#adobe support failed me with this one
stars-align17 · 1 year
um. drops this
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annellspethraven · 6 months
It all started here. I woke up and looked at 'my' Discord server for the bloated tic of a fanfic (hey that rhymes, neurospicy two seconds!) I write with my partner SonaBeanSidhe, Aran Thranduil's Dining Hall. There hadn't been enough tea yet so the natural response was 'wth is this?' Well, THIS was going to Hoover my next two days and counting. Just visit the post, dear friends of the writing persuasion and you would see (I'll save you time because I'm nice this way) that there are many screenshots supporting just what the meme says: This Instagram OP knows a writer who found herself in a steaming pile of mess with the Google Docs TOS (which is really also the Google Drive TOS, making it somewhat difficult to locate said TOS. I'll save you more time. Here:
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This information comes from https://support.google.com/docs/answer/148505#zippy=%2Csexually-explicit-material So, it was the act of sharing the files, not having created or stored them that triggered what had happened. Okay, still not reassuring. In the meantime, I was concerned enough to post what had happened to r/FanFiction. Within minutes, my post had been frozen by the mods there. I can see their concern. I believe they had only seen the meme-like first screen of the Instagram post, and it does come off like a bad Snopes Fail. They asked me for more proof. The first thing I did was a search for previous instances of Google having frozen Drive accounts previously. They are limited, but they exist. The concern here had to do with the current lack of information as to why the action happened, and whether we who collectively authored and had shared Docs with explicit content were about to have our Drive accounts fall before the scythe of an overzealous AI rollout on the part of Google. Which led to the second part of this. My first response to the mods was as follows:
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A little while after I sent this, an update appeared on the Instagram OP's account (easy to find) so I added this:
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The salient point of the update was that the author had received restored access to her Drive, but NOT the Doc that had started the entire difficulty. I waited for a response. And waited, and waited. In the meantime, I had no means to add to, respond to, anything to my original post or defend myself against some fairly sharp initial criticisms leveled against me by individuals who clearly hadn't read anything beyond the initial meme. Special. While I understand a sub this large likely has a lot of messages to field, I also felt that given they managed to freeze my post in a matter of minutes, they were really taking their time responding. So I weighed in on Instagram with a message of support. If nothing else is taken away, please take this: Back up your files. It's easy to create an alt Google account; this other account will have its own Drive storage. Share your folders and files with yourself. If you don't already realize, in Docs under the File dropdown menu the third option is Make A Copy. If you have shared the original document 75 times, you won't have shared that copy at all. Consider backing up your works to Indie platforms like Get Hermit, Ellipsus and The Quill. There may be others. Your own external hard drive is also a very good idea. But wait, you ask. What about just using MS Word, or having copies as a PDF file in the Adobe cloud? Not so fast, my friend. Look at Microsoft and Adobe's TOS regarding sexually explicit content...you'll get an unpleasant surprise. I did. In the meantime, a third update came from the OP on Instagram shedding far more light as to what had likely gone wrong. She had shared the Doc with she guessed 18-20 people as beta readers. The belief is now that one of these persons actually turned her in to Google via their abuse form. To quote one of the commenters on that update: "I heard from an agent that Google will only do this to your account if someone reports it. Google isn’t scanning docs for explicit content (except maybe images), but yeah, for this to happen, someone had to report her document to Google." This felt like a relief...and yet is still packaged inside a cautionary tale. How many of us have shared by 'whoever has this link'? I have, or rather, I had. I revoked all such permissions to all large stories and folders in favor of my few trusted long-time friends and beta readers. The works are on AO3. I don't need those Docs links to be free floating all over the place, not after seeing what can happen. I was on vacation in England some years prior when I realized I had lost the ability to send out all outgoing Gmail. It took me several days to figure out what had gone wrong and nearly lost me my ability to receive Covid test results at a time when that was a travel necessity...almost disastrous. Fortunately I had multiple email accounts and could work around the problem. Which brings me to the last of this.
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While including the subreddit mod's responses here may seem retaliatory/petulant on my part...I'm at best miffed at their shortsightedness, maybe mildly insulted, mostly shaking my head at the fact that there is something to have been learned here that could have affected any one of us. No one was spreading misinformation. Something had indeed happened. The source of it had been unknown at the time of posting. Had they left my post alone I would have gladly redacted as it unfolded; the reason for placing it on that sub was not to create a giant stir but to let others know of the risk of this happening at all and to encourage backing up that which most writers invest a considerable amount of their emotional well-being; the safety of their written works. Yes, I'm neurodivergent. No, I don't always see the world as others do. No, I still don't think this difference allows the response to be interpreted as much other than a slight and working against the interests of authors (I'm on their side and last I checked, readers need the authors to have the things that are written in order to have the things to read. Just saying). Whatever, what really matters is, if you feel this is worth sharing, share, take away the important bits, and if someone out there just wants to write it up in 3 sentences so it isn't a tl;dr, do that too.
Have a Googly day, to all near and far, in these times in which we live...>.>
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rhapsodybenny · 1 year
Things I would do if I were rich:
* Subsidize a different artist's commissions every week, on the conditions that they 1) Prioritize people who've been supportive, but always lament not being able to throw money their way, and 2) Let me know the lowest price those people commonly throw out, so I can make sure it's within their reach.
* Pay more than fair taxes, and either don't request a refund, or put my refunds to charity - whichever seems better.
* Leave a $200 tip on every meal out with a note attached saying "pay it forward!"
* Leave $50 bills under boxes of ramen/really cheap food at grocery stores.
* Commission loads of stuff, from music to games to stories to art, and pour it *all* into the public domain.
* Buy the rights to various properties, also just to release them into the public domain.
* Buy WinRar.
* Put out huge bounties for different random ideas that occur to me - "Write this story/make this art/design this game, and I'll send you $500!"
* With permission, order printings of single copies of long stories online I like, and drop them into the "free bin" at used bookstores.
* Find books I like at independent bookstores, pay way too much for them at the counter, and either once again put them in the free bin, or tell the person working the register to offer them to someone else.
* Stuff tip jars.
* Give money to people I trust with different perspectives, and tell them to go crazy with it, as long as however they do makes the world a better place.
* Randomly order UberEats for friends (including online ones), and tip 40%.
* Give away Adobe Creative Cloud subscriptions.
* Get Patreon memberships at the highest tier from everyone I even mildly follow.
* Every year, buy tickets in the mosh pit for every concert in the tour of a different band. See if they notice the same face always being there every night. (Stolen from Tumblr; sadly can't find the post.)
* Instantly complete every single GoFundMe that I come across.
* Gift ALL the Twitch subs.
* Fund game preservation initiatives.
* Hire homeless people to do sidewalk chalk art wherever they like, of whatever they like, for $200/hour.
* Put the same cryptic message in the classifieds of every newspaper released in the country on a single day.
* Do the “Tip the worker every time the Karen starts yelling at them” thing.
* Pay to remove ads at every opportunity.
* Every day, give a random person a $20 bill.
* Preorder EVERYTHING (big help for small books and games!)
* Bail out local places that are failing.
* Offering to fund the building of small arcades (only a few games, Pizza Hut style) at random restaurants.
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estilo-sims · 2 years
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So as some as you have seen my name is now changed, On TSR it's literally Estilo but the name wasn't available on this platform and I've got a feeling a .co.uk domain also wont be available so I'll have to rename that too, I wanted something more professional AND I absolutely adore this name I wanted to own a hair salon when I was younger and it was going to be called Estilo creatives. While I was doing this though I also wanted to talk about CC and CC creating in general.
Now I've being creating CC for nearly a month I cant believe how fast time has gone, BUT since my journey started it has given me so much more admiration for creators and the hard work they do on a daily basis.
FOR THOSE THAT SIT AT HOME judging creators remember they're giving you something they're helping improve your game yes some may have a patreon but do you know how EXPENSIVE the software actually is, the only thing that CC creators get FREE is BLENDER I'm going to run down the costs for you just so you're actually aware of the reasons allot of creators have a patreon yes this is a hobby but its also an expensive one for the maker.
Adobe Substance painter £15 a month - Now this isn't needed but allot of creators have it.
Adobe Photoshop £10 a month. - Another one there are free alternatives this is just what I use and the free ones are nowhere near as good. { IN MY OPINION }
Now if you're a clothing maker you'd also want Marvellous Designer which on a personal Subscription is £30 a month on the cheapest plan now if you add that all up it's £55 a month. and that's just the basic stuff I also have pattern subscription sites and ones for different textures.
