#after getting ditched in co by a 2-year friend and then later going to work at the worst managed place I’ve ever been
clownboyskingdom · 1 year
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Road update: Made it to our first resting point at my seasonal friend’s place of residence! We’re stopping here with the cat for a few days before I head out solo (+The Captain 🐱) on Saturday, then resting back home until heading 12 hours west to the next job!!
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artdcnaldson · 4 months
In part 2 you mentioned Patrick x reader having makeup sex after they got into stupid argument…. Can we get a flashback to one of those moments🤭🤭 domestic Patrick starting an argument with reader and reader calling him out about it but they end up making up in a cute way. Like Patrick making it up in a corny but cute way??? Just a suggestion, part 2 was amazing btw!
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Rating: T
Warnings: just a minor argument, language ofc
A/N: thank youuuu!!! No smut in this little blurb, just a snapshot of domestic Patrick x reader in the changeover au 🫶🫶🫶
Also working on art x reader first time and also Patrick x reader first I love you blurbs for the changeover au :) so those will be coming sooooon
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It was easy to let the stupid arguments devolve. It started with a facial expression when you brought up your college roommate’s wedding. An eye roll, an I-don’t-want-to-fucking-deal-with-that. And that became your, “why do you treat my friends and my life as less important?”
“I can’t fucking believe you got that out of me wanting to ditch Katie’s wedding to her dickhead loser fiancé.” Patrick’s words came out so flippant that it infuriated you further. “You don’t even talk to her outside of Facebook comments.”
“I’m sorry, Patrick. I didn’t realize that you’d be so fucking opposed to free food and booze considering you live off of it.”
Patrick set his jaw, glaring at you. It was a low blow, one you knew would sting. “I’m opposed to wasting my time flying out to bum fuck Iowa to because Katie— who has always hated me, by the way— is marrying some dickhead who’s a shill for a corrupt asshole in congress.”
You rolled your eyes. “Maybe she would like you, Patrick, if you ever put in an ounce of effort with anyone besides me.”
“Right, because I need to be friends with the kind of people whose proposal was a flash mob.”
You laughed softly, shaking your head. “Right, because you’re just too cool for stuff like that.”
It was so fucking like him— making fun of the lame proposals your friends got, or their baby names, or their engagement shoots. Sometimes they were lame— flash mobs were fucking stupid— but sometimes they were sweet, and romantic, and there was Patrick acting like he’d rather blow his brains out than ever publicly admit he cared.
“Yeah, I am.” He said back.
You rolled your eyes and stood. “Whatever, Patrick. I’ll RSVP for one, again, and you can bum around my apartment alone.”
You had slammed the bedroom door before he could respond, which left him alone and seething in the living room.
You heard the front door open, then slam shut, signaling that Patrick was going out for a smoke, or a walk, or something.
You opened Facebook and scrolled through your feed. Katie’s engagement photos, a coworker’s new baby, a college friend’s bachelorette weekend. And there you were, fighting so your boyfriend would finally be your plus one to something.
It wasn’t always his fault— he had tournaments, and commitments. But a lot of the time, it was an active dismissal of things you found important— engagement parties, friends visiting the city, the increasingly common baby shower.
You didn’t blame him. Adult stuff sucked, and it was almost always boring and agonizingly slow. But you just wanted him to show up with you for things that were big.
It would be stupid to break up over Katie, who you genuinely weren’t even that close to. She’d been a decent friend Freshman year, you supposed, but that was the extent of it. The invitation to the wedding was probably a formality.
All you wanted was an excuse to show off your super hot, super cool boyfriend. To get tipsy over free booze, then leave the wedding early to fuck in the shitty Best Western hotel room that wedding guests would get a discount rate on.
A few hours later, the front door opened, and you sat up against the headboard, waiting eagerly to see if he’d be the first to break, or if you would.
You heard four gentle knocks against the door, saw Patrick’s sneakers beneath the door. “You can come in,” you said softly.
Patrick slipped into the room and joined you on the bed. He kept space between you, just in case you were still mad, but met your gaze with the sad eyes of a kicked puppy.
“I bought a suit,” was all he said. “And I tried to buy you a huge bouquet of flowers since I was a dickhead, but my card declined since I just bought the suit, so…”
His hand was resting on the empty expanse of mismatched bedsheets between you. You moved your hand into his, tangling your fingers together. “You bought a suit, huh?”
He nodded, squeezing your hand lightly. “I’ll stop being a dick about Katie’s wedding.” He paused, turning away from your gaze. “I think… I’m away so much that when I’m home, I just want it to be me and you.”
You leaned forward and kissed his nose. “I just want to show you off to everyone I know,” you said lightly. Your forehead stayed pressed to his, and you relished in the closeness. “I don’t give a fuck about Katie or her ugly loser fiancé’s stupid wedding.”
Patrick grinned. “Oh? So you just want a hot, professional athlete to be your arm candy, huh?”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re always cheapening the moment.” You leaned forward kissing him sweetly, which always seemed to devolve into a hungry mess of tongues and spit when Patrick was involved.
“Wait—“ you said suddenly, right as Patrick began peeling off your top. “You said your fucking card declined? You drained your bank account for this stupid wedding?”
He paused, his hands warm on your bare skin. “Uh… it felt like a grand gesture kind of moment.” You leaned in and kissed him, pulling your shirt off the rest of the way.
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Not smutty but I neeeeeeeded to write some domestic Patrick x reader 😁🫶 my pookies my babies my loves
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porchlightfairy · 2 years
You Put A Spell On Me (ch. 7)
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a/n: I updated a cute smaller moodboard. New Ophelia, new Steve, new everything! Thank you for reading! If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know. I have no idea how long this series is going to be. maybe one or two chapters? Let me know if you like it!
word count: 1.5k+
pairing: steve x black!oc (Ophelia)
chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
Chapter 7
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Days turn into weeks turn into months; Years go by. Steve had graduated high school now and was spending the summer working. A lot had happened since Ophelia left. He met Nancy Wheeler. Ditched his friends for Nancy. Got dumped by Nancy. Became friends with her younger brother’s friends. Got a job at the new mall. Watched the new mall burn down with his co-worker and new friend Robin Buckley. And then work at Family Video with Robin. That’s where he spends most of his days now. Sitting behind the counter waiting for people to check out movies.
Sometimes his mind would wander to Ophelia. He would think about her, what she could be doing. Was she thinking about him too? Does she worry about him and the potion? The potion still sits untouched.
It was the middle of the afternoon on a weekday and Steve wasn’t feeling too good. There was a pit in his stomach that he couldn’t quite shake. He thought it was because he was hungry, but it was after lunch now and he still had the weird feeling. Maybe he should close up early and head home. 
Before he could make up his mind the store bell chimes and the door swings open. Steve grimaces before turning to face the door, “Welcome to Family Video, Let me know if… you…need…” His voice fades as he stares at the person that just walked through the door. It was Ophelia. She was different, she looked different. She was wearing bright colors and jeans. There were pretty barrettes in her hair and she had make-up on. Blue eyeshadow and glittery lipgloss. His heart leaps in his chest.
She smiles when she notices him, “Steve! Hi.”
He swallows the spit in his throat and blinks a few times, “Ophelia. It’s you, you’re here. Right now. Wow! Ahem, you look amazing. I mean. You look…good. What are you doing here?” “My grandma and I are visiting my dad. It’s been… a while. You look good too. How have you been?” She says. 
Steve’s chest warms up, “Good. Good. A lot has happened since you were last here.” A day hadn’t gone by without him thinking about you. How about you? How have you been?”
“Oh uh, I’m okay now. Being with my grandmother has been really good. I’m… happier.”
 He rubs his hands on his jeans. Then, he clears his throat, “That’s great. I’m happy for you. Uh, I should probably let you get back to picking your movies, heh.”
Ophelia nods, “Sounds great.” She then waves to him and wanders around the store. Steve clenches his fist for a moment before combing his hand through his hair and walking back to the counter.
A few minutes later, Ophelia comes to the register and holds out the tapes she picked out to him. He takes them from her hands and goes through the check-out process. He smiles when he finishes, “They’re due in 3 days.” He says, “So uh how long are you here for?”
Ophelia’s smile falters for a moment, “Why do you want to know?”
Steve clears his throat, “Sorry, that was inappropriate. I shouldn’t have asked that.”
“It wasn’t inappropriate, Steve. I just wanted to know why you care. After everything I had done, I thought you would hate me.”
“I don’t. I don’t hate you.” He could never hate you. “I was being a dick. If anything it was a lesson learned.”
“Okay. I’m here for a month.” She says.
He nods, “Then maybe we could hang out while you're here. Here’s your tapes.” He holds them out to her. Ophelia grabs them from his hand and their fingertips touch. It was almost like an electric shock. They pull away from each other. “Sorry, static.”
Ophelia nods, recognizing the sensation, “Right, I-I’ll see you around.” She turns on her heels, rushes out of the video store, and drives to her house.
Once inside she calls out for her grandma, “Granny, we’ve got a situation!” As if on cue her grandma comes into the room.
“What is it, honey? Did something happen at the store?” She asks.
“I saw Steve again. And he was acting weird. Really weird. He was complimenting me and asking about me. Like he cared.” She paces around the room, “I don’t think he’s still under the spell. Could the potion have not worked?”
“If you followed the ingredients list then yes, it should have worked,” Granny says.
Ophelia chews on her bottom lip, “He shocked me. Like when it all started. Our fingertips touched and it was like electricity.”
“Oh, well, could there be a possibility…”
“Possibility that he didn’t drink the potion at all?”
“No way! I gave it to him—”
“But did you watch him drink it?”
Ophelia’s eyes widened, “No I didn’t, I just thought he would drink it! Oh my god, oh my god! Shit, shit, shit.”
“Sorry, Granny. What should I do now?! He’s clearly still in love with me.” 
“The only thing you can do is, hun, talk to him about it.” Granny pats her back, “I know it’s the last thing you wanted to happen here but now it’s the only thing you can do right now.”
• ◦˚ஐ˚◦ •
The next day, Ophelia returns to Family Video. A new wave of anxiety washes over her as she steels herself to go inside. She takes a deep breath before swinging her car door open and walking into the store. But it isn’t Steve at the counter, it’s a girl with short wavy hair. Her name tag read ‘Robin.’
“Um, excuse me, hi is Steve here today?” Ophelia asks.
Robin nods, “Uh, who’s asking?”
