only the Sentries out in mass while you Magic Knights pummel and try to kill each other--”
“That’s why it’s not announced.  That and not giving the kiddies a chance to prepare let’s us see what they’re worth.”  Bronn smiled.
“Can’t you all think of a less dangerous way of testing their prowess?”
“Being a Magic Knight is dangerous work, Gilly.”
She sighed placing a hand on his chest.  “Don’t I know it.  I see it enough everyday.  Whether it’s from simple sparring or an actual mission.  There’s not a day that goes by where I don’t see a report or personally treat a Magic Knight for injury.”
“That’s cause they’re a bunch of babies going to the healers for minor scraps and broken bones.”  Bronn waved off.
“You’re not helping,” Gilly said.
“Oh? You want my help, is that it?”  He wrapped an arm around her waist the other grabbing her bottom and pulled her closer.
Gilly yelped in surprise then giggled scolding quietly.  “Bronn!  Not here.”
Bronn looked over his shoulder listening.  Seeing and hearing nothing he walked her back a couple steps and pinned her between his body and the wall.
“I miss you.”  He breathed as he drove down to her neck the hand about her waist sliding up and around to cup her breast.
Gilly’s breath hitched her leg rising slightly as the hand on her bottom pulled her to his need.  Lashes fluttering as her eyes rolled back slightly, Gilly grabbed his shoulders in a weak attempt to stop him.
“We saw each other just the other day.”  She said her hands moving around his shoulders to pull instead of push as he ground his lower half into her.
“Seeing isn’t feeling.”  Bronn muttered his lower lip and tongue grazing up her neck to her mouth to silence any other protest.
One hand moving up around his neck the other dropping down to his ass. Grabbing and pulling him closer Gilly had no argument left even if Bronn had allowed her one.
Hearing amorous noises from behind the stairs Jax stood beside the stairways railing.
“Find a room for manas sake.  There’s kids about.”  Jax said smirking at the change in noise.
Gilly pushed Bronn away in truth this time.  Bronn straightened spinning around, protecting Gilly from view.  He didn’t need to as Jax was considerate enough to have his back turned to them.
“Captain.” Bronn cleared his throat.  “We were just about--”
“Don’t need you to tell me what you were about.  It was quite obvious.” Jax told unable to stop himself from the tease.
Gilly blushed a deeper red, holding a hand to her chest clasping her partially undone top and slapping Bronn smartly on the shoulder.
Jax hear the hit and chuckled.  “Evening, Gilly.  Have you seen Teris yet?”
“I was--”  She cleared her throat missing a button in her haste to button her blouse.  “I’m headed to her directly.”
“Good. Come see me in my office after.”
“Of course.”  Gilly nodded needlessly as Jax’s back was still turned to them.
“Let her do her job before you go distracting her with extracurriculars.”
Bronn pulled his lips between his teeth lowering his head, expecting the open handed hit Gilly gave him.  He looked up at his Captains back and guiltily muttered.  “Yes, sir.”
Seated in his office across the low coffee table from his Vice Captain, Jax smirked at Bronn.  Embarrassed for Gilly’s sake Bronn looked away shaking his head unable to stop the smile that formed.  The two men shared a chuckle.
Bronn throwing his head back and sighed.  “Oh man!  She not gonna forgive me for that anytime soon.”
“Nor should she.”  Jax smirked eye squinting in appreciation of the shot of fire water he downed.  The Captain exhaled slowly looking at the empty glass.  “That’s good.”
“It was till you interrupted.”  Bronn said righting his head.  “Oh.” He quirked a brow seeing the shot glass in his Captains hand.
Jax chuckled again shaking his head.  “You were the one pursuing things out in the open.”
“Can’t help it Captain.  I think she’s the one.”
“Really.” Jax said in almost bored disbelief.
“I‘m serious.”  Bronn stated.
“I can see you think you are.”
“Have I ever made such a statement before?”  Bronn challenged.
“Once,” Jax said.
Bronn sobered recalling his drunken words years ago before he and Jax had risen to the point of Captain and Vice Captain.  I’m gonna marry that woman one day, his slurred words echoed in his mind about Mereoleona.
“I was a foolish boy.”  Bronn admitted.  “Even so--”  He shook his head and sighed.  “Even after I wised up and realized the impossibility of such a thing.”  He ran a tongue between his teeth and lower lip, scratching his head.  “I thought I’d be pinning over that Lioness for the rest of my days.”
“When’s the last time you thought about her?”
Jax nodded, studying his friend.
“Six. Seven months.  At least.”
Jax blinked at that realizing this thing with Gilly was serious.  The two hadn’t started dating till shortly before the Star Awards Festival at the end of March.
“I know.”  Bronn said seeing his Captains expression.  “I got it bad.  And unlike the last one, this one is attainable.  If she’ll have me.”
“Promise me one thing.”
“Anything.” Bronn said without hesitation.
“Give me notice before you propose.  I’ll need time to find a replacement.”  Jax smiled at his friend and muttered.  “As if you could be replaced.”
“I’m not planning on quitting Captain.”  Bronn told.
“You many not plan on it but wives hold great sway over their men.  I don’t see Gilly tolerating her husband facing the dangers of a Magic Knight let alone a Vice Captain.  Do you?”
Bronn stopped and thouhgt.  Knowing Gilly she might even make his retirement a condition before agreeing to marry him.  “Damn it.” He cursed dropping his face into his hands and rubbing roughly.
