your-fixof-fics · 6 years
How often do you update?
“Hey Anon!We’re all have pretty busy lives, so writing isn’t currently on our agenda right now, but we try to post whenever we can.I have a few things planned, as do our other admins, so please be patient with us!”
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your-fixof-fics · 7 years
Could you please do a Karasuma x Irina fic from assassination classroom where Irina flirts with Karasuma and Karasuma comes on a bit strongly in return. (nothing nsfw, just maybe kisses and stuff.) There's practically nothing on this ship, so I'd really appreciate it if you write it!
I haven’t written for AssClass before, since Giggs tends to have that covered, but, call it a spark of inspiration or something, I really liked this prompt. I hope this lives up to our reputation for awesome AssClass fics (GO GIGGLEPUD~~) and satisfies the many AssClass fans who follow us! [AO3]
Irina could count with one hand the amount of people she couldn’t seduce. Of course, she made a habit to chose victims that played right into her supple hands, dancing to her song while she pulled the strings with calloused fingers. It helped that they were the ones who let her. They were brought up that way; told that they could have everything in the world if they only just reached for it. If only they knew what they wanted. The media certainly made her job easier, as their appetites were fed in every poster, ad, and show. She could have been a hacked up carcass, but with enough dressup, why not let them see what they want to caress all night. And, caress they did, up her neck, down her thigh, across her back, over her shoulders… It’s funny, how they thought that one night was enough to claim something: that breaking a toy made it theirs. She didn’t hate it though; it lined her pockets, after all.
This man, however, was one of those.
Unshakable, uninterested, and most importantly, unimpressed. Whether it be their sexuality or their devotion to other commitments, Irina knew a lost cause when she saw one. Never again would she be fooled to think that she stood a chance against a workaholic who was completely unfazed by roaming eyes and bitten lips. Yet here she was, trying her best to flirt with the un-flirtable.
It was another school day, as per usual, where Koro-sensei continuously evaded the students’ valiant attempts to assassinate him and there was Irina, snuggling as close to Karasuma as possible. She had to applaud herself for her efforts because holding his hand was hard enough, let alone his waist. Slowly but surely, she was melting his ice cold exterior and before he knew it, Karasuma would be begging for a taste-
“Bitch-sensei, if you keep staring at Karasuma-sensei like that, your eyelids are going to fall out!” yelled out a student.
“Yeah! No need to continue batting your eyelashes when you’ve already ensnared your prey, Bitch-sensei.” said another. Irina turned to glare at the class, who were all cheekily grinning before focusing their attention back to their own prey. Karasuma sighed beside her, wriggled himself from her grasp, and walked out of the classroom.
“Hey, wait!” Irina cried out, following him into the hallway. She chased after his storming figure, before reaching out and grabbing his arm. “I said wait!”
Suddenly, he viciously wrenched it away and pushed her against the wall, slamming his hands by her head. She could hear the echo of the hallway ring in her ears and shuddered; if he had hit her…
Irina shivered as Karasuma inched closer, towering over her smaller stature. He leaned down and whispered into her ear.  “Look at you.” He drew back slightly, and hovered over her lips, before tilting down and brushed his cheek against hers. Soft puffs of warm air caressed against her neck, as his lips danced across her skin, not quite kissing her nape. Suddenly, she felt blunt teeth. She stiffened, taking in short breaths as he bit into her neck slightly, before letting his teeth slide over her skin, leaving a tingling trail as his mouth travelled up. He reached up to her ear again and she could feel him smile. “What kind of predator gets cornered?” he whispered.
The almost claustrophobic weight lifted off of her when Karasuma retreated.
“Leave me alone.” he drawled out, his back turned towards her. He straightened his suit, then calmly continued his way to the staffroom. “I mean it.”
He disappeared around the corner, leaving Irina frozen in the hallway, lost in thought. His eyes. She had never expected them to burn like that, scalding and suggestive and-
She grinned. Maybe he wasn’t one of those. Then, what was he? She licked her lips in anticipation. No matter what she’d find, she was sure she’d have fun along the way.
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your-fixof-fics · 7 years
A fanfic of karasuma and Irina from assassination classroom? An angsty one please :)
I’m not great with angst, but I tried?? [AO3]
Irina was crying.
He wanted to tell her to stop, that professionals did not show weakness, not out here, but he couldn’t even muster the strength to open his mouth.
How embarrassing.
So the crying continued, as warm hands enveloped his cold ones. He felt her tears drip down his face as she curled around him, protecting him from the hurt but at this point, he couldn’t even feel the pain anymore. It was too late.
He didn’t marry a weak woman though. She wept while calling for help, for someone to save him, to stop the bleeding, to do something please-
He loved her.
