#adrien true self
certifiedducky · 24 days
Nino and Chloe disliking Chat Noir is actually the funniest thing in the world to me. But i think they’re the only two people who can dislike chat and it be really funny(and not just depressing) because they *actually* know adrien.
Like Nino(ignore whatever the writing the show was trying to push in the s4 finale) and Chloe *know* that Adrien Agreste™️ is a mask that their friend puts up. He’s good because he has to be good for the brand. So it’s not like they hate his “real” personality, because Chat Noir is an overcompensation to the point of annoyance(and he hates on Adrien in the process) so of course Nino and especially Chloe can’t stand him.
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ninadove · 4 months
[Slaps roof of Senticousins]
These bad boys can fit so many trope subversions in them
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gyroshrike · 2 years
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Sorry for the wait @mewangie ! I’m your gifter :D Happy to present you with this for the @mlsecretsanta exchange!
I had so much fun drawing this, I hope it brings you as much joy as it did me!
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wisteriasymphony · 4 months
rotating incel 4channer adrien au in my head so hard.......
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feather-of-argos · 2 years
My favourite thing about @wackus-bonkus-maximus' odnlb Marinette is that she was introduced as her typical soft spoken ditzy persona that would probably have a panic attack if an automatic toilet flushed too suddenly but she’s also the most capable murderer in the entire story.
Similtaneously, Adrien if-I-can't-be-free-than-I-will-die-trying Agreste, is this soft cinnamon roll who thinks being inches closer to death is the biggest 'fuck you' to the universe. Boy knows he needs therapy, but not as much as the sad girl crying drunkingly into his £2,780 Givenchy sweater.
Then we have our work efficient Kagami who, in typical fashion, is the one doing the hot pursuing by eye-fucking her long time co-worker at meetings and making him her "problem".
Paralleling Felix, whose introduction makes him seem like a cold, selfish, political juggernaut but who would spontaneously combust if the right girl made eye contact with him over a game of chess.
Anyway, they’re dating.
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peachy-lemon83 · 2 years
It’ll forever break my heart that while Marinette has people who love her mask (Ladybug) she also has a ton of people who love her as Marinette (and are actively letting her know that’s she’s amazing and wonderful). While Adrien is Chats mask, which Chat being his more natural self. But everyone tells Adrien how awesome he is. Everyone falls for Adrien and never Chat. And yeah sure Chat probably gets a ton of love from fans, especially since we’ve seen him interact with them a bit (I’m specifically thinking of in Truth on his patrol that he got abandoned on, but there’s a pic of chat helping a victim in the background of a news feed, idr what episode it’s from tho). Anyways those are fans who honestly probably don’t give a ton of confidence in ‘people like the real me’ aspects of things. As Chat Noir fans wouldn’t have interacted with him a ton, so they don’t truly know him either. Of course Ladybug tells him he’s amazing… sometimes… However, we also get all the superheroes, not just Ladybug, teasing Chat about his ego and pride, and how he flirts too much, and jokes too much. Everyone just kind of assumes this facade means that Chat Noir is confident in himself, almost cocky. Even when it’s shown multiple times that that’s not true. That it’s simply the way his is, layered with an act to keep others at bay a bit.
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miraculous-hotmess · 2 years
headcanoning Marinette to be ADHD and Adrien to be an INFP is really what keeps me going
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uptoolateart · 1 year
Okay, so what I was saying in my long Gabriel analysis rings true. (Ha ha...rings....) He changed to be accepted by Emilie's parents.
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Deep down, Gabriel probably relates to Marinette. In the story Feligami tell...Marinette could easily be the poor tailor, while Adrien is the heir to the empire, ready to throw it all away for her.
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At some point, Gabriel got twisted and sold out his values. It was probably a gradual process, which explains why Emilie initially fell in love with him and then stuck with him despite her unhappiness with him later.
In one of her videos for Nathalie, she said Gabriel got stuck on things. He was good enough for her but not for himself.
When he looks at Marinette, he sees a little of what he used to be. When he gives her that speech about being naive in the fashion world...he's talking about himself, once upon a time. I think he once had a dream like hers, and he let it go, focusing instead on the wealth and status he needed to be good enough for his in-laws.
Now, he envies Marinette, even if he's unaware of it. That's the only reason a grown man would be fixated on her in that way. He's treating her the way Emilie's parents treated him. He has to break her and get her out of his son's life because if he doesn't - if she achieves her dreams of marrying Adrien and becoming a designer without selling out her principles - it means he could have done this too. It will force him to reflect and take accountability for his bad decisions...and he just can't cope with that.
Similarly, when he hurls abuse at Cat Noir about what an ill-mannered child he is, and when he goes to such lengths to control Adrien...I really think he's seeing a reflection of his younger self there too.
Underneath the pancakes and bad dancing and total insanity, the man is nothing but a writhing heap of regrets and won't see that he had so many chances to do things another way.
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Why did Felix hide from LB and CN in S5?
My dear anon, I wish I could provide you with an explanation full of such profound wisdom and clarity that you would speak my name with reverence for years to come. Alas, I cannot because, when viewed as a complete whole, Felix's season five actions make absolutely no sense from any perspective other than, "Well, if he acted logically, then the season would be over in about five episode or, at the very least, Adrien would have learned the truth which would lead to an identity reveal and we can't have that!"
To explain, let's quickly go over the various assumptions one might have made as season five went on and why they all fall flat by the end of the season:
At the start of the season, Felix's hiding away made some sense if you assumed that he was hiding from his uncle. This was a logical assumption since Gabriel should have viewed Felix as a massive threat that must be eliminated. After all, Felix was clearly no fan of Gabriel's and Felix also knew everything one would need to know in order to bring about Gabriel's downfall. None of that actually panned out - Gabriel basically ignored the Felix issue for the entire season in favor of being the world's most obnoxious Adrigami shipper and Felix, well, we're about to get into that- but it was initially a valid assumption.
Continuing along the logical path from our ultimately erroneous fear-of-Gabriel assumption, one might think that a person who was terrified of Gabriel would go straight to Gabriel's enemies for protection. However there was an argument to be made that Felix feared Ladybug and Chat Noir's wrath just as much as he feared his uncle. This was also a fair assumption. Felix had just betrayed them plus, in those early episode, most of us assumed that Felix was going to refuse to make sentimonsters of his own, so he'd have no protection if Ladybug and Chat Noir immediately went on the attack. These assumptions all proved false in the end, but they were all reasonable when the season started.
