#adora & angella
pokchookity · 3 months
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Don't let Entrapta see GlaDOS.
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sheerakk · 1 year
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hibiscuit-rose · 6 months
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season 3 screencaps redraws! distorted catra is kinda..
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alexandriaellisart · 6 months
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a little golden age
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tippenfunkaport · 1 year
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The continuing saga of trying to archive stuff in case they try to delete this show from existence, here are all the character bios from the official website. (I corrected the typos in the captions, you're welcome, Dreamworks!)
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likeshe-raorleave · 1 year
SPOP Characters as John Mulaney Quotes
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Sea Hawk:
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Double Trouble:
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ND pitching the show:
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thatcheesyler · 5 months
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thefanartisthoho · 5 months
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landofanimes · 8 months
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She-ra and the Princesses of Power
Season 1 Character Posters
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turtle-ly · 10 months
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Who'll save you?
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yourfellowhuman07 · 5 months
A Map of Etheria (and other details)
Hi everyone! If you've been following me for a while you would know I was working on a map of Etheria, but I never ended up finishing it.
Then, I noticed I was nearing 1,000 hits on my fic Alliance of the Heart, so I decided I would remake it and type up some things about each country.
Also, thank you to everyone who created the She-Ra Fan Wiki because it came in clutch for this map.
Anyway, here's my info dumping about my head cannons regarding the geographical features of each land.
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Etheria is a planet about the size of Venus located on the outskirts of the Eternian Solar System. Since it is so far away from the Ethernian sun, the planet is sustained by its moons and the magically created heat they give off.
Each moon gives off a certain temperature, so the different climates are based on what moons travel over the most.
Bright Moon
Bright Moon is the third largest kingdom in Etheria, but they are the richest. They are located in the middle of all the major countries, meaning they are a crossroad for trade among the kingdoms. They also possess the territories of Mystacor and the Whispering Woods.
The climate is temperate and is akin to a cool spring season. The country has mostly different types of forests and meadows with some rivers and lakes scattered around.
Salineas is the second largest kingdom in the form of an archipelago. The northern part is cooler with more rocky beaches, and as you head south the area becomes progressively more tropical with sandy beaches. The country has some mountains in the valleys when you get inland, but the country is mostly flat.
The country is also located on a tectonic plate line, so whenever the weapon inside Etheria is fired, more islands are created.
The Kingdom of Snows
TKOS is the largest kingdom of Etheria and is almost completely covered in snow. Despite being the largest country, it has a population that is close to Scorponi. The people live mostly on the coast and in large cities.
Dryl is a country that spans the largest mountain range on Etheria with a couple of clearings. Its population lives under the mountains in one of the Six "Systems" of Dryl, which are large, carved-out areas within and under the mountains, containing the homes and mines of Dryl. As of the beginning of the series, the Crypto Castle is the only structure on the surface.
The climate is relatively cool, with more snow as you travel further north. The area also has large patches of pine forests and other small shrubs and flowers.
Outside of the Fright Zone, which was the site of an ancient meteor crash, the kingdom of Scorponi is relatively dry. It's relatively flat with expansive planes, sparse forests, and a couple of canyons.
The Crimson Waste
The Crimson Waste is a desert area with large patches of cacti, rocky areas, and large canyons.
Plumaris is one of the small countries with the smallest population with most of the area consisting of agriculture, forests, and flower fields.
Another aspect is the territory they technically have a claim over is an area I created called The Out Fields, which is where the Watch Tower is located and where Hordak found Adora. It's a large, expansive area of tall grass.
The Unnamed Kingdom
The Unnamed Kingdom belongs to Spinnerella and Netossa, which used to be two before the girls got married. The kingdom has a climate similar to Dryl with its own Mountains and forests.
Sweet Bee and Peekablue's Islands
These are tropical islands out of the way of the other kingdoms, helping them stay out of the way of the war. They are considered humid by Etherian standards and are densely forested with many flowers and fruit trees.
