#actually the wtf look on any badguy's face
princessofinterest · 7 years
That entire Deeks and Tahir phone conversation though
Aka that time Deeks verbally sparred with a warlord. And won.
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
gee cork wont maclook bad if i win the grand as he is losing a bet... Zues Hera well in this caseno he looks good im the badguy bja ohhh ok so caa wins vs the Lord and he is not losing face again destroying his kid and losing a bet of any kind a gentlemans wager.. Hera Zues no no notto her and oh..he willwin then we help mac daddy win..tons see it which is his he says easy we are remote mac less remote wesee and we jump on it to make our actual accuser look good..to win we say and then Bitol pays mac one grand...i accept mac says..and it is in cash, in person and per oneof our simple ones he does it daily ok  mac daddy says. and oh we see so we help him win...and itis a barf contest see...he seeswho wnats what but then details are worked out ad he used to watch and wondernow at youto take yourjob but he sucks cant do it. wont.  and we seewhy hostage yo u agree we killhim have to and cork your a coward mac daddy we are intermingled not interlinked and so on..no imnot you iwin not his. bja good  i beat you at crazy chicken adn all help..we eat you up cork...all donow and it is gross but we do. huge huge chickens today giant.  he had it ready...fn funny they are ten foot tall stand and barf out wanna fight...and he isoffnow to beone taylor...wetook him we say...Thor says...and i say we are at it and mean fight hard...cork dies he is an impetuous ass and umass helped he couldnot stand him smelled too of something..bad.  it wasfoot oder ish.. smelly...odd smell.  not fromdoping just stank notlikehis bja character...hw waeating crappy food did not care hated you and you said it to him quitely cork..and he knew what to do...umass..ok and off and we went to town it was me wtf and you fought  a demon corky was so impressed he caved in tried to see why and tried fighting you you would not he was too weak..stopped said off and more inslted h felt odd..had to hit and you took himto task out the window tons flew an no he didnot do  it youhad him you fool...say it. mac says...oh boy ancient history why it is ocming out youlouse youhitmethey saw and all wantto know why. you fag. mac daddy and it is due to my abnormality  my deformation. that iswhy cork nah. you wereborn this way you awnt stuff cnathave it and the bright hand thing is coolfunand torures you..so we do it now big time.. mac daddy    cork   and another dave caa combo and cokr is down stay down mron and dont bloow yoursefl up ok we need profesional cops now dave stager wedo and he played your father and he says if ionly knew he daves father take a poweder and he would leave. mac daddy
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askjonfreeman · 7 years
jumping back into this business of posting reviews.  I'm gonna focus more on single page bits. TL;DR = It's a pretty good movie.  Find the rung on the ladder that's labeled "good movie" and place this one on the rung just below it. While you won't mind actually seeing it, it's not exactly one to whole-heartedly recommend to people (hence the super weak 91mil domestic opener on a film with a 300-ish mil budget) How does it compare to BvS? - BvS is a total train wreck you can't look away from. - JL is a car crash that you can walk away from and still laugh about. ... micro spoilers ahead.  be ye warned ... OVERVIEW Snyder started off with a 3 hour brood-fest marathon, then was forced to reshoot a lot of the film for overall course direction.  Then after he left for family reasons, Joss Weedon came on to finish it out.  Surprisingly, even with all this, it doesn't really feel like a schizophrenic mess.  Though if you watch it with a savvy eye you can spot which parts were done during which phase of production.  (and mind you, this is downhill slope Joss ... so expect the same "missing something" you experienced in Ultron) Also also, they trimmed it down to 2 hours 1 min.  Basically cutting out a ton of fluff to get to the better parts faster (and I'm guessing a lot of the slower parts).  This, coupled with the nack of banter Joss has, made it a pretty enjoyable experience ... just not a great one ... or a good one.  But it is pretty enjoyable. THE GOOD Actors did their part and they did it well. - Batfleck is still the best balanced bruce/batman, which is a shame since he's not going to be doing it any more due to the hollywood sex-land scandal thing going on.  