#abyss prince kaeya x reader
rush-the-stars · 9 months
new tricks
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pairing: yandere abyss prince kaeya x gender neutral reader
cw: dark content, kidnapping/capture, the reader is treated physically well but is still captured/being held against their will, mentions of a punishment, strange and toxic dynamic, mildly suggestive.
wc: 2.1k
a/n: dividers by @/cafekitsune!
this is just a tiny drabble. don't squint at worldbuilding or plot lol. i had this idea prattling around my head and wanted it out. one day i will write the dark long fic of my dreams but today is not the day. thank you to @/lorelune for taking a peek beforehand and assuring me <33
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on the back of your neck, goosebumps ripple to life. a chill races down your spine. you know it well—as intimately as you know the brag of your own heart.
sensing him, you cast your eyes up in the reflection of your mirror to catch the shape of him behind you.
you didn’t even hear him enter your chambers. but you’d felt him somehow, known his presence. maybe known his gaze on you.
(it burns deep and vicious to know his gaze. to become accustomed and attuned to him.)
prince kaeya smiles knowingly.
the dark glint to his eye lets you know he’s in strange ways.
“you’re getting quite perceptive.” he muses. “if only you’d been so sharp when i first took you, maybe you wouldn’t be here.”
you were just a naive artist from mondstadt then. a child who knew the sound of the wind in the trees and the birdsong that rose into the sky early in the morning. you knew the golden hills and the valley and a sort of freedom that made you sing like those birds in the morning, too.
(in the dark, he asks you to sing. sing like you used to, he says. and when you open your mouth, you’re always terrified of what will come out.)
now you sit tucked away in the gilded cage he’s made for you in a land far from your home skies. in a castle where the eyes of gods cannot reach you.
“you’re lucky i wasn’t.” you reply sharply, trying to keep your bite around him.
it grows harder and harder to.
every day the edge you’ve tried so desperately to keep begins to whittle away. it’s hard to always be angry. it’s miserable to always be vicious.
(and he’s never harmed you. not physically—just in stranger, worse ways. emotionally. mentally. you wish he’d just break a bone or make a scar, so that when it heals, you know you’re okay again.
it’s worse that he spoils you. it’s worse that he cherishes you. it’s its own form of torment. he knows it.)
he smiles lazily, on the edges are amusement. fondness. he is endlessly entertained by your contempt.
he approaches where you sit in front of your ornate vanity. it’s too beautiful. it’s too grand.
he’s a dark shadow of blue behind you in the mirror. you watch his reflection carefully. he watches you back as he approaches.
something thrills inside you, wild and dark and sudden.
he reaches out, touches your cheek.
you watch his knuckle brush against your face in the mirror.
he’s testing you.
the last time you bit him.
the moment you turn your face towards his hand, it slips away, dancing out of your reach.
he smiles again knowingly.
it’s insufferable.
sensing your ire, he says, “let’s play our game.”
you breathe hard through your nose.
you turn to face him so you’re not caught in his endless reflection. you glare up at him with all the vitriol you can muster.
(it isn’t much anymore.)
“don’t you have more important things to do?”
“nothing so important as you, darling.”
your teeth grind together. but you get out;
“i’d try to escape from the balcony.”
he tsks.
“the guards would spot you.”
“i’d poison the guards.”
he laughs outright at this, “with what poison?”
you feel heat in your face, but you press on, “the hemlock i’ve been growing in the garden.”
he pauses at that. tilts his head.
“my, you’ve gotten good. i can’t tell if you’re lying.”
“go and check.” you dare.
“maybe later.” he agrees, “say i destroyed it. i froze it.”
“you’re not playing fair.” you accuse.
he laughs warmly, reaching out again to tousle your hair. you swat and push at him, but it only excites him, it only makes his hands catch your wrists and come down to your level. kneeling beside you. he holds your wrists tight, presses them down into your own lap. in another world, he could be a lover on his knees for you, his hands clasped over yours.
he fits himself between your legs. he presses himself too close.
but it isn’t another world. and his eye is like the endless night sky in this one. so dark, so terrifying.
“fine,” he agrees pleasantly, “the guards are poisoned. you slip out from the balcony. i’m a light sleeper—i hear you jump to the ground.”
“i try to run.” you breathe.
“where would you run?” he asks, nose nudging yours. you can feel the sharp cut of his foxish smile.
“past the fountain.”
“come now, you’re cleverer than that. i’d find you and drag you back.”
“i’d kick and scream. i’d make you bleed.”
“you’ve done that all before, it doesn’t stop me anymore.”
your nails bite into his shoulders as he lifts you from your place in front of the vanity. you hang around his neck like a child. instinctively, you wrap your legs around his waist.
you tuck your face into his shoulder so you don’t see the pleased look in his eye.
you know where he’ll take you.
“you need new tricks.” he hums as he sits on the edge of the bed with you in his lap.
“maybe i already have them—if it’s a good trick, you wouldn’t know.” you mumble into his shoulder. you hide there.
his hand creeps up to the back of your neck. goosebumps prickle. his fingers slip into your hair and then curl into a loose fist. he tugs gently to dislodge you from his shoulder, to pull you away so that he may see your face again.
he looks at you as if he’s trying to find the trick you speak of. perhaps it’s in your eyes or the set of your mouth.
“i always know.” he warns.
“let’s play again.” you say.
and this time, you use your weight to push him down onto the bed.
he goes down willingly, too easily.
you capture his wrists the way he did to you earlier. you pin them by his head. languidly, he stretches beneath you, amused with this show of sudden power or interest.
“okay, you begin.” he says and his smile is the curve of a laughing, crescent moon.
“i grow to trust you.”
he tilts his head, uncertain or intrigued, you can’t tell. but you can tell you’ve surprised him. his smile falters.
“i’m pleased—you know it’s all i want.” he says and though it’s softened, it’s guarded. you can feel the way he tenses beneath you, waiting, searching.
“and i grow to—to want you, too.” you say and your voice sounds strange to your own ears. far off. maybe too near. not your own, or else, horrifyingly, only yours.
perhaps there is truth there in a way you cannot even begin to untangle.
he’s silent. watching.
“what do you do?” you prompt, breath hitching, almost beg him to speak. “play the game. it’s your turn.”
you feel his wrists flex, the tendons and muscles moving, encircled in your fingers.
“i—cherish you. i foster your desires. i give you whatever you want.” his voice is bedroom soft. his lashes flutter.
he releases a slow breath of frustration. you feel it against your cheek.
“a form of it.” he answers. and then, carefully, you feel the shifting of his hand beneath yours. his thumb sweeps over your wrist, into your palm. “more and more as i grow to trust you, too.”
you let your hand open up to his, feel it bloom to the touch.
“being alone in the garden.” you press, “i ask you one day to tend to it by myself, when i please.”
he laces his fingers with yours.
“in time.” he agrees, “and you can tend to your garden alone. you can walk on the grounds, wherever you please. you can take dinner in the atrium or the greenhouse or by the lake. it could all be yours.”
you squeeze his hand, “say i earn your trust—let’s finish the game.”
“i give you the world.” he breathes it and you feel it against your lips, feel it somewhere deep inside of you. on the other, soft side of your chest, where your heart thrums.
you know he is telling the truth.
but it rings discordant inside of you. just as softly, you murmur;
“and then i disappear with it. you wait for me to come in from the garden one day—and i never do.”
the tender hold of your hand turns vicious, biting.
you bare your teeth and hiss, “i steal your world and your trust and the love you gave me and i run and run and run. until you can’t find me—until you can’t catch me. i do it when you least expect it—when i love you too much.”
he pushes and twists you under him. he presses you down hard like he could keep you from disappearing, like you’re slipping from him already. but you press on;
“and you’ll see my face everywhere—in the windows of the atrium and the corners of the greenhouse. in the hemlock i grew in the garden and the wind that howls while you stand on the balcony. but i’ll be gone—“
“you’ll never earn my trust now.” he warns, “and you’ll never know the garden alone, or the world i could give you.”
“but i’ll know the one you took from me.”
his eye flashes dangerously, the flicker of frigid, dark waters beneath ice.
but then he’s gone. off of you. the warmth of him leaves you in a rush.
he grabs for a coat of his, throwing it over his shoulders in a flare of dark fabric.
“where are you going? i thought you wanted to play.” you sneer.
“and i thought you didn’t?” he heads for the door anyways, “i’m going to the garden. alone.”
“scared you’ll find hemlock?” you ask.
“are you scared i’ll find hemlock?” he retorts and then lowers his voice, almost to a caress, “i would punish you.”
“you’ve done that all before, it doesn’t stop me anymore.” you tilt your head, “maybe you need new tricks.”
the door slams behind him. you don’t even flinch.
and in a moment, you watch his figure, a dark smudge against the gray fog, trudge out towards the garden.
you watch from the balcony.
there is no hemlock in the garden.
and he is gentler again when he returns that night. but he locks the door to the balcony and he keeps the key tethered around his neck, pressed to you as he holds you; so close and yet so far.
you can feel it’s cool metal against your bare back. you can feel his skin to yours, the way he holds you like you’re going to slip away.
there is no hemlock in the garden, but there is nightshade.
“let’s play our game.” he whispers that night, pressing scattered kisses like falling stars along your shoulder, your jaw.
“i steal the key around your throat. i unlock the balcony door—“
“i hear you. i let you go, anyways.”
you go perfectly still.
“i—i climb down the balcony and i run—“
“past the fountain?”
you nod slowly. you feel your heart kick into an unsteady rhythm.
“i let you go. i let you get far.”
“you’d let me—“
your throat constricts; a ball of emotion wedged there suddenly. you feel your eyes prick with—with shock. is he really—?
something terrified stirs inside you at even the thought of your real freedom; of the thing you want most.
“and then i hunt you.”
he kisses beneath your ear, like a lover.
your blood goes cold.
“i chase you across the world i gave you and the one i took from you. and every time, i find you. i’d find you. and i’d drag you back.”
“i’d—i’d kick and scream. i’d make you bleed.” you manage to get out.
he props himself up, if only to catch your chin, to force you to look back at him.
he kisses you. slowly. sweetly.
“there’s no hemlock in the garden. you need new tricks.”
but the nightshade opens its flowers to the moon, just outside the locked door of your balcony, in the garden that you can’t tend to alone.
you melt into the kiss, open mouthed and tender. soft and deep like lovers.
when you pull away, you have the key dangling in your hand;
“and this isn’t the key to the balcony. so do you.”
when he kisses you again, brutal and dreadful, and with too much heat for someone so, so cold, you feel the sharp cut of his foxish smile.
and maybe even some sick curve of your own.
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strawberrylabs · 1 year
Strawberry's Whumptober masterlist!
warning!! some of these post will contain gore, death, mental distress and other themes that may be disturbing to some readers! Please pay attention to they tags on each post and read with caution!
note: These will be 'x reader' posts because as this is an 'x reader' blog. Most if not all characters will be genshin characters simply because I know them better. If you have a character you want with a certain prompt, feel free to request it and I will write it when I get to it
if I am late some days please rest assured the fics will be uploaded eventually!
PRONOUNS: majority of my works will have no pronouns or gendered terms used for reader, if they are used they will be gender neutral or they/them. If you'd prefer she/her or he/him, there will be a link on the gn fics for both other options. If there is a specific set of pronouns you want me to use, i can edit upload another version with those pronouns, just let me know<3
Update (17th of Oct): whumptober is being put in hold temporarily, some things are going on and I can't really write atm. Everything will eventually be written by the end of October! Just a little delayed is all. Please be patient<3
Day 1: "how many fingers am I holding up?" with Albedo from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 2: "They don't care about you" with Alhaitham from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 3: "Make it stop" with Xiao from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 4: "I see the danger, it's written there in your eyes" with Beidou from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 5: Debris with Wanderer from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 6: Made to watch with Kaveh from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 7: "Can you hear me?" with Kokomi from Genshin impacy [Here!]
Day 8: "It's all for nothing" with Abyss!Aether from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 9: "You're a liar" with Brother!Kaeya (and brother!Diluc) from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 10: "You said you'd never leave" with brother!Bennet from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 11: "No one will find you" with Cyno from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 12: "I haven't slept in days, but who's counting?" with Freminet from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 13: "I don't feel so good" with Tighnari from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 14: "Just hold on" with Heizou from Genshin impact [Here!]
Day 15: "I don't need you to help me, I can handle things myself" with Ayato from Genshin impact [on hold]
Day 16: "Don't go where I can't follow" with Lyney from Genshin impact [on hold]
Day 17: "Leave me alone!" with brother!Mika from Genshin impact [On hold]
Day 18: Blindfold/tortured for information with Venti from Genshin impact [on hold]
Day 19: "I'll take one final step, all you have to do is make me" with Ningguang from Genshin impact [on hold]
Day 20: "You will regret touching them"/found family with Siblings!Bennet, Razor and Fischl from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 21: "Don't move" with Kazuha from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 22: "Watch out!" with Neuvillette from Genshin impact [in prohress]
Day 23: "Who's there?" with Childe from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 24: Neglect with Aether from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 25: "They're not breathing!" with Cyno from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 26: "You look awful" with sibling!Chongyun from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 27: "Let me see" with Xiao from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 28: "You'll have to go through me" with Lynette from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 29: "I only sink deeper the deeper I think" with Baizhu from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 30: "It's ok to say 'I'm not ok'" with Lyney from Genshin impact [in progress]
Day 31: "Take it easy" with Aether from Genshin impact [in progress]
If there are prompts you want to see with certain characters send a request and ill write something for them and add it to the masterlist<3
masterlist will be updated as I make the posts!
last update: 14th of october 2023, 10:53pm (AEST)
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Contemplating whether I want to pick up The Abyss Prince again and actually finish the series... let me know if you'd be interested.