The Star Sister's Island
This is a collection of islands similar to the Kingdom of Snows with a cold temperature and mountain terrain.
Beast Island
Beast Island is off the coast of Scorponi and used to be an information hub for the Eternians. As time went on, water damage corroded the tech, causing it to corrupt and branch out into the forest and create the virus affecting the island.
If anyone wants to use this map, please ask me (and maybe tag me because I want to see what you need it for). Also, you can adopt as many headcannons as you want, but I would like some sort of acknowledgment if you use my idea of the Outfields.
Also, if you made it this far, thank you for reading and your patience regarding me creating this.
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pokchookity · 7 months
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marylily-my-beloved · 5 months
"ARE WE STILL FRIENDS?? CAN WE BE FRIENDS???" but it's Entrapta to the other princesses after they figure out she made robots for the horde... but its Adora to Glimmer after Angella stays in the time loop instead of Adora.... but its Adora to Catra after she leaves the horde (and the thing reversed).... but it's Hordak to Entrapta (yes thats it.).... but its scorpia to perfuma after when she finally get unchipped.... but its spinnerella to nettosa (her wife guys, they're married) after she gets unchipped.....
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that-ari-blogger · 4 months
"Do you want to know a secret?" (The Portal)
I think that the rules of writing are overblown.
Don’t get me wrong, there are things you should and shouldn’t do when telling a story, but those are more guidelines than actual rules.
Case and point, She-Ra is a story predicated on repetition, which shouldn’t be as entertaining as it is. The “bad ending” is effectively another season, which is a unique premise, and a threat that the story absolutely delivers on multiple times.
But, to me at least, the story is enthralling, and keeps me coming back to it. It works, not despite its repetition, but because of it.
Although, that isn’t exactly true. I’ve described the story as cyclical before, but it isn’t entirely. It’s a spiral, because the cycle of abuse is an innately unstable dynamic, and will only end in tragedy if it isn’t broken.
If you don’t want to take my word for this, I give you the season 3 finale, The Portal, which spells out the series’ thesis in about as blunt of a way as is possible.
Let me explain.
SPOILERS AHEAD: (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Watchmen, Batman: The Killing Joke, Superman: For The Man Who Has Everything, Justice League Unlimited)
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I grew up reading Alan Moore comics, and if you don’t know who that is, I both pity you and envy you. Alan Moore is one of the most misrepresented writers of the modern age, and its entirely his own fault.
Moore is known for writing V For Vendetta, The Killing Joke, and Watchmen, all of which have a distinctly grim tone. He is one of those writers who seems to care more about the story he is telling than how much people enjoy it, and so he usually has a point to make.
Unfortunately, we end up with the Cyber Punk dilemma, in which Alan Moore’s genuinely unrivalled literary talent leads to people really enjoying his stories, which means they unintentionally miss the actual themes of those stories. In the case of Watchmen, this led to people seeing the gore and the violence and the depression and trying to replicate that.
This is where we get The Boys from, shallow sadness and spectacle. If that’s your thing, go for it, but it isn’t mine.
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But I bring up Moore in a discussion of She-Ra for a reason, and that is the relentless hope inherent in his writing. In Moore’s stories, hope prevails every single time, with the only exception being extremely subjective. The Killing Joke focuses on the idea that everyone is one bad day away from becoming evil, and that gets proven wrong. Watchmen is about how small humans are and how annihilation changes people, yet the characters are able to find joy and an escape from their trauma, and show kindness to each other even when the sky almost literally falls on their heads.
The Boys isn’t very good as an adaptation of Moore’s themes (In my opinion). If you want one that actually understands the source material, watch The Incredibles, or Justice League Unlimited, or She-Ra and the Princesses of Power.
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I have praised She-Ra for its animation and pacing, as well as its overarching story, but I think its greatest strength is its humanity. Characters in She-Ra are incredibly fragile, psychologically, and yet they are incredibly resilient.