Now I'm still new into my journey but the hate I see for the creators who chose to do EA is disgusting what people fail to forget is being a cc creator you're not just making CC you're also a photographer a photo editor a writer you're so many things along side being a cc creator. & you're still getting the content it's not like a permanent EA it's just an early release to those that chose to support the creator so why is it hurting you?
I'm not asking you to agree or disagree but what I will ask is that you think before you speak and be nicer.
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avontuurinaruba · 1 year
End of the workweek!
You read that title correctly! Due to "Hemelvaart" in Belgium and Holland, we have thursday and friday off! Today I will be going over Monday and Tuesday with you! On monday i came into the office and had my usual morning talk with Glennrick! We talked about the state of the printers and some more IT stuff! Once I was done I went to Dwayne to see if he had any tasks for me. He handed me an empty USB drive and asked me to make a bootable USB for windows 10 pro. So i started working on it. I ran into some issues so i couldn't finish my task by lunch, I also had to make an instructions manual for Adobe Acrobat reader, showing people how they could add a digital signature to their documents. At lunch, charees came to me and asked me if i wanted to go along with her to the Parlement of Aruba to watch a friend of hers give a presentation about child mistreatment. It was very nice to see the parlement from the inside. And i felt really good after the presentation because you could see the happines on clem's face, just because a few of us showed up to support her. There was a very big table where we all sat down. And being there with 2 ministers and a bunch of head's from department felt very important. A room filled with important people while i'm sitting there as a student was a little intimidating, yet very impressive. Once we were done there, we went back to the university. There weren't any tasks left for me to do, so I just worked on my blog a little. On tuesday morning there was a symposium in the aula which i sadly enough couldn't attend because of a few tasks. I finished the manual and went back to working on the bootable USB. Around 11AM, Glennrick told me to hop in the car because we were going somewhere. Francis, a student of SisSTEM needed help. He wanted a VOIP phone installed in his office. He got a dedicated office from the local hospital to do research on how AI Aerobics coaching affects your cardiovascular health. Upon reaching his office we instantly noticed he doesn't even have ports to install a phone. Francis explained some more about his research before we took off again. In the afternoon, Dwayne took me to the computerlab to label the computers and put them back in the right order. We also looked into bolting the desks to the ground so students couldnt move the desks and break the cables.
At the end of the day, we went out for dinner at Bugaloe, where I tried a surprisingly delicious sloppy joe. As the evening progressed, we encountered some friendly gentlemen from the United States who struck up a conversation with us. We danced and had a blast throughout the night. Before parting ways, we exchanged contact information. It turned out they were all members of the United States Army, and it was their last day before deployment. I expressed my gratitude for their service and mentioned that I wished we had met earlier. We promised to stay in touch, although they mentioned that communication might be limited during their upcoming three-week deployment. They assured me they would reach out once they were back. I will be eagerly awaiting their return.
On Wednesday, I headed straight to work with the task of creating a tutorial video on adding a digital signature to a PDF document. Unfortunately, the university's expensive microphone failed to connect, so I had to rely on the built-in microphone of a webcam. The sound quality was poor, but with some editing magic, I managed to make it sound decent at least. In the afternoon i was asked to prep a slim computer (very small computer that runs on the domain) for the VRES room, this one had a solid state drive instead of a regular hard drive, meaning it would go faster. At the end of the day, Glennrick wanted to have another mentor meeting with me to update me on my progress. I was satisfied to see the "good"box ticked almost everywhere. Next week I can give it my all and hopefully get to see a couple "excellent" boxes being ticked! In the evening, the rest of the group went out for drinks! I wasn't in the mood and decided to stay at the appartment to relax and blow of some steam for the upcoming long weekend! That wraps up my (brief) work week! Stay tuned for more updates coming soon! Signing off for now with love <3 Bon wiként!
This was my (short) work week! More updates coming soon! Signing off for now <3 Bon wiként!
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steal-this-idea · 2 years
I have three computers that still work: the one I’m using for the Internet, the one I previously used for the Internet but whose O/S (Windows 8) has been obseleted, and a hand-me-down laptop with Windows XP on it
Since I take care of my things, I have old software and devices (like Wordperfect 8 and a scanner I bought in 2006) and for this I am punished every time my O/S gets obseleted and I’m forced to upgrade.
I think it was the end of 2020 when Adobe decided it would no longer support its Flash player and urged us to uninstall it and so I did, not thinking it would ever be an issue.
Then I noticed my scanner (for some reason) uses a shockwave flash file for its main menu. Thankfully there was a workaround though it limited its functionality (and the standalone Flash player Adobe let us have is not recognized by the device or something Adobe put on my machine to monitor for Flash players prevents it...I don’t know) but other programs which did not have workarounds (like a file type converter I have) rendering them stupidly useless as they would work just fine if I could only get them to start past the point the .swf file would be used as they’re usually just advertising flourishes (i.e. fancy graphic for the software I’m about to use)
Thinking there might be a Flash player on that laptop, I searched through it and lo & behold there was! So I copied it to a flash drive and added it to the Windows 8 computer thinking my problems were over. But when I run the program it says I need the “latest version of Adobe Flash for Internet Explorer” for it to work
But the thing is, if I install the scanner software (back from the days when it wasn’t assumed people had an internet connection) onto the Windows XP laptop, I don’t get that message: the damn thing actually works and trust me, the Flash player on that laptop is hardly the latest version. In fact, poring over the files of the installed scanner softwares shows that it CAME WITH A FLASH PLAYER because again, this shit was made from a time when it wasn’t assumed computer users had an internet connection
But if I copied that Flash player onto the Windows 8 computer - the very same Flash player that allowed the scanner (and file converter software - I installed that one too to see) - I would still get the same message saying I needed the latest version of blah blah blah for it to work
I don’t get it. What sort of block exists on the Windows 8 computer, the one I should’ve replaced before the Great Flash Purge, that’s preventing me from using these programs?
I also wish I knew where the proof of registration goes for the file converter software because, as it is, even though I have the registration key (because, yes, I paid for it) the program can’t complete registration without an internet connection (which is something I definitely don’t want a computer running on Windows XP to connect to anymore) and simply copying the already-registered program from the newer computer to the older one doesn’t work because it can’t “find” something so where (and what) was that something? It’s so ugh...
I’m tempted to dig out my old Windows XP installation disks and nuke the Windows 8 computer to install them but I’m worried that if I do so, I’ll either find out the CDs have become corrupted after 16 years of sitting in a dark closet or that the BIOS won’t allow it (for some reason...I remember having difficulty adding a new hard drive to the Windows 8 computer when the one it came with failed suddenly less than a month after getting it)
Like, I want a computer that doesn’t go online anymore because I’ve long ago proven I can’t be trusted to get work done when I have an internet connection (yes, this post counts as work being avoided) but also so I can use my old shit still in peace
I miss when backwards compatibility was a selling point in operating systems
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solovewor · 2 years
Shockwave flash player crash
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Shockwave flash player crash 1080p#
Shockwave flash player crash drivers#
Shockwave flash player crash update#
Shockwave flash player crash driver#
Shockwave flash player crash upgrade#
Sometimes it'll disable video adapters, making me incapable of watching videos.
Shockwave flash player crash drivers#
Then, as the updates became more frequent, my computer began to go haywire! All of my drivers are up toĭate, but on occasion, Windows will disable my sound driver, forcing me to reinstall it and restart my computer. And started experiencing issues after about two weeks. I upgraded to Windows 10 about a month ago. I'm having the same issue with my Yoga 13 as well. I would appreciate it if Microsoft could at least give honest answers about problems resulting from their updates.
Shockwave flash player crash update#
I have several other problems created by the update which I will details elsewhere - display fonts are a disaster and URL links in Windows Live Mail fail with "server execution failure" messages.
Shockwave flash player crash upgrade#
I believe it is Microsoft's responsibility to get their act together and sort out any problems created by the upgrade in as timely a manner as possible. With such intense pressure from Microsoft I couldn't even access updates for Windows 7 without being exhorted to upgrade to Windows 10. I have updated to Windows 10 after a continual bombardment of messages from Microsoft recommending that I do just that. If you are going to say that the workaround is to remove Windows 10 from my computer then I think that would be an admission that Windows 10 is broken. It would also be helpful to know if there was some kind of workaround What I would find much more acceptable would be an honest admission that yes something has been broken and that someone is doing work to try to fix that at some point in the forseeable future. Of course I have re-installed the software affected - I haven't lived through every Windows version change since time began not to do that. The net is full of this kind of circular instruction from support engineers.īasically the Windows 10 update which is now in place on my machine has broken Adobe Shockwave Flash functionality. You can verify this by right clicking the HTML5 video and looking for the words "About HTML5" at the bottom of the menu.No this is not helpful and it is not an answer. If the problem exists with both, then Flash Player is most likely not the culprit as the HTML5 video link does not use Flash Player when playing. I recommend trying both of the links below to see how they perform. Instructions for finding this information can be found here:įinally, sometimes video and audio problems are caused at a lower level and not directly related to Flash Player.
