pkmn-downtheline · 8 months
Hi! I made these memes. I have plans to make more for Valentine's Day, but I'm sending these now because otherwise there will be too many. (I have a weakness for Nick x Briar, sorry)
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kasuria · 9 years
Cute date ideas for Briar and Allie
- karaoke (Allie’s fav) - Hoenn Rangers marathon (Briar’s fav) - Horror movie marathon (Not Briar’s fav) - Going out to dance or going to festivals - Exploring haunted places (Definitely not Briar’s fav) - Go to contests - Training dates for contests - Visiting historical places (Briar enjoys the history, Allie enjoys the legends) - Shopping for contests together (Allie gives him fashion advice for contest outfits) - Seeing who can last the longest in a graveyard (Allie’s idea, Briar always loses)
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pkmn-downtheline · 8 months
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I made these memes for Valentine's Day! hope you like them. "Yes, they are a bit poorly edited, haha."
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pkmn-downtheline · 3 years
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PdTL + Various posts
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pkmn-downtheline · 4 years
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Love power!
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pkmn-downtheline · 5 years
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Pokemon Fankid Week Day 5: Romance/Shipping
Happy Valentine’s Day! I like to think that in the Pokemon world it’s tradition to give chocolates to someone you like inside of a Love Ball on Valentine’s Day!
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pkmn-downtheline · 5 years
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Read The Dance here!
Summary: Losing a Grand Festival sucks--both Briar and Allie know that. Actionidolshipping. One-shot.
[Light Romance, Rated K, 2,320 words total]
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pkmn-downtheline · 5 years
Coffee Shop AU
I was going through my things and found this actionidol coffee shop AU I started writing over 3 years ago. I have no idea where I was going with it, but this one scene is complete, so I figured I’d just post it here anyways. Enjoy!
Briar could have never imagined how much of a process it was to make a simple drink until he started working at Celadon Coffee. Each customer who walked into the store had their very own specifications for their drink—two pumps of caramel or light on the cream or no milk—that it felt as though no two cups he filled were exactly alike. It was a lot to learn at first, but soon enough Briar was finding himself getting into the swing of things.
As he wiped down the counter, Briar took a look around the store. For a Thursday afternoon, the place was relatively busy—Celadon University students filling nearly every table in the shop. Many of them had books and laptops out, completely absorbed in their work. Briar grimaced at the painful reminder of the art project sitting on his desk at home. It was due tomorrow, and he still had a good amount to get done. He scolded himself internally for putting it off until the last minute.
“Hey, Briar.”
Pulled from his thoughts by the sound of his name, Briar blinked to see his boss, Kenny, standing a few feet behind him.
Straightening out, Briar fixed his apron. “Yeah?”
“You any good with chalk?” Kenny asked, holding up a yellow box.
Briar’s brows furrowed in mild confusion. “Well, more or less, I guess. I mean, I’ve used it before for projects and stuff,” he said, looking back to Kenny. “Why?”
“Good enough,” Kenny decided, placing the box in Briar’s hands. “Since we started selling that spiced apple chai today, I wanted to advertise it on the chalk board out front.” He cracked a lop-sided grin and scratched a cheek with his finger. “But Leona says I’m not exactly the artsy type—so do you think you could whip something together for me?”
Briar’s brows raised in surprise as he looked down at the box in his hands. Upon opening the box up, he saw several different colors of chalk looking back up at him. Taking a quick breath, Briar shot his boss a smile and nodded. “I’m on it.”
“Awesome,” Kenny said, sounding relieved as he pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it off to Briar. “Just write this on the board—maybe draw an apple or two.” He gave Briar a pat on the shoulder and winked. “Go wild.”
With that being said and done, Briar made his way outside to the chalkboard that was mounted on the wall outside of the store. Using a cloth, he wiped away the old writing until the board was clean. He looked down at the piece of paper Kenny had handed off to him.
‘Come in and try our new spiced apple chai today! Limited time only!’
