#adapting to albert wesker
adaptacy · 1 year
KNKTBR - Day 3 - Spanking
A/N: yes I skipped day 2, the prompt was tentacles and I'm not quite an expert on that subject yet.
Pairing: Albert Wesker x GN!Reader
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"Turn around."
"No. Turn around."
You frowned, narrowing your eyes, but you were met with a significantly colder gaze from the blonde, and you knew better than to expect him to relent. With a sigh, you turned your body, knees pressing into the black comforter below you before you sat back on your ankles, balancing out your weight. Not being able to see him was easily anxiety-inducing, even with how well you knew him, he was impossible to predict.
Turning your head in an attempt to glance over your shoulder back at him resulted in a click of his tongue, and you sighed, frustrated, but gave up and stared idly ahead. Or at least your head was facing forward. Your eyes darted to your peripherals, trying to get a glance at the man behind you, though you remained unsuccessful and oblivious.
A sudden weight on your left hip made your head turn out of instinct, and there was another click, reminding you to face forward. Though you submitted, you made sure your irritation was made known by releasing a dramatic sigh. Not that you got any reaction from the scientist, but you knew that he knew, and that was enough.
It was easy enough to figure out that the pressure on your waist was his hand, as there was an identical palm on your right shoulder, though he pushed more there. You resisted, and the blonde hummed, sounding disappointed, making your skin crawl with the idea. Of course, you gave in, bending to the urges as he pushed your upper half forward, forcing you onto your elbows. Head dropping, you managed nothing more than a whine, meaning it as an apology.
"Darling, it's a little late for that, wouldn't you agree? Don't fret, I'll go easy," he reassured, his hand sliding down your back until his palm caressed one side of your ass, giving the skin there a slight squeeze.
"One more chance?" You asked, a guilty smile on your face, not that he could've seen it.
"All out of chances, I'm afraid. Perhaps next time you'll behave as I ask. Though, given your track record," Wesker allowed a low chuckle to draw out his words, squeezing where his hand lay once more, "I'd be surprised if this lesson stuck any better than the last. You always have been quite the brat."
You responded with a small shrug, knowing he had a point, and he took your silence as submission. His hand released where it was squeezing, rubbing his palm in small circles, and you felt his lips on the small of your back. He granted you one breath before his hand raised, and you tensed, pulling your lips together to half-muffle the whine that came with his hand coming back down, far harder than the 'easy' you'd expected.
Really, you should've known better than to believe a promise of mercy from the man who was actively plotting the downfall of the world. His hand resumed the gentle, reassuring rubs, though now the skin he caressed was a little more tender. That's not to say you didn't appreciate the massages, you definitely did, but it didn't take away from the fact that his smacks were exceedingly harsh. It wasn't clear if he was even aware of the strength he put behind them- Maybe it was the virus that made him stronger, and he may not have even realized how hard he could go. Then again, this was Albert Wesker, and it was equally likely that he merely relished in the pain he was able to deliver with a single strike of his palm.
Not that he was ever satisfied with just one. Following routine, his hand disappeared again before it smacked down once more, your body rocking forward as you whimpered, earning cocky hushes from the blonde. "If it isn't the consequences of your own actions. What a terrible fate you've met. If only you would've behaved. A wonder what obedience can do for you, my love. You ought to try it sometime," he teased, slapping your ass one more time before he returned to resting his hand on the sore spot, giving you a moment to breathe.
You nodded, swallowing the urge to cry, your hips pressing backwards, taking any opportunity to seem more submissive and try to draw whatever pity from him that he may have been capable of. If he even was capable of such a terribly human feat. Wesker hummed, not giving away whether that pity existed or not, merely running his thumb up and down the reddening skin.
"How many has that been?"
You mumbled a response, your head resting between your arms, muffled by the blankets.
"Speak up for me, darling. I'd hate to miscount and deliver more than you deserve."
"Three," you said, lifting your head in order to enunciate your response better, though it fell immediately after.
"Very good. Do you think five will get the point across? Or perhaps I should settle for ten. Make this pain last a little longer. Maybe then you'll remember why you obey," he hummed, running his free hand up and down your back, and you shook your head, lifting it once more to force an answer.
"Five. Five, that's- It's enough. I'll behave," you assured, your voice shaky from the stinging pain in your rear, but you got the point across all the same.
"Will you now?"
"Yes, sir."
"And if you don't? What sort of punishment should I deliver to you then? Fifteen... Twenty? Continue until I'm sure you'll never act out again, perhaps. Could be fifty."
"I'll be good. Please. I promise," you strained, looking over your shoulder, and the blonde smiled at you, his teeth exposed at one side as his lips curled. The older man nodded, and once more your head fell as he delivered a fourth spank, humming out a mockery of the moans that left you.
"Is it the case that you enjoy this punishment? Surely you aren't such a disaster that you crave the pain. That would be impossible, wouldn't it?"
"Completely ins- Ow!" You yelled, your body jolting again as he finished the punishment off with the harshest slap yet, squeezing the skin tightly immediately after. Tears pricked at your eyes, and your hips sunk backwards, fists tightening around the blankets as you relaxed.
"You were saying?"
"Would be... completely insane," you exhaled, closing your eyes for a moment, trying to shake off the discomfort on your skin.
With one more teasing, gentle slap, Wesker removed his hand from your ass and leaned forward, kissing the back of your neck. "Absolutely mad," he whispered in mocking agreement, his teeth pulling at your skin as he nipped, sending a shiver down your spine.
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halchron · 8 months
found out some forbidden knowledge ( there's a netflix adaptation of resident evil ) and learn that it's even more terrible than I could've imagine
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weskrrr · 3 months
The uroboros virus was engineered in the 21st century by Dr. Albert Wesker (re5 era), later on being made into a less-potent strain by Dr. Alex Wesker to serve as a bio-weapon.
Origins: the virus was names from Ouroboros in greek mythology, which is a snake or snake-like creature that consumed itself.
Research on uroboros began in around 2006 following the ‘mansion incident’ *insert page numbers for mansion incident here* between albert wesker and dr ozwell spencer.
After this incident, wesker decided that humanity is the problem and that the only way to save it is make his own superb species called the Übermensch. He would do this by using the progenitor virus *insert progenitor virus numbers here* to kill everyone except those capable to carry the uroboros virus. Those that can survive would join the Übermensch.
The Übermensch would theoretically be more physically and mentally advanced than the average humans who would now be dead.
The uroboros project then got slowed down after tricell, a company that worked with umbrella at the time, started up a brand new lab in the Ndipaya kingdom. The population of humans in the Ndipaya kingdom able to withstand, survive and mutate to adapt to the progenitor virus was too small for the lab to be a valuable asset.
However, the uroboros strove through. Wesker extracted t-virus antibodies that he extracted from a mutant test subject, jill valentine, and repeatedly used them on his uroboros cultures to eventually naturally create a new, distinct, less potent strain of the progenitor virus.
Now, this new strain would allow project uroboros to go onto its new stage and with it being less potent, thousands of new test subjects were ine=fected over the next two years.
