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Adam looking at Christina
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dante-lin · 4 years
Teach me (how to kiss) chapter 9
Chapter 9
The next day Christina was standing at her locker to collect her books but stopped when someone leaned against the locker next to her. When she looked to the side she saw it was Matt. ‘Good morning Christina’ Matt said. Christina greeted him back and asked what she could do for him.
‘Well I wanted to ask you if I can take you out this Saturday as a thank you for showing me around yesterday’ he said shyly. Christina was shocked that someone finally had asked her out and noticed that he was a bit nervous because he still hadn’t looked at her. Christina was so in her thoughts that she realized that she still hadn’t said something and that Matt was waiting for her. ‘Time to release him from his nervousness’ she thought.
‘Yes, I would like to go on a date with you’ she answered. Matt finally looked at her with the biggest smile. ‘Okay it’s a date then! And can I have your number so I can text you the place and time them?’.
‘Well that’s more than we bargained for but because I’m so generous I will give it to you’ she joked and then they exchanged their number. ‘Okay I’ll see you Saturday then’ Matt said and left for his class. When Christina was alone she realized that this was her first date and had no idea what she should do or wear or say. Christina was now scared and turned around with the biggest eyes. Britney and Gwen were already on their way to Christina but when the girls saw her expression they fastened their pace a little bit.
When the girls reached christina and saw her expression, they knew something happened. ‘Christina you got a look on your face that not looks good on you and it worries me a little bit’ Britney said. Christina looked from Britney to Gwen and let out a sigh. ‘You know the guy Matt?’. And the girls both nodded her head. ‘He asked me out this Saturday as a thank you for showing him around and I said yes’ Christina explained.
Both Gwen and Britney were screaming of excitement. ‘Omg Christina this is your first date do you realize that?’ Britney asked. ‘Yes of course I know that and that’s why I’m also freaking out’.
‘Christina don’t worry Britney and I will help you get prepare and get ready for the date, everything will be okay’ Gwen said to assure her friend. Christina began to relax a little and smiled at her two best friend. ‘Thank you guys, What would I have done without you guys’.
‘Hey thank us after your first date we will talk about it later but we have to go mr. hottie class’ Britney said. Both Christina and Gwen looked at her shocked. ‘Cmon it’s no secret that mr. Johnson is hot and Justin knows about it so don’t worry but let’s go!’. And together they made their way to the class of mr. Johnson.
The girls arrived at the classroom and Christina saw Adam at their usual spots and sat next to him. She still couldn’t stop worrying about Saturday and out of frustration she put her head on the table. Adam saw that and was confused and couldn’t help but wondering what was wrong. Before he could ask Christina about it mr. Johnson started talking and Christina slowly raised her head back up to pay attention. Adam decided he would ask her later when they were done.
When the bell rang, class was over and Christina was about to stand up when someone put a hand on her arm. Christina looked at the hand that was on her arm and then to the person. The second that they touched Adam felt like his hands were on fire but he continued to let his hand stay there and started to ask if she was okay.
“Yes ofcourse everything is fine” Christina replied and made her way out of the room. Adam knew better that she was pretending that she was fine. After all those years they had learnt so much about each other and trusted each other so it was strange that she lied to him. No matter what he will find the truth.
After school the gang was laying around outside the school field. It was a beautiful day and they decided to hang around a little longer with each other. Britney and Justin were sitting close to each other as well as Gwen and Blake. And even though Christina and Adam were technically not together like they were, Christina was sitting against the three while Adam layer his head in her lap. He was just listening to the conversations of his friends with his eyes closed. At that moment he was so relaxed and Christina had her hands through his hair which also felt extremely nice. Unfortunately, that his peaceful moment didn’t last long when Britney asked Christina about her date with Matt. His whole body tensed up when he heard that she had a date. Did he heard it right? Is Christina having a date a guy that wasn’t him?
“He only texted me to wear something casual so I don’t think we will be doing something special” Christina said. So adam did hear it right and of course she is having a date with someone else. It’s not like she knew that he liked her because hell he was still not sure himself.
“When did he ask you?” Adam asked.
