#actor’s mask tries to write!
actorsmask · 4 months
🎭 Song Challenge 🎭
Share at least 5 songs that you associate with or remind you of your muse!
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Love Like You - Rebecca Sugar
I always thought I might be bad
Now I’m sure that it’s true
‘Cause I think you’re so good
And I’m nothing like you
Look at you go
I just adore you
I wish that I knew
What makes you think I’m so special
Moral of the Story - Ashe
Talking with my mother
She said, “Where’d you find this guy?”
Said, “Some peoeple fall in love with the wrong people sometimes.”
Some mistakes get made, that’s alright, that’s okay
You can think that you’re in love, when you’re really just in pain
Some mistakes get made, that’s alright, that’s okay
In the end it’s better for me, that’s the moral of the story babe
Poison - Blake Roman
I got so good at being untrue
I got so good at telling you what you wanna hear
I disassociate, disappear
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
So far beyond difficult to resist another gulp
Yeah, I know it’s poison, you’re feedin’ me poison
I’m chokin’ from the taste and I can’t help but swallow up your poison
I made my choice, and every night, I’m wasted like there’s no tomorrow
Se mettre sur son trente-et un ! - HOYO-MiX
Le monde n’est qu’une scène (The world is just a stage)
Il vaut mieux rire que pleurer (It’s better to laugh than to cry)
Car le rore est le propre de l’homme (Because laughter is unique to man)
Riez de tout cela, ne vous inquiétez pas (Laugh it all, don’t worry)
Portions d’aujoird’hui (Let’s enjoy today)
Happy Face - Jagwar Twin
Hey, put on a happy face
Then everything’s okay
Put on a happy face
Say you’re good, say you’re fine
Tell ‘em everything’s alright
Hollywood on your timeline
Telling you what to wear and what to like and how to be
All Too Well (10 Minute Version) - Taylor Swift
Well, maybe we got lost in translation
Maybe I asked for too much
But maybe this thing was a masterpiece ‘til you tore it all up
Running scared, I was tjere
I remember it all too well
And you call me up again just to break me like a promise
So casually cruel in the name of being honest
I’m a crumpled up piece of paper lying here
‘Cause I remember it all, all, all
They say, “All’s well that ends well” but I’m in a new hell everytime
You double-cross my mind
Time won’t fly, it’s like I’m paralyzed by it
I’d like to be my old self again
But I’m still trying to find it
After plaid shirt days and nights when you made me your own
Now you mail back my things, and I walk home alone
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Tagged by: @masked-genie
Tagging: @4a-t5u, @arc1t3ct, @spaceoddityhsr! You may join even if you aren’t tagged :)))
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a-very-tired-jew · 2 months
Columbia University's Joint Anti-Israel Groups Go Mask Off
Hey, remember how Columbia University had students in encampments protesting for months? Remember how their SJP, BDS movement, and associated groups endorsed terrorism, violence, and "resistance by any means"?
I remember. Well their joint SJP and BDS group called CU Apartheid Divest just posted something to their Instagram that shows it has never been about Palestine or Palestinians.
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Fig. 1. CU Apartheid Divest group, made of SJP, BDS, and other groups openly admits that they are anti-Western Civilization
Read that again.
"We are Westerners fighting for the total eradication of Western civilization."
That's a wild statement to make.
So what are they posting about suddenly that has them revealing their intent for their actions since October?
The CU Activists are attempting to liken October 7th attack by Hamas with the Bangladesh student protests. Bangladesh had a quota based employment system that students were protesting, the government responded violently, and everything escalated from there due to years of government corruption, violence, and economic turmoil. This was a protest turned revolution within a country by its own people. This was not a government run by a recognized terrorist group attacking another country, killing civilians, and taking them hostage.
However, the differences and reasons between Hamas's actions and the actions of the students in Bangladesh do not matter to the anti-Zionist Activist.
We've seen this repeatedly from these activists that they will try to liken their movement and/or attach it to other conflicts around the world. Many of these conflicts differ greatly from the Israel/Hamas war as they are internal issues with internal actors being involved.
Bangladesh is students protesting against their government.
Sudan is going through a civil war between various factions.
The Congo has been experiencing decades long violence as various militias fight each other for control.
Yet I've see anti-Israel protestors tag their posts with Free Bangladesh, Free Congo, Free Sudan even though these conflicts differ in origin and parties involved.
If you continue through the IG post you'll see very little information as to the cause of the protest/revolution in Bangladesh and continued attempts to coopt the actions for their movement.
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Fig. 2. CU Apartheid Divest group tries to liken its student movements to the student protests in Bangladesh and calls to escalate.
I can't help but think that the CU student activists yearn to be oppressed in a way that would allow them to respond like revolutions and protests around the world. The way they speak and write exudes a yearning for violence. In Fig. 2. they detail the actions taken by students against an authoritarian government that has actively shot and killed protestors. Whereas here in the USA the students were forcibly removed from campuses, experienced some police violence, were arrested, and then released. No curfews with a shoot on sight policy were imposed here in the USA in response to college campus protests.
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Fig. 3. CU Apartheid Divest classifies this as an Intifada and likens it to Hamas's attack.
Notice in Fig. 3. that they're trying to call the actions in Bangladesh an Intifada. Not an intifada, but an Intifada which is a proper noun with its own connotation. I know I may be a stickler here, but if I see that word capitalized then I know it's referencing the First and Second Intifadas, and I know that these student groups have been calling for a Third one under the guise of "Global Intifada". They also say that Westerners need to escalate and are "obligated" to do so.
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Fig. 4. CU Apartheid Divest uses tankie terminology, refers to Bangladeshis as martyrs, and calls this part of the Global Intifada.
The terminology in Fig. 4. also shows how much the Free Palestine student movement in the USA is not actually about Palestine, Palestinians, or any other movement it tries to attach itself to. These are tankies as indicated by the use of "comrades" and they are wholly opposed to Western Civilization. They genuinely state that their movement should violently escalate here in the USA and that they should be prepared for "sacrifices". This language when coupled with the use of Intifada is alarming as it appears that these student activists are preparing to follow in the footsteps of the Second Intifada, or at the very least calling for others to do so.
These students, whom call themselves the Militants of Hind's Hall (seen in the IG post, but not pictured here), are coopting, or attempting to coopt, movements and conflicts from around the world for their own ideals. As these are students in the USA who are arguably experiencing the least amount of oppression when compared to these other conflicts, and are actively attending Ivy League or R1 universities, it can only be assumed that they're yearning to live out their Glorious Revolution fantasy.
I am under no illusion that I understand their reasoning. Are things perfect here in the USA? Of course not, but when compared to the countries that these student protestors are attaching themselves to, we are leaps and bounds better. And if you disagree, then I have to ask, when was the last time we had a curfew with a shoot on sight policy?
Anyone attempting to call this movement and group "peaceful" is naive. They've been telling you for months that they're not peaceful, that their goals are not peaceful, and that the only peace they want is after they commit violence.
The IG link for reference
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namjooningera · 3 months
Ghost face Toji! and his little helper
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Characters: Toji, y/n, victims
A/n: hehe. So I read some ghost face JJK ffs and I was just thinking that instead of y/n being the victim what if she helped ghost face instead? 😋 his lil helper. Also first time writing smut so :p
TW: ghost face, death of background characters (by stabbing), lowkey gore, reader is lowkey sociopathic/very much delusional, smutttt, cowgirl, size difference
“Nghhh! Toji! A-ah!” You whined, being bounced on his massive member, trying to claw at anything that would give you some comfort.
“Y-you can take it, yeah? And it’s ghost face, doll.” He gripped your hips and laid below you, as you bounced mercilessly on his cock.
Bodies laid on the floor near you two, blood seeping from them and staining the concrete floors. Beer bottles broken and medr over party supplies littering the floors.
You bounced on his cock around the dead bodies, the knife from your little hand dropping to the floor as you pressed your hands against his chest for leverage.
“Atta girl, that’s it.” He chuckled beneath you, breathlessly, his bloody mask halfway off while he fucked up into you.
You stand at the streets of Shibuya, behind chains led by security, watching as celebrities walk past on the red carpet.
You try to squeeze past, to see your favorite movie actors, singers, models, pass you by on the red carpet. Looking as dazzling as ever. You’d like to be them. You need to be them.
It’s been your only wish since you were a kid. You rush over around the squads of people and paparazzi, trying desperately to get the attention of the famous people.
You watch as their heels click on the red carpet, brushing past like the watchers were nothing but dust. No care in the world but their own fame, and you desperately crave that kind of life.
The cameras, the lights, the people. It’s all you wanted.
Ever since you were a little kid, orphaned young and too early. You’d sneak down in the basement of the orphanage where you lived, where a small tv was, and you’d sit in front of it criss-crossed. You’d watch the actors, musicians, models and famous people on the tv, when they’d walk the red carpet, appear in the gala, make their name and grow fanbases. The way the cameras zoomed on them, and the lights framed their faces. The paparazzi that chased them with cameras, flashing lights and the way the celebrities would pose.
You tried everything to be like them.
Signed model contracts, auditioned for background acting roles, you sang and danced, even uploaded videos on social media.
And nothing.
You didn’t get famous, you didn’t have cameras in your face, and you didn’t end up on tv or the news. Well, except once.
You ended up on the news. Once.
You remember it like it was yesterday. The way the other kids and adults taunted you. Telling you you’d never be famous. At first, they gave you the benefit of the doubt. A cute kid auditioning? You might as well get the part at some point. A commercial or some small acting role, something. But you didn’t. And they laughed. Told you to give up and your little dream would never happen. You knew it wasn’t your fault you didn’t get the role, the people you bypassed you were those with connections and nepo-babies. You didn’t stand a chance.
But their taunting never stopped, they probably would’ve if you gave up on your little dream, but you didn’t. You continued plastering celeb posters on your walls, drawing stick figures of you on the red carpet, and singing in the halls of the orphanage. All because you thought, no, you knew you’d be famous at some point.
So they ripped up your posters, your drawings, and would hit you every time they heard you sing or saw you dance. They all thought you were pathetic, and the adults who ran the orphanage started to as well.
At first they didn’t mind signing up some cute kid for these random positions, auditions. Maybe your fame would bring more money to the orphanage? But the more you asked and failed, the more you tried, they got pissed off.
At one point getting physical with you, after calling you a delusional freak they started to smack you around just like the kids. Telling you to give up, and just try to get adopted like any other kid.
But when the adults came in to adopt, they’d meet with the kids to see if they were allegeable.
They thought nothing could go wrong with a cute kid like you, but when they met with you, they lost patience with you, hearing you go on and on about how famous you were gonna be. Showing them photos of your favorite celebs and explaining that you’d make it farther than them. You were only a kid.
“Umm maybe something more realistic? How about a doctor sweetie? Or maybe a teacher?”
You looked at them weird. “Doctor? Teacher? I’m gonna be famous! Actor! Singer!” You sang. And their smiles dropped.
But soon adults stopped asking for you and you became shadowed. Didn’t matter how many cute faces you made or how mature you acted, they’d never choose you.
You watched as kids got picked by happy families, and you grew older as you were left behind. But this just made your dream grow. You know all the best celebs come from darker backgrounds, so you’d probably end up the most famous, right?
But the taunting never stopped. And as years went by it just got worse. It became the worse when you finally got your hands on a signed celebrity poster. A signed one. Your favorite celebrity. You had snuck out of the orphanage to get it signed, and the woman was so nice to you.
She told you she believed in you. And that was the first time you’d ever heard that.
But when you came back with it, shining, your face glowing and a smile wide and happy. They took your poster and ripped it to shreds.
Ripped your signed poster to shreds.
Told you, you were an idiot, and your favorite celebrity was an idiot, and you’d come to nothing.
And how you ended up on the news for the first time? You set the orphanage to blaze. Set it on fire. Years of taunting and torture, you’d burn it all to the floor. And rise above everyone.
You remember the news truck running to you, one of the only kids left standing. Pointing the mics in your face and camera straight at you, the news lady asking you to give a statement, to tell them what happened, how you feel.
Everyone was looking at you.
Everyone was awestruck.
Your remember that feeling like it was yesterday. And you remember the excellent way you played victim in front of the cameras.
All those auditions, those practices when you’d act by script in your little orphanage room, or you’d watch tapes in the basement on how to improve your acting. They all helped that day, that day where you shined on camera, acted your heart out and made everyone’s eyes tear up in how emotional you were. How you explained that a fire started and took out so many of your friends. That you were just some lonesome orphan, a victim.