He didn’t tell her that enough. Not when he realised, not when he asked her, not at the alter. Not even as he drew his dying breath.
It was too late.
I’m sorryyyyyyyyyyyy I’ll just stop there.
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your-fixof-fics · 7 years
Hi! I have a request for Emma and/or Sally :) I'd love to read an AU in which Sherlock and John are at Hogwarts, and Snape is impressed by the talent and intelligence of Sherlock :)
Hello! While the other admins struggle with NaNoWriMo, I’ve decided to be active on this blog instead~ I was thinking I would try to write 50,000 words of content this month, but thaaaaat’s probably not going to happen… I may have bitten off more than I can chew. Either way, even if I don’t make the word goal, I’m still going to be writing, so expect some more fics to pop up! [AO3]
“Oh, this is ridiculous!”
John winced as his potions partner found another victim to poke fun at. Luckily, Professor Snape was out, otherwise Slytherin was bound to lose more than the 50 points Sherlock had already cost them that day.
“You can’t expect anything to happen with that lousy stirring! You need to go back and forth, not go around in circles like the dimwit we already know you are, Anderson.”
Said boy pulled his stirring stick out of his cauldron and shook it at the tall, lanky wizard, liquid flying everywhere.
“More like you’re not able to follow instructions like the illiterate you are, Holmes! Can’t you see that on line 59? Stir the pot clockwise 40 times before letting it sit-”
“Preposterous! That’s completely wrong.”
“Wrong?! This textbook has been used for decades and you have the audacity to question-”
“Everyone knows that stirring at a constant rate would only set the dissolving Newt Eyes and Aloe Thorns into an inertial motion, where it will ineffectively combine with the Salamander Blood and Yeti Tears. No, it is much faster and smarter, which I have no doubt you will never be, to stir back and forth 10 times before extinguishing the fire to avoid boiling the Tiger Lily Nectar out of the solution.”
Sherlock huffed. “Honestly, if you were muggle-born, then I could excuse your pathetic attempts of brewing one of the easiest potions known to wizarding kind, but knowing your ties with the Apothecary in Diagon Alley just makes me more disappointed than necessary.”
Silence filled the classroom before Anderson found his voice.
“How did you-”
“Oh please, that’s elementary. Do you honestly think I wouldn’t recognise that cast iron stirring apparatus you so kindly pointed my way? The fine work of Cassandra O’Hare is a luxury ordinary school students usually do not have. The production of the most inert, magic conducting equipment of this century is a lucrative business, which has accumulated a five month queue on top of the required two years to craft these, which I’m sure you never knew about. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be banging it against your equally rare, handcrafted cauldron, you ungrateful git.”
John was confused. “Inert, but can conduct magic? How?”
“Thank you, John, for always asking the right questions, unlike this one who doesn’t even seem to understand the concept of formulating one. Following instruction without question? How foolish.” Sherlock sneered. “You may as well be the founder of a dead suicider’s fanclub.”
“Sherlock!” cried out Molly, who had been sitting behind them the entire time. “That’s such a horrible thing to do!”
“I know right? Shame on you, Anderson.”
“What?! No! You’re the one who said it!”
“Well, you may as well have said it yourself, being your usual pompous self.”
“How did we even get to this?! All I said was that you’re not able-”
“-to follow the rules, yes I heard you the first time. Not all of us are deaf from squeaky beds and animalistic yelps, like a dog was kicked multiple times, non-stop for-
“Shut up, Freak!” Sally stood up, ears red with shame.
Sherlock looked at her with disdain. “Stepping up for your boyfriend-slash-sex friend-slash-coitus partner, are you?”
She sat back down, glaring at her cauldron and pretended she was boiling the infuriating wanker instead of some stupid colour changing potion. With that, the whole room was filled with silence again, before John spoke up.
“What’s wrong with instructions? They help you recreate something, don’t they?”
Sherlock nodded. “Very well, my dear Watson. I shall answer your enquiry.”
The entire class groaned. Here they go again, diving into the world that only seemed to consist of Sherlock and John.
“While following instructions can help us reproduce something, it does not allow us to innovate, change, or adapt. How are we to continue to improve our society when all we wish to do is follow instructions. It cannot be said that you can grow a flower just by planting its seed.”
John nodded. He could see some truth in that.
“It’s the same when you brew a cup of tea. No one person likes the same amount of sugar to milk ratio, nor the same infusion time or the temperature of their beverage. Perhaps, instructions should be perceived more like guidelines, to align our trajectory to, but with a different target in mind. Only through this, will it be possible to hone what is already known.”
A scoff echoed in the classroom.