There was also more assistance from Tricell from its own research staff.
The virus became near enough finalized by may 2008. Now, samples of the strain were loaded onto missiles and the uroboros project was in its final stage.
The final stage’s idea was to lauch the missiles and infect every corner of planet earth until all thats left are the ones that survived, that mutated, that thrived. 
The Übermensch.
Unfortunately for Dr Wesker, there were problems with the preparations and a fire occurred. This delayed the end stage a little until march of 2009.
In early 2009, the end stage started. However, this was quickle stopped by the bioterrorism security assessment alliance, specifically Chris Redfield and Sheva alomar *insert page numbers for both sheva and chris*. This resulted in the death of Wesker.
At least four humans were successfully infected with uroboros, one of the main people being Dr. Albert Wesker himself. Wesker mutated successfully, but the other 3 that were infected did not. Wesker was the only one to hold uroboros and mutate it correctly.
The other 3, the main demographic of those infected, had their bodies torn apart in an uncontrollable mutation. In one case, the mutation consumed an unannounced number of other people and bodies.
Meaning, there is a possibility that even if project uroboros has truly worked then only 1/4th of the world, possibly even less, would’ve properly mutated to be the super race (the Übermensch) that Wesker truly wanted.
The Uroboros disease is almost always lethal in humans except from humans with the same genetic composition to those who able to withstand it, like albert wesker.
The disease goes through two stages, which can be established as early and later symptomatic stages.
In the earlier symptomatic stage, uroboros patients are noted to experience the following:
Laboured breathing / difficulty breathing
Confusion / delirium 
The research conducted by scientists specially appointed to conduct research on the uroboros project have concluded that, in all cases they got to study, all these symptoms happen almost immediately after infection with the uroboros virus.
In the later, last, stage of infection, the infectees DNA will lead them one of two ways: The first way being the way to correct mutation and where the uroboros succeeds, in cases like Dr. Albert Wesker’s, in its objective. The second way is where the uroboros fails, like the majority of the victims of the virus would and have failed.
This second way involves untamable mutations, often where the results end in the victim of the infecton are viciously torn apart and instantly killed in the process. The remnants of the now dead infected continue to live as its own, new entity. These entities are now known as only ‘uroboros’, no longer as a human.
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grilde1chesse · 2 months
characters i’ll include
jack krauser
leon kennedy
ada wong
albert wesker
luis sera
jill valentine
chris redfield
claire redfield
WARNING: childhood trauma/abuse, implied/referenced violence, mental health
she jack on my krauser till i major
transgender and mlm. no room for argument. it’s canon, i’m capcom
was the youngest of 3 brothers
grew up on the country side with traditional parents
his parents were physically abusive to both each other and the kids, meaning he grew up with out a healthy understanding of love. he doesn’t know how to express affection or love outside of violence because of this
ran away and joined the army at 18 and didn’t leave until operation javier. the army became a second home and he never learned how to function in society outside combat.
he hates that he’s gay and because of this he resents anyone he falls for (also partially because of how he communicates affection). liking boys not only insults his masculinity, but also makes him dysphoric, as he sees that aspect of himself as the remaining female side of him that he’ll never be able to get rid of
building off of the last bullet, this is why he’s so hard on leon. i’ll probably make another post diving deeper into their dynamic so i’ll leave it at that
he doesn’t listen to music often, but when he does it’s metal
he was the first protag i ever played as so i’m biased😞 ik i’m a basic fan i’m sorry gang
he’s more of a dog person and probably had one as a childhood pet, but has been scared of them ever since raccoon city
was an amateur guitar player for some time but dropped it once becoming an agent
mamas boy
had a bit of chub before becoming an agent
older!leon has a dad bod & beer belly. i don’t make the rules it’s canon, trust
not even a ship really (maybe it is idk) but i feel like him and chris experimented with their sexuality together? idk take that how you will
i feel like he’s got facial or body dysmorphia and is extremely insecure about how he looks / talks, or at least used to be
bleaches his hair
building off the last bullet again, Leon was blonde when he was younger, but his hair gradually got darker as he grew up. eventually he started bleaching it because he didn’t want to have brown hair. his natural hair color from re2-re4 is dirty blonde. he stopped dying it as he got older
no matter how badly he wants a normal domestic life (to settle down, start a family, and give his kids the childhood he never had) he’s secretly terrified of the idea. he doesn’t know how to function outside of work, even when on vacation he can’t seem to relax
speaking of a domestic life, he’d name his kids some stupid shit like hunter or something
autistic. he has trouble decoding social cues (like when ashley jokes with him) and is fairly awkward. was definitely the “weird kid” in middle school
played hockey as a kid
i feel like he comes from somewhere cold, and because of that is fairly adapted to cooler temps but also can’t stand heat (like at all)
sleeps with a billion pillows
chronic gum chewer. it’s a comforting, absent minded movement that keeps him grounded on the job. i wanna say his favorite flavor is just regular bubble gum but maybe that’s just because i hate mint idk
has sensitive skin and eczema
ada’s hard because she has no canon backstory or even personality really💔
has cherry blossom lip gloss and re-applies it religiously
has drop foot (i genuinely can’t think of any other reason she’d always been wearing high heels 😞)
mommy issues
was in and out of foster care her entire childhood only to end up back with her mom everytime
because she was so heavily neglected as a kid & basically raised herself, ada’s become extremely self sufficient and refuses to rely or depend on anyone
she has issues identifying her feelings and honestly doesn’t care enough to work through them. because of this she isn’t sure if she even likes leon at all. she can’t tell if she loves him or just finds him useful, ether way she wants him around/safe and she isn’t sure why
she smokes sometimes but hates it, so she only falls back on nicotine when doing horribly. she carries cigarettes around with her on missions
kitty meow meow
on the aro/ase spec
has autism, ASPD (psychopath), and a god complex (obviously)
sees himself as better than average people because he doesn’t experience sexual attraction (no hate to ppl who think otherwise, i just really can’t see him any sort of sexual context). he views sexuality as a weakness and looks down on it
i feel like him and chris have somewhat of a krauser/leon dynamic if that makes sense. he sees chris as an almost equal, but also as a threat because of it. he respects him to a degree. again, i’m probably going to make a post on them later so i’ll leave it at that
i haven’t finished 6 yet so correct me if this has been disproven in canon, but i like to think he had jake on purpose. while yes, he didn’t know about jake, i like to think he hooked up with ms muller with the goal of having a child. he probably deemed her as suitable, and had desirable traits that he wanted to carry on, but never knew she actually got pregnant
listens to classical music & maybe 80s as well?
not a head canon, but the band she wants revenge reminds me of him a lot
insane skincare routine
sensory issues & sensitive eyes because of uroboros (leads to overstimulation sometimes which makes him even more of a grumpy bitch)
loves flowers
doesn’t smoke often but when he does he prefers camels or marlboro blues (i don’t smoke (except for when i’m missing you) so idrk what i’m talking about)
inclusivity win! the scientist that helped make the tyrant actively chasing you down is gay!
