#adi vel oc
Sins of The Father - Chapter 35
Summary: Adi makes a decision that will impact the rest of his life
A/N: Hello Lovelies!
I’m back, oh man I’m so happy not to be having any sort of migraines, still getting slight headaches here and there but nothing compared to what I was having in October. Nothing preventing me from writing at least so woohoo.
I’m already working on the next chapter for Gym Membership, hoping to get that out to you guys in two weeks. Thank you for sticking around and being patient. 
Not to mention 300! I’m at 305 or 307 followers, I can’t believe it, that’s so amazing. I love you all. 
I am going to come up with a 300 celebration, not sure yet about the exact celebration, but I shall let you know soon. 
Italics - flashback
Warnings: Grief, kissing, slight make out, mentions of slavers, death, I think that’s it. If I miss any warnings please let me know. 
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Adi’s hands trailed over his father’s armour, he could still remember vividly the last time he had seen Ca’tra, he was almost three years younger, a lot shorter, but he could still remember the feeling Ca’tra always exuded: impenetrable, invincible, and everlasting. 
He remembered thinking it was all some elaborate joke, when his mom came out of the Sintas telling him, his father wasn’t coming back. He was convinced it was only a matter of time before Ca’tra would miraculously appear behind his Ama, or simply jump out and yell surprise at the most random of times, or end up showing up in another ship. Even when he saw Ca’tra’s armour in the sack she was using to carry it home, he was unwavering in his belief it had been someone else’s armour.
It was about two days later, when his comms continually went unanswered, his mother’s unending tears, and the silence that had fallen in the house, along with the constant visits from Babeh, Gregor, Pelli and surrounding friends, was he fully persuaded in his heart his father was never coming back. 
The family he had dreamed of for so long was gone, the father he looked up to, the man who trained him, who held him when he cried, who had treated him like a son from the moment he appeared in their lives had disappeared from his life permanently. 
The ship was in hyperspace, only two parsecs away from Kashyyyk, he took a moment to really think about the decision he was going to make, was this what he wanted? To follow in the steps of his grandfather, mother and father? To follow the Mand’alor? Did he see himself as a Mandalorian? As a warrior? Was it right for him to put on the armour that would define who he was, where he stood in the galaxy, and how he connected to the creed?
He hadn’t tried it on, not even when his mother opened the cache and showed him the armour on Papsr. He was tempted. His eyes kept focusing on the helmet that had appeared so menacing and so comforting at the same time. He sat down on his bunk, holding the helmet in his hand, he took in a deep breath and put it on, almost instantly the HUD activated, everything looked different. It would take time to get use to wearing a helmet all the time, but not uncomfortable or impossible to adjust too.
There was a small yellow icon on the top right corner of the HUD flickering, his eyes focused on the icon. The screen went black for a second before what looked like their common room in their house appeared, the torso of a man appeared, as hands adjusted the helmet back and forth, until Adi saw Ca’tra sit down on the chair in front of the helmet. 
He looked young, fresh, fit, a cheery smile on his face, his hand running through his hair, as he fixed himself. 
‘Hi Adi’ he offered a small wave, as his face only brightened. ‘Not sure when you’ll be seeing this, but if you are seeing this, that means I’m not around.’
Adi felt his throat begin to tighten, as the voice he hadn’t heard in almost three years filled his ears. 
‘It’s late, your Ama and you have just gone to bed. In case your wondering it’s the night of when I proposed to your mom.’ The dimple that only appeared when Ca’tra ever looked at Amara or when he spoke about her graced his smile. 
‘You might not remember but we stayed up late partying and planning our future as a family; I made you some promises tonight, and I’m sorry I failed in those promises Adi. Ner ad’ika, I wanted to fulfill those promises with all my heart and might, but as your mother constantly reminds me, life’s a pazaak game, unless you can cheat your way through it, you never know the hand you’ll be dealt.’
His eyes started to water at seeing the man he missed from his life, there were no words to say how much he wanted to be by that man’s side right now. How much he wanted to feel his hand tussle his hair, like he use to do. To smell his scent of gunpowder, grease, dust, musk, and the metallic scent that always seemed to linger around him. 
‘I just wanted to um …’ Ca’tra rubbed the back of his neck, ‘Ha! You know I’m not good with words, not really good with anything except your mom and you. You both have given me so much more than I ever thought I would get in this life.’ 
Adi could feel a tear slide down his cheek, he went to wipe it, only to feel the coldness of the beskar helmet. 
‘Adi’ka, ner ad, I know you think I call you these things simply because of your mom, but that’s not the case. Ever since I met you, and you tried to punch me for hitting on your mom …’ Ca’tra smiled and let out a chuckle, ‘I knew I wanted you to be my child. You are my child. My little one. I love you Adi … maybe I should use your real name, Khoan Vel.’
Ca’tra took in a deep breath, ‘You are an amazing son, Khoan. There’s something I wanted to do, and I’ll do it at the wedding and make it official. Not sure if it’ll count if I do it this way, but in the event I don’t make it then, I want you to know how much you mean to me.
Ni kyr'tayl gai sa'ad, Khoan Vel (I know your name as my child - adoption rites). 
From this moment on, you are my son Khoan Vel Gaan. 
Ner ad’ika, my son, you are a joy and a light in my life I never expected. I know there will be times when we butt heads, and we may even end up getting angry with one another and never talking. However, I want you to know no matter what, I love you my son. I will always be here for you, and I will always love your mother and you.’
Adi watched as Ca’tra wiped away a tear, he wanted to run into his father’s arms, he wanted to tell him he would always be his son, he’d never let him down. 
‘Adi, there may be a time when your mom will meet another man, someone who will make her happy, someone who will make her laugh, who will fill her life with love and joy. It may be hard for you at times to see someone else step in to my shoes, but if it’s for her, promise me you will take the time to get to know him, to see what she sees in him. However, if you think that he’s not worthy of being by her side, then make his life a living hell. You have my permission.’
Ca’tra chuckled at little, it made Adi chuckle along with him, he wondered how he would feel knowing Din was the one who had captured his Ama’s heart.
‘I’m kidding, well to a degree. Just … just don’t let him in too easy, throw him some curveballs here and there, although knowing your mother, she’d be doing that already. Son, there are so many things I want to tell you, so many things I feel I should impart.’
Ca’tra cleared his throat, his thumb and forefinger passing over his lips, pursing them together, “Okay, first things first, this armour, this is for you. Whether you decide to take the six tenets or not, this is your inheritance as my son. Some may say that you are not deserving of it, or that only those that are truly Mandalorian are allowed to wear the armour. Well tell them … you know what, tell them where they can stick their unsolicited comments, and make sure they shove it so deep it gives them …’ Ca’tra cleared his throat again, ‘Sorry, got a little carried away, what I’m trying to say, don’t listen to what anyone else tells you. This armour … is yours and yours alone.’
Adi wanted so much to have his father there, to have the man who took him in without a second thought, who taught him how to defend himself, how to be there for his mom in a way he never thought of. He wished above all else that he was there telling him these things in person, rather than in a holovid. 
’Adi there will come a time in your life when you’ll meet someone who - ohh how do I say this … it’s different for everyone, it could start off as hate, it could be as simple as a hello, they could end up being your best friend. Somehow, in some way, there’s a moment when you look at that person and you realize in that moment your life will never be the same. Imagining your life without them beside you, without their smile, their jokes, their kindness, whatever it is that draws you to them, all of a sudden you will realize they complete you, they make you whole. When that happens ad, you have to promise me.  Promise me you won’t push them away, you won’t make them feel less then they deserve. At the same time make sure they don’t make you feel less than who you are, or unworthy to be by their side. You are a brilliant kid, smart, stubborn like your mom, kind, quick witted, and you have a big heart Adi. 
Love is a tricky thing, sometimes you think you love someone, fight to be by their side, only to realize you never stood a chance. And that’s okay. It’s okay to try and lose, because it means you were brave enough, courageous enough, and willing to do something most don’t have the courage to do. 
Then there could be a moment, when your heart is breaking and you don’t think you’ll ever find the right one, and you stumble upon a garage with a pair of legs sticking out from underneath a speeder and you realize the love you thought you had for someone else, could never measure up to the love you really feel for the right one. 
Just remember to always treat them with respect, treat them with kindness and compassion, treat them with the honour and dignity they deserve whether the relationship works out or it doesn’t. They opened their heart to you, that’s a privilege they grant you.’
It surprised Adi to see him wipe a tear, he let out a soft chuckle as he wiped a tear away ‘I know a grown man crying… these tears are because I am happy and blessed to have found you and your mother. Don’t be afraid to cry Adi. Don’t be afraid to show emotion. There’s nothing wrong with being able to show emotions and cry, there are some who would say it’s ‘unmanly’ to cry, ignore them. Tell them to stick their advice the same place as those who tell you, you can’t wear the armour.’
Ca’tra glanced at something on the wall behind the helmet, and then back at the visor, ‘Adi, I have so much more I need to tell you, however, I also have to get up in a few hours. I’ll be making recordings throughout of things that I feel I should tell you, they’ll all be stored in this helmet. Don’t worry you’ll be able to find them easily enough. 
I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to tell you these things in person, son. I’m sorry I couldn’t make it back to you. I will try with all my might to make my way back to you, but if I can’t know that I didn’t give up easily, know that I gave it my all to make it back to you and your mom. 
Even though I might not be by your side physically, at least you’ll have these holovids, and my own amazing wisdom.’ Ca’tra chuckled rubbing his hair, ‘Your mom will probably tell me that my wisdom is something that no one should listen to’ he let out another chuckle.
‘I love your mom, Adi, and I love you. You are both my family, and the day we will get to be united as one clan, will be the day that my world feels complete. You may not want a family of your own Adi, and that’s fine, you don’t have to try to live the life I lived, or to follow your mom’s footsteps either. You just follow your own path, whatever your decide or choose, we will be proud hakayrus (parents) because you are our son and we love you very much..’
Ca’tra stood from his seat and pressed a button on his vambrace, the recording finished, and the hud simply showed him his room. He took off the helmet wiping his eyes of the tears he had been shedding for the past while. 
He looked at the helmet once his vision was back and no longer obstructed by the tears that were simply free flowing at hearing his father’s voice again. His fingers tightened around the helmet, as he pressed his forehead against it, “I miss you dad, I miss you so much. Thank you.” 
He placed the helmet beside him, as he stood. The tears wiped clean. He opened his compartment, and pulled out a new flight suit, he laid it on his bunk beside the armour. He wasn’t sure if this was the right thing to do, but he felt he had to do this.
He took a knee in front of his father’s helmet, placing his hand on top of it, gently, reverently. He took in a deep breath, and closed his eyes bowing his head towards his father’s helmet..
“Teh ibic kusa'yr Ni malyasa'yr surya arsaor ti kar'ta be a Mando. Ni danija at oyacyir ner jibr miasa'iaru yaa mateh gotal'ur jid giarioa, buir. Ni vor entye par e'lyreu'anr ka bal par daorida at hbina ka. Ni malyasa'yr draar digur gar” (From this moment I will wear you armour with the heart of a Mandalorian. I vow to live my life in that manner that would make you proud, father. I thank you for teaching me and for continuing to guide me. I will never forget you.)
Maybe the rites didn’t count since it was via a holovid and not in person, however knowing that Ca’tra Gaan made the effort to do this for him, was willing to take him on in front of everyone as his son, meant more to him than he ever realized. 
He stood changing out of the clothes he had and slowly putting on his new attire, he took his time adjusting the flight suit before putting on every single piece of armour, double checking all the weaponry on it like his hakayrus taught him, every time they donned their armour. He didn’t have any gloves, that would be something he could purchase later on. He attached his cuirass, took in a deep breath as he lifted the helmet and placed it on his head. 
He took his time to open his eyes, viewing his world through the hud. It was a disorienting experience at first, there was a lot of information. He walked around his room, getting use to the new visuals. He was walking backwards, when a red light flashed on the left hand corner, showing him what was behind him, he moved his hand behind his head, seeing his fingers wiggling. 
Seeing all the features the buy’ce (helmet) had to offer, made him realize how amazing Ca’tra, his Ama, Babeh and Din were, they were able to see all that information and still be the badasses they were. They absorbed, assimilated and acted on the information provided to them, within an instant. Although he had played around and been taught how a buy’ce works, it was very different to see it in action. 
He felt like a new born fathier, trying to find his footing, it was very different walking around and dealing with all the added information, little icons popped up when he looked at certain items. He remembered his father telling him, ‘focus on what you need to see and what’s important at the moment.’
He practiced for a bit longer before he decided to venture out of his room. 
- - - - - - - - - - 
Amara was focused on the readout in front of her, she had noticed the hyperdrive was running a bit sluggish, it was still pushing an optimal output however, she never liked it when her ship dipped below her own acceptable levels. She smirked hearing Din’s voice in her head ‘Mesh’la you know, it will still run.’
She chuckled remembering their bickering. 
’Sweetie, I know you loved your Razor, but if I ever saw your ship and how you attempted to repair it, you and I would’ve never happened.’
Din laughed, his jovial booming voice bouncing off the walls, ‘I promise you, I took a lot better care of the Razor than you think I did.’
‘From the way you describe it, it certainly doesn’t sound like it.’
‘The Crest was my home, my lady, of course I took care of her.’ He leaned over pressing his forehead against hers, ‘The same way I take care of you.’
‘Are you saying, you’re just finding the easiest and fastest fix for me?’
‘Never’ Din placed a gentle kiss on her cheek, as he shifted closer to her on the couch, Adi wasn’t home yet, he was sparring with Fennec, and Grogu was napping in the room he was sharing with Din. Din’s hand cradled her jaw gently as he slowly turned her head to look at him, ‘I’d use only the very best materials and the most exceptional mechanics to fix you’
‘Oh, so you’re saying I do need fixing?’
Din’s eyes widened as a confused look appeared on his face, ‘No, that’s not what I’m saying at all. I think you’re perfect the way you are.’
‘Oh, then I’m a mess you don’t want to bother with?’
‘No! That’s not … what I mean is …’ Din looked flustered not sure what was the right thing to say, he was ready to apologize to grovel, when he saw a smirk appear on her lips, as her eyes sparkled.
‘You’re so easy’ Amara laughed out, he let out a frustrated sigh, chuckling along with her as he pulled her towards his lips, kissing her with a passion he had forgotten existed within him.  She shifted till she was sitting on his lap, running her fingers through his hair. When they both pulled back in order to catch a breath, ‘We should probably stop.’
Din nodded against her forehead, as his hands found their spot on her waist, ‘Yeah, we should otherwise I won’t be able to stop’
‘Not to mention, this is not something I would want my son or your son to walk in on’
‘True’ Din pecked her lips, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek followed by a kiss on her neck, ‘Yeah’ his warm moist breath flushed over her neck, ’I don’t think Adi would appreciate seeing this …’ he pulled back to look at her, his hand caressing her face, ‘You are so beautiful.’
‘You don’t have to do that’
‘I’m serious, cyar’ika. You have no idea how beautiful you are, every time you smile, you look at me, every time I see you take care of those you love, those who are in need, I am amazed by your beauty inside and out, you are amazing and I am honoured to be by your side.’
She pressed her lips against Din’s, deepening the kiss by tilting his head back, ‘You know …’ she mumbled against his lips, ‘We won’t …’ she tried to get out, as he chased her lips, ‘Be able to…’  his hand shifted to the back of her head pressing her lips back against his, chasing her taste as though it was the very air he needed to breathe, ‘For a while.’
‘Why do you think I keep trying to hold on to this moment?’ He quirked his eyebrow as he smirked at her.
Amara cleared her throat, this wasn’t the time to be lost in thought. Adi hadn’t said much since they arrived at Papsr and as soon as they boarded the Sintas he locked himself in his room with the armour. She tried to offer what she could as an explanation, but either he didn’t hear her or he wasn’t ready to listen was all she could determine from his silence. 
She wandered to his door at least ten times since they took off from Papsr, however, she just couldn’t bring herself to knock on her son’s door. There were times when he just needed a moment to himself and there were times when he needed her, for right now, he needed space to deal with his grief.
The sound of the door sliding open behind her, gave Amara a sense of relief knowing that Adi was ready to talk, “How are you feeling?” She focused on the diagnostic report, giving Adi time to get his words ready. She didn’t want to force him or put him on the spot by staring at him. 
“Ama” hearing his modulated voice, made the statement he was about to make all the more real. He watched as she slowly lifted her head and turned to look at him. She didn’t say anything, simply stood and walked over to him. She was visibly holding back the tears, as she stood in front of him. 
“You put it on” Amara offered a smile through her trembling lips, he looked so much like Ca’tra in that moment, the way he was standing, the aura he exuded through the armour.
“I did” he cleared his throat, afraid his voice would start shaking.
“How does …” now it was her turn to clear her throat, if Ca’tra was there he would’ve been so proud of him, “How does it feel?”
“Good. Surreal. A little weird if I’m being honest.”
She nodded in agreement, “Yeah, I get that” her hand fidgeted with the wrist band she’d always worn on her wrist, it had belonged to Ca’tra. He gave it to her the morning of that fateful day, he wanted to give her something to help her realize he was always by her side. 
“Is it okay if …” Adi motioned to the armour he was wearing.
Amara placed her hands on his helmeted cheeks, “Of course it is, that’s what he would’ve wanted. It suits you.”
“He … He left a holovid for me, he …” Adi cleared his throat, “He performed the Gai bal manda (adoption ceremony - literally ‘name and guardian’) on the holovid.”
There was a look of shock on Amara’s face, he never told her, he was planning to perform one via a holovid. The plan was to do it in front of all their family and friends at the onvior warasu’ir (wedding ceremony). 
A smile spread across her face, “I’m happy for you. He loved you sooo much, not being able to do it in person really ate at him that day. I’m glad he was able to do it, even if it was via a holovid.”
“Does it still count?”
“Of course it does. Without a doubt. It counts.”
“The hud is hard to get use to”
“I know. It takes time. The trick is to keep your buy’ce on for as long as you can stand it, then take a break and try again, increasing the amount of time you wear it.”
“Is that how you learned?”
“More or less, except I played with Babeh’s helmet when he let me. Plus, I got really use to wearing the magnifiers I use while working on the engines. It’s a similar concept.”
“Oh true, no wonder it felt a little disorienting at first.”
“Are you going to paint it?”
“The armour?”
“I don’t know. The white, black and blue just feel right.”
“I understand. Just know the option to change, is there. Do you remember what the colours mean?”
Adi nodded as he glanced down at his armour, “Blue means reliability, black signifies justice, and the white means a new start.”
Amara tugged him over to sit in the co-pilot seat, as she took her seat, her legs shifting on the chair until she was comfortable, she leaned her head back, chuckling to herself, “Do you know why he painted those colours?” She glanced over to Adi.
He simply shook his head no.
She smirked as she thought back to that moment, “He said he painted it blue, because even though he may be late, battered, and bruised, you could always count on him to show up. Eventually.”
“Yup, that sounds like him” he chuckled along with his mom, remembering the amount of times, he would arrive, bruised or just in the nick of time, “Why did he add the black?”
“Ahhh … that …” Amara took her time with that answer, she shifted a little in her seat, feeling the weight of the answer that was to come forth from her mouth, “When Ca’tra was a little boy, before he joined the fighting corp, he was living on Taris. It … let’s just say it wasn’t a nice place to grow up. After learning about what it meant to be Mandalorian, to see the way most valued honour and dignity, he understood what he wanted to bring to his life. Justice. Granted it was his own kind of justice, but it made him realize that was something seriously lacking in the universe.”
Adi was silent, nodding slowly, “No wonder”
“No wonder?”
Adi shifted in his seat, readjusting his flight suit, “Um … well Ca’tra made me promise not to tell you.”
“Not to tell me, about what?” Amara quirked her eyebrow as she looked at Adi, if Ca’tra was there she would have had it out with him, “Actually, how many times did Ca’tra make you promise not to tell me things.”
“It was just that one time…” he held up a finger, “Ok, maybe two times …” he slowly raised his second finger, before he shifted his head side to side raising his third finger, “Three. Definitely three times, but they were really good reasons”
“Mmhmm” she crossed her arms as she sat back, “What was it that he told you not to tell me?”
“This was about three months after we met him, you weren’t able to pick me up from school, so he volunteered.”
“Right, I think I remember this - - you guys ended up being half an hour late, and I was about ready to kill him.”
“Well the reason we were late, was because he … he was busy saving someone from a group of slavers.”
“What? He never told me this”
“He wasn’t sure how you’d react about him having to make a deal with slavers while your son sat beside him.”
Amara chuckled, “Well he had a point there, if I had learned about it then I would’ve probably killed him.” She settled in her seat, looking at her son, his coming-of-age ceremony was just a few weeks away, seeing him sit there in his father’s armour - -  it all sunk in how much he had grown from that scrawny kid she saved all those years ago. “Well, what happened?”
“Ama you should’ve seen him, the way he reasoned with them, the way he tried to convince them to let the person go. He sat there only speaking when he needed to, and even though he had to eventually resort to threatening them, he was able to make sure the person was safe. He told me afterwards, all it takes to make sure justice is served is for one person to care. One person to offer help makes all the difference in the world.”
Amara couldn’t help smirking thinking about all the ways Ca’tra made an impact on their lives, from that first meeting, till the last moment he drew breath. “You know he added the white to his armour after he left the covert. He said it was his new start. A new start that led him to the best possible outcome. He always said the best choice he ever made was leaving the covert and finding his own way as a mercenary slash bounty hunter. He was glad his path led to us.”
“I am too” Adi smiled as he looked at his mom, even though she couldn’t see it he had no doubt she knew it was there. “I’m glad I’m his son; I’m grateful I have this as an inheritance” he motioned towards the armour, “It makes me feel in some way he’s still here with me … with us.”
She reached over holding her son’s bare hands, “Me too. I’m glad you have it.” She smirked at the fact he didn’t have gloves, he looked as though something was missing from his armour. “Tell me, does this mean you are going to take the Resol’nare or are you just honouring your father? Either way, I’ll support you.”
He gave her hand a squeeze before she shifted from her seat. He didn’t pay attention to what she was doing, as the console began beeping with an alert, “I’ve vowed to live my life in a way that will honour my father, and I believe taking the Resol’nare will honour him in the greatest way possible.” He reviewed the alert, “We’re coming up on Kashyyyk, we’ll be dropping out of hyperspace in about ten minutes.”
“Good” Amara took her spot again, passing Adi a small container, “I’ve been waiting for the right time to give you this.”
Adi glanced from the console to the container his Ama had in her hand, he took it carefully, opening it to find a pair of new gloves similar in design to hers and Babeh’s, it was made of the finest dewback leather. He put them on, flexing his fingers, listening to the creaking of the tension from the brand new leather. There was also a three-sided knife lying at the bottom of the container, as he held it up gently he recognized it as the one belonging to Ca’tra, “How…”
“I made sure that day, there was nothing of his left behind. I knew he would’ve wanted you to have it. After all, he inscribed your name on it.”
He turned it gently, to see the names of Ca’tra’s family, those of his biological family, and that of his adopted family. The last two names were the freshest engraved, Amara Vel (O’yare Fett), Khoan Vel Gaan. He couldn’t help smiling at their names, “I guess this makes it official, I’m his son.”
“His love for you made it official, that …” Amara motioned to the knife in his hands, as she prepared the ship to exit hyperspace, “Is proof of the love he had for you, the love he always felt for you. I’m glad you got to know him, Adi.”
“Me too.”
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Sins of the Father - Chapter 37
Summary: Amara and Adi try to settle in on Kashyyyk
A/N: Hello Lovelies,
Ahhhh I AM SO SORRY! Life has a way of throwing curve balls after curve balls. As some of you know from my announcement post, things got a little out of hand recently. My mom is doing a little better, the pain is at bay, but they still don’t know what kind of bacteria she has, hopefully they’ll be able to find out soon and then she’ll be able to go home after treatment. 
Needless to say, my life has consisted of work, hospital, sleep, repeat. 
However, I am trying to write when I get a chance, to give me some thing to look forward to, a little escape from the reality. 
Hopefully, this chapter still flows, and you guys still love it. THANK YOU for waiting for the next chapter. 
Bold & Italics - Shyriiwook translation
Warnings: mentions of slavery, deforestation, feelings of insecurity, lack of trust, trauma, memories of past trauma, discussions of predatory animals, disrespect, I think that’s it, if I miss any please let me know.  
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There was a slight breeze blowing through the trees, it surprised her how pleasant Kashyyyk was, she had expected it be more like Felucia with all the trees on the planet. Despite the deforestation that had taken place during the Empire’s reign there were still a healthy amount of trees; the living trees held a special place in the heart of the Wookiees, after all they all believed the planet belonged to the trees.
She closed her eyes as Amara leaned against the railing of the tree-top village, feeling the breeze on her face. It was so different from Tatooine, peaceful its own right. If you ignored the dangerous animals, and the unwelcome ‘inspecting’ crew, it was rather a lovely planet. She took a few more minutes of feeling the fresh air against her face and through her hair, she was a little reluctant to put the buy’ce back on, but it had gotten better thanks to the environmental controls she and Din had tweaked.
The more she’d been thinking of her future with Din, the more she realized she had to make a decision, either to follow the creed or not, to leave Tatooine and follow him to Mandalore or not. She knew she wanted to be by his side, and that meant making changes to her life, such as trying to wear her buy’ce more, she had to say though she may not have been a fan of the buy’ce there was a sense of freedom from wearing it. After all while she was with Ca’tra she didn’t really need to wear the buy’ce.
“Lahaoaoanwo ohrarcrcahoorc” (Little warrior)
The voice pulled her out of her musings, she turned to see Krrishor standing as the magnificent warrior he was, his hair blowing slightly in the breeze, for being a sentient who was quite tall and weighed almost 160 kg he was very quiet on his feet. She had to admit being amongst the Wookiees made her and Adi feel at home, “Is it time?”
“Tacworo’rcwo caorarcaoahwhrr aooo rrraaoacworc” (They’re starting to gather)
They had been on Kashyyyk for only a few days, but things were ramping up, she could sense it; there was a certain electricity in the air, a sense of worry and caution. Adi had also noticed there was a growing feeling of tension in the air, one of the older ones told him it was the trees, they were just as concerned about the unwanted visitors.
“Do you think there will ever be a time when people won’t aim to hurt one another?”
“Iwh aoacahc rrraanrakro? Noo.” (In this galaxy? No.)
As unfortunate and hopeless as that answer was, it was the truth; Amara didn’t say anything else, she took in one more deep breath before putting on her buy’ce thinking of the man who had slowly won over her heart waiting for the moment she’d see him again. She’s not sure at what point it happened but somehow Din became someone she could rely, someone she loved, someone she could hope on, and knowing he was on his way gave her a sense of comfort and warmth that made her smile. 
She followed Krrishor along the pathway, it was deserted not many people visited the lookout she had become fond of; she could see a portion of the mountain just east of the Archipelago village, surrounded by the lake and beach; she especially enjoyed spending time there just as the sun was setting it was a mesmerizing sight. However, for many of the villagers standing at the lookout was a painful reminder regarding the destruction caused by the Empire, although the planet was slowly beginning to heal, there were still areas of the mountain where the deforestation was prevalent, and now to see the Czerka group begin to act as though they had rights to the land, a right to enslave the population, bred an anger within her she wasn’t sure she’d be able to contain within her armour. She wanted to destroy not just the landing party that found itself quite at home, but the Czerka Corporation in itself. If she could somehow bring it crumbling to its very knees, it would be a relief to so many who have suffered under the hand of the Czerka group, but that was a dream. The Czerka Corporation was more corrupt than Coruscant, they had the backing of several powerful people, although the Empire was gone, some of those who supported the regime were still around. 
There was no point dwelling on the past or on the cruelty the galaxy decided to unleash on itself, otherwise she would’ve ended in a swirl of misery and depression. It was beyond her control to fix the galaxy, but she was able to correct and help those in her immediate vicinity. 
She focused her attention on the craftsmanship of the village, the details and the intricate work were paralleled to nothing she had seen previously, when she had pointed it out to Krrishor and Krrsantan they simply shrugged and said it was a necessity. Something she learned about Wookiees, they had over a hundred different words for ‘wood’ but no word for ‘artist’. Which was a shame because aside from being family-oriented warriors, they truly were magnificent artists. 
The walkway was smooth, smoother than transparisteel. It didn’t detract from the picturesqueness of the woods, it moved with the landscape and accentuated its beauty. Each family dwelling unit was big enough to house one family of five, her and Adi were staying in one of the dwelling units, it was huge just for them, and definitely more than enough for Boba and Din when they arrived which should be any day. 
The sound of Krrishor’s stomach rumbling pulled Amara out of her musings; she focused on the reason she and Adi were there on Kashyyyk, it was to sight see or admire the architecture; it was to make sure everyone was safe.
Her mind pulled back to the here and now, “Heard anything from the scouts?”
“Owhwo scoorcwo aorcrawhcakoorcao anrawhwawowa, rarhoohuao aoohwowhaoro scoorcwo Cufworcorra ohoorcorworcc ohraanorwowa oohuao, rrwoaoaoahwhrr aoacwosccwoanhowoc cwoao huak raoaaoahwhrr anahorwo aoacahc ahc aoacwoahrc akanrawhwoao.”  (One more transport landed, about twenty more Czerka workers walked out, getting themselves set up acting like this is their planet.)
“The Empire messed everything up, it wasn’t bad enough they were power hungry and one hell of a destructive force, but no, that wasn’t enough they also had to repeal the anti-slavery laws and actually deigned to classify Wookiees as non-sentients. Now that the Empire is gone, all those fools who were all too glad to follow along with their nonsensical ideals are happy just to continue their idiotic ways.”
“I waoowh’ao ohrawhao oohurc rooohuwhrranahwhrrc aooo chuwwwwworc rawhro scoorcwo.” (I don’t want our younglings to suffer any more.)
“None of us do. You’ve all been through a lot, I heard from one of the villagers about the Pau’an who was kidnapping younglings; and now you have to deal with the kriffing Czerka corporation. We’ll get them to leave one way or another.” 
As they walked closer to Chief Elghro’s meeting room, Krrishor slowed down his steps, holding on to her shoulder, he didn’t want her going in and causing any kind of trouble or to lose the respect of the village. He meant to do it earlier, but time seemed to have slipped away amongst the other duties he had. 
“Hrahowo rooohu raaoaowowhwawowa ra hoahananrarrwo scwowoaoahwhrr rhwowwoorcwo, anahaoaoanwo ohrarcrcahoorc?” (Have you attended a village meeting before, little warrior?)
“Not one on Kashyyyk” Amara smirked under the helmet.
He nodded, smirking at her charm, “Tacworcwo ahc rawh oorcwaworc  aooo aoacwo ohraro scwowoaoahwhrrc rarcwo acwoanwa, wwahrccao Cacahwoww Eanrracrcoo ohahanan ooakwowh aoacwo scwowoaoahwhrr, acwo ohahanan aoacwowh ooakwowh aoacwo wwanoooorc aooo acahc rcahrracao acrawhwa. Aao ohacahoaac akooahwhao, aoacworo ohahanan waahcoahucc aoacwo cahaohuraaoahoowh ohwo wwraoawo rawhwa acoooh aooo rroo rarhoohuao ahao.” (There is an order to the way meetings are held, first Chief Elghro will open the meeting, he will then open the floor to his right hand. At which point, they will discuss the situation we face and how to go about it.)
“I have some ideas about how to deal with them, to make sure they never come back.”
“Awhro churrrrwocaoahoowhc rarcwo ohwoanoaooscwo, shhucao ohraahao huwhaoahan aoacworo ooakwowh ahao huak aooo oohuaocahwawo churrrrwocaoahoowhc. Jhucao orwhoooh aoacraao ohwo rarcwo akrcwoakrarcwowa aooo oaooscakanwoaowoanro wawoscooanahcac aoacwosc wwrcoosc oowwww aoacwo wwraoawo ooww aoacahc rrraanrakro. Tacworo’howo waoowhwo scoorcwo acrarcsc aooo aoacahc rrraanrakro aoacwowh aoacwo Escakahrcwo rawhwa aoacwo Zrorrworcahrawhc oaooscrhahwhwowa.” (Any suggestions are welcome, just wait until they open it up to outside suggestions. Just know that we are prepared to completely demolish them from off the face of this galaxy. They’ve done more harm to this galaxy than the Empire and the Zygerrians combined.) 
Amara chuckled a little to herself, “Wacraao’c coo wwhuwhwhro?”(What’s so funny?)
“I was just thinking if the Empire welcomed you with open arms as opposed to ostracizing your people; I doubt anyone would’ve survived.”
Krrishor chuckled along with her, “I oaoohuanwa craro aoacwo crascwo rarhoohuao rooohurc akwoooakanwo, anahaoaoanwo ohrarcrcahoorc” (I could say the same about your people, little warrior)
She glanced up to him tilting her head, “Ahhh, yes well that’s a complicated history. Mandalorians have always hard a hard time being a united front. It’s how the Empire was able to eradicate us.”
“Iao’c rhwooarahucwo aoacworo orwhwooh rooohu ohworcwo caorcoowhrrworc aoacrawh aoacwosc. Saorcoowhrrworc aoacrawh aoacraao coo oaraananwowa Escakahrcwo.” (It’s because they knew you were stronger than them. Stronger than that so called Empire.)
“Anything else I should be aware of?”
“Doowh’ao ahwhaoworcrchuakao aoacwo Cacahwoww. Ac rawh oohuaocahwaworc, rooohu schucao ohraahao aooo rhwo raoaorwhooohanwowarrwowa rhro aoacwo rcahrracao-acrawhwa rhwowwoorcwo oaoowhaoahwhhuahwhrr ohacraao rooohu ahwhaowowhwawowa aooo craro; rawhwa wwahwhraananro shhucao rhwooarahucwo rooohu scraro rhwo acworarcwa waoowoc whooao scworawh aoacraao rooohurc ahwawora ohahanan rhwo raoaoawoakaowowa. Iww aoacraao acraakakwowhc waoo whooao cacoooh rawhro waahcraakakooahwhaoscwowhao, ahao ohahanan rhwo hoahwoohwowa rac waahcrcwocakwooaao aooo aoacwo Cacahwoww rawhwa aooo aoacwo oowhwo ohacoo rhrcoohurracao rooohu ahwh.” (Don’t interrupt the Chief. As an outsider, you must wait to be acknowledged by the right-hand before continuing what you intended to say; and finally just because you may be heard does not mean that your idea will be accepted. If that happens, do not show any disappointment, it will be viewed as disrespect to the Chief and to the one who brought you in.)
“Understood. If I do have something to say, how do I go about doing that?”
“Sahscakanwo. Jhucao caorawhwa.” (Simple. Just stand.)
“But of course.”
They both walked on in silence, reaching the meeting room; as soon as they stepped in through the door a shiny blue helmet appeared from among the crowd. Amara couldn’t help but smile as one of the older Wookiee’s, Gwehul, was grooming Adi as he sat there, even though there was nothing to groom since he’d kept his armour on the entire time; however, that didn’t deter her from stopping. She simply sat there, picking off all the lint she could find, and adjusted his armour, shiny what she could with her fur. 
“Ama!” Adi waved her over, hoping that the grooming would stop once his mother was sitting beside him. He could tell by the way her buy’ce was tilted, she was laughing at him, and he couldn’t really be upset about it, after all if it was him he would be laughing at her.
- - - - - - - - - - 
Everyone sat listening attentively to Gwehul who had seen the pain her village had gone through first hand, giving their full attention to the weight of the words she offered, each word full of anger and pain as memories from the past reopened old wounds. 
“… Tacwo coohuwhwac ooww aoacwoahrc coarcworascc ohahanan wwoorcwohoworc rhwo rhhurcwhwowa ahwhaooo scro scwoscoorcro, ohacwowh aoacwo canrahoworcc rrrascwo aooo oohurc hoahananrarrwo, aoacwo whwohoworc wowhwaahwhrr caorcworasc ooww aoworarcc oaooscahwhrr wwrcoosc oohurc rooohuwhrr oowhwoc ohacoo ohworcwo oaraakaohurcwowa, caohuwwwwwowa ahwhaooo oarcraaowoc aooooo cscraanan wwoorcoaahwhrr aoacwosc aooo rcwoscraahwh aoacworcwo wwoorc acoohurcc, cooscwoaoahscwoc wararoc oowh wowhwa. Owhanro wwoorc aoacwosc aooo wowhwa huak rhwoahwhrr cooanwa oowwww rac oaacworaak akwoaoc aooo ohworaanaoacro akraaorcoowhc ooww aoacwo canrahowo scrarcorwoao; huwhaoahan aoacworo whoo anoowhrrworc cworchowowa aoacwoahrc hucwowwhuanwhwocc. Ohurc ohooscwowh, oohurc scooaoacworcc, wwrcahwowhwac, cahcaoworcc … scro warahurracaoworcc, wwoorcoawowa aooo wwahrracao rhworacaoc aoacoocwo oaooohrarcwac, ohacoo acwoanwa oowh aooo oohurc anworacacwoc, ohoohuanwa whwohoworc wararcwo wwahrracao aoacwosccwoanhowoc. I ohraaooaacwowa rac oowhwo rhro oowhwo aoacworo ohworcwo canrahurracaoworcwowa rawhwa aoacwoahrc anahhowoc oahuao waooohwh rhwowwoorcwo aoacworo wohowowh acrawa ra oaacrawhoawo aooo wokakworcahwowhoawo 200 roworarcc. Ohurc scwowh, oohurc wwraaoacworcc, rhrcooaoacworcc … scro achucrhrawhwa rawhwa coowhc, hucwowa rac rranrawaahraaooorcc rawhwa aorcooakacahwoc wwoorc Trcrawhwaoocacahrawh rrrascwo achuwhaoworcc rawhwa Iscakworcahraan scoowhcaoworcc ohacoo wwwoanao aoacworo akrcoohoahwawowa ra cakoorcaoahwhrr oaacrawhoawo…” (… The sounds of their screams will forever be burned into my memory, when the slavers game to our village, the never ending stream of tears coming from our young ones who were captured, stuffed into crates too small forcing them to remain there for hours, sometimes days on end. Only for them to end up being sold off as cheap pets to wealthy patrons of the slave market; until they no longer served their usefulness. Our women, our mothers, friends, sisters … my daughters, forced to fight beasts those cowards, who held on to our leashes, would never dare fight themselves. I watched as one by one they were slaughtered and their lives cut down before they even had a chance to experience 200 years. Our men, our fathers, brothers … my husband and sons, used as gladiators and trophies for Trandoshian game hunters and Imperial monsters who felt they provided a sporting chance…)
Amara shook her head as her heart broke for all the Wookiees and for every single sentient captured by a slave trader. No one deserved to be treated as nothing more than sport and entertainment, to not even be recognized as a viable sentient. 
