#adara pace
owlart18 · 6 months
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Starloom's journal - a lil Wildfrost zine I put together tell the story of my oc Starloom with all the Wildfrost fanart I've done so far + some new art drawn just for this! (Inspired by the journal in Wildfrost)
Also I heard it’s Wildfrost’s 1 year anniversary!? What a perfect time to be posting this! Happy Wildfrost anniversary! ❄️
(Commission info here | MapleStickerShop)
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sinfonia-relativa · 3 months
Hacer las paces con la vida es abrazar la muerte, no con la idea de forzar ese momento, simplemente aceptar que es algo inevitable como humanos, pero que hasta entonces exploraremos todo lo mágico que nos puede ofrecer la fugaz vida.
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bookishbethanyerin · 2 years
• Review: A Kingdom of Stars & Shadows + A Kingdom of Blood & Betrayal •
If you’re in the mood for completely addicting fantasy romance, look no further than the Stars and Shadows books by Holly Renee.
The story follows Adara, a starblessed mortal whose mother arranged her marriage to Gavril, the fae prince, and whose blood everyone believes holds the key to the fae triumphing over the vampires. Though Adara has accepted her fate, she’s bitter about it and wants her life to still happen on her terms as much as possible – and when she meets Evren, a commander of the fae army and her betrothed’s half brother, her life takes a very unexpected turn.
These books are so fast-paced, and the chemistry between Evren and Adara will basically scorch your fingers when you turn the page. The plot will keep you on your toes, the dialogue will delight you (and Evren will absolutely make you blush), and you’ll likely start cursing me at the end of book two – because the third one doesn’t come out until March 2023.
At least we can impatiently wait for it together?
AKOSAS: 4.75🌟 | 2🌶️
AKOBAB: 4.25🌟 | 2🌶️
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pikawarrior · 1 year
how does this magic system work pls
Okay here we go, I'm making about 50% of the stuff on the spot cuz im still in the "throwing things at the wall and deconstructing what sticks so i may possibly add it" stage and need some time to get something completely solid
Under the cut again cuz this long long
Here's some world info thats important, we are ignoring the other universes rn since they are completely their own thing that just happens to crossover sometimes.
Everyone is born with magic in someway. Some are directly born with powers, like for example Adara is born with her fire abilities.
And the rest are just born with the ability to use magic. They have magic in them but need to learn spells and possibly use magical items to be able to use said magic.
People like Adara can still learn other types of magic and stuff but it is very difficult since their natural abilities take priority. Things like the wedding ritual Adara and Light performed at their wedding allows them to use some of their spouse(s)' powers if they have natural abilities, plus it'll amplify their own abilities. If they dont have natural abilities (or if they similar abilities like two fire users wed) it'll just amplify them and nothing else.
There is three "levels" to this world and they worked kinda like the hidden city in rottmnt. (Tho also im still in the middle of watching rise so dont know all the details about the hidden city yet)
Level one - 20% magic area. Closet the normal human world we live in but there are a small select group of people who actively practice magic. The rest are either unaware of their magic potential, just dont use said magic, or know about but want gone and stuff. Tech here is like ours but better? Idk how to describe and word it.
Level two - 50-70% magic area. This is where Adara and her family live (or lived in Adara's case). Used to be like level one but over the years stigma against magic kinda died out and people have mostly accepted magic and use it in their day to day life. Tech wise they're about in like 2014, magic takes priority but technology developments are still happening at reasonable if not a bit slow pace.
Level three - 90-100% magic area.
Magic is everywhere. The people use magic in their everyday life. They lack the tech of the modern era as they rely on magic more. Technology developments are slow, most new developments are focused on lessen the amount of magic used for certain things and stuff. Tech wise they are like the average like fantasy world with slightly outdated modern tech mixed in.
Now for the proper magic system. This is were i start kinda just tossing thingd out there.
Limits, the average untrained person could use their magic non stop for about a day before feeling any side effects but its different for everyone. Side effects mainly depend on how you are using your magic and what possible spells and stuff you are using.
Side effects include:
- Weakness
- Headaches
- Joint pain
- Vomiting, anything from blood to frogs
- General Sickness
- Hallucinations if you really decide you wanna do some curses and stuff
And more I'm not gonna list rn cuz this is already long, but the basic idea is think of the consequences would you get for overdoing normal stuff but tie it magic. Idk that makes sense but different magic will cause different side effects but over due it and possibly important body thing loss or death.
I tend to for side of effects to just reflect the action(s) taken but up the severity or change the specific way it shows.
As for specific powers, i dont have anything concrete other then Adara and her family's fire powers, Light (and the dad of two of Adara's sisters) shadow based powers, and Em's light based powers.
Other common abilities like ice and stuff are here but nothing outside of that currently. Tho I am interested to see how wild I can go without being too overpowered, bland, or out of place.
Same goes for spells, most common ones you can think of are here. Still wondering the details and stuff but for right now imagine the owl house mixed with like uhhh as of typing this I'm blanking of other shows and stuff with magic, maybe TOH with Fairytail??? Again still not completely set in stone
I'm gonna end this here for now since alot of details are still in the works.
Hope this all makes sense! And was enjoy, if ya got any ideas feel free to share there!!
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thebluekingdomstory · 5 years
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Adara Pace (she/her)
Traits: Reserved, skilled, un trusting, sarcastic and loyal
Birthday: April 13th 982
Race: Nekojin (black panther)
Family: Mother- Kestrel Pace, Father- Sterling Pace, Second cousin- Mira Pace, Ancestor: Nora Lightfall
Occupation: Assassin
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I am BEGGING you to write that werewolf/witch roommates fic. PLEASE HOLY GOD I WOULD LOVE TO READ THAT FROM YOU
Okay, so, here’s the thing. My queue is always full, like, always. I have things in my draft from God knows when. And I post ten things a day according to my queue page. So when I got this ask, I legit was like “what werewolf/witch roommates fic? What? Did I say something about this? I AM CONFUSION!” 
Queue me going through my blog at a snail’s pace trying to figure this out (for everyone else confused, I finally found it here lol) 
But that bout of confusion aside, first off, THANK YOU! You are sweet, and I love you anon! And like, I mean, I COULD. I just would rather someone else do it because it would likely be infinitely more entertaining than what my brain could come up with (fridge burglar? Like, that’s comedy GOLD right there, please. I could never.) 