That same week you got adopted. Well, basically. You were taken in as a foster child. Turns out one of the firefighters at the orphanage that day heard your little ramble, and their heart was quenched. Took you home to their little family and supported you. That’s when you realized how much you could change everything around you with something as simple as acting.
So you acted normal.
And continued playing house.
Now your an adult, void of any job or networking, really. You had a high school diploma, but it didn’t really mean anything in the kind of jobs you wanted.
You lived in the attic of some dweeb you’ve barely seen, rooming with some girl who’s barely around. All you know is that she’s extremely nerdy, and always at some Internet cafe or in her room coding.
You also, couldn’t care less. As long as you got that lone time to plan out your next move, your next plan on how to become famous, your golden.
But you’re starting to lose hope. Even your roommate who you barely see told you to get a real job, that your government funding for being a former foster kid won’t do you much, long term.
Alas, you continue. After having your fun following the celebs and running after the limos they drove off in, you skip your way home. However, passing by a sketchy alleyway, your pulled in.
“Why shouldn’t I kill your right now?”
A deep very gruffy voice asks you.
“You seem like quite a fan. A first kill being a fan might draw some attention hm?”
You look up at him. “Excuse me?”
A mask covers his face, he’s wearing a cloak that covers his head and hair. But did that muscly hand around your neck, and the other holding you around your torso. You could scream.. for other reasons then just murder.
“So… which one is she?”
It turns out, Ghostface, he calls himself, is quite the noob in celebs and fame, news and all that. But you, are an expert.
It also turns out he’s a hired killer, someone made to kill certain celebrities, someone to… send a message. But being someone so closed off he doesn’t know anything about them, and doesn’t feel like doing his research.
“She’s right there. The one in the grey sweatpants and faking her reps?”
He was puzzled when you told him about your expertise in celeb gossip and knowledge. The way you knew exactly where a celebrity would be at the moment.
“First kill.”
Now, you crouch at the window of some elite gym. Ghost face is extremely lucky of you, you’ve done this before. Stalked them, so you know where the cameras are and where the blind spots are, too.
“Wait here, pretty.” He tells you, and his deep dark voice makes you tingle a bit.
You stay crouching at the window, peeking through as you watch this masked man follow the celebrity into the showers. You hear a cut off scream, as if he had muffled her mouth right away. And then he steps back out with blood covering his cloak.
He jumps right out the window, but instead of greeting you like regular he shoved you against the wall, and puts a cloth over your mouth.
“Sorry, lil’ stalker. Can’t have a witness around. But I’ll keep ya alive, for yer’ help.”
And you pass out.
The next morning you awake in some random motel. You can’t help but think last night was some unfortunate weird dream. But by the drops of blood that aren’t yours that stain your shirt, the headache you have from inhaling those toxins, and the man at the counter that tells you your “boyfriend” had carried you in here. You know it’s real.
Now, you’re at another gala. This time, you made your way in. You pulled some strings, and you were able to make it in as a server, helpers to the caterers.
You still think about what that masked man said, about how he was planted to kill certain celebrities, and make a splash in modern media. Some kind of show he wanted to put on. And honestly he was quite good. His first kill, which you helped with, has scorn the news and surprised journalists and the paparazzi. Everyone was confused and concerned. The first kill being in such a private place it made fans worry of their own favorite celebrities. The police searched for clues and evidence, but due to your help in blind spots of cameras and ways to scoot past security, ghost face was never caught. People all over the internet mourn the celebrity’s death, but don’t expect there to be another kill. However you know the truth. The man’s words. How she wasn’t gonna be the last. His message to media.
But you try to forget, and instead focus on making connections. You know the people here are in the big leagues, and if your able to convince them, maybe you’ll be given a chance.
That’s when you overhear some celebs talking. The extremely famous ones. The ones you’ve seen on billboards and trucks, movie posters and more. Your curious, especially when you hear them talking about an extra exclusive party in the gala, one in a private room.
You need to sneak in. And you do. You find out more about it and realize that only the highest of the servers go to cater that small private event, servers who wear a certain outfit to show they that only serve the best. That’s how you’re gonna get in. So you do the unthinkable. Well, it’s not like there was extra uniforms ying around?
So you find one of these special caterers, and break a bottle over their head. You drag their unconscious but live body into a closet, stealing their collared shirt and tie, and that special brooch that shows your elite. You lock the closet and make your way to the private exclusive room.
This is your chance. Your chance to become elite like them, to get on the news again, to be famous.
But as you open the door to the elite room, you hear screams. ‘Please let elite room for celebrities not mean secret celebrity orgies please.’ You think. But as you peek into the door, you realize it’s so much different than that.
When blood seeps through the carpet and spills, as you hear screams and see a certain familiar masked man slash one of the elite celebrities necks, they fall to the floor as they convulse, holding their neck but the bleeding continues.
They all fall to the floor one by one, and you’re stunned. Before you could leave, leave and pretend this never happened, the door is swung open by one of the celebrities, one who is apparently trying to get away, and immediately they are slashed. The blood splatters onto you, and you hold your hands up trying to stop the blood from continuing its spray onto you.
“Well look who it is.” That familiar husky voice says, holding up the head of the victim he just slashed. The blood oozes from his slashed neck, his eyes bulging out his head, eyes rolled back and almost in its skull.
The masked man drops the victim onto the floor.
“I told you I didn’t want any witnesses.” He grabs you by the throat, pulling you into the elite room before slamming your head to the wall, pinning you there with his huge hand.
“W-wait! Wait don’t do this!” You beg. Your eyes scan the room and you see all the elites littered on the floor. Something in you pulses. Something you hope is fear or empathy, but it’s something different. Almost.. satisfaction. The people who’ve ignored you like the dirt on their shoes, people who you sweared to surpass. Dead, bloody, bodies on the floor like they were simple trash.
You accidentally let out a giggle.
“What was that?”
“Umm nothing, s-sorry.” You stumble, his hands increasing its hold on your neck. “W-wait! You- your doing this as some message to the public right?”
He stops, his hand still tightly around your neck, but he softens almost. “Yeah? So?”
“W-well I want.. I want fame. I can help! Like last time! If you let me live…”
You can’t tell what his expression is, hidden under the mask, but you can tell he’s confused, and a little amused.
“And what can you help with, little dove?”
“W-well I know all their info! Every celeb, really! I can nurse you.. I umm.”
“Nurse me? Info? I don’t need that, naive doll.”
“Wait!” You whine, fighting back. “I’ll spread your word. When they see me.. as the only one standing… the news will be everywhere. Asking questions.. and I’ll answer!” He stays quiet, and you know he’s considering it. “If you kill me- nobody will know it was you… but if I live, I can tell your story! How you killed all those celebrities in cold blood… The cold blooded killer Ghostface… I’ll relay whatever message you need me to say.”
His hand softens around your neck, but he still keeps a hold of you. The tip of his knife makes its way up your torso to your neck, right under his hand, where he pokes your skin.
“And what would you get out of that, little dove?”
“Fame. And my life… but fame. I’ll.. I’ll be on the news.” You sigh, almost of happiness at just the thought. “People will be looking to me.. the last standing victim.” ‘-like last time’ you wanna say.
He huffs. “As a victim, you don’t look very disheveled, do you?”
You look at him weirdly, confused, until he throws you down at the only spotless part of the carpet. You gasp, feeling your back thud against it, about to fight until he lands on top of you, pulling and tugging at your shirt.
“Yer’ sure cute. But look way t’satisfied with yourself to be a victim.”
“L-let me be your victim.” You sigh out, shakily. Hearing that, his hands rip your shirt off, and your arms go up to cover your lacy bra, whining at the intrusion.
He’s growling, obviously extremely satisfied with your little statement, and he’s shoving and tugging your pants down. “You’ll be way to disheveled after this- they’ll know you became my lil’ victim.”
“P-please.” You whine. You don’t know why, but his big muscly fucking body, that hand that had clasped around your neck had made you drip with excitement. He was just so big and so much taller, his biceps and muscles just busting through his cloak- god did it turn you on. He was like a monster. And you knew what was hiding in his pants was no less then terrifying.
He tugs down your lacy bra, bunching up your boobs as it bunches under your chest. He chuckles and tugs at your right nipple, smirking at your little whines and gasps as he continues to tug and twist. It leans down to swirl his tongue around your left nipple, giving it some attention, sucking softly and nibbling down a bit. If he’s this good with your nipples, you wonder how good he’d be with his mouth in other areas. However your getting restless, the biting and nibbling on your nipples becoming too much, as you slightly push him away so you can try and get a sense of what his figure looks like.
You start to claw at his cloak, which makes him chuckle, and he unclasps it to show off his tight shirt tucked into sweatpants. You force him to shrug down the cloak, staying around his elbows, as he pushes down his own pants.
You’re so excited. You’re basically day dreaming as he rubs you through your pink little panties. You just know that there will be thousands of news reporters and journalists wanting to interview you. Know your story, what happened. Then they’ll be the fans of the celebs who’ll look over to you for answers, who’ll go crazy at their favorites being murdered. But you’re there. There to anwser their questions and give false empathy, and hopefully, woo those fans as your own.
You’ll be famous over night.
“Come on doll, focus on me.”
You hadn’t even realized he had shoved your panties to the side, rubbing your clit and smooth tight circles. You whine out, back arching just a bit, you also noticed he had taken off his bloody glove, to touch you with his clean one.
His other hand, smears blood onto the side of your face with his bloody glove. He chuckles at how you grimace, the slimy substance dampening your cheek.
He rips that bloody glove off to rub at your nipples again, while his other hand rubs faster on your little clit, he chuckles watching you start to writhe more and try to push him off.
“Ah. Just wet enough, little dove.” His finger makes its way to your entrance, poking at it, gathering some of your essence before entering you. You whine at the intrusion. His fingers, are fucking big. And just one filled you up nicely. Grithy and tall, poking at your sides and your gummy walls.
“Cmon doll, open up.” He chuckles, starting to twist his finger. You whine and start to kick your legs, your head going to the side to try to avoid his burning stare, which you could feel through his mask.
Your eyes look at the bodies, the dead ones that litter the floors at your left. You look at one, recognizing his face. You remember when you had asked him for a photograph together last year. And you guessed perhaps you had pushed him too much, because he spat at your face and shoved you out the way. You grimace at the memory, but then smile at his dead body. He’s dead. And you’re getting finger fucked close to his corpse.
You cry out as the masked man adds a second finger and scissors it inside you, making room. You can’t help but wince at the thought that he’s making so much room inside you for a reason.
As he scissors you, he accidentally bumps into a spot inside you that makes you convulse.
“Ah? Right here? Little victim?” He stabs at the spot with his thick fingers, a bruising pace starts and you see stars.
“Don’t come. Or I’ll make you suck my cock, then you’ll have to explain to the cameras why there’s cum all over your face.” He chuckles darkly, almost amused at the idea.
“A-ah! P-puh-please!” You whine out, especially when his thumb dips into your wetness and starts to coat your clit, rubbing it softly.
You dont know his name. But you want to, you desperately want to, do you can scream his name.
“Toji, doll.”
“Toji!” You cry out, so close, almost there, your body quivering and pussy shaking. He wraps his hand around your throat, constricting your airways, chuckling as you claw at his hand that chokes your throat.
Tears start to leave your eyes at just how good he was making you feel, and at the terrifying feeling of not being able to breathe.
“Atta girl. Nobodies gonna believe you without some tears.”
He finally takes his fingers out of you, slick covering them and a string of your essence connecting his fingers to your entrance.
“So wet for someone who was jus’ begging for their life.” He laughs, but your too busy to focus on breathing then his words when he finally takes his hand of your throat.
He pulls down his pants, and god do you gasp. His cock- no, a monster. Flings out of its confines and dribbles with precum.
“Hah.. I guess you got me a lil’ excited too, doll.”
He pushes the tip to your entrance, you can see the veins circle his cock, the angry tip gushing and the slight way it curves.
“W-wait! It’s not gonna- it’s not gonna fit!” You cry out, almost begging him not to ruin you.
“Shut it. I opened you up enough.” He rubs at your clit with his tip, making you kick at him some more. Which results in him grabbing your leg and pulling you towards him. “Nuh uh uh, no running away little dove.”
He nudged his tip in, sighing in the feeling of your pussy already trapping his cock into your tiny entrance. He slides in some more, you can feel every dip and vein and curve of his cock. You whine and claw at his big chest and biceps.
“T-Toji..” Your pussy is crushing his cock, enveloping it and sucking him in, as if you were milking his cock.
