#ada shelby headcannon
warnersister · 9 months
“Peaky Blinders Masterlist”
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👩‍🍼How the Peaky boys react when you tell them you don’t want children
👼How the Peaky boys react when they find out the reader is a virgin
🥐How the Peaky boys react when dating a girl with a praise kink (nsfw)
👗How the Peaky boys react to you wearing a sundress (nsfw)
Isaiah Jesus♟️
♟️Dark! Isaiah Jesus x Reader -> you try to leave him
♟️Best Interest -> after your brother Tommy turns violent during an altercation about your love interest Isaiah; you run to your eldest sibling, Arthur for comfort (request)
Michael Gray🎱
🎱Intoxicating Toxicity -> song based headcannon
🎱Your Lethal Hand -> Tom killed your husband and now you shall retaliate
🎱Tea in the Cotswolds -> Michael is tasked with entertaining a wealthy business associate’s daughter while the rest talk business (author’s fav🩷🩷)
Luca Changretta🚬
🚬ultimatum -> your brother Thomas has a decision to make: your life or many
Alfie Solomons🧸
🧸the silent treatment -> you can’t stay quiet and mad at him forever, not if Alfie can help it
🧸if you’ll have me -> the oddly timed belated visit to his synagogue gave reason for Alfie to keep visiting (Jewish reader)
🧸by the book of liviticus -> how Alfie acts while his wife practises being a niddah (Jewish reader)
Finn Shelby🎞️
🎞️Pre Traumatic Stress Disorder -> Finn sees his brothers’ wives comforting them when they have a PTSD episode, why can’t he tell a little white lie and get the same treatment from you?
Tommy Shelby🪖
🪖Best Interest -> after your brother Tommy turns violent during an altercation about your love interest Isaiah; you run to your eldest sibling, Arthur for comfort (request)
Arthur Shelby🍺
🍺Best Interest -> after your brother Tommy turns violent during an altercation about your love interest Isaiah; you run to your eldest sibling, Arthur for comfort (request)
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bettythemouse · 1 year
Tommy Shelby Headcannon
A/N: Hi guys! This is my first writing post on my new account, any advice or criticism is greatly appreciated, please let me know what you think!
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He sees you for the first time:
• Tommy seeing you for the first time would distract him greatly
• He’d be drinking at the Garrison, watching Arthur and John make drunken fools of themselves
• He’d go out for a smoke alone after a while, to catch his breath and concentrate on his thoughts
• And you?
• You’d be outside in the cold, smoking a cigarette of your own just a few meters away
• You wouldn’t dare go to the Garrison alone, despite how much you’d wanted a drink
• But Tommy would take the cig from his mouth, exhale, look around a bit
• and lay his eyes on you
• you
• Who were you?
• Suddenly all the plots and schemes and money stopped in his mind. He was distracted. Heavily distracted. Had he been talking with someone before seeing you, he would’ve shut up
• You didn’t see him yet. Even if you had, he stood without light in his face so you wouldn’t have recognised him or even realised who he was looking at
• But Tommy could see your face. He could see every detail, the mole on your cheek, the cupid shaped lip, the slight scowl on your face when ash blew onto your coat. And he was completely mesmerised
• You finished your cigarette, threw it to the ground and stamped on it. Cleared your throat and got ready to continue your walk-
• “Oh!”
• “My apologies.”
• “No, no, it was my fault, I couldn’t see where I was going.”
• You had unexpectedly bumped into someone. You couldn’t see them but you could tell they were male
• And polite
• You smiled at them, despite not fully being able to see their face and continued on your way, a little embarrassed
• And Tommy watched you. Watched you trail off into the night. And although he couldn’t see your face anymore, he was still mesmerised.
• And he knew
• Somehow
• That he’d see you again
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Reopening Old Books
(Finn Shelby about his Mother Mini Series)
Summary- In a room long since lived in, under a bed long since slept in, is a very old book about to reveal something no one ever expected....Especially not Finn Shelby.
A/N: Hi Y'all. OK so there are some 🟥🟨TRIGGER WARNINGS 🟨🟥 for this story including: Multiple Mentions of planned suicide (it goes for the whole series). It's not graphic, nor is the word suicide used, but this whole series is about Finn's relationship (or lack of) with his mother and how her death effected him and his family. So this entire story is pretty bittersweet, it's meant to be fluff sugar coating some angst!! Also again there are mentions of religious themes for the 1920's and using a Bible to hide things. There is also a bit of anxiety and self depreciation on Finn's part as well as mentions of spousal abuse and child neglect! That being said I'm very happy with how it finally turned out and I hope y'all have enjoyed the idea I came up with! So Enjoy the final part of the Pictures On The Wall series❤️
WC- 4.6k
Series Masterlist Main Masterlist
Finn Shelby was frustrated. He had been searching almost three hours now for those papers Polly wanted. They weren't for the company, and Polly didn't even say what they were. All she had done was told Finn to grab the papers sitting in the chest of the main bedroom of 6 Watery Lane. Finn didn't know what they were for but he knew they weren't in that drawer. 
He'd turned it inside out twice now, and still the only thing inside was dust bunnies and old whiskey caps. He had half a mind to give up now and just go back, telling Polly there wasn't anything there. But with his luck, Polly would probably march right into the house and snatch the papers out of thin air. Then Finn would probably get a small scolding about not looking hard enough....And he really didn't want to get that today. So he decided to broaden the search beyond the chest.
He started with the closet, rummaging through the shelves, pulling out mostly empty boxes and coughing when he shook a dusty coat too hard. Then he went to the desk, pulling out every drawer and even looking underneath it to see if they'd been taped to the top. Still nothing. They weren't even under the loose floor boards that Finn knew Ada and John had hidden stuff in more than once. It didn't seem like the papers were anywhere to be found. 
Just like the rest of house, it seemed everything had been left behind. All of his siblings and his Aunt had moved to newer houses, bigger houses where the pipes didn't leak and the floors were never freezing. They'd moved away from their past and seemed to want nothing to do with it. Sure, the furniture was still there and the pictures were still hung up, and the plates and cups still sat in their shelves. But the house was empty. Unless the family was in trouble or they needed to pop over from the new office, the rooms often stay unused and abandoned. The product of change and progression up in life. In fact, the only one who still stayed there regularly was Finn himself. Despite its cold and creaks, Finn actually liked the house he grew up in. It was familiar, and no matter who was fighting in his family, or who was pissed off at who, Finn knew he could always sleep at Watery Lane. Honestly, Finn still slept there most nights, in the slightly too small bed of the room he was raised in. He found comfort in the stability of it all. He liked being able to go somewhere he knew wouldn't leave. 
A lot of things in Finn's life had a habit of leaving.... And most of them never seemed to come back.
Finn rubbed his hand over his eyes in annoyance, pinching the bridge of his nose like Tommy did. He didn't understand why Polly couldn't just get the papers herself. She hadn't actually been doing anything when she sent him off. And to be honest Finn was suppose to meet Bonnie out by Charlie's yard an hour ago. The boys wanted to mess around and play with the new horse Tommy had bought last week. But evidently that would have to wait. Polly said not to come back until he'd found the papers. Now he was hungry and tired and they still hadn't shown up. 
Turning around one more time, Finn paused to take in the room before him. It was the master bedroom, if it could even be called that. The only defining feature about it was that it was sat on the first floor in the back of the brick house. It wasn't that much bigger than the other rooms either. But it had been where Polly had slept after moving in and where his "parents" slept before that. 
Truth be told, he'd never thought of it as he parents room, because Finn Shelby wasn't use to thinking about "his" parents. It was always "his sibling's" parents in his mind, and he didn't really see much reason to change that. After all, they were both gone before he could even hold up his head properly. He wouldn't have even known what his father looked like, had the man not shown up for less than a week when he was eleven. And even now, Finn couldn't remember much about the useless bastard other than the thin scars creating a permanent smile on his face. He didn't really care about that too much though. Seeing how bad his "father" treated them, it made him think they were better of without him. Besides, Isaiah'a dad had never been one to shy away from showing Finn the same love as his son whenever he showed up.
 It was Finn's "mother" he thought about more often, but again, she was still someone he was almost scared to ask about. Often times if felt like she was never even real, just a fictional story no one was suppose to tell. Twenty years old now and he could still only be sure of three things about her: She was a good woman, She loved me, and She's dead. And even the first two things he found himself questioning from time to time. He's heard how their father treated her, but there was a small part of him that wondered why he wasn't enough to make her stay longer. After all, she's stayed strong for all his siblings, why didn't she stay for him? Atleast for a little bit longer. She didn't even make it to a year after he was born and so he never got to see his picture with her on the wall. He never got to see proof of the love in her eyes as she held him on her lap at one year old like she had with his siblings. She thought they were worth staying for... so why wasn't he? Why didn't anyone in his family seem to think he was worth staying around for? 
Huffing, Finn squeezed his eyes tight and shook his head. He sniffed once and then opened his eyes again. He knew it was stupid if he wanted to cry over something like that. His brothers never did, and if they knew he might, they'd only think he was soft. At least that's what Finn thought. So the room was Polly's, and it always would be to Finn. Because growing up, she was always the one there when he snuck in during the night and she was the one who scolded his brothers for snooping around in her private stuff. And even if she had moved to her new house, Finn would always think of it as Polly's room. Because even when his parents left. She was the one who choose to stay.
....And she was the one who'd be disappointed if Finn couldn't find those papers. Fuck.
Finn cursed to himself as he turned around again. He'd gone over the whole room twice now, and still couldn't find what he needed. He'd probably have to call Pol and make sure the papers really were in the room. With a huff Finn plopped down on the old bed in frustration.
A thump hit the floor
Finn froze and looked around trying to see what he'd accidentally knocked over. But he couldn't see any new mess besides the one he'd already made. Then it hit him....The noise had come from under the bed.
Rolling off the bed and on to the carpet, Finn laid on his stomach to see underneath the dust ruffle. His search was again unfruitful as there was nothing under the bed but dirt and dust and..... a book? 
