#absolutely no feelings involved ❌
coldblooded-angel · 5 months
So who’s gonna write the fic about Art and Patrick having to deal with their “downstairs” problem after Tashi gets them both worked up and leaves them high and dry?
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multi-fandomsfreak · 4 months
Hello, how are you doing? I hope you are doing okay 👍
I have a silly request :D
So imagine Xenophanes and Lord X are fighting for Reader’s attention. (They’re all friends) Both Xeno and Lord X are always trying to make reader hang out with them. (With reader’s consent) They also bicker when Reader is not around but in all honesty Reader actually prefers Majin Sonic and Needlemouse’s company. (Reader is good at hiding the fact that she prefers these two.) Everyone knows that reader likes Needlemouse and Majin more (Expect Xeno and Lord X.) but she also likes Xeno and Lord X’s company. So she just decides to keep her friendship with Majin and Needlemouse a secret until one day Needlemouse accidentally reveals the secret.
Like one day reader is hanging out with both Xeno and Lord X. Needlemouse comes out of nowhere and hugs reader from behind which makes her jump slightly but reader smiles and greets her like usual but needlemouse hit her with the “Hey, bestie.” And reader just freezes and silently pleads that Xeno and Lord X. They heard.. They both very much heard.
You can decide how they both react to the news. >:)
(Please use She/Her pronouns.)
[Like always if you don’t like this request feel free to skip it.]
Xenophane and Lord X Fighting For Your Attention
Hey there thanks for the ask!
Absolutely loved this request. Love the thought of these two hedgehogs fighting for attention only to be disproven. Anyways hope you like it. ~Blaze/Dawn
Pronouns: She/Her
Warning: ❌
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Xenophane + Lord X + Needlemouse/Sarah + Majin
Proofread: ❌
Credits: Art by BaterkaCZJeffryCZ (For Xenophane) and Daniuxshit (For Lord X) on Deviantart + Banner by m4rxi on Pinterest
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- There wasn't a day that didn’t include Xeno and Lord X having some sort of argument usually involving you. You see they both personally believe that they deserve to bless you with their attention while giving out reasons why the other should leave you alone, all that stuff. Luckily most of these arguments weren’t around you but unfortunately the others were ‘blessed’ with being in earshot of their bickering. Honestly it kind of annoyed them the type of shit they would say just to get the other to back away from you is something. It’s a miracle that one of them hasn’t snapped and told them to shut up.
- Luckily they do manage to keep their arguments separate from you or at least to an extent. But even then sometimes they would passive aggressively roast each other and tell you why they are a better reason to be around you.
+ “Come on [Name] trust me I’ll be a much better option to be around than that crystallized idiot over there.” Lord X said towards you, placing a hand on your shoulder just to provoke a reaction out of Xeno “I thought [Name] said we could all hang out together X. No need to hog her to yourself.” Xeno retorted back “I know she did but let’s be honest she would rather be around me than with you.” Lord X said with a smirk on his face enjoying Xeno’s reaction to his comments “how would you know that? She might prefer me more.”
- That’s pretty much how their arguments go when they’re around you. Although they do keep their peace for the most part around you but at the same time don’t be surprised to expect them to throw some subtle jabs here and there. They always try to one up each other in order to make them seem better than the other.
- However, as much as you loved the both of them in your own way, to be honest you always prefer two other people in the EXE group. That being Sarah or also known as Needlemouse and Majin. Why them? you may ask? Honestly you prefer their company more. They’re more fun to be around. Majin has more of that calm aura about him, when you want to have some peace from Xeno and Lord X but want to be around someone you can go to Majin and he wouldn’t mind. As for Sarah seeing how she’s (as far as I’m aware of) is the only female exe you two can relate to some stuff. Kind of like Majin if you just want to chill you can rely on Sarah. Sometimes you two can talk about anything yet find entertainment in it, that’s how close you are with her.
- Surprisingly, despite everyone else knowing about your preference for Majin and Sarah, the only people who didn’t know were Xeno and Lord X. How they did not know was an absolute mystery to you and everyone else you're just really good at keeping secrets. You mostly kept it a secret to spare their feelings knowing them their reaction could be anything. You were already a bit on the conflicted side when it came to how Lord X might react but you had a feeling he would take it somewhat well while Xeno might exaggerate his emotions a bit.
- Speaking of their reactions as much as you would like to keep this secret, eventually the two of them would at some point find out about your favoritism with someone other than them. It happened when you were spending time with the both of them, with them throwing passive aggressive comments at each other like usual. What you didn’t know was that while you were waiting for the two of them to calm down Sarah had managed to spot you and thought ‘oh there’s [Name] let’s go speak to her’ and with another thought she immediately went up to you gave you a friendly hug and said “hey how’s my best friend doing?” She unknowingly said not knowing the current situation. At first you were about to return the favor before quickly realizing that Xenophane and Lord X were still here. You were kind of pleading to yourself that they didn’t hear but when you went to look at them their faces were all you needed to know. They did. Some point after Sarah also kind of realized that she kind of screwed you over and awkwardly chuckled to herself. Their reactions were pretty much the photo below.
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- I feel like their reaction to the information they just learned would be different. For Lord X I feel like he would be kind of accepting of it after a while. Like sure he didn’t feel that upset at you he kind of wished you did tell him about it. Regardless after a bit he’s kind of over it. Still do expect him to still be a little teasing about if you like him more than Xeno.
- On the same note, Xenophane reaction? oh boy. He was definitely kind of pissed. More of a childish way though. He acts kind of offended that he’s not your favourite. Like Lord X I’d like to imagine he would’ve liked to be told about the others being your favourite. But after a bit just like Lord X he gets over it sort of. Still although they are aware of people like Sarah and Majin being your best friends do still expect them to go at each other over who you prefer.
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inactiveobeymeblog · 6 months
Obey Me Ask Game
Dear followers, or anyone passing through, in recent light of a few tumblr posts, I’ve decided I would like to make my own ask game and open it up for however long I see fit until I can get these asks done.
So in the meantime, please feel free to request any of these prompts!
Here are the rules:
1.) You may only request one character with one prompt at a time!
2.) No ships will be involved
3.) You may request for MC as well! When requesting for MC, please have the sheep (🐑) emoji before the original prompt emoji!
