#according to him they said it was a rumor around the park? but idk how big a 'rumor' it is
a9saga · 2 years
One of my closest friends from work is a bi guy with a preference for men and we first initially bonded over gay shit, and we still do. Someone asked him over snap if we were dating lmao
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bangtancentricsblog · 4 years
jhs/qw: 1
↳ with a war on the horizon, there is only one person who could take the throne when it all came to an end
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❒ pairing: jung hoseok x reader
❒ genre: Angst(?) tbh idk
❒ alternative universe: historical, mythology,
❒ rating: PG 15
❒ word count: 3.3k+
warnings/disclosures: rebellions, it’s really more MC x bts than Hoseok but it has the potential to lead to mc x hoseok, greek gods because that is my thing, nothing bad, just some talks of death, nothing graphic i swear
main ml • AO3
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The streets are dimly lit, shadows obscuring the tracks that the small group of armed soldiers have left. The air is damp, no doubt the scent of the oncoming rain, but the quiet of the night isn't all that's off putting as one would usually assume when it came to the Kingdom of Dionysia. There are no terrifying screams or wailing moans of the sick and injured, rumors of the rebellion grow louder the longer the royal family does nothing. Though this little band of men know that the rumors are not rumors at all, for they have done much work under the cover of shadows. The group turns a sharp corner leading them to an unmarked door, one that towers over the rest, an information guild, or at least an illegal one according to their sources. They knock their fist against the aged wood, a code to let them know they are friends looking for information or merely a place to rest for the night.
The door swings open slowly an eerie creak accompanies it, on the inside stands a burly man, tough looking but young. His features are pinched as his gaze rakes over the group, even the sole hooded figure among them, especially them for they have hidden their face from his sight. He grunts shooting a look to the side and no sooner is a new man standing before them. His build is different, he’s taller, leaner perhaps, packed with much less muscles but still looks just as strong, not as rugged but strong nonetheless. His gaze is trained on the hooded figure, eyes squinted in the little light provided by the candles. He can make out no features only knows that they are of much smaller build than any of the others in their party.
“The rest of you can come in, but they can’t.” he says with a furrow to his brow.
“They are one of us, we can vouch for them.”
“I don't know them, how can I trust your word.”
“You just can, their identity isn't important right now.”
“Reveal yourself, or leave.” He mutters narrowing his gaze on the hooded figure. The group seem unwilling to leave but it is out of their hands on whether they should reveal the identity of their companion. The man in the door gasps at the sight, beautiful ringlets of hair cascade down their back as the hood comes off, their eyes twinkling in the candlelight. He’s quick to bow his head, in shame or in fear he’s not sure because before him stands the crown princess.
“There’s no need to bow your head, I understand your hesitance, but don’t worry I am not your enemy.”
“I should be punished for my insolence, your highness should not be in a place like this.” He says head still bowed.
“Raise your head, I know you are still wary of my presence but if you will allow it, I shall prove to you that I come only to offer my help.” you smile placing a tentative hand on his shoulder watching as he rises to his full height, he towers over you almost like the titans of old. He says nothing more, instead meeting the gaze of your Major who stands too close for it to be proper.
“C’mon Johnny we have more pressing matters to attend to.” Yoongi says shoulder checking him not unkindly, more playful than anything in the way that men do. He steps aside following the older man further into the building as do the rest of your party. Johnny leads you all to a room in the back, one hidden with a small incantation that both shocks you and soothes you. He must be of elven descent you think following them through the door and finding a room filled with maps of the kingdom Dionysia, it’s split into four sections the North, East, South and West, red chalk has marked areas that have already joined the rebellion. Black chalk circles areas that have yet to be touched that much is obvious at least to you. In the center of it all is the largest map wooden figures sit in many places, most of them are located in the West and South. The East for the most part remains untouched by said wooden figures, a troubling idea for you and the rest of your party as you gather around the table.
“Our men have already taken the western and southern ports, just as you instructed Major Min. The merchants were eager to join our efforts to usurp the king. The North is proving to be the most difficult as the imperialist faction holds more influence in the area surrounding the capital.”
“And the East, what of their ports?” you ask, bringing the attention to you. You can feel the reluctance of the men who stand before you, truly you understand but there is one thing they have yet to understand.
“We have yet to send anyone.” a new man speaks up. His face betrays no emotion, but it’s one you recognize easily. A smirk tilts one side of your lips as you gaze back at him.
“Thank you Lieutenant Kim, it has been a long time has it not?”
“It certainly has, Commander, or would you rather I call you princess?” he says his own lips twitching up in a playful smile, one you relish in just the slightest. The room has gone quiet after your exchange, many of the unknown faces scream shock at the simple revelation. By now you have grown accustomed to such a reaction, for most men would liken you to a fragile bird who should be kept in it’s gilded cage only to be sold to the highest bidder.