grew up in a casually christian household & still holds onto some core ideologies, though in a more superstitious way than religious
holds onto a cross necklace from his childhood & prays when in tight situations
his parents smoked and that’s how he picked it up
speaking of, he’s extremely picky when it comes to what cigarettes he smokes. he prefers marlboro reds (again idfk what im talking about)
his jacket is custom tailored
he came from a poor household
probably wears eyeliner
has been to a gay bar
very physically affectionate & probably kisses people when drunk (platonically)
her name is jill sandwich!!!!!
lesbian. sorry i don’t make the rules. she’s gay. sorry chris & carlos
i mean just look at her she’s lesbian
has a little sister
can speak some french, though not too well due to lack of use
still has blonde hair from re6, but dyes it. (wesker absolutely killed the melanin in her skin and hair.) because she doesn’t have time to be constantly re-dying her hair so she has blonde streaks & roots.
has a cat
her favorite fruit is a pear. idk why she just seems the type
something about a boulder
has been horribly down bad for jill for years (she sees him as a brother ;-( tough luck big guy)
was the stereotypical overprotective brother when him and claire were younger, always scaring the shit out of anyone she brought home
extremely good with dogs - actually considered being a dog trainer when he was younger
god knows that man RARELY does laundry - if at all. probably smells like a dog & uses 4 in 1 shampoo. stinky vermin
speaking of laundry, he probably wears swim trunks on the regular bc all his clothes are dirty
terrified of commitment
total adrenaline junkie with a savior complex (then again, doesn’t every resident evil protagonist?)
would be an amazing dad but is terrified of the idea of settling down. no matter how badly he wants to have a domestic life he doesn’t know how to adapt to it
has a german shepherd
can’t cook for the life of him; lives off microwaveable meals
literally the definition of “damn girl, you live like this???”
insanely high pain tolerance
thinking about how she was 19 during raccoon city (making her you her than ashley was during re4)
dyes her hair auburn
has probably punched at least one person for saying some stupid bigoted shit
she’s 100% messy, brash, and assertive, & i’m sick of pretending she’s not. she was raised by chris, the boulder punching fist for brains? no way is her room organized
has kissed jill before
her and chris used 2 do target practice in junk yards together & she once accidentally shot herself in the leg after shooting at metal
has always had crazy high pain tolerance, it runs in the family
because of her high pain tolerance she used to get hurt a lot on accident as a kid (doing stupid shit like messing around with fire or blades)
hates wearing her hair down
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slifarianhawk · 6 months
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Chapter 46: Lock and Key (Normal P.O.V. DARK CONTENT)
I sighed, staring at the drab colorless walls. My little ones rustling in my womb. They knew something was wrong. They hadn't felt their father's presence in about five days.
My hands were various shades of purple and barely healing. There was no source of anything in this room. Even the plush queen sized mattress in the center of the room was merely a necessity for my condition.
Alex had an IV inserted in my arm, keeping me pumped with various liquids. Most of which had different sedating effects on my body. I could hardly move now. The medicine was being pumped into me on an hourly basis.
I was fed three times a day. That was the only point in the day I looked forward to. The meals were very nutritionally rich and were tailored to a high-risk pregnant woman's diet. I knew that I was only being kept alive because I was bearing Albert's young.
Alex, I haven't seen her since I was dragged into this cell. The first day, I killed and slaughtered around fifteen mercs, trying to escape. After that, I was muzzled with a metal gag that made me unable to bite. The second day, a scientist injected me with the destabilizing agent for the Angelis virus.
I couldn't feel the Uroboros that dwelled within me. My working  theory was that the agent destabilized the main strain of the progenitor virus, which led to a lack of communication between cells. In short sight, I had no access to my abilities. I was most worried about my children, however. They were more active and somehow stronger. Their movements were painful. With what little sense I had with the weakened state of Angelis, I knew they were as strong as Albert and I with our mutations active.
On the third day, I didn't leave the bed. My children drained my energy to the point that I was barely able to keep awake. I felt the bags under my eyes grow more strained as each minute passed.
It was now day five, and the bed held my weakened body.  The room had windows with metal bars over them, showing me the sun setting. What was I to do.
I was pulled from my thoughts by a loud kerchunck from the heavy lock upon the door. My eyes are looking down now at the door. If my virus wasn't so weakened, my eyes would have flared. In a white suit she strode in, the source of my problems. Alex Wesker, she had finally revealed herself.
"Good evening, deary. I'm glad to see you're making yourself at home." She said, walking over to the bed.
All I did was snarl. My natural teeth were bared over the gag. She simply chortled and ran her freezing fingers over my belly. I thrashed out, launching the IV out of my arm.
With a single push, she sent my body tumbling.  I guarded my little ones from harm. My arm moved on their own. Alex laughed. The cruel peels of her voice echo threw out the barren room.
"Now, now deary, do you not realize your situation? I'm the one in charge of your care now. My foolish brother could never comprehend the true magnitude of someone of our caliber."  She said stalking over to my crumpled up body on the edge of the wall.
I growled as I slowly felt heat crawling through my veins and a chill glaze my skin. All to familiar comforts I thought had been taken from me. Angelis and Uroboros were returning.
I stood up. My body is shaking like a leaf in autumn's cold eerie drafts. My eyes flared, the glow brighter than normal. Alex merely clapped at the sight.
"There we go. See, even when locked up, when you're in my care, you are  constantly evolving, and getting more adapted to what flows through your veins deary." Alex smirked as she stood in front of me.
I let a feral growl rip from my throat, her baseless lies falling upon deaf ears. That was when she did something strange. She leaned in, pushing me against the wall, her hand on my sternum.
"Oh, you poor little lost lamb. Are you scared without your flock? Your precious guardians, no where to be found?."She whispered in my ear.
Suddenly, I had a flash of thoughts quickly speeding from Gale to Juna, then from Jill to Albert. She had shot Nighthawk, who was under her control. She was right. All I had was me and my little ones.
The support I had built was nowhere in sight. In the daze, I felt something wet drag across my neck. I quickly snapped out of it. I recognized the feeling and shoved Alex away, mustering up as much strength as I could. That was her tongue against my neck.
"Little lamb, are you sure this is the path you wish to take? My brother doesn't know the location of my island. You are completely under my mercy. As you can see, I could easily keep you from accessing your abilities and strengths. I've been kind enough to relent in drugging you with that destabilizing agent for the past few days." She said, pulling out a syringe from her coat pocket, "I wouldn't test your luck. If you become destabilized so frequently, what would happen to the young you carry? Especially seeing as how it was the Angelis virus that brought you back from when Albert killed you in the Russian base."
I stopped as I was about to take a step. What! How did that not cross my mind!?! The extreme exhaustion and the consistent draining feeling I'd been having. The children are bonded to both Uroboros and Angelis. If I continued to be destabilized, they could kill my body and perish alongside me. I felt the fear and panic build up in my body.