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sakkiichi · 1 year
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You meet him under the brightness of ballroom lights and the vibrant colors of his mask. However, is it a good idea to let yourself be lead by infatuation?
feat. Childe, Kaeya, Kaedehara Kazuha, Lyney, Albedo x gn! reader.
cw/genre: romance, fluff, slight angst in kazuha’s and lyney’s, royal masquerade au. reader wears a dress, mildly suggestive allusions on childe’s (very soft).
i would like to dedicate childe, kaeya and albedo’s part to my dearest @bunny-rambles <3 albedo’s part is dedicated to the sweetest @ssilversiren too !
if you enjoy this, reblogs and comments help more than likes !
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Crossed arms over his chest and a sharp edged smile peeking from underneath his mask. The prince is certainly amused, and not precisely by this gathering he himself hosted.
It’s this feeling. Being unknown; just another face amidst the ebb and flow of a sea of profiles.
What would it be like, to converse with others, with them being none the wiser about his royal status?
Running a hand through his ruddy locks, Childe leans off the wall, something, or rather, someone having caught his attention.
The person is standing on the opposite corner of the room, their skirts as if weaved out of seafoam and tides, cascading to the floor in silky waves of sky. They’re alone, the ornamented wall behind them making them look as an extension of it, a painting without frame; for they stare longingly at the swaying crowd, their frame still, anchored, yet without a harbor.
“Fancy a dance?” A voice you swear you have heard somewhere before asks, causing you to turn around.
Striking sapphire eyes lock with yours, the cheeky smile he sports weakening your knees for a second. He’s dressed finely, in white and red, silver accents decorating the lapels and shoulders of his jacket, matching with the scarlet mask partially concealing the constellations of freckles dusting his handsome face.
You swear you know him. But you don’t at the same time; a crystalline pond at night, argent starlight swallowed by the depths of its abyss.
“Quite the bold request, considering you haven’t even introduced yourself, don’t you think?” You prompt, the stranger’s magnetizing grin drawing one of your own from your painted lips.
“Oh, come on, humor me?” He pouts, drops of cobalt glinting in the previously dull ocean patches of his gaze.
“Hm,” you ponder, bringing a finger to your chin. “How about you give me your name first?” You suggest, tone taking on a playful lilt. He watches the light quality of your dress, sweeping around you, tendrils of a spring wrapped around the delicate curves of your figure.
“A name, huh?” He smirks, and no matter how much you know it’s a bad idea, you find yourself hoping to call his name often in the future.
He knows what he’s about to reveal is an equally bad idea as you swimming in the currents of his pull, and still, he finds himself uttering the appellative he hasn’t heard in ages.
“Ajax. My name.” He whispers, those lips that only promise trouble brushing the shell of your ear.
You smile, your stare glinting not unlike the azurite shimmer that decorates your disguise.
“Very well, Ajax,” you draw out the last word, your voice directing the incognito royal’s heart wildly against his ribcage. “Come and find me.” Is the lingering echo of your words, a seashell’s melody, as Childe watches shades of aquamarine mingling with the crowd.
Perhaps this was not a good choice; but maybe you like the rush that comes with wishing he asks your name, with wishing his hand catches yours.
From the corner of your eye, you spot a wisp of red as you turn a corner down the busy corridors of the palace. You certainly wouldn’t mind if you happened to take Ajax’s half cape off later tonight.
Rows upon rows of glinting masks and flashy clothing fill the luxurious room, the space practically painted in molten gold.
If anyone were to ask you, however, you’d reply this place is hell. The palace’s corridors are labyrinthine as it is, twisting endlessly, the frozen images hanging on their walls unchanging to your widened eyes.
And certainly, the shoves and pushes of a too excited crowd are not helping your mood at all. Exasperated, you grunt for the thousandth time, bunching up the skirts of your lacy white dress, determined to elbow and step your way to the damned ballroom.
Alas, the distant stars had other plans for you tonight.
Just as you were going to decidedly advance a particularly rowdy crowd, a force collides with you from behind, sending you and your unstable high heels against the polished tiled floor.
Except when the impact comes, it is not hard at all.
“My, a beauty like you should be more careful to watch where they’re going.”
You rise your gaze to meet the owner of that smooth teasing voice.
Hair weaved of icicles at midnight, braided to one side, falling over the spotless bronze skin of the stranger’s pretty face. His eyes, or rather, his visible eye, is chilly blue, the biting touch of a sunny morning after a snowstorm. And, unlike the rest of the guests, he’s not wearing a mask. He doesn’t need one either, his mystery-exuding aura, paired with the eyepatch on his right eye, somehow disguise enough.
You clear your throat, trying to act as if you hadn’t been blatantly staring at the man in front of you.
“Why, thanks.” You let out, tone crisp. “I was watching, but apparently someone with no manners wasn’t.” You add, with disdain, glaring at the advancing multitude.
“I don’t disagree.” The enigmatic stranger smiles, a sliver of moon, icy eyes following over your figure as you straighten your skirt.
Then he hums, the crescent of his sultry lips morphing into a smirk.
“Why don’t I accompany you for a while?” He offers his arm to you. “I was just leaving, but seems I’ve found a reason to stay, at least for a while…”
You match his smirk, conflicted at how attracted you don’t want to admit you are to this man.
“Oh? Does it outweigh the reason you were planning on leaving for?”
“I’ll take the risk to find out.” He grins, looping his arm with yours.
In silence interrupted by the joyous multitude, you make your way to the ballroom. It’s odd, the way you feel comfortable next to him, despite secrets and starry nights concealing the truth of his nature. You don’t even know his name…
“Call me Kaeya, by the way.” He murmurs, as if reading your thoughts, his tan hand, adorned in gold and midnight, lacing with one of yours, his other around your waist.
“Pleased to meet you, Kaeya.” You find yourself whispering back, entranced by the mysteries frozen in that shady stare of his.
Perhaps this is wrong, to let your heart out in the falling snowflakes around the flickering spark of this igniting infatuation, and yet, maybe just this once, you feel like you can fly with wings made of ice under a blazing sun.
You don’t regret it. Not when you know you’ll dream of Kaeya’s voice for nights on end. Not when he twirls you around the room, a flurry of snowy clouds outlined by gilded twilight. Not when he pulls you aside, hiding both of you into an alcove, his smooth hand pressed against your mouth, as some guards pass asking for “the prince”.
He definitely looks like one, you think. You don’t have time to dwell on iit as you both run off, hands still laced, into a narrow torch-lit corridor, the night air beckoning you towards the exit.
Danger had never felt so right.
You should have known better.
Better than to trust that bastard.
The nobleman that was supposed to be your date tonight.
It’s not like he didn’t show up, oh, he did alright.
You wish he hadn’t.
Seeing that asshole arm in arm with someone else makes your blood boil, a cold, cruel anger seeping into your bones, its chill enough to burn white-hot.
And yes, perhaps stomping out to the too pretty rose garden was a childish decision, but maybe it was you just exercising self control.
Best to brood than let your tempestuous wrath strike the whole place down.
Storms were only beautiful from a distance, after all.
You heavily sigh, removing the bejeweled mask covering the upper half of your face.
No point in keeping it now, you observe, running a thumb over the faux diamonds embedded over the indigo surface.
How ironic, you laugh, humorless, for your mask to look like a bright starry sky, when all you see the moment you rise your gaze heavenward are dark clouds gathering.
“Pardon my intrusion,” a pleasingly gentle voice begins, just as you were plucking the fading petals of a dying rose, “but are you not feeling up to joining the ball?”
Suddenly, the gloomy night dyes moonlit and crimson: twin pools of sunset regard you, a soft flame, soothingly warm in the chill of the inauspicious night; threads of starlight seem to constitute the man’s hair, almost angel-like in the way it frames his candid face, in the tender way the locks fall over his shoulder, tied in a bright red ribbon, akin to a bouquet of lily of the valleys. Like you, it seems he has discarded his mask, a splash of vermillion held in between svelte fingers wrapped in pale silk.
You greet him with a smile, the previous gales of fury receding, replaced little by little by the nurturing caress of an early autumn wind through maple leaves.
“I could ask you the same question.” You offer, turning your body in his direction, the faint touch of moonlit clouds brushing against your skin.
He shakes his head, tendrils of silver swaying with his movement.
“Let’s just say I prefer the peaceful nature of the outdoors.” He chuckles, sincere, the sound almost transparent in its quality, tiny ripples by a dawn breeze over a mirror-like stream. Then, he tilts his head to the side, silken strands caressing the smoothness of his cheek in ways you know you shouldn’t be dreaming of so soon. “However, I do believe it could prove romantically irresponsible of me to deny someone else this dance, no?” He asks, extending a hand to you.
And you know you shouldn’t feel your face heating up at the protruding tendons over the callous softness of his skin.
“My name is Kaedehara Kazuha,” he finally introduces himself.
Kazuha. You can’t quite tell just yet why you somehow wish that to be forever the name on your lips, nor do you know yet why you find your eyes naturally drifting off to every lash and diminutive freckle so temptingly touching his cheeks.
You don’t know if it’s right either, to take this leap of faith. What if the jump ends in you downfall? Again.
But what if you could swim in a pool of starlight instead? Is the voice whispering in verse into your ear, when you find one of your hands entwined with Kazuha’s, the other resting over the shoulder of his black and red suit jacket.
“It is my pleasure to meet you, Kazuha.” You find yourself smiling back, before introducing yourself.
As your dance partner twirls you around, the warmth of his hand lingering on the small of your back, the overcast skies seem to part. Like a wrinkle in the mundanity of human life, endless sparkling stars cast their gaze over you two, even their moon coming out to take a peek into the couple’s hearts yearning for the fated romance to be.
Splashes of cotton candy pink and cherry crimson sweetly bloom under the argent lights of the enchanted night, even the wilting rose you had been tampering with earlier dyeing in shades of life anew.
Though, to you, in this moment, the only life that matters is the one held in Kazuha’s autumn stare, his tenderness tethering you to the gentle comfort of your head resting against his heart.
Maybe it had already started beating for you, much like yours.
Perhaps some charms begun at midnight.
Throngs of people gather around the Opera Epiclese building and yet, you had never felt so alone.
A sinking feeling settles in your heavy heart, as you pat your now lackluster gown, check your purse, only to come up empty handed.
Your ticket for today’s masquerade ball, seemingly vanished.
Defeated, you sigh, turning on your heel.
What use will be lingering around, with no way to get into the opera house anyway? Things couldn’t have turned out worse.
Or so you thought.
For, seconds later, you would find yourself tripping over the hem of your long dress, ripping it in the process, one of your delicate high heeled shoes slipping off, clattering to the concrete ground, a few feet away from you.
The ruby tear embedded on your mask seems like a mockery right now, salty crystalline tracks streaming down your cheeks.
Luckily, no one will pay you any mind and you’ll save yourself the embarrassment, you try to console yourself.
Alas, the fates didn’t even want to concede you that small salvation.
“Are you alright?” a pleasant voice questions, causing for you to turn around.
And when you do, the man standing right before you is not unlike a spell himself. Violet eyes concealing the secrets of a lifetime spent on the edge of light and shadows regard you through his cat mask, the disguise leaving a maroon tear-shaped mark visible on his cheek, similar to the one on your own mask; his top hat is decorated in shades of rose and night, a purple ribbon around it, its hue almost in tune with the magic of his gaze. Silvery strands sweep over the stranger’s pale visage, slightly ruffled in the ebb and flow of the night’s balmy breeze. And in his hand, he’s holding the fine shoe that caused your fall.
With your face burning in shame, you look to one side, mumbling an affirmative response. You can only be grateful for the crowds starting to dissipate, leaving you and this boy mostly alone.
Kneeling, he carefully slips the shoe on your bare foot.
“Are you sure about that?” He prompts further, helping you up. “You look dressed for today’s ball, however, you were heading in the opposite direction…”
Rubbing at your face, you hang your head low.
“About that… I’m not going anymore…”
“Is that so?” He tilts his head to the side, gaze of iris settling on the torn skirts of your attire.
“I just… it’s embarrassing…” You admit. “I somehow lost my ticket to enter… and well, then I fell, and now besides not having the means to get in, there is no way I look presentable for the occasion anyway…” You chuckle, humorless.
He hums. Then:
“If I may be so bold, I do believe you look lovely.” The mysterious man compliments you, snapping his fingers.
You follow his gaze to your outfit. And when you take it in, your eyes widen. Where there used to be a tear on the fabric, now it’s seamlessly weaved together, sweeping over the nightlit cobblestones. And not only that, but its shade is an even more vibrant shade of carmine now, small sparkly flecks catching the silvery ripples of Fountain of Lucine.
“Wha- Thank you…” You breathe, awestruck, admiring the revived color of your clothes.
“My pleasure.” The magician chirps, with a wink. “Now, would you do me the honor of accompanying me to the ball? It’s starting soon, and I would be very happy if you said yes.”
“I mean… I would love to, but my pass is gone…” You answer, regret lacing your tone.
“Hmm…” He muses, holding his chin in between two fingers. “Can I ask you to look closely now?” He pulls out his ticket, and right there, in the blink of an eye, he slides a second pass from behind the first one.
You gasp, eliciting a soft laugh from him.
“How about now? May I, Lyney, have the pleasure to join you for the night?” He proposes, bowing.
Smiling gratefully, you take his arm, wonderstruck still.
Together, you make your way towards the Opera Epliclese, the tickets safely held in Lyney’s free hand.
When you catch a glimpse of your reflection in the clear surface of the fountain’s waters, a Rainbow Rose adorns your hair.
The magician’s doing, no doubt.
You silently thank Lyney with a smile, and he believes no beam of moon could ever hold a candle to the sight of you.
