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“Take care of Yoshiki or I’ll literally kick your entire ass. Though you might murder me again, so.... Maybe not.”
Hirashi has a lot to think about Jae-Hwa. Primarily, the fact that Jae-Hwa killed him- this, of course, was a realization that came far after Hirashi was already, y’know, dead, but the sentiment still stands. 
Really, Hirashi doesn’t like him. 
Hirashi thinks Jae-Hwa is kind of a huge douchebag, but he?? Really appreciates him at the same time? It’s hard for someone to be both disliked and admired (especially by Hirash), but here we are. He respects Jae-Hwa’s ability to hold his own, and looks up to him for not putting up with anyone’s bullshit (especially his own).
He also decided that if anyone was to murder him and get away with it, Jae-Hwa was probably the best candidate.
He knows Yoshiki likes him, so if they ever met again he’d probably respect him- since he does quite like Yoshiki-, but I think we both know it’d end like this.
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shslrecorderprince · 10 years
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in hindsight, i probably should have posted this one before the original
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shsl-lampworker · 10 years
takes off jacket and sets it on fire and waves it in the air like a flag (predespair? :^) or u can answer this postdespair) ★
will things change or not after endgame? who knows…
I’d like to think they had the same?? non-relationship. Accidentally bumping into each other in the hall. Whoops we’re the only one’s who got this time wrong so now we’re just standing here awkwardly waiting for everyone else to come.
Tbh most of their interactions probably came from mutual friendship with Rover? Like that snapchat for example (which they probably got in trouble for jfc jaehwa how did you smuggle a lighter in school) and other things. It’d be pretty similar to mutual killing I think! Like acknowledging the other as existing and having a life that doesn’t necessarily have to do with your own. Keep trucking on jaehwa, keep on trucking.
That said now that its not a murderous situation she’d be more ??? about memes because Shoko is a nerdlord so it’d be like
[Jaehwa voice] Hello Potion Seller, I’m going into battle and I want your strongest potions. 
[Shoko voice] I… excuse me?
adding onto the awkward moments of meme misunderstanding. mismemederstanding.
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aeviternallassitude replied to your post:minoru is a grade a jerk wad and i am just...
feeling it over on this end .. .. (jaehwa smiled like. three-two times this whole gam e? maybe. i cant remember)
they both smile at the same time and the earths magnetic poles shift
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shsl-doubtrot-blog · 10 years
Jae-Hwa votes on Keita Yamaguc(ci)hi.
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aeviternallassitude replied to your post:looks at will :’)
(tiny baby will voice) ᴱᴸᴵᴹᴵᴺᴬᵀᴱ
tiny baby will...!!! <3
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shslrecorderprince · 10 years
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in which i don't know how to draw christmas trees
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shslastrologer-blog · 10 years
Happy birthday!! I heard that it was your birthday today so I just had to pop in and say hello! Hope that your day goes really nicely and relaxing as possible!
ahhh thank you, thank you, friend!! ; 7 ; it’s going pretty well so far!
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shsl-lampworker · 10 years
sneks in... what about awkward moments duo 8^)
Silence became comfortable, a lumpy blanket.
She doesn't know what she knows.
But breaking it won't be easy.
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shesagiantwoman-blog · 10 years
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shslrecorderprince · 10 years
"Persnickitty… Or do you like ‘Seung’ better? Oh, well, that doesn’t matter, because you could be called Astronomical Douchebag, and that wouldn’t change the fact that I don’t regret ever, ever meeting you. Not even a little bit! I… would have waited ages to meet you again, but… I guess I don’t have to, right? Heck, once things are all said and done with, I’ll tag along wherever you’re headed! …If that’s okay and all, heheh.”
When the two first met, Yoshiki honestly could not have predicted how much he would be affected by the other. He kind of just expected them to mutually respect each other for their affinity of puns and then call it day, never ever to go past the stage of ‘Oh hey, I met this one guy who ____’.
Then after Yoshiki’s life kind of was going downhill, it was kind of shocking to see Seung barge through the door and have concern (even if it wasn’t the most compassionate way to show it). Yoshiki really appreciated the fact that someone was actively trying to keep him well and alive, and he had no idea how exactly to react to it other than trying to confirm that the other really was genuine in his reactions. It was one of the first instances someone had ever done such a thing for him as opposed to just leaving him to wallow in his misery. It definitely left an imprint in his mind of the Starcraft player.
Of course, after Yoshiki died, he kind of accepted the fact that he probably shouldn’t dwell on previous friendships, but then the ability to communicate with the dead occurred and it was a game changer. Suddenly, Yoshiki revolved his life around being able to have another conversation with this guy who he had known for only a week or so.
One of the conversations they had ended up fueling their friendship a lot? And he ended up being really concerned for the other. It was kind of like a ‘Oh God someone’s actually coming to me in their hour of need what do I do???’ Seung just ended up rising in importance from that point onward.
Yoshiki kind of became pretty attached and protective of the gamer, even if they weren’t able to interact without the radio room. Seung really brought out Yoshiki’s impulsiveness and raw emotions without the whole laughing bit to cover it up.
Him being revived was probably the best case scenario since Yoshiki would have been so upset if Seung had died? He might have just ignored him after death simply because he would not want to believe that fact that he would be dead.
The recorder player was extremely excited about being reunited, because ‘holy shit?? i can?? grab his attention and talk at any time i want??’
That’s an awkward way to end, but uh, final verdict is that Yoshiki would definitely follow Seung to the ends of the earth tbh. It’s a strong bond he’s never really experienced before that ended up in happiness?? Woah!
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shslrecorderprince · 10 years
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still version
because i need sleep and i like making will despair ngl
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shslrecorderprince · 10 years
aeviternallassitude replied to your photo:hana’s hair can look p dramatic in the wind
superduperpianoboy replied to your photo:hana’s hair can look p dramatic in the wind
why must you hurt me like this petty
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aeviternallassitude replied to your post:if u have drawn hirashi there is probably a 100%...
ha ha ha! think again B)
stares at u?????
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shslrecorderprince · 10 years
aeviternallassitude replied to your photo:how do u people make interesting selfies??
holy shit petty hair game very stronk tho :// wow this is the first time ive seen a selfie of u other than the time where you tried to imitate a pose in a group call -_-
cRIES i had limited space and that pose is hard to begin with 
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shslrecorderprince · 10 years
aeviternallassitude replied to your post:i tried to come up with noodle puns and after a...
HAHAHA! YOUR PUN DAYS ARE OVER…(for now i guess. damn u noodles)
u have won... FOR NOW
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