Catra and Adora’s development gets methodically and efficiently destroyed by Shadow Weaver, and yet Adora becomes a hero and Catra… well, we’ll see how that works out in later seasons.
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One of my favourite Moore stories is a superman story from 1985 called For The Man Who Has Everything. This was adapted into an episode of Justice League Unlimited, but I prefer the comic.
The story follows Superman being forced to live out his greatest desire. It doesn’t sound that bad, but the point is that he is kept happy and therefore out of the picture while villains can do villain things. It’s very much a story from its time, and I love it.
Interestingly, however, Superman’s dream takes him back to Krypton, where he isn’t Superman, and he is happy. He has a wife, and a son, and he never lost anything. He can spend time with his parents.
Even with the shenanigans that ensue (because this is a comic), his time in this dream is fun, and relaxing. Until he works out he’s dreaming, and has to let it go. Superman gets the choice of happiness, or duty, and he takes duty.
The scene in which he says goodbye to his “son”, who does not exist and therefore does not matter, is heartbreaking, and if I ever do comic reviews, I’m talking about this one first.
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I now turn your gaze to queen Angella, from whose perspective this story is being told.
The episode actually does a bit of a bait and switch with the point of view, convincing its audience that it is about either Glimmer or Bow, and it kind of is, but not entirely.
Angella has everything she could possibly want, her daughter, her husband, her city. There is no war, there is nothing. Everything is perfect.
“This is perfect, my love, but it’s not real. I remember now. I miss you so much, but Glimmer needs my help, and I can’t stay with nothing but memories. Goodbye Micah”
Does this ring any bells?
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I want to point out that this is still Catra’s hallucination, the thing that she wants. So why does she want Angella and Glimmer to be happy?
Catra wants Adora, and arguably loves her, but in an extremely dysfunctional way that says "if I can't have her, nobody can". She is petty, and fully the villain in this episode.
So, the way that she gets Adora to be hers is by ensuring that the people who accepted her would have no space for her in their lives. Why would Glimmer want to spend time with Adora? She has her father. Why would Angella accept Adora? She has her family.
What Catra doesn’t understand is that love isn’t transactional, and that these people are genuinely kind and accepting.
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There's the idea of "what you are in the dark." The concept of what a person does when there are no consequences. Characters in this episode keep getting moments like this, when they know that they are fading from existence, and are given moments to show their true colours. Entrapta chooses to be grateful, Bow chooses to be reassuring, and Glimmer chooses to be emotional.
The thing that breaks people out of Catra’s reality is the unexpected. Its Catra’s lack of understanding of people that leads to those people being themselves and instinctively breaking free.
Case and point, Angella and Glimmer help Adora, and because this world was completely unprepared for that minour act of kindness, it can’t keep them contained.
Now, I know what scene you are expecting me to talk about, so I’m going to make you wait, and talk about Catra instead.
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Catra is the villain of this episode. If it wasn’t for this being set in her mind, she would have zero nuance. By which I mean, everything about her as a character here is done externally, the way she acts makes her seem like a generic, abusive partner.
Because let me be clear about Catra’s actions here. This is abuse, and it is treated as such by the story. The show doesn’t make apologies for her in this episode, or try to justify it here. Subtlety be damned here, Catra is abusive.
And so, I will read her this way, for this episode. We have seen the nuance leading up to this moment, and we will see a redemption arc. But this is Catra at her lowest, and so I will put aside the past and future to examine the present and the present only. Catra is abusive.
There are two ways you could read this drop in subtlety. One, there are parts of this character that you aren’t seeing, left blank. This episode is presenting you with a character and not showing you the whole thing. Or two, this is a character who has been broken by the story, almost as if parts of her have been removed or lost. Catra is now a fragment of her former self.
I wonder if any of this is reflected in her character design.