Above the hall’s music, an acute faraway sound pulls you out of the forest of masked faces.
The spacious room is lit in gold, luxurious lamps and chandeliers focused on a crowd disguised in velvets and lace.
But, that melody. You can’t quite get it out of your head. You’ve been hearing it all evening, every now and then.
Akin to a gelid river, cutting through blocks of stone-hard ice, making your every hair stand on end when its notes tantalize you with the promise of the gilded reflections of northern lights over the stream’s surface.
You can’t ignore it any further, the flames dancing from ornate candles against the walls seem to murmur.
And even though the impending rushed beat of your heart may be painting danger red all over this possibility, you decide to ignore it, listening to the unknown song’s voice, beckoning you out of the ballroom.
Flecks of gold seem to hang in the air as you make your way through twisting ample corridors, the otherworldly sound welcoming you through a set of double doors, their wood snow white, their handles, crystal.
When you push them open, frozen air appears to settle all around you. It is not unpleasant, though.
In the same way, even though the music has just stopped, the sight before you is not unpleasant either in the slightest.
Amidst the room, a blonde man stands. His gaze, resembling underwater lights at dawn, is set on you. A white shirt with blue and golden accents falls perfectly against his frame.
You don’t miss the way his sleeves are rolled up, nor the tiny multicolored splashes in them.
Which brings you to take in the space around you.
A multitude of paintings line every wall: landscapes of somewhere you can only dream of stepping into; portraits of people you have never met, or have you, in the distance of sweet sleep?; abstract brushstrokes, constituting colors you had never seen before, that you know you won’t see anywhere else.
“Hello,” a soft voice that can only belong to the man in the room utters. “I am Albedo, the court’s alchemist, how may I be of assistance?”
You clear your throat, stammering an apology. He smiles, that sunny sky gaze never leaving you.
“I-I uh… I just heard music and… it seemed to come from here… I apologize for barging in so rudely.”
He gives you a sweet smile. You wonder whether he’s a prince, instead of an alchemist.
“Not at all. Music, you say?” He asks, bringing close to his lips the flute he had been holding. “Did it sound anything like this, perhaps?” Albedo starts to play, notes filling the chamber, colorful blossoms flourishing along snow-covered plains.
You get lost in the sound. In the ethereal aura the prince-like alchemist exudes. He’s as magnetic and entrancing as the melody he plays. Unconsciously, you’ve started to sway, and perhaps a part of you wishes this song was a gift for your ears alone.
At some point, the symphony stops, notes of it, still lingering in the crispness of the atmosphere, despite the closed windows.
“Beautiful.” He utters, tender, the fall of snowflakes atop your open palms.
Warmth creeps up your neck when he steps closer to you, his elegant hands hovering close to your face, to your silver mask.
“May I?” His lips say, rose-colored in the careful lilt of his tone.
Nodding is all the answer you can manage, Albedo’s cool fingertips grazing the side of your cheek.
“Yes, lovely.” He repeats, studying the lines of your mask-free face, the wave of your hair, the sparkles in your wide eyed gaze.
You wonder if he’s ever looked into a mirror, because if he’s presenting you these compliments, no words could describe how utterly breathtaking you think he is.
“Would you allow me to paint you?” Is the question you find yourself nodding to as well.
Beneath the golden lighting of fabricated starlight and with the paradoxically warm caress of Albedo’s cool touch when his hands position you for his portrait, you enter a labyrinth of emotions you only want to brave deeper.
What lies beneath the sunlit layer of snow clinging to Albedo’s every movement?
Perhaps tonight, as he renders you in watercolors, you have already imprinted yourself in his golden encased heart.
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yzashaven · 1 year
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꒰ ✿ ꒱︰SFW
꒰ ♡ ꒱︰NSFW
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♡.・ SCARAMOUCHE ! ✰ °。⋆
꒰ ✿ ꒱ —comforting insecure reader︰scaramouche
fic ✧ fem!reader ✦ 819 words
꒰ ✿ ꒱ —christmas special!︰scaramouche / wanderer
drabble ✧ fem!reader ✦ 396 words
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —you're his birthday present︰wanderer/scaramouche
drabble ✧ fem!reader ✦ 360 words
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —submissive kabukimono [by yua!]
drabble / made by— ✧ fem!reader
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —brain rot︰scaramouche
drabble ✧ fem!reader ✦ 625 words
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —corruption︰scaramouche
drabble ✧ fem!reader ✦ 126 words
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —scara x catgirl!reader
fic ✧ fem!reader ✦ 1218 words
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —doctor!scara x mentally ill!reader
fic ✧ fem!reader ✦ 1161 words
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —hate smashing︰scaramouche
drabble (?) ✧ fem!reader ✦ 139 words
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —yandere!idol!scara﹒[1]
drabble ✧ fem!reader ✦ 300 words
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —yandere!idol!scara﹒[2]
drabble ✧ fem!reader ✦ 242 words
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —eating reader's ass︰scaramouche
drabble ✧ fem!reader ✦ 605 words
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —needy dom scara﹒[1]
fic ✧ fem!reader ✦ 802 words
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —needy dom scara﹒[2]
drabble ✧ fem!reader ✦ 202 words
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —needy dom scara + breeding﹒[3]
drabble ✧ fem!reader ✦ 101 words
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —mean!kuni
headcanons ✧ fem!reader ✦ 109 words / 5 hcs
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —shouki no kami/archon!scara x shrine maiden!reader
fic ✧ fem!reader ✦ 2556 words
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —cockwarming︰wanderer
drabble ✧ fem!reader ✦ 240 words
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —brain rot︰kuronushi
drabble ✧ fem!reader ✦ 145 words
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —shibari and edging︰kuronushi
drabble ✧ fem!reader ✦ 408 words
꒰ ♡ ꒱ — caught masturbating to his voice︰kuronushi
drabble ✧ fem!reader ✦ 532 words
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —period sex︰kuronushi (dead dove, do not eat)
fic ✧ fem!reader ✦ 744 words
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —somnophilia (non/dubcon)︰kuronushi
drabble ✧ fem!reader ✦ 363 words
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —somnophilia (non/dubcon)︰kabukimono
drabble ✧ fem!reader ✦ 495 words
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —somnophilia﹒[2] (non/dubcon)︰kabukimono, scaramouche, wanderer (separate)
headcanons ✧ fem!reader ✦ 283 words
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —bet!︰billionaire!scaramouche
drabble ✧ fem!reader ✦ 624 words
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —break for me...sweetly︰soft dom!scaramouche
drabble ✧ fem!reader ✦ 506 words
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —moan for me︰scaramouche
drabble ✧ fem!reader ✦ 630 words
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —hate fuck︰scaramouche
fic ✧ fem!reader ✦ 981 words
♡.・ XIAO ! ✰°。⋆
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —mean xiao
drabble ✧ fem!reader ✦ 270 words
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —needy mean dom!xiao
drabble ✧ fem!reader ✦ 365 words
♡.・ LYNEY ! ✰°。⋆
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —fingering brain rot
drabble ✧ fem!reader ✦ 260 words
♡.・ AETHER ! ✰°。⋆
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —the abyss prince breeds you
drabble ✧ fem!reader ✦ 373 words
♡.・ GOROU ! ✰°。⋆
꒰ ✿ ꒱ —gorou x catgirl!reader
headcanons ✧ fem!reader ✦ 604 words / 20 hcs
꒰ ✿ ꒱ —how they show affection for you
gn!reader // scaramouche, tartaglia, xiao, albedo, thoma, kazuha, alhaitham, cyno
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —how they fuck you
fem!reader // kazuha, venti, tighnari, albedo, thoma, diluc, kaveh, zhongli, xiao, gorou, heizou, dainsleif, kunikuzushi, scaramouche, ayato, childe, pantalone, baizhu, kaeya, cyno, itto, alhaitham, dottore, capitano, pierro, aether, abyss!aether
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —corrupting you
fem!reader // scaramouche, childe, dottore, heizou, ayato, itto, xiao, kaeya, albedo, alhaitham, kaveh, cyno, abyss!aether, dainsleif
♡.・ EVENTS ! ✰°。⋆
꒰ ♡ ꒱ —600 FOLLOWERS + 2023 KINKTOBER
event masterlist / ( read tags before proceeding !! )
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theperfectcinammon · 11 months
I know this is Tumblr, but I really need help from these books to the peeps who reads on Quotev too:
If you found any of these stories or any related, please tell me! Especially the second one!
(1):Genshin impact x Female!Reader: The protagonist takes Lumine's place and travels with aether. Aether is the Abyss sibling and the Protagonist is the Traveler. Protagonist wears Aether's clothing. Most noticeable writing when the last time I read it, is where before the Latest Chapter (chapter3?). An Abyss mage says while in Kaeya's domain, it said that the "Prince needs his princess"
(2): Yanderes x Reader: My favorite Yandere Quotev Story that I haven't read for a very, long time. Reader is currently living in a Yandere city. Reader wants to Leave yet can't for now(?). In order to not be a "Darling", she makes Rules to herself. She's also good at identifying at which yandere type is the person, ex Sadistic.. etc
{{Story-scene from Memory}}
1. Reader works in a library. A white-haired male approaches here, she acts cold yet the male continues to talk to her.
2. Reader gets invited to a party by force. She purposely ships or directs a possible-yandere to someone else
3. Reader adopts a white cat where she named it "Milky"
4. Reader meets a guy on train, turns out to be a famous person under the mask. Reader leaves the train in hurry and didn't notice that her card was swiftly taken by the same person.
5. Reader walks along a crowd. Another dead body is found and her name is written on the walls. She realized she fucked up somewhere in her life.
End note -> Her self-made rules, at the end it has a similar writing "Yet somehow, you broke them"
IF someone knows or any related to these stories, please tell me!
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reilliane · 3 years
Absconder ⊱⊰ Genshin!Various
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A/N: Another scenario that came in my head in the middle of doing plates at two in the morning. MC is from Khaenri'ah. But to be specific? Ehe, she's a part of the Eclipse Dynasty!
I am so into royalty and I think it's showing-
✤ she/her
✤ Mentions of death and violence
✤ Lis: Albedo, Dainsleif, Kaeya, Venti, Zhongli, AbyssPrince!Aether
✤ Concept: The male Heir in the BP cutscene (MC thinks it's Aether-) helped flourish Khaenri'ah + Khaenri'ah was destroyed by the Seven and the Heavenly Principles
≿————- ★ ————-≾
A region without a deity. No one thought it to be possible, yet here, your Kingdom stands, the quintessential example of the impossible and the taboo. Defying the natural order is what you and your people have been doing, yet still, everyone is happy. You've heard all about it from your father, the King, who spoke of stories upon stories about the upbringing of Khaenri'ah and its advancement over Teyvat. It begins with an ambitious young man who bears the likeness of the sun, and a few of the people who follow his ideals, to recreate the nation he flourished over time.
"He did not wish to be a leader, however," your father had spoken. "Because in the first place he did it for the people, not for himself."
So it's the people themselves who chose their King, and the man of the sun, deeming his work done, retreated into the shadow. It was only when the nation he helped bring up was in trouble did he ever reappear. You've never seen him once —not yet, but you didn't know that— and your father often finds it funny that you dream of the sunchild like an eager kid would do. But eventually, the wish becomes a transient memory from your childhood. And you grow up to learn the ways of handling the rich Kingdom of Khaenri'ah. It had been going well. But you were unaware of the growing greed in your father's heart as well as some of your people as he set foot to allow the creations of Rhinedottir flock and bring about an order against the divine overseer in the heavens. To the weaponry, machinery, and artificial beings created by Alchemists in pursuit of their idealized justice against the Heavenly Principles, you turn a blind eye. All until you couldn't, any longer. Until the cataclysm unfolded — and the Kingdom was made a witness to Divine Punishment.
it was a miracle that you had been saved from such consequence, though up 'till the present day you think that you're unworthy of such mercy, and should've shouldered the same suffering your people did.
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Inarguably one of the closest to you and your father, being a part of the ranks meant to protect the royal family. His surreptitious nature does not stave you from befriending him—and it doesn't seem to go any farther than that. He is the Knight your father has assigned to be at your side after taking note of your close friendship with him, and it's a title you gladly remind the blue-eyed swordsman. A close friend and a protector. He'll go silent when pressed with state affairs, mainly the machinery of 'peace' being made by the Kingdom. Dain doesn't seem to favor the presence of gods and is actually wary of them, going as far as to argue with the King one night about 'daring to test the patience of the divine'. It was an argument that cost the both of you your friendship, for after that debate with your father, after you came to console him — Dainsleif had left. And you never saw him again... until centuries later.
"Run... [Name],"
Violet is meant to be beautiful, and though it does present itself that way as it coursed through the neck of the King in a bout of a second, it's instead horrific when complemented with red.
Godly beings decked from head to toe in white and purple stands before the set of thrones, the sympathy in her eyes clouded by order and obedience.
Your breath hitches when those eyes land on your frozen form and albeit horror swarms through your limbs when the woman begins to traipse towards you, you can't find yourself to move.
It is only when she had solemnly uttered a, "I'll make it swift, child," did you recover from the iciness—and you're bolting down the hall.
"Dainsleif!" you remember crying out, voice tight as you saw the raging inferno outside the palace. "Dainsleif, where are you!?"
There are screams and pleas for help everywhere. Your people—slaughtered.
You can faintly recall being hurried to your room by one of the other Twelve Knights, but the details are nowhere near close to the one you have of the massacre.
And of the man you've searched for in desperation.
"Your Royal Highness..." the look in his eyes is something you can savor for eternity. "... [Name]."
Now he speaks your name with the same sentiment you've had for him five hundred years ago. The Traveler at his side, Lumine, eyes him in confusion, probably wondering how you are attributed to the bough keeper.
