#adhd + beholding could be cool actually
fuckthisshitimin · 2 years
I wonder if Archivists can compel themselves.
Because, we've seen that Archivist powers can make people remember more clearly, and say truths they wished to hide... And sometimes you lie to yourself without wanting to. Sometimes you don't know what you know. So could an Archivist stare into the mirror and ask themself what they truly want? Could they compel themself, jaws clenched, What did I come into this room for?
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sanctus-ingenium · 1 year
answering asks vol 2.
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'Smiths' can encompass enginesmiths (mercury), armoursmiths (mars), alchemists (saturn) and some others - generally a smith is someone who works with engines or metal in any capacity, whether by constructing them, managing their fuel, making armour, etc. all of them have a completely degendered role in the church. They are supposed to be wholly devoted to their craft & church, to the point of becoming almost unpeople, sexless.
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I like pantera :) he's the main character beast sure (alongside leun) but he's got a lot of interesting history and has been through a lot.
To start out I do some basic sketches while looking at bestiary diagrams of the animal type. Then I draw the base proportions over a photo of the animal's skeleton. Once the joints are all in place and I could imagine it moving relatively freely, I pick a motif and design the armour shapes with that in mind (i.e leun's trefoils, taurus's waves). The motifs come from a bunch of sources - if I see them in medieval art around that animal, the beast's use purpose, the culture that built them and how it might differ in art styles to the 'basic' designs from the heart of the Mezian theocracy. Fun stuff like that.
As an exercise I have taken (human) characters from other settings and made holy beast versions of them, trying to imagine what animal it would be, what weapons, what armour designs, etc. Behold, Bowman:
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It's a fun exercise! I recommend :>
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Hi! Thank you for the suggestion! I actually did try to use OneNote for my thesis but I found that it ended up an extra step that got in the way. Instead I organised my reference papers manually (and wrote up all my bibliography by hand as well). I haven't heard of Notion so I might look into it :> as someone with adhd I find that the best way for me is to make it stupid easy, which is why discord works because I already use it for talking with friends and I like the mobile app.
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SO true!! You can make whatever the hell you want forever and that sounds really cool, I'm glad I was able to help in some little way >:) (although, holy beasts are not robots.. i think the best description for them is just. exotic vehicles.)
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lmao it's totally fine!! I love to talk
Sir Heaven had such a profoundly negative experience with Leun that he struggles with the concept of making anybody else do what he now considers to be his burden. He also feels that taking any new people inside Leun would endanger them.
The bishop of Salvius cathedral is the guy Heaven answers to, and his superior officer. The bishop has reported the matter to the pope and they're still working hard presenting new potential novices to Sir Heaven, but the thing is that Sir Heaven rejects them for seemingly valid reasons. He doesn't just say 'no I'm not taking apprentices', he says 'this one's reaction speed isn't good enough' or 'this one is too prideful'. But the longer he tries to keep this up, the more suspicion he heaps on his shoulders. If the time came, no, he would not be able to deny a direct order from the pope.
Ketjan was selected at random, one of a large group of other children who were not raised in the church. This is to ensure that there is no per-existing bias or knowledge of how holy beasts work. And he just happened to be the only one of the group who could master Leun's very demanding dialogue tattoo. The recruiting enginesmiths, who designed Leun's systems, were the ones to train him, but Ketjan was the one to write most of the procedures for operating Leun based on feedback from the dialogue.
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@ospreyonthemoon @kicks-tiktaalik-back-into-water
Krokodilos had an amazing high-tech ventilation system that used active air pumps to keep it circulating. But exactly like the second reply says, it broke down frequently. And because of how it worked, the interior of croc had to be air-tight so that the pumps could work efficiently. And, of course, if it broke down, and it was air tight on the inside, it instantly became a more dangerous deathtrap than your average passively ventilated beast.
There were valves that could be opened in an emergency but these were only added after the first Incident. The pumps would break down from the fabric seals degrading, lose efficacy, and then the parts furthest from the pumps would suddenly not get enough air anymore because air couldn't be moved such a distance with faulty pumps. The reason his enginesmiths want him to be re-commissioned is because the only barrier was the material used for the seals, and they believe they can innovate some new materials or try something different and have it work. They were even thinking of trying natural rubber, which would have worked perfectly, but they never got approval for it.
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seannessy · 3 months
*sigh* oh to live in a world where american car manufacturers remembered that you could put more than 1 color on things...
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oh to live in a world where american car manufacturers remembered that eggshell white looks good actually...
oh to live in a world where american car manufacturers are not going senile and forgetting all of the reasons why cars looked cool to begin with...
the post was originally going to end here but i just took my ADHD meds and i need you all to know that i live in a city where we have a yearly event to celebrate old cars that actually looked really good and everyone in this city fucking LOVES cool old cars and every now and again you can just see someone driving around the beachside roads on a vehicle straight out of a Guardians of the Galaxy flashback. cars used to look GOOD. this isn't a generational style thing, look at these.
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even if this kind of car isn't your style i get that, but you can surely see that there is at least a vision here, there was a passion in the people who made them back then, cars weren't just churned out willy nilly to make the line go up.
well okay yeah they definitely were but there was still some art there. now i need to ask you. look at modern cars for a second and just let the mundane-ness of it all sit in for a while
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ohhhh yeah can you feel it? have you soaked it in yet? all of those sanded down soulless smooth edges? all of those monocolor coats of paint? the fact that the only thing you can really tell is substantially different is the kind of wheel each car has if even that?
now i need to ask you, in 80 years do you think there are going to be any events to commemorate these kinds of cars? do you think anyone is going to take time out of their retirement to appreciate these wonders of modern technology enough to create a whole ass city-wide convention to show appreciation for any component of these cars except maybe some of the internal mechanics and engines???
now admittedly selection bias is a thing here, its not like these cars being celebrated in my city are the average car, those are Woodies, which are a very specific artistic style of car. so maybe we need to look at the average car from back then. lets see, the Woody style was started around the 30s, so what does the average car look like around the 30s?
well a quick little research says that the biggest automotive manufacturer around then was General Motors (or at least a very big one), and a quick little Wikipedia stroll shows their platforms from back then. Behold! i show you cars from back when people cared about design!
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Oldsmobile Series 60
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1930 GM Marquette
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1940 Pontiac 'Deluxe' 6
I know that last one says Deluxe, but keep in mind that beauty only went for ~17k in 2023 dollars! So much cheaper than the Ford F-150! And you get more seats too! Sure the paint is probably leaded and so is the gas and so are the lights and so is the steering wheel probably and to be honest I wouldn't be surprised if somehow the rubber was too, but god dammit it just looks good doesn't it? Don't they all? 2 of these 3 random samples I just learned about still have the monocolor stuff that I was complaining about but don't they just look better? It's not like this is a lost art, we can still build this today if we wanted, we could just put the modern engines and batteries and non-lead metals in it! That's what the people who drive restored versions of these cars do! Imagine how much easier it would be if you just built them that way and didn't need to take all of the lead and old broken down engines out in the first place!
"Ohhhhh but the aerodynamics!! What about the aerodynamics!! Modern cars are so much faster now because of their ugly shapes!!"
yeah dumbass and that's why you keep mulching kids whenever you tap the accelerator. my city has plenty of people who drive modern cars, you all could do with a lower speed capacity. it would be good for you in the same way that confiscating an addict's tobacco would be good for them. fucking chill.
besides if you're really worried about speed trust me, modern engines are wonders of science and engineering, i promise you that cars can still go zoom if we made the aerodynamics slightly worse in order to make them look better because the magic piston box that you pretend to know how it works while being carried by your 4-wheel drive will cover the cost. trust me.