Many in the village knew Gwehul lost her family, but she never spoke regarding how they died or even what she witnessed. As Amara looked around the room, she could see many were with saddened faces, some were angry, others were shocked. They obviously heard stories regarding what some had been through, but none from a first hand account. Everyone was clearly very emotional and overwhelmed by the account they just heard.
Amara glanced over to Adi as difficult as it was for everyone else there to listen, she could just imagine how hard it was for him to hear, especially since, he had his own traumas to deal with. She wished he’d never had to deal with his hurtful memories, the pain he had suffered and as much as she wanted to protect him, keep him safe, she couldn’t. After all, that wasn’t being a good mother, you couldn’t put those you loved into a box and hide them away, that wasn’t being loving or realistic.
She couldn’t help but watch as his hand clenched against his knee, she gently placed her hand on his, giving it a slight squeeze. He turned to look at her, she couldn’t see his face, since he decided to leave his buy’ce from the moment they landed on Kashyyyk. She wasn’t sure if it was because he was contemplating the creed or if it was because he didn’t want his expressions to be giving away his thoughts, or to give him a sense of security. 
“… aooo acrahowo aoacwocwo coahusc anrawhwa oowh oohurc acooscwo rawhwa aorcro rarrraahwh …” (… to have these scum land on our home and try again …) a younger Wookiee named, Muhli, gripped her bowcaster, the anger within her fuelling her, “…ohwo ohahanan cacoooh aoacwosc aoacworo rarcwo whooao ohwoanoaooscwo acworcwo. Tacworo schucao anworahowo! Tacworo ohahanan whooao rhwo raananooohwowa aooo anworahowo ohahaoac wohowowh oowhwo rcoooaor wwrcoosc oohurc acooscwo!”  (…we will show them they are not welcome here. They must leave! They will not be allowed to leave with even one rock from our home!)
Everyone agreed with Muhli, she was the daughter of one of the warriors and was coming into her own. Many of the younger ones looked at her as a potential leader, many of the older ones respected her views and her ability to handle herself especially after her coming of age ceremony.
Chief Elghro waved his staff, it was the sign the floor was open to outside suggestions, now that the situation at hand had been discussed. Amara stood gaining everyone’s attention, she nodded her head to the Chief, something she noticed the other Wookiees had done before speaking. 
“Prcoooawowowa anahaoaoanwo ohrarcrcahoorc” (Proceed little warrior) Krrishor acknowledged as the right-hand.
“Thank you, I know this is the first time many of you are meeting me, and are weary of having outsiders here, but I want to thank all of you for making my son and I feel welcomed. We have a great deal of respect for all of you and want to do what we can to help. Which is why we are offering to do a scouting trip for you, and gather as much intel as possible, the more we know about their goals and ” she motioned to both herself and Adi.
“Wacraao oarawh aoohoo Mrawhwaraanoorcahrawhc waoo?” (What can two Mandalorians do?) A Wookiee who appeared older than Muhli and younger than Krrishor spoke up. The atmosphere changed in an instant, there was a mix of tension and revere as he stood there speaking. 
“Yoohu rarcwo whooao rcwooaoorrwhahufwowa, Iwhanoowhor; rcwocaorcraahwh rooohurc aooowhrrhuwo” (You are not recognized, Inlonk; restrain your tongue) Krrishor’s voice roared in the meeting room. Amara was a little taken a back by the tension that seemed to appear seemingly out of nowhere, “Lahaoaoanwo ohrarcrcahoorc oaoowhaoahwhhuwo” (Little warrior continue)
“Although, yes, it’s true that as of right now we are two, however, even with just us,” Amara motioned between her and Adi, “we can handle those unwanted visitors. But just so everyone is aware, two more will be joining us, both experienced and seasoned warriors.”
“Oac! Tacwo cacahwhro oowhwo ahc oaooscahwhrr?” (Oh! The shiny one is coming?)
Amara couldn’t help smile at the mention of Din, “Yes. The shiny one is coming.” She could feel her face heating up and she really wished the environmental settings would be working extra hard to cool her down. She cleared her throat, getting her mind focused back on the task at hand. “Back to the subject at hand, though I may be young in your eyes, I am not a stranger to the battlefield or new to taking risks. I am teaching my son…” she motioned towards Adi, and somehow even though she couldn’t see his face, she knew he was smirking at her, “…what it means to be a warrior.”
“Wwo orwhoooh rooohu rarcwo rhooaoac oaraakrarhanwo, rooohuwhrr oowhwo,” (We know you are both capable, young one) Chief Elghor stated. “Krcrcahcacoorc ahwhwwoorcscwowa huc acoooh schuoaac acwo rcwocakwooaaoc rawhwa rawascahrcwoc rooohu wocakwooaahraananro rawwaoworc rooohu acwoanakwowa wwrcwowo acahsc wwrcoosc aoacwo Zrorrworcrcahrawh canrahowo aorcrawaworcc. Wwo waoo whooao oaraanan ahwhaooo rqhuwocaoahoowh rooohurc rarhahanahaoahwoc, ahwh wwraoaao ohwo orwhoooh acoooh corahananwowa Mrawhwaraanoorcahrawhc oarawh rhwo; oohurc akwoooakanwo acrahowo wwraoawowa aoacwosc oowwaowowh wowhoohurrac ahwh oohurc acahcaooorcro. Wwo ohoohuanwa anahorwo aooo orwhoooh ohacraao wokraoaaoanro ahc rooohurc churrrrwocaoahoowh.” (Krrishor informed us how much he respects and admires you especially after you helped free him from the Zygerrian slave traders. We do not call into question your abilities, in fact we know how skilled Mandalorians can be; our people have faced them often enough in our history. We would like to know what exactly is your suggestion.)
“My suggestion is very simple, gather as much intel as possible, you have all done a great job scouting, but we need to know more, why they are here? What exactly drew them here? How many more are coming? The Czerka Corporation is different from the Zygerrian group. For example, Zygerrians will often fall apart once their leader is killed, however Czerka … Czerka is all about the profits and whatever kind of profits they can get, either that be slavery, weapons manufacturing, illegal arms deals, I even heard a rumour they were looking into cloning technology. So just killing a bunch of them won’t guarantee they’ll never come back.”
“Hoooh waoo rooohu churrrrwocao ohwo rrwoao rcahwa ooww aoacwosc?” (How do you suggest we get rid of them?)  
“I craro ohwo raoaao whoooh!” (I say we act now!) Inlonk stated, speaking out of turn once again, a few of the Wookiees nodded in agreement.
“Iwhanoowhor! I ohahanan whooao caoraaowo ahao rarrraahwh, acooanwa rooohurc aooowhrrhuwo oorc I cacraanan rcahak ahao oohuao!” (Inlonk! I will not state it again, hold your tongue or I shall rip it out!) Krrishor motioned with his head for Amara to continue.
“Before we get to that, I think it’s best if Adi, myself and two of your warriors leave tomorrow before first light, situate ourselves on the ridge closest to the Czerka site and gather as much intel as possible. I also …”
Krrishor held his hand up cutting Amara off, “Bwowwoorcwo ohwo oaoowhaoahwhhuwo ohahaoac aoacwo scahwhoorc wawoaoraahanc ooww aoacwo scahccahoowh, anwoao huc oaoowhoaanhuwawo aoacwo scwowoaoahwhrr.” (Before we continue with the minor details of the mission, let us conclude the meeting.)
- - - - - - - - - - - 
“First things first we need accurate numbers, I know Krrishor, you said your scouts have reported several transports have arrived and delivered more personnel. We need to know exactly what type of personnel, logistics crew? Researchers? Guards? And what sort of weaponry they’re carrying or really any sort of equipment.”
“They could also be here for the salvage, there is still a lot of equipment left over not just from the clone wars but also from the Empire” Adi offered. 
“Pooccahrhanro, rhhuao aoacraao waoowocwh’ao scworawh aoacraao aoacworo ohoohuanwawh’ao aoraorwo ra oaacrawhoawo aooo wowhcanrahowo ra wwwooh anoooaraanc, ahww aoacwo ooakakoorcaohuwhahaoro akrcwocwowhaowowa ahaocwoanww” (Possibly, but that doesn’t mean that they wouldn’t take a chance to enslave a few locals, if the opportunity presented itself) Muhli added
“True” he nodded.  
“That’s the other thing we need to know, why are they really here? Are they just here to salvage, is it to steal the trees away, or enslave whoever they can?”
“Wwo’anan raancoo whwowowa aooo cwoao huak ra crawwwoaoro ufoowhwo, cooscwoohacworcwo aoacwo hoahananrarrwo oarawh rchuwh aooo ahwh aoacwo wohowowhao ooww rawh raanan oohuao raaoaoraoaor. Wacraao waoo rooohu aoacahwhor Krcrcahcacoorc, aoacwo ‘Oanwa Prcahwhoawo’ waohwoananahwhrr, aoacraao’c rarhoohuao aoacrcwowo oranahoaorc whoorcaoac-woracao wwrcoosc acworcwo?” (We’ll also need to set up a safety zone, somewhere the village can run to in the event of an all out attack. What do you think Krrishor, the ‘Old Prince’ dwelling, that’s about three klicks north-east from here?) The second volunteer, Wrruh, an older warrior who had trained many of the younger warriors offered. 
“Excuse me …” Amara cleared her throat, “when you say Old Prince, are you referring to Katarns?” Krrishor nodded his head, “You want to use a Katarn’s dwelling?”
“Iao acracwh’ao rhwowowh hucwowa ahwh wawooarawawoc, raanscoocao ra oawowhaohurcro” (It hasn’t been used in decades, almost a century) 
“Are you sure about that? If we are going to be using it as an escape route, we should make sure that it’s empty and no chance of …”
Adi held up his hand as he looked at his mother and the other Wookiees in the room, “Uh, sorry” he interrupted, “But what’s a Katarn or an Old Prince?”
“Tacwo Oanwa Prcahwhoawo ahc ra akrcwowaraaooorcro rawhahscraan, howorcro hoahoaahoohuc, howorcro warawhrrworcoohuc” (The Old Prince is a predatory animal, very vicious, very dangerous) Chief Elghor answered. 
“Doowh’ao wwoorcrrwoao oahuwhwhahwhrr rawhwa rcwoanwowhaoanwocc.” (Don’t forget cunning and relentless.) Gwehul added, “Foooorcoa rcra raooraoaooooachuoarcraohacohra rcrcohooohacohoorcoarcraraooraacooooohacoa raooraoaohoo raoaraacrcrcraoarawhrcraohacohraoa ooooohoh raooraoaohoo ohohoooorcoaohoooaraoo ooacrcraoa raooraoaohooraacrcoaoa, raooraoaohoorcoo raoaachuohacraooohooohra achuoa. Pachuoaraoaraacohacrcrc achuoa raoooooo raooraoaohoo rcacrcoaraacohacoorc, rcacachuraoo raooraoaohoorcoo ohraraacohraohac’raoo ohraohoooaraoorcoaoooorcoo achuoa. Iohacoaraooohoorcraohra raacraoo’oa rcacohoooorarcraachuoaohoo ooooohoh raooraoaohoocoa ooacohoo raoarcraacooohoo ohohooooachuohacohra ooooachurcoa raacohacohacohoorcoa ohohraacrcoaohoo.” (For a thousand generations the highlands of the forest was theirs, they hunted us. Pushing us to the brink, but they didn’t destroy us. Instead it’s because of them we have found our inner fire.)
“What do they look like?” Adi couldn’t help but be impressed by how they all revered, respected, and yet were cautious of this animal. 
“Tacworo acrahowo canwowhwaworc rhoowaahwoc, ohahaoac anoowhrr aoacahwh aoraahanc anahorwo ra rcoowawowhao. Nrarcrcoooh wwraoawoc, ohahaoac oararcaoahanrarrahwhoohuc rcahwarrwoc akrcooaowooaaoahwhrr aoacwoahrc whwooaor rawhwa cacoohuanwaworc. Tacwoahrc akraohc acrahowo ooakakoocrarhanwo waahrrahaoc, rawhwa aoacwoahrc anooohworc anahscrhc rarcwo oaoohoworcwowa ohahaoac cacrarcak cakhurcc raananooohahwhrr aoacwosc aooo oaanahscrh rawhwa acrawhrr wwoorcsc aoacwo aorcwowoc. Hrahowo rooohu cwowowh Trarcoaacahahrc ohraanorahwhrr rarcoohuwhwa ohahaoac rawh rawhahscraan oowh ra anworacac?” (They have slender bodies, with long thin tails like a rodent. Narrow faces, with cartilaginous ridges protecting their neck and shoulder. Their paws have opposable digits, and their lower limbs are covered with sharp spurs allowing them to climb and hang from the trees. Have you seen Tarchiir walking around with an animal on a leash?)
Adi nodded to Muhli as she described the animal in detail, he definitely had to remember to thank his Ama for putting in the translation app into his buy’ce and for teaching him what she could of Shyriiwook otherwise he’d be super lost, “Tacraao’c rawh Oanwa Prcahwhoawo, acwo orwoakao ahao ohacwowh acwo orahananwowa aoacwo akrarcwowhaoc wahurcahwhrr aoacwo oaworcwoscoowhahraan achuwhao wwoorc acahc oaooscahwhrr ooww rarrwo, rcraahcwowa ahao, waooscwocaoahoaraaowowa ahao; ahao’c coo cohwowoao, anahorwo ra scraccahwwww, shhucao ohrawhaoc coarcraaooaacwoc rawhwa anoohowo, acooohwohoworc aoacwo Oanwa Prcahwhoawoc ahwh aoacwo ohahanwa rarcwo rchuaoacanwocc rawhwa scworcoaahanwocc. Tacworo’howo rhwowowh orwhooohwh aooo aorcraoaor aoacwoahrc akrcworo wwoorc anoowhrr akworcahoowac ooww aoahscwo rhwowwoorcwo oaacoooocahwhrr aoacwo scoocao ooakakoorcaohuwhwo scooscwowhao aooo caorcahorwo.” (That’s an Old Prince, he kept it when he killed the parents during the ceremonial hunt for his coming of age, raised it, domesticated it; it’s so sweet, like a massiff, just wants scratches and love, however the Old Princes in the wild are ruthless and merciless. They’ve been known to track their prey for long periods of time before choosing the most opportune moment to strike.)
“Tacworcwo ahc whooaoacahwhrr aooo wwworarc, ohwo acrahowo woraoaac wwraoawowa rawh Oanwa Prcahwhoawo ahwh aoacwo ohahanwa rawhwa churchoahhowowa!” (There is nothing to fear, we have each faced an Old Prince in the wild and survived!) Krrishor roared pounding on his chest, “Iohoh ooacohoo ohraraacohraohac’raoo raooraoaraacohacoorc ooacohoo ooraooooachurawhohra ohraoooo raacraoo, ohraoooo rcooooooachu raoaooooohacohoooaraoorawhrcoo rcacohoorawhraacohooacooohoo ooacohoo ooacooooachurawhohra’acooohoo ooooohohohohohoorcoaohooohra achuraor raooraoaohoo rawhoooooorarcraraooraacooooohac. Wohoo rcrarcoaohoo rcrarcacrawhohoo raoooooo ohraohooohohohooohacohra ooooachurcoa ohohrcracoaraacrawhraacohoooa!” (If we didn’t think we could do it, do you honestly believe we would’ve offered up the location. We are able to defend our families!)
“Please understand, we mean no disrespect” Amara offered holding her hands up and open away from her body and away from her weapons, “I have simply heard tales of how formidable they can be. The last thing I want … any of us want” she motioned to everyone, “is to move your families, our friends, from one dangerous situation to another.”
“Tacraao ahc aoacwo anahwwwo ooww Kracacrororoor, anahaoaoanwo ohrarcrcahoorc.” (That is the life of Kashyyyk, little warrior.) 
“Then I hope we will be able to honour you way of life.”
“I acrahowo whoo waoohurhao, anahaoaoanwo ohrarcrcahoorc” (I have no doubt, little warrior) Krrishor placed his hand on her shoulder, patting it. “Nooooooac rcrarcacooooachuraoo raooraoaraacoa raorrawhrcraohac ooooohoh rcooooooachurcoaoa, raacoa raacraoo rcraoa oorarcoarcrahuwwrcoo rcraoa ooacraoaohooohac rcooooooachu ooacohoorcoaohoo ooooohac raooraoaohoo Foooorcoaraoorcoaohoooaoa?” (Now about this plan of yours, is it as crazy as when you were on the Fortress?)
“I wouldn’t say as crazy, but close to the spectrum”
“Wwo’rcwo raanan worarcc.” (We’re all ears.)
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@degreeinsimping @damn-stark @firstofficerwiggles @cousinwingding97 @liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24 @spicymcnuggies @lady-ren  @bookloverfilmoholic @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris​ @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @mmkkzz @tortor-mcgee​ @viarogers​ @hello-th3r3​ @operation-spot​ 
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Sins of the Father - Master List
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AO3 Link (Din Djarin x OC)
Chapter 1 - The Palace         |   Chapter 2 - The Mechanic   
Chapter 3 - The Agreement   |   Chapter 4 - The Beginning 
Chapter 5 - The Voyage         |   Chapter 6 - The Planet 
Chapter 7 - The Quarry          |   Chapter 8 - The Fortress 
Chapter 9 - The Dinner           |   Chapter 10 - The Shipment 
Chapter 11 - The Meeting       |   Chapter 12 - The Delivery
Chapter 13 - The Story            |   Chapter 14 - The Village
Chapter 15 - The Clarification   |   Chapter 16 - The Memory
Chapter 17 - The Realization     |   Chapter 18 - The Chaperones
Chapter 19 - The First Step       |   Chapter 20 - The Twi’lek
Chapter 21 - The Gift                 |   Chapter 22 - The Riduur
Chapter 23 - The Past                |   Chapter 24 - The Detour
Chapter 25 - The Unexpected    |   Chapter 26 - The Retribution
Chapter 27 - The Perception       |   Chapter 28 - The Explanation
Chapter 29 - The Preparation      |   Chapter 30 - The Confrontation
Chapter 31 - The Revelation 
Chapter 32 - The Waiting          |   Chapter 33 - The Reckoning
Chapter 34 - The Request         |   Chapter 35 - The Inheritance
Chapter 36 - The Negotiation    |   Chapter 37 - The Unwanted
136 notes · View notes
Sins of The Father - Chapter 28
Summary: Boba & Fennec learn some unsettling news; Amara informs Din about the village
A/N: Hello Lovelies,
Oh things are going to be getting interesting. Season Finale is coming up soon. Still debating between 30 and 31 chapters, but it might end up being 31. Simply thinking of presenting from two sides, the Amara side and then the Din side. Still working it out.  Thank you all so much for loving this story. You guys are amazing.
Love oo.
Bold - comms
Warning: Anger, talks about undercover work, fluff, angst, feelings of betrayal, feelings of guilt, hurt feelings, comfort, tears, I think that’s it, if I miss any let me know. 
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Boba sat in his office, his anger fuming under his armour, Fennec was beside him, her anger just as unbridled, the only restraining feature was their clenched hands resting near their blasters. 
“Are you certain about this?” Boba’s voice filled his office.
“Yes, Great Boba” Crasea answered, swallowing the nervousness, due to his connections he had asked questions about his ex-boss, giving the impression he was trying to work from the inside of Boba’s organization to bring it down. The information he found, simply made the meeting he had with Boba tenuous. 
“The Pyke’s released him” Boba clarified
“Yes, but not Marg Krim, another man within the Pyke’s he’s hoping if his forthright thinking pays off, they’ll give him the title of Daimyo here on Tatooine.”
“They want another war” Fennec let out, remembering the charred remains of Madame Garsa’s casino, the dead that were carried out from the smoking ruins. 
“I think it’s more strategic, they know they’d lose an all out war with you, everyone in Mos Eisley and Mos Espa would be quick to fight for you, Great Boba, even Freetown would join in. However, if you were to start a fight with them …”
“No one would come to my aid” Boba finished, watching as Crasea nodded his head. 
“Do we know where this man is?”
“He’s gone underground, deep. I’ve heard whispers of him trying to rebuild a crew, but it seems it’s slow going. Without any resources, there’s not a lot of people willing to lay their life down with no prospect of credits.”
“Well that should buy us some time” Fennec offered. 
“Question is if it’s strategic, who’s he striking?”
“Could be anyone” Crasea stated, “apparently he’s keeping his plans close to his chest, he doesn’t want anyone to know unless you have vowed to join him.”
Boba nodded, “There’s one option” he said as he glanced up to Fennec. 
She knew what he was thinking, “Face too recognizable”  
“Not you”
“Time will tell”
“Breathing is risky”
Boba chuckled, “True.”
Crasea was lost in this form of communication, there was a lot being said without a lot of words. He watched as both of his superiors turned to look at him, Boba leaning closer, his elbows resting on the desk in front of him, “Crasea, I have a job for you, it’ll be dangerous, you won’t be able to communicate with us often, only once ever couple of days. It would mean, you would be unable to trust anyone.”
“You want me to go undercover with Billie”
“Kid catches on quick” Fennec teased.
“You willing?”
“For you Great Boba, of course”
“Good. I want you to go back to him, we’ll give you a very convincing cover story,” Boba chuckled, “we’ll set you up with a secure comm link, we’ll have an extraction ready to go if you feel you are in imminent danger.”
“As my Lord Boba wishes, I am willing to fulfill” Crasea vowed vehemently, “What would you have me do?”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Amara sat in the cockpit, looking at the hyperspace lane in front of her, Din had gone to bed a while ago, she was sitting there with her tea, just admiring the blue light. When they had left Sorgan, he seemed happier, lighter, he told her the conversation with Omera went well. He even made her dinner, served it to her, and sat with her having a very enjoyable conversation about planets they each had visited, some of the best places to find parts for ships, some of the most beautiful scenery they each had seen. Somehow the conversation turned at one point to the idea of finding a place to live out quietly forever. 
She wasn’t sure what he was trying to get at, but he said he could see himself in a place like Paspr, living out his days, enjoying peace with his own children, whether foundlings or natural children. Before she knew what she was saying, she agreed with him, ideally it would be nice to live like that, but truth was she would’ve been bored out of her mind, she needed something else, something to keep her active. Din chuckled stating he wouldn’t mind a rest from all the running around he’d been doing and would gladly look after his kids if his riduur wanted to keep hunting; he would understand and respect it. The conversation died at that point, Amara standing to wash the dishes, ushering him to the cockpit to eat his own meal. After that they both fell into a comfortable silence, until he said he was going to rest for a little bit. 
Amara played the conversation over again, was he trying to tell her something? Trying to gauge what she was feeling for him? Maybe he was just talking in general terms, just because they said they cared about each other, and were protective of each other didn’t necessarily mean it was going to work out. Especially, since they agreed to head to the village once they got back to Tatooine. An uneasiness fell into the pit of her stomach as the hyperspace lane shut down, and Tatooine was there in all it’s dusty glory. She should’ve moved her hands to begin the landing coordinates, but she couldn’t move her hands. She couldn’t bring him to the covert without Din knowing exactly what he was walking into. She realized Din didn’t know the truth about the village, when he asked if there were any Mandalorians at the village, she was surprised he hadn’t clued into what she was saying before at Paspr about Ca’tra’s covert. 
Maybe she had been too subtle with what she was trying to tell him. 
Maybe she was scared about telling him the truth outright.
Maybe she was just trying to find ways to keep a distance between them.
She was pulled from her musings when she heard her ship being hailed.
‘Sintas, Gunnership Model X429-432, come in’
‘Sintas, here’
‘Hey Amara, everything okay?’
Amara smiled at the voice, it was Moden, the New Republic Lieutenant who often travelled around the area, and had made more than enough visits to her shop, ‘Hey Moden, yeah, all good. Am I parked illegally?’ She chuckled.
‘No. Just checking’ Amara glanced out the window, seeing the New Republic fighter off the port bow of her ship.
‘Moden, you don’t just check in for nothing, what’s up?’
‘You usually head straight in, just thought you might be in trouble’
‘Just taking in the view.’
‘Well if you want to really see something special, maybe I should take you up in my X-Wing. It’ll give you a view you didn’t expect.’ She heard Moden chuckle a little, this was usually how the conversation went with him, he’d asked her out so many times, she lost track, but it was always in jest. 
‘There’s not enough room for you and your ego in that X-Wing, doubt there’d be room for me.’
Moden’s chuckle turn into a full laugh, ‘Sweetheart, you hurt me. I’d always make sure there was room for you, plenty of space in between my legs.’ Silence permeated the air between the two ships, until Amara burst out laughing, her stomach twisting from how hard she was laughing, ‘Okay, I’ll admit it that wasn’t my smoothest line ever, but there’s no need for you to laugh that hard.’
‘Yes, yes there is. Oh Moden, take care of yourself buddy, I got to head out.’
‘You too Amara, may the force be with you’
‘And with you. See you Moden’
The comm went dead and she saw his X-Wing fly just in front of her ship as he waved off before he went back on patrol, she simply chuckled shaking her head, “How do you get hit on in space?”
Amara turned to Din who was leaning against the doorframe of the cockpit, she simply shrugged her shoulders as she laughed a little longer. He cautiously took the seat beside her, “Everything okay?” He asked as he saw her smile radiate. 
“Yeah. That’s just a friend, he likes to be irritating. How was your rest?”
“Good, did you rest at all?” Amara shook her head no, “Why not?”
She let out a breath, her hands working at inputting the coordinates they needed, setting the ship on auto pilot, “There’s been something plaguing my mind”
“Anything I can help with?”
“It’s about you” she couldn’t look at Din, not right now, she needed to gain her strength before she said what she needed. 
Din felt an uneasy feeling settle in his stomach, did he do something? Was it the conversation they had at dinner. Had he tried to push too hard, to try and gauge what she thought of his idea? “What about me?”
Once she finished fiddling with the dash, she sat back as the Sintas took over, flying them to the coordinates she knew only too well, she turned her seat to look at Din, he deserved to see her face when she started this conversation, “The village we’re going to see … the elders … you asked if some of them were Mandalorian”
“What if I told you they’re all Mandalorian”
“What do you mean?” Din’s attention was laser focused on this conversation. There were Mandalorians on Tatooine and she was just telling him about this now? Why now? Why hadn’t she told him? Why hadn’t Boba?
“It’s Ca’tra’s covert, that’s the village. The friend I mentioned helping, his village, it’s Ca’tra’s.”
“Wait …” Din took a minute to put the pieces together, “Are you saying the covert that Ca’tra and I grew up in …” his anger began to build, “the covert I thought I lost …” his hands clenched against his knee, “the covert I thought I had been responsible for being destroyed by the Empire, was here on Tatooine the whole time?”
“Well …”
“Yes. It was here on Tatooine; when Ca’tra received the call the covert was in trouble, we hopped on to the ship and headed out to Nevarro as soon as we could, we took all the injured, all the foundlings and moved them to a safe location, it took time to find an appropriate location on Tatooine, some negotiating among the Tuskens and Jawas, even getting the appropriate materials needed, but eventually they got what was needed. It was during that tumultuous time, Ca’tra and I were on patrol when we were attacked and he lost his life.”
“All this time” Din’s tone was unnerving him, it was steely, yet dangerous, “you’ve been lying to me.”
“No. I just … didn’t tell you everything”
He answered dismissing her statement, “You knew. You knew how I’ve struggled with the idea I’d been the one responsible for losing the covert. You knew I was struggling knowing I felt I had no place left, you knew I was struggling every time I remembered the pile of buy’ce (helmets) lying on the floor of Nevarro, knowing they all laid their life down not just for me but for Grogu. You knew all that, and you never told me you knew where they were?”
Din stood from his seat, despite the warning to retake his seat blaring away on the console, he watched as Amara flicked a switch overriding the warning.
“I know you must hate me right now”
“Hate.” Din looked at her, “Hate, doesn’t even begin to explain what I feel for you at this moment. You lied to me. You let me wallow in grief, why? Did it make it easier for you to manipulate me? Make it easier for you, to get me to think I had feelings for you?”
Amara stood for her seat, “NOW WAIT JUST A MINUTE!” Her voiced ricocheted around the cockpit, “Did I hold back from telling you everything? Yes. Did I know that you and Ca’tra came from the same covert? No. Did you ever tell me where your covert was located? No. All you ever said was that your covert stepped in to save you on Nevarro. They could have come off planet, they could’ve come from another covert on Nevarro, how was I suppose to know! Thirdly, I wanted to tell you, but I was told not to!”
“Who told you not to?”
“THE ARMOURER!” Din took a step back, she was alive, The Armourer was alive, “She said I was to tell you and bring you to them in three months. Now maybe there was some slight ambiguity when it came to that statement, but I took it to mean to tell you in three months about the covert; and until we talked on Paspr I had no idea you knew Ca’tra, or his covert. As far as I was concerned this was his covert and I would protect them with my dying breath. They’re all I have left of the man I love.”
Din’s heart broke at her statement, she was still in love with Ca’tra, how could there possibly be room in there for him. “I see” His anger and hurt got the better of him, had he been thinking with a clear head, he probably wouldn’t have said what came out of his mouth, “I’m glad you value the love of the dead over the person who’s alive and standing in front of you.” Amara didn’t respond to his statement, so his mouth just continued, “Clearly, I’ve been making a fool of myself to think there had ever been anything here. Maybe when I am dead, you’ll learn to value the love I have for you too, but then it’ll be too late. In fact, it is too late. You broke my heart Amara, and the truth is I’ll never be anything more to you than a sad excuse of the man you used to love.”
Din glanced up to look at Amara, her cheeks were streaked with tears, her bottom lip was quivering, he closed his eyes hating himself for what he said, he didn’t mean it, his heart ached at his own thoughtless remarks, the ship settled as it landed. 
Amara didn’t look at him, simply walked past him out of the cockpit. She couldn’t believe what he said, but he had to see where she was coming from, right? She didn’t mean to hold off as long as she did, and now that she rethought the Armourer’s words it was more likely she wanted her to tell him sooner. She stood in the kitchenette, as the idea of Din thinking she put more effort into a man who has long since passed hit her in the chest. She couldn’t breathe, her chest tightened, the idea of losing Din felt like her feet were sinking into the sand traps of Tatooine. Wait … did he say he loved her? But then just as quickly he said it was too late, the first person she actually felt … how … She closed her eyes doing her best to regulate her breathing, completely unaware of the eyes that were full of concern and tears watching her from the cockpit entrance. 
Din hated what came out of his mouth, he hated that he attacked the love she had for Ca’tra. He was ripped away from her in the most gruesome way possible, he shouldn’t have thrown her love for him back in her face. He shouldn’t have said it was too late for them, he would wait for her as long as it took. So then why did he say it? Why did he unleash all of that? Images of Mayfield and Omera walking around the village arm in arm, the tenderness between them, engaged after six months, why couldn’t that be his life? Why was it always filled with so much turmoil? Was it his own doing? He watched as she wiped her tears yet again, he wanted to pull her into his arms, to comfort her. He needed to apologize. What he said was cruel and thoughtless. Regardless of what she did or said, it wasn’t right. 
“Ara” his voice was soft as he walked over, “I’m …” she refused to look at him, her arms wrapping around herself, “Listen, I …”
“We should go” she stated as she stood from her spot resting on the table, she turned to walk away from him, but he couldn’t let her, he grabbed her arm, pulling her back to him, gently and softly, he didn’t want to force her to move towards him.
“I’m sorry for saying what I said” she kept her head turned away, but he could hear the sniffles, the silent tears that were no doubt coursing down her cheeks, “I shouldn’t have said what I said.” He pulled her closer, he approached cautiously and gently, he could feel her body tense as he neared her, “If you had said that about Avand, I would be a crumpling mess right now, and hurled abuses and curses at you.” Both his hands rested on her upper arms, as he tilted his head at her, though she kept looking down, “I’m sorry for saying all of it.”
“Why did you say it? Do you really think I care more for Ca’tra’s love?”
“I … I was angry and hurt. To many times, I’ve been betrayed and manipulated … I just let my mouth speak without thinking. I’m sorry.” Din could feel her body’s tension ease out a little, she was still rigid, still keeping her arms wrapped around her middle.
“Is it really too late?” Amara’s voice was unrecognizable even to herself. 
“No” he hated how her voice sounded, it was unsure, afraid, “Can I hug you?” She didn’t respond, simply nodding her head yes. He pulled her in, his arms wrapping around her, holding her head against his chest, he rested his head against the crown of hers, her hands clenched on his waist, her warmth seeping through his flight suit. “I’m so sorry, Ara. I’m sorry for everything.”
“I know. I just …” her voice tightened as she felt his arms tighten on her. 
“Don’t forgive me, not just yet. I don’t deserve that; I am mad, but I also know you were put in a difficult position and it wasn’t fair of me to unleash all of it on you.” She simply nodded against his chest, she pulled back to look at him, his gloved hands, resting on her cheeks, he moved one to wipe the tears away gently with the back of his fingers, as his other hand wiped it away with his thumb. He rested his forehead against hers, “You should seriously think about getting away from me”
“Why?” Her voice was still soft, but it was gaining strength, as his hands slid down her back.
“I keep hurting you either unintentionally, or by my thoughtless remarks, or triggering a past trauma with my words.”
Amara took in a shuddering breath, “Are you leaving me?”
Din’s hands tightened on her, “Only if you want me to”
“I don’t want you too, but I keep hurting you”
“Not intentionally, Ara”
“I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you about the covert sooner, I should’ve. I should’ve told you a lot sooner, I should’ve …”
“Shhhh” Din pulled back looking at her, a smile graced his lips as he ignored the tears that streamed down both their faces, “Just be here with me in this moment” a smile graced her own lips as she heard her words coming from his lips. They stood in the kitchenette of the Sintas, resting their foreheads on each other, just taking in the breaths of each other, it was so grounding and calming for the both of them. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Amara was wearing her armour for the first time to the covert, it would be a change from her usual gear that she wore, “Are you okay?” She asked as she glanced over to the Mandalorian standing beside her, he let out a shaky breath as they stood on the ramp, he gave a quick nod, as they headed off towards the entrance, she closed the ramp. Setting the ground protocols in place. “I’m not sure how big the covert was before, but there’s still a few of the foundlings here” she offered filling the silence between them.
“How many of the adults?”
“Not a lot, but enough, there’s about 15 in total, give or take, at times they leave to go on a hunt or supply run, depending on what’s needed.”
“How did you find this place?”
“My dad. He knew the Tuskens in the area, we asked them if they knew of anyplace we could negotiate from them.”
“They accepted?”
“More or less, part of the condition of accepting was my willingness to come out to the Dune Seas and help them with any repair; but it worked out better for me, made a lot of Tusken friends out here.”
“There are eyes watching us”
“Yeah it’s the perimeter crew, the watch changes every five hours.”
Din watched as Amara entered a small crevice, if he hadn’t known that was an entrance he would’ve moved on from looking at it twice. It was a bit of a tight squeeze but he made it through easily enough. Din’s eyes widened at the structure, there were a few steps leading down a tunnel, but there was an interesting bioluminescent plant hanging from the ceilings that seemed to provide a natural light. His hand reached up touching the foliage, “Is this native to Tatooine?”
Amara looked at where Din’s hands were playing with the foliage, “No. Someone found it on a planet and brought it back. They made sure it wouldn’t negatively affect the planet, before letting it grow in the cave.”
“Well last thing anyone wants is to give Tatooine any more difficulties”
They continued walking down the corridor, sounds of children laughing, people moving, and talking grew as they walked further into the tunnel. Din’s eyes began to glisten with tears as he saw all the Mandalorians he had known for years enter his field of vision, they all stopped and turned to look at him. His breath hitched when one of the foundlings came over.
“Din Djarin?”
“Hello, Kocalwa” he placed his hand on the young foundling who threw his arms around the older Mandalorian.
Amara watched as Din kneeled hugging the foundling, she was thankful for her helmet it hid the tears. She walked away, as other Mandalorians and foundlings came and started placing a hand on the missing Mandalorian. She hated herself so much for keeping this from him, this was his family and she kept him from his family. 
“What’s going on?” Came a modulated voice beside Amara, she turned to see Rarsia.
“They’re welcoming back Din Djarin” She watched as Rarsia simply nodded, before turning to look at Amara.
“You should have come back sooner”
She shifted her hand to show the symbol painted on her pauldron, the symbol of the Vizsla Clan. Amara’s eyes widened, “Wait … are you … you and Paz?” She shifted her helmet to look at Rarsia’s visor, she simply nodded, before letting out a giggle, they wrapped their arms around each other, holding tightly to each other. 
Din was inundated with welcome back, good to see you alive, glad you’re not dead statements, it was a little overwhelming. For a long time he always considered himself an outsider, but to know he was missed, warmed his heart. He was grateful his helmet hid his tears, he looked around to see if he could see Paz or the Armourer; when he realized he couldn’t see Amara anywhere, he glanced around when another Mandalorian brother tapped his shoulder, “Don’t worry, you haven’t lost her, she’s talking to Rarsia. Tell me brother, does this mean, she’s off the market?”
He turned his head to look at Solad, “What do you mean?”
“Do you know how many of us here have been trying to court her? She wouldn’t even let us on her ship, and here you two are strolling off her ship, walking side by side, so I am asking is she off the market?”
“I do not speak for her”
“Your first mistake” Solad stated as he stepped away from Djarin, he felt a hand wrap around his upper arm, he turned to look back at his brother recently welcomed back, “Something to say?”
“Leave her alone” Din’s tone was clipped, he knew he shouldn’t he wasn’t anything to Ara, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t watch out for her, “She’s earned her Mando’ade status, treat her with the respect she deserves. She’s not some auretti (outsider).”
Solad let out a chuckle, “Either you have claim or you don’t, you don’t get to tell me how to treat her, unless you have claim. So do you have claim?” He tilted his head at the man beside him.
“Then” he removed Djarin’s hand from his arm, “I will heed my own counsel, Djarin”
“Mand’alor Djarin!” 