“Today before the first class started”. That’s when he realized that something was bothering her.
“Is that what had been bothering you when I asked you this morning?” He asked while looking up at her face.
“Yeah because I was panicking because this will be my first date with a guy and I didn’t want to ruined” she confessed to the group. Everyone then encouraged her that it will be fine and Gwen revealed some funny stories about some of her dates with Blake that made the group laugh.
However, Adam had an idea that would help Christina and even a little bit himself but he wasn’t sure if she would go along with it. Guess he has to wait until tomorrow and ask her.
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adamtina1121 · 5 years
Adam Levine says Christina Aguilera’s middle name in concert “Maria” while singing cold. Always knew they had something going on
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Queen of Solitude Part 3
Christina sat in her first class of the day with her leg swaying up and down as she bit on a hangnail to distract the thoughts in her mind that were going a mile a minute.
“Chemistry. Of course. Who would even think of scheduling a chemistry class at 8 in the morning??” she thought to herself. She took out her purple 3 ring binder and opened it to a fresh, clean page of lined paper and began to write down her feelings, knowing full well she should be writing notes about the properties and composition of the substances that make up all matter.
“Absolutely not. You do not have a crush on the new kid. Stay focused. Focus on your studies. It’s junior year, think about college applications!” Christina wrote in cursive on her lined paper. “Don’t think about his chiseled biceps that gleamed with the low light coming from his bedside table lamp. Do NOT think about his tattoos that covered his toned back when he walked over to the bathroom shirtless to brush his teeth. Fuck” She wrote.
“Ms. Aguilera?? Hello? Your answer?” Christina looked up to see her teacher, Dr. Lavinsky, waiting for her answer.
“C-can you please repeat the question, I’m so sorry”, she said shyly. With a sigh, Dr. Lavinsky repeated the question sternly, “How many valence electrons does Chromium have, Ms. Aguilera?”
She glanced at her notes, figured out the answer and said plainly, “Six”.
“Thank you, Ms. Aguilera. Please make sure to pay attention.” Dr. Lavinsky said.
The rest of her classes were a blur. She felt like she went throughout her day on autopilot, as if somebody else was living today for her, and she took a back seat. School was her life since Christina was very little. At a young age, she decided she wanted to work hard enough to graduate Summa Cum Laude in her high school and college years. She traded in Friday night parties for staying home and getting a head start on homework. She sacrificed her Saturday morning’s for tutoring sessions to pass her SAT’s. Sunday’s were for church, chores and organizing her notes into their respective binders and making sure to check off everything from her “to do” list.
She was on this path for as long as she could remember. The better her grades and extracurriculars were, the better chance at a scholarship and a one-way ticket out to study in Los Angeles for theatre. Nothing was going to distract her. That is, until it was the end of the school day at 3:05PM and buses were waiting for students to come packing in and getting ready for their ride home. Christina walked up to her locker and leaned her bookbag on her knee as she removed the Chemistry book, placed it in her locker, and took out the Anatomy & Physiology textbook, deciding she should brush up to prepare for her bone practical scheduled for next week. When she pulled the Anatomy & Physiology textbook out and brought it to her bag, a piece of paper flew out and fell onto the floor. Christina zipped up her bag, closed her locker, and looked down at the piece of paper. Leaning over, she picked it up and examined it thoroughly.
“310-493-7939, just in case you ever wanted to get back to me about that dinner date.”
She blinked. Her jaw fell open as she read the message three more times silently to herself. “Fuck, fuck fuck, no, this can’t be happening”, she thought to herself. She crumpled up the note into a ball and stuffed it into her pocket without thinking. She hurried to the other side of school to where the buses waited to pick up the students, but stopped in her tracks. “He’s probably on the bus already. And if he..saved me a seat..fuck!” She quickly turned on her heel and walked towards the front of the school to go through the big brass doors and began to walk home.