Oh well. - The flash is one of the best parts, surprisingly - Wondie's still good (even with her habit of weird faces) - Aquaman ... my brothers and I think that Snyder wanted him to be OH SO COOL SO BADASS (which nobody buys) ... so Joss provided chinks in the armor to make him more human.  So he's surprisingly cool - Cyborg is the weakest link, but you can't blame the actor.  There's subtle nuances about how he acts and thinks inhuman in a convincing way. cinematography - This is snyder's strong point.  Most of it carried though, but a lot of it got cut or reshot - But this got hampered by things below.  so it's not as pretty as Snyder's other films. It's enjoyable - I didn't actively wish for the film to be over. THE BAD ... again, remember, it's enjoyable despite all this.  THAT IS SAYING SOMETHING. action choreography - Imagine a 6 year old with toys going "and then he goes BWVOOOM and he flies over here" - That's a lot of what you get here.  Broken physics, no consequences, tons of wtf, and a lot of repetition - saw it with extended family, my mom fell asleep in the final battle because it was repeating itself a bit snyder-isms - pretty pictures without meaning - a lot of it got cut, but there's still a good number in montages remaining - also, threaten the children.  that's another snyderism - no Frank Miller whores, though art direction - is bad.  Best summation is the badguy, Steppenwolf (who's a Jack Kirby minion of darksied) here's a couple of his Jack Kirby iterations (being a little unfamiliar, I'm not sure it's the same guy, or if he plays counselor and general at different times) www.cosmicteams.com/newgods/im… cdn2us.denofgeek.com/sites/den… and here's his more current iteration cdn2us.denofgeek.com/sites/den… - ... this is what we get in film ... i0.wp.com/www.heyuguys.com/ima… a 9 foot tall rubber cg giant wearing reject bayformers crumpled tinfoil.  ZERO COLORS. - ... for reference on how to do Kirby right ... www.cinematographe.it/wp-conte… - this really gets bad when I have to second guess if it's a parademon or cyborg, since they're both 99% silver the CGI - even ragnarok had moments of bad CG.  it happens when the budget gets stretched ... but this film had very few points of GOOD CG.  (not sure if it's art direction or what) - and a lot of this is due to bad art design, but it's a bleed over - half the action sequences are just vague green screen flailing against the Superstasche - so, backstory time in case you didn't hear ... Henry Cavill got called in for reshoots along with everyone else - Unfortunately, he had already started filming Mission Impossible and was unable to shave his mustache due to contract - LOOK AT ITS MAJESTY cdn.flickeringmyth.com/wp-cont… - so WB had to remove it digitally - It looks bad - in theatres (again, saw it with extended fam) the film opens with a celphone recording of Supes (flashback).  My mom immediately leans over "Is that the same actor?  I think it's the same actor? I can't tell.  He looks different.  Whaaaaaaaaaaa?" - There's a solid reason: lips used by most people to lipread (even on a subconscious level).  So if that's off it triggers uncanny valley. Is there a silver lining? - This is where I get into business, and this is the highly abridged version. - Recipe for good business: master your craft, treat customers fairly, do marketing right, remember the customers are paying you (free exchange of currency thanks to capitalism)     - the recipe ISN'T figure out how to get more money.  Do that and you'll end up like EA Games. - Disney/Marvel is clearly on this path.  The evidence is in their films which are genuinely getting better over time (Ragnarok is honestly one of the best films out there). - the DCEU was born out of a need to make another superman film in order to keep the rights (ya have to do some spelunking to 2010-2013, but that's the truth), which led to the rushed Justice League film - in other words = WB was focusing on retaining and earning money. ... WHY I BRING THAT UP ... Justice League had the weakest opening weekend out of any DCEU film.  And given the negative word of mouth, it's not going to pull a wonder woman and stick around (especially with Ragnarok STILL in theatres and Star Wars just around the corner). Even with extra investments and heavy changes, JL didn't match their goal of more money. ... As such, I don't know how WB will respond to this. Hopefully they'll keep on this new trajectory, 'cause it is better.  But with money hungry execs you never know.
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