“I am. Sorry, I’m Ophelia, we… we were friends once.” She clears her throat.
Robin’s eyes light up at the name, “You’re Ophelia?! Oh my god, you’re the one he wouldn’t stop talking about.”
Ophelia awkwardly laughs, “Really? He talks about me?”
“Like all time. Especially when we worked in the mall. He would bring up how nobody was nice like you were. And how much he missed you. And he wonders what you were doing. You seemed to always be on his mind.” Robin explains.
Ophelia can’t help but smile at the thought. She then remembers it’s not real. He doesn’t really feel that way. “Must get annoying.”
“It did, but now seeing you I can see there’s no wonder. You’re way out of his league.” She laughs.
“You should have seen me when I went to Hawkins. I was not pretty.”
“Yeah, you were. You had this cold, dark, and mysterious energy to you. People just didn’t know how to admire it.” Robin explains, “I thought you were cool.”
“Thank you.” Ophelia gets flustered from the conversation. “I should probably come back another time then. Nice meeting you.” Just as she turns toward the door, the store bell chimes and Steve enters.
“Ophelia, hey. What are you doing back so soon? Was something wrong with the tapes?”
“No, no. I just wanted to talk to you about something.”
“What’s up?” He tilts his head.
“Can we go outside?” She looks over his shoulder before leading him outside. Once in the parking lot, her eyes soften, “Steve, I need you to tell me the truth right now. Did you drink the potion?” Steve swallows the spit in his mouth and purses his lips. “It’s a yes or no.”
“No.” He hangs his head in shame. Ophelia covers her face with her hands. “Look, I was scared. I was going to wait until I spoke to you about it but you were gone that night. What was I supposed to do?!”
“So you waited? What if I never showed up?!”
He shrugs, “I don’t know?! I would probably take it eventually…”
“It’s been two years already, Steve!”
“Then I would have waited longer!” He snaps, “I didn’t want to take it. I loved spending time with it was fun. I had fun. I loved holding your books and walking to class with you. I loved listening to you talk about the wildflowers. I loved every second of it, Ophelia. And I’m sorry I was scared to lose it all by drinking the potion, but if you want me to take it then fine, I will.” He grabs her hand and leads her to his car unlocking the passenger side and opening the glove box.
“You take it around with you?”
“It’s all I had of you left.” He mutters, then uncorks the bottle. Ophelia opens her mouth to speak but no words come out. “Want me to take it?”
She nods, “You need to, for yourself.” He sighs before putting the bottle to his mouth, knocking his head back, and chugging the drink. When he finishes he staggers and leans against his car. Tears begin to fall uncontrollably from his eyes. He coughs as there is a tickle in the back of his throat. His heart tugged and pulled in his chest and he felt like he was going to throw up. Ophelia holds his side to keep him upright. That’s when the pain seems to ease. He looks back at her and smiles.
“Better?” She asks worriedly.
“Much better.” He caresses her face.
Ophelia frowns and pulls away from the touch, “It didn’t work.” She slips out of his grasp, “You’re still in love with me.”
“But what if it’s different? It feels right to me.” Steve shrugs. “I mean, it feels real to me. It always felt real to me. Especially after we kissed.” He grabs her hand, “I’m willing to make this work, Ophelia.”
Ophelia’s lip quivers, “I… I don’t know.”
He touches her face and guides his hand down to her chin, tilting her head up, “It’s okay, you don’t have to know. Just know I’m here okay.” He leans down and kisses her cheek, “No pressure, Ophelia. I’ve waited 2 years, I can wait longer.” He steps away and heads back into the video store.
• ◦˚ஐ˚◦ •
taglist: @szalipcombo @softimgyu​
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darklighthedgehog · 2 years
Will you tell me more about your 2nd Chance AU? I'd love to know more about the baskstories and lore of the characters, especially how Shade and Eclipse first came to co-own the establishment!
Same with the Cursed AU, it seems very interesting! Is Sun always a chicken?
Wasn't expecting anyone to ask about my AUs.
Here's a quick rundown of what the AUs are for those that don't know; there will be a read more that goes into a lot more detail for both.
2nd Chance AU -
An establishment that takes in Animatronics from all over for any reason (ex: were to be decommissioned, place burnt down, suffered neglect, needs vacation etc.) Co-Owned by Shade and Eclipse (animatronic). Sunrise and Moonfall are two of the first residents there; both from different locations.
Cursed AU -
Y/N becomes the owner of a farm that burnt down many years ago. The nearby town believes the place to be cursed for their Forest Guardians have since 'abandoned' them once the farm burnt down. Y/n thinks nothing of it but after a few weeks being there, wonders who keeps moving their Scarecrow around the fields while being followed by a Rooster.
Really Long Explanations ahead - You've been warned.
2nd Chance AU -
Early into the creation of the first Pizzaplex, Shade had been tasked with creating an animatronic that could change its appearance quickly as a promotional stunt. This had led to the creation of Eclipse. Eclipse had been one of the first animatronics made for the plex. He had been a great help in building it and keeping everyone's spirits up. If you asked the staff everyone thought of him as a good friend while Shade saw him as her family due to having spent so long creating him. A few weeks before opening he vanishes without a trace causing panic to erupt. Staff are panicking that their friend is missing all while management is panicking because their promotional gimmick is gone. With opening day approaching and no appearance changing animatronic, management forced Shade to create another one to replace Eclipse. Shade, upset at loosing someone she considered family, ended up reusing Eclipse's design with slight changes. The Switch would happen with light and be fitted with 2 ai instead of one. They placed the Jester animatronic in the theater so when Foxy needed a break, the kids could go down from Kid's Cove to the Theater for a show. Management saw the Jesters' success and decided to mass create more dual ai bots to send to other establishments. Shade ended up transferring to an establishment that had no jesters due to their resemblance to Eclipse being a constant reminder of her loss. About a year or 2 later, news of multiple Pizzaplexes seeing animatronics losing their mind spread while other places were burning down without reason. Shade had taken it upon herself to help repair any animatronic that was damaged/losing its mind. This led to her being giving a building by the company to house the animatronics sent her way (later building becomes a proper establishment she runs). During her repairs, she noticed the animatronics all had some variant of a virus and tries to remove it. After many failed attempts and injuries, she ends up uploading an old security code she had into one as a last-ditch effort. The code seemed to have worked and isolated the virus long enough for her to remove it. News of her success, establishments start sending her animatronics daily to get the code uploaded and the virus removed since management/higher ups didn't want to risk something going wrong. While this is happening, management are getting closer and closer to catching the one behind the virus/fires. Some animatronics sent to her became permanent members of her building due to their establishments being destroyed from the mysterious fires.
Her first permanent stay was a sun animatronic named Sunrise whose wiring was fried to the point of deletion of their moon counterpart Moonrise. Along with the fried wiring, their clothes became stuck in shades of green. Despite offers to fix it, Sunrise wanted to keep it as a reminder of how their counterpart tried to save them from the fire despite having lost his mind to a virus weeks prior to the fire. Her second permanent stay was a moon animatronic named Moonfall who sustained heavy damage to the back of his faceplate, damaging most of the components leading to the loss of his sun, Sunfall. Similar to Sunrise, color switching is also stuck but in shades of Purple and refuses to get it fixed. As time passed and more permanent stays appearing, the building becomes its own establish at both the request of the animatronics and as a way to keep funds going for new parts. Buildings that burnt down sent them anything they managed to salvage ranging from simple toys to arcade machines, including one that was designed specifically for Eclipse. Shade ends up putting the "Eclipsed Attraction" machine in the back due the memories it spawned along with a poster that came with it warning to not turn the machine on that she only quickly glanced at. Weeks later and news of the virus/fire starter being caught spread, letting things start to calm down. That is until Sunrise runs from the back claiming a machine is starting to act strange. By the time Shade, Sunrise and anyone that followed get to the back, all they see is the machine "Eclipsed Attraction" knocked over with the side panel thrown off. A few feet away, holding onto the wall for support is an animatronic holding their head as though suffering a migraine. Eclipse
From this point it basically becomes an AU filled with people dealing with trauma, fluff, and silly interactions between characters ranging from canon to ocs (not just mine).
The Arcade Machine "Eclipsed Attraction" was a beta version of a recharge station specifically made to be part of Eclipse's performances that ended up never getting used. (the machine had gone missing around the same time he did)
Cursed AU -
This au is more spread out since its more random things I'm trying to stitch together
au can be platonic or romantic
For a majority of this AU, Sun and Moon are stuck in their cursed forms; rooster/scarecrow
(Y/N has a mark on their hand that they remember getting when they visited the farm when they were little)
A farm burnt down long ago by mysterious means finally gets a new owner who wishes to see the place that once thrived with life restored. Y/N is able to buy the farm at a cheap price due to people not wanting to set foot anywhere near the farm due to all the rumors that surround the place. Y/N is unaware of these rumors. As Y/N slowly restores the farm, they notice that a Scarecrow seemed to appear over night near the fields. Right beside the Scarecrow is a small Sebright Rooster in a basket sleeping. Y/N takes note to go into town later that day to get chicken feed. Weeks pass and the Rooster won't stop following Y/N for a moment, even following them into their small home if they aren't careful. The Scarecrow continues to appear in different parts of the farm each day. Y/N thinks its kids from the nearby town moving them.
How they finally meet/their first interaction is still up in the air.
I'm debating on having them get caught where Moon is telling Sun to be quiet one night where Sun is screaming the Rooster yell at 1 in the morning causing Y/N to investigate or having Moon live up to some rumors and attack Y/n on their way back to the house on a rainy night but stops mid attack seeing the mark on their hand. The last interaction would cause Y/N to think the storm and rumors are finally getting to them caulking it up to a hallucination
Depending on the first meeting, interactions/introductions would vary but eventually the Grumpy Scarecrow will smile softly and help around the farm more while the Sunny Rooster brings new friends (spirits) to the farm to meet Y/N.
Moon before curse was a Forest Guardian who was strongest during a Winter Solstice. (Fall/Winter his Seasons)
Protector of wildlife and townsfolk
Leave offers at shrine for Safe Hunting and Safe Passage
Sun before curse was a Forest Guardian who was strongest during a Summer Solstice. (Spring/Summer their Seasons)
Guiding light for lost travelers and lost souls
Leave offerings at shrine for Fruitful Harvest and Safe Foraging
Both -
Vengeful beings if provoked/disrespectful to the land/wildlife
(Forest Guardian designs are pending)
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j-j-ehlby-writes · 3 years
Almost (c.e.)