He grumbles and turns the both of you over, lying down as he slams you down on his cock, you straddling his hips. You scream out at the sudden full intrusion, and he chuckles, eyes rolling back.
“Come on doll. I’m exhausted. Be a good girl and break yourself on my cock, yeah?”
You whine out, but agree, moving your small hands to his chest, where you slowly lift yourself up and slide yourself back down on his cock. You both gasp, and you do it again. This time you try to add some rhythm, moaning out as you bounce on his cock.
The harder you bounce, the more his mask starts to slip, and that just adds to your excitement. The more you see it slip, the harder you start to go, crying and writhing as you jump on his cock but you just can’t seem to stop.
Your wet gushing insides pull him in, and he’s in a fucking trance. Watching you bounce up and down, looking for some sort of stability or comfort. He laughs, pushing the bottom of your thighs up before shoving into you some more, bouncing you up and down while also fucking up into you.
“That’s it… that’s it.. the cutest lil’ victim f’me…” He babbled, basically pussy drunk.
None of you want this to stop. However, you both feel that chilly feeling of your insides twisting and convulsing, knowing the both of you aren’t gonna last.
“Cmon doll. Come with me.” He holds your hip and your thigh as he fucks up into you. “You’ll be a good girl and come for me, yeah?” He’s basically babbling now, drool leaving his lips, and you can see that by his mask almost completely tips over.
You whine, clawing at his mask. “P-please.”
He chuckles, moving your hands away from his face.
“Fine, since ya asked so- fuck- nicely. And guess we’re teammates now, h-huh?” He stumbles on his words as he feels you milk his cock.
One hand goes down to your pussy, swiftly pressing down on your clit and rubbing fast, as his other hand shoved his mask off.
You gasp as you see his face. Dark lustful eyes, his lips adorn by a scar, his cheekbones and entire face harmony. The way you know with one look you’d pass away, he could kill you with that dark and sinister, evil look in his eyes. And you come at the sight.
Your body convulsed and you cried out, back arching as he tugged and pinched your clit meanly, following you soon after, pulling out and spilling onto his stomach and yours.
He gasps for air and so do you, you whimper as you fall forward onto his body, shivering and still slightly convulsing. You can feel his heart beat, the way it pounds against his chest and the way he heaves for a breath, a groan leaves his lips.
His hand brushed your hair and pulls you up. “Come on little dove. You’ve got a show to put on.”
He pulls you up, but lays you back down. Your still gasping for air, your eyes barely open and your body trembling. You feel your clothes being put on, even the ripped shirt. He cleans off his cum with what you assume is his cloak.
You open your eyes finally, to see him putting his mask back on, which makes you whine.
He laughs. “Don’t worry doll, you’ll see a lot more of me soon.” He carreses your hair, almost whisking you to slumber, your only half aware that there’s bodies littered around you.
He disappears, or rather, you’re too tired to notice he left.
When you open your eyes however, it’s because of unfamiliar people in your face, you’re still trembling, blood on your cheek that isn’t yours and lights in your face.
You’re on a gurney, being rolled away into an ambulance. Your eyes are a bit blurry but you see almost hundreds of people- and then there are the news reporters everywhere. They surround your gurney, the doctors weilding your not actually wounded body into the ambulance.
“Ma’am? Ma’am! Over here!” A man yells, pushing his camera in your face and lay the doctors, taking photos with flash on.
“Ma’am! What can you tell us about what happened? Ma’am?”
“Ghost… ghost face..” you breathe out, making all the reporters and journalists shiver with fright and widen their eyes.
“Ma’am? Ghost face? Tell us more about this cold blooded killer!”
There’s so many cameras in your faces, people talking, the cameras going off and flashing lights in your face.
“Ma’am! Over here!” A man snaps photos, a woman asks you questions, all the reporters and journalists following you and chasing you in the gurney until your put in the ambulance and the workers shut the truck doors.
The ambulance drives away, the siren rings and your ears and the workers ask if you can hear them, if you can answer some questions.
All you can think about was the lights. The people. The fame. How they all chased you down, like paparazzi.
“Am I.. famous?” You ask, a gasp leaving your lips.
“Well ma’am, you’re all over the news.” The doctor replied.
And you smile.
Thinking of doing a second part. But idk.
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chiscaralight · 25 days
hello ^=^
I really like your writing very much!
Can you write about Model!reader x mafia! scaramouche?
The idea is kind of strange but I can't stop imagining Darling as a famous model all over Teyvat who was in a toxic relationship with a famous actor but the media covered it up until Darling met Scaramouch by chance When she was in a bar and she did not know that it was his property because the Fatui is a dangerous gang known for its dirty methods
Or maybe she witnessed a murder and he had to avoid the possibility of her exposing him so he kidnapped her.
I don't know if you're comfortable with this or not but can you add a part where Scaramouche order Darling to lick the gun?
hi thanku sm! this is definetly out of my usual writing comfort bubble but I absolutely love the idea. i like both of your concepts so I tried to combine them. i also didn't directly make darling lick the gun bc of him, but it was definitely in their mouth lmfao i hope at the very least it works for you! once I saw the ask I literally went to take a walk to think about to do with it lol. but it was so so much fun! thank u for this ask<3
mafia!scaramouche x model!reader nsfw. its kinda long imo. gun play. mentioned assault, cheating?kind of. oral m receiving. fingering. mentions of blood tasting?, uhhh probably missed some tags but enjoy!
there's nowhere you can go where you're not getting recognized. granted, you're almost world famous. a gorgeous model that everyone is pining to be. perfect face, perfect body, in the sweetest relationship with one of the biggest actors. everything was supposed to be amazing! but that stupid man you call your boyfriend is making your life a living hell.
you're sliding the sleeve of your dress a little lower to hide the bruise he gave you earlier as you lean against the bar. the place has the perfect atmosphere for a lovely date night. too bad when that brute gets here it'll be anything but fun. speaking of which, where is he? you'd been sitting alone at the bar for almost half an hour and while he was an asshole, he knew how to keep to time.
so you decide to go outside and wait. it'll be nice to get some breeze after being cooped up in the atmosphere of the building alone will be nice before the inevitable change of tide. your heels are clicking down the sidewalk, masked by the sound of cars passing by and signs buzzing. then you hear it. it sounds like, shouting, arguing? it's coming from the alley up ahead.
you're trying to keep your noise to a minimum as you peer your head into the alleyway. there you see... your boyfriend????
he's on his knees, being held down by two men. there's a woman, who's frantically explaining how he tried to touch her, and that's when you see the crest on her jacket. your eyes widen. the fatui. they're insanely bad news. you've heard all about them through the grapevine, about how tight-knit they are and super secure. so why was the man who was holding the gun towards your boyfriend's head not wearing the symbol anywhere at all?
before you can even process the thought, the loud bang from the gun is ringing in your ears. you can't control the gasp you let out, and all four people that are still alive are snapping towards you.
your lip is sucked in between your teeth as you're holding back tears. the same gun that has been in this man's hand is pressed against your powdered forehead in silence. it's the other lady who speaks first, muttering something about how your 'man' is a criminal. the only words you can get out are:
"i know."
now scaramouche's interest has been piqued. he nudges you with the barrel of the gun and you're looking up at him through tear-filled eyes. you're a pretty thing like this, near the end of your life but still so composed and meek. you drag your sleeve up, and you catch the way his eyebrows furrow. the lady's head turns in confusion as you speak.
"the bastard has been abusing me for months. even if you kill me now, i'll die happy knowing that bastard is rotting in hell."
another wave of silence.
scaramouche drops the gun. he orders the two other underlings to let you go and dispose of the body behind you. he whispers something to the last fatui before she nods and helps you up. a breath you didn't know you were holding escapes your lips and she tells you to follow her.
you're back in the bar, but away from all the eyes of the public. it's somewhere secluded, the area calm and decorated as you wait. you don't know what for, but you're waiting. you expect to see the lady from before, but what you're met with is that man again.
you soon learn his name is Scaramouche, one of the higher-ups in the organization. you're both staring at each other again and in the blink of an eye, his gun is pointed at you once again from the other side of his room. he's not going to shoot, obviously. he's testing you.
and you pass with flying colors! your demeanor doesn't shake once. your eyes are locked onto his and your body is still. he's closing the gap between where you're sitting and him, and the tension in the air is thick. soon enough, the muzzle of the gun is mere millimeters away from your lips. he's looking down at you. and you blink up sweetly at him before you drag your tongue along the side of the barrel. he can't hide the smile that pushes against his lips. he's going to have so much fun with you.
your lips are wrapped tightly around his cock, sucking as good as you can while the firearm is pressed to the side of your head. he's sitting back on the sofa so lazily, watching as you bob your head so perfectly. he's wishing he shot that deadbeat boyfriend of yours weeks ago when he had the chance, maybe he wouldn't have had to wait for such a perfect mouth to suck him off like this. his free hand slides to fist your hair as he draws closer to his climax. the tight grip causes you to moan around him, and he's cumming into your mouth, cum sliding down your throat as he fucks his orgasm into your mouth. but the two of you are far from done.
your dress is bunched up above your hips, giving him the perfect view of the cunt he's bullying. he's thrusting into you hard, finger resting on the trigger as the gun lays softly against your tongue. he's groaning, reminding you it's fully loaded, and the only thing you give him in response is the small view of your tongue circling the barrel. you're the one with the deadly weapon aimed at you, but he's almost sure that you're going to kill him like this. how many times do you get to see such a doll like this, taking you in so well as their life literally lay entirely in your hands? your eyes are struggling to stay open and you're clenching around him extra hard, so he leans down to give you one word. cum.
the way this one hits you is unlike anything you've ever felt before. it's nothing but pure, unadulterated pleasure as you arch up into him.
when you finally come to, he pulls the gun away to aim it at his head. your eyes go wide as you can see his finger weigh down on the trigger. you're attempting to stop him, weak arm reaching at just as soon as he-
the gun was empty the entire time. and the laugh he lets out is so annoying, that you're almost pushing him off of you. don't scowl at him like that. it doesn't fit that pretty face of yours. but he tells you not to worry! because the next time he has you like this, hell make sure the gun is fully loaded. and it'll be in your hands, not his.
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hamable · 1 year
I’m about to write an essay on the specific situation Miles is in as we set up for a third movie.
With great power comes great responsibility.
Not a single spiderman asked to be bit. No one planned to be spiderman. But, given the power to do so, they chose to become spiderman. Miles is bitten by a spider from a different dimension that was never meant for him. In that moment, two dimensions were doomed. One to lose it’s intended spiderman, and one to never have one at all.
But Miles’s New York isnt in a state of anarchy like Universe-42, where his spider came from. It’s relatively normal. It’s what we expect of Spider-Man’s New York. It’s not doomed.
Spiderman doesn’t choose to get powers. In any universe. But every spiderman looks at what he has and the world around him and does what he can do.
Miles is just as much a Spiderman as every other Peter out there. It could be anyone under the mask, should they chose to wear it.
He may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time but so was every other bite victim. This is not his fault. And it may take another watch or two for me to confirm, but I don’t think Miguel ever directly says something to blame miles as an actor in all this. Yes, miles is the linchpin. To keep to the canon web, miles should not have been bitten. The fault falls on happenstance, though it’s all too easy to pin on miles. But I don’t think Miguel ever says that. Miles shouldn’t exist. Miles is not spiderman, in Miguel’s eyes. But goddamnit he’s not at fault here.
I’m hoping Miles can take control of his own narrative. His entire character revolves around balancing the expectations of those around him while he tries to discover his own. His family, his school, living up to what spiderman is supposed to be. Even The Hole confronts him and demands he acknowledge they are nemeses, and upon being turned down, seeks vengeance and validation which is the catalyst for the movies major conflict. Ppl keep telling miles who to be. And in a universe where a kid got bit when he shouldn’t have, I hope he finds the strength to rewrite more shouldn’ts. Spiderman can do both. The captain doesn’t have to die. His relationship with Gwen Stacy does not end in tragedy.