"But cars in general are bad! We should be getting rid of all of them! Even cool looking cars can mulch kids too!"
yeah yeah sure, still ban them from city centers and stuff. i just got back from a 2 week long trip around all the best parts of europe and also paris so i agree with you there, but as much as it would warm my autistic heart we realistically cant have trains to take us everywhere and the genie is already out of the bottle. besides i dont care what you think cars are just cool. i can turn a wheel and push on a pedal with my foot and make a 2 ton hunk of steel and gadgets move at a speed to carry force surpassing that of a bullet, and if i turn really fast i can make tire doodles on public infrastructure to keep the rent low. plus road trips with friends are fun. look all im saying is that cars definitely aren't going anywhere, so we could at least have them look cool while they're here. to be honest i definitely agree that we should be phasing out cars as much as we can for long distance travel (TRAIN SWEEP WOOOOO CHOO CHOO) and everything but come on dude i dont want to look at my ugly ass streets and see them swarming with ugly ass cars. i want pretty ass cars. please? pretty please? my birthday is coming up soon wont you do it for me?
"Lower aerodynamics means that the fuel economy will be worse! People will need to use more fuel for the same distances! That's bad for my wallet and also the environment!"
putting aside the fact that aerodynamics really only become a major factor when you are going really really fast like on the freeway--a place where ideally you would rarely ever need to go on in favor of public transport taking you everywhere you'd want to go to at a price cheaper than your gas in the first place, i want to ask you something a little emotional here:
do you think that you would be better off if you saved maybe 1 or 2 dollars every trip to the gas station, or if when you were stuck driving all those long drives you were in a car that you could actually smile when thinking about, that you could watch other people look over and see children excitedly getting their parent's attention to show off the cool car driving past them, that you could have a car that looks good enough to actually wow people when you pull in for your 9-5 that is a 2 hour drive away from you for some reason, that after a long shift and a long drive you could come home, get out of your car, and have the first thing you see when you close the door be something that actually looks pretty instead of the same personalityless blob that everyone else drives? look, i get it, maybe your finances are super unstable and every penny counts, maybe this specific example isn't for you, but im willing to bet that once you get to a better off position you'd be pretty fine with the idea of sacrificing a few bucks for a whole load of warm and fuzzy feelings of pride and satisfaction. i sure as hell would. why the hell do we do this whole capitalism thing in the first place if we can't spend the money eventually to feel nice??
oh yeah also for the environment bit most of the impact against the environment isn't cars at all, it's energy production and other stuff, also most cars are switching to environmentally friendly alternatives now anyway sorryyyyyyyyy
look all i want is for when my time comes to get mulched against a bumper like nearly 1.2 thousand american children each year i dont want it to look like the edmunds.com best rated cars by price section
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oh, yeah, also, if you willingly take off the sound muffler from your car or motorcycle your car should be confiscated by the government and you should be put in the jail for disturbing the peace. not because you did anything wrong, but purely for your own protection because i prefer small government solutions and neither me personally nor my local community do not have the infrastructure to solve the problems that you create in a way that would be favorable to you.
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magnoliamyrrh · 1 year
i find the whole conversation around self-dxing to be interesting too because while self-dxing can indeed be dangerous and bad, on the other hand i am also quite anti-psychiatry, if youve got something youve obviously got it without a diagnosis, and getting a diagnosis can be hard af
like idk i think way too many ppl push this "go get therapy go get professional help and evaluation!!!" thing all the time. as if many therapists and psychs arent stupid af, as if they cant be wrong, as if they cant further traumatize someone, as if they can't be smart and kind ppl but Still get things wrong. and as if the entire psych system for the most part isnt fucked in manyyy ways...... like... yea, if you can and find a good one go i guess depending on circumstance... but you better take everything they say with a grain of salt too, wtf
.... yes teenagers and in general young ppl self diagnoing themselves with 2000 things is harmful. they may be doing it either for attention, because its cool and trendy, bc theyve actually got histrionic or mauchausens, bc theyre pathologizing normal human reactions, or bc theyve not done enough actual research and went off of articles which explain things in such a way that frankly most humans would relate. or they may confuse disorders among each other, or they may not be pragmatic enough abt it. yes this is a huge issue. weve got 20000 teenagers and young adults and even some adults running around saying theyve got turrets or did or autism or bpd or ocd or whatever the hell is trendy. psych wards for symptoms and conditions (which are themselves often imperfect) have been watered down to an extreme and are thrown around. therapy talk is being used to make excuses for behavior which should not be excused
...... at the same time. yea self diagnosis isnt inherently harmful all the time. the ppl who say otherwise and are 2000% certain only docs can tell u shit arent skeptical enough of docs. with some things its obvious. i didnt need any doctor to tell me i had anorexia nervosa or bulimia lmaoooo that shit was obvious and clear as day. i didnt need to be told i had bpd, i caught on at a young age i had it, and bc i neither could go to therapy nor wanted to, i spend years understanding that disorder on every which side and way and recovering from it myself. it saved my life. i dont even wanna know how bad things would have been if i didnt accept i had that and understood it - and yea, i didnt need no doctor to tell me to know. and low and behold, docs agree i used to have bpd, still hsve some symptoms, but have mostly recovered from it. funnily enough i caught onto having some sort of osdd/did years ago, than denied it completely to myself for years, than i couldnt ignore it and deny it anymore. ended up getting a diagnosis for that too. :/ i figured i had adhd for years on end but docs either thought it was something else or i wouldn't bring it up much. low and behold i have a diagnosis and the high doses of adhd meds i can handle without feeling st all "drugged out" are proof that i do actually have adhd
if anything lmaoo i have personal experience with having a crazy psych. a woman who mistook cptsd&osdd/did for bipolar disorder, gave me drugs literally illegally which ate at my body and told me not to tell anyone, and also yelled at me that i was crazy. had a therapist who thinks being molested makes ppl homosexual and that step-parent sexual attraction is normal on some level.....;;;; like;;;;;;..... yea. the psychs and therapists arent some sort of final say people. they can be crazy and they can be wrong
and the idea that Inherently someone with bpd, or did/osdd or whatever else Cant Know of their disorder before being told (tho the latter was actually suggested to me many yrs ago by someone) is just. wrong and harmful frankly. yea in some cases pls dont know, or theyre in extreme denial (like with anorexia). but not with all. not with all. 👀 my psychs found it surprising how self aware i was, impressive, but they did not think this was some sort of disqualification
idk. yea. like. theres definetely issues around self-dex especially in the hell were living today but acting like its Always Inherently Bad and Will Never Help and docs are some sort of authority who are the only ones with some say... ,,,, yeaaaa. no. that's also dangerous
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fragileizywriting · 1 year
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"Oh, you're a straight dumbass," she cackles, holding her sides, squeezing so she doesn't laugh any harder. "Hold on, hold— hold on, I've got to get a picture."
"Fuck off," he moans.
"And miss out on sending something to Anarka? No way."
"Don't send this to my mom."
"She'll make it into this year's Christmas postcard," she muses. "Hold still for me?"
The flash is on, because Marinette has no sense of subtlety, snapping away what feels like quite literally a dozen or so photos of him wearing the neck brace. He doesn't bother stopping her as she flits around the little waiting room like a moth, taking videos, taking photos, putting AR filters on him to make it look like he has little bunny ears. Blearly, he makes the thought that Alix will get a kick out of that one, but any thought that follows it too hard for his already stuffy, cotton brain to think past. Not only has he hurt his neck, but his pride and ego ("What ego?" he can hear Marinette say as she cackles harder). This isn't worth picking a fight with.
"Kitty, you're giving me vertigo with how fast you're moving," he mumbles.
"Fine, I'll sit down. I've had my fun," she says, crossing her legs at her chair with a bright laugh. She's typing faster than anything he's ever seen, no doubt sending all of these photos to as many people as possible. How she has reception, he has no idea, but he'll just live with it for now. "I can't believe you fell for it."