Pairing: Chris Evans x reader
Word Count: ~5.9k
Summary: You and Chris were set up on a blind date by your mutual friends. Sparks flew, but you never heard from him again. Two years later, you come face-to-face with him once more for their friends wedding.
Warnings: Some angst, swearing, not much else
A/N: This is a mixture of the movie “Life as We Know It” (mmm Daddy Josh Duhamel 🤤), a dating experience I had, and one scene from One Tree Hill. Enjoy.
My Masterlist
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                    Two years ago…
My heart is pounding all the way to my ears. My hands are shaking under the table. My knee bounces uncontrollably as I wait.
I knew this was a bad idea. Why did I let her convince me to do this?
“You haven’t had a boyfriend for as long as I’ve known you.” My best friend so pointedly mentioned when we were out to lunch last week.
 “What’s wrong with that?” I counter.
“I’ve known you for three and a half years.” She deadpans. Even without looking at her, I know she has her eyebrow raised at me and her lips are pursed.
“Your point?” I know she thinks my serious lack of companionship these past few years is wearing on me, but it’s been quite the opposite. Not being attached is freeing. I can do what I want when I want; I don’t have anyone to answer to. If I want to sleep until 3 on a Saturday, I’m going to do it. If I don’t want to socialize with anyone, I won’t. If I want to take a spontaneous road trip, I’m going to do it. My life is my own and that’s how I like it.
“I want my best friend to have someone to experience life with.”
My shoulders dropped, sighing in defeat. There was no way I was getting out of this conversation.
“I want you to be as happy as I am.” I see the love in her eyes as her mind goes to her boyfriend and their new relationship. They’ve only been together for a few months, but I know that this is it for her. She’s a smitten kitten and he is equally as infatuated with her. They’re sickeningly cute. “Which is why I think you need to meet one of his friends-”
“Lemme stop you right there,” I interrupt her, “I hate blind dates.”
“You’ve never been on one.”
“And there’s a reason for that.” She rolled her eyes at me. “They’re cliché, they’re awkward for both parties, and they never amount to anything, thus being a total waste of time.”
She sighed, “Ever the skeptic.”
“And don’t you forget it.”
“Regardless,” she continues, “I think you’ll really like this guy. He’s already expressed interest in you.”
Like that makes everything better. “Great so now I have to live up to his impossible expectations of me when I know absolutely nothing about him.” As if the idea of a blind date wasn’t bad enough, now it’s only a semi-blind date. There’s no doubt in my mind that she has hyped me up impossibly high, that’s what a best friend is for. However, when your confidence level is next to none and already skeptical of the pending meeting, there’s no way he’ll like who I am in reality.
“I can tell you anything you want to know about him.” She is bargaining with me. She really wants me to meet this guy. She wouldn’t be trying this hard if she didn’t believe we would hit it off.
“Well is he nice?” This was the only real question I had. If he isn’t kind then there’s really no future.
“Incredibly!” She continues to tell me of the many things he has done for a charity he started a few years ago and slowly but surely she was starting to convince me. If he was that generous then he has to have a good heart and therefore is a good man.
How bad could it be?
I check my phone, glancing at the time. Great, he’s late. That can’t be a good start.
Numerous reasons why popped into my head.
Reason one: he saw me and bolted.
Reason two: he got into an accident on the way here and he could be in the hospital.
Reason three: he changed his mind and decided to stand me up.
More and more played through my head as I sipped my drink. 
By the time I was on my second drink, I was convinced he wasn’t showing up. I knew this was a ridiculous idea. I knew I shouldn’t have done this. I never should have listened to her.
I chugged the rest of my drink followed by some water before standing up to leave some cash. I was slightly humiliated for actually thinking this would be any different than all of my expectations.
My shoulder rammed into another as I turned to leave.
“Oh my, God, I’m so sorry!” A hand steadied me, gently grabbing the shoulder he ran into. “Are you okay?”
“My already small ego is a little bruised, but I think I’ll live.” I looked up to meet my assaulter’s eyes and immediately I froze.
Holy shit, it’s Chris Evans.
His piercing blue eyes were staring right at me, his concern was directed towards me. In all of his charming, ray of sunshine, bearded glory, he was here.
“I’m so sorry that I’m late. Traffic was insane over the bridge. I would have called but I don’t have your number.” He half-smirked but not in a cocky way. I’d seen him do it in interviews before. He could have come up with a lame excuse, but somehow I knew he was telling the truth.
“No, it’s okay. I understand completely.”
He sighed in relief, his gorgeous and perfect smile taking over his features. He looked down at the table and it disappeared. “Were you leaving?”
“Uh,” I stammered, “I was because I thought I was being stood up.”
“I feel awful. Please let me make it up to you. Let’s sit down, have a nice dinner, and get to know each other.”
I hesitate, now even more nervous than I was before.
As if sensing my hesitation, he decided to sweeten the pot a bit to persuade me, “We can even get dessert.”
I chuckle at his attempt. That’ll do it though. I sit back down with him following suit, finally starting our date.
We talked about everything. Anything and everything. No topic was off limits. Hours went by but it felt like minutes. We didn’t even know how long we’d been there until our waiter came to tell us that the restaurant was closed. We left and walked around the city until the night sky was giving way to the morning. He accompanied me back to my car, gave me the best hug I’ve ever received and a kiss on the cheek, promising we’ll get together again soon, and opening and closing my car door for me. I drove away with the biggest smile on my face and literal butterflies in my stomach. That was the best date I’d ever been on.
When I made it back to my apartment with the early morning rays peeking through my shades, I had a text message waiting for me from him. Just a simple good night, he had had an amazing time, and he couldn’t wait to see me again.
I fell asleep, hopeful. Hopeful that I would see him again, that this could maybe go somewhere. I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but it was hard not to. I hadn’t felt this way in an exceptionally long time. I haven’t been on this good of a date in equally as long. I can’t wait to see him again…
                      Present day...
I finally pull into the parking lot after an hour stuck in traffic. My 12-hour day at work today has taken a lot out of me. I’m exhausted, mentally and physically. Thankfully though, my 2-week-long vacation starts tomorrow. After that, I have fourteen days of no working, no getting up at the ass crack of dawn to be able to drive in miserable traffic, no dealing with difficult or boring co-workers. Just fourteen days of rest and relaxation, after the wedding of course.
My best friend and her fiancé are getting married on Saturday. I’ve watched them go through all of their highs and lows throughout the last few years and when he came to me telling me he planned on proposing, I couldn’t have been happier for them. He even asked me to secretly photograph the moment for her. She was more than surprised about everything.
Now their wedding is here and everyone couldn’t be more excited to celebrate them.
Tomorrow is their rehearsal dinner. The wedding party and their plus ones are all invited.
I walk into my apartment, immediately relieving myself from the confines of my shoes. A heavenly scent registers to me and I’m carried all the way to the kitchen. I see my sexy boyfriend standing at the stove with his back towards me.
“Hey babe,” he calls without turning around.
I hum, happily making my way towards him. I wrap my arms around his waist, placing a kiss on his back. “What is that unbelievable smell?”
He chuckles, vibrating through his chest. “Your favorite, of course.”
I hum again, “You spoil me, baby.”
He chuckles again, turning in my arms. His handsome face finally came into view. His gorgeous brown eyes look into mine as I get lost in his. For the past year, I’ve been the happiest I’ve been in a while. Since the day I met him, it was like everything fell into place. He’s sweet, ambitious, funny, kindhearted, passionate, and just overall the best man I had ever met. He makes me so happy…
Oh who am I kidding? He’s perfect. He is everything I ever wanted. If I made a list of all of the qualities I wanted in a husband, he would check off every single box.
But the feelings I have had for him over the last year are nothing compared to what I had in one night for him. I find myself wishing his eyes were bright blue instead of dark brown. I wish his arms were around me instead of the ones around me right now. The butterflies from that night have stayed dormant ever since.
I don’t know what happened after that night. I honestly thought we had a good time that night. Conversations flowed seamlessly. We made each other laugh so hard we had tears running down our faces. The physical connection was there- at first he had his arm around my shoulders as we walked around town, but as time went on he slowly moved lower around my waist, eventually intertwining our hands together until we arrived back at our cars. He even said that he wanted to see me again.
But I never heard from him again after that one text message. No call, no text, not even a message from my friend’s boyfriend. Nothing. I was disappointed beyond belief. I didn’t think he was that guy: the type to ditch someone without any explanation or goodbye. I thought I understood him to be a gentleman. Everything I had read about him pointed to him being one of the purest humans in the world. This was the opposite of all of that.
From that day on, I’ve loathed him. He gave me the perfect evening and then cut me off cold turkey from anything further. I have a three strike rule. His first: he was late. His second: he tricked me into liking him. His third: he lied to me. Three strikes and he’s out.
I have tried not to look back since. It’s not without its difficulties though since he’s literally everywhere. On magazine covers, in commercials, movie trailers, streaming services- he’s there. Why did he have to be such a successful actor? If he weren’t, it would make for forgetting him that much easier.
No closure. No answers. Nothing.
The rehearsal dinner went smoothly the next night which hopefully was foreshadowing for the big day itself. 
A majority of us were standing around about to start when the doors loudly being opened drew everyone’s attention away from our milling about. A man stood in the middle of the doorway then strode in like he owned the place. The closer he got, the more the details of his face came into focus.
No. Freaking. Way.
I look toward my best friend. She looked like she wasn’t shocked he was late, but she knew he was coming. I creep up behind her and clear my throat. Instantly she cringed.
“Did you forget to tell me something?” I whisper to her.
She sends me an apologetic smile, “Well, I actually put off telling you ‘cause I didn’t know how you would react and then I meant to tell you last night but with the whole ‘I’m getting married in two days’ buzz took over and now the rehearsal is here-”
“Just please tell me I’m not walking in with him.” I beg.
She chuckles nervously before she escaped to go greet him with her fiancé.
I turn to her sister who is also one of my closest friends. “Did you know he was going to be a groomsman?”
The guilt written in her face tells me everything I need to know. “She made me promise not to tell you.”
I groan, “The loyalty level around here is staggeringly low.”
I head over to where my boyfriend is standing and take comfort in his arms before I have to deal with the man who broke my heart.
“Are you okay?” He asks a little confused by my actions.