Though the blonde can't focus too much on him now that she's face to face with her own twin sibling standing at your side.
Oh, Dain, how you've changed. You exhale softly, clasp on the sword you've used to save the Abyss Herald growing tight.
"You're alive, but- how is this possible-"
Ah yes. He's traveled with Aether, has seen the other side of the Abyss, yet he's never once seen you. Naturally, seeing you alive—and free from the curse that has been put on your people—has taken him by surprise.
Shaking your head, you turn your back against him, like did to you—to your father, to Khaenri'ah, when they needed him.
When you needed him.
"Farewell, Knight." you hope your voice of indifference is able to pierce through his wall. You've a feeling it did, but you aren't looking back to see. "May the blade of your sword never rust."
Not once did he look over his shoulder the night he had fought with your father, not once did he glance your way before he disappeared.
So you have no problem returning the same thing he had done as you enter the abyssal portal with the Herald acting as your close guardian.
You have no problem disappearing on him when he follows close behind in a futile endeavor to catch up. He had trampled over your hopes and desperations.
So would you.
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You've heard of Khaenri'ah's saving grace. Throughout his journey, you've personally seen to it that you monitor him just in case things get awry. And it's not because you're worried over matters concerning your ruined Kingdom, but because the eye-patched man is a part of your people. He has suffered a great length of tribulation to get to where he is now, and you make sure to remind him of it whenever possible, though doing so now that he is a Captain has become increasingly difficult. So on certain nights, you will rendezvous with him and simply catch up. You are a secret known only to very few people, and he plans to keep it that way. Not only must your life be kept a secret, but the identity and the crown over your head, as well.
A timeless princess.
Kaeya's heard all about it, and dare he confirms its legitimacy? Yes, though he dare not speak of it so casually, wary that he may upset the girl.
For that princess no longer has a place of her own, nor people to look over. No longer does she bear the crown, for she's long since absconded the throne when the Kingdom had been set into ruins.
Still, Kaeya thinks of her as royalty.
"In the end, when it is brought from the ground up, only you will lead us again. Don't you think so, princess?" he hums one silent night as he offers you a sweet treat.
Plopping the delicacy in your mouth, you close your eyes, trying to revisit the same grandeur the palace had in your memories. Alight in gold, pearl, and marble, nothing else can compare.
But such prettiness can now only be revisited by the mind, no longer by the person.
"It is not wrong to dream, but see to it that it is a dream that can spare your life," you smile at him, patting his shoulder like you'd do when he was a child.
"You're one of the last few, Alberich... I didn't look after you from afar to have you throw your life away for my sake."
He chuckles, nodding and abiding by what was requested of him.
The night grows steadily silent afterward, nothing but the lulling sound of the wind encapsulates the cliffside. It is a transient kind of peace, at least for him.
Whenever he looks at the timeless royal occupying his right, her eyes will always be faraway, clouded and troubled. Without a doubt, lost in the past as always.
In times like these did Kaeya sometimes wished he'd been there to see the horrors for himself because at least then, the royal would have someone who shares the bitterness of long ago.
He hums, fingers clasping around a thin, circular branch he managed to find on the ground.
The sound of frost has you looking at the man, only to blink steadily when he places a crown fashioned of ice on your head.
The circumference is cushioned by a garland of tiny flowers, therefore leaving no lingers of frostbite when put on.
"Wipe the frown off, it sullies your beauty."
Kaeya winks.
"I promise you, one day, you'll return to your people and they, to you. Then you'd bear the grace and power of the royal you once were to them."
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When he first opened his eyes and was deemed to be a successful creation, you were there. A beauty confined in a garden of thorns is how Albedo would describe you. His master told him that who he just met was the Princess of the current dynasty, Eclipse, and if he so wished, she could arrange a meeting. He liked that, but the meeting never came. Not until centuries later, actually. Long overdue. When he had been investigating the bolstered creatures influenced by Durin in the snowcaps of Dragonspine, the same beauty hailing from the antiquity of his memories appeared, seemingly untouched by snow. Spared from the curse that plagued the people of Khaenri'ah.
Albedo reminds you heavily of the female Alchemist, both in how driven they are to search for greatness and life. Its impressiveness is almost sickening. They are both bombs in waiting.
But this primordial creation has something that Rhinedottir has less; humanity, which is ironic, given Albedo's artificiality.
Perhaps that is why you are able to tolerate his presence and eventually find him endearing. That's of course, outside the times he asks for permission to experiment on you.
You let him do it, sometimes.
For there in you resides a bleak hope that the curse on your people can be lifted by Alchemy. And no one but Albedo will be able to do it.
"Your blood astounds me to this day," it's just now that you're reminded of his bluntness as he collects another sample of your blood for his experiments.
He lifts the test tube, showing to you a glistening hue of [c].
"It had been red before," you inform him, giving your thanks after he patches the small wound up. "It changed after I went to find a home in the Abyss. It's a nice change."
If he's glad about the new bout of knowledge about your origin, he doesn't show it so candidly. He has an immaculate skill of hiding his reactions for some reason.
It used to unnerve you, but now? Not so much.
He sees you out to the entrance of his camp, boots being eaten by the snow.
It will be a long time before you'll show up again. A few months, if he's lucky. It has him sighing mutedly.
"I've always wanted to meet you ever since I saw you in my Master's office..."
"Oh?" You stop in your tracks to look at him over your shoulder.
So he remembers the time when you first saw one another? That had been so long ago...
Still, the thought has you smiling, bemused.
"I'll return to you, Albedo, you can count on that."
His gloved hand attempts to catch one of the diamonds that appeared as you vanish into the abyss, the trail of stars being the only trace of your presence.
He hums, eyes staring through the heavy snowfall.
"I will wait, then... Princess."
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The Windborne Bard could recall in vivid detail the blood that had been spilled in the cataclysm. He does not like such things, of course, but he hadn't been able to do anything but obey. An Archon he may be, he remains a pawn to the Heavenly Principles, a fact he detests the most. Power always comes with sacrifice, after all. When he had smitten Khaenri'ah with tempests and gales as sharp as silver blades, the color of his Anemo couldn't almost be seen. Far too stained with red. When the people were at his mercy, their screams can't be heard through the turbulence. So, until the present day, the echoes of the cries he has turned away from remains as haunting as ever. And he didn't like it — doesn't like remembering something he was made to do.
He cannot believe his eyes.
It seems like a bad twist of fate has made itself known in the form of a [c]-haired female who appears strikingly similar to the last princess of the Eclipse Dynasty.
A reincarnation? The logical cogs in his mind turn. He's a second away from believing this theory, but the way she stared at him as if familiarizing him from someplace is too much.
He knows it's her.
But how? He wonders as he ambles towards her closer, making his way through the crowd, his performance long forgotten. How are you alive?
Was the Electro Archon unsuccessful? She had been the one to go after the royals inside the palace.
Venti is at a loss by the time he's standing in front of you, teal and aquamarine eyes wide in what you can decipher is fear and genuine surprise. The crowd has long since dispersed after finding out that the bard's performance will be done for another time, leaving the two of you by the plaza.
You raise your fingers, brushing through the bard's bangs whilst keeping a pointed stare against his eyes.
Unlike before —unlike centuries ago— they lack the hostility, which you suppose is natural, for war has worn him out. The danger in his optics is reminiscent of the Electro Archon's.
For some reason, they only ever appeared hostile because they too had been following orders.
"By the gateway to Celestia, you sing praises of the old world..." you swallow thickly, "Forgetting the destruction you've dealt upon my land. Does it not mar your conscience at all, Barbatos?"
His breath hitches at the usage of his name and you drop your fingers, averting your gaze with a sigh.
It's useless to question the conscience of a murderer.
The bard catches your wrist before you can leave and you recoil in shock, catching the burst of eagerness in his face.
"You of all people, who have studied the heavens, should know that what we've done was out of—"
"I'd like it if you are to let go of me, dear bard. My Prince would not like this."
He lets go, stunned. Prince?
As far as he knew, you hadn't been betrothed to anyone during your prime. So who-
His eyes widen. Could it be?
The smile on your face is bittersweet.
"Best watch your nation, Barbatos. We wouldn't like it to be the receiving end of a destructive encore, now, would we?"
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This man, too, bears the weight of his actions. But he does not regret doing what had been written in a contract. Contracts are, after all, the primes of his very being. Upholding them to the highest degree goes without saying, though of course, that does not rule out the existence of his personal feelings. The war left him questioning the morality of the divine for centuries. He feels conflicted, but who is he to answer against the Heavenly Principles? Perhaps if he had the courage to sever his ties with it like he did now, things could've turned out differently. It is a branch of life he often finds himself dwelling over. But what's done is done, and the great empire of Khaenri'ah had crumbled. No pillar of its strengths remains, or so he thought.
A warrior such as he... does not regret, but alas, it is only when everything has already settled to dust does he begin to acknowledge the unmerciful slaughter from the cataclysm.
For once in his life, he cannot stand the sight of the brewed tea served in his cup, a pleasant color of crimson.
Which is absurd, because since when had he been fazed by the reminder of blood? It starts now, it seems.
It's rather comical—and insulting. But time changes people, there is no other explanation, and he's no stranger to it.
"Hey there! Sorry I'm late, I was holed up for a second there," Childe greets as he takes the seat in front of the amber-eyed man, who shakes his head.
Now having a reason to not indulge himself with today's tea, Zhongli dismisses his companion's worry.
"There is beauty in the transience of moments. It is alright, don't rush,"
"Transcience huh? Well, my friend surely could vouch for that. [Name] barely shows herself nowadays and when she does, it's only for a brief amount of time before vanishing."
His heart skips a beat. [Name]?
What are the odds that Childe's friend is just someone with a similar name?
"Yeah, [Name], right there! Heya!"
When Zhongli's eyes flutter through the sparse crowd, they travel and pinpoint to its target with relative ease. His breath gets caught in the claws of his throat.
He thinks his mind is playing tricks when he stares at the [c]nette from afar; dressed in regalia fitting for a Princess, though her gown is smeared with blood and her crown is tumbling from her head.
The smile on her face is foreboding as if she's warning him of a return that will throw the heavens and the earth in another round of cataclysm.
And Zhongli cannot help but feel dread as he watches her vanish before his own two eyes.
He knows too well, the vigor of a victim who seeks revenge.
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He's not the sun child from the legendary tales your father has uttered, but he remains your savior. And long still do you believe him to be a Hero in his own right. Even if his present musings spell him a cold-hearted man with a wicked moral compass. You will never forget that time of twilight, five hundred or so years ago when you're at the brink of death and he crashed through your window, demanding desperately for you to go with him. 'Just one is enough... if I can save just one of you, it's enough.' He had been muttering it as he flew, hiding you from the eyes of the Divine and the Seven. Into the Abyss — a place he promised you will keep you safe, he brought you to.
"Must you leave?"
His voice, no matter how low, manages to come off as loud in the abyssal hall presently empty of his underlings. You look at him, surveying his figure sitting on a throne, beside an empty one.
You nod, closing your eyes with a gentle intake of air.
"The alignment of the stars today makes it easier for me to return without any hassle. I wouldn't be long," with a curtsy, you swivel with the plans to depart as soon as possible.
The moon will be whole tonight, you must take this chance to leave the Abyss and visit your ruined lands.
You find yourself unable to take a step further, though, for with the flutter of the wind and the snuggle of someone's warmth at your back, you're glued to the ground.
".. Aether," you muse as he holds you close.
His hold is tight and secured.
"You must be careful," he buries his face in the crook of your neck, refusing to let go. "Venturing to a land so far... if Celestia takes note of you still alive after those years, then... I.."
Ah, so that is his matter of concern.
Turning in his arms so you face him, you rearrange his golden locks, coursing your fingers through them and playing with the halo of stars that recreate the crown atop his head.
He plays with yours with a minuscule smile, reminding you of your own headpiece.
"If my departure ails you to this extent, then I can save it for another time," you rest your head on his chest after snaking your arms around his waist, returning his embrace. "Nothing beats me more than seeing you upset."
"I'll accompany you in your visit next time, I assure you, it's just that Celestia has been more alert now that my sibling has been tipping over the scales."
The echoes of his whispers are peculiarly soothing as they ricochet off the starry-like environment of the Abyss, and you find yourself smiling.
His touch is so lulling.
You sigh, closing your eyes as you listen closely to Aether.
"For now, stay a bit longer. You are safe with me, my Princess."
≿————- ★ ————-≾
a/n: i genuinely love this so much you dears have no idea- jUST MC ACTING LIKE THAT ONE MESSENGER WHO GOES "Thing's about to go down in your place." And Aether has her at his side. Prince and Princess duo because yes.
Albedo and Kaeya have the highest possibility to be MC's consorts but the decision is up to Aether because if it's not obvious, he's taken dibs- this harem i likey- /slapped
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Return to the Scrying Glass ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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mewmewtric · 2 years
hey sup? So how do you think Kaeya would deal with having a crush who he gets along with really well and they came back from Inazuma, they had gone for important business and crush eventually talks about how they met someone who reminded them of Kaeya except if Kaeya was a terrible person. Kaeya does simple pranks on people and teasing, but he does a lot to help the community and is actually very nice overall. But this person tried to make his s/o go bankrupt and other really bad things. (Or tried to murder s/o. You pick which). The person had a similar vibe to Kaeya and it just made them really miss Kaeya? (Honestly it puzzles me how people dislike Kaeya just cuz of the sword prank and then they give Childe for trying to murder you and Yea Miko a pass who did way worse to the mc in my view).