4.) MC or reader will most likely be gender neutral unless specified otherwise
5.) No AFAB reader for NSFW
Please keep these rules in mind when requesting!
SFW Prompts
❌ - What is something they absolutely hate and why?
✅ - What is something they love and why?
💙 - What type of people do they get along with the most and why?
🖤 - What type of people do they NOT get along with the most and why?
💅 - How do they like their nails? How long do they spend on their nails?
🎵 - What type of music are they into?
✨ - What is something that inspires them?
👏 - What is their greatest achievement?
🤒 - How often do they get sick? How long does it last? What helps them recover quicker?
😴 - How often do they fall asleep? (If at all?)
🥰 - How we’ll do they accept affection? Do they return it? How often do they show affection?
💋 - What are their kisses like?
NSFW Prompts
🫦 - How good are they with their mouth?
🧠 - What is their mood before and after sex?
🗣 - How loud are they?
👙 - What is their opinion on lingerie?
💍 - What is their opinion on body jewelry?
⚡️ - What turns them on?
🌙 - What time of day do they prefer?
🍋 - What is their opinion on quickies?
🍒 - How quick are they to finish?
🍆 - Do they use toys? If so, what kind?
🌶 - What gets them in the mood?
🎭 - What is their opinion on roleplay? How often do they rp?
🦇/🩸- Vampier! Is this a turn on for them? To they like drinking their partner’s blood or do they like having their blood drank?
🧸 - What are they like during aftercare?
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amethystina · 1 month
Hello !!! I hope u r well and recovering 💘
Fir the ask game: 🤡❌️👀
Unfortunately, things are still pretty rough but I'm hanging in there :)
🤡 What’s a line, scene, or exchange you’ve written that made you laugh?
I'm not sure if there is such a line, to be honest. Mainly because most of the things I write aren't all that funny, but also because it takes a lot for me to laugh when it's my own writing. Because I already know the punchline before the joke's even started, so it's just not that exciting. If that makes sense?
That said, Yoon Sa Wol from Black Knight is an absolute hoot to write and there is one exchange in particular that definitely makes me want to cackle whenever I think about it. It's when he's talking to 4-1 (a coworker of his) and they accidentally stumble onto the subject of whether or not Sa Wol could have sex with 5-8 (the dude he is definitely interested in having sex with) and the following happens:
All things considered, it didn't seem like a bad idea at all. 4-1 didn't seem to agree. She gave him a flat look, as if the answer should be obvious. "He'd eat you for breakfast." Sa Wol paused for a beat but, really, the only thing he could think to say was: "I mean, wouldn't that be the whole point?" 4-1 let out a choked noise that sounded outright painful.
But also, kudos on being so goddamn shameless.
❌ What’s a trope you will never write?
I'm not sure if there is one? Because, sure, I'm not personally into mpreg or A/B/O but I can't say I'll never write them. Like, if someone gave me enough money to write those tropes, I probably would. We get money where we can in this economy xD
I think the closest I come to a complete "I refuse to write this" are the things I find triggering or just don't agree with on a moral level. So I'd have a hard time glorifying abuse, for example, or write something that involves incest or non-con between a romantic couple. The kind where transgressions are eventually forgiven or brushed aside because "they actually love them and it was just a mistake" and that kind of stuff.
There's a reason why I'm so determined to call out Yo Han's bullshit in my Devil Judge fics, for example, and why Moon Jo is such a lovesick simp in my Strangers From Hell fic. I find them to be incredibly fascinating as characters, but I admit I would never be able to write them doing something along those lines. They both skirt the line from time to time — which is sort of the point in some ways — but I try to criticise the behaviour rather than excuse or glorify it.
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
I kind of mentioned all of them when I did the WIP Tag Game not too long ago, so you can see what they are and read about them if you look at this tag right here!
But aside from that, I can say that I'm currently trying to edit and post chapter six of A New Dawn (Begins With Us), and, after that, I'm going to try and edit chapter 3 of The Right Set of Circumstances, and, after that, I... well, I don't know x'D I'll either try to edit Thou Shalt Not Covet or maybe I'll allow myself to write chapter 42 of Who Holds the Devil.
I'm kind of holding that chapter hostage right now since I HATE editing and would much rather write — it's just so much more fun. But if I only wrote and didn't edit, I would never post anything, so I kind of have to force myself to edit from time to time, too.
And it's extra annoying right now since I'm so feverish and that just makes editing ten times worse for some reason?
So yeah. I have a lot going on right now in terms of WIPs and it's kind of beginning to feel like a second job, not going to lie x'D
Thank you so much for the ask! :D
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask
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2c75ff · 5 months
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✔️ If you're the insecure type, rejoice -- this pretty little twunk might give off some 'player' vibes at times with the way that he so clearly enjoys fishing for amusing responses, but the fact of the matter is that he really only tends to have interest in one person at a time, even in instances where the interest is fleeting or minor at most. If you're in The Talking Phase with him, so to speak, chances are pretty good that you're the only person he's Talking To, even if there's no expectations at play. He's got other shit to do.
✔️ Seventeen doesn't care about your money or material assets, what kind of job or social standing you might have, how you dress, etc. There's little use in trying to impress him with stuff like that. All he really cares about is whether or not he finds you interesting. Everything else is secondary. It truly is that simple.
✔️ So you're ungainly about this stuff, huh? Afraid you're going to do something wrong, make things weird, come on too strong, be bad at this, or otherwise make yourself look like an idiot? Well you're in luck: Seventeen's into that shit. He'd rather have you hungry than perfect; and while he might (read: absolutely will) torment you about it, he'll also delight in the process of figuring out what's good for you, as well as showing you what's good for him.
❌ Seventeen doesn't want to meet your folks and learn your family's stupid card games, he doesn't want to play 'domestic bliss' in some ugly little suburb, and he doesn't want to spend his life pretending that he sees any particular value in the rat race of society at large. If your dreams for the future tend to involve the typical 'cute house and passel of kids' stuff, then Seventeen almost certainly isn't the guy who's going to help you achieve it.
