#act ii. ⸺ shaggy rogers.
muzelor · 5 months
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LIKE,  MAN!    what's  scarier  than  tangling  with  monsters,  you  ask?    like,  apparently  saving  'em.    mystery  incorporated's  bait  guy  was  off  to  the  vet,  with  his  trusty  hound  by  his  side.    BUT  GET  THIS,    this  vet  wasn't  your  run  of  the  mill.    velma  had  heard  about  @storyofwhoiam  on  one  of  their  previous  missions    :    some  dude  who  deals  with  the  supernatural,  well,  sorta.    so,  when  he  opens  the  door  to  this  doc's  place,  scooby  marches  right  in,  sniffing  out  those  tasty  dog  treats.    and,  like,  shaggy  follows  suit,  with  the  door  slamming  shut  behind  him,  leaving  him  with  a  major  case  of  the  jitters.    ❝  uhm,  hey,  doc  rosa?  ❞    he  stammered,  trying  to  choke  down  the  lump  in  his  throat  from  the  whole  spooky  vibe,    ❝  i,  uh,  need  some  help  with,  y'know,  a,  uh,  special  kinda  pet.  ❞    cue  the  wiggling of the brows,  hoping  doc  would  catch  his  drift.
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Mobster!Steve Rogers - Pt. II
(Or you’ll be super confused.)
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Y/N got lost in the painting before her. There was a tall flute of champagne in her grasp, but she had been getting so engrossed in the artwork that she kept forgetting she even had it.
It was Thursday night after work. Almost all of the galleries in New York would have open receptions that included free wine and hors d’oeurves. Y/N had a bad day at work, and decided to treat herself and try to calm down with art and alcohol.
Her eyes glanced around the gallery as she moved on to another painting. This gallery was definitely swankier than the others in the area. Y/N even had to stop her jaw from dropping when she overheard a potential buyer ask for a price and the curator gave a number in the thousands, as if it was no big deal. Well, Y/N guessed it wasn’t a big deal to the rich.
“Hi,” a voice said from behind Y/N.
She slightly jumped – not enough for anyone to notice – and turned around.
There was an older man smiling expectantly at her. He was well dressed and clearly one of the people at the gallery who could actually afford the art.
Yet everything about him felt off, sleazy. He was too confident, too sure of himself. It wasn’t charming. It was off putting.
“Hello,” Y/N replied with indifference before taking a sip of champagne.
“I’ve been trying to look at the art all night. But it seems you keep distracting me.”
Y/N was grateful she’d swallowed her champagne, because she snorted a laugh at the stupid pickup line.
“Is that so?” She made sure to make her tone sound as bored as possible.
Maybe her sheer lack of enthusiasm would scare him away.
“How about we get out of here, grab some real drinks?”
“No, thank you.” Y/N turned back to the paintings and took another sip.
“No?” He leaned forward so he was in her vision once again.
“Yes, that’s what I said.” She raised an eyebrow in challenge.
“Ah… I see. You have a boyfriend.”
Y/N couldn’t stop herself from rolling her eyes. She turned to him once again. “No, I don’t have a boyfriend.” Then she got herself riled up. She’d had a bad day and therefore this man was out of luck. “Why is it that men can’t seem to respect the word ‘no’? It doesn’t matter if I do or do not have a boyfriend. I’m not interested. And that should be enough.”
“So you’re one of those girls…”
Y/N closed her eyes for a moment. She knew she shouldn’t take the bait. She knew that! But this idiot of a man was making it so hard not to verbally destroy him.
“One of those girls?” She challenged. Her eyes flickered around, making sure they hadn’t gained an audience of any sort. After all, this was a fancy establishment and the last thing she wanted to do was cause a scene.
“Man-hater. Acts offended whenever a guy tries to compliment her. I swear, men can’t even talk to women without getting accused of being a predator.”
He was starting to sound more irritated and angry as he went on.
Y/N’s fire was suddenly extinguished when her survival instincts kicked in.
She felt the fear all women felt when men became unnecessarily angry.
It didn’t matter if she wanted to have a night alone, looking at artwork. She needed to leave before this stranger really caused a scene – or worse, he got physical.
Y/N threw back the rest of her champagne and smoothly placed it on the tray of a passing server. She made moves to quickly walk past him.
Her heart pounded when she felt him following her retreating steps.
“I’m not some creep you know?” He practically hissed at her.
The man was clearly just trying to make himself feel better now. And in the process, he was making Y/N feel more and more unsafe and uncomfortable.
“You don’t have to treat me like some predator.”
Y/N chose the route of ignoring now, just wanting to escape as soon as possible. She hoped he wouldn’t follow her outside. Then she’d have to order a car, not wanting to risk jumping on the subway and getting stuck in a car with him.
“Excuse me,” a voice suddenly interrupted from behind both of them.
Y/N froze. She swore she knew that voice.
She turned around to find Steve Rogers standing in a classic suit and tie. Beside him was another man, just as handsome and tall and buff man, with shaggy brunette hair and scruff.
“Mind your own business,” the man answered, not doing a very good job of hiding his annoyance from the interruption.
Steve didn’t like that. “I own this gallery, so it’s very much my problem.”
Y/N shifted her weight.
Steve had yet to truly look at her. However, his companion was trying to assess how distressed she was from the situation.
“And I don’t appreciate you making my patrons uncomfortable. Please leave.” There was no room for argument in his tone.
The man didn’t appreciate be brushed aside. He took an aggressive step towards the two men. “You’ve got some balls talking to me that way.”
But before he could take another step or say another word, Steve’s friend stepped forward with an expression that instantly convinced Y/N that he was about to kill the guy.
Steve quickly put a hand on his friend’s chest. “I’ll handle this, Buck.”