Shockwave flash player crash driver#
When reporting issues with video or audio, it's also helpful to get your system hardware and driver details. The first step is to work through the video troubleshooting guide for your operating system, here: The primary difference between Flash Player 10 and 11.x is that we're leveraging your system's graphics and audio hardware acceleration (on windows), where we were previous using the general-purpose CPU for video decoding, and the old Windows WavAudio APIs instead of the modern CoreAudio subsytem (which leverages your audio hardware's acceleration capabilities). Why does Flash 9 work better than Flash 12 for people with single cores? Why are we getting way more crashes than we used to? I'd rather have a stable Flash player that plays videos well than an unstable Flash player that has whatever special 3D optimization API OpenGL blah blah blah. Stop trying to put in bullcrap features and make the CORE PROGRAM work in a stable manner. What are they developing for? PowerPCs? Are they even testing Flash on more than one computer? Seriously, way to give away the sign that you're ready for HTML5 to take over. Flash these days works like crap on single core processors, but Flash 10 and under works fine still, Flash these days works like crap on dual core processors in many cases, and now the power of an i7 isn't enough to prevent crashes. I don't know what platform Adobe is developing for. And now on my i7 processor I am getting crashes and freezes? I really hope that Google gets HTML5 video nailed, because I will stop using flash once HTML5 works well and is used more by websites.
Shockwave flash player crash 1080p#
On a Core 2 Duo 3.0GHz, are you kidding me? 1080p videos used to play very smoothly, and now Flash player is total crap wth Chrome on that computer. On my older desktop with a Core 2 Duo, pepper flash causes videos to be out of sync in a very obvious fashion. It seems like Flash player these days is terrible. One, chrome can freak out and cause my laptop to freeze for 3-5 seconds and then go back to normal, or flash player can cause Chrome to go unresponsive, and then shockwave flash player will crash when it lets me choose to end it. Pretty much every day either two things happen. I disable pepperflash because it makes audio and video of out sync. I'm also using Google Chrome with the latest non-pepperflash plugin enabled.
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lasclbubble · 2 years
Can i get an gopro app for windows
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#Can i get an gopro app for windows for free
#Can i get an gopro app for windows for mac
#Can i get an gopro app for windows movie
#Can i get an gopro app for windows update
#Can i get an gopro app for windows software
If you’re on a Mac, you already have access to this program.
Social media following: 1000+ followers on Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus.
If you aren’t familiar with these metrics, your blog probably doesn’t qualify.
Blog or forum: Alexa ranking of 100,000 or less PR3 or above.
How to get a free Filmora license: write a review of the product and submit it to them.
#Can i get an gopro app for windows for free
I’ll share how to get Filmora for free below this video (example of their edit quality). The catch with Filmora is that their free version comes with a HUGE watermark across all your videos.īut don’t worry, there’s a solution for this. Some of it’s transitions are a little too “home-movieish” for me, but it might work for certain projects. It has screen recording, video stabilization, split screen, green screen, tilt shift, crop, color correction and speed adjustment. It is non-linear video editing with “the world’s most advanced color corrector” ()ĭaVinci Resolve comes well reviewed by both No Film School and RedShark.īlender is Free and Open Source Software. Combine multi-cam editing, color and lens distortion correction, and new media management functions and you have a great piece of software. I haven’t used it yet, but I’m excited to give it a try. The amount of features belong on a program costing $100’s and yet, you can download simply by creating a free account. When you plug your camera in, it auto uploads the footage to a preset folder.Īs long as you don’t mind automation – and have tons of space on your hard drive – you should be good to go. There is a level of automation that some users don’t like. Use Gauges in Quik to show your GPS path, speed, elevation gain with overlaid gauges and graphs. Supported models include: all current GoPro models, including the newest Hero8 Black.
#Can i get an gopro app for windows update
In addition to video editing, you can use Quik for Desktop to update the firmware your camera. And it direct connects to Facebook and YouTube for fast sharing. This is created to be – you guessed it – quick.
#Can i get an gopro app for windows software
And if you’ve never used video editing software before, this will probably be okay. This is the software that you’ll probably start with. I’m not sure that I trust this program.ħ Best Free GoPro Editing Software Options The site looks like it was cutting edge in 1995.
Wax (DebugMode): This can operate as a standalone program or a plugin with Sony Vegas, Pure Motion and Adobe Premiere.
I included this so you can take a look if you’re interested. In spite of this, it continually comes up as a viable choice.
: This site was last updated in 2013 and the software is not made for Windows 10.
And while their sites are old (and I’ll never use them) they are free video editing programs. Here are a couple of programs that are pretty outdated. They offer a free and premium subscription option.
Lightworks (Free and Paid) This is a new one to me.
#Can i get an gopro app for windows movie
Windows Movie Maker (Free) This is popular because Microsoft makes it.
#Can i get an gopro app for windows for mac
iMovie for Mac (Free) Popular and free but you’ll have to own (buy) a Mac to use it.See how to get a free premium license below. Filmora Wondershare (Free and Paid) Trial version (unpaid) has the same functionality as the premium – except that output videos have a watermark.Blender (Free) This open source software comes highly praised.I’ve downloaded the free version and can’t wait to try it. DaVinci Resolve 15: (Free and Paid) This is an impressive looking program.Quik by GoPro (Free) Somewhat automated editing software that replaced the failed GoPro Studio.Below this list, you’ll find more in-depth information on each option. Here’s the short list of the software options. While I’ve used many different video editing programs, I haven’t used all of them – but after writing this post, I plan to review a number of them. How are these programs determined to be the “best”? They are deemed the best by the number of reviews and their features. But there is no trial software included in the list. Some of these programs are available for free with a premium upgrade. To be listed, they must offer a “free forever” version. 7 Best Free GoPro Editing Software Optionsīefore we get started, I want to qualify the programs on this list.
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0 notes
mmorgkitchen · 2 years
Java for mac os x 10.11
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Java for mac os x 10.11 for mac os x#
Java for mac os x 10.11 for mac os#
Java for mac os x 10.11 for mac#
Java for mac os x 10.11 mac os x#
Java for mac os x 10.11 mac os#
Java for mac os x 10.11 mac os#
How To Set Environment Variables in Mac OS XĪs many people are using different versions of Mac OS X, I’m writing down information for 10.6 – 10.11 versions.
Java for mac os x 10.11 for mac#
To skip few details I need to say that the results were positive – I was able to open MS Word document from SAP as it was downloaded in background to specified folder and opened by MS Word for Mac without any additions clicks from me.
Java for mac os x 10.11 mac os x#
After discovery I decided to add TEMP variable to my Mac OS X configuration and see the results. I found that there was no TEMP variable, although there was TMPDIR variable, which is the same, as it seems to me. To do it one needs to start terminal and use “env” command to list defined variables. My third step was to look through MAC OS X 10.11 environment variables. Looking through SAP manuals ( Link), I discovered, that requested by system variable would receive “space” value only if Operating System didn’t have such variable. It tried to get the value for parameter TEMP and it returned “space”. I found that the problem was in results of CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES=>CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES. To solve it I had to install Java for OS X 2015-001 provided by apple (it’s Java 1.6), which fixed the Versions subfolder structure by pointing to the old Java 1.6. So, secondly, I started debugging source code to get the place, where I receive message mentioned above (SBDV 071). I got some legacy software which was searching for CurrentJDK, and there was no way to update the path. Seems, that this setting has no impact on my issue. But any changes is these settings did no effect to the problem. So, returning to SCASE and SCASEPS transactions – when I tried to open MS Word file, attached to Case, I received error message (SBDV 071) “No temporary directory available for temporary storage”.įirstly, I thought that the trouble is in SAP GUI Preferences for Applications, where Download and Upload directories are defined. This behavior I caught in SCASE and SCASEPS transactions, but maybe it also applies to other transactions (although I wasn’t successful to get the same error in SBWP speaking of attachments).
Java for mac os x 10.11 for mac os#
Intel-based Mac running versions 10.7.Few days ago I came across an issue, that I couldn’t open MS Office files via SAP GUI for Java for Mac OS X.