It was too small and thick to be the papers Pol wanted. She'd said that it should only be a few sheets in a thin folder, but this looked as big like one of Ada's many novels. Maybe it was his Aunt's and she'd forgotten it when she moved years ago. That didn't explain why it was tucked between the bed boards though. Curious, Finn reached under the bed and pulled the mysterious book out.
It was a Bible.
An old one, that hadn't seen the light in years. given the layers of dust settled upon the sides. It was small and worn, but despite the dust Finn could tell it was well cared for. There were a lot of little bits of smaller papers sticking out from the sides, protected from ruin between the rest of the pages. Finn was sure now this wasn't Polly's. As a gift from him and Ada one year, they'd saved up enough to get Polly a new Bible, with her name embossed in small gold letters on the front. Finn knew she kept it by her bed or on her desk next to the pictures she had of her and her late husband. Besides, Finn believed she'd never shove a Bible between the slats under a bed where it could be damaged. So this couldn't be his Aunt's. 
Finn also knew it could never be his father's. During the one meal Finn was ever sat at the same table as his father, the man had claimed to find religion, demanding to be the one to say grace. But even Finn knew his words were lies, printed out to help his image of a man who'd returned "for his family" as he claimed. Arthur Shelby Sr never believed in God a day in his life. If he had, then he would have had to admit he wasn't an almighty as he claimed. But no, Arthur Shelby Sr. always had to be the man out on top, even if he had no moral means of getting there. It was a small trait Finn saw in Tommy sometimes. The desire to control everything and be on top no matter who he hurt, but Finn would never tell him that. They all hated begin compared to the man who's caused so much pain with so little care. But Finn knew this wouldn't ever be his father's Bible, simply because the man believed himself to be a God most days. And what god would read about another. Besides he'd over heard things from his family before. Not that they realized he was listening from the top of the stairs the night after his father left again, but he heard them. They had been talking about her.
After Arthur had stormed off with Sr, Tommy when back to the pub, and John went home to his kids, Ada and Polly started talking. About Senior and how awful he was. How his return would only hurt the family more, and how he should have just died when he left. How the rest of his days were probably cursed for how he treated their mother. That was when Finn had come in. He wanted to get a drink of water before going back to sleep, but froze at the top of the stairs when he heard their conversation.  He knew who his sister and aunt were talking about even if they didn't say her name. No one ever said her name. And he also knew that if he continued to go down, they'd stop and he'd loose the chancing to find out more about her. So wrapped in his thin blanket, eleven year old Finn Shelby sat at the top of the stairs, eagerly memorising the words he heard. After all, it was rare her name was ever mentioned, much less any information about what she did. 
And so he heard his Aunt and sister recollecting about his dead mother. About how she was so sure their father wasn't religious, that she started keeping things in her Bible. It was the one place where her things were safe from his rage. Every secret delight, or even small amounts of money she didn't want her husband to ruin or take, was tucked safely between the pages. Little notes and scribbles or even important papers hidden away in the one book she knew her husband wouldn't care enough to open. She liked to keep it close, not necessarily because of what was already inside, but because of what she was able to save in it. 
So Finn was sure this wasn't his Father's Bible.... And in the back of his mind, the hopeful part that was almost scared to dream, Finn knew who the Bible belonged to. They hadn't seen it since the day she died, and no matter how much his siblings searched for it, they were never able to find their mother's precious keep sake. Once Finn had heard Uncle Charlie reckon that she'd had it when she went into the water, and it had been washed away just as her life had. He'd been very drunk that night, and didn't even remember telling Finn that the next day. And Finn had believed him since it had been over a decade, and the book had never been found. 
But here it was twenty years later, held cautiously in the hands of the son who hadn't been enough.
Not washed away by the river, but covered in dust and slightly creased on the cover from years of being slept over. The last time he'd been near it, the book was almost as big as him, and now he could spread out a hand and touch a finger on each edge. The world seemed to fade away as Finn's fingers began to lift the cover.
 He wanted to see the small scribbles and notes in the pages and papers within, and be able to match to the writing he'd seen before. He wanted to see it was the same neat lettering hanging up on the wall on the back of four very old pictures. And each photo would show a one year old baby, in the same gown, on the same smiling mother’s lap holding her newest child close. And on the back of the photo was written the date and the name of the child, along with a note from their mother detailing something special she loved most about the baby. And each note would be concluded with the same phrase, “Mama loves you” and each picture would be hung on the wall.... But there were only four pictures because she hadn't lived long enough to take the fifth. In fact, there wasn’t a single photo shared between the mother and her youngest son. Because by the time it came for the photo to be taken, the smiling woman four other photos had already been long since taken herself. Finn Shelby wanted confirmation that this is what he thought it was. He wanted to match the words in this book to the one on his siblings pictures, because he'd never be able to match it to his own.
And so Finn did just that. Completely forgetting his original task, he gently thumbed his way through the thin pages. Not paying attention to the printed words within, but rather those hand written with care the Shelby family had long since seen. Finn Shelby sat on his mother's bed....he could almost call it that now. She didn't seem like such a lie anymore. He traced the words and memorized every shape they made. He was able to recognize every letter as one he'd seen on the backs of his siblings photos and knew this was it. He'd found the last bit of herself his mother left behind. Finn Shelby finally had what he always wanted. Proof his mother was real. 
Finn could feel tears in his eyes again and this time he didn't care about stopping them. He didn't care what his brothers would think, and he knew they'd probably do the same if they were he was now. Holding the last little bit of herself their mother's existence that remained unmarred by their father's corruption.
When the tears made it hard to see, Finn finally wiped his eyes. Taking the book in one hand, he brushed away the tears with the other and that's when it happened. 
Something fell out of the book. 
Finn's heart dropped and his head began to race. Not even holding it for half an hour, and he'd already broken his mother's keepsake. He never should have opened it, he didn't mean to destroy any more of her. 
Almost scrambling to try and reverse his mistake, Finn grabbed the pages, hoping he could piece them back in their proper place. But then to his great relief, Finn saw it was only an envelope..... Not just not envelope, but the ones the photographer put his pictures in once they developed. A safe sleeve for his customers to take their images home in. Usually thick pieces of paper were also placed between the photos to keep them from scratching each other too. He could feel his heart slow again at the realization that he hadn't broken her treasure. Now Finn was curious to what could be inside. He'd seen the small notes and drawings, but no one ever mentioned that his mother kept pictures in her Bible. Maybe his family didn't know either. Gently setting the book on his lap, Finn opened the envelope and pulled out the images inside.
There were four of them.... Only four. 
Finn recognised these photos and knew why there were only four. Each one nearly mirrored a picture he'd seen before. They showed four different babies, all one year old. And each baby was wearing the same old christening gown, even if it had to be altered to fit with hidden pins or wouldn't button at all. Holding each child was the same smiling woman, gentle arms tight around her newest love. But still these photos were slightly different than the ones hanging on the wall upstairs. For starters, none of them had anything written in the back, not a date or word detailing what she loved most about the baby. And each of the individual photos were slightly different too. 
In oldest picture, Baby Arthur could be seen draped sideways over his mother's arm, while her eyes opened wide as she went to save him. It appeared like as the photographer was counting down to when the photo would be taken, Baby Arthur saw it as when to throw himself off his mum's lap to see if she'd catch him. He had a grin on his face as he started his own game. And despite the panic in her eyes, one could see the laugh beginning to come out of his mother's mouth.
The next photo showed a child with a single bow on her head. Finn laughed, seeing that even then, Baby Ada made the same frustrated face she did now. Her small nose was wrinkled as she glared off camera, one small arm raised and mouth open as if telling someone off. Obviously she wasn't pleased with the face one of her brother's just made. It was probably John. Her mother could be seen with an amused smile, holding an arm around Baby Ada's chest, likely keeping the child from jumping off and toddling over to attack the offender. 
Baby John was a sight to see as well. With hair so blond it appeared white in the photo, he was the one whose face had changed the least. Eyebrows raised and mouth open wide, Baby John was actually standing to the side of the chair his mother sat in while her head was thrown back in laughter. Half of his face was hidden, pressed tightly to his mother's showing baby bump. By the annoyed look on his face, one could easily guess he was yelling at his unborn sister to stop kicking him for at least the third time that day.
The last photo was more peaceful than the rest. It also made Finn laugh the most. Unlike his siblings, Baby Tommy didn't seem to be causing trouble at all. Evidently, Baby Tommy's photo was taken during nap time. He was standing on one leg, and he had one hand clasped tightly to his grinning mother's dress. With one arm propping him up against her chest, the Shelby mother proudly displayed her second child who was sound asleep.... sucking the toes of his other foot.
Finn was grinning wildly now. These photos were some of the greatest he'd ever seen, and not just because they showed his siblings in unflattering angles. In each of these photos it became more clear that his mother really did love his siblings. He could tell by the look in her eyes, even when they couldn't take a proper photo. The ones upstairs were nice looking, showing the perfect image of mother and child, but these showed her at her best. The loving mother of wild children who liked to run on their own schedules and couldn't be tamed. They were messy and chaotic and, what Finn like most...real. He liked the picture proof that she wasn't just the perfect image upstairs, rarely talked about, as if mentioning her would spoil her image. He'd only just seen them, but Finn knew the photos in this book would be some of his favourites forever. And maybe not today, but he knew one day he'd share them with his siblings. Even if they got mad because he brought her up, Finn knew they'd want to see these too. They'd want any chance they could to see themselves with her again. 
Still smiling, he made a mental note to keep them safe. As he was tried to slide the four photos back into the envelope, he realized he couldn't. They were getting stuck on the extra card stock, keeping them from sliding smoothly in. Finn placed the four pictures aside, and went to pull out the thicker pieces of paper. He also decided it would probably be a good idea to layer the card stock with the photos like the photographer did. He pulled apart the first two pieces of card stock and again something fell out.
Finn found two more photos...
Two photos, that looked almost just like the others, but these he'd never seen before. At least he didn't remember seeing them. They showed the same smiling woman, holding her newest child, love evident in her eyes. She was sitting in the seat she always was, and the child was wearing the same worn christening dress as always. The first picture was very similar to the ones way upstairs. The curly haired child was being up held on his mother's knee as she gave the same bright smile she always did for the first photo. The baby's mouth could be seen forming a small "o" as he stared towards the camera. But it was the second picture really proving these weren't like the ones before.