❌ Seventeen has never experienced a proper relationship and, frankly, wouldn't know how to deal with the prospect of long-term stability. He assumes that the good times have an expiration date and that, sooner or later (most likely sooner), either he or you will move along, and that will simply be that. Especially in the early days, it may feel like Seventeen already has one foot out the door, ready to cut and run the instant he thinks things are souring instead of attempting to work anything out. Unless you bring this pattern to his attention and really hammer it into his head, likely repeatedly, that you want him to be yours -- (him! the whole stubborn, rough-edged, uncultured wreck of him!) -- he's very likely going to assume that this Thing, whatever it is, is temporary, and act/communicate as such. He doesn't think of himself as the kind of guy that anybody actually keeps.
❌ He wants someone to think he's worth keeping though. This want to be wanted in a way that matters, while simultaneously feeling stupid and privately humiliated for it, can make him run very hot-and-cold, at times pulling people in and winding them up and giving every signal in the world that he's inviting them to give chase, while at other times slamming on the brakes or getting skittish/standoffish the instant things start to get just a little too emotionally real in a way he wasn't prepared to deal with. To the other person, this can feel as though Seventeen is simply toying with them for his own kicks.
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PLEASE CHECK AFTER THIS POST FOR THE POLL WE PUT UP TO SEE WHO’D BE INTERESTED IN WHAT :) We did one and a couple were interested in cheap adopts but that was months ago. Check out the sample arts attached, too which will be posted after this! All of these higher prices might change, too. I also don’t wanna hear any bullshit off “profiting off this situation”. And I didn’t even do anything. But you mfs have proved you’re absolutely insane and will make up anything. I had plans a long fucking time ago, I’m not “profiting” off of anything, you bitches interrupted me and my headmates. Check my tumblr from the beginning.
❌:Me and my headmates will be back to our usual activity, including the plans of cheap, or pretty affordable commissions AND adopts that were mentioned a while back. We just need to finish an art trade and a birthday card and we’ll hop to it.. I am so sorry to Ramona who got her beautiful adopts overshadowed by this bullshit.
Some of our upcoming plans and info
(Note: Customs will always cost more.)
The cheap adopts info-
(Will range from 3 USD to 25-30, it depends. We’re basically going to make a whole price range, less complex adopts on base or not in chibi forms for 3-5 USD at least and the highest I’d ever think we’d go is 30-40 for special events. You have an option to pay for those for much less OR wait for a sale where you could get more content for that price, it’s all gonna depend how we feel. 30-40 would be for complicated hand drawn refs and an added headshot etc. Or, one for 20-25 on base with added on art.
It’s all gonna depend on how well our sales are received. So don’t take any of those higher prices as solidified. All we know for sure right now is that there’ll typically be a lot of 3-5 USD ones along with 10-12 USD. They usually will be that cheap. Our goal is to provide lower prices and discounts out of our own kindness, and because we are in a place where we are financially comfortable and well taken care of, and we just want to give back for that privilege out of our own want, while still making a couple dollars on the side for our system so they can buy things for themselves. And also to get Fawn things as gifts for her hard work in school, and fuel her special interests of course. She has had jobs in physical establishments but they have taken such a toll on her physical health (asthma attacks and more) AND mental health, and she deserves to rest and be able to do art at home or have her alters do it. We’ll actually be living some time in Colombia each year where she’ll be hella pampered like she deserves. So yes, we just want to do a nice thing and also making these specific adopts accessible (you’ll see some of the ideas in a minute :) ) because of how much fandoms or any kinds of special interests/hyperfixations can mean to people, and we wanna give a discount on that.
-Most of our adopt ideas is making feral/furry adopts of who we’re based on and other characters from DFTM OR references (such as mark’s adopts hes planning based off of the movies hes canonically reviewed,) (if anyone is interested,) and again if anyone is interested there will be other fandoms, for those who are also fictives, fictkin of them, or have them as comfort characters.
But that won’t be all we make. We’ll make a variety of things.
Note: Some freebies will be released occasionally. None of our adopts have a schedule.
-Warrior cat/other fandom/non fandom oc adopts (Will range from 3 USD to 25-30 USD, it depends. We’re basically going to make a whole price range, less complex adopts on base or not in chibi forms for 3-5 USD at least,
Elaborations: Character based of of “fursonas/feralsonas” being higher priced and with more art, along with characters who are separate of them. but still themed around them at around 25-30 USD maybe? Depends. It would involve chibis, back and front view etc the whole thing.
General common hyperfixation/special interest adopts for very cheap, like for example bug themed adopts, dinosaur themed adopts, etc etc. (You are actually free to request them down below of what you’d like to be done, and it can be reserved for you! This would be cheaper than what we price regular customs at IF you choose artistic liberty or a premade.)
Choose your hyperfixation/special interest, species etc, fully customizable: 20 USD (Off base ref)
Choose your hyperfixation/special interest mystery adopt: 10 USD (Off base ref)
MLP oc adopts- 5-10 USD (Off base)
Farm animal themed adopts - 4-15 USD, maybe 20
HMF furry/feral experiment based adopts- probably 20-25 due to complexity.
Series of adopts that are themed around certain events or references-
Adopts centered around Mark’s movie reviews, like bat furry adopts or knight themed adopts etc. (Mentioned earlier)
Movie themed adopts in general
But they’ll be just as original to where it’s just a fun nod.
And more! Keep in mind we sell and create a variety of things. It won’t just be adopts or just DFTM etc, if you read me trying navigate our next plans to the end, thank you! Polls will be coming in with art example. Check this thread where we try to keep all the info together.
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g0ttal0ve101 · 11 months
4,5,6, and 11 :3 for Lulu and Sam (and/or whoever else :33)
GIGGLE!!!!!! :33 sorry this is late btw, i was busy painting my room </3
tw: mentions of child predators/rapists, yandere behavior, and well. murder.
4. How do they feel about sparing women and children if given the choice? Do they value certain lives over others?
He will never harm a child. Considering the majority of his victims are child predators/rapists, he will do anything in his power to protect children that are involved in the situation. If the victim has a kid themselves, Lucian will ensure that they do NOT witness anything and take them into safety. There has been instances where Lucian takes the child into his own care for a while before returning them to other family members he is sure will properly raise them. If they don’t have any other members of the family that are suitable, Lucian has his own ways of getting them a good home. :3
Oh and women? lmao he doesn’t give a shit he’ll still murder the fuck out of them. EQUAL RIGHTS EQUAL FIGHTS!!!!