This package is exclusively intended for support of legacy software and installs the same deprecated version of Java 6 included in the 5 releases. Mac System Requirements for Oracle Java 7 and later versions Java for OS X 2015-001 installs the legacy Java 6 runtime for OS X 10.11 El Capitan, OS X 10.10 Yosemite, OS X 10.9 Mavericks, OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, and OS X 10.7 Lion. However, this isn’t the page you want, instead you should click on the Java 8 from link. If you click the More information link, it takes you to the How do I install Java on Mac OS X 10.10 page. How do I install Java for my Mac? This article applies to: Starting with Java 8 Update 20 (8u20), download and install Java 8 from.
Java for mac os x 10.11 for mac os x#
Java For Mac Os X 10.10.1 10 1 Yosemite freeload.
My answer is a proven suggestion for my Mojave case and a workable option, but it is not meant as a universal guaranteed answer for all Adobe software on all Macs. Maybe it might fail on a different Mac model running Mojave.
Java For Mac Os X 10.10.1ac Os X 10 10 1 Download Java for OS X 2017-001 worked when installed and allowed me to run CS3 on my mid 2012 Macbook Pro.
Java For Mac Os X 10.10.11 Yosemite freeload.
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avenuenahas · 2 years
Adobe reader for mac os x snow leopard
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We recommend all users update to the latest, most secure version of Flash Player ( - which supports Snow Leopard and is available for download. The initial release of Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) includes an earlier version of Adobe Flash Player than what is available from. Some games work, and others tell me about downloading has to have latest drive. I have just downloaded latest Adobe Flash Drive to my I-Mac (Snow Leopard), and some of my games on POGO, tell me I have to download latest Flash Drive. Mac users interested in Flash player for mac leopard 10.5.8 generally download: Flash Player 26.0 Free Flash Player 10.1 is Adobe's last version of the popular Flash player. Should You Download Adobe Flash Player For Mac Latest Adobe Flash Player For Mac Os X 10.5.8
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nahasconsulting · 2 years
Install century gothic font mac
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There are about 600 fonts i think, or something close to that number.
So basically i need a solution on how to transfer ALL/most of the fonts from the other mac to this new mac. So I figure to ask Mac directly on how to solve this problem, as i cannot start any of the projects given to me which needs to be started ASAP. I even tried downloading font finagler, that didn't work either. I tried changing the file extension, i tried saving the WHOLE FONTS FOLDER from the other station(as the files are. I tried doing the same process i did for the Centry Gothic font, it didn't work. Next day i tried opening a different project, and now it can not find the font FRIZ QUADRATA. So i tried downloading it and saving it from the other stations, but it wouldn't install. When i opened adobe illustrator and opened up a formor project it couldn't find a font, Century Gothic.
Click Install Font at the bottom of the preview. I tried installing it, and most of it did install. Double click the unzipped font file and Font Book will open a preview of the font.
I am used to using a PC platform.Īnyway, the company bought a new Imac, from my understanding it is Mac 10.6 known as leopard i think? forgive me i do not know much about macs.Īnyway, the company saved all their fonts onto the database for me to install into my workstation. I just started work as a graphic designer and the company uses macs. This, among other cleanup procedures the OS does in a Safe Mode startup, clears all cache files from the user account you logged into in Safe Mode, and resets Font Book's database.My name is anton. When it gets to the desktop, restart again normally. Alternatively, if the double-click method does not provide an option to install the font, the font pack can be placed directly in the system Font folder under the Library. Click the 'Install Font' button in the lower right to install it.
Login to your account when the password screen comes up. Place the Century Gothic.TTF font file on your desktop. Restart the Mac and hold down the Shift key to enter Safe Mode. Delete one of the same-named Century fonts. At least 90% of the time, it's because Font Book's database gets hosed in the process. I can't tell you how many times, through multiple OS upgrades and updates that folks report fonts suddenly don't work right afterwards. Bluntly, Font Bork is a terrible font manager. The main item here is the problem started when you upgraded to High Sierra. No, Apple has not done anything to make it difficult to use one particular font. You can fix it by disabling one or the other in Font Book, but it's better to not have the ability to create a conflict at all and delete one or the other instance of the Century font from the drive. It appears in Font Book, in Library/Fonts, and in Library/Microsoft/Fonts. I also have Century Schoolbook and Century Gothic, but it is Century that I'm concerned about right now. My hope is that Apple simply failed to realize that this font is used by a number of people for legal documents, and that Apple will restore things to the way they were before High Sierra. Thus, it seems that Apple has done something to make it difficult to use Century. I don't have Century Bold in Font or Library. PDF documents created in Century appear in Century, but the portions in Century Bold are badly distorted. Apple Support does not show Century as being supported.įonts included with macOS High Sierra - Apple SupportĬentury (plain, not Gothic or Schoolbook) appears nowhere on the page, including the lists of fonts downloadable or supported. This change immediately after installing High Sierra caused me to look into whether High Sierra dropped Century. Century appeared in the font pull-down menu until I upgraded to High Sierra. I can make Century work for new content in Word, but only if I type Century into the box with the name of the font. This typeface basically provides the hand-drawn Christmas text patterns that were widely used at the pastry stores and it works great with the varsity font.
Word files that were created in Century continue to appear in Century. Century Gothic Font Family is the main typeface of Adobe that is very useful for its pairing and bold italic function and it is available for freeload. Let me explain my situation a little better.
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ms-demeanor · 5 years
You know what’s funny is whenever I make a tech post I get people going “this is blatantly untrue” and I get people going “this is really good information and everyone needs to know it” and the dividing line is how much time you spend with people who are tech literate.
Yep, I would tell my computer savvy friends where they could get keycaps and fix their keyboards; I don’t even have to bother telling my computer savvy friends how to run a fifteen year old laptop because we’re all pretty good at it.
But GODDAMN I just read a response to my “cheap computer season” post that claimed that it was totally reasonable to run a macbook from 2010 and
That’s not a reasonable thing to tell a student who needs a functional computer to do research and write papers. (have fun trying to find installation discs from when the OS was still named after cats and have fun trying to get a browser to get along with that OS)
You know why most people bring me laptops with missing keys? Because the key got ripped off by their two-year-old and damaged the soldering in the keyboard and I have no idea it’s going to be “oh, yeah, that’s a ten dollar fix” or “sorry, that’s going to be an hour and a half to disassemble and reassemble and we’ll have to order you a new keyboard specific to that model out of new old stock” and the thing is the second one is much, much, much more common in my experience than the first.
Do I think you need to replace a laptop when the bezel is cracked? No. I also don’t carry my laptop powered on in the bag with a flashdrive sticking out of the USB port. Customers do weird things that I don’t understand and when a customer tells me they want me to fix the bezel they think it’s a twenty-dollar snap-on repair because they have no idea how this works and then they get mad at me when I explain “no, you’ve gotta have this specific piece of plastic, these haven’t been made in five years, and you might be better off buying a used model online than trying to track down a new bezel.”
So here’s the thing: Can Macs get viruses?
There are three answers here.
“No, of course not, Macs are made to be virus-proof”
“Macs need antivirus protection because, while it is less common than infections for PCs, there are types of malware that can infect macs and it’s worthwhile to guard against that”
“tEcHnIcAlLy a virus has to be self-replicating and IOS’s file management system [or some other bullshit] prevents that so TECHNICALLY Macs can’t get viruses and what you need is anti-malware software if you need anything because you’re fairly likely to have security through obscurity”
I’m aware of the third position and voicing the second position to people who believe the first position.
“Well if you treat it right and run it well it’ll be in great shape for a long time”
Tons of people in the world today use computers. They use computers every day, they use computers at home and at school and at work.
Tons of people drive every day. They use cars for fun and for commuting and for their jobs.
That doesn’t mean that all (or even most, or even half) of the people using these things is any good at keeping them running, or even has the barest idea of how to start tracking down a problem.
Someone in the notes of that post described a green line on their screen and thought that was a symptom of hard drive problems. I don’t have the hours in the day to catch this person up to speed on why a display issue on a laptop isn’t indicative of hard drive issues.
Do you know how much people think it’s going to cost to get data off of a broken drive? Not “won’t power up” not “won’t spin” but “I dropped this and part fell off and now it won’t power up or spin and also the platter is chipped”? I’m going to have to send that shit to a clean room and the customer is *staggered* that it might cost more than a hundred dollars to get their data. “Outrageous, what kind of blackmail operation are you trying to run here, just plug it in and get my pictures.”
A year or so ago I was at Jiffy Lube (ew). I’d been shooting the shit with the mechanic when a parent and child rolled in in a panic. And they should have been panicking! They’d thrown a fucking rod because they’d been driving with no oil in the car for god knows how long because neither of them had had the oil changed in the two years they’d owned the vehicle.
