cadencewishes · 3 months
Oh Star... fall down on me
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letras-virtual · 1 year
Você Me Faz Tão Bem
Detonautas Roque Clube
Quando eu me perco é quando eu te encontro
Quando eu me solto, seus olhos me veem
Quando eu me iludo é quando eu te esqueço
Quando eu te tenho, eu me sinto tão bem
Você me fez sentir de novo
O que eu já não me importava mais
Você me faz tão bem
Você me faz, você me faz tão bem
Quando eu te invado de silêncio
Você conforta a minha dor com atenção
E quando eu durmo no seu colo
Você me faz sentir de novo o que eu já não sentia mais
Você me faz tão bem
Você me faz, você me faz tão bem
Você me faz, você me faz tão bem
Você me faz, você me faz tão bem...
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joshiballestereo · 6 months
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Bricolaje de fin de semana. Elaborando unos paneles acústicos artesanalmente.
Material utilizado:
- 6 bandejas de madera de los chinos (35,5cm x 25,5cm x 4 cm) 6,95€ cada bandeja.
- 2 m2 de copopren, comprado en almacén de materiales aislantes. 24€
- 2 m2 de ropa. 5,90€
- Pintura, y barniz que tenía por el trastero.
Total invertido, 72€ y mucha paciencia.
La finalidad de esta manualidad, es reducir el eco y mejorar la acústica de la sala.
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dedantes · 7 months
INDIOS - Perdiendo la cabeza/ Acústico en vivo/ SESIONES BUENA VIBRA | P...
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I made a post another day about how I can't comprehend those imagines people write about Lip cause they're just describing a totally different character, Lip has never treated none of his romantical partners that way so I just do not understand where that comes from, and therefore I said I can't understand how people are attracted to him.
I do stand by what I said but it kept me thinking, cause I received some answers and now I do see what the appeal is: Lip is a malandro.
I don't know if there's an equivalent translation for the term cause I believe it is essentially a Brazilian thing but a malandro would be this man who always has the upper hand since he's streetwise and has some brains which leads to the ability to take the best of every situation. Like a rascal? A scoundrel?
A malandro lives life kind of freely, lightly; he fits the space he is put in, he is a natural. He would avoid the complicated and to compromise, wants to live an easy life, and his motivations can be perceived as laziness. The term is associated to young criminal men usually — no good thing could come of someone like this —, and there's this appeal of this boyish man, a bad person but not necessarily a bad boy, who knows how to have a good time and is always breaking rules, the men no father desire to their daughter, the way he's a promise of a good time for any women, that leads to his attractiveness.
A malandro also has the gift of the gab (which I love cause in portuguese we say "ser bom de lábia" or "ter lábia" which directly translates to "have a lip" in the meaning of having its ways with words, knowing how to speak and convince and even fool someone easily).
Just from this description, Lip fits it better than any other shameless character.
there's how he made money easily: often scammed people like the northwest guys to work for free, later to visit Fiona's club, then when he was a trainee stealing money and taking their tablets and all, also selling weed and fireworks, selling homework and school projects and then the SAT thing — he never really gets a conventional job or source of income, and when he had aka s5 construction he left it to travel to Miami.
then his dating: he first got with Karen with the whole dirty tutoring and even madly in love with her he never really wanted her as a girlfriend; Mandy was flirting and having sex at his little sister's sleepover, and then she kind of made herself his girlfriend and he let her cause it was comfortable for him; Amanda's parents hated him and later she did too cause he gets sick of her and kind of ghosted her; he was smartfunny and had a quick mouth and got into his professor Helene's pants; i don't really remember Sierra but he was the cute boss younger brother etc.; and Tami was the easy fuck. The point is, he doesn't compromise, he's the promise of easy good sex, he cheats and lies.
and other stuff like he was not only a genius but smart, making good connections with older and powerful people like his professors; the way he never really looked forward to college or any other accomplishments really and he hated the pressure and expectations people had with him; how he was always committing delicts by breaking things, getting expelled from school, stealing, working with JimmySteve, underage drinking, etc.