Buck. As in Bucky? Y/N remembered hearing that name. Steve used to mention him in their conversations all the time. He was Steve’s best friend.
He immediately stood down. Steve leaned in and added something in a whisper that Y/N couldn’t catch.
In that short-lived romance with Steve, Y/N could never even slightly imagine Steve angry or scary. 
But now he looked like a different person.
Y/N finally saw the mobster.
“What is this, some kind of joke?” The man spat right as Steve grabbed his upper arm in a vice-like grip and dragged him away. But he didn’t take him to the main entrance, instead going towards a back exit Y/N didn’t even notice before. Steve managed to do all of this without disrupting any of the guests.
Y/N was now uncomfortable in a completely different way.
She was trying to figure out if she could make a clean getaway.
But Bucky seemed to be reading his mind. “Mind waiting? I know Steve would like to talk to you before you run off again.”
Had Steve told Bucky about her? The idea of two mobsters sitting around and talking girls brought amusement to Y/N.
“S-Sure,” she didn’t mean to stutter. “Can I get you a glass of champagne? I promise it’ll be the good stuff that we keep hidden away.”
Y/N was taken aback that this man went from looking like he was about commit murder in plain sight to a charming gentleman.
“I’m good. Thank you though.”
He nodded. “Come on.”
She stuttered into step, not sure where he planned on taking her. But for some reason, she blindly followed him anyway.
Bucky led her to a back terrace. It wasn’t open to the public, but still lit to perfection.
An awkward silence settled between them.
“So you’re Bucky, right? The best friend since childhood. The one always pulling him out of fights.”
That earned her a chuckle from him. “That would be correct.”
Then the door opened to the terrace and they both turned to see Steve walking out as he straightened his tie and rebutted his suit.
Bucky turned back to Y/N and gave her a shy smile. “It was nice meeting you, Y/N,” and with that, he walked out of the terrace.
It took her a little too long to realize that she had never given Bucky her name.
Then the same energy that had passed between Y/N and Steve while they were dating returned as if it were only yesterday.
“So…Did you kill him?” Y/N couldn’t help but ask.
“He’s not worth the cleanup.”
Y/N’s eyes widened.
Then Steve broke into an innocent smirk. “I’m messing with you, Y/N.” She blinked at him even saying her name. “I wasn’t sure if you’d remember me. After all, it’s been, like–“
“A year and a half,” Steve finished for her with a jarring amount of confidence.
“Yeah,” she admitted. Though clearly she hadn’t forgotten him at all either.
“You’re kind of hard to forget,” Steve admitted quietly.
Y/N didn’t know how to respond to that, or if she even should. So, she decided to change the subject. 
“Do you really own this place?”
He looked around. “Yeah, I always had an affinity for the arts. I don’t run the place or anything. I just make sure it stays in business.”
“Guess that makes sense now that I think about it. You did go to art school after all.”
Steve seemed flattered that she remembered. “Yeah…but then my dad passed right after graduation and I…Well, I was expected to take over the family business.”
“I didn’t know that…I didn’t know that’s how you got to where you are,” Y/N admitted softly.
Steve cleared his throat. “How’ve you been?”
“Umm…fine.” Y/N hated questions like that. No one ever wanted an honest answer. She didn’t get why anyone even bothered asking it.
“Just fine?” Steve prodded, proving that he was one of the people that actually did care about her answer.
Y/N laughed then. “I mean…my life’s pretty much the same since you last saw me.”
God, she probably sounded like such a loser.
“That can’t be true,” Steve tried to argue.
She winced a bit. “Well, it is. Same apartment, same job, same friends–”
“Same boyfriend?”
Y/N stopped and read his face.
Steve instantly regretted his question. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t – I have no place asking you that question.”
“Steve, it’s OK.” Then she sighed. “Same boyfriend,” she confirmed, “as in there isn’t one.”  
He looked like he wanted to say something, but was using a lot of restraint?
“What?” Y/N asked.
“No, you want to say something,” she said through a smile.
“You don’t want to hear it.” “Well, now I have to know!”
“I just…I don’t get it,” Steve sighed.
“Get what?”
“How no one is worshipping the ground you walk on…”
Y/N rolled her eyes.
“See! You don’t want to hear it.”
Y/N cleared her throat and took a step closer to him. “Had it ever occurred to you that maybe the reason is due to how disappointing men are?”
Steve laughed. “Then I apologize on behalf of men.”
“Why? I wasn’t talking about you.” There was a playfulness in her eyes as she said it.
“Thank you, by the way,” Y/N muttered as she looked at the ground.
“For what?”
“Stepping in back there. I shouldn’t have riled him up. I was stupid – thought I could handle it.”
“It was nothing.” Steve shrugged.
“You and I both know that’s not true.” “I can go finish the job and kill him if it’ll make you feel better,” he offered.
“What?” He asked innocently.
Then Y/N caught sight of his hands. His knuckles were red and irritated, a few of them were already a little bruised. She assumed that man wouldn’t be harassing any women for a little bit. And the world was better for it.
A chill suddenly went down Y/N’s spine. She wrapped her arms around herself tightly.
“Can I walk you home? Or I can get my driver–”
“Yes,” Y/N answered before he could offer another option.
On the walk home, it was like no time had passed at all. Steve asked Y/N about her job, her friends, and her family, remembering names and specifics details.
Y/N wished her apartment was further away. During their walk, she realized how much she had missed Steve. Yes, they had never defined their relationship or made it official. But they had gotten to know each other so quickly. Not to mention Y/N had immediately felt comfortable and close with him since date one.
“This is you, right?” Steve pointed to her stoop. This wasn’t the first time he’d walked her home.
Y/N fidgeted with her hands in front of her.
“Wanna…uhh…Would you like to come up?” The words spewed out before she even knew what she was trying to ask.
