#adhd dx’ed
astralsys · 11 months
Intro post?
I made this account for fun maybe? fun as in I just wanted to fuck around and vent a little into the void under an account that's not much connected to my other ones idrk. dont have much of an online presence really wanted to see how this will play / work out. even tho I already have an account on here that I use personally to gush about things cause I can't help it probs not gonna use this that much.... probably cause I'll forget this exists, anyways comma!
collective info about me:
💫 ✨ | Astral System | ✨💫
Either call me Astral or K!
They / Them ( NO plural prns / &!!! /srs I hate it fuck off people who use that )
Trans Non-binary Aroace Bodily Adult
Masc / Neutral, System, Alter, Human / Person
Proff Dx’ed w/ D.I.D. ( adult dx'es ) in recovery since 2018, dx’ed also w/ MDD, ASD & ADHD ( childhood dx'es ) [ not recovered ]
( I'm only saying this cause one of my parts may leak that info out by accident, dont know better dont have a consensus with privacy atm, and I would rather just say it now instead of worrying about it being outed later idrc if you think I'm faking or not I've been dx’ed for over 6 years now idc what rando’s on the internet think about me tbh )
❌ ❌ Other Info Never Disclosed ❌ ❌
DNI: Minors, NSFW shit, Queerphobes, Racists, Ableist, Pedo’s / Zoo’s, Proship / Anti’s discourse
Mspec “Lesbians” / “Gays”, Male “Lesbians” Queer ID’s based off people, Rad Inclusive, Transmed, BaB ( + all other queer exclus )
Any "System’s" ( No Matter What "Type", I dont want to see you fuckers fuck off with your “plural community” all of you are fucking bullshit ), “Endogenic System’s”, / “Mixed Origins System” / Tulpa, Pro “Endogenic” / Pro Non Traumagenic “Systems” Whatever Fucking “System Origin” You Fuckers Keep Coming Up w/
“Medically Recognized System” / “Dx”, Self Dx’ers, Pro Self Dx, “M.U.D.” / “M.U.I.”, ( Medically Unrecognized Disorders / Illnesses )
Anything on Pluralpedia! Any Discourse!
I dont wanna see it or you I will block you on sight. I dont care, i am not your friend I don’t want to be your friend leave me alone and out of this shit.
specific info about me:
K or Astral ( not giving you my full name )
They / Them, Fey / Fem, Ae / Aer ( + other neo’s )
Trans Non-binary Otherkin / Alterhuman Agender Aroace
Host of Few ( also not giving you their names who fucking does that? ) I'm an adult ( id w/ body age not getting closer than that )
interests / dislikes / triggers private fuck off idc I'm not trying to make friends here
I hyperfixate on a lot of things due to both having asd and adhd and it effects my life way too much it’s annoying af I actually fucking hate it… having both is a fucking mess istfg, also chronic depression that’s so cool who doesnt love that? been dealing with that one for years and it sucks it really sucks I dont wanna keep feeling this awful my entire life, but its not gonna stop for me i think atp.
having D.I.D. isnt something I am ever gonna get into specifically, cause why the fuck would I? why do people have the need to tell others about their extensive personal med hx "oh you have to know all about my / our "system" and everyone apart of it! and every single disorder I / we self dx'es myself / ourselves with too!" ( just had to put the plural pronouns cause that's how these people talk ik I've had personal experience with these kinda people ). do these people not understand anything about internet safety omfg do you not listen to yourself at all? you’re not going to know anything regarding my med hx that I havent already given you cause to be honest I dont trust any one of you with me and my fragmented self and you don't really need to know. my alter’s are not something I talk to anyone about online or irl really. my trauma also isnt something I am ever gonna talk about honestly me even typing all of this out is insane to me what is wrong with me….