All that being said, when I finish my two FTH projects and my long, long, LONG overdue Adara birthday gift (like, four months overdue, I swear I love you, I’m sorry), I could mayhaps give this a try, see how it goes. If I decide not to post it, you guys will never know if I started it and abandoned it or if I never did at all, so mayhaps I shall attempt it, we shall see >.> 
But thank you for the interest, that’s legit super sweet and we shall see because the idea is for real awesome \o/ 
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drethanramslay · 5 years
Coming soon 👀
Hey guys!! I have had this idea for Aurora x MC mini series for the last two weeks. And I finally could write it down during the lockdown. I'm sooo excited!!
So, presenting you+
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Summary: Iris Everette was not your average, normal person. She was sarcastic, blunt and had a dark past, which she hid behind her facade of nonchalant behaviour. It had been a year since she had worked in Edenbrook and life was actually good. She was pretty confident that her past would remain in its place and that nobody would ever know.
But, the eyes of a certain Aurora Emery was on her, who wanted to know more about the enigma called Iris. Just one look and Iris wanted to bare herself to her..
And the funny thing is that, she didn't mind falling.
Here is a sneak peek-
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There was a storm raging outside, but it didn't compare to the inner tornado which was consuming every part of her sanity.
Iris paced down the hallway fast, to a place where she could have some damn peace and quiet, which is kind of hard in a hospital crawling with patients, doctors and the grim reaper.
Her breath was getting frantic, and the need to breakdown was increasing with every step she took.
Get a hold of yourself Iris. It's just a little longer. You don't need to be a mess in front of him. You don't need him to have that power over you. Iris repeated that as a mantra as she quickly walked down the never-ending hallway, away from her haunting past.
She was just crossing the nurses' station where, Aurora stood, reading through her charts.
God, please don't notice me. I don't have it in me to have a decent conversation with anyone. Iris prayed. She started making deals with the man upstairs, so that she could avoid any human interaction.
I will even swear off whiskey, please let me just find a place to hide and cry.
A few nurses greeted her, and Iris nodded and smiled politely before her eyes landed on Aurora's cool, calculating ones. She quickly averted her eyes away, so that she would not betray the inner turmoil in her.
She knew that Aurora could see right into her soul which she didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.
Definitely a bad thing. Iris thought to herself.
She didn't want Aurora to know her rotting and pathetic past because anyone who ever came close to learning the truth, would always get hurt. And she cared enough for her that she didn't want Aurora's aura to be tainted by such darkness.
But, Aurora knew. She knew that Iris was gonna have a meltdown and she knew that nobody, absolutely nobody deserves to be alone during such a vulnerable stage.
So she shut her chart and followed the red head.
Iris had reached the lift, pressing the button incessantly, so that it could hurry the hell up. After what seemed like an eternity, it finally came and she stepped into the elevator. She pressed the button leading her to the basement.
There is a old supply closet which is pretty faraway from the hospital's main rooms. So even if she broke things, screamed and howled, nobody would know.
She saw the doors closing and she let out a tired breath when Aurora nimbly slipped into the lift.
Can't I catch a fucking break?
Fuck you, the man upstairs. Fuck you
"What happened, Iris? Seems like you saw a ghost. You look hella pale." Aurora asked as she leaned in the wall across Iris.
Iris grimaced. If only she knew that she was not very faraway from the truth.
"Nothing." She said as she looked down at the floor.
"I know it's not nothing, Adara." Aurora said quietly. Iris' eyes snapped up. That was the name of her past. The one she had burried under the ashes of her old self. Nobody knew her the way Aurora did. Nobody, except the girl who she would rip her heart out for and lay it at her feet.
"Aurora please. Just let me be." Iris pleaded, looking up at the screen showing that she had just reached the third floor.
Just forty seconds more.
"What? You just called me Aurora. Not Rory. Something is going on, I can see it in your eyes." Aurora said as she stepped and stood before the girl, who Aurora really admired.
She placed her hands on her cheeks, forcing her green eyes to meet with her dark brown ones. "Please tell me Adara. Please let me in. Please don't shut me out."
"Aurora....I don't want to hurt you. I am deadly and a curse. I care about you enough to stay the hell away from you." She said as tears filled her eyes.
"Now if you will let me go-"
The lift shuddered to a stop. And it's dark for a moment. It took a moment for the backup generator to switch on the emergency lights. She turned with fear to Aurora, who was slowly realizing the shitty situation they were stuck in.
The lift was stuck and so were the both of them.
And this time, there was no escaping for Iris.
The truth can't be hidden for long. Especially, from the people you love.
Well...how did you like it?
I will be posting the first chapter soon... So if you want to be tagged, let me know :))
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letswritestories101 · 4 years
7 and 15 for the writing asks?
Hello @linariouswrites and thanks for ask!!
7. Favorite description in your wip? (If asked more than once, respond with a new piece each time)
In Same Sky, until now, is that one:  “She had big, round, blue eyes, brilliantly blue. Deep, electric, that had a perfect contrast of deep dark brown skin; as if they were an independent light source like the stars in the sky.”
15. Why physical quirks do your characters tend to have? Eyebrow raising, picking nails, biting lips, pacing, crossing arms, etc.
Dayan, every time he gets nervous, rubs his neck or plays a little with his hair up. Adara always, always, sits cross-legged and shakes hands when she is excited or nervous.
Ask me questions here,
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owlart18 · 5 months
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Alternate universe fun with Balder’s Gate 3! Part 3 of my Au Oc challenge | Part 2 | Part 1
(The Blue Kingdom Original Story, For Board Games, Warrior Cats, Wildfrost, + Balder’s Gate 3)
December Underglade of The Fae Underworld | December Underglade, caretaker of creatures | Plumpatch of Thunderclan | Shademancer Drorook
Adara the half wood elf rogue + guardian | Nyx the mephistopheles tiefling sorcerer | December the seldarine drow druid | Mapletail the asmodeus tiefling ranger | Starloom the zariel tiefling paladin
(Commission info here | MapleStickerShop)
Au forms complied for art fight refs:
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1-1snailxd-art · 5 years
The Shield to your Sword
Masterlist ———- Chapter 3
Warnings: swearing, minor injury (please message me if more need to be added)
word count: 4483
Tag Support Team - Thank you for your support 💜
@small-reptile-cake @daflangstlairde @quoth-the-sparrow @it-me-the-phi @soul-of-a-vixen  @the-real-wholesome-bitch  @phe-purple-parade-ts  @littleladynightshade
Summary: Virgil and Roman spend some time in their secluded hideaway in the Queen’s gardens. The hedges shield them from prying eyes….right? .
