dorayakimanjiro · 1 year
BOTW Revali HCs
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Here's some headcanons cuz I miss sassy bird man. WHO AM I KIDDING?! I LOVE THIS BIRD MAN MOM, I LOVE HIM- 😩😭😢🥺
He's an orphan.
Or maybe he had parents but something bad happened to them when he was a fledgling, bcuz I don't like the idea of them abandoning Revali :,(
(If that were the case, then it was a canon event 💀)
Has a real soft spot for kids.
He literally made the Flight Range public for the kids, who looked up to him and wanted to train to be like him......GURL, I'M UGLY CRYING AND SCREAMING- (This is in his diary btw)
HIGHKEY CRINGES when a kid does something cringe or stupid, but he's nice enough to not say a single word to them. (BESTIE SAME)
He learned how to use the bow on his own, no instructor nor teacher taugh him.
Sometimes he feels like there's an empty hole in his heart🥺🥺🥺 (Shh don't worry babygirl I gotchu 😔🙌🫶)
He tries to cover it with his sassy and mean actittude and for the same reason he proves himself to be the best and get recognition from anyone. (I think this one is pretty obvious)
Feels alone and empty when watching families and couples on the village and doesn't exteriories it. :,,,,,,(
When he was given Vah Medoh, he used it as a safe and comfort place.
(It's literal written in his diary, it said Revali flied to Vah Medoh for solace after his encounter with Link who didn't gave a single thought about Revali's skills, no hate intented for link tho)
I love the fact he doesn't care about titles, if you're strong you show it, referring to ones strenght doesn't come from a label but from their capabilities and prowess.
Idk if any of you guys knew it, cuz i didn't til recently, that in that one cutscene in BOTW, where we first "met" Revali, he used his Gale to impress link and did it despite knowing there was a great possibility of failure since it was brand new. This only tells me he would do ABSOLUTE ANYTHING to get a reaction out of someone how's have captive his interest.
That's it for the night, it's 1:30am and I should probably go to sleep. Maybe I'll do a part 2.
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selev-shirogane · 9 months
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The original idea and final design of her - 2024
•Pecky Delaink•
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The second most important family of France, known for being perfectionists, the Delaink family always tried to be better than the Borbón family, so when their first daughter; Pecky was born they were disappointed of her because of her condition, so they never took any attention to her and her parents never knowed about all the abuse she went through by the Borbón's older daughter Amelie, her and their younger brother always bullied her because how she looked, it wasn't just verbal abuse that she received but fisical too, causing her a hyphema one of those occasions, Pecky's family took advantage of the situation to ruin Borbón's family reputation so they can take the title of the most important and respectable family, when Pecky was 7 years old ( one year after the accident with Amelie ) her younger brother named André was born.
At her 13 years old the family hired a new butler, Selvior, becoming Delaink's main butler and the first person who Pecky considered her friend, he always took care of her and supported her decisions, when Pecky take the decision of dye her hair in an act of rebellion against the strict rules of her parents, Selvior helped her in the process. In one of her birthdays he gave her a ring as a present, she uses it everyday.
Pecky's parents never let her to out because they didn't wanted to take care of the special care that Pecky would need by exposing herself in the sun for so long but with Selvior was different, he was willing to take care of her in every situation so she started to take short walks in which on 2 occasions she met 2 people who would be very important in her life, being Connie the first one and Michael the second person.
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Pecky is a 16 year old albino girl, since she was a child she always used fancy clothes and makeup because of her parents, she doesn't dislikes it but sometimes she just want to use whatever she wants even if isn't the type of clothes someone of her position should use ( her parents told her that). She can barely see trough her fractured eye but it doesn't seems to bother her a lot but the way it looks make her feel self-conscious sometimes.
She's a very kind person even with her own parents and people like Amelie, it's difficult to her when it comes to put limits so usually people abuse of her kindness.
She's very open to meet new people even if her parents don't let her mix with other people that aren't of their circle of "important and rich" people.
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Michael A.
After a rough discussion with her parents, Pecky went out to another walk but now alone so it's when she entered into a circus show just to get distracted, now in the circus Michael saw Pecky who was notorious sad and crying a little bit so trying to cheer her up he invited her to participate in the circus act where people of the public can help, it helped her to distract and forget the problems she had just for a few minutes so she started to frequent the circus more and more, becoming a big friend of almost all the circus staff including Michael, after a few days she fell in love with Michael because apart of Selvior, he was the most supportive person she ever met and maked her fell safe.