I nod, “Just tired from last night.” He chuckles at the mention of the night before, squeezing me into his chest.
“Alright everyone! Time to get started.” The wedding coordinator beckons us all to the back entrance of the barn standing next to our corresponding wedding party member. I stand right in front of the Maid of Honor and Best Man. I kept my eyes forward focusing on anything but the guy who took his place next to me.
“It’s good to see you,” He murmurs to me over the instructions of the coordinator.
I scoff and roll my eyes. He has the nerve to say that to me after two years of silence. I imagined a million times what it would be like to see him again. I’d imagined a lot of screaming with possible hitting. Or I thought about the ever-effective, old fashioned silent treatment. He doesn’t deserve to know that our one night out together effected me so much and I’ve carried a rather large torch for him ever since. At the very moment, it will be the latter, but there’s no telling what tonight and tomorrow will bring.
“Now ladies, rest- don’t grab- your hand near the crook of his arm. Men, keep your arm at that angle with an open hand resting on your stomach- no fist. And don’t forget to smile- this is a happy day!” As quickly as he showed up, the coordinator was on to the bride and her father before either of us could register he was there.
I begrudgingly did as I was instructed, “resting” my hand on his bare forearm, holding a stand-in bouquet for the occasion in my other hand.
“Are you not going to talk to me?” He speaks again but I ignore him once more.
Thankfully that was when it was our turn to walk down the aisle. For the rest of the rehearsal, he didn’t get a chance to say anything else. As soon as we were done, I go straight for my boyfriend. I figured there’s no way he would approach me if I were with another man.
We all head to the restaurant afterwards to celebrate the last night before our friends begin their lives together as husband and wife. I keep my distance from Chris, always sticking close with my boyfriend.
The one moment I was alone was when I went to the bathroom. I thought for the few minutes I wouldn’t be in danger.
However I was wrong.
As soon as I step out an arm shot out in front of me. A very pale muscular arm.
“Are you seriously going to ignore me for the next two days?”
I duck under his arm fully planning on continuing what I set out to do.
“Y/N,” he grabs my arm, “will you please talk to me? What did I do to make you so mad at me?”
I whip around hopefully sending daggers his way. “Are you serious right now?”
“She finally speaks!” He exclaims.
“Because I cannot believe what I’m hearing. Like, I don’t think I heard you right.” All of the feelings I’ve been burying for two years were making their way up to the surface and I don’t think I can stop them. “We had a fantastic night. It was literally the best night of my life, it was the most comfortable with a guy that I had ever been. You made me laugh, you gave me butterflies, you helped me feel for the first time in years.” I try to swallow down the lump that was forming in my throat. “You told me you wanted to see me again. You made me excited for the future for once in my life… and then you took it away.”
With every second that passed, his expression got closer and closer to utter defeat: his shoulders slumped, his grip on my arm loosened, his jaw slowly unclenched, his eyebrows furrowed.
“You were late,” I hold up one finger, “You tricked me,” two fingers,” “You lied to me.” Three fingers were up and in front of his face for emphasis. “Three strikes and you’re out.”
I back away from him, having nothing more I wanted to say. As soon as I turned the corner, I felt liberated… for about five seconds. When that passed, devastation hit. For the last two years, I’ve held out hope- I tried not to- but I did, that maybe someday something could happen between us. That maybe, just maybe, we could pick up where we left off that night.
Now that the moment of confrontation has come and gone, I feel all the hope fade away. All of those possibilities I pictured have left the building. Being with him is no longer an option. I have my boyfriend who makes me happy, who gives me everything I could possibly want.
The rest of the night went on without another incident. Chris kept his distance. However, I could feel his eyes on me for every second that passed as we sat at the table. It was a relief when we finally left and could retreat back to our hotel rooms for the night. The bride and I got to stay in a suite that we’ll all be getting ready in in the morning. They wanted to uphold the “not seeing each other the night before the wedding,” even though they’ve lived with each other for a year and a half now.
On the wedding day, everything went according to plan. Everyone was on time to hair and make-up, pictures went flawlessly, the weather cooperated with everything, Chris didn’t attempt to talk to me at all- it was a perfect day to watch two people who love each other commit to the other for the rest of their lives.
But then came the reception. That’s when I knew apparently all bets would be off. The ceremony was over. Niceties would wear off as more and more alcohol is consumed. I was not looking forward to it.
We make our ridiculous entrances and take our seats at the head table. We eat then speeches were made. Lots of laughs were had as the Best Man dished on stories he had with the groom growing up, a few tears were shed at her sister’s after recounting the moment the bride knew he was the man of her dreams- overall I’d say they were a success.
Again, I felt his eyes on me, burning holes in the side of my head from the other side of the groom for the entire dining portion of the evening. I kept myself from glancing in his direction, instead focusing on the conversations with the bride’s sister next to me and my boyfriend who is across the way- anything not to meet his eyes.
Finally the DJ announces it was time for all to convene on the dancefloor after the specialty dances. I immediately see my boyfriend start to stand, knowing he’d been ready for this all night. I’d been looking forward to dancing with him all night as well, I even removed my shoes in anticipation. As I stand up, a hand is held out in front of me. I knew whose hand it was. I remember staring at it as he would rub his lips on our date. The strength of it as it intertwined with mine as we walked down the streets of our town, the safeness I felt as he squeezed it if he detected I was getting anxious around a group of people and I needed the reassurance. I knew that hand well, unfortunately.
“Dance with me?” He nearly whispers in my ear. I didn’t realize he was that close until I could feel said whisper on my neck. I contain the shiver that runs down my spine at how husky his voice is. God I’ve missed that…
No! I will not be enchanted by him again. He does not deserve me.
I exhale the breath I was holding, it comes out a lot harsher than I expected. “No, thank you.” I turn away from him, but his hand gently grabs my arm stopping me from going any further.
He whispers again, “He’s not good enough for you,” before walking away.
I’m frozen in place. I glare at his retreating back as he makes his way over to the bar. My mouth hangs open in disbelief. How dare he… How fucking dare he assume anything about me or my relationship. He doesn’t know anything about what our relationship is like. My boyfriend treats me so well, spoils me even though I know I don’t deserve it. He listens to me, he cares about me, and he makes me laugh until I cry- he’s everything I’ve wanted in a man. Chris is the one who had his chance and subsequently blew it. He has no right to judge or even comment on my relationship when he knows absolutely nothing about it.
I hurriedly make my way to my awaiting boyfriend and pull him onto the crowded dancefloor. “You okay?” He asks me, “Did he say something to upset you?”
“Nothing worth repeating.” All I wanted to do was forget about him and his irrelevant feelings towards my relationship…
…Except I couldn’t. His words rattled me. Does he see something I don’t? He told me on our date that he’s an excellent judge of character so he wouldn’t say something like that unless he got a bad feeling, right? Either that or he said it just to get under my skin and force me to talk to him. No matter the reason I hate him for it because my pride won’t let it stand.
I spot him leaning against the bar, staring directly at the two of us over the rim of his glass. His perfect eyebrow quirks up at the eye contact, that sets my blood to boiling. He thinks he’s so smug. I wish I could just slap that stupid hidden smirk right off his perfect face…
Following a few dances, I mutter something about him going to dance with the bride to my boyfriend before exiting the dancefloor. I rush out of the barn, away from the crowd needing some air from his suffocating gaze. I find a little lit area that’s perfect for pictures. There are rectangular hay bales set together as a makeshift U-shaped bench with some low watt bulbs strung up above between two poles. It would be serene if I weren’t already on edge.
After taking a few deep breaths, I finally feel like I can speak without yelling. “You had no right.”
I didn’t have to turn around to know he followed me out here. It’s exactly what I wanted him to do, just like it was his intention to get under my skin. As much as I wished to avoid this conversation it seems that we can’t go on without it. We may tear each other apart in the process, but this is my chance for closure. This is my only opportunity to get the answers I’ve been needing to move on for the past two years. Two years of wondering what went wrong after the most perfect date I’ve ever been on with an equally perfect man has been eating at my heart and mind. I hated always wondering “what if” or “what would I be doing right now if I were with him” especially when I started dating my boyfriend. I had no answers as to why those questions could not be. I thought with time I’d stop asking them, thinking I’d never see the man again. He’s a big movie star, why would he wonder about a woman he went on one date with?
As I expected, his deep baritone voice comes behind me, but his words do little to ease my nerves. In fact they set them off even more so than before. “I’m sorry.”
I scoff at his half-hearted apology, knowing he doesn’t mean it at all. “Oh bite me, Christopher.” I turn around to face him. God he looks even better out here. The subtle gold glow from the lights are complimenting his skin tone, they make his baby blues shine which just frustrates me more.
“Please, Y/N,-” He takes a step closer to me, but I won’t have that. 
“No,” I take a step back keeping the needed distance between us for fear I may strangle him. “I don’t want to hear any of your bullshit excuses. You had no right to pass judgment on a relationship that you know absolutely nothing about.”
He slips his hands into the pockets of his dress pants. “Oh, I’ve seen enough.”
“Really?” I jut my hip out, resting my hand on it. “In the two days you’ve been here, you think you’ve got us all figured out?”
“Yes,” he answers with conviction. 
My shaking hands clench into fists, trying my damnedest not to lose control. I entangle them into my hair as best as I can without ruining the work the hairstylist did this morning before running them down my face. He has some nerve. 
“We had one night. One night! One nearly perfect night together and suddenly that makes you an expert on what is good for me?”
“I wouldn’t say ‘an expert’-”
“I wouldn’t say anything!” I interrupt, “I never heard from you again. Now after two years, you come in here acting like you know anything about me or my relationship? Who do you think you are?”
“A man who made a mistake!” He snaps.
There was a long pause. I never expected to hear that from him. All these years I wanted to think the worst of him for leaving me hanging like that. He got my hopes up, thinking we may have a future together only for them to come crashing back down to Earth when he never contacted me again. I wondered and wondered if maybe I read the signals wrong. Maybe I took his flirting as more than it was. Maybe the small gestures like his arm around my shoulders, on the small of my back, or the hand holding were only him being friendly. I wracked my brain going over every single detail of the night to try and pinpoint a reason for him not to have called me afterwards. I found nothing, which was equally as frustrating.
“Alright, I made a mistake.” He moves to sit on one of the hay bales. He rests his elbows on his knees and buries his head in his hands, letting out a huge sigh. “God I wanted everything with you.”