*I* can keep a 30-year-old car running. I can put a belt back on an engine in a dark parking lot with a wrench and a headlamp. I can drop a gas tank and replace my fuel filter and thumb my nose at the mechanics who tried to upsell me on “replacing your old, worn-out air filter” the day after I’d popped a new one into my truck.
These folks couldn’t keep a new car running with three alarms telling them what was wrong.
*I* can power up my 2005 macbook running Leopard and use garage band to record a song or do some design work on my copy of Adobe CS3; I can kludge its FF3.5 browser into playing nice with the internet and accept that it’s going to be a slow piece of shit.
The lady who called me confused by the fact that the password to her email was different than the login information for her grocery store rewards account will not be able to function if she gets a pop-up that says she’s using an outdated browser and will think it’s a virus if her bank won’t let her log in on that browser.
And you know what, I’m kind of sick of this attitude.
I would *fucking adore it* if computers were actually easy to repair; I’d love it if you could run new OSs on old hardware (especially on macs because I think apple are kind of shitheads about planned obsolescence).
But you know what, no, most people *CAN’T* reasonably expect to use a ten-year-old computer and have pleasant experience of it. It’s going to run slow. It’s going to shut down when they don’t want it to. The battery is going to swell slightly with the heat and your touchpad is going to go nuts. Your USB ports will stop working. Standard wear and tear that most people don’t know how to protect against and don’t know how to repair is going to make it harder to use AND software requirements will outstrip the hardware capabilities of the computer.
If your old computer sucks it’s not your fault. If you can’t happily use a 10-year-old laptop to do your homework that’s okay, it wasn’t designed for you to use it that way and YOU SHOULDN’T FEEL GUILTY ABOUT IT.
Because that’s kind of what a lot of these “well anybody should realistically be able to run a laptop from 2010″ responses comes down to: if you need new hardware you’re just not doing it right. If you have to replace your computer you didn’t make good choices when you bought it. If your battery dies it’s because you didn’t take care of it.
No. No. No. No.
This shit is A) designed to fail and B) actually really hard to keep running (hey how many blown capacitors do you think someone has to have on their motherboard before you say it’s not their fault for wanting to replace the laptop)
ALSO SOMEONE IN THE RESPONSES OF THAT POST LITERALLY SAID THAT IF YOUR BATTERY DIED AT THREE YEARS IT WAS BECAUSE YOU WEREN’T DOING THE DRAIN CHARGE CYCLE RIGHT AND FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU. It’s discharge cycles and heat, motherfucker; they are going to fail at some point and people shouldn’t feel bad if their batteries stop working after a couple years.
You shouldn’t have to be a mechanic. You shouldn’t have to be a computer technician. Yeah, your shit will last longer if you know how to take care of it but, fuck. Imagine you were still using internet speeds from 2010. Imagine all your devices still had USB 2.0. Imagine you couldn’t log onto your online bank because your hardware won’t run he software that your bank recognizes because the hardware manufacturer decided it won’t support the older hardware.
What I was trying to get across in that initial post was “computers fail, and they fail pretty frequently; your life will be better and you will save money if you plan on replacing them at a regular interval and have reasonable expectations in terms of cost and failure. So buy a cheap computer now because you’re probably going to need one at some point”
And now I’ve got to Do A Yell about how there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism and it’s unreasonable to expect tired, overworked, broke people to become experts in computer repair in order to do their homework or play the goose game.
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claudiarying · 3 years
Oh my gosh I'm so glad that I discovered your account HAHA I'm planning on taking journalism/broadcasting too in the future, do you have posts/videos with maybe some tips that we can follow?
Thank you so much in advanced!! ❤😭
Hi there! Thank you for reaching out and asking!
I haven't made any posts/videos specific to journalism, but I can definitely give some pointers. Obviously this is all from my personal experience, but I hope it's helpful. I'm not in broadcasting, but I was an anchor, like, twice on my campus news channel. It was awesome.
1. experience, experience, experience Journalism is most definitely all about getting your feet wet. It's super important to be hands-on and get clips for your portfolio. I'm talking about your school paper, or just pitching stories to local newspapers/mags, etc. These clips and these experiences are so valuable. You get to learn about how they operate, what is newsworthy, the process - to me, being hands-on actually made me sincerely passionate about journalism. Before, I just liked writing. 2. socializing This one is a difficult one, but when I say socializing I mean COMMUNITY. Mentors and seniors are really incredible in this field, because oftentimes, as a journalist, you really shouldn't pledge allegiance to your corporation because at the end it's a business, but INSTEAD you should put your belief and trust in your peers, in your communities, in the actual work you do. Networking and socializing and having a support group I think is so valuable in journalism. It's going to get you leads, get you resources, get you a community that will support your work.
3. find your niche (but branch out) You're probably going to be thrown into a beat/topic that you're not interested in. My personal horror story was that I was thrown into public health & safety which I had no interest in. I was so annoyed that I couldn't just write the stuff I want to. But that's how the real world is. I think it's super important that you know the stories you want to write and work from those angles, but you should also be general and have an interest even in things that you're not interested in, because that's what journalism is about. You can't stay within your own box. 4. have more tools in your arsenal I know for a fact the market is looking for people who are skilled in EVERYTHING. They're looking for that Gen Z kid who can do multimedia, social media, writing, reporting, pitching, etc. Learn how to work some Adobe programs or some coding languages. It's really going to help. Promise.
5. it's ok if you end up not liking it! It's so beyond normal to end up switching gears. Some people end up preferring marketing or PR. That's fine. Don't feel like you're responsible for a failing democracy or something LOL (guilty as charged) but just know that journalism is an awesome field actually, and it's a super important one. So, don't be like me and feel pressured by random people who say journalism is useless, and go for it if you want. Good luck!
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framecaught · 3 years
[S] Cascade After the Death of Flash
Most of us familiar with Homestuck are familiar with [S] Cascade. This seminal flash animation concludes Homestuck’s fifth act and is still considered by many fans the most important, climactic animation in the comic (even ahead of its successors [S] GAME OVER and [S] Collide).
Many of us may also be familiar with the extraordinary circumstances of the animation’s release. A user called Vivi on the now-defunct MSPA Forums made a commemorative comic documenting the occasion, which, to my view, really captures the essence of the release-mythos. In short: On October 25th, 2011, Homestuck updated after a year-long hiatus with a thirteen-minute flash called [S] Cascade. As fans raced to watch it, the influx of pageviews crashed Newgrounds, the site where the flash was hosted. Hussie temporarily uploaded the flash to megaupload.com. Megaupload.com crashed. The Homestuck website crashed; the Homestuck forum crashed; livestream.com crashed as fans who had “gotten in” tried to stream the video; and, finally, the Homestuck fandom crashed Twitter. [1]
Today, it is hard to imagine Homestuck fans crashing Twitter. Back in 2011, Twitter was a lot smaller, and Homestuck was a lot bigger. But it wasn’t just the long year of building anticipation and the mad scramble to watch the flash which cemented [S] Cascade as one of Homestuck’s most iconic pages. The Flash itself is aesthetically ambitious beyond any previous flash in the comic [2]. Not only does it combine detailed illustrations contributed by fan collaborators with an absolutely fire soundtrack; it manipulates the traditional Homestuck “panel” in a completely unique way. 
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Among the various stunning moments in the flash, I find Bec Noir’s dramatic release of the red miles one of the most memorable. The YouTuber Precision F-Strike captures my same reaction when I watched [S] Cascade for the first time in this video around 1:20, exclaiming: “My screen is getting bigger! My screen is getting bigger!!” What made this “expanding panel” trick so dazzling upon my first watch? The release of the red miles marks the first instance in which [S] Cascade modifies the traditional size of the Homestuck panel. By no means does it mark the first time the comic as a whole has deviated from its own standard panel size; elongated panels, multiple panels, and links-to-panels have all been regular features of the comic up to this point. However, [S] Cascade is the first page to modify the panel size during a Flash sequence, changing in motion. This novelty, combined with the surprise of the effect, sets the reader up to expect a flash of epic proportions—and [S] Cascade delivers.
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After expanding for the red miles, the panel never quite shrinks down to its original size. For the rest of the animation, the plot unfolds within an extended panel-space ripe for dramatic exploitation. At 2:53 the panel shrinks back down to show Bec Noir’s journey to post-reckoning earth, then grows again to get back into the action. At 4:22 it shrinks and breaks into multiple panels to illustrate Bec Noir wreaking destruction in the troll’s session. The proliferation of these moving rectangles mimics a film reel, reminding us that we have technically already seen these events, but underscoring their importance as a conglomeration of memories for the trolls. 