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mondaymelon · 1 year
— 𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗳 𝗮𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻: 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗳𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝘀 ♥
: with liyue men! : (warnings~ obsessive behavior, the usual)
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as an adeptus, XIAO has trained himself since the beginning to feel no emotions, especially one as childish as affection.
but when it becomes apparent that you favor him over the others - giving him your best artifacts, weapons, leveling him up and his talents, the fact that he never seemed to leave your party... and the fact that you still listen to his voicelines on repeat.
of course, he really doesn't understand why you want him to say such words again and again, but if you really want him too, then by all means, he'll recite it as many times as he needs too - until his throat bleeds.
it gets to a point where it's hard for him to keep a mask of calm around you, sometimes refusing to face the screen for fear of you seeing his bright red, flustered face. the feeling he gets when you appear just makes him feel warm. whole. complete. like how he should be.
and he doesn't want that feeling to end. ♥
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the moment he joins your party, it seems that CHILDE will never leave your side.
he's been watching you for a while, longer than he'd like to admit. the fatui member has been entranced by you since the moment you began your adventure in teyvat - because he knew you were there. and he could barely keep himself together when you skipped other character banners just to wait for him.
maybe that meant you wanted him as much as he wanted you!!
that's what childe tells himself, at the very least.
but perhaps that's the actual truth?? his heart can't stop racing as he watches you through the front camera with his almost sparkling blue eyes, seeing how you're so desperate to have him!!
then, that means you'd recuperate his feelings, right? ♥
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it's not an underestimation to say that ZHONGLI has dedicated everything to you.
he's not just an acolyte, but more of the acolyte. his past used to be a... dark topic for him to bring up - especially the mention of his passed lover, but now that he's found you, he finally has something to live for!!
so he tries his very best. after all, zhongli is quite the capable person. and he won't even have to worry about you finding out, he's quite the actor - but sometimes, even he wonders.
if he spoke to you, would you listen? would you scream? shout? cry??
he's okay with that.
as long as you're by his side, all his doubts are for nothing. but they do trouble him.
so when you mindlessly speak out of habit, busy grinding artifact domains, zhongli has to use every fiber of his being not to flush bright red. "hah... seriously, what would i do without zhongli? i literally need him to play this game... man's shield lasts longer than my lifespan..."
you need him? ♥
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(a/n) spspps first time writing sagau but plan on making more of this in the future so tell me any characters you'd like to see + any prompt if you want !! thank you for reading ♥
also aesthetics go brrrrrrrr
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luvyeni · 1 year
girllll can you please write a smut about churchboy!mark x fem!reader <33
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pairings. churchboy!mark x fem!reader
wc. 1k
warnings. dom!mark , oral (m. recieving), face fucking , unprotected sex (he pulls out) , degrading, doggy style, crying
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i hope you like it <3 !
everybody dotes on mark , his innocent church boy facade has blinded everyone , but you see it , you see right past him ...
you huff , watching your parents crowd around mark along with the other parents after service , rolling your eyes as he bats his eyelashes , speaking so kindly... like he wasn't drunkenly sticking his tongue down some random girls throat last night , just like he does every weekend.
mark is a good actor for sure , he was able to put up this act , this good boy next door and everyone ate it up like crazy , maybe you were jealous because almost slipped past your overbearing parents , but they couldn't see the mask that he was wearing.
"_ , come." your mother called you over , you sighed , unfolding your arms , walking over to them. "yes mother." you said. "mark will be joining us for dinner tonight , his parents are staying for the extra service." the boy stood in front of you , that boyish smile. "i want you to give him a good welcome into our home , make him feel at home." you wanted to scream. "could you not do it." you said.
your mom glared at you , her eyes piercing your skin. "fine." your mother went back to smiling. "good , now why don't you two go wait in the car , me and your father will be out shorty." she handed you the keys , "be a good girl." you could see mark smirking out the corner of your eye.
you guys made it to the car , opening the door , climbing in. "i saw you glaring at me." mark finally spoke as soon as you closed the door. "yeah , that's because i don't like you." you reached over , turning the car on , music lowly playing on the radio , sitting back in your seat. "that's too bad , i think your pretty cool." you rolled your eyes.
"drop the act mark , you might have your parents and the church fooled but im not dumb." you scoffed. "what did i do?" mark wasn't offended , he just wanted to fuck with you. "that innocent act you put on annoys the fuck out of me , because you have everyone eating out the palm of your hand , when in reality you were struggling to stand yesterday , as you shoved your tongue in yeeun's or god knows where else." you hissed.
it was silent for a second , you thought you actually might've hurt his feelings , until he spoke again. "are you upset at that?" he started , "or is it because it's not you that im sticking my tongue in." he was real close , whispering in your ear , making you shiver , mark noticed this , smirking. "i think we've come to actual reason you're pissed , you want me to fuck you." you turned to him , disgust evident on your face. "in your dreams mark lee."
"i mean yeah you are , but im glad to know im in yours too." he kissed your cheek , you wiped it , making him laugh. "come on , no one's around , you don't have to pretend you hate me anymore." he said. "im not pretending." you smiled. "oh really , what if i just." his hand creeping up your thigh , you sighed , breathing picking up. "you mean to tell me you won't be wet as fuck." he bit his lip. "n..no." you tried to remain strong , but he could tell he was just inches away from breaking you. "okay , let's see." before you could say anything , he ran his thumb down your covered slit , you bit your lip as a act of defiance.
"tsk , i see you're a brat , i like brats , i love breaking them down into mindless sluts." he pulled his hand from under your dress. "fix yourself , your parents are coming." and just like that , he turned that innocent persona back on just as your parents opened the door , getting into the car. "i hope we didn't keep you waiting long mark , hoping our daughter hasn't been too much of nuisance." he smiled turning to you , his eyes dark with lust.
"no ma'am , she been such a good girl."
the ride home was nothing short of torturous , mark was sitting close to you , the sweet way he talked to your parents about the service , was a completely contrast to how he was toying with you , sneaking his hands up your skirt , playing with your clit through your panties , occasionally smirking when you bit your fist , or cover your mouth , looking out the window , trying not to moan , your parents not suspecting a thing.
"_ , why aren't you talking?" your dad said. "because im not intrested." your mother called out your name. "stop acting like that , be kind to mark , you could learn a lot from a nice boy like him." you scoffed , "nice boy my a- shit!" you glared at mark because he pinched your thigh , causing your outburtst. "_ ! we don't talk like that , what's wrong with ?" your mother questioned just as you pulled into your driveway. "let's just drop it , let's hurry inside , i have to prepare dinner."
as soon as you walked in , taking your shoes off , you beelined it to the steps. "young lady , where are you going?" your mother said. "upstairs , can i not do that?" you stated. "loose the attitude , and take mark with you." your draw dropped. "you barely allow haechan to sit on the couch , let alone go to my room alone." you exclaimed. "that's because who knows what you two will get up to up there , mark is a good boy , we trust him." you were about to say something , when your dad spoke up , "hurry the game is on , and i can't hear."
you looked at the boy , who sat there smiling , you just knew he was eating this up. "come on , don't just stand there." you stomped up the stairs , him following close behind you. "don't touch anything , just sit in the bed." you opened your bedroom door , letting him in , shutting the door.
"oh what's this." you turned around , your eyes widening as mark held your underwear in his hand. "these don't cover much do they , pretty sexy though." you snatch them out of his hands , stuffing them back into the drawer. "i told you not to touch anything." you snapped. "they were right there." he leaned back , manspreading , your eyes travelled down to his thighs.
"princess , my eyes are up here." he smirked. "unless , it's something you want down there. "like it could even get me to cum." you snorted , this must've pissed mark off. "get over here." his voice dropped a few octaves , shocking you, it turned you on a little. "now." you decided to play with him a bit now. "you want to listen to some music?" you turned on your speaker , turning on your favorite playlist. "i need to get out of this dress." you walked towards your bathroom , but mark was quicker , grabbing your arm , pulling you in between his thighs.
"you don't think i can't get you to cum?" he scoffed , "how about you ask yeeun." you rolled your eyes. "she's easy to please." you snapped back. "and you aren't , rubbing you through your panties had you biting your fist , trying not to moan like a slut on front of your parents." he hissed , unzipping your dress , pulling your dress down. "mark!"
"get on your knees." he said , you ignored him. "okay." he pushed you down to your knees , in between his legs. "i guess i do have to treat you like a rag doll." he unbuckled his pants , pushing them down enough , pulling his cock out. he was huge , definitely bigger than anyone you've ever taken. "i see the gears turning in that head of yours , i know it's big , i want you to take it all." he said. "i can't." he scoffed.
"i don't care , you were all big and bad before , but now you're too scared to take it , come on be a big girl." he grabbed your hair , making it into a makeshift ponytail , guiding his cock to your mouth , slapping his tip on your lips. "open." you obeyed and he immediately pushed your head down on it , guiding you all way down. "shit , that's it , take all of it." you gagged around him , struggling to take him.
"tsk , useless slut , come on take it all." he pushed your head all the way down on him. "that's it , now sit there on your knees and let me fuck your face." he groaned , as he bucked his hips up into your mouth , "fu..fuck your throat feels so good , taking my cock like a good slut." he held your head down on his cock.
"oh yeah , fuck im gonna cum all down your throat." you looked at him through your teary lashes , his head was thrown back as he gripped your hair. "oh fuck!" he pushed your head down , his cum flooding your throat , pushing your head off , coughing , mascara running down your face. "look at you , such a messy whore." he grabbed your arm , pulling you off the floor , basically throwing your body against your bed.
"ass up , now." you complied , fully submitted to him now. "look at you , you were being disrespectful to me , being a brat , now your so ready to be fucked by me." he pushed his pants all the way down. his legs dipped into the bed. "fucking slut." he slapped your ass. "shit mark!" you yelped.
"shut the fuck up , the last thing i need is your mother coming in , and seeing me whore her daughter out." he pulled your panties down , your pussy glistening. "such a messy pussy , this is crazy , i knew it , you just wanted me to fuck you , that's why you were acting like that." he hissed , running his cock up and down your folds. "mark , please." you wiggled your hips against him , he squeezed your ass. "come on slut , beg some more , i know you can do it."
"pl..please fuck me mark , please , i'll be good." you sounded pathetic , it made his cock harder , he slapped your ass one more , pushing his cock all the way inside you , your mouth dropping open. "fuck , such a tight cunt." he pulled out , slamming back into you. "mark." you hid your face in the pillow to cover your moans, as he roughly fucked into you.
"fucking clenching my dick , i thought i couldn't get you to cum , here you are about to cum already." he pushed down on your back , hitting a deeper spot. "i..im gonna cum." you whined , he smirked. "go a head and cum slut , cum for me." he slapped your ass as you came around him , biting the pillow to keep from screaming.
"shit." he cursed pulling out , flipping you over on to your back , lining his cock back up with your sensitive cunt. "ma..mark." you couldn't take him anymore. "oh no baby , im gonna make you cum until your mom calls for dinner." he pushed into you , your hands flying to your mouth , suppressing a scream , your back lifting off the bed as he fucked you.
"fu..fucking cunt is sucking me in , you claim you hate me , but your pussy is telling a different story." he trusted into you over and over , hips slapping against yours , a moan slipped out , he reached over , his hand coming up to throat , squeezing lightly. "i guess this is the only one to shut you up." he hissed , groaning himself , his orgasm inching up on him.
your eyes were rolled to back of your head , makeup ruined by your tears as the boy everyone was so innocent ruined your body. "look at you -shit- all fucked out by the person you claim to hate , gonna let me cum all over you , let the person you hate cum all over your body." you nodded dumbly. "cum first , cum on my cock again slut." you rubbed your clit , your mouth dropped open , but nothing came out as you came on his cock for the second time. "sh..shit , im gonna cum." he pulled out , tugging at his cock a few times , his cum spurting out , landing on your stomach and chest. "fuck."
both of you were breathless , chest heaving up and down , covered in sweat. "still hate me?" you wanted to kick him. "fu..fuck you." he smirked. "your mom hasn't call down yet." he rubbed his cock along your folds , you stopped , pushing at his hips. "i..i can't." you couldn't take another round , he laughed , just as you heard your mothers voice ,from downstairs.
"you're lucky this time, you need to fix yourself , wouldn't want your mom to see you like this." he put his clothes back on. "i'll see you down there princess." he winked , leaving out of your room , making his way downstairs.
"where is she?" your mouth ask as he sat down , he imagined you struggling to get dressed , your legs were probably wobbly and sore. he smiled , turning to your mother with the most innocent smile.
"she said she wanted to change into something more comfortable , she will be down shortly."
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slayerkitty · 7 months
The DFF Experience: A Dead Friend Forever Fandom Round Up (Part 1*)
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I had the wild idea of compiling links to all the various metas, theories, and other resources for DFF for everyone to use so that links and information were kind of all in one place. I dragged @shannankle along for the ride, and we combed through the tag to find all the things we could.
We most likely have missed something even though we tried to be as thorough as possible - if you think there is something we over looked that should be added let us know in the replies or the tags; if you write meta or other resource posts in the future, please tag us and we can add it to the post.
With that, please enjoy The DFF Experience!
