#actually i think all shows should bring back longer intros. i like them its fun
crunchycrystals · 1 year
i think sitcoms should bring back theme songs
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sanstropfremir · 3 years
Okay, time for my weekly rant so buckle up. The vocal stages were okay-I cant really remember them well because I watched them only once so take what I say with a grain of salt. Well I watched the Spark one once and I only got through half of the other one because I can’t stand ballads especially when there’s no interesting movement on stage to keep me engaged. Like it’s no fault of the members themselves or the song (I actually think their singing was incredibly beautiful and Eunkwang always sings like his wife just left him with the kids which is how you know he’s good) but I physically could not pay attention. That’s why I liked the spark stage a bit better-there was enough movement that I was able to focus on it. I really liked the use of the fire and the way they were walking in and out of the frame trading off parts so there weren’t too many awkward moments where the other members where on stage but not doing anything. The opening was gorgeous with each members being lit by the spotlight as they harmonize. So stagewise, I prefer Spark but vocally I think the other group was stronger. I love Spark and Taeyon is such an incredible vocalist (I mean the song is great because of her) so I don’t get why their delivery was, I don’t want to say weak, but subdued might be a better word. The only one that really stood out was Junhoe (but also that man couldn’t not stand out even if he tried, not with that incredibly rasp) and even he seemed to be holding himself back a bit. Though it was a bit slow it built up well to the two last choruses but still the first half could have been stronger. I know they were trying to draw it out to a strong pay off but I don’t really know if it was enough. And yes the suits were *chef’s kiss*. I think at this point in their career the FNC stylist has put SF9 in so many suits they’ve got it down to a science. Also I’m a sucker for those shirts with the triangle cut out and we got not one but two of them here.
Okay moving on, I’m not sure which group was next but I’ll talk about the Ikon stage. It seems like they finally realized that they’re on a performance based competition show so they decided to pull out the big guns. Love the little skit at the beginning (making sure people don’t forget that they’re YG), it was cute and refreshing. I really appreciated how they leaned into the campy acting in this stage (Stray kids did it too-just adding to the similarities between their stages). The song was meh but I also don’t really like BP especially not their recent stuff so it’s not a big deal. I would have preferred if they had gone with another song maybe Whistle or As If It’s Your Last or if they’d done a 2NE1 song like Chanwoo mentioned some point in the episode. I also think the stage would have been way smoother if they’d let Ikon and Lisa interact. Like if the boys appeared in her set after her section and then they all moved back to the first jungle set and then the whole thing turns gold and they did a dramatic outfit change (but with better jackets because theirs look like they came out of Party City). I also get what you mean about the dancers outfits not being that great. I actually really liked the outfits of Lisa’s dancers in isolation but they didn’t match with her or the set so they threw me off a bit. At least with the ikon members they were going for a modern look so the dancers outfits didn’t look that strange in comparison. Do you think it would have been better if they were white? How would you have improved then? The best way I can describe this performance was that it was a stage, stuff happened, I enjoyed myself but I don’t plan to revisit it anytime soon. Oh and we also have to give points for them cursing on national television not once but twice (at this point Jinwan deserves to say fuck).
Now to Stray Kids. So I feel like I need to preface this with the fact that I am actually a stray kids fan (I won’t call myself a stay because I don’t associate with the fandom) and though I’ve been really critical of them and their stages tend to be my least favorite I still have a soft spot for them (I got into this show because of them after all). I loved, loved, loved the intro with Felix (and yes his biggest flaw is that he’s Australian but I forgive him for it) and the way it immediately transitions into the chorus of DDD-the abrupt transition does fit really well with the Deadpool theme and I guess it is the closest they’re going to get to the feeling of yeeting themselves into traffic like in the movie. Interesting choice to start with the chorus. Now that I’m rewatching it I do really wish they stuck with the comic theme. I think that’s my gripe with SKZ-they have a lot of good ideas but they move on too quickly from them. Just pick a handful of things and sprinkle them throughout instead of cycling through them at breakneck speed. Like okay they’re doing Deadpool and he’s a comic character so keep the comic styling (it would have been a good thing to put in the projection behind Seungmin’s scene), maybe in the subway they could have had some fight choreo so the guns coming in at Lee Knows part aren’t out of nowhere (also someone please tell me they were trying to recreate the meme with the cat and the knives, please I need to know). I absolutely agree that them having a goal or an antagonist would have really helped the story along. I mean they literally have a spoken intro so why couldn’t Felix just tell us who they were fighting (and I’m pretty sure in the movie Wade tells us he’s trying to kill Francis in that scene sooo). As always they put more focus on the rappers (please can we get less Changbin and more Seungmin, Jeongin, or Lee Know or at least give Felix more parts). Seungmin was the real mvp of this stage and he had the best outfit (I think it qualifies for Hanya’s best gay little outfit list). Personally I with they hadn’t gone with Gods Menu again. I’ve been hoping that they would perform My Pace (and maybe remix it with their B-side TA off their Go Live album) because that would be such a fun stage. Again, I enjoyed myself but I won’t revisit it anytime soon. At this point the only groups I actually look forward to are BTOB and SF9 (they’re doing fucking Move and I don’t know whether to be excited or terrified-there’s a clip of Taeyang covering Move from a variety show or interview and I think he does it really well so I know at least one of them can pull it off). Again thanks for creating space where I can info dump and I hope I said something of interest to you!
i think you wrote more than me!! i love this, im gonna put my response under a cut im not being super obnoxious on the dash.
i get that the mayfly stage would be not as visually stimulating for people and usually i would count myself in with that crowd because i love a good spectacle but i think because i watched the spark stage first and my colour perception is sometimes weird so when there's a lot of movement with very little colour variation my tiny pea brain loses track of whats happening really quickly. especially with red. so it was kind of difficult for me to pay attention to the spark stage in the second half. also i absolutely HATE watching people flub on stage because it brings up such visceral secondhand feelings that i couldn't even watch the stage when i started the full episode today.
i love a good suit but you know what i would also love: sf9 in more costume variations. tbh im just getting nitpicky about it because im a costume designer down to the core and i got trained by a designer who specialized in doing avant garde costuming so i tend to skew more towards wild than reserved. it looks like the move stage wont be be suits so ill take it, but oh man to do i want to see some really crazy stuff. which i know they'll never do because idols have to be pretty at all times or the fans get mad but oh i want it so badly.
do you mean how i would improve ikon's backup dancers outfits or lisa's? here why dont i do both. for lisa's dancers i would have just done away with that harness shape all together, its almost exclusively a military style. the jackets by themselves would have been fine but really what they should have done was put them in something that matched the gold but contrasted enough to give them shape. by having at least her dancers in all black on a gold stage there was a lot of "haha look at me do a duck walk because lets throw in some voguing for spice." they could have gone with a mesh bodysuit idea similar to what she was wearing or even just different colour coats. as for ikon's backup dancers, firstly pants. not black. or even a longer skirt. genuinely a part of the reason why i dont watch girl group content is because i HATE the hem length of the shorts they make everyone wear. words cannot describe how much i hate that cut. kpop is so obsessed with showing off women's bodies and especially their legs but they do it in the LEAST flattering way possible because it "can't be too risqué," just shoot me now. i hate it. i hate it so fucking much. yea yea everybody was on cocaine in the 80s whatever but at least they were all wearing french cut bodysuits so their legs looked fantastic. stop interrupting the lines!! anyways. pants so the only section of skin showing is thigh to mid calf, especially because they weren't even doing any fun legwork! if they really wanted to keep the full sleeve bodysuits they shout have done them in a fabric with a texture or external embellishments, like a patent/vinyl or sequins/rhinestones. something to catch the stage lights so we can actually see the shape of the limb. but the easiest way to fix it is literally just cut the arms off the bodysuits. stages are lit to show off skin, sometimes the best way to have something be seen is just to have it bare.
i agreed skz cycles through ideas way too fast, they need to just pick a couple and stick them out through the stage instead of just adding more and more different ones throughout. also ok good someone else noticed that there is just...so much changbin. we don't need that much changbin. i know there's other boys in the group let them do something! also im pretty sure theyre not recreating the cat knife meme but actually the promo image from john wick chapter two, which i also could have sworn i saw a deadpool version of as an instagram ad back when movies were happening, but now that im looking for it it doesn't exist so i might be crazy.
im excited for the move stage but im also trepidatious because...its move. i have NO clue what the concept is from the previews so i just hope its weird enough to take it enough out of the taemin context for me to enjoy it.
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runpogorun · 4 years
To fill my Marvel Fluff Bingo square, Astronomer AU. No warnings apply, rated G, Matt Murdock/Foggy Nelson, 2759 words. Read it here or over on AO3.
Matt makes his way slowly into the room. The first thing he finds is the couch in the middle, presumably facing the TV, so Matt circles it slowly, his cane tapping lightly between the heavy thud of upholstery on his left and the hollow chink of wooden skirting board. The cane makes a higher tink as it collides with a metal structure and Matt reaches out with his hand, searching, and confirms a metal cabinet. He continues sweeping his cane across the hardwood floor, wary of any rugs, as his hands skate the surface of the cabinet finding photo frames, three clustered plant pots. He sends some loose sheets of paper skating off the surface and freezes, trying to track their direction of flight. 
“Don’t worry about it!” Foggy calls from the kitchen. “I’ll get them.” 
Matt turns his head over his shoulder, towards Foggy, and grins sheepishly. “Sorry. Comes with the territory.”
Foggy tsks quietly. “It’s not a problem. They’re just bills. You said whisky, right?”
Matt nods, “Yes, thanks,” and resumes his exploration. There’s an open doorway just past the cabinet, and Matt pauses, head tilted. “This the bathroom?”
Matt moves his cane again, and it twangs in his hand with another metal vibration. But this doesn’t feel as heavy as the cabinet. He frowns, and reaches forward as he hears Foggy come up behind him.
“Oh, that’s a little more fragile, but feel free to… feel away.”
Intriguing. Matt stretches through space and finds smooth, painted metal with his fingertips. The metal is curved into a tube, and as his fingers move along it they find an encircling ridge. The object gives under his touch, and he finds the pivot point, the tripod suspending it. He tucks his cane under his arm and takes a step forward, using both hands to get a better idea of its dimensions.
Matt turns his head back in Foggy’s direction. “Is a telescope actually useful in New York City?”
Foggy makes a considering noise. “It’s alright. Not as good as, say, the Socorro Desert. But I can still see things.”
“Does your apartment have roof access?”
“Not the apartment itself, but the super lets me use the service stairs. 
Matt files that away, drops his hands and turns towards Foggy. “Shall we sit?”
“Sure.” Foggy moves towards the couch. “Did you find the couch? It’s over here.” He pats the cushion with an open palm, a firm thump of orienting sound.
Matt smiles at him. “Yes, thanks.” There’s a coffee table as well that Foggy forgot to mention, but he expected that. He folds up his cane and drops it on the coffee table and sits down next to Foggy before accepting his drink. “So, what sort of things do you like to look at? You’re not a creeper, are you?” He takes a sip, revelling as always in the first burn.
Foggy laughs loudly at that. “No. I’m an astronomer.”
Matt tilts his head. “You said you were a teacher.”
“I am. I teach Observational Astronomy and Cosmology at NYU.”
Matt laughs. “And here I was, thinking you were a dance teacher.” Foggy had held the class in his palm, everyone drawn to him, like he had the strongest gravitational pull in the room. It had only taken three classes for Matt to succumb, and accept an invitation for a drink.
“That’s just a hobby. I like to boogie. And it’s a good way to meet people,” Foggy says, nudging Matt with his elbow.  
Matt raises his glass, and Foggy clinks them together. “Slainte. So, do you do this often?” He takes a sip.
“Meet people?”
“Bring strange men back to your apartment.”
Foggy laughs at that. “Strangers are friends we haven’t yet met. But, honestly? No. I don’t.”
Matt considers that. He, in contrast, does do this often, but usually only once or twice with the same person. Matt’s a comet, shooting in and out, plenty of noise and fuss but little substance.
“How about you,” Foggy asks.
“Me?” Matt mentally scans through all the men and women he’s dated in recent history. This may not be the moment to share that information.
“How do you make your crust?”
“Oh.” Matt leans back against the couch cushions and stretches an arm along the seat back, towards Foggy. “I’m a lawyer,” he says, mouth quirking in a slight smile, and waits for the inevitable praise. People are always impressed.
“Oh cool. I nearly did Law,” Foggy says. People often say this - it’s one of those throwaway lines. But then he adds, “I was aiming for Columbia but then… I took an intro to Astronomy class over the summer after high school and I sort of… fell into the stars.”
Matt tilts his head. “Tell me about it.”
Foggy hums, consideringly. “I’d always been interested, you know?” he says. “But I hadn’t really thought that it could be my job. I thought it would be fun to take the class, that it would be interesting. So I did.”
“Always a solid choice, choosing the interesting.”
“It was residential, close to an observatory. One morning we got up in the middle of the night, and towards dawn I saw the Orion Nebula. It’s near Orion’s Belt.  And it was so beautiful, and unknown. I wanted more. I couldn’t stop thinking of what else must be out there. 
“I mean, we do know a lot now, especially when a probe like Juno fires back information, but also a lot of it we can’t exactly know. No one knows what it’s like to stand on the surface of Eros, not really. Or what the Helix Nebula looks like from the inside. We can model it, sure, but we can’t know. I was hungry to find out what I could. I was hooked.” Foggy stops, abruptly, and Matt can hear him sip his drink.
Matt is struck by the emotion in Foggy’s voice, growing with every word. “That’s a great story,” he says. “Not everyone finds their passion, or follows it.
Foggy takes a deep breath, and lets it out slowly. “Yeah. You know, I don’t usually tell people all that, right out of the blocks.”
“I guess I should feel honoured,” Matt says.
“You should, my friend,” Foggy says, the humour back in his voice.
Matt angles his head towards the telescope in the corner. “And that. Do you use it often?”
“Uh yeah, I do, actually.” Matt can hear Foggy shifting against the cushions, like he’s embarrassed again, caught out. “I mean, it’s no match for the Keck telescopes, but it still lets me look. I like looking.”
“Why don’t you show me?” Matt suggests. “I mean, if it’s a good night for it.”
Foggy holds his breath for a moment, then lets out a puff of laughter. “Sure. Why not.” 
It takes a minute to get sorted. Matt snaps out his cane, stashes the whisky bottle under his free arm and holds the glasses in that hand. Foggy is gentle, almost reverent, with the telescope as he folds up the tripod. They head out the apartment door, Foggy and telescope leading, Matt and whisky following, and up the stairwell to the roof. 
The summer air is still warm, but cooler than the oppressive heat of the day. “Over here,” Foggy says. There’s a table and a couple of chairs set up to one side, and Matt settles down to listen as Foggy fusses over the equipment.
“You do do this often.”
“Mmm. It’s nice up here. Quiet.”
Matt listens to the sound of cars rushing in the street below. It’s muffled, sure, and you can’t ever escape cars in New York City. But Foggy’s right. It is peaceful.
“What do you see?”
“There’s still some light in the sky from the sun, but Mars is close and bright. And Venus. Not that I need the telescope for them.”
“You don’t?”
“Not to find them. They’re just like bright stars. But it’s not really dark enough yet. I’ll wait a bit.” The other chair creaks as Foggy sinks into it. “Tell me about your law practice, Matt. Are you a corporate hotshot?”
“Not so much.” Matt shrugs. “It’s just me and my partner Kirsten, and our paralegal Karen. I mostly do what Kirsten says.”
“Business partner,” Matt says, smiling at Foggy. “Best friend from law school.” 
“What kind of work do you do?”
“Small stuff, mostly. Tenancy disputes, work visas, that kind of thing. Most of our clients come from here in the Kitchen.”
“Sticking up for the little guy!” Foggy cries. “Show me some skin.” Matt holds up his palm and Foggy high fives him. “That’s what I wanted to do.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“Well, like I said, it was the stars. I couldn’t stop thinking about what I’d learned in that in astronomy class. And I’m good at Math, so that helps. I ended up switching from Philosophy to Physics before the year started. And then I went on to get my doctorate at UC Davis. My parents were devastated when they realised I wasn’t going to drive a Bentley” he says, laughing.
Matt laughs with him. “Academia isn’t really a way to make money, is it?”
“It’s really, really not. Not like law. Mom wanted me to be a butcher but that was never going to happen, so at least I could have done something which would have made me rich. Such a disappointment.”
Matt laughs at that. “You sound like me. I’ll never be rich.”
“Your family counting on you for the bucks, too?”
Matt sobers. “Uh, not exactly.” He needs to get off this topic, now. “How far into the galaxy do you usually look?”
“The radiotelescope guys look right back in time, as far as we can look. But I kind of like our neighbourhood - our solar system. Each planet in our solar system is a whole world. Well, obviously they literally are worlds. They’re suspended, hanging in the enormous void of space. They look so serene, from Earth, as they hurtle through the endless blackness, but they’re dynamic and complex. Did you know that the Great Red Spot on Jupiter is so large that two Earths could fit side by side inside it? It’s an enormous storm that’s been raging for at least 150 years, probably much longer.”
Matt shakes his head. “I don’t know much about any of it.”
“We’re all so far from each other, and together at the same time. Once you leave our solar system it’s 25 trillion miles to the next one.”
“The next galaxy?”
“The next solar system. Our galaxy is fifty-two thousand light years across.”
Matt shakes his head. It’s too big a number to make sense.