For starters, the child was obviously not one year old. Such a small baby couldn't have been more than three months. The christening dress was far too big for him, and instead of truly wearing it like his siblings, the mother had wrapped him up in it, as if bundling him up for cuddles when it was cold. The mother was also holding the child differently than in other pictures. The baby was likely too small to sit up on his own, and this time his mother was instead cradling him in her arms as if rocking him to sleep. She was also looking at the baby. In all the other photos she was looking at the camera. Even in the ones just found, her glance was off screen at someone else, trying to see if they if they were laughing at the child with her. But not in this photo. Holding him close, the mother was smiling directly at him as she bent down to rub her nose against his. The child's mouth could be seen trying to mimic his mother's smile as his arms were reaching towards her face.
Finn Shelby never knew he had his mother's nose.
Running his finger lightly over the two photos, Finn flipped the first over. After all, it was usually the first one she wrote the message on. But the back of the photo was blank. Quickly, he flipped over the second photo, hoping there was more. There it was, the message written just for him.
On the back of the second photo was his name, a date and message written in the same hand as the other photos and the notes in the Bible. 
The first thing Finn noticed was the date and despite the lightness that had settled in his chest he couldn't help but grimace. The message was written a week before Finn turned three months old....and two days before his mother was found in the water. She had been missing for a day before Uncle Charlie pulled her out. There was something awful bittersweet for Finn, realizing the last time his mother probably spoke to any of her children was when she was whispering her sweet message into his ear. There was something nauseating settling in Finn's stomach at the thought. His family had always believed her death was an almost spur of the moment ultimatum, caused by the breaking point of one last fight or one last assault from her husband while the kids were at school. But in truth, it wasn't a choice she made that night after her breaking point. And it hurt more than not having any pictures, realizing that she knew what was going to happen for atleast the week it took the photos to develop. She'd known since the day she planned to sneak away with her youngest to take photos almost nine months earlier than usual. If his mother thought she'd make it to his first birthday, she wouldn't have taken the photos. But she did take them, because she knew she wouldn't make it.
Finn took a deep breath trying not to cry again. He had a longer relationship with cocaine than he did with his own mother and it fucking hurt. He could barely remember a single thing about her but, he missed his mother so much. But he could say three things about her:
       She was a good woman.
       She loved me.
       She's dead, but not because of me.
And for once, he actually believed them all.
Gulping and taking another deep breath, Finn finally moved his eyes from the date, and took a good look at the words whispered in his ear so long ago. Finn Shelby couldn't read what they said. One of Isaiah's friends has offered to teach him how, but they'd only just stared last week. But he'd be able to read them one day. Still, there was one phrase Finn recognized and there was something about knowing this time the words were written for him that made them more special. It was probably one of the only phrases Finn could confidently read that wasn't a name. And ever since he could remember there was always a part of him that wished he could read those words, not on his siblings picture but his own. And now he could. Finn Shelby had two pictures with his mother. Maybe he was enough after all....
Finn left 6 Watery Lane an hour later, a book shaped bulge in his coat pocket. He still hadn't found the papers for Polly, but that didn't matter anymore. It was getting dark and he still wanted to see the new horse with Bonnie. His aunt could scold him later, but right now he really didn't care. He locked the door and headed out. 
Away from the streets he played on as a child, and away from the house he'd grown up in. In the house was the kitchen he'd learned to crawl in and the couch he'd lost a tooth on. There were the stairs that only he could get up soundlessly, and the sink that always leaked. In the house was the room he'd spent so long hiding in, anxious by his doubts and burdened by his past. It was the house where pictures covered the upstairs hall....
Five of which were almost identical.
"Mama Loves You Finny"
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runnning-outof-time · 8 months
K’s Reading List — JANUARY
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Hey there! Thanks for stumbling upon this reading list! I figured that as a way to support the lovely writers within this fandom that I’d compile a reading list of all of the stories I read over each month.
January was a wonderful month filled with incredible stories. Below is the list of stories that I read. I hope you will find some that you like as well!
As always, please make sure you heed to the warnings on each fic!!
💜 — denotes a story written for my 4K celebration
F*ck Buddies - Tommy Shelby x Reader (ongoing mini-series) — some parts contain 🔞 NSFW themes!
A Moment of Happiness - Tommy Shelby x Reader (mini-series)
Blind Date - Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader (on-going series) — some parts contain 🔞 NSFW themes!
Paranoia - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Dangerously yours - Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb
Ignoble Sins - Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb
The Lockdown Sessions: Oppenheimer Edition - Cillian Murphy x Reader (on-going series) — all parts contain 🔞 NSFW themes!
Dangerous Liaisons - Tommy Shelby x Reader x Alfie Solomons — contains VERY 🔞 NSFW themes!
Devastating - Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
First Bloom - Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
John Shelby blurb
Of Bending and Breaking - Tommy Shelby x Reader
The Lonely Rose - Alfie Solomons x OC (Fairytale AU)
Anon - Alfie Solomons x OC blurb
All Mine - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Ada’s Tour of the Library - Ada Shelby & Reader — dark fic use caution!
Inferno - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Misunderstandings - Carmen Berzatto x Reader — from The Bear
Point Blank - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Girl Dinner - Carmen Berzatto x Reader — from The Bear
Pretty Girl - Jay Halstead x Reader — from Chicago PD
Interrogation - Jay Halstead x Reader — from Chicago PD
Tommy Shelby Blurb
Luca Changretta Headcannons
Dues ex machina - Arthur Shelby x Reader
Back On Watery Lane - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Broken Pieces - Henry Wilson x OC — from Dunkirk
Don’t Hold My Hand (I’ll Break Your Heart) - Tommy Shelby x OC (on-going series)
John Shelby blurb
Haunt Me - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Tommy & Charlie blurb — 💜
Our Little Family - Jay Halstead x Reader — from Chicago PD
Fathers - Tommy Shelby & Finn Shelby
Sacrifice & Survive - Tommy Shelby x Reader
“when she laughs, the heavens hum a stun gun lullaby” - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
“your breath in my face, your body close to me” - William Killick x Reader — from The Edge of Love
Lost in the Rhythm - Tommy Shelby x Reader — 💜
Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb
Lazy Mornings - Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb — contains slight 🔞 NSFW themes!
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look-at-the-soul · 2 years
Hi! I was inspired by the game I saw @zablife create a few weeks ago (I can’t find the link for it, sorry!) where you send people a GIF for them to use as creative inspiration for either a blurb, headcannon, moodboard or one shot or fic whenever they choose!
This can sit in your inbox for months and months if you wish, the idea of this is just to be there for when you feel as though you need some inspiration for something creative and just want to have a bit of fun or get the brain into a creative place! Please don’t feel any pressure to use this I just thought it might be quite a nice thing to use when you’re in the mood to write but aren’t sure what!
I hope you enjoy this and have fun with it! X
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Aimee!!! Thank you so so much for sending in this beautiful gif!!!! Those eyes and that smirk, made me think of this little story 🥰♥️✨
Boys will be boys
Tommy Shelby x reader blurb
Master list
The day had been shit, Arthur wouldn’t stop getting snow and whores, John had been all over the place, and Polly and Ada did whatever the hell they pleased, taking the betting shop secretaries to a pub to prove they can have a drink as well.
But as he heard a familiar voice outside his office, and judging by the moody sound of it, his day was only starting.
Standing up from his chair, Tommy walked around his desk to pour himself a drink. The liquid burning his throat.
But nothing could compare to his wife’s mood.
“Don’t tell me to calm down Finn, if you repeat that word in my son’s presence I will wash your mouth with soap.” He heard Y/N say right before storming into his office. “I have enough with your brother swearing ten words and using one properly in a sentence.”
“I didn’t know he was hiding under the desk, sorry Y/N.” Finn looked at Tommy in an attempt to ask for forgiveness, Y/N had been like a mother to him, her sons were more like little brothers than cousins to him.
Moving his hand, he quietly asked his brother to leave. “It’s alright Finn.”
“Tommy, is not alright!”
“Care to elaborate for me, love?” He asked patiently.
Y/N didn’t usually stormed like that in his office in the middle of the day unless it was something important.
“Well, yes… you should be the one explaining to TJ’s teacher where did your son learn to say that he wants to blow snow from your cunt. Because he shouted it when his teacher asked him to do his school activity again.”
Tommy had to suppress a loud laugh as his wife took the glass of whiskey from his hand in a fluid motion, downing it in seconds, while he connected everything in his mind it must’ve been what Thomas Jr. heard uncle Finn say over the phone as he was hiding under his desk.
“Don’t laugh Thomas! Is not funny!” She was furiously serious.
Oh shit, she saw him.
Whenever she called him Thomas, he was in trouble.
For such a petite woman, she seemed to be taller when she got angry.
“Am I laughing?” He asked with his hands in front of him in an attempt of self defense.
Her little finger pointed at him. “I know that smirk.”
It was barely unnoticeable, but it was there, his eyes sparkled exposing him.
Trying to hide it from her -because she knew him too damn well-, Tommy walked around his desk, to take a seat.
“If you don’t control him, he’s going to do whatever he wants.”
“Are you still talking about TJ or Finn?”
“Both!” She exploded.
“Love… I’m sorry to break your heart, but you can’t expect TJ to be just like Charlie, TJ is a rebel by heart.”
“Why do you bring up Charlie? We’re talking about TJ.”
“‘Cause he’s your favorite.” Tommy shoot lighting the cigarette between his lips, blowing the smoke away.
She loved all her five boys equally.
“That’s non sense!”
“You punished James and TJ last week.”
“Because they told Frances she could find a husband if she wore one of my lipsticks!”
TJ and James were only eleven months apart, so they were practically like twins, Charlie on the other hand, being the oldest, he was always trying to please his father, he was constantly trying to be a role model for his brothers.
“And what about Benjamin?”
Y/N stole the remain of her husband’s cigarette, which gave him the opportunity to grab her by the waist to make her seat on his lap.