Thanks for request! I’m so sorry I took so long for this QwQ This is prolly the longest thing I’ve done so far on tumblr
this will be in Kaeya's POV. kinda wanted to make this kaebedo (my #1 kaeya ship) cuz albedo went to inazuma, but irodori festival did not really appear to give him a chance for such experiences imo, so ig this would be kaeya x gender unspecified reader? although i’d love to do kaebedo fluff someday.
Dim, warm lights.
Bustling voices.
The clinking of glasses and mugs.
But he sits alone at the bar, heart cold and longing. A Death After Noon in his hand, eavesdropping on the conversations in Angel’s Share. 
How long have they been gone? Are they alright?
He flips through the letters you gave him.
“Dear Kaeya, I’m having a great time in Inazuma...”
“Dear Kaeya, you really should see this next time...”
“Dear Kaeya, so I met this guy who reminds me of you...”
A guy that reminded them of him?
They went to Inazuma for some important business... but they never told him what. Just that the Adventurer’s Guild asked they\m to go. Their awkward look on their face when they said that... as if they were worried that it would inconvenience him. But that face melted into a smile. A smile they had when you blew the dandelions around the outskirts of Mondstadt, a smile when they ate his Fruity Skewers... 
A flush creeps up his neck. 
Stop. You’re just a big brother to them.
“Hey Kaeya.”
A familiar voice. One that sends warmth into his body, livening it up, giving it hope.
“I missed you.”
Two arms wrap around his waist. A weight presses onto his back. His hands freeze for a short while, before shifting over to their hands. What was he thinking, to now be carressing their hands that fit perfectly in his with his thumb?
Gently, he shifts around to see they. To see them... in tears? The sight made his heart, just moments ago warmed by their presence go cold and shrivelled again.
They look up, eyes sparkling and wet.
"Do you mind if we take this to a corner of the tavern?"
They nod their head. The sniffles... each one stab him so deeply, yet he could not say anything. He could not. He has to be strong, the reliable big brother.
"One warm Moonlit Alley, please. Thank you, Charles."
Kaeya slides the Moonlit Alley across the table.
"Drink this. It should give you some comfort."
They slowly manage sips through slowly reducing sobs. Trembling hands threaten to spill some of the drink... can he... hold them? Steady them? But you are so fragile now. He should not be as touchy or flirtatious as he usually was.
"Are you... alright? What happened to you in Inazuma?"
"I met someone like you."
Am I really that bad? He wanted to joke.
But it would probably make you feel worse. He knows.
"He was just like you. Friendly, teasing, reliable, slightly cocky..."
The two of them share a little smile. 
"But worse."
Kaeya stopped drinking his Death After Noon.
“He... he was my partner in the Guild’s commission. It was an international meeting for more seasoned adventurers, and I got paired up with him. He was so nice... appeared so reliable... quite handsome too... It was like having you by my side again in a land of the unknown. Especially when a group of us were sent t-to Tsurumi Island to explore the place after the mist was lifted.”
“He was my shoulder to lean on. Teasingly encouraging me to not give up, just like you. That we would find something worthy to bring back to the Guild.”
Their sobs stop, only little sniffles emerging once in a while.
“Then... he tried to kill me...”
They down the last of the Moonlit Alley.
“We found a chamber with a large amount of artifacts. Bringing them back to the Guild office would bring us so much fame and honour and rewards and... I don’t know if he planned it from the start or he was overwhelmed... but...”
They removed the scarf that has been on their neck. A large wound, definitely inflicted days ago.
“I could not say anything. He was very influential in the Inazuman branch. I could only-”
“Say no more.”
Kaeya cannot bear to listen any more. But the words were harsh, and he worries that they would misunderstand him.
“No need to dwell on the past. Shall we talk about something else? How was the rest of your trip in Inazuma? I would love to go there someday.”
“Kaeya. If this is because of him-”
“Huh? Of course not. I don’t need to step foot into Inazuma to make him regret what he did. Come on. I’ll see you to your apartment.”
From the warm tavern to the cold streets, sometimes the change is a little jarring. Mondstadt nights, they can be cold. And they were in warmer Inazuma for quite some time. Kaeya notices their shoulders slightly shivering. They also look weaker than usual, quiet, pensive, unlike their usual chatty and plucky self. 
It matters not what happened to them. That adventurer. He will pay.
“Hey... I’m sorry but I have something to do. Is it alright if you can go back by yourself?”
They sigh and nod their head. 
“See you.”
As Kaeya walks away from the buildings of Mondstadt to the main gate between towering walls, the long bridge over the moat to the wilderness, the last he sees of the inside of the city is their face. Shaken. Dejected.
The wilds are labyrinths of trees and dirt paths, but Kaeya walks with a sureness. He has walked these paths so many times, to meet his people. To relay information. To clear threats. Soon, he reaches a clearing in the wilds. Two Abyss Mages are chanting and circling around hillichurls, the hillichurls seemingly listening intently. 
“A Knight of Favonius. You dare intrude on our procession?”
The mages unleash elemental shields around themselves, the Pyro mage ordering the hillichurls to hide.
Ah... I haven’t changed out of my uniform yet...
“I am no knight.”
Kaeya does not raise his sword or start bending Cryo to his will. Instead he removes his eyepatch.
“My eye? My eye is fine. There's nothing unusual about hiding one's body parts from view. It's the same reason I wear pants... or any other item of clothing, for that matter.”
Everyone believes his lie and do not press further.
But his eye is not fine.
It is a mark of his ancestry, something that shows his status in the fallen kingdom. He sees so much sharper and clearer with it in the night, the eternal night his kingdom fell to.
A purple eye, a pupil in the shape of an unusual four pointed star, and the skin around it cracking to show purple light, the corrosion that befell his people and himself. The skin around it is much paler than his dusky tan.
“A descendant of the royals...” the Cryo mage murmurs.
“My humblest apologies, your Highness. There were rumours of someone with the royal blood of our country living in Mondstadt. We never believed it, b-”
“Spare the small talk. I have a mission for you. Send someone to the Adventurer’s Guild in Inazuma. Ask the office on who paired with...”
The Pyro mage whispers to the Cryo mage, “Are you sure about this? Are we going to answer to someone with a smidgen of royal blood in him? Our great kingdom is long gone, and we answer to the Abys-”
“Has 500 years made you forget the respect you must pay to your rulers?” Kaeya’s voice turned cold, commanding, unlike the refreshing cool breeeze of his usual tone. “In the end, you are a Khaenri’an. You should listen to me over the Abyss.”
“As for whoever paired up with the person I said earlier... make him regret it. Don’t kill him. Let him live. Impede his adventures. Haunt his sleep. Hopefully you have a Hydro mage who can cast a simple illusion in the form of this...”
He pulls out a photograph from his pocket. It was the one close to his heart, the one he saw holding back sobs over a Moonlit Alley. In this photo, they were beaming, hair covered in dandelion seeds, a mud smear on their cheek. It brings a warmth to a cold heart, like his brother before that fated day.
The Cryo mage hesitantly asked, “Your Highness, we require this photograph for a while longer. To allow the Guild to identify the person. Would you be so kind to part ways with this photograph for a few days?”
His grip tightens on the photograph. His treasure. Even more now that they do not smile. The times before then, the times where they would light up his world. Could it ever come back now?
But he will part with this for a purpose. It may not let them smile again yet... but it will quell the dark fire rising in his own heart. One of anger. Vengeance. Conflict. He has the means to bring the Abyss into Mondstadt any time and bring it down, as he was always supposed to do. But for so long he quelled that urge.
Because he ended up caring for the people in Mondstadt. It was not a facade anymore, when he helps people clear threats to Mondstadt, uncover and thwart ulterior motives, or helping the people with everyday life. His pranks? Just something he does to lighten the mood. It means no harm... unlike the scum who tried to kill someone for his personal gain.
"Take good care of it. It is precious to me." Kaeya holds the photograph out to the Pyro mage. He lets his fingers linger on the picture as the mage lifts it from his hand.
"I will, Your Highness. I will make haste now. Glory to Khaenri'ah."
"...glory to Khaenri'ah."
The mages teleport away, leaving an empty clearing that the descendant of Khaenri'ah walks away with a cold, heavy heart.
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xo-cuteplosion-xo · 3 years
~An Eternal Twilight~
Welp, woke up and chose violence today.
Haven't written anything like this in a while, so do pardon me if there’s ooc/it reads awkwardly.
Prince Kaeya brainrot made me write this BTW, feel free to spam my inbox with brain rots, anything Genshin at this point.
Kaeya x Reader
Synopsis (something new I’m adding to the before of a fic):
Kaeya had always loved them, even if they were not originally his. Words make for easy manipulation, twisting the views of the world with a little truth, followed by some lies or extended truths. Diluc had warned you, but it appears he failed to save you from the man he once called brother.
Angst, Manipulation, possessive wording, Traitor/Prince Kaeya, Suggestive themes (not full-blown smut, but it’s a bit- yeah). Unhealthy relationship.
Characters present: Kaeya & Diluc
Twilight came both after and before the Dawn, both had their own beauty but their own ill-favored traits. Dawn was warm, cool to the touch, but it could burn and set an end to what had been sweet. Twilight was cool and refreshing, but it came before the change, before darkness envelopes, or before light flashes everything in purity. Neither was perfect, but one would always be less welcome than the other.
Kaeya ran his hand down your arm, fingers leaving behind ghosts of his touch. Diluc’s eyes narrowed at the man whose smirk was worn with a pride unbeatable by another. You shied from the touch, uncomfortable, but it wasn’t unwelcomed. You never minded the physical intimacy unless it got too intimate, like a lover's intimacy instead of a friend's intimate worry. Kaeya knew where he stood with you, but he never bothered to respect the physical discomfort you showed. He was the only one, besides your loving mister, who noticed the hesitant look and tight breaths. To be honest, he loved that expression, eyes darting to your arm, swallowing hard as you flicked your gaze to Diluc with a hesitant smile.
You were always so adorable in his eyes, smaller than he in power, strength… intelligence. You were so naive, and if you were observant, you were more than naive, perhaps an idiot, ignoring the signs, ignoring how he would turn to you with malice and lust hidden behind his carefree expression and gentlemen's waves and winks. He twisted you in the presence of his so-called brother… all on purpose.
He put you in danger, only to listen to your struggle against treasure hoarders, and abyss mages. He even went as far as an abyss herald once or twice. Each time you had called for Diluc, each time that red-head never showed, instead he held you close until you were safe and collected, even as red splattered around and your eyes shook from the traumatic plays. He hated that name on your lips, did what he could to make you think of the twilight that gave way to darkness, then the dawn that separated the light from the shadows of twilight’s darkness. When you called for him, hands reaching out as you stumbled and tripped, he came to your aid. He would laugh inside with the victory, slowly watching dawn set within your eyes and give way for him, for twilight’s cooling embrace.
How you never suspected him became an unheard question within his mind, how was he to care when you had begun to depend on him? Your time spent asking him to tag along on a commission that seemed too much for you. It was he who held you when you were injured, not Diluc. He who stayed by your side and slowly began to unravel the details he wanted you to know about his past. He started small, without revealing what or who he was. He showed you the scars on his body, telling you each story but skipping those gifted by Diluc.
He waited to tell you about that night until you asked, slipping vulnerability into his single exposed eye until he was sure you were twisting with tenderness within. He made you promise not to think of Diluc differently, knowing how you would look at him with confusion.
Just like that, he was able to slip more and more truths and lies into your heart, playing the cards he was dealt from birth. He began to note with cocky smiles how you welcomed his little touches on your arm, how you began leaning towards him.
A month of slipping from dawn into twilight, before you were engulfed by the beauty, unaware of the darker sides of the cool embrace. “Diluc… I think we should part ways.” Kaeya’s ears perked from the corner of the bar, a twisted gleam swallowing his eye as he listened.
“What? You can’t be serious dear. I have done nothing but give you all of the time I have and the affection I had? We were doing so well. What happened?” Kaeya thought for a moment you were going to shake your head and apologize, and realize that you belonged in the dawn where you could climb back to the light, where you had rested before.
“I just don’t think you’re who I'm looking for… I don’t want somebody I have to be afraid of messing something up with.” Kaeya smirked, sipping on his wine as you glanced from Diluc to the wall.
“Where did you...” His eyes fell closed as he turned around. Kaeya raised a brow as the bottle Diluc had been holding was set back in the cabinet. The drink he had been preparing sitting unfinished as he kept his back turned to you.
“You can only trust half of what Kaeya says at best, typically far less. If this is because he’s played the woe me card, from four years back, then so be it… I tried, when he stabs you in the back, don't run back… Kaeya is a lying, manipulative, spoiled child.”
The bar emptied, but Kaeya had stayed sitting in that dark corner with his legs crossed. He welcomed the hand that grabbed his collar and throat with eyes of fire. Dawn held its grip on twilight, the heat of the day meeting the cold of night, steam moving from the skin-on-skin contact. “That’s going to leave quite a hand print.” Kaeya smirked as his throat was released and his tinged collar stopped smoking. He pinched the blackened fabric in his fingers. “Shame, this was a new shirt too. They gifted this one to me.” Diluc turned back around, slamming a fist into his cheek.
He went running to you with the bruises forming, letting you take care of him, welled in your heart another nail to drive any second thoughts of Diluc away.
The more he and you were together, the more light left your eyes, and the more horror and dependence welled in your body. He broke you with the story of his home, his original home. You wouldn’t let go of him, lending kisses on his eyelid, the one he kept hidden from anybody else. He smiled, rubbing circles on your back.