“We’re bound by gravity to the rest of our solar system. There are so many stars and planets out beyond the Kuiper Belt,” Foggy continues, “And we’ll never be able to reach them. We can’t even see most of what we know is out there, we just have to make an educated guess at it, work it out from the clues.”
Matt half-smiles to himself, and takes a sip of his drink. “Seeing and knowing are two different things.”
“Uh, yeah, of course, I didn’t mean to--” 
Matt cuts him off with the wave of his hand. “So you took the class, and fell in love with astronomy?”
“Oh no, that happened much earlier. Growing up in the city I never saw that many stars, you know? When I was eleven I went away on summer camp to this place upstate. We stayed in these little cabins in the woods by a lake, just outside a small town. It was weird - so quiet, but sometimes you’d hear a wild animal. And at night, the stars! I didn’t know the sky could be like that. Like grains of sand scattered across a velvet blanket. I’d sneak out in the middle of the night when the sky was truly dark, and the entire sky was covered with stars. The trees were only visible as the places where the stars weren’t. 
“I discovered later that Aboriginal people in Australia, who live in the desert where obviously it’s really dark and the sky is very clear, have constellations that are the darker areas between the stars. The reverse of us who live with more light pollution. All people look up at the stars. We all wonder.”
Foggy suddenly sounds like he’s come back to himself, remembered where he was. “I’m sorry, I’m doing all the talking and this is probably really boring.”
“No,” Matt says quietly. “It’s not. I’ve never heard a description like this before. I-” He cuts himself off, unsure how to carry on without making himself sound wistful, and smiles. “I like it. I like listening to your voice.”
Foggy makes a quiet, pleased sound. “That’s a great line. I feel like I should be saying things with gravitas, or beautiful things. She says nothing at all, but simply stares upward into the dark sky and watches, with sad eyes, the slow dance of the infinite stars,” he quotes.
“Now that’s pretty,” Matt says.
“It’s Neil Gaiman. And he’s right, about the stars and planets dancing, caught in each other’s gravity.”
Matt smiles. “So then, tell me,” he prompts, gesturing upwards. “What’s there to see tonight? You said Venus?”
“Let’s see.” Foggy stands and goes again to the telescope. Matt hears the quiet scrape of metal as Foggy adjusts the focus. “There’s Jupiter. It’s high and bright right now. And Venus and Mars.” 
Foggy’s quiet, and Matt considers how far away his focus is. It’s hard for Matt to have a clear impression of anything beyond the reach of his hands - when he’s not touching something it could be anywhere, just out of reach or miles away. But Foggy looks at planets thousands of miles away, places he can never touch but he knows.
“Sometimes it’s better not to use the telescope at all,” Foggy says. “The Leonids meteor shower is going to arrive in a couple of months, and that’s better observed with the naked eye.”
“What are meteor showers like?”
“Fireworks. Bright, white hot stripes painting the sky. Streaking across the heavens.”
“But no boom.” Matt places his empty glass on the small table next to the bottle, and his glasses alongside.
“Good point! And several nights in a row. I’m looking forward to it.” Foggy sounds like he’s turned back to the telescope. 
Matt stands, the whisky now making him loose-limbed and easy, and walks slowly towards Foggy. His hand is slightly extended, reaching for the tune Foggy’s humming under his breath - it’s Drops of Jupiter. He clears his throat. “And what do you see, closer to home?” His voice is low and husky.
Foggy jumps and turns and his arm bumps Matt’s hand. “Oh! Um. Well.” Matt hears him take a quick breath, as Matt brings his hand to rest on Foggy’s shoulder. “I can see at least one beautiful thing.”
“That’s very cheesy,” Matt says, sliding his hand up to Foggy’s neck, then further to cup his cheek. He fans his thumb across to Foggy’s mouth, finding a goatee, and feels Foggy lean in to match him. “But I like it,” he breathes.
Foggy makes a small noise of pleasure for the brief moment that his warm, soft lips are pressed against Matt’s own. Matt brings his other hand to Foggy’s face, sliding both hands back and finding that Foggy’s hair is pulled back into a low pony.
“I didn’t think long hair would be allowed, Professor?” Matt asks.
Foggy huffs a laugh. “It’s Doctor to you, and anything goes these days.” He rests his forehead against Matt’s. “I like you,” he says, breathless.
“Really,” Matt says, one eyebrow lifted.
“I promise I’m usually better at… Words. And things.”
“What sort of things.”
“Oh, I can totally show you. But I feel obligated at this point to tell you that my super has a CCTV camera on this rooftop, and he is probably watching us right now because that’s the kind of guy he is. So, maybe we could take this back downstairs? If I’ve wooed you enough with the stars.”
“I could stand to hear more,” Matt says. “But yes, let’s go inside, and continue the story there.” And Matt follows Foggy again, drawn along by his gravity. He wonders what happens to a comet that gets caught in a gravitational field it can’t escape, wonders if he’s going to find out.
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raquellplanningwell · 4 years
TL:DR I loved it, it made the game even better, s/o to the creators for going back to it because I really think it makes SUCH a difference & develops the characters so beautifully, especially the three newer love interests, so many pleasant surprises throughout this play-through.  Longer Verison (If you’re up to it, please enjoy!)
Okay so when I say I’ve been aching for the creators to fix up the prologue I really mean it & this was beyond satisfying, like better than I could imagine.
There’s so many effective changes & they didn’t just fix one or two things here, they went INNN. The format has changed, things that were consistent in the story before are now in line & are much stronger with this new prologue.
Listen, I’ve tried to get multiple friends to play the Arcana & more than one have stopped at the prologue because it didn’t grasp them, this, this is a huge improvement & I got so hyped playing it.
Starting off even how Asra’s introduced feels so much smoother, not just a story thrown on you. The lost memories are mentioned & Asra delicately treats the apprentice, you see how he worries & care about them. Plus with this fun option, there’s a new chance to give your character some more personality, I love it. The Trouble option was worth it 👌🏻
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Truth be told I haven’t played the prologue in a while, so perhaps some details I’m re-appreciating from the previous version but I love that they went back & changed it, like that to me, shows how much they still care, & that the creators genuinely want to improve & nurture their game
Okay changes to Nadia introduction, ALSO GREAT, @ devs thank you for not just having the apprentice follow her blindly !! Like she explains the situation & lets the apprentice know exactly why she’s calling on their services right off the bat. Another detail I liked, is Nadia showing some vulnerability in this time, there’s a description of her sleepless eyes as well & I really like that! Like she’s not just the countess, she’s a person coming to you for help.
Portia’s intro is in there!! Bless!!! My girl finally being put out as a main & I JUST CAME TO THE REALIZATION THAT MEANS SHE’S STAYING YAAAAAAAYY, VERY EXCITING STUFF 🎊🍾
This is gonna a long post, if you’re still reading, thank you as well. So next is Julian’s entrance, I appreciate the options that from my knowledge stayed the same in how you react & I choose ‘negotiate’ as my own apprentice would & the details were great lol like this breakdown from the apprentice 👇 yup that sounds like the dumbass doctor alright
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Another nice detail, they exchange names earlier! The apprentice states their name when they first meet & Julian is even surprised when the apprentice doesn’t know his. And!! These warnings that come from the love interests in the beginning, that’re new characters at first, they’re not so ominous! Isn’t that awesome, like they make so much more sense with the story & who the characters are & what they know.
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Like this ^ right here ^^ that is phenomenal. The wording makes sense, what he’s talking about makes more sense as you get to play the game, like it’s how it’s meant to be. Before I believe his warning was about how the “witch” cares about the MC but that they shouldn’t trust him & more than anything that made me feel confused about who to choose & what was true, even in a prologue so this change is very welcomed.
The portion with the voice in the dream & being able to pick whether to follow it or not, super glad about that like those feel like meaningful choices & even the dream scene being added, so cool! I’m assuming as of now the voice was Lucio & I think it was really well played
Muriel’s CG, I really yelled. when I say it’s incredible, like CRAZY GOOD, I mean it. The lighting, the mood, even the angle because yes he will likely be towering over the apprentice & that’s a lovely thing to consider, also his expression is so good & yes! No strange warning that sounds out of character to his route, it starts off with “...” as it should, the most Muriel line.
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Even the way it’s described matches up so well lol like yes you can see you’re definitely engulfed in his shadow, he looks huge. Plus “and I look up… and up.. and up” is very funny. Again the fact that his first lines are “…” that’s perfect. I feel like the Grinch when he’s auditioning Max for Rudolph, he says nothing & throws off the nose & the Grinch goes “BRILLIANT”, that’s me. Like even Muriel stumbling back & having trouble saying anything is great. It’s how he is throughout the story, & especially in his own route, he has trouble talking to the apprentice. I’m uwuing at the stuttering too, baby, just a glimpse into what he’s gonna be like in his route & that’s a good intro in its own! 👏 This is like world’s improvement. Also if you’re still with me bless, thank you for being here & congratulations. I’m thinking of breaking this down in parts as I didn’t expect it to go so long but here we are & enjoying each minute of it.
*taps microphone* The use of the word, “bamboozled” thank you for your time.
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I can’t believe this is now in the prologue, I am giddy
OKAY! Into the market we go, & Portia is introduced! She introduces herself! We don’t just accidentally bump into her! & she’s with the baker! Very cool! OKAYYYYY, lol mind you I’m typing my reaction as I play, & Portia already showing her interest in the MC being a magician like she does throughout her route, noice. She’s so cute, & you get to ask about herself right off the bat, really enjoying these changes, they add so much to the characters. It might just be me but there’s more sound effects too? The cards shuffling, the gate opening. I also really like that the charm is mentioned again. Like feels more tangible than how it was before, I wasn’t even sure we had hung onto it before & now it feels like a personal item that can actually protect the apprentice & connect them to something more.
Next Chapter, really liking how clear things are right off the bat. In the old prologue, I remember being unsure about Nadia’s relationship to Lucio, but here it seems quite apparent they don’t share the same tastes, & the apprentice gets a moment to take it all in. THE VOICEEEE, Oh that’s an awesome addition. Also @ devs thank you for mentioning some compensation for the apprentice as well. Playing the game, it’s clear Nadia takes good care of them but yeah in the beginning it was very much like, ‘why am I doing this again other than you being Countess and asking me personally’, I appreciate it. And Devorak isn’t just described as the dude who confesses, he’s introduced as the apprentice’s first lead in this investigating, awesome!! I don’t recall this from the previous prologue but we’re actually discussing more of the murder mystery of this, I definitely think this is one of the Arcana’s strong points & I’m glad they’ve added to it. The story & world building potential for this game extends infinitely. The way that the dinner with Nadia has been built upon & improved, it feels meaningful. It makes me like her even more as character, like she’s not just a political power, she’s a person trying to figure this all out, do what’s best for her people & bring them together, as well she makes the goals in this investigation very clear.
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Portiaaaaa, I like that you get the chance to ask her more & she shows you more, the CG is so nice & suits her so well!! & the situation is a perfect intro to what to expect while in the palace, because that happens a lot, secret passages in just about every route, Lucio even mentions it himself in his own route how there’s so many about the palace grounds. But Portia telling you a ghost story in the Count’s wing is right on brand & I think it prepares you well for the first chapter of her route. I know I wasn’t expecting going straight for ghost hunting when I started her route.
There’s a ‘snoop around’, option now. I choose it & wow it’s a great time, tea & snacks with Nadia & Portia, bless. The scene is so fun & almost feels like a tale, like it feels special & you get to enjoy more of the love interests personalities. The mention of pepi is sweet. + the use of puns, 10/10 I love my girlfriend ✨
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Nadia’s note, a lovely touch.
IV The Emeperor
The nightmares, woah!!!! Okay this !! this is super effective. When I first played the game I remember bring confused who the blond guy was, why his eyes were red, why he was even an option if he was the count that passed away but the nightmares & how they introduce him really feels full circle. It’s so cool getting the choice to interact in the dream as well, I keep finding myself impressed & amazed with these new additions. Hdbshsk he really said “What’s the matter? Goat got your tongue”. A legend, dedicated to his aesthetic 🙌
Asra’s talk in the fountain, mentioning Julian, much better. I remember last time it was him not speaking kindly of the doctor behind his back & now its more, ‘it is what it is, please be careful’ like ‘yes, thank you for the trust’. It looks better on their character when they’re a little more open & honest about the other, than to vaguely bad mouth each other. Perhaps I don’t remember it correctly but I think Asra used to call him Ilya right away & I know that caused some confusion for me in the beginning, so introducing like this is 👍 👍 👍
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MALAK POPPING IN, LOOK AT THIS GOLD, & more notes!! Yes!!! Very cool, MC is just going out seeking the truth too, as they ought to be. Also Julian’s trust in Malak is astounding lmfao. 
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I will say it’s very strange to take out the letter desk option but it seems like it’s good overall. The fcking Fylnn Rider moment, they’re not subtle! “They just can’t get my nose right!” 😂 something about this new dialogue feels more intimate or real, like lol yes Julian makes such a good point the apprentice could’ve just called the guards in there, that’d make sense for them to do so but they give Julian a chance & trust him, because they want to go after the truth. I gotta say I’m surprised the CG works so well even with the new content, like they got the mood just spot on.
I’m just speeding through Julian’s convo at this point getting really into it & wow soon Portia’s there then Muriel, ‘what the fuck is going on’, I said aloud at this point. I gotta say, as much as I’m loving hearing all these details right in the beginning, it got me thinking they’re things that’re revealed later. When Julian “breaks up” with the apprentice in his route, he explains the plague, like it really has got me wondering if they’re gonna adjust the rest of the story, to not avoid repetition. THE MURIEL INTERACTION HERE IS SO GOOD, I LIVE. There’s also another paid option with Muriel, this is GREAT & for some reason they’ve been already unlocked to me. (I’m guessing it’s because I had a prologue scene with Julian & a few books acquired) but either way I’m very grateful. Muriel is the best baby & honestly this is really introducing his character so nicely, him walking you, him questioning that you didn’t run away knowing about the ghosts, works well with his route’s path, all while maintaining the “Go away!” “B-but not too close!” tsundere preciousness, GOOD SHT. lastly I love that instead of saying “don’t trust the witch” they show you that Asra hasn’t told you certain events throughout the prologue, with Muriel & Julian being surprised that he wouldn’t mention these things to you.
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Okay so all done! Thoughts, I love that they went back to it, I’m curious to see if they’ll do anything else with it but the changes are very welcomed, I think they’ve improved it greatly. I will say it’d be nice to be able to maneuver through the prologue’s chapters but honestly that update was so remarkable, I’m very grateful.
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possiblyimbiassed · 5 years
What happened to Sherlock? Part VIII - The Sign of the Hetero Norm (1)
Why does Mary Morstan play such a prominent role in BBC Sherlock? 
I’m surely not the only one asking myself this; while she’s barely mentioned in canon after marrying Watson, she’s all over the place from TEH and onwards in Mofftiss’ adaptation. And when I recently read this excellent fic by @discordantwords, a couple of things dawned on me, that I think have been brewing in my mind for quite some time. Which brings me to the long promised continuation of my marathon meta series about what I think we’re actually seeing in this show. Because the entire point of Mary Morstan seems to be to prevent Sherlock and John from getting together in a romantic relationship - a story of hetero norm. This eighth installment will explore the ‘case’ of little Rosie, and the role she and her mother plays in this show. 
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This far I’ve published an intro and seven installments, each with corresponding attempts to test my hypotheses:
Introduction - The game is on (explains the method of analysis) Part I - Blog vs TV-show Part II - Re-living memories Part III - Drugs and weirdness Part IV – Heartbreak and coma (1) Part IV – Heartbreak and coma (2) Part V – Bizarre scenarios Part VI - Live and let die (1) Part VI - Live and let die (2)
Part VII - The Importance of Being Earnest (1) 
Part VII - The Importance of Being Earnest (2)
This installment will also be parted in two, and the second half can be found here (X). Many of the screen caps from BBC Sherlock in this meta are from Kissthemgoodbye.net - thanks! And thanks also to Ariane DeVere for the incredibly useful transcripts!
My next hypotheses is, in and off itself, a clear and straightforward prediction that can be explicitly verified or falsified once we finally get to S5, so it will be extra fun to see what happens with it in future: 
Hypothesis #8: John is not the father of Mary’s baby
(Disclaimer: My suspicion here only concerns John’s biological offspring. It would still be possible that John, and perhaps also Sherlock, might father the child - if it exists - by adoption. It does not exclude a metaphorical reading where the baby represents, for example, Sherlock’s and John’s relationship. I also want to stress that this hypothesis is an attempt at logical reasoning based on observations in the show and in ACD canon; it’s not meant to be ‘gossipy’ and has nothing to do with whether I would actually like to see this happen or not - that’s a whole other story. ;) )  
This hypothesis has been brewing in my mind for quite some time now, but I don’t think it’s just a hunch; there are actually a series of reasons that have made me come to this conclusion. 
(Continued under the cut)
But first of all: can we debunk my hypothesis at this stage in the story, by testing it ‘scientifically’? Well, not really, since the show doesn’t provide any reliable evidence that confirms John as Rosie’s biological father. Not even IRL would this have been possible without a DNA-test (or without physical circumstances that would have made any other option impossible). And the only thing that the show tells us about human DNA-tests is that not even this procedure is 100% reliable, as shown in ASIB:
JOHN: You were dead on a slab. It was definitely you. IRENE: DNA-tests are only as good as the records you keep. JOHN: And I bet you know the record-keeper. IRENE: I know what he likes, and I needed to disappear.