Chapter 4: Not-so-Secret Garden
The chirps of insects and rustling leaves in the garden were disturbed every few moments as Virgil sucked in a shaky breath; working to control the sobs that shook his core. Roman’s hands had been careful to not put pressure on Virgil’s injured arm; unsure of how healed the wound was. Instead, one arm secured the sobbing man in his lap, while the other held his shoulder and his thumb shifted up and down with his breathing; encouraging Virgil to breathe in time with the movement.
Leaning his head back, Roman stared at the wall opposite them. If he got closer, he was sure he would see their names scratched into the stone along with runes for friendship and forever. The boys had often escaped the outside world by sneaking into their little hideaway. It was the closest they got to an escape before Roman could request trips out to the town or the forest beyond the city’s outer barrier. A smile crept onto his face as he recalled the time he stole a whole cake from the kitchen and Adara had chased him and Virgil all through the castle, only to lose them in the maze of his mother’s garden. They had  feasted in the hollow oak until their stomachs ached. In his mind, this was a place just for the two of them; free from expectations and watching eyes. A place he and Virgil could be equals. A place he could admit his struggles with writing and reading runes. A place to just be.
 Glancing down, Roman saw Virgil’s eyes sit half open as his breathing finally seemed to steady and move in time with his own.
“I know you can’t recall your nightmares,” Roman kept his voice soft;  thumb still keeping the  pace for their breathing, “but you should know you are not alone. I have them too; nothing like yours obviously, but nightmares all the same.”
Virgil didn’t respond, eyes unmoving as he kept his gaze locked on the scene before him. Roman sighed and continued talking, needing to get his own thoughts out.
“I had a nightmare last night. It was so real I swore I was awake and facing the dark sorcerer in my chambers. He looked like half his face had merged with a snake and claimed I would die or meet the same fate as my brother or something crazy like that. I threw a knife at him and nothing happen. He just stood there with a knife in his head like it was nothing.”
“You don’t have a brother.”
Calm washed over Roman at Virgil’s response. Talking was the first step in him ‘waking up’ after a nightmare.
“That’s what I said. He claimed it was a message from the fates, but, A, I don’t believe in them, and B, I have no siblings.”
“Sorry I wasn’t there for you.”
“It’s ok, sleepyhead,” he shifted his body slightly as Virgil’s weight started to make his legs go to sleep, “you’re here now.”
“I’m meant to help  you, not the other way around.”
“Says who?”
“Your-“ Virgil cut himself off, almost letting the truth slide from his mouth like melted butter. “Says everyone.”
“Not me.” Virgil tilted his head to look up at Roman; taking in his hazel eyes with gold flecks ringing his pupil. “I would never say that, nor do I believe it to be true. We help each other. Regardless of what others think, you don’t have to do anything for me. Heck, if you wanted to leave, I wouldn’t stop you.”
“Really, really. I mean, it’s not like I own you or anything.”
Virgil’s eyes widened and Roman found himself lost in their smoky design; a mix of blue-grey and a golden brown. It was almost impossible to truly describe their colour and being so close he took in every change in pigmentation. Virgil stared back with a similar intensity, mind holding onto Roman’s words and trying to force Rupert’s cruel comments aside.
 “I… I don’t want to leave.” Virgil finally managed to make his mouth move, becoming aware of just how long they had been staring at each other in silence. A dull ache crept into his chest as the potion started to wear off and his heart raced with the emotional intensity of the situation.
“I don’t want you to either,” absently Roman’s hand repositioned on Virgil’s shoulder and slowly shifted down towards his wound. “Though I would love to leave the city more often. Would you join me if I did?”
“That’s a stupid question. You know I wou-“ Virgil hissed and snapped his eyes shut as Roman instinctively pulled him closer and pressed his wound.
“Crap, sorry.” Roman reacted as though he had just burnt himself, quickly pulling his hand away. “I’m sorry. Shit, I got you bad, didn’t I?”
“It’s fine, Princey.” Shifting off Roman’s lap, Virgil carefully moved his arm as the pain radiated back to the source. He silently wished he had more magic to spare so he could reduce his discomfort.
 “Can I see?”  The question left them both with reddening cheeks; Roman quickly averting his gaze. "I-I just thought, I could, maybe, well, help? I did cause it."
Nodding, Virgil slowly removed his vest before slipping the deep violet fabric over his head; exposing his pale frame. It always confused Roman how someone so thin and frail in appearance, could be so strong and nimble. Roman’s broad shoulders and solid figure were never overlooked; while many visiting fighters had learnt the hard way to not judge a book by its cover when it came to his smaller friend.
It made it hard for Roman to see his arm a flurry of colour as he pulled the basic bandage away, though the gash itself was barely visible now; sutures completely faded away.
 “I didn’t realise I got you that deep,” Roman looked down; even more aware of how his actions had affected his friend.
“It’s fine,” Virgil assured, fingers gently running along the fine scar line. “I was tired and used more magic than I should have. This wouldn’t have even been an issue if I had been more cautious with my own magic. You are not to blame.”
The lie caused his heart to ache and throat to tighten. Part of Virgil desperately wanted to admit the trauma King Rupert had afforded him, while the other wanted to scream at Roman for being an idiot and not keeping his guard up.
 “It was foolish of me to act so rashly to impress my father.”
Virgil’s head snapped up, “Roman, no. Don’t-”
“It’s the truth though,” crossing his legs, Roman tucked clenched fists into his lap and kept his gaze locked on the ground. “I should have held back a bit. I knew you were tired. It wasn’t fair.”
Virgil scoffed and reached out a hand to grip the prince’s shoulder.
 “Life isn’t fair, Ro.” Roman looked up, hair just obstructing his vision as he met Virgil’s eyes. “The real world won’t hold back. This just means that we need to keep training so I - no - we, can protect each other.”
Scooping his hair back, Roman mimicked the half smile on Virgil’s face and nodded. “Two Together?”
“Four forever.”
They both chuckled at their childish saying as Roman reached for his satchel and pulled out a round container; unscrewing it to reveal a clear waxy substance.
“Put that away, Roman.” Virgil whined as the Prince shifted closer. “You shouldn’t waste your healing gels on this.”
