Lighter than air animals
Hi sorry I haven't been up to much </3 But I did think about two ways that I believe to be somewhat feasible for lighter-than-air animals to evolve. They will be referred to as the Ground First Method and the Aerogenesis Method respectfully as tentative names unless someone shows me that someone else already came up with names.
Ground-First Method
Basically the idea behind this is since random mutations occur all the time, I believe it to be believable for an animal to evolve to store light gasses in an organ perhaps as storage before disposal. And maybe this organ gets bigger or grows a pocket specifically for the gas. And the buildup of gas eventually gets to the point that it affects the animal's weight. The animal might be extremely light on its feet and so harder to detect by sound. This makes the mutation beneficial and sparks it to spread thru the population. The pocket of gas might grow bigger and they might not dispose of it as much or find a way to recycle it. At first they will be able to glide around in perhaps a forest environment or a very rocky environment and survive great falls, until they are able to control their take-off and landing and propulsion thru various methods achieving true flight thru a lighter than air method.
Aerogenesis Method
This method assumes a thicker atmosphere than Earth. Much thicker. On Modern Earth, there exist Cyanobacteria and Microalgae within the atmosphere. These organisms are extremely EXTREMELY small. I imagine that in a denser atmosphere, it would be easier to live in the atmosphere exclusively and also to grow bigger. These bigger airborne organisms would be able to get super diverse and populous perhaps growing into macropredatory niches and filter feeders on the other vast swathes of aeroplankton. How big they grow would of course depend on the density of the atmosphere but certainly a similar organ as described in the Ground-First Method would be advantageous to increasing size. Maybe someday these organisms would spread and learn to live on the land? Producing an air-to-land takeover rather than Earth's water-to-land takeover.
Idk just some thoughts. I have no experience in aeronautics, especially lighter-than-aircraft so I don't know everything about what makes them actually work and be efficient, but hopefully this makes sense
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comiiical · 3 years
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Prescott Bowen
Descendant of Prue Halliwell’s past life, known as Phoebe Bowen, he was born around the same time that Wyatt was born but there was no single prophecy about him. His powers began to manifest as soon as Paige had her twins causing the family’s power block to unveil in the whole close Warren line.
He’s a witch and a guardian angel, as his father was his mother’s guardian angel before retiring. His uncle, Patrick, is the only other male member of his bloodline prior to him having powers. 
He has molecular manipulation (deceleration, acceleration, combustion, stasis, inhibition, disintegration, liquefaction, ionization, telekinesis, deivation), premonition, hyperspeed (invisibility, phasing, plane phasing, shock waves energy release), beaming (a light based form of teleportation), and elemental manipulation (pyrokinesis, aerogenesis, geokinesis, herbokinesis, electrogenesis, cryokinesis, hydrogenesis) with his cryokinesis and pyrokinesis being fully developped individually. He can create force fields with his different powers, and fly if he wouldn’t want to teleport. He can also cast spells, make potions and divinize through magical means. He also has the ability to cast short spelled hexes that work as spells, such as somnus to induce sleep or vitae to heal. Due to his hybrid nature, he also has sensing, self healing and virtual immortality to regular threats.
He’s a chef and a cook at his own restaurant, though he drives a food truck around the country sometimes. Additionally, he’s been a barman and has regented a bar as a manager so timewise it can be set in either of these.
Since he’s no hero, he has no name, he works from the shadows going unnoticed due to his invisibility. 
Age wise, he is same age as Wyatt, thus younger than Stephen, but older than most of the rest.
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adorablehoshi · 4 years
Hi! Long time no see! How are you? These days have been kind of uneventful, except maybe finding my cat asleep in the bathtub. Anyway, I've got a question. If you had to assign a superpower to each svt member, what would your choice be? - hero cape anon
Darling I’m sorry for the late reply! I saw the message yesterday when I was close to fall asleep and didn’t want to answer it half-hearted. I just woke up and my body is a bit aching as I
did some small work out yesterday (first since I’m in lockdown… that’s how lazy I am XD) otherwise I’m doing great.
Omg I love when cats do stuff you don’t expect. It’s so cute and I’m melting! How are you doing otherwise?
I love this question and I will answer it totally personally :D Obviously lol anyways here we go.
Seungcheol – Health Manipulation
Jeonghan - Light Manipulation
Joshua - Botanical Control/Manipulation
Wonwoo - Telekinesis
Mingyu - Water Manipulation
Hoshi - Typhokinetic Creature Creation
Woozi – Time Manipulation
Seungkwan - Voice Manipulation
DK - Happiness Manipulation
Vernon - Venomous Tongue
Jun – Gravity Manipulation
The8 - Drawing Creation
Dino – Aerogenesis
thats it :D what powers would you give to them tho? I wonder about you too
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atmckinetic · 5 years
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welcome to the framework, ORORO MUNROE. we hear you were a HERO going by STORM, and from MARVEL. memories of that life will seem like a dream. here, you’ll be a CLIMATE/ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES PROFESSOR. we hear you can be BRAVE but OUTSPOKEN. hopefully that won’t be a problem.
NAME: ororo munroe
NICKNAMES: storm, windrider
AGE: 40
FACECLAIM: gugu mbatha-raw
GENDER: female
PRONOUNS: she/her
FAMILY: father && mother (deceased)
OCCUPATION: climate/environmental studies professor
PETS: none
EDUCATION: doctorate in environmental studies
HOBBIES: painting, reading, storm chasing when she has free time during the summer
FAMILY: father (deceased) && mother (deceased)
AFFILIATION: xmen, gifted
TRAINED IN: xmen training based on teamwork and powers
ABILITIES: atmogenesis && atmokinesis, electrogenesis && electrokinesis, aerogenesis && aerokinesis, teleportation (through electrokinesis), && flight (through aerokinesis)
orphaned when a plane crashed into her home in cairo, she went on to live life as a pickpocket there until she was rescued from angered men by apocalypse who enhanced her powers far beyond what they were already. though she helped him in his quest to change humanity at first, she later turned against him and helped the xmen under xavier defeat him. she then moved into xavier’s school where she trained with the other xmen and studied in classes. following the end of her studies, she became a teacher at the school as well as a trainer of younger students as they learned how to control and use their powers.
when the gifted war broke out following the civil war, her side was clear, fighting along side her fellow xmen for fairness and equal treatment in spite of their abilities. quickly, however, the fight became about survival, the world around them being destroyed in the process as more and more gifted were captured.
ororo fought with the others as long as she could, using her powers alongside theirs to protect other gifted refugees and allies. her powers made her difficult to defeat, it was a couple years before the sentinals finally managed to capture her and trap her in the framework.
in the framework, only ororo’s mother died, still when she was young, and from illness instead of a plane crash. her father, where he grew up, and her then moved from kenya to new york where she finished school. she went on to teach after college, much like in the real world, but more focused on environmental studies and at a public university.
she has a memory of electricity flowing through her then projecting it from herself, uninjured, up in the air, but is mostly writing it off as focusing too much on storms and in correspondence with the one that just occurred.