Solad stilled at the call from the Armourer, she kneeled before Djarin, everyone falling suit.
Amara looked around the covert, there was not a single person standing, she kneeled before the man too, Din tilted his head at Ara, she shouldn’t have to kneel before him, none of them should. “Brothers, sisters, please aliit, stand, no one bows and kneels to me. You risked your lives to save myself and my foundling, if anyone kneels it is me, to thank you all for what you did.”
Everyone stood at his statement, “Come, Mand’alor, we need to speak” the Armourer motioned as Paz stood by her side, she turned walking towards the smelter. Paz stood as Din came to a stop in front of the man who always expressed his annoyance at Din for marrying his sister.
Paz rested his hand on the smaller man’s shoulder, “I didn’t know if I’d ever see you again.”
“Thank you for saving me on Nevarro. I’m sorry for your sacrifice.”
“There are more of us, we’ll put you to work soon enough” Paz eyes floated to the darksaber hanging off the belt of Djarin. His free hand clenched by his side as the two followed the Armourer to her room. 
Amara watched as she realized this is where he belonged, Din didn’t belong with her, he belonged with his covert, with a Mandalorian who understood his creed, who understood what it meant to live in a covert, to be raised by one. Rarsia stood by as she watched Paz, she knew her riduur was having a difficult time with this, he said he wasn’t going to challenge Djarin for the saber, but she saw the hand clench by his side. She knew what that sabre meant to Paz, what it meant to his clan. 
“Amara” Rarsia stated as she looked at her friend, guiding her off to the side away from prying ears and eyes.
“What’s wrong?” She sensed the tone of concern in Rarsia’s voice.
“I think my riduur may do something incredibly stupid”
Amara closed her eyes, she knew what she was thinking, “You really think he’s going to challenge him?”
“He says he isn’t, however, I’ve … I saw the way his hand clenched by his side, trust me, he’s going to do something stupid.”
“Maybe we can delay it”
“Let me talk to him, if he gets mad at me, that’s nothing new” Amara offered, Rarsia simply nodded, “Paz is going to need your faith in him, especially now that Djarin is back. Maybe if he realizes it won’t affect your love him, he’ll let it go.”
“I’ll try” 
Amara nodded, and headed off to the smelter, she didn’t want to interrupt, allowing his time with the Armourer and Paz, she decided to sit on one of the crates by the welding room, taking in the view of the foundlings practicing their stances, “Amara” she turned to see Solad, she closed her eyes stilling the anger that always seemed to appear when the man approached her. 
“You and the Mand’alor, huh?”
“What do you want Solad?”
“Answer my question”
“Answer mine”
“You know he won’t bring you happiness”
“And I suppose you will?”
“I certainly can bring you to ecstasy”
“Solad, go away”
“Because I asked”
“If I don’t?”
“I’ll kick your sheb”
“That’s not a deterrent”
“Amara” she turned to see Paz standing at the entrance of the smelter, “the Armourer has asked that you join us. Solad, I’m sure there’s something you can be doing, if you don’t have anything to do, I can think of a few things that need to be worked on.”
“I’m going” Solad bowed to Amara and walked away. She felt the release of her tension that had been coiling in the pit of her stomach.
“Thank you”
“He’s a di’kut, who needs to learn his place”
“Here’s hoping he learns his lesson before I have to teach him” Paz let out a chuckle, “I hear congratulations are in order on your riduurok (marriage).”
Paz’s face heated at the statement, “We were hoping you’d be back sooner, but we just couldn’t wait”
“I understand. I’m just happy that you both found each other”
“Me too”
“You know she doesn’t care if you’re Mand’alor”
Paz turned his attention to Amara, stopping in his steps just before the entrance to the room, “What are you talking about?”
“I can read your stances better than you think ner vod, as soon as your eyes clocked the darksaber’s hilt, your first clenched. All I’m saying is think before you decide to challenge him, if it’s something you really want or is it something you think your family expects you to want.”
He didn’t say anything, there wasn’t much to say, he simply offered a nod, and continued to follow the path towards their destination. Amara let out a breath, as she followed Paz towards the welding room, they both stood in the back as they watched the Armourer turn the beskar spear into something she couldn’t quite make out from her spot, when the Armourer was done, she simply handed a pouch to Din. 
“Amara Vel”
“Djarin informed me you acquired a beskar sword, is that true?”
Amara nodded, after defeating the Dead Kings on Sorgan, Mayfield told her to keep the beskar sword, it belonged with a Mandalorian, not him. She pulled off the hilt from her belt, handing it to the Armourer. She watched as the Armourer turned it on, the blade unfolding from within as it stood erect, it was the thinnest sword ever seen, it shimmered in the light of the cauldron, “Beskar is meant for armour not weapons, as I stated to Djarin about his spear, it’s mere existence is a threat to all Mandalorians.”
“Then let it be forged into something else”
“What would you have me forge?”
“Whatever is needed for the covert or for a foundling”
“This is the way”
“This is the way” came from all three in front of the Armourer.
“May I be allowed to ask a question of you?” Din directed to the woman who was melting down the beskar sword.
“Ask your question, Djarin?”
“Why did you wish for me to wait to hear of your existence?”
The Armourers hands stilled before continuing her work, “It was an opportunity to see if you are worthy”
“Tell me Amara Vel, what was his reaction when he told him where we were”
“Armourer?” Amara’s hands tightened why was she doing this to her, to them?
“Answer the question, Vel”
“He reacted how anyone would react, Armourer”
“Which is?”
Amara turned to look at Din, she didn’t want to disrespect him in front of those who he cherished, who were his family. Din simply gave a nod, there was no point hiding anything. “He got angry”
“Did he strike you?”
“What? No.”
“Not just physically, but verbally, was he unkind?”
“Anyone would be unkind in that position”
“Amara is being too kind” Din interjected on her behalf, “I was unkind, I spoke harshly and without thought. I hurt her…”
Amara cut off Din, “However, he also apologized. His anger was understandable, and justified.”
“Interesting” the Armourer focused on finishing her task, she put a small pauldron off to the side, “You ask Djarin why I asked she delay your knowledge, simple, to see if you are worthy. Anyone can lose their anger at having truths kept from them, however only a great man, a man worthy of being Mand’alor, would be able to pull his anger back and do what needs to be done. Tell me, are you still angry?”
“Not as much as I was before”
“Then you have learned your lesson. Anger only gets you so far, Djarin, in battle it is a helpful ally, gives you strength at times, but it can also be a hindrance, making you unstable. To rule as Mand’alor, it can also be an ally but it can also be a hindrance. To rule, you must rule with determination, with a will to unify our people. This is the way.”
“This is the way” Din stated with determination
“This is the way” Paz and Amara both responded, except her voice was softer. 
“You will learn to use the darksaber, it is a honourable weapon for you to wield, we will begin your training tomorrow. Welcome home, Mand’alor Djarin.”
Amara watched as Paz and Din bowed towards the Armourer, she locked eyes with the woman and nodded. She didn’t want to spend another second with any of them, there was a pain in her heart, she wasn’t prepared for; maybe that was the real reason she also held back from saying anything, at the end of the day, he would’ve chosen his covert over her. Her suspicion was confirmed when Din didn’t even glance back to her, she turned and began to head out, there was no need for her to stay, he found his home, his rejection of her was evident from his lack of communicating with her. Okay, maybe she was being petty and childish, but seeing how he was with the covert, seeing how he was in his element, how could she take that away from him, again? She couldn’t. She wouldn’t.
“Amara, wait” she heard Din’s voice call out to her but she couldn’t stop, she didn’t want to stop, if she didn’t stop she could break down in her own space, on the Sintas. Away from everyone. 
“Amara” Din grabbed her arm, stopping her from leaving, “where are you going?”
“I have to get back to my family” her visor looked off and away from his. 
“I’ll come with you” her head lifted and turned to look at his. 
“I’ll come with you, there’s a few things I’m going to need to get, if I am to begin training tomorrow” 
“Oh, right, well I could get that for you. You should spend time with your family, with your friends.”
Din didn’t understand what had shifted, why was she being this way? “I don’t understand”
“This is your family, Din” she motioned to the covert, “now that you found them, you’ll want to stay. I’m not going to stand in the way of that, this …” she took in a breath, she was going to go out on a limb here, “this isn’t my world, it could never be. Not when I have Adi, Boba, Fennec, Gregor and Peli to look after. You deserve to find someone who…” oh maker, she’s going to hate herself for this, “to find someone who loves the living as much as the dead, or more than the dead. That’s what you said right?” Her bottom lip was trembling, she didn’t want to walk away.
“Wait, are you saying you don’t …”
“I’m saying, you should be with someone who can be what you need them to be.”
“But you are what I need. Ara …” Din’s hand rested against her helmeted cheek, he felt his throat tighten, “O’yare, I don’t need anyone else. I need you. Please don’t go. I was wrong. What I said before, I was wrong” he felt tears slide down his cheek, “I should never have said that about Ca’tra. I need you, ner mesh’la O’yare (My beautiful O’yare). Ner jatne burc’ya (My best friend). Ner hbina tyatr (My guiding star). When I was on Sorgan talking to Omera, I had to close my eyes and think of something that comforted me, something that made me happy, that was you. You comforted me. You always make me happy. I was angry that you were put in this position, to be the one to tell me, to be the one to feel my anger. I was angry at Mayfield and it came out at the wrong time.”
“Why were you angry at Mayfield?” Her voice was low, she couldn’t believe what he was saying, was this real?
“Because he had what I didn’t”
“I don’t understand”
“Freedom. In six months, he had the freedom to fall in love and ask the woman he loves to marry him, he could walk around the village without a care in the world. Showing how much he loved her. I don’t have that freedom. I’ve never had that. I was jealous of what he has.” Din took in a shuddering breath, his own tears washing the dirt off his face, trickling down and being absorbed in the cowl of his cape, “Please,” his voice lowered, “don’t leave me; not when I’m finally beginning to feel free. I tried to push you away on the ship, telling you to leave, because you deserve better, and I know I’m being selfish in asking you to stay, but I am. I’m asking. Don’t leave me, cyar’ika.”
Amara could barely swallow that bantha sized confession he just gave her, it wasn’t him stating he loved her, it was him stating he was falling for her, in his own way. He needed time to get himself right. She took a step closer, resting her hands on his cuirass, tilting her head till her visor locked on his, “I’m finally beginning to feel free too, but I don’t want to be the one keeping you from your happiness. You thought you lost your family, Din. I’m not going to be the one to keep you from them.”
“Ner hbina tyatr (My guiding star), don’t you see, there is no happiness without you. You found my family and kept them safe, providing for them, looking out for them. The Armourer told me all of what you did for them, how are you keeping me from them?” Din rested his forehead on hers, he didn’t care who saw at that moment, he wanted everyone to know he was going to try. 
“I don’t want you to have to choose, they’re your family.”
“They will always be my family, mesh’la, but you are my family too, and you’re …” Din pulled back, he wanted to look in to her eyes, he wanted to be able to do this without the helmets, yet there was that fear again brewing in his heart, “you are the most amazing, most awe inspiring, badass fighter, I have ever seen. You have a strength within you, that I wish I had, you are strong, intelligent, caring, a wonderful mother, a kick-ass mechanic, pilot and fighter, I will gladly follow you anywhere, O’yare Fett.”
She took in a shuddering breath, it was a confession of what he felt, and it was more than he could offer her right now, she knew that, a smile graced her lips, as she tried to think of the most appropriate response, she knew if she opened her mouth and said what she was feeling at that moment, it would be similar in weight to the bantha-sized confession Din offered, “I’ll follow you anywhere too, Mand’alor Din Djarin.”
Although she couldn’t see it, Din’s smile grew from one ear to the other, he knew the kind of woman she was, she would never knowingly follow anyone if she didn’t trust, care, and love that person. “Well … then we should go and make sure to deliver our quarry.”
“You mean your ex”
“Can we not start that again” he chuckled as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, directing her towards the entrance of the covert.
“Start what, oh you mean the fact that all your exes want to kill you” she giggled as she wrapped her arm around his waist as they both headed back to the Sintas.
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Sins of The Father - Ch. 24
Summary: Din and Amara head to help an old friend
A/N: Hello Lovelies,
I have to say you guys are amazing, not only on Tumblr, but the response on AO3 has been amazing. Thank you for loving this story so much. Who else was up in arms about Din not being able to see Grogu? That’s just so wrong! Not to mention how did Din even find Grogu and Luke? Like did Luke tell him, and if that was the case, then why tell him if he couldn't go! Here’s hoping this week’s episode will actually have Boba in it, longer than a five second cameo. OH AND CAD BANE! HELLO! I squealed when I saw the hat. Oh and apparently everyone now knows Din’s name?
Warnings: Slight angst, Jealousy, mentions of bounty, feelings of guilt, poisoning, paralyzation, mentions of village being harassed, fear, I think that’s it if I miss any please let me know.
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“Boba, I think at this point you can start calling me by my name, wouldn’t you agree?” Din asked the older Mandalorian.
“Very well, Djarin. Where’s Amara?”
“She’s resting”
Boba nodded to the holo-image, “How is she?”
“She’s okay”
“Djarin, she comm-ed me, I know you know about Ca’tra”
Din’s shoulders relaxed a little, “The whole mission was difficult for her, but she’s doing better. She seems lighter now that she deal with it.”
“Thank you. For being there for her and helping her with all of that, it’s been a struggle for her for a long time.”
“Of course. I’ll always be there for her and be willing to help.”
“Good. Then there’s something we need to discuss, are you aware there seems to be some sort of bounty on your head?”
Din let out a long exhale, “I thought she was lying”
“Xi’an, the quarry, she had mentioned something about a 250,000 bounty on my head but I thought she was lying to save her own skin.”
“Hmm, the one I’m talking about is worth a million credits”
Din felt a cold chill run down his spine, “Alive or Dead?”
“Alive. You’re worth nothing dead. Any ideas as to who it could be?”
“She really wants you to take the mantle, huh?”
“Either that or she wants to face me for the Darksabre”
“I think it’s best if you stay away from Tatooine for now”
“Agreed, but what about Adi? He’ll start to become worried if we are delayed longer than expected.”
“For now, I’m bringing him to the palace, keeping him safe here, where I can keep an eye out on him. In fact, he’s already here.”
“I’ll make sure to let Amara know”
“That being said, while I deal with this, your friend, the Marshall from Nevarro comm-ed, she says a friend of yours is in trouble”
“What friend?”
“She didn’t say, just that it was someone on Sorgan”
Din’s fist clenched against his leg, “What kind of trouble?”
“The village is being harassed by some thugs, she was hoping you could make an appearance. The hope is that just by your visit, they’d leave the village alone, knowing it was protected.”
“Very well”
“Head straight there, the quarry can wait. She’s in carbonite, right?”
Boba nodded, taking in a shuddering breath, “Keep her protected, Djarin. She means more to me than you can possibly know.”
“I understand”
“Comm when you are done on Sorgan, we’ll let you know if it’s safe to come back.”
“Thank you”
“As much as I respect you, I’m doing this more for her than for you. I hope you know that.”
“I do.”
“She means more to me, too”
“I know, which is why I’m trusting you to protect her. Not that she needs it” Boba smirked
Din chuckled at that, “No, she doesn’t”
Boba nodded once, “Tell her, I’ll comm her later, when I have a moment.” Din nodded, ending the holo call, Boba let out a breath.
“You think he’s in trouble” Fennec asked as she leaned in her chair
“I think if Kryze wants him alive, it’ll be for the Darksabre”
“What’s the plan?”
“Talk to her”
Boba nods, “Between Billie and this bounty, we don’t have the luxury to start anything. Especially, if my suspicions are correct and the Pykes had a hand in his ‘escape.’ If we can resolve this peacefully, it’ll be better for all involved.”
“In person?”
“No. Let’s try via a holo comm first, if we need to meet in person, then we will.”
 *Knock Knock*
“Come in”
“Babeh?” Adi asked tentatively looking between his grandfather and Fennec.
“Adi, come take a seat” Boba motions towards the empty chair.
“Did you talk to Ama?”
“No. Not yet.” Adi nods, his eyes distant, Boba’s seen that look before, it’s the look he had when Mara had to tell him about what happened to Ca’tra, “Adi what is it?”
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this, Babeh. I don’t know how to explain it, but … when Ama first left I felt it and with each passing day that feeling has been growing. Something’s not right.”
“I know what you mean, adi’ka, I feel it too. But we’re not going to panic, right?” Adi simply nods as his ba’buir (grandfather) does his best to reassure him, “We’re going to remain calm until there’s a reason to panic.” Boba flicks his eyes between Adi and Fennec, “Adi, have you been practicing your stances?”
“Why not take Fennec here and show her what you’ve learned so far. I’ll join once I conclude my business.”
“Yes, ba’buir”
“Come on, kid. Let’s see how good you are?” Fennec smirked pulling on his arm, as she stood. Adi nodded trying to give his best smile, but the queasy feeling he’d been sensing all day simply became stronger. As soon as Adi stepped out of the room, Fennec turned back to look at Boba, “Don’t worry, I’ll tire him out till he can’t even stand. It’ll help.”
“Thank you, mesh’la. He’s right though, something isn’t right.”
“Do you think this Sorgan thing is a trap?”
“Maybe not, but it just seems a bit too convenient at the moment.”
“I agree. Should we send backup?”
“No. Not yet. Let’s see what happens first.”
Fennec nodded, winking at Boba before she headed out, “Alright, Adi. Let’s see these moves of yours.” Boba heard as the door slide on his aliit, he’s going to protect them, and make sure his daughter comes back to him in one piece.
“Boba Fett” Came the calculated voice over the holo comm, “to think a clone became Daimyo of Tatooine.”
“Bo-Katan Kryze, would be ruler of Mandalore, only … oh that’s right no one will follow you, will they? Not when the real Mand’alor is out there.”
“What do you want Fett?”
“A conversation, nothing more. Nothing less.”
“This better be quick.”
“Don’t worry, it’s definitely worth the million credits you have floating out there.”
“I know where he is. You wiling to talk now?”
Bo leaned back in her chair crossing her arms, “Wouldn’t have pegged you for a traitor? But then what else to expect with clones.”
Boba clenched his hands, “I’d be careful princess, the information I offer is time sensitive.”
“Very well”
“Anyway, consider me more of an emissary, as such I will get paid for my time. Send me the million credits and I’ll arrange a meeting for the two of you” Bo kept her focus on the image of the helmet before her. 
“You have to cancel all the other pucks as part of the deal”
Bo let out a long sigh, she took her time to think about his demand, “Alright, deal.”
“Good, now let’s discuss business…”
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Amara grabbed her cup of tea and headed towards the cockpit, Din was sitting there, his shoulders were tense, even his grip on the stick was forceful.
“You okay?” Ara tilted her head at Din, when he turned to look at her.
“Yeah, you?” She shrugged her shoulders, taking her time to answer him, as she sat in her seat, “A lot better than before. It’s just …” Amara was about to tell him about her dreams, but thought better of it, “never mind. Yes, I’m okay.”
“You’re holding back”
“So are you” she motioned to his hand, Din followed her motion, he hadn’t realized he was gripping the stick as tightly as he was, he let out a long sigh, doing his best to release the stick, but his hand was seizing from how long he’d been holding the stick. It was a force of habit to hold on to the stick, especially when he was on the Razor Crest. His hand eventually released the stick, he leaned back clenching his hand against his knee “You gonna tell me what’s got you so wond up?”
Din let out a long sigh, “Boba comm-ed while you were resting”
“Everything okay? Is Adi okay? Did something happen to him?” Amara shifted in her seat reaching over to his arm, “Or is it Gregor? Pelli? Fennec? Oh my gods did something happen to Boba?” Her questions rushed out one after another.
“No. No. Everyone is fine.” Din reached over, chuckling as he held her hand, “Everyone is safe, as far as I know.” Amara closed her eyes, letting out the anxious air that was starting to fill her lungs, she nodded, relaxing back into her seat. “You gonna tell me now, what’s going on with you?” Din tilted his head asking her, as he intertwined their fingers. 
“It’s that bad feeling, it just keeps growing.”
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Just distract me,” Amara smiled at his visor, “what did Boba comm about?”
“Cara comm-ed, she received word from Omera”
Amara straightened in her chair, “Omera? Is she okay?”
“I’m not sure. Her and her village are being harassed again”
“Last time it was Klatooinian raiders, Cara and I were able to train the villagers and chase them off. I thought she … they’d be safe.”
“Especially after you stayed with them for a few months” Amara pulled her hand out of his hold,  there was a ping of jealousy resting in her heart, she did her best to ignore, “Who do you think is harassing them now?”
Din noticed how she moved away from him, even shifting in her seat further away. Did she not believe him when he said Omera was his past? “Don’t know. Most of the people on Sorgan are honourable people, looking to just make a living and raise their families.”
“Well hopefully we can help”
“I was hoping you’d agreed” Din smirked 
“You mean you hadn’t changed our heading yet” Amara teased as she sipped her tea.
“Well I may have changed our heading to a refuelling station that was halfway between Tatooine and Sorgan” Din goaded.
“You should contact her and tell her we’re coming”
“Omera, Din. Who else?”
Din let out a sigh, “Not sure she’ll be happy to see me”
“Maybe not, but better to rip off the bacta patch in one fell swoop, than let it continue to torture you”
“I guess”
“I’ll give you privacy to make your call”
“You don’t …”
“I think it’s better if I’m not here for this; I’ll comm Adi in the meantime letting him know we’ll be longer than we intended.”
“Ummm, about that”
“About what?”
“Did he comm?”
“No. Boba said he had him staying with him at the palace”
Amara’s heart began beating faster, had Boba heard news on Billie? Dank farrik! She shouldn’t have delayed! She should’ve headed back to Tatooine sooner. “Thanks, Din. I’ll contact him there.” Amara stood and headed out of the cockpit, her feet guided her while her brain was going over and over various scenarios in her head. She needed to make sure he was safe. That her son was okay. 
Din waited till he heard the door slide closed, he took a moment to think about exactly what he was going to say, how was he going to apologize. No. That apology needed to be done in person. He leaned forward pressing the comm he memorized all those years ago, he let out a breath. 
“Hel … Mando?”
“Hello Omera”
Din couldn’t help but feel his heart flutter seeing those deep brown eyes and that smile that always made his knees weak. At that moment, he wondered why did he leave? But sitting on the Sintas, glancing over to the seat Ara had just been in, made him glad he did. 
“You got my message” Omera couldn’t help but smile at the man she at one time thought was going to be her future. She could feel her heart begin to quicken, she felt her palms get sweaty, he was coming back. He’d be here soon, and then she’d be able to tell him. Tell him something she hadn’t been ready to tell him before. 
“I did. We’ll be there shortly”
“We?” Omera couldn’t help but swallow the uneasy feeling.
“My friend, she’s my bounty hunter partner”
Din’s not sure what to do, should he apologize now? Should he come by himself? “Is that … is that okay?”
Omera shook her head out of her own thoughts, “Yes. Oh, of course. Sorry. We’ll set up a place for the both of you, when you get here. How long do you think it’ll be before you arrive?”
“12 hours or less, we have to hit a refuelling station first”
“Then we’ll see you in 12 hours” Omera nibbled on her lower lip, she knew she shouldn’t but there was something she had to tell him too, “It’ll be nice to see you again, Mando. Winta has really missed you.”
“I’ve missed her too. Omera about …”
“We can talk more when we see each other. Just get here safely. There’s … there’s a bit we have to … discuss.”
Din nodded, “See you soon”
“It’s great to hear from you, Mando. See you soon” Omera’s smiling face faded as the conversation ended. Din thought about what she said, and what exactly needed to be discussed. The last time he saw her was about a year and a half ago, more or less. At least the one thing he could be grateful for was knowing there could be no chance she was pregnant with his kid, that night he left was suppose to be the night they were going to take that step; at least he did something right out of that whole situation.
Well if he was going to making calls, there was one he definitely needed to make, especially since Ara gave him the comm while they were on Papsr. He took in one more deep breath, he was a bundle of nerves for this one. 
“It is good to see you.”
“You too.”
“I take it you’re calling to find out about how Grogu is doing”
Luke nodded, he took a minute to look over to where Grogu was playing with R2, no harm in giving him an update, as long as he didn’t want to speak to Grogu. “He’s good. His skills are progressing. It will take him time till he fully comes to terms with what he experienced all those years ago. He either doesn’t remember or chooses not to remember; but he is doing better.”
“I’m glad to hear. Is he safe?”
Din nodded once, “I … I’m happy he’s doing okay. Is it … will it be alright if I check up on him, every so often?”
“Thank you”
Luke glanced up to see Grogu shifting towards him, “You’re welcome. I apologize but I must attend to something. Until next time.”
“Until next time, Skywalker.”
Din sat back against his seat, as much as he wanted to talk to Grogu, he couldn’t. He didn’t think he could face him just yet; at least he had a way to keep tabs on him now, and for now that was enough. To think that he was able to do this because of Ara, if it hadn’t been for her and Adi, he didn’t think he’d have the strength to make that call. 
- - - - - - - - - - 
“You really think the Pykes had a hand in this?”
“It’s starting to make more sense if it was”
Amara rubbed the stress from her face with her hands, “Of course it would, I think that’s the feeling I’ve been having. Do you think they’re going to try to reclaim Tatooine again?”
“Don’t know, ad (daughter/son)”
Amara let out a deep sigh, “I really hope not. Tatooine has been better since we drove the Pykes out of the system, especially now that the spice isn’t freely flowing.”
“I agree”
“That’s not all of it though, is it?”
“No” Boba shifted in his seat, “There’s a bounty out there on Djarin, million credits.”
“Yeah, don’t worry I took care of it, for now at least.”
“You know his name?”
“Of course, little one.”
“Then why call him …”
“Until he was ready for me to call him by his name, I chose to use the name I knew he used.”
“Makes sense. I just …” Amara bit her lower lip, guess it didn’t matter now. Clearly he was just offering his name to everyone. She wasn’t as special as she thought “How did you take care of the bounty?”
“I spoke to the person who issued it”
“Do I want to know?”
“That’s for him to tell you, not me.” Amara nodded, why did it feel like her heart was aching, in fact her whole body felt like it was aching all over. They were on their way to see Omera, her father knew his name, which probably meant Fennec knew the name too. Did Omera know? Probably. What about Cara? Maybe she was just another friend in a long line of female friends he had. How could she have been stupid to think she was special to him. “Mara, you okay?”
“Yes, Babeh. Sorry. Just trying to wonder if that was the reason we were called out to Sorgan, maybe it’s a trap, someone who knows his friend on Sorgan, and using them as bait.”
“It’s possible. I know the pucks have been deactivated, but that doesn’t mean someone couldn’t just be ignoring that decision and trying to bring him alive.”
“Just be vigilant”
“Will do, Babeh. Love you.”
“Love you, ner adi’ka. We’ll see you back home soon.”
Amara ended the call, how could she have been so stupid to think she was that special to him. Sure she was his best friend and sure he offers her keldabe kisses all the time, but clearly she misread the affections between them. Lord how she hated this nonsense. Plus, now she’d have to deal with the Omera of it all. She knew what she needed to do, she had to pull back, before she’d be in more pain then she was feeling. It was the only logical thing to do. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
“Anything, I should be aware of, before exiting the ship?” Amara asked absently as she donned her gear. 
“You’re not wearing your armour?” Din asked as she was strapping her krayt armour on.
“Should I? After what happened…”
“Ca’tra felt you were Mandalorian enough to have the armour, who am I to say differently.  Not to mention, it might be more of a deterrent knowing there are two Mandalorians”
Ara nodded “I’ll be right back” Din watched as she headed into her room, he couldn’t wait to see her in her Mandalorian armour again. It suited her quite well, not only that, if he was being truthful with himself, since he saw her in that armour, he kept dreaming of the two of them walking hand in hand on Mandalore, as he greeted his people. Somehow the idea of being Mand’alor with her by his side didn’t seem out of the question, not to mention having Adi with them by their side, in his own armour; it made his heart skip a beat. 
“Ready” Ara’s voice pulled Din out of his musings, his breath hitched at seeing her in her gear, he walked up to her, she still had the helmet in her hand. 
“You … you look good” Din didn’t want to overstep, since telling her they were heading to Sorgan, Ara had been keeping to herself. Even when Din went to offer a keldabe kiss, she shifted away, it was subtle, and maybe she hadn’t realized what he was going to offer, regardless Din was hesitant as he reached out to grab the helmet, “Can I help you put this on?” Amara couldn’t answer, she simply nodded. She knew she shouldn’t have let him, should’ve stayed away, but there was something about his tone that just broke down her resolve to stay away, she closed her eyes as he gently placed the helmet over her head, when she opened her eyes, she saw as he leaned down placing his helmet against hers. Amara couldn’t resist anymore resting her hands against his cuirass as he pulled her in closer, his hands resting on her back. 
“Are you okay?” He asked barely above a whisper
“Yeah. Just …” her modulated voice matching his own tone.
“That feeling?” Amara nodded against his head, “I’m here, Ara. I’ll always be here.”
“I know” she whispered out with bated breath. 
“You ready?”
“Yeah, let’s go”
Din pulled back, he wanted to reassure, to pull off his helmet to leave a kiss on her cheek, to take some of the concern she was feeling. Truthfully, he felt apprehensive even to step out of the Sintas. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen once they exited, but he wanted to be there for both of them, unrealistic as that sounded. 
Amara's heart quickened, the nervousness in her stomach only grew as her feet touched the ground of Sorgan. The village was beautiful, the huts were modest in appearance, welcoming, the air was full of laughter, kids were running around, no one seemed concerned at seeing two Mandalorians walking through the village, much less scared or exactly harassed. Amara was starting to question why exactly they were called, maybe it was a ploy.
“Mando!” A lilted voice called over to the two of them, Amara watched as an incredibly beautiful woman walked closer to them. From Din’s description, she already knew who this was, it was Omera in the flesh. She had to keep reminding herself, she had no claim on Din, and therefore, there was no reason to be jealous of Omera or anyone else for that matter. Yet, she couldn’t stop that sickening feeling creeping into her heart. Amara stopped a few steps back as she watched Din walk towards her.
Omera and Din closed the distance between the two, Din wanted to reach out to hug Omera, but he knew it probably wasn’t the best idea either. Before he could make a decision as to what he was going to do, Omera threw her arms around Din, pulling him into a hug. Instinctively, Din wrapped his arms around Omera pulling her in closer, as his arms tightened. He’d forgotten how it felt to hold her in his arms, yet it wasn’t right, it didn’t feel right. 
Amara shifted her helmet to look anywhere else, she had been focusing on the village, the various people strolling through, when she heard rushing feet coming closer, “Mando!” A young voice called out, she saw who she deduced was Winta, rush over to the couple, she wrapped her arms around Din’s waist. Amara watched as Din shifted one hand to wrap around Winta, she also didn’t miss how Omera’s head was just in the crook of his neck. Maker, why did she agree to this, she should have let him come alone. Amara couldn’t stand the sight in front of her anymore, she shifted clearing her throat as well, hoping that would break up this little reunion. 
Omera pulled back wiping tears that were dampening her cheeks, she looked at Din’s visor, her hands resting on either side of his helmeted cheeks, “Welcome back, Mando” Amara watched as she gave the biggest smile, she thought anyone could possibly give, before Omera glanced over to Amara, “and welcome to our village. I’m sorry, Mando didn’t tell me your name, my name is Omera, thank you for coming to help.” She held her hand out to Amara, walking over to her. Amara felt as though she didn’t really have a choice, she closed the distance, not hesitating to shake her hand, she was grateful for the helmet, she didn’t have to force herself to smile without it looking awkward.
“Always willing to help. Name’s Amara, pleasure to meet you Omera, heard a lot of great things about you.” Amara swallowed the jab that Din hadn’t mentioned her.
“Welcome Amara. Come on, I’ll show you to where you’ll be staying.”
“Oh you don’t have to, I can stay on the ship”
“Nonsense. Come on, it’s all set up.” Omera took Winta by the hand as they walked ahead of the two Mandalorians. 
Din glanced over to Ara, he knew he should apologize, he regretted showing such a display of tenderness to Omera, especially in front of Ara. Not to mention the fact he didn’t tell Omera her name or anything with regards to who she was outside of being his business partner. He hoped he hadn’t ruined anything between them, but chances are he had, chances are he just negated everything he told Ara about Omera, and everything he had been trying to tell her since they met back up on Tatooine. 
“You’ll be staying here” Omera’s voice cut through Din’s thoughts. He noticed how there was only one bed. 
“Sorry, who’s staying here?” Din asked.
“Amara” Omera offered, “we have your room set up” Omera motioned towards outside
“Thank …” Ara began, Din needed to clarify a few things first, “Thank you, Omera, but we’ll be staying here together”
Amara was shocked, what was he trying to do? “That’s not necessary” Din turned his head to face Amara, “Omera, went through a lot of trouble to set up your room, I’ll be alright on my own.”
“It’s okay” 
Omera shifted between the two warriors, “Why don’t I get you guys some food, while you guys sort this out.”
“Thank you, that’s very kind of you” Din offered, throwing him back to the first time he uttered that sentence to Omera.
“I’ll be back in a while” Omera offered smirking, as she and Winta stepped out of the hut.
Amara walked further in, taking off her helmet, holding it in her arm, turning towards Din. “What is going on with you?” She let out exasperated, “You’re telling me you don’t want to be with Omera and Winta? Or did you imagine I was blind seeing that whole tender scene in front of me?”
“Ara” Din let out, “I just got …”
“You don’t owe me an explanation, Din. After all, you and I know you don’t look at me in anyway except friendship” Amara felt bad stating it, but it was the truth, everything she thought about him, was wrong. The fact Babeh knew his name was evidence of that.  “Maybe you and I should just …”
“Ara” Din cut her off before she said something that wasn’t true, “I don’t know …”
“When were you going to tell me that Boba knows your name?” Amara looked into his visor. Din didn’t know what to say, how did she … “Boba told me, when I was talking to him earlier. Who else knows your name, Din?” Din couldn’t answer, “Fennec?” He simply nodded, “Cara?” Again a silent nod was the answer, “anyone else? Any other women out there that somehow know your name, this special name that you never give out to anyone.” Amara shifted looking at the ground, “It’s my fault. I had understood … doesn’t matter, I was clearly wrong.”
“Ara that’s not …”
“What?” Din felt a coldness hit his heart.
“My name is Amara. Why bother with nicknames, right? I mean everyone knows who you are. Why should we pretend to be something we’re not?” Din wanted to scream, he wanted to chuck off his helmet, tell her that there’s nowhere he wanted to be but beside her, that holding Omera in his arms, had felt all wrong, “It’s not even your fault” she continued, she could feel the warm bubble rise up in her throat, “I’m the one that misunderstood. I should’ve known I was …”
“No.” Din finally found his voice, he couldn’t believe this was happening. No wonder she’d been distant. Why hadn’t he told her the truth. “Ara, I … I care for you. Everything I told you was the truth. People learned my name, not from me. Karga and Cara learned when Gideon had us cornered on Nevarro. Boba and Fennec learned when we were travelling to get Grogu back from Gideon, and Cara called me by name; that’s how Bo and Koska learned it too, they were travelling with us to help me get back Grogu. Omera doesn’t know my name, and I don’t plan on telling her. I didn’t lie to you about how special you are to me, the only one I willingly offered my name to was you. Avand knew my name, because in the covert, everyone knew everyone’s name. You weren’t wrong, you didn’t misunderstand anything. You are special.” Din closed the distance between them, “I …” Din raised his hand to cup her cheek, “Amara … O’yare I care for you, more than you know. I can’t … please know I didn’t lie to you.”
“I want to believe you …” Amara leaned into his hand, she really did want to believe him, but at the same time, could she? Could she put her trust in him? What did she really know about him?
“I’ve never lied to you. Maybe I held things back, but you know more about me, than anyone else. You are special. You and Adi.”
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t … I’ve held back things too” if she was being honest, she was still holding back, Amara stepped closer, “You’re special too, Din” she rested her hands on his cuirass, “You’re the first person since Ca’tra …” Amara bit her bottom lip, she wasn’t ready to discuss that, she closed her eyes “I care for you, too. I’m sorry for … when my dad told …” Amara’s eyes shot open, she covered her mouth just as quickly. 
Din tilted his head, “Your dad …” he began hesitantly, when realization donned on him, Din’s smile began to grow, “Wait … you dad told you … are you saying Boba Fett is your father?” Ara nodded, her face held her disbelief over her slip “So you’re name is O’yare Fett?” Din shifted closer, his eyes were full of adoration, he wished he could take off the helmet and let her see how much she meant to him.
“Why didn’t you tell me, did you think you couldn’t trust me, cyar’ika?”
“Your creed forbids any living thing being able to see your face, my creeds forbids me from revealing my lineage to anyone. It was a protection for us as much as hiding your face is a protection for you and for your family.”
“O’yare, we are family. You told me we were family.”
“I know,” Amara shifted her eyes to look into Din’s visor, “I just … I was scared of what it would mean if you knew the truth, Din. When Ca’tra found out he was accepting, but not everyone is. The daughter of a clone.”
Din nodded, “I understand, not everyone is accepting of Mandalorians” he shifted closer, tilting her head up towards his, he couldn’t hold back the smile, “I have to say, now that I know Boba’s your father, and not a rival for your affections, I feel I can finally breathe.”
Amara chuckled a little, “Why?”
“What could I offer you, that Boba couldn’t offer ten times more?” Din rested his forehead against hers, “Ara, you mean more to me than anyone has since Avand.”
“I feel the same”
“You know this conversation started with letting me stay here with you”
“Oh, right”
“Can I?”
“No.” Din pulled back, tilting his head at Amara, “It’s not that I don’t want you here with me, but it might be better for their protection, if you stayed with them. Plus you and Omera have to talk, and it might be easier in the comfort of her home.”
“I don’t want to be apart from you, cyar’ika”
“I know, but to keep them safe, I’ll be okay. Trust me.”
“I do, more than you know”
Amara pulled back, stepping away from Din and donned her helmet once again, when she heard steps coming closer to her hut. Omera stepped in with two plates of food, she placed them on the table.
“Did we decide the plan?”
“He’ll be staying with you.”
“Oh, no the room isn’t with me. The room is in the hut next door” Omera motioned to the hut beside.