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just-me29 · 2 years
Definitivamente tus labios tienen algo magnético.
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¿Que es peor que tener una enfermedad crónica?
R: tener más de 2 enfermedades crónicas y que todos te digan que no hay cura y que probablemente debas vivir con ello el resto de tu vida…
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la-muerte-chiquita · 2 years
Y qué título me pones cuando hablas con tus amigas. Les dices que soy tu amante o les dices como a mí, que soy el amor de tu vida.
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odijr · 2 years
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Lulu Santos - Casa
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luciamontepeque · 10 days
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oliverconsult · 14 days
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Isolamento Acústico do Teto.
O isolamento acústico do teto é uma estratégia importante para criar ambientes mais confortáveis em termos de som. Ele visa reduzir a transmissão de ruídos indesejados entre diferentes espaços.
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unspokenmantra · 1 month
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webnewsbr · 4 months
Acústico da Titan: Helena Krause e The Anthologics são atrações de sábado (25) em evento aberto ao público
Neste sábado, dia 25 de maio, prepare-se para uma tarde de música imperdível no Shopping Center Natal Sul! O Acústico da Titan vai tomar conta da loja Titan Vinyl Store, das 14h às 18h, com shows da banda The Anthologics e da cantora Helena Krause. A dica é de Ju Azevedo. A banda The Anthologics vai apresentar um repertório recheado de clássicos do rock e blues, além do lançamento do single,…
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batanriotus · 4 months
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¡Atención melómanos de Yeste!  🎶 
Este viernes 17 de mayo, prepárense para una noche inolvidable de rock acústico  🎶🎸 de la mano de Vencejo en formato dúo. Bajo la batuta de Pito Hervás y Roberto Sánchez Lavella nos deleitarán con un repertorio que incluye sus dos álbumes y temas inéditos, un adelanto de lo que será su tercer trabajo discográfico.
Vencejo, este proyecto nos trae el mejor rock en castellano con influencias americanas, en un vuelo elegante y dinámico. Con dos LP en el mercado y su segundo trabajo discográfico "Un Paso Más" en gira, VENCEJO continúa conquistando escenarios nacionales, adaptándose a cualquier ambiente y ocasión. ¡Y no lo hacen solos! En este viaje musical, han contado con colaboraciones de artistas de renombre como Carlos Tarque, Miguel Bañón, y más.
Una tarde llena de talento, pasión y buena música en acústico te espera.  🎶🎸
¿Te gusta el rock en castellano con raíces americanas? 🇺🇸🇪🇸 ¿Buscas una tarde de música en directo de gran calidad? ¿Quieres disfrutar de un evento cultural en un espacio único? ️ ¡Entonces no te pierdas este concierto! ️¡No te quedes fuera de este espectáculo!
Reserva tu entrada ya mismo llamando al 630232913. Las plazas son limitadas y no queremos que te quedes sin la tuya. ‍♀️‍♂️
Además, en la sala de la planta baja podrás disfrutar de la exposición de foto-poesía "Maneras de sentir". ¡Una tarde completa de cultura y música para comenzar el fin de semana por todo lo alto!
Os esperamos este viernes 17 de mayo para vivir una tarde de rock y cultura en el Almacén de Yeste!
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nestorleont · 5 months
El Diseño de Interiores o Interiorismo: Arte, Funcionalidad y Armonía
El Diseño de Interiores es una disciplina creativa y técnica que se enfoca en el diseño y la planificación de los espacios interiores de los edificios. A diferencia de la decoración, el diseño de interiores va más allá de la apariencia estética y se ocupa de la funcionalidad, el flujo y la experiencia del usuario en un espacio determinado. Orígenes e Evolución Histórica Los orígenes del diseño…
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