Jax smirked.  “I suppose time will tell, how serious you are about her.”
“I won’t leave you without a suitable replacement.  That’s for sure.”  Bronn stated firmly.
“I wouldn’t expect you to.  Not to mention if you did, I’d kill you. Wouldn’t want leave your girl a widow before you could fully enjoy the perks of married life.  Not that you haven’t sampled them already.”
“Oh, Captain!”  Bronn smiled raising his eyebrows.  “I could gorge on those delights for days.”
“Don’t.” Jax said scrunching up his face tempted to take another shot of drink after the image.  “Don’t talk about your girlfriends delights.  And don’t go tasting them out in the open of my base again.  You should be ashamed of yourself.  What if Bran had come across the two of you?”
“Have you heard how big his family is?  Living in such a small farmhouse. That boy already knows what’s what, I guarantee you.”  Bronn said.
“Or Yami.  Or Teris.”  Jax said mentioning the other two youngest squad members.
“Yami?” Bronn scoffed.  “You’re kidding me.  Right?  Have you seen the way that boy looks at that girl?  I tell you he’s done more to her in his mind than Gilly and I have done in truth.  As for Teris.  If those two end up getting together and have their happily whatever, that girl’s gonna have to get use to such things cause I tell you, that boy has no shame.”
Jax smirked thinking his Vice Captain had a point on both accounts. Still, there was no sense in their happening across such things and getting ideas.  “Never again.”  Jax told.
“I know.  I know.  I’m sorry.”  Bronn sighed.  “I wonder what’s taking her so long.”
“Miss your girl already?”
Bronn’s lip twitched.  He remembered what Gilly had said and told his Captain.  “She mentioned something about getting a message from Teris a few days ago.”
Jax sat forward uncrossing his legs.  “What kind of message?”
“Don’t know.  She claimed Healers confidentiality or some such.”
“So it was official.”
Bronn nodded.  “I take it you didn’t know anything about it.”  He said watching his Captain sit back and sigh.
Jax shook his head considering.  “Gilly just saw her the morning of the Winter Celebration three days ago.  So this was sometime after that?”
“I guess so.”  Bronn shrugged.
The two sat in silence for a long while till there was a knock on the door.  Bronn stood and opened it letting Gilly in.
“Dismissed.” Jax told his Vice Captain.
“Aw, Cap--” At Jax’s expression Bronn fell silent.  “Sir.”  He cleared his throat brushing Gilly’s arm as he passed closing the door after him.
“Please. Sit.”  Jax gestured to the chair Bronn had vacated.  “Sorry. All I have to offer is whiskey that could double as d-varnisher.
“It’s alright.”  Gilly said sitting on the edge of the seat.  “I’m fine.”
“And my squad members?  How are they?”
“You had been stopping by the second floor and looking in on Yami as well. Have you not?”
Gilly smiled nervously.
“I may not look all that bright.  May not even be all that bright.  But, I know how to look after my people,” Jax said.
“They’re both doing well.”  Gilly breathed.  “Though I had my concerns when I peeked in on Yami and found that he had already turned in for the night.”
“He’s another one that may not seem all that bright but is quick on the up take when it matters.”  Jax told.  “Just glad he encouraged the other lads to take it easy after all their exertions this afternoon.” Jax smirked wondering if Bronn could hold off with Gilly until Yami rose to be a Third Class Senior Magic Knight, making him eligible to be named Vice Captain.  Having Yami as Vice Captain would certainly provide its challenges but at least it’d always be interesting.  He focused his eyes on Gilly.  “So they’re getting enough sleep.  No fear of loss of control for tomorrows challenge?”
“Not for lack of sleep and over exhaustion.”  Gilly answered.
“But you make no promises should they loose control for reason other than lack of sleep.”  Jax chuckled and stated.  “You’re too smart for Bronn.”
“He covers what I’m lacking,” Gilly said.  “I like to think we complete each other after a fashion.”
Jax’s brows jumped at that as he laughed outright.  “A like you.  You’re good for him.”
“As his Captain and closest friend, I am grateful for your approval.”
“Tell me, what was Teris’ message about?”
Gilly stiffened at the sudden change in the Black Bulls Captains demeanor. “I can tell you’re concerned--”
“I don’t know how much you know about those two,” Jax interrupted, “given the secrecy and gag orders that seem to be thrown left and right whenever Yami and Teris are involved but the normal rules don’t apply to them.  Your Healer code of confidentiality,” he shook his head, “it has no meaning where those two are concerned.”  He pulled out his grimoire.  Opening it he slipped out a folded parchment that bore the Wizard Kings seal.  “I can see you have your doubts and require proof.  I respect you for that.  But it doesn’t change the fact that I still need to know.”  He stretched out the paper to her.  “Take a look.”
Gilly took the official letter.  Opening it she read.  It didn’t explain why.  It didn’t give any sort of reasoning actually.  She had no doubt it was from Sir Jorah; short as it was it was written by his own hand.
“Alright then.”  She breathed handing him back the note.  “What do you want to know?”
Magic Knights Challenge next chapter.  It’ll be a long one that I hope you all will enjoy.  Lots of drama, fighting, BC characters, and maybe, just maybe some making up between Yami and Teris.
Thank you to those who have left hearts.  And a special THANK YOU to those who have recently left comments or re-blogged. They really mean a lot.
Taglist: @captncappuccino .
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