Official Trailer
Pre-Release/Pilot Trailer
Behind The Scenes
No More Dream - Barcode
Without Me - Bump
Por's RIP? Pic by @having-conniptions
Dead Friend Forever is More Than Just A 90s Slasher Film Imitation by @syrena-del-mar
Dead Friend Forever is a Marvel of Mystery Writing by @lurkingshan
Phee, Jin, And A Masterful Misdirect by @lurkingshan
Fun Facts to Know and Tell: 
Non refers to his brother New as “P’New” during his argument with his parents in episode 8, confirming that New is the older of the two. 
White refers to Por as P’Por when he’s alone confirming he is younger and not lying about his age
Character Profiles by @raelle-writing
Based on screenshots, White and Phee do not go to the same school as the embroidery is different. 
Fuaiz says White’s parents are rich and engineers
What the Characters Know and Don't Know (As of Episode 9) by @raelle-writing
Actor Reveals About The Characters by @raelle-writing
Theories (Episodes 1-8):
Not Jin’s Video Theory by @raelle-writing
Not Jin’s Laptop Theory by @raelle-writing
Hints at the timeline/dates things happen by @yellingaboutkp
Why Uncle Dang Was Killed by @befuddledcinnamonroll
Is Jin final girl? by @blismytherapy
Non is dead (dead men tell no tales) by @mikuni14
Why So Many Maskys? by @slayerkitty
Tan is New by @tbhimnoteasyonmyself
Are The Boys Being Drugged (Are you High, Top?) by @italianpersonwithashippersheart
Non isn’t dead (alive men tell tales) by @respectthepetty
Theories (Episode 9-10):
Why Jin Sees Keng by @raelle-writing
Is Phee Still Playing Jin (Play On, Player?) by @yellingaboutkp
What's Up With White's Hallucinations? by @jeffsatyr with contributions by @italianpersonwithashippersheart
Tan is Going to Turn on Phee (and other upcoming episode theories) by @slayerkitty
Non Isn’t Dead (alive men tell tales, but they don’t change their clothes) by @subtextsays
Phi is on Tan's Hitlist by @respectthepetty
Non is Alive (Only Alive Men Tell Tales in Telenovelas) by @babyangelsky
Non is the Hidden Character And In This Essay I Will - by @babyangelsky
On The Episode 10 Preview by @crysta1ized
Non is Alive (Alive Men Tell Tales When They Paint in Grayscale) by @yellingaboutkp
Gas Mask for Masky? by @biochemjess
On What Tan Sees by @raelle-writing
Will Phee Tell Jin the Truth? by @mikuni14
How Much is a Hallucination and How Much is Real by @babyangelsky with contributions by @respectthepetty and @shannankle
White is the Mastermind by @sniggerwarning
Top's Scar and Masky on Crutches by @subtextsays
DFF Theory Time by @squishysquadstuff
Theories About White by @crysta1ized
Ninth Person Theory by @raelle-writing
Hallucination or Real? by @raelle-writing
Non is Alive for Now (Alive men tell tales if they're about to kick the bucket) by @harurio
A Scream/DFF Parallel Theory on Who's Behind the Mask by @crysta1ized
Tree Mark Theory by @babyangelsky
Episode 11 Preview Theory by @crysta1ized
New and the Antidote by @respectthepetty
White-Non Theory by @crysta1ized
*Due to the number links and mentions the round up is now four(!) posts. Please see Part 2 here, Part 3 here and Part 4 here.
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kanansdume · 1 year
What's crazy and really shows off how impeccably awful this show managed to be is how DIFFERENT Anakin feels between the Kenobi show and the Ahsoka show, despite the fact that he's being played by the same actor probably within a year of each other if that.
And it's so clearly not the fault of the performer, Hayden Christensen is doing the absolute MOST to give an authentic and familiar performance of Anakin in the Ahsoka show and on a STRICTLY acting standpoint, I think he succeeds. People have pointed out that the Anakin that Hayden is playing in the flashbacks, despite being in the TCW costumes, does not at all feel like TCW Anakin. There's nothing suave or charming about him. When he tries to joke and Ahsoka pushes back against it, he immediately gets defensive, which is perhaps one of the most in-characters thing about the entire performance. And obviously his performance as Sith Anakin is pure perfection.
But it's not just the performance that creates a character. It's the way other people discuss the character, it's the way that character impacts the world around them, it's what we as the audience are allowed to see of them.
In the Obi-Wan show, Anakin at his best is still a whiny little asshole. In the flashback scene, he's arrogant, he's overconfident, he's a little bit of a bully, he's stubborn, and he's a sore loser. It's left a little ambiguous as to whether this scene was a true flashback or something Else, but the dialogue of the scene and who is currently "winning" the match clearly are intended to parallel what's going on in the actual plot between Obi-Wan and Anakin. Which means you can just as easily interpret this as saying that the whiny little asshole you remember from the prequels is still the person behind that mask. Yes, he's got a vocoder changing his voice into something more menacing, his expressions hidden behind an emotionless mask, but that whiny teenager is still calling the shots here. That's precisely what motivates him. Even if it's intended as a more legitimate flashback, that's supposed to be Anakin at his BEST and he's... whiny. He's arrogant. You can say he can grow out of it at this point and that's clearly what Obi-Wan believes in the moment, but the best he's got is... still this.
And he never grew out of it, he never left that arrogance and entitlement behind. He decided to let it define him instead. He might've had promise if he'd chosen to outgrow his more negative traits, but he didn't. He just stayed forever in the mindset of that annoying little 19 year old asshole.
And at his worst, Anakin's a literal unhinged MONSTER. He's casually walking by and murdering innocents just to get Obi-Wan's attention, he's stabbing Reva just because he can, he's ripping open ships, he's burning Obi-Wan alive out of vengeance. His face when that mask comes off has a manic GLEE as he talks about having "killed" himself just to try to manipulate Obi-Wan and the way he screams Obi-Wan's name at the end is so intensely disturbing. So many people saw that moment as Anakin having this moment of mindfulness, but I didn't see or hear a single sane moment in the entire scene. The whole thing is off-kilter and it feels pretty intentionally off-kilter, both in the writing and the acting and directing. Anakin's made his choice. This is it.
In the Kenobi show, Anakin might've once had promise. But he also had immense potential for monstrous evil, that was ALSO there as well. And whatever promise used to be there is now squandered in favor of the arrogance and cruelty and entitlement, which means that it's not worth Obi-Wan's time and effort and energy continuing to wonder what if about it. Because, quite honestly, it doesn't MATTER. Obi-Wan isn't fighting for Anakin anymore by the end. He's not fighting to destroy Anakin, but he's not fighting to save him, either. And the whole point of his relationships with Luke and Leia is that he has to learn to care about them for who THEY are rather than because he cared about their biological parents. He has to see them for who they've become and allow them to grow without worrying about how much like Anakin or Padme they might end up being. They're not Anakin and Padme, they're Luke and Leia, and his relationship with them is ultimately better for letting go of seeing them as anything other than who they actually are.
The people who were in charge of the Kenobi show clearly understood that in order for Obi-Wan to stand on his own as a main character of his own story, they needed to clearly differentiate him from Anakin and FREE him from Anakin. Yes, Obi-Wan is built to be Anakin's narrative foil and has been since day 1. Yes, Obi-Wan's story is very tied up in Anakin's. But this was OBI-WAN'S story and just for this one moment, they could let Obi-Wan be more than just someone who revolves around Anakin. He's his own person who makes his own connections and relationships that have nothing to do with Anakin and he only truly starts to feel like himself again when he walks away from Anakin and leaves him behind and accepts that Anakin has chosen to be someone that Obi-Wan cannot change. No one writing the Kenobi show wanted Obi-Wan to be more IMPORTANT to the narrative than Anakin, but they were able to allow Anakin to take a back seat so that Obi-Wan could actually grow and develop into his own character.
The same cannot be said for the Ahsoka show.
In the Ahsoka show, Anakin is portrayed IMMENSELY positively. At his best, Anakin is a wise powerful sage watching over someone he cares about and pushing her to be better. At his worst, he's... pushing her a little? They MENTION he's intense, and we see visions of him as a Sith, sure, but if that was Anakin at all, then it leaves you with the impression that he only pushed Ahsoka because he cared about her and she needed it and he was ultimately right to do so anyway. Was it tough? I guess, but nothing that would ultimately truly hurt her at all. Anakin's worst sins aren't touched on at all. Anakin is constantly remembered as someone who was GOOD without really acknowledging that while he might've been good at times, he wasn't always. Even when Ahsoka remembers him as a good master, he was still someone who believed in fascism and had massacred an entire village down to the last child. That person Ahsoka remembers was still a bad person and this show desperately wants you to forget that any of that is true about him.
And via proxies like Sabine and Ahsoka herself, this show DEFENDS Anakin's choices across the board. It's not even just that he was a good master, but that he ultimately did the RIGHT THING by choosing Padme over the galaxy because he did it out of "love," turning the genocide of the Jedi into something that was caused by their OWN failures instead of Anakin's failures.
There's zero recognition that Anakin was, ultimately, a failure. He was a failure as a Jedi, a failure as a master, a failure as a husband and a father, and a failure just as a generally good person. Anakin was a bad person who did bad things. Maybe he wasn't always, maybe he had his moments, fine, but overall? What's the legacy he leaves? What are people going to truly remember him for most? Despite his choice to save Luke in his last moments, his impact upon the galaxy is still a net negative.
And Ahsoka can have good memories of him and still recognize that Anakin's impact upon the galaxy was a bad one. She can choose to focus on the good memories she has without pretending like he was in actuality a good master who did nothing wrong. It's not like those two things can't co-exist and that is, in essence, exactly what Obi-Wan has to do. It's why he can say honestly and genuinely tell Leia at the end of the show that her father was "passionate, fearless, and forthright" even though just a day or so ago he'd accepted that Anakin himself had chosen to be an evil person now. He can remember Anakin as the friend he'd cared for AND recognize that the person Anakin is now is not that person anymore. Anakin NOW is evil, Anakin NOW doesn't deserve Obi-Wan's time or focus or grief, Anakin NOW needs to just be let go of. They aren't two separate people, obviously, but people do grow and change, and Obi-Wan once loved Anakin, but the boy Obi-Wan loved is gone because Anakin has chosen not to be that kind of person anymore. He's not kind, he's not compassionate, he's not merciful, or thoughtful or any of the good qualities he used to have. The Kenobi show forces both Obi-Wan and the audience to recognize that no matter how good someone might once have been, it's important to recognize when they're not acting like that person anymore and it's better to let them go and walk away.
And the reason Ahsoka can't do that is because the writers can't. The people in charge of writing Anakin in this show see him so differently than the people who wrote Kenobi. The the writers of the Ahsoka show, Anakin is "the greatest of all of the Jedi," not even just for raw power reasons, but because he understood what love was all about and felt it so deeply. So instead of that love twisting him and being in so many ways his greatest flaw, it turned into his greatest strength, something the Jedi just didn't understand. They're coming at Anakin from a WILDLY opposite direction here and so the way he gets depicted and spoken about comes across so unnervingly different.
You CAN see it as Ahsoka just... viewing Anakin differently. Obi-Wan knew Anakin as a child and was a Jedi Master before the betrayal, so he is more capable of viewing Anakin as the whole of what he was and letting him go. Whereas Ahsoka was a lot younger, she barely got any training before the betrayal, so her perspective on him is intensely skewed by this. She can't truly conceive of Anakin as both the good master she remembers AND the nightmare monster she knows he became, so she just... picks one. She chooses to see him as a good master and that's it. Nothing else he ever did matters. She never has to think about the genocide, the murders, the enslavement, the betrayals. He was a good master, and that's the end of the story. This is the best way she can learn to cope with this particular trauma is to just... ignore it and decide it didn't happen and so her version of Anakin is the ONLY version of Anakin.
But the narrative itself sort-of presents this as the honest truth of Anakin rather than just Ahsoka's perspective on the matter. It's not that Ahsoka just can't cope any other way, it's that this is, legitimately, who Anakin was. Anakin WAS a good master and the fact that he abandoned Ahsoka to die and tried to kill her and genocided her people and desecrated her home apparently doesn't change that at all. Because he did all of it for love. And the fact that Anakin was the "greatest of all the Jedi" because of this means that Ahsoka gets exalted even more so because of that.