Now with Sam it’s tricky. Gender does not matter in the slightest to him ofc, so women are NOT safe ❌ in fact he murders women THE MAJORITY OF THE TIME LMAO
Now children? um…
I’d like to think that as long as they aren’t in the way of his relationship with Riley, they’re safe. (I’m not sure how one would interfere anyway lmao) but trust. he would not hesitate to murder a child if it meant being with riley. ok? ok.
5. What's their moral compass like?
Arguably, his moral compass is FUCKED.
He wants to bring justice to child predators. i mean duh. who wouldn’t. but in the same breath, he doesn’t care to kill ��innocent” people too!! however, i will say that he does spare people/won’t target someone he thinks really doesn’t deserve to die.
like yes. he’ll torture some fuck boy who’s homophobic, transphobic, and racist for hours. he’ll bash the head in of some preppy cheerleader who cheats on her boyfriend.
but he’d hesitate if he had his blade up against a girl who was trying to make ends meet for her family. in that case, he’d judge her for a bit longer before making his final decision.
his moral compass is so beyond twisted.
man or woman, old or young, guilty or innocent, he WILL kill anyone if they get in his way of riley. it doesn’t matter if riley would be upset if they died, it doesn’t matter if he personally loves them, it doesn’t even matter if they’re some dumbass infant. he. will. MURDER THEM IF IT MEANS HAVING RILEY.
ofc he might hesitate if riley begged him not to, but that’s only cause he wants to hear her pretty voice. <3
6. How far would they go to save someone they love? Would they sacrifice themselves? Others?
Do you remember that silly little moral compass question I just answered? :3 scratch all of it. every. last. fucking. part. of. it.
he would do anything to save kai no matter if it went against his morals. not only would he sacrifice himself, he would sacrifice EVERYONE around him. no one is safe. not his friends, not what’s left of his family, NOTHING. and he’d smile at the end of it. as long as kai was back in his arms, he’d laugh at everything he did like it was a bad joke or something.
yes, this means he would kill children too. he wouldn’t be too happy about it, but trust. he would. :3
oh! and if we’re talking about a different loved one, (friends for example) he’d be more than willing to do the same. but remember; his loyalty to kai is unmoved. hypothetically if kai were to be the ‘enemy’ in his friends’ story, lucian would not hesitate to betray everyone else for him. take that as you will.
he would go ballistic. i mean absolutely ballistic.
unlike lucian, who might feel guilt for sacrificing his friends for kai, SAM WOULD GIVE NO FUCKS. ZERO. NONE. NOPE. they’d be sacrificed in a heartbeat if it ensured riley’s safety. fuck, maybe even if it ensured riley’s happiness. and he’d go to sleep peacefully that night.
sacrificing himself is no question. he’d jump into a pit of acid if it meant riley would be safe and sound. he’d slit his throat if it meant riley would be happy. he’d rip out his friends’ insides if it meant riley’s life prosperity.
now if we’re talking about another loved one, his mom or friends for example, he wouldn’t be as serious. he’d sacrifice himself ofc, but maybe not sacrifice everyone else. he won’t even consider sacrificing riley lmao. not even if it cured his mother’s cancer….
11. Do they have empathy? For whom? For what?
this question sorta ties into his moral compass.
lucian is a very empathetic and emotional person. ofc he’d have empathy for some of his victims. shit, even some of his child predator/rapist victims.
WHAT!!! BUT HOW?!! CHILD PREDATORS AND RAPISTS DONT - pause and let me finish. after hours of torturing some of these guys, a lot truth comes out. lucian sometimes come across those who were victims of sexual abuse when they were young, which turned them into who they are today. and for those individuals, lucian can’t help but to feel a little empathy. a little. that doesn’t mean he won’t kill them ofc, but he might go a little easier on them compared to the others. (and ofc he feels empathy for their loved ones who will grieve them.)
and honestly? ik what i said before “equal rights equal fights……” but lucian does sorta have a soft spot for girls… trust he’ll kill them!! but he feels a lil bad sometimes. (especially when he overpowers them so easily….</3)
it depends, really.
if the victim is related to his riley situation, hardly ever does he have any sort of empathy for them. he justifies their death in his mind way before he goes out to do it, telling himself they’re a disgrace to humanity, even if they really aren’t. maybe he’d feel empathy if he knew they were truly innocent. maybe.
the only time i think he’d truly feel empathy for one of his victims is after they’re already dead. then, he really starts thinking about the consequences it’s going to leave everyone around them. their family, their friends, their goals, their achievements, everything was thrown away just for the simple fact that they were caught up in something they shouldn’t have been. that doesn’t mean he’ll stop ofc, but he might smoke a cigarette and think about it.
if the victim is totally unrelated to his riley situation, more times than not they deserve it. like. DESERVE IT. sam only really targets those who did him wrong or are known for being terrible people. so hardly ever does he feel empathy lol.
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safyresky · 1 year
😈, 🛒, ✨, ❌, and 👀!
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
Every time Jacqueline mentions @shittyelfchild in Frostmas, it is done on purpose just to hurt @shittyelfwriter because I love her >:)
I also made Blaise 6'1 just to be mean to Richard lmao. That was recent and a delightful overdramatic petty moment!
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
evil uncles. this one confuses me a lot. my uncles aren't evil, they're just. you know. thy suck. but they aren't evil and haven't like done anything bad to me? one doesn't like me and the other one is too right leaning for my liking most days (and also very inappropriate with jokes tbh)
i do a lot of fluff and hugs and such. i like hugs and fluff. they heal me as much as taking a bat to glass did sunday! lots of setting matching the atmosphere, like pathetic fallacy but instead of weather it's the location, location, location!
i very much enjoy imagery that's like. idk how to explain it. but it's like this:
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✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
My dialogue fucking SLAPS. I am so fucking witty with these fucks it's ASTOUNDING.
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
ANYTHING miscommunication related. ESPECIALLY if it's v stupid like y sees x talking to z and hears something out of context and instead of asking them about it, ghosts them and dips. HATE that, REFUSE to write it!!! AH! IF IT'S GONNA BE MISCOMMUNICATION, IT'S GOING TO INVOLVE HUGE ELEMENTAL/MAGICAL BLOWOUTS. AH.