“You’re delusional,” Jim’s smile looked painful to John, stretching his features tightly, “but that’s what I like about you, Sherlock; you and your brother both.”
Said Holmes sibling visibly cringed, despising the mere thought of Mycroft being liked. Jim misunderstood though and frowned. “Okay, I get it, you and John are a match in heaven, whatever.”
John turned around, sputtering with disagreement, before he quickly swallowed his anger. Professor Snape had returned for goodness knows how long now, eyes drilling straight into the back of Sherlock’s head. Anderson noticed too, and gave the curly haired wizard a smug look.
“5 points to Slytherin.”
Professor Snape then proceeded to walk up to the whiteboard and began writing a different potions recipe for the next class. Sherlock’s eyes were as round as saucers while a grin crept up onto his face. He then began clapping while laughing wholeheartedly at Anderson, before turning to John, his face reading see I told you I’m right John look I impressed him I got points I got validation I-
Still, it didn’t change the fact that Slytherin was going to lose at least 45 points that day. To John, that still counted Sherlock as trouble.
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your-fixof-fics · 8 years
Hi there I read some of your fanfics and thought they were really nice so I was wondering if you could do one between Colonel Mustang and Riza Hawkeye from Fullmetal Alchemist. Shipping these two are already adorable so I was hoping that a fanfic could be made between them.
Hey! Still alive here~ Going to be more active with my writing, whether it be completing the requests on this blog or typing out my own plotbunnies, so feel free to send in some new requests! I’ve gotten into Yuri on Ice and Joker Game, so you can ask for those fandoms~
Roy could feel it again. Shifting his shoulders, he waitedfor the itch on his back to stop. Every week, like clockwork, his soulmate’sback is drawn on for an hour. It tickled, but it no longer bothered him duringhis studies.
Every time, he felt tempted to look at the artwork as it wasdrawn on, but he realised after the first few times was that it was a waste oftime; there were only generic lines after the hour passed. He checked each timeanyway, only to see different configurations of simple shapes.
Time’s up.
The itch stopped, prompting him to pull up his shirt and lookedin the mirror. This time, there is a triangle in the middle of his back, with afew seemingly randomly placed dots. Curved lines branched out all over his back,which he recognised from a few weeks ago.
Are they completingthe curved lines from two weeks ago? Why not finish it then?
He shook his head; his soulmate never talked to him, so hewouldn’t be able to ask. He was just glad that he had one, proven by theweekly itch.
Don’t ask questionsthat won’t be answered.
He pulled his shirt back down, ready to start studying again when he felt the phantom press of a pen on the back of his right hand.
More words began to appear.
Does it hurt?
Roy looked at the message in shock. There were words on his hand. Words written by his soulmate were on his hand. He scrambled to his desk for a pen.
What hurts?
The tattoo
They were being tattooed? One tattoo? Every week?
No, it doesn’t
He paused.
Does it hurt you?
Nothing happened. Then he could see ink slowly tracing out letters, almost as if the person writing them was hesitant with their words.
As long as you’re okay
He froze. Someone was causing his soulmate pain.
Who’s hurting you?
It’s okay, it doesn’t matter
Yes it does
They didn’t reply for a while.
Don’t worry about it
Roy shook his head, about to respond when more words started to race across his skin.
It’s important that it’s done
He breathed in slowly before letting out a long sigh. His soulmate was in pain, but didn’t think it was an issue. Whoever was tattooing them was not on Roy’s list of people he wanted to meet.
He placed the pen nib onto the skin of his forearm, as his entire hand was now covered in writing.
If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask me
His heartbeat echoed in his ears as he stared at his arm, willing for new words to appear. He didn’t want his soulmate to think they were alone in this, that they had his full support and that he would help them whenever, no matter what.
Nothing happened.
Many weeks passed, and the tattooing sessions have become longer. Now there were words scribbled all over his back, which he took the time to jot it all down. Roy cursed himself for not doing this earlier, as he ends up with an incomplete version of the tattoo that must take up his soulmate’s entire back.
Suddenly, a week passed without the familiar itch. Then two weeks passed. Three weeks, four weeks, five weeks. It has now been months since he last felt his soulmate’s back being tattooed.
Finally, they aren’t in pain anymore.
It has also been months since he last saw the handwriting of his soulmate.
He rubbed his eyes and placed his head in his hands. He was still staring at the half completed tattoo in his notebook, trying to fill in the blanks with fuzzy memories of his ignorant youth, back when he thought they were just random doodles drawn on by a friend or something.
It didn’t matter what he reasoned them to be. All he could see was part of what must be a transmutation circle.
Who would tattoo alchemy onto someone’s back?