She slipped her hands into her denim jacket and let the cool breeze relax her cheeks that were set aflame. She felt like her whole body was on fire, and was grateful for the cloudy sky to at least hide her blushing, red cheeks. Christina’s house was a little over a half mile from school, which she, during the summer, would sometimes walk to take in the fresh air and scenery of houses, trees and lamp posts she’d pass. This walk, however, needed to be relax her further. She unzipped the side pocket of her bookbag and took out her headphones to plug it into her phone. Listening to “Trust in Me” by Etta James always calmed her nerves, and she continued on her way back home.
After a 20 minute walk, Christina turned the corner towards her street and began to walk up her stairs as she reached her house. Not wanting to stop the enchantment of Etta James’ voice in her ears, she removed her jacket, hung it up on the hook next to the others, and kept her headphones in while beginning to walk up the stairs. She felt a light tug behind her, causing her to remove her headphone and turn around.
“Christina, baby, I was calling you from the kitchen and you didn’t hear me. I didn’t mean to interrupt”, her mother said.
“Oh, no I’m sorry, my bad, I was just playing music. What did you need?” Christina asked. “Remember the eggs I asked you to buy for me yesterday at the market?” her mother asked.
“Yeahhh,” Christina said, trailing her voice off. “Well I used it to bake a cake! That was my new experiment and I think it turned out deliciously!” she said. “That’s awesome,” Christina replied, “Are we having it after dinner tonight?”
“No, I wanted to ask you to bring it over to the Levine’s across the street. They’re new in town and I wanted to give them a little house warming treat,” Christina’s mother said.
“The L-levine’s. Ri-right, yeah. Across the street from us”, Christina said, completely flustered.
“Yes! They have a son about your age too, I think. He might even be a classmate of yours. I’m sure he’ll be going to Wilson too” Christina’s mom stated.
Christina momentarily brought her thumb and index finger to the bridge of nose and shut her eyes as she felt her heart jump. “Yeah, I think i’ve seen him around. I can bring it over for you to show our good graces,” Christina’s mom smiled as Christina let out a small laugh. Her mother went to the kitchen and grabbed a pretty pink and silver marbled box set with a ribbon and a note attached reading “From the Aguilera’s. Welcome!” Christina took the box into her hand, and walked back down the stairs, out the door and crossed the street.
She walked up 5 stairs and stood on the porch, nervously waiting as she pressed on the doorbell. A few seconds passed (Christina felt like it was years), and Adam came, opening the door.
“Hey!” Adam said. He was wearing a tight gray short sleeved shirt with a v-neck where his toned chest peeked out. Christina felt her mouth go dry. “Is that a peace offering for ditching me on the bus today?”
“I-uh,” she stuttered, “No, n-no, I stayed after to..for...I needed a book from the library.” She tried to fight the urge to stare at his muscles, so instead looked into his eyes and took note that she’s never seen such calming hazel eyes before. “This is a cake, my mom baked it for your family. She’s an amazing baker and we hope you guys like it.” Christina held the cake out and Adam gently took the box from the girl in front of him, his hand lightly grazing against hers for a split second. Christina felt as if there was a shock of electricity that emanated from that touch, but tried to push the thought to the back of her head.
“Oh your hands are freezing, why don’t you have a jacket?” Adam asked. “Oh, I’m fine, I-” but she was soon cut off by Adam.
“Here, come inside.”
Before having the chance to decline the offer, she was being pulled inside by Adam, and found herself passing a living room on her right, with a fireplace, large couch, two loveseats, and boxes adorning one side of the wall. Standing motionless in the kitchen, she found two unfamiliar but inviting faces.
“Mom, dad, this is Christina Aguilera. She and her family live right across the street from us. Her mom baked us a cake,” Adam stated. He set the marbled box onto the kitchen island.
“How sweet! It’s very nice to meet you, Christina. My name is Patsy, but you can call me Pat. This is my husband, Fred.” Adam’s mother moved towards Christina and gave her a warm hug, followed by her husband who held out his hand ceremoniously and Christina shook it firmly.
“A firm handshake, I like it! Where does a sweet girl like you find a firm handshake like that?” Fred asked.
Christina smiled brightly and replied, “School is my life. I’ve worked a lot on making the right connections with the right people and building my resume so I guess I just picked it up from interviews and employers!”