“When I asked him to finish his food he got up on the table and shouted he was a fucking Shelby, he didn’t need me to tell him to eat.”
“Well… he’s right.” Tommy admitted making a face. “Hey!” He complained when Y/N smacked him on the chest. “Boys will be boys.”
“I don’t know what bad habits Alec will learn from you and them.” He was only six months old, but she could already see him running behind his four older brothers, breaking the Christmas tree and a few dining room chairs as they chased after each other, just like TJ, James and Benjamin did two weeks ago.
But Tommy being Tommy, got a replacement right away, anything for his boys, his little gang.
“You still want to try for the girl then?” He joked, but Y/N’s head snapped to look at him, his hands already sneaking under her skirt.
“Don’t even joke about it, you only make boys and I already have five of them, six as you’re another child, my hands are full.”
Even though she said no, the pulse on her neck as he kissed her there, told him another thing.
Now there was no way he could hide the little smirk he had on his lips as his wife turned to look at him.
“Well… you see it’s funny, because after having tea with Pol this morning, she read the leaves in your cup, and she says you’re pregnant.”
Fun fact: my brothers broke the Christmas tree one year when they were kids, there you go, inspiration comes from reality 😂
Special thanks for the children sassy comments inspiration to @runnning-outof-time & @notyour-valentine ♥️✨
Tag list:
@lyarr24 @datewithgianni @runnning-outof-time @gretelshelby @cloudofdisney @lespendy @gypsy-girl-08 @onlydeadcells @esposadomd @cillmequick @stevie75 @strayrockette @the-forest-witchh @zablife @elenavampire21 @peaky-cillian @peakyscillian @forgottenpeakywriter @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @babaohhhriley @ange-thoughts @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @rangerelik @moral-terpitude
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notyour-valentine · 2 years
If you see reader and tommy getting married in tbitw would you maybe write a headcannon or a one shot (your choice) for them please
🍷Join me for a Drink 🍷 - TBITW: Marriage
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[Celebration] [Celebration Masterlist] [Masterlist]
This was written as part of my Series The Boy in the Window and contains spoilers
There wouldn’t be a grand proposal. Back in France, they had already made the decision to spend their lives together (or at least try), however the topic of marriage would be another they would dance around
(Y/N) would not be the one to bring it up, and Tommy would be too uncertain to do so, at least not without a lot of thought and prepared talking points (he may or may not even have written some notes). Instead, they would have an honest conversation and come to the realisation that it would not only be something that would be for the best of everyone but also something that would make them happy
Even though there wasn't a classic proposal, Tommy decides to give her an engagement anyways. He has to fight the instinct to get the biggest flashiest largest diamond ring he can find, but once he stands in that London jewellery store, he realises that anyone could buy a ring like that and so he takes a ‘business trip’ for a few days. 
He goes all the way to France, to that very same fishing village and searches for the vendor they had visited where he not only bought to sets of pearls (a pair of earrings, a bracelet and a necklace each) but also the best single pearl he can find with the smallest of imperfections (but there is one because it is real). Once back in London, he can’t resist setting it in tiny diamonds, creating a star shaped halo around it. These are the highest quality and cost more than most other larger diamonds, but he never tells (Y/N) that
They would tell the children together, but it would leave them a bit confused, since nothing would really change in their day to day life. But they would quickly realise that there would be a party, which excites them.
The wedding itself would be a quiet affair. (Y/N) is not a performative person and doesn’t really like attention and while Tommy likes showing off, he would agree
Tommy doesn’t care about religion but it is something that is important to (Y/N) so they have another church wedding. I see them getting married in a very small ceremony in a little chapel not too far from Birmingham, as Tommy is a family man and would definitely want his Ada, Polly and Arthur around. So it would be a smaller wedding with only the Shelbys inner circle and their close friends there (not more than 30 people)
I do see them wanting to avoid a lot of fuss, mostly coming from (Y/N) so they might spring a surprise wedding on the family on Christmas Eve since they are all already there
They are certainly wearing matching dresses/suits. It is the main reason why (Y/N) does go for a wedding dress even if it is more cream than white and she skips the veil. Emma and Charlie pick the bouquet. Her something borrowed is a bracelet from Polly and her something blue is the names of Tommy and the children stitched into the inside of the dress with blue thread. 
They are active participants in the wedding and even though Arthur was supposed to stop them, they climb into the cart after the ceremony
Charlie and Emma are both very proud that they got to drive their parents back, and even though (Y/N) is more than a bit anxious, Tommy has taught them well.
There is a lot of good food and dancing of course, and not just Tommy and (Y/N) - the children refused to be sidelined so there is at least one moment where Tommy has to follow Emma's lead in her made up dance (it involves a lot of spinning for both of them), while Charlie is super keen on imitating his father while dancing with (Y/N).
Their honeymoon is comparatively short, just three or four days where it is just the two of them. After five days at most, the children join them and they have a family holiday instead
Bonus fact:
Both keep their old wedding rings and place them in envelopes with letters to their children which they will receive when they are old enough. Both agree that their new marriage doesn’t erase or diminish the old one and they keep including Grace and Emma’s father in the children’s lives.
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I want to thank you for participating in my celebration, @just-a-harmless-patato and I hope you like this little headcanon.
If you want to join in, click here to find out everything you need to know!
@lilyrachelcassidy @jyessaminereads @chlorrox @watercolorskyy @books-livre @quarterpastmidnight  @lilyevanswhore  @polishcrazyone  @zablife  @just-a-harmless-patato  @stevie75 @flyingjosephine-blog @runnning-outof-time @babayaga67
@knowledgefulbutterfly  @signorellisantichrist 
@lespendy @geeksareunique @look-at-the-soul
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ryuzakemo128 · 1 year
Hey, can you do a peaky blinder headcannon where the reader is the second youngest shelby but is really close with John shelby so she is basically John and esmes daughter. She's always around them and won't leave their side. They are both so protective of her as she's always happy and kind. She's really close with esme and she looks up to her like a mother figure and esme looks at her like a daughter.
Second Youngest Shelby Headcanons
I hope you like these and I am really sorry these took really long to make.
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Before Season 1
Your birth month flower are Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) and Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis) flowers.
You prefer to spend time with John out of all of your older brothers. There wasn't many moments in your life that you spent without him.
Your nickname means little mouse as you are that much smaller in terms of height.
Despite your small stature you have a fiery spirit and a rather strong personality. Refusing to let anyone push you around.
You have a special bond with John Shelby, he was there for you for everything and when he went to war in World War I, you were devastated. You wrote him letters every week, and his replies were your lifeline.
You often found comfort in the company of Esme, who became like a mother figure to you. She saw you as a daughter and cherished the bond you shared.
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Season 1
You noticed the way your older brother John is now acting differently. The first world war affected him in ways you could not fathom or begin to imagine. The way you heard about his trouble sleeping made you more alert and aware of it.
You made it your personal mission and priority to remain at his side, offering him comfort and support whenever he asked or needed it. Often staying up late into the night with him and falling asleep on the couch making sure he had company.
John appreciated your presence more than anything during those difficult times. He found solace in your unwavering support and kindness. You were like a ray of sunshine in his life, always bringing a smile to his face.
John appreciated your presence more than anything during those difficult times. He found solace in your unwavering support and kindness. You were like a ray of sunshine in his life, always smiling. Your personality remains bright as he remembered it.
You two would go on long walks to help clear his mind, you two rarely spoke during these walks because you felt like words were not needed as the silence between the two of you spoke louder than words ever could.
The chaos, danger surrounding the Shelby name and family, John wanted to make sure you and Finn were safe no matter what happened. Always keeping a watchful eye on the both of you. Even after he got married to Esme.
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Season 2
As the family's troubles intensified, you became protective of both John and Esme as their troubles worsened. In spite of the fact that you are younger than Ada, you are also older than Finn Shelby. In addition to that, you are also the second youngest Shelby. Since you could not bear the thought of losing anyone else in your family, you made it your mission to ensure their safety as well. There was always someone at their side, accompanying them wherever they went and keeping an eye out for any potential threats along the way.
You found solace and a sense of purpose in the study of philosophy. It became an outlet for your introspection and a way to make sense of the chaotic world around you. You delved deep into philosophical concepts and theories, often engaging in intellectual discussions with John and Esme, who admired your thirst for knowledge.
You developed a close bond with Esme, viewing her as not only a mother figure but also a mentor. She recognized your intellectual curiosity and encouraged your pursuit of knowledge. Together, you would spend hours discussing philosophy, literature, and various other subjects that intrigued you. Esme's guidance and wisdom shaped your perspective on life and helped you navigate the complexities of the world.
Despite not wanting part of the family's business, you were often dragged into it just because of the last name Shelby.
You made it clear that you didn't want to be directly involved in the illegal activities of the Shelby family. Instead, you focused on using your intellect and strategic thinking to assist John and Esme from behind the scenes. Your ability to analyze situations and provide insightful perspectives became invaluable to them in their dealings. "I don't want someone else's blood on my hands Tommy," You told him. You already couldn't stand the sight of someone else's blood and her own, so you made it a personal boundary to avoid direct involvement in violence.
You learned hand-to-hand combat even though you couldn't stand the sight of someone else's blood or your own. It triggered more of a gag reflex, you know the importance of self-defence she just didn't think she would need to learn it until things got a lot more riskier.
You saw Esme as a mother figure, as you grew older and she saw you as the daughter she never had.
Esme taught you invaluable life skills like cooking, sewing, managing household affairs and handling finances. She wanted to make sure you were armed with the necessary skills to navigate the world as you grew up.
Despite your aversion to violence, you developed a sharp intuition when it came to reading people and assessing dangerous situations. Your keen observational skills and ability to gauge people's intentions proved valuable sometimes. Much like Polly's ability to read the future or at least predict it. She had a rather strong Intuition.
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Season 3
Your Intuition became more refined as you grew up, the constant danger, shifting alliances forced you to develop a heightened sense of awareness and knack for predicting potential threats.
The studies kept her from nearly most of the family meetings as you delved deeper into them. "You for a fact know that I can't go those meetings, I have to study as much as I can." You said to Thomas, John, Arthur and Polly.