“I thought …” Amara offered, she turned her head to look at Din, “You said the room was in her …”
“Actually, I never said anything” Din bit back his chuckle.
“Fair enough”
“Shall we move the bed in here?” Din asked, Ara simply nodded, although he couldn’t see it, he knew she was rolling her eyes at him. 
“I’ll ask my fiancé to move the bed then”
“Your fiancé?” Din whipped his helmet to look at Omera, a lot faster than he meant to, also it didn’t help that his question was full of shock and he didn’t want to say jealousy ... but what else was that sensation he was feeling clawing in the back of his throat. 
“You’ll be able to meet him later. First, eat. Than we can talk.”
“Thank you, Omera”Amara offered, she noticed how Din’s voice was full of shock she wasn’t going to say anything but eventually they would talk about that reaction, Omera nodded as she headed out leaving the two Mandalorians to eat in relative peace. 
“Don’t” was all Din said, Ara held up her hand as she grabbed their plate of food, Din went and grabbed two crates so they could sit back to back, ignoring the fact that he knew eventually Ara was going to bring up the reaction, for now he didn’t want to think about it. Ara passed the plate to Din, as she took her seat, her back resting against his, as her body and hair covered Din’s body, well attempted to, at least. 
“I owe you an apology” Din began, Amara smiled at the sound of his unmodulated voice. 
“For hugging Omera. If I saw you hugging someone the way I hugged her, I wouldn’t be happy or have been as calm and patient as you were. Actually, I’d probably kick their sheb all the way back to wherever they came from.”
Amara couldn’t help laugh at his matter of fact tone, “That’s good to keep in mind. So what do you want to do, once we learn the details of what’s going on here”
“Perimeter sweep will be good.”
“I actually have something that could help now with that”
“Really?” Din shifted his head, he wanted to look at Ara but he could still remember how she looked when he took his helmet off. 
“Yeah” Ara’s voice pulled him out of his memory, she pulled out something from behind her cuirass, she held it off to the side so Din could get a good look at it. It was small and round, it looked similar to the beskar ball Din currently had in his hand as he ate, whenever he ate actually, it was like Grogu was in his lap eating with him never far from his heart. 
“What is it?”
“Fennec gave me this a while back, she has one like it”
“What does it do?”
“You’ll see” with that she pressed a button on the top of the ball, it hovered above her hand before it took off out the window and heading higher into the sky.
“How long is it going to take?”
“Depends, on the area, and what it finds. A few hours”
“Plenty of time to finish eating and figure out what exactly is happening around here”
“True, bare?”
“Yes, cyar’ika?”
“Should I keep my helmet on the entire time we’re here?”
“That’s up to you. Aside from not revealing your lineage, is there anything else about your creed I should know?”
“No. Babeh always maintained he never wanted to swear an oath to anyone. The only thing he did was take the Resol’nare.”
“Did you?”
“Swear the Resol’nare?” Amara could feel his head nod behind her, “Yes”
“That’s why Ca’tra knew he could give you the armour, didn’t he?”
“Yes. I had tried to get on my own but …” Amara shook her head, “story for another time.”
Din nodded, knowing Ca’tra had been cared for by Ara, someone who had respected the creed, there was something he hadn’t said as yet, “Thank you”
“You’re thanking me?” Amara was surprised by that.
“Yes” Din chuckled, “Is that so odd?”
“Depends on why you’re thanking me?”
“For taking care of my brother, for respecting his choice of life, for loving him.”
She couldn’t hide the smile from that thank you, “He took care of me too, loved me and Adi like we … you probably don’t want to hear this.” 
“Trust me, I thank him every day for loving you, too. For loving and caring for the both of you” Din popped in one more piece of vegetable, he tried to push away the feeling that was bubbling in his stomach, “There’s one thing I regret”
“What?” Amara shifted her head, careful not to look at Din.
“Not healing the rift between Ca’tra and myself, after Avand died. Her brother and I were able to move somewhat past it”
“I know he hated the rift”
“How do you know? I thought you said he never mentioned me”
“He kept talking about missing his best friend who was like a brother to him, how he wished he could reach out. He said he wanted us to meet.”
“Mmhmm, he never mentioned you by name or anything, but he kept saying he was wrong leaving things they way they were between him and his best friend. After we helped the village, he was determined to try to find him, but …”
“Then the incident happened”
“Do you think he’d be okay with us?”
“You mean if he was still alive? Cause pretty sure he’d have an issue with that” Amara chuckled.
“Obviously. Ca’tra wasn’t exactly the sharing type” Din chuckled.
“I bet you have a lot of stories about him growing up” Amara leaned back resting her head on Din’s shoulder, she felt oddly safe and comfortable; her body felt so relaxed. If she could choose, she’d spend the rest of her days trading stories with Din with good food, and just relaxing.
“Yeah, a few” Din leaned against her back to, resting against her head, “want to hear one?”
“In a bit, I’m feeling incredibly lethargic and super relaxed”
“Me too” Din felt his forehead become damp with sweat.
Amara felt her heartbeat quicken, “Din…”
“Yeah, I feel it too” Din’s breath came in short and quick, they were poisoned, both of them. He trusted Omera … maybe it wasn’t Omera, his eyes looked over to the plate of food. Yet, it was the only explanation. 
“Something’s wrong”
“It’s the food” Din shifted, his body fought him every step, he couldn’t move, “I can’t … cyar’ika”
“I have something hold on” Amara moved her hand, it felt incredibly heavy, as though it was weighed down with all the beskar of Mandalore, yet she found the strength she needed forcing it closer to her belt. She always kept a few anti-toxin serums with her; something she learned during her time with the rebels, and from her uncle. Wolffe was always adamant about keeping your wits about you, never be caught off guard, don’t be someone’s puppet. She grabbed one vial, it took all her strength, to draw it to her thigh, injecting herself. “Got it. I can give you one, I just need a a few seconds to gather my strength, I’ll need you to shift a little, so I can reach you. Do you think you can do that?”
“For you, always” Din’s words came out slurred, he struggled against the invisible hold, it was as though his body was fighting chains wrapping his body in place. Amara started to get sensation back in her hands and her arms, the feeling wasn’t as prevalent as it had been mere seconds ago, it was easier this time grabbing the vial. She shifted her arm back trying to make contact with Din as he shifted enough so she could reach his lower half that wasn’t covered with beskar. 
Amara reached back feeling his butt, his very defined and round butt, she closed her eyes, focus, woman! She stuck the vial in his butt, holding it there for as long as she could, making sure it all went in to his system. 
“You trying to cop a feel?” Din slurred as he chuckled, trying to keep his anxiety at bay. He needed to protect Ara. Why didn’t he check the food?
“Not my fault, that’s all I can reach” Amara chuckled, the serum working on her system “Not complaining either, mind you.” She teased, hoping to ease him, the serum worked best if you could keep your adrenaline low. Amara heard footsteps approaching, they were a ways away, but closing. They were taking their time, clearly they were fully expecting the poison to work. “Someone’s coming,” she let out in bated breath.
“Cyar’ika,” Din’s words were clear now, “if you can move, get out of here”
“I’m not leaving you, Din”
“No time to argue” he started to get feeling in his fingers and toes.
“Stay calm, ner bare, the serum will work if you keep your adrenaline low” Amara tried moving her hand, she was getting her full feeling back. “I can almost…” her legs were starting to get sensation back as well. She shifted, stretching her hand and arm out as far as possible trying to grab Din’s and her helmet “I have your helmet.”
She turned it around so it would fit on his head, her arms were close to getting their complete movement back, the footsteps were coming closer. She put on Din’s helmet, “Is it okay?”
“Yes. I can move my hands and feet”
“That’s great, but the helmet?”
“Yeah, it’s on.”
“Good. Just stay calm, ner bare. We’ll get out of this” Amara donned her helmet, she finally felt she could shift her lower body, but her upper body still felt tied down by the invisible ropes, but she could feel them breaking. “I can reach my blasters. I can protect us.”
“Don’t cyar’ika. Until you can fully move, and able to defend yourself easily, don’t do anything rash. We’ll get out of this. But patience is what’s going to get us out.”
Amara nodded, for the first time in a long time she felt a coldness against her spine, that she had only felt a handful of times, “Din, I’m … I’m scared.”
“I’m here, Ara. I’m here.” Din wished he could wrap her up in his arms at that moment, he wished he could protect the both of them, give them an escape. The steps were just a few feet outside the hut, any minute they were going to come in, any minute now their captors would make themselves known.  “Cyar’ika”
“Yes, Din”
“You and Adi are everything to me” Din let out, ignoring the ache in his heart, he was suppose to protect her. He was suppose to be the one to fight for them. 
Amara felt the lump form in her throat, this wasn’t the time to get emotional, but she needed to tell him, “You’re everything to us too.” Amara heard feet shifting just in front of the hut, time was up, she closed her eyes, reaching for Din’s hand, he grabbed it intertwining their fingers tightly.
“We’ll make it, Ara. I’ll get you back to Adi.”
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Sins of The Father - Ch. 22
Summary: Din learns more about Amara
A/N: Hello lovelies,
Well Din just learned a whole lot more than he expected and he’s about to learn even more. Do you think he’ll be willing to open up more to Amara about his past? 
Italics - Flashback
Warning: Grief, angst, fluff, relieving past trauma, kissing, I think that’s it, if I miss any warnings please let me know.
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Amara felt her head pounding against her skull, her knees and hands were aching. Her eyes fluttered open, taking in her surroundings, she was in her bed, still wearing her armour except for boots and greaves. How did she get here? Din’s voice came flooding back into her reality, “I may be longer than expected,” she shifted on her mattress, did he really try to say goodbye?  “I just wanted to tell you cyar’ika, I can’t wait to make you breakfast again, and this time it’ll be a lot better.” Maybe not at first; but he did, he did say goodbye, “Good bye, Amara Vel, light it up.” 
She needed to talk to Din, to make sure he was okay, that he wasn’t injured. She sat on her bed all thoughts of pain vanished from her mind in a moment, when a glimmer caught the corner of her eye, Amara turned her head, there sitting on her table was her helmet. It wasn’t a dream, she had revealed the truth to Din, images flashed through her mind, strapping on the armour, placing the helmet on her head, looking through the scope of her DC-17m rifle, blaster shots being deflected, her shaking hands wiping her swords on the fabric of a dead man, seeing Din stand in the doorway, hearing his voice inside her head. The yelling, the anger, then his voice once again, “I forgive you, Amara. You did your best, and that’s all you can do … it wasn’t your fault, riduur.” He did that for her. He took care of her, told her what she needed to ease her turmoil. If she wasn’t in love with this man before, she certainly was a lot closer now. Unfortunately, the armour was the tip of the iceberg of the truths she needed to reveal to him. 
Her hand moved out of its own accord, shaking as it reached for her helmet. It had felt right, wearing her armour, wearing what had been given to her by Ca’tra two years ago. She could still remember the day Ca’tra presented her with the armour, the smirk on his lips, the way his hand caressed her cheek … Amara shook her head out of her memory, now was not the time to lose her head, now was the time to focus. 
Din hadn’t moved from his seat in the cockpit, he still couldn’t believe Amara was married, had been married. Why hadn’t she just told him the truth? Was she Mandalorian? Had she taken the Resol’nare? Why didn’t she just tell him? Did she not trust him? Was he making a fool of himself thinking there was more to what was happening between them? Then again, he wasn’t exactly offering up his own information, who was he to judge anyone. Not to mention, if her breakdown was any indication, she clearly felt responsible for her riduur’s death, explaining why she didn’t want to discuss it before. What happened to him? What happened that she felt responsible? 
Ca’tra. That was a name he hadn’t heard in a long time, what were the chances she’d been married to the same Mandalorian he’d known? The same Mandalorian he had grown up with at the covert? It couldn’t be the man he had known. After all, the man was determined never to settle down, never to take on the responsibilities of being the head of a clan. It couldn’t have been the man he knew. Din shifted his seat to look at the spot where he held Ara, where she had confused him for Ca’tra, where he had called her riduur. His hand could still feel the warmth and softness of her skin. He could still feel her clutching on to his arm for dear life. He could still feel her hair tickling his chin. Maybe he was fooling himself into believing there was more happening between him and Ara, after all he kept trying to convince himself that he had provided all that comfort simply to alleviate her own suffering, to give her the peace she needed. That’s what friends … best friends did right? Be there for one another, support one another. Who was he kidding, he couldn’t deny the warmth that flooded through his heart when he had called her his spouse, nor could he deny the hope that bloomed in his heart the moment the word fell from his lips or the truth that started to show itself since that night at the orphanage, he wanted to be by her side for as long as he drew breath. To be the arms she always found comfort and safety in; but then there was the issue of Ca’tra and Boba. 
Din was pulled from his musings, when he heard the cockpit door open, Ara walked in wearing her flight suit and a blanket wrapped around her, she looked better compared to how she looked only a few hours before. It was nice to see her in her flight suit, she looked refreshed probably from the several hours of sleep and the shower she took if her shampoo wafting over to him was any indication, but Din had to admit, she looked amazing in her armour. 
“There’s caf if you want some, it’s not as strong as I previously made it. I can make you some breakfast if you wish”
Amara smirked at the idea of him burning the food again, she simply shook her head ‘no’ as she headed to the co-pilot seat, she wanted to talk … no, they needed to talk, and she owed him not to delay the conversation. She took her seat, pulling her legs in as she wrapped herself in her blanket. She kept her focus on the hyperspace window they were travelling, she glanced over to the readout, ‘Papsr.’ She bit her bottom lip, she hadn’t realized her distraught emotional state had pushed her to the point where she sent them to the one place she hadn’t been wanting to go unless it was absolutely necessary.
Din could see she was still struggling after everything that had transpired, it was only fair that he didn’t make her start the conversation that they clearly needed to have. Not to mention, he needed to apologize for his outburst and how quick he was - - yet again - - ready to think the worse of her. 
He took in a shuddering breath, hoping he didn’t cause her more pain that she had already been in, “I‘m sorry, about earlier” Din started.
“Exactly what are you sorry for, Din? Sorry for saying goodbye? For yelling? Or are you sorry for the turmoil of my own mind, that you clearly had to witness?” Amara wasn't trying to be rude or cruel. She really wasn't but he wasn't going to brush the goodbye under the rug so to speak either, and … she felt ashamed she had lost control of herself, she was a warrior, the daughter of Boba Fett, the niece of Gregor, Wolffe and Rex, a rebel, a mother, a survivor and she lost her mind all because he said goodbye. 
"For all of it" Din wanted to turn his head to look at her, to know how she reacted to his apology, to know if it was enough? “I’m sorry for everything, I should never have yelled at you, I should’ve given you an opportunity to explain yourself. After everything we’ve been through, you deserve that at least. I didn’t mean to say goodbye either, I simply wanted …” Din let out a sigh, “I don’t know … truthfully, I just wanted to hear your voice; remind myself I had someone worth fighting for; someone I very much wanted to see again.” Din took a chance and tilted his helmet to look at her, Ara’s eyes were glistening as she listened to his apology, maybe this was a good sign, “I am sorry for causing you so much pain, to make you relive the, as you described it, ’turmoil of your mind.’ I had no idea it would have caused you so much pain to hear me say goodbye Ara, it was never my intention to trigger your pain.” 
Amara nodded, "I know” she took in a deep breath focusing on her hands that fidgeted with her blanket, “Truthfully, I had no idea your words were going to trigger me, like they did; I guess you’re not the only one who has someone worth fighting for - - well two people worth fighting for” Amara shifted her head slightly to look over at Din, his visor was locked on to her eyes, she knew he was watching her, and she knew her eyes were locked on to his, somehow she always knew, “two people who live in my heart, who I very much wanted to see again. I'm sorry, too. I should've told you the truth, told you about my riduur, told you about the armour, kriff …” Amara rubbed her face, “I should’ve told you a lot more, a lot sooner.”
He wanted to reach out, to hold her hand, but she was still wrapped up in her blanket a clear indication of wanting to keep her distance, “You never have to tell me anything you don't want to, after all it's not like I'm exactly offering up information freely.” 
"I still feel you should've known about my armour, at the very least”
“It is not my place to demand knowledge that does not belong to me to ask”
“Din, you’re a good man” Amara couldn’t help the smirk, “a very good man.” A smile graced her lips as she adjusted herself to look in his visor fully, "I think you and my riduur would've gotten along really well. Probably end up friends - good friends, more than likely” Amara tilted her head at Din, observing him for a second, “You remind me of him a little."
"I see" Din swallowed the lump forming as he readjusted himself in his chair. He guessed it was too much to hope she would have liked him for him; not because he reminded her of her dead husband. Din wanted to laugh a little at the ridiculousness that was his life, what was it with him and widows and father-less children?
"That's not …" Ara rubbed the back of her neck, the realisation of what she implied was clearly seen on her face, Din saw her face twist in the reflection of the viewport, “My feelings for you have nothing to do with Ca’tra. There are just certain ideals that you have that are similar to him. But you are not interchangeable in my mind, Din. You are as different as the earth and the sky” Amara smirked at her own joke, after all Ca’tra meant sky in Mando’a and if you rearranged Djarin it spelled jardin, meaning garden in the language of her best friend. 
"Such as?"
Amara rested her head against the headrest, as she shifted her body in the direction of Din’s chair, a smile graced her lips as she admired the Mandalorian beside her, there was something so beautiful about Mandalorian armour, it stripped away all the missteps your eyes could deceive you with and left the truth of the person underneath for all to see. "Your sense of honour and courage. Your ability to always make me feel safe around you." 
Din smiled under his helmet, turning to face her again, "I make you feel safe?"
"You do. Adi feels the same way. We both feel safe with you not just physically but emotionally and mentally as well. Ca’tra made us feel safe too, but … you understand us - - me, in a way I don't think he ever did. You never push me to explain more than I should or feel comfortable with; you understand why I’m guarded … you …” Amara shrugged there was no better way to explain it, “you make me feel safe.”
There was something so comforting, so loving about the way Ara’s lips expanded as she gave Din the smile that he knew was only for him, he’d bet that even Ca’tra hadn’t received that smile, it’s pure and genuine joy, “How long were you married for?"
She could feel her chest tightening, she hoped wrapping the blanket tighter around her frame would ease the feeling. How was she going to explain this? “Um …” Amara cleared her throat, “less than five minutes" Din didn't know what to say, he was thankful for his helmet, she didn’t need to see the shocked expression the donned his face or the sheer lack of understanding as to how such a thing was possible. "You're wondering how that’s possible, right?” Din simply nodded. Amara took a moment, she only had to recount what happened in detail to three people before, the Armourer, Babeh and Fennec. As she began to recount that day, she could feel her tears welling up, when she got to the part of having to face only the five remaining thugs, her bottom lip began to quiver, and when she had to tell him about the detonator and the realization that sunk in when they only had five minutes left together, the tears were free flowing along with the snot from her nose that kept wanting to escape, recounting Ca’tra’s last day had been the hardest aspect in her life. When she told Din, Ca’tra’s desire to call her riduur at least once before his death, she wanted so badly to move from her seat and curl herself in Din’s arms, but she couldn’t … she couldn’t move. 
Din’s hands clenched as Ara told him about that fateful, his hand was beginning to ache from the anger that flowed through him. He was glad Dario was dead, or he’d have to find a way to make his suffering last incredibly long and arduous. He began to understand why telling her goodbye, telling her he wanted to do more with her and Adi, had triggered her. In truth, anyone who had experienced what she did would have been trigged. Knowing what she went through, what she had seen or heard, he wished he could wipe out that memory. He wished his arms could wipe out every bitter memory she had, he wanted so badly to pick her up and cradle her in his arms, "Is that why Boba and Fennec are so protective of you?"
Amara waggled her head from side to side, "Somewhat. Boba probably would be even more protective if he knew we had actually exchanged vows."
"You didn't tell him?"
Amara wiped the remaining tears, shifting her eyes down, her voice became softer too, “I never told anyone. You’re the first person I ever told about the vows"
"I am?" Ara simply nodded, his breath hitched in his throat, "Why … I mean I'm honoured that you chose to tell me but why?"
Amara bit her bottom lip, "It didn’t feel right. Not the marrying him part, the way we got married. I didn’t deserve to call him riduur or to let people know he was my riduur. I believed for the longest time I had failed him, that it was all my fault, but I know now that’s not the case. Plus, I'm hoping you'll understand how much I trust you …” she shifted her eyes to look into Din’s visor, “… and how much I care for you” she looked away from his visor as quickly as she had looked into them, she couldn't bear to look at him knowing that he might not feel as deeply as she did, she was taking a chance. Maybe it was unfair to tell him that, but she couldn’t help it. She wanted him to know the truth of what she had been feeling since that night at the orphanage, what she had been feeling for him for longer than she cared to admit. 
Din was about to express how he felt for her too when the ship beeped informing them they had arrived at their destination, before long they were out of hyperspace and orbiting a tiny moon. From what Din could see the moon was beautiful, full of valleys, rivers, and lush gardens, in all his travels he’d never heard of this place, but then again unless there was a quarry on a particular planet or moon, there was no reason for him to stop and spend time elsewhere.
"What is this place?"
"Ca’tra and I used to call it Papsr, its real name …" Amara shrugged, "I haven’t the faintest idea; we stumbled across only by accident. We were escaping a remnant Imperial pursuit, when - and for the record I still maintain - Ca’tra entered the wrong coordinates. We were trying to get to Yavin 4 to make a delivery, when we ended up here. We made sure to save the coordinates to come back after our job. When we did make it back, we brought Adi with us, we took our time to figure out who lived on the moon, or if there was any sort of claim, but there hadn’t been. I’m pretty sure it doesn't have one. It's so small, I don't think anyone knows about it; so we laid claim to it, and called it Papsr”
“It's beautiful” Din admired the surroundings as he came in closer to the coordinates that had been programmed into the navi-computer. 
“It became like a hidden base for us, a second home. We’ve set up several beacons all over the planet to keep an eye out in case someone did discover it, like the remnant Empire or pirates or something, but there’s nothing down there, except for the animals that live here. It's peaceful." Amara thought back to the last time they had made it out here, it was the day he proposed and admitted he wanted to adopt Adi.
“Ca’tra?” Amara shifted out of her bunk looking for the man who was always full of surprises. Amara stepped down the ramp when she heard Adi’s snickering coming from around the corner of the ship, “Adi?”
She couldn’t hide the smile that appeared on her lips, when she heard him laughing again, he tried to be quiet, but he really wasn’t “Hmmm… I guess Adi is gone. Maybe he was taken by one of those wolves that live here on the moon. Maybe he decided to live in the wild, completely free. If that’s the case, goodbye Adi. I hope you remember to wash your hands after you use the refresher.”
“I always wash my hands!” Came his annoyed voice from behind one of the landing gears, Amara kneeled down to see his big green loth-wolffe eyes smiling up at her.
“Well what are you doing there silly?”
“I was trying to scare you”
“Well that clearly worked” Amara’s smile grew as she held out her hand for Adi to come out from his hiding spot, “Tell me, where is your annoying, incredibly handsome …”
“Someone calling my name?” Ca’tra’s voice echoed over to her, his teasing voice flowed over, his helmet was in his hand, his blue eyes piercing into hers, “Look who’s finally awake” Ca’tra walked over leaving a kiss on her cheek. 
“Look who finally decided to brush his teeth” she teased back.
“You know I had this whole surprise for you, this amazing gift too, but if that’s how you’re going to be then adi’ka” Ca’tra placed the helmet on Adi’s head, as he pulled him into his side, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, “will enjoy the fruits of my labour.”
“Fine, your breath hardly smells … except for when you eat Ronto meat” 
Ca’tra killed himself laughing, how had he found someone who captured his heart so completely, there was only one other person who had ever made him feel close to what he felt with Amara, but he realized now that had been felt out of jealousy. What he felt with her was the real thing, he was absolutely in love with Amara and he couldn’t wait for her to meet the rest of his family. 
“Come on, cyar’ika, there’s something I want to show both you and adi’ka” Ca’tra wrapped his free arm around Amara drawing her in closer as he placed a kiss on her temple, they walked in quiet anticipation as they headed into their base - on the table was a complete set of armour, it was similar to his own, with one notable difference, it was designed for a woman. 
“What’s this?” Amara asked motioning with her hand to the armour laid out on the table, there was also two tiny boxes that sat beside the armour. 
“Well, I …” Ca’tra chuckled as he stood beside the table in front of Amara and Adi, he took in a deep breath, looking at Adi who had his helmet perched on the top of his tiny head, clearly way too big for the kid now, but maybe … one day …  Ca’tra cleared his throat focusing back on the now, turning his attention to Amara, “I was talking to Boba, the other day - and we were discussing what we wanted out of our future, when everything was made clear to what I truly longed for. Amara love, you know my past is a rocky one, and there are certain aspects of my past that I am not quite ready to talk about; I thank you for always being so understanding, especially when at times I may be less than. Amara and Adi … ohh, this is harder than I imagined” Ca’tra reached over to grab the two boxes, he kneeled before Amara and Adi, he held each of their hands in his own, “Amara, you are amazing, wonderful, loving, there is no end to how much your heart loves, how you fight for what is right, how you look after not just your family, but any you deem need your help. You have suffered and struggled, and it has made you stronger, braver, fierce, and absolutely powerful. I love you, Amara.” Ca’tra shifted to look at Adi, “Adi, your curiosity, your willingness to learn, your respect and love for your Ama, is beyond a doubt, the most amazing thing I have ever seen. You are an amazing kid, and I am beyond grateful to have the privilege to call you my adi’ka” Ca’tra looked between the two of them, “Amara and Adi, I love you both, I would lay my life down for the both of you, if it meant I could show you both even an ounce of the amount of love I hold in my heart for you two. Amara will you be wife, and Adi, would you be my son?”
Amara was speechless, that’s not what she expected, not by a long shot, she glanced down to Adi, who had the biggest smile on his face, as he nodded yes. Amara matched his smile easily, turning her attention to Ca’tra who stayed kneeling before the two of them, she nodded along with Adi, as tears flowed down her cheeks.
“Yes? Is that a yes?”
“Yes, I’ll be your wife”
“I’ll be your son”
Ca’tra grabbed the two and hugged them as tightly as possible, he had described them as best he could to the armourer when he went back to ask for the armour to be made for Amara, he was sure, she would have denied him his request, told him not to bring them around. Instead, she was happy for him, and only said she’d keep her judgment in reserve until Amara had a chance to prove herself to the covert. 
He opened the boxes presenting each of them with a mythosaur necklace, “The armour is for you, my love, when you are ready to take your place by my side as my wife” Ca’tra held her cheek, “if you’d rather not wear it I’ll understand, this isn’t me forcing …”
“Ca’tra” Amara chuckled, “I would be honoured”
“You would?”
Amara nodded, pulling him into a kiss, “Ugh!” Adi’s voice called out, “That’s so gross!” Ca’tra and Amara turned to look at their eleven year old who was not impressed by this display of affection.
“You know, adi’ka, one of these days, it won’t bother you so much”
“Yeah, but that day isn’t today. Is it?”
Amara let out a silent chuckle remembering Adi’s face all scrunched up at seeing her and Ca’tra kiss, it had been adorable. Her focused was pulled back to the present when she felt the ship shift. She looked over to Din, he had brought the ship to what at one time had looked like a landing zone, although now it was slightly overrun but clear enough that it still maintained a semblance of a designated location. 
"There's a cave nearby that has some supplies. We don't have to be here for long. I don't even remember putting in the coordinates” Amara offered, after all Din probably was anxious to get Xi’an back to Boba to get his pay. 
“In fairness,” Din began as the landing gears touched down, “you were really upset, when you had taken control of the cockpit, and I was busy putting away Xi’an. If you would you prefer, we can leave? Or we can stay? Either way, I’m comfortable with whatever you decided, and if you would like I’ll forget we ever came here.”
Amara’s heart swelled, she couldn’t help the adoration that filled her eyes for this man, “You would do that?” She watched as Din stood from his seat, he walked closer to her chair turning it, so she could face him directly as he kneeled in front of her. 
“For you, cyar’ika? I’d handle anything” Din reached his hand up cupping her cheek, “All you have to do mesh’la, is tell me what you want to do?”
“I want you to know all about my life, Din” Amara reached up holding the hand that was cupping her cheek, she leaned into his hand, “and I want to start today, this moment to let you in.”
Din felt his heart swell, if it wasn’t for his beskar, his heart would have jumped out of his chest, he couldn’t stop the smile that spread across his face, “I can’t wait to know all about you, Amara”
“My name, it’s Oyar’e”
“Oyar’e Vel” Din nodded, his thumb stroking her cheek, “I’m honoured to know you Oyar’e”
- - - - - - - - - - - - 
“This is an interesting base” Din looked around the carved-out rock base, there were three rooms, a common room, a kitchenette, and a weapons room, the entrance was only able to be opened by Ara’s or Adi’s gauntlet she explained, the door was a creation of Ca’tra’s, it was an extension of the rock wall.
“It was Ca’tra’s idea to make it long lasting and completely hidden, he got the idea from an Imperial base he heard of called Daro, apparently the entire mountain had been carved out.”
“It’s a brilliant idea”
“Not that this was the initial intention of being here, but now that we are here, there is something I want your opinion on”
“Really?” Amara nodded as Din’s hand rested on her bicep, “I’ll do my best to answer anything I can, but are you sure you want my opinion?” Amara smiled as she took Din’s hand in hers and led him to a weapon’s locker, hoping the gesture alone would give him the answer she was dying to give him. Amara opened the cache, there shining like a beacon was Ca’tra’s armour, painted, polished, mended, and ready to be used. It had taken her a long time and a lot of tears to get it to this point.
“Ca’tra said he wanted Adi to have his armour when he was of age, well he’s turning 16 soon and there’s a ceremony that marks his first steps as a man in this universe. In Kiffar society, when you are old enough you receive your marks” Amara trailed her fingers over her tattoos, “would it be appropriate to give him the armour at that time or when he takes the Resol’nare? I don’t know much about Mandalorian customs, and I don’t want to offend anyone.”
“Ca’tra adopted Adi before the …?”
“In … spirit, I guess. He didn’t have the opportunity to say the vows”
“Can I ask a question?” Din shifted to look at Ara.
“Of course”
“Why did you two wait to get married?”
Amara shifted, closing the doors to the armour, “We were supposed to get married two days after he …” she cleared her throat, “after the incident. Originally, we were planning on exchanging our vows three months after I had met his covert, but then something happened, that caused the covert to relocate - well actually, they had to escape from their hiding place, the remnant Empire had learned of their location, and tried to wipe them out. Between caring for their wounded, and looking for a suitable place to keep them safe, time flew by and before we knew it two years had gone by, which is when my father …” Amara bit her bottom lip, she didn’t mean to mention Babeh.
“Your father?”
“I … I’m not ready to talk about that yet; I’m sorry. It’s … I’m sorry”
Din rested his hand on her lower back pulling her into his side, “I understand, cyar’ika. I really do.” Din filed it away in his mind another mention of her father who was suppose to be dead, “What was Ca’tra’s full name?”
“Ca’tra Gaan”
Din inhaled sharply, how was that possible? Of all the people in the universe, of all the Mandalorians left in the galaxy, it had to be him, the one who refused to speak to him, that allowed a rift to develop between the two especially after Din’s world came crumpling down. 
“Din?” Ara rested her hand on his forearm. No wonder, he reminded her of Ca’tra, after all he was his best friend growing up in the covert, they trained together, fought side-by-side, learned to know what it meant to be part of a clan together. He had been the closest thing to a brother he could ever imagine, and now his brother was gone from the universe and he never got a chance to make amends. In some way, he always hoped Ca’tra was out there keeping an eye out on him, on the covert, that one day they would be able to meet and patch the rift that had been caused by their stubbornness. Din felt his knees begin to wobble, his strength began to falter.  
“I knew him” Din’s voice was barely above a whisper, Ara didn’t hesitate, she took his hand bringing him over to a bench, “we …” Din cleared his throat. Ara didn’t need someone who couldn't keep himself together, she needed someone who wouldn’t fall apart just as she was getting herself back together. She deserved someone who was stronger than him.
“Din, don’t hold back, let it out. You were there for me when I couldn’t keep it together, let me be there for you. I’ll always be here for you ner bare, to hold you when your strength fails you, to help you up when you fall down. I’m not going to run away simply because you’re human.” Amara lifted her hand cupping his helmeted cheek. She didn’t need a man who was as hard as Beskar, she needed a man who could be himself around her, and knew she would be there to help him, always. 
His hand rested on her knee, he’d never met anyone who was so willing to have the man beneath the armour like Ara. Din took a moment as he watched Ara hold the hand that rested on her knee, her hand that cupped his cheek drew him closer till she rested her forehead against his, “You’re always there for me, cyar’ika.”
“Then know I’m not going anywhere, I’m right here.”
He nodded against her forehead, “Remember … when we first met - - I mentioned that I had lost my covert”
“Yeah, to save Grogu”
“He … he was part of my covert. He was the closest thing I had to a brother”
Amara pulled back to look at Din, Ca’tra had never mentioned to her about Din. Why didn’t he?
“He probably didn’t talk about me, did he?”
She wanted to tell him differently, she wanted to tell him that wasn’t the case, that he had talked about him, talked about him all the time, but lying wasn’t going to help make this any better. Amara shifted her gaze away from Din, keeping her hands resting on him, “No. I’m sorry”
“Not your fault, it was my own doing, I drove the rift between us” Din  began to move his hand away when Ara shifted her hand intertwining their fingers bringing their hands to rest against her chest.
“What happened? If you don’t …”
“I lost my riduur” Now it was Amara’s turn to be shocked, to be thrown for a loop. Din had been married? 
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Sins Of The Father - Chapter 16
Summary: Amara remembers one of the most difficult days of her life
A/N: Hello Lovelies,
We’re finally going to be getting a look into Cat’ra, I’m so excited for you guys. After this chapter things are going to start to pick up between Din and Amara, I know I’m sorry guys that there hasn’t been any Din yet, but next chapter will be very much about Din. I would love to hear from you guys, and what you think about the story so far. 
Thank you for showing this story so much love. Love oo.
Warnings: Flirting, Kissing, Canon-typical violence, descriptive violence, mentions of blood, mentions of body parts, grief, survivor’s guilt, threats, comfort, if I miss any warnings, please let me know. 
Italics - Flashback
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Amara was beginning her third round of walking the perimeter, and just as the first two times there was nothing on the horizon to cause any sort of alarm, just the usual suspects. Sand. Rocks. More sand. More rocks. The Jundland Wastes were the worst but at the end of the day, they could be happy knowing they had finally found a secure spot for the covert, no one knew where they were or how to get to the covert. The area had been negotiated as a trade from the Jawas and the Tuskens, and after almost a year of setting up the area, everyone had started to feel more at home.
“Amara, ner runi (My soul), where you at?” Ca’tra’s cheery voice cut in over the comms.
“Just finishing my third perimeter scan over by the Western Dune Sea”
“Anything out there, love?”
“Nothing, cyare. Just sand, wind, oh look a tumbleweed… exciting! Wait, I think I see something … nope sorry, just some more tumbleweed. Why are there so many tumbleweeds? Where are they even coming from?”
“Really, that’s your question”
“Well I could ask something more interesting, but then that would distract me from my duty and yours”
“Oh really? Here I thought you would have enjoyed the fresh air, the bright sun, being one with nature…”
“Yeah, not to mention the sand in every crevice. I’ll need a good and proper shower once this watch shift is over.”
“Well I’m more than ready to help you with that, my dear”
“We’re getting married in two days”
“Your point being …”
“Why did I agree to marry you?”
“You lost a bet and you love me”
“Hmmm, you might have to keep reminding me”
“Every day, every night, every hour, every minute”
“Why do you love me?”
“Yeah, you could be with a true Mandalorian, someone who has proven themselves already to the covert. You could be with someone who will add status to who you are, someone who will help you, in ways I can’t. I’m … I mean I’m no one. The daughter of Boba Fett. A clone’s daughter. That’s all they see me as, that’s all they’ll ever see me as.”
“…” There was no response from him 
“Ca’tra?” My mind started to panic a little did something happen to him.
“Hey!” Amara turned to the voice that came up behind her, “I’m right here, you don’t have to shout” although, she couldn’t see his face, his tone told her everything, he was grinning under that helmet like an idiot, as he usually did when he was looking at her.
“Well if you actually answered my question, I wouldn’t have to yell”
“What was your question?” Ca’tra tilted his head
Ca’tra reached out and grabbed her hand, he loved her hands, they were skilled, comforting, loving, deadly, and kind. Every time he took her hands into his, it was as though they had been made to fit with his, it was the hands that would look after him when he was sick or injured, the hands their future kids would feel when she cared for them too. The hands that would hold Adi when he had a nightmare. 
“Oh right” He tilted his head back like he was remembering, “you wanted to know why I choose you and not some other bucket head”
“Hey, those are your people”
“Sorry, some other mando”
“Okay, now you are really trying to irritate me”
Ca’tra laughed, not his usual mountain shaking laugh, but a small chortle, the laugh he gave when he just fell in love with her even more than he thought possible for his poor heart. 
“That, that right there is the reason why I love you. Well one of the reasons. You defend everyone, whether they deserve it or not, you are ready to see the good in people, when sometimes there’s nothing but rotten banta flesh with the maggots and flies. You can’t stand injustice or people disrespecting one another. You look after those who can’t look after themselves, and help those that need it; like the covert,” he motioned with his head to the direction behind him in general, “the people in Mos Eisley, Adi, even your father. You make my life worth living.” He tightened his hold on her, pulling her in closer, “You gave me something I lacked for a long time cyar’ika, something I probably wouldn’t have even noticed I was lacking if were not for you. You gave me a home, gave me hope, showed me that I was more than the beskar, showed me what it was to be a father to Adi, and more importantly you gave me gar kar’ta (Your heart). I love you because you are the most amazing and special woman I have ever met. I love you because I can’t wait till you and Adi are officially my family, and I can adopt that kid as mine. I love you Amara Vel a.k.a Oyar’e Fett because you are my moon and stars.”
Amara stepped closer to Ca’tra, she rested her hands on his cuirass, while his hands lowered to her lower back, “I love you, Amara because without you I am nothing, I have nothing, I feel nothing. My life before you was dark and grey, tasteless, lifeless. After you, there is no comparison.”
“Bu’nas’a (Damn). You know the way to a girl’s heart.”