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rustbonerp-blog · 7 years
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ADOPTIVE MUSCLE MEMORY: Muscle Mimicry is the ability to flawlessly imitate any movement or series of movements (even skills such as fighting, artistry or musical talents), provided that you have perceived it performed by someone else. The user of this ability must psychometrically align their bodies with the skeletal, muscular and nervous systems of the subject that they watch, allowing them to psychically determine the exact posture to take in order to reproduce any motion, posture or action exactly. The motion or skill set is retained in the memory of the user after a short trance of motion memory.
ACID GENERATION: also known as Acid Secretion, Corrosive Fluid Secretion or Corrosion is the ability to generate and secrete acidic substances from the body. One with this ability can manifest it as spitting or simply as acidic skin secretion, such as sweat or even bleeding. This ability also usually allows the user to shift the acidity of the acid or to control when it is emanated from the body, so that it can be used to corrode subjects or even blind or burn opponents.
AEROKINESIS: also called Anemokinesis or Air/Wind Manipulation is the ability to mentally affect or move wind currents or wind. With this ability, one can easily resist and manipulate wind pressure, move air particles to create vacuums to suffocate foes, or send wind at foes as either gentle wisps of air to gale-force currents. One with this ability could even travel on air currents via flight or walking. Another faculty is Aerogenesis, in which one is capable of generating breathable air or the constituents of air.
ANIMATION: is the ability to use psionic power to instill inanimate objects with the ability to move and to act of their own accord. One with this ability can use surrounding objects to defend or fight for him, or just for menial tasks (or anything within the capability of their size and shape)., or imbue inanimate objects with a portion of one's own psychic energy, so he can psychically command or control said objects after they are animated
AQUATIC ADAPTATION: also called Undersea Adaptation, Underwater Adaptation allows the user to breathe under water, to swim very well (usually at high speeds) and to easily endure high water pressure and extreme water temperatures
ASTRAL PROJECTION: also called Soul/Spirit Projection, Ethereal Projection, Astral Travel, Astral/Soul Release, Free Spirit, or Spirit Freedom is the psychic ability to temporarily release the spirit or “soul-self” from the body, allowing it to roam freely, usually via Flight, or enter and exit one’s own body at will (travel can take place on either the physical plane or the Astral Plane). The longer one travels, however, the more likely that harm will be inflicted on the body of the user who has left it with no animating consciousness or thought.
ATMIDOKENSIS: also known as Nephokinesis, Nephelokinesis, Hygrokinesis or Cloud/Vapor/Steam/Mist Manipulation is the ability to mentally generate and manipulate vapor. With this ability, one can generate blinding mist using only their mind’s power or clear it to see ahead of oneself. One could even change the temperature of mists, or shift mist back into either its solid form, ice, or its liquid form, water (though it could not be manipulated until reverted back to its vapor form). This ability, at the higher bands, may even allow the user to move the clouds (making them obscure or reveal the sun or lowering them to generate fog; not manipulating weather).
CAMOUFLAGE: is the ability to blend into the color of one’s surroundings one of two ways. The first way is the most common way in which the user tries to blend in by psychically perceiving (or simply imagining) the colors around him so that he blends in perfectly with his surroundings, but only in the front, and possibly from the sides of the view of subjects. The second way is a psychic faculty in which the user can empathically connect with his surroundings, so that the camouflage is so dynamic that the user of the ability is nearly invisible even when moving.
CONDUCTION: is the ability to allow some source of energy to run through the body with no harm to the body itself. One with this ability could conduct heat, electricity another form of energy or all of the former combined. The user could touch a live wire and conduct the electricity, and then channel that same electricity into someone or something upon making physical contact, thus shocking or electrocuting the desired subject (or charging it if it is a machine).
CRYPTOGRAPHY: also known as Psionic Encryption/Ciphering is the psionic ability to encrypt any message (written, vocal or otherwise) into a code that is unknown to anyone but the user and the subject for whom the message is designated. However, another faculty (called Psionic Decryption/Deciphering) allows psionic decoding of writing and speech in a different languages into one that the user can understand (instead of understanding intuitively) so that a subject could speak or write in Chinese, German, Navajo, etc. (even a made-up code), but to the user it would sound or look like whatever language he understood, and vice versa.
DECEPTION: also called Deceit (among other names) is the name of two related faculties. The first faculty is most heard-of; the user is capable of lying with a straight face and without indication that one is lying, thus evading Lie Detection (even by telepathic means). The second faculty, however, is most powerful; the user psychically causes subjects to believe anything spoken by the user, no matter how absurd or strange the lie may be. Even if the subject discovers that the lie is untrue, the user of the ability could convince him otherwise.
DENSITY SHIFTING: is the ability to use psionic power to alter one’s own density concentration. This ability can be used to become extremely dense, so the body is nearly impenetrable and hits are powerfully concussive, or to become intangible, so as to evade concussive blows altogether. Usually this ability only allows one type of density shifting or the other; however, it is not uncommon for the user to become dense or intangible as desired.
DNA READING: also called DNA Perception, Genetic Perception, Gene Perception, DNA Awareness, Genetic Awareness or Gene Awareness is the ability to psychically "read" the genetics of a subject through coming into close contact with them. One with this ability could discern a foe’s medical history (allergies, if heart failure, cancer or other medical problems run in their family). The user could even sense physical traits (like race, eye and hair color, gender, recessive genetic traits) even at a distance, or sense if two or more beings share a blood relation (and what the relation is), or sense superhuman abilities (including latent ones), etc.
ELASTICITY: is exaggerated pliability of the body. One with this ability can extend their limbs, contort their bodies, blow their body up like a balloon, bounce like rubber and resist extreme concussive force (even beyond that of a bomb explosion). Not to mention, the user’s body can often even ground intense electricity like rubber. However, the user has a stretching limit, and thus, once they pass it, they would be susceptible to pain just like any normal human.
ENERGY ACTIVATION: also known as Energy Boosting or Ignition is the ability to psychically increase the energy of any fire, electrical spark or other energetic faculty. One with this ability could psychically spark up energy to keep fires going underwater, or allow electrical appliances work in dead zones. One with this ability could even allow abilities to work when a power-nullifier attacks an ally.