He sat with his legs crossed over a throne, those days seemed so long ago. The only part to remind him of that time lay within the blush that coated your face as he kept you close. Your legs straddled around his waist as his hands wandered your hips, gripping and pressing to elicit reactions. His lips pulled from yours in a string of saliva. God knew how long he’d waited to feel this with you. He’d waited until he was on his birthright, waited till you had nobody but him. He could be possessive and call it protective: and claim he was afraid to lose you; like he lost everybody who led him to take this path. He dove into your neck, lips sucking the skin as your lips parted in a mewl, and his tongue darted around the sensitive spot before nipping at the skin. He trailed his lips down, his left hand moving from your hip to your waist and up your abdomen to your chest. He pressed his hand against the skin, his cooling touch sending shivers down your spine as he smirked against your shoulder and rutted his hips forward enough to simulate the area between your legs. He left you whimpering and drooling, begging for his touch, begging for him. He relished in your voice, addicted to the very idea of you.
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rush-the-stars · 2 years
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welcome to my masterlist! last update: 08/29/2024
please take care of yourself, mind warnings, and let me know if i've missed anything or you'd like me to tag anything else! all characters are always aged up/adults, with adult lives, and in adult situations.
i engage with dark content. watch the warnings and take care of yourself.
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jujutsu kaisen:
🩵one shots:
RUIN: suguru getou x f!reader | after your family has fallen out of grace in the sorcerer world and you lose everything, it is decided by the higher-ups that you'll marry someone worthy for you; suguru getou. a troublesome sorcerer with no prominent family lineage, sway, or power in your world. it is a punishment, a laughing stock, and a badge of disgrace. ♛ nsfw
only: sukuna x f!reader | you are the king of curse's one and only daughter. ♛ dark content ♛ cw: incest
🩵 series:
AFFECTION'S EDGE: alpha suguru getou x omega f!reader | Suguru tries to tame you, a feral omega. ♛ nsfw ♛ finished
🩵 drabbles:
aged up!maki zenin + muzzle ♛ nsfw
aged up!ex boyfriend megumi fushiguro ♛ nsfw
suguru getou + possesive ♛ gore
sadist sub reader and masochist dom satoru gojo ♛ nsfw-ish
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genshin impact:
🩵 one shots:
new tricks: yandere abyss prince!kaeya alberich x gn!reader | you are the prince's comfortably kept captive. ♛ nsfw-ish/suggestive
🩵 drabbles:
yandere kaeya ♛ nsfw-ish
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🩵 one shots
bite the hand: nicholas d. wolfwood x f!reader | the hand still feeds you, even after you bite. ♛ nsfw ♛ bdsm dynamic
undone: nicholas d. wolfwood x f!reader | you and nicholas have roughly twenty minutes alone. ♛ nsfw
dogfight: nicholas d. wolfwood x vash the stampede x f!reader | nicholas and vash are jealous. ♛ nsfw-ish
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what if abyss prince kaeya just wanted to spoil and protect you because you’re the love of his life and at this point he doesn’t want to lose you, the one person he’s gotten attached to?
i think for things to get to that point you’d already would have known about his abyss connections and he’d know you were okay with it. and you’d willingly come with him, since you know what the gods did, and you hated it. you don’t want to live in their realm anymore. you want to be with him—kaeya, the one you will give yourself too. and he will do the same.
just imagine him cuddling you while you lay in a nice bed as he calls you his king/queen and laughing when you get flustered at being called that and he puts his lips up against your ear and repeats it. his king/queen.
and he’ll say it as much as he wants, because it’s true. and you sleep under a bed of stars and watch the abyss swirl past your window and you realize that the abyss really is beautiful. he wraps his warm arms around you and kisses your cheek. he’s going to make you the happiest you’ve ever been, even in the dark abyss.
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The Abyss Prince: Ch.1
(Kaeya x gn!KOF!reader)
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Synopsis: Kaeya and you have been dating for a while now and you both honestly couldn't be happier with each other - until Jean sends you on a mission that reveals Kaeya's deepest secret. And you learn that a dark past and your unwavering sense of duty could be enough to destroy a relationship that has always been too good to be true.
Chapter summary: You realize once again that being the child of an ex-Knight is one of the most difficult things on earth. (Title taken from: No Resolve - Surface Pressure)
Word count: ~ 3.5k
The masterlist for the series can be found in the navigation post on my blog.
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Ch.1 - Surface Pressure
It was one of these days where nothing could go right, it seemed. First, you had overslept in the morning and barely had time to grab something to eat before rushing to the headquarters and reporting for duty, only to find out that the Acting Grand Master wasn’t there either. Then, you had completely forgotten to return a book you had borrowed a couple of days ago to the library, arousing Lisa’s anger in the process and almost ended up getting electrocuted which you had only been able to avoid by promising to buy her lunch today. And now, a couple of hours later, you found yourself on the training ground, together with your mother who had already picked out a weapon from the endless arms depot the Knights of Favonius called their own. 
You were annoyed and exhausted and definitely not in the mood for yet another training session with your mother but when she set her mind on doing something, there was no point in trying to convince her otherwise. Besides, she’d only see it as a clear sign of weakness if you told her that you were too tired, followed by yet another lecture about the importance of training. And then, she’d probably tell you that you could have a much higher rank if you only tried a bit harder. So yes, you were tired – but you also weren’t in the mood for one of her speeches. 
So, instead of saying something, you summoned your polearm and adjusted your stance. It was almost ridiculous that your mother still insisted on training you, even after you had been a part of the Knights of Favonius for a couple of years now. You knew that you were a skilled fighter and that Jean had no issues with giving more difficult missions to you. But of course, all of that wasn’t good enough for your family. You needed to be better, stronger, more successful, and if you didn’t strive for perfection every day, they acted like you wasted your potential. And no one ever asked if you were able to handle the pressure they constantly put on you. 
With that thought in mind, you stepped forward, putting all your frustration into your first blow. Your mother dodged the attack with ease, an almost amused smile playing around the corners of her mouth. “Not quick enough,” she said and pushed you back, “you need to figure out your opponent’s next move before they even know it themselves.”
You didn’t even bother to reply because it was pointless to argue with her or to tell her that all of this wasn’t new to you. Heck, you weren’t an unskilled child anymore that had only learned how to use their weapon without accidentally hurting themselves (not that it had happened often – but still often enough for your parents to bring it up on a regular basis). No, you were an adult now, and you knew how to fight. 
You lunged at your mother again, the blade of her sword crashing against your polearm as you blocked her attack before you twirled around and aimed at her legs. She jumped backwards – and there it was, the tiny gap in her defense you had waited for. With one swift movement, you stepped forward and swung your weapon around. At the last second, she ducked your strike, once again using her blade to push you backwards.
“Not bad,” she panted, a barely noticeable smile flashing over her face. “You’re slowly learning how to use my weak points to your advantage.”
Slowly, you thought to yourself and huffed. In the past, you had fought countless battles against your mother and most of the time, you had been on par with her, although you knew that she would always deny that. Another reason why you hated to train with her – she was way too proud to admit her defeat, had always been. Sometimes, you wondered if it was because she hadn’t been on active duty for so long. She was still part of the Knights, yes, but most of the time, she was busy with caring for your father who still dealt with the aftermath of injuries he had suffered on a mission a couple of years ago. He had been a Knight before that, too, and you knew how much it pained him that he had to retire so early, no matter how many times others told him to stop living in the past.
You suddenly snapped out of your thoughts when your mother’s blade collided with your polearm once again, the force of her attack vibrating through your bones as you tried to regain your balance, tightening your grip around the weapon. 
“A fight is not the right moment to start daydreaming,” your mother reminded you, the tone of her voice almost a bit condescending. Through gritted teeth, you replied, “I know.”
“Then focus! You can’t afford to zone out like that during a real fight.”
You ducked under her blade, knocking her back with another strike of your polearm. The two of you continued like this for a while, dancing around each other, waiting for the right moment to make another move. Soon enough, you were both gasping for air but neither of you was ready to yield. Perhaps that kind of stubbornness and pride was something you really had in common with your mother. Not that you would ever admit that, though.
And then, you suddenly found another gap in your mother’s defense. This time, you took full advantage of it. In just a matter of seconds, you had her down on the floor, the tip of your spear pointing at her throat. “I win,” you stated flatly. 
A brief smile flashed over her face. “Indeed. I’m surprised you managed to beat me without using your vision, though.”
Ah, yes, of course. She would never not begrudge you for beating her, no matter how evenly balanced the battle had been. And that comment about your vision had been uncalled for, too. It was bullshit that she assumed you’d need elemental powers to win against her. Heck, you had never even tried to use your vision in one of your training matches because your parents had set the strict rule that you weren’t allowed to do that. They thought it would give you an unfair advantage – but you were convinced that they didn’t want you to use elemental power because they had never received a vision and weren’t ready to accept that even Celestia had acknowledged your ambitions. 
“Thank you,” you finally replied (because you knew that was what your mother wanted to hear) and reached out to help her stand up. She dusted herself down, adjusting her clothing in the process and fixing her ponytail before she looked at you again. Your mother, the always presentable looking Knight. “Don’t be negligent of your training,” she said, “and don’t rest on today’s laurels.”
You watched her leaving the training ground, once again wondering why your own mother could never acknowledge your success in the way you wished she would. Why she kept belittling you even after you won against her again. But then again, she hadn’t even been proud when you had received your Anemo vision, so there probably was no point in asking yourself these questions over and over again. 
But still, you couldn’t help it. 
You detached the vision from your belt, cradling it in your hand as you stared at the turquoise orb that was embedded in the golden colored frame, its winged shape typical for Mondstadtian visions. The orb was glowing dimly, an indication that it hadn’t yet absorbed enough elemental particles for a full burst. It felt warm to the touch nevertheless, the weight oddly comforting as your thoughts drifted off. Until the day you had received your vision, you had never realized how much you felt trapped in your life. It had never occurred to you before that you needed freedom to achieve your goals, instead of putting more and more pressure on yourself. Freedom to figure out who you were and what you wanted to do with your life, because so far, you had only tried to live up to your parents’ expectations and somehow lost yourself along the way. And when you had found the vision on your pillow back then, it had almost felt like a wakeup call to stop wasting your time with trying to meet your family’s ridiculous standards. Suddenly, you had realized that their expectations were nothing more than restraints that held you back from finding your own path in life and that you needed to free yourself from them if you ever wanted to reach your objectives. 
But realizing something and actually going through with it were two very different animals. 
Sometimes, you still struggled with casting your parents’ demands and expectations aside, no matter how hard you tried to let go of the things that constantly pressed on your shoulders. 
And maybe, true freedom was by far the hardest thing to obtain. 
- - -
Later that day, after running a few more errands for the Knights and reporting back to your Captain, Eula Lawrence, you could finally return home. Your head hurt, your joints felt sore, and you seriously couldn’t wait to take a hot shower and change into more comfortable clothes. But when you reached your home, a small apartment in a house near the market square you had rented from an old friend of your parents, you changed your mind. Yes, a relaxed evening at home sounded incredibly good – but what sounded even better was to spend your well-deserved home time with the person you loved more than anything. 
So, without any hesitation, you turned around, heading in the opposite direction until you spotted the familiar house with the timber framework that was nearly completely covered in ivy tendrils. Just the sight of it was enough to bring a smile to your face. You had so many wonderful memories of this place – and its owner, the ever so charming Cavalry Captain of Mondstadt, of course – that it felt almost like coming home.
Kaeya opened the door before you could knock, a soft smile playing around the corners of his mouth, and you felt a wave of relief washing over you. “Hi,” you said. The next second, you had already wrapped your arms around him, pulling him into a much-needed hug. 
“Well, if this isn’t my favorite person in the entire world,” he replied with a chuckle and kissed the top of your head, “hello there, sweetheart.”
You stayed like this for a few moments, indulging in each other’s presence but soon enough, Kaeya pulled away from your hug to invite you in and close the door behind you. The neighbors were already gossiping about your relationship way too much, they didn’t need more food for their assumptions. Only yesterday, the old lady from next door had asked him when he would finally propose to you because in her world, it was just inappropriate to basically live together while unmarried. “(Y/N) is such a good person,” she had told him then, gently nudging him with her elbow, “you better don’t let them get away, lad.”
“I won’t,” Kaeya had said. And he meant it. If things were easier, if he were someone with a less complicated past, he probably would have asked you to marry him months ago. But that was truly nothing but wishful thinking. 
But anyways. Now certainly wasn’t the right time to muse about these things, not when you were standing right in front of him, the smile on your face not quite able to mask the turmoil of emotions that reflected in your eyes. “Rough day?” Kaeya asked softly, although he already knew the answer from the way you had basically thrown yourself into his arms as soon as he had opened the door. He pulled you close to his body again, and you buried your face in the crook of his neck, taking in the subtle scent of his cologne. “Yeah. I guess you could say that.”
“My poor baby.” He pressed a kiss to your temple. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I don’t know. You’re probably tired of hearing the same complaints over and over again.”
Kaeya clicked his tongue. “Sweetheart, I could never be tired of listening to you. If you need to vent I’m here. Okay?”
You smiled at him. “Thank you. But I think, right now I just want to shower and get out of these clothes.”
“Well, you know where the bathroom is. And I washed the clothes you left here a couple of days ago and put them in my dresser, top drawer,” Kaeya said. “Now, how about this: You go shower and I prepare dinner in the meantime. It’s always better to talk while you’re enjoying a nice meal, no?”
“Sounds lovely. You’re the best boyfriend ever.”
“I know, sweetheart.”
He watched you making your way down the hallway into his bedroom before you disappeared into the bathroom with a pile of clothes in your arms. Would you still be so comfortable around him if you knew that he had never been completely honest to you? 
With a sigh, he opened the door to the kitchen. It was pointless to puzzle his head about these things. He should focus on the good things instead of constantly asking himself what would happen if you found out the truth. ‘And who knows?’ he thought in a fit of defiance. Maybe you wouldn’t be as upset and angry as he thought you would be. You loved him, didn’t you? So, why should you start hating him, just because his past was far more complicated than you assumed right now? Surely, your feelings for him wouldn’t change… right?