“I think it’s about time I formally introduce myself.” you sigh, shooting Taehyung a glare before finally removing your cloak. They are surprised to see that you are not dressed in lace and silk, as one would assume a princess should be, no, you wear the colors of the rebellion. The knight uniform you wear is the same black trousers, and white shirt but the coat which once was black and red has now become white and a soft blue with gold embellishments.
“I am______, first princess of Dionysia, Commander and orchestrator of the rebellion, pleased to make your acquaintance.” you breathe bending at the waist in a bow. Surprisingly the rest of the meeting goes smoothly as you plan your next move.
The capital is in mourning some time after you visited the information guild. News of the princesses' untimely death has spread far and wide, the king has made it so that people believe it was the work of the rebellion. An attack on a royal carriage, one that took her life, the tale is well crafted you must say, on both parts. The rebels have played their part well, the king had taken the bait as you had said he would, and you were finally free of his reach, a pawn that no longer sat on his board. Now came the hardest part, the war really was looming on the horizon, your party has grown, and you have all taken refuge in the forest, setting up a camp far away from the capital. Your little group has grown vastly as there are more than 50 knights, healers and even priests helping to aid you in the fight for a new reign.
Currently you are in the main tent, the one used to talk strategy the one only higher ranked knights can enter and a few selected others. There aren’t many in the tent, only yourself, Major Min, Captain Park and a knight you have come to know as Yeonjun. Yeonjun is your shadow and apprentice, he’d once been a mercenary for hire but had joined the rebels when your small group passed through his hometown. His skills are more than ideal, in fact he is naturally gifted so much so you hardly have anything to teach him, yet he insists on learning from you. As it is your efforts in destroying the current ruling monarchy is going smoothly, you aren’t afraid of the imperialist faction, not by a long shot but there is something foreboding about their lack of movement in the last month.
“Yeonjun, take a small squad with you and travel to the capital, we need to know what the nobles are plotting.” you say as you stand over the map, something swirls in the pit of your stomach, something unpleasant. It seems that the time has finally come.
“As you wish, Commander.” he says with a bow exiting the tent, leaving you with Jimin and Yoongi.
“Major Min, I need you to travel to the East, take only the best men. I trust you to standby and await further instructions once you arrive.”
“If I may ask Commancer, what am I looking for?”
“There is someone in the east who you must protect, no matter the cost. Prepare for the ride, come here once you are ready to depart.” He bows leaving you alone with Jimin.
“Captain Park, send word to our men in the south and west, have them slowly cease all shipments of goods to the capital.”
“But Commander what about the commoners, they will starve.” he asks his tone filled with hesitation.
“Make sure all the commoners get their food rations, and carefully evacuate them to the hidden estate that resides in the north-west.”
“I shall do as you say Commander.” he says before turning to leave.
You take a seat after he’s gone, quickly scribbling down the name and location of the person Yoongi will be protecting. The unpleasant feeling from moments ago has yet to subside, it really is unsettling the longer it persists. It settles just the slightest, as Yoongi returns, the stoic look he usually carries is replaced with something softer.
“We are ready to depart, Commander.”
“I can see that, eager are we Major?” you tease playfully.
“Eager to carry out my task and quickly return to your side.” he says, and there’s this soft twinkle in his eyes. You recognize the emotion easily despite not having experienced it yourself, you know that he’s in love with you.
“I pray the goddess grants you safe travels.” your gaze is guarded, as if to keep him out.
“I will return to you safely Commander. I swear it, I will come back to you.” he takes a step forward, he’s standing too close but you don't mind. You cup his cheeks, smiling softly watching the slow blush color his cheeks. He looks almost bashful like this, it’s endearing.
“Save those feelings, for I am not worthy.” you whisper.
“You are.”
“No, keep them safe. Something so precious shouldn’t be wasted on me, one day you will find someone who will feel for you what you think you feel for me but it will be pure.” the words you speak sound cryptic to his ears but he will take them if that is what you wish. If you wish to push his confession away then so be it, but he will not find someone else like you.
“I will await your orders Commander, may the goddess bless you.” he says before leaving the tent. You offer a smile at his back, you know he will meet his one in the east, for the east holds many changes. Jimin announces his entrance, taking note of the way your skin has lost some of its color in the time he has been absent.
“Are you feeling well?” he asks, his concern evident in his tone the longer he stares watching your skin lose more of its color. You offer him a smile, one that doesn’t settle his being, you wave him off saying it’s fatigue and that you’ll be taking your leave. You ask him to call for Seokjin and direct him to your tent, you leave him in the tent alone hoping that he does as you asked.