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
hehehehe okay okay okay. Okay. Okay. This one wip. That I have yet to start. BUT AM GOING TO START. Is STEAMY. Involves the following:
dite and jacquie spending the night together for the first time in the traditional sense (they fuck)
dite is the goddess of pleasure. so. it's mind blowing.
so much so. jacqueline straight up sprite sleeps about it
dite thinks she fucked her gf to death. she goes on an adventure and learns about sprite sleeps from, regrettably, jack
when jacquie wakes up she's MORTIFIED but dite is v good at like, spoiling her and they spa about it and she's like okay this was pretty amazing, i just had sex so good it knocked me the fuck out
JACQUELINE IS LIKE THIS IS MORTIFYING HE IS GOING TO ROAST ME I NEED TO HIDE AND PROMPTLY GOES TO SEE MELUSINE OF @kscribbs's fic Miller's Law fame (which, if anyone reading hasn't read it, please do! K is a brilliant writer and I LOVE LOVE LOVE ML sO MUCH. IT'S GOT ME AS BAD AS DITE GOT JACQUIE)
Idk why she does this, Jacquie just told me she goes to see mel about it and Mel was like "absolutely she does" and I went "cool, gr8, let's see how this goes"
Well, Mel makes her a cupperty and they chat and like she feels less mortified after Mel roasts Jack probably and then Mel's like "woman. you got shagged so good you literally went into a coma. let's celebrate that"
and when she texts Elle and explains why Elle is liek FUCK YEAH BUDDY, HIGH FIVE, GIMMIE THE DEETS AND LET'S CELEBRATE ABOUT IT
I have yet to start it but I KNOW the beats and some of the best lines of dialogue (my favourite being "I love your dress! It looks good on you! But it'll look even better on my bedroom floor >:)" followed by a squeaky 245 and Jacqueline going "sorry, it's going to WHAT?!?!"
My god. She's so funny. She gets so flustered around Dite. What a nerd >:)
ANYWAY THANKS FOR THE ASK! SORRY FOR THE RAMBLES, BUT ALSO NOT SORRY LMAO. I am dying to write the above thing but have yet to find the time/open the doc/work out the kinks of the mel and jacquie bits, but my god do I want to have this thing existing. it's so, so fucking funny ajhdfuiehorjeo
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cloudselkie · 2 years
These are my favorite tarot decks I purchased this year. Most were also released this year, though a few were not.
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This deck does it all. It's a tarot deck, contains cards to create an oracle deck with the deity cards, functions as a Homeric oracle, and contains charms and spells from the PGM should you be inclined to use them. The deck also has a fantastic "LWB" that isn't so little. It's very in-depth and explains the choices behind each card's imagery and where to find the spells for the featured talismans in the PGM.
Cardstock: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Shuffling: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Guilded Cards?: ❌
Guilded Edges?: ❌
Beginner Friendly?: ❌
System: RWS
Where to Buy: Etsy - ApeOfTrismegistos
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This tarot deck was the result of a Kickstarter and let me tell you, the art is SO CUTE. All of the artists involved did an amazing job. The bright colors make it feel like a spiritual successor to all those Lisa Frank products I loved as a kid.
Cardstock: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Shuffling: ⭐⭐⭐
Guilded Cards?: ✅
Guilded Edges?: ✅
Beginner Friendly?: ✅
System: RWS
Where to Buy: Currently unavailable - deck was a Kickstarter exclusive
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This deck has beautiful art that reminds me of mid-century modern architecture and photos of Las Vegas from the 60s. I don't know if the artist was going for the neon look, but it's definitely one of the most beautiful details in the deck. It's mostly a RWS clone, but some images are definitely original to the deck.
Cardstock: ⭐⭐⭐
Shuffling: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Guilded Cards: ✅
Guilded Edges?: ❌
Beginner Friendly?: ✅
System: RWS
Where to Buy: Etsy - LaMuciDesign
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Do you want chibi Hellenic gods and scenes from ancient life? Look no further than the Pythia Tarot! This adorable deck is perfect for beginners and those who love Greek mythology! One of the highlights of this deck is the INCREDIBLE card back design. It's so elegant and even has just a touch of metallic gold. This deck also features a few extra cards, as well as an alternate strength card. I like to use both versions of Strength, since one conveys physical strength, and the other mental/magical.
Cardstock: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Shuffling: ⭐⭐⭐
Guilded Cards?: ❌
Guilded Edges: ✅
Beginner Friendly?: ✅
System: RWS
Where to Buy: Etsy - ShuffleTarot (Deckstiny)
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This deck's portability can't be beat! The tin case makes sure the cards are protected from things in your purse! It's also great for use when you want to be more discreet or don't have a lot of room for a reading. The art features vibrant and adorable illustrations which easily get the meaning of the card across, making it great for beginners!
Cardstock: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Shuffling: ⭐⭐⭐
Guilded Cards?: ❌
Guilded Edges: ✅
Beginner Friendly?: ✅
System: RWS
Where to Buy: Available in multiple places, including Etsy and Amazon.
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I wanted to give this deck a shout out as well. The art is absolutely gorgeous; so gorgeous that I think it actually suffers from its small card size. The cards are also tall and thin, which, combined with their small size, can make shuffling awkward. Finally, the box they come in is MUCH larger than the cards themselves, which hurts its portability. This deck is also from China and its LWB is entirely in Chinese. Otherwise, this deck is fantastic quality! Definitely recommend if you can find a copy!
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I have to say, this deck isn't really my style, but when I heard @markiplier's Cloak brand was putting out some tarot cards, I had to take a look. These cards feel both mystical and sometimes humorous - heh get it? Because they're skeletons? *Badum-tss* The gold guilding on both sides is also a wonderful touch that really makes this deck stand out.
Cardstock: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Shuffling: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Guilded Cards?: ✅
Guilded Edges?: ✅
Beginner Friendly?: ❌
System: RWS
Where to Buy: This was a limited Cloak release and is no longer available.
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This is the collector's version of the deck which features beautiful holographic silver guilding on the card edges. I cannot praise this deck's art enough. The artist cited Japanese illustration as a major inspiration for the art of The Monsoon Tarot, and I wouldn't be surprised if Studio Ghibli was a huge component of that. There are so many cards with that same charm Ghibli is known for, with a dreamlike twist and childlike wonder. It's great for beginners, but there are tiny details that experienced readers will appreciate. My second favorite deck purchased this year!