“Does it look like I really care?” He replied; moving to Virgil’s side and carefully cradling his arm in one hand while the other used two fingers to massage the ointment into his skin.
Virgil scrunched his face up at the action before he felt Roman’s soul magic penetrating his skin and soothing the throbbing in his arm. Eyes closing, Virgil focused on feeling every move Roman made; picturing golden strings of magic weaving through his muscles and blood vessels to restore them to their normal state. His magic was different to Logan and Haefen’s; it was warm and made his skin tingle with electricity.
Roman’s brow furrowed as he barely sensed Virgil’s magic at all. “You weren’t kidding about overdoing the magic, huh?”
“Would I lie?” Virgil opened his eyes and glanced to the side lazily.
“No.” That hit Virgil harder than the weight to his chest; blood chilling instantly. “I guess this means we won’t be going outside the city this afternoon.”
It took a moment for Virgil to generate enough saliva to soothe his dry throat and get his words out. “I-I didn’t know we – ahem –  had an outing booked.”
“Oh, there’s none of that anymore,” Virgil’s widening eyes matched the beam that spread across Roman’s face. “Father has finally approved my request to travel freely and take on missions further afield. We’ve got our freedom, Virgil.”
 On the outside, Virgil joined Roman in expressing their excitement for traveling and taking on bandits and invaders; but his true feelings were kept under wraps. Sure, the watchful knights that followed them were judgmental and rude to him whenever Roman’s back was turned, but they were their safety net. Any trouble they came across, the knights stepped in and took majority of the heat of battle. Without them, Virgil would need to defend the Prince solo. Colour seemed to drain from the world as he was overwhelmed with thoughts of what could possibly happen while out alone.
“Virgil? Hey, Virgil?”
Snapping fingers brought the world back into focus and Virgil shook his head to clear his thoughts.
“You okay? You’re looking paler than usual.”
“I’m fine.” Rustling leaves drew Virgil’s attention to the shifting shadows. “The afternoon is slipping away.”
“And?” Satisfied with his efforts, Roman offered Virgil his shirt; bandage obviously no longer required.
“We should be at the training ground or,” he slipped his shirt back on, “crafting, or visiting the kitchens or something-.”
Virgil went to stand, but Roman grabbed his hand and fixed him with a stern look. “Uh-ah; We are staying right here.”
“I felt your magic, Virge. We’re taking the afternoon off.”
As the Prince laid down on the fallen leaves, Virgil sighed. “Can we get food at least?”
“Got ya covered,” he gestured to the satchel and Virgil reached inside to retrieved two apples. “Lay with me, Vee. Adventure can wait for another day.”
 The sloping ground in the hollow, paired with the layer of leaf litter, made the firm ground bearable to lay on. Side by side, they munched on their apples; Roman rambling about all the places he wanted to visit, the people he imagined meeting and the eventual unit he and Virgil would construct. It seemed nothing was going to deter him; a fact the pleased and terrified Virgil all at once. He did his best to keep his mind focused on Roman, but he couldn’t stop his thoughts from straying down a negative path on occasion. As exhaustion took hold, he focused solely on the sound of Roman’s voice; not the words, just the sound, until his eyes slid shut and he was asleep. Roman paused mid-sentence as he heard a sigh from beside him and couldn’t help but smile at the peace on his friend’s face. Words failed to describe the pleasant feeling that sat on his chest as he shuffled closer until he could slip his hand into Virgil’s; instinct allowing their fingers to intertwine.
“I’ll always protect you,” Roman whispered, allowing his own eyes to slowly close. “I promise.”
 *click here to see art from this scene* 
 Perched on the stone wall, a crow stared down at the unlikely pair. It watched the frail one cry. It heard the taller one speak. It examined their reactions as a shirt was removed and continued to stare until the pair were asleep and content. The wind ruffled its black feathers; wings opening to use the draft to quickly take flight. After a final circling of the hidden pair, the crow took off towards the eastern side of the city; sunlight revealing deep green runes patterning its wings.
Swooping down, the crow nipped at some villagers’ hats before crashing through reeds that covered an already broken window. The man inside snatched a blade from his dressing table and thrust it towards the chair the crow had perched itself on; surprise quickly replaced by annoyance.
“What do you want?” He reached for a red cloak with white banding and the guards crest and began fastening it around his shoulders. “Haven’t you broken enough of my stuff already?”
The animal appeared to almost smile, tilting its head with a soft caw before flying over to the guards table and pecking at a stained wooden box.
“Piss off.” Slamming his blade down, the guard turned away and  began securing his belt around his waist. “Fly yourself home, I’ve got too many shifts to be wasting my magic on you.”
Not liking the guard’s tone, the crow flew over to the table and sat on their sword handle.
“Hey!” As the guard waved the bird off, it revealed the mess of droppings it had left on the hilt and table. “Fucking little shit!”
Cawing in delight, the crow avoided the guards waving hands until the man’s eyes glowed and a surge of air forced it to the ground. Strong hands pinned the bird’s wings to its sides as the guard collected it from the floor.
“Look who’s laughing now,” he beamed.
The moment of victory was short lived as the crow pecked his ungloved hands, causing blood to quickly well from the cuts its beak had caused. Letting the crow go, the man hissed and shook his hand before inspecting the long thin cuts.
“Fine, I’ll send you back.” Grabbing a cloth, he wrapped it around his hand and turned to the table; the crow quickly returning to peck at the wooden box again. “This is the last time though.”
Bowing its head, the crow cawed softly before looking back up as the man retrieved a complex rune on fresh parchment from the box. The paper looked frail and brittle; the material not suited to holding such a large amount of magic from the rune cast to it. Taking a small scroll from the box as well, the guard  secured it to the bird’s leg before it carefully hopped onto the runes centre.
“If I see your face again,” the man growled as he braced his hands on the papers edge, “I won’t hesitate to gut you.”
The crow let out a final caw before the guard activated the rune, causing the bird to vanish before the paper burst into a puff of smoke.
  Coughing and gasping, the guard slipped to the ground; spent from using the large quantity of magic in one burst. Though they appeared to not be beyond their twenties; in truth they were nearing their ninetieth birthday. Both a blessing and a curse of being a sorcerer, a youthful look that took longer to fade.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
The front door of the house shook with the force of the knocks from the other side.