credit: banner @/Suyasuyabi427 pfp @/muku_69.0
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midnightmindcave · 4 months
I accidentally skipped a dose of my (non-stimulant) ADHD medication and I only realized because I am now climbing the fucking walls. My husband just said “this is a good test” (of the medication’s efficacy) and I’m over here screeching ““““so i AM HYPERACTIVE after all !!!”””” while jubilantly piling every damn thing I have in my bedroom on top of my bed because I’m “sorting” stuff… O_o
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theforestmeteorites · 2 months
·  ·  · ‧ ₊˚⊹ ♡ The Meteorites ♡ ‧₊˚⊹ ·  ·  ·  ·
╰ ‧₊˚⊹: · . ♡
System Info
♡ ┊➞ polyfragmented DID traumagenic
♡ ┊➞ frequently blurred
♡ ┊➞ easily split
♡ ┊➞ bodily a minor
♡ ┊➞ large inner world
♡ ┊➞ AuDHD (dx’ed autism suspected ADHD)
♡ ┊➞ supportive of all plurals of all origins
╰ ‧₊˚⊹: · . ♡
Our Frequent Fronters
♡ ┊➞ Bosco-Nerev Seraph (He/They/It)
♡ ┊➞ Niks Kelmann (She/It)
♡ ┊➞ Albie Hawthorne (He/Xe/It/Spiral)
♡ ┊➞ Bracken Kelmann (He/It)
♡ ┊➞ Rexia Dris-Glass (She/He/Xe)
♡ ┊➞ Saphira Belrose (She/He/It/Gold)
♡ ┊➞ Charlotte Belrose (She/It/Flash/Fire)
♡ ┊➞ Jay de Selby (He/It)
╰ ‧₊˚⊹: · . ♡
Special Interests
♡ ┊➞ writing and storytelling
♡ ┊➞ pokémon, specifically the rebornverse fangames (reborn, rejuvenation and desolation)
♡ ┊➞ the magnus archives
♡ ┊➞ dungeons & dragons
╰ ‧₊˚⊹: · . ♡
-We tend to hyperfixate and will split easily when under stress
-Template (partially) from 𝐡𝐯𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐪𝐞𝐫
╰ ‧₊˚⊹: · . ♡
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maresirenum · 2 years
I always find it so funny when other professionally dx’ed folks preach against self diagnosis to me as someone who has been dx’ed autistic, but not yet adhd.
The reason why is that after I left school, my mother bought me the box set of teen wolf, which meant I spent days and hours watching the entire thing sometimes without going to bed until 2/3am. I related so hard to Stiles Stilinski. How he acts, how other people perceive him, etc and then I found out he’s canonically an adhd’er. After that, everything fell into place for me, I finally understood myself.
Now this post might ruffle a few feathers, but I quite literally couldn’t care.
My self diagnosis journey, which has lead me to getting put on a waiting list for an ADHD assessment, started because I figured out that I have ADHD through a goddamn fictional character who has a werewolf as a best friend, his ex girlfriend is a werecoyote and his current girlfriend is a banshee…
So if anyone ever tells me that self diagnosis is not valid, not only are they wrong it makes me want to laugh because you can find out you’re neuro spicy from literally anything.
You can talk to someone who’s neurodivergent and find out. You can watch a canon neurodivergent character and find out. or you can even look at videos and infographics from neurodivergent content creators and find out.
There is no right or wrong way to find out you are neurodivergent. We all start our diagnosis/neurodivergent finding out journey somewhere.
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cyanomys · 7 months
Is chronic migraine perhaps a form of neurodiversity?
I recently read this paper. It talks about how chronic migraine patients are more like to have alexithymia, problems interpreting social cues, memory and attention issues, and of course classic sensory overstimulation problems. What does that sound like? Sounds a lot like neurodivergence to me.
I have severe chronic vestibular migraine and I’ve been dx’ed with ADHD as a child, and also had therapists suggest autism screening now that I’m an adult. But honestly it just feels impossible to tease out from the migraine. Why do my ND and mental health symptoms get exacerbated with migraines and vice versa? Where does the migraine end and my neurodivergence begin? I think the answer is it doesnt. They are the same. They’ve always been the same.