( a little extra because yes, this was the outfit that Pecky was using when she met Michael)
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In one of her short walks along with Selvior, she saw Connie injuried and crying so she approached to help her, when Connie told her about her situation Pecky was very supportive with her and becomed her best friend for a whole year but because some troubles with Connie's actittude and her disappointment about Pecky's feelings for Michael, their friendship was ruined and now Pecky just want to be as far away from her as possible.
He was introduced to the Delaink family by André and he becomed the main butler of the family, despite his mysterious appearance he was a very good friend for Pecky, she didn't trust him at first but after seeing how kind he was to her she felt very safe around him, even if Selvior is more close to André he still cares of Pecky so much and he usually uses nicknames like "my lady" "young lady" and "little princess" with her, that makes Pecky a little embarrassed but she likes it.
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I'll just put them in her relationships for now because I want her brother and the circus staff to have their information in their own post, obviously Michael, Connie and Selvior will still have their separate posts but since they're the most important relationships of Pecky I wanted to include them in her post, in their respective posts I am going to show how they look like
(Connie with her new rework)
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Well, FINALLY I CAN SHOW MY ORIGINAL IDEA FULL OF MY OWN CHARACTERS AAAA ;;; I'M SO HAPPY 🖤🖤🖤 I'll make all the art for every character and the Connie ones because I lost them all when my phone died-- so it will take me soooo much time but I'll try to make it as fast I can ;;; 🖤
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zap0ch0s · 1 year
so @9-punk told me that creepy 9 reminds her of welcome home, and that got me an idea that was stuck in my head b y a long time:
my inspirations of 9 PE AU:
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a bit of wally darling (obcviously) with a creepy ass face and sometimes a misterious creepy acttitude:
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a bit of pennywise by creepy metamorphosys:
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a bit of light yagami by..... an evil maniac laugher:
a bit of gasai yuno with a soft but dangerous yandere actittude:
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and I have no more inspirations, any ideas that 9 PE AU reminds you of?
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methinmycoffee · 2 years
I'm the anon that confused Craig and Stan.
Yes you right, it's the resting bored bitch face,the black hair ,the blue hat,and the "I'm done with some ppl being stupid" actittude
I was listening to "We are not the same person" by Danny gonzalez, I came up with this.
Craig: People think I'm copying Stan's personality
Stan : People think I'm copying Craig's personality.
Stan & Craig : We copy Percy Jackson
I LOVE THAT SONG!!!!!! Also yes, surface level they are very similar and I totally understand how you could get them confused. Just remember:
Fully Canonically gay-Craig
Not quite canonically gay (but pretty darn close)- Stan
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mrchalamet-mrstyles · 2 years
Opinion on randomluck-ofthe-universe? I think they're a fence-sitter that ships Tim and Taylor but is too afraid to lose her following. At least as much as I hate Monica and Steph they had the balls to crearly say that they don't support charmie nor Armando Cannibal Hammer anymore, she's just really pathetic in her attempts to prevent being called out for her bullshit actittude tbh.
I have less than zero opinion as I don't follow them or know anything about them. I do not respect fence sitters in any way.
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mreyespimentel · 7 years
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Buen dia, buena semana... Shalom, shavua tov... Te deseo un lindo inicio de semana, empieza por sonreír y mostrar una agradable actitud. Si le pones ganas a todo lo que haces verás que la vida te tratará con gratitud. Esa es la actitud...
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amairanymontoya · 7 years
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The only thing I need this 2018
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kissesdehersheys · 7 years
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Poison Ivy  dir.  Katt Shea  (1992) Ivy and Sylvie
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apinkline2715 · 3 years
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I can be your paradise
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silentfelidadlove · 7 years
Lo quiero pero me hace dudar mucho esta actitud
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roxe-kun · 6 years
Im like... the only one that remember the movio Simbad and feeling like Rivamika can fit them?? 
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kairosmemories-blog · 8 years
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Shooting with a great actress <3
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hmcdreamcast2022 · 3 years
I present to you, our Lettie Hatter:
English, 29 years old
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I think she's perfect, she has beauty, and actittude, just like the Diana Wynne Jones Girls. Her blue eyes and dark hair are perfect, and she looks young and healthy
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javitrulovesims · 3 years
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Week 2. The Blue Ball - Part 1
This week is BALL WEEK one of my favorite challenges to participate and watch. I struggled a bit with a couple of the categories but i think Miss Ambrosia Delivered every single look. So... Lets get this Ball Started!
The First Category is... Blue Betta Work!
First Look was an ode to the Blue Collar working girls. Miss Ambrosia strut the runway in this cute Blue 1950's Inspired Waitress Ensemble. Soft Makeup, Soft Hair and a HARSH actittude. Fun fact, Before starting in the Drag World, Miss Ambrosia Delight was a Waitress so, this feels like right on her alley.
Want some French Fries with your order Sugar?
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