DNA is brought up in TGG (Ian Monkford’s blood) and again in TST (the identification of Charlie Wellsborough’s body), but since John’s fatherhood is never questioned in the show, little Rosie is never tested, as far as we know. The remaining evidence that speaks for John being the father is circumstantial: that John and Mary obviously must have been living together at the approximate time of conception. And that they both act as if they’re both Rosie’s parents.
So I guess that in order to get any further with this, I’ll have to start at the other end, analysing the characters and see if I can find evidence that support my hypothesis - on a textual level as well as metaphorically and on the meta level. 
Mary’s function in the story
I think we can safely say that Mary is the most controversial character of BBC Sherlock. Some viewers love her, others hate her, but I can’t recall anyone claiming to feel indifferent towards her. Mofftiss have indeed managed to push forward a character who is hardly even visible in canon, once she’s married to Watson. In BBC Sherlock, however, Mary totally dominates the show from HLV and onwards. Her appearances may have been increasing in numbers and length already from her introduction in TEH. But from the point where John wakes up in HLV, there isn’t a single case where she’s not somehow involved. Up until TFP, everything is about ’Mary’. And even then, once we might have believed we’d got rid of the ghost of this hijacking protagonist, she comes back, only to once again take over the narrative with a weird and basically inexplicable voiceover. She seems like some kind of obsession; a brain ghost stuck on someone’s mind.
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This is rather different from ACD canon, where Mary Morstan has extremely few lines as soon as she’s no longer a client, but Watson’s wife. Personally I find it hard to see the lovable aspect of this character in BBC Sherlock, since she constantly shifts appearance, behaviour and motivation; it’s almost impossible to pin down who she actually is. Which makes me convinced that Mary is not meant to be a real, believable character that we can relate to as such - at least not all the time. And maybe that goes for canon as well.
But what then is the purpose of her, what’s Mary’s actual function in the narrative, looking at the subtext? I think there’s basically three of them, and by no means mutually exclusive:
1. Mary is a metaphor for heteronormativity and its power over people when they internalise it
2. Mary is a façade or ‘beard’, where a straight marriage is established to cover up a story of a gay relationship
3. Mary is a mirror for Sherlock; by substituting himself with a female spouse for John, Sherlock can be with John ‘by proxy’, trying to figure out John without having to face his own real problem: reveal his emotions and risk failure.
As soon as Mary firmly puts her foot in the show, it all becomes a spectacle, a demonstration of how to keep up a straight facade at any cost. After TSoT, no-one ever assumes John and Sherlock are a romantic couple; Mary is the ultimate ’proof’ that John is indeed straight. Which is of course illogical, because why would a bi person stop being it because they married someone, no matter of which sex? Mary admits it herself by telling Sherlock that ”neither of us was the first, you know”. And Sherlock complains that John is dancing around Sholto ”like a puppet” even after the wedding ceremony. But in all the episodes after TSoT, John is happily freed from people’s assumptions regarding his sexual orientation. Gone are all the gay jokes, and John Watson is miraculously ‘cured’. 
I think this is perfectly illustrated in the fic by @discordantwords​ that I mentioned above. The plot follows logically on TFP, as things would be if everything we’ve seen from HLV and onwards is actually meant to be ‘true’. Mary is now dead and John lives alone with little Rosie. For a case, in order to get close to the suspects, Sherlock is planning to fake his own wedding with Janine Hawkins, and John is feeling jealous and excluded – especially when he finds out that one of the murders that Sherlock is investigating had involved a wedding of a gay couple:
"Why all of this, then?" he asked. He tipped his head towards the kitchen, where Janine was fiddling with the kettle. "I could have just—wouldn't it have been easier for us to just—?"
"You're not gay," Sherlock said.
"Well," John paused. "No." He cleared his throat, looked back at the wall. "But everyone already thinks we're a couple. Wouldn't be that much of a stretch, really. For a case."
"No one has thought that for quite some time."
This fanfic rings perfectly true to me, considering S4 on the surface level; John and Sherlock appearing as a couple wouldn’t work after John’s own wedding in TSoT. Because gone is now every allusion to John being anything else than straight. Gone is also John’s admiration for Sherlock; from HLV and on, he hardly ever even speaks about Sherlock in a positive way. (Which also makes me wonder: was ‘The Fall’ also about Sherlock feeling he had fallen from John’s pedestal of admiration?). For the rest of the show, it’s only Sherlock whom we see suffering from (presumably) gay pining. It’s only in Sherlock’s Victorian imagination that Moriarty tells them to ’elope’ together, while John in TLD is shown to be exclusively fixed on his dead wife. 
On the surface, Sherlock seems to support John’s relationship with Mary, while I’m sure he is actually suffering deeply. But I think, metaphorically, that Sherlock is acting like some kind of self-sacrificing Christ figure. (Don’t forget Irene’s words from ASiB: “I think you’re damaged, delusional and believe in a higher power. In your case, it’s yourself”). He bears the ‘cross’ of torture by seeing John with someone else, until he can’t stand it any more and trashes himself on drugs. This is what we see at the beginning of TEH, John holding hands with a woman in front of Sherlock’s grave:
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Why can’t we see Mary’s face already here? I think it’s because this is from Sherlock’s POV; he’s either seeing or imagining them from behind. She might have a hidden face but a familiar shape because by the time Sherlock is recalling this, he already knows what Mary looks like. But at this point in time, maybe he didn’t? In any case, it must be devastating for Sherlock to see or imagine John with someone else, when he should be there to mourn him, Sherlock. 
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Thinking about John with Mary, Sherlock can’t even sleep. He is tortured on a cross and dies for all our ’sins’, doesn’t he? On the meta level Sherlock Holmes sacrifices his life, he extinguishes his true self, in the name of heteronormativity. So that John can have his straight marriage, even if it’s dysfunctional. But our worst ’sin’ as an audience, I believe - our ultimate mistake - is to buy into this narrative without questioning it. That’s literally letting the hetero norm rule.
King David the Adulterer
Mary’s ex-boyfriend David is introduced in TSoT, but after this episode he never shows up again. But this seems very random to me; why is David even there, and why is he depicted as some kind of rival to John? What is his narrative purpose? David is often blurred out in the scenes, but he is definitely present during the whole wedding reception, where his role is to be an usher (showing people their places/seats). David gives the impression to be single, since he attends Mary’s wedding without any partner as company.
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Sherlock, who meets David alone at 221B during the wedding planning, deduces that he still seems to have an intimate relationship with Mary. Only recently I discovered this meta from 2014 called The Baby Problem by @abitnotgood​, which brings up pretty much exactly the same suspicions I have had for quite some time now. The main points are the following:
Mary was dating David for 2 of the totally 5 years she had been undercover with the false name Mary.
They’re still close enough friends for David to attend the wedding, which might indicate their breakup was unwanted from one or both parts.
Mary’s reactions during the wedding reception indicates that she still cares for David.
Sherlock finds out that David has “offered to be her shoulder to cry on no less than three occasions.” 
David sits at the same table as most other major characters, which indicates that he’s important.
David doesn’t look particularly happy while toasting for the bride and groom.
To these I could also add that Sherlock gets so suspicious about David that he threatens him with keeping a close eye on his whereabouts with Mary. From a story telling POV, when a character is suspected by the main character who is a genius detective, there should actually be some reason for this - shouldn’t it?
So who is David? Does he appear anywhere in canon? I actually think he does. In ACD’s short story The Crooked Man (CROO), the name David plays a symbolical role. The story is about a (supposed) murder of a middle-aged military officer, colonel James Barclay. It’s a classical Sherlock Holmes mystery with a door locked from the inside and the key missing. The death seems to originate from a domestic quarrel between the colonel and his wife. (Which is particularly interesting considering the Watsons’ ‘domestic’ in HLV). 
Turns out the colonel died of fright when he saw his old rival Henry Wood, whom he had betrayed in the war and deliberately left to be captured by the enemy. Henry was repeatedly tortured and crippled and held prisoner for many years, until he could escape back to London and a coincidence brought his old love interest in his way, who was now married to the colonel. (Hmm... tortured by the enemy. Been away. Love interest married. Does this seem like anyone we know? ;) ). Henry was “the crooked man” of the story, who was bereft of his loved one because of James. 
But the name David was mystically uttered by Colonel Barclay’s wife while quarreling with her husband - why? Holmes claimed it was a biblical reference to the drama of king David, Batsheba and Uriah. King David committed adultery with the beautiful Bathsheba, who was married to his soldier Uriah. Bathsheba got pregnant after sleeping with David, while Uriah was out fighting a war. David tried to cover up that fact by sending Uriah home, but Uriah refused to leave his comrades. Then David betrayed his rival Uriah the same way James betrayed Henry: by deliberately leaving him exposed to the enemy. The only difference was that Uriah died on the battlefield, while Henry was caught and crippled. Which leads us almost inevitably to Captain John Watson - he is a soldier who was crippled by the enemy too, wasn’t he? ;)
What about Rosie?
Although Mary is dominating the show from TEH and forwards, John’s and Mary’s daughter - little Rosie - is subjected to the opposite treatment; she has very little screen time, and we never learn about a single character trait of hers. In ACD canon the Watsons never had a child, as far as I know. And – even in Victorian times – I believe it would have seemed strange with the Doctor spending so much of his free time (besides work) together with Holmes, obviously neglecting his family duties. So since Mofftiss have introduced a totally new ingredient to their adaptation - a time-consuming baby - one would think this has to have a clear purpose, right? I would have expected Rosie to play a part of her own, someone the audience could relate to just like the other characters, if only still a baby. 
But instead, Rosie is seen most of all as an obstacle. Mary is balancing her while discussing a case with Sherlock. Rosie is handed over to John like a sack of potatoes when the family goes on to solve a case with Sherlock; she doesn’t make a sound and we don’t even see her little face. We see John change Rosie’s diaper once (basically to show that he has a toy daisy behind his ear, which is apparently a good flirting device), and then we see Sherlock trying to babysit her at 221B, getting hit in the eye by her toy. We also hear her cry in the background once, and see Molly hold her once. And that’s about it. 
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When Sherlock texts them from the London Aquarium at the end of TST, Mary and John debate which of them is going to have to stay with the baby, but finally both of them show up at the Aquarium – without Rosie. And this happens not long after Mary has taken a ‘little trip’ around Eurasia ending up in Morocco and John and Sherlock going after her – little Rosie staying at home. Which means weeks without any of her parents. If S4 were real, I’d feel truly sorry for little Rosie.
In TLD, Rosie is more absent than her dead mother! While Mary haunts the episode, all we hear about the baby is John’s tremendous guilt for neglecting and abandoning her (which he manages to do completely). John does seem to have enough spare time and energy to go on another case with Sherlock, though, in the middle of his therapy session. At the end of TLD, all is supposedly fine again with Rosie (until John gets shot with a tranquiliser), but we never get to see it. But then in TFP John goes on a long journey with Sherlock to a far away island, and not a word about Rosie. She’s not even present when John receives Mary’s DVD at home. At the end she’s suddenly there again, though, without any comment. 
Based on this, it doesn’t seem farfetched to ask if this little character is even supposed to be real. There’s a subtle hint in TLD which could point in this skeptic direction: 
Sherlock: “And, of course, I hadn’t really anticipated that I’d hallucinated meeting his daughter.” “Still a bit troubled by the daughter. Did seem very real, and she gave me information I couldn’t have acquired elsewhere.” 
John: “But she wasn’t ever here?”
An earlier quote from TGG could also question John’s fatherhood: ”Of course he’s not the boy’s father - look at the turnups on his jeans!” (Sherlock while watching telly with John in TGG, right after the fourth ‘pip’).
And - of course - if S4 is all imaginary, only happening in Sherlock’s head, Rosie would probably not even have been born yet. 
There are also some more subtle hints about Rosie’s narrative function: John’s guilt about cheating on Mary in TLD is connected to the baby. John specifically mentions that he was “cheating” on Mary while she was taking care of Rosie: JOHN (to Ghost!Mary): “We texted constantly. You wanna know when? Every time you left the room, that’s when.  When you were feeding our daughter; when you were stopping her from crying – that’s when.” This does make the (otherwise rather exaggerated) texting affair sound a bit more damning for John, doesn’t it? ;)  If this is all taking place inside Sherlock’s head, it might rather reflect one of Sherlock’s (possibly) major excuses to himself for not confessing his true feelings to John; it might (once the baby is born) disrupt a whole family and affect an innocent little child.
John and Mary’s relationship
The other day I took to re-watch this little piece of extra material from S4: statements by Martin Freeman and Amanda Abbington about John’s and Mary’s relationship (X). Every time I see this video I’m just laughing so hard. Please don’t miss how Martin is struggling to keep a straight face without smiling, after claiming “they’ve been through stuff already in S3 that would test any couple.” (Yep. Like the discovery that Mary is actually a contract killer who shot his best friend and hasn’t even revealed her real name to John). Or how Amanda avoids looking at the camera when she’s lying talking about Mary’s feelings towards John, closing her eyes and shaking her head. Great acting! :)
I mean, this cannot even be intended to fool anyone; I think this is meant to signal to the audience that the marriage we’re seeing is a dishonest, superficial construction made up of empty words. It���s very similar to the scene in HLV where Sherlock tells John about his ‘relationship’ with Janine. Platitudes like “we’re in a good place” are not only included, but also called out in the very same dialogue. John: “You got that from a book!”  Sherlock: “Everyone got that from a book!”. In the video clip, overly sweet violin music is playing when Martin and Amanda talk about their characters’ supposed deep love for each other, but this is mixed up with sitcom-like scenes where this love is made very hard to believe in, like Mary about to give birth in the car and roaring to her husband to pull over, or John telling Mary that he simply intends to forget about a recent past where she very nearly murdered his best friend.  
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John’s marriage actually seems terrible from start; he can’t even keep himself off Sherlock’s blog comments during his own honeymoon. Which I believe is canon consistent; in ACD’s stories Mary Morstan even encourages Watson to never leave Holmes’ side. And the bad marriage is also confirmed in HLV by Wiggins’ and Sherlock’s deductions about John’s cycling to work and keeping his shirts ‘folded and ready to leave’ at any moment.
But what’s Mary’s position in this? Let’s say, as a mental experiment, that she knows from start about John’s feelings for Sherlock. Why would she want to be together with, and even go on to marry, a man who is obviously in love with someone else? Well, while I don’t buy the facade-climbing Ninja!Mary who tries to kill Sherlock in HLV, she could still be dishonest in her approach to John. She could still be on some sort of mission related to Sherlock, where her role simply is to get in between John and Sherlock, while she actually is together with someone else (and even carrying that someone’s child). Her aim could be to hurt Sherlock as much as possible, for a specific reason. 
As far as I see in TEH, Mary seems suspiciously eager to befriend Sherlock. Instead of behaving like one would expect from someone in love who just got their special moment ruined by a rival; with anger or at least annoyance, and of course supporting the beloved - Mary immediately sides with Sherlock.
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And she seems to side with him most of all on an intellectual level, taking part in his explanations of how he managed to fake his death.
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“Oh, he would have needed a confidant...”
So - what can we deduce about Mary?
If everything we see in the show after TSoT only has happened inside Sherlock’s head (as I’ve tried to make a case for in this meta series), from this follows logically that in Sherlock’s ‘reality’, there is no Assasin!Mary, no SecretAgent!Mary, no Martyr!Mary and - of course - no Ghost!Mary. Because up until the wedding, Mary seemed to be just an ordinary woman. The character’s appearance from HLV and onwards would all be fabrications of Sherlock’s drug-influenced mind, albeit loaded with a lot of metaphorical meaning from his subconscious. 
But Mary still seems to exist on some level, doesn’t she? She is referred to by John on his blog, talked about by other people on the blog (including Sherlock), and she even makes comments on it on no less than ten occasions. On the blog, John is clear about getting married to Mary. And after Sherlock’s final blog post ‘The Sign of Three’, it also gets obvious that Mary is now pregnant. 
And – most importantly – if S4 is all-fake, this also means that in Sherlock’s ‘reality’, Mary’s drama-loaded death in TST never happened. Mary is still alive! So if Mary is a ‘façade’, a ‘beard’ and/or a mirror for Sherlock on a meta- and sub-textual level, who is she on the textual level? Well, I think there are some clues in the show, and also a lot of subtext material in ACD canon to draw from, which might have been developed into actual story line in the show.  
And this will bring us to the second half of this meta, which you can find here (X).
Tagging some people who might be interested: @raggedyblue​ @ebaeschnbliah​ @sarahthecoat​ @gosherlocked​ @loveismyrevolution​ @sagestreet​​ @tjlcisthenewsexy​​ @elldotsee​​ @88thparallel​​ @devoursjohnlock​​ @sherlock-overflow-error​​ @yeah-oh-shit​
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sandyferal · 5 years
The Vacation part 4
This was starting to get to Megavolt a little bit.
Megavolt and Quackerjack were on a boat, one that was regularly used by tourists to get to and from Saint Canard without having to use the traffic-ridden bridge. They had snuck onboard by stealing tickets from two unsuspecting passengers who were luckily the same species as the two criminals. Now they were heading to one of the nearby cities, surrounded by happy passengers chatting about some mundane thing or the other.
But at the moment Megavolt was not exactly happy.
It was enough that anywhere he looked he could see miles of water, and the constant movement of the boat was beginning to make him a bit sick, and the sun was shining straight into his eyes, but Quackerjack’s incessant scratching was not helping.
“Will you stop that?” Megavolt asked
“Stop what?”
“Scratching your head, you’re making me itchy just looking at you.”