Another initially valid assumption was the assumption that Felix's ego mania and self-serving world view meant that he only trusted himself to take down Gabriel. After all, past seasons had shown Felix to be clever, resourceful, and deeply devoted to his mother, so it made sense that he'd be working on some brilliant plan to bring his uncle's downfall and restore his aunt if only for love of his mother. You could even add an assumption he even wanted to keep everything quiet for sake of the family image or just a simple desire for personal privacy.
These assumptions and all of the others stopped holding water after Emotion. In that episode, Felix was shown to be fine making sentimonster, fine outing his own secret identity to the world, and fine confronting his uncle directly without a real plan for stopping him long term. The closest thing to a grand plan that we get in Emotion is Felix demanding Ladybug give him her miraculous:
Argos: Ladybug! Good. Now we just need to wait for Cat Noir and you'll both give me your Miraculous! Ladybug: (livid) So that's it then?! You're working for Monarch! You're the reason why I lost the other Miraculous in the first place! And why he took them!! You gave them to him without any regard for the consequences it might have with the people of Paris! Argos: True, except I work for no one.  I only helped Monarch cause it served my plans! I needed the Peacock Miraculous and today I need yours and Cat Noir's so I can make my wish!
But if this was his master plan, then why did he do the Red Moon thing? That took Gabriel by surprise, but it didn't knowingly do the same for Ladybug or Chat Noir. Without knowing their identities, there's no way for Felix to reliably find them during the Red Moon incident since he's snapping everyone he sees out of existence, making it somewhat likely that he'd accidentally snap the very people that he's looking for. You can't even go the snap-everyone-and-look-through-what-remains-to-find-the-miraculous route because he snaps the person and all of their accessories, too. Otherwise he could have snapped Gabriel and gotten all the miraculouses back in one go, then grabbed the Ladybug miraculous as a fun little bonus.
In other words, everything about the Red Moon plan was focused around making a big, flashy entrance for Agros and little else. It's not even focused on stopping Gabriel since Felix doesn't seem to have planned to snap everyone away long term or at least I think that's what's going on here?
Kagami: Happy? When there's no one left?? Adrien: How can I be happy without my friends, without my father, without the girl I love?! Argos: You really think I'm that evil? (goes to open the trash bin where he hid Marinette...) Ta-da! (...only to find it empty; Adrien and Kagami peek inside, too) Huh? That's weird. (snaps his fingers in hopes of bringing back Marinette) Huh?! I don't understand! (backs away from the trash bin) She should come back! (continues to snap his fingers) Something's wrong! I can usually bring back whoever I want, but it's like she's nowhere! Like she's completely gone! (apologetically) I'm sorry, Adrien! Kagami: Sorry? You're sorry?!?! Adrien: You're not even in control of your own power! Don't you realize what you've done? Bring everyone back! NOW!!! Argos: Okay, okay, alright. I never meant to hurt you two...
Well that was anticlimactic....
Note how Felix doesn't take this opportunity to explain the danger his fellow sentimonsters are in before bringing back the people holding their remote controls? And what about his mother? Did he snap away his mother, too? And did he initially plan to perma snap everyone or not? If not, then what was the goal here?
This episode is confusing and could even be argued as a single, giant plot hole because it reads like a mental breakdown episode, but it's also a meticulously planned attack that was hinted at all the way back in Multiplication. So which was it? What was the master plan here? What's going on? Did the writers seriously do all that Felix stuff back in season four without fully thinking through how to make that work in season five?
After the mess that is Emotion, Felix basically gives up on whatever he was supposedly doing in Emotion. There's no master plan to stop Gabriel or make the world-changing wish or anything interesting. Instead, Felix is just there to be Kagami's Adrien replacement. Much like Adrien, Felix has no motive beyond "date the pretty girl and do whatever she asks of me." I guess it's a family trait.
One would think that this would lead to Felix making some interesting new plan to stop Tomoe or even joining forces with Ladybug and Chat Noir since he knows that Tomoe is in on whatever Gabriel is doing (Kagami wouldn't exist otherwise), but that's not what happens. We don't even get Felix going full senti's only because Adrien is left in the dark, a fact that doesn't seem to bother Felix or Kagami. They're too busy being in love to actually do anything to back the nonsense claim that they care about Adrien, but it's hard to blame them when it is so glaringly not their fault.
Letting these two have the sort of active role that would make sense for their characters would ruin the story the writers are trying to tell. We'd probably never get that whole "girl power" Bug Noire thing the show wanted to end the season with because Gabriel would have been stopped way sooner. It would also mean that Adrien knows things and the show can't allow that to happen even if it makes everyone involved look like massive tools. Let this be a reminder to you that you have to let your characters shape the path your story takes. If a character knowing X ruins plot Y, then you can't have both.
In summary, Felix's actions initially made some sense depending on your point of view, but as soon as he became a real part of season five, his character stopped making any sense. The reason for this seems obvious to me: you cannot write Felix logically while also actively including him in the show, keeping Adrien in the dark, keeping Gabriel a threat, and keeping Felix from flat out winning because the peacock is so ridiculously over powered. They wrote themselves into a corner and dumbed Felix down to get around the fact the same way Alya got dumbed down to make the Lila stuff work and Nathalie got dumbed down to make Gabriel's plot work. These writers aren't consistent at writing things like lore or characters, but they are incredibly consistent at the type of bad writing they have to fall back on. Expect to see more of these issues in the future.
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mmikmmik2 · 5 months
proposal for Nino finding out Adrien is Chat Noir scenario:
for Contrived Plot Reasons, Adrien has to use the black cat miraculous in front of Nino. maybe Nino was supposed to pick a substitute wielder, idk.
good thing he has a secret identity for his secret identity. cue Cat Walker.
Nino is so happy. they are going to bro out so hard. no one in the world deserves to feel powerful and free and heroic as much as Adrien does.
Cat Walker has zero fun. Cat Walker is a professional business cat doing his job. This is so awkward and he wants to end it as soon as possible.