Just as he thought this, he felt something - a pen - press into his skin. He jumped up, bringing his hand around to look at the message his soulmate was writing. 
His stomach dropped.
I hope this makes sense!!!! It’s been a while since I last saw anything FMA related, so I hope I did Roy and Riza justice. I’ll probably check out the live action for it when it comes out~
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your-fixof-fics · 7 years
can lisa write something please :)
Only if she wants to, Anon! ;9
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your-fixof-fics · 7 years
Do you write for ALL fandoms?
There are no limits to what you can request so feel free to send one in! That being said, we’re definitely more comfortable writing for familiar fandoms/pairings or when we get inspiration, so please understand if we do not answer certain requests that we are unsure about. We have a list of fandoms we have previously written for, if you’d like a reference, or feel free to ask us about anything you’re interested in and we’ll get back to you!
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your-fixof-fics · 7 years
Hi, it's the same anon who sent avengers fanfic request, and yes it's Tony/Bruce :) Thank you!
Whooop this was a long while ago…I’m not sure if the anon who requested this is around, but thank you for clarifying to Skribbin’ about the Science Bros~ If you would still like us to write them, please let us know!
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your-fixof-fics · 8 years
I was wondering if any of you guys could write some fluff HinataXNaruto (Naruto)? :3
It wasn’t very often that Hinata got sick, so when she began to start most morning with her head by the the toilet bowl, Naruto panicked. While it was obvious to her that she was pregnant, no matter how much she tried to reason with him, he still rushed her off the the hospital. He carried her the entire way and yelled for Sakura to “get her ass down here and make sure Hinata wasn’t going to die” and was promptly kicked out by the nurses. He was forced to pace back and forth at the entrance, worries for his wife’s health before being hit on the head by his pink haired friend.
“What was that for!?”
“That was for being a complete idiot!” Sakura yelled. “She told you she was fine.”
“She always says she’s fine though…” Naruto sulked. It happened too often in their youth for him to not be cautious about her opinion about herself.
Sakura sighed. “Well, this time she is.” She then proceeded to dump a small bag into his hands. “Make sure she takes these.”
“Why?” Naruto shook the bag and heard the rattle of pills.
“For the baby, duh.”
Sorry, I haven’t seen or read Naruto in a while, so this fic’s a bit weak. I hope you enjoy it anyway~
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your-fixof-fics · 8 years
Can someone do a Hannibal snk (evi x eren) or shizaya AU o.O
I’m not entirely sure what the options of this request are, but I’m going to assume that they are: 1. Ereri with Hannibal AU and 2. Shizaya in an AU. I don’t know Hannibal, so I’ll do option 2. As an AU has not been stated for it (I think…), I’ll pick one instead. Omegaverse was requested as well, so I may as well kill two birds with one stone!
“Will you quit pulling me?”
Shizuo was currently being dragged by Shinra towards the nearby park to meet an “old acquaintance”. He suspected he was just as… odd as his bespectacled friend as they would be meeting after several years at a children’s playground.
“But it’s been sooooo long! I can’t help but feel giddy inside!”
Shizuo sighed, as they made their way past hordes of children and the eyes of judgemental mothers, watching their every move.
‘Of course they would be staring,’ Shizuo thought. ‘A shady guy in a lab coat pulling a deliquent in a bartenders uniform though the obstacle course is sure to attract attention.’
It was only when they had passed by a bush of roses when Shizuo was hit by a gut-wrenching odour.
“What’s that fucking smell?”
“What do you mean? Ah, there he is,” Shinra muttered, “Shizuo, meet-”
Before Shinra could finish, a growl started to emit from his friend’s chest. He looked over, only to see that Shizuo was staring straight into Izaya’s red eyes
“Oh? I don’t think he likes me~”
Hands in his pockets, Izaya made his way over to the pair. He stopped directly in front of Shizuo and jutted his chin out towards him.
“What’s his problem, huh?” he asked Shinra, who also shrugged.
“I don’t kn-”
Hands grabbed onto Izaya’s jacket and Shizuo pulled him up towards his face, glaring down at him.
“I’m right here.”
“Don’t talk when you’re not talked to.” Izaya tilted his head up to glare at him. “Where are your fucking manners.”
“Where are yours? Address to me first about my problems, flea.”
Izaya shoved his hands off, stumbling back a few steps. He looked at Shizuo, confusion swirling in his eyes before he smirked.
“Flea? That’s the best comeback you’ve got?”
“No, just stating a fact.” Shizuo snapped back, wrinkling his nose in disgust.
“Learn your place, won’t you? Swinging your arms around like a monkey is unfitting for your kind.” Izaya mocked, smoothing out his jacket. “No one will find you attractive like that.”