“I can’t help it,” Quackerjack pulled his hand away from his head and into a fist with visible effort. “Im not used to having my hat off, now my head’s all…” he made vague clawing motions around his scalp. “Itchy!”
“Yeah I know what you mean.” Megavolt tugged at his own clothes to hide the lightning shaped scars on his arm. “But there’s no way for us to be inconspicuous with you wearing that hat of yours.”
Quackerjack huffed. “You’d be surprised. A trench coat and a hat can do wonders.”
“On top of our normal clothes? In this weather?”
“Fair enough,” Quackerjack’s smile returned suddenly. “Oh, but I can’t wait to get back in my old clothes and wreak havoc in a new playground. Maybe the kids there will even have better taste in toys! Why didn’t I think of this before?”
“Well maybe for one,” Megavolt mumbled. “New city, unfamiliar streets, strangers everywhere. And crossing over all this water…” he looked down and shuddered slightly. “Not exactly my idea of a good time.”
“Aw c’mon, what’s wrong with new places?”
“I just don’t want to forget everything I left behind again,” Megavolt said quietly.
Quackerjack pulled the rodent closer to him. “Don’t be to down Sparky! You won’t forget anything while I’m here! And you know it, I can remind you of Saint Canard until you want to pull you hair out!”
“Ok, ok, don’t go overboard you loon.” Megavolt smiled. “I do have to admit it will be nice not to be cornered by Dipwing whenever I leave my hideout.”
“We can have nice long uninterrupted playdates without that nosy duck trying to but in!”
“No more ‘I am the terror that flaps in the night,’ or ‘I am the swimsuit that’s two sizes two small!’ Like geez, we get it, you’re all the most annoying parts of all our lives, do you have to announce it every time?”
“Ugh I know! Though it is nice of him to have an intro that’s long enough so we can have a decent warning.”
At that moment a large jet of water burst up from somewhere a few feet behind the boat only for the water to return to its normal mostly uninterrupted state only a few moments later.
“What are those two doing down there?” Megavolt asked.
“I don’t know,” Quackerjack said. “I don’t think I want to. Those two are so sappy.”
“Aren’t they though? Like geez do they have to be so-” Megavolt paused. “‘Sappy?’ Was that a pun?”
“You know it!”
Megavolt snickered. “You should say that to his face. I bet he’ll go beet red.”
“I will. Those two can’t leaf each other alone for one second.”
“I think you’ve gotten to the root of the problem.”
The two began to laugh harder as they continued making bad puns. Minutes later they were in hysterics on the floor and people were starting to stare. Megavolt was the first to recover.
“Y’know maybe this vacation is what I need,” he said. “I forgot how relaxing it can be to take a break from the whole crime-hiding-prison cycle.”
“But that’s part of the fun of being a villain! It’s all just part of the game!”
“It’s a game to you it’s just life to me. I never really got to have a normal life, with my own house, my own job my own money,” Megavolt said. Suddenly his eyes widened. “Oh shit!”
Quackerjack looked up. “What is it?”
“If we’re gonna hide that means we need to lay low for a while. We’re probably gonna need to actually get a place to sleep and food and stuff without committing any serious crimes.”
Quackerjack tilted his head. “But pickpocketing and stealing from purses isn’t a major crime is it? It’s not even really a crime if we can get away with it.”
The two looked around them at women decked out in fancy jewelry and men with nice wristwatches, and designer handbags and backpacks left practically unattended on nearby chairs.
Megavolt smiled. “I think you’re right Quacky. That wouldn’t draw too much attention.”
A couple dozen feet below the boat, in a large bubble of air within the water, Liquidator led Bushroot across the bay’s floor.
“Want to travel while remaining unseen?” Liquidator said. “Try going underwater! It may not be the most popular method of travel, but it certainly has a few perks!”
“It does,” Bushroot looked up at the shadow of the boat above them. “Though I can’t say I’d mind having a ride.”
“You want a ride? Say no more!” Liquidator dropped into a puddle. After sliding underneath Bushroot’s feet, he reformed, bringing Bushroot up with him in his arms. “The Liquidator is happy to allow you to ride me any time, free of charge!”
“Oh Buddy, such a gentleman,” Bushroot said with a small laugh. “Thanks.”
“Well it is exactly what you wanted isn’t it? You know you can just ask for things directly right? I don’t sell everything, favors for my partner in crime will never come with a price!”
“Oh of course I know that,” Bushroot said. “I wasn’t trying to ask for that exactly I was just…” he sighed. “Nevermind. I appreciate it Buddy.”
“No, no, no, if you have a complaint with my services I want to hear it!” Liquidator insisted.
“It’s not a complaint with anything about you! It’s just w-well, it bugs me a bit that those two get to be up there, and we have to hide away down here.”
“And what’s wrong with being down here?” Liquidator sound offended, but it was hard to tell if it was genuine or just for show. “Do you not enjoy spending some alone time with your favorite puddle puppy?”
“No, no, that’s not it!” Bushroot pulled himself closer to Liquidator. “It’s not that-that I don’t enjoy spending alone time with you. B-but sometimes I miss… being around o-other people.” He shot a quick glance at his own body. “Because I’m not… normal.”
Liquidator tilted his head. “Would you say that this method of travel is normal?”
“But look around you,” Liquidator gestured to the water around them. Above them the light could seen shining on the water's surface, and around them fish and underwater plants were visible. “I don’t know about you but I think this is a pretty nice view.”
“Do you think I’m normal?”
“Well, y-you-”
“Of course I’m not!” Liquidator interrupted. “But you like me don’t you?”
“Y-Yes! I do! Of course I like you!”
“Well then, not to sound cliche, but being normal is very overrated! The people up there are missing out on wonderful and fascinating things like you and me, though they still get to deal with Megavolt and Quackerjack.” Liquidator smirked. “And if you ask me, those two, while I enjoy their company, can be trouble. Sanity-wise their normality is a bit questionable.”
Bushroot chuckled. “Well, you can say that again. They are a bit much to deal with.”
“Besides Reggie, the reason we need to hide isn’t entirely to do with being normal. It’s partly to do with the fact that we’re criminals.”
“Oh yeah. I kinda forgot.”
“You may forget, unfortunately, the law enforcement does not,” Liquidator said. “But all that aside, is it really that bad to be stuck down here with me?”
“No. I will admit, I’ve never been able to see underwater plants this close. So that kinda nice.”
“See! I told you this method of travel has its perks.”
“Uh, Buddy?”
“Yes?” Liquidator purred.
“Did you call yourself ‘puddle puppy’ earlier?”
“Uhh…” Liquidator gave a rare embarrassed smile. “I was looking for alliteration and that just… came out.”
“Can I call you that?” Bushroot asked with a grin.
Liquidator laughed. “Absolutely not! You know our toy-enthused friend or either of those pesky masked mallards would never let me hear the end of it if you said that in front of one of them.”
“What about when we’re alone?”
“The answer is still no!”
“Aw c’mon…”
Liquidator let out a sigh, though his smile had not disappeared. “Okay, maybe occasionally, when we’re completely alone. But be careful Reggie, if you want to get into the embarrassing pet names game. I’ve been playing it much longer than you have.”
Bushroot began to turn pink. “Ok! I understand! I’ll keep that in mind.”
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mobius-prime · 5 years
34. Special - Sonic & Knuckles
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Is everyone ready for the Kenders-est issue yet? Not only did he have a hand in writing every story in this special, but he did the pencils for one of the stories for the first time. He's back to writing about his favorite character in the universe, Knuckles, and for the first time we're gonna be getting some backstory for him.
The issue begins with another intro page, characteristic of Penders-headed stories, which gives us a little more info on this canon's version of the Floating Island (not yet referred to as Angel Island). As mentioned before, the island is held aloft not by the Master Emerald but by a Chaos Emerald. The island is mentioned to be one of the very last places on Mobius to be untouched by the war raging below on the surface. The page also mentions that Knuckles' role as the island's guardian is passed down from generation to generation, a claim that I don't recall any other canons ever making (the games just refer to him as having this role with no knowledge of how he ended up with it), a detail which will be expanded upon later on, thanks to Kenders' neverending obsession with the echidnas.
Panic in the Sky!
Writers: Mike Kanterovich and Ken Penders Pencils: Art Mawhinney and Dave Manak Colors: Barry Grossman
The Floating Island, which apparently has always floated somewhere on the other side of the ocean, has started flying wildly off course, terrifying local Mobians and alerting the Freedom Fighters. No one has apparently ever heard of this thing before, but it's headed for Knothole, and considering all other massive things that head for Knothole tend to be deadly, that's not a good sign.
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Of course, Sonic and Tails recognize this thing from their excursion onto it not that long ago, and fill everyone in, though why they didn't tell everyone all about their adventure and entanglement with Knuckles before now is beyond me (well, I know logically why - they needed an excuse to recap for the readers). Sonic and Tails decide to fly in to investigate, and thus we have our first showcase of Antoine being an accomplished pilot, which essentially makes half the entire cast pilots at this point. Also, the Floating Island has machine guns now!
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Antoine flies them above the horizon line and out of danger, and they airdrop in only to immediately be attacked by several different bots, which the story is very unclear on whether they are from Robotnik or like, automated defense systems for the island or something. Sonic ends up going tumbling off a cliff, only for Knuckles to make his appearance and immediately try to murder him by stepping on his hand. What the hell, Knuckles?
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Luckily, Tails is there to distract him, and after some brief fighting, Sonic is able to stop Knuckles from swinging his fists long enough to point out that the island has flown wildly off course, and that Knuckles is basically being a giant reactionary idiot. Seriously, Knuckles, how the hell did you somehow not notice your entire island being retrofitted into a giant fortress despite being its guardian? Talk about not doing your job.
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Knuckles leads Sonic and Tails to the Chaos Chamber, where the Chaos Emerald sits. Interestingly, unlike the games where the Master Emerald need merely sit on the island to magically provide the lift to make it float, in the comics the Chaos Emerald actually provides literal power to a system that allows the island to defy gravity. However, an energy siphon has been installed to draw power towards Robotnik's guns and engines instead, so he can use the island as a method of obliterating Knothole. Again, despite being the island's guardian, Knuckles somehow noticed none of this. Robotnik's face appears and explains his plan to them over a screen, and then he makes an absolutely incredible facial expression on a backdrop of the ashes of civilization.
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He doesn't even look like he's evilly laughing, he looks like he's taking an extremely painful dump or something. What the hell happened here, pencillers?
Anyway, Knuckles, ashamed by his failure, takes the emerald and shatters it, removing both Robotnik's power source and the source of the power keeping the island afloat. Robotnik chooses to abort rather than fall with it, thinking that he may still win the day after all.
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I have to halt everything for a moment to discuss his claim right here, that the island is eight miles high. Now perhaps this is just a reference to the song Eight Miles High (I wasn't aware of it before now, but it popped up a lot while I was Googling information for this), but let's take him at his word and assume that the Floating Island really does hover at an altitude of eight miles (that's about thirteen kilometers for my non-American readers). That's approximately 42,000 feet in the air, which is the absolute maximum limit for modern commercial aircraft before the engines are no longer able to maintain lift. At that altitude, our planet's atmosphere is far too thin to breathe, and most people will suffer from hypoxia within seconds, and probably suffocate within a few minutes at most (for reference, Mt. Everest's peak is 29,000 feet above sea level, and even trained and prepared mountain climbers have to bring bottled oxygen and are at great risk of hypoxia and death at that kind of altitude). Now if we assume that Mobians have similar oxygen requirements to humans, and that Mobius' atmospheric conditions are similar to Earth's (two assumptions that are reasonable to make as later issues will reveal), absolutely no life should even exist on the Floating Island at all. Sonic and Tails would have suffocated within seconds of ever setting foot on it, and Knuckles wouldn't even be alive to watch them die, let alone attack them.
But whatever, it's a comic. We are dealing with a world where portals to alternate universes open and close on the regular, after all. Knuckles, once he's sure that Robotnik is gone, pulls out… another Chaos Emerald! Turns out he simply made a switch with a fake to fool Robotnik and then destroyed the fake, and thus replaces the real, unharmed emerald to halt the island's descent. Another quick bit of math - if we assume that the island's terminal velocity takes a little longer to reach than a human's (I have no idea how to calculate how fast something of that much mass would be able to fall, so I'm working on a lot of assumptions here) then we can say it would probably have taken nearly three and a half minutes to crash to earth had it been allowed to fall, yet the next panel shows it halting at what seems like a mere few hundred feet above the village - again, probably just for the dramatic effect, but I find it amusing that Knuckles might have waited almost three minutes playing chicken with Robotnik until he bailed, before replacing the real emerald.
With the day saved, Knuckles rejects Sonic's offer to join the Freedom Fighters, because he needs to pretend to be a lone wolf for a little while longer. Sonic and Tails return to tell the others what happened, and wonder what Knuckles will do in the future…
Fire Drill
Writer/Pencils: Ken Penders Colors: Freddy Mendez
…luckily, we don't need to wait long to find out, because every story in this issue is about Knuckles! This is the first story penciled by Penders himself, which is noteworthy, especially as he becomes a more frequent artist in later issues. Also to note is that Barry Grossman no longer has a monopoly on the coloring - we finally have someone new for the first time since the third freaking issue! Welcome to the party, Freddy!
While there's not a lot of plot to this story, it does contain some interesting tidbits. Knuckles is chilling on his island as normal, when a loud explosion startles him. He traces the explosion from the beach and follows footprints into the Sandopolis Zone ruins, believing the troublemaker to be Sonic and ready to throw hands once more. He faces several traps within the ruins, such as falling rocks, a tripwire-activated axe, and a sand trap, but things don't really get interesting until these few panels:
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He mentions family for the first time - a father - which not even the games hint at. The way he speaks, we can assume his father hasn't been around for some time. However, this seems to follow what the intro page said about this duty being passed on between generations - clearly, his father was a guardian before him, but for whatever reason, he and the rest of the echidnas have disappeared…
Anyway, after facing a few more traps and trials, Knuckles emerges from the ruins to find that the footprints seem to lead off the edge of the island, and assumes that Sonic has had his fun and vacated the island. However, we the readers can see that that's not the case - a mysterious silhouette is the real troublemaker, and apparently, they were the one testing Knuckles… but why?
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Lord of the Floating Island
Writer: Ken Penders Pencils: Harvey Mercadoocasio Colors: Freddy Mendez
This is really just a plot meant to establish what exactly Knuckles tends to do on an average day on his island. Knuckles is flying around - because he can just do that in the comics, I know he can usually glide in other media but he just straight up flies here - when the wind buffets him around and he spots a young kangaroo hopping around in fear. Unlike in other canons, the Floating Island is actually quite populated - Knuckles isn't alone there but acts as guardian of not only the Chaos Emerald, but all the island's Mobian inhabitants. He swoops down to pick the kangaroo up to protect it, and while they wait out the storm they spot what's causing it - a solar eclipse, because that's how eclipses work.
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Interestingly, Knuckles refers to "the moon" rather than "one of the moons." I can't remember at this point whether Mobius having one hundred moons was retconned in later issues, but either this issue acts as the retcon, or else Knuckles is merely referring to only one moon that regularly causes the eclipse or something. In addition, we get to see the first appearance of the dingoes, which become regulars in later issues but for now are treated like some kind of mindless stampeding mob, despite them clearly being Mobians as well with shoes and gloves.
Anyway, in the end, the eclipse ends, the winds die down, and the kangaroo's mother finds him again, thanking Knuckles for his role as guardian. It really kind of acts like he's a one-man police force for the entire island, which I suppose isn't entirely inaccurate for this canon.
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Level Design Second Attempt
After getting a lot of feedback on the level design i started working on a new level that took in account all the different feedback i got but still keeping all the parts i thought were good and blending them into a new level that i think will solve all the problems the first level had and still making it fun to play and explore.
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First area i worked on is the reception area- this is where the player is gonna meet the first NPC and be guided towards the baths- i wanted this area to have a sort of illusion of choice by having the two arches to get to the stairs even know there really isn’t a difference but i thought that taking the longer way the player could find an item or talk to another NPC just so the player is rewarded and yet has consequences for the choices they made- short way quicker towards the main objective but miss out on world building or an item/ i want the player to feel like the game has many choices and this is one of them and to teach the player that each choice has a positive and negative associated with it. I kept the original arch design i had from the first design but people complained it was way too bigt and just had a weird shape so i decided to squareify the box a bit more until i got this simple design, i kept the design cause i didn’t just want the game to be straight corridors, i wanted so sort of varety and unqiue shapes in the level so i decided to combine both styles to create this.
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After the reception i used the stairs assets we had to simulate like the player is walking up a set of stairs and we changed the floor paneling so that the player knows that different coloured floor means different floor level they are on- this also allows me to show the player that they are progressing like switching the colour of the floors shows the player that they have entered the proper game and they can explore and do anything in the limits of the level without the restrictive design of the intro part, i also decided to have a lot of sharp turns in the design here so the player isn’t just holding D while walking so they can actually do something yet still feel like an actual building would have these turns. The room is suppose to be kinda like a common room where some characters would be hanging out for the player to talk to so i needed quite a bit of space for some decorations and space for NPCs, i also created a little bend in left side this is where the first save station will be- it will be taught by an NPC going about how this caligraphy is cool and you should try it- having tutorials be dynamic in the actual world instead of a pop up that brings you out of the gameplay is a better way of communicating i think in games and will be really good for the player to stay in the immersion while learning how the gameplay mechanics work.