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Transitioning to the human sessions’ Derse at 4:38, the panel blows up again to its traditional size and adopts an exterior “wallpaper.” This “wallpaper”, as I’ll call it, shifts with the content of the Flash for the next few minutes. It shows the exterior of Derse as Rose and Dave fly through, then it takes on the red and yellow colors of the quest beds; the black and white colors of The Tumor; the red and blue colors of the “mass of two universes” device; and finally the fleur-de-lis pattern of the Felt mansion. During the sequence between Sn0wman and Slick, at 6:08 Slick’s bullet actually pushes out the corner of the traditional frame, extending it back into the full extended-panel space. Then again, during the climactic moment at 10:02, panels grow and shrink and replace others, flashing in time with the soundtrack, drawing the plotlines together and anticipating the finger-frame with which Jade creates the Fenestrated Plane. The animation finishes with John and Jade busting through the Fenestrated Plane, which cycles through the comic’s own panels, culminating the meta-referential panel distortion with this final act of “escaping” from and through the Homestuck panels themselves.
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As a result of the extended panel-space established at the release of the red miles, we get to experience the majority of [S] Cascade’s action (and gorgeous artwork) on an enlarged canvas. Just as we go to the cinema to see movies on the “big screen,” Homestuck deploys its own big screen at the start of the flash. Then, all the growing and shrinking between segments contributes to the narrative flow of the flash. The “shrunk” portions leave room for the panel to blow up again once the next climax comes. I think the “wallpaper” effect employed mid-flash is especially effective, as it allows Hussie to continue utilizing the extended panel-space while keeping the frame small in advance of the Sn0wman’s death, at which point it expands again. It’s also important to note how Hussie manipulates our other preconceived expectations, aside from panel size, to enhance the animation’s drama. The website itself gets a special [S] Cascade color scheme and header. In the unfamiliar layout of this Cascade-ified website, readers prepare themselves for the best and the worst—then their expectations are thrown off balance again, for good measure, with the expansion of the panel and the big-screen execution of the flash. With all of this in mind, it’s easy to see how [S] Cascade generated such a massive response.
As you may be aware, as of January 2021 Adobe has discontinued its support for Flash Player, with all major web browsers following suit. This means it’s near impossible to run flash content on any normal computer, and it won’t be long before flash only exists in archival projects. Luckily, the new denizens of the Homestuck website have worked to keep all of the story intact despite the changing media landscape, with some interactive flash pages broken down into videos or screencaps and animations converted to embedded YouTube videos [3]. If you are interested in experiencing Homestuck’s flash content as originally released, a fantastic project called the Unofficial Homestuck Collection has worked to archive the entire comic in a custom browser which natively runs Flash (all you need is 4GB of space on your computer and some time for the assets to download). This archive has been invaluable for my art historical investigation into the comic [4].
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As it stands, though—unless forced by a concerned friend to download The Unofficial Homestuck Collection browser—new readers to Homestuck can’t experience the Flash games and animations in their original format. The same goes for folks rereading the comic. In the case of [S] Cascade, significant losses must be mourned. The effect set off by the red miles (the surprise and novelty of your “screen getting bigger”) is hampered by the embedded YouTube format. When you open the [S] Cascade page, now, it presents you with a mid-flash thumbnail, a YouTube play button, and YouTube framing elements such as a watermark and title (pictured above). You can’t avoid already seeing the extended panel-space of the flash page with this new format. Even though the panels within the embed begin in their “shrunk” state and grow to fill out the video frame, the expansion can never be a surprise to the same degree it was in the original Flash format. Flash animations were unornamented by watermarks, titles, and scrubber bars. They were so indistinguishable from regular static panels and gifs in terms of size, image quality, and framing that this gag (pictured below) actually worked. The indistinguishable quality of flash animations from regular gif panels created the necessary environment for [S] Cascade to surprise us by suddenly growing and filling the screen. That drama is inevitably lost in the flash’s new format.
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On the other hand, the YouTube format presents some obvious benefits for readers. For one thing, you can now scrub back and forth in the animation, pause it, and even see its timestamps. This is beneficial to any reader who wants to revisit key moments and enormously helpful for someone like me analyzing the animation in detail. I would argue that the inability to pause the animation in its original format contributed to its monumental quality—readers couldn’t pause to breathe, and the comic took merciless control over the pacing—but of course the inability to pause something is also terribly inconvenient. Furthermore, the video format solves an issue that plagued Homestuck readers (including myself) throughout the comic’s lifetime: it’s inaccessibility on mobile devices. Adobe Flash famously failed to transition into the world of mobile touch-screens after Steve Jobs decided not to support it on the iPhone, writing a letter denouncing the software for its errors [5]. With Flash no longer functioning, the reformatted pages in Homestuck are all compatible with mobile devices, meaning readers can now enjoy the comic while lying sideways in bed like we always dreamed. Among other considerations, Adobe Flash was a complete pain to work with [6] for many large-scale projects, and its technical limitations cannot be ignored. On the whole, the death of Flash speaks to a greater evolution in our 21st century media sphere—the growing importance of mobile browsing, the shift from web-hosted games to apps and game launchers, and the increasing “convergence” of platforms into all-purpose devices. While much of Homestuck’s impact and charm resulted from its innovative use of Flash, like the example I’ve given in [S] Cascade, the unique bubble of history in which Flash existed should be fondly remembered and effectively preserved as we continue to navigate the comic’s legacy. 
Happy 4/13! If you liked this post, you can follow the blog on tumblr for updates or, if you don’t frequent tumblr, sign up for the mailing list to receive an email whenever I publish a new mini-essay!
[1] I unfortunately can’t say I was around for the original [S] Cascade release (I started reading the comic about two years too late). However, even during the Gigapause, what I’ve called its “release mythos” was still widely retold. The events themselves are documented here: https://fanlore.org/wiki/Cascade_(Homestuck). Thank you to @imploder for having saved Vivi’s comic on tumblr!
[2] Hussie wrote about the making of [S] Cascade on his tumblr, now archived here: https://wheals.github.io/tumblr/tumblr.html#about-eoa5-part-1. This gives some insight into the massive undertaking. Previously, the longest animation in Homestuck was [S] Descend, an animation which Hussie calls “Cascade Lite” in his author commentary in Homestuck Book 3. [S] Descend was the first animation to significantly incorporate multiple plotlines moving along at once. Hussie describes this narrative style as an “action-collage” (also in the Book 3 commentary). [S] Descend was also (to my recollection) the first time Hussie significantly incorporated assets from contributing artists into an animation, which he explained was partially to keep the production moving faster. Ironically, during the production of [S] Cascade, organizing contributors turned out to be much more of a hassle—but ultimately Hussie deems the myriad of captivating art styles “a big plus” in his post.
[3] Although some are completely broken, now :(. RIP silly flute refrain.
[4] I seriously cannot overstate how grateful I am for this project. 
[5] This article does a great job of explaining the history of Adobe Flash and its eventual demise.
[6] Hussie goes over some of the issues he had with the software in the post referenced at [2]
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Reckless (Bianca & Adore) - Candy Cane
A/N: im living in 2015 right now so like. ignore me fsdfsdf but anyways, here’s 2.8k of more incredibly self-indulgent fanfiction. i wrote this as platonic, but if you wanna see anything in here as romantic be my guest!! id like to thank chaoticnachokitten for supporting me and giving me ideas and beta'ing and i just- GAAAHH THANK YOU!! and thanks to everyone else who had such nice words to say abt my last one, it means soooo much 🥺🥺🥺
Summary: Adore and Bianca hang out, but of course things go wrong.
Adore loves hanging out with Bianca. Not only is she her best friend, but she’s the kind of person Adore thought would’ve hated her. But that’s not the case at all, there’s some sort of weird mutual respect and admiration going on between them, and it is fucking awesome.
The young musician knows she can be… a lot sometimes, what with her natural hyperactive toddler personality type, and it amazes her Bianca puts up with her. Especially in moments where Adore knows she shouldn’t be bothering her friend, but decides to anyways because Bianca can be boring sometimes. Moments like this one.
Adore had a gig at one of the clubs, and it ran much later than she had originally anticipated, but that was mostly due to her wanting to stay for Bianca’s set too. Of course, that led to them sharing a few too many drinks together while they stayed to watch some more performers. So when it came time for them to go home, Adore can’t find her keys.
It’s late. Late enough there’s no guarantee Adore’s roommates will be up to let her back into the apartment. The singer immediately turns to her oldest, nearest, dearest friend.
“Oh my God,” Bianca sighs whilst massaging her temples, seeing the next ten hours play out clear as day in front of her.