Seokjin is bursting through your tent, gaze falling to your form easily as you stand near the desk in the back. You don’t look too good, your skin has lost much of its color, he can see the faint sheen of sweat that clings to your hairline. Something is wrong, so terribly wrong but he’s not sure what it could be.
“Are you feeling okay?” he asks, he watches intently as you open your mouth only to spit up blood. Your knees wobble and you're soon hurtling towards the ground, luckily Seokjin is quick to break your fall. His gaze has grown wide watching as you continue to cough up blood, it stains your hands and your shirt. There’s a water bowl sitting on a table beside your bed as he sits you down dunking the cloth that sits beside it in the bowl and cleaning your face and hands. The shirt you wear is ruined, but he supposes he can get you a clean one. He waits till you’ve cleaned up and changed clothes to ask.
“Have you been taking your medicine? Your symptoms shouldn’t be this severe with the medicine i’ve given you.” he says taking your pulse.
“They hinder my abilities.”
“So what? Do you want to die?”
“I need to be able to use my abilities to their full capacity, especially if we expect to win the oncoming war.”
“And we will, we have neighboring kingdoms support. The knights are loyal and will follow you onto the battlefield. There is the small matter of the man you are hiding in the east. So please take your medicine, our efforts will be for naught if you leave us before your time.”
“My dear friend, it seems you have yet to understand. This vessel is deteriorating, and I’m afraid my end will come sooner than we’d like.”
“What do you mean by vessel, is your body not your own?”
“Do you know the story of how our kingdom came to be?” You ask and the way you speak has always confused Seokjin, it’s almost like a riddle, it’s something that has persisted throughout your life. A trait he cannot say he’s fond of.
“Of course, but that is more fairytale than history.” He answers.
“As the story goes, the goddess Hera allowed for the twin prince and princess to reign over this land if and only if they could conquer it together. Prince Ares, god of War and princess Eris, goddess of Strife were surely set up to fail as their mother did not want to part with them. So she watched over them in wonder as slowly but surely they conquered all, winning the wars that had plagued this land for far too long and so when the final war was won she had no choice but to allow them to rule over the kingdom they had forged and fought for themselves. Loyal followers were given titles of nobility, Ares became king and Eris queen regent until Ares finally took a wife. They ruled together for many years following their victory, until Ares finally married, and Eris just vanished, as if she had never been there at all.”
“That is how it has always been, which is why no one thinks it’s history.”
“But it wasn’t, there is more, in the palace there is a book that tells the full tale. Eris, happy for her brother, did not mind the lack of authority she would hold but Ares would not have it, for she had been the most crucial part in forging this great kingdom. So in return for her years of service gifted her a title of nobility on par with that of the king. She became the sole Arch Duchess of Dionysia, with a vast amount of land in the north west that would be her duchy.”
“We don’t have an Arch Dutchy, at least not one that I know of.”
“Not anymore, I removed all traces of the land and title. Eris became Arch Duchess, and while Ares sired an abundance of children, Eris fell in love with an oracle. She gave birth to a single child, one that gained the power of their father. For many years after, Eris' true descendants gained the power of the oracle, a power that was kept secret hidden from that of the Kings that came after Ares. Like Eris, the children of Ares’ line gained his power, a sign of their divine right to rule, another legend no one truly believes, but one that very much still exists.” you sigh heavily, the air wheezes out of your being and it troubles Seokjin. He’s never seen you look so fragile, not for years.
“Unfortunately, my mother couldn't avoid the gaze of the king. She wed him, knowing she possessed the power of the oracle, and the king remained none the wiser. He only thought he’d married himself a beautiful concubine. The power of Ares never manifested in the king, the same goes for the crown prince, neither of them showed any signs of being worthy to hold Ares’ power. The truth is the king isn’t my father.”
“That cannot be.” Jin gasps at the simple way you’ve uttered such a thing. He’d known of the rumors, the whole kingdom knew, idle gossip spread by the noble women. He never believed them, no one had since your mother had only spent her time in her home and in the palace.
“It is, my mother was already with child when she married the king. There was a man she had loved, one she’d left behind to keep her family safe. Unfortunately the king still destroyed her family, virtually erasing it’s once long and noble bloodline. The line of Eris will end with me, but not before I put the true king on the throne.”
“What are you saying?”
“I hold the power of the oracle, and Eris, but none of those are the reason for my deteriorating body. I may not be the daughter of the current royal bloodline, but the king’s brother, a man he would have me call uncle, was my father. The power of Ares did not manifest in the king and the crown prince because I already held that as well.” Your skin has warmed significantly. It's almost too warm, Jin is growing more and more worried the longer you go without being treated.
“We should treat you, we still need you commander.” he says, tightening his grip on your hands.