Western medicine likes to neatly separate mental conditions from physical conditions but it has never worked for me. Chopping me up into body parts and different specialties ignores the fact that all all my conditions are interlinked and the evidence points to them all being part of the same pathway. I think the reason people with nebulous conditions like mine have often been dismissed and underserved by this system is because they think if there is a mental component then it must be “all in their head.” But the mind is the body. The body is the mind.
Anyway this is my suggestion that chronic migraine be entered into the neurodiversity pantheon. Idk people smarter than me probably thought of this already
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transcarcinization · 7 months
Tumblr media
i kind of dislike this post because i know the less memeable symptoms of adhd tend to be responded to poorly by people without adhd but i have adhd* and yeah the stuff i’m gonna mention in public about it is going to lean way more towards the ‘ooh shiny object’ side of the spectrum. this is how people talk about their mental illness around strangers sometimes. someone making their adhd seem lighthearted and fun does not mean they do not have adhd, sometimes it just means they don’t know you and don’t want to get into the worst bits
*professionally dx’ed, with several years of therapy and medication about it, although i don’t think you need that to know you have adhd
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adhd-dog-guy · 2 years
I have diagnosed with nonverbal learning disability last year. If ya don’t know what that is, hang tight:
There is a discrepancy between performance IQ and Verbal IQ (Verbal IQ is stronger/higher)
Very strong verbal skills
Visual - spatial processing issues
Coordination difficulties — fine and gross motor
Focus issues
Executive function challenges
Challenges with math
Some difficulty reading social cues
This disorder is neurodevelopmental and exists on a spectrum!
And more…
Yes there is a lot of overlap with ADHD, Autism, Dyscalculia, Developmental Coordination disorder/Dyspraxia… you can also have comorbid conditions.
This disability isn’t recognized officially in the DSM but the NVLD Project is changing that hopefully so accommodations can be made for those diagnosed. It is always diagnosed by a neuropsychologist. I was dx’ed at 26 but it explained so much.
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turnleftaticela · 3 years
Ok I just wanna take a second to like. Acknowledge. How fucking proud of myself I am that I like, did it. I actually did it. I have spent every moment of every day since I was like 11 trying desperately to figure out what’s wrong with me, why am I the way I am, what can I do better. I’ve spent endless hours googling, journaling, theorizing, strategizing, trying to find any answers or solutions or ways to change. It grew harder and harder to believe it wasn’t just something inherently wrong with me, something unsolvable that I’d never overcome because I was just incapable of it. Like, why couldn’t I do simple tasks? Why couldn’t I maintain friendships? Why didn’t I feel like a person?
When I self-diagnosed with ADHD (oh btw all the things I mentioned in the last 2 posts are things I had to diagnose myself with and then take to a professional myself because nobody else could ever figure it out, not even the bajillion counselors and therapists I was taken to)
Anyway when I self-diagnosed with ADHD, I thought that was it. I thought I had my answer. I thought it explained every inexplicable problem I’d ever had. And the meds did help a lot, at first. But as time went on, I started running into the same old stuff. Why can’t I uphold commitments? Why does my brain go blank when I try to follow through on basic tasks? Why do I wanna kill myself for no reason every day of my life? Why did I drop out of school twice, why am I stuck at home like a baby? Why is nothing I do enough? Why don’t any solutions work? Why can’t I just be normal?
And then I found CPTSD.
And it works.
First of all, it explains literally every problem I’ve ever had. Even the inexplicable ones. And it explains them in ways that are more than just “Ah, guess that’s another ADHD thing then, oh well, let’s up the Vyvanse dosage.” And not only that, it also pointed out to me problems I didn’t even KNOW I had, but which were severely affecting my life all the same. For example, emotional flashbacks. Dissociation. Derealization. Depersonalization. Alexithymia. Whatever the thing is called when you aren’t aware of bodily sensations. Disorganized attachment. Limerence. Maladaptive daydreaming (okay I knew I had that one but I self-dx’ed w/ it when I was like 16 and then immediately told myself it was stupid and I didn’t really have it). Etc etc etc etc etc etc etc.
And it fucking WORKS.