“You ready yet, Damien?” Came a stern feminine voice from the other side. “The King is conducting assessments this evening and I’m not showing up solo.”
Damien carefully stood and dusted off his uniform. “Just a moment, Angelica.”
“Hurry up.”
 Damien looked in the mirror at his tired eyes; sunken and darkening from his sudden exhaustion. Regardless of how his body felt, his heart had a weight lifted. His debt was paid. His secret was safe. He would have at least a few more years in the city before needing to move into solitude as his body would inevitably shift rapidly to match his true age. The sorcerer ban had been tough for the man to endure, but he was one of few to accept it as a natural order of the kingdom. It meant he kept his life; be it a tough one pretending to have limited magic.
 Exiting his house, Damien walked with his partner through the city streets towards the castle. He wondered what information the crow had gathered this time and how the information would be used. After three years of being harassed by the creature, he still questioned what its masters end goal was. No action against the kingdom had been taken in three years, which seemed odd considering the amount of information he was sure the bird had recovered over that time.
“Did you take on an extra patrol or something?” Angelica questioned, slightly annoyed with Damien’s slowing pace.
“Not an official one,” he lied, pushing his legs to move faster and catch up to his partner.
“You better wake up by the time the King comes around. I can’t afford a pay cut because you got greedy.”
“Don’t worry. The assessment will be a piece of cake.”
The two guards continued in silence; both minds now focused on the assessment and how the King would choose to test them that afternoon.
 The sun was beginning to speed up its descent when Virgil stirred and slowly slid his eyes open, turning his head to see Roman sleeping next to him. It took a moment for him to realise they were holding hands and he resisted the urge to pull away in fear. It wasn’t that he didn’t have feelings for the Prince; it felt like he always had, but he knew it wasn’t an option. The King would never allow their relationship to be anything more than what it already was; he’d made that very clear to Virgil directly, and with the many young royals that were invited to visit the castle since Roman turned 16. It was almost comical to stand by and watch ladies, lords and non-binary royalty try and win his Prince over. Roman was an absolute flirt during all meals and planned outings, but the moment guards were out of earshot he set them straight. He had no interest in marriage for the sake of kingdom relations, and nothing was going to come from a three-day visit and the offer of an alliance or treasures. Honestly, a small part of Virgil relished every suitor Roman turned down; while the rest of him feared what King Rupert would do if the Prince continued to deny the advances of young royals.
 Hands still entwined, Virgil savoured the moment of tranquillity before rational thought returned and he attempted to pull away.
“Uh-ah,” Roman squeezed Virgil’s hand and smiled over at his friend, “don’t try and sneak away now.”
“I wasn’t sneaking away.” As he sat up, Virgil was pleasantly surprised to find his chest didn’t protest the movement at all.
“Then what were you planning?” Roman questioned, sitting up and refusing to release the others hand.
“I was only going to get some dirt to rub on your face. Would be a major improvement.”
Laughing, Roman stood up before carefully pulling Virgil onto his feet; hands never letting go. “Jealous of what you don’t have?”
“Thankful is more like it.”
Roman grasped at his chest like he had been struck by an arrow. “Oh, you wound me, Virgil.”
“Save the dramatics for your suitors, Princey.” Finally pulling his hand free, Virgil searched the area for his satchel. “We should get back and get ready for dinner. Where’s my bag?”
“You didn’t have one.”
Virgil scraped his hand down his face and groaned, “I must have left it at Haefen’s.”
“Why the long face?” Roman questioned, pulling his satchel over his shoulder and following Virgil towards the bushes that concealed them.
“Nothing. Let’s just go. I’m starving.”
Virgil held the bushes aside for Roman this time and they quickly hurried towards the physician’s quarters before they started to lose light.
A smile pulled at Alexandra’s cheeks as she spotted her two boys weaving through the garden from the window in her chambers. Chest slightly looser thanks to Clara’s meticulous work and consistent care throughout the past few weeks. Guilt pulled at her heart strings as she watched them disappear from view, and she tried to catch a glimpse from the other window.
“Is everything alright, your highness?” Clara stepped back into the room with a tray of  bowls and set them down onto a nearby table.
“Fine thank you, Clara.” Realising the boys were out of sight, the Queen moved to sit in the padded chair by the table. “I just saw Roman and Virgil in the garden, is all. I haven’t been able to see them in a while; especially Virgil. He looks like he’s grown.”
“Children do grow fast.” The maid commented, helping the Queen loosen her gown to expose her chest. “My Logan has certainly turned into a fine young physician and I swear they are different every time I have a chance to be with them.”
Alexandra nodded and sat patiently as Clara stuck a rune parchment to one side of her chest, which had a fine thread that ran from that parchment to a second rune submerged in a warm bowl of liquid. A similar set up occurred on her other side, only the stringed rune sat in an empty bowl.
“My heart just longs to be with them again, Clara.” Leaning back, Alexandra sighed deeply and tucked a loose brown curl behind her ear. “I know Rupert is more protective these days, but I’m beginning to feel like a prisoner in my own castle.”
 Clara kept her gaze down as she mixed herbs into a cup of warm water and passed it to the Queen. In truth, Rupert had given orders for no unnecessary visitors to the chambers and Clara was instructed to not give the Queen permission to leave unless she was certain of her health. With her family at risk, she had taken no chances in letting the Queen out; but looking at the sad woman before her, she couldn’t keep her locked up any longer.
 “Why don’t we see how this treatment goes,” Clara offered. “If you feel up to it, you can attend dinner with your family.”
The joy that shone in the woman’s eyes was worth the risk, as she accepted and thanked her maid repeatedly. As the runes started to glow with Clara’s soul magic, the Queen relaxed into her chair; runes pulling the warm solution from the bowl to clear building mucus from her lungs. By the time the procedure was over, the once empty bowl was full of a yellowing liquid; thankfully it was paler than Clara expected, and she was happy to note there seemed to be less than their previous treatment.
“Some positive signs here, your majesty.” Alexandra was quick to redress herself while Clara packed up. “Seems you are on the mend.”
“That is brilliant news,” she beamed, meeting Clara’s eyes with a request obvious in her own.
Sighing, Clara gave her a knowing nod. “I’ll inform the King and kitchen of your attendance to dinner. Rest for now and I’ll return to help you change.”