She didn’t know why she bothered asking. Steve was a gentleman, too polite–
“Yes,” he answered almost instantly.
Steve kept his distance as they went up the building stairs. He was even patient as Y/N fumbled to put her keys into the door.
But as soon as Y/N closed her apartment door behind them, Steve was on her.
She didn’t believe it was possible to have a more heated and passionate kiss than the one they had shared in that alley. 
Boy, was she wrong. 
Steve took charge, made her feel just how much he wanted her.
But then he pulled away and stared into her eyes. “Sorry…I–I…”
“Steve, I swear to god, if you go all nice guy on me now, I will kick your ass.” Y/N gave him a warning look that proved just how serious she was. “My bedrooms that door. So, what are you going to do about it?”
Steve smirked and was back on her.
To Y/N’s surprise, his hands drifted down her waist and then on the outsides of her thighs until they moved to the back and lifted her up. 
She giggled at the gesture and wrapped her legs around his waist.
Y/N let out another adorable giggle when Steve slightly ran them into a wall.
“I’m trying to navigate blind in an apartment I’ve never been inside. Give a guy some slack.”
Y/N awoke with the feeling like last night had been a dream. But the marks on her skin and the lingering feeling assured it that it was very much real. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a sleeping man on the other side of the bed to assure her as well.
Steve was nowhere to be found. Neither were his clothes.
Y/N sighed, trying to figure out how that all made her feel.
Was it for the best? Was she offended? Was she sad? Was she relieved?
Her racing thoughts stopped when she heard noises coming from her kitchen.
She quickly found a pair of shorts and an oversized band t-shirt that was laying around.
Deciding to be very quiet, Y/N slipped out of her room and found Steve in his undershirt from last night and boxers. His missing clothes were folded nicely on top of one of the seats at her counter.
Steve was lost in his own thoughts as he made breakfast.
Y/N leaned against the doorway taking it all in.
She wondered what it would be like for this to become her normal. Steve just looked like he belonged in her kitchen.
Y/N’s throat tightened and her stomach dropped when she realized that she didn’t know what it felt like to share her life with someone like that.
She quickly cleared her throat before the emotions could take over. “Thought you snuck out.”
Steve quickly turned around. “Really think I’d do that?” Y/N shrugged and stepped further into the kitchen. She sat at the kitchen counter and watched in amusement as Steve continued making them breakfast.
“I made coffee already,” he pointed to the filled pot with his spatula.
She nodded and poured herself some.
“Steve…” He quickly turned around and she noticed how sad his blue eyes looked. “Whatever you were about to say…Can we just – Is it OK if we enjoy this just a little bit longer?”
Y/N instantly shut her mouth and nodded. Then she eyed the scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast he’d cooked. “You didn’t have to make me breakfast…”
Steve just gave her a look that said, ‘Of course I fucking did. Why wouldn’t I?’
“Sorry my apartment is so…small.” Y/N apologized softly. She assumed he had not one, but multiple luxurious homes around the world. This place probably seemed like a dingy shoebox in comparison.
Steve looked around with a smile. “I love your apartment. It’s homey and cozy and it feels like you.”
Y/N was so taken aback by his retort that she just blinked at him.
They both ate in a surprisingly comfortable silence. Y/N kept wondering how he did that, how he made her feel so safe with him. 
Once Steve was finished, he leaned back in his seat and looked at her patiently. That was the only cue she was going to get.
“I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for how I ended things last time,” she told him gently. 
“You shouldn’t be sorry,” Steve corrected. “You did the right thing.”
Y/N’s mouth went dry. “I did?”
“I was selfish. I wouldn’t accept that you aren’t meant for my world. I refused to even consider how dangerous your life would become for just being with me.” Steve shook his head. “I was selfish,” he repeated.
Y/N refused to meet his eyes now. “So…what does that make last night?”
“Last night was…” Steve smiled shyly. “Last night was perfect.”
Y/N eyed him. “But you’re about to tell me that it’s all there’s going to be, aren’t you?”
Steve leaned forward and rubbed his face.
“Y/N, I can’t drag you into my toxic life. I won’t do that to you.” He shook his head at the mere idea. “Y/N… you deserve someone who can be an honest man for you. Someone who’s life isn’t going to get you killed.”
“You’ve never lied to me, Steve.”
“But I will. Because if I fully opened up that side of me, you’d never look at me the same. I can’t lie to you and I can’t terrify you with the reality. Don’t you get it?”
Y/N’s eyes glazed over, but she made herself keep it together. “So, what do we have then?”
Steve sighed. “I guess we just have the past.”
She scoffed at him. “After last night, with the way we feel when we’re together…You’re not even willing to try?”
“No, Y/N. I’m not willing to risk your safety.”
Then he was up, taking his clothes to the bathroom with him.
He came out a few minutes later, his hair fixed and his clothes looked like they could’ve come right from the cleaners.
“Please don’t hate me,” he finally whispered.
That’s when Y/N couldn’t keep the tears back any longer. She laughed from both the idea of hating him and being embarrassed for crying.
“Steve, I don’t think I could ever hate you.”
Then he couldn’t stop himself. Steve pulled Y/N into his arms, holding her tightly to his chest.
“I wish things were different,” he spoke into her hair. “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
And with that, he kissed the top of her head and made his escape.  
It was Y/N that pushed him away the first time. To protect her heart, her morals, probably her life.
But now it was Steve pushing her away. Not because he didn’t love her, but because he had to keep her safe.
And you all thought you were getting a second chance at a fluffy, happy ending...