Since realizing I have CPTSD, I’ve established genuine routine in my life for the first time. I’ve understood why I’m afraid of certain things and stopped being afraid of them. I’ve been able to rely on myself for preparing most of my own food, eating as healthy as I can, doing the dishes sometimes, doing my own laundry all of the time (!!!!!), showering easier, brushing my teeth more frequently, doing my own grocery shopping, hell, even cleaning up my hoarder parents’ house and making it semi-functional. I’ve been able to make plans and actually stick to them, reliably. I’ve been able to forge real friendships and learn to actually trust people. And learn to actually trust myself. For the first time since I was maybe 8 years old, I can FINALLY play piano in my house without fear, and for the first time maybe ever, I’m actually practicing regularly and improving at things I want to improve at. And fucking enjoying it, too. Fuck, dude, I was even going on daily walks before it got too cold for my asthma. Like holy shit lmfao. Aahwqfqqhjsafywksxhkqgissbqvwjssbqhjsj. Real fucking progress. Like. Holy fuck lmfao. Life is actually possible. Progress is actually real.
Abafqfqwkshqfwodjsgqqidchwgquid so yeah. I just want to acknowledge that all my years of insanely hard work that felt like it was for nothing actually did in fact pay off. You’re gonna get there, middle school Ava. It’s not hopeless, high school Ava. It really is worth it to keep trying, dropout/college/dropout Ava. You really will fucking get there. You will find the answers. You will find the solutions. You will get better. It happens. It actually fucking happens.
You did it, Ava. You actually fucking did it.
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mangomoth · 3 years
man ik if i go to therapy ill probably end up being advised to curb my smoking esp if my suspicions are confirmed and i end up actually getting dx’ed w adhd and get put on meds/given healthier coping mechanisms which is objectively better in the long run but otoh its nice to not be an anxious self deprecating wreck all the time :/
like yeah yeah ill have a bigger arsenal for dealing w my anxiety and shit but working through it means ill still be feeling it at full force like i did until i started smoking and im just. not looking forward to experiencing those feelings again lol bc given the choice of apathy and indifference induced by weed vs anxiety and esp academic anxiety that had me downright suicidal id pick the former over the latter in a heartbeat 
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lesbian-roguefort · 4 years
tagged by @robyn-goodfellowe !! ty for the tag :)
2020 Year in Review
Rules: Answer the questions about 2020 and tag some people to pass it on! (if you want!)
5 favourite films you watched in 2020:
tbh i watched... like.... no films? i’ve been meaning to (been esp meaning to watch wolfwalkers) but i’ve been focused on other things + a general lack of appealing films this year. i remember watching the sonic movie? that happened didn’t it
5 favourite tv shows you watched in 2020:
oh i really don’t watch tv. Ever.
5 favourite songs you listened to in 2020:
7 - umetora
eighth wonder - lemon demon
donut hole - hachi
ghost rule - deco*27
touch-tone telephone - lemon demon
(honorable mention: lifetime achievement award - lemon demon)
top 5 albums of 2020:
my music taste is not confined to albums (like. At all. It’s very fragmented) but i diiiid listen to spirit phone in like november or december (can’t remember) and um 😳
top 5 books you read in 2020:
can i do fanfictions? i’m doing fanfictions
1: danganronpa 69 (lennardd). ofc.
2: A Warm Hearth, A Warm Heart (RJMeta) (and by extension, the whole fucking awh-verse? hi)
3: Alone (zacixn)
4: :) (Blizzardz_uwu)
5: Necktie (yuminpa)
(honorable mentions: it takes two to tango (Frigid), eve (yuminpa), Rusty Chains (smeared with blood) (Anilove))
how did you spend your birthday this year?
at the beach with family and friends of family! we went out to dinner :)
what was your most memorable day this year?
oh my memory is awful and i uhhhh idk. memorable in a good way? probably when i first saw my new computer and played ahit with no lag for the first time. or the first time i joined the dr69 vc! 
did you find any new hobbies or interests in quarantine?
i’ve picked back up my interest in video editing! i’ve also began learning to mod ahit 👀
what was the last big event you remember doing before covid?
going to see the sonic movie with (some ex) friends tbh
5 good/positive things that happened to you in 2020:
- improving my writing!! like a LOT.