While you were busy with your studies, you also helped out when it comes to John and Esme's children. Always making time to help them out.
Despite the busy schedule, you made it a point to spend more time with them and helping them out. From cooking to cleaning and babysitting the children.
5. The major family meetings were now the only ones you would attend, the only ones you be found attending and it was usually Thomas breaking the news to you on the day, John would tell you the day before.
Season 4
John's death was traumatizing, it deeply affected you, losing your closest brother was devastating blow, it shattered the sense of security you always had beside you.
One of the Changretta mafia blinded her with the use of a acidic liquid, causing her to lose her sight permanently, your wails were from the women's bathroom one night after John's death.
Tommy was furious when this happened, "I can't see Tommy. How can I continue my studies if I can't see?"
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padfootdaredmetoo · 1 year
Master Post - VIII
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Thank you for all your ideas and for being kind to me as this summer has been tough. I am so so so happy its fall! <3 I'll keep adding to this as stuff comes in.
Created - Sept 16th 2023
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Peaky Blinders
Closing Walls and Ticking Clocks - Pt. 5 - Heart Break of the Century - Posted Sept 18th
Closing Walls and Ticking Clocks - Pt 6. - Blood Bath -Posted Sept 19th
Family Affair - Ada's best friend becomes a part of the family while Tommy & the boys are gone to war. When he returns he struggles to admit his feelings.
Sacrifice & Survive - After Ruby's passing the reader finds out she is pregnant and that Tommy is gravely ill.
Brothers - The reader reflects on her relationships with her brothers - Headcannons
I don't want to grow up - Tommy's daughter finds herself in an uncomfortable position while all the women are out of town - father-daughter comfort fic
Mean Boy - Reader is a troubled boy who catches the eye of the Shelby family.
Tell Me Lies- Tommy tells a destructive lie to protect his wife and child. He pushes her away for her safety but while apart she realizes she's pregnant again. Can she figure out that Tommy was lying? Will she forgive him?
Me, Adopted? - Charlie & Ruby play a prank on their little brother and tell him he's adopted.
I've got my eye on you - A series of traumatic events has left the reader emotionless with only one eye.
Fathers - Little Finn gets confused.
Spell Bound Pt. 3 - Even before Harry starts his second year the Malfoys are causing him trouble.
Spellbound Pt. 4 - Harry and the Shelby family tackle hogwarts years 2-5.
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Bullet Train
Baby Girl - The remix. Reader loses her virginity to Tan after dating for a while - follow up to this story.
Rough - Smut with Tan where he is rough and dominant
Just The Driver - Tan falls for a getaway driver who can sing.
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You're Adas Roommate and She Falls in Love with You (Modern Au)
am i exclusively writing modern au headcannons because i don't trust my ability enough to turn it to a period piece and because my commitment issues make it near on impossible to write a full fic? you bet. Also, i eternally simp for Ada
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Ada is at her wits end with living with her brothers
she's genuinely ready to murder them all
so she finds a nice one bedroom flat in London and packs her stuff
Tommy says its a big fat no sorry 
compromise a two bedroom and a roommate situation, as long as Ada can pick who
but obviously, Tommy finds a way to involve himself in this part of the decision making too
he just wants to make sure his sister isn't moving in with some weirdo or a gang banger
he also just loves being in control but whatever 
he actually shows you around the place 
you get the impression that he is the landlord and he doesn't exactly correct you 
he likes you though, he thinks you're a good fit and you don't seem to have any ties to people that want to kill him which is a rarity in this town
Ada is fuming when he tells her that her roommate has already moved in
the roommate who she was supposed to pick but hasn't even met yet
when you first meet her she seems so angry at you that you feel kinda guilty like you've done something wrong 
or just assume she's a big fat bitch 
it doesn't take her long to snap out of it though, when she figures out your not just one of her brothers little spies
i feel like ada is really into green/ herbal teas? she makes you tea all the time 
and at first its a bit hit or miss but she kinda hones her skill and honestly that shit is GOOD
she has an obsession reading up on it for a bit and she finds this recipe for this like super tea for mornings that builds your immune system and she starts making it for herself but then feels bad for not sharing with you so she leaves you a cup on the kitchen counter every morning for when you get up
she also bakes a lot, and she leaves you little goodies out with a post it note on them with your name on or a little cute note
after a while though when you grow closer she will literally just bring these baked goods into your room
like at the start she's SO careful with not entering your space
because all she's had her whole life is brothers coming in her room and annoying her 
no privacy in the shelby home
she doesn't want to make you feel like that
but after  a while you guys grow so comfortable with each other that you literally can just walk into each others rooms unannounced 
having dinners together 
you guys start by cooking together and like 
eating your separate meals around the table together
and then ada comes home one day utterly shattered from working at the library and you make her tea for her
in thanks she makes you your tea the next night and then it just kind of continues from there
even when one of you is away, its hard for the other to just make one portion so you'll often leave each other frozen meals with post it notes on
theres notes start as just names but then they kinda turn into a way of sharing little inside jokes
which is incredibly confusing for the boys when they come round
“Ada, why is there a cake labelled ‘Boris Johnson’ in your fridge?”
“thats y/n’s leave it alone!”
you get used to there being random men in the house
growing to enjoy the company of Adas brothers much much more than she herself does
Ada bringing you as her plus one to all Tommy political events and parties
Polly gets a strange vibe from the two of you
not that she doesn't like you, because she does
very much so actually
but she just can sense that theres something there thats a little deeper than friendship
she starts to see it in the way Ada is so hands on with you
Ada has always been cuddly, but exclusively with her closest circle of friends 
Polly picks up on all the little touches and hand strokes that not even you nor Ada notice to be abnormal 
instead of intervening she just watches, waiting for one of you to realise whats going on
Ada feels it first
you've lived together for a year and a bit and Ada comes to your room to drop off your morning tea like normal and your doors closed
thinking you've closed it by accident she barges in to find you in bed with a very naked male 
shes really angry so she goes to tell Polly about it
“but why are you angry dear?” 
Ada doesn't know, she just babbles on about it being so unlike you 
Polly just listens, not wanting to butt in until Ada had got it all out of her system
“i don't know Pol, i guess i don't know why I'm angry” 
“thats because you're not my love, you're jealous”
Polly is all knowing right 
she's just so wise
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Ada had no CLUE how to act 
she doesn't even know how to accept herself, never mind how to approach it with you 
its not like anything really happened, there wasn't some earth shattering event that brought her the realisation 
it was incredibly slow-burner that was just simmering and simmering until finally one little event tipped it over the edge
and suddenly all the little things that only niggled at her before were not like bullets through the heart 
you'd come back from a night out and she’d be waiting up for like always and you'd go on the roof together for a tab like you always had but for some reason it would be different than before
she was much less animated when listening to your stories of conquests and hook ups 
“ are you alright babe?”
“yer just tired”
Ada knew she shouldn't let herself get so hung up on this silly little crush and that she was only hurting herself more but 
you were more than just some crush
and Ada had no clue how to deal with it
trying not to be obvious and being very obvious
 even Arthur notices his sister being weird
him asking Polly and her telling him its just girl things 
him understanding even less 
Tommy kinda figuring it out 
he doesn't really understand at first; why his sister is giving you all those little looks and laughing at everything you say
you're all at dinner together and he catches ada looking at you and it just all clicks 
he asks Pol about it but she says its none of his business 
which he finds kinda frustrating because he's Tommy fucking Shelby 
kinda an everyone but you knows kinda situation
Ada feels almost perverted for feeling things when she sees you walking round the flat in just a towel or you get changed in front of her
because you're so naive to her feelings
and she wants you so badly 
which just makes her feel like fucking the worst scum of the earth 
because you trust her like a friend and she feels like she's abusing that trust 
furiously listening to Girl in Red 
she tries to pull away from you, because it just hurts to much 
which in turn upsets you 
until you guys end up arguing and she can't keep it in anymore 
“ada i thought we were supposed to be best friends”
“i don't want to be your friend anymore”
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imma leave you all gay hanging sorry
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amazingmaeve · 4 years
ada shelby back to peaky blinders masterlist
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🐚 currently I don't write for any ships but when I do l'll tell you guys which ships. some of these are older and they're kinda bad since it's been a while since I wrote them, so please don't point it out.
🐚 also I do my best to write all the readers/ocs so that anyone can relate but if you want me to write a story with the reader being POC just tell me when you request!
🐚 Feel free to request for ada!
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🌧️ = angst | 🤍 = fluff | 💋 = smut | ♟️ = dark
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casualwriters · 3 years
Peaky binder boys dating someone who is Def
A/N - please Educate me if I did anything wrong just pm me and I will take or delete anything wrong. On top of this, I will be using ASL as it was around in the 1800s and 1900s have an amazing day guys❤
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Michael Gray ~
"Can they hear me?"
He started watching you not in a creepy way to get to know you.
He figured out you were Deaf and read up on it and found some books on ASL. little to none
"I think this is how you say hello."
You thought it was so cute
He takes you out on a date
"Here lets use a napkin to talk."
Some days you just stay in bed not wanting to deal with anyone
The boys adore you even the woman do to they learn a bit of ASL.
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Alfie Solomon's~
" they can't hear me? HEY!"
You were clearly annoyed at him.
He then realize you were Def and apologies
"Do you want to go to the bar with me."
Alfie didn't know much about the Def community but listen to you.
"Here put you're hand on the piano you can listen like that."
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John Shelby ~
"Leave them the bloody alone or I slit you're eyes open!"
He knew that you were Def after someone yelled at you
He toke you to the bar and order you a drink
You taught him history of you're cultural
" this is pretty cool "
You struggle going out to places
He was very supportive of you and so was the Shelbys.
" come on that go cause chaos baby!'
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Thomas Shelby~
You ran into Tommy at Horse race
" oh sorry I didn't mean to run into you."
He saw you using ASL
He decided to use the old napkin trick.
You were both scared to talk
"You're okay don't worry y/n
He was supportive about you being Def.
