#adler x aleks
sleepyconfusedpotato · 4 months
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💖 Happy Birthday Aly!! 💖
Mi querida Aly. ¡Feliz cumpleaños! I'm sorry for giving you this gift so late. But I'm drawing you this gift with love! Thank you so much for being a beautiful and helpful friend! ~\(≧▽≦)/~
If I could I would fly to your place and hug you!! You have been such an angel and have been gifting me with countless invaluable gift. I wish I can repay you, but here's a drawing I can currently give you. Happy birthday and hope you have a wonderful and prosperous year!
Te quiero, Aly! 💗💗💗
(yep that's a Tom Brady tiramisu cake) (Those are Aly's cats Soap, Ghost, and Roach!)
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mutantthedark · 6 months
Disney TsumTsum! Price & Aly and Russel & Aleks
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Your girl is on fire today to draw these things! ❤️‍🔥
Gift for @alypink ! Hope you like it dear! <3 I had so much fun!
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Coffee and Communism ~ Aleks and Eileen
{Author's Note} A little gift for @alypink, who has been so incredibly supportive these last few weeks and I'm immensely thankful to her for it❤️ sorry this took longer to finish than I planned but I hope you enjoy it🫶🏻 Also, I don't know if the members of MACV-SOG slept in the safe house during the events of the game or if they stayed at a hotel and then drove to the safe house every day. I've seen both interpretations and tried to keep it rather vague in this story lol
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Aleks belongs to @alypink
Eileen belongs to me!
~ ~ ~
The morning was crisp and clear, with mist still clinging to the shadowy parts of the landscape. Aleks always made time to watch the sun peek over the horizon, fascinated by the way the light burned away the night's dampness. It was a slow yet beautiful process and helped her prepare for the day ahead.
Eileen approached with a pair of coffee mugs, steam drifting from the tops of both. She handed one to Aleks, who took it eagerly and wrapped her hands around the ceramic to take advantage of its warmth.
"I've enjoyed Berlin more than I thought I would," Eileen murmured, blowing at the coffee in her hand in an attempt to cool it. "Makes me wish we were here for better reasons."
Aleks hummed her agreement. "Maybe one day, when all this is over, we can come back, though Russ doesn't seem thrilled with that idea."
"It'll never be over," Eileen said with a sigh. "Our work is never-ending."
Aleks didn't answer, her thoughts drifting to Adler. This whole thing with Bell had put him on edge as he tried to control every little detail that could go wrong. It was exactly his area of expertise and she was thankful he was in charge.
"Adler is calmer around you," Eileen noted suddenly, her gaze remaining fixed on the distant horizon. "I haven't seen him like that before."
Aleks felt her cheeks warm. "Really?"
The older woman turned to face her, features appearing softer in the warm light of the sunrise. "Really. It's a good change, one I didn't expect to see in him. Based on my previous evaluations, I wouldn't have predicted such a shift in behavior."
That statement made Aleks' heart flutter in her chest. "He's got goodness in him, he just buries it," she said. "He needs a bit of coaxing sometimes."
Eileen smiled. "Well, I'm glad you can do that for him. It's nice to see him more... normal."
"Now you're just being dramatic," Aleks said with a chuckle. "Thanks for the coffee, by the way."
Eileen took another sip and hummed contentedly. "Well, you know what they say: a coffee a day keeps the Communists away."
Aleks barked a laugh. "They most certainly do not! How did you come up with something like that?"
Eileen chortled, hiding her grin behind her mug. Aleks then rolled her eyes playfully and slipped through the back door after hearing the familiar rumble of Adler's car. She was preparing another cup of coffee for him just as he walked in.
"Mornin'," he muttered, his voice still thick with sleep as he joined her side. His sunglasses hid the shadows beneath his eyes, though he'd never admit just how exhausted he was, even to Aleks. He had gotten good at masking it.
"Morning, Russ," Aleks greeted and handed him his coffee with a gentle smile. "How'd you sleep?"
The man shrugged, more focused on how the drink warmed his insides and brought clarity to his fogged mind than anything else. He sighed and cracked the barest hint of a smile.
"Thanks, sweetheart." He pressed a kiss to her temple before meandering toward the evidence board, the set of his features hardening as he prepared for work.
"Bell's starting to remember," Adler said suddenly. Aleks snapped her head up at his words, knowing the significance they held in such a delicate situation as theirs.
"Does she remember Perseus?" she asked worriedly.
Adler shook his head. "No, but it's only a matter of time. If we can just finish this before she remembers who she was, we won't have a problem. All we need is for her to tell us what Perseus' plan is. We're so close."
Aleks set her hand between his shoulder blades. He didn't like when they showed affection at work but with no one else around, she took the chance.
"She'll tell us. I know she will."
"How can you be sure?"
"Because... she wants to do the right thing."