- making new friends! particularly in the dr69 server lol
- starting on the road to getting professionally dx’ed w/ adhd!
- getting together with my partner :)
- adding on to improving my writing, i also improved my art! like Wow i did lol
biggest message learnt from this year?
i need to take control of my own life!! if it’s something i have the power to change then i need to change it to better myself and my life.
and what are you most looking forward to in 2021?
hopefully getting a little better mentally ig? lol
anyone who’d like to do this can!!
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folkshroom · 4 years
I hope this isnt too pushy if u dont post I understand 100% !!! But I got scheduled for a proper psych assessment and possibly one for autism and I dont rlly understand what I should expect if u maybe have any insight I'm just spooked by doctors :(((
ok tbh idk if i’ll have a ton of valuable info but i can talk ab my experience !!
i was misdiagnosed with ADHD at around 13 and was never tested until this past fall, and when i finally got tested, i tested so low for ADHD that they probably wouldn’t have medicated me if they had tested me first (but i got to keep my meds thank goodness).
the test for adhd is probably different than tests for other things but it was split into an auditory test to test your impulsivity, a verbal test w things like memorizing number patterns, doing math word problems spoken aloud to you, and word associations, a timed test where you recreated patterns with shape blocks, and really long multiple choice test that was for a lot of other things too like anxiety depression personality disorders etc!
my therapist was going over the results with me and said that since i tested so low for adhd all things considered w the overlap w autism and adhd, how afab/trans ppl/poc often don’t “test”well for autism/adhd bc the diagnostic criteria is usually based on cis white men and he basically said i likely had autism instead of adhd+a ton of comorbidities
and honeslty that combined w a lot of personal research has led me to comfortably say i’m autistic!
good luck tho!!!!! i hope everything goes well!! and like i mentioned if ur in the category of often overlooked or seen as “not possibly being autistic” bc the criteria is set for cis white men, i do encourage research on ur own time! considering how hard it is for pm any marginalized group to be dx’ed w stuff like that, nobody’s gonna be mad if you self dx! you know yourself best, and as long as you do the proper research, by all means do!
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astralsys · 4 months
I'm kinda just not been feeling that great my episode just keeps getting worse and worse and idk what to do to make myself feel better. feels like no one really likes me as a person just feeling really bad and lonely…. I have a vacation coming up hopefully things will get better. also memory’s still been getting worse not a good sign.
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kleeklutch · 5 years
we are adhd fam with 3 kids already dx’ed and youngest showing more and more signs of having it and I’m just...not sure how I feel. I guess I’d hoped he’d escape it, but nope.
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yiey · 5 years
its so funny to think about things ive done prior to being dx’ed w ADHD and realizing it was the ADHD doing those things. like sometimes it really felt like i was in a video game and someone was controlling me and making me do shit lmao 
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shellycentral · 3 years
i started this tumbr 3,931 days ago. google says that’s 10.7 years. i’ve used it on and off - going hard at times and then dropping off entirely for years - much like someone with ADHD would do (i was dx’ed this spring at the age of 5fucking4).
i am tired of other social media. i have a webpage but i can’t motivate to work it out. but i still have stuff i feel like i need to shout into the infinite void. yes i hope it reaches someone. any someone that gets it. but even if it truly is a void i am shouting into — i have to.
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windwardstar · 7 years
Hi, dearie! I was wondering if you had any tips on how to write a mentally ill child (bipolar or childhood schizophrenia? Yes I know that a child is young for a diagnosis of these but it's mostly from experience I'm writing).
Well this got surprisingly long so it’s going under a cut.Trigger Warning for Bullying.
I experienced my first hypomanic episode in my teens and I’m not schizophrenic so I can’t really speak to writing those in young children. (Aside from that it’s very rare, but you already know that so the point’s moot.)
However I was diagnosed with depression, social anxiety, treated for panic attacks, and also misdiagnosed ADHD (actually autistic but this was in 2000 when they were mutually exclusive and girls didn’t have autism/aspergers). (I may have also been dx’ed with PTSD during this but I don’t really know. All I know is what the meds that I was on did and which meds I was on.)