It seemed "reachable" in theory. First mistake is trusting anything she says, though.
Marinette, with the powers of the cat Miraculous, has a few upsides: she's flexible, practically a contortionist, folding herself into the weirdest most uncomfortable pretzels he's ever seen. With the snake Miraculous, he's just as flexible, though he hadn't tested the limits of how far his pretzelness went until today.
Because of Marinette.
Marinette: did you know that at this point you could probably suck your own dick? Luka: What? Marinette: yeah. i mean, we're flexible enough. i can lick my own thigh. i think your dick would be easier to reach than your own thigh, though. Luka: Kitty, it's too early for this. Marinette: don't lie to me, i know you're stripping right now and you're going to try it Luka: Go away. I'll tell you how it goes, I guess?
Like an idiot, he'd tried.
Oh, how he failed.
Marinette had come with him to the doctor's, slapping an untruthful yet very convincing "I'm his girlfriend!" when the nurse had mentioned that friends weren't allowed in; he'd grimaced, more of the pain in his neck that flared with every movement he made below the shoulders than anything else, but she didn't give up.
"And 'send'," she exclaims to herself, looking him over. "What a sight to behold!"
"You're a sadist."
"Sure am, Vai. This is just precious."
"You're the worst."
"Nawh. Well, yeah. Maybe."
"You owe me."
She barely blinks, leaning her chin into her palm she has propped up using the hand rests of the plastic, grey chair. "What's your neck worth to you?"
"A date," he punches out, completely out of thin air. The two of them freeze, unsure if that's what he meant— it's hard, he has a habit of blurting things out, and so does she because of the ADHD, and they're at a standstill.
"Wait," she says, mouth pulled into a weird line.
"You announced to everyone in the reception area that you're my girlfriend, and you know I hate liars."
"Go on a date with me."
"My neck is worth a single date with you."
"No take-backs," he starts, but the rest of the sentence fizzles out of him when he sees her face. Heated, practically as red as Mister Bug's suit, her freckles all but disappear. A quiet Marinette is a dangerous one.
"Okay," she wheezes.
"Okay," he parrots, doing his best not to nod. "Awesome. Cool. Uh. I didn't actually think you'd say yes, but—"
"I didn't imagine you'd ask me out here."
"Well. Today's just full of surprises," he puts lightly.
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Random Facts About Sunny
Bayverse!Michelangelo x reader
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All Children Luis
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A/N: It is time for the first ray of sunshine! Sunny baby!☀️🧡
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Warnings: None🧡
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The meaning behind Sunny’s name is straight to the point. You and Mikey decided to name your daughter, and later on your son, names that reminded you of the sun. Warm, light, shining and bright, just like you wished your family to be.
Sunny was just like her name described - warm and happy like the shining sun, with a playful energy that only could be matched by her father and little brother. You had once found all three of them rolling around on the carpet with Sunny in lead. Apparently they were now so-called rolling turtles, and this was the only way they could get around.
Does Sunny have ADHD like her father? Uhm, yeah! Your daughter has been walking into rooms only to forget what she was doing, she keeps talking about things that have nothing to do with the conversation, she cannot sit still, and for everything in her, she cannot get a task done, unless someone is there to body double her. And does she forget to eat, drink, or that there is a world outside her bedroom, whenever she enters hyperfocus? YES!
You and Mikey finally had Donnie check her out, and lo and behold - her dopamine was lacking, but her creativity was packing.
It may come as no surprise that Sunny is the worst at cleaning. And well, so his her brother… and father. Therefore you have introduced what you call “family cleaning” where you all clean at once, usually in the same room, before going onto the next together. It actually worked wonders.
Since Sunny and Marcello are around the same age, the two 15 year olds were given their weapons at the same time. Splinter gifted Sunny a kusarigama, which quickly became one of her favorite items. Although she would mainly use it to swing herself around, more than a weapon.
Sunny’s happy and laid back attitude to life was something that her younger cousins looked up to, especially Dorothy and Marie. Ever since Sunny was 7 and the twins were 3, the twins had followed their cousin around, wanting to learn from her. Their cool and nice older cousin. Sunny didn’t think too much about it. She just had fun. And if her cousins wanted to play with her, she welcomed that with open arms, bright smiles and loud laughs.
Just like we see with many older siblings, Sunny is somewhat protective of her little brother. She and Luis had an amazing friendship going, in which they rarely fought, but would instead sit down and figure out a solution together. There was just something about watching two toddlers agreeing about sharing a toy, without any parents interfering, that could make a heart melt. Your sweet little angels.
If there is one thing Sunny loves, other than enjoying life and having fun, it was spending time with her grandparents. Crawling around on the floor with grandpa Splinter in a new version of hide and seek, or going with her human grandparents to the countryside, where she could see and feel nature without the dangers that came with being a half mutant turtle, half turtle. Your parents would always send you pictures of those trips, letting you and Mikey know how much fun she was having.
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fryingpan1234567 · 2 years
this is very random and oddly specific but I want to talk about Hogwarts students who don’t really like their house colors, or worse, their favorite color is the rival’s
(I could talk about more but I want to focus on one particular imagine for now)
so there’s this Slytherin, right? she hears the hat’s song, gets it all in her head, and thinks she’s probably going to be a Slytherin or Ravenclaw.
but she doesn’t know which colors go to which house (she’s hoping she gets her favorite, because there is a group of students wearing it in the room and she wants to join them just for that reason)
lo and behold, the hat barely touches her before deeming her a Slytherin. but then it’s not the table she wants cheering, rather the other side of the room, and she has to admit she’s a little disappointed.
she asks some of the upperclassmen if they’re allowed to wear other colors. they say it’s fine if they’re at a Quidditch match they’re not competing in, but house spirit is very important, who did she have in mind?
she shrugs and says “the red ones?”
they veto the idea immediately.
so, okay, fine, it’s not that big of a deal, it’s just her favorite color. she doesn’t exactly love green, but it’s not the worst thing. she’d be the most upset if she was constantly staring yellow in the face all day.
well, there comes a day where an equally dumbass Gryffindor goes and falls in love with her- all because of a stupid prank. we won’t specify what it is, but it backfired spectacularly, and he happened to be there to save her ass.
he’s pretty much your average Gryff. shiny, ADHD, kind of an idiot, Quidditch player. but there’s something special about this one.
he’s American.
also, his parents happen to be rich.
they supply a sports fund to the school, and their first suggestion was letterman jackets for the Quidditch players!
which is a cool concept, right? well enemies to lovers speedrun, his dumbass personality gets the dark-humored prodigy girl, and they start dating (much to their houses’ dismay)
well, at some point she steals his letterman jacket, and just… never gave it back. she figured she’d be wearing it for a while.
only, there’s a nasty breakup. uh oh. now she’s got his shit all over her room and she’s never talking to him again, so she’s got two options.
burn it all.
or make it all her own to rub it in his face every chance she gets.
because she’s a badass and a true Slytherin, she chooses the latter.
after all, red is her favorite color. this time, her housemates don’t stop her.
it takes a few days, but eventually Gryff does notice her. after that, she’s kind of hard to miss.
to her credit, she started out small. it was just red Converse he’d happened to leave in her room after sneaking in and out, but she’d hydrodipped them green and silver. red still peeked through, but it wasn’t noticeable unless you were looking for it.
and there was a shirt he’d brought from America- it wasn't Hogwarts related, but it was mostly white with a little bit of red. at least, it was until she took a green marker to it and drew snakes coiling over it. she wore it on weekends, when they weren’t required to be in uniform.
but then… that letterman. it was messy because it was the first thing she’d ‘edited’, when she was still blurry-eyed and full of rage and hurt, but she actually liked the finished product.