Part III
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mantlecurve · 5 years
Disney+ launch titles
Disney+ launched today with the following titles
Sorted by release year
Title Year Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 1937 Fantasia 1940 Pinocchio 1940 Swiss Family Robinson 1940 Dumbo 1941 The Reluctant Dragon 1941 Bambi 1942 Saludos Amigos 1943 The Three Caballeros 1945 Fun and Fancy Free 1947 Miracle on 34th Street 1947 Melody Time 1948 The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad 1949 Cinderella 1950 Treasure Island 1950 Alice in Wonderland 1951 The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men 1952 Peter Pan 1953 The Living Desert 1953 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 1954 The Vanishing Prairie 1954 Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier 1955 Lady and the Tramp 1955 The African Lion 1955 Davy Crockett and the River Pirates 1956 Secrets of Life 1956 Old Yeller 1957 Perri 1957 The Sign of Zorro 1958 White Wilderness 1958 Darby O’Gill and the Little People 1959 Journey to the Center of the Earth 1959 Jungle Cat 1959 Sleeping Beauty 1959 The Shaggy Dog 1959 Pollyanna 1960 Swiss Family Robinson 1960 101 Dalmatians 1961 Babes in Toyland 1961 Greyfriars Bobby 1961 The Absent-Minded Professor 1961 The Parent Trap 1961 Almost Angels 1962 Sammy, the Way-Out Seal 1962 The Prince and the Pauper 1962 The Incredible Journey 1963 The Sword in the Stone 1963 Emil and the Detectives 1964 Mary Poppins 1964 That Darn Cat! 1965 The Sound of Music 1965 Those Calloways 1965 The Ugly Dachshund 1966 The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin 1967 The Jungle Book 1967 Blackbeard’s Ghost 1968 The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes 1969 The Love Bug 1969 The Aristocats 1970 Bedknobs and Broomsticks 1971 The Barefoot Executive 1971 The Million Dollar Duck 1971 Justin Morgan Had a Horse 1972 Snowball Express 1972 The Biscuit Eater 1972 Robin Hood 1973 Herbie Rides Again 1974 The Bears and I 1974 The Castaway Cowboy 1974 Escape to Witch Mountain 1975 The Apple Dumpling Gang 1975 The Strongest Man in the World 1975 Gus 1976 The Shaggy D.A. 1976 Treasure of Matecumbe 1976 Candleshoe 1977 Freaky Friday 1977 Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo 1977 Pete’s Dragon 1977 Star Wars: A New Hope 1977 The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh 1977 The Rescuers 1977 Return From Witch Mountain 1978 The Cat From Outer Space 1978 Spider-Woman 1979 The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again 1979 The Black Hole 1979 The Muppet Movie 1979 Unidentified Flying Oddball 1979 Herbie Goes Bananas 1980 Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Sultan and the Rock Star 1980 The Ghosts of Buxley Hall 1980 Amy 1981 Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends 1981 Spider-Man – Series 1981 The Fox and the Hound 1981 The Great Muppet Caper 1981 TRON 1982 Star Wars: Return of the Jedi 1983 Adventures of the Gummi Bears 1985 One Magic Christmas 1985 Return to Oz 1985 The Black Cauldron 1985 The Journey of Natty Gann 1985 Casebusters 1986 Flight of the Navigator 1986 Fuzzbucket 1986 Mr. Boogedy 1986 The Christmas Star 1986 The Great Mouse Detective 1986 Benji the Hunted 1987 DuckTales 1987 Three Men and a Baby 1987 Oliver & Company 1988 The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh 1988 Who Framed Roger Rabbit 1988 Willow 1988 Cheetah 1989 Chip ‘n’ Dale: Rescue Rangers 1989 Honey, I Shrunk the Kids 1989 The Little Mermaid 1989 The Simpsons 1989 Turner & Hooch 1989 Ducktales: The Movie, Treasure of the Lost Lamp 1990 TaleSpin 1990 The Rescuers Down Under 1990 Three Men and a Little Lady 1990 Beauty and the Beast 1991 Darkwing Duck 1991 Shipwrecked 1991 The Rocketeer 1991 White Fang 1991 Aladdin 1992 Goof Troop 1992 Honey, I Blew Up the Kid 1992 Newsies 1992 Sister Act 1992 The Little Mermaid – Series 1992 The Muppet Christmas Carol 1992 X-Men – Series 1992 Bonkers 1993 Boy Meets World 1993 Hocus Pocus 1993 Life With Mikey 1993 Rookie of the Year 1993 Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit 1993 The Adventures of Huck Finn 1993 The Nightmare Before Christmas 1993 The Sandlot 1993 The Three Musketeers 1993 Blank Check 1994 Camp Nowhere 1994 Fantastic Four 1994 Gargoyles 1994 Iron Man – Series 1994 Iron Will 1994 Spider-Man – Series 1994 The Lion King 1994 The Return of Jafar 1994 The Santa Clause 1994 Thumbelina 1994 A Goofy Movie 1995 A Kid in King Arthur’s Court 1995 Frank and Ollie 1995 Heavyweights 1995 Operation Dumbo Drop 1995 Pocahontas 1995 Tall Tale 1995 Timon & Pumbaa 1995 Tom and Huck 1995 Toy Story 1995 While You Were Sleeping 1995 101 Dalmatians 1996 Aladdin and the King of Thieves 1996 First Kid 1996 Jack 1996 James and the Giant Peach 1996 Kazaam 1996 Mighty Ducks – Series 1996 Muppet Treasure Island 1996 Quack Pack 1996 The Hunchback of Notre Dame 1996 The Incredible Hulk – Series 1996 Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas 1997 Flubber 1997 Hercules 1997 Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves 1997 Jungle 2 Jungle 1997 Pooh’s Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin 1997 Recess 1997 Smart Guy 1997 That Darn Cat 1997 The Brave Little Toaster to the Rescue 1997 A Bug’s Life 1998 Belle’s Magical World 1998 Brink! 