Anyway, what I’m getting at with this is that I was given a bunch of diagnoses and meds at a very young age (and I still have all of them with some slight changes) so I can talk about being young and mentally ill.
First off writing a mentally ill child. They are still children. They will act like children.
This means they have a harder time expressing what is wrong with them and a lot of symptoms can be written off as just being a kid. And a lot of symptoms can manifest themselves in different ways than they do in adults. (I know for PTSD and a lot of the anxiety diagnoses, there are specific notes of differences between children and adults. I’d suggest looking for some of this information for the specifics that you are using.)
Second: Other children are ruthless. Especially to those who are clearly not like everyone else.
I was on quite a few different medications and had to take them at lunch time while I was in school. We were supposed to take them on the way back from recess, which meant I often arrived back to class late. If I forgot to take them during lunch I would have to leave class to go to the nurse’s office. This meant pretty much every kid in my class knew I was medicated and took “crazy pills” and of course bullied and mocked me for it.
I also displayed NT behavior. I would have panic attacks in class and have to go stand in the hall. I would get overwhelmed and have to go stand in the hall. Basically any time when I wasn’t capable of sitting in the classroom I was allowed to go stand in the hall until I felt better. Of course other kids bullied me for this so I stopped doing it unless the teacher specifically told me to go stand in the hall (at which point the other students thought I was getting in trouble.) The other students would also mimic my behavior to mock me.
I also “fell asleep” a lot in class (to the point in high school other students who had been in my classes in elementary school remembered me as the kid who fell asleep in class) which I know wasn’t just “falling alseep” because the teacher never woke me up in class, it was always in the nurses office. I’m not sure if it was medication side effects, an autistic shutdown, or fainting (since I have that problem too). Of course this is a very visible thing to do and obviously someone had to transport me to the nurse’s office from wherever I was so again, basically everyone in class was aware of this. Which meant I got ridiculed for it and would have to endure the other students pretending to fall asleep/imitate me.
Basically what I’m getting at here is that other kids (unless it’s made clear that it’s not ok and they actually realize this) will undoubtedly bully and mock your character for whatever traits/symptoms they display. The more obvious they are, the more they’ll likely be bullied over it.
Third: There will be a lot of doctors appointments and the child will have very little say in things.
I don’t know how often I saw the psychiatrist but I was there a lot for my medications.
I also went to therapy. I hated it and didn’t want to go but I wasn’t allowed to stop going.
My mother was there for all of the appointments and often was given the decision making powers.
I basically wasn’t given a say in anything. This isn’t likely that uncommon considering children plain and simple are given very little autonomy and one that has been labelled “mentally ill” are given less.
The more impaired your character appears and the more severe the symptoms are, the less say they’ll have in their treatment (this goes for people of all ages, but children especially are vulnerable to it.) If your character is displaying hallucinations and delusions they’ll be put on medication and likely not listened to when they complain about side effects.
Side note: A child who feels like a zombie on antipsychotics and who doesn’t run around and get into trouble and just sits there quietly is something that adults LIKE.
As long as a students isn’t acting out or causing trouble, the teacher likely won’t be sending notes home complaining about the kid’s behaviour. Although they may mention your character is having trouble focusing, but that isn’t nearly as much a priority to have addressed as disruptive students,- so a lot of parents may not think this is a problem especially if they’re aware it’s a side effect of the meds and can just kind of brush it off.
This means that a lot of adults will say the medication is working and they want to keep going. And since children have little say, the parent gets their way.
All of these things are going to be part of your character’s life. Doctors appointments and bullying and being aware that they’re different from their peers. At first they may be strange, but if it’s been going on for a while, your character isn’t likely to think anything of it. It’s just going to be part of their normal routine. They may or may not be told what’s going on with them. Depending on your character’s age, they may or may not really be able to understand it even if they are told.
And that’s about all I can think of right now. If you have more specific questions feel free to send in another ask.
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