Nino is heartbroken and manages to express this to Adrien in a way that successfully lands as "I want so many good things for you" rather than a guilt trip
Adrien chooses to identity reveal to Nino from a place of wanting to share his joy and express his true self to his best friend
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chasing-posts · 4 days
People who deserve redemption, according to Thomas Astruc, written from least to worst of a bad character.
Kim Lê Chiến
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Dumbass teenage boy who could have killed Marinette with a dumb prank he was completely concious of, and willing to commit. The boy was also a brat/ bully throughout season 1, but after Dark Cupid had apparently decided to be nicer off screen. Became friends with Max and got a girlfriend... BUT still refers to Chloe as the funniest and prettiest girl, IN FRONT of said girlfriend. Sees nothing wtong with what he did to the point of getting upset enough to become akumatized over the issue. He was allowed to be a super hero without even apologizing to Marinette dor over a year, and did a lot of dumb stuff tht was also forgiven just because. Is also one of the most inconsistently written characters in tbe story.
Jagged Stone
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Possibly the most likable man on the list. However this man abandoned his twins and didn't contact them for 14 years. He kept his identity a secret and it's not even known if he paid child support before coming back into their lives, and constantly having fights with their mother.
That said he's put low on the list because we don't know if he did or did not pay child support. He's not mean to his children or kids in general, he is legit trying to make up for his absence and he originally left because his life was too chaotic to have custody. There's a lot of ambiguity and behind the scenes drama that is not explored (*cough thought out cough cough*) in this family, and it's even possible the mom fought for full custody to keep him away after a big break up. The situation is too ambiguous to judge.
Sabrina Raincomprix
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Sabrina has been Chloe's number 1 supporter and follower for almost a decade. They were childhood friends and wherever Chloe went, she went. She has been supporting Chloe bad deeds and even happily participating throughout most of them. There were two incidents in season 1 where they almost stopped being friends and Marinette made an attempt to leave the friendship once, but for the most part has stuck throigh and done everything Chloe has wanted her to do and loved doing it. This includes stealing, faking notes, doing her homework, coming up with schemes to bully, laughing at all the chaos, making grown women and other teens cry and so much more. She was even given the dog Miraculous in season 4, by Marinette, despite doing nothing to earn it and only being good at soccer and wanting to SAVE Chloe, so they could bully another day.
In the end she's given a redemption arc because she feels bad for stealing (all of a sudden), and because Chloe was becoming friends with Lilah. The fact she's an active participant in bullying who gets off on the power trip of putting others drown, is not brought up again
Alec Cataldi
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Alec's career is based on putting other people down, and is responsible for the first akumatized victim in the show back in episode 1. For four seasons, his entire personality was finding people, mocking them, on television or in person, and getting views off it. He's a spiteful man who makes his living off the suffering of others.
However in season 4 we find out that his biggest dream was to become a drag queen when he was little, and he was mocked for it. After that happened he shaved his hair off and started putting down other people's passions, in the same way his had dreams had been squashed. After his first and only akumatization, he has a break down and epithany, decides to live his true self and raise people up instead instead. On paper, he has the best redemption arc so far.
Félix Fathom
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Fèlix was introduced in season 3, and his first on-screen acts include destroying Adrien's things, trying to ruin his cousin's reputation and leave him friendless, sexually assaulting Ladybug, and stealing from the Agreste family. He continues his bad deeds in season four with identity theft, and stealing all the Miraculous' from Ladybug and giving them to Gabriel/ AKA Hawkmoth, in return for the Peacock Miraculous.
We learn in season 5 he's a sentimonster who's been acting out due to an abusive father and his fragile existence in the world. He uses his power to remove everyone in the world in a misplaced effort to make him and his cousin happy, before eventually being talked down by Kagami and Adrian.
He eventually starts stalking Kagami and after revealing himself, they start a relationship together. He seems socially inept and yet despite all his knowledge on his, Adrien's and Kagami's situation, he decides to never tell Adrian aboht what's happening and only Marinette in the most awkward dance number ever.
All in all Fèlix had every opportunity and all the power to reveal Hawkmoth's true identy from the start, but never took the steps to reveal his identity and work towards true redemption. And if he decided to tell Chat Noir/ Ladybug the whole story, the three of them could have defeated monarch. And Adrien and Kagami would nit have been forced to goto London.
André Bourgeois
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Andrè is a corrupt mayor, who uses his elected title and money to regularly take advantage of the people of Paris. He has fired people without just cause (even his own "friends"), tried to steal things he was denied, abused funds, and enable his daughters worst decisions. He raised Chloe alone since she was 4-6, and has both neglected her emotional needs, refused to parent his child, rewarded her bad behavior with material possessions, and allowed her to idolize her mother, and even encouraged her to model her behavior after her mother she abandoned them, and then abandons her and hands her over to her abusive mother at the end of the series, while taking in her half sibling, who he has not raised and has no legal claim over.
Andrè blames the women in his life for how he's turned out. Claiming he only wanted to be a film director, and only left to be a successful business tirant and corrupt political figure, for his wife Audrey. Who he still stays married to after she cheats on him, and moves away for half a decade, abandoning hik and their own daughter. He chooses to stay married. Chose to stay in that career and chose to constantly rip off and screw over the people of paris. Often being the cause of akumatization, and ruinging big events for his daughter's whims. Keep in mind, the only reason Chloe is like this now, is because of Aundrè's parenting, yet he never takes responsibility for that, and instead decides to abdocate his position, illigally allow his daughter to take control of the city, let her take all the fall for HIS crimes, and then abandon her to live with his step daughter instead.
All this to say that Andrè may be the second worst on the list, but I hate him the most.
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Gabriel Agreste
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What can't you say about this man. This man loves being evil. He dances through the halls when a scheme looks like it's about to work. His entire power is taking advantage of people at thier worst, enslaving them and then making them do his bidding. His list of victims includes literal babies, children of all ages, the mentally ill, the elderly, and even his own son. The son which he claims to love but whom he actively manipulates, abuses and mistreats throughout the ENTIRE series. He literally controls him to make him do whatever he wants, and when he acts out or says something he does not like, he belittles him and will actively punish him if he gets less than perfect.
Gabriel also disrespects and will backstab all his allies. Has enslaved 2 kwami's and claims everything he does is for his dead wife, whose corpse he keeps locked away in his basement. He is actively going against her wishes to stay dead and manipulates the love of the women around him, like Natalie, to move forward with his evil plans.