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This design i took from how bathhouses are actually designed- i wanted some sort of realisim in the design so the first room would be where the people would get changed and you would see NPC changing and putting clothes in baskets and stuff someone would stop you if you went into the baths fully clothed these will basically be little areas to ask the player are they done with exploring cause there isn’t going back if they haven’t- next room is the washing room where the people wash their face hair and body before going into the public baths here people will be washing feet body and hair in specific cubicles like they have in real bathhouses, we wanted these to feel and act like real bathhouses where the tendents have to be clean before entering the relaxing baths plus its another way of dynamically creating another “you sure you want to continue” area since after this you will enter the bath and the demo will end.
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These three rooms are just different room designs i wanted the player to explore different living quarters and i wanted to kinda represent the different classes of people that would enter the bath houses- the top/management would have the largest room and the richest members would have access to this room- so i would fill this room with decorations and features to show the class divide that these bathhouses would have- also its a good place to have the player interact with different types of guest and see how they view this place. next we would have the medium room i made this a tall room so that- well mostly so it would be easier for the dialogue system since with the height it would move the camera and player much easier if the room is a bigger height but also i wanted to represented like how the middle class are rising in status but still don’t have the life of luxury as the top rooms have with their more laidback design. the last room we had some discussion and we thought instead of a bedroom it would be like a storage closet with workers or something- we could have one of the other characters be there trying to find a clean towel and being able to talk to them just having more sense of this being a bathhouse with rooms for storage and equipment to add to that world building.
0 notes
Happy Birthday Castiel! My Homage to Castiel -- Within Temptation Style!
So this weekend I was cleaning my apartment and I happened to have my Within Temptation playlist on Spotify playing. Within Temptation is basically my favorite band of all time. I know some of you might not know that about me as lately I’ve been on this Asia Pop kick. But for real, Within Temptation is absolutely wonderful, I’ve been listening to them since I was 18 and I highly recommend them if you’re into Evanescence or similar bands along that line. Although, personal opinion here, to me Within Temptation is in league completely of their own. I hate comparing them to Evanescence but for the purposes of this post, it’ll do in a pinch to quickly describe what kind of style this band is. “ 
But anyway, I was cleaning my bathroom whilst listening to my Within Temptation playlist and their song, Angels, comes on and as I’m listening, I’m realizing that this song is just screaming, “CAS!!!” This song is describin my wonderful, selfless angel and I was so here for it. And then I got to thinking, you know, it’s not just this particular song that is a huge homage to Cas, no, practically the entire Silent Force album is paying homage to Cas. Now obiviously, I in no way am saying that the author intent behind this album was to create an album specifically for Cas. After all, this album was dropped way back in 2004, well before Cas’s time, I doubt Eric Kripke had even come up with the idea of Cas yet when this album came out. But it does have a lot of themes in it that I feel kind of parallel well with Cas’s story. And I just felt like it would be cool to go through this soundtrack and use it as a way to pay homage to our wonderful, dorky, fierce angel. 
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So welcome to the Silent Force tour of Castiel! And doesn’t the beautiful Sharon Den Adel give some serious Castiel vibes? So here we go. 
First track is technically the intro track, a lot of metal bands do this but I don’t really have anything to say on this particular track in regards to Cas. It’s a brief musical intro to give you an overall feeling of the album. 
Track 1: See Who I am
And wow, this is a really nice song to use to kind of introduce Cas’s entrance to the story. Someone who’s coming into the world as someone who wants to save it and in the process is learning more about himself but is also trying to get his comrades to understand him as well, to see him as who he really is. It’s no secret that when Cas first comes into the story, Sam and Dean aren’t particularly receptive to him once they see more of his somewhat cold-hearted approaches to getting missions done. But along the way he learns about himself and sees himself as who he really is and slowly throughout the season Sam and Dean begin to see who he really is. They’re “breaking through the surface, freeing their minds, to see who Cas is.” 
Track 2: Jillian (I’d Give My Heart)
Now this song has a lot of connotations to Cas. Particularly the things he feels guilty about Basically, the chorus of this song is, “I’d give my heart, give my soul, I’d turn it back, its my fault. Your destiny is forlorn, have to live ‘til it’s undone”. So obviously, we can take from this in regards to his guilt towards the angels. In his attempts to save them, he only makes things worse for them but he still keeps pushing on, still continues living to give them the lives he wants for them. 
Track 3 : Stand My Ground
This song, in a nutshell is learning that by staying low -- following orders in Cas’s case -- isn’t going to save the world. You have to take action, you have to fight, you have to Stand Your Ground, if you don’t make it, someone else will but at least you lived your life doing something. Following orders, being docile, is a safe thing to do but sometimes you have to break out of that to save what matters to you. And I feel like this is something that Cas grapples with a lot. As I mentioned before, a lot of time when he tries to do things meant to help, it sometimes comes out wrong and ends up hurting others more. And then Cas will fall into this deep depression about it but he eventually will crawl back out and realize that bad shit happened but you have to keep going because if you don’t at least try to do something, then nothing will happen. 
Track 4: Pale
Now I’ve always loved this song in particular because the intro gives me heavy Lord of the Rings-Shire music vibes, but that’s neither here nor there. In relation to Cas, this song parallels well with Cas’s struggles during his time in the Empty. As he fights with his own depression about to consume him, does he need to go back to the world or should he just stay here and ultimately he fights against his depression realizing that there are people out there who love him and still do need him and he’s going to fight for them “they’re the reason he needs to stay”. “Have to try to break free from these thoughts in my mind, use the time that I have, I can’t say goodbye, have to make it right” again, there’s that guilt “have to fight, cause I know in the end it’s worthwhile, that the pain that I feel slowly fades away, it will be alright”. Basically his time in the Empty filled him with this deep resolve that no matter what, he has to see this through to the end. 
Track 5: Forsaken
This is a very bleak song but it probably best conincides with their fight against Chuck. God himself has forsaken them, the fight maybe fruitless but they’re still going to keep on going, keep on seeing it to the end. 
Track 6: Angels
Ah, yes, we’re finally here. The song that started this all. As a reference, I would strongly recommend everyone watch the Within Temptation Angels music video as I feel like it gives a lot of symbolism that we can use to parallel to Cas’s story. Essentially, this song is about seeing someone as an “angel” believing this person is your savior and putting your faith and trust into that person only for you to be stabbed in the back by it. In the music video, its about Sharon being with this guy she really likes but ultimately finds out he’s a serial killer but her friends free her just before she’s about to be buried alive. I feel like this has a lot of parallels to Cas and his found family. Cas puts a great deal of trust into individuals he shouldn’t and his found family will always break through and get him to fight through it. There’s a moment in the music video where just as Sharon’s friends show up, Sharon opens her eyes (she had been chloroformed in the previous scene) and you see divine retribution in her eyes. And she gets up and joins the fight. Much in the same way I feel that Cas wakes up and realizes these individuals were not worthy of his faith or trust. He brings his own divine retribution and they ride off into the sunset looking for a different way to save the world. Now, an interesting thing that the music video does is at the end of the video, Sharon rides on the back of one of her friends’ motorcycles, she doesn’t have her own motorcycle. Similarly in the context with Cas in that he typically sits in the backseat of the impala. He’s not really in the driver’s seat of his destiny so to speak. He’s still trying to find his way. 
Track 7: Memories
This is a simple one. Reminiscing on previous memories, I like to think it’s Cas’s previous memories with his angel friends that have passed on. Even though they’re gone, those memories are still strong within him and it keeps them alive in his heart. 
Track 8: Aquarius
This song might have some negative connotations as it relates to Cas’s relationship with the Winchesters. This song is basically about an individual being so enthralled by someone but everyone else is warning this person that you need to stay away or that person won’t let you go. And I like to think this is how the angels were kind of reacting to Cas become more personally linked to the Winchesters even before he betrayed the angels. The angels were watching as Cas was kind of forsaking the mission to be with these people he’d become so enthralled with and I’m sure many of them were worried that Cas was losing himself through his time spent with the Winchesters. 
Track 9: It’s the Fear
This song is about giving in to fear, losing who you are and being unable to carry on. And this definitely falls into Cas’s previous depression angles where he’s failed so much and there definitely is a fear that he may continue to fail in the future and that can sometimes freeze him in place, unable to move forward. But breaking through this fear of failure is what’s really important so Cas can save the ones important to him. 
Track 10: Somehwere
I firmly believe this song is hardcore about Cas bringing the angels back, restoring them to what they once were. And he won’t give up no longer how it takes to give them a piece of the life he now has. 
Track 11: A Dangerous Mind
I’m pretty sure this song is a continuation to Aquarius. Essentially, we have Cas realizing there’s co-dependency issues going on with his relationships with the Winchesters (and I’m just going to put it our there, his co-dependency issues with Dean in particular). And in a sense, this song is about him realizing the flaws within these individuals now and wondering if he still has a place with them. 
Track 12: The Swan Song
What a coincidence right? We’ve seen this title before haven’t we? This is a nice song to really end the Empty arc on where Cas is asking himself if it’s only a dream that he has that the Winchesters actually still have a use for him? Do they need him or does he just selfishly want to go back? And when he returns will his desire to be useful be what he needs or is being selfish what he needs to truly live? Which will he choose? Well, I suppose we’ll have to wait for the finale on that. 
And that’s all I have for you all. This was pretty fun!
And Happy Birthday Cas! As the finale edges closer to us, I truly hope for a happy ending for you! The fandom is always fighting about if your happiness is contingent on being with Dean, being with Sam, being with Meg, saving the angels, whatever, you name it, the fandom has probably argued about it at one time or another. Me personally, I only hope that you find happiness that doesn’t rely so much on being useful, I just want you to be you and its okay if being selfish is what allows you to continue to be you. So Happy Birthday Cas! 
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annielynnnnnn · 5 years
Chapters 10, 11, 12, & 13 Reflection
The impact of the internet and social media is incomprehensible. Since Facebook came on the scene, we as consumers of media have discovered a whole new world of connections and possibilities. While reading this chapter, I came to the realization that I did not know how much Facebook impacted the world we live in today with social media at the forefront of media consumption. The invention of the Internet and social media comes with benefits and consequences as many inventions often do. Because Facebook became so popular, more and more social media was created for media consumers. Nowadays, people have Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat accounts that they tend to for hours and hours on end. Like most media platforms that I have discussed previously, I recognize the importance of the media created and how it can benefit a person from using that media or being apart of that process. However, reading these chapters about different forms of media and how use it usually brings to mind the negative effects that media can have. Within in this chapter, it speaks on Facebook envy and Facebook depression, which essentially goes into the emotions that are tied with social media. Social media can be fun, entertaining, and even a productive use of your time when used in moderation and with healthy boundaries. However, social media is like a double-edged sword in a sense that it can both bring so much good and so much bad into the world. Upon reading this chapter, I reflect on my previous blog and how I no longer use social media for the time being. I made this choice for essentially  three reasons: I have a major fear of missing out, it brings out insecurities and negative thoughts, and it is a huge time waster. I have an appreciation for social media and the internet, but I am also able to recognize the downsides that come with new media as well. 
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Chapter 11 covers the topic of public relations and the importance of public relations in our modern day world. This semester I am taking Intro to Public Relations so the information within this chapter I am already vaguely familiar with. Public relations has most definitely changed throughout the years and with that transformation has come more and more ways to connect with the public. It could be argued that we are surrounded by public relations and often times, it is hard for the consumer to distinguish what public relations even is. Public relations should be a seamless operation that is unrecognizable to the naked eye. If the consumer cannot tell, then the company using public relations is doing a good job and should be recognized for their ability to connect with their publics without them even noticing.  
In the chapter, it lays out different types of public relations that firms can offer. One that stood out to me the most was issues management, and made me want to look further into what that actually looked like using real life examples. From this curiosity sprung a discovery of a public relations blunder and a new found appreciation for companies who are able to combat issues management well. Through doing research, I discovered a case study on the company BP and how they handled the public relations side of the disaster that occurred in the year 2010. After the BP oil company spilled millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, they had a public relations issue on their hands. Unfortunately, the CEO of the company did not handle the crisis well, and said many things which landed the company into a worse situation than they were before. After all of it was over, the company had spent around 60 billion dollars for the mess they had made. Had they gone about their issues management differently, the BP oil company could have been able to come back from their mistakes. However, public relations and issues management were not prioritized early on causing BP to go down in history as one of the worst public relations mistakes of our time. 
Advertising has been discussed throughout the entirety of the semester. Advertising is connected to how one finds out about radio shows, television, and even the social media we have on our phones. I truly believe that advertisements have so much power to them and we have become so immune to them that it is hard to recognize how often they are placed within our lives. There are advertisements absolutely everywhere and they are unavoidable to the consumer, so it is important that as consumers of media we recognize this power and be smart with how we interact with the advertisements displayed in our daily lives. What I found to be the most interesting about this chapter was how advertisements are regulated by the FCC and how advertisers do not necessarily have to tell the whole truth when advertising to their consumers. In the back of mind, I believe I knew that advertisements were not necessarily always accurate and are able to bend the truth a bit. However, where is the line between false advertisement and saying little white lies about a product? I guess what I would like to know is how the FCC goes about regulating the advertisements that I hear everyday and how they decide what is okay and what is not. As a consumer, I want to know that the companies I choose to buy from are ethical in the ways that they both attract business through advertisements as well as have ethical values as a whole. By reading this chapter, my life has been changed in the fact that I did not know how much advertising affected my every day life and how as a consumer of media, I should be aware of how advertisers are able to bend the rules and behave unethically in order to gain more business from consumers. Overall, I thought this chapter was very informative and from these four chapters was the most helpful for me in becoming a more media literate citizen. 
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The power of mass communication and media comes with a lot of questions. In Chapter 13 of our textbook, it discusses how there are several different theories on mass communication and the effect it has on people. Within this discussion on mass communication, the questions asked within the chapter have made me think about what I believe to be true about the influence of media and the ability for it to communicate to millions of people at once. The question that resonated with me the most was the overarching question of the benefits of media and how it can have prosocial effects. In the textbook, it mentions the fact that the media has influence over the amount of drug and alcohol use that consumers have, but it also mentions how media can change people for the better. So if the media does have so much power, what if we indeed used that power for good? The media changes the behavior of consumers and likewise the consumer has just as much of an effect on the media. Using different forms of media to portray good behavior could result in a better world than we live in today. This is known, yet media does not do this which has resulted into a more or less broken world, where bad behavior has become normalized to the average citizen. After learning more about the influence of media not only in this chapter but in this class as a whole, I am deeply saddened in the fact that media has not done more to make a positive impact on its consumers. As I look to the future and my usage of media, I think I am going to actively pursue that goal of only posting media and interacting with media in the best way that I can. 
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ts-2020-olympics · 5 years
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Some music to get in the mood, and let’s see the pre-jury rites of passage
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honestly i just wanted to boost my days played and placement average but both of those are now shit
Connor, Unfortunately you were the first to go, We met briefly in the arena and you seemed like a great personality! Shame that you had to go so early because you were for sure one of the people I really wanted to get to know more through the game!!
the first returnee fallen and so soon :c i was really looking forward to getting to know you because some mutual friends had some good words to say about you but sadly we never got the chance!
We didn't get a chance to talk much, but I'd hope we run into each other in a game in the future!
OMG I can't believe you went first after promising me you wouldn't go first. Dhjejdndjdhhdhdhdbdh You were someone I was hoping to play with after you hosted for me in HvV. It would have been great to actually play this season with you, hope you're doing good bud ❤���❤️❤️
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Kathy, We never spoke but from what ive heard from others outside this game they where super upset when you got booted so early because you’re an icon!! Hopefully we can play together in another game some day!!
we never spoke but i loved your intro video, wish you lasted longer so we could’ve talked!
You were on a badass tribe, I think we also missed each other in the hustle and bustle of the early rounds, but I'd definitely reach out if I see you around some future Tumblr games.
We never spoke but you had an interesting intro video!
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Bailey, We never spoke and from as much as I can see you where inactive so :/
I didn’t get to speak to you either sadly :c
Love, you left too soon. I wish you were by my side longer, I know you would've gotten far in the game, you are a competitive QUEEN in nature. Sister from another tribe, we shall meet again!
We never spoke either, but hope you had fun this season!
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Will! The First OG Yujo to go!! You going so early was so heartbreaking because I felt like all 5 of the original Yujo tribe was very close, you just kinda went inactive :/
We never spoke either unfortunately :/
Will we were on the OG Yujo tribe, I had so much fun doing that early challenge with you, making our chant and just shooting the shit while we prepped for the game. I hope you're doing ok, and I hope you come back for another game, because we made a good team.
We never spoke either, but also hope you had fun this season too!
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I’m gonna sayyyy, “YES EVE!! Kill it baby!!!!”
Nik! Probably one of my faves from OG Yujo, I feel like you were the most robbed after watching your tribal back and wish you would’ve came back from the arena so we could’ve had more talks!! Wish you where here for the music video, They just couldn't handle the power of us together for it could they?
We had some interactions in the tribe chat which were fun, but your opinions could use a little work :P sucks you didn’t get to stay longer so I could change them hehe
Also from my OG Yujo tribe. You were a pleasure to talk to, and I think you played the game well. Like many in our tribe you left too early, but you worked really well with everyone on the team. You were a genuine person and you were here to both fight and have fun.
It was so sad seeing someone that wanted to be here leave early! Personally I was shocked because I thought you would have done well due to how active you were in the one world chat. It seemed like you may have done well under different circumstances!
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In terms of gameplay, I'm not the happiest. In terms of the drama and entertainment I caused, I couldn't be a prouder man. I came into this game guns blazing, not caring what people thought of me. If people were to gain one thing from me, it's that you go out on your own terms and create a legacy where you can come back. I will be returning, and it won't be pretty. I promise ya that.