FLIGHT: is the ability to defy gravity in order to propel oneself through the air. One with this ability can accomplish it in one of multiple ways. Either their body projects an electromagnetic aura around them, which repulses the user from the ground and allows propulsion from one point to another. Others include the use of magnetic, gravitational or sonic repulsion, riding air waves, riding light waves, projection of an energy aura, the presence of physical wings and the like.
FORCEFIELD GENERATION: also called Forcefield Projection or Force Field Generation/Projection is the ability to generate fields/bubbles of energy (psychic, psionic, or the like) that keep anything outside the field/bubble from entering, and anything within from exiting. Occasionally the field can be varied in size and may allow one to bounce or roll in it similar to a hamster ball (or even to slide on it) and it may reseal if penetrated. The user can sometimes even move objects caught within them.
INTUITION: also called Discernment or Instinct is the psychic ability to "just know" personal information about an object, subject or occurrence, including sensing how others will react to something the user does or when something is about to happen. This ability is innately used at random times, and cannot be turned off. A faculty of this superhuman ability allows the user to also (or instead) intuit spiritual truths and principles (sensing the presence of evil/danger/people that dislike the user, a feeling that one should or shouldn’t go somewhere or the right thing to do in a situation).
KINETIC ACCELERATION / DECELERATION: the ability to accelerate and or decelerate the speed of an object or a subject; One with this ability could speed up an object's motion or slow it down by pure will. However, the only downside is that an object cannot be set into motion by this ability, only sped up or slowed down if it is motion prior to use of the ability. Not to mention, things of greater weight or moving faster would be harder to accelerate or decelerate than things that are lighter in weight or moving slower.
KINETIC ACTIVATION: also called Kinetic Channeling- the ability to imbue objects with kinetic energy to set them into motion, regardless of whether living, inanimate or mechanical. One with this ability can cause rocks to start rolling or cause people to start moving, even if they don’t want to. This ability does not allow the user to control the motion, unless accompanied by Kinetic Redirection (which is common), although it may allow control over the speed of the motion.
LENTATION: also known as Time Dilation or the Bullet-Time Effect is the psychic ability to perceive time as though it were slower than it actually is, and to adjust the body's speed and reflexes to match this perception of time. One with this ability could see bullets approaching them, or perceive those with superspeed approaching them, and react to them as though they were moving at the same speed. This ability could be used to evade nearly any attack, by seeing it like it was moving slower, when in fact you were moving faster.
MATTER INGESTION: or Digestive Adaptation is the superhuman ability to ingest and pass any substance through the body without the substance inducing bodily harm, even if it is corrosive like acid or sharp like glass or dense like titanium. This can be accomplished one of a few ways; either their physiology is built for the ingestion of any material (pliable digestive tract, super-strong teeth), or they are capable of psychically rendering a subject harmless so that it is safe enough to ingest (the digestive tract may even reactively adapt). People with this ability are immune to food-borne sicknesses like food-poisoning, alcohol poisoning or salmonella.
METALLOKINESIS: also called Ferrokinesis or Metal Manipulation is the ability to mentally affect metals. This includes raising or lowering the density of metal, mentally moving metals around and reforming, deforming or reshaping metals into any desired shape. The user could even completely cover oneself in said material (to form an armor for the user), change one metal into another, fuse metals, make them more or less resistant to rust or the like. This ability is not to be confused with Magnetokinesis.
MICROWAVE EMISSION: is the ability to generate and project microwaves, usually through the hands. The subject on whom this ability is used acts much like they would if they were placed inside a microwave oven. This ability causes plastic to melt, flesh to burn, liquids to boil blood gains the consistency of water), etc.
NARCOSIS: also called Numbness Inducing or Numbing is the ability to numb bodily sensations. One with this ability could cause any sensory organs (eyes, ears, nose, mouth or fingers) to become numb so as to devoid foes of their senses. One with this ability could even keep an ally from feeling pain by causing the area of injury to be numbed. Also, with enough practice, this ability could be used to stun foes through attacks, or induce unconsciousness in foes by a simple touch.
POWER-SENSING: also called Power/Ability Detection or Power/Ability Sense is the superhuman ability to instinctively tell if another has a superhuman ability and to locate others with superhuman abilities. In some cases, one can even discern specifically what abilities a person has, and when a subject is using their powers. This usually entails telepathic detection of abilities, but sometimes it involves the detection of a superhuman aura or simply an intuitive superhuman faculty in which the user “just knows”.
POSSESSION: The ability to take control and inhabit the body of an individual. One with this power is able to temporarily inhabit the body of an individual as long as they are physically in the same room as the person. It does not work if the person they are trying to inhabit has telepathic abilities that are able to block one from entering their mind. The duration of how long one with this ability depends on the mental durability the user has, for example, someone strong of mind will be able to possess one for longer periods of time than someone who is mentally unstable.
PSAMMOKINESIS: also called Ammokinesis or Arenakinesis is the ability to mentally manipulate sand. With this ability, one could hurl sand at foes, compact it into constructs like barriers and weapons, or even summon sand from all around to form a “tidal wave” of sand, a sandstorm, a sand vortex and the like (even quicksand, in the right environment). Should one hone this ability, however, this could lead into practicing Hyalokinesis.
PRECOGNITION: also called Future Sight or Foresight is the psychic ability to visually perceive information about future events before they happen, as opposed to guessing based on deductive reasoning and current knowledge. It can come as a brief flash of the scene, or it may last longer. Sometimes, however, it can even be activated at will, within whichever time intervals the user desires (“the next six hours”, “tomorrow”, etc).
PSYCHOMETRY: is the ability to mentally divine information about an object or living subject, simply by coming into close contact with it or something associated with said object or subject. Some with the ability can even act as mediums for residual energies and, as such, can experience talents or memories temporarily by touching an object previously owned by someone else. Or they may be able to tell the past or future of a subject by touching an object owned by or associated with the subject.
PYROKINESIS: is the ability to mentally create and manipulate fire. One with this ability can excite the atoms within an object, possibly enough energy to ignite the object. A pyrokinetic is a person capable of generating flames from thin air, not requiring the consumption of oxygen or combustible objects to maintain the flames. They have been seen being able to increase the temperature in their proximity, create flames, and endure extreme heat and flame without being harmed.