Lastly when he says he does it all for his wife, he's lying. Because the when he has the opportunity to go back in time and save his wife, or fight Ladybug, he actively chooses the latter.
He constantly terrorizes Paris, actively makes situations worst for people to make more akumatized victims, destroys property, all while he hides away in the shadows. Then finally in season 5, when he is confronted by Ladybug, he is given the opportunity to reform and really think about what he did. To reflect on all he's done. He uses a moment of vulnerability and weakness to manipulate Marinette and treats her like the puppet she's named after. His last act of the show is stealing the Miraculous, using the cat and Ladybug to destroy and recreate the world how he wills, where he's the hero and no one knows he's the villain, and his son who he abused for 5 seasons and now has left parentless, now sees him as a hero.
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thequietkid-moonie · 7 months
Request: Marinette and Adrien with a friend who knows that they are Ladybug and Chat Noir, but doesn't tell them until they reveal it.
Their friend knows their true identity
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Marinette, Adrien ]
[ Miraculous Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir ]
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Hehehe I liked writing this a lot! It was so funny to think!! Hope you liked it!
Im not sure if this is that good but I did my best!
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Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Marinette always tries her best to find a balance between her normal life and her duty as one of the heros of paris, still she can struggle to find a proper way to do it, and even to be able to hide her secret identity since, most of the time, she can't just come up with a good excuse of why she has to go all of the sudden
The Miraculous magic can help her hide her identity but still as her normal self she can slip some commets or bad excuses, and if you know her enough you would be able to see that this is more than her usual clumsiness
No matter how you find out about she actually being Ladybug confronting her won't be a really good idea since it will make her feel really anxious, passing from trying to come up with a excuse or an argument to convince you that she isn't actually Ladybug (what probably just fails) to feel like a failure for letting someone find out about this (not that she would mad at you but at herself since now she thinks you can be on danger)
In the other hand, keeping it to yourself would be rather easy, specially since you two are friends she trust you so even if you aren't that good to hide the secret or say some comments that can hint that you know can be brush it off by an excuse (mainly because she prefer to believe you don't know yet)
Now that you know her identity you can understand her strange behavior or weird excuses that she say when there is danger that Ladybug has to take care of, and if you decide to help by trying to come up with a better excuse or just agreeding with her excuses so she can leave will help her a lot, she may find it a little strange sometimes but she will be relief that you believed her excuse more than anything (and she will even be grateful is you help her have an excuse to leave, even if is indirectly helping her)
If you treat her as usual whenever she met you as Ladybug she will be a little surprised (although, will leave the wondering to later, when none of you are danger), still she can be easily tricked by saying something like everyone put their trust on the heroine of Paris, not that she is too naive but she already knows you (you are her friend after all) and is just happy that you trust in Ladybug
If she ever decide to reveal her identity to you (or may even happen by accident) she will try to explain why she didn't say it before or that she want you to keep the secret and that she is trusting you with her life, she is more anxious than anything (even if she planned it), but when you tell her that you already knew it, she mood completely turn to be surprised and even embarrassment, at the end she will have the same chat of asking you to keep the secret but now she is a little bit more relief and will even laugh at this whole situation at the end
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Adrien Agreste
Adrien knows how dangerous can be if someone gets to know his true identity, besides he enjoy a lot being Cat Noir, it gives him some freedom that he appreciate a lot so he also tries to protect that part of his life
Getting to know his true identity could be a little difficult for how diferent his personality is between him and the hero of paris, still you can find out if you put enough attention to his excuses to run away when is time to fight and if you know him enough
Deciding to confront him about is up to you, if you decide to tell him that you do know about his secret identity will be pretty shocking at first, but two are close friends and he knows that he can trust you then, at the end, he won't thing is a really bad thing, he will feel troubles and a little disappointed on himself for being so careless but assure you that he isn't mad at you or anything, if anything he is happy that if someone get to know that person is you, his friend
If you decide to tell him he won't accept it right away but will be more comfortable over time to rely on you to come up with excuses and even tell you how he feels by being a hero, as well if he gets to save you or just cross path with you while being Cat Noir he won't doubt on making a joke and even remark how you are just another random citizen of paris that he got to help. However, if he get to meet you while being Cat Noir but he doesn't know you know is him he will stile being cheerful and make some jokes but still be respectful to don't be so obvious with the fact that he already knows you
It isn't always that he has to come up with an excuse, he got already used to have a plan to cover up whenever he isn't in his room or when he has to come up with an excuse when he is busy with his extracurricular activities, so even if you were willing to help him to come up with an excuse is more likely that would have to be durinfg school, still that doesn't mean he doesn't appreciate whenever you help him with the excuse or cover up his ausence (but he does it mentally, unless he already knows that you know his identity)
If he ever decided to tell you about his secret identity it would be after thinking about it a lot and because he knows it would be necesary or helpful because the last thing he wants is to bring you troubles, so he would be trying to get ready to this, but if you admit that you already knew it will make him feel a little embarrassed but at the end will just laugh at it, in this case it would be easier for him to get comfortable and talk to you about his duty and all of that since it was his plan to tell you
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princess-sof-time · 1 year
Hi I Can Ask Marinette, Adrien, Felix, Luka, Alya And Kyoko With A Male S/O Using Their Miraculous.
How would they react to the fact that the transformation left a very provocative costume leaving a good part of the skin exposed?
How would they deal with the fact that the S/O is much more skilled and stronger when using the Miraculous than they are, to the point of being able to use it infinite times without detransforming?
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ──────
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• Marinette, known for her fashion-conscious nature, would indeed be initially taken aback by the revealing costume that her male S/O's transformation creates. As a designer and someone who pays attention to modesty and practicality, she might feel a mix of surprise and concern regarding the outfit's suitability for crime-fighting. The revealing nature of the costume might not align with Marinette's sense of fashion and her desire to create outfits that are both stylish and functional.
• However, being a compassionate and open-minded person, Marinette would quickly remind herself that the transformation and the resulting costume are a direct consequence of the Miraculous powers. She would understand that her S/O doesn't have control over the design and appearance of the costume, and she wouldn't judge them solely based on their outward appearance. Marinette would recognize that their true value lies in their actions, character, and the virtues they display while using their Miraculous.
