#acidic ramming mass
 In industries where high-temperature processes are at the core of operations, the quality of furnace lining plays a pivotal role in determining the efficiency and longevity of the equipment. Whether it is steelmaking, foundries, or glass manufacturing, furnace linings must withstand extreme conditions, including rapid temperature changes, molten metal, and slag reactions. For this reason, selecting the right ramming mass is crucial for ensuring the durability of furnace linings.
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shivaliksilica · 11 days
The EYE Bank Society of Rajasthan (EBSR) is celebrating the EYE DONATION fortnight from 25th Aug to 8th Sep. 
Shivalik Silica, Bharatpur, under the aegis of EBSR, has volunteered to set up the 9th Cornea Collection Center in Rajasthan. 
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techtimechronicles24 · 6 months
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🇯🇵 Unveiling the Toshiba T1100: A Journey into the Dawn of Portable Computing!
💻 In the early 1980s, a revolutionary device emerged, transforming the landscape of personal computing forever. The Toshiba T1100, released in 1985, marked a significant milestone in the history of portable computers. The Toshiba T1100 has subsequently been described by Toshiba as "the world's first mass-market laptop computer".
🌐 The Toshiba T1100 was among the first truly portable computers, designed for professionals and enthusiasts seeking computing power on the go. Weighing approximately 4.1 kilograms (9 pounds) with its lead-acid battery, this innovative machine provided users with unprecedented mobility.
⚙️ Equipped with an Intel 80C88 processor running at 4.77 MHz and boasting 256 KB of RAM, the Toshiba T1100 offered impressive computing capabilities for its time. Its 9.6-inch monochrome LCD screen provided a crisp display, while the detachable keyboard enhanced usability.
💾 The T1100 introduced several innovative features, including a built-in 3.5-inch floppy disk drive—a rarity at the time—which allowed for data storage and transfer with ease. This model also featured MS-DOS as its operating system, providing a familiar computing environment.
📈 The Toshiba T1100 set a new standard for portable computing, demonstrating the feasibility and practicality of laptops for business and personal use. Its success paved the way for subsequent generations of laptops, influencing the evolution of mobile computing worldwide.
👨‍💻 For professionals in various industries, the Toshiba T1100 represented a game-changer, enabling efficient data management, word processing, and spreadsheet tasks on the move. Its portability and functionality empowered users to work beyond traditional office environments.
🌟 Today, the legacy of the Toshiba T1100 lives on in the sleek, lightweight laptops and notebooks that have become indispensable tools for modern professionals and digital nomads. This groundbreaking device remains a testament to Toshiba's commitment to innovation and excellence in the field of computing. The Toshiba T1100 remains an iconic symbol of the dawn of portable computing—a chapter in the ongoing story of technological progress that continues to shape our digital world.
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ep-10 · 10 months
Danny Phantom Teacher AU
Full fic posted in AO3: Danny Phantom Teacher AU - Chapter 1 - EP10 - Danny Phantom [Archive of Our Own]
And Fanfiction: Danny Phantom Teacher AU Chapter 1, a danny phantom fanfic | FanFiction
Chapter 5:
The ghost suddenly realized that the man standing in the sight of it was a threat.
It lunged towards Danny with its jaws unhooked. He swiftly leaped back just in time before it managed to maul him. His face was inches away from its snapping mandibles. In a panicky reaction, he grabbed a nearby random chair and flung at it. The chair smashed right in its face, causing it to wince. He then seized the opportunity to sprint out of the room.
By the time it opened its eyes, he had already run out. Feeling enraged, it charged forth and crashed through the door with its large body in pursuit. All the surrounding objects got thrashed as the ghost crawled rapidly down the almost constrictive hallway.
Danny looked back and saw it closing in. He could see a mass of distorted body supported by its bulbous four limbs as it came into the brighter side of the corridor. He made a sharp turn at the corner and headed up to a flight of stairs. The hideous creature that followed behind slammed its body right into the corner wall. It twisted its torso to squeeze through the tight entrance towards the stairs. Its limbs pushed with all might and managed to shove through the entrance. Rusty steel balustrades were bent as it forcefully climbed up.
Danny was already up a few flights of stairs and looked down. Its movement decelerated by the tight spaces of the stairway. He quickly unclipped the Fenton Thermos hung on his belt, popped open the cover, and aimed at it. When he was about to press the button on the thermos, it vanished right in front of his eyes.
"Shit!! Where did it go?!?
Danny didn't expect it to go intangible right at this instance. The next thing he knew, he got rammed against the wall. It had knocked the wind out of him, and he collapsed onto the staircase landing area. The thermos slipped out of his grip and rolled to a corner. Intense pain coursed through his spine as he gasped for breath. He tried to lift himself, but his limbs were shaking. The minute he looked up, he found himself staring at the ghastly-looking face.
"Time to say your last prayer, human," it smiled as it slowly opened its fang-filled mouth, ready to crush him.
The core within him began vibrating with powerful energy. A ring of light emerged from his core and wrapped around his body. As the ring split, luminous ecto energy burst out and morphed his body. His human flesh completely disintegrated and replaced with a disembodied shadowy form. His legs fused and turned into a spectral tail. His once raven black hair became ghostly white and almost wispy. Sharp fangs and claws grew out. His usual bright blue eyes now glowed in acidic green.
The creature was shocked by the bright light and withdrew its jaws immediately. The man who lay helplessly on the floor was now transformed into a ghost, floating right in front of it. Before it could react, Danny shot out multiple blasts of ectoplasmic beam, and the shots pummeled its body with great intensity. It screamed in awful pain as its bulky body slipped off from the rail of the stairs and plummeted through the stairwell hole. A loud boom shook the whole building once it hit the ground.
He grabbed the thermos and flew straight down to the ghost that lay on the floor in agony. The impact of the fall broke its limbs. It was bleeding profusely, and ectoplasm was splattered all over the place.
"You... you're one of us...," it groaned. "How could you do this to me?"
The phantom floated nearer to it. It shuddered in fear as it sensed an ominous aura that it had never experienced from any other ghosts before. Iciness could be felt throughout the atmosphere.
"You seriously think I'm like you? Well, think again," an unearthly voice echoed from him.
He aimed and pressed the button on the thermos. A beam of light shot out from the mouth and engulfed its body, pulling it into the thermos with an incredible suction power. It finally understood that the being it encountered was no ordinary ghost. He was Danny Phantom, a truly high-leveled ghost that led an army and won the battle against the mighty ghost king, Pariah Dark, in the Ghost Zone.
Danny capped the thermos once it sealed the ghost inside.
"I'm gonna have to talk to Walker about this and send it into the Ghost Zone prison, but first..."
Rings of light reappeared and washed over his body, reverting him into his human form as Danny Fenton. He could still feel the aching pain in his back after that fight. Fortunately for him, he could recover from injuries like this within a day.
He then glanced in the direction where he found the portal.
"...what should I do with the active portal?"
He walked back into the corridor and entered the room. The portal was still vibrantly glowing with ecto energy. He stepped forward and examined it closely, wondering how the scripts on the wall managed to activate it. After a while, he picked up his cell and started dialing. A familiar face soon appeared on the screen and spoke from the speaker.
"Hello, is that you, Danny?"
"Hello, Tucker. Yeah, it's me."
"It's been a while!"
"It sure is."
"How's life over there?"
"Pretty alright. I'm still new at teaching. So, there's going to be a learning curve for me."
"I'm sure you do, buddy. It was the same for me when I first started working at FentonWorks. Your mom and dad are great at coaching me about building Fenton technology and research."
"That's good to hear. Anyway, I wonder if you have the time to spare? I got a problem, and I need help."
"What is it?"
"Do you, by any chance, know how to seal a portal activated by spells?"
"Yeah, you know those that use sorcery type."