  As the room filled with the soft glow of sunset, Alexandra rested soundly on her bed. Clothes for the evening were laid out in preparation and Clara hurried home to prepare a wax for burning in the dining room to keep the air clear. The maze of inner halls were well worn by Clara and she reached home in record time, panting slightly as she hurried inside.
“What is it this-” Logan turned from their position at the mixing table, half expecting it to be Virgil bursting in again, only to be shocked by their mother’s breathless entrance. “Mother? Is everything alright?”
“I need a cleansing wax,” she moved forward and placed a greeting kiss on their cheek. “Do you have any made?”
Twisting their lips to the side, Logan glanced around their mass of cupboards and calculated current supplies in their head. “We have one full candle and enough supplies for  three more.”
“I should only require two for tonight, but if you have the time to spare, I would appreciate the extra being made.”
Nodding, Logan tidied their current project for the frost lilies and set about retrieving supplies for mixing the healing candles. It was rare their mother returned home so early in the evening; Logan often retiring to bed before her return. They relished in the moment to work together, even if it was rushed and mostly silent.
As their mother slowly stirred the liquid wax, strands of greying hair framing her face, Logan held out a mug of tea.
“I can finish it off, mother. Savour the opportunity to take a break.”
“You are a blessing, Logan.” She willingly took up the mug and stepped aside for Logan to take over; tired eyes filled with gratitude. “I’m sorry I haven’t been around much lately. The Queen has required constant attention.”
“No need to apologise for completing your duties,” they smiled and gestured towards a waiting chair. “Now, please, sit and rest while you can.”
 The ageing woman complied and sipped silently at her tea as she watched her child work, in awe of just how skilled they had become. A stumbling child they were no more, now a capable adult and a physician growing in skill. Pouring the wax into a prepared mould, Logan set the candle onto a cooling rune to quicken the setting process.
“It shall be ready in a few minutes, and you can return to the Queens side.”
“Thank you, my dear.” Standing, Clara pulled Logan into a tight hug; suddenly aware of her much shorter stature as she rested her head on their chest. “Words cannot express my love and adoration for you.”
“Your actions speak volumes, Mother. You needn’t worry.”
 Haefen opened the front door and was pleasantly surprised to see his family in an affectionate embrace.
“Well isn’t this a pleasant scene to return home to.”
Logan laughed and extended an arm. “Care to complete the picture?”
“Don’t mind if I do.” He chuckled and wrapped his own arms around his family, planting a gentle kiss atop his wife’s head.
 The love the physicians shared was without description. Each parent passing their strengths and wisdom onto their child and watching in awe as they grew beyond their own skill levels. Logan didn’t quite understand why, but they had a feeling moments such as this would be even harder to come by soon. It unsettled them greatly and made letting their parents go even harder; but Clara had a job to return to and they had more items to craft. Watching their mother collect the candles, Logan hated the feeling sitting heavily in their gut. They committed the farewell kiss and goodbye from their mother to memory; still unsure as to why they felt moments like this wouldn’t happen again.
End Note:
Oh, hello again. Nice to see you. Hope your day/night has been pleasant. I was going to add more to this chapter, but then I remembered I wasn’t going to make this a long one and quickly cut back. It was nice to give the boys a happy moment together; all be it only a brief moment.
So, I’m looking to get some more art done because the Remy and Patton one just turned out so well. I’m looking forward to working with an artist again to bring the commission to life (just had to fight the internet bank lords first before I said “hey, can you please bring this cute scene to life.”) 
As per usual, I won’t give an exact timeline on the next chapter. I’ve got Father’s Day this coming weekend (might get to see my fam) and then I may be preoccupied with work stuff (or I will procrastinate from work by writing more of this. Who really knows?).
Anyway, happy timezone friends 💜🐌
Next chapter 
What else has Snail done?
The Perfect Ring (oneshot -analogical proposal)
You Promised (oneshot - prinxiety angst/injury/near death)
Sides of a Hero (Completed Fic - sides are fusions of impulses and aspects of Thomas. Virgil has a depressing past that he is forced to face thanks to Deceit and Rage. Was canon compliant at the time of completion)
Libraries are for Meetings (ongoing WIP - Human/University au with Royality and developing Analogical. Slow burn and heavily focused on a grieving group of friends that Virgil slowly becomes a part of to better himself.)
Check out my other blog for random fandom reblogs and stuff @snail-giggles . Always happy to interact and chat on that blog too 💜🐌
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gaybirdwrites · 5 years
Gintaras/Adara Drabble 🍋
So, what was intended to be my Lucio apprentice is now a non-apprentice OC shipped with @thephoenixmagician‘s Adara. The first prompt I sent her wound up having sexy undertones, so I finished it off with smut.
This is probably the shortest smut I’ve ever written.
As the last hour of the day dwindles, the sunset blazes through Gintaras’s window. Evening light warms his back as he hovers above her, barely on his hands and knees. He presses matching scorching kisses down her neck, over her shoulder, and anywhere else he can touch. Adara squirms and sighs. “Gin,” she breathes, “please.”
He hums against her skin and looks up, the sound punctuated with a chuckle. “Trying again?” The glow of the room complements her, gives life to the cool tones in her hair and eyes. Gintaras wishes briefly that he could hold onto the moment, let her bathe in it.
“Shut up,” she laughs. “You’re making me overthink.”
His hand travels down between her legs, cupping her. “Really?” His middle finger begins to gently explore, probing her wetness. “Seems like you’ve been busy thinking about me.”
A moan cuts off into another laugh. She swats in his direction, smacking his shoulder. “Gin. I’m going to stop if you keep this up.”
“Okay, okay,” he relents, teasing her clit with barely a touch.
Then a hush falls over the room, quiet save for their breathing and his lips softly smacking. A subtle tension spans the space between their words. Adara’s lips purse for a moment, and she pulls her bottom lip between her teeth. “I want to try something,” she says finally.
Gintaras pauses, picking his head up to look at her as she stares half-lidded toward the ceiling. A pastel flush colors her cheeks. “Yeah?”
Adara begins to move, and Gintaras with her. He holds a hand out near her waist, watching her movements until he realizes they’ve traded places. He lies on his back. Her palms follow his sides with practiced ease. She knows his body now almost as well as her own, straddling his hips and sitting so his dick stands against the swell of her ass.
“This is a nice view,” he says low.
Her pastel flush deepens, grows vivid even beneath the orange glow. Her gaze drops toward nothing in particular and a small smile tugs at her lips. “I thought you might like it.” 