• Marinette would take the opportunity to have an open and honest conversation with her S/O about their feelings regarding the costume. She would assure them that she understands their concerns and that she values their comfort and well-being. Together, they would brainstorm ideas to modify and improve the costume, finding ways to make it more practical, functional, and aligned with their personal preferences.
• Furthermore, when Marinette realizes that her S/O is more skilled and stronger with the Miraculous than she is, she might initially experience a sense of inadequacy. As a determined and ambitious individual, she might question her own abilities and feel a tinge of self-doubt. However, Marinette's innate strength lies in her resilience and ability to turn challenges into opportunities for growth.
• Rather than being intimidated or threatened by her S/O's skills, Marinette would choose to embrace their strengths and view it as a chance to learn from them. She would recognize the potential for their partnership to become even more effective and powerful with their combined abilities. Marinette's dedication to justice and her sense of responsibility would motivate her to support her S/O in any way she can.
• Marinette would actively collaborate with her S/O, pooling their strengths and expertise to develop new strategies, tools, and gadgets that can enhance their crime-fighting efforts. She would involve herself deeply in their training, seeking to improve her own skills while also providing a supportive and encouraging environment for her S/O to flourish. Together, they would become a formidable team, combining their unique talents and perspectives to protect their city.
• Throughout their journey, Marinette's unwavering belief in the power of teamwork and her dedication to upholding justice would shine through. She would continuously inspire and uplift her S/O, appreciating the growth they bring to the table and reminding them of their importance in their shared mission.
• In the end, Marinette's willingness to adapt, learn, and support her S/O would not only strengthen their relationship but also lead to even greater achievements in their fight against evil.
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• Adrien, renowned for his reserved and polite demeanor, would undoubtedly be taken by surprise when confronted with the revealing costume his male S/O's transformation creates. As a fashion-conscious individual himself, he would find it challenging to reconcile the provocative nature of the outfit with his own modest and refined style. The sudden contrast might momentarily cause Adrien to feel self-conscious and uncertain about how to react.
• However, Adrien's compassionate and understanding nature would quickly prevail as he reminds himself that the costume is simply a consequence of the Miraculous' powers and not a reflection of his S/O's character. He would actively choose to focus on the person behind the costume, valuing their bravery, dedication, and selflessness as a hero. Adrien would see beyond the superficial appearance and recognize that his S/O's true worth lies in their actions and the goodness of their heart.
• Upon discovering that his S/O is more skilled and powerful with the Miraculous, Adrien would experience a mix of surprise, admiration, and perhaps a slight blow to his ego. As someone who has trained extensively to become a competent hero, it may initially challenge his perception of himself and his abilities. However, Adrien's kind and supportive nature would swiftly override any negative feelings, and he would wholeheartedly embrace his S/O's prowess.
• Rather than feeling threatened or jealous, Adrien would view his S/O's enhanced abilities as a valuable asset to their partnership and the entire team. He would find genuine joy and excitement in learning from their expertise, appreciating the opportunity to grow as a hero alongside them. Adrien's innate humility would enable him to set aside any ego-driven concerns and prioritize his S/O's success and well-being during their heroic endeavors.
• Adrien's admiration for his S/O's abilities would shine through his unwavering encouragement and support. He would be their biggest cheerleader, always celebrating their achievements and providing a constant source of motivation. Adrien's eagerness to learn from their skills and experiences would create a strong bond of trust and collaboration between them. Together, they would explore new strategies, combining their unique perspectives and strengths to devise effective plans.
• Adrien's dedication to his S/O's safety and well-being would be unwavering. He would go above and beyond to ensure their protection during missions, always keeping a watchful eye and stepping in whenever necessary. Adrien's natural instinct to prioritize the needs of others would extend to his S/O, fostering an environment of trust and dependability.
• In the end, Adrien's growth as a hero and as a person would be shaped by his S/O's influence. Their partnership would become a source of inspiration for both of them, allowing them to exceed their individual limits and achieve greater heights together. Adrien's kind-hearted nature, coupled with his willingness to learn and support his S/O, would make their bond unbreakable and their heroics all the more impactful.
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• Felix, known for his reserved and serious demeanor, would indeed be visibly taken aback by the provocative costume that his male S/O's transformation creates. As someone who values propriety and modesty, he would find it challenging to accept the revealing nature of the outfit. Felix might struggle to conceal his discomfort, his stoic facade briefly faltering as he grapples with the unexpected nature of the transformation.
• However, as Felix grows closer to his S/O and witnesses their heroic efforts firsthand, he would gradually come to understand that appearances are not everything. He would begin to appreciate their bravery, dedication, and the selflessness with which they approach their role as a hero. Felix would realize that their actions and intentions matter more than their attire, and he would shift his focus to what truly defines them as a person.
• In time, Felix would learn to look beyond the costume and see the virtues that lie within his S/O. He would appreciate their unwavering commitment to protecting others, recognizing that their strength and bravery come from within, rather than the clothing they wear. Felix's perception would evolve, allowing him to value their character and the sacrifices they make to keep their city safe.
• Discovering that his S/O is more skilled and powerful with the Miraculous might trigger a mix of emotions in Felix. On one hand, his competitive nature might ignite a sense of rivalry or even a tinge of inadequacy. As someone who takes pride in his own abilities, it could be challenging for him to accept that his S/O surpasses him in certain aspects.
• However, Felix's admiration for their abilities would gradually overshadow any negative feelings. He would come to appreciate their talents and the unique strengths they bring to the team. Felix would recognize that the success of their missions relies on collaboration and a shared goal rather than individual achievements. He would find solace in focusing on his own unique strengths and contributions, knowing that he has an important role to play in their partnership.
• Although Felix might be reserved in expressing his admiration and support, he would quietly learn from his S/O's expertise. He would observe their techniques, strategies, and decision-making, seeking to improve his own skills through their example. Felix would work alongside them, ensuring the safety and success of their missions, using their differences as a way to complement and strengthen their teamwork.
• While he may not openly express his admiration, Felix's actions would speak volumes. He would prioritize their well-being and lend his unwavering support, even if it means taking a step back and letting his S/O take the lead. Felix's steadfast dedication and determination to protect their city would align with his S/O's own resolve, forging a powerful and effective partnership.