"I've never heard of such a portal. A portal activated by spells? That's a first for me."
"Well, I just happen to stand in front of one right now," he raised his cell and faced the camera at the portal.
"Holy, freaking, heck! That's a discovery! I'll need time to do more research on this! I do not have any knowledge about this kind of portal. Perhaps I could get Sam to help out. She might know a thing or two about occultic practices and witchcraft."
"Please do. I don't want any more menacing ghosts prancing through. I just dealt with a big one guarding this area." He presented the thermos to the camera and rattled in his hand.
"Nice. You caught it."
"Yup, I've secured this site as my haunt, so no other ghosts will dare to trespass here. For now, I can use this portal to send them back into the Ghost Zone."
"Speaking of trespassing, don't you think other people will stumble upon it?"
"This whole building has already been cordoned off. No one can enter the area except me."
"That's good to hear. Can you snap some pictures of the inscriptions on the wall and send them to me and Sam? Hopefully, we'll figure out some clues on how to seal it."
"Thanks, man. Oh, I should go now. My next class will start in 15 minutes."
"Alright, chat with you later."
After snapping and sending out the pictures using his phone, Danny walked in the direction where he first came in. Just when he was on the way out, he spotted a baseball on the floor and shattered window glass scattered around it. He picked up the baseball, and he noticed there was an autograph on it. He casually held it in his palm and strode out of the building.
As he was out in the open area, he spotted Elmer shouting, "Argh! Stupid me!! That was my best baseball collection! I never should've thrown it into the building!!"
"Too bad you can't take it back now. It's illegal to break into that building, and you'll be in big trouble if you get caught breaking in," Lisa snickered.
"Gah, stupid me!!"
Danny approached him and asked, "What's the matter?"
"Mr. Fenton! My baseball is inside this building, and I can't get it! What should I do?! It's one-of-a-kind baseball that I got from the game last summer!" His pleading eyes looked into Danny's face, almost sobbing.
"What does your baseball look like?"
"It's signed by the famous Mikey Trott from the Angelus! I thought I could throw like the pros! I never should've done that! It was my mistake to throw the ball without thinking!"
Danny raised his hand that gripped the ball and looked at the signature with the name Mikey Trott written on it.
"Is this the ball you're searching for?" Danny extended his arm and showed it to Elmer.
Elmer jumped in great joy, "Yes! This is it!! How did you manage to get it back?! This whole building's completely sealed off!"
"Um... I saw a cat holding it in its mouth and dropped it in the grass. So, I just happened to walk by and pick it up..." Danny lied through his teeth.
"Thank you, Mr. Fenton! You're my savior!"
The boy ran off cheerfully, holding tight onto his precious ball that he just got back.
"Savior, eh?" Danny chuckled as he watched the kid dash into the baseball field. It had been quite a long while since he last heard that from other people.
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megashadowdragon · 1 year
sanjis metaphysical death and rebirth ( and a possibility with the blackbeard pirates
twitter . com/PinkHairedCoder/status/1674417107524796417
I still don’t like this cover. People already said the 4 wasn’t a good sign because of Shi. But, 4 mi re (4 3 0) is the chapter that the Going Merry dies that makes it even more of a possible flag.
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His shirt is basically 430 in Goroawase, that Japanese number wordplay Oda loves to use. Hinting a possible death flag, like the Going Merry’s words as much as I hate to say it, are something you can see Sanji saying. His animal on one CS is even a ram.
So thinking about this further, it may be a figurative death if it is a flag with Germa Sanji. While the Merry died, its spirit was said to now exist as the Sunny, the same Klabautermann. Sanji carries symbolism of both ships: Merry - Ram/Sheep, self sacrificial for friends. Sunny - Lions = Royalty, san ji = 3 2 = san ni. Going back to Stealth Black being symbolism of the alchemical process and Zoro and deathpact being the green lion... 
A green lion consuming the Sun is a common alchemical image and is seen in texts such as the Rosary of the Philosophers. The symbol is a metaphor for aqua regia (the green lion) consuming matter (the Sun), gold.So in alchemy, the Green Lion represents 'vitriol,' a green sulphuric acid that destroys all matter except gold, leaving the gold behind as a form of purification. Since remember, the goal of the alchemic process is to create the philosophers stone or gold. This ability regarded it as a 'sacred royal,' substance and thus was given the image of a lion trying to eat a sun, but as you see the sun mocks the lion. As it is unable to consume the sun. Now if we take royal, strong enough to consume all matter, and green... we get Zoro. If Stealth Black is the 4 stages of alchemy, then the green lion eating the sun is the death pact and final purification fight before gold (color of kings.) Given Jung's form of the green lion symbolism it represents the violent instincts taking over the ego or ""inside a person, when the metaphor of the green lion eating the sun takes place, the person is compelled to act out destructively. In contrast, when the green lion eats the sun in a person on a higher spiritual path (an alchemist), the person allows the green lion to eat them in order to be purified—to become spiritually golden.""" Which definitely fits the deathpact. zoro may use adv coc ( royal haki ) on sanji and sanji will awaken coc
( crack theory blackbeard in real life had a french chef as part of his crew due to his liking for the meals imagine if germa sanji ends up being taken by teach and he will be zoros blackbeard opponent
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““A superstar appeared”
I’m more and more convinced now that Cavendish is supposed to be the physical manifestation of everything Sanji wishes he could be (actual prince, adored by the masses, riding around on a white horse saving people), especially since he even uses phrases Sanji used years ago in this arc.”
people have often compared cavendish with sanji and I agree they are alot alike heck cavendish and bartolomeos rivalry is similar to sanji and zoros rivalry
but the fact that cavendish(who has a 2nd personality that shows up when he sleeps named hakuba )is similar to sanji reminds me of  this panel
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or much more likely teach wants to recruit sanji)
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ayzrules-art · 2 years
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the latter half of a spooky party, for @flashfictionfridayofficial ‘monster mash’ prompt! cw for mentions of blood / fire
Autumn is here in all its splendor, and Alejandro knows that the Withering Throne will be feasting to herald plentiful times ahead. He knows that Kyvana and her retinue will be feasting as well; autumn and winter may be scarce seasons for the Blooming Court, but that has never stopped their queen. Kyvana loves any reason to indulge.
The wind goes silent. The Blooming Queen appears in a burst of black butterflies and emerald-shelled beetles. Her hair is a gold bruise at the heart of the mass—mottled with the hues of overripe peach flesh. 
A man steps out from behind her—
“Alejandro,” he smiles, slow and wide, with his lips peeled back. Flaunting teeth.
Alejandro—can’t move. Can’t think, can’t hear, can’t see beyond the rubies studding smiling canines bloody.
The storm of insects subsides. Kyvana calls his name, but Alejandro doesn’t fully register it. Not with his heartbeat thundering behind his sternum. Not with the scream ignited between his ribs, acid-hot on his tongue. Not with the clasp of the giant copper butterfly at his throat—cool like the press of Adrian’s palm. 
The memory is faint—practically bone-crushing.
He draws in a breath. Air rasps through his lungs, like salt to an open wound. The gleam of the rubies blurs before his eyes, and his limbs are too heavy to move, as if his veins have filled with molasses, drowning his consciousness to suffocation. Memories crowd his vision, and suddenly he doesn’t know if he’s six-hundred or sixteen. 
Shards of laughter, smiling teeth, clawed fingertips skimming like pale phantoms—each unearthed sensation joins the others in ramming his sternum to splinters. A hand in his hair—not real? Now gripping his jaw. Now trailing down his side. 
Heat, the bitter tang of rot, a weight pressing him close. Too close.
No, he thinks. No, please.
He wants to run. He tries to open his mouth. The sharp point of his canine snags against his lip.
He tries again, and now the air tastes like blood.