1998 Halloweentown 1998 Hercules – Series 1998 I’ll Be Home for Christmas 1998 Meet the Deedles 1998 Mighty Joe Young 1998 Miracle at Midnight 1998 Mulan 1998 Out of the Box 1998 Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World 1998 Richie Rich’s Christmas Wish 1998 Ruby Bridges 1998 Silver Surfer 1998 The Brave Little Toaster Goes to Mars 1998 The Jungle Book: Mowgli’s Story 1998 The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride 1998 The Parent Trap 1998 You Lucky Dog 1998 10 Things I Hate About You 1999 Annie 1999 Can of Worms 1999 Don’t Look Under the Bed 1999 Doug’s 1st Movie 1999 Genius 1999 Horse Sense 1999 Inspector Gadget 1999 Johnny Tsunami 1999 Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas 1999 My Favorite Martian 1999 Smart House 1999 So Weird 1999 Spider-Man Unlimited – Series 1999 Star Wars: The Phantom Menace 1999 The Avengers: United They Stand 1999 The Thirteenth Year 1999 Toy Story 2 1999 Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century 1999 102 Dalmatians 2000 Alley Cats Strike 2000 An Extremely Goofy Movie 2000 Dinosaur 2000 Even Stevens 2000 Fantasia 2000 2000 Miracle in Lane 2 2000 Mom’s Got a Date With a Vampire 2000 Phantom of the Megaplex 2000 Quints 2000 Ready to Run 2000 Remember the Titans 2000 Rip Girls 2000 Stepsister From Planet Weird 2000 The Color of Friendship 2000 The Emperor’s New Groove 2000 The Kid 2000 The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea 2000 The Other Me 2000 The Tigger Movie 2000 The Ultimate Christmas Present 2000 Up, Up and Away 2000 Whispers: An Elephant’s Tale 2000 X-Men: Evolution – Series 2000 Atlantis: The Lost Empire 2001 Halloweentown II: Kalabar’s Revenge 2001 Hounded 2001 Jumping Ship 2001 Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp’s Adventure 2001 Lizzie McGuire 2001 Monsters, Inc. 2001 Motocrossed 2001 Recess: School’s Out 2001 The Book of Pooh 2001 The Jennie Project 2001 The Luck of the Irish 2001 The Poof Point 2001 The Princess Diaries 2001 Three Days 2001 Zenon: The Zequel 2001 ‘Twas the Night 2001 A Ring of Endless Light 2002 Cadet Kelly 2002 Cinderella II: Dreams Come True 2002 Double Teamed 2002 Get a Clue 2002 Gotta Kick It Up! 2002 Kim Possible 2002 Lilo & Stitch 2002 Return to Never Land 2002 Snow Dogs 2002 Star Wars: Attack of the Clones 2002 Tarzan & Jane 2002 The Country Bears 2002 The Hunchback of Notre Dame II 2002 The Rookie 2002 The Santa Clause 2 2002 The Scream Team 2002 Treasure Planet 2002 Tru Confessions 2002 Tuck Everlasting 2002 Winnie the Pooh: A Very Merry Pooh Year 2002 101 Dalmatians II: Patch’s London Adventure 2003 Atlantis: Milo’s Return 2003 Brother Bear 2003 Deep Blue 2003 Eddie’s Million Dollar Cook-Off 2003 Finding Nemo 2003 Freaky Friday 2003 Full-Court Miracle 2003 Inspector Gadget 2 2003 Lilo & Stitch: The Series 2003 Piglet’s Big Movie 2003 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 2003 Recess: All Growed Down 2003 Recess: Taking the 5th Grade 2003 Right on Track 2003 Stitch! The Movie 2003 That’s So Raven 2003 The Cheetah Girls 2003 The Even Stevens Movie 2003 The Haunted Mansion 2003 The Jungle Book 2 2003 The Lizzie McGuire Movie 2003 The Young Black Stallion 2003 You Wish! 2003 America’s Heart and Soul 2004 Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen 2004 Empire of Dreams: The Story of the Star Wars Trilogy 2004 Going to the Mat 2004 Halloweentown High 2004 Home on the Range 2004 Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers 2004 Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas 2004 Miracle 2004 Phil of the Future 2004 Pixel Perfect 2004 Sacred Planet 2004 Stuck in the Suburbs 2004 Teacher’s Pet 2004 The Incredibles 2004 The Lion King 1½ 2004 The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement 2004 Tiger Cruise 2004 Winnie the Pooh: Springtime With Roo 2004 Zenon: Z3 2004 Aliens of the Deep 2005 Buffalo Dreams 2005 Chicken Little 2005 Go Figure 2005 Herbie: Fully Loaded 2005 How Dogs Got Their Shapes 2005 Ice Princess 2005 Kim Possible Movie: So the Drama 2005 Kronk’s New Groove 2005 Life Is Ruff 2005 Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch 2005 Little Einsteins 2005 Millions 2005 Mulan II 2005 Now You See It… 2005 Once Upon a Mattress 2005 Pooh’s Heffalump Movie 2005 Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith 2005 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 2005 The Greatest Game Ever Played 2005 The Pacifier 2005 The Proud Family Movie 2005 The Suite Life of Zack & Cody 2005 Twitches 2005 Valiant 2005 Bambi II 2006 Brother Bear 2 2006 Cars 2006 Cow Belles 2006 Eight Below 2006 Fantastic Four: World’s Greatest Heroes 2006 Flicka 2006 Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties 2006 Handy Manny 2006 Hannah Montana 2006 High School Musical 2006 Invincible 2006 Leroy & Stitch 2006 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 2006 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest 2006 Read It and Weep 2006 Return to Halloweentown 2006 Roving Mars 2006 The Cheetah Girls 2 2006 The Emperor’s New School 2006 The Fox and the Hound 2 2006 The Replacements 2006 The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause 2006 The Shaggy Dog 2006 The Wild 2006 Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior 2006 Cinderella III: A Twist in Time 2007 Dan in Real Life 2007 Dog Whisperer With Cesar Millan 2007 High School Musical 2 2007 Johnny Kapahala: Back on Board 2007 Jump In! 2007 Meet