But Obi-Wan doesn't need that. He doesn't need to be exalted as better than everyone else, he doesn't need to be made important by manipulating the narrative. He already IS important and the people writing his story know that. He's not important because he's better than Anakin, he's important just because he is. He's baked into this story and can't be removed from it without completely undoing it and telling a totally new story. Obi-Wan and Ahsoka are, in some ways, total opposites. Obi-Wan is a massively important character to the narrative who's never been the main character of his own story before the Kenobi show, while Ahsoka spent a long time as the main character of her story but has never and will never be that important to the narrative. She can be added to it and give some extra dimension to it, but she can be pretty easily removed from it, too.
And their relationships to Anakin in their respective shows seem to reflect the way the writers feel about those facts and their understanding of the characters themselves.
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l0v3tast3 · 2 years
AHH Hello!!! I absolutely love your writing, it’s so good!!!!
I was wondering…
Y/n always wear a mask to conceal her identity, in hopes the 141 doesn’t find out that Makarov is her father!!
141 had captured Makarov for interrogation, and y/n is there. As the interrogation continues, they start to notice that y/n and Makarov know each other, by the subtle little informality they spoke to one another. And the truth starts to come out, little by little!!!!
✎ tysm i love you :(( i absolutely love this idea the angst potential is just *chef's kiss* i'm sorry this one took like over a month to make oops, also i tried to keep personal details abt the reader as vague as possible, pls let me know if there's something i can fix!!
✎ tags: female reader, military reader, major daddy issues, violence, mentions of blood, hurt/barely any comfort if at all, not proofread im too cool for that,
✎ word count: 2,704
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the silence in the cold, gray interrogation room was so thick that you were choking on it. you knew you had just fucked up, badly.
you had done so well so far, too. you're fabricated identity had fooled everyone. the name you had chosen stuck, and no one ever noticed your old one threatening to jump from your mouth when you introduced yourself. you always kept the childhood memories and little anecdotes vague. you stuck to your rehearsed lines better than a world-famous actor. you did every single thing right.
and now, here he was, your own blood, fucking it all up for you, again.
technically, he had made you fuck it up for yourself. it was just how makarov worked; he was a spider weaving a web in the corner, watching, waiting. this man, your supposed father, didn't know anything real about you. he didn't know you as a father should know his daughter. but he knew which buttons to press.
he only knew what to say to you when it would allow him the opportunity of watching you fall a little deeper towards rock bottom.
you knew that the room had cameras covering every square inch, and the microphones ensured that you're accidental admission to your heritage was heard by your entire task force.
there was a red hot pit opening inside of you, caving your insides in like a black hole and threatening to consume your entire being. it was rage, you realized. something you only ever seemed to feel in the presence of one person.
you briefly considered killing him, right there and then. was this really the straw that broke your back? it truly was just another thing to add to the list. you had known he would do this.
no, you were angry at yourself.
on the other side of the door, the four men of the 141 task force were all stood still in shock. what the hell did you just say?
none of them wanted to believe it. they especially didn't want to admit that it made sense. you had done a fucking fantastic job of hiding it, they'll admit that, but even you couldn't hide everything.
price saw the way you tensed when you were passed laswell's photo of makarov in the bar, after you had all put an end to hassan's plan. he saw the way you dropped it and slid it to the next person quickly, as if touching the picture had burned your fingertips.
soap had asked you if you were okay more than once during the plane ride to russia. you were so restless, so different from your usual grounded self. you just said you were having some flying anxiety. he felt stupid now for writing it off so easily.
and kyle, the first one to trust you (and to even really talk to you), he had seen the anger sparking off of you while you shot your way through the tower to get to makarov. floor after floor, bullet after bullet, you had paved a path of blood through the mercenaries. he wondered if someone else had taken your mask and gear and was pretending to be you.
simon saw the fear in you when you all got to the last door. you had been so quick in your endeavor to get here, but he saw you hesitate to follow them in. he saw how you never took your wide eyes off of him, and how you stayed a few steps back, moving far out of the way when price began to escort him out in handcuffs.
and when they had asked you to go into the interrogation room, they all saw how you stopped breathing, and the sweat collecting on what little skin they could see above your mask. you had stuttered when you quietly agreed.
when you stepped into the room, makarov took one look at your eyes, and you knew he recognized you. no, he recognized the hatred. and it made him smile.
now, sitting in the cold metal chair, you realized that it wasn't just one mistake, but a series of them; you had let him unravel you, again. you understood, finally, that he saw you as he did everyone else. he saw you as someone that held him back.
part of you had always known, ever since you were young, still single-digits, and he would only visit you once every few months, if that. you had elected to ignore it. now you couldn't.
you couldn't move. behind you was the door that would lead you to the consequences of your actions. in front of you was the reason for those actions.
this is what you had wanted, wasn't it? it was like something snapped back into place, and you suddenly remembered that everything you had done up until now, every time you put the mask on before leaving your room, every lie you had told and every person you had killed had been to get you here. in front of your father. you remembered that the image of him with a bullet between his eyes was what kept you going.
if you killed him, would it finally absolve you? the gun on your hip felt twenty pounds heavier now. your fingers, folded together in your lap with a white-knuckle grip, felt like lead. would this sin make all the other wrongs right?
a tiny voice was telling you to just walk away, let the team's wrath come down on you and let them deal with makarov, but you had already thrown the table between you towards the wall, he was already on the ground with your hands wrapped around his throat.
you were yelling, no, screaming at him. all the compacted feelings from years and years of being as quiet as possible came up like vomit, spewing out in a mess that could never be cleaned up.
there were more than just makarov's hands on you, pushing and pulling you away from him and dragging you out of the room, kicking and screeching to let you just finally kill him, while two other blurry shapes hauled him back into his own chair.
the heavy metal door shut behind the two people practically carrying you, and they finally let you go. you stumbled a few steps away, whirling around for the next target of your fury.
your captain and lieutenant were standing in front of you, both tensed, waiting for you to do something. you couldn't exactly make out their faces- were you crying?
"what in the bloody hell just happened in there?" price snarled. it was the voice he used when he was face to face with his enemy.
"let me back in there." it was a demand. you needed to kill him.
"that's not gonna happen," simon barked. john and kyle had come out from the interrogation room to stand behind the other two men. "you need to explain, now."
they all stared at you with varying looks of anger and hurt. it wasn't the first time you'd ever had it directed at you, but this was somehow worse than all the others.
every cell in your body was shrieking at you to just run for the door, to somehow get through all four of these men, your teammates, your friends, and kill makarov. but their glares glued you to your spot.
"please-" your voice was trembling, years of grief and agony dripping from every word, "please, just let me kill him. you have to let me kill him." you spoke slowly and quietly, focusing on just trying to get the words out. you took a shaky breath and focused your eyes on a muddy bootprint on the floor. you didn't want to see the looks on their faces.
"you don't understand, you just- just let me back in there, please, i'll get whatever you need out of him, but he needs to die!" your voice was getting louder, and you briefly wondered if your father could hear you. "his men are probably already on their way here. don't you get it? if i don't kill him now, he will get out."
the men in front of you were more shocked now than anything at the change in your demeanor. you had been coined the "second ghost" throughout the units, partly for the mask, but also because of your detachment. you were kind, but you always held logic above emotion.
in front of them now was nothing short of a nervous wreck.
despite not moving, you were frantic. you were wringing your hands together, pressed tight against your stomach. your eyes darted from side to side, person to person, between them and the door to makarov.
price took a step forward and you took a step back. he was slow, bringing his hand up as if he were approaching a wild animal. if he was still angry, he was hiding it now.
"come on, kid, let's just get out of 'ere, eh? go somewhere away from him," he said lowly. the other three men watched tensely, not moving, but their hands still close to their guns. just in case.
"no, no- just let me- price, you need to let me back in there!" you were a broken record, you knew it, but there was nothing else to say, nothing else you could think about. this was what you had been waiting for, you were right where you had wanted to be for the past- how many years now? how long has he tormented you for now?
you could feel your father's presence in the next room like bugs crawling across your body. it made your head feel fuzzy and your hands shake. was it from rage or fear? you couldn't tell, so you chose the rage.
it was like bile stuck in your throat, all the pain makarov had caused you finally being unearthed. you wanted to throw it all up and spit it out onto him, lay your organs and hatred alike out on the table in front of him so he could see the decay. you wanted him to rot from the inside out like you had.
your eyes glanced at the door one last time before focusing on price. he was watching you, just a couple of steps in front of you now.
"let me back in there, john." it was a whisper, but still the steadiest thing you had spoken since they had dragged you out.
"no." he said your name quietly, and you heard it as the plea it was, but you're head decided it was done listening.
your body threw itself at him, swinging underneath his arms and onto his back to try and get him on the ground. the room exploded into yelling, and multiple pairs of hands were on you in an instant, hauling you off of price and forcing you face-down onto the ground with your hands behind your back.
cold metal latching around your wrists didn't stop your screaming and kicking, lashing out at the air around you. it didn't work well, because you were being hauled back to your feet and pushed into a separate interrogation room.
whoever was carrying you didn't bother with trying to attach your handcuffs to the table, basically throwing you in and slamming the door shut before you could get back on your feet.
outside the cell, the four men stood in silent shock. what was there to say, where would they even start? would they really be able to hear each other over your muffled screams to let you out?
you didn't know how long you had been in there once the door finally opens again, but you had stopped screaming and struggling to get out of the room. you had sat down at the table, your hands folded in front of you on the cold surface. you stared down at the blood beading and smearing around the handcuffs.
kyle squeezed in through the tiny amount he'd let the door open before he shut it quickly, keeping his eyes on you. you didn't look up, your red eyes staying fixed on one point even as he slowly moved closer. he followed them to see the red rings underneath the steel, and a pang of guilt squeezed his heart tight.
he sat down across from you, folding his hands in front of him on the table, mirroring you. you still hadn't looked up at him, or done anything to acknowledge his presence; you hadn't even moved.
"are you alright?" kyle implored. he kept his voice soft, bending over a little to try to look you in the eye.
it took you a few moments to respond; he almost started to think you didn't hear him before you opened your mouth slowly.
"is he dead?" you croaked.
kyle let out an audible sigh while he leaned back in his seat, bringing his hands up to drag them down his face.
"no, we still need him. you know that."
you didn't say anything after that.
after sitting in silence for two full minutes, he spoke up. "you realize not telling us about this makes you look really bad, yeah?"
"you don't trust me anymore?" you whispered it, like you didn't want him to hear and answer. you knew what he would say.
"you aren't making it very easy."
kyle wanted to trust you still. part of him was angry and confused as to why you had kept something like this from them. the other part, the bigger part of him, knew that you were on still on the same side of it all. and he knew the other three men felt the same, but they couldn't just dismiss this.
"we can work this out, ya' know. you just have to be honest with us," he added after you once again stayed silent.
"be honest?" you echoed. you finally looked up at him. "about what? you heard me. makarov is my father. i want him dead. that's all there is to say."
kyle took his turn to not speak, weighing your words, figuring out where to go from there.
"why didn't you tell us?" he finally asked.
you looked back down at your wrists. "if i had told you i was makarov's daughter before i joined the team, then all i would have ever been is makarov's daughter." you paused to take a deep, shaky breath. it was uncomfortable with your mask still on, wet with tears, but you refused to take it off, to give away the last piece of your identity that was still yours at the moment.
"it's something we should have known," he contended quickly. "we could have used the information you have-"
you cut him off, your eyes snapping back up to glare daggers at him. "you think i know anything more than you?" you barked. something between a laugh and a sob escaped your throat before you could continue. "i was eight years old the last time i saw him in person. i was raised by live-in nannies. he only visited, what, maybe twice a year? and i don't know why he even bothered, either."
your hands were clenched into tight fists, and the same sting that circled your wrists was appearing in your palms. you kept going though; you didn't know if you could stop now.
"every time i get somewhere, every time i start making a life for myself again, he fucks it all up. never showed his damn face, but it was him, it was always-" you finally cut yourself off, not wanting to drag more memories out from the dark.
"makarov may be my father, but i am not his daughter. i swear, kyle, i fucking swear it." you were pleading with him to believe you now. you needed them to understand.
you could see it in the way his eyebrows creased that he wanted to take your words as the truth. but he didn't say anything (what could he have said?).
the door opened once again, and price half-entered the room to wave kyle back out. he avoided your gaze, something he'd never done before. then you were alone again.
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actorsmask · 2 months
Voicelines: Playables
(Only applicable to characters they know, not including rp atm)
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About Sampo: Sampo? Yeah, he’s my big brother all right. Contrary to popular belief, he’s not a deadbeat and he’s most definitely not actively putting me in dangerous situations with his scams and dealings. Never mentioned me? Eh, he does that to “ensure my safety” and “make sure the guys he deals with don’t find me too easily.” Something like that I think. Since you’re the trailblazer, there’s no need to pretend I’m not his sibling. But if it didn’t risk those shady men finding me, I’d be proud to call him my brother, and to be his sibling.
