#aeron x lyra
icanbeyourgenie · 9 months
“ But I had a nightmare... ” - a sad Lyra to Aeron
❝Still. You shouldn't be here, Lyra.❞
His little sister looked at him with her big sad eyes and he knew he would give up. He always did give up when she came in his bed in the middle of the night because she felt safer sleeping in his arms. But he still had to at least pretend to be stern about it. Lyra was way too soft to live in this realm. If someone found about her need of reassurance she would be punished and rejected. He did remember his own fear of spiders when he was little, and how his mother beat that fear out of him by locking him in room full of spiders for weeks. It did help him manage his fear, but he knew that Lyra would not handle this kind of exposure.
As a good fae, he shouldn't care. But Lyra seemed to escape his rules. So when her eyes started to water, he sighed and opened his arms. She jumped in and they laid down, looking at the celling. ❝Tomorrow I'm putting a double lock on my door.❞ He said for good measure. It was probably the 10th time he used this threat now.
❝What am I supposed to do when I have nightmares?❞
❝Go back to sleep.❞
❝That's easy for you to say. You can control dreams so you never have nightmares!❞ Lyra pouted and Aeron chuckled.
❝Other people's dream only. But anyway, what was your nightmare even about?❞
The little fae waited a bit before answering. ❝...About getting casted away.❞
Aeron stayed silent. It was a rather realistic nightmare, it could happen. It will probably happen. Aeron saw people way thougher than Lyra get cast away by his mother and uncle. He usually barely interracted with his potential siblings or cousins, not until they were a permanent member of the family. But Lyra was really persistent.
❝You have years before it happens.❞ He finally said.
❝Years won't change anything. I'm too weak.❞
❝Xanthe too. He's still there, isn't he?❞
❝Xanthe can create weapons that would decimate cities.❞
❝Maybe you could too.❞
❝I don't want to do that. I don't want to hurt people.❞
Aeron sighed. ❝Then yes. You'll be cast away.❞
He ignored his uneasy feeling. It was probably just something he ate. Gentle and soft faes were a myth, because in the real fairy world, they didn't last long. A weak royal household would be an abomination. Right?
❝Not if you're king...❞ Lyra spoke soflty, but Aeron groaned as he put a pillow on his head.
❝Not that again. We already talked about it, go to sleep before I knock you out.❞ But Lyra was already propped on her elbows, looking at him with a spark in her eyes.
❝You could, though!❞ She was maybe weak but she sure could bother someone to death. Perhaps she should bring that up to Morgana. ❝It doesn't have to be the elder. Syrus was the oldest and yet mother is the High Queen! Everybody knows she favors you, and you're the one who has fairy dust. You, not Rhys. Not any of us. You could be high king someday.❞
It was true enough that he was the favorite, and that in the matter of succession nothing was decided yet. Morgana let Rhysand believe he was the heir, but she was too manipulative to be trusted. As long as no crown prince was elected, nothing was set in stone.
❝And then what? Change the rules, make everyone happy and nice with each other?❞ Aeron almost laughed. This was a child's dream. A human child's, not a fae's. ❝This is not our customs, Lyra. It's nothing more than a fairytale.❞ He could see the irony in that.
❝Don't you want more, though? I know you're better than that. Deep down.❞
Aeron didn't think he was - he was thriving just well amist all the cruelty and chaos - but he knew where Lyra got this idea. So he looked at her, putting one hand in the back of her head to make sure she listened to him.
❝You forget two things. First of all, I have absolutely no intention of being king. This is the most boring job in the world.❞
❝You'd rather keep being a pirate?❞
❝Yes, actually. I'd barely be at court if it wasn't for Mother. Which brings me to the second point: this debate is pointless because Morgana Le Fey will never abdicate the throne. She has countless years in front of her, no one can touch her as long as she has the Spectre. She's just using the heir title as bait to manipulate us and Rhys, Aldris and Euphemia are too blind or stupid to realize they're being played and moved around her board as she sees fit. I don't want the throne, but even if I did, I'd never have it.❞
❝No more buts. You go to sleep now. And tomorrow, you'll get back on the training field.❞
The girl wanted to protest, but Aeron discretly moved his hands to make the dust settle directly on her face. She was yawning already, and her body fell on the mattress. She asked, before falling asleep: ❝If I get cast away, could I come on your ship?❞
❝I don't think you'd like it very much there either.❞ He answered, but she was snoring already.
Aeron got up and carried her body accross the castle, all the way to her room. She wouldn't wake up, this time.