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“If you hadn’t gotten captured, your sword wouldn’t have opened the portal. If you hadn’t gotten the sword and been the world’s worst She-Ra, none of this would have happened. Admit it Adora, the world would still be standing if you had never come through that portal in the first place.”
This hurts Adora because it’s true. Ok that’s unfair, and inaccurate, but it’s not entirely wrong, and that’s the kicker.
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Catra isn’t making this up, she’s just leaving out important details. Because of course, if Adora hadn’t been captured, things would have worked out better, but who was it that captured her? Who was it that made the choice to pull the switch? Who was it that destroyed the world out of spite?
Catra blames Adora for her own actions, and that is, once again, abuse. Which is why it’s so satisfying when Adora stands up for herself.
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“I didn’t make you pull the switch. I didn’t make you do anything. I didn’t break the world. But I am gonna fix it.”
Hope is relentless.
But I also want to point out the claiming of agency here. Catra was weirdly insightful at the start of her monologue.
“It's always the same with you, Adora. ‘I have to do this. Oh, we have to do that.’”
Adora’s word choice is a flaw. I looked back at the past few seasons and did a word search through the scripts. I don’t think Adora uses the word “want” more than once at all up to this point.
Essentially, Catra sees things, but extrapolates exactly the wrong message from it. It’s almost as if she’s only seeing half of the world, like her vision is impaired or incomplete somehow.
I wonder if that is reflected in her character design.
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In any case, Adora frequently says that she “has to” do things. “Need” is also something she says a lot, and this has the effect of making her an extremely passive character in her own story.
Like I said, this is a moment of agency, but the entire story is a story about that agency. The characters are making choices to either get out of or go along with the downward spiral that the tragic form has set out for them. Catra made the choice to follow, but Adora didn’t. Adora’s word choice makes her look like she has made no choice, but a lack of action is still a decision.
So here, when Adora declares she is “gonna fix it", she takes her agency and decides to walk in a different direction.
This reminds me of an earlier episode, that being Promise.
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Hey, look at that action. Looks familiar, right?
This is the only episode I found where Adora says she wants something, although her actual wording is “I never wanted to leave you” when talking to Catra. Go figure.
The moment in question was the episode’s namesake.
“It doesn't matter what they do to us, you know? You look out for me, and I look out for you. Nothing really bad can happen as long as we have each other.” “You promise?” “I promise.”
Agency. Adora is making a decision to stay with Catra and protect her. She is knowingly choosing to do something.
It’s telling that the two most prominent times Adora has done this have been to protect people. It’s almost as if she wants to be useful, or helpful, or protective. Almost as if she wants to be wanted. It would seem Adora is just as addicted to the highs of Shadow Weaver’s programming as Catra, she just has a better support group.
Although this isn’t a full victory, she doesn’t want to save the world, she is just going to, – we still don’t know what Adora wants – this is a partial success. Hold onto that idea, it will come back later.
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“Do you want to know a secret? I am a coward. I've always been the queen who stays behind. Micah was the brave one. And then Glimmer, oh, Glimmer. So much like her father. And once again I stayed behind, letting her make the hard choices, letting her be brave for me. I told myself I was being responsible, but, Adora, I was just scared. And then I met you. You inspired us. You inspired me. Not because it was your destiny, but because you never let fear stop you. And now I choose to be brave.”
Queen Angella is voiced by Reshma Shetty. She doesn’t get much praise, but for this monologue, I think she deserves so much more than she got.
In my fourth post about She-Ra, I discussed Adora’s ability to inspire and linked her to Batman, something I stand by to this day.
In universe, She-Ra isn’t important because she’s a warrior. She exists as a leader, to protect people and pull them into a greater tomorrow. She shines a light for others to follow.
That is what happens in The Portal, Adora succeeds not by fighting the enemy, but by being herself. She only becomes She-Ra to destroy the portal at the end. To save Etheria, the giant sword lady isn’t important.