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pacifymebby · 2 years
Peaky Blinders Masterlist
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🌛🌼🌜Add Yourself to my Taglist Here🌛🌼🌜
Multi Chapter
🌛🌸🌜 Trouble 🌛🌸🌜
Shelby Sister! Modern balletcore au
🌛🌸🌜trouble AU🌛🌸🌜
Snow On the Beach ft Heaven Lavey/Shelby
Love In A Haunted House Part ll
🌿 To date them
🌾 To tell them you’re pregnant
🐿️ To be shy around them
🐻 To be married to them
🍀 To be comforted by them when a pet dies
🌼 To be their nurse and cheerleader
🥀 To be an actress they fall in love with
🦦 To be cared for by them when you’re drunk
🦔 To be bold and answer them back
🦊 To be a mafia princess they fall in love with
🌸 To be protected by them when your ex returns
🍂 To be cared for by them when you’re wounded
☘️ To try to leave them (dark!) (yandere)
🐿️ To give/ receive head 
🦊You’re the secret enemy and they find out you’ve been using them
🍀To be emotionally distant and have chip away at you
🐻 Modern AU / to beat them at monopoly
🌼 When their enemy threatens you
🕊️ To Make Them Broody At Christmas
☘️ You get Kidnapped
❤️ Dancing with the Peaky Boys
🔪 You thought they were going to die
🕊️ You give them an Ugly Sweater (Christmas!)
🔪 NSFW Their Usually Shy Lover Fucks Like a Porn Star
🍒 You have a fear of blood
🍂 Reader who mis-speaks/ gets the wrong vibe in conversations (how they support you)
🐻 Reader has abandonment issues
🐰 When you tease them all day they... (nsfw)
🦇 With Spooky/Gothic reader
🌙 When they get jealous
🕊️ Reader has a terminal illness
❤️ Coming out to them
🍎They take care of you when you're sick
💔 They comfort you after a break up (wattpad link for now as the post is lost in Tumblr void)
🔪 You die in their arms
🐀 Selective mute reader
🐻 Modern AU! Animal Crossing
🥃 How they respond when your drink is spiked
🦢 With a lover who sings
🦊 How they cuddle + you're on your period
🍒 NSFW (The Girls)
🍀 Arranged Marriage (they find out you have a child)
🌛 You leave your underwear in their office NSFW
🔪 You have a nightmare
🥀 You cry when people shout at you
🐻 What they're like as dads
🔪 dark! How they deal with your childhood best friend
🥧 you're a baker always bringing them treats
🌼 You're just really excited to see them
🐻 Christmas Eve
🥀 Christmas Day
🦢 You have anxiety
Tommy Shelby
🌿 The Waves
You were a nurse in the war, now you’re a Shelby secretary (ptsd, dissociation, hurt/comfort)
🌿 NSFW Alphabet
🌿 Too Close Too Heaven
After watching John die you fled the family but now he's found you Tommy wants to help. (PTSD, grief, character death, hurt/comfort)
Alfie Solomons
🐻 NSFW Alphabet
🐻 Cuddle Fucking (plotless smut)
🐻 All Things Must Pass
Alfie comforts reader through a ptsd episode
🐻 Afraid of Everyone
You get attacked and Alfie comes to your rescue, cuddles you whilst you have a big cry
Arthur Shelby
🍂 Fear of Thunder 
Neither of you like the storm outside (hurt/comfort)
🍂 NSFW Alphabet
🍂 A Walk With His Daughter
🍂 Snowman
John Shelby
🌼 (requests open)
Bonnie Gold
🍀 Center of Gravity, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Bonnie finds out you can’t swim.
🍀NSFW alphabet
🍀NSFW headcannons
🍀Sleep The Clock Around
Bonnie helps you get some desperately needed rest
🍀Cinnamon girl
Hurt/Comfort, you and Bonnie have been kissing in secret for too long.
🍀 Angels
Fluffy nsfw if that makes sense? Cosy bath after one of Bonnie's fights.
🍀 Stormy Weather
nsfw inspired by that one horny bonnie anon <3
Isaiah Jesus
🐀 (requests open)
Michael Gray
☘️ nsfw alphabet
Ada Shelby
🦔 Bout des doigts
Smut but cosy
Aberama Gold
🦦 Blackberries
Age gap! Angst?
Random Wee Bits
☘️ Who has a secret sub side 🦔 Who Factory Reset Fucks ☘️ aftercare talk Alfie, Bonnie idk?
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Pictures on the Wall
(942 Word Count)
Peaky Blinders Imagine:      
Have you ever seen the pictures hanging on the walls at Watery Lane? Have you ever counted how many of them show the same thing?
TW:mentions of death/su*c*de (it’s not outright stated but pretty implied/ referenced at the end and it’s kind of the bigger idea in the 2nd half)  
Series Masterlist    Main Masterlist
     If there was one thing each of the Shelby siblings holds close to their hearts, it’s a picture they each have individually with their mother as babies. Despite the rather high expense of taking a photo and the often lack of expense the family had, at a year old each of the Shelby children was dressed up nicely and brought to a photographer for their photos. One taken nicely to be framed on the walls, and the other still taken nicely, but to be kept personally by their mother in a place, which, even now had yet to be discovered.
          While often the other siblings came to see it taken, the picture itself only consisted of one mother and one child (unless you count Ada being in their mother’s stomach for John’s photo —she does). Once developed each photo was hung on the house wall with the drawings and few other photos the family could afford. In fact, since it was so rare back then that the family could afford new things, that each time a photo was taken the baby would be dressed in the same christening gown that Arthur (Jr.) wore when he first took his photo. Even if parts of the gown had to be altered, held together with pins, or in John’s case he had to be positioned where the open buttons couldn’t be seen, the gown would be worn, as tradition held. Even Michael and Anna would be wearing the gown when Polly decided to take pictures with her own children.
           And when developed, the photo would reveal a one year old baby in the same gown, on the same smiling mother’s lap holding her newest child close. And on the back of the photo was written the date and the name of the child, along with a note from their mother, detailing something special she loved most about the baby. And each note would be concluded with the same phrase, “Mama loves you” and each picture would be hung on the wall. Hung precisely and beautifully on the wall next to the few other photos of the family, the ones where it was near impossible to find everyone smiling or looking at the camera or not covered in dirt. And of all the different things each Shelby sibling treasured most, they would agree that the most meaningful item was the photo they took alone with their mother at one years old…….
      Except for Finn.
      Because as far as anyone knew, at one year old, Finn never got the chance to take that picture with him and his mother alone. He never got to wear the increasingly old christening gown, that still managed to be kept in good condition. He never had his (even then) curly hair brushed flat or his small feet wrestled into shoes that would probably be off within an hour. He never had be persuaded into smiling by a group of older siblings behind the camera, as the made exaggerated smiles and silly faces and jokes he wouldn’t understand. He never was comforted softly by a calming voice, long since heard; and a gentle hand, long since raised. He never got to be held closely on her lap as she pretended to ignore the chaos of her other children behind her while writing a note on what she found most special about him. He never heard the words that would be quietly, yet happily whispered in his ear as she wrote. The loving words that could not be fit on such a small piece of paper costing so much. He never got to be held in one cozy arm as it’s owner directed exactly where she wanted the picture placed so it could see the best light.
          As far as anyone knew, after one years old. He never got to crawl, toddle, walk, and eventually run past the paper in a frame of glass as he hurried down to breakfast or up to his room after a long day. He never stood in hall comparing how small he use to be in his mothers arms to how big he had grown besides her in the next faded photo over. He never got to sneak into the hall in the dead of night to carefully pulling down the frame so the words on the back could be read once again in the light of a candle stolen when Polly wasn’t looking. The words written and reread by heart even by a child who couldn’t read. He never got to walk up the stairs as carefully and cautiously as one could in the home there were raised, only to stop half way down the hall and compare the baby in the photo to the newborn in his arms. Only to stop half way down the hall to introduce child and grandparent who would never breathe the same air.
           If there was one thing each of the Shelby siblings holds close to their hearts, it’s a picture they each have individually with their mother as babies. Except for Finn Shelby. Because at one year old, a photo of Finn and his mother  was never taken. In fact, there wasn’t a single photo shared between the mother and her youngest son. Because by the time it came for the photo to be taken, the smiling woman in four other photos had already herself been long since taken. Her spirit taken just as tragically by a cruel husband as her breath had been in those calm waters on that seemingly peaceful night. And because the woman was taken, the photo never was when Finn was one year old.
Part 2- Questions for the Grave .
✨✨a/n: Hi y’all! Or so here’s the first part of this! I think it will end up being 3 parts! I both love and hate this idea because I think it’s cool, but I also don’t don’t want Finn to suffer! I just want him to be happy and alive! I hope y’all liked it! If so: yeah!!:) if not: yeah! that‘s ok too:):)!! Also most of this was written quickly on my phone in between classes so if you see any errors you want me to fix, feel free to let me know! Ok bye! Have a good day y’all!
P.S If ya’ll think I need to add a better TW please let me know. I think what I wrote covered it, but I’ve never really done one before so I’m not to sure. Thanks!✨✨
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K’s Reading List — SEPTEMBER
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Hey there! Thanks for stumbling upon this reading list! I figured that as a way to support the lovely writers within this fandom that I’d compile a reading list of all of the stories I read over each month.
September was a wonderful month filled with incredible stories. Below is the list of stories that I read. I hope you will find some that you like as well!
As always, please make sure you heed to the warnings on each fic!!