“That’s a great answer, young lady,” Patsy said, “Please thank your mother for this cake, it looks marvelous.”
“I’ll be sure to tell he-” Christina was abruptly interrupted by Adam. “I was going to ask Christina how to set up my school email so if you don’t mind, I’m going to take her really quick.”
I swear this boy will be the death of me, Christina thought to herself. Then, she was being whisked away, up a few stairs into a large room still filled with boxes that read “Adam’s stuff”
“Your parents are extremely sweet,” she said. “Where’s your laptop so I can set you up?”
Adam motioned to a couch at the foot of his bed and Christina followed to sit there. Adam got onto his bed, retrieved his laptop and slid it over to her.
“You know,” Adam started as Christina was clacking away on the computer, “since you’re on the computer already, do you want to help me with that psychology stats assignment too?”
“Fuck off, Levine,” Christina chuckled to herself. “I have more than enough on my plate when it comes to school work, thank you very much.” She looked up at him from the couch as he sat across from her on his bed.
“I need to know your birthday,” Christina said. Adam looked at her slyly and figured out the best way to get a rise out of the cute blonde.
“My birthday is March 18, which means I’m a pisces. That means I am a risk taker, duh. I got my first tattoo when I was 16, hurt like a bitch. My favorite candies are skittles- even the sour ones. Favorite snack are Pringles and favorite thing to do is write music.” Adam took out his textbook and notebooks from his bag as he watched Christina nod her head from left to right with a smile.
“Thanks for telling me a million and one things I didn’t need to know. Skittles are awesome, but the sour ones? It’s a no from me. And Pringles, Adam? Pringles over Pepperoni Totino’s Pizza Rolls?! You just proved to me you have horrible taste. Sad. I thought we could’ve been friends! Now, I need your last name. It’s L-e-v-i-n-e, right?” she spelled.
“Christina, you missed ‘k-i-n-g’, come on! I thought we were closer than that” he teased.
“You’re awful, Adam. I’m going to download a virus on your computer so you can never use this again,” she said, “The way you log in is the first letter of your name, followed by your last name, and then @hcstonline.edu, okay?”
“Fine by me! And what about you?” he said. “What about me?”
“Well, I told you what you’ve been dying to know about me. When do I get to learn all about you?” he asked.
Christina shrugged and was at a loss for words. Why would this guy, this incredibly cute guy want to know about her- a girl who can count how many friends she has only on one hand, a girl that actually loves study hall so she can get work done, a girl who will choose to stay home and rewatch Disney classics like Beauty and the Beast than go out for shots of tequila and vodka sodas? Nobody likes those types of girls, right? Why would he?
Noting the silence coming from Christina, Adam felt it appropo to jump in and save the conversation again.
“Maybe I can learn all about you over that dinner we joked about?” he asked.
Christina’s eyes shot up from where it was fixated on a lamp by Adam’s bed. She looked up at him and a panic set off throughout her entire body. Her hands started to sweat, she felt her cheeks start to burn and a ringing in her ears.
“I-I have to go, I’m sorry,” Christina said as she closed Adam’s laptop and left it on the couch. She made her way swiftly down the stairs, out the door and crossed the street back into the safety of her own home. She made her way upstairs and shut her bedroom door, her back sliding down until she was on the floor hugging her knees with tears running down her cheeks.
“Why can’t you just let people in Christina? Why the fuck can’t you let people in?!” she screamed at herself internally and hated herself for being one to prefer solitude over company. Her tears continued to roll as she tried to calm herself down and focus on her breathing.
Later that night, she was grateful the tears had stopped but the nerves were still inhabiting her body. She sat at her desk near her window on her laptop trying to get a head start on her bone practical study guide. She had printed out a picture of each bone, taped it on one side of an index card, with the answer on the other side, and had a stack of over 75 index cards to study from when she was finished.
She stood up and began pacing in her room, quizzing herself.
“Facial bones: maxilla” She flipped the index card over to see the answer. correct. “Mandible” correct. “Vomer” correct. “Ethmoid” correct.