Billy, We never really spoke to my knowledge, you where to me someone who I did want out fairly early tho, because you seemed to be someone who had a lot of say over what people did from an outside perspective. When you went I was a little shocked if im being honest.
oh billy, we never spoke one on one but I heard lots about you! you definitely made a mark on this season in the short time you were here.
Billy, you played a damn good game. You played the challenges and went to tribals, and even when the pot was stirred up, you kept it fun. This was a good season and I'm sure I'll see you around some more games. Thank you for the spicy tribal sessions.
Despite leaving in the earlier rounds you were super memorable because of your big personality. Truly made things fun from watching yalls tribals, one of the bigger characters of the season!
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Jacob! As far as i'm concerned we never spoke, but you did do 2 arenas and lasted 6 hours in a pressure cooker! So id like to say congrats to you for that! You did amazing for your time here and you should be proud of that!!
We, too, never got to speak but you fought hard in the arena to come back and its a shame you came up just short but i respect you and your determination!
Sand, I'm glad I met you because you were super friendly and just generally nice to talk to outside of game shenanigans. Also I love that your name is sand.
You were a competitor I think you kinda got screwed by being voted out in the triple because I remember how well you did when we were in the arena together and seeing you vs. Nicole and Juls was wild. Good luck in future ORGs!
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My heart, my soul, my everlasting woman…. Juls…. Seeing you go was so heart breaking I really was rooting for you in that pressure cooker, and wonder what the outcome of the game would’ve been like had you beaten Nicole and Jacob. It just seems like you’re always the Bridesmaid, never the bride :(  But one day you will be the bride.
JULSSSS MY LOVE…. MY LOVE… MY HEART!!! You were so incredibly robbed and im so sorry i couldn’t do anything about it, you’re a beautiful person inside and out and i love you so much and we WILL get to actually PLAY a game together i promise you that!!! Imma just need some time after this one you know <3
You know everyone thinks you left too soon. The main village chat is NOTHING without you, you were absolutely one of the most social queens on the village chat. I know I'll see you around again, thank you for bringing life into the daily group chats.
You are one of the sweetest if not the sweetest person I've ever met in an ORG, and super friendly and kind. You're in need of a second chance because I guarantee had  you made the merge you would have done extremely well in this game, possibly even have won. I really hope I get the chance to watch you play another season!
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Hi Ben! I dont believe we ever really spoke for the 23 days you where except week 7 when we where in the arena together and you bowed out, which i still think was a bad move because I never like to see anyone just give up. Hope you’re doing well tho hun!
ah Ben, another person i had no interactions with but you had a tough road to drive in this game from an outsiders perspective, you bowed out of the arena and for whatever reasons i hope you’re doing good!
Ben we didn't honestly talk too much, so I never got a chance to really know you, but I'm thinking I'll see you around some future games here and there.
We had so many conversations this season even when I was on my OG tribe and I really think your a nice dude. It would be nice to talk with you once the season is over! :)
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Beck…. Babe…. Listen….. I'm so sorry that I had to go against you and kinda throw your name out there, but it came from a place of I know how amazing of a player you where and If you would’ve made it to merge, you probably would’ve ran the game. I think overall for the time you where in the game, you did play a great one
BECK <3 you ugh you’re great an amazing individual…. But i know the dynamic was weird with juls and things got blurry, i wish you both could’ve survived unfortunately the game took a hard left and things went flying all over the place, i would’ve loved to play with you more investedly (if thats a word) but we didnt get the chance, next time <3
Beck, I know you got turned on way too early, because you were so nice and you were a damn good team player. You made sure to do your absolute best in challenges and you were ALWAYS there for the team, which maybe went a little too unappreciated in the end.
AN ACTUAL KING! ❤️❤️❤️❤️😻😍😻😍😻😍😻😍😻😍 I MISS YOU SO SOOOO SOOOOOOOO MUCH. I can't believe you left me here after you promised me you would make the merge. I really loved getting to meet and know you as a person and out of everyone who went pre-jury you getting voted out hit the hardest, one of my closest allies and we became really good friends through out the game, hope we can stay in touch and you can show me some more dance moves!
Here's a song to tribute you king ❤️ https://youtu.be/0G3_kG5FFfQ
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Hi Landen! So basically when you went was kind of where I started making all these plans to better myself in the game, finding out that you were making alliances and then telling me about them and then making them and purposefully not adding me into them, hearing from others how much you “Don’t trust me” and I guess in a sense you where right in not trusting me, because along with a few others I made sure everyone was going to vote you in the end of that week. I think you’re a great player though, congrats on being the last Pre Jour!
landen!! We hit it off fairly well, despite the whole me supposed to go home you get out of tribal kinda thing otherwise we bounced off each other well, unfortunately the 3-way tribal round things got hectic and took a turn for the worst, and i guess it was downhill after that, but you play hard and i respect the heck out of that, you DEFINITELY made me nervous in this game (in a good way) :D
Landen, I think you are a cool person, although I think you went a little too hard on the dishonesty in the game. I hope you weren't too put off when people turned on you, because you were a very strong challenge competitor and you remained social and talkative with everyone. You were a true disaster prince, and you knew the game well!
You played super hard which I respect. You were bold and I think that made you a huge threat in this game and it would have been interesting to see how we interacted had we ever been on the same tribe and get to know each other. Good luck in your other ORGs!
0 notes
themominars · 7 years
Cannabis 101
The legalization of cannabis, both for medical and recreational use, is spreading across the nation. California was first with the legalization of medical marijuana in 1996, but the trend of decriminalization began back in the 70s. Within the last five years, we’ve seen a surge in states joining the legalization train. The current count stands at 29 states plus the District of Columbia with some form of legal cannabis.
Now that the taboo is fading, for some curiosity has piqued. The cannabis industry is growing exponentially and to the average person with little-to-no cannabis experience, it can seem overwhelming. The terms, the different types, the pipes or pens or bongs or blunts... you light the who with the what-now...?
Well, don’t worry.
This is your intro into Cannabis. BASIC TERMS
First, there’s probably one question you have right off the bat. Cannabis? Marijuana? Weed? Hemp? Which one is what? Cannabis is the proper term for the whole plant. Many people use cannabis and marijuana or one of it’s many nicknames interchangeably. The term “marijuana” has a whole nasty history to it so the those “in the know” don’t use it frequently, if at all. But, really, everyone knows what you mean no matter what you call it.
Hemp, though, is different. Hemp was a standard crop in the United States long before the Declaration of Independence. It is the term given to the cannabis plant in terms of industrial use. Hemp can be used to make rope, cloth, paper, oil, and much more. It is cultivated for its fiber and edible seeds and has only a small amount of THC.
THC. Tetrahydrocannabinol. That’s a mouthful, right? THC is what makes you high. It is one of at least 113 cannabinoids, or compounds, in cannabis and it produces the psychoactive effects. If you are newer to cannabis or don’t have a high tolerance, you may want to avoid the higher concentrations of THC if you can. This information is not always available, though.
Speaking of compounds, let's talk about CBD. This is the main one that has been showing so many great medical possibilities. CBD stands for Cannabidiol. It is the second most abundant cannabinoid found in cannabis and research has shown that it has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-anxiety properties.
Cannabinoids have been found to have antioxidant properties, unrelated to NMDA receptor antagonism. This new found property makes cannabinoids useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as ischemic, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and HIV dementia.
Nonpsychoactive cannabinoids, such as cannabidoil, are particularly advantageous to use because they avoid toxicity that is encountered with psychoactive cannabinoids at high doses useful in the method of the present invention.
That is from the abstract of a patent held by the U.S. government through the Department of Health and Human Services. This patent was filed April 21, 1999, but the therapeutic benefits of cannabis have been known for millennia. With the increase of legality and acceptability in modern times, we will see more and more research into all the potential medicinal uses of cannabis.
The two main types of cannabis are sativa and indica. They are different in both appearance and effects.
Sativas are what I like to call a good “daytime” weed. They tend to be more uplifting and invigorating and typically don’t hinder physical activity or sociability. Sativas help with depression, mood disorders, ADD, and fatigue, to name a few.
Indicas are the physical strains. This is the weed that will give you “couch-lock” (locked to the couch). They are sedating and perfect for relaxing at the end of the day. Indicas can help with anxiety, muscle spasms, chronic pain, insomnia, and more.
There are also hybrids that are some combination of the two. Depending on the strains used to create the hybrid and the extent to which their properties show through in the final product, hybrids can fall anywhere on the spectrum between indica and sativa.
Within each main type of cannabis, there are numerous strains. This is where we get into the connoisseur side of it all. I reached out to several friends with longtime experience in the cannabis industry and one of the things they wished they could convey to non-smokers is how much like wine cannabis is. Most people understand that different types of grapes produce different flavor notes in wine. The same is true for cannabis. And, just like the soil and climate the grapes are grown in can add to the properties of the wine, so too can the way cannabis is grown affect the final outcome.
Everyone knows what a joint is, right? The joint is the quintessential image of cannabis, but it is just one of the many ways to consume it. How cannabis is consumed can alter the effects and experience.
There are three basic methods: inhalation, oral and topical.
Joint - Cannabis is cut, chopped or torn into small pieces and wrapped tightly together in a rolling paper. There may also be a folded and rolled piece of thicker paper in the tip of the joint. These are actually called “tips” and they help keep the weed in the joint so you don’t get pieces in your mouth as you inhale and they give you something to hold on to so you can smoke the entirety of the weed within the joint by smoking up to the paper tip as opposed to leaving some left in the “roach” or, to use a term from cigarettes, the “butt” of the joint. Their usefulness is debatable. Some people swear by them, some people don’t waste their time. As with most things, it’s a matter of preference.
Blunt - Blunts have cannabis cut, chopped or torn into small pieces as well, but the “paper” used is a thicker cigar-like wrapper, usually tobacco leaves. In fact, before empty wrappers were sold, one would buy a cheap cigar, split it down the middle lengthwise, scrape out the tobacco and replace it with cannabis, then roll it back up. Wrappers now come in lots of different flavors and qualities. Blunts tend to burn slower and smoother than joints, but the added nicotine from the tobacco leaf wrapper may deter some users.
Hand Pipe - Pipes come in all different shapes and sizes. There are wood pipes, metal pipes, glass pipes, hidden or belt buckle-type pipes, even lava rock pipes with platinum bowls (yes, I have one). They can be anywhere from just a couple inches long to full Gandalf length.
Water Pipe - Yes, bongs. Water pipes use water to help cool the smoke and make it easier to inhale. There are also “bubblers” that are generally more like hand pipes, but with a water chamber for the smoke to pass through. Some people think that the water filters out harmful chemicals, but that’s up for debate. Some also add ice to their water pipes to help cool down the smoke even further. I can confirm that snow is a fun addition, but it does melt quickly.
Hookah - Hookahs are a bit different than the previously listed methods because cannabis alone is not typically suited for them. Hookahs are for low and slow smoking. Cannabis doesn’t have enough water content to do that so it burns faster and the smoke can go stale before it gets to your mouth. When cannabis is smoked in hookahs it is usually mixed with or sandwiched between tobacco which brings in the concerns of nicotine. You do get to be very social when smoking hookahs, though. With several hoses, your whole group can sit around the same piece to smoke and chat.
Vaporizers - Vaping is all the rage right now and there’s a reason for that. Vaporizers heat up the cannabis to a temperature that is just hot enough to extract the cannabinoids, but not hot enough to cause combustion and burn the plant material itself. This is a very good thing because the burning of the plant material is where the potential toxins come from (more on that later). Also, without that burning, the smell is significantly less with vaping than with more traditional methods.
There are several types of vaporizers. Plug-in devices tend to be more durable and portable devices that need a charge or battery changes are more convenient and discreet. They also vary by the type of cannabis they are designed to use. Vaporizers that burn flower (the actual dried plant product or bud) need a heating element, while vaporizers that are designed to burn oil or wax cannabis concentrates don’t and tend to be more prevalent because they are a simpler design.
There is another option that’s fairly new on the scene. It’s called dabbing. No, not the dance move my boys WON’T STOP. EVER... This dabbing involves putting a cannabis concentrate onto a heated nail, trapping the vapor created in a glass bulb and inhaling that. The image this produces isn’t far away from the images of scarier drugs we've all seen in the media so those quick to judge may assume dabbing is more than it is. It is still cannabis consumption, not something big and scary, and vaporizing in all its forms is better for you health-wise than traditional methods of consumption, but the concentrates with high levels of THC will bring on strong highs so those less experienced should be careful.
Edibles - The term edibles encompasses all food and drink products infused with cannabis. Because cannabis needs heat to activate the cannabinoids, it is often cooked down in fat (butter or oil) and then that fat is added to recipes. Long gone are the days of dumping a bag of weed into brownie mix! Because cannabis ingested by mouth does not immediately enter the blood stream as it does with inhalation, it has a longer onset and produces intense body highs. You should always be careful with edibles as these intense highs can come on strong. Start with a small amount and give it some time before having a little bit more if you need it.
Tinctures - Tinctures allow more precise dosing than other types of consumption. They are liquid cannabis extracts. Alcohol, vinegar, or other fat-soluble liquids can be used to extract the cannabinoids from the dried cannabis. The drops are placed under the tongue where it is absorbed by the body.
Oils - Ingestible oils can be eaten straight or put into capsules and swallowed. They start off somewhat like a tincture in that the cannabinoids are extracted in an alcohol solution, but then it is boiled down to evaporate the alcohol leaving behind a tar-like substance.
Topical - Topical creams are ideal for targeted pain relief from like a sore muscle, but they don’t get you high so you can keep a clear head and reapply as needed.
Let’s get this out of the way first. Inhaling any kind of smoke is not healthy for you. K? K.
That said, there are some things to keep in mind about cannabis. Obviously, there are concerns about the effects on the lungs. Cannabis smoke contains some of the same toxins and carcinogens as cigarette smoke. These effects can be mitigated by using some of the methods above that do not involve burning the plant material.
Smoking cannabis can increase your heart rate so if you have heart issues, be safe and speak to a doctor before use.
There have also been some links to psychiatric disorders, mainly psychosis, but there are other factors involved and the research isn’t as clear as we would hope. In fact, “[r]esearch using longitudinal data from the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions examined associations between marijuana use, mood and anxiety disorders, and substance use disorders. After adjusting for various confounding factors, no association between marijuana use and mood and anxiety disorders was found,” according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
There are also many positive health benefits including dramatically reducing seizures in patients with epilepsy and people that swear it has cured their cancer. Rick Simpson Oil has been the biggest name in that realm.
As with anything in life, you need to weigh the possible benefits and consequences for your specific situation and make the most educated choice you can. Hopefully we here on this page can help you with that. Please, poke around and ask questions. We’re here for you!
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kcaruth · 8 years
Movie Mania: Top 15 of 2016
The first month of 2017 is nearly over, so what better time to release my best of 2016 list? What started out as a pretty sparse year for film quickly turned into one that churned out hit after hit. We can only hope that 2017 matches or exceeds the level of quality films that the last few months of 2016 produced.
This is the first time I have ever published a best of list, so I am excited to jump into it. My hope is that this list will shine a spotlight on some of the lesser-known films of the year and pique your interest in some of the bigger films that you may have missed. Read ahead confident that there will be no spoilers.
Honorable Mentions
Hidden Figures
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What’s not to like about this endearing, educational biographical drama? Based on the nonfiction book of the same name by Margot Lee Shetterly, this film follows the story of three African-American mathematicians who work at NASA in the 1960s, when racial segregation was sadly still prevalent. Taraji P. Henson as Katherine G. Johnson and Octavia Spencer as Dorothy Vaughan are outstanding and bring so much energy and personality to the screen. Whereas this film could have been bogged down by complex mathematics and literal rocket science, Theodore Melfi expertly directs the film so that it is fast-paced and accessible, and while he acknowledges the racial prejudice of the time, he does not let it dilute his main story. Melfi and Allison Schroeder’s screenplay delivers witty and memorable dialogue throughout the film that feels natural to the characters.
Hans Zimmer returns to another space-related film to compose the score, but Pharrell Williams’ music really takes center stage. “Runnin’,” “I See a Victory,” and “Crave” are all great bets for your music playlist. Best of all, this film teaches audiences about historical figures that they would be hard-fought to discover in standard history textbooks, making it a film that should be shown in school classrooms throughout the country. While not really a negative, the film does slow down when the three women leave NASA after a long workday and return home to their families. As a biographical drama, the film is responsible for showing us different parts of these extraordinary women’s lives, but you are left waiting for them to go back to breaking barriers at NASA.
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
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Ah, my beloved Star Wars. How I wish this film could have actually made it onto my list! I will be the first to admit that I am biased as a Star Wars fan, so that may be why this film even gets an honorable mention nod. When Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens came out in December 2015, I saw it on opening night and three or four times after that before it left theaters. By contrast, I saw Rogue One on opening night and have not seen it since. No one can accuse me of not being excited for Rogue One, and I tempered my expectations by avoiding any and all reviews before seeing the film. I even read the canon Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel by James Luceno to learn about the backstories of Orson Krennic and the Erso Family before seeing the film.
Without spoiling anything, the weakest facet of Rogue One is its lack of character depth and development. I did not really care about most of the rebels in the film; in fact, there were a couple of parts where I was actually cheering for the Empire! I will say that Alan Tudyk was great as K-2SO with his dark comedic humor and Donnie Yen was a badass as the blind Chirrut Imwe, but when the droid has the most personality out of the bunch, you have done something wrong.