“Like I give a shit about stuck up fucktards like you!” Shizuo turned around to face Shinra. “I’m leaving.”
He stormed out and before his friend could follow, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see the mirth on Izaya’s face.
“You sure picked one hell of an omega. Definitely not what I would choose.”
Shinra sputtered, cheeks flushed red as he waved his hands around.
“Who, Shizuo?” He shook his head vigorously. “No way!! He’s just a good friend!”
Izaya blinked in confusion.
“Then why did you bring him?”
“Celty thinks he needs more friends, so I brought him with me.”
“Ah… He’s quite the character. Very…”
“Aggressive?” Shinra prompted. “That’s because not all omegas are submissive and docile. Don’t be so archaic, Izaya.”
“Yeah yeah.” he replied. “It was nice meeting you after all this time.”
Sure.“ Shinra nodded. “I’m gonna catch up with Shizuo. Bye!”
Red eyes watched as he ran off, his lab coat flying in the wind with his haste.
“Cute name. Maybe I should go discipline Shizu-chan.”
AHHHHHIt’s been a while!!! I hope I didn’t offend anyone with my poor writing. If this wasn’t what you requested, anon, then please feel free to tell us~ I hope you enjoyed this though!!
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your-fixof-fics · 8 years
write a haiku about haikyuu ;) ;)
Slowly, take your time.Line up the shot of your life.One chance only. Fly.
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your-fixof-fics · 9 years
“I wish we had a child.” prompt. Please :D
As a pairing has not been stated, I’m gonna do as I please!!!
Bruce paused before continuing to tap at his keyboard, ignoring Clark’s sharp gaze.“Bruce, did you hear me?”“Yes, I did.” The faint tapping echoed through the cave, Bruce’s back facing Clark.“What about you?” Clark persisted, his eyes now focused on his own fidgeting fingers, clenching at the hem of his shirt.Bruce continued to type, leaving the question hanging between them. Unsatisfied, Clark opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted.“Is there something about your biology I don’t know about, Kal?” Bruce responded, eyes still on the large bright screen in front of him. “I wasn’t aware that Kryptonians had any other outstanding properties other than all the things that made all of you ‘super’, but if you have additional capabilities similar to female reproduction, then…”“No!” Clark interrupting his line of thought. Bruce turned around, raising his eyebrow at the sudden outburst.
“I mean, I’m pretty sure I don’t have that…ability.” Clark’s face reddened as he continued.“Then your statement perplexes me.” Bruce said. He left his station by the computer and walked towards his partner. He reached out and grasped the hands that were still clutching at the fabric of Clark’s work clothes, threatening to rip it to shreds. He pulled the hands into his own and gently squeezed them, only to have Clark shove him away.“I…” Clark started, before tangling his hands back into his shirt. “I don’t understand.”“Hm?” Bruce hummed back, further confused by the Man of Steel.“I don’t.. What… Why are you perplexed? I thought…” He stuttered, trying to shape his own confusion into words.“Thought what?” Bruce encouraged.“I thought that’s what you wanted.” Clark said.“What I wanted.” Bruce repeated.“Yes! I thought that’s what everyone wanted! You know…” Clark looked up into Bruce’s warm grey eyes before he trailed off, struggling to finish his sentence.“I know…?” Bruce prompted, pressing for an answer.“A family.” He finished, looking back down to his hands. “I though you wanted a family. With me.” The cave fell silent. Clark closed his eyes, hoping, wishing he wasn’t so stupid and wrong. What was he thinking!? Bruce already lost a family; who was to say he still wanted one? No one would be dumb enough to put themselves through that sort of pain again. Clark clenched his jaw, tightening his hands into fists. He then felt warm palms rest on his arms. Opening his eyes, he found Bruce’s staring back at him with amusement and fondness. His hands travelled down to the fists that did manage to tear his shirt and once again gently squeezed them. Bruce plied his fingers open and firmly grasped his hands, squeezing them again. This time, he received a squeeze back. Bruce smiles a little before reverting back to his usual expression. Slowly, he pulled Clark towards the computer and seated him down in front of it. He released his hands from Clark’s and tapped a few keys before familiar voices sounded overhead.“…told you a hundred times! Clark’s birthday isn’t on the 29th!”“Yes it is!! He told me the other day!”“Well, Mama Kent told me otherwise.”The argument between Conner and Dick continued over the intercom with other members of the Bat and Super Family interjecting with their own thoughts and opinions.Clark turned to face Bruce, who looked down at him, smirking slightly. “We already have a family.”