SAPROKINESIS: also known as Blennokinesis, Myxokinesis, Mysokinesis or Rot/Putrefied/Putrefaction Manipulation is the ability to manipulate anything rotten, putrid, moldy, or that festers with bacteria. This ability can range from generation and manipulation of pus/ichor to full-out control over decomposed matter, mucus, slime (mucous secretions of animals) and saliva; the user can also control earwax, moldy matter, fetid water and polluted air (altering its movement and intensity) and fecal matter. This ability can even be used to actually induce rot, speed it up, negate it or sometimes reverse it (even inducing infection on open wounds).
SEDUCTION: is the ability to psychically project sexual thoughts into subjects’ minds, to speak with subliminal seductive power behind every word, and/or activate the brain’s pleasure centers by touch or thought. This ability could be used to attract and seduce subjects, even to the point of psychically inducing psycholagny, (so that a subject can become aroused or achieve orgasm simply by thinking sexual thoughts). With this ability, notions and images would rush into a subject’s head, and they would believe that they were the one thinking the thoughts, and thus they would either be distracted, confused or accepting of the sexual attraction
SLEEP INDUCING: is the superhuman psychic ability to put others to sleep at will. One with this ability may do so by a kiss, a touch, gentle speaking, a contagious yawn (called Psychic Yawn), a soothing song, a soporific/hypnotic (sleep-inducing) chemical generated from the body or simply mental broadcast. This ability cannot determine the length of the sleep. The deepness and length of the induced sleep varies depending on the user of the ability.
SONOKINESIS: also called Sonikinesis, Audiokinesis, Acoustokinesis/Acoustikinesis or Sound Wave/Sound Manipulation is the ability to mentally manipulate sound waves. This can be used to go beyond one’s current vocal ability, allowing one to project one’s voice or any other noise at extremely high/low decibels, or to change the tone/pitch/volume of any desired sound, as well as what sound is projected (or how many sounds). This ability can even convert regular sound waves into concussive blasts. Sometimes, the user can only manipulate sounds after they have bounced off of surfaces, when they are somewhat weaker (called Echokinesis or Echo Manipulation).
STEALTH: is the ability to act in a covert manner beyond the capability of a normal human. This ability is useful to keep perfectly still when hiding, and to sneak with extreme grace. When this ability is active, the user doesn’t disturb animals with his movements or even emit perceptible heat or sound; their psychic imprint is masked (so their minds are shielded from mental communication and domination) and, if hiding, anything short of ESP, Superhuman Awareness or Kinesthesia can’t detect them. One with this ability may also be a good thief and/or saboteur (they are capable of adroit maneuvering, and gifted with an innate sense of how to tell convincing lies). Or this ability may psychically (or subliminally) compel subjects not to notice the user.
SUPERSPEED: is the ability for a person to move faster than a normal human. One with this ability accomplishes it one of two ways, the first of which including superhumanly powerful and flexible legs. The second way includes the mind either exerting a force which propels the body at quicker speeds, or a different psychic force which allows the body’s molecules to vibrate at high speeds (this sort of psychic energy also allows Intangibility).
SUPERSTRENGTH: is the ability for a person to exert force from the muscles beyond that of a normal human. This can be accomplished by either fortifying the muscles with psychic force, or simply having denser muscle mass than that of a normal human. The amount of psychic force for the former (and thus, the amount of strength) varies from person to person. The upper levels of this ability are not yet known, but it remains possible that with training this person could lift, pull or push several tons.
TELEMITRY: also known as Electronic/Digital Communication is the psychic perception, detection and the manipulation of the digital/electronic/radio waves within electronic devices. The user acts as a living internet hub, allowing them to sift through the internet and electronic/digital/radio waves with their mind. Furthermore, they can manipulate existing waves and receive and create their own, giving them the ability to communicate with any computer or radio on the fly, regardless of whether it has a working connection.
TELEPORTATION: is the superhuman ability to psychically move from one locale to another without occupying the space in between the two locations. The person with this ability does not manipulate time, so it can't time travel.
VENOM SECRETION: or Poison Secretion is the ability to generate and secrete venom or poisonous substances from the body. One with this ability can manifest it as spitting or simply as a skin secretion. This ability also usually allows the user to change the potency of the venom or to control when it is released from the body, so that it can be used to blind, paralyze or otherwise disorient opponents.
ZOOPHYSIOLOGY: also called Animal Physiology or Animal Anatomy is the presence of animal features within a superhuman (they don’t necessarily act animal). This may include an Avian/Bird Physiology (feathers/wings, talons, a gizzard), a Reptilian Physiology (scales, forked tongue, claws, slit eyes), an Amphibian Physiology (mucous skin, cold-blooded, water affinity, slit eyes, body similar to frog), an Ichthyic/Fish Physiology (scales, water affinity, water-breathing ability, gills/fins/fish tail), an Insect Physiology (chitinous exoskeleton, segmented limbs, extra eyes/legs, secretions, no heart) or a Mammal Physiology (fur, fangs/claws, perhaps paws, supersenses) or the like.
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sectux-blog · 7 years
Aurora Game Report
So I got a few games in testing out Aurora and the list I posted last time. I wanted to get one of the harder matchups down on (Electronic) paper, as it was against a matchup I think she would struggle with – Khador.
So my opponent was bringing Sorscha 2, with two Grolar’s, widowmakers, widowmaker marksman, Behemoth, two supporting jack marshals with him, and a unit of Kayzee gang members with the underboss, and two small units of Kayazee assassins.
The Scenario was breakdown, and we had a good selection of terrain. Bothe sides had some water to deal with, while a building dominated the centre zone. A trench occupied the right circle, and a wall was in the left, with a forest above it, and a hill below it.
She won the roll and chose to go second, to take the forest as protection against charges on her caster, and since her Grolars and widowmakers have pathfinder, she could ignore it when she required. Behemoth went on the right side, supported by the jack marshals, whilst the kayazee gang went down the centre. The assassins each took a flank, to be able to get the zones if they cleared.
I had deployed rather symmetrically. With aurora in the centre, flanked by the Conservitors, and the Corollary beside her. The Recipricators took to her left, then the obstructors went on the flanks, and behind them the eradicators. The foundries spaced themselves out to get all the models as the back line. The advanced move got the shield wall units up to the 12” line, and we started the game.
Turn 1 was lots of running. Aurora used the building for cover, then the Conservitors moved to in front of her to form a wall that she could hide behind. The recipricators shield walled, but with aerogenesis and the advanced move, they were already 19” up the board. The obstructors ran to get themselves half way across the board, and the rest followed.
Her turn was not so much running. The Behemoth walked forwards and took two double boosted shots at the obstructors in the zone, killing 3, which I got the souls for. On the other side, the widowmakers had shatterstorm cast on them, and they targeted the obstructors on that side. She killed two with the shots, removing them from play and so I could not bring them back, and two with the aoe, but I had also put a group of obstructors behind the wall, close enough for the aoe to get them, but the increased defence meant the widowmakers missed (Plus some awful rolls). The marksman shot at another obstructor and killed him, but I took the soul.