On the other hand, the cinematography proves to be Rogue One’s strength. Never before, not even in the original trilogy, have we truly experienced what it feels like to be a world occupied and controlled by the Empire; Rogue One does an amazing job showing the reach and power of the dreadful Empire. New planets like the tropical world of Scarif look beautiful. Additionally, Rogue One includes the first true space battle we have seen in a Star Wars film since the beginning of Episode III – Revenge of the Sith. It is a sight to behold, and the new ships and tactics used by the Rebellion are quite the thrill. Director Gareth Edwards does a great job with the space battle; it never feels too cluttered or hard to follow with choppy editing. Finally, who can forget THAT scene in the last ten minutes of the film?
I appreciate the novel approaches and risks the creators of Rogue One took. I enjoyed the references to other canon material like the animated television show Star Wars Rebels for fans like me who have cared to invest in them. However, this film has proved to me that Star Wars needs strong, fully-developed characters to succeed. It makes me wonder what Rogue One looked like before those infamous re-shoots.
Game of Thrones: “The Winds of Winter”
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I know, I know. This pick is not a film; it is a television episode. That is why it is only listed among the honorable mentions. Let’s face it, though. Game of Thrones is practically a ten-hour film each season. The quality, scope, and budget of many of the episodes easily surpass those of several films. While “Battle of the Bastards” was outstanding in its own right, “The Winds of Winter” is my pick for the best episode of season six. The season six finale delivers on so many fronts for long-time viewers of the show after what can be argued was a very up-and-down season, and it is rich with emotion, suspense, and superb acting. What fan of the show did not get goosebumps and/or tear up when that music swelled up in the final scene of the season, and wasn’t that “Light of the Seven” piano piece at the beginning of the episode so chilling? I cannot really say more without treading into spoiler territory, so do yourself a favor and go watch (or re-watch) this masterful episode of television.
#15: Deadpool
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Can we all extend a big thank you to Ryan Reynolds? His enthusiasm and dedication to the character of Deadpool may have been the sole reason this film was made. Thank goodness that test footage was “leaked” to the public! This Deadpool is a far cry from that unspeakable depiction in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. (Who thought it was a good idea to sew the Merc with a Mouth’s mouth shut?) From the opening credits, this film promises that it is self-aware and ready to break the fourth wall, true to its titular character. Deadpool embraces its R rating and runs with it. The crass humor and the no holds barred action scenes are great fun, and Deadpool’s interactions with Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Colossus supply some rib-busting laughs. (Deadpool at Xavier’s Mansion: “It’s funny how there’s only ever two of you. It’s almost like the studio couldn’t afford another X-Man.”) At a time in cinema where comic book films are a constant, Deadpool brings a refreshing breath of fresh air to the genre.
#14: Manchester by the Sea
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Warning: This film is very sad and heavy. However, writer and director Kenneth Longergan manages to infuse some genuinely comedic moments in the film’s bleak landscape that somewhat lighten the mood when necessary. Lucas Hedges delivers as teenager Patrick Chandler, and this may be Casey Affleck’s best work yet as Patrick’s uncle, Lee Chandler. I went into this film with a very faint idea of what it was about, and I think that is the best way to approach it if you are going to see it. My two biggest complaints with this film are the Oscar-bait score and the ending. The score, in my opinion, detracts and distracts from the film, and the ending is one of those where it just abruptly cuts off. The film was on the longer side in terms of run time, though, so I guess I was sort of grateful for the ending too.
#13: Jackie
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You can tell Natalie Portman poured her heart and soul into this film, and I am hopeful that she will be awarded for it with an Oscar. It is overwhelmingly evident that she spent countless hours studying and perfecting Jackie Kennedy’s accent and mannerisms, and her hard work pays off. When you are watching this film, you see Jackie Kennedy, not Natalie Portman. Whereas this biographical drama could have leaned on other historical figures and really tapped into the utter tragedy of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, director Pablo Larrain lets Jackie stand on her own and carry the film. Mica Levi’s score really surprised me and deserves some award nods. “Intro” is entrancingly eerie and haunting, sticking with you even after the film is over. As the award-winning musical Hamilton teaches us, history is all about who lives, who dies, and who tells our story. Jackie focuses on Jackie Kennedy’s intense dedication and foresight in the midst of tragedy to shape the way JFK’s story is told and how he will be remembered in history.
#12: The Founder
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Set aside a few bucks for a milkshake and a burger after this film. Just trust me on that. The Founder tells the story of Ray Kroc and the establishment of the McDonald’s fast food empire. I did not know the history of McDonald’s, so this film was not only entertaining, but educational for me. Michael Keaton fully embraces the role of Kroc, taking on his (to borrow another line from Hamilton) “never satisfied” attitude on life. As he bullies his way to the top, we also see the tragic downfall of the endearing Richard and Maurice McDonald, played by Nick Offerman and John Carroll Lynch, whose portrayal of the brothers turns out to be the film’s strongest feature. As Matt Zoller Seitz from RogerEbert.com puts it, “[The Founder] is an ad that becomes a warning before circling around and becoming another, darker kind of advertisement, and one of the most intriguing and surprising things about The Founder is that, in the end, it seems vaguely ashamed of itself for letting this happen.”
#11: Moana
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2016 was the year of the animated film, and we have hit the first one on my list. With Moana, Disney continues to showcase its amazing progress in animation; the islands and the water in Moana look so life-like. Moana brings viewers a welcome surprise in that there is absolutely no romance in this film, taking it a step further than even Frozen. Moana is all about ancestry, culture, family, and finding your calling in life. It is also extremely touching; do not be surprised if you find yourself unconsciously crying throughout the film. Lin-Manuel Miranda, the genius creator of Hamilton, and Opetaia Foa’i come together to create an incredible soundtrack full of soaring, vibrant songs like “We Know the Way” or Moana’s (Auli’i Cravalho) anthem “How Far I’ll Go.” Jermaine Clement’s “Shiny” is one of the best villain songs Disney has produced in a long time, and “You’re Welcome” perfectly embodies the character of Maui as well as his voice actor, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. For all that it does well, Moana can afford to have a very, very basic plot, but if it would have improved on that front, it may have found itself higher on my list.
#10: Arrival
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Director Denis Villeneuve delivers another critically-acclaimed film with Arrival. Based on Ted Chiang’s short story “Story of Your Life,” this science fiction film explores the untouched aspects of the genre, choosing to investigate communication instead of destruction. In the film, the spacecraft of extraterrestrials known as heptapods appear scattered across different parts of Earth. Renowned linguist Louise Banks, played by Amy Adams, is called upon to attempt to communicate with the heptapods by learning how to read and write their language alongside physicist Ian Donnelly, played by Jeremy Renner. The cinematography by Bradford Young is truly breathtaking throughout the film. Combined with Johann Johannsson’s beautiful, otherworldly score (see “First Encounter” and “Heptapod B”) and subtle “show don’t tell” acting, this cinematography creates heart-pounding, white knuckle suspense that keeps you on the edge of your seat.
I was totally onboard with this film until the last ten or fifteen minutes. A certain plot twist is revealed that I can see as one that splits the audience in half on the matter, and the quality of the dialogue goes way downhill all of a sudden. By no means did it ruin the film for me, but it just made me love it a little less. As long as you do not go into this film expecting Independence Day-style science fiction action and are ready to put your thinking cap on, you should enjoy the experience.
#9: Patriots Day
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Peter Berg and Mark Wahlberg were busy in 2016! After producing Deepwater Horizon, they return to produce a film about another disaster in recent American history, the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. Some may question if this film is too soon, but rest assured that it treats its source material with respect. While Mark Wahlberg is usually the standout actor in Peter Berg’s recent films, everyone shines in Patriots Day. J.K. Simmons, John Goodman, and Kevin Bacon are all great, and I was left wishing they had taken even a little more screen time from Wahlberg. On a dramatic level, this thriller leaves you at the edge of your seat. I could feel the suspense and anticipation throughout my sold-out theater, and I could hear the sobs and sniffling of many.
I did not feel that this film delved into exploitative thriller territory, but I cannot speak for the people of Boston and those who experienced the tragedy firsthand. The Boston Globe’s Ty Burr, however, can. He says in his review, “It’s professionally made, slickly heartfelt, and is offered up as an act of civic healing. At best, it’s unnecessary. At worst, it’s vaguely insulting.” Again, having only experienced the bombing thousands of miles away from television news media reports, I have to disagree with Burr’s assertion that this film is unnecessary. It is genuinely moving on an emotional level, and it reinforces the ideas that good always wins and that Americans will stand united in the face of terrorism.
#8: Captain America: Civil War
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Captain America: Civil War is essentially Avengers 2.5. Following the success of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the Russo brothers return to direct Civil War. Everything since the first Iron Man has been building up to this film. Although it does indeed have its flaws, the good far outweighs the bad here. While it is labeled as a Captain America film, the Russo brothers smartly give Robert Downey, Jr. plenty to work with in his role as Tony Stark/Iron Man. This may be, in fact, the best Downey, Jr. has been in the Marvel franchise since the first Iron Man. Surprisingly filled with emotional depth, the character development in Civil War is outstanding considering the cornucopia of characters in the film. Not only does the film continue to develop its veteran playmakers, but it also does a great job introducing brand new characters to the universe. Another positive of this film is that it imposes real, lasting consequences on the actions of our heroes. Bygones are not bygones by the end of this film. In the end, Civil War delivers on its promise of pitting Avenger against Avenger. Although punches are obviously being pulled in the airport battle, it is still an entertaining sequence that showcases each individual character. Now can we please stop focusing on Bucky moving forward with Captain America?
#7: Kubo and the Two Strings
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Darn you, McConaissance! If it were not for Matthew McConaughey, this film may have ended up higher on my list. McConaughey is by no means bad in his role, but he just seems out of place in this film. Aside from that, it is hard to find any serious faults with this film without getting overly nitpicky. Kubo and the Two Strings is an aesthetically beautiful work of art with its 3D stop-motion. The voice acting is some of the best of the year: Art Parkinson as the adventurous and imaginative Kubo, Charlize Theron as the sickly but loving mother of Kubo and the grumpy but protective Monkey, Rooney Mara as the creepy Sisters, and Ralph Fiennes as Raiden the sinister Moon King all fully embrace their roles and add layers upon layers to the characters with the simplest of voice inflections. The score is also top notch, transporting you directly into the story. Kubo and the Two Strings is an adventure filled with humor, darkness, love, melancholy, and inspiration that completely absorbs its viewers.
#6: Zootopia
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It was practically a toss-up between Kubo and the Two Strings and Zootopia, but Zootopia won out in the end because of its thoughtful, timely themes of discrimination and social stereotypes and how well the film handles them. The voice acting is on point, with such talent as Ginnifer Goodwin, Jason Bateman, J.K. Simmons, Idris Elba, and Alan Tudyk. The animation is gorgeous, and the sprawling urban Zootopia is fleshed out and full of character. Whereas Moana has a very simple plot, Zootopia offers a couple of unexpected twists. The stereotypes that the animals fit into work perfectly, and the film really makes you care about its main characters. Full of humor and Easter eggs, this film celebrating diversity will make you want to go back for repeat viewings, all the while perpetually humming Shakira’s “Try Everything.”
#5: Sing Street
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Sing Street was a huge surprise for me. It was nowhere on my radar of films to see. I just happened to come across it while scrolling through Netflix, and boy am I glad I decided to watch it! At its core, Sing Street is about a teenage boy who starts a band to impress a girl and get her to like him. “Eh, seen it before,” you say? Maybe, but not as well done as this. Set in Dublin in the 1980s, this film is a feel-good musical comedy-drama where every single song is outstanding with a charismatic Irish cast and huge heart that is not only about getting the girl, but also friendship, brotherhood, and pursuing dreams. Sing Street knows what it wants to be and embraces it without turning into a musical fantasy, leaving viewers full of irresistible optimism and humming its catchy tunes while looking up Duran Duran songs at the end of the film.
#4: Hell or High Water
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I could not say it any more eloquently than Mason Walker did, so I will just start by leaving what he said about this film, all thanks to the exemplary cinematography of Giles Nuttgens: “Plenty of films pretend to take place in small-town Texas, but many of those versions resemble my home state about as much as the ‘barbecue’ joint I visited in New York resembled barbecue. But this wild Neo-Western gets it right. Here is a rural Texas I recognize, where the Aggie Game’s always on, the Shiner is within arm’s reach, and the customers and wait staff play out their familiar interactions like a social-norms square-dance.” In reality, the filming took place in New Mexico, but that is close enough so we will give it a pass, right?
Hell or High Water follows two brothers, played by Chris Pine and Ben Foster, who carry out a series of bank robberies to save their family ranch, all the while being hunted by two Texas Rangers, played by Jeff Bridges and Gil Birmingham. Foregoing mindless gunfights, Hell or High Water stuns with its complex characters and well-paced narrative. Director David Mackenzie deftly mixes scenes dripping with suspense with scenes full of lighthearted Texan humor. Taylor Sheridan’s screenplay includes some brilliantly written dialogue that especially comes through during the final scene of the film on the porch. The stupendous acting, particularly by Jeff Bridges as the Texas Ranger on the brink of retirement, brings it all together in this heartfelt heist film.
#3: Hacksaw Ridge
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This was another toss-up between Hell or High Water and Hacksaw Ridge, but Andrew Garfield’s Oscar-worthy acting helped Hacksaw Ridge edge it out. Hacksaw Ridge is based on the true story of Garfield’s Desmond Doss, the first conscientious objector to be awarded the Medal of Honor. With Hacksaw Ridge, Mel Gibson makes a triumphant return to the director’s chair for the first time since 2006 when he released Apocalypto. Gibson boldly and fearlessly tackles this film on the level of both a large scale war drama as well as a concentrated character study. Like few other directors can do, Gibson seamlessly transitions from some of the most graphically violent scenes you will ever see on screen to endearingly tender, touching emotional scenes.
Before we get to Garfield, Vince Vaughn deserves his own round of applause. When people think of Vaughn, they probably think of films like Wedding Crashers or Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story. In Hacksaw Ridge, Vaughn proves he can handle a serious dramatic role when he is dialed in. Hugo Weaving also delivers a great performance as Doss’ father, a troubled World War I veteran. In the end, though, this is far and away Garfield’s film. From playing a comic book hero to a real life hero, Garfield’s career sure has blossomed. With Doss’ story, Garfield has such wealth of inspiration to draw from. From his simple life growing up in Virginia to the cacophony of war while serving as a combat medic at Hacksaw Ridge, Garfield plays every scene perfectly. At the beginning of the film, you might wonder if Garfield’s southern accent is going to detract from the film, but he is so committed to it that it ends up working.
Doss’ steadfast Seventh-day Adventist faith is certainly present in the film, but it never gets preachy or hits you over the head with it. It is actually very important that it was included because it was such a central part of who Doss was. Gibson does go a tad overboard with the religious imagery, especially with the themes of baptism and ascension, but that is a central part of Gibson’s trademarked directorial style. Hacksaw Ridge is an inspiring war film whose main character never even picks up a rifle, much less fires one, offering a different way to envision courage.
#2: The Edge of Seventeen
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Never have I ever seen a more accurate portrayal of life as a high schooler. I will flat out say it: this film blew me away. I remember walking out of the theater so happy and extremely proud of everyone involved with the film. For her directorial debut, Kelly Fremon Craig hits it out of the park. Do not pass this film up as just another coming-of-age dramedy because it is so much more than that. This film will have you laughing, this film will have you crying, this film will have you cringing at the all-too-relatable awkwardness, and sometimes this film will have you doing all three at the same time. In short, it touches on every single emotion, but never in a sappy or undeserved way. Craig not only directed the film, but she also produced and wrote it. The sharp dialogue sounds exactly like something that would come from the mouth of a high schooler in 2016.
The acting is terrific all around. Hayden Szeto masterfully emulates myself in high school as Erwin Kim. Woody Harrelson nails it in his role as a high school teacher and confidant. Kyra Sedgwick expertly assumes the challenges of being a mother to teenage children. Blake Jenner surprises with his subtle acting as Darian. Last but certainly not least, Hailee Steinfeld proves she is the real deal as 17-year-old Nadine, the film’s main character. Perhaps even more impressive than her line delivery is Steinfeld’s ability to act with her body language doing most of the heavy lifting. The Edge of Seventeen forgoes the teen tropes from John Hughes movies in favor of fully developed, three-dimensional characters who emotionally grow right before our very eyes. It has its hilarious moments, but it is not afraid to heavily tap into reality and maturely handle the really serious situations that teens may face today. Male or female, young people and parents alike will be able to relate to this film on a deeply personal level.
#1: La La Land
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I never considered musicals to be one of my favorite genres, which makes it all the more noteworthy that La La Land lands at the top of my list for 2016. I was beyond impressed with director Damien Chazelle’s work with 2014’s Whiplash, a film about the destructive cost of single-mindedly pursuing one’s dream. La La Land adopts a much more positive spin on this message as it follows Mia, an aspiring actress played by Emma Stone trying to make it in Hollywood, and Sebastian, a jazz pianist played by Ryan Gosling with the dream of reviving jazz and opening up his own jazz club. The impressively stunning opening scene of the film, which I won’t spoil here, had me smiling from ear to ear, and I could feel the entire theater straining from holding back their rapturous applause.