“Oh, stop it, you pathetic idiot” he mumbled to himself as he started to go through the fridge and the cabinets to figure out what he could cook for you. Thankfully, he had picked up a couple of groceries on his way home, or else, it would have been a pretty sad dinner, given the fact that he did only have a half empty bottle of wine and a block of cheese in his fridge this morning. He could imagine what you would have said in that case – in the past, you had told him often enough that he needed to eat properly to fuel his body and that he needed to take more care of himself. And funnily enough, Kaeya really had started to pay more attention to his health, shedding a few bad habits in the process, since you had officially started dating almost two and a half years ago. Sometimes, it still astounded him how much of an impact you and your love had on his life. Without you, he probably would’ve continued to slowly destroy himself with working too much, drinking too much, dwelling on the past too much. But every day, you made him see the good in this world – and the good in himself, too. You were the reason why he slowly started to believe that he wasn’t as dark and twisted as he always thought he was.
At the sound of your approaching footsteps Kaeya snapped out of his musings, and soon enough, you wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your head against his back. “Can I help you?” you asked, your voice slightly muffled by the fabric of his shirt. The scent of your shampoo filled the air, a familiar, comforting smell that Kaeya would always associate with you. 
“No,” he said, “just sit down and relax. You deserve some rest.”
- - -
“My mother challenged me to another battle today.”
Kaeya looked up from the dishes he had just placed on top of the counter. It surprised him that you wanted to talk about your day now, especially since you had carefully avoided the topic during dinner, but he didn’t mind it. He had offered to listen to you, after all, and so, he hummed in response, indicating that he was paying attention to the things you were going to tell him. 
“I won,” you continued, a hint of reluctance in your voice, almost as if you were ashamed to admit your success. It was always like that – you kept selling yourself short, no matter how many people told you that you were doing great. And although Kaeya didn’t want to make any assumptions, it was pretty obvious that your parents were the reason for that. They rarely acknowledged your achievements; instead, they kept putting more and more pressure on you, demanding that you strived for perfection in every part of your life.
You sighed. “My mom acted like my victory was nothing but a sheer coincidence. I know I shouldn’t be so upset about that because that’s just how she is – she can’t admit when someone’s stronger or more skilled than her – but… I just hate it. I hate how she keeps belittling me – like I’m still a kid who doesn’t know what they’re doing. Like I haven’t achieved anything in my entire life.”
Kaeya remained silent for a while. It wasn’t the first time you were having this conversation, and he had no idea what to say. Not because the topic annoyed him, no. He just didn’t want to fob you off with empty phrases that would offer next to no comfort to you. Usually, he was quite good with words, and he took pride in the fact that he always knew what others needed to hear to feel better – but in moments like this, when it came to you, he always felt so helpless. If only you could see yourself the way he saw you… Then, you’d surely never doubt yourself again. 
He turned around to face you, leaning against the counter, his arms crossed. “We both know that’s not true,” he said eventually. “You’re one of the best fighters among the Knights, (Y/N). Even Eula thinks the world of you. I don’t know why your parents refuse to see that but we really can count ourselves lucky to have someone like you with us.”
“Thank you. But you don’t need to say all that just to cheer me up. There is a dozen of people out there who are stronger than I could ever be.”
“(Y/N), sweetheart, stop.” He took a step towards you to reach out for your hand, interlacing your fingers. “If I could I would tell your mother that she finally needs to get over her jealousy but since it’s not up to me to do that I can only tell you that you have absolutely no reason not to be proud of yourself. You’ve done so much for Mondstadt.”
You sniffled. “But why can’t they see that?”
The helpless expression in your eyes broke his heart. Oh, how he hated to see you like this, so discouraged and insecure, although you should be happy and proud and confident. In the blink of an eye, Kaeya pulled you up from your chair and right into his arms. “Don’t let them discourage you,” he said, his breath softly brushing against the shell of your ear as he spoke. “I know it’s hard and I know you can’t help but have these thoughts sometimes but please believe when I tell you that you’re enough. You don’t need to put this pressure on yourself.”
You didn’t reply but he could tell that you were trying not to cry. Just the way you had started to tremble in his arms was enough to tell him that. He moved one of his hands to the back of your head as he cradled you. “You’re enough,” he repeated, the tone of his voice still so tender that you could feel yourself melt against him. But your tears kept flowing, streaming down your cheeks, no matter how hard you tried to pull yourself together. Your whole body was shaking as you sobbed into Kaeya’s chest, holding on to him for dear life. 
It was rare that you lost your composure like that. Usually, you were quite good at controlling your emotions, carefully locking them away, until one day, the house of cards you had built up around you collapsed underneath the pressure that weighed your shoulders down. 
Kaeya kissed the top of your head. “Shh,” he whispered, “it’s okay. I’ve got you.” 
He kept cradling you, whispering sweet nothings into your ear, until your quiet sobs turned into equally quiet hiccups. And even then, he didn’t pull away. He would hold you in his arms as long as you needed him to, giving you all the support you deserved – and that your parents had always failed to show you. He could feel your lips quivering when you pressed a soft kiss to his skin, right above his collarbone. “Thank you,” you mumbled. In response, he only hugged you tighter. He had never told you and probably never would, but he knew all too well what it felt like to try to live up to others’ expectations, always afraid to fail. He understood you so well, and yet, he couldn't tell you.
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Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed it please consider giving me some feedback and/or reblogging this chapter. I'd really appreciate the support!
Taglist: @kaeyas-beloved @ajaxstar @the-gayest-sky-kid @justrandomselfships @caesars-bubbles @the-fifteen @quixoticmirror (If you want to be added to the taglist send me an ask. Same if you want to be removed. <3)
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Genshin Impact Masterlist
Scaramouche/Wanderer X Bullied Gaming YouTuber! Male Reader Modern AU
All Genshin Impact Characters X Male Reader Birthday Headcanons
Diluc X Random Sleeper! Male Reader Headcanons
Father! Zhongli X Son! Male Reader Modern AU Headcanons
President! Zhongli X Vice President! Male Reader Headcanons {George Washington's Inauguration Day Special}
Diluc X Endangered Home Alone! Male Reader Modern AU
Assassinated! Ayato X Student! GN Reader
Tighnari X Bunny Hybrid! Male Reader Easter Headcanons
Cyno X Stressed Out! Male Reader X Tighnari Fluff Headcanons
Kaeya X Male Reader
Tighnari X Burnout! Male Reader
Heizou X Long Haired! NB Reader Headcanons
Ayato X Trans Male Reader Birthday Headcanons
Father Figure! Zhongli X Male Reader
Kazuha X Male Reader Modern AU Gaming Headcanons
Xiao X Male Reader Nightmare Fluff Headcanons
Yandere! Scaramouche/Wanderer X Bullied At Work! Male Reader
Tighnari X Injured! Male Reader
Scaramouche X Male Reader Christmas Headcanons
Diluc, Thoma, Venti and Xiao X Male Reader Thanksgiving Headcanons
Tighnari X Researcher! Male Reader
President! Scaramouche X Vice President! Male Reader Modern AU Headcanons {Election Day Special}
Diluc X Competitive & Hyper! Male Reader
Childe X Male Reader X Scaramouche Thanksgiving Headcanons
Vampire! Diluc X Male Reader
Childe X Dark Fearer! Male Reader
Chongyun X Unique Personality! GN Reader Headcanons
Venti X Younger Brother! Male Reader Headcanons
Childe, Diluc and Xiao X Male Reader Haunted House Headcanons
Cyno X Stressed Trans Male Reader Headcanons
Diluc X Trans Male Reader Halloween Headcanons
Scaramouche X Trans Male Reader X Childe Halloween Headcanons
Cyno X Trans Male Reader Halloween Headcanons
Childe X Flirty Trans Male Reader Headcanons
Heizou X Trans Male Reader Halloween Headcanons
Childe, Itto, Kaeya and Zhongli X Dog! Hybrid GN Reader Headcanons
Itto X Sick Male Reader
Scaramouche X Male Reader Halloween Headcanons
Kaeya X Male Reader Modern AU Bad Storm Headcanons
Diluc X Trans Male Reader Fluff Headcanons
Diluc X Male Reader
Albedo X Male Reader
Heizou X Trans Male Reader Fluff Headcanons
Tighnari X Animal Hybrid! Male Reader Headcanons
Gorou X Male Reader X Tighnari Headcanons
Xiao, Venti and Zhongli X Dragon Hybrid GN Reader Headcanons
Zhongli X Talkative Male Reader Headcanons
Heizou X Male Reader X Kazuha Windtrace Headcanons
Capitano X Prince Male Reader
Pantalone X Ballet Male Reader
Xiao X Sleeper Male Reader Headcanons
Scaramouche X Short Male Reader Headcanons
Soft Spotter Xiao X Sweet Male Reader Headcanons
Childe X Crafty Male Reader Headcanons
Yandere! Heizou X Male Reader Headcanons
Soft Spotter Scaramouche X Male Reader Headcanons
Abyss Order Aether X Cat Hybrid Male Reader Fluff Headcanons
Venti X GN Reader
Kaeya X Male Reader Fluff Headcanons
Bennett X Male Reader Headcanons in Highschool AU
Headcanons of Scaramouche and Male Reader listening to PRIDEFUL by NF
Femboy! Scaramouche X Male Reader Headcanons
Scaramouche X Yaksha! Demon Hunter Male Reader
Bennett X Older! Sibling Male Reader
Scaramouche X Shy Male Reader Headcanons
Neko Kazuha X Male Reader Headcanons
Neko Scaramouche X Male Reader Headcanons
Venti X Autistic Male Reader X Xiao
Scaramouche X Male Reader X Childe Headcanons
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suguwu · 2 years
…with the forbidden love trope
hahaha i didn't mean to do this but anon how could i resist your big brain? (link is to a post of mine saying abyss prince kaeya x bodyguard reader)
minors and ageless blogs dni
gn reader, abyss prince kaeya & bodyguard/king's guard reader, forbidden love, suggestive, angst, a wee bit of hurt/comfort, some theories on teyvat lore but bastardized for my own use lol, this is messy but i'm having a great time
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"We are in public, Your Highness."
Crown Prince Kaeya—the Star-Eater, the Frostborn, a man of so many titles even he forgets some of them—hums. He puts more of his weight on you, pinning you down as you wiggle beneath him.
"We're just sparring, aren't we?"
You grab his hand as it slips far too high on your inner thigh, his callused fingertips brushing against the heat between your legs.
"I don't think anyone would call this a spar anymore, Kaeya," you grumble.
"Why is it you only call me by name when you're annoyed, dear knight?" he asks, leaning in closer, until you can feel his breath against your lips.
You glare up at him.
He tilts his head with a little smirk. "Well, I suppose you call me by name when I'm fucking you."
You glare harder. "We're sparring with real blades next time."
He laughs, reaching out and pressing on the pressure point in your wrist to make you let go of the wooden polearm you'd been slowly wrapping your fingers around. "You don't even like fighting with swords," he reminds you.
"It'd be worth it to kill you."
"My, my, so mean. Isn't that the exact opposite of your job?"
"I've half a mind to stop sparring with you," you threaten, twisting your hips beneath him to make him let you go. And perhaps to hear the way his breath catches.
"It's one of the only times I can touch you without worry," Kaeya says, dipping low and pressing a covert, fleeting kiss to your shoulder before he pulls off of you. "Don't deprive me of that."
Stars, you love him, this lonely man. He's almost untouchable, the only true star in a false sky. Burning bright and high above. And he burns, you know. He burns, he burns, he burns, a star collapsing under its own weight. Under Khaenri'ah's weight.
(You know what the Upper World calls your homeland.
Kaeya spits it out like poison, sometimes, on the nights that he's bleary-eyed and breaking.
He swears that if they think Khaenri'ah an Abyss, then you will swallow them down. Crack open beneath them and draw them into the dark maw of the false sky you live beneath.
It's a seething fury, one that roils through him like a storm. He's at his coldest in those moments. His eye goes empty. He belongs solely to Khaenri'ah when the fury for his people settles between his ribs.
You think of the mages, of what they're becoming, on nights like that.
But if your Prince is a falling star, his humanity burning up behind him, you will fall with him.
You came to terms with that long, long ago.)
You let him pull you up, dragging your fingers against the soft underside of his wrist. He shivers with it, his blue eye gone dark, like the sea you read about on the quiet nights.
"I love you," you breathe quietly, knowing that on your tongue, the words are a hangman's noose, tightening slowly.
Kaeya pauses. He shifts, as if to reach out to cup your cheek, but there's the clang of sword against shield, and his hand stays by his side.
"Me too. It's only you," he says, stumbling over the words. "Only you."
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victoria1676 · 3 years
Secret Garden (Self Aware Genshin Impact X Reader) Prologue: How Are You?
Summary: No matter how many times I die I still couldn't erase the pain. Yet whenever I touch these flowers…I knew that my death will come.
So, please…
Let me spend time with you a little longer until I die?
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Fandom: Genshin Impact
Au: SAGAU (Self Aware Genshin Impact Alternate Universe) Imposter AU
Hello I finally made the prologue and I really hope you enjoy it! I was inspired by many SAGAU writers and I hope you will like mine. I have been rusty in writing since I haven't been writing a full story due to being busy and suddenly not wanting to finish. These story won't be long but I won't say it's gonna be short ^^
This story will contain a lot of things if you read my warnings and yes some characters will be very OOC along with someone them getting bashed? Well not bashed but not getting their forgiveness forgiven by the reader. So, please don't attack me when I only made this story for fun and stated this story will be full of angst and comfort. It's unconfirmed if this story will have a happy ending so if you feel uncomfortable reading this and feel really hurt then please don't read for the sake of yourself.