It was simple enough and gave Briar plenty of room to play around with potential fonts, boarders, and images. Taking out the first piece of chalk, he began his work.
He had to admit, a part of him was glad that he got the chance to spend a little bit of his work shift outside that day. It was the first warm day that they had had in a while, and the amount of people sitting at the outside tables was an indication of that.
Briar was able to pick out a few regulars sitting around him. At the table nearest to him were a blonde girl and a dark haired girl whose names he remembered being Kierra and Skye. A mountain of books sat in front of them, and Kierra was pointing at an equation written in the notebook she held in her hands. Skye was slouched in her seat, looking away with mild disinterest as she swished the drink in her hand. Briar had always assumed that they chose this coffee shop for some kind of tutoring set-up.
Sitting near them he saw another girl, Lizzie, appeared to be completely absorbed in the book she held in her hands—so much so that she failed to even notice the boy sitting behind her spill his coffee all over the table. The boy, whose name Briar was pretty sure was Nick, only laughed and began wiping it up with a napkin. The girl sitting across from him was blushing furiously and looking around to see if anyone was staring. Briar wondered if they were on a date.
Over all, it was a relatively normal day at the shop, and Briar felt thankful that he got to spend at least a little bit of time out in the good weather. Taking a step back, Briar observed his work thus far. He had been attempting to go for a large, bold font that would catch the eye of anyone walking past the shop. The boarders were light and curvy, as to draw more attention to the actual words in the center. Now all he had to do was draw some apples and be done with it. Stepping back forward, Briar pulled out the red and green pieces of chalk and started to sketch the outlines of the fruit across the board.
“Wow, you’re quite the artist, huh?”
The voice made Briar pause, and he looked away from the apple he was drawing to focus his attention on the girl who was now standing next to him. She looked as though she had just come out of the shop, a coffee in hand as the door just happened to shut behind her. She brushed her fingertips against the ends of her light brown hair as her sharp eyes focused on the chalkboard with curious interest.
Briar blinked a few times, processing as he looked between the girl and his drawing before quickly shaking it off. He let out a small laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. “Oh, thank you,” he said, offering a smile. “My boss wanted me to ‘go wild’.” He looked back to the apples on the board. “But I think you can only go so wild with apples.”
The girl put a hand to her mouth, letting out a small giggle. “Well, I like it,” she complimented, and for whatever reason Briar felt his cheeks flush just the slightest. The girl didn’t seem to notice as she leaned over to get a better look at the sign. “Spiced apple chai, hm?” she mused.
Inhaling quickly, Briar shook it off and cracked a smile, holding up a finger. “Yeah—it’s our new flavor,” he explained matter-of-factly before closing his eyes. “But for a limited time only.”
“Then I’ll have to get it before it’s gone,” she said, adjusting the strap of her purse. “I’ll be sure to try it the next time I’m in.”
Briar grinned. “I’m sure my boss will be happy to know that.”
The girl let out a small laugh, but then blinked when her phone began to buzz. Blinking, she looked down and pulled it out. “Oh, sorry. I have to take this,” she apologized. She began to turn her back to him, but then looked at him once more, cracking a smile and shooting him a wink. “Keep up the good work, Briar.”
With that, she turned around and walked away.
Briar felt the heat returning to his cheeks as he began to wonder how she knew his name. His thoughts were broken when he heard a snort coming from Skye. Blinking, he turned around to see her snickering in her seat—presumably having watched their interaction. Kierra scowled, leaning over the table to swat her head with a piece of rolled up paper—scolding her to pay attention.
Briar pursed his lips in embarrassment before turning back to the chalkboard. As he did, he noticed the light reflect off of a piece of metal pinned to his chest. Looking down, he suddenly felt stupid.
His nametag.
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pkmn-downtheline · 6 years
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Kelly’s doodles for this week!
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pkmn-downtheline · 6 years
Briar and Allie, 18
18. “This is without a doubt the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. Of course I’m in.”