The grolars ran up to the other side of the forest, to give the a good charge into the left zone, whilst the assassins ran into the zones to contest and be a pain to remove, and then ended her turn.
I looked on if I should feat, but I was not close enough to get enough charges off with everything. So I held it off for a turn. Casting Aerosgenisis with aurora, and upkeeping Admonition, she moved into the corner of the building to hide. The conservitors moved to her side to continue blocking line of sight, and the corollary continued up to gain a second focus.
The obstructors in the right zone were refreshed by the foundry, and they charged the assasins on the edge of the zone if they could. Some really lucky rolls with 2 two man CMA’s killed both assasins, clearing the zone for me.
The recipricators got set defence up and moved into the centre zone and shield walled themselves, and the eradicators charged over them to get the gang members. I was only in range of one, and the rest ran to get a better position for the next turn. The gang members died to the 2 attacks, with sidesteps getting me deep into his lines.
On the left, the obstructors tried to copy their compatriots but missed one of the rolls, even with more for the CMA. One obstructor did use his run to engage 2 of the widowmakers, to stop them shooting next turn. The eradicators moved up, and one of them engaged the grolar, with the idea af dying to trigger vengeance, then making the rest of the unit in the zone to score.
Her turn, power up dealt with the focus she wanted to give out, and apart from upkeeping shatterstorm, sat on the focus. The last assassin moved away from  the obstructors to kill the one engaging the widowmakers, and they proceded to kill the grouped up obstructors, removing two from play, and damaging the eradicators engaging the grolar. The Marksman took his shot did some more damage to the eradicator, and the gang members charged it and the recipricators to take the eradicator down. The Recipricators weathered the hit, taking only 2 points of damage, and the 2nd unit of eradicators lost a model too. The now free grolar charged into another eradicator in the zone, killing it in one blow. It then shot around the corner into the conservitor, doing 6 damage. The other grolar moved back to protect Sorsha. She was able to contest the left zone, but luckily she stood still with the behemoth to kill the grouped up obstructors on the right side, and nothing went into the right zone to contest, scoring me one point.
I apparitioned the Conservitor to a better charge position, and used the vengeance moves for all the eradicators and Recipricators to reduce the gang members to just 2 men. My opponent made the mistake of measuring the distance between Behemoth and Aurora, so I knew this was a problem. The corollary moved up to give all three of its focus to the conservitor facing the grolar in the zone, and the foundries moved up and revived the eradicators to full strength, along with 3 obstructors in the right zone. The other conservitor moved into the zone to score it, as long as I got it clear…
Aurora feated and cast areogenisis , took a shot at the grolar, which missed, then moved as far back as she could. I only missed 2 obstructors on the far right, otherwise everything was in for the feat benefit. The Eradicators on the left charged into the Assassin and gang member nearby the zone, killing them and clearing out the charge lane to the grolar. They then reformed back into the zone to be able to score. The Conservitor charged in, with the hand of vengeance triggered by the killing of the eradicator last turn putting it up to mat 8 and pow 17. With hindsight, I should have just moved up and thrown the grolar out of the zone, but I tried to kill it instead. I ended up leaving it with only its right arm working, and moved back out of its melee range. The obstructors tried a charge at it, but only one was in arc and not revived, so I did not kill it, but they moved out to encircle it with their weapons at max range, to force it to take free strikes if it moved. But it was still there to contest the zone…
On the right side, the other eradicators killed the last of the gang members, and one got a good charge into the jack marshal of behemoth, killing him with two attacks. One had also ran into behemoth to stop him targeting Aurora, and they reformed to get in the way.
The Recipricators charged into the other grolar, also knocking it down to about 6 boxes, and only having its left arm working. They then reformed to surround it on all sides, whilst staying outside of Sorchas melee range and not be made stationary. Again, the grolar would not be able to move without taking a free strike, which could kill it. In the end, I scored 2 more points, getting me up to 3-0, and I passed the turn over to her. I also checked my clock, and I was only at 30 mins, which is really good for me at the end of my 3rd turn!
She looked hard at the table, and realised that she could only delay my win for one turn, by contesting the right zone, but then I would win on my own turn. The only other option was to try an assassination with the grolar with its gun. It was out of range, but Sorcha was able to cyclone up to free up one of the free strikes with a hit, and get Aurora in the feat as well. She cast a nuke at the other engaging obstructor but missed, and when the grolar tried to move away the single free strike took out its arm, making it now unable to hit aurora with her high defence. Looking at the rest of the field, my opponent ended her turn to get me up to the 5 -0 win.
Review: I thought my list could not crack armour. I was right about that. The arm 20 on those jacks meant that I could not put equal points into it and win, but I can start layering my attacks under feat to get the job done. I must also remember power attacks.
The Conservitor wall around Aurora works well. It is not foolproof, but having them also be shield guards helps, along with her high defence. And the speed of the units is scary. My opponent said that having 20 models on the halfway line before she had one anything worried her, as did having to dal with vengeance on all the high wound models. Add in the recursion and the game was a slog for her, and she plays against a 60+ cryx mechanithrall list regularly!
I like the list and how it plays, and I suspect it will work well against my intended targets, Cygnar, Ret and Legion. All higher than normal defences on the jacks and casters, but average armour. The speed should allow me to get to the opponent fast, and aurora should be able to stay back and keep safe until she need to get up there.
Its main weakness will still be any heavy metal lists, and I need to practice into those bad matchups, and go for the scenario or assassination win… but I have a tournament on Oct 1st in Northampton again, so more feedback then!
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rocketsminis · 8 years
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aka The final boss of our last campaign, aka “Aurora, Numen of Aerogenesis”
Remember how I said the Clockwork Angels were a pain to assemble? This was 10 times worse. Tiny tiny contact points for those wings, and that staff broke off more times than I can count. Even with pinning it was still a nightmare.
Overall she turned out pretty well, I think. The red underglow on the wings came out really great, although her armor could have used a bit more detail work.