• In the end, Felix's growth and acceptance would not only strengthen his bond with his S/O but also contribute to their shared success as heroes. Together, they would overcome obstacles, learn from one another, and ultimately inspire those around them with their unwavering commitment to justice.
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• Luka, known for his calm and empathetic nature, would readily accept the provocative costume that his male S/O's transformation creates. Understanding that it is a direct result of the Miraculous' powers, Luka would see beyond the outfit and perceive the true character and intentions of his S/O. He would be quick to offer reassurance and emotional support, reminding them that their worth extends far beyond their appearance and lies in their actions and the goodness in their heart.
• Luka's unwavering belief in the power of inner beauty and the strength of one's character would help him navigate any initial surprise or discomfort caused by the revealing costume. He would prioritize understanding and appreciating his S/O for who they truly are, rather than judging them based on their outward appearance. Luka would remind his S/O that their actions as a hero, their selflessness, and their determination to protect others are what truly define them.
• Discovering that his S/O is more skilled and powerful with the Miraculous than he is would genuinely impress and inspire Luka. He would feel a deep sense of pride in his S/O's abilities and strengths, recognizing them as an inspiration and a valuable asset to their crime-fighting team. Instead of feeling threatened or insecure about his own capabilities, Luka would embrace the opportunity to learn from his S/O and grow alongside them.
• Luka's genuine humility and open-mindedness would enable him to appreciate his S/O's guidance and expertise in using the Miraculous effectively. He would eagerly seek their advice and willingly incorporate their insights into their crime-fighting strategies. Luka's receptive nature and genuine enthusiasm for learning would create a harmonious dynamic where they both benefit from each other's knowledge and experience.
• O apoio de Luka a seu S/O seria inabalável. Ele os animaria de todo o coração e celebraria suas conquistas, reconhecendo que seu sucesso contribui para um bem maior. O incentivo gentil de Luka e a crença inabalável nas habilidades de seu S/O criariam um ambiente de confiança e confiança, permitindo que eles prosperassem como uma equipe.
• In the face of any challenges or setbacks, Luka would be a pillar of support, offering his understanding and empathy. He would be there to provide emotional reassurance and comfort, reminding his S/O that their worth goes beyond their skills and achievements. Luka's calming presence and empathetic nature would help alleviate any pressure or self-doubt they may feel, allowing them to regain their focus and continue their heroic journey.
• Ultimately, Luka's relationship with his S/O would be characterized by a deep sense of mutual respect, admiration, and growth. Their bond would strengthen as they face challenges together, with Luka's gentle nature and unwavering support serving as a foundation for their shared experiences. Together, they would form an unstoppable team, embodying the true essence of heroism and making a positive impact on the world around them.
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• Alya, known for her insatiable curiosity and adventurous spirit, would undoubtedly have an initial reaction of excitement and fascination towards the provocative costume that her male S/O's transformation creates. As someone with a keen eye for fashion and a love for all things unique and eye-catching, Alya would appreciate the boldness and individuality of the outfit. She would recognize its potential to capture attention and spark conversations, making her S/O stand out among other heroes.
• However, being a responsible journalist and a carin girlfriend, Alya's enthusiasm would be tempered by her practicality and concern for her S/O's well-being. She would consider the practicality and safety of the costume, ensuring that it allows for ease of movement and protects her S/O during their crime-fighting activities. Alya would collaborate with her S/O to make any necessary modifications or enhancements to the outfit, ensuring their comfort and security while still maintaining its unique appeal.
• Discovering that her male S/O is more skilled and powerful with the Miraculous than she is would initially surprise Alya. However, being the supportive and encouraging friend that she is, Alya would quickly recognize and appreciate the value in their abilities. Rather than feeling threatened or jealous, she would enthusiastically cheer for her S/O, genuinely proud of their accomplishments and talents. Alya's natural curiosity would kick in, and she would seize the opportunity to learn from her S/O, eagerly seeking their guidance and expertise in using the Miraculous effectively. She would see their partnership as a chance for mutual growth, viewing it as a collaborative effort where they can share their knowledge and experiences to become even more formidable heroes.
• As the owner of the Ladyblog, Alya would also use her platform to showcase and celebrate her S/O's incredible talent. She would document their heroic journey, highlighting their achievements, and sharing their stories with the world. Alya's passion for journalism and her commitment to truth and justice would drive her to create impactful and inspiring content that not only informs but also motivates others to take action.
• In summary, Alya's initial excitement and fascination towards the provocative costume would be tempered by her responsible and caring nature. She would prioritize the practicality and safety of the outfit, ensuring her S/O's comfort and protection during their superhero activities. Discovering her S/O's superior skills with the Miraculous would not dampen her spirits but rather fuel her enthusiasm to learn from them and improve her own abilities. Alya's support and dedication to their partnership would be unwavering, as she sees it as an opportunity for growth and collaboration. Through her work at Ladyblog, she would amplify their achievements, using her platform to inspire others and create a greater impact in the world of heroes.
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• Kyoko, known for her disciplined and competitive nature, would undoubtedly be taken aback by the provocative costume that her male S/O's transformation creates. With a strong sense of modesty and a preference for more conservative attire, she would find it challenging to accept the revealing nature of the outfit. It would contradict her own personal style and sense of decorum. Kagami might initially struggle to reconcile her values with the costume's design.
• However, being someone who highly values strength, skill, and dedication to justice, Kyoko would quickly recognize and appreciate the abilities of her S/O. Despite her initial reservations about the costume, she would respect and admire her S/O's commitment to their role as a hero. She would see beyond the external appearance and focus on their character and actions, acknowledging the bravery and skill that lie beneath the costume.
• Discovering that her male S/O is more skilled and powerful with the Miraculous might trigger a mix of emotions in Kyoko. On one hand, her competitive nature might ignite a sense of rivalry and a desire to improve her own abilities. She would see their superior skills as a challenge and a motivation to push herself further. Kagami's determination and relentless pursuit of excellence would drive her to train harder, seeking to match and even surpass her S/O's level of skill and strength.
• On the other hand, Kyoko would also possess the maturity and wisdom to acknowledge and respect her S/O's expertise. She would recognize the value of their abilities and view them as a valuable ally rather than a threat. Kyoko would eagerly strive to learn from her S/O, taking every opportunity to train alongside them and absorb their knowledge and techniques. She would see their partnership as a chance for mutual growth, understanding that they can push each other to reach new heights.