the Robinsons 2007 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 2007 National Treasure: Book of Secrets 2007 Phineas and Ferb 2007 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End 2007 Ratatouille 2007 Snowglobe 2007 The Game Plan 2007 The Secret of the Magic Gourd 2007 Twitches Too 2007 Wizards Of Waverly Place 2007 Bolt 2008 Camp Rock 2008 College Road Trip 2008 Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert 2008 High School Musical 3: Senior Year 2008 Iron Man 2008 Iron Man: Armored Adventures 2008 Minutemen 2008 Star Wars: The Clone Wars 2008 Stonehenge Decoded: Secrets Revealed 2008 The Cheetah Girls: One World 2008 The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian 2008 The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos 2008 The Little Mermaid: Ariel’s Beginning 2008 The Suite Life on Deck 2008 Tinker Bell 2008 WALL•E 2008 Avatar 2009 Bizarre Dinosaurs 2009 Dadnapped 2009 Easter Island Unsolved 2009 Hannah Montana: The Movie 2009 Hatching Pete 2009 JONAS 2009 Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience 2009 Kingdom of the Blue Whale 2009 Princess Protection Program 2009 Skyrunners 2009 The Princess and the Frog 2009 Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure 2009 Trail of the Panda 2009 Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie 2009 Wolverine and the X-Men 2009 Alice in Wonderland 2010 Avalon High 2010 Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam 2010 Den Brother 2010 Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2010 Good Luck Charlie 2010 Great Migrations 2010 Journey to Shark Eden 2010 Secretariat 2010 Shake It Up 2010 Starstruck 2010 Tangled 2010 The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes 2010 Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue 2010 Toy Story 3 2010 Waking Sleeping Beauty 2010 12 Dates of Christmas 2011 African Cats 2011 Brain Games 2011 Cars 2 2011 Geek Charming 2011 Good Luck Charlie, It’s Christmas! 2011 Jake and the Never Land Pirates 2011 Jessie 2011 Kickin’ It 2011 Lemonade Mouth 2011 Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension 2011 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 2011 Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure 2011 TRON Legacy 2011 Teen Spirit 2011 The Incredible Dr. Pol 2011 The Muppets 2011 The Suite Life Movie 2011 Wings of Life 2011 Winnie the Pooh 2011 Brave 2012 Chimpanzee 2012 Crash & Bernstein 2012 Frenemies 2012 Girl vs. Monster 2012 Gravity Falls 2012 Lab Rats 2012 Let It Shine 2012 Santa Paws 2: The Santa Pups 2012 Secret of the Wings 2012 Secrets of the King Cobra 2012 TRON: Uprising 2012 The Mistle-Tones 2012 Ultimate Spider-Man 2012 Violetta 2012 Winged Seduction: Birds of Paradise 2012 Wreck-It Ralph 2012 Avengers Assemble 2013 Frozen 2013 Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. 2013 Iron Man 3 2013 Life Below Zero 2013 Monsters University 2013 Saving Mr. Banks 2013 Sharks of Lost Island 2013 Super Buddies 2013 Teen Beach Movie 2013 The Wizards Return: Alex vs. Alex 2013 Thor: The Dark World 2013 Bears 2014 Big Hero 6 2014 Cloud 9 2014 Dr. K’s Exotic Animal ER 2014 Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet 2014 Girl Meets World 2014 Guardians of the Galaxy 2014 How to Build a Better Boy 2014 LEGO Star Wars: The New Yoda Chronicles 2014 Marvel Studios: Assembling a Universe 2014 Miracle Landing on the Hudson 2014 Muppets Most Wanted 2014 Star Wars Rebels 2014 The Evermoor Chronicles 2014 Zapped 2014 Ant-Man 2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron 2015 Bad Hair Day 2015 Best Friends Whenever 2015 Descendants 2015 Guardians of the Galaxy – Series 2015 Inside Out 2015 Invisible Sister 2015 LEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales 2015 Monkey Kingdom 2015 PJ Masks 2015 Star Wars: The Force Awakens 2015 Teen Beach Movie 2 2015 The Good Dinosaur 2015 The Lion Guard 2015 The Muppets – Series 2015 Wild Yellowstone 2015 Adventures in Babysitting 2016 Before the Flood 2016 Bizaardvark 2016 Elena of Avalor 2016 Expedition Mars: Spirit & Opportunity 2016 Finding Dory 2016 Ice Age: The Great Egg-Scapade 2016 LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures 2016 Lab Rats: Elite Force 2016 Milo Murphy’s Law 2016 Moana 2016 Pete’s Dragon 2016 Queen of Katwe 2016 Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 2016 Stuck in the Middle 2016 The BFG 2016 The Finest Hours 2016 The Swap 2016 World’s Greatest Dogs 2016 Zootopia 2016 Andi Mack 2017 Atlantis Rising 2017 Big Hero 6: The Series 2017 Born in China 2017 Breaking2 2017 Cars 3 2017 Decorating Disney: Holiday Magic 2017 Descendants 2 2017 Diana: In Her Own Words 2017 Disney’s Fairy Tale Weddings 2017 Earth Live 2017 Inhumans 2017 Jane 2017 Kingdom of the Apes: Battle Lines 2017 Man Among Cheetahs 2017 Mickey and the Roadster Racers 2017 Newsies: The Broadway Musical 2017 Origins: The Journey of Humankind 2017 Puppy Dog Pals 2017 Raven’s Home 2017 Sea of Hope: America’s Underwater Treasures 2017 Secrets of Christ’s Tomb: Explorer Special 2017 Spider-Man – Series 2017 Tangled: Before Ever After 2017 Tangled: The Series 2017 Titanic: 20 Years Later With James Cameron 2017 Vampirina 2017 Big City Greens 2018 Bug Juice: My Adventures at Camp 2018 Coop & Cami Ask the World 2018 Drain the Oceans 2018 Freaky Friday 2018 Free Solo 2018 Giants of the Deep Blue 2018 Into the Okavango 2018 LEGO Star Wars: All-Stars 2018 Legend of the Three Caballeros 2018 Life-Size 2 2018 Mars: Inside SpaceX 2018 Marvel Rising: Secret Warriors 2018 Mission to the Sun 2018 Muppet Babies 2018 Paris to Pittsburgh 2018 Planet of the Birds 2018 Rocky Mountain Animal Rescue 2018 Science Fair 2018 Star Wars Resistance 2018 The Flood 2018 Tree Climbing Lions 2018 Under The Sea: A Descendants Short Story 2018 Zombies 2018 Amphibia 2019 Apollo: Missions to the Moon 2019 Avengers: Endgame 2019 Captain Marvel 2019 Dumbo 2019 Encore! 