Across the street, Adam could see Christina pacing calmly back and forth in her room. He fiddled with his guitar and wrote down lyrics and melodies as they began to form in his head. It’s as if just looking at the blonde hair, blue eyed angel across the street could already bring out the best in him. How easily a smile crept across his face by thinking about her, how easily it is to laugh when he hears her giggle to herself, and how easily it is to flirt with her, as if they’ve been dating for years on end.
“Stop it, Adam you can’t think like that” he thought to himself, “flirting with her is what made her run away, you fuckin douche.”
“Upper extremities: radius” correct. “Scaphoid” correct. “Capitate” correct. “Pisiform” correct. “Distal phalange” correct.
Slowly, Christina began to calm herself and chase away the nerves. The more answers she got correctly, the better she felt. She felt that things were going back to normal. Sleep, go to school, come home, do homework, study, and the cycle continues. No boys. No Adam. No distractions.
“Lower extremities: Femur” correct. “Patella” correct. “Tibia” correct. “Fibu-fuck, I wish I didn’t like him,” she said aloud, still holding her index cards. “Why is it so hard to let people in. Why does the idea of opening up to someone freak me the fuck out?” She ran her fingers through her hair, and sat down on the bench by her window. She lowered her forehead onto her knees and wrapped her hands around her face to catch her tears. “I can’t be vulnerable, I can’t. You let people in, and they leave, just like so many others.” Thoughts about her father arose and made her sob even harder. She was proud of her mother, she was a single mother who raised her and her sister like a fucking boss. How couldn’t she be proud? Christina tried to rationalize her feelings of pain towards his father and focus on how happy she, her sister and mother were. But she’d be lying if she said she didn’t think about him once in a while.
Across the street, Adam takes a pen and paper and scribbles lyrics that come flow tenderly from his heart. “Tap on my window, knock on my door, I want to make you feel beautiful” He picked up his guitar and continued to play melodies to what matched the rhythm he envisioned for the song.
As the hours passed, Adam put his guitar and lyrics away, storing it next to his closet and made his way to bed. Christina continued to pace back and forth, almost finishing with the bones of the torso when she turned off her lights, turned on the string of fairy lights that hung above her bed, and plopped onto her bed. “Last one,” she breathed. “Cervical vertebrae 1 (the atlas)” correct. “Fuck yes” she said. She set the thick stack of index cards down onto her bedside table and flipped to the other side, where her phone had been plugged in. She looked at the time 1:02 AM. “God”, she thought to herself, “if you didn’t have a fucking mental breakdown every half hour, you would’ve been in bed by 11:30.”
She laid in bed, scrolling aimlessly through Instagram, eyes and body physically exhausted from crying, and mentally exhausted from studying 206 bones while juggling her inner turmoils. She reached over to the jeans she had worn, and dug her hand into the pocket to take out the crumpled piece of paper that held Adam’s phone number. “We can just be friends. There’s no harm in that, right?” she thought to herself. She clicked on the green phone icon, typed in Adam’s number and saved it as a new contact under the name “Aisleboy”, thinking back to when he had come running into the dairy and produce aisle, causing Christina to fall onto her butt with crushed eggs on top of her. He’s such a dork, she thought. She opened up iMessage, typed in his name, and began to type a message. She locked her phone, stared up at the ceiling one more time to think, before finding the courage and pressing send.
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lcvine · 2 years
I would love to see Behati Prinsloo, Christina Aguilera, Megan Thee Stallion, SZA, Jake Gyllenhaal, Blake Shelton, Gwen Stefani Usher, Shakira, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Candice Swanepoel, Rihanna, Minka Kelly, Jonah Hill and Beanie Feldstein!
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aguileraxtina · 7 years
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Christina Aguilera & Adam Levine - The Voice [Season 5] (2013)
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i-am-222 · 7 years
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theadamtinashipper · 8 years
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Blake’s Speech // Adam’s Walk of Fame ceremony
(...) a few minutes later Christina Aguilera came - actually, her boobs came into the room and then about two minutes later the rest of  her body came around the corner and I was like “Oh my gosh, that's Christina Aguilera!” you know, that’s unbelievable!