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qenris · 11 years
Answer this with 10 facts about yourself and then pass it on 10 of your favourite followers💗
1) i dont like most of the ppl in my friendship group2) my dad owns a restaurant3) i have 1 younger brother and 2 older sisters4) my momma n pop r separated since i was like 2 or 4 idk5) i actually LOVE math but i suck so bad o god6) i have rlly gross hair like if u touch it dirt will fall out7) my dad was started growing weed with this guy named richard when i was like 11 (?? ?) but my mom got mad and flushed it down the toilet and hes a friggn rad father so idc8) my family kinda knos i like bl but not the frick frack part nyhoho9) im rlly close with my oldest sister10) i rlly want to talk to eVERY ONE followers but iDK WHAT TO SAYthank u friend for liking me aaa
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sectux-blog · 7 years
Theemapalooza game 4
Onto the last game. I was tired, but buoyed up by the fact I had just won with the Aurora list. It ended up being a good game, and my first against another convergence player.
The scenario was The Pit 2 and my opponent was running Cygnar. This would allow me to play Aurora into one of the matches that she was due to beat. His lists were Haley 3, and Kraye. I went for Aurora, since it was good practice, whilst he went for Kraye, not sure on how much Haley would be able to survive two TEP’s.
The terrain was sparse. In the centre stood a hut, whilst on the top left side was a rubble strip. A Hill was on the right far side, and a forest was on the right close side.
My List:
Aurora (Clockwork Legions)
Enigma Foundry
Enigma Foundry (Free)
Enigma Foundry (Free)
Enigma Foundry (Free)
His List:
Kraye: Heavy Metal List
Junior with Firefly
He won the roll and went first. I kept the side I was on, to take advantage of the forest, and slow him down with some of the terrain.
He set up centrally, with a Centurion on both ends, with the hunters, minutemen and the firefly around  Kraye, and Thunderhead on the right. I considered pushing heavily on one flank only, but decided against it due to the Scenario. So, I got a unit of obstructors on each side, with the Eradicators behind them, and supported with the Enigma Foundries. Aurora went with her Conservitor Bodyguards in the centre, flanked with the Recipricators.
I got the Advanced move off, and pushed the infantry up the field. He took his first turn, and trampled with all the heavies, which then reformed a lot closer due to his new field marshal. It was scary to look at it from the other side, but I can see why Orion will be feared!
The Hunters and firefly moved up, and Kraye moved up as well. His Junior Cast Arcane shield on the right Charger, and he mechanics moved up to follow.
The lights ran forwards and he let me have my first turn.
I looked at my options. Again, like my last game, I was going to struggle against the Armour. I could go for the assassination run, but Kraye had Parry, which meant unless I could surround him, he was going to get away from me. In the end, I had to go for either Scenario, or for clock. Scenario was the best one, and assassination would put pressure on him, so I had to see how the game went. To that end, my choice was do I run at him with stuff to pressure him to kill it? Or do I shield wall up to allow him more room to work with, but make it harder for him to kill me? I decided that for now I would run at him, and then with the recursion, get myself back up to high numbers and armour in the subsequent turns. The obstructors went far forwards, spreading out into the rectangle zones. The Eradicators followed behind, armouring up to receive any shooting from those hunters. The Foundries went with them, one getting himself into the forest. Aurora got almost behind the building, and the Conservitors accompanied her.
My opponent took his turn two. The Firefly moved up to hit two Obstructors in the way of Thunderheads landing zone, and killed them easily. Thunderhead moved up, did his lightning punch ability, and killed 7 more obstructors. Then he repositioned back to out of the zone. The Centurion charged into the last obstructor to wipe it out, and also killed off the Foundry that was in the forest. Kraye can really make those jacks fast! The Centurion then moved back to the edge of the zone, out of retaliation of me, for now, and put up polarity shield.
On the left, the hunters came in and took some shots at the obstructors on that side, which the Foundry took the souls of. The Centurion had admonition on it and moved to kill a few obstructors itself, and also put polarity shield up, and moved behind the objective, whilst the minutemen killed what they could, bringing the obstructor unit down to 4 men. The next turn would be tough.
I took my turn, taking advantage of apparition to get the two Conservitors into better positions. With Kraye as far forwards as I thought he was going to get, I decided this was the time to feat and push forwards. Aurora moved up into the centre circle, and feated plus cast Aerogenesis. She had also had Admonition on her for the game, and I am glad of that, as it helped keep her safe from those heavy charges.
The Recipricators moved forwards due to vengeance, then got the charge off on the Firefly, killing it. They then reformed to get around Kraye and his two hunters, and worked from there. The eradicators on the right charged forwards, ignoring the Centurion and concentrating on the light jacks, and the side steps to get into the Mechanics, and I also got one into the right zone to stop him scoring. On the left, the foundries brought back the Obstructors who dies, and I got the most out of my charges into the objective to wound it, whilst the rest moved up behind the Centurion. My opponent then used Admonition to get the Centurion into the Zone to contest, so I reformed the unit around him to restrict his movement.
The eradicators on that side killed off one of the minuteman light jacks, and proceeded to kill the objective, getting me on the scoreboard. They then reformed back, to be able to get a second lot of charges off in the next turn.
I ended my second turn one point up, and waited for the counter attack.
It came swiftly. The minuteman killed his nearby obstructors with his flack field, and then Kraye moved away to the right behind Thunderhead to stay safe. Thunderhead moved around and killed all but two of the eradicators, whilst the centurion in the right zone killed his contester, and the objective. The hunters flailed ineffectively at the reciprocators, but they still lost one of their number to attacks. On the left, the centurion kept up polarity field, and killed an eradicator of its own, but it was not enough to free it. My opponent then got arcane shield up on Kraye, and finished his turn on 2 points to my one.
I needed to start killing more stuff, or at least scoring more points. Assassination was going to be difficult, as Kray could just move away, and I had used my feat. Apparitioned the Jacks closer to their targets. The right Conservitor needed to deal with Thunderhead, who was in the circle zone, and the left Conservitor needed to get rid of the Centurion in the Left Zone. But I could not charge him…
I gave the Right Conservitor 2 focus. I then had the Corollary give all three of its focus to the left Conservitor, and went to town. I Slammed thunderhead out of the zone, and into Kraye. I was not able to do much damage to either, but it got the largest problem out of the centre zone, since Aurora was waiting in it. The eradicators charged into the Minuteman and killed it, now giving me that centre. This also cleared the walking path the Conservitor had, who walked up to the Centurion, and threw him away, out of Kraye’s control area. This would make him difficult to get back into contest. The Recipricators killed a Hunter, and the Eradicator that was still to activate got a friend back from the Foundries, and moved over to contest some more. I went up to 3-2 for my trouble.
My opponent now needed to push hard, and was running out of space. The lone minuteman again tried to kill obstructors, and succeeded, but could not get free. Kraye charged a Reciprocator to kill it, then used his spell to get everything up in his battlegroup, Thunderhead and the Centurion, now that it was in his control area again.