“Pleaaase can I stay at your place tonight Bia?” Adore asks, using her most pitiful voice and absolute poutiest facial expression.
They’re sat at a table in the back, Adore’s hands perched on Bianca’s knees as she essentially begs. Adore’s too drunk to care.
“Why don’t you call someone to see if they’ll stay up for you?” Bianca retorts like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. To be fair, it probably is. Adore’s still too drunk to realize that though.
“Oh yeah,” she says, knowing she sounds like the world’s dumbest bitch. She fumbles with her phone for a few seconds, poking the screen and the on button for an embarrassing amount of time before turning to Bianca with another sad pouty face, “It’s dead.”
“Of course it’s fucking dead,” Bianca groans, playing it up like she really does mind Adore staying with her for the night. She doesn’t, she probably would never. Adore is like the niece she never had, and she wouldn’t trade that girl for the world.
“Why don’t I just call one of them on mine?” Bianca offers.
Adobe frowns, putting on her thinking face, “…I don’t remember their numbers.”
“I can call Courtney,” Bianca reminds her.
“Oh yeah!”
A few minutes later, they discover they cannot call Courtney. They try calling her twice, and both times are a bust.
She glances down at Adore, and chuckles when she sees the “Bambi eyes”. Even if she weren’t planning on letting the kid stay with her, that would’ve done her in. She hasn’t met a single person that can resist those eyes.
“I’ll be quiet! I promise!” the singer whines.
Bianca makes an exaggerated show of sighing and hemming and hawing, just to tease Adore, then cracks open a wide, amused smile, “Of course you can stay at my place, bitch.”
“Party!” Adore cheers, throwing her arms tightly around Bianca’s neck. It’s all the thanks Bianca needs.
They pay their bills, order a Lyft, and in more time than either would’ve preferred, they make it to Bianca’s huge ass apartment. The pair stumbles inside the building, trying to look as Not Drunk as they can, and failing miserably. It doesn’t matter anyways, it’s almost 3 a.m. meaning there’s not a soul alive there to watch them.
Bianca leads Adore to the elevator, even if it’s pointless because Adore randomly shows up at Bianca’s place at least three times a week. The singer grips Bianca’s hand tightly, giggling and stumbling while the comic practically barks at her to be quieter. They’re lucky it’s a Friday. Well, a Saturday now, Bianca supposes.
The pair climbs up the one flight of stairs to Bianca’s apartment, and then into the apartment itself after Bianca spends a couple minutes fumbling with her keys. The door swings open, and they both fall onto the nearest couch.
They’re breathless with laughter, and then it starts up again when Bianca realizes she hasn’t closed her apartment door yet.
After she locks her apartment back up and turns on some lights, the older woman finds she can’t take her eyes off of Adore. The younger is smiling so freely, and it ignites something inside Bianca. She’s not sure what it is, maybe youthfulness, or freedom, but she loves it.
“B! Oh my God! I have an idea!” Adore suddenly says, sitting up way too fast and clearly making herself dizzy.
“Don’t kill yourself, otherwise I’m the one that has to call 911. You think I want paramedics at my house before the sunrises? Fuck no,” Bianca berates her, but she’s quick to recompose herself when Adore goes all pouty again, “What’s your idea? God knows you only come up with a good one every millennium.”
Adore childishly sticks her tongue out at Bianca, “We should make waffles!”
“How the fuck are we supposed to make waffles? I’m not a cook, I don’t keep that shit in my house.”
Adore screws up her face cutely, clearly trying to think of a solution to her waffle problem. She brightens up again after a minute, looking very proud of herself, “Alyssa! I bet Alyssa has it!”
Bianca rolls her eyes, “You really think I wanna speak to her right now? At three in the goddamn morning?”
“But waffles!” Adore insists.
“Tomorrow,” Bianca promises, “Right now I want to get out of this clown costume and into bed.”
Adore sighs, then tries her best puppy eyes again, “Cuddles?”
“You’re here, aren’t you?” Bianca snorts. Adore smiles as bright as the sun, then at Bianca’s beckoning she follows her best friend down the hall so they can take off their makeup and get ready for bed. When they’re finally able to snuggle up in bed together, Adore in one of Bianca’s old shirts and pair of leggings, the whole apartment pitch black, and the only sound they could hear was the sound of each other’s breathing.
It’s soothing and warm. They sleep like rocks.
The sun wakes Adore up at way too fucking early though. Her head is pounding, her arm has fallen asleep from Bianca laying on it through the night, and she is really fucking hungry. Adore groans and gently pulls her arm out from under Bianca, then stumbles out of the way too big, way too soft bed to go find something to take care of her headache.
She’s quickly able to find where Bianca keeps those things (the mounted cabinet in the bathroom) because Adore used to spend a ridiculous amount of time at this apartment complaining about her ailments to Bianca, which of course lead Bianca to freely helping Adore out whenever. Bianca would act all cold and exasperated over it, but they both knew it was just a show.
Adore downs two of the pills dry and decides nearly immediately she should go find something to drink. In mere minutes she has a pot of coffee brewing, and simultaneously discovers that it’s only around 9 a.m.. Which is just overall… weird. Adore is almost never up this early, especially after the kind of night she had last night. The events of the night are still pretty fuzzy right now, but she still remembers everything. Mostly. She thinks.
One thing she does remember is a promise. A promise for waffles. Adore grins, an idea formulating in her head. Bianca is always so incredibly nice to her, helping her out and giving her whatever she wants. And sure, it’s not Mother’s Day, but that doesn’t mean Adore can’t show her appreciation for Bianca.
Clearly the woman deserves breakfast in bed. Courtesy of a little help from a next door neighbor (hopefully). The singer quickly grabs Bianca’s key off the counter and heads over to the one person she knows will have just what she wants.
Adore knocks on the door, and it’s only a minute later with an accompanied shout of ‘I’m comin’ hon!’ that the heavy white door is thrown open.
“Oh my goodness it’s Adore Delano!” Alyssa Edwards says excitedly, “Hello, doll!”
“Hi, Alyssa!” Adore smiles, “Um, I have a favor to ask of you?”
Bianca’s favorite way to wake up is slowly, with the sun streaming in through her bedroom window and having absolutely all the time in the world to get up, check her phone, and get ready for work. This morning is the exact fucking opposite.
First thing that wakes her up is the motherfucking fire alarm, causing her to scramble out of bed at a record speed. Second thing, she’s painfully aware that Adore isn’t in the bed with her. Bianca is halfway through screaming Adore’s name when she bursts out into the main room.
The main room is smokey as all hell. Adore is aiming a fire extinguisher at the counter from the other side of the kitchen. The counter is covered in white foam. Her damn fire alarm won’t shut up.
Bianca’s going to have a hard time explaining this one to the neighbors for sure.
The older woman breathes in slowly, but sharply, “Adore, what the fuck did you do?”
Adore doesn’t say anything. She lets go of the fire extinguisher, and they both wince when it crashes against the kitchen tile. Not for the first time, Bianca is glad that she lives on the first floor.
The two stare at each other, Adore resting boneless against the oven, her expression just screaming shock. She lifts her head to meet Bianca’s eyes.
Pounding on the door, someone starts shouting, “BIANCA?! HOLY GOD, IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT?”
The woman in question is quick to open her apartment door, but instead of accepting the concern, she barks out, “What do you want?”
“The whole damn building knows your alarms are going off, Bianca!” Alyssa says sharply, shoving her way inside the apartment, “My girls are coming over in two hours! I can’t have my house burning down on me.” Bianca and Adore share a twin look of surprise. Alyssa’s always been Bianca’s favorite neighbor, that’s no secret, but this is a tightly concealed side of her that neither of them have ever really seen. It’s concern. Worry. But not for herself, for them. Even if it does come off as something else. This is just something not usually associated with her.
“Okay,” Bianca says carefully, “What the fuck is going on.”
“That’s what I want to know,” Alyssa agrees, lips pursed skeptically, “Adore told me y’all were making waffles.” It’s absurd. The fire alarm is still blaring. Adore has crushed herself into a nook, looking petrified. Bianca is very hungover and her most beloved annoying neighbor is standing in her house at way too early o’clock. Bianca suddenly realizes that even though there’s no fire, there’s still smoke in her apartment, and she really wants that alarm to shut the fuck up. Also, the smoke is going to stain her expensive shit if she doesn’t get it out.
She starts to open all the windows in the main room, and is grateful when Alyssa comes to help her. They make short work of it, and when she turns around to look at her best friend, she feels scared.
She’s scared that Adore might be hurt. She’s scared that she didn’t do anything to prevent this. But mostly she’s scared that something might be broken between them.  