at some point, it had looked like all the others- red body with white stripes on the bottom, same with the sleeve cuffs, and the sleeves were white. there was a G on each shoulder and the house insignia on the back, along with his last name in big letters.
well, she’d scribbled out the name and painted “IS A CHEATER” underneath in furious green paint. she drew a snake strangling the lion to death and winding around the shield border. the shoulders had S’s that turned into snakes winding all the way down the sleeves. all the paint dripped messily downwards, but it was a cool look.
so maybe the Slytherins gave her a standing ovation the first time she’d walked out in it. it didn’t matter that it was mostly red (and maybe looked a bit Christmas-y, but it’s fine), because it was Slytherin and definitely hers.
poor Gryff. he spit-taked his butterbeer all over himself and his new girlfriend, who was wearing the replacement his parents had gotten him after he THOUGHT he’d lost the original (clearly, he hadn’t). funny enough, that ruined his new one! also his new relationship. that must really suck, Gryff. it’s not like you’re a massive dick or anything.
well, for the rest of her school life, that badass Slytherin girl wore red. for the most part, it wasn’t specifically his, but there was a good number of defaced Gryffindor merch in there. it’s funny because no one else could pull that off. the teachers were all too scared to mention anything (plus they didn’t want to get involved with student drama)
was this a really long trailer for a Wizarding world story I have in the works? perhaps👀👀
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Hey I love your...everything about dick Grayson. I have a terrible memory but I remember someone saying they think dick Grayson has ADHD and I think it was you? If it was can you talk about it a little more? Like, give some examples of traits? I love that headcanon but as someone not that knowledgeable of this stuff I wanted to get someone else's pov on the topic
agh thank you!! and yea, that was me, in this post. that was just me rambling a bit and me jotting stuff down, but i did say if you wanted more i’d be happy to give more. and so, in headcanon format, here is more.
One of Dick Grayson’s defining traits is that he could not sit still. Everybody had noticed it, everybody had commented on it, and everyone pretended to find it annoying while also knowing that his constant fidgeting, bouncing, leaping, talking, and laughing was a comfort. The buzz of energy surrounding him was a constant, and prompted many many people to offhandedly remark to Bruce, “He’s probably got ADHD.” Green Arrow, when Robin was talking Flash’s ear off when he first met the Justice League. A socialite in a dress with a borderline-obscene neckline when Dick came up to him for the eighth time that night, drawing his attention to something new. Even Harley Quinn, as he jumped around her in circles after they’d tied her up to a pole in a warehouse while Bruce copied the data, although she said it with a fond little grin and a bit more, well, educated style.
And if he was being honest? Bruce agreed with all of them. Just, in a different way. 
Dick’s hyperfixiations were a sight to behold. He’d find something interesting to label as his New favourite thing ever, Bruce!!, absorb everything there was to know about the topic, then move on to something new in a month. Which had always been the problem. Bruce couldn’t begin to count the nights he had to coerce Dick into coming downstairs, leaving his rare igneous rock collection or his college-level textbook about nerve paralysis or his new batch of poisonous flowers, and eating something, or going to bed. There was a reason Dick was underweight for most of his life, and still was as an adult.
It was in his “all or nothing” attitude, the way he threw his entire self into the job, or whatever needed to be done. But if he decided something wasn’t worth it, or that he was done, he dropped it entirely, with no lost love. His impulse control was bad, but that was something Bruce could help him with, train him to keep a level head or make the right choice. Though, making choices was another thing to tackle altogether. Choice paralysis was the best way to describe it. If Dick didn’t absolutely make up his mind about something, then he was split, caught between two different choices, and he couldn’t say no to either. 
Jason may have rage coursing through his blood, but his anger was solid, dependable, reliable. Dick’s mood swings, however, were monsters that Bruce had been trying to understand since Dick was a child, his kindness and understanding changing to harsh words and accusatory looks so fast it gave Bruce whiplash. Jason seemed to be one of the few who could wade his way through them, never trying to change him or stop him, just trying to understand him.
Tim’s internal clock may be blown and shot to hell, but it was out of willpower, determination. He had work to do, and he would power through his tiredness until it was done. (And then he’d grab an oversized superboy t-shirt and crash for a couple days on end.) Dick, on the other hand, could not sleep. Lying in a bed made him restless, but sitting in the kitchen hunched over a mug of chamomile tea made gave him a headache. Dick had once told him, in the hours where it was too early to be morning but too late to be night, that he just wanted his brain to stop for once, to just shut off. Bruce didn’t have an answer. Tim, apparently, had an answer, because he would sit up with Dick in that kitchen, turning the lights down low, and talking with him about this cool new spot he found for his photography, or some changes he’s thinking of making to his suit. Tim’s quiet rambling seemed to ease the headache, at least.
Cass and Dick may not have many things in common, at first glance. They never bonded the way they did to other members of the family, the way Cass and Steph learned to laugh together or the way Dick and Jason finally reached an understanding, and were able to just spend time together. Bruce actually thought Cass would get along with Damian, given their shared assassin history. But Damian just looked at him strange, and said “I’m not the one who was raised as a human weapon.” And that...that was true. Cass may have been isolated and alone, and Dick might have been raised with love and affection, but Bruce couldn’t deny that the two of them had been raised, as Damian put it, human weapons. And despite Dick’s ease and grace and innate flexibility, Bruce knew that Dick itched at his skin, sometimes felt uncomfortable and not in control in his own body. But then he saw Dick with Cass one day, stretching and going over some basic yoga poses, the silence between them thick with something heavy and grateful. Bruce memorized the content and peaceful look on his children’s faces, then left as quietly as he’d entered. 
Bruce was no stranger to Stephanie’s self esteem issues, overhearing her in front of the mirror many a time, clothed in the Robin costume and telling herself, in between gritted teeth, “I deserve to be here. I’m good enough. I’ve got this.” As for Dick, his self esteem issues were a tad different. His constant need to make people like him, his jokes and quips that were aimed to make people think he was funny, think he was worth it, his absolute terror of rejection, the way he broke off relationships and had trouble maintaining the ones he did have under the philosophy of leaving before they rejected him for real. A whisper in the back of Bruce’s mind whispered Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, though neither of them were fond of labels. But it wasn’t hard to miss the easy stream of compliments flowing back and forth between Dick and Steph, usually good natured teasing, but no less sincere. It helped them more than they realized.
People may say Damian was violent, rude, and prone to outbursts. And this was true, for the most part. Bruce knew Damian was still getting a handle on his emotions, but he also knew the kid actually meditated in his free time, and most of his actions were well planned and thought out. Dick, on the other hand, had outbursts frequently. He’d just gotten much better at controlling them, or maybe just blowing up at Bruce and hiding them from the rest of the family. And his emotions were a hurricane, a whirlwind of raw power. Regulating him had long since gone out the window. Luckily, Damian seemed think the opposite (or maybe Bruce had given up too early). Dick never actually seemed to enjoy meditating with Damian, but controlling their tempers was something the two of them were working on together, one backing the other up or slow them down, and vice versa. 
Every time someone came up to him, telling him Dick was just so cheerful and hyper and constantly in motion, Bruce was brought back to the first week in the manor, Alfred raising his eyebrow at Bruce after Dick’s latest antics had landed him in his room, refusing to open the door for anyone. Bruce knew Alfred was running through a mental checklist in his head, same as him. Alfred had told him, “This is going to be quite a bit of trouble, Master Bruce.” Bruce had shown his weary agreement. Then Alfred had nodded resolutely, and said “I suppose we shall just love him right, then.”
Bruce knew without a doubt that Alfred had succeeded in that particular promise. But Bruce was still asking himself whether or not he had. 