“I know the way to your heart, because you let me”
“I wish I could kiss you right now”
Ca’tra moved one hand from Amara’s back and raised his helmet a little, he leaned down, while Amara leaned to stand on her toes, as soon as her lips met his, her world felt right. Everything felt right, his lips, his scent, his tongue, it all made sense in that moment, like every time she kissed him.
“I love you too” Amara mumbled against his lips
“Why are we waiting to get married in two days?”
“Because my father will be back by then”
“Oh right” he mumbled against her lips.
“Ca’tra” Amara pulled back to look him in his visor as he readjusted his helmet, “I love you, with everything that I am, with everything that I have, with every fibre and cell of my being. I never thought I could love this deeply or this profoundly, I never thought this would ever happen for me. When I’m with you, my world makes sense. It made sense with Adi, but with you in it, it feels complete. I feel complete. From that first day I met you, I knew my world would never make sense again. Honestly, I don’t know how I survived this universe before you.”
Ca’tra leaned his helmeted forehead against hers, he couldn’t think of anywhere else he’d rather be, anyone else’s arms he’d rather be in.  
“Look who’s a poet now”
“Oh shu…” just then a laughter echoed through the area, Amara and Ca’tra both pulled away from each other. Ca’tra pulled out his blaster ready for anything.
“Ca’tra, what do you see?”
“Nothing” his eyes scanned back and forth.
Amara scanned the area with her scope, but she didn’t notice anything either, damn it! Why did they allow themselves to be distracted. 
“What pretty declarations! Such passion! Such tenderness!” Came the voice being carried by the wind.
“Show yourself, coward!” Ca’tra shouted, he readjusted his hold on his blaster, readying to aim as soon as the person showed themselves. “Amara, do you see anything?”
“No … wait…” Amara squinted, there in the dune sea, behind a sand dune, she saw him, “found him. 25 degrees to the east, just to the right of the sand dune.”
“Got ‘em”
“Tell me” began the voice, he appeared to be alone, from this distance it was hard to make out who exactly he was, “what are two people doing out here amongst the sand, just going for a leisurely walk, or maybe you needed a quiet place to share more intimate moments. If that’s the case, please continue, don’t let me stop you.”
“I think we’ve shown all you’re going to see” Amara shouted back
“What about an intimate moment?” The voice questioned, there was a hint of teasing on his tone.
“Who is this guy?” Ca’tra asked
“Have no clue, but I doubt he’s by himself. No one would be that stupid.”
“You wanna bet?”
“What’s the wager?”
“Winner decides the next upgrade on the Sintas”
“You just want those mattresses”
“Umm… yeah! I can’t keep sleeping on that stupid slab of a mattress, it’s hard as a rock”
“Fine, but if I win, we’re getting a new reheater”
“I’m sorry but there is nothing wrong with the reheater we have now”
“You’re not the one reheating, so shut it.”
“Fine, what are we gonna do with tweedle dee over there?”
“Find out what he wants obviously”
Amara and Ca’tra took a few more steps towards the voice, “What are you doing out here?” Amara shouted
“I could ask you the same question beautiful” the voice responded
“I don’t like this, something’s off” Ca’tra stated, grabbing his blaster a little tighter.
“We have to find out what he wants, we can’t lead him back to the covert”
“I know, but I just … I have a bad feeling about this”
“Me too. Tra, I should’ve …”
“No, this isn’t on you, love. I scanned the area and I didn’t see anything.”
“You still haven’t answered my question” Amara shouted redirecting her thoughts to the unknown voyeur.
“Well, how else was I going to have an opportunity to talk to you one-on-one? You never seem interested in caring on a conversation with me. I needed to get your attention.”
Amara and Ca’tra stopped at that, this was a trap, they began to scan the area, “Mar, there are 15 guys coming out from beyond the ridge”
“I got another 15 coming from the south, Tra”
“Kriff! We’re surrounded”
“This is my fault, I shouldn’t have distracted you”
“No, stop it, Mar. It’s not your fault. We’ve faced worse. We got this!”
Amara grabbed her blaster, they stood back-to-back, it wasn’t the first time they were surrounded, but this time there was no cover, no random boulder, an outcropping of stone there was nothing, pretty soon the thirty men had created a circle around the two of them.
“Well, what do you say beautiful, save his life and come with me or die together?” The voice stayed by the sand dune, and didn’t bother to venture forward.
“Don’t do it, Mar. Don’t.”
“If it’ll save your life” 
“No. We don’t know what he wants”
“Oh I think you know what he wants” one of the men who surrounded them taunted, the rest began laughing.  
“Mar, don’t”
“Well then come up with a plan” Amara slowly returned her blaster.
“Pick up your blaster”
“If I can save you…”
“Stop it.”
“How do I know you won’t attack him if I go with you?” Amara asked the voice
“You don’t!” the voice shouted, his smugness could be felt even from this great distance.
“Then why should I go anywhere!” It was one thing to go having whatever guarantee, it was another to leave Tra vulnerable, Amara reached up and grabbed her songsteels, if they wanted her, then they better come for her, she would die before they harmed Ca’tra.  
Ca’tra’s heart was beating fast, he knew what men like that would want with someone as beautiful as Amara, there was no way he would let her sacrifice herself for him. She deserved a better fate than whatever this man had planned.  
“I’m disappointed my dear, I thought for sure you would have made a better choice” the voice shouted to her.
“Daab!” (Down) 
They both dropped down, Ca’tra unleashed his whistling birds, taking down twelve of the men in the circle, that left 18 for them to deal with, the shock of Ca’tra’s weaponry threw off the remaining men, giving them time to react. Within a flash Amara flipped herself over and stood facing the men to the south of her, they were looking at their comrades currently lying face down in the ground, motionless. Amara took advantage of their shock and didn’t wait, she unleashed her blades on them, amongst the dust storm she kicked up, the only thing that could be seen where her blades shining brightly in the sun, as she slashed her way through seven of the men. She turned to look at Ca’tra he had taken down six more, he was ruthless shooting one and kicking the other back, and holding another with his free hand turning the blaster on the man on the ground, then on the man he was holding all within a split second. Watching Ca’tra defend himself and her, made her heart swell, to know that was her soon-to-be riduur, she couldn’t have been prouder.  
“Stop!” The voice shouted from the sand dune, still refusing to come any closer. Amazingly the remaining men stood with their blasters pointed at them, Amara and Ca’tra stood ready to face them, being able to take down nearly 13 men within a matter of minutes clearly showed they were a force to be reckoned with. Amara readied her swords, now dripping with the blood of the men she killed, Ca’tra’s blaster was still smoking in his hand. 
“Impressive! Most impressive!” The voice shouted over to them followed by clapping echoing down to them, “How about this? Come with me now, and your precious Mandalorian goes free”
“Sorry, you had your chance!” Ca’tra shouted
“Oh I don’t think so” the voice responded, “Come on beautiful, you still have a chance to save him, just join me. Come with me, and I’ll treat you the way you deserve to be treated.”
“I don’t know, we already took care of the majority of your men, I have no doubt we can easily take care of the rest” after all what were five men compared to the 25 they had just faced and killed. She felt Ca’tra’s beside her, there was no reason to fret, she knew he had her back. They were going to be fine. The covert was going to be fine. They just had to take care of these five men, and the moron by the sand dune.  
“Tion’tuur mhi cuyir gar atba’a’yu gar vuya saha?” (When were you getting your jet pack?)
“Arsaor cuyir slanar at dinuir bid at ni asas a onvior srava’ya” (The Armourer was going to give it to me as a wedding present)
“Kumeh jima dasa’na par bic asas srusalr srava’ya” (Should have asked for it as an engagement present)
“I did”
“La sirbur gapcitr senaar cuyir srusalr srava’ya” (She said the whistling birds were the engagement present)
“Oh … well …”
“Jate srava’ya, yinur” (Good present, nonetheless)
“I think so, clearly came in handy”
“What will it be my dear?” The voice asked again, this time his impatience was clearly heard.
“I’d rather die by his side, then live without him”
“Wrong move, my dear” The remaining men aimed their blaster, when a beeping came from their comms, the men started looking around at each other.
“What’s going on?”
“They’re bombs!” Came the shouts from the men one over the other.
Amara grabbed Ca’tra’s hand and started running away from the remaining men as fast as they could, how she wished at that moment he had a jet pack. Before they could get far enough away, one of the men tackled Ca’tra to the ground, inadvertently taking Amara down with them, due to the strength of Ca’tra’s grip on her hand. When she opened her eyes she saw the blue sky of Tatooine, as she turned over, she saw the mercenary pushing Ca’tra into the sand with all his weight, Ca’tra was trying to buck the man off, however the more he struggled, the more the sand gave way underneath him, the Clawdite had him pinned slipping his comm on to Ca’tra’s wrist, Amara grabbed her blaster as fast as she could.
“Get off of him!” 
Amara shot the man without hesitation, she noticed the rest of the men were trying to slip off their comms as easily as the Clawdite had done.
“Amara, run!” Ca’tra shouted to her, when he noticed the beeping coming from his wrist.
“No we can…” Amara turned her attention to Ca’tra’s wrist trying to pry off the comm just as the other men were trying. She turned to look at the remaining men again, when she heard their voices moving further away, she looked over her shoulder as she noticed they abandoned their positions and began running towards the voice by the sand dune, slowly each of them exploded as they neared the man. She noticed the man held some sort of device in his hand, as each man exploded, his laughter ran across the valley, louder with each explosion. Amara wanted to kill him, she wanted to make him hurt, the man was cruel even to his own men.
“Amara” Ca’tra reached for her hand stopping what she was doing, forcing her to look at him. 
“No, Ca’tra, I’m not …”
“You have to, I don’t know how much longer…”
“Shut up! Just shut up! We’re getting married. I’m not leaving you.”
“I wish that were the case, cyar’ika. You have to go. For Adi, you have to.”
Amara shook her head, she couldn’t, the tears began streaming down her cheek as she realized what she had to do, but there had to be a way, some way to save him.  
“Tick tock!” Shouted the voice, Amara looked over to the man.
“Can you turn it off?” She shouted.
“Of course, I can!”
“Then do it!” Amara looked from the man to Ca’tra, “Do it and I’ll go with you!” 
“Amara, don’t! It’s too late for me.”
“Sorry, sweetheart, you had your chance to save him.”
The beeping continued, never stoping amongst the tears she was shedding.
“You have to go” Ca’tra whispered
“I can’t”
“You have to”
“I’ll tell you what” the voice shouted towards them, “I’m not without some for of compassion, I’ll give you an additional five minutes to say your goodbyes, to give your undying love speeches, you know the blah-blah-blah usual sappiness. After all it’s the least I can do, really.” His laughter echoed over to them, it surrounded them like some sort of cruel joke. 
“Ca’tra, I can cut off your hand” she whispered, not wanting the voice to overhear them.
“Oh before I forget, if you were thinking of cutting his hand off, the bomb will explode. You tamper with it, the bomb will explode. If the comm no longer registers a pulse, the bomb will explode. You should have just come with me, when I offered it. I do hope you’ll reconsider the next time someone threatens the person you love. After all, he’s going to die because of you.” 
Amara watched as he pressed a button on the device he held, another beeping came, a moment of silence, and then five consecutive beeps came from Ca’tra’s wrist.
“Enjoy your five minutes! I’d make them count if I were you!”
Amara and Ca’tra watched as the man got on a speeder and headed off further into the Dune Sea, while his laughter echoed through the valley towards the two, a cruel reminder of what should never have happened. 
“Ca’tra” Amara moved closer to him, there had to be something she could, some sort of plan they could figure out, maybe if she could tap into the system … she had to do something.
“No, shut up. Maybe he was lying. Maybe there’s … we’re … we always walk away…”
“Not this time, my love”
Amara watched as Ca’tra removed his helmet, his blue eyes bore into her own, she could feel the bubble rising.
“Ca’tra, stop it, we can call someone”
“I don’t know, the Armourer, Paz … someone”
“Amara, stop”
“No, there has to be …” His wrist beeped four times, four minutes.
“Listen I only have four minutes left, and there’s something I need you to do, so please listen, cyar’ika” Amara watched as he removed every piece of armour, “take these and give them to Adi, I want my son to have them, I want him to know I loved him with all my heart as my own. You can give them to him when he’s off age, when he’s ready to take on that responsibility.”
Amara felt tears stream down her face, “No, you can survive. You can … we can do this. We can give a set to Adi together. Please love. Don’t leave me. I can’t do this without you. You have to survive, cyare” the tears were coming hard and fast now.
“No, I won’t. You know I won’t love. I know this device, Mar, I’ve used it before in my hunts. There is no … Amara look at me” Ca’tra grabbed her face, and held it in between his hands, “I love you. I will always love you. You are my everything. You have always been, from the moment I saw you in that garage, from the moment you smiled at me, I knew I had found my home, my heart, my everything. Please, love, please let’s exchange vows now, I want to be able to call you my wife at least once before I …”
“Ca’tra, I … I ….”
“Mhi souls tome, mhi souls dar’tome, mhi me’dinui an, mhi ba’juri verde”
“Mhi souls tome, mhi souls dar’tome, mhi me’dinui an, mhi ba’juri verde” (We are one when together, we are one when parted, we will share all, we will raise warriors)
“I love you, Amara Vel a.k.a. Oyar’e Fett, I will live with you in your heart, riduur. I will be …” three beeps.
“Ca’tra please I can’t … I can’t live without you, riduur”
“You can, riduur. You can. You’re strong, fierce and worth everything this universe can give you. I won’t be there to see the amazing man you train Adi into, but I can just imagine because I know you. Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum (I love you/I will know you forever). I won’t be able to help you anymore, but I know you can handle it. I love you, riduur. I love you with so much of my heart and soul, I never thought I would meet someone who would leave me with no regrets, riduur. I love you so much I have no space left in my heart for anything else.”
Amara pulled Ca’tra to her lips, there among the littered bodies, among the blood and sweat, among the smell of burnt flesh, she gave her everything to Ca’tra in that kiss.  
Two beeps, two minutes
“Ca’tra, I love you. Riduur, I am blessed because you came into my life, everything you are, everything you’ve been for me, you made me stronger, without you I wouldn’t have been able to rebuild my relationship with my father. You are everything in my life, my love. I can’t be this person without you, riduur.”
“You can and you will, riduur. I have faith in you. I know it will be difficult at first, but I believe in you. I have never doubted you. Riduur, I am grateful for every moment, every chance I got to hold you in my arms …” Ca’tra’s voice started to falter, with each breath his voice cracked more and more, “I’m grateful for every kiss you ever shared with me, for every morning I woke up with you beside me. I’m blessed you allowed me into your heart. I love you, riduur, I always have and always will.”
“I love you, riduur, I always have and always will.”
“Amara promise me something”
Tears streamed down both their faces, how did they get here? How did they lose everything they were holding on to? Just half an hour ago, they were so happy, they had a future, they had plans, they were going to give Adi brothers and sisters, they were going to be a real family, and now …
“Promise me, you’ll try to love again. Promise me you won’t live the rest of your life alone, riduur. You deserve someone who will love you and care for you, someone who will protect you, even from yourself. Someone who will make you laugh, someone who will help you to relax, not to be so serious all the time. Someone who will love Adi just as much as you do. Promise me, riduur, promise me, you’ll not end up alone, wishing for me to be there with you.”’
“Promise me, riduur”
One beep, one minute
“I promise, riduur, I promise, Cat’ra.”
“Tell Adi, I love him, tell him I’m so proud of the man he is becoming. Tell him to look after his mother, the woman I have loved so deeply, who taught me to love, who taught me to be the man I am today.”
“Riduur …” Amara’s voice was failing her, “… please …”
“I love you, riduur”
Ca’tra grabbed her face one more time, kissing her with every bit of breath he had left, and ran as far away as he could, wiping the tears that were falling down his cheeks. He needed to out of her sight, she didn’t need to see this, he needed to save her, he needed to save his riduur. He closed his eyes remembering her smile, her eyes, her hands, those loving hands.  
Amara didn’t look back, she couldn’t she simply counted down the seconds, 5 … 4 … 3 … “I LOVE YOU, AMARA!”, Cat’ra’s voice echoed over to her, she was about to respond when … BOOM! 
Amara fell to the ground clutching her chest, her heart breaking into a million pieces, her world, her life, everything died that day. 
“Mara…” Boba reached forward and wiped the tears that were sliding down her face.
“It was him, wasn’t it. That’s how he had the holovid, it was Dario that set everything up?”
“Yes, Leemy said he didn’t order his murder but he neither deterred the man who did. They planned it Mara, they planned everything. It was Dario that was responsible for the death of Ca’tra. Not you. It was never you.”
Amara’s voice was barely above a whisper, “If I hadn’t met with Bossk, if I hadn’t caught the attention of that man, he … Ca… Ca’tra would still be here. It’s my fault.”
Boba knelt before his daughter, oh his knees were getting too old for this, but for her he’d kneel before her all day if it meant he brought his daughter some solace.
“Mara, look at me” Boba cupped her cheek, directing her to look at him, after a few minutes of coaxing she finally looked up, “what happened to Ca’tra was not your fault, it was the fault of men who think they have a right to want whatever they want. It was Dario’s fault for not being a man. It was Dario’s greed that killed Ca’tra. It was Leemy’s fault for allowing that man to hurt you, to hurt the both of you. It wasn’t your fault. It was never your fault or Ca’tra’s”
“I should have seen him … them. If I had …” Amara couldn’t hold it back, it was as though she was living that day all over again, the tears were uncontrollable, she gasped for air, she curled into herself, nearly falling off the chair, had it not been for her father’s arms.
Boba pulled her into his arms, Amara didn’t have the strength to remain in the chair, she didn’t have the strength for anything. She clutched on to Boba with all her strength, her violent sobs filling the air of his office, her tears soaking his cloak underneath his armour.  Boba adjusted himself pulling her into his lap, resting his back against his desk, letting his legs lie flat against the ground before him. One arm held her back as she rested against his chest and shoulder, his other hand straightened out her legs, so she wouldn’t cramp, then proceeded to rest on the back of her head pulling her into a hug.  Boba held her like he did the day he found out about Ca’tra. He held his daughter, the way he always did when she was hurt or injured. In that moment, Boba’s heart broke all over again, as it did the day he found out Ca’tra died.
“Mara, you did everything right, sometimes people just get the best of us, sometimes they find a weakness. You said it yourself, even Ca’tra didn’t see them, he couldn’t even see Dario, and he had his helmet on. You used your scopes and looked for anything out of the ordinary, they waited … who knows how long they waited till Ca’tra showed.”
“But …”
“Mara, please” Boba rested his cheek on her head, wrapping his arms around her tighter, “Please listen to me, listen to the words Ca’tra told you, it wasn’t your fault. It’s no one’s fault except for the men who did this. Dario, Leemy, and those men who either died by yours and Ca’tra’s own hand or by Dario’s hand. It may have taken some time, but they all received their punishment in the end.”
“Where is he?” Amara asked as her head rested against his shoulder, her fingers curling around the top border of his cuirass, she remembered when her mother died, this was the same position he held her when he told her what happened.  
“Leemy isn’t here anymore, he’s in the dungeon of the Pykes. Pyke syndicate came the day after he was here, to pick him up and took him back to Marg Krim. He overextended himself and owes Krim two million credits and then some. Crasea and Fennec went shortly after with another Pyke member to retrieve the spice from Leemy’s headquarters.”
“I want to see him” 
“You don’t want to hear what this man has to say, trust me”
“I want to know where the vid is, Babeh. He doesn’t deserve to have it.”
“Fennec already found it, she gave it to me when she came back. Please Mara, let me deal with this, let me make this right.”
Amara moved to look at her father, “What do you mean ‘make this right’?”
Boba looked off to the side, he had never felt more ashamed then he did at that moment.
“Mara, I connected you with Bossk. After years of not speaking to that man, I reestablished that connection because I thought I was doing right, I thought I was helping you, but all I did was put you in harm’s way, I put you into the line of sight for men like Dario. Then because I killed Bib Fortuna, Leemy put you in even more danger. I’m just as guilty as those men. Because of my sins, you are suffering the consequences. It’s just as much my fault as theirs.”
“Babeh, no” Amara reached up and held Boba’s face, “please look at me, Babeh.” 
Boba turned to look at his daughter, his only child who he swore to protect and couldn’t do anything except continually hurt her, either through his own actions or lack there of or because men wanted to use her to hurt him.
“Babeh, you are not to blame. All you have ever done is protect me, love me, provide for me and help me. Those men are responsible for what happened to Ca’tra, not you. Never you.”
“Yet, you still feel responsible?”
“I …”
“If you are guilty, then so am I”
Amara stilled at that moment, was that true? If she blamed herself, was she blaming Babeh too? Her father had nothing to do with what those men planned or did. She asked him … in fact, she begged him to put her in contact with anyone that could help her get the supplies she needed to help those in need here on Tatooine. She never asked him to contact Bossk directly, he warned her that being in contact with men like that, meant there was always a danger. Especially, since he was still healing from the sarlacc pit, he was vulnerable, and didn’t have the strength he has now. Bossk was someone he could trust, they may have hated each other, but Bossk did after all look after him when he was a kid, practically raised him after her grandfather died. How could any of this be Babeh’s fault?  
Killing Bib Fortuna was a necessary evil, the man was disgusting, the way he treated his servants, the sheer way he ran the entire palace, what Jabba had built that man ran it into the ground. It was only natural for Boba to take his rightful place, to return the palace to it’s former glory and manage it better than either ever could. He made a point to rule with respect, not out of fear like Jabba and Bib did. It wasn’t his fault Leemy was overextended with Marg Krim that was all his own doing, not Babeh’s. 
She did her job that day, she had been on patrol for nearly seven hours before the incident happened, before the men that had been lying in wait for both her and Ca’tra emerged. Neither of them had seen them, Cat’ra told her over and over again, it wasn’t her fault. 
Amara took in a shuddering breath … it wasn’t her fault. It wasn’t Babeh’s fault. It wasn’t Ca’tra’s fault. It wasn’t their faults. 
“You’re right Babeh. It’s neither of our faults. Everything that happened is not our fault. It’s Dario’s and Leemy’s, and they got exactly what they deserved.”
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Sins of The Father - Chapter 3
SUMMARY: Din makes Amends
A/N: Please note there will be cannon divergence.  We’ve taken some liberties with regards to timelines, as it’s not very clear in the TV Show, and we’ve taken some liberties on how long it takes to get from one planet to the other.
Warnings: Attempted Assault (briefly mentioned), grief, canon typical violence
If I miss any warnings, please let me know.  If you would like to be added as a tag for upcoming chapters, send me a line.
Words: 7,480
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Chapter 3 - The Agreement
“I think you can let her hand go now” Boba addressed the younger Mandalorian, after the handshake between Mando and Amara had lasted longer than he would have liked.  Din realized his mistake and released her hand as soon as Boba finished.  Amara cleared the uncomfortable feeling that had been rising in her throat.  Din remained seated and glanced towards Boba, saying a silent prayer of thanks for his helmet, hoping he hadn’t messed up yet again.  The older Mandalorian’s visor bore into Din’s for a brief minute, before glancing back towards Amara and Adi.  Adi was nervous, clearly fidgeting with his hands at the unspoken tension that had reappeared in such a short time.
“Well… as long as you two seem to have an agreement of sorts, I believe it would be fitting to have dinner at the palace, to solidify the deal”, Boba offered, as he kept his visor trained on Amara, he saw the hesitation in her eyes, he’d seen that look before.
“Amara, what do you say?”
Adi knew better than to answer on behalf of his mom or even to beg her to say yes in front of others, instead he began bouncing on his heels, the nervous energy shifting to excitement hoping she would say yes to dinner.  He had visited the palace only a handful of times, and often only the garage of the palace.  Amara could sense Adi’s excitement running out from him, with each bounce of his unruly curly hair.  Amara focused on Boba’s visor as a small smirk began to appear on her relaxed countenance.
“Great Boba, that sounds perfect,” Amara answered.
Adi turned to face his mom with the biggest grin, and threw his arms around her shoulders bringing her into a side hug.  Amara couldn’t help but chuckle at his excitement, and quietly repeated his thanks over and over again.  With so much joy beside her, Amara couldn’t help but match Adi’s smile as she instinctively rubbed his left arm that had been resting on her collarbone back and forth.  
Admiring the adorable scene that was before him and Mando, Boba couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear under his helmet.  Unbeknownst to Boba, similarly Din was having a hard time not watching this mother and son, before Din realized it a small grin began to form, reminding him of the way he would look at Grogu, at that moment Din’s heart ached a little, missing the weight of his own ad’ika (little one) in his arms.   Even though Adi wasn’t hers, Din could clearly see they loved one another with so much of their own soul it radiated from their smiles and sparkling eyes, this was Boba’s love, how did these two even work?  They were so clearly opposite of one another, Boba was as hard as beskar, never wavering an inch, this woman, Amara, was in every sense of the word a loth-wolf, fierce, loyal, and soft as a puppy when it came to her people.  Din was thankful once again his helmet hid the confusion that began to dawn on his face.
“Mando …” Boba once again trained his visor on Mando, “… Please wait for me at the entrance we came in, I need to speak with Amara privately.”  
Without a word, Din rose and was beginning to head towards the entrance they had entered almost two hours ago, Amara tapped Adi’s arm that she had been rubbing twice, clearly an unspoken communication between the two.  Adi kissed the side of his mother’s forehead and addressed the Mandalorian that towered beside Boba.
“Mr. Mandalorian, if you would follow me, I can take you to the entrance” Adi offered, Din knew it really wasn’t so much as an offer, but more of a security to make sure he stayed away from Boba and Amara while they spoke privately.  Adi removed himself from his mother’s side and began to lead Din towards the back.
When they were far enough away, Boba stood, now that he was alone with Amara his tough exterior melted away, “My dear Mara, are you okay with your decision?” He asked simultaneously, grabbing her right hand with his left.
Amara’s nerves were clearly evident as she bit the inside of her cheek, Boba could always sense when she was nervous, there was that look in her eyes, he had seen too many times over.
“Babeh, I’m sure.  I mean I’m not thrilled if I’m being honest, but if he is the new Manda’lor then we have to do what we can.  I may not like him, but I do respect his office even if he doesn’t, and more importantly I respect and honour you, so for you I’m okay with my decision.”
Boba couldn’t help tilt his head at her statement, “What do you mean ‘even if he doesn’t’?”
“If he truly wanted, respected, or even fully understood the authority with which he has earned, he wouldn’t be on some desert planet, he would be doing everything he could to unite the clans, and bring his people back to Mandalore.”
Boba chuckled at Mara's boldness, “I am always amazed by how knowledgeable you are, and how much you value Mandalorian culture.  You know you don’t have to do that for my sake.”
“Babeh, I know I don’t have to, I want to.  Mom taught me the importance of our lineage while we were all back on Concord Dawn.  She always made a point to remind me to understand and learn everything I could about your lineage and your culture, because that was all that was left of your father.  I am your daughter…”, Amara couldn’t help but have a beaming smile appear on her face acknowledging her lineage, “…The daughter of the Great Boba Fett, I will honour and value every bit of history and knowledge that comes with that knowledge.  At the end of the day Babeh, I honour you, my grandfather Jango Fett, and all my fallen uncles that have been used and abused by the GAR and the Empire.  I do it for our family and for the future of our family.”
“Ner mesh’la ad…” (my beautiful daughter) Boba took a minute to steady his voice, “…You make this old man’s heart beam with pride, do you know that?”
“I do,” Amara smiled back.
Boba bent forward to rest his forehead against his only daughter’s forehead, “I’m only going to ask this one last time, are you really okay working with another Mandalorian?  After all it’s been almost two years since Ca’tra.”
Amara raised her head to look Boba’s visor dead on, “Babeh, don’t worry, it’s not like I’m going to fall in love with this one.  He’s clearly a stuck-up buyca kovid (bucket head).  Plus, I’m done with men who make the sacrifice play, who try to save everyone else with no regard for their own well being…” Amara’s eyes began to tear, as the memory of her cyare (beloved) sacrificing himself to save a village they were defending came with a vengeance to the forefront of her mind, it took every ounce of energy to finish her sentence despite the trembling lower lip, “… I don’t think I can survive the death of another gia’jida (betrothed/fiance).”
Amara’s sparkling eyes, now filled with tears threatening to fall with no end in sight, looked from her father’s visor to the floor, trying hard to fight back the tears caught in her throat and failing.  Boba didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around his daughter holding her as tight as possible, wishing he could take this pain away, he was all too familiar with the grief of losing the love of his life.
- - - - - - -
Adi made sure to keep the Mandalorian as close to the door and out of ear shot from his grandfather and mother, he hated that every time Boba came with a stranger, he had to pretend he was meeting him for the first time, but such was the way to protect their family.  He also knew that working with another Mandalorian was going to be difficult for his mother, no doubt she needed some time to deal with the pain that she still felt.  Adi loved Ca’tra, he looked at him as his own father, and when Ama had returned alone after their mission he saw how broken his mother became, how broken he felt.  Noticing the Mandalorian in front of him shifting, pulled him from his memories of that day, he also realized that the Mandalorian’s helmet probably had auditory enhancements just like his grandfather’s, therefore, it was his job to distract him.  
“You couldn’t be in better hands than Ama’s, she really is the best pilot on the planet, probably the sector, if not the galaxy.”
Din had a grin appearing on his face at Adi’s declaration, Adi was young, probably around 15 or 16, if Din had to guess.  Who knows, maybe he was older like Grogu, closer to 100, either way this young boy was still quite tall, he stood about 5’9”, smaller in stature compared to himself, but definitely taller than his mom, and it appeared he was not done growing.
“You have a lot of faith in your guardian”
Adi hated that word, she wasn’t just some guardian, she was his mother, since the day she met him six years ago, adopted him, took him under her wings, she never made him feel less than what he was, her son.  Her words to the Mandalorian saying she was his guardian, was more to put the bounty hunter in his place, and not make a stab at their relationship, or what he meant to her.
“She’s not my guardian! She’s my mother!” Adi answered, defending his relationship with his mother, he didn’t care that the fully armed beskar before him could probably kill him and eat him for breakfast, however, he wouldn’t allow some bucket head to dictate what she was to him.
Din’s smirk grew even wider, this kid clearly took after her, he showed that same level of protection and fierceness he saw radiate from his mother.  He didn’t care that Din was armed to the teeth with weapons, he saw in his eyes, he was ready and willing to die for his mother, who were these people?  Din raised his hands in surrender, out of respect for this young man who was quickly gaining favour in Din’s opinion, “I apologize if my comment was insensitive.  I understand the importance of being adopted, I myself was a foundling.”
Adi’s brows had furrowed without his notice, his fists had clenched by his side causing his knuckles to turn from the sun kissed tan skin to blinding white, at the Mandalorian’s admission of his own past, every ounce of Adi began to relax just as quickly.  The man really didn’t know anything about them, his temper had flared too quickly, he shook his head and looked to the floor a little ashamed at his outpour of emotion, “No, it’s my fault.  I apologize Mr. Mandalorian, you just met us.  I shouldn’t have jumped to the wrong conclusion of assuming you were trying to insult us or trying to be cruel.”
Din was surprised by the apology, this boy was trained with respect and humility, and although he was quick to temper, like his mother, he was also quick to realize Din wasn’t trying to hurt him in any way, maybe this boy could provide some clarification, “It’s okay Adi.  I appreciate the apology, thank you.”
Adi raised his head back to look the hunter in the eye, “Actually Adi, maybe you can help me understand something?”, the Mandalorian was asking him a question?  This never happened before, no one ever bothered to ask Adi anything unless it was his family.  Most of the bounty hunters or clients that came through the garage, always treated him as someone who should be seen and not heard, it use to bother him when he first started coming to help his Ama, but now this new Manda’lor, probably the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy, was actually addressing him.
“If I can help, I will,” Adi answered, with a smile that shone as bright as the twin suns of Tatooine.
Din chuckled at his enthusiasm, and also at how much his and his mother’s smiles could light up any room they were in, “What’s the story between your mom and the Great Boba…”
“Whoa,” Adi said, raising a hand indicating that he needed to stop his line of questioning, “Yeah, I’m gonna stop you right there.  I think you're lit, but I’m not talking about my mom’s personal life, after all I did just meet you like two hours ago.”
“Fair enough” Din responded, looking at Adi straight on, Din tilted his head “… lit?”
“Yeah lit.”  Din’s deadpan expression could be sensed even through the helmet, Adi raised an eyebrow almost asking ‘really?’
“You know lit?”
“…” Nothing from the Mandalorian
“ …” Din had no idea what this kid was saying, was he having a seizure? Did he need to call his mother over or Boba, Din was beginning to look around for some assistance.
Adi couldn’t help but chuckle, “basically, they are all a variation of cool or amazing.”
“Mmhmm” Adi responded
“Lit?” The Mandalorian asked
“Lit!” Adi answered with his smile resting permanently on his face
“And what was the other one?”
“Yeah it means, greatest of all time”
“So you’re a bounty hunter right?”
“What’s that like? Are you as good as the Great Boba Fett?”
”You live on Tatooine, surrounded by bounty hunters, why not ask the Great Boba?  I’m sure I’m not the only bounty hunter you’ve ever talked to?”
“No, and I’ve asked the Great Boba, but he says I’m too young to know about it, but I think that he's more afraid Ama would beat him if he offered up too much information, and the other bounty hunters … well you’re the first one to have an actual conversation with me.”
“What do you mean?” Din didn’t know why, but hearing Adi’s confession made him sad, how could no one want to have a conversation with this young man.
“Well single mom, teenage son, you do the math.”
“Hmm” Din’s left hand instinctively started to clench, he couldn’t stand uhba’ai (scumbags) who would try to take advantage of a single mom, “The Great Boba hasn’t stepped in?  I would have imagined with his and your mother’s relationship, she would be protected?”
Adi’s face once again turned quizzical, “Why would he need to step in?”
“To protect you both”
Adi began to laugh, probably way harder than he should have at the Mandalorian’s statement, he had bent over laughing as he clutched his stomach, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh so hard” Adi let out, as he wiped the tears from his eyes, while straightening before the man, “The Great Boba hasn’t told you much about Ama, has he?”
Din simply shook his head, no.  He also noticed how Adi didn’t deny that Boba would be protective of the both of them, there clearly was some sort of relationship or claim happening.
“Ama has to be one of the most brilliant fighters in the star system, she doesn’t need anyone’s help when it comes to kicking ass.  What I meant before was, yes, we do get some who come here looking for a quick fix for their own vile pleasure.  However often, hunters come wanting to hire her to be their partner, or hire her skills as a mechanic.  She does get marriage proposals from time to time, usually though they try to do the proposals on the sly so the Great Boba doesn’t find out.  I remember one time Great Boba found out that one of his bounty hunters had proposed to Ama, and … actually come to think about it, we haven’t seen him ever again.  There was also this other time, when a guy new to Tatooine tried it to do something, before he realized it she kicked his ass from here to the Dune Sea.  Cause she’s small and tiny, many think she can’t defend herself. After that incident though, no one dared to try to touch her or me.  Not only would the Great Boba go scorched earth on them, but they wouldn’t be able to escape Mos Eisley alive if Ama got a hold of them.”
“What happened to the guy?”
“I … you know I’m not 100% sure, I was told different things, Ama said she and him came to an agreement, someone told me she buried him out there in the Dune Sea, someone else said his carcass decorates the Great Boba’s throne room.”
Din chuckled, “Well I’ve been to the throne room, never saw a carcass”
“Yeah, I didn’t really believe that either”, Din was impressed by Adi’s declaration, maybe it was true, at the same time it could be the over inflated bias of a teenage son who clearly loved his mom.
“She even taught me how to defend myself” Adi added with pride, “I’m nowhere as good as her, but we practice every day and I hope one day I can be.”
“You have an excellent mother, Adi”
“Oh, he does!” came Amara’s voice walking side by side with Boba heading towards them, “Adi, have you been bothering the man?” Amara asked, with a smirk on her face, her eyes had that sparkle Din had noticed when they first arrived, Din tried his best not to stare as she stood beside her son.
“Not at all” Din answered on his behalf, looking from Amara to Adi, “He’s been very … lit”.
Adi’s twin sun smile beamed with pure pride, at the fact he was able to teach this intimidating beskar wearing bounty hunter.  Boba slightly shook his head, and looked to Amara, gently reaching to her left elbow with his right hand, “We will see you both later at the palace, correct?” His tone was gentle, sweet, loving, Din’s eyebrows shot to his hairline, he was thankful for his helmet yet again, the wide eyes and clear shock on his face would not be appreciated by Boba.
Amara nodded in affirmation to Boba’s question, “Good” he responded, “We can talk about which pucks would best serve Mando’s purpose.  Until tonight, Amara, Adi.” Boba gave a slight nod to each, Din turned to Amara, gave a slight nod “Thank you”, Amara nodded in response.
“It was nice to meet you, Adi” Din nodded to Adi and turned towards the door, before Boba and Din stepped out, he turned once more to the mother and son he began to respect, “Oh! And Adi, you don’t have to call me Mr. Mandalorian.  Mando will do” Adi was flabbergasted by the Mandalorian, and made Adi start to bounce with excitement, “um … yeah .. you… also … you too .. I mean … as well”
“Breath, Adi” Amara chuckled
Adi took a deep breath, “It was nice to meet you too … Mando” Adi nodded.
Boba and Din headed towards the cantina, Boba once again took the lead with Din following a step behind.  Halfway to the cantina, Boba turned to address Mando.
“Well you may have to work to improve your status with her, but I think you certainly have a fan in Adi” Boba chuckled.   Din didn’t respond, but the smile under the helmet beamed with joy, despite his missteps, he had direction.  For the first time in a year, he felt hopeful.  
- - - - -
After the trek back to the palace Din was thanking the Maker the entire way, for the genius who invented the speeder.  All he wanted to do was collapse on the bed as soon as he walked in, the restless sleep, the walking to Boba’s palace the day before, his constant missteps during his meeting with Amara, it all had exhausted him.  However, he noticed as soon as he walked into the room, a meal was waiting for him on the table.  Boba’s generosity knew no bounds, he was considerate making sure Din was looked after, how would he even begin to repay Boba.  Din walked closer to the table, the smell of warm and fresh food was tempting, outside of the leftovers he had when he woke up, he hadn’t eaten the rest of the day, his stomach rumbled reminding him.  He put away all his weapons and began to remove his armour to be more comfortable as he sat and ate.  