The next day, he installed the double lock. She'd resent him for it, probably wouldn't even talk to him for a bit, but eventually it was for her own good. Lyra had to learn how to toughen up. The thing was, Aeron was quite sure she didn't have it in her...
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likeafairytale · 2 months
“How is my sister?” - Aeron to Miakoda when Lyra is ill
Miakoda was sitting on the edge of princess Lyra's bed. The poor thing was sick for a week already, and lately she had difficulty to get out of bed. When the first sign of sickness appeared, Miakoda was assigned to bed rest with her. As a vampire, she was immunized against any disease possible, and as no one knew if it was contagious or not, prevention it better than cure. The girl was sleeping peacefully, at least that was what her heartbeat made believe. Miakoda was wiping Lyra's forehead with cold water when she heard Aeron's voice. Anyone would have been startled by his coming, for he was quiet, but the vampire heard him from down the stairs. She barely looked at him, to focus on Lyra's temperature.
She had to admit that she was surprised to see him there. To see anyone, really. First, the Le Feys weren't the most affectionate family; none of them visited Lyra since she was sick –until now at least. Her mother barely tried to have news from her daughter, when Miakoda tried to give her some news about Lyra's state, the High Queen dismissed it as non-important. This broke Miakoda's heart to see a mother so indifferent to her own child well-being. None of her brothers asked about her, at least until now. Aeron probably came secretly because showing that you care for another being was a sign of weakness for Morgana, and even if it was clear that Aeron was her favourite child, that does not mean that she won't be disgust to know he cared for his little sister.
After a moment of silence, Miakoda finally put down the sponge she was holding into a bowl, before turning around to face the fae prince. She noticed that he wasn't looking at her. She was just there, in front of him, but he only had eyes for his sister, and she couldn't help but think that it was quite adorable. Miakoda looked at the young man closely, without showing that she was staring. From all the Le Feys, Aeron was the one she knew the less, and she did not know if it was a good thing or a bad thing... The vampire decided to not think of that right now, so she shook her head, looking at Lyra who was slowly moving during her sleep.
“Her temperature is normal. Her heartbeat too. She will survive, she is stronger that what people think.”
“I know that too well.�� Aeron said with a smirk, and this time he looked at Miakoda who looked at him back, frowning. “Do you know what she has?”
“I suspect the flu, and chickenpox. She complained that she was itchy. It won't last more than one more week.”
“I see.”
Now, they were both silent. Both looking at the little princess who cough and moan in her sleep. Miakoda took back to sponge in order to wipe Lyra's forehead, when she felt Aeron's presence near her. He might just want to come closer to see his sister's state, but Miakoda had to admit that his presence so close made her uneasy. She almost dropped the sponge on Lyra's face because she was startled to see him so close. For a moment, she froze. Unable to move, as if she was a puppet, and Aeron the puppet master. She was tensed, and if he wasn't a prince, it'd been a while that she would have pushed him. Maybe aware of her discomfort, Aeron stepped back a little, and Miakoda did not notice she was holding her breath until now. Blinking, she shook her head, her attention back on Lyra who was still asleep.
“Thank you. For taking care of her.”
“If not me, no one would.” Miakoda said without thinking. It's only once the words were out of her mouth that she understood their meaning. Eyes wide open, she turned around to look at an amused Aeron. “That's not what I wanted to say!”
“Don't apologize, you're right. No one would have stepped in. Mother would have surely let her die if it wasn't for you.”
Miakoda smiled politely, letting a silence sink in. she could tell that prince Aeron wasn't the kind of men to enjoy a little bit of peace and quiet, because he couldn't stay still. She opened her mouth, ready to talk, but was cut short by movement in the bed. Lyra woke up, a bit groggy, coughing, but a smile on her face when she saw her brother in the room. No doubt that Aeron was her favourite brother. Miakoda stood up to let the place to Aeron, who came closer to the bed.
“You are here! I dreamt of you, did you play with fairy dust for me?”
“No, not this time. But I can stay and make you dream of pleasant thing.”
“Oh, Mia, can he stay, please?” The little girl asked, pouting. She felt a bit better now that Aeron was there, but still, it was obvious that she was sick. Miakoda's eyes went back and forth from Aeron to Lyra, before she smiled politely, bowing in front of them.
“If his majesty wishes to stay with his sister, I cannot refuse.” This must be the right answer because Lyra clapped her hands with happiness, making Miakoda giggled. The vampire decided to let the two siblings together, in order to go get some food for them.
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