For the first time since walking in, Bianca notices bowls spread across her kitchen counter. Bowls and boxes and whisks… It clicks.
“Okay,” Bianca exhales, “Alyssa, what the fuck did you just say about waffles?”
“Adore came to me a little while ago and asked me if I could lend you two some waffle ingredients,” Alyssa starts slowly, “And I think to myself, ‘Now Alyssa Edwards, as a woman of God it is your duty to love your neighbor and let her make some waffles on this beautiful morning-’”
“Alyssa, you let my dumbass kid do WHAT?! You fucking know she can’t cook! We have had this conversation a hundred times!”
“Well, Adore said to me ‘Bianca and I’ not ‘I’m going to’! I thought you were gonna be helping her!”
“I’m sorry!” Adore snaps, her voice quivering and tears welling up in her eyes, causing Bianca and Alyssa to turn to her, “I’m so, so sorry- I didn’t mean for this to happen! I just- I just wanted-”
Bianca stares at Adore with shock, not fully comprehending everything happening. Between her hangover and the sheer chaos of the first fifteen minutes of being awake, she’s not entirely sure why Adore is so distressed. Adore starts whispering ‘I’m sorry’ over and over to herself, hugging her knees tight to her chest, tears starting to crawl down her face, and it hits Bianca like a train.
“Alyssa…” Bianca says slowly, but she’s unable to tear her eyes away from Adore.
Adore’s blaming herself completely and totally. And it makes sense, she is the one that started the whole mess. But Bianca can’t stand that look on Adore’s face. She’d much rather put the blame on Alyssa (who can more than handle it) instead of Adore (who is currently having a nervous breakdown).
But Adore isn’t having it.
“No, this is my fault. I’m not- I’m not that stupid, Bianca. I’m not that useless, either. I’m not a kid. I’m not someone you should leave supervision for. I’m fucking twenty-four. Stop treating me like I’m not,” Adore’s words are cold, but her face tells Bianca the musician is falling apart, “Look me in the eye, Bianca.”
She does.
“Yell at me,” Adore says.
She can’t. Bianca doesn’t even want to. She feels like she failed here, because Adore isn’t her kid but God does it feel like it sometimes.
“We’ll replace your stuff, Alyssa,” is what Bianca says instead.
Luckily, the woman accepts that as her cue to go. She gives Bianca a hug and a kiss on the cheek before she leaves, and sends air kisses Adore’s way. Adore gives Alyssa a weak smile.
The door closes. Bianca and Adore lock eyes.
“What the hell were you thinking?” Bianca says. It’s a tired, worried voice. Not at all what Adore was expecting, or even wanted.
“I wanted to surprise you,” Adore answers simply, arms crossed defensively over her chest, “You do so much for me. For everyone. And I know you said last night we’d do it together but I just… I wanted to do something for you.”
That alone melt’s Bianca’s heart. It’s been getting easier and easier lately for Adore, and by extension the rest of their friends, to do that. For a while she thought moving to this city was stupid, and probably the worst decision of her life. But even now, after such a chaotic fucking twenty-five minutes of being awake, Bianca is so happy she’s here.
“Next time, buy me something online,” Bianca says, warm and forgiving, instead of cold and biting like Adore would’ve expected.
The younger practically runs into Bianca’s open arms. The embrace is full of love, and Adore feels that it’s okay. She still blames herself, she’s still stupidly upset, but Bianca… Bianca makes her feel like everything will be okay.
They sit there hugging for a few minutes, then Bianca mutters, “Good thing you knew how to use that extinguisher, I think that’s been hanging there for ten years.”
Adore chuckles wetly, face buried into Bianca’s shoulder, “Yeah… Hey, shouldn’t have all the other alarms gone off too?”
Bianca freezes. Adore is right, all the other fire alarms in the building should’ve had people evacuating.
“I guess the building needs to get that fixed, huh? Maybe you being a walking disaster is a good thing after all, if that had been real, everyone would’ve been fucked.”
“Wow,” Adore whispers, “Maybe our building should get that checked too…? Oh my God. Oh my God.”
“What?!” Bianca asks, pulling away from Adore to see what’s wrong.
“I never went home last night,” Adore says, “I never charged my phone. I never texted my roommates.”
Bianca suddenly doubles over laughing, fully bellied and absolutely batshit crazy, “Good, Courtney doesn’t get nearly enough stress in her life!”
Adore breaks out into a grin, and feels her worries start to melt away. Somehow, Bianca is really fucking good at doing that.
“Alright,” Bianca sighs, looking at the pure mess that is now her kitchen, “Let’s charge our phones and order breakfast.”
And they do.
Neither would’ve spent the hour following that disaster any other way.
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muqiing · 3 years
From planning to posting, share your process for making creative content!
To continue supporting content makers, this tag game is meant to show the entire process of making creative content: this can be for any creation.
RULES — When your work is tagged, show the process of its creation from planning to posting, then tag 5 people with a specific link to one of their creative works you’d like to see the process of. Use the tag #showyourprocess so we can find yours!
I got tagged by Sabrina @lanwangiji to share my content creation process for the birthday set I made for Lan Wangji, thank you ^-^ there won’t be screenshots in this tutorial since it’s been a couple months since I made this set, and I am the type of person that deletes psds, gifs, etc. within two days after posting a set ;-; (I’ve also had to factory reset my laptop since then so unfortunately the coloring I’d saved has gone to waste as well...)
As always, the programs I used to make this set are Adobe Photoshop 2021 & Avisynth 2.5!
1. Planning
I made the set for Lan Wangji’s birthday, of course, as part of the birthday event we hosted over on MDZS Network. As with all birthday events I’d done prior to this one I would search “happy birthday” on Tumblr and scroll down all the posts to see if there were any gifsets that I could possibly draw inspiration from. Initially I didn’t get any inspiration from doing that, but then there was a post I saw that sparked my interest. Unfortunately due to exams and school (and me being an idiot and not liking the post) I lost the post and, thus, also the inspiration.
But then one day someone (I think it was Hanyi but I’m not 100% sure) reblogged this gifset onto my dashboard. The person who made the gifset also posted a tutorial of how they got their text to look like that and I, pretty much still being a noob at typography, decided I wanted to try it out for my Lan Wangji birthday post. Eventually, this person’s traits gifset series is where I drew my inspiration from!
For the scenes I decided I was going to use scenes where he doesn’t move around too much, this being because I was also going to experiment with coloring. I ended up with five scenes and five words, and then decided I also wanted to use excerpts from the novel directly. All the novel excerpts were taken from the Exiled Rebel Scanlations translation.
Having gathered everything I needed, it was time to get to work!
2. Creating
I started out by putting all my scenes through Avisynth 2.5 as I always do, and I ended up with five 540x540 videos of about 50 frames each. One of the first things I did in Photoshop was put in around three to four selective coloring layers to turn the background as blue as possible, but even after doing that I wasn’t satisfied with the result so I slapped on a solid coloring layer that I blended into an overlay and then turned the opacity down to 75. The reason why I wanted scenes where he doesn’t move around too much was so that I could do this, because once I put on the solid coloring overlay Lan Wangji himself turned this godawful blue color. So working with a layer mask I erased all the parts where his skin was showing so he would keep his natural skin color.
Once the coloring was (almost) done, I started looking for typography. I don’t remember exactly what fonts I used, but they were very similar to the fonts used in the gifsets where I drew my inspiration from. Following the tutorial (and failing countless of times before I eventually got it right) I was able to get the text to look the way it does! I did end up struggling with the text on every single gifset because no matter how many times I followed the tutorial I always ended up making a mistake somewhere. I think I redid the text on each gif up to five times.
Placing the novel excerpts was probably my favorite thing on this gifset. At first I placed them in a rather standard way, right above and right below the words with ample spacing. I think I originally saved my gifs that way too, but only a couple days before his birthday (and also before the start of my exams, which started on the 25th) I decided it was too boring. So I went back in and placed the excerpts in many different positions before eventually placing them the way they’re placed in the final version.
To this day, I still think this might be one of the hardest gifsets I’ve ever made. In total I spent a little over a week (I did have to study and whatnot during the day so I usually opened PS in the evening) making and remaking this entire set. I’m pretty sure this one also made me cry out of frustration because I kept getting the text wrong.... ;-;
3. Posting
I think I finished the set a day before his birthday so I ended up putitng it in my queue so it would post exactly at midnight. I was incredibly excited to post it because it was one of the best sets I’d made up to that point (it still is) and I remember getting a lot of compliments in the tags that made me really happy :D
I won’t be tagging anyone, but it was fun to be able to ramble a bit ^-^
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