By the end of the meal, Din had started to think of a plan to repay Boba. He could start with a few things, first he would do his best to be at peace with Amara, he needed to try and become friends with her, maybe by showing he put forth effort to respect and dignify her, it would begin to alleviate some of the debt he felt he owed Boba.  Secondly, he would make sure to treat Adi like a person, something others hadn’t done.  They were Boba’s love, he could see that as clear as day, they respected and loved Boba greatly.  If Boba hadn’t mentioned he was in love with her, he would have thought Boba and Adi had never met before that day, he saw how Adi pretended he didn’t know Boba, clearly more out of protection for them and for Boba as well, if enemies could exploit Boba’s weakness, there’s no telling what he would be willing to give up for them.  Din made a silent vow at that moment, he would protect Amara and Adi as his own family, out of respect for Boba, he wouldn’t let any harm befall them.  Thirdly, maybe he could give a portion of the  bounty to Boba and Amara, maybe even Adi.  
Din at that moment, just realized he didn’t even know how much he would have to pay to hire Amara and to pay for the ship.  Would it be a flat rate?  Would it be a percentage?  Even if every puck he decided to take was worth 10,000 credits, he would gladly give 25% of his bounty to Boba, and at least 15% to Amara.  That would leave him with more or less 6,000 credits that he could use towards building up his savings for purchasing a new ship, well maybe not a new ship but a fixer-upper at the least.  
Din was pulled from his mental calculations by a knock at the door, donning his helmet once again, he opened the door expecting to see either Aola or Boba, instead standing before him was a pair of eyes he hadn’t expected to see.  Fennec stood there smirking into his T-visor, Din stepped aside motioning her in, this was going to be interesting.
“So…” she began as she entered the room, her arms behind her back as she walked in, “I heard you met Amara!” her smirk turned into a grin.
“Mmhmm” was all Din responded
“So…” he deadpanned
“What do you think of her?”
“Why?” sure now he could be all stoic, and not say the wrong thing.
“You do realize Boba tells me everything as his second, right?”
Din sighed, “… she just touched a sore subject, by her comment”
“That justifies calling her a child abuser?”
“It was spoken in anger, and without thought.  I didn’t mean it.”
Fennec was slowly walking the room, as they continued their conversation, she stood before the window that looked out to the Dune Sea.
“Can I offer some advice?” She addressed Din, keeping her back to him the entire time.
Din realized his misstep must have been greater than he had realized, if Fennec was here talking to him about it.  That’s when it dawned on Din, he never actually apologized to Amara, sure he apologized to Boba, but not to her.  Kriff!
“One, think before you speak, you’ll realize it helps.  Two, Amara is loyal as a loth-wolf, earn her trust and you’ll have a friend for life, a friend who will fight tooth and nail for you” at that Fennec turned from the window to stare into Din’s visor, “and, three, hurt her again and I’ll beat the living daylights out of you.”  Fennec said, smirking, but her eyes were dead set as the assassin within her raised its ugly head, Amara was certainly well loved and protected.
Din couldn’t help but let out a small raspy chuckle, “Understood”, Fennec nodded, “Can I ask you a question, or am I on thin ice?” Din inquired.
“Go ahead” Fennec nodded to him, while her arms were still crossed behind her back.
“Her son, Adi, told me she kicked the ass of some bounty hunter who tried something on her all the way to the Dune Sea, but he didn’t know what happened to him, is that just a child’s tale, or did that actually happen?”
“Why, you gonna try something?” Fennec asked, raising an eyebrow, eyes void of any kind of feeling or sentiment.
“No, of course not.  I would never do that.”
“Just making sure”
“I just want to know in case something happens with a quarry, if she can really defend herself?”
Fennec took a minute to consider his statement, “Very well” she said, closing the distance between the two of them, “What Adi told you is the truth, about a year and a half ago.  She had just moved to the new garage, the one you visited today.  A bounty hunter, who will not be named, came to the garage.  She was alone, just setting up, she was busy with setting up a station, her back towards him, when he quietly snuck in.  Seeing her ‘defenceless’, he strolled over to her and that’s when he tried to have his way with her.  He never got even close, she fought like a Nexu, he didn’t expect her to be as strong as she was, nor did he think she had everything planned out.  Amara is many things, but one thing she isn’t is careless, she plans for every eventual scenario, every possible contingency.”
Din realized that's probably why she hadn’t bothered to pay attention to them when they walked into her garage, she probably had registered them walking up to the speeder, but she probably planned what to do should they have tried to attack her.  Fennec continued, drawing Din out of his train of thought, “She has several hidden weapons cache throughout the garage, needless to say, she did beat his ass within an inch of his life.  Once she was finished, she dragged his worthless kike bayan (dumbass) to a medcenter, he was in such bad shape, he had to be left in a bacta tank for a week, without a thought she paid for his care.  When he had awoken from his coma, they both came to an arrangement, he would never step foot on Tatooine, and if she ever needed help at any time, he would have to answer it without hesitation.  She even told him if she got word he attacked another living being or tried to force himself on them, she would hunt him down with Boba’s help.  When they found him, they would take their time with him, until his life expired.  He had no choice but to accept.  Of course, once Boba found out what happened, he wanted to murder the man himself, he didn’t care she paid to have him looked after.  However, she forbade Boba from seeking vengeance, telling him they had come to an agreement and all that arrangement entailed, she even reasoned with Boba that since he didn’t actually accomplish anything there was no point to seek vengeance on a thought.”
Din nodded in silence, this woman was fierce, he understood why Boba was in love with this woman even more, once again Fennec continued and drew Din out of his thoughts, “I‘ll tell you, she put the fear of a Sith Lord in that guy, from what I hear he gave up bounty hunting, has a nice krill farm on some backwater planet and is a pretty decent guy now with a family.”
Fennec headed to the door, “Now you need to get cleaned up, dinner is in an hour, just after the suns’ set.”
Din nodded, as soon as Fennec left, he couldn’t help but replay all her words. Not only did she beat the guy within an inch of his life, she paid for someone to look after him, and then had him turn his life around!  Who were these people?  Din put the thought to the side and headed for the refresher, maybe he should up the percentages.
- - - - - - - -
Upon entering the dining room, Din could hear faint music and the lively conversation from the seven people who were clearly there to eat, he saw how the servants were moving in and out of the dining room getting everything ready.  He noticed Fennec and Amara standing off to the side talking and laughing, Amara’s laugh was infectious, it reigned from deep within her soul and was pure joy.  Yet, the story Fennec had told him kept replaying in his mind, seeing this tiny woman and trying to reconcile the story Fennec had told him, maybe an opportunity will come up where he could spar with her.  She must be a truly fierce fighter, every bit of a loth-wolf.  
Din forced himself to look away from the two women and around the room, Boba was with Adi, they were talking to three other bounty hunters.  Aside from Boba addressing Adi, it seemed the others were talking to Boba and trying to ignore Adi, a few times he saw the female Theelin bounty hunter roll her eyes, when Adi added to their conversation.  Din was trying his hardest not to let his anger take hold, he clenched and unclenched his fists a few times, Adi didn’t deserve to be treated like that, he even noticed how Adi didn’t have the same bright smile he had seen earlier in the garage.  
Almost as soon as the Mandalorian entered, Adi saw him from his peripheral, he left the three hunters and his grandfather, and headed towards Mando.
“Hello again, Mando”
“Hello, Adi” Din couldn’t help but smile at this energetic young boy, he wondered if Grogu would be like Adi when he grew up into what would be his teen years.
“I hope you're hungry, the food here is really good.  The kitchen has some of the best cooks.”
Din didn’t respond to his statement right away, he didn’t want to overstep or say the wrong thing or end up offending Adi.
“Are you okay?” Adi asked, concern coming across his face after the Mandalorian hadn’t answered him in the past few minutes, realization hit his eyes, “Did I offend you? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything by it” Adi quickly added.
“What didn’t you mean, my love?” came his mother’s voice from the right-side of the dining room, her voice gentle and kind, Din couldn’t help thinking ‘really? This woman beat a man within an inch of his life?’  
“I think I may have offended Mando,” Adi said, glancing from his mother’s face towards the floor.  Amara’s hand came to rest on her son’s back gently rubbing circles, he was such a sensitive soul, he never wanted to cause anyone undo pain.  Din choked back a sigh, Amara’s tenderness reminded him of the the times he would rub circles on Grogu’s back, when he felt sad, or scared, Adi’s sad look reminded him of Grogu so much, it broke his heart a little, “Adi, you didn’t offend me” Din tried to reassure the young man, he was cursing himself for not being quicker with the reassurance.
“Why do you think you offended him, my love?” Amara’s tone was sweet, gentle and just above a whisper, she didn’t want to attract attention to the situation, she had noticed only because she was always acutely aware where her son was, she was on her way to talk to Boba and Adi who were with the hunters, when she saw him move towards the Manda’lor.
“It’s my fault” Din began, “He asked if I was hungry to eat, I was just taking my time to think of the best way to explain, he wouldn’t be seeing me eat.  I’m sorry Adi, if I caused you to feel sad, that wasn’t my intention.”
Understanding flooded into Amara’s eyes, Din couldn’t help stare into Amara’s eyes, but then both her and her son’s eyes were quite expressive, he had never met a foundling and a parent so in-sync before.  
“Adi, I’m sure he wasn’t offended,” Adi glanced towards his mother, her smile was warm and gentle, just like the tone of her voice, showing he didn’t need to be upset, “You sure?” He asked hesitantly.
“I’m sure” Din affirmed, Adi looked from his mother to the stoic beskar helmet and smiled a thanks to Mando.
“Adi, you won’t see him eat, because more than likely he has already eaten in the privacy of his room, am I correct?” Amara asked, directing the question to the man to her left.  Din nodded, “You see …” she continued never faulting in keeping her focus on her son, “… His creed forbids him from showing his face to any living thing, so he can’t eat in front of us, that would require him to remove his helmet.  He can join us for lively dinner conversations, and entertainment, but if he had to do anything that would require him to remove his helmet, he would have to excuse himself.  Correct?”  Amara now looked at the helmet’s visor, Din nodded in agreement, he was speechless, no one had completely understood his creed and what it meant, especially a stranger he had just met earlier that day.  Din began to wonder how she knew what his creed meant.  Boba didn’t follow the creed, maybe he had explained it to her when he originally set up the meeting or maybe when he spoke with her privately back at the garage?  
Adi wanted to ask more about his creed, Amara could see the gears turning in her son’s head, she reached her right hand to touch his left elbow, Din saw how it had been a similar move to one Boba had done earlier in the day when he was getting Amara’s attention, that was the second time he noticed a similar gesture from both Boba and Amara, clearly they must spend quite a bit of time together.  
“Adi, I can explain more later okay, but now I believe the Great Boba is about ready to begin” Amara indicated as she nodded towards where Babeh had been standing at the head of the table.
“Friends,” Boba’s booming voice filled the dining room, “Let us sit.”
Amara and Adi took their respective seats close to Boba, Fennec sat on Boba’s right, Amara on his left, Din sat beside Fennec, while the other three bounty hunters filled in the rest, “We are enjoying this meal, to welcome a new bounty hunter to the Tatooine Guild, Mando.  Welcome, Mando” Din nodded his ‘thanks’, his visor shifting from Boba to Amara, whose gaze was held on Boba with what looked like pride and respect, Boba continued “Let’s eat!”  Dinner passed on lively enough, conversations ranged from the current political situation in the inner core, to the remnant imps that many had come across during their travels.  Eventually the conversation broke into three separate discussions, the bounty hunters talked about some of the best quarries they had gone after.  Fennec and Adi were having a lively conversation about a new hand-to-hand combat form Amara had taught him that day, Fennec was advising Adi of some different holds and grips to add to the form with Din interjecting where he could.  Boba and Amara were deep in conversation, Boba’s helmet resting in between him and Amara, they appeared oblivious to the others.  The three bounty hunters at the end of the table, were clearly inebriated, they each practically drunk their weight in alcohol.  The female Theelin bounty hunter at the end of the table, had been whispering some fairly suggestive things to the bounty hunter on her right, a Kyuzo male.  Meanwhile, the human male bounty hunter to Din’s right had clearly passed out.
Sensing the dinner had more or less finished, Boba rose from his seat, “Thank you everyone for coming.  Fennec would you please take Adi to his and Amara’s room?” Fennec nodded.  Boba looked to the two bounty hunters, who clearly had made plans for that evening, “Castyl, Pana, please help Shif out of the dining room to his bunk”, both nodded.
“Amara, Mando, follow me to my office, we have a bit to discuss before turning in”, Boba donned his helmet again, without anything further, all the rest stood and began to trickle out of the dining room.
- - - - -
Din was back in Boba’s office, Amara in the chair to the right of the room, sitting facing Boba who was still wearing his helmet and had taken his seat behind his desk, while Din sat in the chair to the left of the room, the chair closest to the wall of weapons.  Din realized how much Amara truly trusted Boba, to allow a stranger to take the seat that was strategically closer to the wall of weapons.  
Boba didn’t waste any time, “I’ve managed to find three quarries that I think will do nicely for you, Mando, at least to start off with; I’ll give you one to begin with, if Amara still agrees to fly you upon your return I’ll give you the last two.”
Din nodded in agreement, as Boba handed over the first puck, Din pressed it, a Vurk male, more greyish than green in appearance, with a slight red-crest appeared.  “He’s wanted for hijacking a communication signal that prevented several dozen transports from landing on Ryloth.  The bounty isn’t much, 15,000 credits, but it’s a start.”  Slightly more than Din had thought his initial quarry would be worth, this could work.  Din looked to Amara to see if he had her approval of the quarry, at the end of the day if she had a problem with it, he wasn’t going to be flying anywhere.  Amara simply nodded to Din’s unasked question.  
Din grabbed the puck and pocketed it, Amara shifted in her seat, indicating she was about to stand and leave, when Din realized he still needed to make it right and apologize, without thinking Din reached across and rested his hand on her chair, “Wait, please!” Din didn’t intend for his request to sound like a beg, but the words were already uttered.  Amara glanced towards Boba, readjusted herself to properly sit in the chair, once she was seated, Din retracted his hand, Amara looked at the black T-visor that was to the left of her, “Before you go, I need to apologize to the both of you” Din stated in a monotone voice, glancing from Amara to Boba.  Amara remained silent, keeping her face stoic and unmovable, at this declaration.  She was trying hard to hide her shock.
Boba gestured towards Din to continue, “Great Boba, you have generously offered not only a place for me to stay, but work to sustain myself.  Even connecting me with a mechanic-pilot who has an impressive reputation.  My behaviour earlier at the garage was inexcusable.”  Boba glanced from Mando’s visor to his daughter’s eyes, to anyone else, she remained stoic, stern, unmoving, but Boba could see Amara’s eyes widen ever so slightly, revealing her true shock to the words the Mando exuded.
“Ms. Vel” Din continued “I apologize for my outburst during the meeting at your garage, I should never have presumed to think so ill of you.  The Great Boba clearly values you and holds you in high esteem, that knowledge alone should have been enough for me to exert more than a little bit of patience.  I apologize greatly for any insult I caused towards your reputation or your family, it was thoughtless and spoken in anger.  As a token of my sincere apology Great Boba, I would like to offer you 25% commission of all my quarries, and to begin to repay any debt I owe towards the generosity you have shown me.  Ms. Vel, I offer as a token of my sincere apology 15% commission of all my quarries, you help me capture, in addition to whatever you wish to charge me for hiring you, as a mechanic-pilot.  I hope this will begin to heal the rift I may have unknowingly caused between all of us, due to my reckless and hurtful speech.”
Amara was floored, first no one had ever apologized to her with such respect and dignity, he was eloquent.  Even when she had proven she was right, oftentimes the apology she received would be a grunted ‘fine’.  Here, this man was ready to give up almost 50% of the credits he would have earned from capturing any quarry.  It was beyond a thoughtful gesture, and didn’t sit right with Amara.  She looked from the man to her left, to her father.  Her eyes, as expressive as always, told Boba all he needed to know by that look. Boba knew his daughter, the apology and the gesture of the commission in addition to her fee was more than enough for her.
“Mando'' Boba began, “First off, I thank you on my behalf for the apology you issued, it was well spoken.  However I’ll not speak on behalf of Amara, that is an issue between the two of you.  Secondly, with regards to repaying your conceived notion of a debt of generosity” Boba shook his head, “There is no need my friend, you owe me nothing.  I am only happy to help the new Manda’lor, and a friend who has proven himself in battle.  Thirdly, I will only take my standard 15% commission, no more, no less.  Continue to honour and respect my home, my people, the ones I love, and we’ll have no problems.”
Din nodded in gratefulness, at least he wouldn’t lose all his money.  
Amara saw her father turn his head towards her, and saw from her peripheral the Manda’lor’s helmet turn to her as well, the tears she had been holding were fighting to release.  Seriously! How many times was she going to cry today? Ugh! Amara quickly cleared her throat, not wanting to show any weakness to the man who would be king to her left.
She turned her eyes to look directly at his visor, Din swore she could see through them, this must have been the third or fourth time that day that she locked eyes with him despite the helmet.  “I accept your apology.  Please, you do not need to pay me the additional 15% commission, simply pay a flat 10% commission, which will cover all expenses of hiring myself, the ship and the cover of fuel costs.  Any additional fee, will only be if you should break something on my ship, agreed?”
Amara stuck out her hand to shake his, for the third time that day.  Din shook it without hesitation, and released it just as quickly learning from earlier.  
“Thank you,” Din responded.
“I owe you an apology, Manda’lor”, that had been the first time anyone addressed him by his official title, “I never should have jumped to conclusions about you.  The Great Boba filled me in on what you have lost.  I apologize greatly for assuming things I had no right to”, Amara’s vision never faltered, “I must say, you are a lot stronger than I would be, if I had to give up my son, I would be a mess, and probably never recover.”  
Din sat there silent, he didn’t want to respond for fear that the tears that were in his throat, remembering having to let Grogu go, would be heard.  “How about this,” she continued, “from this point forward, we start anew.  Hello, my name is Amara Vel, I’m a kickass mechanic and pilot, and I agree to help you out with your next three missions.”
Din took a minute to swallow the tears in his throat, “Hello Amara Vel, pleasure to meet you” Din nodded in response.  Boba couldn’t help but smile under his helmet while watching these two.
Ad’ika - little one, son, daughter of any age - also used informally to adults much like lads or guys
Ner mesh’la ad - my beautiful daughter
Buyca bovid - bucket head
Cyare - Beloved
Gia’jida - betrothed/fiance
Uhba’ai - scumbags
Kike bayan - dumbass
Thanks to mandoa.org and starters.myrpg.org/coruscant_translator.php for the translation help.
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Sins of the Father - Chapter 7
Summary: Din and Amara set about freeing the village
A/N: Hello lovelies,
Coming to you guys with another chapter of Sins of the Father.  This is slightly long, I am sorry, but not really, cause Amara and Din together are AMAZING!! Thank you for showing this story so much love.  If you would like to be tagged on any future chapters or any other writings, feel free to let me know. 
Warnings: Canon typical violence, injuries, mentions of blood, torture, implied slavery, if I miss any warnings, please let me know. 
AO3 Link   |   Words: 11k
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Thank you for all the love and comments.  As always, feel free to drop some love, a comment and/or a reblog.  It’s always appreciated.
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“How do you think it’s going for them?”
“Honestly Fenn, I don’t know” Boba’s nervousness was clearly evident in his answer, his tone threw Fennec, she’d never heard him like that before.
“I thought you didn’t doubt her”
“It’s not her, I’m doubting”
“No, it’s Felucia, ever since her uncle told her those stories about Felucia, she’s always been afraid of the creatures that live there.”
“What about Adi, has he heard from her?”
“She only contacted him when they were close to Felucia, he hasn’t heard from her since, which is not unusual.”
“I’m sure they’re okay, and according to Mando’s timeline, he’s not overdue yet.”
Boba simply nods, “Is that why you have Adi staying at the palace, working out of the garage, just in case?”
“More like to give me peace of mind, I don’t need to worry about him and her.”
“I get it.  I’m sure they’re fine.”
“I hope so.  Game face.  Here’s our contact comm-ing in.”
Boba pressed the button on his desk, a face that had been in Fett’s life longer than he could truly remember appeared, it seemed the Trandoshian was always there in some way or another.
“Great Boba, nicccce to sssssee you again.”
“Bossk, let’s skip the pleasantries, you and I both know we can barely stand each other.  Let’s just get down to business”
The grin on Bossk grew, “Very well”.
- - - - - - - -
Din slid down the side of the hill, heading towards the village, Ara had long been out of his sight.  Those cold assassin eyes, weighing heavily on his mind.  What was her story?  Who was she?  He’d never heard of an Amara Vel before, but those eyes were the eyes of an experienced fighter, of someone who has seen and done things that only a person who has taken a life would have.  His respect for this woman grew.
As he walked by the first alley, he used his grappling hook and pulled the mercenary noiselessly towards him, within seconds the mercenary lay dead by his feet.  
“22” he said into his comm.
“21” was the reply.  
As they both made their way around, Din wasn’t able to see how far Ara’s progress was, but he had a vague idea from the updated numbers.  Neither had actually agreed to update each other in this way, it just sort of happened.  Din realized he’d never had such a quick partnership with anyone, sure Cara had been brilliant fighting by his side, but often it devolved to a lot of talking during the fight.  
“16” came from Ara's whispered voice. 
Din came upon the hut, with the mercenary inside, he turned on the darksaber, it’s power vibrating through his arm, he realized he would need to start practicing more with the weapon if he truly wanted to wield it properly.  He was not unskilled when it came to fencing, but in truth, it wasn’t something he felt the most comfortable using.  Din used the darksaber against the hut, he cut a small enough hole on the side, keeping an eye on the heat signature inside.  It hadn’t moved or seemed to have noticed the saber slicing through the construction material.  Din entered the simple abode, it’s lack of proper lighting proving beneficial for his purpose, the hut seemed to be some sort of storage unit, it wasn’t meant to be a dwelling for people.  
He creept up behind the mercenary who sat on a crate facing the village, in one quick motion, Din covered the man’s mouth, and dragged him further back into the darkness of the hut, applying the correct pressure, Din twisted the man’s neck forcefully and efficiently, breaking his neck without so much as a sound.  He laid the body closest to the entrance he had made, hoping the darkness and the piles of crop bags would hide the body for now.  Once he exited the hut it took him little to no time before all his assigned mercenaries were dead before him. 
“I’m ready,” he informed Ara.
“I am too, give me a count of 15 and then emerge”.
“Are you sure?”
“I need to throw her off Roe.”
“Very well”
Amara was many things, nervous about fighting was not one of them, vengeful … she definitely was.  Amara loathed that Zygerrian scum with all her being.  She had captured her once after the fall of the Empire.  Amara made it her mission when she was no longer answerable to the rebels she would do what she could to bring down that slaver.  Syala, the name alone was repugnant, knowing who the owner was made doubly so.  
Amara took a deep breath, blaster in one hand, sword in the other. 
She stepped forward out of the Community Hut, Amara locked eyes with Syala almost as soon as she stepped out.
“Well, if it isn’t one of the most beautiful women I have ever known” Syala’s voice cut through the village.  Amara walked forward, keeping an eye on the two Niktos in front of her, along with the Trandoshians standing beside Syala and the quarry.
“And if it isn’t the most repulsive woman I’ve ever known, tell me how many Mandalorians have you sold into slavery now?”
Din caught his breath, he had heard stories from the covert, stories of his kin being sold, but he had hoped those stories were more told to scare little children.  Although he had seen enough of the universe to know there was truth behind them. 
“My dear, are you still upset about that?”
“Maybe when you are sold into slavery, you will sing a different tune.”
“You act as though I sold you myself, not that the thought hadn't crossed my mind. After all, a woman of your calibre would fetch a handsome price."
Amara noticed the Nikto to her left made a move, without hesitation she shot him straight through his head.  Within seconds the dumb fool who tried to out maneuver her was dead on the floor.  The other moron to her right, lunged forward in an attempt to avenge his comrade, Amara spun to her left away from the offending mercenary, and promptly removed his head from his body with her songsteel.  She turned her head away from the bodiless head rolling past her, holstering her blaster and sheathing her sword.  
Din watched as Ara didn’t even flinch the second the Niktos decided to act against her.  He was mesmerized by how she fought, it was as though she was dancing, it was beautiful to watch.  He took the opportunity to move out of the alley he had hidden himself.  
Amara saw the Zygerrian grow nervous at the sight of the Mandalorian, if only the Zygerrian truly knew who he was, her fear would have doubled.  Roe had his blaster in his right hand, Amara took a moment to admire how formidable … yes that’s the word we’re going to go with, formidable he looked.  
“You brought company”
“I thought it fitting, considering you are still outmatched just with me alone.  I figured I would give your guards a fighting chance.”
Din couldn’t help chuckle at the slight towards him, if he hadn’t seen her take down those two Niktos with little more than a flick of her wrist, he would have taken more offence to the comment.  “Sorry, Roe, don’t take it personally” she whispered in his ear, he felt a shiver go down his spine at her words and the soft tone of her voice.  Get your head in the game, Djarin.  “Don’t worry about it,” he said in a similar tone. 
“You really think you can take me, you two-bit …”
“I’d watch your mouth, if I were you” cut in Din
“I’d listen to my partner, seeing as how you have the blood of how many Mandalorians on your hands, 30? 50? 100?”
“I’ve sold more Mandalorians than you can imagine, each one worth their weight in beskar.  Oops.” Syala really wanted to anger the mandalorian, maybe throw him off his game.  Give her body guards a chance to add one more to her collection.
Amara slowly made her way through the kneeling village, as she walked closer to the Zygerrian, she looked through the townspeople, trying to find someone whose eyes were full of determination.  
“That was a mistake,” Amara responded.
She stopped beside a young man and cut his bounds with one of her vibroblades.  She passed two to him and cocked her head over her right shoulder motioning to the rest of the village, “I suggest you get your village inside the community hut, as soon as possible”.
He stood looking blankly at her with the two vibroblades in his hand.
“What about…”
“They’re all dead, except for the four in front of us.  Move.  Now!”  Without further prompting, the man cut his fellow villagers free.  Within seconds all 50 were inside the safety of the community hut.
The scene before Ara was tense, her hands clenched by her blasters, as she kept her eyes locked on Syala, Din had his blaster steady and ready in his right hand, while he kept his visors locked on the Trandoshians, the quarry subtly moved behind the reptiles hoping he’d be kept safe.  
Din’s not exactly sure who made the first move, but before he knew it, the two Trandoshians were heading for him, the first one he was able to shoot through the head, the second lunged, and grabbed his arms.  Din struggled against the larger reptile, he couldn’t get the angle he needed to shoot him, therefore, he raised his left arm against the strength of the lizard’s hold to raise the flame thrower.  Within a second, he ignited the flamethrower engulfing the Trandoshian's head, the smell of burnt flesh filling his helmet and the village center.  Once Din turned off the flame, all the strength in those powerful arms and hands fell, leaving Din’s arms immediately, dropping him unceremoniously to the ground, followed shortly by the Trandoshian collapsing just before him.  He turned to look at Ara, in no time at all, the Zygerrian lay on the floor dead, beside her lay his partner. 
He walked over, offering Amara a hand, “You good?”
“Never better” she offered, grabbing his hand smiling into his T-visor.  As she stood, she saw the burnt lizard, stand and head for Roe, she pushed Roe aside, and speared the Trandoshian upon her sword.   Once she retracted her blade, she turned and saw Roe on the ground, “Sorry about that” she said, offering her hand to help him up, laughing at the reversal of their roles, “Don’t worry about it, I'm good.”
Amara smiled at his nonchalant attitude, he had to be one of the most laid back men she had ever met, even Ca’tra would have scolded her for being a little too close when she unsheathed the blade, “Nice to see you trust me so easily”, she giggled.
Before Din had a chance to respond, he felt an enormous pressure on his back, as he was flung to the ground, the weight of a body being pressed into his spine, he tried to move the weight off when he repeatedly felt a sharp pain in his back and shoulder.  All he heard was the sound of a stun blaster, and the weight falling heavily on his head, then darkness. 
Amara was stunned, she didn’t even see where the quarry had come from, all she noticed was a shadow falling towards them, and feeling Roe’s hand push her out of the way, when the Vurk hit his back.  She had been thrown to the floor, when she righted herself, she saw the quarry stabbing him and pushing his full weight into the mandalorian’s back.  Roe must’ve been stunned because he barely moved from the impact, she grabbed her blaster, setting it to stun, and shooting the quarry, only for the male to slump his entire weight on to Roe.  Within seconds she had scrambled to his side and pushed the wanted man off of him.
No response.
She felt anxiety easing it’s way up to her throat, “Rogue, please”, she pleaded, unable to hid the emotions that were appearing.  She shoved Roe once more, but there was still no response.
The villagers came up behind them, one of the women kneeled beside her placing a hand on her shoulder, “We have a healer, we can bring him into the med hut.”
“Yes, please, help him!  He’s my partner!”
Two of the village men grabbed Roe off the ground, careful not to jostle his back, they brought him into the hut, laying him face down on the table in the centre of the room.
“Please don’t remove his helmet, it’s against his creed” Amara pleaded.
“Very well” said the healer, “do you know how to remove his armour?”
“Yes, I do.  He’ll need privacy, can we close the hut entrance.”
“Jaa, Deeru, please hang up a curtain, and stand at the entrance outside to make sure no one comes in” the healer directed the two men who carried Roe in, they simply nodded and exited the hut.  The hut was drenched in darkness for a few seconds, before the healer lit several candles that hung from the ceiling, providing limited light, but enough for his purposes.
“Please begin removing the armour”
Amara simply nodded, he couldn’t die, she couldn’t have another one on her conscience, please maker, to all the stars in the universe, please do not let this man die.  She had truly begun to respect him, hearing his stories, seeing how he didn’t abandon her when she led the acklay away from him, or when she faced both the rancor and acklay together.  In fact he saved her, then he carried her in his arms away from the scene as fast as he could, he looked after her and protected her.  She had been impressed by his manner and his decency.  She could see him becoming the King that Mandalore needed, he can’t die, not here on this kriffing planet.   
Soon enough the armour had been piled by the wall of the hut while the healer cut away his flight suit, she made a note she’d have to sew it back up once she knew he was going to be okay.  Amara picked up his cape, which she had discarded on the floor when she was focused on removing his armour.  In the dim light, she tried to examining the fabric, noticing the stab marks.  The quarry had easily put ten stabs into him, finding all the spaces in between his beskar, how he had managed to land some of the stabs, she couldn’t figure.
“The ones to his shoulders are not as concerning, they will heal quite quickly and do no major damage.  Your partner was clearly trying to dislodge the man from his back, preventing the knife from penetrating too deeply, the bigger concerns are the ones closer to his spine and the ones in and around his lung.  It may take time for me to heal them.  Please wait outside.”
“I can’t leave him.  I need to stay, to make sure his creed is protected.”
“You both saved our village from a horrible fate, we will honour his creed to our dying breath.  You have no need to fear.  I will not remove his helmet.”
“Thank you”
Amara turned to leave, but she looked once more at the healer, and that’s when she really took him in; he was a beautiful man, he had silver hair, the kind that shined even in the dark, his skin was dark, smooth, his arms and hands were strong and steady, a man not shy of hard work.  Her eyes moved from the gorgeous healer to the muscular back and the tan skin lying on the table, and for the first time she wondered what Roe’s face looked like, was it as beautiful as the broad back she was seeing.  She shook her head, he was lying on the table bleeding, this was not the time to admire him.  
Instead she focused all her attention on the man who caused her partner’s pain, she was going to deal with him. 
She pushed the curtain aside, her footsteps heavy with determination “Where is the Vurk?” She laced each of the words with the venom she held for this man. 
Jaa and Deeru looked from one another to the tiny woman who just exited the hut, they had seen her fight and were a little intimidated by her.
“We put him in the community hut, and several of our farmers are watching him.”
“Bring him to me, and bring him to the hut directly in front of us.”
“Miss, I don’t think …” Jaa began
“Don’t Miss me, I need to speak with him, and I want to speak with him now.”  Amara didn’t even bother looking at the man to her left, she kept her focus on the hut she had planned to use, to exact a bit of vengeance.  
“It’s ok Jaa, I’ll go get him”, Jaa simply nodded to Deeru, Jaa was younger than his brother, always admiring Deeru's ability to take the lead in any situation, sometimes he wished he could be like Deeru, able to take charge, but his mind always overthought everything.  Their mother always said they were two halves of the same credit, where Deeru could take the lead, jump into action, he sometimes lacked thinking things through.  Whereas Jaa would hold back from taking the lead, but always overthought everything.  Together they were the perfect leaders and were being trained to take over when the time was right.  Jaa watched as Deeru headed towards the community hut.  
“Listen, first don’t call me Miss, the name’s Amara.  Second, he’s my quarry, and I will speak to my quarry.  Thirdly, he needs to understand there are consequences to his actions.  My partner is lying on that table, he could possibly die, I will make my feelings known to that Vurk.  Fourthly and finally, I need to look through that woman’s pockets and the men we killed throughout the village.  So if you really want to help me, maybe have some of the villagers look through their pockets, if they can stomach it, if not I understand and I’ll do it myself.”
“Is there something specific you are looking for?”
“Yes, a pendant, a silver pendant with a red stone in the centre, I’m also looking for a code cylinder”
“I’ll ask the village leader, to provide me with some volunteers.”
Amara finally turned to him, “Thank you, Jaa”
Jaa looked into this woman’s eyes, he’d never seen eyes like hers before, they sparkled as though they held the very stars, “You’re welcome, Amara”, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t break eye contact with her.  He was lost in those eyes.  He would be happy to be lost in them for the rest of his life. 
Amara observed the young man’s intensity, she looked away, after all he was just a kid, maybe 18 or 19, not much older than Adi, “I’ll stay and watch over the hut, until you return Jaa”, Jaa didn’t answer he simply nodded and walked away thinking on those eyes that had captured his soul completely.
Amara watched the young man walk away from her peripheral vision. In the back of her mind she wondered if this could be a problem in the future.  She couldn’t worry about that right now, for now she needed Roe to be safe, she needed to know he was going to be okay.
- - - - - - - 
Amara had been alone in the room with the Vurk for almost an hour, she wanted to hit him, she wanted to injure him for what he did to Roe.  She’d barely known the Manda’lor two weeks, but somehow, in that time she had become friends with him.  All she wanted was to hear his voice, have him tell her another story about one of his adventures.  Listen to his laugh, and his dry humour.  She didn’t want to have to go through the loss of losing a friend, a partner, someone who for the first time since Ca’tra she had trusted, though she’d never actually admit that to him.
The Vurk looked at her face, her eyes were fraught with danger and menacing, he knew it was only a matter of time before she acted.  Sitting there waiting for her to make a move had been utterly nerve wracking for him.  He had no idea what to expect, when the villager came to get him, the only thing the young man said was the bounty hunter wanted to have a word with him.  He hoped he’d been referring to the Mandalorian, he saw how the girl was ruthless and didn’t flinch in the face of danger.  He wanted to stay as far away from her as possible.  If he was truly hoping for things, he would have loved to be set free and leave this planet, not having to deal with either of them.  
He observed how a few times the girl opened her mouth to speak, but then closed it.  Kriff the silence was killing him, it had felt like this madness had been going on for hours.  He wasn’t made for this, he was a hacker, that was it, his first attempt at physical violence was when he jumped on the Mandalorian’s back.  People paid him to cause havoc or get information, not to endure this torture she was putting him through, cause that’s what this was, torture.  
He couldn’t take it anymore and finally broke “Please! For stars’ sake say something!”
 Amara looked at him for a second, noticing the Vurk was at his wits end, it delighted her a little.
“You wish for me to speak” her words were like daggers in his ears, her voice was acrimonious, knife-like, and laced with danger.  Nope, he regretted prompting her.  At that moment, he knew he had messed up. 
“Very well” she began, her tone confident and caustic, “if you wish for me to speak how about we begin by you telling me, what you were doing with that Zygerrian slave scum?”
Yup, definitely should have just remained silent, he thought.  He refused to answer, well more like his mouth refused to open.
“Oh come now, you are the one who wanted to talk.  So… TALK!” Her voice ricocheted around the hut like an unleashed laser bolt looking for its target.
The Vurk flinched at her words, “Please … not so loud”.
“Oh I’m sorry” she began quieter, “are your ears sensitive?” Her concern dripped from her question.
The Vurk nodded, Amara stepped closer to the quarry, “Oh I’m truly sorry” her mouth was right beside the his ear, “but tell me, WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I GIVE A DAMN ABOUT WHAT YOU NEED!!”
He tried to move his head away from the shouting, but Amara’s hand gripped his jaw and pushed his head closer to her mouth, “Oh no! You don’t get to seek comfort, WHEN MY PARTNER IS LYING ON THE MED TABLE!”  Her grip on his jaw tightened, the Vurk let out a painful moan, the strength in her hand was something he clearly hadn’t expected. 
She pushed his head away forcibly, and went back to sit on the crate that she had been using as a chair close to the entrance of the hut.  Her face, her countenance, it all had changed as soon as she sat, almost as though nothing had happened.  
“Now, tell me, what were you doing with that Zygerrian scum?”
“She hired me to find information”
“What kind of information?”
“She wanted to know how many Zygerrian factions had broken off from the Zygerrian empire, she hoped to have them join her, so she could have her own little dominion.”
“Did you get her the info?”
“No, we had been negotiating my payment, once suitable compensation had been agreed, I was to begin my work.  We had finally concurred on my price when you both came upon us in the village.”
“What was it?” The Vurk’s face was quizzical, “the fee you were asking for?”
He mumbled under his breath, he could just imagine her reaction when she learned what the Zygerrian had agreed to.
“No, no, you say it with pride.  You’re the one who decided to tie themselves to such villainy.”
“I asked for two Twi’lek slaves, preferably a young man and a young woman.”
Amara’s face contorted in disgust, her stoic features gone.  The quarry looked even more fearful at seeing any sort of emotion on the her face, especially the one she currently held. 
“You disgusting, repugnant, and odious waste of space.  If my partner wasn’t adamant about bringing you back alive, I would kill you where you sit, slowly and painfully.” 