🧡 — denotes a story written for my 3.5k celebration
Perfect Lines - Arthur Shelby x Reader/OC — 🧡
Boxing!Arthur thoughts/blurb - Arthur Shelby x OC
Happy wife, Happy life - Tommy Shelby x Reader — 🧡
September Drabble Challenge - features several different Peaky characters
Come Hell or High Water - Tommy Shelby x Reader
I Remember Everything - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Tommy Shelby Blurb - Tommy Shelby x Reader
The Woman In the Painting - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Fly Away, Butterfly - John Shelby x Reader
Behind the Green Door - Interactive Fic set in the Peaky Blinders World
Storks and chimneys… - Alfie Solomons x OC
One Last Kiss - Alfie Solomons x Reader
In his arms - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Daddy’s Bad Girl - Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Until We Meet Again - Tommy Shelby x Reader
A Daughter’s Letter - Wartime!Tommy Shelby x Reader
Tommy Shelby Blurb - Tommy Shelby x Reader — 🧡
The Changretta Calls 4 - from ongoing series
Michael’s Wedding Gift - Tommy Shelby x Mrs Shelby
The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie - Tommy Shelby
The Ring - Tommy Shelby x Reader
summer beach house pt. 1 - Modern!Tommy x OC (on-going series)
Forever is the Sweetest Con - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Only Bought This Dress So You Could Take It Off - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Behind Closed Doors - Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Til Death Do Us Part - Tommy Shelby x Reader
The Dress, Part 4 - Cillian Murphy x Reader (on-going series) — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Blind Date - Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader (ongoing series) — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Seventeen Days - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Just A Minute… - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Always On Your Side - Tommy Shelby x Reader
grand gestures - Tommy Shelby x Reader
water works - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
“I’m not pissed, I’m hurt.” - Ada Shelby & Sister!Reader
Nocturnal Me - Tommy Shelby x OC (Succubus AU!) — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
For This Love - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Arthur Shelby Blurb
Tommy Shelby Blurb 1
Tommy Shelby Blurb 2
She Belonged To the Wild - Tommy Shelby x OC — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Dating Tommy Shelby - headcannons
Lullaby - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Check On You - Tommy Shelby x Reader
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merakiaes · 5 years
Salvation - Tommy Shelby
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Requested: Yes. 
Prompts: None. 
Warnings/notes: This is the third part of the little mini-series for Tommy. It isn’t proofread so I apologize in advance for any possible mistakes. I might come back and change some things later but until then, I hope you enjoy it xx
Wordcount: 3354
Summary: After meeting the entire Shelby clan and having a great time at the Garrison with them, Tommy shows up at your doorstep only a few hours after your return home, in desperate need of your care after a rough fight. 
Part One - Nice To Meet You
Part Two - First Impressions
After resolving the whole conflict at the Garrison, everything had gone really well for the rest of the evening.
Tommy had put Ada and yourself in a car home when the clock was around one, sending you home after a long night of good fun.
Ada, having had a lot more to drink than you had, had passed out pretty much the same second you arrived back home, dragging herself up the stairs without as much as a goodnight.
You, however, had taken the time to get out of your clothes and makeup, wash up and properly dress for sleep, and fallen asleep with a smile on your face around half past three, excited for the dinner Tommy had promised you the next day.
You slept soundly for a few hours, but unlike you had expected to, you didn’t get to sleep through the night.
Only a few hours after getting back home, you were awoken abruptly by knocking coming from downstairs, seemingly from the front door.
Being familiar with the danger that automatically came with knowing the Peaky Blinders and those related to them, you wasted no time in sitting up on the bed and reaching over to the bedside table, pulling the drawer out and grabbing the loaded gun Tommy had forced upon you for protection only one day after you had first met.
But as it was known, you weren’t very fond of violence, and doubted you would ever be brave enough to fire a gun at another human being if it ever came down to it, which was why your heart was beating so violently in your chest as it was now.
What if you were being robbed? Or attacked? What would happen if an enemy got inside and tried to take you and Ada? Would you be able to pull the trigger? You didn’t know, and you hoped to God you wouldn’t have to find out.
With shaky legs, you pulled yourself out of the bed and exited the safety of your locked bedroom, tiptoeing down the hallway.
You stopped yourself when you reached the top of the stairwell, listening closely for any sound that could indicate danger. You heard nothing, and for a moment, you wondered if someone perhaps just had the wrong house.
But then the knocking came again, just as you were about to turn around and go back to bed.
The sudden noise caused you to jump in fright, your eyes widening as you raised the gun in front of you.
You sucked in a deep breath, holding it as you began walking down the stairs.
You could make out the blurry shape of a person through the frosted window on the door, which only made you panic more.
The person knocked again, causing you to suck in another breath.
“Who’s there?” You yelled out, clicking the safety of the gun as you walked closer.
“It’s me.” The person answered almost immediately, and you instantly recognized the voice.
“Thomas?” You questioned, lowering the gun in your hand.
But you didn’t wait for a response, only rushing over to the table in the hall and putting down the gun, before rushing over to the front door and unlocking it to let him inside.
The worry was already evident in the pit of your stomach just from hearing his voice, knowing there was a very slim chance he had come all this way to delivered good news at six in the morning.
And the worry grew into absolute terror as his face became revealed to you.
Your eyes opened wide as you met his, your hand coming to cover your mouth.
“What in the world happened?!” You whisper-yelled as you opened the door wider and stepped to the side with hurried movements to let him inside.
Tommy limped over the threshold, closing the door behind him.
He pressed the bloody rag to his bleeding nose, and before you could stop yourself, you had raised your hand up to his face, letting your fingers touch at the swollen, purple skin around his eye.
“We ran into some trouble.” He answered, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
You helped him lean against the wall, keeping him upright and checking over his face in the light coming from the kitchen.
“’Some’ trouble?” You questioned back, eyes wide. “This is what you call ‘some’ trouble?”
You shook your head, inspecting his face and injuries with featherlike touches, trying your hardest to not hurt him further.
“You’ve got a broken nose, broken blood vessels in your eye and your other eye is completely swollen shut.” You told him, biting the inside of your cheek lightly. “You could’ve died from the amount of blood you’ve lost.”
“I didn’t lose that much. I have thick blood.” He denied, but you only glared pointedly at him.
“You’re as pale as a snowman on Christmas day, your pulse is really weak, you’re trembling and can barely keep on your feet. Anyone can see that you’ve lost a large amount of blood so don’t try me, Thomas.” You told him sternly, finally letting go of his face. “Why the hell would you come all the way here and not seek medical attention at once?”
“I was already in the neighborhood.” He kept trying to lie, but you were having none of it.
The blood on his face was dried, indicating that he had, in fact, not been in the area at all, but rather come the entire way here like you had said.
You took a step closer, taking his face in your hands and caressing the back of his head comfortingly, looking up at him with concern. “The dried blood on your face says differently.” You whispered, shaking your head.
He closed his eyes at your touch, and leaned down to rest his forehead against yours. “I wanted to see you.”
His voice was equally as quiet as yours, and judging by the weight of his head against yours, he barely had the strength to keep it up.
“You saw me just a couple of hours ago.” You answered, but he wasn’t fazed at all by your observation, only whispering back:
“I know.” 
He sighed, and opened his eyes again, looking into yours. “Where’s Ada?”
“She’s sleeping. I would tell you that we have to be quiet but she’s knocked up like a light.” You answered, drawing a snicker through his pain.
“She’s not really known for being able to hold her alcohol.” He commented, and you raised your eyebrows at that, a small smile pulling at your lips.
“Oh, believe me, I know.” You answered, finally letting go of the back of his neck and taking a step back. “Now, come on. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
You offered him your arm and he wasted no time in taking it, pushing himself off the wall with a painful groan.
“Thank you.” He whispered, throwing his arm over your shoulder and allowing you to help him into the sitting room, where you had first sat down and enjoyed each other’s company.
You wordlessly helped him sit down at the sofa and left him there for a moment to go start a fire and light some of the lamps, getting some light into the room.
After doing that, you ventured into the kitchen and prepared a bowl of warm water, a few rags, thread and needle, bandages and some booze for sterilization, bringing it all back into the sitting room where the fire was now crackling away in the fireplace.
Tommy’s eyes were on you the second you appeared in the doorway, almost as if he had been watching it in wait for your return.
But you took no note of the way he was currently staring at you, too busy focusing on keeping the supplies in your arms and setting them down on the coffee table in front of him.
You wasted no time in getting to work, wetting the rag and wringing it out, bringing it up to his face to start cleaning away the dried blood and dirt.
“I thought you promised me not to get into any more fights.” You told him quietly as you worked away on him, your eyes flickering to meet his for a brief moment.
He didn’t even flinch when you pressed the fabric down into one of his cuts, answering calmly. “Believe it or not, I didn’t start it this time.”
Not once did he take his eyes off of you as you took care of him, his eyebrows slightly knotted together as he spectated the concentration on your face and the tenderness of your touches.
“You’re right. That is hard to believe.” You chuckled, shaking your head slightly. “But I’ll just have to take your word for it, won’t I?”
You flashed him a gentle smile, before putting your focus back on his face.
You didn’t say anything else the entire time of cleaning him up, and you finished getting rid of the excessive blood in a few minutes.
Once you were finished with the water, you dropped the bloody rag back into the bowl and grabbed another, soaking it with alcohol and staring to sterilize the cuts.
When reaching one in particular right above his left eye, he hissed, and you drew back your hand, immediately starting to inspect the wound.
Upon closer inspection, you realized it was a lot bigger and deeper than the others. Unlike the others that looked to be caused by hits, this one seemed to be caused by a blade, hence the depth.
“Have you ever gotten stitches?” You asked, putting the rag of alcohol back to the table.
The corner of his lips tugged upwards slightly, eyes flashing over with amusement for a brief moment. “I fought in the war.” He told you, humor evident in his voice. “I’ve gotten plenty.”
You flushed slightly at that, and a nervous laugh escaped your lips as you realized he was right. “Right, of course.” You chuckled. “Forgive me. I forget.”
You bent over to the table slowly from where you sat a the edge of the sofa, starting to prepare the things you would be needing for the next step.
“Your eyebrow is split and will need stitching.” You told him, and he nodded while you continued. “I’ll go get you something to bite down on.”
You began standing up, but before you could go anywhere, his hand shot out and caught your wrist, causing your head to move around to look at him.
“No, don’t go anywhere.” He shook his head, and you gave him a confused look.
“But I-“
“I don’t need it.” He interrupted. “I can take it.”
You couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at that. “Is this you trying to impress me?” You questioned, and he raised his eyebrows. Or well, as good as he could with one of them being split open.
“Is it working?” He asked, and you pondered on it for a moment, narrowing your eyes at him in thought before shaking your head.
“I thought not.” He chuckled, looking down slightly.