• Despite any feelings of competition, Kyoko would wholeheartedly support her S/O. She would be their biggest cheerleader and advocate, offering encouragement and praise for their accomplishments. Kagami's loyalty and dedication would extend beyond the training sessions, as she would stand by her S/O's side during their heroic endeavors, ensuring their safety and success.
• In summary, Kyoko initial reservations about the provocative costume would stem from her strong sense of modesty. However, her admiration for strength and skill would lead her to appreciate her S/O's abilities and dedication to justice. The discovery of her S/O's superior skills with the Miraculous would trigger a mix of competitive drive and respect. Kagami would use this opportunity as a motivation to improve herself, while also recognizing the value of her S/O's expertise and viewing them as an important ally. Through their partnership, Kagami would strive for mutual growth and support her S/O wholeheartedly, both in training and in their heroic pursuits.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ──────
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The Reveal is Worthless
I entreat the reader to remember the earlier period of the Miraculous fandom, back when Ladybug and Chat Noir were something like actual partners instead of superior and subordinate.
There was something special about their relationship. They were friends who cared for one another, who relied upon one another and trusted each other in a way they could no one else, despite neither knowing the true name of the other. They didn't fully know one another, but their relationship was a one-a-kind friendship based upon a unique experience between them that no one else could relate to.
And of course, there was that ironic romance, the Love Square whose dynamics underpinned the plots of so many of the early season episodes. Marinette loved the boy she thought she knew, and Chat Noir loved the heroine who he fought beside: neither necessarily saw the full value the other had to offer because they were blinded by the idealised image they had of the other's alter-ego.
Thus the reveal and teasing thereof was an enticing prospect: these two closest of friends and allies could finally merge their lives together without professional boundaries. Adrien could get to know the clumsy girl who wasn't a perfect heroine and Marinette would finally be able to actually know who Adrien was, as opposed to being infatuated with his model image.
A true basis for a true relationship.
And something they could never have so long as their mission continued. For until then, Ladybug and Chat Noir could only be partners and friends, but their responsibilities would always have a barrier between them.
What a shame how this premise has been so utterly devalued.
There are three aspects to consider here:
1: Romance
2: True understanding/personal development
3: Exclusivity/Trust
The first is the simplest and quickest to cover.
The nature of the Love Square was an ironic circle of attraction, Marinette loved Adrien, but Adrien loved Ladybug- so they were in effect rejecting each other to chase after one another. The only seeming solution was for the identities to be revealed and thus allow the two to actually bond fully and resolve the entire mess by getting together knowing full well that their attraction was reciprocated.
That was not what happened.
Instead, the show decided that Adrichat would finally move on from Ladybug and onto Marinette. And after a bit of back and forth, the Love Square was resolved by having the two unknowingly date their co-workers while Ladynoir cooled to platonic.
This was certainly a choice.
It also rendered any reveal entirely moot in regards to romance. Adrienette is canon, what does them finding out they're co-workers achieve?
True understanding/personal development
The core of the Love Square was that neither Marinette or Adrien could see the other's alter-egos within them. Or at least, Marinette outright found it laughable that Chat Noir could be Adrien.
Adrien meanwhile outright called Marinette the "everyday Ladybug" and was unsurprised to put the pieces together himself in Chat Blanc.
But the point of the matter is: in theory the secret identities are barriers to a full bond between the two (alleged) protagonists. That by overcoming them, they could fully "be themselves" with another person.
A Marinette with full confidence and self-assurance, but who also didn't need to be the heroine and could be sad and share her burdens. An Adrien who was allowed to be expressive, silly or imperfect himself without being reprimanded.
This is not what happened.
At least not for Adrien.
Marinette has achieved that goal, with Alya. She has a friend who cares for her with whom she can be completely honest with and who she can share her emotional burdens. Chat Noir meanwhile has steadily learnt to restrain himself as Chat Noir and if anything, grown more compliant and less self-deterministic as Adrien.
Moreover the two have gone from partners, to superior and subordinate. A strict hierarchy where all power, information and authority exists in the hands of one person, and the other person has none whatsoever beyond leaving the ring behind. And it has to be said: Ladybug does not have some special fondness or trust in Chat Noir that would enhance their relationship as Marinette and Adrien.
Nor is there any exceptional trust that Marinette has in Adrien that would enhance their relationship as Ladybug and Chat Noir, indeed the opposite might be true, given just how much she is hiding from him already despite it being critical to his very existence (eg: the whole Sentimonster business). Most likely any reveal between the two at this point would just introduce that power dynamic and secrecy into their personal lives, and likely extinguish what independence Adrichat still possesses.
Because all the reveal would do now is give Marinette even more leverage over Adrien as his superior. Marinette would continue to hide her full self from Adrien, and Adrien having already learnt to ignore and suppress his own feelings for Ladybug's sake would do so constantly for Marinette (if he didn't already, I see precious little of Chat Noir in the Adrien of S5 compared to S1).
The third is the most extensive to cover, the most important secret either Adrichat or Maribug have are their identities. Thus either letting another know it willingly is (supposedly) the highest sign of trust. The less people who know that secret, the more valuable the act of the reveal is as it creates an incredible vulnerability that did not exist before and proves that the revealer trusts the revealee more than almost anyone else.
It was seemingly inevitable that if Marinette were to willingly reveal to anyone, she'd first choose Chat Noir. He was the one who she supposedly had that unique bond with, and vice versa. It was even a fandom staple back if you search back far enough.
Now of course, that staple is more dated than The Dab.
Marinette's identity now seemingly free space for anyone but Chat Noir. She first willingly spilled the beans to Alya, despite Alya having been Akumatised multiple times before over what are relatively minor affairs (I sure hope she doesn't get caught canoodling with Nino again!) and her being a known target for Shadowmoth thanks to her own identity being known to him. From there on, through either her own choice, accident or observation Ladybug's identity has spread to at least half a dozen other people including Gabriel Agreste and possibly Lila.
But not Chat Noir.