I collapsed onto my knees hands, covering my mouth. I felt sick. She literally had me in the palm of her hand. She said my island, we were on an island. That was also a disservice to my escape. I've never been a strong swimmer, and not to mention I never have been able to fly long distance when in either of my mutated states. It drained my energy in normal times, but with the little ones taking a good portion, that wasn't an option.
"I see you realize your situation. Now you have four paths ahead of you, little lamb. Submit and serve me, and I'll return you to your master in due time. Your second path is similar to how you have been treated the last few days, just with lessened doses of the destabilizing drug. The third I'll make your life exactly like how it was after raccoon city, a sleeper agent new holes in your memory only aware when I'm experimenting on you and by extension your children. Lastly, I'll knock you out and put you in a hyperbolic chamber and have you unconscious just floating there. No bonding with your unborn children, no thoughts, no dreams, just missing time and endless darkness." She sounded so smug at the end of her  monolog.
I was stuck once again, this time between a rock and multiple hard places. I knew eventually Albert would come for me. A nauseating thought ripped through my mind at that moment. What if he wouldn't? His time crunch with Uroboros. It's not like he's saved me from these situations before. Russia weighs heavily on my mind at this moment. The burning phantom sensation from the bullet wounds flares up.
I felt so flush and weak, my stomach churned, and I lost what little food was in my stomach. This triggered what I thought was long dispensed with morning sickness, making me throw up once more. My vision hazed and tried to refocus.
"Aw, poor little lamb, feeling lost without your shepherd to guide you. Is my brothers precious lotus flower withering without him?" She laughed, grabbed my matted hair, and ripped off the gag off my face.
She made me face her, and she held a wicked smirk that I hated to admit, put Albert's to shame in this moment. Her harsh eyes didn't flare or glow like mine or Albert's. No, they didn't need to in order convey her emotions or intentions. She was a monster in sheep's clothes. A perfectly normal face, for a horrific beast that lurked beneath.
"Tell me your choice, little lamb. Do you want to live comfortably and not have to risk  harm befalling your children, or do you want to be a prisoner to your own mind once again." She said, her cold steel blue eyes piercing my soul.
I felt beaten. She played my mental illnesses like a fiddle. She used my undying love for my unborn children to gain the upper hand. She knew I'd refuse to be a sleeper agent again. She knew I'd never give up bonding with them. She had clearly planned this out. Clearly, it's not just over these past few days that she has been. This was a long game she had played since before she sent Axel.
"I...I submit Alex." I bowed my head.
I was beaten before I even fought. Alex didn't have one thing Sergei did, an attachment to me. I knew she'd never harm Albert's offspring. I was a different story. I was naught but a bug in the way of her plans.
She released my head and turned away from me, "Good, it's about time you remembered what you were made for. Now come seven forty-eight, I need to get you cleaned up and changed. I can't have my servant looking like rotting filth now, can I? Not to mention you are past due for your weekly check-up. I suppose I should have my medical staff check over the brood growing in your unworthy body. Come."
She held her hand over the door, and it slid open. Sullen, I lowered my head and followed. My heart sank. I yet again was no more than a number.
I followed her to a massive underground mansion. Her servants swarmed her like she was a queen. They did everything from taking her jacket to offer her tea. Brushing them off, she just ordered the room next to hers to be cleaned and made. This earned me glares from the maids.
They rushed off as Alex escorted me to a massive bathroom. She presses an intercom on the wall, and three well-dressed maids walk through the door.
"Yes, lady Alex?" They said in near perfect unison.
"Ah, Aquila, Lyra, and Esther, this is my new personal retainer. Clean her up and be careful those are my brothers' children she's carries." Alex said, sitting in a plush chair in the corner of the bathroom.
"Yes, milady." They said bowing.
In a dizzying frenzy, they got to work peeling off the tattered garb from my sweat covered body. I heard nasty remarks regarding my figure from under their breath as they ripped the stained cotton. It didn't matter. I was but a tool once again.
The middle woman, Lrya, she turned on the white marble tub. As Alex stood up and walked over to the basin.  Sticking her finger in, she immediately scowled and slapped the poor girl across the face.
"You dare draw a cold bath for the vessel of my brothers children! Do your ears not work! You daft mongrel!" Alex shouted, turning the warm water on.
I winced at the yelling, but I noticed a deep blush forming across the girls face.
"GO! Be in my chambers by the time I return. You know how you're supposed to prostrate yourself." Alex barked.
"Yes, lady Alex." Lyra said swiftly, walking off.
The other two looked almost jealous but continued to prep my body for the bath. Alex ordered the maids to help me into the tub. She snidely commented on my sheer size and risk of harming her possible nieces and nephews. As I was lowered into the water, I felt numb. The water was just there, I felt no joy or sorrow. No heat or coldness.
The next few minutes were but a blur. I knew I was being scrubbed harshly, and I flinched when shampoo foam got in my eyes. They were gentle around my belly, but that was after a harsh warning from Alex.
I knew she only cared about the children. I was but another tool at her disposal like these poor girls. After Alex had deemed I was cleaned enough, she had the maids go to check on the room she had ordered cleaned.
Aquila and Esther bowed, taking their leave. I stood up as Alex began to drain the water. My naked body dripped the now tepid fluids on the granite tile. Stepping on the white rug beside the marble basin, I felt Alex's eye wander over my bare form.
"In all honesty, seven forty-eight you are ungodly beautiful. I'm slowly starting to understand why you are my brothers favorite toy." She said, walking up to my body.
I wanted to pull away, to hide from her gaze. She looked like a starved wolf staring down a helpless rabbit. She stopped to face me. An amused look crossed her eyes.
In a flash, she dragged her fingers along the undersides of my breasts. The tips of her fingers are just grazing my areolas as she pulls them away. I quickly snarled and froze as I saw what was dripping from her fingers.
"My my dear little lamb, or should i just call you a cow now." Alex laughed   as a white liquid lightly trickled from her fingertips.
My breasts were  producing milk. How? That didn't happen until late trimester for my last pregnancies. It had to have been from Angelis. It was the only thing that made sense to me. After all, it was made to create the ultimate mother and servant.
"What is with that face, my dear seven forty-eight? Are you confused by chance? Let me explain." She said as the maid named Esther returned with a massive  plush towel.
As the young lady wrapped the soft item around my body, Alex ordered her to leave my leaking breast exposed. Hatred was all that ran through my thoughts. Albert should have been the only one to witness this.
Alex's voice roused me from my loathing, "To be blunt seven forty-eight this is caused my two very simple things going on in your body.
The first and what you have more than likely have already surmised is the Angelis virus. This is the main cause after all you bore more children  due to it so it's preparing your other motherly functions in advance so you can effectively and efficiently take care of them. However that would of started at the end of your second trimester. Seeing as you are still closer to twenty two weeks pregnant than twenty six I had to take matters into my own hands."
I heard the maid start to giggle. Alex grabbed my right breast once again more milk leaking on her hand. I felt tears drip down my face. She looked like she had just struck oil.