This chapter will not make sense a bit but I did that on purpose 😂😂 also this chapter will be focused on Kaeya cause he is my main and first person who I fell in love with so Kaeya fans and simp enjoy this chapter!!
Forgive me if I'm being biased on him but this is just the prologue and you will see more of reader’s relationship with the other characters and yes this might might show a bit Kaeya x reader but you can't blame me for loving this man XD
But anyways I hope you enjoy this story ^^
[Prologue: How are you?]
"Kaeya there you are!"
He smiled as he saw his God smiling at him that sent him familiar butterflies yet it also made his heart clenched but decided to ignore it.
"I'm here your Grace as I promised" He said as he sat down in front of you.
You gave him a smile as he sat down in front of you.
"I got you some flowers unfortunately it isn't your (f/f) ones" He said as he placed the pink and red carnations in front of you which made you smile even more, "Traveler and their sibling said that your favorite flowers aren't ready to be to given to you and I'm sure you don't mind it."
You shook your head as your smile stayed the same.
Kaeya chuckled as the area where he and his God are in a beautiful golden field that held different types of flowers and different colored trees along with birds and animals moving around the place. He looked at the scenery with a soft sigh before looking at you.
“We were able to fulfill your wish in finally rebuilding new Khaenri'ah and I…accepted my role of being the Prince-no King of my bloodline” He said, "The former Princess of the Abyss has decided to go back to our dear Traveler and both are making sure none of the nations ever find us or you.”
“The Archons are still demanding us to tell them your whereabouts until now but Teyvat's presence decided to awake and throw them away from your true acolytes knowing they are sick and tired of trying to get you to forgive them when you did announce you wouldn't forgive them anymore”
He could see your eyes soften sometimes whenever he tells you how Teyvat started to awake again just to protect you.
“The twins would visit our world sometimes as the Unknown God disappeared along with Celestia ever since you…fell asleep...The Dendro, Pryo and Hydro Archons decided to make an alliance with us after they heard what happened. Nonetheless it's unknown what they did with the three nations that killed you many times” 
“The rest of the Acolytes are in the Khaenri'ah and Tsarsita has also decided to stabilize an alliance as her people do sometimes visit Khemia and I heard from Traveler that Childe seemed to have an interest with his sister after he fought with her which was such a sight to laugh at seeing the composed friendly mysterious traveler become an angry brother seeing his sister getting flirted By our ginger fatui” He said chuckling remembering the sight of Paimon trying to hold back Aether with XiangLing, “Hell even Dainsleif who isn't the type to get mad at things other than about the Archons is now wanting to kill Childe after seeing him flirting with Lumine”
You started laughing hearing that and he laughs as well remembering Dainsleif being held back by the Abyss order.
Oh how things became chaotic so easily behind your back.
Or it used to be chaotic.
He let out a small grimace smile, “Did you know? My dear brother has decided to side with us and took his punishment well for not helping and chasing after you being the so called impostor has now become one of us”
“To think the esteemed Dark Knight Hero of Mondstadt and the uncrowned king has finally sided with us by abandoning the nation he swore to protect only It's a shame he didn't do it earlier” his voice went lower looking at you. 
You didn't say anything as the winds breeze slowly as Kaeya pulled out your favorite flower that seemed to still have not died or withered yet it is blooming even if it's in your hands. 
“…We missed you your gra-no…we missed you (Y/n)” His voice cracked while twirling your favorite flower. 
“It's okay Kaeya! I miss you as well” You said. 
Yet why couldn't he hear it.
“We promised to wait for you to come back yet.…It's not enough that you aren't here smiling so brightly despite you said that you will come back because we are the ones who showed you kindness”
He remembered meeting you and failing to protect us. The flowers began to grow until they covered your beautiful eyes. He was remembered for being such a failure and drinking himself to death at times yet he stopped knowing he made you cry after seeing him drink a lot of his sorrows. He told you it wasn't your fault yet at the same time he couldn't stop you blaming yourself. 
“You used cry a lot due to the trauma of…dying a lot as Aether, Dainsleif, Albedo and I were the only ones you would seek comfort not wanting the kids to see you crying” He said letting out a low yet sad chuckle feeling his shoulders shake a bit along with his heart clenching a lot. 
“It isn't your fault you know. Please don't be sad for me”
But he has to be sad as one of your beloved creations and the person you made stronger in their journey with the traveler. He couldn't help but be sad for your condition knowing it was futile to break the curse of the flowers killing your body and soul thanks to the stupidity of the three nations. 
If they just realized sooner than you could have been here in Teyvat a little longer.
And to him as well. 
He wish to hear your voice and laughter as he dance with you in the halls of Khaenri'ah' as he can see you smiling brightly despite he wished to see your eyes and kiss them just like you kiss his eyes that is behind his eye patch and you still love it despite you babbled saying spoiler seeing it made me laugh at you. 
But now
He feels empty.
🎶I said🎶
🎶Oh Mary, contrary, how does your garden grow?🎶
🎶Stay with me, I can't see anywhere that we could go.🎶
“Your grace why?”
“Hmm?” You looked at him as you continued to hug Guoba.
“I sometimes wonder why you smile despite your gonna die (Y/n)?” Kaeya said this time saying your name instead of your title that you never wished to have but try to get used to it as he gave you a piece of his favorite snack and also gave one to Guoba who is very happy to have a piece.
You hummed softly before saying, “I have to be positive sometimes that I can still be with you guys a little longer despite the current situation”
Then Kaeya asked another question, “Despite your not forgiving some of the traitors why do you still care for them secretly?”
🎶Their answer, was laughter, 🎶
That made you laugh as Kaeya watched with his eyebrow raised, “Good question…I would say I won't forgive them and there are times I can't help but show them how much I hate them but ignoring them and reminding them of their faults.”
🎶as darkness swallowed them up🎶
“I sense a but there”
You chuckled as you down at Guoba who was eating happily.
🎶One more time, I'll be fine,🎶
“Sometimes kindness is enough”
“Kaeya…are you…here?” You called out slowly and softly while breathing heavily.
He cradled you as his arm shook and trembled as he could feel himself choking and heart clenching in pain. 
“I'm here! I'm here (Y/n)” He shouted with desperation.
Oh Mary, contrary, how does your garden grow?
He knows the others are coming after he told one of the Abyss mages to call them over. 
You smiled slowly and tried to raise your arm but it was shaking so he held your hand and put it on his cheek as tears began to fall. 
“Please…don't…cry…Kaeya” You rubbed his cheeks as Kaeya tried not to sob while clutching your hand as he cradled it against his cheek.
Don't leave me, please don't be the seventh maid in a row.
“Stay alive a little longer please” He shouted in desperation, “We can still try to break this curse!”
You couldn't respond as your breathing became heavy as your final words made his world frozen with his eyes widened hearing them. 
My answer, a whisper, soft as he lowered his head
Did she just-
Then her hand became cold.
🎶Set them free.🎶
“Why do you like him” He heard your friend asking you when you made the decision to start maining him first.
“I love him because he is a character who deserves to be loved as Person. Not as Cavalry Captain who drinks away, Not as Diluc's adopted brother and also not as Khaenri'ah's last hope but I love him who he really is as a person”
With those words made Kaeya's heart flutter as you used his burst.
He didn't deserve to be loved by you. He hated you from the start for making him and his companions as puppets for your amusement. He hated the others loving and worshipping you. 
And yet
He can't help that he was lucky.
You got the Traveler, The Outrider or Lisa as your start team but
You chose him.
You leveled him up first before Traveler and the others!
“Let's show them how powerful you are Kaeya!”
🎶I'm sorry🎶
So in return he will love you as you love him. 
“If I ever met him I would tell him that he deserves to be happy as a person!”
🎶This flower's already dead…🎶
Thank you your grace.
“I love you Kaeya Alberich…”
So I finally posted the prologue hallelujah! So sorry for not posting it sooner or earlier I was so busy with school and in real life TwT but yeah this is my first time posting a story here in tumblr and yes I'm very familiar writing stories and fanfics but I'm currently rusty on it especially on grammar. So yeah i hope you guys like it and please no hate since this is my first story I uploaded XD
Also I used this song for the lyrics of this chapter
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specialgrades · 3 years
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informant. kaeya alberich.
bottom!kaeya x abyss herald!reader
summary: the prince(ss) tasks you with getting information on their sibling and their work with the knights. kaeya makes quite the easy target.
wc: 1.1k
warnings: noncon/dubcon, knifeplay, torture, drugging mentions, size kink if you squint, humiliation, degradation kink, like half an ounce of praise kink
a/n: day one of kinktober and i’m already late ;-; i got sayu tho so one step closer to da baby squad! header art by onigiron on instagram
kaeya’s head was pounding. he certainly didn't drink that much last night to be this hungover. his vision blurry with the migrane, he could barely make out the dark room he was in.
it wasn't his quarters in headquarters. the humidity proved that as the moisture pricked at his skin. he tried to rub the sleep and fog from his eyes, only to be met with resistance.
he was bound. to a chair to be exact. in the very center of the room. he began to tug at his restraints, groaning in pain as the sound of the chair knocking against the stone floor flooded his ears.
“you're awake. was beginning to think you'd never wake up.” kaeya's head flicked to the direction of the voice. his struggling ceased as you stepped out of the darkness. the clothes of an abyss herald. aether/limune had told him about the. they were some of the strongest members of the abyss order; only surpassed by the prince(ss). 
“where am i?” stupid question. the smirk on your face tugged more upwards as you sauntered towards kaeya. “somewhere where they'll never hear your screams.” you told him, your (E/C) eyes burning into his. your hand reaced up to push hair out if his face and he flinched.
“what do you want?” you chuckled. “going down the list of w questions are we? if you must know, i want information. on a specific, traveler.”  kaeya could feel your breath on his face, the smell of mint. 
“i hope you've got time, cause i'm not telling you shit.” kaeya spat, catching you off guard. you sighed, stepping back. the glint of the blade now in your hand caught the small amount of light in the room. kaeya tensed.
“i'll ask nicely again. tell me about the traveler and their intentions.” it wasn't a question; an order. kaeya spat at your feet. “go to hell.”
“shame. guess we'll do this the fun way.”
you pressed the short blade against kaeya's chest, putting enough pressure to tear his shirt. you ripped it from his body, pressing the blade enough into his skin this time. kaeya tried not to cry out as you slowly cut across his chest. no fear, you'd get off on it surely. not kaeya, right?
his denials continued and every time you asked the blade danced under his chin. maybe it was the blood loss, but your gaze and strong hand pressing the blade against his skin made his body run hot. he hoped you didn't notice his whine when you took the blade from under his chin.
“your reputation precedes you, kaeya.” your voice was warm in his ears. he opened his mouth to question you before you used your free hand to grip his hard cock through his pants. “you're getting off of being tortured, huh? they told me you were a freak but not like this.” you chuckled as you started palming him. kaeya whined again, feeling the cold metal against his throat again. 
“think you could cum if i kept cutting your pretty body, captain?” the title was sour at this point in time. he shook his head, trying to both pull away from you and push into your palm. “no, not enough is it?” kaeya shook his head again. “i could help you, kaeya, but you must give me what i want.” kaeya bit his lip. “if not, i'll let you bleed out with your cock straining against these cheap pants and leave you outside your precious knights headquarters.”
the threat burned, the humiliation bubbling up. you would do that, kaeya wouldn't put it past you as you had been cutting him every time he didn't tell you what you wanted. 
“what do you want to know.” kaeya's voice was weak. you grinned at him, using the blade to once again tear his clothes from his body. kaeya now realizing how much bigger you were than him, your hand easily covering his entire cock. 
he began spewing information in a desperate attempt to get off. you'd speed up if you liked what you heard and vice versa. but it wasn't everything. you knew that much.
the blade found itself at kaeya’s throat again. you gave him one final question about weakness; saying you'd fill that greedy hole you'd been eyeing if you liked what you heard.
he told you what he knew. it was enough, he clearly didn't know more. you used the knife to cut his restraints, picking him up.
a sad pile of straw and fabrics rustled as kaeya was dropped onto it. at this point the blood and precum has mixed below his navel. he thought about running, not knowing if the humiliation of running bloody and named or the fact that you would kill him caused him to drop the thought.
you were silent as you tugged your pants open. kaeya watched with wide eyes as your cock sprung out. half hard, you stroked it to full mast.
if not by your knife, your cock would surely kill kaeya. kaeya began to backpedal, begging you not to kill him with your dick.
his begging fell on deaf ears as you slotted yourself between his shaking legs. the most amount of prep you gave him was spitting on his hole before pressing the tip against him.
kaeya screamed when you made it past the ring of muscle. you didn't give him a second to breathe, slowly bottoming out. kaeya could see the bulge in his stomach when you finally did.
it took all of two seconds for you to start fucking him like an animal. he was crying, a blubbering and bloody mess. your cock always pressed against his prostate brought him to his first end very quickly.
“who knew the cavalry captain was such a pain slut.” you barked, using one hand to keep him from squirming too much and the other trailed up his bloody torso.
kaeya let out a yelp when you pinched his nipple, tugging at the sensitive bud. his cries of pain didn't take long to turn into moans after that , subspace hitting him like a truck.
he weakly clawed at your broad shoulders, orgasm after orgasm wracking through his body. kaeya came five times before you let out a grunt and came inside his spent body.
there was so much, kaeya was certain he’d be throwing up your seed in a second. pulling out agonizingly slow, cum gushing from kaeya’s now loose hole. 
“good boy. perfect little informant.” was the last thing kaeya heard before passing out. 
when he woke up he'd sure be in for a treat, covered in blood and cum outside of mondstat.
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