The Vurk swallowed quite loudly at these insults and threats hurled at him.
Amara took a moment to think things through, a plan forming in the back of her mind, “Did she have any prisoners with her?”
The Vurk simply nodded.
“Not far.  She didn’t tell me exactly where, she simply said they were a few hours away.”
“How was she going to communicate with those holding the prisoners?”
“She had a comm’s device on her wrist.”
Amara thought long and hard, this particular adventure wasn’t over just yet.  “Do the guards know who you are?”
“Yes, she provided me with the comm-link, so I could contact the guards when I was ready to pick up my fee.”
“So hypothetically, if you were to contact them, informing them Syala provided you the comm-link to communicate directly with them, so you could receive the coordinates to pick up your …” Amara hated to use this word, even her father despised the idea of slaves, everyone at the palace were workers now, not “... slaves, they should readily give you the information?”
“I don’t see why not.”
Amara nodded in understanding.  She stood from the crate and proceeded to walk out of the hut, motioning to Deeru to come over, he was a few years older than Jaa, if Amara had to guess she would have put him at 21 or 22.  His features were similar to his brother, but his jaw was more defined, adding to his handsomeness.  Amara looked around the village, almost everyone in the village was quite beautiful, unique in their ways, but still she’d never seen such an attractive village before.
“Yes Miss?”
 “Oh please not you too, listen don’t call me Miss.  Just Amara is fine.”
“Alright, Just Amara” Deeru smirked, oh! He had a little something extra, his smirk added to his beauty, Amara just shook her head, “Alright, I give up.  Listen I’m done with this waste of space, could you take him back to the community hut. Please?”
“Anything for you” he hoped his words dripped with every intention it landed with.  He’d never met such a strong woman before, a woman who was able to command, who exuded authority.  She was quick to take the lead when it came to what she wanted, and to make sure her partner was looked after.  Maybe he’d be able to learn exactly what type of partnership they had.  
Amara noticed something was odd about this village, it’s one thing to have one man interested, but to have two something felt odd.  “Thanks Deeru.  Can I ask what’s the name of your village leader?”
“Odmore, she’s the village elder, she’s currently in the community hut if you wish to speak with her”
Amara nodded, “Please let her know that I would like to speak with her, if it’s possible.  I’m going to go check in on my partner and then I’ll head over to the community hut.”
“Not a problem, I’ll let her know.”
“Thank you, Deeru”
Amara noticed how Deeru’s hand shifted towards her and went back to his side, yeah she needed to move away.  It didn’t take long before she was standing in front of the med hut, either the desire to move away from Deeru’s intensity, or the concern for Roe’s health pushed her to walk faster then probably necessary.  Amara reached the curtain and took a deep breath, she needed to steady herself for whatever news the healer was about to provide.  She lifted the makeshift door for a second and announced her presence. 
“Come in,” the healer called out.
“How’s he doing?” She asked walking in
“Well I’m glad to say the damage isn’t as bad as I feared.  The lacerations near his shoulder were as I predicted very minor and superficial.  The one by his spine missed his spinal column entirely, there may be slight discomfort, however, there was no mobility damage.  The stab to his lung, did penetrate unfortunately, however I was able to heal it relatively well, it may be difficult for him to take deep breaths in for a short time.  With bacta though, the puncture should heal within a number of hours.  He will need to have his bandages changed until you are able to provide him with the bacta and the wound is completely healed, to prevent infection.  However, for now he is mending quite well, unfortunately this is the best I can do.”
“That is welcomed news.  I can’t even begin to express how extremely grateful … I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.  That’s incredibly disrespectful of me, I do apologize.”
“Nonsense, you were worried about your friend, it’s understandable the last thing on your mind would be my name, but to ease your conscience, my name is Jend, Jend Ashtap.”
“Pleasure to meet you Jend, and thank you once again for your care and attention to my partner, is there any way I can repay you for the work you did on my partner?”
“Miss with all due respect, this is the least we can do.  As I stated before you saved this village, there is no payment, no thanks big enough to show our gratitude.”
Amara couldn’t respond, the sincere words coming off the healer hit her hard.  It wasn’t the first time she heard a village thank her.  After all she and Ca’tra had helped numerous villages, even when she was with the rebellion all those years ago, she’d heard praise of thanks.  What did bother her was knowing they probably wouldn’t have known about the village’s difficulties, had it not been for the Vurk they’d been searching for, and that’s what hurt her the most.  As much as she wanted to be able to accept the praise, she didn’t know if Roe would have agreed to help the village if the quarry hadn’t been there.  He was a good man, an honourable one, she just didn’t know where he ranked business over doing the decent thing.  Guilt filled her completely, guilt for thinking badly of the Manda’lor and guilt for accepting praise not knowing where he stood on the matter.  The reproach building in her chest pushed aside the determination and adrenaline that had been there during and after the fight. 
Amara cleared her throat, keeping her face stoic, “How long before he’s awake?”  Amara asked, walking up beside the now bandaged Manda’lor, she gently took his hand in hers and squeezed. A reassurance to the both of them, she was there and he was alive.
“I would say about five hours, maybe a little longer.  I gave him some very strong sedatives about half an hour ago, he had begun to stir while I was stitching his lung.  I thought it best to have him rest and heal as much as possible.”
Amara smirked at that, knowing Roe, he would have fought to stay away and ignore what his body needed.  Over the past few days, she had noticed a pattern with him, if it came down to his health or hers, he’d always inevitably try to make sure she was looked after.  Almost every day she had to force him either to eat or sleep.  
“Thank you, Jend, I’ll be back closer to when he will wake up” Amara took note of the time on her wrist chrono, she looked back up to the healer nodding her thanks one more time.  She let go of Roe’s hand reluctantly and turned to walk out of the hut again. 
“Can I offer one piece of advice?” The healer inquired just as she had reached the curtain.
Amara turned back to the healer, “Absolutely.”
“It’s not my place to say anything, but I’d be careful with those two young men, Jaa and Deeru. They are quite the team, however they tend to be jealous of one another, a bit of sibling rivalry.  Always wanting what the other wants or has.”
Ah! That explains the odd behaviour between the two brothers, “Thank you for letting me know.  Truthfully, I’m a bit too old for them, so you don’t have to worry about me showing any sort of interest in either of them.  Plus the youngest one looks as though he’s only a few years older than my son, so I wouldn’t be touching that with a ten foot pole” Amara let out a chuckle.
The healer chuckled as well, “You are wise beyond your years, young one.”
Amara looked at him, he couldn’t be that much older than her, his face didn’t have wrinkles, aside from the silver hair, there was nothing to indicate his age, “Oh please, you look about the same age as me”.
“No my dear, I’m actually a lot older.”
“Not that much older”
“Hmmm…” the healer twisted his mouth, it looked as though he wanted to say something but decided against it, “I’m as old as I am, which is definitely older than you.”
“Well that’s cryptic” 
The healer shrugged, focusing on the bandages on Roe’s back once again.  The conversation was over, Amara could sense it, but it made her really begin to question, how old is he?
- - - - - - - 
“Miss Amara, thank you for saving our village, if it weren’t for you and your partner, we would be shipped off to some awful prison waiting to be sold into slavery.”  The elderly woman, Odmore, voiced quite loudly in the community hut.  Amara estimated she was around 60 or 65 at most, and had been sitting at one of the meal tables in the hut when Amara approached her.
“I’m only too glad to help, it’s just by chance we came across your village.  We’d been tracking our quarry, when we were led here” she had responded to Odmore, taking the seat to the left of the elder.
“Thank the force you were.”
“Can I ask a question?”
“Of course”
“How old is the healer?  He appears to be around my age, but he indicated he is much older, but wouldn’t tell me how much older.”
The elder turned pensive, it seemed as though there was a war going on in her head, before Amara could analyze her features, her face turned calm again, indicating the war had ended just as quickly as it began “Do you know what nysillin is?”
“Of course, it’s a healing herb”
“There is a derivative of nysillin that we found many years ago on this planet.  It heals like regular nysillin, however with prolonged use, we have discovered it gives us … longevity.  We didn’t even realize at first the effect it was having on us, until we noticed our older ones had started to have the strength of youth back.  For the effect to last, you must take it at regular intervals.  Personally, I’m 225 years old, the healer, he is one of the oldest in the village, he’s 250 years old.”
Amara’s jaw dropped, “How has no one heard of this before?”
“We’ve done our best to keep it a secret.”
“Then why share your knowledge with me?”
“In 225 years, I have learned to read people very well.  You are a good and honest person, and something is telling me you need this information.”
Amara couldn’t help but think of her poor uncles, ones who had their lives cut short because of what the Kaminoans did and the Republic had signed off on, maybe she could use this to help them.
“Suppose someone was genetically altered to have an accelerated life span, to the point their natural life was cut in half, could this herb help them?”
The elder nodded, “But they would have to come here for regular doses, in order for it to take proper effect”
“How regular?”
“Depends on where they are in their life span?”
“His actual age is 40 but due to the advanced aging, he’s closer to 80”
“That would mean he needs a regular dose every two days to start with”
“What’s involved in taking the dosage?”
“A simple powder that is taken in the form of tea”
“Couldn’t he just take the powder and do it on his own?”
“He could, but only after he understands the correct dosage amount, the dosage if administered incorrectly could have horrible consequences.”
“I understand.  How soon would he have to start?”
“I wouldn’t wait, the sooner one starts the better”
Amara nodded, this could help so many of her uncles, at least the ones that were still alive.  
“I am in the precarious position of having quite a few uncles, how many are still alive I’m not sure, but …”
“Being the daughter of a clone certainly leads one to a big family”
“How did …?”
“225 years old my dear, one thing being this old does, is connect you with the force.”
“Is everyone in the village force sensitive?”
“No.  Only myself and the oldest amongst us are; Miss Amara, we know what Felucia has endured during the Clone Wars and with the Empire, I myself remember it like it was yesterday.  Your uncles fought bravely for people they didn’t know, for a system that betrayed them, allow us to do something to honour all those who fell defending Felucia.”
Amara nodded, this was a lot of information, “Feel free to contact your uncles, Miss Amara, we would be happy to welcome them to our village and to help reverse their advanced aging.  It’s the least we can do, for them and for the woman who saved our village.”
“Thank you, on behalf of my family.  Thank you.  However, I can’t take all the recognition, without my partner, I doubt I would have been able to save your village.”
“We have something else for the Mandalorian, something that belongs with his people.  This gift of knowledge is for you and your people.”
“Thank you” Amara couldn’t control herself, she hugged the elder, and said one more time, “Thank you, you have no idea what this means to me.”
“Actually, I do, my dear.  Force sensitive, remember” she muffled into her hair amusedly. 
She released her hold on the elder, and resumed her seat,  Amara had two different missions now, not only did she have to free the prisoners, Syala held, but she had to contact her uncles and get them here as soon as possible.  
“There’s something else you wish to discuss?”
“I do, but I feel I may be overstepping”
The elder motioned with her hand for her to proceed, “I was talking with the Vurk and he indicated the Zygerrian’s fortress is nearby, which houses prisoners she was to sell off.  If you have a speeder that we can borrow, or something so we can get to our ship as soon as possible, it would be greatly appreciated.  You have already done so much for the mandalorian and myself, but I feel if we wait to long to get to the fortress, they make act rashly before we have a chance to save them.  Plus, I don’t want the Vurk here any longer than necessary, he has caused enough pain to your village, and finally, I don’t feel right about making my partner walk all the way back while he’s healing.  It took us several days to get here.”
“Of course, we have a cart that we use to transport the nysillin to sell in the markets.”
“Thank you”
“We welcome everyone here, if anyone you come across in the fortress doesn’t have a place to return to, please let them know they can come and stay here.  Also, next time you visit my dear, you can park in the clearing just to the right of the village, it will always be open for you.”
“Thank you.  That is very kind of you, I‘ll let the prisoners know, once we secure their release” Amara bowed her head to the elder.
She laughed, “You are very humble my dear, that will serve you.  When leading a nation of warriors, one needs to know when to show humility and when to lead.”
“I’m sorry I think you're mistaken, I’m not a leader.  I have a small garage, where my son and I work.  I have two employees, that's it.  I’m no leader.”
“You will, my dear.  You will lead like a Queen.  You and your husband’s reign will be triumphant and bring peace to your people.  There will be times of war, difficult times, but always your husband’s and your reign will hold your people together and bring them through the difficulties stronger.  Please, remember me when you are inaugurated, I would very much love to see you become Queen.”
“I will do my best to remember you, but I think you are mistaken.  I’m not married.  Not interested in being married and I’m certainly no leader.  Certainly not to any warriors, much less my people.”
“Hmmm” the elder stroked her chin, “Little one, do not allow a past hope to deter your present course.  Allow the love you had, shape the love your future will carry.”
Amara was shocked to her core, “Are you … are you talking about Ca’tra?”
The elder simply nodded, “How … the Force” Amara asked and answered her own question.  Maybe there was something to what the old woman had been saying, but then again she was 225 years old, how sane could she really be.  Amara decided to file it away for another day, there was already too much on her mind. 
“When you are ready the hover cart will be ready for you at the north end of the village.”
“Thank you, for everything.”
The elder grabbed Amara’s hand, “Anything for you, my Queen”, bowing forward from her seated position, she raised Amara’s hand to her forehead.  Amara didn’t know what to say, or what to do, she was speechless.  For the first time in her life, she didn’t have one thought, one word to utter.  
“Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it” the elder chuckled.
Amara stood and bowed before the elder, it seemed like the only appropriate thing to do.  
- - - - - - - 
Roe woke up in the back of the cart, the village had been beyond generous, the healer provided a number of bandages for Roe’s back, as well as a case of the nysillin.  The Vurk had remained unconscious after the time he spent with Amara in the hut, Deeru thought it would be best if he remained asleep, and stunned him as soon as he had entered the hut.  Amara didn’t mind, it meant less chance of having to hear the odious man’s voice. 
Jaa and Deeru had both offered to take them to her ship, they said it would take almost 15 hours to get to her ship from the village.  She noticed how both the brothers kept trying to flirt with her, even though she never wavered in her determination to treat both men the same, with dignity and respect.  They were not men enough for her, in her eyes they were still babies, learning to thrive in a world they didn’t quite understand.  
“Are you two as old as the elder or the healer?” She had asked them, when they were helping her load up the cart, they both assured her that wasn’t the case, Jaa was actually 19 and Deeru was 22.  She was thankful to be right, she was also thankful that when Roe had been placed on the cart they both had lessened their attention, especially when he began to stir, they both left her to attend to her partner. 
“Welcome back Roe, how does it feel to be back from the dead?”
Din chuckled, he thought for sure he was a goner, when he felt the knife hit close to his spine, and when he felt it pierce his lung.  His only thought at that moment was that he wouldn’t have seen Grogu again, the other thought that pushed through despite how hard he tried not to, was Ara’s sparkling eyes.  When he woke up, he was glad to be proven wrong, and couldn’t have been happier to see those sparkling eyes watching him.  
“You seem … healthy”, it was all Din could think to say, he thought for sure she would have been worse off than him, that maybe the bounty had decided to attack her too.
“Yeah, sorry, next time it’ll be my turn to be the injured one”
“No, Ara.  I would never wish that on you," his voice was laced with concern and he reached out to hold her hand, a gesture that wasn't lost on the two boys up front, "I'd rather be the one who is injured, every time.”  Din couldn't help but have a flash of seeing her face full of sorrow when she asked him to tell Adi, she loved him.  No matter what, she would make it back to Adi, Din vowed to himself while holding her hand, she would always make it back to Adi.
“Well I don’t know if I would want that, you are a lot heavier to lift, especially with the beskar” Amara teased, a smile appearing on her face, it was a warm smile.  Not one she would have given to Babeh, but warm enough to indicate she was relieved.
“So … what did I miss?” Din squeezed her hand once more and released his hold.
Amara caught Roe up on everything that happened, Deeru and Jaa interjected with their own observations on how she handled the quarry, how they could hear her yelling through the hut.  Deeru especially made a point to bring out that he was certainly impressed by her leadership skills, how quickly she was able to deal with the situation, never missing a beat despite her partner being between life and death.  
Din was impressed, not just by the accounts of Deeru and Jaa, but by how she had gained the loyalty of an entire village so quickly.  Deeru stated that he was ready to follow her into battle if she ever needed him to.  He was even more amazed when Ara gently told Deeru, if she ever went into battle, she hoped she would never have to call on him.  He had been untouched by the horrors of war and when one enters that mindset, a piece of the person they once were dies each time.  She let him down, but in a way that honoured and praised him for who he was.  She was dignity itself.  
Amara decided to keep the secret of the nysillin and the predictions of the elder to herself.  No reason for her to burden Roe with things that had nothing to do with him.  
“You want to try and hit that fortress then?”
“Yeah, I … I’ll understand if you don’t want to, it’s not your fight but I need to do something to bring those people peace.  Syala should never have escaped from prison, I feel everything she did is somehow my fault.  I should have made sure she was still there, made sure she didn’t hurt anyone else.  Should’ve killed her when I had the chance all those years ago.”
“No Ara, it’s not your fault.  We don’t know exactly what happened or how she escaped.  Either way, it’s not your fault, you did your job, you brought her to the authorities.  It was their error in judgment, their fault all those people are in the situation they are in now.  If anything, you are correcting their problem, I think we should personally contact New Republic and see if there’s a bounty on her, you could have some more money coming to you.”
“If there is a bounty, that money should go to those less fortunate, they need it more than I do.”
Din’s heart ached at that moment, he wasn’t sure what caused the feeling, was it the humidity, the injury, were compressions done on his chest, he didn’t want to admit or dwell on the thought that was floating in the back of his mind.  Din did the only thing he could, he pushed that idea so far back into his mind, it would have been lost in uncharted space.
- - - - - - - 
“We’re here”
Amara looked up to see the Sintas through sleepy eyelids, she’s not sure at what point she fell asleep, but at the very least she had rested.  She and Roe both thanked Deeru and Jaa for making sure they arrived safely.  Amara pressed the button on her wrist gauntlet, turning off the security system and lowering the ramp.  Just as they got off the cart, the Vurk stirred, Deeru was ready to shoot him again, but Amara held him off.  
“Morning sunshine”
The Vurk looked to the woman he had grown to fear, the smile on her face really unsettled him, “Mornin’”
“Alright you know what you have to do, make the call and end up in carbonite.”
“No, I’ll make the call, no carbonite.”
Din tilted his helmet at Ara, the quarry was so scared of her, he didn’t even realize she wasn’t offering an alternative.  
Amara sent a look to Roe, a smirk appearing on her lips, for being a hacker the man was a complete and utter idiot.  They watched as the Vurk contacted Syala’s team at the fortress, telling them Syala was rounding up her new acquisition and had asked he contact them directly to arrange pickup of his payment.  The Zygerrian on the other line told him they’d have everything ready in less than a day.  The Vurk thanked the man on the other end of the comm, informing him he would be sending two of his bodyguards to pick up the payment, a woman and a mandalorian.  The feline was clearly impressed, to have a mandalorian on your pay was no small feat.  Everything was set, they had the coordinates, all that was left was to rescue the prisoners and destroy the fortress. 
“Thank you, you’ve been extremely helpful.  Tell me, what’s the guard situation like?  Does she have a huge army protecting her?”
“I believe she said there were about 30 or 40 guards guarding the fortress”
“Is that all?” Din chuckled, it would be a cake walk for the both of them. 
“I believe so, but she could have been lying to me.”
“Well, we’ll see once we land.  Okay Deeru, now you can shoot him.”
“Thank you” Deeru smiled.
“Wait you said if I called I wouldn’t end up in carbonite”
“Actually what I said was, ‘make the call and end up in carbonite’.  I never gave you a different option.”
“No, please” the Vurk pleaded, begging with all his might, offering money, information gathering, anything and everything. 
“Deeru, please” Amara entreated, pinching the bridge of her nose, without another thought, Deeru stunned the Vurk one last time.  Roe tried to lift the man up, when Amara smacked his arm, Roe tilted his head at her, “You!” She said pointing a finger at him, “You are not lifting that man, we have two strong young men here who can help.”
“Are you saying I’m weak?”
“I’m saying I need your strength for when we come upon that fortress and the last thing I need to happen is for your wounds to open up.”
Din nodded, he knew better than to argue with her, after spending almost two weeks together, he learned when it came to her taking care of him, there was no argument he could present that would have been acceptable to her.  He watched as Deeru and Jaa lifted the Vurk male following Ara, to the carbonite hold.  Din didn’t miss how they both were not necessarily watching where she was leading, but rather where her back ended and her legs began.  He may have been healing but he was ready to defend her if it called for it.  He thought it better to follow them to the hold after dropping off the case of nysillin in the hallway close to the ramp.  He leaned against the wall by the carbonite unit, hand resting on his blaster, a silent warning to the two young men, who seemed more preoccupied with her rear, then actually listening to her directions.
“Hey! She said to place him in the carbonite!” 
Din’s voice cut through the hull, making the two young men jump.  They realized they had been caught, Ara turned to face Din, he made a subtle gesture to the comm behind her ear, she nodded, turning it on.  “They were preoccupied with keeping their eyes on …” how was he going to explain this, he cleared his throat, “… um, on your assets.”  Ara gave him a quizzical look, he sighed “You know, your assets” he hoped the emphasis was enough, but she still had a quizzical look, the boys grabbed the now slabbed Vurk and positioned him in the hold for safekeeping.  “Your rump, your hindquarters, your derriere, your walking cushion, do I really need to go on?”
Amara couldn’t help the smirk that was appearing on her face, she was trying so hard not to laugh, she wanted to see how long he would continue on before he actually said butt.  It was adorable how protective he was, but she was a woman, if there’s one thing a woman knows, is when men are ogling them, it becomes a sixth sense.  She was grateful he had decided to follow, as much as she trusted the village, two young hormonal men, is not something she wanted to deal with. 
- - - - - - - - 
“You are trouble, you know that?” Din’s voice cut through the cockpit, while they sat there as Amara prepped the ship for hyperspace. 
“Me? What about you Roe?”
“What did I do? Besides having your back when those two youths kept eyeing your butt like it was a walking buffet.”
“No, no, don’t say butt like it’s all normal now.  What did you call it? My hindquarters? Which by the way, way to make a woman feel special, oh but my favourite, what was it?”  
“No, I’m gonna.  It was, I believe, my walking cushion?  I think from now on, I shall refer to all butts as walking cushions” her laugh was so genuine, it filled the hull of the ship as they entered hyperspace. 
Din let out a sigh, followed by a chuckle, his and Ara’s laughter filled the ship.  How she was able to pull that out of him, he’ll never know.  He’s laughed more with her, then in his entire life.  Truth be told, he enjoyed it immensely.  
Amara noticed how Din kept shifting, “Is it your back?”
Din simply nodded.
“I think it’s time we tried some of that nysillin and put on some fresh bandages.  I also have some bacta, the healer said that should help.”
“I can do it on my own”
“Really? Do you even know where the cuts are? … Listen if it makes you uncomfortable I understand and I’ll leave it for you to deal with on your own, I’m just saying I’m here to help.”
“Thank you.  I’d appreciate some help.”
Amara put the ship into autopilot and they moved to the common room, once the armour was off, she noticed he’d tensed up. 
“Is it too cold?”
“No” he sounded angry, which was different from a few minutes ago.
“I’m sorry, am I doing something wrong?  If I am …”
He cut her off before she could finish, “No, it’s not you.  I’m …” he let out a long sigh, “I’m angry with myself, I allowed myself to get injured and I could have put you in danger.  I’m just … I'm annoyed.”
“I get it, but if it helps I wasn’t in any danger, there was just the quarry left and about 40 villagers, all ready to help, so I think we had the upper hand on that one.”
“Yeah but what if they didn’t help you? What if they were weak? What if he had a bomb? What if…”
“Hey, hey Roe, breathe.  You could spend a lifetime on what-ifs.  The only thing we can guarantee in life is death.”
“Well that’s dark” chuckled Din
“But true, we don’t know when it’ll come knocking on our door, we can only hope it’s peaceful.  Focus on the now, not on what can’t be changed, otherwise you’ll never see what’s in front of you.”
“What’s in front of me?” Din was genuine with his question, what did he have in front of him? No home.  No ship.  No family. No covert. Nothing except the weight of a planet he had no desire to be responsible for. 
Amara moved to stand in front of him, kneeling to look in his visor, “I am”, she saw how Roe pulled back a little, “You have a friend.  You have certainly earned my trust, Roe, and that’s not an easy thing.  You also have a job, bounty hunting for now, but you are destined for greater things.”  Amara motioned to the darksaber hanging off his belt, “You have a whole planet and people waiting for you to lead.  I’m not saying go and do it right now, because in order to lead, you need to be ready.  You’re grieving, right now.  Grieving everything you couldn’t while you were on the run, and there’s nothing wrong with that.  When you are done grieving, I foresee you becoming a great Manda’lor, probably one of the best.  Your name will go down in history with all your Mandalorian kin.
But for right now, you have me, I’ll be your friend fighting by your side till I have no breath left in me.  You also have a fan in Adi, which let me tell you, if you think I’m hard to please, that kid more so; but ever since that day you walked into our garage, he has been your number one fan.  You have Boba.  You have Fennec.  You have Peli, don’t say you don’t cause I saw how you took care of her.  We are all here in front of you.  We will stand by your side.  We may not be a covert, but we can be family.”  Amara smiled at Roe, she hadn’t looked away from his visor the entire time, she wanted the weight of her words to sink into that hard beskar head of his.
“I …”
“Roe, you don’t have to say anything.  Just know we got your back, okay.”  
Din simply nodded, who was this woman, he watched as she stood and moved to his back again.  His heart was beating so fast, he didn’t know if Ara could hear it.  He was sure if he looked down at his chest he would be able to see the outline of his heart beating through his ribcage.  He clenched his hands, hands that itched to hold something, hands that wanted to trace the line of a face.  Din pushed the thought to the back of his mind again.  She had offered friendship, nothing more.  A found family of sorts.  Din was trying to keep the tears from sliding down his face, but he failed.  His cheek was damp with trails of silent tears falling to the floor. 
Amara didn’t say anything for a while, she knew he needed time, time to deal with everything.  She was almost done batching up his back, when she decided to break the silence.
“Okay, so out of curiosity, you're supposed to be this amazing bounty hunter, right?”
“Where is this going?”  His voice was firm and steady, no indication to the emotional turmoil he had gone through just 20 minutes ago.
“I’m just wondering, how did you let that waste of space sneak up on you?” She laughed, teasing him, hoping to get him out of his head space. 
Din chuckled, “I was distracted and may I add he snuck up on you too.”
“Yeah, but I wasn’t injured.  Anyways, distracted?”
“By what?”
How does Din tell her that he was distracted by how quickly she took on those two Niktos, and the Zygerrian woman while he was fighting the two Trandoshians.  At that moment, he had no doubt as to why Boba was in love with her.  How he was especially distracted when he saw her slide in between the Zygerrian woman’s legs, before the slaver could even register what happened, Ara had spun, twisted her legs in between the Zygerrian and brought her down.  The slaver landed hard on her back, Ara grabbed her arm, while her legs were still pinning the female to the ground, snatched a vibroblade thrusting it into the feline’s heart with no hesitation.  Within seconds the slaver was dead, Ara retracted her blade and rolled the scum off her.   When she took his hand, and stood before him, Din couldn’t help but be lost in her eyes, they were brightened from the adrenaline, the slight sheen of sweat simply heightened her tattoos.  Then when she pushed him aside to run the Trandoshian through, saving his life, he was flabbergasted by her tiny stature taking down the huge reptile.  Din couldn’t remember when he’s ever seen someone so beautiful, which is when the quarry jumped out from behind and stabbed him in between his beskar.  After that it all went black.
“Sorry, what?”
“What got you so distracted?”
“Oh, I was about to yell at you for taking an unnecessary risk.”
“Excuse you?!” Crap! That’s not what he wanted to do, he didn’t want to start an argument with her, in truth he wasn’t going to yell at her.  He didn’t even know where the thought came from, it just stumbled from his mouth without a second thought.
Amara was shocked, maybe she was wrong about this guy, ‘taking unnecessary risks’ that’s something Ca’tra would have said.
“You heard me” shut up Din! “You have a son waiting for you back home” no you fool, that’s not where you want this conversation to go.  “You can’t be taking unnecessary risks, pushing me aside to stab the Trandoshian, yes it worked out, but it might not have.”  Okay, well good job di’kut, now you’ve done it. 
Amara’s face was quizzical, maybe he had a concussion, and didn’t remember the conversation they just had thirty minutes ago “Didn’t we just have this discussion?”
“Yes” quick fool, there’s still time for you to fix this, “You asked me what had me distracted, at the time that’s what I was thinking.  Not now.”  Good job.  Now stop talking!
“Oh! I see” Amara comprehended, it’s true she was asking what he had thought at that moment, but he seemed nonchalant when he said ‘it was all good’.  “Roe, I hope you know I‘m not one to take unnecessary risks.”
“Really? What about the rancor and that bug thing?”
“That bug thing was an acklay, and I did that to save you, you dum-dum, you have a planet counting on you.  I mean, eventually.” Ara let out a sigh, acklay that’s what the blasted creature was called, “Listen Roe, our job is risky, and I’m not the only one who takes unnecessary risk or did you forget about the stories you told me?”
“Those weren’t unnecessary risks”, Din took a moment, “they were calculated unmerited risks.”
“That’s a fancy way of saying unnecessary”
Roe shrugged, “You say tomato, I say tomahto”.
Amara pressed a little harder than necessary on the wound, “argh!” Din cries out, “oh I’m sorry, was that unmerited?” She mocked.
“You know if you are going to act like this to constructive criticism, I can tend to my own wounds” Din jeered.
Amara smiles, two can play this game, “Oh yeah! Okay, show me.”
“You heard me, show me, how you would take care of this wound, this wound that is right in the middle of your back” she gestures to the stab wound on his back, even though he can’t see what she’s doing.
Din just sits there not sure how he actually would, “Well… go on?” Amara pesters as she comes to stand right in front of him, tapping her foot on the ground while her arms are crossed under her chest, she leans forward her face an inch from his helmet “Show me” she dared him.
“Fine”, he gruffed out, “I don’t know how I would actually fix it”
“That’s what I thought, you say I took an unnecessary risk, but it was instinct.  If I hadn’t acted, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation.  Which is why there’s no point dwelling on what-ifs.”
Din doesn’t say anything, he can’t because she’s right, everything she says is right, Ara lets out a sigh, “Listen, I appreciate what you are saying, I do, and I would hate to leave Adi alone, but he wouldn’t be, he has Gregor, Pelli, Boba and Fennec, he has family, and now he has you too.”
Din looks up to Ara, she has a smile on her face, “I’m not stupid enough to take unnecessary risks that could leave my son alone.  I know what I’m doing, it’s not the first time I went against someone bigger than me, I’ve had to defend myself, three against one, I even had to do four on one.  Once, I took out an entire battalion on my own, it wasn’t easy, I couldn’t do it head on, I had to be methodical and sneaky.  However, I do appreciate what you said, I do, but trust me when I say I know my limits, and I would never rush into something unless I had the proper equipment with me. Okay?”
Din simply nods, she took out a whole battalion, yeah he’s going to need to hear this story.
“An entire battalion?”
“Yeah, I’ll tell you about it on our way back to Tatooine, after we deal with the fortress.  Let me finish fixing your back first, okay.”  
“Okay.  I’m sorry for being … well you know”
“Yeah, I just don’t want to have to be the one to tell Adi, you weren’t coming home.”
Amara lets out a choked sigh, “I know, I don’t want that either.  Thank you for thinking of him, outside of his family, no one … has ever considered Adi, which just proves my point, you’re stuck with us fam.”
Din simply nods, as she walks to his back, “I appreciate it more than you know” she adds. 
Amara’s hands rest gently on his back as she finishes cleaning the wound, applying the bacta and the new dressing.  Amara can’t help but be distracted by the muscular back that is under her hands, and if she happens to spend a few minutes longer than she probably should, who’s going to know. 
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Hello Lovelies, 
Don’t forget this week is the Season Finale of Sins of the Father and it’s a TWO-PARTER!!!!
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Sins of the Father - Chapter 6
Summary: Din and Amara land on Felucia
A/N: Hello all, so let me just remind everyone this is a slow burn, filled with angst, but it’s going to get good.  I hope you guys are all enjoying what we are putting out so far, cause we love these two and their dynamic.  It’s brilliant.  When Amara is referred to as Ara, it is from Din’s POV. When Din is referred to as Roe, it is from Amara’s POV
Bold & Italics - Tusken Sign
Warnings: Name calling, canon typical violence, mentions of slavery and hostages.  I think that’s it, there isn’t much warnings in this one. 
AO3 Link   |   Words: 8,900
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“How are you not dying under all that beskar?” Amara asked, swiping the sweat from her brow, she felt like she had been drenched in sweat.  Seriously why did the quarry have to choose this planet to hide in, I mean really?
“Simple, I have environmental controls in my helmet” Din tried his best to keep the smugness out of his tone, but he couldn’t, he loved his suit.
“You lucky ….” Amara mumbled the rest under her breath, “So is there anything that stupid suit can’t handle?”
“On Tatooine, it’s not the greatest.  When I’m walking through town, it’s not too bad, but when I’m in the desert with the twin suns beating down, it becomes a bit unbearable, there’s only so much the environmental controls can circulate.”
“So it’s not completely perfect, interesting.  Hey, should you be telling me this?”
“Probably not, but I doubt you are going to go run and tell my enemies”
“You trust me that much?”
“Boba trusts you, that leads me to believe there is something honourable about you”
“Wow, thanks for the vote of confidence”, kriff this planet was the worst, how do people live here, maybe I’m just used to the dry air of Tatooine.  I mean Yavin 4 was humid and hot during the summer months, but even then there was a break, the temperature had been the same since they'd arrived three days ago.  
Their search for the quarry wasn’t going all that great, it seemed that this quarry knew what he was doing, there were some deadly animals here.  Amara had heard about the Jungle Rancors of Felucia before, but had never actually thought she would face one, every time a noise came through she was afraid it would be the rancor.
“You okay?” Din, noticing her constant weariness as she kept eyeing the jungle around them, asked.
“You seem on edge”
“Can you blame me?”
“Is this your first hunt?”
“What? No! This is my first time on Felucia, and I’ve heard a lot of nasty stories about Felucia, and have no desire to be here longer than I have to be”
“Like what?”
“I’m sorry?”
“What kind of stories?”
“My uncle used to tell me stories about the jungle rancors here, let’s just say they use to keep me awake at night, so I would really prefer not to come across any”
“Your uncle’s been to Felucia?”
“A long time ago, but he still remembers the beast, you think he could have told me about the ridiculous humidity too.”
“Why would he tell you something that clearly frightened you?”
Amara stopped and looked at the T-visor of Roe’s helmet, “you’ve never had that uncle who would tell you scarier and scarier stories because, you know, your parents would never tell you them?”
“No, see my family loved me, maybe you did something to tick him off” Din chuckled as he continued on ahead of Amara, passing several tall plants, and checking the tracking fob hanging off his belt.
“Okay first off, how dare you!” Amara shouted to his back, she could hear him laugh again, more she assumed she heard his laughter since she saw his shoulders jostling up and down, “Secondly, my uncle loves me, I’m his favourite niece” Din simply nodded in response, although she couldn’t see it he was smirking under his helmet, “and thirdly… I asked him to tell me, I may in fact have actually begged him to tell me scary stories”
“Ha, well that’s your own fault”
“Wow, you are just a giant bundle of warmth and kindness aren’t you?  Yes, I know it was my own fault, thank you for pointing out the obvious, such a guy!  Anyways, can we talk about something else before my skin decides to leave my skeleton behind and high tail it back to the ship.”
“Alright, what do you want to talk about?”
“I don’t know.  Hey, tell me about your son”
“Umm…” Din stopped in his tracks
Roe hadn’t said anything for a minute, way to go Amara, you probably just asked him something that made him uncomfortable, “Listen if I said something …”
Roe turned so quickly, it actually shocked Amara a little, she hadn’t been expecting that response, it took a minute before she realized his gloved hand was on her mouth, while his other gloved hand was holding the back of her head, “There’s something up ahead” he whispered in her ear.
Amara nodded in response, please maker don’t let it be a rancor, please not a rancor, give me a battalion to fight, give me ten fully armed Trandoshians to fight, but not a rancor.
Din slowly released his hold on her, his eyes focusing on hers, despite the possibility of looming danger, he couldn't help getting lost in her eyes.  She really did have some expressive eyes, come on Djarin get it together.  Not the time to get lost in thought.  With his free hand he raised a finger to where his mouth would be indicating they should be silent from here on out, Ara nodded in understanding.  One of her hands hovering over her blaster, while the other reached for the amban rifle attached to her back.  
Din looked at the amban rifle Ara had in her hand, Din started gesturing in Tuskan sign, can I borrow the amban rifle, if there is something dangerous I can get the first shot off?
Amara simply nodded and gave Roe the rifle, she then proceeded to unsheath her sword from its resting place.  Although, she was going back on her rule, that he couldn’t use any of her weapons, this was different if there was a rancor, better for the first person to take the shot. Now was not the time to be a stickler of the rules.  
Din’s smile grew with the familiar weight of the rifle in his hands, he really missed his rifle, maybe he can buy it off her, after he bought his ship.  One thing at a time.  The noise he had heard was coming from behind a very large leaf, that was directly in front, how did the creature get over there, it was to the right of him a moment ago.  He tilted his head to look to the right, the heat signature was unmistakable, there was a creature to the right, but it was hard to determine what exactly it was, the heat from the plants obscured the outline of the animal.  This isn’t good, so there’s an animal in front and one to the right.  Alright if he and Ara could head to the left, away from the creatures, slowly and quietly, they could avoid any danger.
Din held up his fist indicating to Ara to stop, he then motioned to the left, he waited till she passed him before bringing up the rear, if there was ever a time to tell if she was a skilled fighter, clearly now was the time.  He could hear Ara’s soft footsteps behind him, if he hadn’t turned on his audio enhancements he would have thought she had disappeared on him, while he kept his visor fixed on the two creatures behind them.
Amara had glanced over her shoulder and noticed that Roe was focused on whatever was behind them, she needed to tell him they had to stop, she reached out behind her, to grab his arm, it still didn’t feel right to touch him like it was nothing, the man covered every inch of his skin, he clearly didn’t want to be touched. She had realized her mistake when she grabbed his hand to put the wrist gauntlet on him when they had first arrived.