“So that’s when I come descending from the ceiling on Charizard’s back,” Briar explained, running his pen in rapid motions along his sketchbook before looking at Allie with a confident smile. “Got it?”
Allie stared down at the drawing in front of her with blank eyes. It was a rough sketch of his idea for their tag-team appeal for a special exhibition contest they were entering together. She had decided to give Briar the luxury of holding the reins on their appeal, and he had really taken it to the next level.
Briar had insisted that they both dress up in his signature superhero costumes–something that was quite a ways off from Allie’s usual cutesy idol look. In fact, the entire appeal was a bit outside of Allie’s comfort zone with lots of explosions and hard-hitting moves. Per the norm, Briar had obviously taken heavy influence from his manga and comic books.
But even aside from all of that, the whole thing seemed to be less of a contest appeal and more like something out of a Pokemon Showcase. The amount of trainer involvement he wanted wasn’t typical of appeals, and she wasn’t sure how the judges would feel about that. Seemed like a risky move.
“This is without a doubt the stupidest plan you’ve ever had,” Allie admitted, and Briar frowned. She then closed her eyes and smiled. “Of course I’m in.”
Briar’s face lit up and he jumped to his feet. “What? Really?”
“I said of course, didn’t I?” Allie repeated, giving him a light tap on the nose. “I’m not sure how the judges are going to like it, but it sounds like fun. Different, but fun.”
Briar gave her a lopsided grin. “That’s the point.” He placed his hands on his hips, puffing out his chest confidently. “And don’t worry about the judges, we’re gonna blow them out of the water.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Allie drawled, giving Briar a gentle push forward. “Then let’s stop our talking and get to practicing, Mr. Pallet Jade.”
“Roger that!”
Send us a number and 2 or more characters!
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pkmn-downtheline · 8 years
We all know how Gary feels about Aiden and Calla, but how does he feel about Briar and Allie? How do May and Drew feel about Briar and Allie?
Gary and Leaf are really glad that Briar is with Allie. They didn’t reallyget the chance to know her until after the two started dating, but they learnedto like her quickly. Gary and Leaf tease Briar a lot about how someone like himwas able to end up with someone like Allie. They question how she’s able to putup with all of his superhero antics, and are kind of surprised to see that sheenjoys them. So in the end, they think she’s a good fit for him.
May and Drew like Briar a lot! They like how level-headed and mature he is.May especially really likes Briar. She’s been watching him grow as acoordinator for a while, so she’s happy to hear that he forms a rivalry with,and later dates Allie.
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pkmn-downtheline · 8 years
I was wondering if you guys have any small headcanons of your fankids shippings
Allie and Briar love going to festivals together. Whenever they go, Allie is sure to buy Briar a charm, each one giving him good luck or fortune in a different area of life. Briar saves all of them and usually keeps at least one on him at all times (he switches them out with one another). Also, Briar loves seeing Allie wearing cute kimonos or yukatas--he gets a lot of art inspiration from the colors and patterns! (Plus, she looks super cute).
The first time Nick saw Emilie, she sped by him on her rollerblades. Impressed by her speed, Nick decided to chase her on his bike so that he could talk to her. Unsure as to why this boy on his bike was suddenly chasing her down so quickly, Emilie assumed he was some kind of creep, panicked and attempted to get away as quickly as she could. Their high speed chase lasted for about 5 minutes until Emilie tripped over a root and crashed to the ground--Nick quickly coming to her aid. She was incredibly embarrassed to learn that he wasn’t a creep at all, and that she had just been overreacting.
When Misty isn’t using it, Skye sometimes likes to be able to take Misty’s boat out in the water around Pallet so that Wartortle can swim in the ocean. She likes to have Lizzie accompany her, and Lizzie’s Floatzel and Feraligatr keep Wartortle company too. The two like going out on the boat a lot because it’s private and quiet, but being out on the ocean adds a sense of adventure to it. Also, ocean battles.