His hands find her hips and squeeze the softness there. Many times they’ve spent just like this, during hours just like this one. Yet only now does he seem to notice. Only now does he fully appreciate what and who he has.
Adara’s smile tugs wider. Her voice, even heady with desire, carries a playful note. “Seems like I underestimated the effect.”
“You might be right.” His thumbs trace her hip bones as his gaze burns a trail up and down her body. A soft sound rumbles in his throat. “I’m a very lucky man.”
She bites her lip, seeming to very nearly lose her nerve. Before she can, she picks up her hips and reaches beneath her, lining him up. Then she sinks, her voice reaching a reedy high note as he slides all the way in.
He swallows thick, mirroring her with a bite of his own lip. His grip around her hips tightens. He wants to control the pace, to show her how much he enjoys this, but keeps himself from moving. Greed he can save for another day.
Adara begins to rock her hips at a slow rhythm, planting her hands on his chest for support. Her eyes squeeze shut. Softly she pants, and Gintaras swears he catches words on her lips. Instead he lets his head fall back and plop against the pillow. He forces his grip open and trails up her sides. She lowers herself against him, her fingers combing through his short hair. His arms clasp around her, holding her close.
They stay like this for a time, enjoying the feel of each other and every little noise. Her hands ball into loose fists in his hair as she breathes, short and labored. “Please,” she murmurs, emboldened. “Please.”
At first, he answers with only a groan, twitching inside her. A small noise escapes her in response. He loosens his grip on her. “Want me to take over?” 
Before she can finish nodding, he rolls their weight until they’ve traded places again. Her hands drop to and grab his shoulders. Her head drops to the pillow, her glazed and milky pupils blown wide. With a small and breathless grin, Gintaras pulls his hips back until he’s nearly withdrawn. Then he pounds back in with a hard grunt.
Adara cries out. She curls herself around him. “Please,” she repeats, keening.
He sets a punishing pace. He forces a moan from her with every thrust, echoing with his own breathless groans. Soon she clenches hard around him, shuddering through her orgasm. Gintaras follows close behind, pulling out just in time to paint her stomach with his cum. He doesn’t even care when he collapses into it.
“Fuck, you’re so hot,” he pants beside her ear, his arms circling above her in a sort of embrace.
She chuckles, letting her fingers go limp against his shoulder blades. “You have a way of bringing it out.”
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bookishbethanyerin · 2 years
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• ARC Review: A Kingdom of Venom and Vows •
“It is you, princess, who will change our world.” 
It’s no secret I love a tough lady who can save herself or that I’ve loved Holly Renee’s extremely bingeable and oh-so spicy Stars and Shadows series – which is to say that A Kingdom of Venom and Vows, the final book in the trilogy, was right up my alley.
There’s high stakes, there’s tension, there’s rage, there’s vengence, there’s fury, there’s extremely satisfying retribution – but there’s also multiple POVs introduced here (some of which are very surprising!), as well as *so* much spice and moments so swoony that you will need to grasp onto something so that you don’t literally find yourself on the floor.
And yeah, the things that come out of Evren’s mouth will definitely still do a number on you.
Though I could’ve done with a denouement that was a little longer, there is an epilogue that wraps things up very nicely – while also promising that there just might be more to come in this world. (!!!!!!!!!)
I’ve enjoyed these fast-paced, impossible-to-put-down books so much, and loved every second spent with Adara and Evren. Though endings are always bittersweet, this one will also leave you smiling. (And swooning. So much swooning.)
⚔️An enormous thank you to Holly Renee and her team for the opportunity read and review an advance copy! AKOVAV is out now and available on KU✨
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11/11/11 Tag Game
not tagged by anyone but i saw this on my feed from @mousetache
1. Are you a character/world hoarder? (as in you have a character that won’t fit so you save it, as with a random world)
I usually come up with the basic plot first/make a plot around a character. The other characters usually pop into existence from there. (Though I have stolen a character’s name from a different WIP cause it fit someone else better.)
2. Besides the shower, where has been the strangest place you’ve gotten ideas?
Once, a song popped into my head for a musical my friend and I wanted to write and I hummed it into my voice memos in a hotel in Holland.
I’ve gotten some setting ideas from choir performances, because we sometimes perform in really fancy spaces and the second I get back to my phone I jot down all the description I can remember.  
3. Do you hoard reference books?
Not really? I hoard books in general and sometimes they happen to be about what I’m writing about. 
4. Are you an organized person, or a messy one and do you think it matters?
I’m messy when it comes to my room and stuff of that nature. However, I need very, very thorough outlines when it comes to writing. It definitely matters for me when it comes to writing. But irl I kind of find clutter charming?
5. Have your favorite books influenced your writing?
That’s a hard question! These aren’t all my favorite books anymore but they definitely introduced me to different aspects that I find very important. 
Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingells Wilder. My mom and I read this entire series multiple times when I was little and I’ve always loved that sort of warm, cozy family environment in those books.
They Both Die at the End from Adam Silvera really introduced urban fantasy to me (I had read some before but I hadn’t really recognized what it was). I really love what I call “low fantasy,” aka a magic system within our existing world and I think it’s extremely interesting to read and write. 
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz. I love the poetic language and the queer story. Definitely influenced my style as a writer. 
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. Be still my ever beating heart. My senior quote is literally “I have hated words and I have loved them, and I hope I’ve made them right.” Everything about that book -- the pacing, the depth, the emotion, it’s like a masterclass in good writing. 
Honorable mentions to The Giver, The Coldest Girl in Coldtown, Green Angel, and The Raven Cycle
6. What got you into writing?
My dad would make up stories for me when I was little and my mom would read to me and some point along the way, I started telling stories too. I still have some terribly-spelled stories I wrote in elementary school. 
7. Count your notebooks, how many, be honest
This question pains me. 
11 that I can find, at least 2-3 more that I cannot find. 
Of those 11:
The journal with a marble cover that says “make things happen” and a gold/brown ribbon is the one I’ve been writing in since the end of middle school. (Funny-not-so-funny story, I once left it at school during the weekend and I swear I didn’t breathe until it was back in my hands.) 
The purple-and-pink marble notebook with black floral patters on is my notebook from early middle school. It is cringey and it is full and I adore it.
I’m not counting my half-dozen reporters notebooks that I’ve accumulated from journalism conventions over the years. 