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adamtinaforlife · 8 years
Adam mutters "Wow." Love it.
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randomshipperyeah · 7 years
Tag stuff
Rules: Answer the questions, then tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know…
I was tagged by @communistchexmix 😄
Nicknames: Luh or Lu (It’s all you can do with Lucilia)
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Capricorn ♑
Height: 1,73 m (I don’t know the US measure thing)
Sexuality: Lesbian asexual
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor 
Favourite Animals: Dogs and koalas 🐨
Average Hours Spent Sleeping: 7 hours and 30 minutes, exactly (I can’t really sleep even a minute longer)
Dogs Or Cats: DOGOS (but cats deserve all the love in the world)
Number Of Blankets I Sleep With: At least one, there are no limits, really (I can’t sleep feeling cold)
Dream Trip: Backpacking in Latin America with my friends ❤
Dream Job: Teacher 🤓
When I Made This Account: Somewhen around 2012
Why I Made This Account: I am a Fighter since then. At the time I couldn’t stop shipping adamtina and here was the plataform where I’d find most content on them. Nowadays, I’m still constantly fangirling over my ships, and there’s no better place to do that
Number Of Followers: 318 on this one
@fiercetina @adamtinaexists @maryooom03 @adamandxtina @wheretomisstothestarss @xtinafighter @being-yourself-is-enough @melindathecavalrymay @melinda-kane @thebritcottishfangirl (Can’t think of more than 10, sorrey)
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The Voice season 2 promo
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levinehq-blog · 7 years
Skype call || Adamtina
Adam: Adam hadn't seen Christina for nearly two weeks now since she was away filming. It was typical that as soon as they actually got together she had to leave for a project but he was happy for her and couldn't wait to see the movie she was filming. Since now they both had some spare time he decided that they could Skype which they had been doing a lot lately. Setting his laptop up on his bed he sat down, clicking on her name as he Skype called her, waiting for her to answer.
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dante-lin · 4 years
Teach me (how to kiss) chapter 3
Chapter 3
The next day Christina was at school. She was walking through the cafetaria looking for her friends. She found them at a table in a corner. She saw Gwen, Blake, Britney , Justin and finally Adam. The whole day she was trying to avoid him because after the kiss she didn’t know if their friendship was still the same. There was only one way to find out and that is to talk to him. She couldn’t avoid him forever so Christina started to walk to her friends. When she arrived they all greeted her and when she looked at Adam he gave her a little smile. “That is something good” she thought. Christina sat next to Gwen which was across from Adam. During their lunch everybody was talking about their plans for the weekend and between now and then there were some jokes made. During their conversations and laughter she noticed that Adam was quiet and only spoke when something was directed to him. He didn’t even look at her, not once and that bothered Christina.
Christina cleared her throat and decided to talk to him. “Adam can we maybe talk?” She asked him. Adam finally looked at her. “Sure” he answered and stood up. Christina also stood up and followed him.
Meanwhile at the table their friends noticed that there was something going on between Adam and Christina. “What was that about?” Blake asked. All three of them had no idea however they all noticed that Adam and Christina didn’t speak much or interacted with each other. “I have never seen them so quiet” Britney said. “Me neither, but I kinda liked the quietness and a little bit of peace then their bickering and flirting” Justin joked. “Yeah me to man less sexual tension today” Blake agreed and the group laughed.
“Whatever is happening between them I hope they can fix it” Gwen finally said. The group nodded their head and went on with their conversations and their lunch.
Adam and Christina were now outside at the parking lot of the school. Here they could get a little bit more privacy Adam thought when Christina asked him if they could talk. Ofcourse he knew what she wanted to discuss, but he didn’t know what to say so he was quiet and would let her talk first. Christina decided to be honest with him and clear the air. She wanted to see where they stand.
“I know we kissed yesterday and friends don’t do that normally, but I’m thankful for that because you gave me the best first kiss. So thank you for that” she said first.
“No problem” Adam said while scratching the back of his head. “Also if I’m being honest I tried to avoid you and I can tell that you did the same because during lunch you hadn’t looked at me once. So I just want to know where we stand” Christina said.