“Earth to Ali,” Kyvana giggles. The smoke is too thick to breathe through, and there’s nausea writhing up his gut, as heavy as the incense. He catches the swish of a capelet, Genevieve twitching forward—no more than a fraction of an inch—
The name bursts from his mouth like a gunshot. He puts himself one—then two, three, almost five—steps in front of his charge. “Oh, but where are my manners?”
Alejandro moves to kneel, just like he did with Camelia. And just like her half-sister, Kyvana reaches for his shoulders, another giggle spilling from her quartz-dusted lips. “Darling, don’t be so old-fashioned! You know we haven’t done that for centuries.”
It’s the thought that counts, Alejandro had told Genevieve with a wry smile. They’re going to tell me not to bow, but it’s the thought that counts. The same is true of Kyvana’s response; the fact that she stopped him means he’s still in her good graces, which is always somewhat of a relief, given the Blooming Queen’s mercurial temperament.
But that offers no explanation as to why Adrian is with her.
Kyvana’s hands come to rest atop his shoulders. Her nails are long, talon-like, burnished in a sticky resin, with insects glued down over the curving points—bronze-shelled scorpions and white-winged moths, jointed limbs twitching with Kyvana’s every gesture. She uses her index finger to adjust the enormous petals at Alejandro’s temple, and the moth glued to the nail flutters weakly in response.
“You look as lovely as always,” Kyvana gushes, releasing his shoulders after another heartbeat. 
Alejandro wrenches the tremor out of his voice. “You flatter me, Your Radiance.” 
The Blooming Queen is wearing a crown of chrysanthemums and white roses, each flower the size of Alejandro’s palm, festooned with purple-gold sprigs of sage and witch hazel. There are honeysuckle vines gathered over her ears, and elegantly curved twigs branch out from the top of the headpiece, joined by a few slender twists of brambles. 
Alejandro takes a step back, carefully dodging the violet-striped butterfly that meanders its slow way among the chrysanthemums. Its full wingspan is at least twice the length of Alejandro’s head.
Adrian has been quiet, but etiquette and order of rank dictate that Alejandro acknowledge his patron before Genevieve offers Kyvana the greeting she’s due. Alejandro forces his jaw into some semblance of relaxed and angles himself in Adrian’s direction. His muscles seem to come to life to shriek in protest, as if the memory of Adrian has been gouged into his very physiology, every cell and instinct making up his bodily functions clamoring for him to run. When he swallows, it’s like ingesting a mouthful of glass. 
But he can’t avoid this. He can only steel himself against the way his head throbs, his pulse shuddering up to a howl—splitting a scream down his skull.
Stars, why is Adrian here?
“My lord,” Alejandro says in the most neutral voice he can muster, lowering his eyes so that he’s staring at the jeweled pomegranate Adrian wears as a ring. He can’t breathe.
“It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?”
“Yes, my lord.”
“You’ve found our arrangement to be satisfactory?”
“I—yes, my lord.”
“Good. I’m glad to hear it.”
This far from the central body of the festivities, the fires obscure more than they illuminate. Their bright orange glares twist the shadows into a chasm, blanketing his patron’s profile with the hot sear of smoke. The darkness pounds feverish and ashen, as if it’s closing in around them—impenetrable. 
Alejandro glances up, still not quite meeting Adrian’s eyes. His patron draws his lips into another smile, and if Alejandro didn’t know better—if he didn’t have crushed gemstones adhered to his own teeth and flaking off over his tongue, if he didn’t know Kyvana’s followers wore their allegiance in rubies—he would have mistaken the crimson glittering at the tips of Adrian’s canines for blood.
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dxrknessembr8ced · 5 months
In the northern parts of the city filled to the brim with all sorts of danger three of these particular B.O.W.s. hang around waiting for their ally and leader Peacock to come back to get the gang back together. One of them a tyrant named Tommy-Ten Tons sat down on the ground taking a sip of vodka while he reloads his T-Type 66 assault shotgun. This tyrant was created by the russian scientists of Las Erebus along with former umbrella scientists to use for the russian army but Tommy went AWOL and ended up here in the ruins of the city. Always with him is his respirators always wearing it around his face that gave him T-Erebus virus to make him more physically stronger to endure even explosives to show the might of mother russia.
" Waiting for Peacock is a waste of time, we should get moving and kill more american dogs... "
Tommy hated waiting given his background of wanting to fight against and dismember his foes.
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Turning towards the ground focusing on the second member of the group of Peacock's gang. An abomination that was once human now mutated through the T-Abyss virus and the T-Erebus that forced the virus to mutate this poor individual further using the DNA of a hammerhead shark, this creature by the name of Andy-Anvil is a violent one using his head to bash and ram into unsuspected prey, crushing them with his powerful hands and or grab prey right from behind using it's mandibles full of razor sharp teeth and drain the blood via three of his sharp proboscis.
" Yeah I hear ya, but don't worry she'll come back I know hehe! "
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" Coming from a hammerhead with the brain the size of a peanut.. "
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The third member buts into the group and he is by far the most dangerous as he has abilities similar to George but only more catastrophically gruesome. Lonesome Lenny stood in the middle of their little talk and Lenny is a creature that was infected and contaminated by Hsien-Ko's leftover biomass before she had reached the finale of her mutation. Lenny is a ticking time bomb as the giant sentient pulsating mass of flesh that was his arm had consumed these poor people absorbing them into it's belly with the terrifying ability to explode into chunks of acidic corrosive blood and flesh either at his own will or when he had taken massive damage but what's more horrifying is that he can regenerate this large sentient mass at will within a few hours and he couldn't feel pain at all.
" Heheh... Peanuts...?"
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" Don't you giving me that look lenny you walking cancerous blood clot ! "
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" C'mon tommy don't be mean Lenny has feelings! "
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" Which? Him or that talking blood on his arm? "
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" He said hi... "
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" If I slam my head on it will ya explode Lenny? "
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cxrefractories · 1 year
The Development of Refractory Ramming Mass
The ramming mass refers to ramming (manual or mechanical) method of construction, and hardened in the heating effect is higher than normal temperature under the unshaped refractory materials.
By refractory aggregate, with certain gradation of powder, binder, additive water or other liquid after mixing.According to the material classification with high alumina, clay, magnesite, dolomite, zirconium and silicon carbide carbon refractory ramming material.
Refractory Ramming Mass Function:
ramming material is made of silicon carbide, graphite, electric calcined anthracite as raw material, mixed with a variety of ultra-fine powder additives, fused cement or composite resin as the binder made of bulk cement.To fill the gap or stack cooling equipment and masonry masonry filler.
Refractory Ramming Mass Types:
The leveling layer with acidic, neutral and alkaline ramming material widely used in intermediate frequency coreless furnace core induction furnace, as if furnace ramming material used for melting aluminum and its alloys, melting of copper, brass, copper and bronze and copper alloy etc.
The carbon ramming mass as an example: according to the different type of blast furnace and the material design requirements of different carbon ramming material is mainly used for blast furnace carbon brick and bottom sealing gaps between plates and carbon bricks and the cooling wall, and filling the furnace bottom water cooling tube over the central line of the leveling and cooling wall, all parts are required by ramming carbon ramming after ramming mass has a certain strength and density, and filled every corner of a small gap, to achieve no leakage of hot metal and gas demand,Classification and construction: all ceramic ramming material consisting of material is divided into: clay, high alumina, carbon, magnesium and dolomite.
Refractory Ramming Mass Advantages:
High erosion resistance.
High bonding strength.
Short lead time.
Free engineering services to guarantee service life.