Cardstock: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Shuffling: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Guilded Cards?: ❌
Guilded Edges?: ✅
Beginner Friendly?: ✅
System: RWS
Where to Buy: This deck was Kickstarted, but many copies of all three versions (normal, collectors, and mini) are available on Etsy by searching "Monsoon Tarot."
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This deck just scratches all the right places for me. I'm more into Religio Romana (but I also do some Hellenic practices as well). It also hits some of the things I really love learning about when it comes to Roman history, #1 of which is Pompeii and Vesuvius (featured on this deck's version of the tower, The Volcano). It's also just a neat look into both Roman religion and everyday life. The art is also really cool. Each card's illustration was a physical painting before it was a card, and the colors reflect the pigments available to painters in Ancient Rome.
Cardstock: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Shuffling: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Guilded Cards?: ❌
Guilded Edges?: ❌
Beginner Friendly?: ✅
System: RWS
Where to Buy: Etsy - CCianciART
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flosalatus · 1 year
❌, 🌱 , 🔮
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@knaivcs | Prompts I'd Like to Recive: Headcanons
❌ ] is there something your muse struggles with that they might never overcome? what is it? why do they have so much trouble with it?
It's hard to pin down the exact words because its a big cocktail of things that all bleed into eachother. His self worth, guilt, the desire to stick to the morals he's chosen, they all blend together and just make life a Struggle:tm:
I think if I had to narrow it down for this ask...the guilt. It's almost entirely self-imposed but he carries it none the less. Guilt for every life he fails to save or protect, taking every confrontation on his own shoulders because this or that town only ended up in trouble becuase he was there.
And he struggles so much with it because even if its something that can;t be helped, even if the blame more logically should be put on the people chasing after him, rather than his own sheer existance, he can't bring himself to see it that way.
All he knows is that danger and trouble follow him, people get involved, get hurt, and the easiest way to avoid that is not to let people near him.
So clearly, if he's the catalyst, it's all his fault, right?
🌱 ] what themes are relevant to your muse?
Oh man the amount of meta-analysis posts ive seen abt this subject on twitter.
Personally I think...I wanna narrow it down to/focus on the themes of...like...morality, choice, finding good in hopelessness, because those are what I personally see and enjoy most in Vash. There's so many, in the whole show, manga, just every medium of Trigun as a whole let alone what Vash represents, but for me?
Yeah, I think the theme of choices and morality, and moral choices, is a big one that I like to think abotu and play around with. Becuase Vash isn't 100% good and kind by sheer nature, he activly makes the choice to be how he is.
Sure it's made a little easier maybe by the fact he's an absolute sweetheart, but he's not incapable of violence. Of negitive emotions, fear and anger, lashing out. He just has a tight reign on it and choses not to. He choses to smile and let it all roll off his shoulders. Choses to be kind in the face of unending cruelty.
He chose his moral path, and sometimes he has to fight so viciously to hold onto it. He fights tooth and nail almost constantly to cling to the good in humanity, when the whole plant seems to be doing it's best to try and prove him wrong.
And that's just. Really fun and interesting to me.
🔮 ] what is your muse’s relationship with religion and spirituality? were they raised in a certain religion? have they stuck with the same set of spiritual beliefs all their life, or have they changed over time? are they settled in their spirituality now?
Just from the sheer fact that Trigun exists half way over the edge of the "being bible fanfic" cliff I wanna say he's been exposed to a decent level of christianity, but personally lands somewhere between "beleives but doesn't practice any faith" and "if god exists he hates me"
Okay but in all seriousness. Vash I think....he doesn't hate the idea of a higher being, and he's ABSOLUTELY never going to be the type of dismiss or look down on another persons religion, but he's just kind of...in a religious limbo, I guess.
I feel like, espcially after meeting Wolfwood (if we take as an example, a Wolfwood who is more religious...if dubiously)Vash has maybe sat down once or twice and tried to pray, if he's felt desperate enough, curious enough. He probbaly asked WW to teach him more about religion, too, since he probbaly got a barebones education thus far if that.
He's definitly not a practicing christian/catholic, doesn;t activly seek out god or let religion influence his life and decisions. But he can understand and even sometimes feel for himself the comofrt those kinds of people get from having a figure like God to take comfort or look for help in.
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multi-fandomsfreak · 4 months
Back at it again with the request the moment it opened.
I wanna request another Secret History Mario x Reader, they could be a horrorbrew or not depending on this scenario idea. Idk part of my brain thinks that SH Mario is secretly possessive? (I could be wrong and I am just overlooking the one scene where Peach explained her now deformed state cause of Mario unable to accept the fact she cheated on him so in return, He forced surgery on her.) So, What if they got flirted on by other horrorbrew mario fam whether it be just so they can under the dictator's skin or something. How would he deal with it?
Can be a headcanon or story- the SH mario cravings need to be quelled No i am not who you think I am... Maybe...-
Secret History Mario Possesive/Jealousy HC’s
Hey there thanks for the ask!
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I think I know who this is. Regardless I agree with you given what he did to peach in the original secret history series I wouldn’t be surprised if he was very obsessive over his loved ones. Also I did regular reader but I did mention Horrorbrew reader a bit but mostly focused on regular if that is alright. Anyways I hope you enjoy it. ~Blaze/Dawn
Pronouns: Not Mentioned
Warning: ⚠️Mentions Of Violence + Possessiveness + Stuff Done To Reader (Not specified)⚠️
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Secret History Mario + Mentions Of Other Mario Madness Characters
Proofread: ❌
Credits: Art by Blazing-T on Newgrounds + Banner by swugarbunny on Pinterest
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- This man is definitely something when it comes to jealousy. If you’ve seen my previous x reader based on him although it does take him a bit to be jealous that doesn’t mean he doesn’t and when he does it really is something. I kind of feel like he has stages when it comes to his jealousy. First stage is alright. He gives people the death stare and that usually does it for some people. However the more jealous he becomes the worse he gets. His behavior towards the person he’s jealous of is really bad. Considering the shit he did in his origin I wouldn’t be surprised if he does the same thing. If he needs to result to violence in order to get the person to leave you alone he would and he isn’t afraid to admit it. He won’t let anyone threaten your and his relationship.