Once again, I’m frozen by his words. He what? But that doesn’t make sense. His words and his actions don’t line up- how could that be?
He removes his hands from his face, staring at the grass. “After that night, I wanted it all. I wanted to settle down, get the house with a white picket fence in the suburbs, carry you through the threshold after our wedding day, bring our children home from the hospital, watch them grow until we’re old and gray. I wanted everything.”
My heart aches. All of that was exactly what I wanted, especially with him. I could feel the tears building behind my eyes, my heart breaking mourning the loss of what we could have had by now if he had only said something.
I also find my anger growing as well. If he felt all of that, why did he not contact me again? Why did he give me hope that our night out together could have been the start of something good and then taken it away just as quickly?
“But?” There had to be a “but” coming after his statement. Clearly something stopped him from pursuing the possibility of “us,” destroying any future we could have had.
He sighs, “but…” he finally looks up at me with more emotion in his eyes than I was expecting. There was contemplation, confusion, honesty, agony…
I look away. In an instant I knew what he was about to say. It makes complete sense. He was at the height of his career, shooting movie after movie all around the world for a majority of the year. How would he have had time to have a relationship mixed in with that? He couldn’t.
“Your career was more important,” I interject, “I get it. I do.” I couldn’t fault him for choosing work over someone he just met, no matter how much he claims to have liked me right off the bat. He was going to be busy. We probably wouldn’t have had a lot of time to see each other. It’s not like I could give up my career to follow him. Besides even if I could have, he wouldn’t want that. He said so himself. He wanted someone who was independent; who could do their own thing and not be enveloped in his crazy life.
He stands up and steps closer to me, “no, that wasn’t it. I promise you that wasn’t it.”
There’s that word. Promise. He promised we’d see each other again soon after our night together. But he broke that.
“Then what was it?” My voice cracks at the end. I can feel my reserves slipping the more he speaks. I didn’t realize how much I missed his voice until now. I haven’t seen any of the movies he’s been in the last few years. I have him and his hashtag blocked on all social media platforms so I don’t see anything of his on any of my timelines. My other friends think I don’t like him (only my best friend and her now husband know about our date). To hear it again brings back all of the good memories we made together in that short night and all of the emotions I’ve been holding back since. “I have been wracking my brain for years wondering what went wrong after that.”
“I got scared,” he finally admits the truth. “I got scared of how much I liked you and how much I wanted to protect you.”
“From what?”
“From me,” he casts his gaze down at his hands as he fidgets with them, “and my life. I didn’t want to subject you to the chaos that is my life. I know what my fans would do to you if we were in a relationship, I was trying to protect you from all of the ugly that being with me comes with.”
So that’s what he was afraid of? He was afraid our relationship would inevitably end exactly like his last one? His “fans” were horrible to her. They sent death threats to her and her family members, always commenting negatively on her social media pages all because she was dating him. I remember reading about it right after it happened. I knew that side of his fandom was toxic. But did I care? No. Did I think I couldn’t handle it? I honestly don’t know, but would I have been willing to deal with it for him? Yes. I would have given up anything to be with him. That’s precisely why he did what he did. He didn’t want me giving anything up for him because he knows I’d be giving up any semblance of privacy I had if I were in a public relationship with him.
If I had known these were the reasons why he ghosted me, I would have been broken hearted but I would have understood. Hell, I probably would have fallen more in love with him if I knew that, not fallen in loathe.
He continues, “I thought that if I never contacted you again, you could move on”- he clears his throat-“and find someone better than me who could give you the normal life you deserve. Which as much as I wish I couldn’t, I see that you have…” he pauses as if deciding whether he should keep speaking. When I don’t stop him, he does, “But I can’t help feeling like that could have been me.”
My slightly shaky hands cover his fidgeting ones. His hand moves until he’s intertwining our fingers together, palms touching. They fit perfectly together as if they were each other’s missing puzzle piece. His thumbs stroke mine sending warmth down my arms all the way down to my toes. The sparks I felt back then return with full force. He leans down, pressing his forehead against mine. My heart is beating out of my chest, I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t feel it in some way.
I feel my heart break in my chest. My lip quivers and the tears threaten to make themselves known. My only saving grace is the fact that he can’t see my face. I may lose it completely if he did.
His breath is coming out equally as shaky between us, he squeezes my hands as if he doesn’t want me to let go. Believe me, I don’t want to. I bring one of our interlocked hands up to my lips. I kiss the back of his hand because I can’t kiss him where I want to. I pull back just enough to see his beautiful baby blues that could have any woman in the world swoon. They were terribly bloodshot right now but that only made them more tragically breathtaking. I tear one of my hands out of his and bring it to his cheek. He leans into it, a tear drops into the crevices between the contact.
The barely above whisper that came out was all I could muster without having a total breakdown because he’s right. It could have been him. We could have been something great. We could have built a life together. We could have had it all. And it broke my heart into a million pieces knowing all of this could have been avoided if life had handed both of us different lives.
“It almost was.”
Taglist: @the-marvel-wars​ @elusive-beauty​ @drakesfiance @im-a-slut-for-an-accent​ @fantasy-is-my-reality​ @princess-evans-addict​
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ladyblogger-margie · 3 years
Motel Adventure - Chapter 1
Pairings: Will “Ironhead” Miller x F!Reader, Frankie “Catfish” Morales x F!Reader, Santiago “Pope” Garcias x F!Reader, Benny Miller x F!Reader
Summary: A “Choose Your Own Smutty Adventure” story. Chapter 1 follows F!Reader and the Triple Frontier boys (post-movie) on a roadtrip where you’re forced to pull over for the night unexpectedly, and there aren’t enough beds. Who will you choose to bunk with? Or will you sleep alone? (hint, all decisions end in sex). Your choice will determine Chapter 2. 
Word Count: 1343
Warnings: 18+ ONLY because this is a setup for PURE SMUT to come in the multiple Chapter 2s. 
a/n: I love the “Only One Bed” trope, and I love ALL the TF Boys (not Tom) and wanted to practice writing smut for all of them, so I had an idea for this little concept. I hope you have as much fun with it as I did. 
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You had known the guys for years, but in the time since Tom’s death, you’d become especially close with them. You had noticed them struggling after whatever the hell happened in South America, and while you never learned the exact details, you knew enough to know they needed each other. So you took it upon yourself to hold them together. And in turn, they kept you happy, kept you whole. They had all become your closest and dearest friends. 
That’s how you found yourself on this weekend away road trip with the guys, all piled into Frankie’s truck. Benny had a fight tournament out of state so you all decided to make a weekend out of it. Benny had won his Saturday night Championship fight and the celebrations ran all night. While fun, it set you way behind schedule for your Sunday return home. 
And then the rain started. The sky was a dangerous, threatening grey all day and when the sun went down, the sky fell hard. The rain was torrential and Frankie was white knuckling the steering wheel while everyone else was silent. 
You were in the back sandwiched between Will and Pope as you gripped the back of Benny’s passenger seat nervously. You trusted that Frankie was an excellent driver, but you’ve never seen conditions like this. 
You didn’t want anything to happen to any of these guys. They were your family and you loved them. But you also were in love with one of them, and none of them had any idea. You hadn’t wanted anything to change in your group, you didn’t want to ruin this stable dynamic all of you were so dependent on these days. Admitting your feelings could jeopardize everything. 
You had realized your feelings a few months back when you were all out at the bar one night. You had all taken Frankie out for a drink when his divorce finalized. The divorce had been civil and Frankie was a proper co-parent, it’s just that sometimes people don’t end up together. Despite the fact that Frankie said he was totally fine with it all, you and the boys insisted he needed to blow off some steam at your favourite dive bar. 
“I really am fine,” Frankie said, “But it is nice to get out with you all.” And he clinked his glass to all of yours. 
You all hooted and hollered for him in response. Then you took turns sharing your worst breakup stories. 
“Well I’ve never been one for relationships,” Pope said, “But that shit in Australia hurt.”
“At least you tried,” Will said, “I never tried to make it work with my girl when she ran out.”
“To be fair,” Benny interrupted,” She was a bitch.”
Will shook his head but didn’t fight his smile, “Still, trying’s got to count for something.”
“Well I still think I win,” Benny said.
“You haven’t heard mine though,” you pointed out. 
Benny scoffed, “Mine ended with half my closet being set on fire.”
“I ended up homeless sleeping on my cousin Molly’s couch,” you explained, “Don’t you remember I was living with her and Tom when I met you guys?”
Benny thought about it, “Yeah but then you got to meet us, so I’d call that a win.”
Everyone laughed and you noticed the pitcher was empty at the center of the table.
“Next round’s on me,” you said standing and heading to the bar. 
While you waited your turn, you looked back at the table with your boys and smiled. 
A large frat boy looking guy stepped in front of your view of your table. 
“Hey, sexy, can I buy you a drink?” He asked.
“I’m good,” you said as the bartender passed over your pitcher. 
“That all for you?” The frat boy asked
“Nope, me and my friends,” you pointed behind him and when he turned to look you saw the boys watching you carefully. You pulled a “save me” face in their direction, hoping they saw it before the frat guy blocked your view again. 
“Ditch them,” he slurred at you, “I’ll give you a night to remember.”
You forced a smile, “No thanks.”
“Come on, you’re hot and I’m sure I could rock your world,” he offered as he backed you up against the bar, leaving you without an escape. 
“Please let me go back to my friends,” you asked, bracing yourself. 
“Why are you being a bitch?” his voice was threatening. 
“There a problem here?” Benny asked from behind the guy. He was flanked by Pope, Frankie, and Will.
“I think it’s time to go,” Will suggested, his arms crossed and jaw locked. 
“I was just talking to her,” the guy said, his arms up.
“Do you want to keep talking to him,” Pope asked you, but his eyes were locked on the frat guy. 
“Nope,” you said, your voice stronger now with the arrival of your backup.
Frankie took the pitcher from you in one hand and grasped your wrist with his other hand, “Come on, let’s go sit down,” and he led you away. 
“I think you should call it a night,” Will told the guy.
The guy went to argue when Benny stopped him by saying, “That wasn’t a suggestion.”
“I’d listen to him,” Pope finished and the guy sulked away out of the bar. 
You sat with Frankie at the table smiling when the other three rejoined you. 
Pope touched your arm gently, “You okay?”
Will and Benny watched you so softly, and Frankie still held your wrist. It was all so sincere, so genuine. 