Ramming mass is used in various industrial places for manufacturing of many refractory materials. It is prepared with great precision using modern techniques and quality materials. Corrosion resistant with a high level of thermal stability, it offers maximum output and last longer. It can be used in lining of iron, lining the trough of blast furnaces, lining of induction furnaces, used as insulation for rapid drying. Also, available in a premixed form allows lesser wastage, consistent and longer lining and patching life.  Ramming mass is prepared using quality components and other raw material as per the industrial set standards and norms with great precision. The even and regular granule of the powder are appreciated by the clientele.
Neutral Ramming Mass VS Silica Linings
Silica ramming mass can safely be used up to an operating temperature of 1600 deg C. Since it expands very little, it is superior to both alumina and magnesia refractories to resist thermal shocks. Though silica lining has good endurance against thermal shock, it has poor resistance against steelmaking slags. Temperature control is very necessary for a satisfactory lining life.
The addition of right quantity of boric acid is very important for optimum life of lining.
The quantity depends upon (i) temperature of liquid metal bath, (ii) chemical composition of quartzite mass, and (iii) thickness of crucible wall.
Silica linings are the conventional lining solution widely used in both ferrous and non-ferrous foundries. Mainly made of crystalline silica and commonly known as acidic ramming mass, the typical binding agents that aid in the sintering of silica linings are boron-based. This refractory lining exhibits mainly low thermal expansion and have excellent thermal shock resistance.
Neutral ramming mass are a unique, chemically neutral foundry solution that form joint-less linings. The in-situ spinels synthesise at high temperatures inside the refractory lining, creating a unique 3-layer structure. The outermost layer in contact with the molten metal is a hard, sintered surface, followed by an intermediate fritted layer. The innermost layer stays in a powdery form.
Neutral ramming mass
Lining wear and the causes of wear
The lining life of induction furnace lined with silica ramming mass depends upon the lining practice and operating practice of the furnace besides quality of the silica ramming mass. It is quite common to get inconsistent lining life of the furnace. There are cases when sudden failure of lining takes place.
The main factors which affects the lining life of the induction furnace are
(i) incorrect granulometry of the ramming mass,
(ii) non-uniform distribution of the binding agent,
(iii) superheating of the metal bath in the furnace,
(iv) penetration of metal,
(v) minimum slag free metal resulting in minimum erosion at slag line,
(vi) loss of refractory powder, and (vii) topping/lining interface cracking
For the proper failure analysis in case of pre-mature failure of the refractory lining, it is important that proper records about output, working temperature, and other parameters are maintained. These records not only help in finding the cause of failure but also help in the continuous performance of the lining life.
Article Source: The Development of Refractory Ramming Mass Company name: Henan Changxing Refractory Materials Co.,Ltd More refractory products:https://www.cxrefractories.com/en-all-refractory-products Email:[email protected] Website:https://www.cxrefractories.com
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wonderfulblog · 1 year
Acidic Ramming Mass Manufacturer india
Looking for a trusted Acidic Ramming Mass Manufacturer in India? Shivam Minerals is your answer. With years of experience in the industry, we offer top-quality Acidic Ramming Mass that is perfect for a range of industrial applications. Our team is dedicated to delivering the best possible results for all of our customers. Contact us today to learn more about our Acidic Ramming Mass and how it can benefit your business.
Acidic Ramming Mass Manufacturer india
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shivammineralsbiz · 2 years
Acidic Ramming Mass
Shivam Minerals: We offer Nali Top Ramming Mass, Ladle Ramming Mass, High-Quality Ramming Mass Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter of Ladle Ramming Mass at a reasonable price based in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. Contact us now.
Acidic Ramming Mass
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bestcoolman01 · 2 years
Tulsi - The Holy Basil (Ocimum Sanctum) great herb for weight loss
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Today holy basil also known as TUSLI is commonly consumed in supplement form. In India it is an Ayurvedic Medicine. It is belonged to Lamiaceae basil plant family and mostly found in India. Holy basil/tulsi is one of the most common houseplants in India. Extracts, oils and supplements can also be made from holy basil seeds, leaves, flowers and stems.
The holy basil contains many health beneficial properties. It has antidepressant and anti-anxiety properties to reduce anxiety, stress and depression. This herb acts as an adaptogen which helps our body to adjust with stress and promotes mental balance. It is rich in phytochemical composition that’s why used in wide range of ailments and conditions, which makes it deserving the title “Queen of the herbs”.
The basil plant contains vitamin A and C, Calcium, Zinc, Iron and Chlorophyll. These all vitamins and minerals are used to strengthen the immunity, treat various hair and skin disorders
The others names of the Holy Basil Plant
There are three types of tulsi found in India.
The one is Ram Tulsi the most common type.
The second is Krishna or Shyam tulsi the second most common type.
The third is Vana Tulsi the common wild basil.
How The holy basil (Ocimum Sanctum) helps in weight loss
Basil is rich in many nutrients and compounds but remember that no ingredient can solely enable in weight. Tulsi leaves for weight loss is a natural, safe remedy and has no side effects. The following are the reasons how basil is useful in weight loss with other natural ingredients.
Ursolic Acid – Holy basil is a rich source of ursolic acid it helps in boost Bat (Brown Adipose Tissue). It also reduces obesity, glucose intolerance and fatty liver disease by increasing skeletal muscle and brown adipose tissue. On one hand it burns the calories and on the other hand its helps in building muscle mass.
Eugenol a constituent of the oil in the basil leaf – Some studies show that eating fresh basil leaves early morning increases the metabolic rate of the body and also helps lower stress-induced cholesterol levels. The basil leaves managing bad cholesterol, good cholesterol in the body and reducing fat.
Absorb Nutrients – The basil leaves absorb the nutrients from the food and helps in improvement of health. Which means it converts food into energy and helps the body to keep active for long time. And further this process helps in burning fat
Good gut bacteria – Taking basil tea regularly promotes good gut bacteria and enables proper bowl movements which cleanses the lives toxins and cut fats fast. The tulsi tea contains zero calories also helps to boost stamina and endurance.
Diabetes Management – It regulates blood glucose levels in the body. And because of its ability to control blood sugar and cholesterol, the adaptogen proves itself to be a helpful weight-loss solution
Our company The best cool man introduced “Exipure”  a weight loss supplement that helps you to lose weight in a healthy way. Each capsule will contain 8 clinically-proven ingredients that increase calorie-burning brown adipose tissue (BAT). The following are the magical herbs are as follows:
1.      Perilla (Perilla Frutescens)
2.      Kudzu (Pueraria Lobata)
3.      Holy Basil (Ocimum Sanctum)
4.      White Korean Ginseng (Panax Ginseng)
5.      Amur Cork Bark (Phellodendron Amurense)
6.      Propolis
7.      Querecetin (Quercetum)
8.      Oleuropein (Olea Europaea)
This weight loss supplement contains only organic ingredients. No chemical, smell, and artificial substances is added. You can take this in your daily life without any disruptions and noticeable way
Reduce your body weight.
If you are looking for healthy way to lose weight that will directly affects your body fats, then this supplement is right for you. You can also avail our discount while the stocks last.
Click here to visit our official website
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High-Quality Ramming Mass for Superior Furnace Lining
 In industries where high-temperature processes are at the core of operations, the quality of furnace lining plays a pivotal role in determining the efficiency and longevity of the equipment. Whether it is steelmaking, foundries, or glass manufacturing, furnace linings must withstand extreme conditions, including rapid temperature changes, molten metal, and slag reactions. For this reason, selecting the right ramming mass is crucial for ensuring the durability of furnace linings.
Raj Global Ramming Mass, a leading manufacturer and supplier in India, is committed to providing high-quality ramming mass that delivers superior performance and enhances furnace lining longevity. In this blog, we’ll explore why high-quality ramming mass is essential, what makes Raj Global’s products stand out, and how industries across Jaipur, Rajasthan, and India can benefit from using premium ramming mass.