I mentioned earlier that humans are fragile and resilient at the same time, and I give you Angella as evidence for that claim. Here is someone who has lost her husband, and makes decisions based on that fear and trauma. But when push comes to shove, the fear is secondary.
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Reality falling apart lets directors get away with true nonsense. Micah's staff has no reason to be here, other than the fact that it makes a phenomenal metaphor for Angella's trauma. But that's all you need.
Jon Pertwee was the third doctor, and while he isn’t nearly as iconic or influential as some of his predecessors and successors, he did deliver the line that defined the whole series.
“Courage isn't just a matter of not being frightened, you know. It's being afraid and doing what you have to do anyway.”
I started my discussion of this season by claiming that this is the season in which the characters put a dent the tragic cycle, and I have mentioned several times that the cycle of abuse is unstable. So, here is my thesis.
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Catra’s arc fails, not in a story sense, but in a personal one. The idea that every character has a single story arc is something is a specific bugbear of mine, and Catra is kind of my case and point for that. She has a redemption arc up to this point, and she ends up as a villain. Then the story continues and she has to start again and decide where to go next. She has no choice but to move in a different direction from here.
But she tasted redemption already. The crimson wastes gave her a taste of what she is missing, and it offered her an out. It gave her a choice, she made one, and consequences were served. I can’t help but imagine that for the entirety of the next season, she is considering running off to the wastes again.
That idea of consequences comes back with Adora, who makes a good decision, and is rewarded for it. Or rather, she makes a decision to actually do something. Adora becomes an active character, and that is what starts to break the cycle. Because now the motion is halted, and the puppets are pulling the strings.
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But, this isn’t a complete victory. Angella is lost, Entrapta and Micah are still gone, none of the villains actually get defeated. For an episode with lasting consequences, not much actually happened.
This episode is big on the fact that this is all a dream, which should destroy the engagement. But it doesn’t. In reality, it preserves the status quo physically, but lets all the characters spontaneously experience character development. The victory of this season is that growth, but it came at a cost.
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I want to briefly talk about that final shot, before I go, because this is how you introduce a villain. Sure, the voice acting is impeccable, and the cinematography gives an air of mystery and menace to this threat, but the showstopper is the reveal that this villain can destroy a moon with ease.
You see a fleet of ships, there was no battle here, just a villain showing off for nobody but himself. He gets interrupted by the plot, and he’s busy DESTROYING A MOON.
Horde Prime is f***ing terrifying.
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This scene is in this episode too. It's meant to show how reality is falling apart, but I actually have a reading of why it's here. I think Catra wanted to preserve who Adora was, hence why she is the source of all the paradoxes. But Catra doesn't understand that Mara's legacy and Razz's teaching are a big part of Adora.
Final Thoughts
I’m going to talk about the implications for later seasons for a moment here, so if you’re avoiding spoilers, now you know.
I think Catra being the villain here makes her redemption so much more compelling, because she actually needs it. There is a difference between this and, for example, Hunter from The Owl House, who doesn’t really need redemption because he hasn’t done anything wrong.
Catra here has very much done wrong and is evil as defined by the show. But the show’s message is that anyone can change, and that the cycle of abuse isn’t set in stone.
So, Catra will redeem herself, and she will struggle, and fall back, and try again. Forgive her or not, the redemption is the effort to be better.
Next week (or whenever the next post is released, I have a terrible work schedule), I will be discussing The Coronation, so stick around if that interests you.
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waterfire1848 · 1 year
She Ra Headcanon - Entrapta was the Frosta of the first Princess Alliance (youngest member) and became friends with the members of the alliance. She was so happy to have friends again because she watched all her other friends die in the war.
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tippenfunkaport · 2 months
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you ever sit around and think about how Glimmer and Adora are both looking at Angella in this moment but Bow's only looking at Glimmer, or are you normal?
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