#actually me too undyne @ 2nd pic
messedupessy · 7 years
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So yeah happy anniversary everyone! To think it has been 2 years now since this game came out, I have barely been in the fandom for a year, got into UT last October when I made my mom buy it for me for my birthday, and it was the best decision ever as it literally changed my life
Back then, I had pretty much quit been on any art related social media for about 2 years after some things happening and causing me not wanting to log in anymore to that site etc, I was still drawing but didn't put up any art at all, I remember I was really into Fallout 4 before UT and the first time I even heard about UT was a Fallout 4 pic with one of the characters named Hancock making the "I am a skeleton with very high standards" line though with ghoul instead, I think I thought something along the lines of oh that joke is so funny the game it comes from got to be pretty funny too but I didn't think more of it, and then Dan and Phil posted their first video of their UT play through and it was then I knew I had to buy it
I literally played through the whole game in one day, first a neutral and then reloaded for a pacifist, laughing, squealing, schreeching through the whole game and I actually ended up crying a bit at the end which usually doesn't happen ever as I am not easily moved to tears unless very tired etc, remember laughing so much at all of the jokes, on Sans and Papyrus shenanigans, laughed soo much while also squealing at the dates with Papyrus, Undyne and Alphys, refused to leave Toriel at first in the ruins, laughing at Flowey when he got so mad for not hitting me with the friendliness pellets, shouting out ASS-gore every time his name was said while laughing so much at my own joke, tearing up when I finally arrived at the castle and the soundtrack Undertale began playing while the whole the story of Asriel and Chara was told, then meeting sans in the judgement hall and schreeching over the whole LVL thing like fuck it was so epic, refusing to kill Asgore who I immediately began to call goat dad, getting soo pissed when Flowey killed him, schreeching and laughing so much when I got to see Omega Flowey for the first time, I was literally shouting at the screen, while thoughts of omg this got to be one of the best games I have ever played running through my head my heart thumping so damn hard while shouting at him whenever he killed me before I finally got the hang of it, nowadays I can pretty much not die once while battling him which I think is pretty cool and then the feeling of finally beating him was so great I hadn't felt like that for so long and fuck it was so great I can barely describe it it felt like I had truly won, and then I killed him which I still regret as I was so pissed off at him for killing Asgore and then I reloaded and did the secret lab and then the final battle almost crying while also laughing as the whole gang got together and then Flowey appearing again and turning into Hyperdeath and I had my suspicions on who he was and then it was confirmed and I was just called it frkking called it! and damn there were so many emotions going on throughout that battle while also laughter and schreeching over everything that was happening and then I beat him and I was like omfg, and then hugging Asriel and then finding out Frisks real name laughing at it as it literally means healthy etc in Swedish, and then talking with them all after the battle was so great and I laughed so much then I ran through all of the underground just to get all the messages from toriel and also to check on everyone but I didn't go all the way through the ruins for some reason if I recall correctly or maybe I did and then I finally went through the portal and it was over, watching the end credits and feeling so damn happy and damn I am barely covering everything that I felt and thought that I can remember as there was just sooo damn much
And the next day I immediately re played it, feeling so bad at first but ignored it, finding new things and different things happening and just schreeching through it again, I think I have replayed it about 10 or more times now, and as soon as I get the collectors edition I will prolly play it 10 more times, and then I began to check through tumblr, learning about lots of the AU's there was and coming up with my own and then I decided yes it's time to join a fandom again, deleting my old account I had as it was linked to the wrong email I had and then remaking it, not posting or liking stuff yet, then I finally posted my first pics and decided that if I want to be part in this then I better start talking with ppl and I did and I haven't felt this happy or loved in a fandom for like forever and I don't even know what I am saying anymore
Just that, thanks to Undertale, I got my motivation back to draw properly and write again, thanks to Undertale I have found so many new friends and loved one's, thanks to Undertale I have ended up crying so much due for laughter more than I can count, thanks to Undertale I have went to a convention again and actually cosplayed properly for the first time, Undertale is the first game and fandom which I have been obsessed with more than a month at a time for over 2 years, and I am forever grateful to this game and it's characters and story because if it wasn't for it I would have missed out on so many great people and characters and ideas and everything and just
Thank you   
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