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The Importance of High-Quality Ramming Mass in Furnace Lining
Thermal Stability: One of the most critical qualities of high-quality ramming mass is its ability to withstand rapid temperature fluctuations without cracking or degrading. This is especially important in industries where processes like melting and casting occur at very high temperatures. Raj Global Ramming Mass is known for its excellent thermal stability, ensuring that the furnace lining remains intact even under extreme conditions.
Resistance to Corrosion: Ramming mass serves as a protective barrier between the molten metal and the furnace wall. Inferior quality ramming mass may react with molten metal or slag, leading to contamination and a shorter lifespan of the lining. Raj Global’s ramming mass is designed to resist chemical reactions, providing a longer-lasting and more efficient solution for furnace lining.
Enhanced Lining Durability: A key benefit of using high-quality ramming mass is its ability to enhance the durability of furnace linings. Raj Global Ramming Mass is formulated to withstand wear and tear, reducing the frequency of relining and thereby minimizing production downtime. This ensures that your furnace operates efficiently over an extended period.
High Compaction and Bonding: The ability to achieve optimal compaction is another critical factor in the effectiveness of ramming mass. Raj Global Ramming Mass offers superior bonding, which leads to tighter lining structures, reducing the risk of cracks or breaks during operation. This, in turn, ensures that the furnace lining remains in top condition for longer.
Customization for Various Furnace Types: Raj Global Ramming Mass provides customized solutions based on the specific needs of different industries and furnace types. Whether it’s an acidic furnace or a basic furnace, Raj Global’s ramming mass can be tailored to meet the exact requirements of your operation, optimizing performance and minimizing operational costs.
Why Choose Raj Global Ramming Mass?
Trusted Manufacturer and Supplier in India: When searching for ramming mass in Jaipur, ramming mass in Rajasthan, or across India, Raj Global is a name that stands out. With a reputation built on consistent quality and customer satisfaction, Raj Global is a leading ramming mass manufacturer and supplier that caters to a wide range of industries.
High Purity and Consistent Quality:Raj Global’s ramming mass is manufactured using high-purity quartzite and silica, ensuring minimal iron content. This is crucial in applications like steel manufacturing, where contamination from iron can negatively impact the final product. Consistent grain size and uniform composition further ensure the integrity and performance of the lining.
Customization for Optimal Performance:Raj Global provides a range of ramming mass types, each designed to meet specific industrial needs. Whether you’re dealing with induction furnaces or blast furnaces, Raj Global offers solutions that ensure optimal performance under different operating conditions.
Environmentally Friendly Solutions:Raj Global is committed to sustainable practices in the manufacturing of its ramming mass. By using eco-friendly production methods and focusing on minimizing waste, the company ensures that its products meet the highest environmental standards, making them an ideal choice for industries looking to reduce their carbon footprint.
Applications of Raj Global Ramming Mass
Steel and Iron Industry: Raj Global Ramming Mass is widely used in induction furnaces for steel and iron manufacturing. Its excellent thermal stability and resistance to wear make it ideal for lining these high-temperature furnaces, ensuring smooth operations and minimizing production downtime.
Glass Industry: The glass industry relies on refractory materials that can endure extreme heat without contaminating the molten glass. Raj Global’s high-quality ramming mass ensures that furnace linings in the glass industry remain intact and free from chemical reactions with molten glass.
Foundries: Foundries require ramming mass that can withstand the intense heat and pressure involved in metal casting. Raj Global Ramming Mass provides the durability and corrosion resistance necessary to maintain furnace efficiency in foundries, ensuring high-quality castings.
The quality of furnace lining materials has a direct impact on the efficiency, durability, and overall performance of industrial furnaces. Raj Global Ramming Mass offers a high-quality, reliable solution for industries across Jaipur, Rajasthan, and India. Whether you need ramming mass for steel, iron, or glass manufacturing, Raj Global’s products are designed to meet the highest standards of performance and durability.
As a leading ramming mass manufacturer and supplier, Raj Global is dedicated to providing tailored solutions that enhance furnace lining durability, reduce downtime, and ensure the purity of the final product. If you’re looking for the best ramming mass in Jaipur, ramming mass in Rajasthan, or ramming mass in India, Raj Global is your go-to source for superior refractory materials.
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shivaliksilica · 15 days
Shivalik Silica’s CSR Initiative: Eye Donation Awareness Campaign
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The EYE Bank Society of Rajasthan (EBSR) is celebrating the EYE DONATION fortnight from 25th Aug to 8th Sep. 
Shivalik Silica, Bharatpur, under the aegis of EBSR, has volunteered to set up the 9th Cornea Collection Center in Rajasthan. 
Who is Shivalik Silica
Shivalik Silica producer of silica sand and silica quartz in Rajasthan, India. it's make ramming mass also like silica ramming mass, acidic ramming mass, premix ramming mass. shivalik silica leading manufacturing company of ramming mass in Rajasthan, india 
Under this CSR venture, many programs are being organized. A number of schools in Agawali, Jaswant Nagar, and Jheel Ka Bada were incorporated into this venture. The school children are being educated on the importance of cornea donation so that they can carry this valuable message back home and educate their family members. Rallies were organized by the students and staff of Shivalik Silica. They carried placards and shouted slogans like “Netradaan Mahadaan” and pamphlets bearing messages on eye donation were distributed in the villages. 
A painting competition is being organized for the students. The topic of the competition is “Netradaan” Winners will be awarded prizes (sponsored by Shivalik Silica) on the 8th of September, the day the eye donation awareness fortnight culminates. 
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To increase public awareness, rickshaws with loudspeakers broadcasting messages on eye donation went around the bylanes of Agawali and Bharatpur. A number of banners were put up at strategic locations in and around Bharatpur. Kiosks were set up in various places where the footfall of people is high, like Bharatpur Railway Station, Bharatpur Bus Stand, parks, etc. Here pamphlets were distributed and people were educated on this noble cause. 
Mr. Nitin Singhal, Mr. B.N. Choudhary and Mr. G.S. Hada, on behalf of Shivalik Silica are working tirelessly to make this mission a success. 
 Dr. Digamber Singh has been appointed Eye Donation Coordinator, on behalf of Shivalik Silica. His job is to counsel the family members and assist them in donating the cornea of the deceased person. Dr. Virender Aggarwal, Trustee of Swasthaya Mandir, Bharatpur, will be extending his valuable support by working as a counsellor for this program. 
Shivalik Silica indeed feels honored and privileged to be a part of this noble venture. 
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thecreaturecodex · 3 years
Vermicious Knid
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Image by Joseph Schindelman, © Alfred A. Knoph publishing
[If you were unaware, there’s a sequel to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It’s titled Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator, and it’s wild even by the standards of Roald Dahl. It’s a pair of loosely connected vignettes rather than the straight through line of the book;  the first involves taking the Great Glass Elevator into space and rescuing the crew of the Space Hotel USA from an attack by aliens, and the second half involves trying to de-age Charlie’s grandparents so they’ll get out of bed, and then rescuing them from the consequences of taking too many de-aging pills.
The aliens are the vermicious knids, which get a mention in the first Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie (which Dahl worked on while writing Great Glass Elevator). They’re shapeshifting floating oozes, and their blank eyes struck me as incredibly sinister when I was like eight years old. Art of them that is not from one or other edition of the book is thin on the ground, and I went with the edition that I grew up with, but of course.]
Vermicious Knid CR 10 NE Ooze This greenish-gray creature resembles an egg shaped mass of muscle with wide, staring eyes. As you watch, it shifts its form to create appendages with remarkable speed.
The vermicious knids are predatory oozes that cruise the depths of space, preying on those who would venture beyond the safety of a planet. The last survivors of a planet that lost its atmosphere, vermicious knids roam the void in deadly packs. They are capable of surviving on as little as the carbonaceous minerals found in asteroids, but they like killing for the sheer fun of it. A vermicious knid is almost pure muscle, able to stretch and shape its body in a variety of useful ways.