From that opening scene on, Linus Sandgren’s cinematography prowess is on full display, allowing the camera to become just as much a part of the choreography as the actors on screen. Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone’s chemistry is unrivaled by anything else you will see on screen from 2016, making the relationship between their characters feel real and honest, and their dedication to their roles is palatable. The set design and costumes, two aspects of films that do not get paid nearly enough attention, are remarkable in La La Land. The vibrant colors and the smog-less skyline of Los Angeles create fantastical imagery that fit in with the grand dreams of the film’s two main characters. Chazelle’s writing is composed of snappy dialogue that is full of heart and honesty.
I sometimes find that the song and dance part of musicals distract from the plot of the film, but, credit to Chazelle’s writing and Justin Hurwitz’s music, La La Land’s musical numbers work as a cohesive unit with the plot and even elevate it. Hurwitz’s music is impressive instrumentally and dazzling with its creative, insightful, and thought-provoking lyrics. Hurwitz’s ability to shift gears throughout the film is praiseworthy. One moment, he is powering through the upbeat “Another Day of Sun.” The next he is revving it up again for the equally catchy “Someone in the Crowd,” but even within that song he slows things down to a point where the audience can soak it all in before picking the pace right back up. “Mia & Sebastian’s Theme” and “Planetarium” take the audience on a whimsical adventure. “Herman’s Habit” is jazz at its finest. In “A Lovely Night,” Hurwitz channels classic Hollywood duet material. With “Audition (The Fools Who Dream),” Hurwitz and Stone make you wish you had a box of Kleenex handy. As the film approaches its bittersweet ending, Hurwitz flawlessly sums the entire film up musically in “Epilogue.” La La Land is a technical masterpiece, and its record seven Golden Globe wins prove it. Thank goodness Whiplash succeeded so that Chazelle could bring us this powerfully intimate masterwork.
  I think it is important that I list all of the films I can remember seeing with a 2016 release date (37 in total) so that you have an idea of what the competition was like.
 ·         Jane Got a Gun
·         Deadpool
·         Zootopia
·         Midnight Special
·         Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice
·         Captain America: Civil War
·         The Jungle Book
·         X-Men: Apocalypse
·         The Lobster
·         Alice Through the Looking Glass
·         Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising
·         Finding Dory
·         Star Trek Beyond
·         Suicide Squad
·         Kubo and the Two Strings
·         Hell or High Water
·         Sully
·         The Magnificent Seven
·         Deepwater Horizon
·         Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
·         The Accountant
·         Doctor Strange
·         Hacksaw Ridge
·         Arrival
·         Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
·         Sing Street
·         The Edge of Seventeen
·         Manchester by the Sea
·         Moana
·         Jackie
·         La La Land
·         Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
·         Hidden Figures
·         The Founder
·         Patriots Day
·         A Monster Calls
·         Silence
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archer3-13 · 5 years
i mean, like, im sure if your a cagalli stan or whatever its frustrating (as should most of how seed destiny has potrayed her so far), but like. i wanna like her, i do kinda like her, i just find it difficult because she was poorly written in seed and has consistently been inconsistent in what and how her characters potrayed.
anyways, yeah another pretty good episode and one with character primarily on display which is nice. junius 7 is on a crash course for earth (because of space terrorists as revealed right at the start of the episode, which is a bit of a shame but again isnt a deal breaker and does put the dread into its own interesting context), people are freaking out, some asshole named djribil and a bunch of old farts in suits who are presumably earth political leaders of some sort sit in a nice room smockin, drinkin, and playing pool before deciding ‘fuck coordinators, blue cosmos forevah’. djribil whos name sounds like a hot air balloon yeets a billiard ball for some reason. yzak and dereaka make their reappearance with yzak now in command of a ship of all things (neat) and dereaka piloting a mobile suit. terrorists, athrun decides to pilot a mobile suit again, and things heat up with the phantom pain bogey 1 on scene as well, though they havent done anything yet.
so, some good set up going on here. the terrorist intro again feels a little premature but by doing so early its better able to establish who they are and the threat they pose. the action beats they provide at the end also help the episode kick up at the end making for a pretty good cliff hanger. not much else to say about them so far, aside from them possibly playing into a thematic idea destiny might ultimately end up bungling or missing completely. ill get back to you on that later...
honestly not much i can really say on this one. its actually pretty good like the previous four, some decent animation and shot composition, better music thats played at better moments, its not a revolutionary story so far but there feels like an earnest attempt to address problems that were in seeds writing being made and its generally kinda fun, exciting and well paced so far.
i do wanna mention whats going on with shinn and cagalli in this episode. or rather, shinn gives cagalli the riot act and it hurts cagalli cause its kinda true. basically this is where we get a first glimpse as to what exactly it is about orb and his sisters death that rubs shinn the wrong way and he accuses as being hypocritical about orb. And sugarcoating it as he put it in previous episodes is actually a pretty good way of putting it.
basically, shinn accuses orb of being hypocritical because well its leaders make a big show of peace, neutrality, harmony and the like they were unable to protect their citizens when the chips were actually down during the invasion of orb, in part because orbs leaders dont have a full grasp on the consequences of their actions and put abstract principles over their citizens and reality. And honestly, hes rather correct in this assessment, atleast of what happened. orb was not able to protect its citizens, orb placed principles over security, and the citizens of orb suffered because of those decisions. sure orbs central leaders of the time blew themselves up because ‘muh honour’ but thats not exactly accountability for their mistakes. and look whos in charge of orb now, the daughter of the previous leader whos trying hard to emulate her fathers ideals and principles. its not fair to bring bias against her father against her mind, but it is a reasonable assumption to make that its the same shit as before under a different name.
unfair and coming from an emotional gut response? certainly. unfounded? no, and thats what makes someone finally rubbing cagallis nose in it oddly satisfying. i even dont mind how cagalli and athrun handle it in private because well they do have a bit of a pity party and dont really address the validity of what shinn said (which admittedly you probably would not do in a situation like that if you were trying to calm a friend down), it is a surprisingly tender scene that uses flashback footage to reflect what a character is feeling without spelling it out (athrun mentioning that shinns occupied with his own anger and grief well flashbacking to athruns anger and grief from seed such as juinus 7s destruction), some good music to set the scene and mood and well i do find the use of “he wont be able to understand” a bit of that fuck you got mine kinda aspect of seed that annoyed me and in the concept of destinys infamous reputation... in the context of the episode alone it works in the vein of “well you understand his grief of losing family, he wont be able to understand yours until hes ready and no longer occupied with his own grief”, which i honestly feel is a more compelling way to read the scene especially with athrun mentioning to luna that cagalli lost family as well. not necessarily a condemnation of what shinn said, simply an attempt to convey that cagalli does understand more then they think.
also the cut of shinn looking through pictures on his sisters phone of his sister and family after his outburst against cagalli during athrun and cagallis tender scene helps the emotional resonance of it as well. it calls back to that great phone message scene from the previous episode that is still my fave one so far, it feels like something someone going through grief and unable to process it or simply wishing to remeber lot family might do to calm down (like looking through a photo album but with a phone), the pictures are nice, and its a tender if tragic scene in its own right.
rey also shows that well hes the reigns to shinns anger, he does get it and doesnt condemn shinns anger just how he expresses it. athrun deciding that he will pilot a mobile suit because he doesnt want to sit back anymore if only temporarily, the looming threat of juinus 7 and the more abstract political ramifications of it, and athrun calling out his real name as opposed to his fake name as he takes off in the suit is a nice piece of symbolism. again its just... its a good episode. regardless of when the other shoe drops i am always going to stand by the opinion that seed destinys early episodes are better then seeds early episodes. and that shinn > kira.
alternative goofy title for this episode is the one where we learn durandel canonically fucks, or at the very least sleeps in the nip.
0 notes
The 101: A step by step Gu > by Kurt Harrogate March 31, 2016 March 30, 2016
The 101: A step by step Gu > by Kurt Harrogate March 31, 2016 March 30, 2016
Welcome to The 101, a new show where we provide you with the quick-and-dirty on some crucial college abilities, from analyzing poems and quick tales to determining unreliable narrators! First up, tackling the dreaded lit paper! —ed.
We stepped into my first college class that is english and self-assured—twelve many years of five-paragraph essays and I also thought I’d it down. It absolutely was easy: an intro, three body paragraphs (towards the tune of, “My first point is…,” “My second point is …”), and a summary that fundamentally duplicated the intro word after word. I tuned down within my professor’s warning that writing in university had been various and I pumped out of the lame essay form We had been accustomed. I obtained a C. I’d no clue just what a paper that is college-level like, aside from simple tips to compose one, and I also drowned my sorrows in Netflix and Ben and Jerry’s. Ultimately we figured it down through learning from your errors, but test and error’s overrated. Here’s the eight-step essay-writing guide If only some body had provided freshman me personally.
1) Do a reading that is close
It is one thing I’d found out about in senior high school but hardly ever really recognized. A great close reading is fundamentally a number of solid findings about whatever you’re analyzing—whether it is The Odyssey, the truly amazing Gatsby, or your professor’s love novella. There’s no point behind a close that is initial aside from simply observing details, like images that get repeated, metaphors that stick out, or something that catches your eye. Create a summary of anything you can (with web page figures!) and contemplate it your ammo stash—it’ll be useful in the future.
2) Freewrite
Now into coherent sentences that you’ve got literary thoughts swirling around your brain, it’s time to funnel them. Keepin constantly your essay prompt in your mind, grab a blank sheet of paper, compose it appears in my opinion that . . ., and simply aim for 5 minutes. Do not stop for if you need a springboard anything—if you hit a dead end with one point, jump into another, and glance over at your ammunition stash. The purpose of all this work is just a couple of handwritten pages of tips you’ll draw from in your paper—a “zero draft” that merely gets the mind regarding the web page.
3) show up with a thesis
This deserves its post that is own come! —ed.), nevertheless the long and in short supply of a thesis is the fact that it offers become a quarrel that passes the “so exactly exactly what?” test. Yes, you might state that Holden Caulfield is lonely, but that’s way less interesting than saying he’s hypocritical and a phony himself. ( Not the things I think, but that is precisely what helps it be a statement that is thesis-worthy it causes contention!) check your zero draft and highlight a couple of a few ideas which could come together, then compose one concentrated argument about them. Think about your thesis as a complete paper that is six-page into one phrase. Here’s an illustration simply he calls “phonies,” his own behavior and judgments make him the biggest phony of all so you can see the structure: Although Holden Caulfield expresses alienation by people. (It hurts me personally to write that, dudes. Holden’s my kid.)
4) Outline, outline, outline
Show up with 3 or 4 points that are solid support your thesis. All these needs to have a couple of items of text-based proof behind it (remember your ammo stash!), and certainly will develop into a sentence that is topic. Type up an overview together with your thesis at the very top, each sentence that is topic bullet points beneath it, and area for a summary. as soon as you’ve got the skeleton of the essay down in the page, the thing that is whole less intimidating; you merely need certainly to fill out the meat.
5) Draft
Ultimately, it is time for you to start really. Write the body paragraphs by exploring all of your solid points one by one, drawing from your own ammo stash whenever you can. Don’t forget to let yourself have ideas that are new most likely, drafting is simply another kind of innovation! By the finish of the step, you’ll have a thesis and three paragraphs with subject sentences and evidence that is text-based. You’re well on your journey to a whole very first draft.
6) Edit in great amounts
Re-read your draft to see places in which you repeat your self or get sidetracked. Every point should lead back into your thesis, therefore the leaner your essay is, the meaner it’ll be. Reorganize your opinions if you need to, and smoothen out of the transitions. This is how your paper will quickly look and appear to be an essay college essay writing service that is actual not only a number of a few ideas slapped on the web page.
7) Revise
Return to your thesis and get your self: is this nevertheless the true point my essay is wanting to produce? Is anybody likely to care? It is never ever far too late to alter your thesis—in fact, I’d state a lot of the time it requires at the very least a tweaking that is little. Draft a summary that brings everything to a final end(but does not just duplicate every point you’ve made), and lastly, compose an introduction that eases the reader to your thesis. Go through your finished draft a times that are few repairing awkward spots and making certain all of it is sensible.
8) Proofread (no, really, proofread)
College professors do not have threshold for typos or grammar errors. Trust in me, we discovered this 1 the difficult means: run your computer’s spellcheck, bribe your roomie into reading it. Whatever needs doing, never ever submit a paper with errors you could’ve caught if you’d simply invested a supplementary ten lousy mins.
And that is about any of it! The top distinction between senior high school and university essay-writing is you’ve got something better: a chance to break the rules that you no longer have the five-paragraph model to fall back on, but now. For as long as you’ve got an obvious thesis as well as your human anatomy paragraphs make good supporting points, you can easily get crazy. Argue that Odysseus is just a villain! Put in a one-sentence paragraph! Have some fun and compose something which is going to make your teacher squirm, if you make strange arguments in smart ways, she’ll favor your paper over the dozens of boring five-paragraphers your classmates will turn in because I guarantee you. Therefore venture out into the world that is boring of paper monotony and cause some difficulty. Now you understand how.
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Bài viết The 101: A step by step Gu > by Kurt Harrogate March 31, 2016 March 30, 2016 đã xuất hiện đầu tiên vào ngày Nhà Đất Đà Nẵng.
source https://muabannhadat.danang.vn/the-101-a-step-by-step-gu-by-kurt-harrogate-march-2364.html
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ghosttownaz · 6 years
The Emerald Knights outdo themselves with their sophomore album
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You can test the water or just jump in.  The Emerald Knights decided to do the latter on their intro to their second studio album Emerald Knights 2.  “Emerald Knights a Go” is a lyrical assault, laced with triumphs and statements that are intended to be provocative enough for fans of confidence and provoke those few jaded listeners.  Bag of Tricks makes sure to let his naysayers know “On they best day, they couldn't see me at my worst” and Mega Ran says “While you froze in the distance, I'm literally sitting on the throne in Olympus” to emphasize their ability to assemble rhymes on another level from their competition.  The next track, “Rappers in Their Feelings”, feels like they predicted what the intro was going to do while also crafting a warning to lazy copycats.  They don't address them as haters because Mega Ran says that “hate implies passion”.  G1 sings the hook with Bag of Tricks taking the final verse to hammer home how so many artists say they are making big moves but “cant bring 10 friends to a free show”.  
The beat on the next track takes you away before the smooth hook ironically hooks you in.  “Afraid to Love” is the hidden gem on the album that you will find yourself replaying more than you realize as it connects to the desire of everyone to shake off the past and live life with an open heart.  Mega Ran slows it down a bit without sacrificing syllable count and at times speeds it back up not just cause he can but because it enhances the song.  Bag of Tricks finds himself taking a similar path with almost as much impact and really sets up the next song.  “Heat Stroke” comes on with a nod to the previous track that acts as a thematic bridge between the two.  Its a celebration of love after shaking off the doubts from the past.  It feels like a day at the beach and where Mega Ran and Bag of Tricks took the slower approach in “Afraid to Love” they take it down another notch on this one but ramp up the intensity of their playfulness and utilize the subtleties in their vocal control to great affect.  G1 brings an amazingly catchy hook and the Ashton Charles shows out with saxophone contribution that will no doubt be sampled multiple times in the future. 
When you wanna get back to letting the listeners know that its not all fun and games you should make your next track as close to you can to “Unbelievable”.  The Emerald Knights go it alone on this song and bring back the quick deliveries and word play.  “Get out the 90′s” is not what it seems.  From the name you would think the two don't have a deep appreciation for 90′s hip hop but its actually the exact opposite.  The track speaks to the harsh reality of rappers not being able to move on from the past and embrace the new wave. The next song ”How Do You Sleep at Night” feels like another prediction but takes a very personal turn when Bag of Tricks brings you into his struggles on the road and the expectations that he puts on himself.  Mega Ran echoes his sentiments and spills a few fears of his own.  “Worldwide” is a back and forth from the Emerald Knights and feels like a trap song that never lets itself become one in the way we interpret trap music now.  The two trading stanzas really bring a fresh feeling to a song that already has the most unique beat.  “If I could” feels like it should've been after a different song on the album but its placement before the last track “Love is Here” is perfect.  The positive message is painted with bleak stories that shy away from the reasons love is such a necessary component in our lives.  The choir of children’s voices singing the hook lead perfectly into the last track.  Elluna brings her vocal talents to a unique beat with “Love is Here” while the Emerald Knights bring their reasons for why they do what they do.  Bag of Tricks opens up about a fact that many artists struggle with when he says  “At my shows its rare to see loved ones in the front row” and Mega Ran is critical of himself when he states “I used call all the rappers over 30 dumb, until I got my biggest break, I was 31″ The artists point of views and song content are consistent enough to where this album feels like its longer than it actually is in a good way.  The album ends with 10 songs that have more impact that the trend of 20+ tracks other albums have had lately.  
Four beats of the beats were produced by G1 while producers Dakota, The Philharmonik, DJ DN3, U’nique Music, K-Murdock, & EL-Jay Beats contributed one track each.  The album is expertly mixed by Michael Gammarano at HKS Studos and mastered by Brian Gigerich.  They really allowed the artists, whether that was the Emerald Knights themselves or any of their talented guests, to shine through on each track.  
The Emerald Knights are more than just the duo of Mega Ran and Bag of Tricks on Emerald Knights 2.  They bring individually unique talents but when combined feel like a super group for contemporary hip hop fans that appreciate the music that laid the groundwork for today.  Underground enough to stay out of your parents playlists but relevant enough to capture mainstream attention (which they did, see Billboard for confirmation). 
Lyrics: 4.5/5  Production: 4.25/5  Topic: 3.5/5  Beats: 4/5  Originality: 4/5    
Overall: 4.25/5
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