"Lady Alex, so she is the one who will make us your perfect pets?" Esther said sickening glee in here eyes as she stared at my breasts.
"Yes Esther, I finally have the last piece of making you and your sisters my darling little angels." Alex said wickedly laughing, "You see seven forty-eight, your breast milk contains anti-bodies for the Angelis virus and you know that it is best spread through blood."
"So you mean," I collapsed trying to back away.
"That's right, I'm just using you to make my perfect angels, seven forty-eight. Now stand or do I have to remind you of the other paths that laid out before you and even if you resist I can complete my goal just as easily as I induced your lactation. " Alex said stepping on my upper back.
I relented and stood up. Esther walking up behind me and Alex walked over to the door opening it. Esther shoved me to start moving. Silently I walked forth my breasts on full display. Aquila walked along side me as soon as we exited the bathroom.  The escort was humiliating.
Alex unlocked a massive bedroom with a medical bed and various medical machines. There were restraining devices on the railing of the bed. The room was purposely made to be a new hell for me. I felt despair on par when Sergei threatened to race Alistar. Alex was just using me as a viral breeding ground.
"Now now deary, don't be so disheartened. Unlike Sergei I won't keep you out of contact from my brother." Alex said pointing at a massive screen with a camera set up next to it and a camera at the head of the bed.
"Once your job is complete and Albert fulfills my requests. You will be returned to him. I'm not Vladimir deary, I do want my dear brother to be happy in his reign. After all you were designed to be his perfect match." She smirked pulling out a business card from her pocket.
On the front was a cyan wolf. I felt no shift in my face but Alex clearly detected something different. She faced me and tsked.
"Alecto, my son... the one you called Nighthawk, he tried to give this to you before I shot him out of our transport here. It's obvious you know what this is do you not deary?" Alex said.
I simply nodded and lied through my teeth, "it's a contact card for a former agent of mine."
"Really, tis ashame the number no longer works. You have no need for contact outside of what I provide you." She said grabbing a lighter and setting the card a blaze.
I watched as cryo wolf's card was destroyed. I showed no hints of hope but little did Alex know she just signed my ticket out of here. All that I needed to do was play my part.
Alex started to speak once more, "Now after I deal with Lyra, you will be examined by my staff to see if the prolonged exposure to the destabilizing agent caused the little ones harm. After the exam is completed your first round of feedings will begin with Esther. They shall be your attendants until they bond with the Angelis virus. Oh and seven forty-eight,"
"What is it?" I snarl as the two maids chain me to the bed the moment I lay down.
"I look forward to your progress." Alex said stepping through the door to the room locking it behind her.
Crack! My heart shattered. Crying??? Was I? I didn't know. My babies finally started to flutter about after the incident. But I felt nothing but fear. Crack!
Wesk, please. 
It's so dark.
Hey everyone! Silfarianhawk here. This went a bit out of hand during the drafting section. But the darksided content is back. Sit back and enjoy the ride. As the bells of despair toll, my name is Silfarianhawk and I'm not so far away!
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8bitsupervillain · 13 days
Higurashi When They Cry Hou Ch. 7 Minagoroshi pt. 24
I wonder how much of this exposition is cut out of the other adaptations? The anime for example, how much of it just gets completely abridged for time.
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I know Rika had no way to see it, but Irie seemed completely accepting of the decision to stop his research when he solved Hinamizawa Syndrome. Anyone who knows Irie should immediately be doubting Okonogi’s theory that Irie plans to kill Rika out of hand. Even if the guy was harboring a deep grudge at Tokyo killing his research there is absolutely zero indication he’s able to hide his feelings that well. He was able to dupe Keiichi that one time in Tatarigoroshi, but that’s probably because Keiichi’s mind was busy dealing with the murder and disappearance of Teppei Houjou’s corpse.
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You see kids Hinamizawa Syndrome really is just the Las Plagas from Resident Evil 4. Only instead of being an insectoid parasite embedded in a rock it’s… Rika? Also you gotta love the implication that the doctor who was researching this “prophesied” the bullshit survival horror aspect of the queen carrier. Science is big on prophecies, didn’t you know? That scientist’s name? Albert Wesker. (Fighting the impulse to go on a completely unrelated rant about Wesker’s later depiction in the Resident Evil series).
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Do you think they would try to stop Rika if she just cracked open a fresh bottle of wine after this exposition? Hang on a second...
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It is a very interesting to throw out there so late in the narrative. Why exactly are Satoko’s symptoms apparently so much worse when compared to the others? Has the only reason she never actually snapped and murdered anyone because of the shots she takes? It was a very nice re-contextualization of the fact that for all the focus seems to be on with Rika, Satoko is going through just as miserable of an experience. One that apparently Rika actually does know about.
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Aww, look they’re all friends and junk. It doesn’t really go into it, but I like the vague implication that Rena is slightly suspicious of Irie.
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And so the gaming club decides the thing to do is wait with Rika and Satoko until Ooishi gets back to Hinamizawa. I know it was revealed that the Mountain Dogs have Rika’s phone tapped, but you’d assume that with this information that Rika, and the rest of their lives are now in mortal peril that Mion would call some of the Sonozaki guys to act as potential back up security. Perhaps this is a small sign she doesn’t quite believe the story? Or it was just a small oversight, and I’m thinking too much about it. While they’re having their discussion about what to do in regards to dinner, the phone rings. It’s Ooishi, and he’s back from Gifu! And he's bringing Rika a present, some evidence!
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godstrain · 1 month
ok so me thinking about wesker's childhood and how Bad things were and also his relationships with the other wesker children ... and its big sad
see, he was snatched up by umbrella when he was 5- he already was developing a sense of self, and albert wilde was a good kid, ambitious and hard working, but not a monster. he was introduced to spencer's doctrine of "humans failed and all of the plagues of the earth also suck and it's your job to be better" and took it as a challenge for him to actually help people better themselves. he wanted to find ways to improve the quality of life for human beings, because no one ever said what was there had to be eliminated. humans were beautiful because they could adapt. albert wilde loved humanity.
albert wilde also had a ... rebellious streak. he was the golden boy who could get all of his work done early and still have the energy to try to be a normal kid- and he got in trouble for it. albert wilde never would've designed BOWs... and it took almost 12 years for umbrella to kill albert wilde, leaving albert wesker in his place
but damn, he held out for almost 12 years- tried to cling to what he knew in his heart to be the path he wanted. it just so happens that he was also experimented on, he survived things that other people mutated or died from, and by the time he was scouted as a researcher, he was so mentally exhausted from getting hurt for trying to be free, so he fell in line with things
and then fast forward and he takes the prototype virus and dies and comes back wrong and suffers some uhhh not good frontal lobe decay and his moral compass goes to heck... albert wesker was the sort of person albert wilde had wanted to stand up against and there's something sorta poetic about him finding his way back to being albert wilde after crawling from the depths of hell for real ... this is the character development i deserve to implement on him :)
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virulentmastermind · 2 months
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Plaga (Amber), t-Virus, G-Virus, and Progenitor (main family).