“I won’t leave you yet, the goddess awaits me once I cross the threshold, but not yet, my time hasn’t come we still need him.” you whisper slumping forward into his hold, the fever you run is too high he’s afraid that they’ll lose you. He’s begun to chant quietly over you in the hopes to help alleviate the pain if only for a bit. The war is yet to be over and he doesn't know what will come if they were to lose you so soon.
Yoongi arrived in the east four days after his departure, the village is small, smaller than even his own before he’d become a knight. He sees no sign of anyone matching the description you had given him, and for once he thinks you might’ve been wrong. It would be the first, though he’s not sure what to make of it if you are. Still he sends the other knights to search for this person, he clicks his tongue directing his horse towards the meadow he sees. He thinks of the description written in your pretty penmanship, golden skin kissed by the sun god Helios himself, dark hair gifted to him by Erebus, blessed with beauty by Aphrodite, strength like that of Hercules, he goes by the name of Hoseok.
In the field he came upon a man, one whose description matched that of the one you’d given and yet there was something that you’d left out. Something much more terrifying than anything he had encountered in all his life. For as Yoongi gazed upon the man named Hoseok only one word came to mind, one that had been buried deep in a fairytale but one he knew on a personal level, for he was just like you, this man was a “Demigod.”
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tagging @boymeetsweevil because I’ve been teasing her with this since February 🤭 this one is for you bb🤪
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smoldinopup · 6 years
hi dü :D. im sorry if im a bit negative but lately, i dont know what has come over me i feel like im missing jjong more than ever. my heart hurts so much and i just miss him so much idk what to do. i dont know why either i thought im getting better but it has been so hard these couple of days :( theres also been rumors of a shinee comeback because a music producer kept giving hints and im hyped but also very sad. im so lost rn i need some advice. anything really. im sorry if im troubling you
Oh my sweetsummer child,Though Ifeel immensely honored and flattered that you come to me with your concerns,I’m always afraid that I’m not of much help when it comes to ‘tips’ on how todeal with anything. Emotions are something so personal and the process of learninghow to cope with them as well. Unfortunately,I have lost a lot of beloved ones throughout my life but despite going throughthis ordeal way too many times I still haven’t found a cure for the pain that itentails. I may sound like a broken record at this point but there will alwaysbe days when one feels better and then on others they might feel like they’vegone back to zero.Sadness isnot a bad thing in its core and I would rather encourage to embrace it thantrying to fight it until one is exhausted. However, it is important that onedoesn’t get consumed by negative emotions but that’s very difficult to balanceout.Sometimesit helps to just go outside and take a stroll through the woods, the park, thebeach etc. Taking deep breaths while walking around won’t heal any wounds butit might help to feel more at ease for a while, to take one’s mind off the pain.Listening to the twittering of birds or the rustling of leaves, feeling thewarm sunlight caress one’s skin, observing one’s surroundings silently, meetinga little puppy on the way maybe, it’s the small things, really.What’s themost important but probably also the hardest to do is to not isolate yourself. Keeptalking; to your family, friends, or pets, people you’ve met online. If youfeel like you’re getting worse again then share your feelings with someone(which you basically did with that ask! So good job!). This might sound weirdbut I talk to Jonghyun every night before going to bed since 128 days andaccording to different comments made on here I’m not the only one doing that. Itmight not be something that helps everyone but it’s worth a try, right? I guessthat missing him will just be part of our daily lives now and it depends on theperson how much time will pass until they will start missing him with a smileon their face rather than with tears in their eyes.I said thisalready before and so many others did as well but there is no right or wrongway to grieve and there is also no time limit for it. We are only humans andour emotions are very complex and easily fluctuate; in one moment we want toscream in joy and in the next one we might fall in the depth of despair. That’sjust how most of us work. So I can totally understand why you have mixedfeelings about a possible comeback and that’s completely fine. There is nothingwrong with looking forward to it but feeling a pinch of sadness as well.For Onew,Key, Minho and Taemin SHINee is what they grew up with, that’s what they did forthe better part of their lives so far, this group played a very big part inletting them grow into the individuals we know and love today. Seeing them onlyphysically present as four on stage will always feel bittersweet to some degreebut if they gain strength from performing and seeing the Shawol ocean in frontof them you bet I will always stand there swaying my lightsticks around, givingthem all my support and love because that’s what they deserve. However, if possible future group activities might become too overwhelming for you, taking a step back from everything is always a good choice especially when it comes to mental health. When you feel like it’s getting too much it might help to take a break from the fandom/the internet and concentrate on something else instead. So don’t force yourself to feel a certain way about these ‘teasers’.I know Ididn’t say anything of value or something helpful but I hope you know that youare not alone in this and that you can always message me if you need someone totalk. Please take good care of yourself, my dear! ♡
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