ADHD is,,,,,,,hard to write. tag list: @comicsandhoney @dangerduckjpeg @yesboopityboop @birdy-bat-writes @astroherogirl @anothertimdrakestan @thebatsandbirdsofgotham @subtleappreciation
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godsporncollection · 3 years
Saturday Morning Session
(personal commentary in italics) (sorry for how inconsistent i am at this, i’m trying new medication, so my focus comes and goes unpredictably, but i didn’t want this to take weeks)
Russel M Nelson -  strengthen your testimony (?)
"I understand better what he meant when he said 'behold, i will hasten my work in this time.'" 
Y'all have been strengthening your testimonies and i, and your children, thank you. did that inclusion of "your children" feel off to anyone else?
I can see the work on the temple outside my window and that makes me think about how we need to remove the old debris from our lives. I too think of the temple as 'old debris' that should be removed from my life.
"the gospel is a message of joy" I cannot roll my eyes hard enough
that was short. what was the topic? blab for a five minutes?
Dieter F. Uchdorf - god is Among Us
I had to move lots when I was a kid because there was a war on. i thought about the missionaries who came to the country of their enemies to bring us the gospel.
i was a kid in a war-torn country > missionaries > god has not forgotten us > we will be heirs of god > how could we complain when we have that? > the atonement > mistakes are okay, just gotta keep repenting.
what would jesus teach if he was among us today? the same thing he's always taught. "the savior always teaches timeless truths, to everyone, a message of hope and belonging, a testament that god has not abandoned his children that god is Among Us."
jesus says to love one another and to be full of charity towards all men. i would like to see it.
anyone else feel like these talks are just. empty? like, they're not feeling it either?
if jesus came into your home today, he would see into your heart and i'm gonna waste a couple more minutes by expanding on that. one look into his eyes and we would be forever changed by the realization that god is Among Us.
back to me, i wish i could go back and tell myself to stay on the right track because god is Among Us, so i'm gonna tell you instead. god is Among Us.
"line upon line" *gag*
god is Among Us
Joy D Jones - abuse is wrong unless you use it to teach kids about the gospel
"have you ever wondered why we call 'primary' 'primary'?" as someone who understands how language works, no.
because kids are importanter than everything else
god trusts us to be nice to our kids; that means no abuse, even if we're angry. whoever needed this reminder should be shot.
hey, maybe you can "combat the evils of abuse" by not fucking raising your kids in an abusive cult!
analogy of a kid who fell out of bed because he "didn't get far enough in" = he wasn't indoctrinated enough, with awkward collage of pics of kids for a minute.
eyring said to get 'em while they're young
love all the pics of black people that try to say "see? we don't think black people are inherently evil (anymore)!"
analogy of a soldier in boot camp. drill seargants are mean, but that was necessary because apparantly it's the only way this guy can learn how to hide. also, apparently this guy is "our friend". not my friend, thanks.
"how can we do the same for our children?" don't fucking act like a drill seargent to your kids! ffs
"wouldn't we rather have them sweat in the safe learning environment of the home than bleed on the battlefields of life?" first of all, fuck you. second, dramatic much? third, fuck you, kids shouldn't have to learn about life in a hostile environment. does this woman have kids? are they okay? fucking hell, five kids were raised by a woman with this mentality. what a bitch.
"eternity is the wrong thing to be wrong about." i got news for you. of course, if i ever spoke to this machine, that topic wouldn't be my top priority.
I need a fucking drink.
Jan Eric Newman - teaching the gospel is good, but you can't force a testimony on others
anecdote about a local old woman getting birthday gifts. she taught us some good things when we were growing up, so thanks, sister davis.
another teacher, at college, was a "master teacher." he loved me and the lord. he taught me to learn doctrine on my own and that "changed me forever."
just sayin', if you're taught how to learn on your own, but didn't exercise enough critical thought to gtfo of this cult, maybe the teacher wasn't the best.
it's good to have good teachers.
the ancient nephites and lamanites had good teachers, and "there was no contention among them!"
"how can we teach more like the savior and help others become more deeply converted?" nope, nope. nope.
1st, "learn all you can about the master teacher hismelf." so, we're sticking with the term "master teacher." cool. doesn't sound weird at all.
ask yourself questions about how he taught, then do that.
read "teaching in the savoir's way."
2nd, use bullshit stories. oh, no, it's a story about how somebody is grateful for the pandemic because her adult child read the BoM for the first time during it. she said it had made "literal miracles."
3rd, "remember that conversion must come from within." guess jan and "joy" should have compared notes before speaking.
"children inheret many things, but a testimony is not one of them. we can't give our children a testimony any more than we can make a seed grow; but we can provide a nourishing environment, with good soil, free of thorns that would choke the word."
Gary E. Stevenson - kindness
story about a study where rabbits were fed a high-fat diet, but those under the care of a loving researcher didn't gain as much weight.
only christians can intuitively understand that this means there's a reason to be kind to others.
jesus said love one another.
addressing primary kids - be kind. here's a story about a kid who stopped being a bully because the bullied kid said it hurt.
to the teens - social media makes bullying worse, clearly satan is using social media against your generation. do what you can t make these spaces safer. if you're a bully, "stop it."
to the adults- "we have a primary responsibility to set a tone and be role models of kindness (get wrecked "joy"), inclusion and civility."
from ballard- "i have never heard members of this church to be anything but loving, kind, tolerant and benevolent to our friends and neighbors of other faiths." k, but, like, you know it's not just a difference of religious belief that’s the problem, right?
i'm heartbroken to hear about prejudice against blackasianlatino people or of any other group. i love how that section was really only about race, with a blanket "any other group" thrown in as an afterthought so they can't be accused of being homophobic.
in the winter of 1838, jo smith was in prison and why do you think that happened, gary?
church members were driven from their homes and the residents of a town across the river gave them food and shelter. that generosity saved the lives of many of them.
god is a compassionate care-giver.
Gerrit W. Gong - disjointed anecdotes of human experiences, idk
i miss my dad. he was adventurous, except regarding food.
i saw a guy be mean to a lady selling ice cream. he smashed all of her cones. the image of her trying to salvage the cones haunts me to this day.
story of the good samaritan.
be like christ this easter.
"we recieve inspiration as we counsel together, listening to each person, including each sister and the spirit."
does this guy have a topic?
he’s is just giving a list of random human experiences and parables.
*displays a lack of understanding of instagram.*
he's listing something throughout this, like, he keeps counting, but i have no idea what and his voice is making my adhd medication run away, so i'm not listening to this again.
Henry B. Eyring - temple worthiness
today i'm feeling light and hope, like the first day i went to the salt lake temple
i'm an oblivious fucker who didn't notice my name being pinned on me, so i thought the woman who greeted me was an angel because she knew my name.
thought he could remember being in the temple before, but a voice that was not his own (that's how you know it's true and not something he just told himself) told him he was remembering heaven.
confused "holiness to the lord" with "this is a holy place." i know both phrases use the word 'holy', but like, those contexts mean separate things.
i also had this feeling during my wedding in the logan temple.
i think henry should get checked out, he suffers from frequent hallucinations and it's good to know how your brain works differently from others when in a leadership position.
during my wedding, i had a vision of a house and the officiant said to live in a way that you can walk away easily. a year later, my father in law bought the exact house and my wife and i lived in the guest house for ten years. then i got the call to move somewhere else on assignment from the church and we walked away easily.
scripture from jesus about temples.
if you're unworthy in the temple, you won't be "able to see, by the power of the holy ghost, the spiritual teaching of the savior that we can recieve in the temple."
"when we are worthy to recieve such teaching, there can grow, through our temple experience, hope, joy, and optimism throughout our lives. that hope, joy, and optimism are available only through accepting the ordinances performed in holy temples."
i forgot how simple a baptism is, so i'm gonna tell you how amazed (and a little concerned) i was when my youngest daughter stayed to do baptism for the dead for all of the names on the list that day. maybe i'm just super comfortable in the water, but that doesn't sound hard, actually. i used to almost enjoy doing those.
quotes the primary song 'i love to see the temple.'
remember to be worthy so you can live with your family forever.