He also feated, to allow his things to gain flare and beacon. This, combined with the hunter shooting the Conservitor, allowed the centurion to charge me for free. Luckily, due to the bucklers, he was unable to destroy any systems. He still now had a model the left zone, and I only had one eradicator in the right, plus thunderhead was in the circle zone, as it has taken advantage of the free stand up, and charged and killed the conservator that had knocked it down. I was now not scoring again, and he trivially killed the eradicator with the centurion to get him up to equal to me, ending his turn on 3-3.
I had very little that could get to the right zone to contest. But as it stood, by corollary was now just dead weight. I apparitioned closer to the right zone, and aurora activated to give it her admonition, then put herself into the left rectangle zone. The Corollary ran behind the Centurion, and into a contesting position, whilst the Conservitor turned again to the Centurion in the left-hand zone, repositioned itself to get a throw that would put it clear of Kraye’s control area again, and chucked it far away once more.
The eradicators that were left charged into the minuteman, and did some nice damage to it, whilst the obstructors were brought back again, and annoyed the hunter. I ended my turn, now on 4-3, and looking like the attrition war was not going my way. I was considering how to win at this point. I was at turn 5 next, and we were neck and neck at the points for most of the game. I would have to look to get a lead by turn 7.
He then took his turn. He moved two of the mechanics that were loitering near the right Zone around the Corollary to make sure I could not apparition away, when his Centurion Came in. I did move anyway, so that the Centurion would have further to go, and possibly get out of Krayes control area. The centurion moved in and one shot the corollary, giving him the zone back. Kray moved over to kill a Reciprocator, and then the clock went off.
I was shocked. I had not been paying attention to the time, just enjoying the game. He was out of time, and I looked to see I still had 18 minutes left of play. We shook hands, and we talked through the matchup. He discussed how whilst I had been unable to dent his armour, he just did not have enough attacks without thunderhead to clear the bodies I was bringing back. And the throws had removed his contesting options, which Centurions are for him.
I took the win, and finished 9th out of 16. I am happy with the result, as it has given me some great practice against some very serious and challenging opponents. It is certainly interesting how Axis is less of the powerhouse he used to be, now that other factions are getting used to his tools. I might have to look at mixing up his lists a bit.
The aurora list works. It plays with the recursion theme well, and whilst I may make some tweaks to it, like adding in some more armour cracking with infantry, I feel it does the job well of stalling the opponent to the point where they cannot deal with it. Knowing about the power attacks with the Conservitors is essential, and the speed that the force needs to get to the opponent is also needed. I like two unit of Eradicators, since they both are cheap enough to be expendable, But I am not sure if I Want to drop the Recipricators or not. They are good for taking a zone, but I seem to be much more aggressive with them, and use them to deal with heavies on the feat turn, whilst I could exchange them for reductors or Perforators. Neither benefit as much from the Recipricators, and a few more games will be needed to decide. I really need a game with this list against a Ret player to do the final test.
Otherwise, this works well as a third list for Blood and Oil coming up.
And I have also dropped myself into a ‘Who’s the Boss’ tournament in December. I want to get a few ideas down here on the right list to take in this respect, but I have already been informed that people will be bringing wormwood just to mess with me!
Next will be a bit of painting from Eilish, and how bad I can Convert things!
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sectux-blog · 7 years
Theemapaloosa Game 3 – The Sword fight
After a very quick lunch, due to the other game going on quite long, I started my next game. The scenario was Recon 2, and my opponent was playing Convergence! Looks like we both had had a horrible day, but my opponent was also suffering from a bad cold (Which I appear to have caught!)
Her lists were Mother, and Lucant. With the loss of my first two games, I decided to use Aurora for the last two games, to get more practice with her. My opponent decided on Lucant, since the mother list relied on controlling the opponents jacks to kill them. So we had my list, hih struggles with armour, and her list, which was pure Armour. I was never going to win through attrition, so scenario and assassination were the top of the list for my wins.
The Lists: My lists: (clockwork legions)
Enigma Foundry (Free)
Enigma Foundry (Free)
Enigma Foundry (Free)
Enigma Foundry (Free)
 Her List:
Optifex Directive
Bomb Bots (Free)
Puncture Bots (Free)
Puncture Bots (Free)
Flare Bots (Free)
 The scenery was pretty sparse. With a large building in the centre of the board, and a forest covering one of the flags on the side. I won the roll, and I chose to go first. My opponent took their side to avoid the forest denying her shooting from the TEP, and we setup. I spread everything out across both sides, to take advantage of my speed. Aurora went in the middle, porotected by the conservitors, so she could make a bee-line for the building for cover.
My opponent set up with the TEP on the left, and bulked up on that side. The building would cause her problems no matter which way she set up, so she put two conservitors the same side as the TEP, with Lucant and the Corollary, to support that side. The inverters and a Conservitor, along with the diffuser, went more to the right side, but they had a water feature to avoid as well.
I went first, and ran everything. I got arcane might out on Aurora, and she was close to the building on her first turn, only a bit short to allow the conservitors to catch up to her and be in front of her.
The obstructors had ran to now the halfway line, and the Recipricators were shield walling their way up the field, with the eradicators and foundries up close to support.
My opponent moved up the TEP and killed two of the obstructors, which had their souls collected by the foundries. The rest of her army ran, and she got watcher up, and feated as well.
I took the advantage to try to jam her out of the zones. I decided it was not feat turn yet, as I could not get to everything on her side to get behind it. I moved the obstructors on the right zone as far forwards as they could go, killing the two flare bots that had gotten into the zone, even under feat, and putting one or two of them in front of her jacks to slow them down. I forgot to move the foundries into the Flag to score, but that is a lesson to be learnt. The Eradicators on that side moved up, and I also put one in front of his conservitor to keep it out of the zone, whilst the recipricators moved up in a semi-circle to keep some safe if the jacks broke through. On the other side, the obstructors were brought back by the foundry, and ran and charged their way to also jam the field. I cleared out the puncture bots in the way, and moved the eradicators up to support. One stood infront of a Conservitor who was looking to get into the zone. The foundries were now a little out of range of the far obstructors, but I was ok with this for now, and I moved the Conservitors of mine into a zone each to have the option to claim points
For her turn, My opponent set to work to get into the zones and clearing off as much as she could. She set the TEP on the obstructors in the left zone, killing 8 of them. She also clipped the Eradicators so that I could trigger vengeance. The Conservitor went just into the zone and killed the Eradicator in its way, and she passed the focus down the line to the inverters who took out the obstructors blocking them from the right zone, and also got a good kill in on the eradicator and a recipricator in the way, which triggered vengeance for them as well. The two puncture bots moved forwards to kill more obstructors in the zone, but she did not get the bots into the zone herself, and could not get anything passed the water to get into the zone that she had not blocked off. She ended by moving Lucant up behind the inverters to be able to have a nice area to trigger watcher. I was able to gain 1 point for this turn due to the jack In the right zone.