Hope you like it!-TrepChance
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your-fixof-fics · 9 years
Can you write angsty NijiAka (from Kurobasu)? Well... I guess it doesn't have to be angsty XD
Long time no see!I’ve been….busy, so to speak.Sorry for the wait~
虹- rainbow; a phenomenon that occurs due to the refraction and dispersion of the sun’s light by water droplets in the atmosphere. The colours that exist is the spectrum tend to be red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
It’s funny.
When Nijimura joined his middle school’s basketball club, he didn’t think for one minute that he would become captain of a colour coordinated team. You know what, though? He was proud of them.
Who cares if Momoi was only the manager? She was part of the team like the other guys. She gave a lending hand, even when we didn’t know we needed one. She was the mother who cared for all of us.
Who cares if Kuroko was seen as small and fragile, unfit to play a rough sport like basketball? To him, he was the rain that brought the rainbow to existence; the shadow that showed everyone what was light.
Who cares if Murasakibara was a glutton? He used his height and skills to play a game he loved (even if he denied it). He was the support that held the bridge together. Or maybe HE was the bridge.
Who cares if Aomine was overconfident. Yeah, sure, he took centre stage most of the time and did show off a lot but so what? He was the attention seeker, reeling the spectators’ eyes and hiding those who didn’t want the spotlight.
Who cares if Midorima was a know-it-all? He knew some useful stuff, especially when tests were coming up. He was the teacher and mentor, keeping everyone in line when things got messy.
Who cares if Kise has a pretty face? He doesn’t get swarms of fans just because of his looks (I’m sure his body help). He’s kind, friendly, bubbly and got along well with everyone. He was the sun that shone through the cloudiest of days.
But Akashi; he was the role model. He was the encompassing blanket that protected everyone and showed them the world to them. So of course, the best choice was to make him the next captain.
Never for one second did he think that his rainbow would be devoured.
He could only see red.
How dare he.
I know it’s really clique and OOC, but I’m so out of touch with writing.I hope you enjoy it anyway…
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your-fixof-fics · 9 years
Murasakibara sharing his food with Akashi and the other GoM and Kuroko being really surprised and Aomine being a dumbass lol
“Ne, Aka-chin, do you want some?”He was met with two soft red eyes before his captain replied.“If you wouldn’t mind. Thank you, Murasakibara.”
“Ne, Kise-chin, do you want some?”“AW!!! Of course I’ll have some!!! You’re the best, Murasakibaracchi!!”He gratefully accepted the food before it was stolen by a dark skinned boy with a smirk on his face.“Aren’t you tired of saying such a long nickname? Heck, it kinda defeats the purpose of one, right?” Aomine continued to smirk before walking away. “It’s okay, Kise-chin. I have more.”“THANK YOU!!!”
“Ne, Mine-chin, do you want some?”He shrugged his shoulders.“Does it matter? I could just take it whenever I want to.”Murasakibara frowned.“Stealing is a crime, Mine-chin.”“Whatever. Sure, why not.”Aomine reached in and grabbed a handful of chips before running off. Murasakibara looked into the bag to see it was empty. That thief……..
“Ne. Mido-chin, do you want some?”Midorima made a distasteful click with his tongue, looking down at the packet full of grease and oil.“I just finished wrapping the bandages onto my fingers. Getting them oily will be detrimental to the use of them.”“Then… Next time?”He pushed his glasses back up his nose.“If you ask me at a more convenient time, I’ll think about it.”
“Ne, Sa-chin, do you want some?”“Thanks for offering me some food, but I can’t. I need to shed of these rolls of fat!!!”She then proceeded to grasp onto a nonexistent stomach, grumbling about how much it had grown.“I don’t really see a problem, but okay.”“Sorry, Mukkun…”
“Ne, Kuro-chin, do you want some?”He looked back at him with a surprised look before composing himself.“I didn’t think you’d be willing to share your beloved snacks.”“Hm… Me too….”Murasakibara thought about it for a while. Why was he sharing?“Thank you, Murasakibara-kun. I’d love to have some.”
HEYHEYHEYI know, this one wasn’t really structured, but I kinda got lazy, so….. Sorry!!!!
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your-fixof-fics · 9 years
Wendy x romeo lemon
It wasn’t a good day.
Wendy had just come back from a mission, and she drained all her magic to aide Natsu and Lucy. Of course thy probably didn’t need the support, but there wasn’t much else she could do. Of course, not to say she wasn’t strong; she trained a lot over the duration of Fairy Tail’s temporary disbandment, so she definitely could knock a few teeth out. However, today was different.
By no means was Wendy a women. Compared to all her guild mates, she lacked the experience most of the ladies had. Every month, though, there was always a date marked on her calendar. Yeah, today wasn’t a good day.