- He pretty much trusts you that you won’t do anything with other people. Otherwise you wouldn’t have agreed to be in a relationship with him. If you were some sort of Horrorbrew he knows you won’t let that stuff slide. Even if you weren't, he knew you wouldn’t reciprocate. If you aren’t very open about expressing your feelings depending on how out forward you are he’ll settle on having your close towards him. If you don’t push him away he knows your answer to it.
- As for the Horrorbrew gang, let's just say it’s definitely something. Considering the differences between them and you (depending if you want to be a Horrorbrew yourself or not.) he definitely keeps an eye out for them. Some of the characters know how to get their way when it comes to stuff and seeing you with him you can bet they're definitely going to do some stuff in order to annoy him and definitely involve you even if you're reluctant with it. And they definitely get on his nerves and he hates it. Absolutely hate it. He doesn’t get why they do it. Well considering how sadistic some of them are he’s not surprised but still he doesn’t get them.
- When it comes to flirting some of them definitely do it on purpose. With characters like Mr Virtual, Omega (Maybe), Mr L and sometimes Luigi’s Day Out Mario. With characters like them they are definitely doing to get a reaction out of Secret History Mario. Depending on their power level like Mr Virtual and Mr L he’ll just result in telling them off which just causes them to chuckle at him knowing what they’re doing is affecting him. Is the talking going to stop them? No it won’t. They’re too much of little shits to stop, they’re enjoying the reaction they’re getting off of him. However with characters like Luigi’s Day Out Mario although he likes to tease him he does stop for a while once he gets told off by him but again like the others he still continues once Secret History Mario has his guard down.
- As for the others like Beta Luigi, Luigi’s Day Out Luigi, DJ Hallyboo and maybe MX (depends on his overall relationship with you) they don’t flirt with you (intentionally at least). Given at least two of the characters I just listed off, they probably don’t want to upset him like the others so they just leave you alone. The most they’ll do is compliment you. Surprisingly he’s actually alright with them (minus MX because just like before I think it depends on yours and his relationship) and trusts them to a certain extent.
- To be honest he doesn’t trust most of them. From what I just mentioned in my previous two points depending on who they are and if they purposefully try to flirt with you. He does his absolute best to keep you away from them only letting you be around them if he’s there and if it’s an absolute must. Of course he does let you hang out around the one’s he trusts, he doesn’t just keep you locked in a cage, he's not that heartless. For the most part.
- As mentioned in my first point, if you've seen my previous x reader based on him I pretty much said he’s pretty clingy/overly loving when he is jealous. In more ways than one. He can’t help it as long as you don’t mind it he’ll definitely be on you to make sure his love for you has been acknowledged. As long as you don’t do anything that proves you don’t love him he’s alright. If you do then he may have to do something to you, maybe not something that happened to Peach in the original video but definitely enough to make sure that you know how much he loves you and wants you.
- You do eventually somewhat get used to his possessiveness over you admittedly even though you knew his past sometimes you're still surprised at his boldness in a way at his insistence that he deserves you no one else. Honestly as possibly cringe this may seem his actions definitely make seem yandere in a way. To be honest he doesn’t care. He doesn’t care if he has to be the bad guy in order to get his point across. If it does then he will do it.
- Overall despite his behaviour sometimes towards people he doesn’t trust he does care about you in his own way and would do anything to make sure you know it. Even if it takes a while for you to do so.
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azems-familiar · 1 year
🦅 🥺 ❌ ✅ 💔 for the ask game.
Thank you!
🥺 is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
hmmmm. this one is hard to answer because it's so... like, vague? like i generally write character interactions to spark feelings of some kind, so it's hard to... idk, define any specific ones without a what feeling it sparks. probably some of my most emotional ones involve my Revan and writing her recovery arcs - same with Illitha, and a couple other of my characters who get really fucked up. so i guess the themes of recovery and healing that i really like to write at the end of character arcs tend to hit me the most.
❌ what's a trope you will never write?
a/b/o and mpreg are MAJOR squicks for me. i don't read them and i don't write them. i also am not generally a fan of bodyswapping at all, for reasons i cannot articulate, and i dislike bodysharing unless done in a specific way.
✅ what's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean it to?
oh god. uh. well my most used tag is Mutual Pining, and something i often write a lot of, sometimes without meaning to, is symbolism - i know that's vague but it can range from masks to names to lightsabers to clothes to [gestures vaguely]. surprisingly though i haven't actually written much of my favorite tropes? .... i do keep accidentally making my OCs autistic, does that count? OH! themes of healing! i like to destroy my characters emotionally (and sometimes physically too), but i never feel satisfied ending an arc on that note, so there are a lot of redemption arcs after corruption arcs and notes of recovery and healing and moving forward. half of these aren't written but they are In My Head.
🦅 do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
weird mix of both, tbh. i used to be entirely a pantser, and full on planning has never worked for me, i don't write up entire outlines - but my writing process works best if i have someone to bounce ideas off where i can establish a direction for the fic through conversation and then develop the fic off that as i write. this is actually why my big mdzs fic stalled; despite the fact that i know where i'm going with it, i couldn't find a beta reader to help with fleshing out the details in between the major plot events, and so i've gotten... somewhat stuck.
💔 is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
yes, but it's old enough i won't rec it here because i'm no longer happy with any of it - but at the time i wrote it it was very, very painful. of my more recent stuff... hm. i was absolutely sobbing while writing up this fic, which the first half of focuses on Ulic and Cay Qel-Droma's big confrontation on Ossus (yes, it says it's a WIP and it is, but the first chapter can be read as a standalone). i've also cried several times over the hp au, knowing where it's going to go and discussing some of the characters in it, but very little of the actual relevant stuff to that has been actually written and posted yet!
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❌🎉😅for the ask game please!
❌ I've listed one for suzie's ask, but I can give another for tropes I wouldn't write! I don't think I could write 3rd party voyeurism or involvement? let's say we're talking about yalex and they're having a nsfw moment, but they're secretly being recorded by blunt or scorpia and being watched. similarly, let's say the focus of the pairing is yalex, but then alex works as a camboy? in both cases, there's some other 3rd party voyeur/involvement, whether they're physically or non-physically involved, if that makes any sense?