For my turn I decided to try to finish the game off. I had one point, and If I could score another 4 I could win. Her objective was behind a wall of jacks, and there was a conservitor and a few bots in the left zone that needed to be removed. So I used the apparition to get a charge lane on the conservitor with my own, and started the turn. I used the vengeance moves to kill two of the bots in the left zone, and got lucant to trigger watcher on the recipricators as the moved forwards to get into a better position. I did lose one, but there were enough to deal with the objective.
The Corollary filled the Conservitor fully up with focus, then aurora went, cast aerogenesis, like she had all game, and feated, hiding behind the building.
The 4 eradicators on the left got their last number back, and three went into the conservitor with a charge, trying to get behind him if they could. I used arcane might to boost the damage of their second attack roll, and then reformed into the corollary to surround it. The conservitor was half dead by now, and mine had no problem charging it and killing it with a focus to spare. The left zone was now mine.
On the right, a foundry moved to the flag to score it, and the recipricators flew over the jack in the way to charge the objective. I got it down to 3 points left, then reformed into the back of lucant. The Eradicators then flew over the jack wall, again at the objective, to kill it. I then used the obstructors to kill the last of the bots nearby to score kill points, and went up to 5 – 0 scenario points to win.
A good match. I believe that axis would have struggled against that armour as well. My opponent went on to win the wooden spoon, and that illness she had really affecting her game.
Aurora played well, and I can see the scenario win with her. I think it comes down to the scenario and which I think she can get points on quickly, whilst blocking my opponent from the zone.
The recursion ability was more of an annoyance for my opponent, with bringing back models not directly stopping her, but in the end she was looking forwards to running the clockwork legions herself.
One last game to go!
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sectux-blog · 7 years
Aurora and the new theme.
And now we get a new theme!
I have always liked Aurora, and her fast way of playing, but I was never too keen on the assassination only way of playing. It always felt too one dimensional to me. With the new theme force, this now changes: she can do infantry spam like axis was prone to in MK2.
Firstly, the theme: this was put in an Insider, so this is the interpretation, not the full rules:
Enigma Foundries go up to FA: 4 – Going back to the recursion spam of Axis is great, and even with the detriments of recursion in MK3, having the ability to play more than 2, and put up to 12 models back a turn is great for exerting pressure on your opponent.
For every 20 points of infantry, you get a free soul vessel solo – this makes those foundries free, or you can go for the UA if you want. The steel soul protectors are also options, as are the ADO’s. so a lot of choice. The most basic idea is to be playing 12 points up, which when you factor in the Foundries, this becomes a lot more for the opponent to chew through… I sense a pattern!
Lastly, there are two benefits for models on the field. All shield wall models get advanced move. So Obstructors and Recipricators, both of which can be slow when they shield wall… so that is an extra 5” advantage. And this especially helps against those new lists that stop Advanced Deploy! The other benefit is all medium based units get Vengence. So a free 3” move and melee attack if they are damaged. Note that vengeance runs on damaged, not killed, which means those 8 box models can take a hit and still benefit from the extra move.
All these benefits together work for a massively infantry based force. We have not got the cheap infantry to spam, since the obstructors are FA:3, but I believe this theme list works towards having a mix of medium and small based models in the list.
Oh, and you cannot take the battle engine or Bots (but I can see why!)
So a bit of caster reviews:
Mother – like the theme, can take advantage of the vengeance move plus her Tactical Supremacy can get those models up the board, and her Imperil will add to their damage output.
Syntherion – nope. Apart from magnetic hold, he does nothing to assist infantry.
Lucant – the dream of the Massive Metal Mountain springs forwards, running 4 units of recursion medium bases at the opponent. Positive charge, shield guard from his jacks, and 20 8 wound warriors who all are safer against shooting, allows him some great scenario presence.
Axis – Back to his theme list here. You can run that infantry spam with him, now backed up with his lovely inverters, and we know his feat and onslaught supports the infantry.
Aurora – The Infantry Princess. Flight and +2 movement on top of the theme buffs makes for a very mobile force. Those Shield Wall units are at the 24” line on turn 1 if they run, and you go first. That is very scary for the opponent. If you go second, you still get them up to the 22” line and shield walled up. That stops the Haley scenario blocker and the like. Aurora also has Arcane Might, which helps to boost the hit and damage potential of the units, but she does not always have a lot of focus to spend on this after aerogenesis… Finally, her feat with an infantry theme, gets it right down the opponents throat, even past their lines.
Orion: the new caster, and also one who can benefit from the number of units with his self vengeance spell, but he would probably be looking at a 50-50 split for jacks and infantry. Add in Perforators with him getting vengeance, and that gets them a lot closer to their targets…
In the end, This is a good theme to oppose the destruction initiative, which focuses on Jacks. This infantry focused theme is the other side of the coin.
So for a list I have been running for the last few weeks since the announcement:
Aurora: - 29
Corollary – 6 (Because you should)
Conservator – 12 - Shield guard, hand of vengeance, and LOS blocker for Aurora.
Conservator – 12
Max Obstructors – 11 – nice chaff to get across the board on turn 1. Either run, or shield wall to get to the middle part of the board and put pressure on the opponent. And the reach chain weapon is always useful when you spread out. Add in CMA and they can get the work done against higher defence targets
Max Obstructors – 11
Max Eradicators – 15 a great unit for feat turn, and they have enough armour to get across the board and survive, whilst still being low enough to trigger vengeance. Also, the ability to get to Mat 9 really helps, plus their side steps and feat with aurora can get them into the opponents back arc. Or as I like to put them, surrounding the enemy caster with a 19” total move… just make sure that it is not against a caster that can destroy them easily like Butcher, or teleport away like Caine.
Max Eradicators – 15 – because two is better than one!
Max Recipricators – 18 – The anchor of the list. They are slow, and will shield wall their way across the board, but as a unit can put out a nice chunk of damage against an opponent if needed. They are a scenario holding unit, to take a section I want to contest and just be a pain to remove without using a heavy.
Enigma Foundries x 4 – 4 points (actually 16, but 3 are free due to the theme force benefits.) Because bringing back multiple models, and still have the speed, is great. And this is what the theme is about!
I have gotten some games in with this list, so I will put some up over the next few days.
By for now!
�̒ B
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