Most vermicious knids are somewhat prideful creatures, and take the time to intimidate foes before actually attacking them. Shaping their bodies to spell out threats is a common tactic, although the knids’ vocabulary is typically limited. Their primary mode of attack is to pull their body into a teardrop shape and ram with their pointed underside, but they can create lobes of their bodies to form ghastly claws, fangs and tentacles, or stretch out a pseudopod to strike an enemy from a great distance. A vermicious knid can withstand blows and is invulnerable to cold and electricity. Acid, fire and magic are the best ways to dispatch one of these horrors. Vermicious knids are tenacious to the point of stupidity, and almost always fight to the death.
Although vermicious knids are agile and strong in the vacuum of space, they cannot survive planetfall on their own. They are uncomfortable in heavy atmospheres, but more dangerous to them is the heat of reentry. Vermicious knids thus content themselves with preying on creatures bold enough to come to them, but a few particularly enterprising individuals attempt to find ways to get aboard spaceships or otherwise protect themselves long enough to make it to the surface of a planet. A vermicious knid’s reproduction is tied to how much it has to eat, and a well fed knid can divide by fission as often as once a day. A single vermicious knid making its way to the surface of a world could unleash a plague of apocalyptic proportions.
Vermicious Knid   CR 10 XP 9,600 NE Medium ooze Init +10; Senses darkvision 120 ft., Perception +6 Defense AC 21, touch 21, flat-footed 21 (+10 Dex, +1 dodge) hp 123 (13d8+65) Fort +9, Ref +14, Will +7 DR 7/-; Immune cold, electricity, mind-influencing effects Defensive Abilities ooze traits, uncanny dodge Offense Speed 60 ft., fly 120 ft. (perfect) Melee gore +19 (3d8+15) or 4 split attacks +17 (1d8+5) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (35 ft. with extend reach) Special Attacks extend reach, split attacks Statistics Str 30, Dex 30, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 17, Cha 9 Base Atk +9; CMB +19 (+21 sunder); CMD 40 (42 vs. sunder, cannot be tripped) Feats Dodge, Improved Sunder, Intimidating Prowess, Multiattack, Power Attack, Mobility, Spring Attack Skills Fly +21, Intimidate +12, Linguistics -3, Perception +6 Languages Aklo, Common (cannot speak) SQ no breath, starflight Ecology Environment void Organization solitary, pair, pack (3-6) or flotilla (7-12) Treasure incidental Special Abilities Extend Reach (Ex) As a full round action, a vermicious knid may extend a pseudopod an additional 5 feet per 2 HD (plus 30 ft. for an average specimen) in order to make a melee attack. It does not threaten this area—its reach is treated as normal for a creature of its size for the purposes of making attacks of opportunity. Split Attacks (Ex) As a swift action, a vermicious knid may divide its body up into multiple natural weapons. Each of these is treated as a secondary natural attack that deals 1d8 plus ½ the knid’s Strength modifier, and can deal piercing, slashing or bludgeoning damage, as the creature decides. Starflight (Su) A vermicious knid can survive in the void of outer space. It flies through space at an incredible speed. Although exact travel times vary, a trip within a single solar system should take 3d20 hours, while a trip beyond should take 3d20 days (or more, at the GM’s discretion)—provided that the knid knows the way to its destination.
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jackarychaoti · 3 years
DWC2021-15 - Memory/Chase
TW: Blood | Body Horror | Disturbing Images
-[ MUSIC ] -
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In Azeroth, it was known as The Madness, The Darkening, the Dragon’s Sickness... The Nightmare. In many worlds, in millions of languages, it had endless names but it always meant the same thing. A corruption, often brought on by nightmarish feelings or situations, that ate the being alive, twisting it into something else entirely. Dragons fell particularly hard to such a toxic curse, especially.
This was no exception.
Lokitan screamed as a mere handful of the Heran army raced upon war-bred Granondo, a clove-hooved type horse with coiled horns, best used to ram incoming enemies. Terrifyingly fast creatures that feared nothing in the heat of battle and yet they could not quite keep up with the terror streaking through the rotting fields of a dying wasteland and seemed even less inclined to get anywhere near it.
The target they hunted was a slithering creature running on all fours, bones twisted and inhuman with long tendrils of muddied hair, making the thing look even more sickly in the way that it hung over the face. Now and then, piercing silver eyes would dart back to see just how much closer its pursuers had come in the wild hunt, noting the way the warriors had begun to flank it. If only it could reach the edge of the forest, the beast would have a far better tactical advantage and a speed increase, let alone an easier time to attack those that hunted it.
“Loki!” A voice called out and soon a female rider pushed her steed up to the Dread Prince himself, eyes narrowed, glancing over in his direction. Fire blazed all around her, the snowy locks of her hair wild and free as a hellish set of crimson eyes flitted to the dark-haired rogue. “What do we do if it gets to the forest before we can reach him?!”
“You pray to your mother that we take him down before that.”
It was absolute chaos and he had just told her to pray to the deity that created it.
Inch after inch, Lokitan pressed forward, signaling the General’s finest men to continue flanking the beast, heels dug in harder into his skeletal Granondo to push onward and finally close in the distance of the skittering cretin running on all fours. Once close enough, the agile Prince pushed himself to crouch atop the saddle; he lunged, flickering through the very shadows to reappear right on top of the nightmarish beast. He dared not draw a weapon.
Not against this one.
The clashing form was greeted by the muddied, anemic animal twisting itself to bite hard at its would-be attacker, using the momentum to kick Lokitan right off and send him flying. That mere few seconds to protect itself was costing its safety to get into the forest. A loud shrieking cry pierced through the veil of carnage, knowing the chase was quickly coming to an end. Claws grabbed at the deep red mud below, years of war and corpses all around, the thick blood of countless soldiers meshed together with protected soils and painful, bitter rain. The slick surface had the creature try another attempt to break free, slipping the first few steps.
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It was so close… The forest was but a hundred yards away.
Lokitan rolled through the slimy fighting ground, catching himself to snag at the beast’s ankle, yanking it back to throw it in the other direction. He was doing all he could to buy the warriors more time to position themselves and close in on the fighting pair.
“It doesn’t have to be this way, Jack.”
Melted silver raised from under the long strands of hair while the beast hunched itself further, a deep snarl and razored fangs revealed themselves in a warning. The aggressive display had Loki push himself to stand and raise his clawed hands, exposing that he was as unarmed as he could possibly be. He stared down at the nightmare-fueled version of his cousin, his best friend who he knew was in so much pain that he had allowed the darkness to consume his heart.
“Look at me, Jackary… I don’t want to hurt you, hn..?”
There was a brief pause and for a moment, the world stood still. Even the droplets of sweat and foul mud froze in place for a fraction of a second while the thing Lokitan referred to as ‘Jackary’ mulled over its choices. Heavy breaths of air pushed out, bellowed in smoke pouring from its twisted jaw that was filled with acidic drool that flopped to the ground in large globs - a clear sign of the beast’s stress.
“Let’s get you home… Let’s get cleaned up…” A leather-clad hand dared to reach for the unholy creation but within a blink of an eye, time sped back up. Teeth snapped at the grasp, claws raised to full-on attack the one being that kept the beast from the forest it was trying to get to.
“FUCKING--!” Loki found himself head to head with the writhing mass of acid-spitting, half-transformed wyrm, a Beast of Insanity that wore a Prince’s crown and who was upsetting the balance of life and death. Without one, there couldn’t truly be another. Every snap of the jowls and swipe of talons was blocked or barely dodged, up until Lokitan lost his footing.