↳ Uroboros is an RNA virus in the Progenitor family, and was improved upon by material from the Amber which created Las Plagas, and other viruses such as the t-Virus, G-Virus, and Progenitor.
Uroboros needs to be aligned with its host; when it is not aligned, it will cause the host to be completely devoured by it. When it is aligned, it will keep the host safe and constantly adapt for continued survival.
It forms a symbiotic or parasitic bond with whoever it infects; becoming antagonistic to whoever is not worthy, and becoming a mutualistic obligate symbiont for whoever it chooses as its host. (Plaga influences this.)
↳ Progenitor has the capability to make viruses sentient or thinking; Uroboros has its own intelligence due to the unique splicing of different strains derived from Progenitor (t-Virus and G-Virus) as well Progenitor itself. Uroboros is able to communicate with its host and make quick thinking decisions based on its relationship with its host.
↳ Uroboros will communicate with ripples of thought, or be interfacing itself with the host's neural network. It primarily speaks in emotions, and not actual words.
↳ Like the Progenitor and Golgotha viruses, Uroboros is able to repair dead cells and revive the dead. It can heal all of Wesker's wounds, prevent him from being damaged in the first place, and keeps Albert functionally immortal.
↳ It can adapt to a stimuli when it goes against the stimuli enough in a period of time. It heals quickly.
If an unsuitable host is found, Uroboros will struggle against fire, and be easily killed. If a suitable host is found, Uroboros will only be weak to things the host is weak to.
It also gets very hungry, and needs to be fed often.
Work began on the Uroboros Project sometime in 2006, following an encounter Dr. Albert Wesker had with Dr. Oswell E. Spencer, Earl Spencer, who revealed to him Umbrella Pharmaceuticals' secret eugenics goal of creating a race of Übermensch to advance human society, with Wesker himself being part of such a project. Having begun to question the emerging War on Terror, he concluded that humanity itself was the problem, and the only way to bring about a utopian society was to use the Progenitor Virus against the very planet itself, which would kill all but those with certain genetic characteristics. Such people would theoretically be enhanced physically and mentally.
The first setback took place after Tricell, Wesker's partner, set up a lab in the old Ndipaya Kingdom. The human population ratio able to survive and mutate from Progenitor infection was simply too small. Using t-Virus antibodies extracted from a mutant test subject, Jill Valentine, Wesker repeatedly used them on his Uroboros cultures to naturally select a new strain distinct and less potent than Progenitor. With a virus now useful in research, the project moved to its next stage and saw thousands of other test subjects infected over the next two years, with increasing assistance from Tricell's own research staff such as Miguel. The virus was more or less finalized by May 2008 when samples were loaded onto missiles in preparation for the final stage in the "Uroboros Project" - dispersing the virus across the Earth's atmosphere to infect every corner of the planet. There were problems with the preparations, however, and a fire occurred, resulting in the creation of a mutant arthropod species dubbed "Reaper". In March 2009, the project was finally underway, but was stopped by the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance. At least four humans were infected with Uroboros during the operation, including Wesker himself. Only he mutated appropriately, however, with the other three being genetically incompatible. In their case, their bodies were torn apart by uncontrollable mutation, and in one case, consumed a number of other bodies. (from the wiki)
By merging with the Uroboros virus, unlike the other individuals exposed to the virus, Wesker had complete control of its mutations, making it more powerful than before, but led him to a grotesque condition. Through Uroboros’ pustules, he could use the tentacles generated by them to attack or grab his targets and could assimilate inorganic material into them, like metal fragments, to further intensify his attacks. He also showed the ability to use electricity with the metal he assimilated. In this state, Wesker’s resilience could only be impaired if he were injured in the organs in the center of his chest and back, as seen when he fell in the lava of a volcano after being repeatedly stabbed there by Chris and Sheva in those respective places. However, he still had enough strength to survive the magma of volcano, despite Uroboros’ weakness to the intense heat, and managed to grab the BSAA helicopter with one of his tentacles to the point of preventing him from moving away.
The Uroboros Virus is in complete + total union with Wesker. Its goal is to consume and consume, given any sort of stimuli, and it adapts to those changes. While it seems that Albert passes inside the volcano, and from two RPG hits, in truth, Uroboros uses the fuel from the RPGs to evolve into a virus that can eat magma, and be unaffected by the powerful blasts. Given enough time around something, Uroboros can adapt to use it as fuel, or become immune to it. Despite all of these upgrades, Uroboros is very weak to blades, as blades cannot be adapted against due to their unique shape and structure. Sounds at high decibels can also make Wesker hurt or sluggish. 
To help Wesker survive, the Uroboros Virus eventually consumes the lava within the volcano, and slowly starts consuming parts of Wesker’s body to rebuild him. This rebuilding of his body would mean that Wesker would no longer need a serum to keep himself in tip-top shape for fights, and eventually, Wesker would appear normal to the eye, not as grotesque from the initial merge. His heart would not be a weak point, as Uroboros used the resilience it gained from the volcano to protect Wesker completely. In combat, it can cover him from head to toe, and they work as one unit.
Uroboros likes Chris, and will protect him at all costs, as well, in Blue Umbrella service.
Mentioned ↳ @valour-bound
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justforbooks · 2 years
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The actor Lance Reddick, who has died suddenly aged 60, played figures of authority with such panache that no matter how many times he was handed such roles, he never seemed typecast. He is best known on film for his part as Charon, the all-seeing fixer in the John Wick movie franchise, but his image was forged playing two ambitious high-level cops on television, Cedric Daniels in The Wire (2002-08) and Irvin Irving in Bosch (2014-21).
In each case he was contrasted with a main character: his anguish at the plight of Baltimore as portrayed in The Wire was expressed with internal restraint, opposed to the knee-jerk reactions of Dominic West’s chronic screw-up, McNulty. In Bosch, he was the politician tormented by Titus Welliver’s relentlessly uncompromising Harry Bosch.
Bosch author Michael Connelly said Reddick “took a character who was paper-thin in the books and made Irvin Irving”. He used his tall, angular frame to express authority; moving his body precisely, deliberately stiff and controlled, his face echoing that pose, covering up the machinations inside his head. Audiences watched as he took in, contemplated, and finally reacted, in a voice pitched with the deep tone of authority. His work in Bosch’s second season, where the death of his undercover cop son opens huge cracks in his closely controlled persona and makes him the centre of the show, is a lesson in transcending ensemble play.
Reddick’s highlights in variations of authority-figure themes came in the TV series Fringe (2008-13), running a unit of Homeland Security; Corporate (2018-20), as a CEO; and Intelligence (2014), where he was head of the CIA. On film he was head of the secret service in Angel Has Fallen (2019), and he played Albert Wesker, boss of the Raccoon Police special tactics unit, in the Netflix TV adaptation of the zombie video game Resident Evil (2022).