As she was explaining to Roe how to use the wrist gauntlet, Amara had realized what she did, she dropped his hand like it had burned her, “Roe, oh my stars, I’m so sorry” she grabbed her head with both her hands.
“What? Are you okay? What are you sorry for?”
“I grabbed your hand without thinking, I’m so sorry, I should never have done that.”
Din didn’t know what to say, this is the first time anyone had ever considered that as improper, even Omera never offered an apology for touching his helmet and almost lifting it, granted there was also a blaster shot heard seconds later.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to disrespect your creed, it was stupid and thoughtless of me, please forgive me!” Amara hadn’t looked up at all, she kept her head down, how could she have been so stupid as to touch him.  She had learned from the Tuskens and from her father always ask before touching anyone.  She had forgotten herself, Ca’tra had been okay with touch and she had gotten used to not asking, but this wasn’t Ca’tra, this was a stranger, a mandalorian man who followed a creed.  How could she have been so stupid?
“Hey Ara” Din said softly, slowly reaching a hand out to grasp her hands covering her face, he could sense her guilt, it practically screamed into the universe “Hey, it’s okay”.  Ara shook her head back and forth, “No it’s not, it’s not okay.  I did an incredibly insensitive thing”.
Din had to chuckle, she was more upset then he was, “Listen Ara, you are the first person ever to apologize for touching me, I really am okay.  I’m a bounty hunter, sometimes people have to touch me, usually it’s because they’re trying to fight me.  Other times it's when they have to make sure I’m still alive, or even to convey a message, you didn’t do it maliciously.  It was an accident and the fact that you are beating yourself up about it more than you really should is very thoughtful of you but unnecessary.  I’m okay, if you need to touch me to get my attention, that’s fine, you have my permission.  If I am unconscious or really badly injured and you need to treat a wound, you have my permission.” Din starts to laugh, “If I’m falling off a cliff and you are trying to grab my hand to steady me, that’s okay”.  Ara let down her hands, Din could see the beginnings of a smile forming, even though tears had welled up, she looked up to the T-visor in front of her, he was kinder and more understanding than she had expected, especially for the Manda’lor, he kept surprising her.
“What I’m saying, Ara, is that you have my permission to touch me if you need to, I only ask that you don’t remove my helmet, that’s it. Okay?”
Amara didn't have the heart to answer, so a simple nod was all the reply he received.
Her hand reached blindly behind her trying to hold on to his arm, only to grab his hand that had been behind him guiding his way, making sure he wasn’t bumping into anything, Din stopped in his tracks when he felt her hand.  He turned his visor away from the creatures that were now a ways behind them, and faced Ara, she used her Tuskan hand signals, there’s a cliff, we need to decide where to go.
“I think we’re okay, we don’t have to be quiet anymore”
“Oh good, because my heart was pounding way too loud in my head, was it rancors?”
“Not sure, their heat signatures were difficult to read because of the heat from the plants”
“Well isn’t that just wonderful.  Okay which way do we go?”
Din looked to the tracking fob, realizing his hand still clutched Ara’s.  
Amara realized at that moment too, she was still holding Roe’s, what is it about his hand?  It was the same in the garage, when Boba called them out about holding each other’s hand.  His hands were comfortable, they felt safe, even Ca’tra’s hands weren’t something she forgot she was holding, not that they weren’t safe, but they were just different.  Okay Amara, time to let the nice mandalorian’s hands go, let it go.  I said let it go.
Amara dropped Roe’s hand so fast, she felt a little embarrassed.  
Din tried to ignore the tingling sensation that was rising up his arm to his stomach, stupid humidity, alright focus, look at the tracking fob.
“Well it seems we need to go over that ridge, just to the north a bit, then we should be close to the quarry”
“Then we will have to walk it all back”
“Well one of us will have to walk it back”
“What do you mean by one of us?”
“I have a jetpack” Din chuckled
“And I have the key to the engines” Amara snickered, holding up the contact key for her ship, Roe huffed out a gasp, shaking his head back and forth, “well played”.
“Not my first rodeo, bounty hunter”
“Can I have my rifle back?”
“What if I say no?”
“I’ll just kick your butt” Amara answered so nonchalantly, the fear that was in her eyes when she thought they were surrounded by rancors, was completely gone, only determination remained.
“Fine, I know when I’m bested” Din said handing over the rifle, they continued walking on until the evening, by the time the sun set on Felucia, the two hunters had reached the top of the ridge, in the low light they both crouched down, and viewed the foliage before them.  
“Seems as good a place as any to rest, this is a good vantage point, we’ll be able to see in all directions” Din suggested.
- - - - -
“Roe, dinner’s ready, if you wanna eat?”
“I’m okay”
“I can turn my back so you can eat, or why not just sit behind the giant hedge, or I can go sit behind the hedge”
“It might not be safe” came the mandalorian’s answer, Amara couldn’t help but admire the beskar in the low light of the campfire.
“Well we could just keep talking and then you would know I was still there, or if you go you can just tell me a story, so I’ll know you are still there, we haven’t really eaten since breakfast and I know I’m starving and I’m not wearing 20 pounds extra of beskar armor.”
“If I go, will you stop pestering me like a mother strill?”
“Yes, if you tell me what a strill is?”
“A ugly, smelly mandalorian hunting animal, they’re practically extinct now since the great purge.”
“Are you calling me ugly and smelly?”
“What? No!”
“Mmhmm, fine yes, I will stop pestering you, if you go sit behind that hedge and eat.”
“Ugh fine”
Amara handed a bowl of stew to Roe, as he stood and a portion bread. They weren’t the greatest things, but it was filling.
“Are you eating?”
“Yes” came Din’s unmodulated voice, it was warm, like smooth honey on a hot day, “good” came Amara’s answer.  It wasn't the first time she heard him without the helmet, they've had to camp the past two nights, but every time he talked it threw her off how kind his voice sounded.  She wondered if she could get him to talk some more without the helmet on, would it be wrong for her to say he had a nice voice?  Maybe?  Would it be overstepping? Possibly?
“This is really good stew” without having to ask, Amara heard that wonderful voice again, a small smile graced Amara’s face.  Ugh, get it together woman, this isn’t the first bounty hunter nor the first mandalorian you’ve been in company with, so why are his hands and his voice making you smirk.  Stop it!
Din had begun to enjoy their fire chats, watching her face light up when she recounted a story, or talked about something Adi excelled at, it brought a warmth to his heart.  The first time he felt it, he thought something was wrong with the environmental suit.  It was later on he realized, his heart felt that way every time she spoke, now he tried to get her to talk whenever he could.
“Thanks, it’s a family recipe”
“Your mother taught you”
She would have, had she lived, Amara let out a sigh “No”.  I can’t get into it right now, I can’t cry, I need to focus on something else, now is not the time to cry Amara.  Focus.  “You haven't told me yet, how you ended up with the darksaber?”  The first night, Amara had told Roe about how she got her first garage off the ground.  The second night, he had talked about his first ship, the Razor Crest, so it really should have been her offering something for the night.
Din didn't miss how she sidestepped that topic, she didn’t want to talk about her immediate family, he could understand that, however it did make him wonder.  Does she talk about it with Boba?  Why should it matter if she does?  You are on a hunt, focus. “It’s a bit involved.”
“Well it’s not like I’m going anywhere”
“True.  Alright, as Boba mentioned, the quarry became like a son to me, his name is Grogu.”
“That’s a nice name.  Grogu.  Does the name fit the face?”
“That’s an odd question”
“Not really, you know some people don’t have names that match their faces, for example I know this one woman, her parents named her Lum, which means light in old corellian, let me tell you there was nothing light about that woman.  Not her personality, nor her demeanor, she was a dark, vicious, and a vile woman.”
“Interesting, what does your name mean?”
“Nice try buddy, let’s go back to your story, so Grogu”
Din sighed “Grogu”
Amara listened as Roe went on talking about how Moff Gideon had captured Grogu and had him on a light cruiser, he went on talking about how he grabbed a few people to help him get Grogu back.  How he was able to find Grogu in his cell when he arrived however Moff Gideon was holding the darksaber close to Grogu’s head.
“At that moment, I would have done anything if it meant Grogu’s safe return”
“I don't blame you, I would have done just about anything to get Adi back”
“Gideon asked that I rest my blaster on the floor…” Amara continued to listen intently as the battle happened between Gideon and Roe, the man fought valiantly, and even though she wasn’t there, the evidence was clear seeing as he held the darksaber.
“I brought Gideon before the group as per Bo-Katan's request. Personally I would have been glad to kill him, but when she saw me holding the darksaber and him in cuffs, her face clearly showed her displeasure.  Apparently she wanted to face Gideon herself so she could claim the sword.  I offered it to her twice and she refused to take it, because the power apparently lies in the story of the sword not in the sword itself, that’s how I became the Manda’lor.”
“Hold up, you said Bo-Katan?”
“That’s what you take from that?” Amara heard shuffling behind her, “Is that you shuffling?”
“Yeah” came Roe’s unmodulated voice, “I was just putting my helmet on” came his modulated voice, as he walked back from around the hedge.  He took his previous seat in front of Amara.
Din couldn’t help notice how the fire reflected her sparkling eyes, if it was possible, it made her even more beautiful. I can see why Boba is in love with this woman.  Din didn’t miss how tense Amara became, her whole body had gone rigid, but not in fear, there’s something else in her eyes, anger maybe, or disgust.
“You okay?”
“You said Bo-Katan”
“Yeah, she and her night owls helped me”
“Bo-Katan Kryze?”
“Ugh! That witch! You know I would have died quiet happy never having to hear that name again”
“What’s your issue with her?”
Amara is so annoyed she can’t even answer Roe’s question, her anger beginning to bubble from deep within her, that woman was the pane of her existence.
“Hey Ara, you can trust me, I'm not going to say anything to her, I actually haven’t talked to her in some time.  I’m not her favourite person right now, seeing as how I didn’t return to Mandalore right away to claim the throne”
“Pfft Roe, I don’t care if you do tell her what I’m about to say, heck I‘ll tell it to her face, in fact I have and have done a whole lot worse to her then just call her names.”
“You know her?”
“Listen, I really don’t want to talk about her, she may be your friend or whatever, but I have neither the patience nor the energy to talk about an over pretentious stuffy-nosed daughter of a nerf-herder who thinks she’s the light of the system, when she’s really the black hole of bitchiness sucking up everything in her wake, who thinks her refuse don’t stink to high heaven.”
“I think you missed some verbs and nouns”  
Amara looks straight into Roe’s T-visor, she is not amused right now, she was having a great time listening to his adventure, until he had to mention that … that … that woman! Roe raises his hands in defeat in front of Amara, in response to the glare that he is receiving from the tiny woman.
“Hey, I just pointed out that there’s still plenty of words left in the dictionary in various languages, if you want to use some” he knows he probably shouldn’t keep pestering but he can’t help it, there’s something about Ara that just makes him want to press her buttons.  Amara can’t help but giggle at his demeanor, he reminded her of Adi in that moment, when he knows she’s being a bit much and should really calm down.
“No I’m sorry, she … ugh, that woman, just riles me up”
“Okay well how about we don’t talk about her anymore”
Amara simply nods, neither says anything for a few minutes, they simply sit in the glow of the fire staring at each other.  She pulls herself out of whatever that was, “You know I think I should get some sleep before I do or say something else”.
Din simply nodded he had enjoyed studying her face, the way her hair framed her face, the way her chest rose and fell … whoa okay enough of that, “I’ll take first-watch” there was no way he would go to sleep right away.  Not until he pushed whatever that was out of his head.
Amara nodded, she knew that he probably wouldn’t wake her up to take over the watch, the past two nights, he would take the first watch, and if she hadn't woken an hour after the start of her watch, he admitted to her after she called him out, he wouldn't have woken her.  She would need to try and wake up to take over, even if he didn’t need as much sleep as she did, according to him, he still would need some sleep himself, “I’m glad you were able to save your son Roe" she offered as she stood before him, "honestly, I think you would be a good ruler for Mandalore, if that is something you choose.  There are not enough leaders who understand the struggle their people face, it's what makes Boba such a good leader.  Please don’t forget to wake me for second-watch.”
Without waiting for a response, Amara moved away from her log and walked over to a spot on the ground that she cleaned up earlier. Sleeping on the ground was not the greatest thing in the world, but at least it was only temporary.  When she got back to the Sintas, she knew a proper shower, and proper sleep on her lovely bed were waiting for her.  Within minutes, her eyelids felt heavy as she stared at the fire that was slowly getting blurred out of her vision, before she knew it she had drifted off to sleep, her hand clutching her songsteel sword in one hand beside her, while her other arm was underneath her head as a pillow clutching one of her blasters.
Din sat and watched as this tiny woman fell asleep within minutes, as though she had no fear.  Clutching the sword with her left and the blaster in her right hand underneath her head.  Clearly, she’s been trained to be prepared, Din can respect that, granted he doesn’t have as many weapons on him as she appears to have after all she’s got two blasters, a rifle, a sword and various vibroblades hidden throughout, this woman, this tiny woman is clearly prepared for any scenario.  She probably has to think more ahead seeing as her stature would put her at a disadvantage.
Din knows he should probably stop watching her, he should look away not just out of respect for her, but also out of respect for Boba.  He needed to survey the area, make sure no animals were nearby, but there’s something about her calm demeanor that surprises him. She was quick to temper, yes, but for the most part she had a very relaxed persona.  She seemed to only get upset when someone innocent is in danger or her family is threatened, granted he doesn’t know her that well so there could be other situations that would definitely rile her up, Bo-Katan certainly riled her up.  However, from what he’s heard from others and even from what Ara told him about when she saved Adi, it seems she would only step in to help those who couldn’t help themselves.  
Who was this woman?  How could there be someone this good in the universe, in a universe filled with evil?  Din doesn’t know why, but he’s glad that she’d been hidden from the Empire.  He has no doubt if the Empire had heard about her, they would have tried to twist her into something for their own benefit, like how they tried to do the same with Grogu.  The big question however, is what did Bo-Katan do that had put her on Ara’s radar?  Plus the words she used, what did she call her an ‘over pretentious stuffy-nosed daughter of a nerf-herder who thinks she’s the light of the system’ well that’s enough of a statement right there.  Granted even Boba called Bo-Katan ‘arrogant and elitist’, certainly ‘pretentious stuffy-nosed’ could be considered one of those things, is that why she has an issue with her, because of Boba?  Bo certainly didn't treat Boba with the greatest respect when they met at the cantina.  It irritated Din with how she did treat him, but Boba handled himself. However, why would Ara be upset about an incident she didn’t know about, as far as he knew she didn't.  No, her anger with Bo-Katan comes from something else, she said she had met her and she had done worse than just tell her off.  Would Ara eventually tell me what her issue with Bo is?  Would she trust me enough to tell me?
Din’s reverie was broken when he heard a shift, as he looked over to the peaceful woman lying on the ground, he saw her shiver slightly, without even a second thought, he took off his cape and stepped closer to Ara, he gently laid the cape over Ara, he noticed how her hand clutched her sword a little harder, however she still remained asleep.  He slowly retraced his steps as not to disturb her, and took the opportunity to do a quick survey of the premise.
Amara heard the footsteps come close, instinctively she reacted clutching her weapons, she was no fool, she never fully trusted any of the men she travelled with, better to be safe than to trust completely and end up suffering for a misstep.  Just as quickly as the steps came close to her, they had just as quickly retreated from beside her, she followed how the footsteps walked off around the premises.  She took the chance to slightly open her eyes, only to have her vision obscured by some sort of cloth, not completely but enough that she couldn’t fully see her surroundings.  
Amara raised her head a little and noticed the cloth was actually a cape, it was Roe’s cape, what’s more surprising is the scent from the cape, it’s not horrendous body odour, it was a comforting smell.  Ca’tra had a comforting aroma too, Ca’tra smelled like wood, smoke, and fresh rain, the scent that wafted into Amara’s nose now was different, there was campfire, gun powder, musk, and something she couldn’t quite put her mind on, it was familiar like the woods of Kashyyyk, something … what was it, she took in another whiff of the cape, and like lightning it hit her, it was the nebula orchids on Yavin 4.  
Yavin 4 seemed like a lifetime ago, and yet today Yavin kept coming up in her mind.  Maybe her mind was telling her she needed to reach out to her family, her extended family that she hadn’t talked to since she left Yavin.  It had been some time since she saw them in person.
The footsteps that had left almost 15 minutes ago, were slowly making their way back, she needed to sleep before her watch shift, curling further into the cape, her eyelids became heavy again, it’d been sometime since she had actually felt this comfortable around another man, soaking in the scent of the cape, images of a beskar wearing mandalorian filled her mind before she drifted off, a mandalorian named Ca'tra.
- - - - - -
“I don’t want to startle you, but I think it’s time we got a move on” Ara’s voice cut through Din’s sleep, he had tried the past two nights to stay up all night and not have her take watch, he wanted to allow her an opportunity to fully rest, but she had woken up right in time for her shift.  Everytime, she put up quite a forceful argument and forced him to sleep.  The cape that had wrapped around her while she slept to keep her warm, Din had used as a pillow, her scent had clung to the cape and kept wafting into his helmet while he slept.  All night he kept dreaming of those sparkling eyes that were highlighted by the two green tattoos, if Boba saw what he had dreamt, he definitely wouldn’t make it back to the palace, yup definitely this stupid humidity, it was affecting him more than he cared to admit.
Din shifted and stood, clipping back the cape.
“I don’t think I said thank you last night for the cape, so thank you”
“You’re welcome, I just noticed you were shivering a little”
“Well I appreciate it, and I also appreciate that you don’t have horrible body odour” Amara snickered a little, she couldn’t be fully exposed with how much the act of kindness meant to her, no matter how much she may have wanted to be ready to move on from Ca’tra, remembering him in her dreams kept him alive and she wasn't ready to see it end.  
Din simply shook his head, although she couldn’t see it, Din was smirking, oh maker, this woman really was too much sometimes.
“How much further till we reach the quarry?”
“I think we should be upon them in less than a day”
“Do you think they will have people with them?”
“Possibly, it seems like he’s a hacker of sorts, so who knows exactly”
Amara simply nodded in understanding, “Oh, there’s still some stew left, if you want to have it before we head off, I already ate, so it’s all for you”, she offered as she handed over the bowl that had the leftover stew.  Din looked at the bowl and questioned if she really ate, the bowl was practically overflowing with the stew, he knew better than to argue with her, “Oh and there’s still some portion bread, here you go” she added, handing him the portion bread in his other hand.  
Amara busied herself with cleaning up the camp site, she turned away from Din, keeping her eye out on the horizon.  Felucia was a beautiful planet if you ignored the unbearable humidity, the heat from the planets that seemed to soak up every ounce of heat from the sun, and the rancors, kriff, the rancors.  Yeah, change everything about Felucia, and it would be perfect.  
Amara had noticed some trees moving about 10 klicks from the ridge, whatever it is, must be big, to have some of the trees shifting.  She grabbed her amban rifle and looked through the scope, her breath hitched in her throat.  It was a herd of Rancors, from a far they seemed cute, from what she could see it was an Alpha and it’s mate, there was an adolescent rancor with them, the adolescent was playing with the female Rancor, while the Alpha looked over the area to make sure they were safe.  That’s when fear creeped up her spine; if the rancor was concerned about the welfare for its family, what could possibly be on this planet that scared a rancor, and at what point would they run into it?
“What are you looking at?” came the modulated voice beside Amara
“A herd of rancor”
“10 klicks north east from the ridge”
“Huh, so that’s a rancor, they don’t seem so scary”
“That’s because we’re a good two hours away from them”
“True, well want the good news or bad news?”
“Just give me the bad news first”
“Bad news that’s the direction we have to go in, good news is that since it will take us two hours to get there, there’s a chance those Rancors will be long gone”
“You know you have a jetpack, can’t you just jet us closer to the quarry?”
“What, you don’t want to walk anymore?”
“I don’t want to go near a beast that could kill me without so much as breaking a sweat”
“Well then let’s do our best not to startle them” Din snickered and continued walking down the ridge heading in the direction of the rancors.  Ara let out a sigh, and stowed away the rifle, doubting the energy pulse would do much more than irritate a rancor’s hide, especially a jungle rancor that had a hard shell.  
Ok when we are no longer in danger, I am so kicking that beskar smug ass of his. Here we go two hours before we reach those rancors, please move away, please head off somewhere else.
- - - - - -
So far no incident.  We got this, Roe turned to face me:  We’re nearing where we saw those rancors, really important we stay quiet.  Let me have the rifle again.
Amara simply nodded to the request, after all he clearly knew how to handle his weapons.  Amara stopped in her tracks, what was that?  Amara stopped in part because of her thought, but also because she heard a noise coming from the trees to her right.  Clearly, it’s the humidity on this kriffing planet, it’s making me think and hear things.
Din noticed the lack of footsteps behind him, he turned to Amara: What happened, why did you stop?
I heard something.
Din stills his breathing and enhances the auditory enhancement, to try and hear what Ara heard.  The quiet between them and the foliage was almost defending, standing opposite each other, the space between them grew when Ara had stopped.  Din felt as though they had been silent for ages, yet he couldn't seem to hear or find what was causing Ara to feel such fear.  He looked at Ara’s face, her eyes widened: What is it?
You don’t hear that?
Hear what?
The tapping.
That’s when Din hears it, it’s faint, almost unnoticeable, which makes her hearing it all the more impressive.  The tapping sounds like what someone would do against a table or dashboard when they’re frustrated.  Din scans the area again, using all the sensors, still he doesn’t find anything.
Amara looks to her right once again, she swears the planet’s humidity is making her go crazy, she could have sworn she just saw a tree move.  She closes her eyes and looks again, but it just confirms what she saw, the tree that was right there is now gone ... what the … she looks back to Roe.  They lock eyes and he follows her line of sight, and that’s when they see it.
A wide grin filled with razor sharp teeth, crap! All Din can think is, WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? How did he miss that in his sensors?  The beast is over 10 feet tall, it has some kind of bony shell, and three piercing eyes on its head.  The beast looks familiar to DIn, but he can’t quite remember the name, akacyl, acykla … get it together Djarin, that’s not the biggest problem right now.  As he examines the beast, he notices that it’s eyes are focused.  Din follows it’s line of sight, it’s completely focused on Ara.
Amar looked the acklay in the eyes, she noticed it’s hunger is clearly evident, and its plan is to use her as a snack.  So this is how she meets her end.  Not defending the innocent or her family, she won’t even meet a warrior’s death, no she’ll be eaten on some kriffing planet.  Amara slowly raised her hand to her sword, if she was gonna go down, she’d go down fighting.
Din saw her subtle move to reach for her blade.  About a thousand different scenarios played through his head, finally he just resolved to aim and fire.  
The blue light scattered across the creature’s face, letting out a roar that rocked her to her very core, the electrical pulse from the rifle did nothing but seemed to aggravate the Acklay.  Roe set off another shot, the creature simply became more infuriated and stepped closer to Amara.
“STOP!” Shouted Ara, “you’re only aggravating it.”
“Well I don’t see you coming up with any bright ideas” replied Din
“I have one”
“What is it?” The acklay took another step forward towards Amara, snarling at the both of them.
“I want you to use your jet”
“I won’t be able to get to you fast enough!”
“It’s not for me.  For you!”
“What?!” Din turned his head to face her, she locked eyes with his visor.  Din saw the fear ebb away and determination ensue.
“Tell my son …” Amara closed her eyes to steady her breath, “tell him, I love him.”
“Don’t argue, fly you fool!” without anything further, Amara turned and ran as fast as her legs could carry her further into the jungle.  She didn’t look back to see if it was running after her, she could hear the tree branches snapping and breaking behind her.   Ok, you got it following you, step one, check.  You got it away from the Manda’lor.  Check.  Now what was the next part? She kept running, when she stumbled and saw the footprints, the rest of the plan came to mind.  Get up! RUN! She had a plan, she just needed to keep running.  She heard the branches breaking closer behind her.  She made a sharp turn, and heard the acklay crash behind her, a little too close for comfort.  DON’T STOP RUNNING!!
Okay, almost there, I hope.  She pushed her way through the foliage before her, before she knew it she was in a clearing and saw three rancors before her.  KRIFF!!! They’re really huge.  The alpha upon seeing her let out a roar, not me, don’t pay attention to me.  Just then the acklay came bursting out of the foliage, give or take five feet to her left, upon seeing the acklay the rancor let out a deeper roar, and focused all it’s attention on the acklay.  In turn, the acklay focused its attention on the rancor.   Okay, time to figure the next step.  Amara turned to run back to the jungle, when the acklay took a step towards her, closing that distance even more.  She turned to run away, when the acklay hit her right side with one of his legs, sending her flying to the right side of the jungle closer to the rancors.
The alpha and the acklay locked eyes on each other now, forgetting about her once again.  Unfortunately, she was stuck, the two beasts cutting off her path back towards Roe, they continued circling each other sizing the other one up.  The snarling and barring of teeth from each of the beasts was starting to set her nerves on edge.  Amara began to crawl closer to the jungle’s edge, she needed cover, she needed to protect herself.  The acklay lunged at the rancor, it’s power jaws open wide.  The alpha sidestepped the assault, it’s tail knocking down a tree close to Amara’s head, forcing her to roll closer to the rancor.  
The acklay forces it’s attack, only to have the rancor smack it backwards, Amara takes the chance to move closer to the jungle, she needs to get out of here before she becomes a casualty.  Come on you got this, woman!  Amara quickly scans the area and sees Roe by one of the trees, she just needs to get to him and they can get the hell out of here.  
This time she sees the alpha lunge at the acklay grabbing it’s front pincer and head, it tries to bite the acklay in the neck, only to have the acklay hit the rancor in the head with it’s bony skull.  Amara takes the opportunity to run, her whole body is aching from being thrown.  Push through the pain, fight for Adi!  She’s almost at the edge, she’s five feet from Roe, when the rancor’s tail comes landing in front of her.
Din can’t take much more of what he’s seeing.  His chest is tightening, he feels like he can’t breathe.  He wants her safe, he needs her safe.  He levels the rifle to take aim at the rancor, but he catches Ara’s eyes.
NO!  If you fire, we won’t … I won’t make it!
Din nods in understanding, he needs her out of there, if he can’t use the rifle, then what?  He starts planning how to get her out of there, when the two behemoths keep circling closer to Ara.  Finally, the other beast lunges at the rancor, Din doesn’t pay attention to the battle, he sees an opportunity open up and takes it.
Amara sees the rancor hold its ground against the acklay, it makes one final lunge, when she feels pain around her waist.  She looks down to see a wire wrap around her waist several times, before she knows it, she’s getting pulled towards Roe.  
As soon as Din pulls her towards him, he feels her weight against his chest.  His arms secures her there, he doesn’t know why his arms automatically held her there, but he can’t let go.  Ara just looks into his visor, her proximity to his visor causes it to fog up, the breath they had both been holding the entire time, gets released.  They both hear the rancor roar over the downed acklay and take it as their cue to get out of there.  Din doesn’t waste any time, he simply grabs Ara, his arms holding her to his chest, and runs as fast as he can with her in his arms, when they are far enough away, Din lets her down.
As soon as Amara’s feet touch the ground she can’t help but begin laughing, Roe just tilts his head at her.  Clearly, not understanding what is happening, she can’t stop laughing, but soon enough her laughter turns to tears.  She doesn’t even really know why she’s crying.  What she does know for sure, is she doesn’t want to be crying in front of Roe, she turns to walk away from him.
“Ara” Din reaches out to her, his hand gently resting on her upper arm.  He doesn’t know why, but he just wants to hold her again, he wants to comfort this woman.  This amazing woman who has done nothing but look after him, since he’s stepped on to her ship, who was ready to sacrifice herself to save him.  It’s always him making the sacrifice play, yet she did it without regard to her life, her son, or her Bo … or to Boba.  Something he’ll definitely have to talk to her about later.
“Roe” she placed her hand over his, she still couldn't turn to face him, “I-I’m … I j-j-just need a minute to myself.”
Din retracts his hand and watches Ara walk behind a tree, within a few seconds he hears her fall to the floor and begin crying her heart out.  He walks away far enough not to hear, but still close enough to be there for her, if she needs.
- - - - - -
“Ara, use your scope, do you see smoke coming over that hill?  About 5 klicks east?”
Amara and Roe passed the rancors and the acklay, however, that still didn’t mean that there wasn’t a chance something bad could happen, Amara grabbed the rifle and looked through the scope, “Yeah, I got gray billowing smoke” Amara lowered the rifle, “Doesn’t that usually mean that whatever was burning is almost out?”  
Din simply nodded in response, “The question is what were they burning?”
“We should get closer to take a look” Amara suggested
“I don’t think we have a choice if we want to or not, the fob is indicating that’s where we need to go”
“That can’t be good, can it?”
Din shakes his head, “Let’s hope it’s nothing bad”
It took less than an hour to get to the bottom of the hill, they both knew it was only a matter of time before the quarry decided to pack up and head off to another location, they were so close.  Din and Amara crawled up to the top of the hill and looked towards the valley below them, in the centre was a farming village.
Ara reached for the amban rifle on her back, while Din pressed a few buttons on the side of his helmet, he was able to see the farming village was similar to one he had spent some time in on Sorgan.  The huts were in the centre of the farming area, there were crops off to the north of the village, a main community hut south of the village, more than likely where they had their village meals.  There was another hut, to the eastside of the village closer to the crops, the hut was slightly bigger than the residential huts and yet smaller than the community hut, more than likely that was the medcentre for the village, beside the medcentre lay the smoldering ruins of what seemed to be an educational hut for the children of the village.  
Amara noticed that in the centre of the village were about 40 - 50 villagers, they were all kneeling, their hands were bound behind their backs, at least 10 of the villagers were children, most of the adults were on the outside of the huddle trying their best to protect the kids.
“Roe, we have to do something”
Din didn’t respond simply nodded along, he had pressed another button on the side of his helmet, “I’m detecting at least 25 heat signatures around the village”, raiders, kriffing raiders! Din’s hands clenched at the idea that another innocent village was being harassed by men who were too lazy to put effort into contributing to society.  
“If there are only 25, how did they allow themselves to be captured?”
“They’re farmers, not warriors, they’ll do what they have to to keep the kids safe”
“Do you see our quarry?”
Din scanned the area, he was about to resign to the fact that maybe the quarry wasn’t there, or hiding in the area, the fob indicated the quarry was close, before Din could answer Ara, the quarry stepped outside of one of the huts closest to the crops, followed by a zygerrian female, Din slowly lifted his hand and pointed to the hut.
Amara grabbed her scope and looked to where Roe had pointed, her breath hitched in her throat, no it couldn’t be!
Din noticed her reaction, “What is it?”
“I know that zygerrian slaver scum”
“What? How?”
“A long time ago, she’s suppose to be in a New Republic prison. I walked her into the bloody prison myself.  What in the name of the force is she doing here?”
“Would that mean that all the others are zygerrian?”
“Not necessarily, since the rise of the Empire, the Zygerrian empire has grown too, so it could be mostly mercenaries, does it matter if they’re zygerrian or mercenaries?”
“No, just wondering what you know”
“Mmhmm when we have more time I'll tell you, alright so what’s the plan?”
“Well I could use the rifle and take out a few of them”
“That won’t work”
“Why not?”
“Zygerrians would rather lose half their shipment, then let any go free.  If you start killing anyone out right, the villagers will die”
“What’s your plan?”
“We have to be stealthy.  From what I can see there are two guards guarding the perimeters, one to the north and one to the south of the village.  One of us goes down the side of the hill hidden by the bushes heading towards the south, and the other one can head towards the north.  We take out those two guards first, as quietly as possible.”
“Okay, but what about those in the huts?”
“How many are in huts right now?”
“I’m counting at least 5, two are in the hut beside the medcentre, 2 seems to be in the community hut, and one in each of the two huts closest to the hill”
“Okay, so after we take out those guards on the perimeter, we go into the huts from the back, cut our way in and kill the guards.”
“Are you sure your sword will be able to cut through the structure?”
“My sword is made from songsteel, it can cut through anything”
“Alright, once those guards are taken care of, that will still leave us with at least ten mercenaries, and we will have to make sure not to kill the quarry, I need him alive.”
“Then we exit the huts the way we went in, and take care of those that are standing by the alley ways in between the huts, we’ll start with the ones that are closest to the huts we just went in, it’ll be easier for you since you got the grappling hook, I’ll have to sneak up on them as best as I can, if we can at least take out four of those guys, then that will leave us 6, you can take the two trandoshians that are standing beside the quarry closest to the entrance of the village, and I’ll take out the two niktos that are closest to the villagers.  Leave the zygerrian to me.”
“What if I…”
“No, you don’t understand, this isn’t a suggestion.  I’m telling you ...” Amara turned her head full on to face Roe’s T-visor, her warm and sparkling eyes shifted to a dangerous cold look.  Din looked into those eyes, that had been nothing but full of life not even 20 minutes ago, now they appeared cold and lifeless, those were the eyes of a killer, of an assassin.  It made Din wonder, who was this woman exactly?  “... You leave her to me” venom dripped from every word she had uttered, this was a different Ara.
Din simply nodded, he moved his hand to a pouch hanging off his belt and handed her a small device.
“Put this behind your ear, and it’ll be like I’m right beside you”
“Really?” Amara looked at the device and stuck it right behind her ear, out of sight, “Can you hear me?” Amara said in a normal voice, “Yup” came Roe’s answer, Amara tried at a lower volume “Can you hear me now?” Roe let out a sigh “Yes”, Amara whispered “Can you hear me now?” Roe simply turned his head and shook it, Amara responded in a whisper “no, you can’t hear me, or no you are not going to answer?” Amara could hear Roe let out a very long and exaggerated sigh, “Yes I can hear you, now if you are done having fun and playing with the comm, we should go rescue some villagers”.
“Hey, you gotta laugh before an engagement, otherwise you’ll be all stiff and nervous”
Amara simply turned to look at Roe’s helmet one last time, “Roe” Amara said softly and full of concern, Din turned to focus on Amara’s face, Amara's face was solemn, and then a smile began to creep onto her face “let’s light it up!”, Amara laughed for a few seconds shaking out her head, Din let out an exasperated chuckle at her silliness, "in all seriousness Roe, may the force be with you." Just like that Amara slinked off to the side of the hill, heading towards the first guard.  
Din didn’t know why but at that moment all thought and speech stopped, he managed to gulp down a breath, “May the force be with you Ara, please be careful” he whispered into his helmet, although Ara hadn’t heard since Din had muted his comm.
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Hello Lovelies,
This announcement is to do with my two fics that I currently have going, Sins of the Father and The Reunion.  
I was speaking with @cousinwingding97 and we decided to do the Sins of the Father story in Seasons.   Which means you guys will get two more chapters, including this week, maybe three depending on how chapter 14 wraps up, but then we will be doing a hiatus with the story till December 1, 2021.  Just in time for the Book of Boba.  Thank you all for showing our story so much love. 
The Reunion will also be going on hiatus, there will be two more chapters, the one for this week and one more.  Although not sure, for how long, probably about the same time as Sins of the Father.  However, that will depend on what happens with the Season Finale of Bad Batch.  To know we’re getting a second season is so exciting!!!!! Which means you guys have a chance to save Phoenix Ghost, if you want her to come back.  If you would like to see Phoenix Ghost back, send me a message, comment, or reblog with the #SAVEPHOENIXGHOST.  Only thing that can save her is your voice.  The choice is yours, save Phoenix Ghost, give Echo his love back, or watch as Echo tries to move on.  Ohhhhh!!! I’m so excited.  
Thank you all for the love and for following our story and my stories.  Don’t worry I’ll still be posting one-offs, I also have an idea for another mini-series this time focusing on our beloved Captain Rex.  Keep on the watch out for that.  
If you would like to be tagged on any or all my stories please feel free to contact me.  I’ll probably also do a prompt list to keep you guys entertained during the hiatus.  
Thank you lovelies, you have all made me one of the happiest writers out here.  
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@degreeinsimping​ @damn-stark @firstofficerwiggles​ @justanotherstarwarswhore @cousinwingding97​ @liadamerondjarin​ @badbatch-simp24​ @spicymcnuggies​ @lady-ren @bookloverfilmoholic​ @darkangel4121 @discofern​ @kavecika​ 
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Reblog Mondays
Hello lovelies,
I hope everyone is having a fantastic Monday.  Some of you are aware I did post an announcement yesterday, Sins of the Father will have three more chapters and then going on hiatus till December 1, 2021.  Trust me when I say the last three chapters are SOOOOOO Good.  At least to me they are.  Lol.  @cousinwingding97​ and I decided to write SOTF as seasons.  Don’t worry we’re not done with Amara and DIn.  Not by a LONG SHOT.  
The other announcement was The Reunion, was also going on hiatus, you will have two more chapters, possibly three depending on the season finale, and depending on you guys.  That’s right, you heard it correctly.   Now The Reunion will probably be around the same time as Sins of the Father, December 1, 2021 but we’ll have to wait and see how that’s going to play out.  I might wait till it’s back on, and time it along the same way, or I might give you guys a whole bunch of back stories before the show’s back on.  Not sure which.  
So this is the part of the announcement that is really exciting:
You guys have a chance to save Phoenix Ghost, if you want her to come back.  If you would like to see Phoenix Ghost back, send me a message, comment, or reblog with the #SAVEPHOENIXGHOST.  Only thing that can save her is your voice.  The choice is yours, save Phoenix Ghost, give Echo his love back, or watch as Echo tries to move on.  Ohhhhh!!! I’m so excited.  
Now with regards to our reblogs today, I shall be reblogging the following:
Ch 8 - The Fortress 
Ch 9 - The Dinner
Ch 10 - The Shipment
Ch 11 - The Meeting
Pt 7
Pt 8
Pt 9
Pt 10
I See You (Din)
Thank you guys fr showing so much love, I am truly humbled and appreciative of everything.  My lovelies, you guys are the best.
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For those who are interested this is the Sintas, Amara Vel’s ship from Sins of the Father. Is hoping to do an interior look.
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Be prepared!
Part 2 of MOVING ON will posted on later today!!! 
Chapter 4 of SINS OF THE FATHER will be posted tomorrow!!!
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