Slipping, he found himself under those wild jaws, hands clasped the wide-open maw above him that threatened to clamp down on his face and bite his skull clean in half. Muscles ached, his posture shook from trying to push what was once his peaceful, loving cousin off him. It wasn’t until another bubbling mixture of acid was seen dripping from under the beast’s tongue that the rogue knew he was in deep trouble… He was going to have to hurt the beast or die.
One hand released the mouth and in a split-second decision, the palm shoved up hard to strike at the creature’s jawline, his intensely sharp claws sliced the beast’s right jaw, stunning and pushing it away, jarred in surprise. It left Lokitan with just the smallest leeway to raise his hand up in the air, giving a hidden signal.
The Insanity-addled creature hissed loudly but before it could turn to lunge the last few steps to disappear into the forest and become a haunting ghost, a slough of chains and ropes fell atop it, blanketing the wild creature. The engineered nets implanted themselves into the dirt below, radiating pulsations of electrical charges to stun the captured beast into a horrifying submission. The haunting screams of agony, half-human, half-dragon rang out in a near ear-shattering volume.
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Only when it stopped struggling to even stand did the shocking currents of energy cease their barbaric, but effective, handling.
“Are you hurt?” The woman from earlier charged forward, sliding down from her fiery warsteed to help Lokitan up from the wet earth.
“No,” Lokitan spat out, snagging the hand to be hoisted up, wincing when it indeed hurt to put any sort of weight on one of his legs. Glancing down at it, he was sure there was likely a fracture somewhere... But now wasn’t the time to dawdle.
“Well, you’re not dead, dear brother, so…” Musing, she helped at least support the Dark Prince, glancing down at the wheezing, now bleeding beast. “This isn’t curable, you know. When someone falls to the Insanity, they don’t come back.”
“Untrue,” Loki quipped, hobbling over with his sister’s help until he was able to ease down and sit next to the captured animal. A gloved hand reached forward, pushing the black hair from its face to indeed reveal a half transformed Jackary, the silver spiral of his eyes a dead giveaway at the corruption. “There was a Priest once who fought it and contained it. Rumour has it he wanders around with a single spiral eye, hn? Fucked up shit.”
The woman sighed, almost huffing while a hand motioned down to what remained of Jack. “Look at him, Lokitan. Half transformed, his brain isn’t fucking in there anymore. Put the thing out of its misery and let the avatar of Life be passed down elsewhere. It’ll rebirth by tomorrow, save your own ass.”
“No.” Lokitan took a moment to grip the skull before him, pinning the dragon further as a small crimson glow overtook his eyes. “He was never meant to hurt anyone, it was her that drove him to this.”
“Yeah, well, she’s pretty fucking dead, now isn’t she?”
A hand waved the antsy woman off, freeing Lokitan to simply focus on the inner workings of the beast before him. It was a rare trick the Rogue had up his sleeve and normally it was used to delve into someone’s memories, to unlock what terrifies them the most to use it against them… But what if, he thought, what if he could use it in reverse?
Time ticked by, allowing the dark, shadowy tendrils of his own essence to seep into Jackary’s form, filtering through and plucking every little bit of the corruption to neatly gather it within. A simple box was made at first, deep inside the dragon’s brain. Soon it was locked away and chained relentlessly to his psyche. A personality that he could never escape from, one that in time, would briefly show a fraction of itself and be referred to as…
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“M’sorry…” Loki whispered while he worked, remolding and melding Jackary’s very essence and memories to pull him from an otherwise impossible return. It was an attempt to do this or be forced to kill him and Lokitan wasn’t sure he inwardly had the power to do that. “You were designed to never forget.. But if you always remember, there is no saving you from the corruption that has been planted within you.”
Lokitan frowned, rubbing his thumb slowly, sweetly along Jackary’s forehead, the beast had long since stopped trying to fight back. It was lethargic.
“I am taking this from you, Jackary. This thing that turned you into something you aren’t.” Lokitan cooed, almost fondly at his twisted cousin as each memory leading up to a certain event was plucked and stolen away and yet what Lokitan hadn’t realized was that in making such a small hole in Jack’s memory, it served as an endless void. A slow-drip leak that would cause him to forever forget things after a while. A blessing and a curse in the future, but at that moment, when Lokitan gazed down and saw the beginnings of Peridot return to those eyes, he knew it was the best decision he could have made.
Darnath quietly clamped the journal closed with a small squeeze to the spine, the entry had been written in a far different font and form which made him think that perhaps Lokitan had written it instead. But... Where the memory that had been stolen was placed was beyond the Dragonsworn.
Stormy grey pools glanced at the snoozing blond curled against his side. Jack, in an elven form, had been cozying up for a small nap while his Knight read, blissfully unaware of what haunting stories Darnath had been refamiliarizing himself with once more. The Champion glanced to the spine of the journal, noting the number upon it, and raised his vision upward. The book he was really looking for must have been the one right before this… Maybe that one held the answer he was looking for.
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robbyrobinson · 4 years
Gods Awaken (XX)
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“So you’re telling me that even though you destroyed that book Nyarlathotep got his powers back anyway?”  
“Yes, Eda, that is what happened,” Luz answered solemnly.  
Eda sighed. “Well, I guess that means we’re dead then.”  
Luz’s eyes gleamed. “We can all agree that it is worse than my realization that my Mom wrote the Good Witch Azura books and that I’m Emperor Belos’ granddaughter.”  
Eda nodded. “Yeah, that is ba-wait, what was that last part?”  
Luz chuckled. “Yeah, that was my exact reaction as well.”  
“Makes sense now that I think of it,” Eda noted, “but isn’t it kind of...”  
“Cliche?” Luz added onto her thought.  
“What is a cliché?”  
Lilith interjected. “This is not the most appropriate time for a conversation of this caliber.”  
The Owl Lady and the human girl nodded deciding to speak more about the revelation at a later time.  
The witches of Bonesborough scrambled to obtain a state of control over the sudden wave of dark magic that rocked the town and desecrated their buildings. Houses built alongside the body of the Titan crumbled; stores were wiped clean. Most of the witches set their differences aside to use their magic to prevent debris from falling on them.  
The streets were alive with the sounds of ceaseless chattering and raving over the events. Elder witches overexerted themselves with trying to use their magic spells to keep falling columns of buildings from flattening witchlings. From the destruction wrought, the sky darkened from a sudden storm. It thundered loudly as though it were a living creature. The light from the sun completely absorbed into the vast blackness of the insidious clouds.  
“What is going on!?” one of the male witches yelled.  
Thick, sickening black clouds rolled in silently with the currents. Due to the Boiling Isles’ equivalent of weather being a series of plagues, the witches were already dashing here and forth to get under some scrap of wood or a crude assembly of broken rocks to avoid their skin getting scorched by the acidic precipitation. The cloud loomed over the town for a couple seconds. The cloud swirled and writhed in sickly fashion until they merged together to create a large figure.  
It towered over the town with its ghastly size and boding physique. It was a man, swathing with blackness even darker than the darkest of nights. He resembled a man of some high status perhaps one of the elder kings. The man had some aura to him that made the witches freeze in place out of bewilderment.  
“Children of the Isles,” he announced, “it has been far too long, has it not?”  
The witches looked at each other befuddled. They could sense that there was a twinge of hostility he had with the declaration.  
“I see that your scholars had successfully managed to completely blight my name from the records of the Isles.”  
He snapped his fingers. A large slab of rock emerged from the ground and was crafted into a throne for the large being to sit down in. He flicked his fingers drawing a huge chalice filled with apple blood. He took a large swig of the sweet nectar before speaking again.  
“It is disheartening that this is the state that I left the Isles in thousands of years ago; after literally drawing into my very being and giving your ancestors magic, this is truly the gratitude that you would give me?”  
After taking a long drink of the apple blood, he tossed the chalice away blissfully ignorant of the explosion it caused. “All of you are ungrateful; that ungratefulness lasting from generation to generation. Well, no more.”  