Amber is incredibly camera-shy, but Coda always tries to film her anyways. He especially likes to film her battles--claiming that she seems to having more confidence when battling, and that she and her Pokemon look great on camera because of it.
Sorrel has a hidden love for punk music that he doesn’t like to admit to. He adores Cade’s music, and will usually listen to it on his phone with earbuds in while he’s cooking. He claims it gives him inspiration for more flavorful recipes.
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pkmn-downtheline · 9 years
Howd allie and briar realize they started liking each other? What was their first date like hehe
We don’t have a specific moment planned just yet--but it is kind of a gradual thing for the both of them. Once they do realize it though, they bot decide to keep their feelings down low. Allie and Briar are both really busy with their careers as coordinators, and tabloids make things difficult.
We don’t know what their first date would be like just yet either! But it’s probably relatively low-key. They try to keep their relationship sort of out of the public eye for a little while to prevent rumors and magazine articles and stuff. It makes their careers a lot less of a hassle.
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pkmn-downtheline · 9 years
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Allie is just happy to have fun dancing while Briar can’t seem to focus on dancing
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pkmn-downtheline · 9 years
Every even number (that you haven't answered) for ActionIdol!
That’s a lot, so I’m just gonna go with the evens for 30-40!!
how do they cuddle? when and where? Allie and Briar love to cuddle! They aren’t big on cuddling in public, but they love to cuddle when they’re alone! Briar has a tendency to cuddle up against Allie when they’re watching Allie’s favorite horror movies.
what do they smell when they smell amorentia? Allie smells parchment and ink. Briar smells floral scents and sweets.
how many emojis do they use and which ones? Allie and Briar both like using emojis--Allie more so than Briar. She really likes the hearts and faces while Briar likes the hand emojis a lot.
who sets the other’s ringtone to something loud and obnoxious behind their back? I don’t think either of them would. Briar knows that he’s a dead man if he goes anywhere near Allie’s phone. Allie might try to set her ringtone on Briar’s phone as a cute Lisia song though.
who glitterizes everything? Allie without a doubt. Their place is very sparkly.
who draws sharpie dicks on the other when they get blackout drunk? Allie. She doesn’t draw dicks though. She draws a lot of sparkles and writes things like “Shine on!” or “Hoenn Rangers Go!” on his face instead. If Briar draws anything on Allie’s face she’ll kill him.
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pkmn-downtheline · 9 years
Everything is a lot for just one post, so I’ll do the first ten!
who’s messier? Both are pretty neat, but Briar can sometimes forget to put certain things away at times. Allie is much more picky about that sort of thing.
do they fight often? Not too often, Allie and Briar are big on compromise and both are pretty level-headed. However, sometimes Allie can be particularly fussy and passive-aggressive while Briar can be particularly dry and sharp, leading to bickering. A lot of their “fighting” is them one-upping each other in smart remarks.
who’s the funnier drunk? Briar. He legit thinks he’s a superhero.
who’s uncomfortable with PDA and who loves it? Allie’s not too big on PDA, liking to keep an image for her fans. She thinks hand-holding is okay, and Briar likes hand-holding, too. He would be too embarrassed to do anything more in public anyways.
who texts more often? Allie. She especially loves sending snaps and selfies. They always brighten Briar’s day a little.
big spoon/little spoon? Briar is the big spoon, while Allie is the little spoon! Sometimes Allie likes to be the big spoon if Briar is wearing a cologne she particularly likes.
who made the 1st move? Allie was the one who began flirting and dropping hints. Once Briar realized this he became a nervous wreck, having no idea what to do while. Allie would be more likely to make the first move, leaving Briar speechless.
any nicknames? They teasingly call each other by their known stage names, purposely getting them wrong when saying them.
the most embarrassing music on their phone? Briar has the Hoenn Rangers Theme on his phone. Allie laughs whenever it plays on accident and he has to quickly shut it off.
what’s “their song”? All About Us by He Is We ft. Owl City
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