Adam wasn’t even sure himself where they stood because he didn’t want to lose her as a friend, but also he may like her more than just a friend. Since their kiss he couldn’t stop thinking about anything else and that got him frustrated. After some thinking he took a deep sigh and did what would be the best for them. “I think we just have to move on as how things were before we kissed. Just the old us busting my balls and the lovely bickering with each other” he finally said because he didn’t want to risk losing her ever. Christina smiled at Adam and responded with “I wouldn’t want it any other way”.
After school Adam and Christina went to the movies together like they normally would. They asked if the others wanted to go to, but they all had plans so it was just the two of them. At the movie theatre Adam convinced Christina to watch the new horror movie ‘invisible man’. Through the whole movie Christina held on his arm and by each scary moment she hid her face in his chest or behind his arm. Adam didn’t mind because he secretly loved having her close to him. He also found it cute that she was so scared and that he was protecting her. He kept telling her that he was there for her and that it was just a movie. At one moment Christina was so scared that she reached for his hands and he gave her hand a little squeeze letting her know that everything was alright. Adam then started to rub his thumb on her hand. That seemed to calm her down a little bit, but Christina couldn’t wait for the movie to be over.
When the movie finally ended Christina was dragging Adam out of the room as quick as possible. Outside Christina was still holding Adams arm and he would let her. Together they walked back to Christina’s house. It was late and it became a little bit dark already. Adam noticed that Christina was probably getting a little bit cold because she was constantly rubbing her arm so he figured she got cold. And like the gentleman he is, he gave her his sweater. “Here take my sweater” he said while pulling it over his head. Lucky for him he wore a longsleeve underneath the sweater. “Thank you Adam, who thought that you could be a gentleman” Christina teased and gave him a smirk. “ I’m only a gentleman for the people that I want to be gentleman with” he said back making Christina smile even more.
Once they arrived at Christina house it was pretty dark already. And thanks to the movie she was still a little bit scared to go to her room. Christina considered if she would ask Adam if he would walk with her, but she was embarrassed that she was so scared because of the movie. “After all it was his fault because he wanted to see the horror movie so he owes me” she thought.
“Adam can you walk with me to my room because I don’t like the darkness which freaks me out thanks to your stupid horror movie and everyone is asleep so I don’t want to wake someone up by turning the lights on” she explained.
“ I get it and sorry that you also had to watch that movie, but next time you can decide which movies we will see. For now I will protect you” he reasoned to make her feel better. Then Adam followed Christina to her room. When they were in her room she gave him his sweater back and thanked him once again. She then walked to bed and lay down.
“Goodnight I’ll see you Monday on school” Adam said and started to walk out of the room, but Christina called for him. “Wait Adam!”.
Adam turned around and looked at her. “Can you maybe stay a little bit longer till I fall asleep?” She asked. “You can even lay beside me because I don’t know when I will be asleep” she added. Adam thought for a second before he agreed and went to lay down beside her. “Thank you I don’t feel comfortable to sleep alone after that movie” she explained and Christina always felt safer with Adam by her side.
“No problem it was a very scary movie and I think I wouldn’t be comfortable either to sleep alone so it’s a win win for us” he said. Christina gave him one last smile and turned her back to him to fall asleep. Yesterday they were kissing and now they were sleeping in the same bed together. “How the hell did this happen?” She asked herself before she was sleeping.
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country-wannabe · 8 years
Really Adam and Christina? I thought Blake and Christina always flirted way more, but I didn't think their was any ship there. Blake and Usher had a thing going for a little while..
Adam and Christina are a serious ship. Adamtina… I even shipped it until I realized Adam had a girlfriend (at the time he wasn’t married). But yea people like them as a couple, even though I’m pretty sure Adam and Christina hated each other the first couple seasons…Blusher was never going to work out 😂
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oh my god i just posted fanfiction after 6 years of not writing and just as i thought, TRASHHH 
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fxklevine · 8 years
I would have loved to play adamtina with u but i think you play both :(
If you message me off anon on IM, I might give her up for you if you're really wanting to do adamtina. I also might already have a few plot ideas lol
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