Adler scoffed at that. "She was Perseus' most loyal hound. The right thing to her would be turning traitor and taking all that she's learned back to him."
"That was before. You've made her something different. I only wish it had been through less horrific methods."
Adler merely grunted, unsure if he agreed or not. But there was truth to her words and he just hoped she was right.
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yawnderu · 5 months
>Second commission for @alypink 💗💗
Adler's visage is oddly relaxed, nothing but pure calmness shown on his usually stoic expression. His cheek rests on his palm, using his elbow as leverage to keep himself up, blown pupils focused on the sleeping figure in front of him. Despite the violence his hands have caused, a newfound gentleness is displayed when he traces the outline of her cheek with his knuckles, the soft skin a sheer contrast to the calluses on his palms.
His head tilts slightly to the side, letting out a small sigh as he admires Aleks like she belongs in the most prestigious museum— her chest rising up and down with each breath she takes, plump lips slightly parted and tiny snores coming out of her, forcing the corners of his lips to tilt up into a sincere small smile despite himself. He moves a few strands of soft blonde hair away from her face, leaning down to plant a kiss on her forehead, cursing himself out in his head the moment she begins to stir awake.
“Good morning.” Aleks says groggily, raising her hand to rub the sleepiness away from her eyes, thankful for the blackout curtains they decided to purchase the moment they moved in together. Adler says nothing, his arm curling around her waist to bring her closer, her face resting on the crook of his neck, feeling her take a moment to inhale the lingering scent of cigarettes and coffee— the very same Colombian coffee she insists on buying every single time they go shopping.
“How'd you sleep?” Unlike her, Adler is fully awake, secretly taking a few minutes each morning simply to admire her like a work of art never once seen, destiny's gift for someone as flawed as him. He doesn't recoil back when her soft hand comes up to cup his cheek, tracing his wrinkles for a few seconds before moving onto the deep, dark scars adorning his visage.
“Much better now that you're here.” Her nose scrunches up teasingly as they make eye contact, earning a small smile in return. Though often away on missions, they both bask in these moments of normalcy, of having a normal life rather than making new enemies by the day.
“Go get dressed, I have a surprise.” Without giving her time to reply, Adler steals a kiss from her lips, his hand coming up to move her bangs away from her forehead just to admire her full face for a few seconds before getting up from bed, barely giving her the chance to see his large frame disappear into Mary's room.
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Aleks' blonde hair blows in the wind, the way it gets all over her face as they try to set up a blanket on the grass drags an amused chuckle out of Adler, crouching down and setting a rock down on the corner that was previously giving Aleks issues, the cheeky grin he shoots her way only is enough to earn him a playful slap on the back of the head— much to Mary's amusement, her sweet laugh ringing through the field as they lay down on the thick blanket.
“You made this?” The disbelief is clear in her tone and written all over her face as she looks inside the picnic basket, taking in the plethora of sweet treats waiting for them. She has rarely seen Adler cook anything other than steak and BBQ— never anything that had to be baked or looked half as appealing as these pastries. He simply hums in confirmation, his full focus on holding one of Mary's plushies, play-fighting with hers as they finally get settled.
Despite the lovely sweet treats, Aleks' hands immediately reach out for the thermos flask, excitement setting in her core the moment the smell of freshly brewed Colombian coffee overwhelms her senses, mouth watering in an instant. She mouths a quick 'thank you' before pouring it on the plastic cup, closing her eyes in delight at how well-made it was. For all his initial coldness, Adler was nothing short of a box full of surprises, acting so casually about romantic gestures as if they were nothing, despite taking his time to thoroughly study Aleks and anything important to her, wanting to be part of it all.
“There's some chopped strawberries, too.” While Adler is not the most vocal man when it comes to romance, it comes as a second nature to express himself with actions, every single pastry in the basket has been mentioned by Aleks in the past when talking about her favorites, memorizing them even if they were briefly mentioned years ago.
He sits up, his calloused hands reaching out to settle Mary's tiny body between them, reaching out to grab a pastry and holding it up to her lips until she takes a messy, big bite. Despite the simpleness of the situation, there's always a growing pit of pride at seeing his small family having a good time, the thin smile on his lips not going unnoticed by Aleks.
“You should eat.” She points out with a grin, pushing the basket towards him until he grabs a Tupperware bowl with chopped fruit, fidgeting with the fork for a few seconds before sinking it into the biggest piece of strawberry, offering it to her. The corners of his lips tilt up in amusement as he sees her cheeks get rosier at the offer of her partner wanting to feed her with his own cutlery for the first time.
“Thank you.” She mumbles out, her gaze drifting away from his to calm her fast-beating heart, taking her time to admire the breathtaking view in front of them— the sounds of the strong wind hitting the trees and birds chirping mix in with her daughter's laugh, likely being tickled by Adler. She closes her eyes, basking in the warmth of the sun hitting her skin and the inner peace their little getaway makes her feel, her lips tilting up into a smile at how good life has become despite her difficult past.