She placed her head on the bar table, waiting for Mira to come back with her hot water; apparently, it helps sooth the stomach aches. As she waited, she could feel her belly churning, twisting with piranhas that ripped through the wall of flesh that she was currently cradling in her arms. She groaned, but continued to sit patiently for the drink she ordered.
Behind her, she could feel the stares from her brothers. Dragons had a kinship like non other, so it wasn’t a surprise that Natsu and Gajeel would be worried. They probably could smell the pain and blood wafting through the air. Of course, they probably had no idea what was wrong, as they didn’t have the same problem, but the last time they asked if she was alright, she screamed at them to go away, tearing a hole in the wall. If only she could tear out her stomach right now.
In the middle of her miserable groan, there was a gentle tap on her shoulder. Wendy looked up to see Romeo, holding something in his hands behind his back. She sniffed the air a bit, detecting the zesty oils of a lemon. Why did he have a lemon?
“Oh, um, I brought one from home. There’s a lemon tree our neighbour grows in his garden and it hangs over our fence, so when they’re right and fall onto the floor, we use them to make stuff. Though you might want one.”
Oh, she must have accidentally said her thoughts out loud.
“Here you go!” He placed it into her hands before turning around and walking out of the guild and Wendy could see his flushed ears and heard that his heartbeat was detectably beating louder than before. At that moment, Mira had come back with extremely hot water, the steam travelling up her nose and immediately calmed down; Wendy always had a soft spot for clean, fresh scents.
“Wendy! Where did you get the lemon from?”“Romeo gave it to me.”“Aw! How sweet!” Wendy didn’t like the look in Mira’s eye when she said that.
“Here, let me use that. I’ll put it into the hot water for you.” As soon as she said that, she plucked it out of Wendy’s hands and pulled a knife out from somewhere, cut it into half, took one half, sliced it and dropped them into the mug. She grabbed a spoon and scooped up a bit of honey and mixed it into the hot water. She then proceeded to peel the other half and twisted the rind over the mug, covering the surface of the water with the oils in the skin of the lemon. She wiped the lip of the mug with the rind and placed it elegantly on the edge.
“Sorry, it’s a bit of a habit. Hope you don’t mind the garnish!” Mira winked before placing the mug in front of Wendy. She took a deep breath before hugging the mug with her hands and taking a sip.
Maybe the day wasn’t so bad.
HEYYYY!! As everyone seems to be on temporary hiatus, I’m going to have to post more frequently. Just know that I also have exams, but the others have so much more pressure than I do. I might not have one out everyday, but I’ll try to write as much as possible. This request was…. Well, you know. If this wasn’t what you wanted, then I’m sorry. I’m not comfortable to write about sex, let alone having characters kiss, but I still wanted to answer as I love Fairy Tail. It also wasn’t specific, so I still fit the criteria, right??? I’ll see you guys later!’
Admin TrepChance
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your-fixof-fics · 9 years
Moshimoshi~ could I have some Jelsa? Any Jelsa in whatever =w=
Hey! This is TrepChance here~
I’m finally going to finish the ‘Jelsa’ fanfic!!!!
“Who the hell did this?!”Jack yelled as he flew over Norwegian lakes, which should have been brimmingwith bubbling water but was instead frozen solid. Although it wasn’t Easteryet, Bunny tended to get a bit jittery when the date inched closer and closer.If he found this patch of ice in the middle of spring, Jack was going to getthe blaming finger pointed at him.
No, but seriously; who else could havedone it? As far as he was concerned, he was the only one who could have donethis. Not saying that he was the only capable one. Oh, no, General Winter hadplenty to show off, except he didn’t. No one on that side of the season familydid, actually.
“Crap, I better find out whocoughed up this snowball.” Jack muttered out as he let the Wind guide himtowards the sky. He scanned the whole area and noticed an ice castle built on amountain. “Well, that was easy. I should tell the villain not to be soobvious next time.” He flew up to the door and took his time to appreciatethe ice work.
“Not shabby, I must admit.”He knocked his fist against it. “Could last a while if I let it. Too badit’s gonna have to melt when spring comes back.” He pushed the door open.“Hello? Is anyone home?”
“Hey, that’s odd. The door’sopen.” A red headed figure came down from the stairs, clutching onto thestair handles and rushed forward to close the door. Jack quickly moved to theside before she could touch him. Well, if she could.
“That’s weird. I’m sure I closedit before. Sorry, Anna.” Jack turned his head and noticed another figureat the top of the staircase. She gave him a weird look before walking down.“Can I help you?”
“Eh? Nah, I’ve got it, Elsa. It’snot that hard to close the door.” The red haired girl, Anna, replied.