About Sparkle: Don’t deal with her. Ever. If you really need to, keep it short and sweet alright? She’s on the crazier side of the Masked Fools, and her pranks can go from zero to a billion in a matter of seconds. Not to mention how she can shapeshift, which is SO annoying to deal with… Look, just try not to talk to her often, lest she makes you a victim of her little “pranks.”
About Natasha: I don’t know how she does it. Be a doctor, take care of the kids, and be the leader of Wildfire all at once. But at the same time, it really suits her personality don’t you think? Kind enough to be approachable for patients and children, yet strict enough to make sure the kids behave and to run an entire organization. Not to mention her insanely large weapon!
About Luka: We’re pretty close! We met when I first joined Wildfire, and when I tell you I physically recoiled from how nice he is… It was a bit hard to believe someone could be that kind-hearted and caring at the time, but his warmth infected me. We like to spar to pass the time or fight the Fragmentum in Rivet Town, or I just watch his matches in the Fight Club. *Sigh* He’s… Really one of the best people I’ve ever met, and I love spending time with him. Huh? I’m not dreamy!!
About Seele: If you ask me, she could be a biiiiit nicer but oh well! But honestly, she’s like a teddy bear at heart… If only she wasn’t as prickly as a cactus on the outside. Huh? Oh no, no, we do get along! I just like teasing her… She’s a good person, that’s for sure. People tend to not look past the thorns when dealing with people in general, so be patient with her!
About Hook: You must mean Pitch-Dark Hook The Great, haha! I try to take some time to play with her and the other Moles often. Usually beforehand, I set up a set path so they can have an adventure through the Underworld while making sure they stay safe. Sometimes Luka joins in and the Moles have more fun with the extra company. It was the most I could do for those who haven’t seen the sky!
About Clara: She’s one of the sweetest girls I’ve met honestly, so willing to help others and to make sure everyone gets along… I can relate to that. She helped a lot in maintaining the peace between Wildfire and the vagrants due to her relationship with Svarog, and with helping provide medical supplies. Though I wish she would wear socks at least, her feet could step on something sharp…
About Pela: For someone of her profession, you’d never expect her to write the kind of things she writes or reads. Even illustrate! But I’ll be honest, she has good taste… Uh, there’s this one story she showed me called… I think “Palace Swimmer”? About some mermaids, and one’s a beacon… I haven’t been reading up on the more recent books yet, but she has a tendency to go for the sad ones…
About Serval: One of the best sisters I could ever ask for, of course~! She’s taught me a myriad of things: Guitar, machinery, make-up, some fashion advice… Yeah! Serval just has that approachable vibe to her now that I think about it, though I do remember being slightly intimidated by her when I first met her… Then again, I was scared to meet anyone back then.
About Lynx: Sadly, since she isn’t around Belobog often, we usually only text or have video calls of sorts. Sometimes I’ll teleport to wherever she’s camping and we catch up on things while stargazing or foraging for ingredients for cooking. Lynx always has something interesting to tell me about as someone who’s trying to traverse the entirety of Jarilo-VI, so it’s never boring at all! In return, I tell her about the planets I’ve visited!
About Gepard: Another big brother of mine! Honestly, I don’t even know how we got close. After not having evidence to arrest me multiple times, he just… Stopped. So I kind of just kept bothering him about random things whenever I could or when I was bored and Sampo wasn’t around. But I do have him to thank for helping me get to know Serval, Lynx, Pela, and the others. And for just being there in general.
About Bronya: I only started to really talk to her after the Stellaron incident on Jarilo-VI, since she was steadfast in her beliefs and wouldn't dream of interacting with a criminal back then! She was… Nicer than I expected, to be honest. Though, she works way too much that I swear I can see a few wrinkles… She isn’t Sampo’s age yet, so it’s just blasphemy! She needs more rest, but apparently Seele has been helping~
About Aventurine: … I don’t really know him, nor do I want to get to know him. He’s a Stoneheart from the IPC, and that speaks more than enough for me. For all I know, he could get me arrested or try to take Jarilo-VI into the IPC’s greedy hands. I don’t want anything to do with him.
About Topaz and Numby: I also don’t like her. All this campaign and for what? It’s not even a 100% guarantee that Belobog would’ve continued to thrive under the IPC’s care. If anything, if they got too advanced, they would’ve just nuked them. I just don’t like how she made everyone tip-toe. But I do admit her pet trotter is cute…
BONUS! About Oleg: He’s apparently some kind of legend in the Overworld, which was surprising but not surprising at the same time? I heard about him from Gepard, then asked Oleg himself. He told me a lot of stories from his heyday, and they never fail to impress me. It’s hard to believe that old man used to do that much back then, much less imagine it… But he has helped me train tons, so I suppose that tells me enough.
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insomniaccat0107 · 2 months
league of villains but they all work in entertainment industry
- well-known in industry because of her quirk
- if actor is sick or can't attend work for personal reasons it's time for toga to shine
- she refuses to work without personal permission of actor
- she still get to act as herself mostly in school setting romance
- once was asked to work for some indie horror movie and was absolutely thrilled through whole experience
- planning to attend more auditions for horrors but afraid that her school romance image would ruin her chances
-writes manga and light novels
- specifically asks post production team to credit him in end as 'dabi' not 'todoroki toya'
- because of scars mostly works for mafia related movies
- once was invited to film an advertising with hawks. agreed only to tease hawks by flirting with him, was not expecting hawks to start flirting back.
- someone put those bloopers on herotube and half of the internet convinced that they are a couple
- really likes it when toga drops by the set just to say hi
- hates that he has to spend the most time out of all actors on set for make-up
- started to stream just for fun, was not expecting it to become full time job
- if spinner has no fans shigaraki's dead
- has a herotube channel with short animation videos
- finds dabihawks shipping situation hilarious
- had been shipped with dabi after a few streams, but cut this off by coming out as aroace
- makes blind reaction videos with spinner
- invites toga and/or dabi for streams which includes them trying to cook something once in a while
- usually these streams end up in chaos
- was streaming for longer time then shigaraki but was less popular
- more known as a bass player for a few rock bands
- almost passed out when shigaraki showed up in chat for the first time
- 'close your eyes bro' 'okay' 'what do you see?' 'nothing' 'that's my world without you, bro' 'bro' – kind of relationship with shigaraki
- tries to bring all of his gaming gear to tours with bands and fails miserably every time
- comes to toga-dabi-shigaraki cooking streams but stays behind the camera ready to call firefighters
- wears mask and sunglasses for streams and mask and hood for concerts
mr. compress:
- one of the most popular cosplayers in the community
- somehow manages to visit all of the cons with multiple cosplays
- uses his quirk to carry costumes around
- makes custom cosplay gear and has herotube channel with cosplay tips for newcomers
- freelance photographer for a few geek magazines
- met shigaraki and dabi at a photo shoot for magazine
- a few times was hired as a concert photographer and met spinner at the first one
- magne's podcast buddy
- carries toga's bags at cons and helps her with shopping
- has been working for huge animation studio but started her own project and quit
- does podcast about queer and quirk discrimination with compress
- once invited shigaraki to discuss 'villainous' quirk discrimination and shigaraki ended up coming out
- actually the one who encouraged toga to apply for auditions for horrors
- met compress through cosplay community
- has been planing to work with shigaraki on some animation project
- runs support center for teens with twice
- works A LOT with dabi
- started as a cameraman but then dabi suggested to try acting
- toga's number one fan
- voiced a lot of characteres from magne's shows
- was the one who brought up the idea of support center
- always declines magne's invitations for podcast because he convinced that he doesn't experience any oppression
- helps compress and toga to get ready for cons
- shigaraki's editor and assists compress for photo shoots
- making tiktoks of chaotic cooking streams is his favorite part of his job
- the one who shigaraki calls when accidentally decays controller or other gaming stuff
- thankful to spinner for attending chaotic cooking streams for safety reasons
- his quirk is the reason why compress able to attend so many cons
- goes to every premier of toga, twice or dabi movies
- the one who organizes the league meetings once a month
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lorkai · 3 months
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: Wrote smth similar for Idia so of course I had to write this for my absolutely beautiful and astonishing queen (⁠๑⁠♡⁠⌓⁠♡⁠๑⁠)
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Vil stood in front of the mirror, scrutinizing his reflection with a critical eye. Every detail had to be perfect, from his perfectly styled hair to the flawless application of his makeup. You stood a few steps away, watching him with a mix of sentiments.
His beauty was undeniable but it was the person behind the perfection that truly captivated you. Yet he didn't realized that.
Vil caught your gaze in the mirror and turned to face you, a slight frown creasing his flawless features. "Is there something on my face?" He asked, his voice carrying a hint of irritation masked with a polite tone.
You shook your head and took a step closer. "No, there's nothing on your face," you said softly. "I just enjoy looking at you."
His cheeks turned a faint shade of pink and he looked away, busying himself with a makeup brush. "Why would you...?" He began, but his voice trailed off as you closed the distance between you.
Gently, you placed your hands on either side of his face, lifting it so his eyes met yours once more. The warmth of his skin beneath your fingertips made your heart race. Slowly, you leaned in, your breath mingling with his.
Before he could react, you pressed your lips to his in a soft, tender kiss, which you tried to convey everything you felt for him and how much loved he was. For a moment, time seemed to stand still. Vil's eyes widened in surprise before fluttering shut, his lips responding tentatively to yours. The kiss was sweet, filled with the promise of affection and unspoken feelings.
"I like looking at you because you're beautiful," You whispered, your voice barely audible.
When you finally pulled away, his face was a deep shade of red and he stared at you with a mixture of astonishment and something deeper, a vulnerable softness that he rarely showed to you. His hand came up to touch his lips, as if trying to capture the lingering sensation of your kiss.
"I... I didn't expect..." He stammered, his usual poise faltering. A long exasperated sigh leaving his throat as he looked back at the mirror. For a long moment he looked tired, more tired than it was possible to be. "People always admire me for my looks, but they never truly see me, they can't. I've always struggled with maintaining this perfect image, more now than ever as Neige was cast in a role that I wanted. Maybe I'm only beautiful enough to be a villain."
You could see the insecurity in his eyes, the remnants of the pressure he had carried for so long. You reached out, taking his hands in yours, squeezing them gently.
"Vil, you are so much more than your appearance," You said, your voice firm but gentle. "I've seen the way you care for those around you, how dedicated you are to your craft and how deeply you feel. Your outer beauty is just a part of you. It's your heart and soul that make you truly beautiful."
His eyes softened further and you noticed the lipstick in his hand. With a gentle smile, you reached out and took it from him. "May I?"
His eyes glistened, the words sinking in. He had always been so critical of himself, striving for an impossible standard of perfection and you knew it. But your words, and the sincerity in your eyes, gave him something he hadn't felt in a long time: acceptance.
And you also knew that.
People didn't see him: Vil Schoenheit, an eighteen old boy and a simple but strict dorm leader who have been on the spotlight and under pressure since he was younger, they only saw The Vil Schoenheit, famous actor and model. A talented villain, a vain man who only cares about his beauty.
He nodded, watching you intently as you uncapped the lipstick. Carefully, you tilted his chin up and began to apply it to his lips, your movements slow and deliberate. The rich color spread evenly, enhancing his already stunning features. You took your time, savoring the intimacy of the moment, the way his breath hitched slightly under your touch.
"There," You said, stepping back to admire your work. "Perfect. Just like you."
Vil's fingers brushed against his lips, a small smile tugging at the corners. "Thank you, liebling," He whispered, his voice filled with genuine gratitude.
"If you ever feel under the weather again, don't hesitate to tell me, babe," You continued, a smile playing on your lips. "I can always snatch you up so he can cuddle while I tell all the things I love about it. And I love a lot of things."
His eyes met yours, and for the first time, you saw a flicker of hope and happiness there. His frown was replaced by a graceful smile growing on his lips, he wasn't tired at all now.
He was calm and relaxed, and more than that, he was happy to forget his worries, if only for a moment. You had this effect on him.
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CM Meet Cute (or not) Challenge 📚☕️
The following are prompts including a Meet Cute/Ugly scenario (any first-time-meeting)! Reader or OC, Gen/Platonic, AND Character/Character fics are allowed!
This event is over (Masterlist of Fics here), but you are welcome to use any of these prompts. If you would like to be added to the existing Masterlist of entries, please check out the Rules below!