A warm hand ruffling her hair drags her back to reality, blue eyes meeting hers as he leans down, his lips pressing against hers, moving at an almost agonizingly slow pace until he pulls away after a few seconds, letting the flustered woman brush her hair to fix the mess he purposely left just to be an asshole. A little treat for himself, of sorts.
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deeptrashwitch · 1 month
What's the deal?
Charles: *tied to a chair* So...why the fuck am I here? *raises an eyebrow*
X: We have an offer for you
Charles: Which is...? *looks at the button in front of him*
X: With this button, you get ten thousand dollars each time you press it
Charles: What's the trick? No one's stupid enough to offer that much money
X: But it send electric shocks to the person on the other room
Charles: Who's the person?
X: Your boss, Russell Ad-
Charles: *presses the button*
X: *speechless*
Charles: *asks for his ear piece* Let me see... *talks with Aleks ( @alypink OC)* Aleks? Sweetheart? How much is Adler's child support?
Aleks: What? Uh, I think it's hundreds of thousands if I recall correctly *confused* why?
Charles: No reason, I'm just getting something for you *still pressing the button*
Aleks: Okay...? By the way, where are you? I lost comms for a second
Charles: Oh that, I'm in a bar, as usual
Aleks: Please don't end wasted
Charles: I'd never! *feigning offense as he kept pressing the button*
Aleks: Liar
Charles: Yeah, yeah, I'll be back soon!
*back at the safehouse*
Charles: *whistling while he gives Aleks all the money* This should be enough child support?
Aleks: Why do you-?
Koa ( @islandtarochips OC): *poking the bag* Did you steal these, Charlie?
Charles: Do I look like I can steal anything?
Koa: Good point
Jodie ( @imagoddamnonionmason OC): *elbows Vasili/Bell* Psst, look at Adler
Vasili/Bell ( @welldonekhushi OC): *looks at Adler and snorts of laughter*
Adler: *with his hair smoking and staring at the void*
Jodie: Whatever the Professor did, I want the next turn to screw him *whispers*
Vasili/Bell: Hey, no, that's me *frowns* I'll be the next
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littlemissclandestine · 5 months
hey ꒰(・‿・)꒱ I just saw your Adler edits and I luv them sm !! your blog is amazing too I read you have ocs that you wanna publish and made me wanna do it myself but I’m shy 🙈 but i do want to see yours ! is your oc from cw and modern warfare II ? also which one is your favorite. i love ocs x canon too and i have met a couple of them i enjoy sm !! you have any fav oc x canon in the fandom ?
srry if it’s to much!!! I love your blog 💗
Hello dear lovely Anon!!
Dude i love your energy first of all. Like i'm getting noice vibes from you haha 💜
And OMG i'm so glad to hear that you love my Adler edits! 😭 I don't really post my edits on here because it feels like tumblr is more for fanart and fanfic etc. I might upload them all to youtube when i get a chance for lols. But honestly thank you for that! You've given me a motivation boost 🫶
Over the moon that you think my blog is amazing! I think it's chaotic tbh but happy you love it! Mwah 😽
Aww that's cayoot, you wanna see my OCs? Soon, promise. You should share your ocs with the world when you're ready too! <33
Kind of answered some of your question(s) on OCs in this post but here ya go anyway:
In terms of my OCS, I have 2 for the MW universe (reboot), 2 for the BO universe (mainly CW though because of ✨Adler✨ ) and 2 for some other video games. But you know what? I swear I just keep making random ones in my head so i may have more in store. -> That rhymes hehe. See it? O...kay i'll stop. AHEM
My favourite OC out of my collection would be...
NOPE can't choose. That's pure evil Anon. It's like picking your favourite child. 😭
And then out of the whole COD fandom? Yeesh that's a tough one because I love loads if i'm being honest. People are so creative and it just puts a huge smile on my face seeing them in their element and vibing. Though, the ones i'm currently following the most are sleepyconfusedpotato's Jade x Ghost pairing and alypink's Aleks x Adler pairing. They both bring me immense joy tbh. Like I actually scream whenever I see a post about them and my family look at me like wtf cbkdksjsk
Honourable mentions: iamcautiouslyoptimistic's Helina x Mason, alexxmason's Selena x Mason, alypink's Aly x Price & efingart's Mila x Woods. Y'all i could go on and on tbh. You'd think I love BO more but i don't looool.
Wasn't too much at all! Ask as much as you want, my love. Thanks a bunch, honestly. It makes me all giddy when i get an ask. I find it cute that you wanna interact with but feel a lil shy. YOLO Anon, YOLO.
Best wishes! 🌠
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