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braindeadskeletons · 4 years
I'd like to request a matchup of you don't mind! I dunno what to put down so I'm gonna ramble and call it good,, I'm 5'2 [and a half. I'm adamant about that half] and have adhd + severe anxiety! I tend to ramble a lot! I do have haphephobia, which means I hate being touched.i get violent when its not on my own terms or with people I trust. I'm very protective of people I love! I really like stars and bonfires! I'm my friend groups therapist,which I don't mind.I love reading and naps, Thank you!
I saw that you didn't mind two posts being used for the match up- I thought I'd give you more to work with! I have a kitten called sweetpea who's a RAT but she gets away with it! I have a ton of books,everywhere,I'm running out of space. I seem mature when alone but with friends I can and will hop from a giant pipe to a higher up one just to prove I can,scratches or not.I've put a small lightbulb in my mouth and broke it on accident, I felt like this was important to include
Hello! May I just say that I absolutely adore the utter chaos of a human being you are?? Like hello?? You accidentally broke a lightbulb in your mouth?? I appreciate greatly that you told me this but also please explain?? Why was it in your mouth?? How did it break?? Did you just?? Chew?? And didnt expect it to break?? You just had it in your mouth and when it broke you had glass in your mouth looking like: :0 
please I'm begging you for a story time wether its dm or on here through submissions/asks for all of us to see and behold
Okay now onto the actual matchup I'm sorry I rambled you literally just left me with so much to think about. These questions will haunt me. I want you to know that. This matchup is a fever dream and I mean that in the best way possible.
I match you with Underswap Sans!
No doubt in my mind that this is your guy. This is a cursed couple. You both frighten people immensely and for you two that is a mission well done. You genuinely bring out both the best and the worst in Sans. On one hand, he has never been happier with anyone! On the other hand, Papyrus suspects that the reason as to why Sans was missing in the ball pit for 72 hours then later retrieved with 24 stolen items in hand was your doing. How did you play a role in this? He doesn't know yet but he'll figure it out.
You think that Sans is innocent? A bouncing blue baby boy man? No. Well yeah, but also no. He seems like a very happy skeleton who just wants to help others, and yeah that's still accurate; but he's also a literal troll. You both can relate to each other due to how people see you as mature at first, which isn't incorrect i'm assuming but you're also capable of utter chaos. Nobody suspects him to do half the chaotic shit he does. He will be the cause of Armageddon. This man single handedly causes the world to end. Normally Papyrus is the one to keep him from doing something chaotic but with you here now? Now it's just utter chaos. If you do something stupid just to prove that you can, Sans is not too far behind to prove that he can also do it but better. Genuinely the worst part of all of this is how Sans has his own motorcycle he rides and he can take you wherever you need to go. Want to go into some obscure area people fear to cause chaos? Sans will drive you no questions asked. He does have some limits however, for example y'know, he'd be immensely concerned if someone broke a lightbulb in their mouth.
You: hehehe
You: hey sans look
Sans: HM?
You: [shoves lightbulb in mouth]
Sans: :0
You, voice muffled: isn't this cool?
[insert shattered lightbulb noises]
You: :0
You: :00
Whether or not at the end you're shocked about how Sans cursed or you're still in shock about the glass in your mouth is up for interpretation. 
Honestly most of the stuff you two do together are your ideas. Sans just really wants to impress you and show you how magnificent he is! So please, of course you two can have fun, but don't completely rot this skeleton's mind. Not that Papyrus would allow that anyways. You both are essentially the Sans protection squad, and you're both very protective and would die for Sans before he got hurt, but Papyrus is the more responsible one out of the two members of the squad. Depending on how you view Papyrus, that can be seen as concerning. 
Okay let's actually get serious for a moment here since I got carried away. That's my bad lol. When it comes to physical touch, Sans would typically all for it! However the moment you inform him that you have haphephobia he initially doesn't understand what that is. Once he does the research and understands it'd be totally alright with him! He respects your boundaries and wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable. Sometimes you'll have to remind him since when he's happy his immediate instinct is to hold the person closest to him, but a light reminder is enough to get him to back off again. If you ever want to try and overcome your phobia, he'll be right there. If not, that's okay with him too! He's here to support you no matter what.
It's important to mention that I personally headcanon that this version of Sans also has ADHD. Sooo in terms of usefulness, he's very sorry, but he isn't going to be of much help since he has a lot of the same habits you do. He can offer you some of his fidget toys if you'd like them though, and some pointers as to how he handles having it! Papyrus has gotten him plenty once he was officially diagnosed by Undyne and he's very happy to share! Sometimes both of your conditions lead to hilarious conversations and rambling since you both have that habit. Or just no conversation. Sometimes the two of you will be mid conversation and you both just kinda.
You both forget what you were talking about.
In quiet acknowledgment you both just decide to move on to something else and not dwell on it.
However with anxiety, Sans is willing to do anything he can to help you! Would you like something to distract you? Soothing words? He knows that you typically don't like touch, but would it help in this situation? Would you like him to breathe with you? He's trying his best to help you in any way possible and he's there to listen if you need him. 
Speaking of listening to each other, Sans appreciates the fact that you listen to people so much. He loves his brother very much but being treated like a child is frustrating, you know? Sans is an adult just like his brother and he has his own worries and problems. He won't like it if you try to treat him like a kid, so please refrain from doing that if you could. He'd greatly appreciate that.
Most of your date nights take place in your own home! Once Sans learned that you had a cat he was immediately determined to become besties with your cat. I'd personally like to imagine that your cat, for whatever reason she might have, doesn't feel the same way. If he ever cat sits it goes a little like this:
You: hey Sans, I'm home! How was sweetpe-
Sans, covered in scratches: SHE WAS GREAT
Sweetpea: >:)
You: o h ?
Sweetpea: >:))
Yeah, it isn't great. But Sans hasn't given up just yet!
For dates Sans tends to take you out to places such as bookstores (a popular location for you two), the movies, restaurants, the park, and then end the night at his place! Alternatively, Sans would love to set up bonfires and a night of stargazing with you! If you'd like him to he could invite a handful of his friends and yours to share the night together with. If not, he's more than happy to sit with you and gaze at the stars as he lists all of the reasons in his head of why he loves you so damn much. These are the moments he loves the most with you. Just spending time together, no one else there to disturb you two and the beauty of the stars above.