🎉 what makes me consider a fic a success? honestly, different fics for me in different points of time end up shaping whether or not they feel like a "success" to me. sometimes it could just be that I wanted to get my feelings on the matter out and onto ao3, when I hit that publish button. some of my own favorite fics that I feel extremely satisfied rereading don't have many kudos or comments at all, so perhaps a major consideration is a fic's rereadability for me, the author. and then sometimes all I care about is if a specific one or two people read my fic at all x))
😅 story or scene that I'm embarassed exists... I'll answer both. for story, it's got to be this tim drake/jason todd fic called sunday fire that was basically my first fic on ao3 I wrote in early 2016 that I'm so embarassed of (in terms of pacing, characterization, dialgoue, etc) I hid it in an "unrevealed" collection HAHA. for scenes, I'm incredibly embarassed each and every single time there's a horse pun in my fic in which horsing around goes awry, and there's an awful lot of horse puns for absolutely no reason. why on earth did I do that...
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anna-hawk · 2 years
🛒🎨and ❌ for the fic writer asks?
Thanks for playing with me 😊
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Food! I don't know how many fics I've written that have a variation of food being part of the story. My Always time for coffee series is the perfect example for it, as is The Sound of your Voice, where Frank and Matt spend lunch together throughout the story while they slowly fall for each other.
🎨 How do you feel about fan art of your stories?
LISTEN! It's simply incredible to have someone enjoying your fic enough to want to draw for it. I have the very lovely and talented @nkeiiin, who has drawn two stunning pieces for me, and I'm still absolutely so in love with the art. If anyone reads my fics and thinks, damn, I wanna draw this moment, I'm never stopping you, it's an honor.
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
I don't have too many squicks, but the few I have are just major nopes for me. Need I remind anyone who reads this that if you enjoy the following things, it's obviously totally fine, and it's just my personal preferences. Major Character Death: you will never see me write this. I've had the unfortunate experience of reading untagged stuff like that when I first discovered fanfiction and let me tell you that I felt gutted, so no, thanks. Non-con: yeah, nope. Dub-con, depending on how it's done, I might read, but not write. Mpreg or anything related to pregnancies, no matter the gender, really: I've read a couple of excellent Drarry Mpreg fics back in the day, but only because they'd been written by authors I loved and “magic” is involved. Otherwise, not my thing. I'm a mom myself, but I just don't find it necessary in a fic. Kids aren't necessary in a fic to make a relationship good, and all the pregnancy symptoms talk is just blah for me. If one of the characters already has a kid, however, count me in.
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask
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digitaldollsworld · 3 months
Ok I, personally, think I could survive a Saw trap (seeing the one I got), but would my OCs. Entertain me here for a second
Giju: I was thinking he and his husband Kat would get the Shotgun Keys [which coincidentally is the same one I spun in that wheel]. Maybe Kat would get chosen for the trap bc he’s a self-absorbed rich person and Giju bc he’s obsessive and mentally ill (scarey™️). but obvi they wouldn’t be so quick to wanna shoot each other. So very realistically they’d talk it out and figure out who’s gonna get the key from the damn bullet which ofc should be the ventriloquist who has the fine motor skills to do so skdfjdkjf
Rank: Survived ✅
Frankie: Speaking of which can you imagine being kidnapped with your EX husband bc you’re both selfish and were shitty to each other during your marriage and make your daughter suffer lol. Anyway in the theme of how the actual movie worked I feel like their traps would be linked to each other’s and knowing Frankie’s luck they would get something like the Shotgun Collar. After Hiro fails his test their hotheaded impulsiveness would get them shot in the fucking head so sorry Jenny I guess you’re an #orphan now.
Rank: Failed ❌
Leilani: Ofc you got picked for y’know. Accidentally killing a teenaged girl. I think IF GIVEN THE TIME my girl could survive a trap—esp if it involves saving another person. I think she would have to be the person to save someone from the Pig Vat or something. After freezing and panicking initially she absolutely would have the grit to burn whatever she would need to burn in the incinerator [tho she wouldn’t like it :(. But I mean c’mon in our kg she was the blackened and tried to cover up Billie’s death to make it mean SOMETHING] and save whoever. And they both go freeeee
Rank: Survived ✅
Ariana: Listen I know my girl can survive a trap too if she had a fighting chance BUT, also going off the theme of our kgs, she would get something absolutely rigged to fail so girl there’s no hope for you. You are Not escaping the torture labyrinth; you were Destined To Die. Would get chosen for reasons similar to Francis but would also get one of Amanda’s traps so ummm. Angel Trap for you my friend, I’m sorry. It also kinda looks like her canon execution too so that’s cool
Rank: Failed ❌
Eli: he’s literally the only person out of these people I can see like. Not getting chosen for one of these traps so I mean LSDJFDF
Rank: Elijah’s My Least Problematic Guy So He Doesn’t Even Know Who John Kramer®️ Is. #TheHeart
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prophet-rebellion · 7 months
Oh, I didn't actually expect to get any!! Thank you!!
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Mm, okay, so going off all my works - including WIPS, I'm a sucker for angst. More than a few of my friends are aware that I'll just come up with frankly insane story ideas to do the absolute most damage. But I also love, well, love. My posted works as far as fanfiction goes (primarily DC, aside from the scattering of some Voltron and Monster stuff) are definitely aligned more towards romance and happy endings. And I'm a sucker for civilian and heroes, but even more so for villains and heroes as romance.
Maybe for specifics like, hiding the truth? Like one partner is the enemy, or affiliated in some way, and is hiding that because they're scared of losing the other. Their feelings are real, but their SO can't be sure when they find out the truth from someone else.
Also hanaki disease - but I haven't written any. Yet.
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
Solid question, but honestly I don't know. There's none that I can really name off the top of my head as far as tropes go? Like, I very much fall under DLDR, so if I'm not interested in something I won't even ever towards it (unless really desperate for content). But I can't really think of any.
💞 Who's your comfort character?
As far as OCs go - my character Osiyira/Wisteria. It used to be Nyumara (she's more for drawing, Wisteria is more for writing).
As far as actual characters? Bart Allen. 100%. Wow, I have written so much fanfiction including him, so many won't ever be posted. But even looking at my DC fanfic blog (@dickmedowndc ) you can tell I have the most involving him. Including one that's like, 12k, roughly, I think.
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