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☕️ Generic Prompts 📚
Character gets locked out and their neighbor picks the lock for them.
Characters get the same coffee order. They both reach for it at the same time.
Characters get paired up at the work event icebreaker.
Characters both duck for cover under the same tiny storefront when it starts pouring.
Character is knocked into a stranger’s lap on the bus.
Characters are both stood up at the same date spot.
Character sits next to a stranger in the theater, but the two end up bonding when there’s a technical glitch.
On Character’s first day at the new job, they get stuck on the elevator with their new coworker.
Character breaks their heel/slips on the way into their new job. Their new coworker manages to catch them.
Character accidentally dumps their coffee on someone in a very dramatic fashion.
Character accidentally causes someone to slip and fall. They try to help them up, but they both fall down.
Characters are sat together on a long train ride.
Characters are on rival teams at a work event.
Characters reach for the same book at the library.
Character sits next to someone at an academic conference. They get way too excited about a topic that’s taboo/uncouth to normal people.
Character accidentally messages the wrong number. A stranger answers.
Character offers unsolicited fashion advice to a stranger in the dressing room.
Characters wear matching masks at a masquerade party.
It isn’t a meet cute at all. They know each other already but they don’t notice for an embarrassingly long time.
Character realized they left a piece of clothing in the laundromat but when they return, someone’s already started a load. The pair wait for it to finish together.
Character accidentally bumps into someone’s car in a parking lot. They are very upset… until they realize how cute the other one is.
Anything else you can think of!
🍄 Autumn Prompts 🍁
Character gets lost in a corn maze… meant for children. They begrudgingly ask a total stranger, for help.
Character fight over a perfect pumpkin at the patch and explain why each of them needs it.
Characters show up in an accidental couples’ costume.
Character tries to scare their friend, but ends up spooking a complete stranger.
Character steps on a stranger’s shoe… and realizes they are dressed like Cinderella.
Character accidentally gets hurt in a spooky attraction and a scare actor breaks character to help.
Character gets scared in a haunted tour and jumps in the arms of someone they think is their friend—but it’s not.
Character thinks someone is in a costume and tries to guess what it is. They’re not in a costume.
🫣 Dialogue Prompts 😅
“Hey, sorry, can I give you my number?” “What?” “Oh, not like that—I lost my phone.”
“My kid thinks you’re a real princess. Would you mind taking a photo with them?”
“I think we accidentally swapped orders. By the way, what the hell is in this?”
“Hey, would you mind talking to me so this creep will leave me alone?”
“Is it possible to actually die from embarrassment?”
“I definitely would have remembered meeting you.”
“Watch where you’re going!” “… You ran into me?!”
“That diamond is fake.” “So is the engagement.”
“You aren’t some crazy serial killer, right?”
“Do you believe in fate?”
“This is way too cliche.”
Rules 📚
The fic can be a Reader insert, an Original Character, a character/character ship, a platonic ship, or a Gen fic. It can feature any Criminal Minds character. AUs are more than welcome.
Tag me in the fic, or send the link to me in a Direct Message. It can be already written, or you can write it for the challenge - I’m collecting both! You can also tag it “#mentioningmargins” which is a tag I track.
The fic can be any genre, but ONLY send me smut if your bio states you are 18+. I DO NOT WANT smut written by minors. Ever. At all. I will check. Platonic ships and pure, fluffy fics are 100% allowed.
Please include Content Warnings and a one-sentence Summary of the fic in your post.
Have fun!
Happy Writing!
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 11 months
You watch slasher movies? I haven't done so in years (much to my disappointment), got any recommendations, classics, popular, underrated, anything really?
I knew I hadn't watched them in a long time, but it wasn't till I had to try and write something based on classic slashers, that I realized how long its been since I consumed that kind of content.
My only plan so far is that I need to watch The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
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Alright, Pandora, it depends on your tastes, and what you look for in a "slasher" ❤️
As you may remember, I fucking love the OG the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and when I got pretty bad last month emotionally I watched it on repeat for two weeks straight. However, if you go in for a regular slasher film you will be disappointed. The first movie is incredible, focusing on amazing shots and atmosphere for nearly the entire first half. It's less of a slasher as we would come to know the genre, and more of an artistic film centered around the horrors of humanity. The series is a wonderful mess of multiple timelines and little continuity, but the sequels better fit the slasher archetype. The best sequel (imo) is the one directly after the first, and it's a black comedy slasher, focusing more on the kills.
Now, slashers ❤️
If you're a nerd and want to experience the slasher history, then before Halloween (which still holds up) there was Black Christmas, and before that the Town that Dreaded Sundown.
The Town that Dreaded Sundown is based off a true serial killer, and unlike TCM which is loosely inspired by Ed Gein, a lot of the kills (except the trombone scene) are based on actual murders, with his mask accurate to the only real world survivor's testimony of her assault. It's very slow pace, and with how desensitized we are as a society you might find it boring, but if you ever get a phonecall from Ghostface, then you have to know the Town that Dreaded Sundown. Fun fact, his mask also inspired Jason's mask from Friday the 13th part 2!
Black Christmas is awesome! I'd recommend it more than Sundown, because of pacing, characters, acting, and overall atmosphere. I love my second wave feminism horror (Stepford Wives (mwah)), and it did a lot better with it's feminist themes than the loose remake from 2019 that tried to be intentionally feminist (ignore the 2006 remake entirely, so bad, so lame, so gross). It did the first person perspective of the killer nearly four years before Halloween's iconic opening. It introduced the idea of the final girl, but she wouldn't become a sexually repressed younger woman until Halloween solidified the trope. It has some great kills that still hold up, and Billy is iconic. I really feel the only reason why he isn't more well known in non-horror spaces is because he doesn't have a mask or outfit that can be replicated and sold in Spirit.
After that we have our most well known slashers, and they're popular for good reason ❤️
A Nightmare on Elm St, Friday the 13th, and Halloween spawned sequels that spiraled off into varying degrees of madness, but still have fun moments.
After the success of Friday the 13th (and the realization of the franchise-ability of slashers) there were a lot of slashers that tried to capture the money magic of the first few success stories. Not all of them were great, but a few notable slashers imo are My Bloody Valentine and the Dentist.
Although Candyman is often lumped in with slashers, like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the first movie is more than a traditional slasher. I recommend the first one as a beautiful love story about the horrors of American racism. It's score is still incredible, the behind the scenes are so interesting, and Tony Todd is absolutely beautiful. Such an amazing actor. (Not so) Fun fact: Tony Todd said in the behind the scenes that there originally was a romantic scene where Helen proclaimed her love for Candyman, but they were forced to cut it, because "they were okay with a tall, black man covered in bees.. but, mm, when it came to a kiss, or something like that, it was a little bit too risque..." ( :/ )
(Please please please watch Candyman)
Then the best, or worst (depending on your views), thing happened to the genre; Scream.
One of the best slashers there is, it isn't the first self referential, meta horror (see Wes Craven's New Nightmare), but it did change the slasher genre for a very long time. It was a revival for the genre, since it was declining in popularity by the early 90s. However, post Scream horror was very meta. See Chucky's personality changing from the occasional funny quip, to Bride of Chucky levels of silly (still love him tho). Of the terrible horror trying to copy Scream, I'd recommend Urban Legend over I Know What You Did Last Summer. It was a shame, just how silly a lot of scary movies got back then, trying to be as smart and self aware as Scream was.
But my favorite (outside of Scream) meta horror slasher film is Behind the Mask: the Rise of Leslie Vernon ❤️ took meta to a whole new level, mockumentary style, a camera crew follows a wannabe slasher killer explaining how to be a slasher icon.
I've watched too many slashers to remember all of them right now, but if you want really meta black comedies, Tucker and Dale vs Evil isn't a slasher but a loving joke on the genre, and the Final Girls made me laugh and cry like a little bitch.
A lot of slashers since the late 90s have drifted closer to the black comedy sub genre. Killers that kill for the sake of killing are often B-rated blood fests, that can be great for mindless fun but not so great for box office gains, especially in our current horror renaissance. Slashers don't fit in to the current horror culture. Serial killers aren't scary for desensitized audiences, and the mindless gore expectations set by older slasher films have created a pretty specific genre setup and pay off (dumb people who only exist to die get brutally murdered). It either has to be B-rated mindless fun (Laid to Rest 1 and 2 had terrible camera work and directing, making even incredible actors like Lena Headey feel lackluster, but the practical effects are so impressive I'd recommend it just for the blood and guts (and bewbs)), or comedic (the Hatchet series has great cameos, genuine laughs, and more impressive practical effects, but with good cinematography and directing (still bewbs)). Slashers that don't lean in to how ridiculous the concept of slashers are and try to take themselves seriously often end up falling short, either creating boring killers with no personality or trying to force a plot into a generic slasher shaped hole.
This does include most remakes of slasher movies, as a lot of slashers were remade in the early 2000's with less interesting characters to be killed off by the slashers. The remake of Candyman was an exception, because even though it wasn't as good as the original, it did go back to it's non slasher roots, learning from the mistake that was the third Candyman.
Non slashers that are considered slashers because of the slasher sequels/iconic murderers:
the Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Child's Play
Best Precursor to the genre:
Black Christmas
Popular Classics:
Friday the 13th
a Nightmare on Elm St
Pre 90's Slashers that I recommend:
The Dentist
Sleepaway Camp (it's divided on whether it's problematic or interesting representation)
Alice, Sweet Alice
My Bloody Valentine
Post 90's meta commentary/black comedy:
Behind the Mask: the Rise of Leslie Vernon
The Final Girls
Tucker and Dale vs Evil
There are obviously a lot more, but these are a few off the top of my head ❤️
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mhsdatgo · 6 months
I feel like a lot of people misunderstand me when I say I'm disappointed with the way Aegon was adapted.
Most of those who criticize me (and some Aegon stans who aren't apologists, because get some help seriously) throw every possible excuse there is in the book in order to rid Aegon of any kind of depth or potential for Season 2.
I've been told I can't stomach characters that are downright bad, I've been told I only cling to show!Aegon's only redeeming quality at the moment (namely, TGC) and make it THE reason why Aegon should be liked.
I really don't know why I gotta say this about myself as a preface in order to debunk that second "theory" but I can absolutely assure you that amongst all the people I've crushed on or fell in love with in all my years of life, only two of them were boys and one of them is my current boyfriend. So if anything my fuckable meter as moral compass doesn't work that well with men lmao. Thank you for admitting that this show is so bad that sometimes the only good quality about certain characters are the actors that play them, idk what to tell you.
And on not being able to handle wicked characters, really? I've got a whole blog shitting on HotD writers for a lot of reasons amongst which is the fact that they made Rhaenyra blander than unseasoned potatoes and you came to the conclusion that... I can't handle wicked characters?
I'd really have no problems with Aegon being adapted as the cruel piece of shit he is in the books. You know, the only source material. If we're talking Aegon individually, my only problem with the route they're taking is making it similar to Joffrey. We don't want Joffrey Targaryen, we want Aegon II. (And like it or not, he's so different from Joffrey it's not even funny) The only things these two kids have in common are dying from poison, having a mother who's a lady-turned-queen, having a grandfather who's hand of the king and being selfish pricks.
My problem lies with Rhaenyra. Everyone knows Aegon sucks ass, that was known even before Sara Hess came up with that caricature of cartoonish evilness and tried masking it as gray writing. It's wanting to make Rhaenyra any better that is ridiculous as fuck.
Rhaenyra was just as selfish, self-righteous and dumb as Aegon. Rhaenyra's motives were just as valid as Aegon. They are both sides of the same coin. That's the basics if you want to understand Fire and Blood. Something Sara, Ryan, Miguel and the entire team didn't understand in the slightest. If you want me to take a show about the Dance of the Dragons seriously, you want to make this SIMPLE concept clear as day, which really isn't that hard.
And I'm sorry, but the situation with Dyana, that poor thing, is always angering to watch. Despicable, yes. Unforgivable, yes. I agree. I like it when there are turns in the adaptation of a story as vague as Fire and Blood, but not when that change is made for no reason other than wanting to uplift a character who deserves anything but.
Furthermore, I beg your pardon a second time for wanting the least possible scenes of r*pe or implied r*pe on my screen. Maybe because it's triggering, not necessarily because the r*pist is played by my little meow meow, ever thought of that? If you want your audience to hate a character, put yourself at work. There are so many ways to do that. Taking the easy route (because it was an easy route, argue with the wall) because war crimes aren't enough to make people pounce at a character like rabid dogs is lazy and disrespectful to people who came to see a well developed show. First accept that there aren't saints in F&B, then you can start working.
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