He was so good that the star of Wick, Keanu Reeves, given a day off from shooting for his birthday, told his girlfriend he wanted to visit the set, just to watch Reddick in action. Reeves then handed him a note thanking him for “what he brought to the character of Charon”.
Bosch also afforded Reddick the chance to play the piano, thoughtfully improvising at home as if to sort out his thoughts; this might be seen to reflect his own hard path to acting success. Reddick was born in Baltimore to Solomon, a lawyer, and Dorothy (nee Gee), a teacher. His musical talent was apparent at Friends School of Baltimore, and he went on to study at the city’s Peabody Institute, a secondary school specialising in the performing arts. He took a degree in composition at the University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music and moved to Boston, intending, in his words, to become a rock star.
But his style of music, influenced by Miles Davis and Sting, never fitted a rock star template, and having married his college sweetheart, Suzanne Louis, in 1986, and had two children, he found himself working odd jobs, including as a singing waiter on a riverboat. Crucially, on a night shift at a newspaper delivery depot, he injured his back shifting bundles of papers. Forced to lie in bed, he contemplated how he could support his family, and decided to turn to acting, where he noticed there were more auditions available.
He wound up gaining a master of fine arts degree at Yale Drama School in 1994, and two years later landed his first television role, on New York Undercover; he debuted on-screen in 1998’s ill-judged modern-set Great Expectations.
In 2000 he was cast in David Simon’s The Corner, which led to his part on The Wire, while he also attracted attention with a memorable role as an undercover police officer gone bad in the prison drama Oz (2000-01). Recurring parts in CSI:Miami (2005-06) and Lost (2008-09) followed, and he played James Baldwin in the 2004 movie Brother to Brother. He was the voice of the Falcon in the animated Avengers (2012), and of the villain Ras Al Ghul in Beware the Batman (2013), as well as voicing Commander Zavala in the Destiny video game series, and Sylens in Horizon Zero Dawn (2017) and Horizon Forbidden West (2022).
Along the way he finally got to be a rock star, playing a cop in the music video of Jay-Z and Beyoncé’s ’03 Bonnie & Clyde. In 2007 he released an album of his own music, Contemplations and Remembrances.
John Wick 4 has just been released, and he also leaves behind a store of work that has yet to be seen. Reddick will appear in a remake of White Men Can’t Jump; as Charon in a Wick spin-off, Ballerina; in the Shirley Chisholm biopic, Shirley, and as Capt Blakely in The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial. He also voiced the ultimate authority figure, Zeus, in Percy Jackson and the Olympians for Disney+.
Reddick is survived by his second wife, Stephanie (nee Day), whom he married in 2011, and the two children, Yvonne and Christopher, from his first marriage, which ended in divorce.
🔔 Lance Solomon Reddick, actor, born 7 June 1962; died 17 March 2023
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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alphateamcaptain · 3 months
Q:  𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐃𝐄𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐅. bold what applies, italicise what sometimes applies, strikethrough what never applies.
❏ ( . . . )  * 𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄.       ➤   Albert Wesker
❏ ( . . . )  * 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄(𝐒).       ➤   “Captain Shades’’ [ . . . ] @/agentvalentine       ➤   “My Captain’’ [ . . . ] @/valour-bound       ➤   “Buddy’’ [ . . . ] @/silverghcst       ➤   “Al’’ [ . . . ] @/golgothaviral
*“Roach / Wes’’ / “Nutjob” / [ . . . ] Just some names others have called him over the years.
╳   FLAWS.
moody  |  short-tempered  |  emotionally unstable  |  whiny  |  controlling  |  conceited  | possessive  | paranoid  |  liar  |  impatient  |  cowardly  |  bitter  |  selfish  |  power-hungry  |  greedy  |  lazy  |  judgmental  |  forgetful  | impulsive |  spiteful  |  stubborn |  sadistic  |  petty  |  unlucky  |  absent-minded |  abusive  |  addict  |  aggressive  |  childish  |  callous  |  clingy  |  delusional  |  cocky  |  competitive  |  corrupt  |  cynical |  cruel  |  depressed  |  deranged  | egotistical |  envious |  insecure  |  insensitive  |  lustful  |  delinquent  |  guilt complex  | reclusive  |  reckless  |  nervous  |  oversensitive
honest  |  trustworthy  | thoughtful  |  caring  |  brave  |  patient  |  selfless  |  ambitious  | tolerant  |  lucky  |  intelligent  |  confident   | focused  |  humble  |  generous  |  merciful  | observant  |  wise  | clever |  charming  |  cheerful  |  optimistic |  decisive  |   adaptive | calm  |  protective  |  proud  |  diligent | considerate  |  compassionate  |  good sportsmanship | friendly  |  empathetic  |  passionate | reliable  |  resourceful |  sensible  |  sincere |  witty  | funny
art  |  acting  |  astronomy  |  animals  |  archery  |  sports  |  belly dancing |  bird watching  |  blacksmithing  |  boating  |  calligraphy  |  camping  |  candle making  |  casino gambling  |  ceramics  |  racing  |  chess  | music ( piano specifically )  |  cooking  |  crochet  |  weaving  |  exercise  | swordplay |  fishing  |  gardening  | ghost hunting  |  ice skating  |  magic  | engineering  |  building  |  inventing  |  leather-working  |  martial arts  |  meditation  |  origami  |  parkour  | people watching |  swimming  |  puppetry  |  pyrotechnics  |  quilting  |  reading  |  collecting  |  shopping  |  socializing  |   storytelling  |  writing |  traveling  |  exotic dancing  |  singing
➤  𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘.              @valour-bound Ty!! ➤  𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆.               @silverghcst && @agentvalentine
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grigori77 · 2 years
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Gentuinely heartbroken to discover that we just lost another truly amazing actor. Lance Reddick was one in a million, a genuinely inspiring, majestic and thoroughly mesmerising performer who elevated every project he was in. I first discovered him when he played Phillip Broyles, the tenacious head of the FBI's covert "weird shit" investigation division in JJ Abrams' awesome Fringe TV series, and I become an instant fan, subsequently enjoying him in strong roles in the likes of White House Down, The Guest, The Domestics, Angel Has Fallen and Bosch. And then there was the Netflix Resident Evil series ... oh boy, that was flawed in SO MANY WAYS, but his wonderfully odd and frequently downright INGENIOUS turn as a very NEW take on Albert Wesker was easily THE BEST THING in the whole show. Not to mention the voice of the Thordak, the monstrous head of the Chroma Conclave, the cadre of brutal dragons terrorising Exandria in The Legend of Vox Machina. But of course, at the end of the day, like just about everyone I'm sure, for me he will ALWAYS be Charon, the suave, civil and level-headed concierge of the Manhattan Continental Hotel in the John Wick movies. Thankfully he was able to finish two more turns as his best character in the imminent JW Chapter 4 and the Ballerina spin-off, and of course we'll be seeing him play Zeus in the first season of the new TV adaptation of Percy Jackson & the Olympians ... but still, it's a heartbreaking shame to know that after that he just won't be lighting up our screens any more ...