Massive claws surged and bubbled on the Dark Man’s fingers. Before their eyes, he tore open a portal in the space-time continuum. The way in which he tore away reality with such ease amazed the witches but also filled them with despair. Never had they seen something of this caliber in the long history of the Boiling Isles. The sheer raw power that this tall man possessed was unnatural.
Droves of crustacean-fungus like anomalies escaped the rip in space-time. Like locusts, swarms of these creatures blotted out the sun. They came upon the citizens of Bonesborough in such frenzy and lifted them into the air. Swarm after swarm arrived to abduct more citizens and fly them to an uncertain fate.  
Smirking, he opened another portal and withdrew his scepter.  The large gem in the middle of it glowed and began to twist and pull reality around it. Portions of the Boiling Isles started to fade out of existence. The fabric of reality was further ripped down to the seams exposing the backdrop of the pure darkness of the void. Strange masses of tentacular monstrosities fizzled from the darkness of the void.
Before any of the witches could react, those that were captured by the winged anomalies were seized and suspended in midair. They fought against the invisible forces holding them in place, but all they could hear was the deep, sinister, shrilled laughter of their tormentors. Invisible, inky tentacles wrapped around them contributing to more frantic movement. With each movement only strengthening the monster’s grasp, sharp suckers stabbed their way through their bodies. Splintering pain flowed through their bodies as they heard the maniacal laughter of the obscure beasts and the hideous sound of their blood being greedily sucked away. Blood was visibly getting vacuumed through the tentacles of the beasts who now were shown as having no visible face rather a large mandible surrounded by endless numbers of appendages. They were becoming bloated from the blood.  
The tall man looked at the chaos with a lack of interest. Stretching his arms, he drew from the ground again and mentally crafted it into a chariot. Once the chariot was made, he summoned more creatures from the void. They resembled birds, larger than the ones typically seen on the Isles roughly the size of an elephant. And yet instead of beaks and feathers, they instead had heads calling to mind a majestic horse; in the place of their feathers were slimy, oily scales of a reptile. They flew in a galloping fashion neighing in the presence of their summoner. Legions of these bizarre horses stopped in front of the chariot and were strapped in ropes. He got up from his makeshift throne and perched his large frame in the front of the chariot.  
“For thousands of years ever since your ungrateful ancestors locked me away, the one thought consumed my mind; that being vengeance.”  
He stared over seeing Belos’ empire at a far distance. “You are all cordially invited to a party.”
They looked at the peculiar man with worried expressions.  
“Before this day is done, the Boiling Isles will be torn down brick by brick, to its smallest atom and from that level of devastation will birth a new age. Out of the ashes of the fire, I will build a new world where my acolytes will not know of what came before them and will pledge their allegiance to me and my alone.”  
The witches screamed in unison again. “What do you want from us?”  
He held his scepter out and twirled it at them. “My star protégé will be taking on one of your witches; consider this a good show that will satiate my boredom long enough to temporarily withhold the destruction of your world.”  
He took his scepter and smacked it against the rim of his chariot. The horse monster, now recognized as being his shantaks, squealed and began to flap their massive wings. With a galloping motion, the legions of winged creatures lifted the heavy chariot off the ground and into the air.
“Come on, put your back into it,” a teacher yelled.  
One of the teachers used their finger to create the illusion of a battering ram. With it, he sprinted for the entrance only for the device to fail when the dark magic holding the barrier in place rebounded on him. He was flung back landing where the guard that Nyarlathotep merged with the lockers was located.  
The Abomination Teacher ordered his abomination to use its fists to punch a hole in the barrier. Like any other abomination, it followed his command, but the result was always the same. The magic wall was reducing the abomination down to the stumps of his hands forcing the abomination to temporarily become undone and then reassemble itself to try again.  
“Are we going to die in here?” a student whimpered.
Principal Bump put his finger against his mouth. “Now, now, calm down, everyone: we are not going to die.”  
None of the students were truthfully convinced by the Principal’s words yet they were trying to grant themselves a little sense of normalcy. The Abomination Teacher called his abomination off and he looked at the school’s principal. “Sir, is there something on your mind?”  
“Could we discuss it by ourselves?”  
The Abomination Teacher ordered for his servant to keep guard of the students and walked over to Principal Bump. Sternness manifested through his eyes. “What is actually going on? Who was that man?”  
Principal Bump sighed. “There is so much more behind the history of the Boiling Isles that was expunged from the records; one of them involved a figure who was probably one of the most evil beings I have ever encountered: now I fear he had returned to his full power.”  
“Well, what can we possibly do about this...man?”  
Principal Bump shook his head. “The magic barrier he made was designed using a powerful, dark otherworldly spell that I am afraid no ordinary witch can ever hope to make as much as a dent in it.”  
Eyes widened, the Abomination Teacher spoke again. “B-but if the students find out-”  
Principal Bump looked behind a corner making sure that none of the other students were eavesdropping on their conversation. “We should probably keep the students occupied for a while to keep them from inciting a hysteria.”  
The Abomination Teacher also gave a passing glance behind the corner. “And there is nothing we can do?”  
“Aye; either Nyarlathotep returns and removes the enchantment spell he placed on the school, or”  
“Or we could get lucky and have an Elder God come to our defense and destroy the barrier.”  
The Abomination Teacher squinted his eyes. “An elder god?”  
“It’s going to be a long discussion,” Principal Bump emphasized, “so listen carefully.”  
Skara and some of the popular clique took their text books and slammed them on the outside. The books returned at full force towards their owners. Only Skara was able to narrowly avoid getting creamed by the books by ducking, but the same could not be said for the other girls.  
“What kind of magic is this?” Skara asked aloud.  
Gus scratched his chin. “Looks like something you’d see being made by the construction coven.”  
He placed his hands against the wall of the barrier, pressing his palms. “Something tells me that this isn’t even the native magic common here.”  
“I am getting really concerned for Luz and Amity,” Willow said. “There should be some way to contact them.”  
She drew a circle in the air and retrieved her purple scroll. She tried to login to her Penstagram account, but the connection was not getting through. A few more of the students saw what Willow was doing and they to took out their scrolls to call for assistance. However, much like before, the connection was terminated.  
“Somehow the magic barrier had cut us off from the outside world,” Willow observed, “we’re sitting turtle ducks now.”  
As she turned away, she caught something in the corner of her eye with her peripheral vision. One of the students had a potted plant that was pitched at a window prior to their imprisonment. It appeared to be a cross between a Venus flytrap and a tomato plant. For whatever reason, likely because of it being almost tossed out the window, it had its large mandibles wrapped around a piece of the magic barrier keeping the shield from completing.  
“Willow, squeeze yourself through the opening,” Gus said.  
Willow looked carefully at the escape route that was seemingly pre-ordained. She then looked at Willow and the others. “Don’t worry; I’ll tell Luz what happened and maybe she and Eda can help us.”  
Taking a short breath, Willow cautiously slid herself underneath the opening while ensuring to not catch the wrath of the sapient plant. Her head and shoulders successfully slid under the barrier followed by her torso. Squeezing her ribs under, she froze for a moment upon hearing a crackling sound. Purple sap was dropping onto her abdomen. Looking up to her horror, the dark magic was slicing its way ever slowly through the potted plant. It still had a strong grip on the barrier, but for how long, Willow could not say. Scrambling, Willow’s forearms bent and nudged the grass.  
Grunting, Willow ben her body in a backward motion practically falling out the school with the back of her head. Now with better maneuvering, Willow quickly drew in her legs. The barrier sliced through the plant’s mandibles like a guillotine splattering its sap on the window and its sill. The school was now completely devoid of any alternative sources of escape. Willow got up on her feet and wiped the dirt off her clothes.  
“Don’t worry, guys, I’ll be back!”  
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