Elsa shook her head. “I was talking tothe young man standing next to you.” She gestured towards Jack. “Are you lost?”
Anna looked around and faced Elsa,slightly confused. “I don’t see anyone else here. Do you want to sleep? You’reprobably just tired after today’s work.”
While she said this, Jack blinked,stunned. “Wait, you can see me? I didn’t know I had believers other than Jamieand his crew…” He let his sentence trail off when he noticed her clothes.“Frost? So you must be the one who froze the lake.”
“Yes, the children wanted it likeso. Is there a problem?”
“Nup, no problem.” Jack shookhis head. “Well, a little bit of a problem. You see, Bunny’s not going tobe happy about this so you’re gonna have to get rid of it.”
Meanwhile, Anna had shuffled to theside and was gawking at her sister who was seemingly having a chat with animaginary friend. “Elsa, let’s get you to bed.” She said, reaching out to tugon her sister’s delicate cape.
“Anna, can’t you see him? He’sright there!” Elsa pointed at Jack, but all Anna saw was an incrediblytired queen who needed a bubble bath and some beauty sleep.
“Yeah, sure. Sorry, MisterInvisible, but if you have a problem, please come back tomorrow when mysister’s about to collapse from exhaustion.” She dragged a reluctant Elsaback up the stairs, leaving Jack in the foyer. As far as she was concerned,there was no one there.
The next day, there were afurious series of knocks coming from the main – and only – entrance. Anna quicklyclosed all the blinds and swung the door open, finding herself standing infront of Kristoff who was leading a pack of children from Arendelle. From thelooks of it, he had to entertain them throughout the whole journey here,starting from the foot of the mountain and up the steep snow slopes. She gavehim a pat on the back before moving onto his shoulders to get rid of the whitepowder from his coat. Anna then moved aside and bowed to the children.
“My visitants, please make yourway in after you have dusted yourselves off. We cannot present such dirtyguests in front of her majesty.” she said jokingly. The children seemed to getthe hint and giggled while they brush themselves and others with their littlehands, getting rid of as much snow as they could. Slowly, one by one they madetheir way into the dark foyer where many seats were arranged around a stagemade of ice. Pulling out their ‘tickets’ – they were really just leaflets withchicken scratching on them – they sat in their individual seats and whisperedamong themselves, excited for what was about to come.
While this was all happening,Jack, who had stayed the night, realised the dedication Elsa had for thesechildren. She had spent a lot of her energy apparently, which probably was usedto make the stage in the foyer. The elegance wasn’t something to whistle at andit would a shame if it were to be melted during spring.
“I’m sure I could convince Bunny… What am I kidding, he probably wouldlisten to the kids’ pleas and bashfully agree, the stupid kangaroo.”
Suddenly, silence filled the airand anticipation settled in. All the children were visibly wiggling in theirchairs, excited for the big event.
Lights filled the once dark roomand out stepped Anna from the red curtains, wearing a purple coat over a bluedress and a black vest with floral embroidery. She cleared her throat outcomically and started her introduction.
“I present to you ‘The SnowQueen’!”
After the play was completed witha final hug from the two protagonists, all the children tied their skates onand headed down to the frozen lake, confidently skating on the slippery ice.Elsa cast down some snow while Jack made sure to throw around some specialsnowballs before turning to leave.
“Are you leaving now?” He turnedaround to see Elsa, who had a worried look on her face. “I don’t know how yougot here, but I’m sure we can offer transport home for you.”
“Nah, we’re I’m going, the kindof transport you can offer me won’t be enough. No worries, I’ve got a goodfriend to carry me home.”
“If you say so.” “Just so thatyou know, I’m sure you have other believers. You couldn’t have possiblytravelled the whole country yet!”
“Well…” Jack scratched his chin.He’s probably travelled the globe at least three times due to his Guardianduties, i.e. helping North with the Christmas presents. Who needed to know,though? “You have no idea.” He leaped into the air and let the Wind catch him.“Thanks anyway. I’m sure there are some faces I’ve yet to catch a glimpse of!”he yelled while zooming out of the picture.
Elsa gave him a tentative wavebefore one of the kids threw a snowball at her. She quickly turned to faceeveryone and armed herself with a gigantic snow cannon, avalanching everyonewhile giggling. Everyone joined in with her while avoiding getting hit, skatingaround and collecting the remaining snow on the floor.
She then realised she never gotto find out his name, but was sure they would meet again. How big could theworld possibly be, anyway?
Okay, I know I’ve cut some corners - the square’s practically a circle now - but what’s done is done.
Feel free to send me some criitisism, but please do realise I normally don’t do crossovers. I hope a majority of you likes this fanfic! ^_^
- AdminTrepChance
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