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Rest in peace, big man. The legendary Lance Reddick, June 7 1962 - March 17 2023
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madexheaven · 4 months
Some things I need to make note of my Claire Redfield.
She is not necessarily canon divergent, but she isn't exactly 'strict' to the canon either. That is to say, Capcom likes to implement things in games, in the manga, in the bits of media we have, and then never mention them again. Case in point, Jill Valentine's scars from RE5 not appearing in Resident Evil: Death Island.
That is boring and sloppy to me.
Claire has been infected with the T-Phobos Virus, which canonically kills female adjacent people before they can mutate. She, Moira, and Natalia are all successes on this viral strain, yet it's never brought up. I find this to just be one of those instances such as all the characters from RE6 that are never brought up again, or Sheva, or any of the side characters or storylines.
They are canon, but they aren't 'important' to the main overarching themes that Capcom is pushing out.
So I would like to change that.
Claire is infected, and her body adapted very well to it in fact, she did not have the fear response needed for it to mutate/kill her before she assimilated to the virus. That being said, here is the information we have at current of the T-Phobos Viral strain:
The t-Phobos Virus is a retrovirus descended from the Progenitor Virus, developed to create a superhuman with no negative side effects. The research was inspired by Umbrella's Immortality project, which aimed to engineer a virus that would keep even the most fragile person alive indefinitely. Dr. Alex Wesker, was in control of the t-Phobos project, which was abandoned in favor of creating another superhuman and using advanced computer technology to incorporate a digitized copy of Wesker's consciousness into the subject's brain, thereby achieving immortality in another way. -RE wiki
While under high levels of adrenaline, she gains the following:
Enhanced speed and strength, heightened senses, and the ability to sense those around her. Her eyes have a yellowing ring to them, hinting at similar eyes to a certain Albert Wesker as well. It is not as potent as it could be, as she would have to die properly for it to kick into full effect but...
Who's to say that won't happen sometime?
Anyway, thank you for coming to my ted talk, Capcom needs to address these loose ends but I shall address them for now.
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lasplaga · 4 months
Is there a reason Saddler's BOW form is the way it is? What does it convey about his character?
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-;┊ 𓆙 𝕺𝕺𝕮 ; ◥ 𓆙      —      𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐙𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐈𝐍𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 --- ALWAYS Accepting!
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In the perspective of RE, & even going against Albert Wesker's own theories on monstrous transformations --- his bioweapon form is simply an expression of how he genuinely looks on the inside, which is subject to change at any moment. The appearance is not fueled by emotion or a specific state of mind, Osmund is a husk for Las Plagas, which is an assimilated creature beyond any natural taxonomical order & thrives upon domination. It adapts to the environment & when faced against certain threats, which is why he is the prominent --- if not ONLY 'true' shapeshifter of his kind, due to the bizarre extent. The zealots & Ramon can mutate at will as well, but these abilities are canonically obtained through rituals preformed by Los Iluminados. ( Don't listen to people who tell you mutations are irreversible! TRICELL researchers are not privy to the inner-workings of The Cult, neither is Leon's Kennedy Report. )
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Every single mutation of Lord Saddler's can be reversed at will, including his intermediate form, unless he permanently succumbs to mindlessness. At that point, the parasite fully takes over & is solely focused upon self-preservation, which includes dying & breaking into fragments to sustain future generations, if not corrupting the surrounding ecosystem for centuries. Osmund has other mutations that is supported by supplementary canon ( which can be datamined from certain builds of 2004 & prompted using developer tools ) which involved flaying his own skull, turning his face into a mess of eyes, horns, blades & needles. As you can see, there's nothing human internally going on in there. There's a reason he is depicted as a mystical being, otherworldly, & attributed to fallen angels or demons ( Satan / The Devil ) ; In every single context imaginable he is not comprehensible to human beings & defies the natural order of Earth. Osmund's human form is simply to lure & deceive ( or put at ease ), but his congregation is wholly aware he is divine & attributed / 'made from' or 'is' God.
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Masaki Yamanaka themed the design on the irony of the Plaga being the host & Lord Saddler's body living parasitically on it, for example. // Biohazard 4 Kaitai Shinsho describes his mutations as an insect hatching from a cocoon, his compressed cells expressing themselves outward. What you can convey from this is that he is, metaphorically & literally, a weapon for his own religion ( how he is described in Archives II ). Archives II elaborates more, such as his mutations bursting from the inside out & decapitating his own head, flaying the arms & legs, etc. ( which costs him regenerating his 'outer shell' whenever he uses his abilities at all ), but it is only readable in PDF format.
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lammfleisch · 2 years
If we dont get Antony Starr as Albert Wesker anytime soon, capcom should scrap any kind of faithful Resident Evil Adaption and needs to go ham: Get freaking Lee Byung Hun. He is sexy and talented. The dude would ace any role.
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possessionisamyth · 1 year
What's the himbo chart? Also would you say any RE char is a himbo? Almost all of them are technically pretty smart (or just too skinny) but is there one, would you say....?
Here is the original himbo chart.
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And here's a better quality one without pictures.
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People have made variations such as adding "respects women" or "non-threatening", but ideally the kind portion of the graph already covers those aspects.
You are right that all of the men in RE are generally very smart. So classifying any of them as a himbo will be a little insulting. However, there is one man, or one version of him anyway that perfectly falls into the himbo category. And it's Chris Redfield. And I do not mean RE1 remake Chris. I mean this Chris. From the original RE1 in 1996.
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He's stupid. He's kind. He's beefy. When we go into RE:Code Veronica on, he's gotten wise to all the bullshit around him, educates himself, and adapts therefore leaving himbo status. However, for a brief time, RE did have 1 single himbo to claim.
Leon is not a himbo in the movies, originals, or remakes. Just because he got buff in RE4 Remake, doesn't erase the fact that he graduated top of his class at the police academy and was clearly Krauser's favorite trainee based on how personal all the insults were.
Carlos is not a himbo because he was a literal child soldier who learned how to handle heavy weaponry and is a quick learner for fixing and driving various vehicles without a manual needed. You also don't survive guerilla warfare in the jungle being oblivious.
Ethan and Steve are too scrawny. Point blank.
Billy is not kind because he fails the non-threatening aspect. He's a desperate man on the run working with what he has while fucked up shit happens around him. He's also working with an 18 year old (Rebecca), so respect is not really granted to her.
Barry is also too smart. If he wasn't, he wouldn't have moved his family as much as he did to keep them safe. He's not the perfect dad, but he's not a stupid one.
Wesker and Heisenberg are LITERALLY EVIL. Albert dropkicks, kidnaps, and brainwashes women, while Heisenberg wanted to use a baby as a weapon and then justified it to himself! Not himbos!
But hey, if the merchant is beefy under that cloak from carrying all that gear around you guys can give him the label if you want. I'll laugh. I think it's funny that he's just loping around death village, death castle, and death island with all his gear just to sell to Leon. No self-awareness. Very kind of him. If he's jacked, you got the whole package.
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