2019 Fast Layne 2019 Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted 2019 High School Musical: The Musical: The Series 2019 Hostile Planet 2019 Into the Grand Canyon 2019 Kim Possible 2019 Kingdom of the White Wolf 2019 Lady and the Tramp 2019 Lost Treasures of the Maya 2019 Marvel’s Hero Project 2019 Noelle 2019 One Day at Disney 2019 Sydney to the Max 2019 The Lost Tomb of Alexander the Great 2019 The Mandalorian 2019 The World According to Jeff Goldblum 2019
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rutlcdge · 7 years
The Beltway Boys | Jon & Warren
Tagging → Warren Elkins; Senior Senator of North Carolina.
Time Frame → Friday, February 23rd, 2017. 11:30 AM.
Location → Welbeck Estate, Oak Ridge, North Carolina.
Notes → The Chief Justice & Senate Minority Leader mobilize obstruction to the President’s Clean Energy Initiative. 
“Good morning, Mr. Rutledge,” greeted a voice from the main Corridor of the East Wing’s ground floor.
Jonathan lifted his gaze, shutting the manila folder he’d been reading from, “Come in,” he called out in response, leaning into his high-backed Henry Miller chair. His Welbeck Estate private study was aggrandized to his image, with a desk of polished cherry wood enameled with silver, no windows to speak of, and wrap-around cabinets of charcoal Oak lining the walls. For a second he gazed upon the portrait of his forefather, Reuben W. Rutledge, that hung above the door.
“This just arrived for you, sir,” informed one of the Estate’s footmen, who wore finely-tailored charcoal slacks and a crisp, white shirt emblazoned beneath a vest. The Estate employed too many footmen for Jonathan to remember, but he smiled gratefully all the same.
“Who is it from?” asked Jonathan, reaching for the envelope with cautious finality.
“Your son, Jonathan Jr.,”
“Ah…that will be all,” he said, laying the envelop on his desk until the footman whisked from the Study. The Chief Justice peered at it for a moment, and then another. His eldest son, in Monaco negotiating a Real Estate deal with Prince Albert II, had sent their voluminous donation to the RNC right on time. Gently, Jonathan retrieved a mail knife from the upper-right drawer of his desk and slid it beneath the envelope’s fold.
He perused the receipt of the electronic wire transfer. Twenty-five million dollars were wired through a dummy corporation based in the Cayman Islands, spending twenty-four hours in a Tax haven before transferring to the Canadian National Bank in Montreal. He tore the receipt from its check and eased it into a shredder built into the left corner of his desk. He glanced at his watch. 11:34 AM. It wouldn’t be too long before Senator Elkins arrived. Jonathan stood from his chair and slipped into his Brioni Vanquish blazer, which fitted comfortably atop a stark red turtleneck sweater and pleated black slacks.
As he turned to depart the Study he clasped the envelope. Into the main Corridor of the East Wing he went, the sunlight filtering through its floor-to-ceiling windows a sharp contrast from his dimly lit conclave. He wore padded moccasins that trekked silently upon waxed Oakwood floors, his head held high in pursuit of the foyer that joined the East Wing to West. The foyer was a palatial marvel, adorned with two identical rows of stairs that curled from the door to the upper level. The ancient Etruscan marble was dim, yet illuminated by a bedazzled crystal chandelier hung in the heart of the foyer. Jonathan breezed through the door and onto the Front Terrace, where he would await his dear friend.
The Front Terrace was one of the few parts of the Estate original to its construction in 1848. Eight columns of marble holstered the Main House, demarcating an alabaster white door as the Entrance. From the front, the House’s upper level was a deck barriered by wrought iron gates. Four windows, elegantly spaced apart, were accented with black shutters that rested sublimely upon walls of saffron stone. As Jonathan stood before the entrance, he gazed upon the paved roadway that weaved through two-point-four miles of front grounds space toward Keaton Drive. He glanced at his watch. 11:37 AM.
“Morning, Mr. Rutledge!” shouted Roger Lentworth, the Estate’s head groundskeeper. He swerved around the Main House from the left in one of the Royal Limo golf carts Jonathan reserved for special occasions. Roger wore a pleated Khaki zoot suit, teal golf shoes, and a sterling silver cap that wrapped around his shaggy blond hair. He had pale features; a high forehead, and a strong jaw.
“Good Morning, Roger,” Jonathan said, smiling as the Royal Limo eased to a halt a few paces from the terrace steps, “Where’s Stanley?” His D.C. driver had befriended Roger since taking up residence in the guest House, tailing him like a light in the week since they’ve returned to Oak Ridge. It was jarring to see them apart.