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theantisocialcritic · 4 years
Archive Project - March 12, 2014 - Mr. Peobody and Sherman Review
For the past couple of Animated Features i've seen in theaters there has been a trailer for this "thing" called Box Trolls. This movie is apparently being made by the production house behind Coraline and ParaNorman. That fact alone, more than the trailer itself, makes me want to go see this movie. Whoever these "Laika" people are they are insanely talented with stop-motion animated. The insane level of detail that goes into their movies is terrifying to comprehend. So with that in mind, the philosophy for trying to sell this movie to audiences was to apparently show the movie's production… instead of the plot or characters. They just released a second trailer for this too… and this one also doesn't tell us anything about the box or characters. It works almost as a before and after shot. All the cool things they bragged about in the last trailer are shown in full force and it LOOKS good. It strikes me that there is a lack of confidence that people would be interested in the story they have to tell given how odd it looks. This assumption wouldn't be too out there as ParaNorman didn't actually do well when it was released, sadly. Maybe i'm wrong, heck I want to go see the movie cause I know it's full of a lot of talent. Who knows… ONTO THE REVEIW!!! ————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————— Mr. Peabody and Sherman, 2014. Rob Minkoff 92 Minutes Watch the trailer here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMl2tTVwsZA ————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————— Famed animator Jay Ward is a critical figure in the history of cartoon animation. His work in the 60s brought forth a lot of major television cartoons and helped bring animation, which had previously largely been reserved to theaters due to it's high production costs, into the homes of everyday people. His work during this time comprises a list of some of animation's deepest roots: Rocky and Bullwinkle, Dudley Do Right, Fractured Fairytales and of course Peabody's Improbable History. In the latter of the list: Mr. Peabody is the world's most intelligent dog. He adopts a human boy in a witty role reversal of the common "Boy and His Dog" trope and then uses his intellect to build a time machine known as the WABAC machine to give as a gift to his boy, Sherman. Peabody's Improbable History was usually incorporated into Jay Ward's Rocky and His Friends, a half hour collection of animations from his catalog that ran into the mid-1960s which was later renamed The Bullwinkle Show. Peabody's Improbable History died with Rocky and Bullwinkle and was never successfully revived. Flash forward to the 2010s. Director Rob Minkoff, famed for his masterpiece The Lion King, decides he wants to do a passion project for one of his inspirational childhood cartoons. He manages to get the rights, the funding and does it. The result is an updated version of Peabody's Improbable History, titled Mr. Peabody and Sherman. I will give this movie credit where it was due. I went into the movie expecting it to be bad. The trailers didn't impress me at all and I wasn't excited to see one of the cartoons I loved as a child repurposed into disposable children's entertainment. Upon seeing it I can now say this: Mr. Peabody and Sherman was not as bad as I was assuming it was going to be. It however isn't a great, lasting or even very memorable film though. Its just really dull and inconsistent. One of my biggest fears going into the film was that the characters were going to get butchered and made stupid. Mr. Peabody sounded ultimately dumb as a character in the way he was described and Sherman looked like an idiot, hyper active kid with ADHD and voiced by a terrible child actor. Surprisingly  most of those things never FULLY came into fruition. I mean you can definitely tell Sherman is played by a kid who has never voice acted before but the things that would have bothered me weren't sharp enough to bother me. The opening scenes of the film play out as a… oddly morbid and dark, but clear homage to the original episode of Peabody's Improbable History with a lot of the same story beats being reenacted into horrible 3rd dimensional animation (i'll get back to that..). Even some of the cinematography is meant to evoke the original show which is facisnating to behold. This strikes me as a reassuring pat on the back to fans that the people behind this did their homework and care enough to try to make this for fans, by fans. Which I would appreciate, if I considered this film to be anything special Something that really bothers me though is the way the story plays out. There are a lot of plot threads that pop up that don't make any sense in the context of the movie. For example, it's implied throughout the movie that Peabody and Sherman as going through effectively, daddy issues given that Peabody can't admit he loves his Sherman and such. But that defeats the entire purpose of why Peabody adopted Sherman in the first place; he did it so that he could give Sherman the love and support he never got as a child. From the way they interact in the first scenes and throughout the movie, its clear that they have a healthy relationship with each other. Peabody takes care of Sherman, provides him with everything he can and teaches him everything he can. What is the point of sticking daddy issues into the mix? Especially when another story plot deals with Peabody having to prove to the government that he is a good father figure, which by rights he already appears to be. The ONLY evidence that Peabody might be a bad father is that Sherman bits a kid a school for picking on him which is implied to be somewhat justified…? It just feels like outside of the main story involving time travel, all of the treads are messy and inconsistent. Also they try to evoke parallels Doctor Who by making the WABAC perform and evoke visual similarities to a TARDIS… Who wants to be original with time travel when they could just invoke pop culture imagery more for less effort? Also the logic behind the time travel doesn't make any sense.. It didn't in the original show either but that was part of the joke.   I must also complain about he sound design in this. It was horrible… Theres a scene early on in which Peabody and Sherman are riding on top of a wave down a sewer and the sound effects, other than being much quieter than they should have been, sounded like they were panning wave sounds up and down. It sounded cheap and didn't evoke what should have been the appropriate sounds for this scene. Overall, three works really strike me about this movie. Those words are: "Missing The Point". Peabody's Improbable History was a fun show, not because it was well animated or slick, but because it was well written. The people who made this show had limited time and money to make these cartoons and couldn't afford the same animation houses that made classics like Tom and Jerry or Looney Tunes. They had to compensate for that by making the writing pick up the slack for everything else. It had to be fun and witty and it succeeded in doing so. Peabody's Improbable History was intelligent and was meant to teach kids about history in silly ways. Mr. Peabody and Sherman doesn't teach kids very much, other than a historically inaccurate retelling to the French Revolution. This movie has it way too easy. With the ease of computers nowadays entire animated movies can be made quickly and cheaply. Thats why so many 3D animated movies are awful nowadays. 2D animations and shop motion ones take a lot more work and have a different feel to them. It feels like with those that there are people working on them. When you get a modern 3D animated movie in the hands of people who aren't creative or innovative enough to make something interesting with it like Pixar, Dreamworks or Disney are then the end result is garbage like Ice Age 4 and The Nut Job… I would have at least preferred this movie if the people behind it made it 2D to be more respectful to the source material. Heck, Rob Minkoff made the best 2D animated movie of all time! He could have made something great! Thankfully, Peabody's Improbable History isn't some great thing that needed to be preserved creatively. It wasn't something great like RoboCop or Total Recall that didn't need a reboot. I'd be all for it if Cartoon Network or Nick managed to secure the rights to reboot the Rocky and Bullwinkle show in a new format if the right people were behind it. This movie didn't ruin anything by being dull. Considering some of the other horrible movies based on the Rock and Bullwinkle show that have been released like Rock and Bullwinkle… Dudley Do Right.. and Boris and Natasha… I think I can forgive this film for a lot!   My Recommendation: The original episodes are Peabody's Improbable History are still floating around Youtube nowadays. The original 5 minute episode tells the exact same story as the movie. No I don't support internet Piracy, so I wouldn't recommend that you check out the original 5 Minute episode on youtube which can be found in the link below. I would not recommend you click that link and watch it instead of paying to see the movie in theaters. Do so at your own risk! :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owB6zFSZbng ————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————— Mr. Peabody and Sherman is now in theaters. Thank you for reading! Live long and prosper!
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breathebravegirl · 7 years
Update for A
General update/recap of the last 3-4 weeks/the 1700-ish word long update I sent to A. 
Read more because long as fuck
@p-for-penguins​--here ya go! 
Alright welcome home, sending this because otherwise it’s going to take approx. 8 hours to catch you up so here is a recap of my shit-show of a life, organized by category (and hashtag because obvi) and written in point form for your convenience:
SO MUCH work drama happening (more context to come, but I’m not typing out the whole situation that is sinking ship Dalhousie)
I want to scream and so many unknowns and so overwhelmed 
Feeling so disregarded and unimportant and so worthless and feel like I’m being punished for being hella fucked up and I kind of just want to completely disappear
I'm kind of like, let them do what they're going to do, whatever. It's like, they clearly don't care about my wellbeing or me so why should I? It's not up to me and I'm delusional if I think I have any agency in that place. 
Was filling my dad in on the work situation and literally almost burst into tears on like 4 different occasions which, I don’t know if you know me or not but that doesn’t fucking happen. But this whole work thing is fucking killing me and I’m so done. And I don’t fucking have time to be thinking/worrying about this which is making everything so much worse. 