You laughed. You laughed and they were stunned so you explained, “You guys are like my own personal security detail. Never has it been easier to give a creep the slip.”
They all smiled themselves, just glad you were alright. 
“I was really fine, that happens all the time,” you explained, pouring the next round for the table from the fresh pitcher. 
“You shouldn’t have to deal with that,” Will said.
“It’s life,” you shrugged. 
“Not with us,” Frankie promised. 
The guys nodded and you felt the skin of your face grow warm. 
“Okay, this is getting sappy,” you joked, “Who wants to play quarters?
Later that night alone in your apartment you replayed the evening and realized while you were touched they all had your back, you had a different feeling about one of your defenders. You lulled yourself to sleep imagining that he felt about you the way you felt about him. 
The memory of that night flashed in your mind in time with a vibrant bolt of lightning that lit up the whole front window of the truck. 
“Maybe we should pull over and find a motel for the night,” you suggested.
“She might be right,” Will said. 
“How are you feeling, Frankie?” Pope asked. 
“I’d be okay with a motel,” Frankie answered with his eyes glued to the road. 
“I think there’s one at the next exit,” Benny said, pointing at the exit sign ahead. 
Frankie carefully exited the highway and the motel appeared not far down the road. It wasn’t anything flashy but it would do the trick so Frankie parked the truck in the parking lot. 
“I have to call work and leave a message I won’t be in tomorrow,” you explained, “I’ll catch up.”
The boys nodded and promised to get you a room as you pulled out your cell under the protection of the front awning. 
When you hung up, you headed back inside to see the four men standing there, a little sheepish, each holding a room key. 
“What’s up?” you asked. 
“Apparently lots of people decided to get off the road for the night,” Frankie started. 
“So there aren’t many rooms left,” Will continued. 
“We got the last four vacancies,” Pope said. 
“You’ll have to share with one of us,” finished Benny. 
Your breath hitched and you realized you could spend the night, alone, with the man you were in love with. You just had to have the courage to choose. 
Choose Will “Ironhead” Miller*
Choose Santiago “Pope” Garcias*
Choose Frankie “Catfish” Morales*
Choose Benny Miller*
Choose Alone*
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rayofsunas · 4 years
 haikyuu!! as dads (pt.1)
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A/n: hello! starting off with a clean slate here yay! if some of the first few seem so short and the writing seems different, it’s because I wrote half of this like three days ago- anywways, requests are open btw!!
Summary: haikyuu characters as dads/domestic living. 
Pairings: Semi Eita, Bokuto Koutarou, Kuroo Tetsurou, Oikawa Toru, Kenma Kozume 
Warnings: some timeskip spoilers, fluff, parenting, angst (kinda) swearing (maybe), crack, all characters are aged up
Word count: 1.8k 
Part Two!
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Semi Eita
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- the serious sometimes scary looking dad, but other than that he’s a fluff ball
- he may look scary but he simply cannot punish them for anything 
- especially after they bonded over music, legit cannot do nothing wrong
- on the days he’s not working or with his bandmates, you can often find him with his twin daughters, teaching them how to use different musical instruments 
- okay, so your daughters are still pretty young, so they aren’t very good at using most instruments, but for Christmas you and Semi got them both a small set of drums, something easy
- it was very cute to come home from work to see your husband and daughters loudly practicing on the drums
- sure at first it gave you a blasting headache, but after a while you got used to it, and even jammed out with them when you had the time
- mainly just random sounds/beats coming from the two five year olds, but Semi doesn’t mind, he’s willing to teach them and he does proudly 
- if one of his daughters or both wants too
- definitely writes songs for his daughters and you
- i can see him writing lullaby’s for them and working on them for hours making sure they were perfect
- lets just say they were perfectly beautiful 
- because you went to high school together, the nickname “semi semi” stuck with you (thanks chicken tendo)
- but your girls will also cutely call him “semi semi”
- you often bring them to concerts despite semi saying it’s probably too loud for them
- he’ll let you sit safely with them back stage uwu
- after he runs back to you three and is bombarded with hugs, high-fives and kithes
Bokuto Koutarou
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- bokuto is a hyper dad, which we all saw coming. there is no taking the child out of bo
- i feel like he’d want tons of kids, probably even uses his children as an excuse to act the way he does
- i can see him with a few kids, 3 to be exact (2 boys and 1 girl)
- he likes to be really involved with his children, and gets very sad/emo when he doesn’t see them for short/long periods of time
- for example, the Black Jackals is a whole different game field than high school volleyball and it’s much more time consuming and has him away a lot 
- when he does come home and has time off, let’s just say he clings to his children like a puppy
- even after a while THEY get sick of him and wanna ditch him, cue emo bo :(
- if his children gang up on him (which they do) cue emo Bo again :(
- he babies them all, can’t ever say no
- tends to go back on his word lmao
- if your oldest son begs and begs for season tickets to his favorite sports team? Bo KNOWS they can be expensive, and he was even scolded by you, but two hours after saying no, he runs back to his son and gives him the money 
- if your daughter wants to get her nails done with a group of friends, he knows she picks out the most expensive polishes, etc, BUT HE DOES NOT CARE, he will gladly give her the money and even go with her to get his nails done 
- yes, you heard me
- of course he’ll being chaperone for this girls day, he promises to pretend that he doesn’t know them and keep his distance (sit very far away lol), but after a little while its just hard to contain and he’s screaming to everyone in the salon that his daughter is sitting on the other side of the room eye- 
- your youngest son wants an expensive sports car? done
- he just wants to make his family happy, pleaseee
 Kuroo Tetsurou 
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- poor Kuroo, he has 2 daughters and you, so he’s surrounded by girls lol 
- he actually doesn’t mind it tbh
- between you and his two daughters, he wouldn’t have it any other way
- just gives him an excuse to be overly protective
- anywhere in public, expect either kuroo holding your hand
- or holding his daughters close to him (piggy back rides, yes)
- or, he stands protectively behind you and your daughters while you talk to someone, sending them threatening glares behind your backs 
- he was shy as a child, so it wasn’t surprising when one of his daughters, the youngest, was very very shy
- he doesn’t mind once again, just gives him an excuse to be protective 
- although he’s busy, he always makes time for his girls ALWAYS
- definitely a bragger
- if his family is brought into a convo, he pridefully will express how cute and smart his daughters are, may or may not openly declare his daughters are the cutest amongst his co-workers children
- he’s mad intuitive and aware/observant
- kuroo always knows when one or both of his daughters are about to start crying/throw a fit
- cue dad kuroo prepared to crack funny chemistry and or science jokes
- his shy daughter finds him very funny, doubles over every time he cracks a joke and calls him a “silly rooster”
- even when she's older she still laughs and even copies his jokes
- but his other daughter just cringes, every time sigh
- when she was younger she used to fake the laughs, but when he started saying the jokes in public she just stopped reacting, hoping he would stop-
- he didn’t...
- i like to imagine kuroo and kenma staying friends even after high school, and since kenma has hella video games and a whole arcade in his house, he’ll often bring his daughters over to his house
- his eldest daughter loves it at uncle kenma’s house
- cue jealous rooster dad
Oikawa Toru 
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- okay so oikawa is ALWAYS busy
- isn’t home much, except during off seasons or if he messes up his knee again (yes, it’ll happen) 
- in the event that he’s home due to a knee injury, he’ll wanna be catered too lmaooo
- he doesn’t expect his little girl to cater to him and really only teases you about it
- but his daughter will get him whatever he needs while he’s propped up on the couch
- she admires him so much
- his daughter kinda has a smart mouth-
- definitely got that from him, having picked up on it from a young age, while he was home
- when he was home once propped up with a messed up knee, she went “here dadkawa” as she handed him an ice pack
- he laughs at the nickname, asking you about where it came from later
“she was on call with hajime’s daughter yesterday... hajime asked how ‘poopykawa’ was doing”
- he just rolls his eyes, “at least he cleaned it up for her sake” you explained 
- will not lose the “kawa” part, so it’s dadkawa lol
- when he’s away, she’s always asking for dadkawa
- when he’s here they're inseparable
- morning breakfast now will be her sitting in his lap instead of yours
- she asks to watch cartoons with him instead of you :(
- bath time consists of her arguing with you as you try to wash her hair, while oikawa sits on the closed toilet seat laughing to himself
- “mommy i want dadkawa to wash my hair!”
- “you always whine that he gets soap in your eyes”
- “I don’t care!”
- when you bring your daughter to games, she’ll be cheering him on proudly, “mommy, look at dadkawa!” “GO DADKAWA!!!!”
- since he plays for the professional Argentine team, i figure you all live in Argentina now, traveling from Argentina and Japan was tiring, so you moved to be closer
- when the news approaches him after or before games, he makes sure to show his daughter off and the whole time it’s his daughter stealing the show
- she might be shy at first, but as long as dadkawa is holding her, she’s fine
- he’ll teach her Spanish, defiantly sings happy birthday to her in Spanish because it’s special
- he calls her his princesa (princess in spanish)
Kenma Kozume 
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- if his child didn’t enjoy video games like him or any of his hobbies like volleyball, I feel like Kenma would have a hard time with them
- he loves his son yes, but he’d have a hard time interacting with him, especially if he’s not into video games or volleyball
- if he is though, you can often find the two in kenma’s home office, playing games
- when your son was a infant, you would always come home from being out/work to find your son sitting in his pj’s on kenma’s lap watching his dad play video games 
- “it’s late, ken. i see he’s already in his pj’s- did you already have dinner?” “yes”
- “without me?” you asked, lifting up your son to give his cheeks kisses. “there’s apple pie in the fridge.”
- eye-
- yes he fed your son that, yes he needs a little guidance, yes he needs to be told apple pie is NOT dinner
- on another occasion of coming home, you found your boys in the same spot, once again playing video games, your sons eyes drifting between the game and his father every time he muttered under his breath 
- “the screen is bad for your eyes kenma, and he’s just a baby! he’ll get bad eyes too!”