8. Do you have any weird hobbies that you gave to your oc?
My literal only hobbies at this point are writing and reading. I want to get back into jewelry making and sewing and I really want to learn how to bake bread or make preserves. (This is my long way of saying that no, I don’t have any weird hobbies that I can my OCs.) 
9. Which oc is most like you, which is most different?
Most like me: Seren. In writing my second draft, I realized how many times I shoved in pieces of myself when I didn’t know what to say about her. 
Most different from me: Probably Ms. Halley or Mrs. Adara? I created them specifically to be mother figures which is just something that I can’t really see myself as. (My mom and I have had multiple discussions about the fact that I don’t think I want kids.) 
10. What’s your favorite world you ever created? This isn’t a visit question, but which one has made you the most satisfied?
I’ve only ever really created one world, two if I’m being generous, three if I count the fairy world I created when I was nine. But I am really proud of the world Spellbind is set in -- affinities passed down through families, certain affinities are more respected than others.
11. Do you have any chapters that you’re excited to get to?
I always love editing the scenes where Seren and Lydia interact. In my second draft, I still need to add a couple scenes and of those, I’m most excited for the dream sequences because they’re really fun to write. 
I think I’m supposed to make questions but I really like these ones. I’m tagging @saintsophia, @radley-writes, @gingerly-writing, and @noxstories, but if you’re interested, please respond!!! 
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thebluekingdomstory · 5 years
Adara’s story, part eight
My stomach was in knots as I waited in the living room for Master Hawkwood. This was it, I was going to tell him everything. I paced back and forth, fiddling with the bracelet on my wrist. It had been a week since that day on the bench. I had barely slept since, trying to work up the courage to confront Master Hawkwood. This was the third time I had paced around the living room waiting for him. The other two times I had ran upstairs the second I heard him at the door. But not this time. I could do this. I could do this for Jes. I could do this for me. My ears pricked as I finally heard him at the door. I stopped in my tracks as the door creaked open and my master stepped inside.
“Master” I took a deep breath before continuing, “I have something I want to discuss with you.”
“Unless this is about how you’ve completed your mission, I don’t have time for it right now” he replied with exasperation.
“I just don’t understand why he’s wanted dead, he’s nothing like my usual targets, he’s an innocent”
“That isn’t for you to worry about my dear, you have your assignment, now complete it”
“No!” I blurted out before I could stop myself. My hands flew to my mouth and my blood ran cold. Master Hawkwood approached me slowly. He loomed over me, his eyes like ice. His voice was terrifyingly calm when he finally spoke.
“You will complete your mission Adara. I did not waste 8 years training you to fail. This conversation is over.”
I was still trembling long after he disappeared upstairs. What have I gotten myself into? All I knew was that I couldn’t stay here a second longer.
Unsurprisingly I ended up at the café. Jes was just cleaning up when I entered. When I saw him all my worries melted away. He put down his broom and walked over to me.
“Sorry miss, we’re just closing up” he teased as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
“Is that so? I guess I’ll have to come back another time” I reached up to put my arms on his shoulders.
“I guess I could make an exception, just this once” he said as he lifted me onto the counter.
“I appreciate that very much” I purred. When our lips met, I could feel him laughing against my mouth. I kissed him deeply as he held me close. I slide my hand under his shirt and parted my lips, letting him explore my mouth with his tongue. I pulled away for a moment to ask,
“Can we go to your room?” He nodded as he lifted me up again and carried me upstairs. In his room, he placed me gently on his bed. I pulled off his shirt before kissing him again. I let him remove my shirt and pulled him down onto the bed with me. We broke apart for a moment, breathing heavily.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked. I looked up at him from my position between his arms and smiled.
“I’m sure”
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coffeebrew · 5 years
Gilded Cages and Regret (Original Work)
Crossposted on AO3:
Adara is getting ready for the big day, but Meira still can't aceppt that this is the last time she'll see her sister.
Part 1 of Banishment of Adara
“Don’t be afraid, Adara.”
“I’m not.” her better half said, smiling prudly. “They should be afraid of me.”
It’s unusual a female elf to exert herself on the sixth month. Their families don’t let them complete even the smallest of tasks, worrying only about the pregnancy. Adara couldn’t afford that though, quickly picking up the pace while shoving more clothes in her bag. Meira looked at her from the bed. The bracelet with their family crest was heavy on her wrist.
“You could be wrong.”
“I’m never wrong.” and Meira knew that she was right indeed. Adara’s predictions were always right. She could see droughts and storms, hard to solve crimes, and even her future lovers. She wouldn’t be wrong now.
But she hoped she would.
“Our parents can still change their mind though.”
Adara laughed and shoved another dress into her bag.
“They only care about their reputation. Even if they forgot, they would never forgive me for laying with a human.”
“Maybe they would, if you didn’t have a child.”
Adara stopped picking up her clothes and looked at her sister, the fire on the candlesticks trembling with intesity. The younger sister held her breath.
“Don’t you dare talk like that about your niece.”
Meira nodded, looking away from her. She heard steps nearing her and felt the bed bounce when her sister sat by her side.
“So? Did you change your mind about my invitation?”
Meira bit her lips, a chill running down her spine.
“I don’t wish to lie to you, my Adara. Not to you.” Meira felt when the warm hand of her sister touching her face, tipping it gently so they could look at each other. The tip of her fingers caressed her cheek, going down and down until her thumb could caress her bitten lips.
“Then don’t.” That night they slept side by side, like they did when they were kids. This time they weren’t alone tho, the halfbreed growing inside her sister. A halfbreed só important that convinced Adara to give up on everything so she could protect it. Meira looked at her sleeping sister, her almost identical reflection. They were still near perfect pictures of each other, even with her twins pregnancy.
The next day her sister would be finally banished, not being able to hide her pregnancy anymore. Meira wouldn’t be able to say goodbye, locked in her own gilded cage. But she would look, imponent, as she held the only proof that her sister ever existed.
Tomorrow Meira would be consumed by sadness and regret, but today she would pretend that everything was fine. Today, she would close her eyes and let her enjoy, for the last time, the fulfillment of her soul.
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I'm worried about zinzolin...
Zinzolin was biting his glove as he paced. Ghetsis should have been back by now. He was only delivering flowers. However, he couldn’t just get up and go. He had to watch the prince and princesses.
At Adara’s words, he tensed and grabbed her shoulders. “What do you know!?”
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