“He decided to stay out back to help with arrangements,” Roger started, turning the key in the cart’s ignition to silence it, “He also said he’d put on a penguin suit and serve,” he finished with a laugh. Jonathan joined him, managing to whisper, “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
The three of them planned to the second his meeting with the Senate Minority Leader. When Warren arrived, Roger would cart them off to the rear grounds space where a six-thousand square-foot golf course awaited. Lunch was to be delivered from the Pavilion that served as the tee for the First hole. Jonathan especially yearned for a cup of spiced hickory tea; partly because it warmed the blood, partly because a cup strategically had at the beginning of each game had won many deals in the past.
Whether he would win the upcoming deal or not, he had no way of foretelling. The President’s joint address to Congress involved new legislation across the board from Education to Healthcare to Public Works. Were Wright’s address under any other circumstances, Jonathan would have remained uninvolved in Capitol Hill’s affairs. But as fate would have it the President was received by a Democratic Majority and thus the means to carry her absurd ideals through Congress. Jonathan scoffed at her segment on clean, sustainable energy, but would have been a fool to underestimate her Power with a Congressional majority – which prompted a meeting with Senator Elkins. If they failed to act swiftly to thwart the President’s ambition the Rutledge Family could lose the eight-hundred-million dollars of revenue Frontier Energy generated each year, which was something Jonathan would not abide. A preliminary twenty-five million dollars ought to set things in motion.
Or so Jonathan hoped, as he stood in wait of an old friend and invaluable ally in ensuring Big Oil trumped the White House.
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muzelor · 5 months
once upon a tag.
act i. the writer
act i. ⸺ ooc. act i. ⸺ prompts. act i. ⸺ starter calls. act i. ⸺ promos. act i. ⸺ self promos.
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act ii. the muses
act ii. ⸺ tatia anderdottir. act ii. ⸺ kai parker. act ii. ⸺ hayley marshall. act ii. ⸺ henrik mikaelson. act ii. ⸺ davina claire. act ii. ⸺ josie forbes. act ii. ⸺ kol mikaelson. act ii. ⸺ elena gilbert. act ii. ⸺ dorcas meadowes. act ii. ⸺ ginny weasley. act ii. ⸺ bellatrix lestrange. act ii. ⸺ josie dumont. act ii. ⸺ fred weasley. act ii. ⸺ red riding hood. act ii. ⸺ esmeralda fernandez. act ii. ⸺ elsa arendottir. act ii. ⸺ anna arendottir. act ii. ⸺ alex russo rahid. act ii. ⸺ evie grimhilde. act ii. ⸺ mal. act ii. ⸺ snow white. act ii. ⸺ barbara holland. act ii. ⸺ kali prasad. act ii. ⸺ velma dinkley. act ii. ⸺ thorn. act ii. ⸺ shaggy rogers. act ii. ⸺ daphne blake. act ii. ⸺ paul. act ii. ⸺ nancy downs. act ii. ⸺ erica jones. act ii. ⸺ sarah fox. act ii. ⸺ benny weir. act ii. ⸺ kuina hikari. act ii. ⸺ karube daikichi. act ii. ⸺ akane heiya. act ii. ⸺ aguni. act ii. ⸺ chishiya shuntaro. act ii. ⸺ usagi yuzuha. act ii. ⸺ arisu ryohei. act ii. ⸺ niragi suguru. act ii. ⸺ mira kano. act ii. ⸺ robin sherbatsky. act ii. ⸺ marshall eriksen. act ii. ⸺ barney stinson. act ii. ⸺ lily aldrin. act ii. ⸺ ted mosby. act ii. ⸺ tracy mcconnell. act ii. ⸺ leonard hofstadter. act ii. ⸺ melissa cooper. act ii. ⸺ michael langdon. act ii. ⸺ pugsley addams. act ii. ⸺ morticia addams. act ii. ⸺ gomez addams. act ii. ⸺ thing. act ii. ⸺ uncle fester. act ii. ⸺ ophelia frump. act ii. ⸺ lenora frump. act ii. ⸺ lurch. act ii. ⸺ evelynn. act ii. ⸺ jinx. act ii. ⸺ caitlyn. act ii. ⸺ stereotypical barbie. act ii. ⸺ singer barbie. act ii. ⸺ beach ken. act ii. ⸺ backflip ken. act ii. ⸺ magician ken. act ii. ⸺ allan. act ii. ⸺ teresa. act ii. ⸺ raquelle. act ii. ⸺ harley quinn. act ii. ⸺ joker. act ii. ⸺ peter parker. act ii. ⸺ eddie + venom. act ii. ⸺ morgan stark. act ii. ⸺ cheryl blossom. act ii. ⸺ georgiana dumitrescu. act ii. ⸺ viviana olteanu. act ii. ⸺ ecaterina ivan. act ii. ⸺ narcisa lupu. act ii. ⸺ daniel. act ii. ⸺ parascheva.
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act iii. the camouflage
THE VAMPIRE DIARIES: [ #vampires hide ] ALICE IN BORDERLAND : [ #gamers hide ] HOGWARTS UNIVERSE: [ #wizards hide ] DISNEY : [ #fairytale hide ] STRANGER THINGS: [ #experiments hide ] SCOOBY DOO: [ #meddlers hide ] THE LOST BOYS: [ #night sluts hide ] HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER: [ #fahrampton hide ] THE BIG BANG THEORY: [ #geniuses hide ] AMERICAN HORROR STORY: [ #monsters hide ] ADDAMS FAMILY: [ #goths hide ] LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: [ #champtions hide ] MATTEL / BARBIE WORLD : [ #dolls hide ] DC COMICS & MARVEL : [ #heroes hide ] ARCHIE COMICS : [ #horrors hide ] MYTHOLOGY: [ #folklore hide ]
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