- kenma’s short answer is, “he won’t” 
- when your son got older, and he started getting into video games, it got harder for you to tear his eyes away from the screen
- he’s been around video games his whole life, so of course it’d be hard, you just didn’t think he’d grow attached 
- kenma leaves most of the strict parenting to you, because he LEGIT doesn’t NOT know what to say
- he’s lowkey afraid he’ll push his son away if he says the wrong thing, but he’s also worried that if he doesn't say anything, they’ll have no real relationship, so he struggles 
- he tries his hardest to bond with him over video games and volleyball though
- as said by your son, kenma’s cooking can’t compare to yours, BUT he does know how to make a yummy apple pie
- his son will help kenma with said apple pie, when he’s younger he was often the taste tester and made a mess every time
- kenma gets nervous in huge crowds and really around anyone he doesn’t know, so if his son is a social butterfly he’ll try to get kenma used to people other than himself and you
- somehow, during the rare moments his son has problems (friends, school etc), kenma will be the one to speak up privately
- he’ll definitely tell his son to surround himself with a good friend/good friends, he also makes sure to let him know the importance of quality over quantity 
- he has a brotherly relationship with kuroo, and if not for kuroo he’d be alone, he wants the same thing for his son
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10.20.20, rayofsunas 
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chudleycanonficfest · 3 years
Dancing Around You
Day 31, Post #2 by @adenei
Title: Dancing Around You
Author: adenei
Pairing: James x Lily
Prompt: First Date
Rating: T 
TW: Some language and mentions of past abuse.
a/n: inspired by the scene in In The Heights when Vanessa and Usnavi go to the club.
I walk into the corner shop in my neighborhood and see James, Remus and Sirius talking by the counter. The scene causes more annoyance to course through me, which probably stems from the shit mood I’m already in. James and Sirius are supposed to be working, since this is their job. And why isn’t Remus at the broadcast station across the street at his own job?
So what if James owned the shop after it was left to him when his parents passed? Work is still work, and he shouldn’t be skiving off while on shift. I’ve busted my arse day in and day out for the last three years so I could save up to rent a flat in Camden to pursue a career as an interior designer. Moving out of Peckham to a more centralized location will help put me on the map as a well sought after designer.
But that was all for nothing. I’ve just returned from my meeting with the realtor, and despite having enough rent saved up for a whole year, plus the security deposit, he waved me off as if I belonged in the slums! The twat said I needed someone to co-sign a lease with me. Tears sting my eyes as I’m reminded once again of how alone I am. Having walked out at seventeen to escape my parents’ emotional abuse for the last seven years, I had no one to turn to despite the close-knit neighborhood I lived in because this was a secret goal that no one knew about.
I’m sure Marlene’s mum would be more than happy to co-sign a lease with me, but I couldn’t ask that of her. Not when she’s done so much for me already. No, I just need to hold my head high and keep moving forward. I put on my business face and strengthen my resolve, so the boys don’t suspect anything out of the ordinary.
Walking over to the fridge, I grab a Fanta and a Coke for Mrs. McKinnon. When I left the office earlier for my appointment, she asked me to bring one back. Now, I have to return to my job as her secretary at her own Real Estate office and try not to resent every client who walks in the door. When I shut the refrigerator door and turn to head to the register, I see James leaning against the glass of another fridge door.
When the hell did he creep up on me?
“Evans, how’s it going?”
“It’s been better.”
“Anything I can do to help?”
For a moment, I think about letting him in. I open my mouth to say something, but change my mind at the last second.
“You wish.”
“Right, well, what are you doing tomorrow?”
Narrowing my eyes, I observe James. We’ve been friends for years, and it’s a friendship I cherish more than anything. He’s always been there to make me laugh, to match my sarcasm and wit, and he’s never been afraid to go toe-to-toe with me. I know him well, almost as well as I know myself, but I’m not expecting his question or the butterflies that flutter in my stomach in response.
I’d be lying if I said he wasn’t attractive. His perpetual bedhead, black hair and piercing yet kind hazel eyes have always stood out to me. It’s no secret that he’s fit from lifting boxes all day and playing on a club football team in his free time. But I’ve never allowed myself to think there could be anything more between us besides friendship.
So, why does it feel like he’s asking me out? Am I misreading the signs? I decide to keep the ball in his court to get a better read on his intentions.
“I’m going dancing with Marlene and Mary,” I reply, keeping my voice cool and collected.
“Oh, sounds like fun.” He glances down at the bottles in my hands. “All set, then?”
I nod, and If I’m not mistaken, his shoulders slump as he turns to head back to the counter. Should I have invited him and the guys to join us? Before I can ponder it further, Sirius cuts me off and pushes me back into the aisle.
“You and the girls are going dancing? That sounds like fun. I’d bet my buddy over there would love to join you.” He raises his eyebrows as if willing me to catch his subtle hint, which I do.
“Wait, was James just trying to ask me out tomorrow?”
Sirius shrugs. “Probably, but you two have been friends forever, and despite his smooth-talking with most females, he seems to get tongue-tied around you.”
A burst of laughter bubbles out of me. “James? Tongue-tied? Around me? What are you smoking?”
“Nothing, Evans. Just pointing out a fact.”
Fine, if Sirius is going to pester me about this, I will prove him wrong. I brush past him toward James so I can pay for the drinks and be on my way. Sliding a couple pounds to James over the counter, I smirk at him.
“You know, Potter, I could use a dancing partner tomorrow night. Pick me up at eight?”
His head snaps up, and he looks shocked before a goofy smile replaces the surprise on his face. “Er, yeah, alright. I mean, if you’re sure—”
Cutting him off, I put him out of his misery. “Great, see you then.”
The following evening, we’re walking into Alohomora, the most popular nightclub in Peckham. My friends and I frequent the club at least once a month. I love its mix of neons glowing amongst the blacklights and the worn leather benches framing the booths around the perimeter of the dance floor. It’s come to feel like a second home to me.
Dancing is an outlet for my frustrations. I love letting the music consume my soul as the loud thumps of the bass vibrate through my body as I spin on the floor. Tonight will be no different, except that James is with me. As my date. At least, I think he’s my date. Neither of us have actually talked about what this is.
“Wow, I haven’t been here in ages. Have they changed the layout recently?” James asks.
“Not that I can recall,” I wave his question off as I hear a number of people shout my name in greeting.
“I didn’t realize how popular you were here, Evans. I’m impressed.”
“Impressed by what? It shouldn’t come as a surprise that I have more friends than you three. I hope that doesn’t make you jealous.” My playful banter is accompanied by a smirk as James laughs.
“Me? Jealous? Of course not. Care for a drink first?”
Usually, I’d prefer to dance a bit first, but I don’t want to drag James onto the dance floor if he doesn’t want to. I’m not even sure if he enjoys dancing since I’ve never seen him here before. He’s flagging down the bartender when someone calls to me.
“Lily! Hey, Lily!” Terry Fawcett is pushing his way through the crowded dance floor. “Wanna dance?”
He holds out his hand when he reaches me, but I shake my head.
“Sorry, Ter, I’m here with someone else tonight.”
James turns as he overhears the interaction and waves me on. He contorts his face in a weird, ‘trying to be chill, but still looks sort of pained’ way.
“It’s alright, Evans, go ahead.”
I’m taken aback. Maybe we really weren’t on a date. “But—are you sure?”
“Yeah, just save one for me later.”
“Oh, well, alright.”
My hand falls into Terry’s even though I’m not certain I want to dance with him. There’s an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach that I’m not used to as I walk away from James. It’s ridiculous, but I think I’m actually disappointed that James passed me off so easily. And I’m just as mad at Sirius for even putting the thought that James might fancy me in my head because it’s all I’ve been able to think about since yesterday afternoon.
Well, there’s only one way to find out once and for all if he cares. Make him jealous.
I dance as I’ve never danced before when the music changes to an upbeat Latin tune. I spin around the floor, dancing with Terry before I’m passed off to other men that I’ve danced with once or twice in the past. It takes everything in my power to not steal glances at James, but I do catch when his baffled look turns dark as he begins to scowl at the men who are practically lined up to dance with me.
By the time he does walk out to the dance floor to cut in, I’m exhausted. He pulls me into his arms, but I’m still annoyed that he’s waited this long.
“Potter, I need a break.”
I pull away from him and walk toward the bar, where Sirius holds two drinks in his hands. I grab one and slam it down, shoving the glass into his chest once it’s empty. Then, I turn and head for the exit to get some air. It’s much quieter on the street, save for the ambient sounds of traffic in the background, a stark contrast to inside the club. I lean against the wall as I catch my breath and watch the cars go by.
The door to the club opens, and the music splits the night air as James steps out.
“Evans, what the hell was that?”
“What was what?” I ask, feigning ignorance.
What? Is he angry? Good. Let him be angry.
“You! You ask me to come with you, spend all night dancing with other blokes, and then when I try to cut in, you ditch me.”
A derisive bark escapes my lips as I push off the wall and step closer to him, matching his stance.
“Don’t you dare try to blame this on me, Potter. You’re the one who pushed me away! I would have been perfectly happy dancing with you all night, but no, you sat back and watched as I danced with everyone else.”
“Well, what was I supposed to do!?”
He can’t be serious right now, playing the victim and passing this onto me. There’s no way I’m letting him get away with this. I step even closer, thankful that my heels bring me closer to eye level with him, so it’s more of an even match.
“I don’t know, put your arm around me and tell the bloke to fuck off? That I’m taken?”
“Are you taken?”
“I don’t know, am I?”
Our breathing is heavy, chests heaving as our noses are a hair’s width apart. All I can focus on is the intensity in his eyes, the gold flecks burning like the flames in a fire. I wait for him to say something, or do something, anything except stare at me. I give him more than enough time, and he doesn’t make a move, so I decide that I’m done.
As much as I don’t want to, I break eye contact and turn away. I’m not in the mood to stay out, so I begin the walk home. James and I are friends, and that’s all we’ll ever be, but that doesn’t stop me from cursing Sirius for putting the thought that we could be more in my head. Because now that I’ve accepted the thought, I’m not sure I want to stay friends. But it’s clear now, this wasn’t meant to be anything special, and I was stupid for thinking it could be.
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thebisexualdogdad · 4 years
Kinktober day 2: B is for Body paint with Danny Mahealani
Co written with @inhumanshadows
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Going to the club was not on the itinerary for your friday night but somehow Allison and Isaac convinced you to join them for neon night.
"Why did I let you guys talk me into this?" You ask, pulling your coat closer to your body as you all wait in line.
"Cause it's Neon Night" Alison states, "which means hoy guys in body paint."
"But you and Isaac are just going to ditch me to make out," you groan. 
"Well we'll just have to find you a guy of your own to make out with," she says. 
"What? You don't want to share Isaac with me?" You tease. 
"Not going to happen," she laughs.
After waiting for 20 minutes in the cold you guys finally make it inside, someone at the door handing you a few bottles of paint. 