This is important, because that bar of trust and exclusivity has been continuously lowered, to the point where Marinette seemingly has no problem with Felix "Genocide" Fathom being the in the club of people who know her on both sides of the mask- even if he and Kagami have no business doing so. But her supposed partner? He's not even considered.
There are some arguments as to why... but they don't stand up scrutiny:
"It's because of Chat Blanc! Marinette is traumatised over Chat Noir knowing her name!"
That would make sense, alas: it's also fandom staple. Not part of canon itself.
References to Chat Blanc are few and far between, and Maribug has had precisely one sign of any possible trauma from the event and it was as part of a nightmare induced by revealing her identity to Alya. There's nothing in the show that demonstrates that she has any lasting harm from Chat Blanc, or that it's the cause of her actions.
"Chat has the Black Cat Miraculous, they can't know each other's identity because their Miraculous have to stay safe!"
This would be reasonable.
Up until the moment Marinette spilled the beans to Alya. At that point her security had been breached so severely that there is no longer any value in maintaining her secret from Chat Noir. You cannot say the multi-time Akuma victim who Hawkmoth knows was a Miraculous wielder is a better secret-keeper than Chat Noir, even if she broke from Akumatization from a few hours ago: she also got Akumatized a few hours ago.
The only valid part of this argument is that Chat Noir maintaining his secret to Marinette would still be required.
"Chat Noir gets mind controlled every Tuesday, his mind will be an open book!"
No. No it will not.
It's true that Chat Noir is mind-control themed. However- unless I've missed an incident- for all those many times he's been brought under someone else's power he's never given up his Miraculous or identity barring direct use of his Amok. Unless Ladybug has somehow discovered Adrichat's identity, there's no reason to expect that he'll spill the beans- and certainly no more than Alya.
Then there's the final nail in the coffin:
As of "Ephemeral": we know perfectly well that if Marinette knows Chat Noir is Adrien, she'll quickly decide to throw caution to the wind anyway. So by evidence alone, it's not a matter of security or trauma, it's a matter of favoritism.
By evidence: Chat Noir is not one of those favourites. Forget the actualization of a special bond, he's less trustworthy than Felix.
What is the value of the reveal at this point?
Adrien and Marinette are together. The barriers are gone, but there's no special exclusivity to this shared experience anymore: there's an entire team of others after all and Rena's the one Ladybug shares her feelings and secrets with while Chat Noir barely knows anything. The "Ladynoir partnership" has cooled to a platonic working relationship where all the trust and authority goes one way, so there's not exactly some great romantic addition to be made to the Adrienette relationship.
Exactly what difference does it make to their relationship if they know each other's identity? What would actually change beyond them not having to make awkward excuses about where they're hiding for any given Akuma battle?
Because unless there's going to be some kind of Ladynoir conflict in the next season to provide a new, negative potential impact to the reveal:
The once brimming potential of The Reveal has been completely wasted.
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wisteriasymphony · 6 months
Lucky Lucky Ladybug likes to justify her own hatred of Chat Noir to herself often, and she likes to do it by reminding herself of just how useless he was as a team member.
Chat Noir had a habit of tripping on everything, to the point where it got annoying. Usually he tripped on his own tail, but sometimes it was empty cans, on the rooftops, or even nothing at all. He'd get tangled up in practically anything that could do such a thing, becoming more of a whimpering damsel in distress than a sidekick. He was so clumsy, and she hated it.
Chat Noir also seemed to never be on the same page as anyone else. He'd make jokes and puns that nobody understood, and then he'd obsessively explain the context as if anybody had ever cared to hear him talk. He'd be overly friendly with everyone, even flirtatious at first, but it was all too stilted and gauche to ever be charming. He was so awkward, and she hated it.
Chat Noir would fall behind when chasing akumas, needing everyone else to stop as he caught his breath, panting out the same old excuses of him failing to stick a landing or twisting his ankle. He always seemed to screw things up, no matter how easy the task he was assigned actually was. He was so unlucky, and she hated it.
But can we really trust her? When she doesn't remember every time she made a mistake or fell down? When she had her friends by her side, who were willing to help her back up no matter what?
No. That doesn't matter. If it did... it would mean Chat Noir wasn't as bad. It would mean he didn't deserve what Lucky did to him.
Most of all.. it would mean He was innocent... and she hated that.
So she just decided not to think it.
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ML AU where everything is the same except Adrien, Chloe & later Kagami are entirely 100% aware of how shit their parents are and very open about it, at least with each other but it kind of bleeds out.
Like Adrien is still otherwise a very nice, affable, doe snot want to cause a fuss boy. Chloe's default setting is "Fight" and she's prickly on a good day. & Kagami is still super restrained & a perfectionist.
But you also get stuff like Parents Day:
Chloe: So how did your father do, any buffering issues or did he just let Nathalie do all the work? Adrien: Ohno he definitely spoke, Managed to choke out a whole three sentences and even tilted his head, astounding right? Chloe: Wonders will never cease! I imagine all it would take to get a furrowed brow and a scoff would be the gates of hell flying open & angels descending! Adrien: Come now, that would at least warrant two very distinct scoffs, before he orders them to go taint the world of fashion out of his field of vision.
Or, post Akuma injury recovery:
Adrien: You even have Jean-Armond down as your emergency contact? Chloe: Of course, he actually invested time & effort to see I make it to fourteen out of something other than concern for opinion polls. It may be sunk costs fallacy at this point but its there. Adrien: Plus he'd avoid making it all about himself, or how much you can make him look good by fixing things. Chloe: That too, who wants that self important droning? Adrien: The voters apparently. Chloe: Poor fools.
& after a grueling training session:
Kagami: I do not believe there is a hell but if there was, I am sure my mother would deem its tortures beneath her standard and steal the devils throne. Chloe: Oh I can picture it now, but she'll have to contest with Audrey, she has that seat reserved. Kagami: You assume they would not rule together and make everything infinitely worse? Adrien: Fifty fifty odds I say, I mean when have anyone of our parents passed up an opportunity to be their worst selves? All three: True!
Plus finally:
Felix: My mother- Kagami: No. Adrien: I like her. Chloe: Bitch about your dad or shut up. Felix: He's dead and I'm happy, but mother said I couldn't steal and break Adrien's things! Adrien: Sitting, right here! Felix: And? Chloe: This is why I hate you. Kagami: Why is he here?
Honestly though
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