The work thing is taking up too much time and stress and space and it very much feels like the wanting to do not good stupid things (as opposed to the good stupid things…? or maybe just the less awful stupid things?) has increased significantly with the work thing 
That’s probably not great and it’s probably less great that I’m super apathetic to that fact and just don’t really care and have so few reserves and am so burnt out and am getting super close to the end of this rope
Emailed boss last Saturday asking if we could chat that Monday and he never responded which is whatever, and then didn’t say anything about it on Tuesday (or Wednesday or Thursday), let alone acknowledge my existence and that’s fine like I don’t want to deal with me either, nor am i worth wasting time on so it’s fine
I'm done with the work thing. I mean, and all of it, but I'm done fighting for myself as if I matter and I'm done pretending that I think I do because we all know I don't so whatever. They're going to do whatever they want and I really don't care what the outcome is anymore. It doesn't matter
Purging is literally not even a semi-effective ~skill~ anymore and yet apparently brings everything down except I don't think it actually does which makes little to no sense
I am too big and too much and it needs to go down and weight needs to go down and it ! cannot ! stay ! here ! and it’s completely unacceptable for it to be here (and 😊this😊used😊to😊be😊a😊goal😊low😊weight😊and😊now😊it’s😊TOO😊HIGH😊)
Purging needs to be done. Or it needs to just fucking kill me already.
I cannot express how much I need to get the fuck out of my body
It’s getting to a point where the later in the day/night it gets, the more terrified I get of having it end in purging and it’s like, I know I just need to not do it but i don’t know what my problem is and it seems like it’s not that simple and i know that rising panic and anxiety re: going to bed doesn’t help but… 
I cannot continue to exist in this disaster of a body and NEED to get out and it needs to go down and get smaller and be not so big and awful and horrendous and i need to get out of this fucking body
(Is it possible to hate yourself so much that you give up on self-destructing in the traditional way…? Like, not doing the cutting or making it to 5km because that would be doing something that feels good/feels deserved so I'm not because it’s more torturous not to, which is probably so fucked but…)
I made the not so stupid decision to come home and do food and low and behold, Maddy stops losing her shit quite as much after food happens because apparently you can’t survive on coffee and a fear of failure WHO KNEW
Also was wanting to do all of the stupid things and so did something that I never do and texted Alysia and asked if i could go over (ugh i hate myself, inviting oneself over is never okay) and went and hung out with her and talked for literally hours and didn’t do stupid things
I literally am the most pathetic but all i want is a legit hug and to feel like someone gives half a fuck about me and logistically, I know that people do but knowing that rationally and feeling via actions that it is true at all are two very different things and I should know that people care and I do but… I don’t know, clearly I have inflated expectations of other people and am selfish and am undeserving of anything anyways so it’s fine)
I kind of want to just stop bothering with everyone and stop bothering everyone and stop being annoying and whiny and complaining constantly and stop reaching out/texting/emailing and that’s not uncommon for me to want but it’s normally just a passive desire but like, I actually might, and I’m just a complete disaster and would really like to disappear like, yesterday and I don't want to do the things and everything hurts too much.
Dr. K:
Didn't end up seeing Dr. K. I guess because I had said I didn't want to touch adhd meds until after exams, he was like well then maybe we should just wait till then and I asked if we could meet today and just make a plan for afterwards and he said we should just meet after which is fine but like also kind of wanted to talk about the fact that I can't and don't sleep but whatever
The other thing is like, I know that if he were to give me anything for sleep, I would PANIC because that’s what I do with new meds. So.. It’s like a fine line. I don’t know. And part of me is like, maybe I’m just not trying hard enough or not putting in enough effort to sleeping. I don’t know. Also having meds like that is scary.
no !! one !! fucking !! understands !! and !! so !! alone !!
Can I put discrediting myself and minimizing all my experiences on my resume because fuck I’m good at it… 
Such high distress levels and such constantly high distress levels and so exhausted (what else is new…)
I know I’m thinking myself in circles and all that but there are so many things going on that like, if I stop the spinning in one area, we jump straight to another one and there’s no calm or quiet and everything is loud 
Trying to be gentle but want nothing to do with being gentle and simultaneously am too exhausted to do anything super bad (I say now, until it's 3am and I'm still awake and purging). I don't know. I just really don't want to do this anymore and want a break and I don't know how long I'm expected to hang in not being able to breathe because it's been so long and I'm exhausted and I don't want to do it anymore. 
Everything is so loud and feels so irreparably broken
Have I mentioned that i hate my life and am so fucking exhausted?
The Thing™:
Things with The Thing were like, fine and pretty non-existent and then…
I went to the class I had skipped one week because the prof said we were done with the not okay topic but things were said and similar things were said in class that morning and i left but shouldn't have and I need to do well in this class and I already bombed the midterm and like I shouldn't have left and was literally about to burst into tears or throw up but it's like, what if I was just being dramatic and trying to get out of going to class 
I don’t know if I’ve ever had such a physiological reaction to a ~trauma trigger. (lol fuck i feel like such a fake calling it trauma when no one fucking knows if it happened). Like, eyes welled up with tears so. many. times throughout that class and immediately felt like I was going to throw up and was on the verge of panic for probably the next 6 fucking hours and I’m exhausted and scared and want to disappear 
The other day something not super cool happened except literally nothing happened but everything felt wrong and suddenly uber unsafe—in the unsafe-in-my-existence-I-am-not-safe-being-on-the-planet way, definitely not the I'm-going-do-do-something-bad way—and scared and flashbacky and unsafe and I couldn't even tell you what fucking happened or changed but something must have and super not cool
Everything has been feeling entirely numb and we're back to everything feeling overwhelmingly heavy. Like moving is unfathomable and breathing feels like too much of a chore and is taking any existing energy.
It's like, this is brutal but so is everything else so it doesn't really matter
It’s not like this all the time but I think what scares me is the numb combined with the apathy
Good Things:
There has been minimal self-harming (maybe twice? maybe once)
There have been NO stitches 
There have been 3 and 4 day long periods without purging
9 days until undergrad is done
I found a place to live
Things are either literally fine or completely Not Okay™ (black/white thinking because what even is grey)
Reserves are so so low and so burnt out
Everything is so loud 
And feels so irreparably broken
And so alone
Have I mentioned that I need to get out of this body?
It feels like I'm going to be trapped in this forever 
I’m exhausted and scared and want to disappear
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cubean-blog · 7 years
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Fidget toys, how fidgeting helps our well being and an impressive class based study.
Man, these fidget toys sure are trending lately, spinners, cubes and other weird looking things, but I couldn’t help myself and pick myself one up and see what all of the fuss is about, although I don’t really think I fidget anymore than the average person, I might as well see what its all about.
I even did some googling after reading some interesting posts on why we fidget and how these fidget toys benefit us, which apparently they do which was a pretty surprising discovery, I didn’t even know that fidgeting what good for you, I’d always been told that its bad, or that its annoying in the very least which I can understand, I think the most time that I fidget is when in still and not doing anything so in bed, or watching telly i suppose.
Among the other things I learn is that fidget toys are often used by people that suffer from ADHD, ADD, Autism and anxiety, apparently people that suffer from the disorder ADHD fidget as a sort of coping mechanism, I read that if we use something like a fidget cube that provides sensory or motor simulation then we are more likely to be able to focus on a task if we’re generally uninterested or unable to in the first place.
I thought that was pretty cool, first we grow up being told that fidgeting is just in general bad, but I’m guessing this is just coming from a point of view of it simply being annoying or a disturbance to others as from what I learned is that its basically able to provide a beneficial effect on your well being you could say.
Apparently a few years ago a study was done in a classroom environment where the students where split into two groups, where one group were allowed to complete the class while fidgets and the other group weren’t allowed to fidget, low and behold the kids that were permitted to fidget were found to have learned what they were taught quicker than the kids that were prevented from fidgeting. Now that’s pretty amazing if I am honest, I would never had imagined such an exercise would have a result like that.
So I did some searching and there is a toy called the fidget cube which looks pretty wild, It actually looks like it would be ‘fun’ dare I say it to mess around with now and then or to at the very least least occupy yourself.
Anyway, I’ll have to pick up a few fidget toys and I think I’ll try to keep what I have learnt today in mind, especially when I’m having issues focusing on something hopefully it’ll help me out in the future, cant hurt to at least try right?
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