You weren’t all too fond of giving him stitches without something protecting his teeth, but nonetheless, you sank back down onto the couch beside him.
“Are you sure you don’t need something to bite onto?” You questioned again as you slowly began preparing the threat and needle. “I have the skill to poke a needle into your skin, but I am in no way qualified to fix broken teeth.”
But despite your clear worries, he only gave you a soft look, nodding his head slowly.
“I’ll be fine.”
You looked at him for a moment, giving him a chance to change his mind. But when you realized he wouldn’t you nodded your head, and went to work.
It was clear to you that he was in pain as you sewed him up, tears pooling at the corners of his eyes, his pulse quick and hard and a layer of sweat quickly collecting on his skin.
But not once did those tears fall, and you found yourself both amazed and sad that he was able to take the pain so well. 
Amazed because, well, it said itself. But it also made you feel bad for him, knowing that he would’ve had to go through great deals of pain in order to become this accustomed to it.
And no human should have to do that.
Once you had finished the stitches you put the needle back on the table. Turning back around to him, you put a small piece of paper on top of the cut to stop it from bleeding further and gave him a guilty look.
“I’m going to have to reset your nose, too.” You told him, and inwardly cringed when you noticed his jaw tense.
It was obvious he was trying to keep up this strong façade, but it was also obvious he wasn’t as strong and unbothered as he put on.
But still, he just nodded, and knowing that you both probably wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible, you moved your hands up and snapped his nose back into place without a second thought.
The snap and crackle of his bones made you flinch, and he let out a sound of pain, squeezing his bruised and swollen eyes shut.
“I’m sorry.” You apologized, quickly bringing your hands away from his face. “There, you’re all done.”
He let his head fall back onto the back of the sofa, his eyes still closed and his breathing slightly uneven.
“I’m beginning to think you like seeing me in pain.” He spoke after a moment of silence, bringing his head back up and looking at you.
You knew he was just joking around, but still; you could only give him a sad look and shake your head. “I hate it.” You admitted quietly.
A thick silence fell over the two of you, your eyes locked together and neither of you blinking for a long moment.
The crackling of the fire at the other side of the room soon fell deaf to your ears and it was like everything around you disappeared. The only thing you could see was him, getting completely lost in his pools of blue.
But it wasn’t exactly strange, was it? They were like the ocean. Just as beautiful and with just as large a capability to drown the victims they lured in.
And you could shamelessly admit that you were struggling for your life to keep yourself breathing right now.
Your breath caught in your throat and your back straightened up significantly when you noticed Tommy leaning in closer, your racing heart picking up even more speed. It honestly felt like you were going to go into cardiac arrest.
“Thomas…” You whispered, but you didn’t get to say anything else, as his lips were pressed against yours the next second.
Now, you had kissed your fair share of men throughout your life, but you had never, never, found yourself feeling like you did at this moment.
It was like your insides were set on fire. Your entire body grew hot, and the familiar tingling sensation in your stomach and chest erupted quicker than it had ever done before.
And the feeling was mutual.
From the moment your lips touched, it was like your bodies moved on their own.
With heavy breaths and desperate hands grabbing at each other, you lifted your leg over his, straddling his lap all while keeping your lips locked together.
Your hands moved to the back of his neck, your nails gently scratching his scalp, and his hands moved up the insides of your bare thighs with patronizingly slow movements, along up your hips before they stopped at your waist.
There, he squeezed the flesh hidden under the thin layer of silk, and it was only then you came to the realization that you were wearing nothing but a short night gown.
Before then, you hadn’t even thought about it, and the realization would have surely had you blushing in embarrassment, hadn’t you already been flushed with excitement and desperation.
Your hands moved down from his neck and started unbuttoning the buttons of his shirt with hurried motions.
Tommy’s hands had now found their way underneath your night slip, his thumbs rubbing your skin and caressing their way back and forth.
The buttons came undone in no time, and you wasted no time in moving your hands underneath the fabric to his shoulders, beginning to brush the piece of clothing off of his body.
But before you could get too far, however, you accidentally brushed against one of the bigger bruises on his shoulder blade, causing him to jerk in pain underneath you. 
You instantly broke away from the kiss, your eyes wide and your hands disappearing from his shoulder.
“Oh, God, I’m sorry!” You exclaimed, panting heavily and eyes wide. “Are you okay?”
You wasted no time in starting to check over him, making sure you didn’t fuck up any of his bandages in your distracted state.
He brought his hands up to catch your wrists, stopping you in your movements. “I’m alright, (Y/N).” He assured you, but the pained look on his face told you the exact opposite.
“I’m sorry.” You apologized again, letting him intertwine your fingers and leaning your forehead against his.
You caught your breaths together, looking deeply into each other’s eyes once again. 
You hesitated, slightly afraid that he would regret the turn of events even though he had been the one to make the first move and despite the fact that you knew he did, in fact, harbor feelings for you.
But you quickly pushed any doubts to the back of your head, the fresh memories of the kiss you had shared only seconds before clouding your entire mind and causing your lips to move all on their own.
“Another time?” You breathed out, trying your hardest not to look too desperate as you stared down at him.
Tommy dropped your hands again and slowly moved them back to your waist, pulling you closer to his body and letting his eyes fall to your lips.
“Another time.” He agreed, and then softly pressed his lips back onto yours.
Six hours later, right around noon, Ada woke up from her drunken slumber and went to check up on you.
When she didn’t find you in your bed, she rushed downstairs in panic, only to find you sleeping on top of her brother’s chest in the sofa in the sitting room, his eyebrow stitched and the coffee table a mess of bloody rags.
You had fallen asleep shortly after the change of events earlier that morning, but unbeknownst to you, Tommy had laid awake the entire time, just staring down at you as you slept soundly.
Ada had breathed out a sigh of relief upon finding that you were safe and sound, but hadn’t wasted a single second to lecture her older brother.
He hadn’t even looked up when she stopped in the doorway and called out his name, his fingers absentmindedly playing with a strand of your hair.
“You better keep her safe, Tommy.” Ada told him, glaring at him from the doorway with the famous Shelby fire flaring behind her blues. “Or I’ll fucking kill you.”
Even then, Tommy hadn’t been fazed in the slightest, his eyes not once moving away from your face as he answered. “I’d give my own life in a heartbeat if it meant she got to keep hers.”
Ada was in no way keen on the idea of her brother courting her best friend or getting you involved with her family at all, but even she couldn’t deny that there was nothing but sincere honesty behind his words.
As she watched the scene unfold in front of her, she realized without a doubt in her mind that the way Tommy looked at you was the exact same way she looked at Karl; as a second chance to a better life and a fresh start.
Just like Karl was hers, you were Tommy’s salvation.
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tearsfortommy · 5 years
being the eldest shelby sibling
pairings: shelbys x fem!reader
warnings: talk of death, swearing xo
notes: this is inspired by @chlnymphadora , specifically this post! I love the idea <3
quite an abrupt ending lol but kinda like this, after my next post I am going to make a masterlist so it’s easier to find my work!!
don’t forget to request your ideas for an imagine, drabble, headcannon, etc xo
thank you for all the love <3
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Y/N shelby is the nicest person you could ever meet
well it depends when you meet her
but she cared deeply for her siblings
So she is almost constantly on the run round for her brothers and sister
Whether she’s chasing ada down the street for stealing her heals
or storming into tommys office to shout at him for being a BITCH
or she’s running after Arthur after finding out the number of girls he had in his bed the previous night
or maybe she’s darting after john and his kids after getting noise complaints from the neighbours
or she’s running to her aunt Polly to inform her of her brothers idiotic actions of the day
but obviously Y/N can’t yell at finn because he’s just too precious
and of course, Arthur always calls his big sister out for favouritism towards the youngest
“Look at this. Favouritism.”
Y/N was giving the 12 year old a cuddle on the sofa after he found out that his crush from the bottom of watery lane is currently in a relationship with the bakers son.
“Piss off with your favouritism Arthur, come and join in if your that mardy”
What Y/N didn’t expect that day is to be at the bottom of a shelby sandwich.
John, Arthur and even fucking Tommy piled onto their big sister wrapping their arms around each other.
Ada and Polly walked on into the unfamiliar sight and froze in confusion,
“May as well pile on ada and break a few more of my ribs”
she did.
so if it wasn’t obvious enough before Y/N is the best hugger ever.
As well as being the best hugger ever she was the dream role model to her siblings
Her brothers and sister looked up to her as if she were a god.
when the girl walked into the snug of the garrison her brothers never failed to stand up at her presence.
Y/N laughed, she always thought they were just being stupid,
“will you bloody sit down”
Even John kids and Karl declared her as ‘the best auntie ever’
And if that isn’t a title you wouldn’t want I don’t know what would be.
She always took them on Saturday morning trips to the bullring and always looked forward to her Friday night catch ups with Katie as the young girl filled her auntie in with the gossip that had been floating around the school that week.
John was very appreciative of this, especially since loosing Martha.
Of course big sister shelby was there to comfort her brother during the loss of his wife
Y/N and Martha were close, her death hit Y/N hard too but the older girl decided to hide it from her brothers and was left to break down in her house, alone, at god knows what time
big sister shelby was also there for tommy when grace passed away
Y/N was the only one tommy would talk to which was no surprise at all
“You are allowed to cry brother”
Thomas burst and cried on his sisters shoulder as she mourned her death silently
“I promise you Tom, it will get better.”
The woman also stepped up for little charlie and made sure he was still happy, which he was, the poor boy hadn’t a clue what was going on
So after all her acts of kindness Y/N shelby was deemed the smile of the shelbys.
too good for that family wanderers in the lanes would mutter
but the shelbys considered Y/N was the best thing that happened to them and tommy would dread to think was he would do if he didn’t have his right hand woman.
As well ada ada who would be lost when it came to trying to sneak out to find her boyfriend without her older sisters help
Also arthur would be well and truly fucked. There wouldn’t be a limit to the drugs and drinks
John would be overrun be his kids and the inability to cope without is older sister
and little Finn would just sit up at night and wait for his oldest sister to come and kiss his head and tuck him into his sheets.
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