"Y/N?" A voice asks behind you. 
You turn around to see it's Danny already half naked and covered in paint. 
"Danny hey," you say, trying not to stare at his literally glowing abs.
"Didn't expect you to be here" Danny says, moving off to the side with you. "want some help with the paint?" He asks, gesturing to the bottles in your hand.
You look back and forth from Danny and the paints. "sure..."
"Where's Y/N?" Isaac asks Allison. 
"He's with Danny," she tells him. 
"Danny's here? We should go say hi," Isaac says. 
"No we shouldn't, Y/N has been crushing on Danny all year and this might be his chance to make a move," she replies taking her shirt off, "now are you going to paint me or not?"
Isaac smiles wide. "I'd be happy to."
You let Danny lift your shirt off. "Do you want anything specific?" He asks.
"Can you do a skeleton?"
"I'm not much of an artist but I'll do my best," he smiles. 
You breathe in as Danny's finger first makes contact with your skin, rubbing a line across your sternum.
"You okay?" Danny asks.
"Yeah... the paint's just a little cold." You say, it's not a total lie cause the paint is cold.
Danny's fingers drag all over your torso as he connects line after line. After what feels like forever, Danny stands, "tell me what you think."
"Looks great," you say shakily. 
"You'd look great in anything," he tells you. 
You're trying not to blush and you see Allison and Isaac on the dance floor. 
"Looks like my friends ditched me already so do you... Maybe you want to dance with me?" You ask nervously.
"I'd love to." Danny takes your hand and you guys walk out onto the dance floor, music pounding.
You dance together, your bodies incredibly close to one another. 
At one point Danny is behind you, his arms on your waist and you can feel his breath on your neck making you shiver.
You're so in the moment you lean into his touch and it feels so nice you don't want it to end. 
Danny's breath is right next to your ear. "I like you like this."
"I like you too- I mean I- I like this too," you stumble out and Danny chuckles. 
He leans in and kisses you gently and when you don't pull away he kisses you harder. 
"Do you want to go somewhere more private?" He whispers in your ear.
"Where's private here?"
"The bathroom." Danny says leading you away.
"This doesn't seem very sanitary... Or like the first time you've done this," you say looking around the dingey bathroom. 
"It probably isn't and no it's not, there's not a whole lot of places in Beacon Hills to meet guys... Do you not want to cause it's totally okay if you don't," he explains. 
You take another look at his abs and all your worries about sanitation fly out the window. 
"No we're doing this," you say grabbing his neck and pulling him in to kiss you.
You and Danny make out hard and heavy, backing up into the sinks. 
You make out a little more and pull away, hands resting on his hips.
"Shame about my hard work." Danny comments. 
You look back into the mirror and see the paint is smeared on your back.
"You can redo it when we're done... you got a condom?"
"Not on me but the good thing about this club is free condoms under the sink," he says reaching down and opening the cabinet door to reveal a box of condoms. 
"The gays think of everything don't they," you laugh but your mind goes blank when Danny tugs his pants down revealing his huge bulge through his underwear.
“Like what you see?” Danny asks, turning and showing you the rest of the jock he’s wearing.
“I really do... can I?” Your eyes are locked on his bulge.
“Go ahead. Do as much as you're comfortable with.” Danny says, patting your shoulder. 
You get down on your knees, eye level with the bulging red fabric. You press your nose to it and inhale the smell.
You tug the material down letting him free and he was even bigger than you ever imagined. 
You make long slow strokes with your hand and Danny moans at the touch. 
You flatten your tongue on the tip and he jolts at the contact.
You stop. “You okay?” 
“I’m fine!” Danny pants. “I promise, just wasn’t expecting that. Keep going.”
You nod and flatten your tongue against the tip again, then kiss up and down each side of the shaft. You finally put the fat head in your mouth.
Danny grips the edge of the sink counter, throwing his head back. 
You tease the tip for a minute before taking more of him in, not that there was any way you'd be able to fit all of his giant cock in your mouth. 
You get about halfway down when your gag reflex kicks in. 
You slowly back off and feel Danny’s hand on your cheek. 
“Like I said... -fuck- go only as much as you can handle.”
Danny may love sex but he’s all about making sure his partner is enjoying it and being safe as well, quickies included.
You kiss the palm of his hand and take his cock back between your lips, bobbing your head up and down. 
Reaching a hand around you squeeze his firm ass and Danny tangles his fingers in your hair.
Danny can feel that knot in his stomach start to tighten.
He pulls you off of him, "take your pants off and bend over the sink... I want to taste your ass."
You nod, trading places with him, undoing the button on your jeans, Danny yanking them down, along with your underwear, exposing your ass, "damn... your ass is amazing Y/N."
You gasp as Danny's hands touch and knead your ass.
He spreads you apart and takes a slow lick over your hole causing you to groan. 
Danny opens you up further and his tongue goes to town exploring you.
You're moaning loudly, not giving a damn if anyone hears, granted the music is so loud no one either can hear or gives a damn.
"Oh fuck Danny... keep doing that," you moan, "they don't keep lube in here do they?"
"Unfortunately no that's too expensive for people to steal but my tongue's already got you pretty wet," he smirks, admiring his work. 
He stands back up, grabbing the condom from earlier and putting it on. 
"Tell me if you need me to stop alright?" He says teasing you with the tip.
"I will... just go slow?" You ask.
Danny presses a kiss to the back of your neck, "I will," and he begins to push his fat cock inside of you.
He stops when the tip and an inch or so goes in, waiting for the word to keep going, this continues until he's balls deep inside of you.
"Holy shit," you grunt at the feel of being so full. 
Danny's front is pressed to your back as he starts thrusting, the paint from his chest mixing with yours.
"You like being full of my cock?" He questions.
"Yes Danny! I love how full you make me." You moan.
One of Danny's hands comes around you and pinches your nipple while the other starts to jerk your already leaking cock.
"So wet already? Maybe I should see if I can get you to cum from just you ass getting pounded? Want that baby? Tell me what you want," he mutters in your ear. 
"Fuck me Danny," you beg. 
Danny takes both hands and puts them on your waist, holding you still as he relentlessly pounds into you.
You can hear the sound of skin slapping skin as he pounds your ass with the occasional smack of your ass.
It only takes a few minutes of rigorous thrusts for you to cum onto the sink under you. 
"Told you I could make you cum without touching your cock," he says proudly. 
You turn back and kiss him, “I knew you could. But you still need to get off.”
"So get me off then," he grins. 
He takes the condom off so you can wrap your hand around him and stroke fervently.
You stroke him until he’s panting then stop and he whines but realizes you're getting to your knees, taking him into your mouth, determined to get him off.
Your mouth works him until he cumming between your lips.
Danny cums more than you were expecting but you still swallowed as much as you could. A little dribbles out the sides of your lips as Danny pulls out of your mouth.
You wipe your hand across and lick the excess off.
You stand back up and kiss him hard, letting him taste himself. 
"You don't know how long I've wanted this," he tells you. 
"Are you serious? I've been crushing on you for a year," you reply and you both laugh.
“Wow... well at least we did something now,” Danny says, kissing you again. 
You start to get redressed when he stops you, “Hey Y/N... did you still want to redo the paint? Or maybe head back to my house?” “Honestly I am kinda tired. So your place sounds nice."
The door swings open and you suddenly realize it was unlocked that entire time. 
Thankfully it was only Isaac. 
"Hey guys," he says. 
"Hey Isaac uh, don't worry about driving me home I'm going with Danny," you tell him. 
"You sure? You're not far from Allison's," he says completely clueless.
“I’m sure. I’ll talk to you guys tomorrow.” “Okay. See you later,” You and Danny squeeze past Isaac and make it out to Danny’s car when you can’t take it and bust out laughing.
"Oh my god! I cannot believe we left that door unlocked!” You exclaim.
"That was all part of the thrill," he smirks. 
"Wait you knew?" You gasp. 
"Let's go home," he says kissing you. 
Meanwhile inside Isaac finds Allison again. 
"Y/N left with Danny," he informs her. 
"Like left left with him?" She says getting excited.
Isaac, ever clueless, “maybe?”
Allison just smiles and taps his cheek. “I’ll take that as a yes."
"Should I have not let him go?" Isaac questions confused. 
"He's finally getting laid, he needs this," Allison laughs, "now what do you say we do the same and get out of here?". 
This time Isaac knows exactly what's going on. 
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buttmuncher91 · 3 years
a lot of advanceshippers love to say such bs about Drew even to this day. Drew is not my favorite character & it’s fine to prefer advanceshipping over contestshipping and I kinda like advanceshipping , but some of the things they say are ridiculous! This is not bashing on all advanceshippers or advanceshipping in general, this is just some quotes (not exact) I’ve seen that I’ve had problems with.
”Drew is a jerk! Ash would treat her right!“
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Both would treat her just fine! Drew watches out for her & tells her when Harley is tricking her, saved her friends & brother when she was busy, saves her friends, cheers her up when she’s down, & they both calmly talk to each other when alone.
Besides, there are some things to point Ash being a jerk to her too! Ash yelled at her because he was butthurt he had no boat to get his next gym badge & skips out on watching some of her contest when May even watches him battle regular trainers.
And it’s not like May is an innocent angel herself. She yelled at Ash & Drew for no reason, had her torchic attack Ash, & forced Ash to agree to let her travel with him by bringing up her bike.
I know May & Ash have developed a lot sense than, but so has Drew & y’all are just stuck viewing him how he reacted at the beginning.
”May hates Drew & loves ash!“
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She doesnt hate Drew. At the very worst, she sees him as a friend & has seen him that way by “Who, What, When, Where, Wynut.” Like I said we seen them talk a lot when they run into each other & heck, she even ditched the group, including Ash as he was talking to her, to talk to Drew when she saw Drew. So tell me again how she loves Ash way more than Drew lol!
And in ”Spontaneous Combustion“ May blushes at Drew after he waved and walked off. May never blushed around Ash, even when some weird couple accused her of being Ash’s lover. And there was nothing in that scene that indicates her getting red met something else. She wasn’t sick, doesn’t look mad, didn’t do anything embarrassing, etc... so it looks as if she really likes Drew.
”Drew is a flirts with any girl & would cheat on May, but Ash would never cheat on her!”
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You people have nothing to back this up. Drew had fangirls gushing all over him? May being Norman‘s daughter and probably because she’s referred to as hoenn princess, has a lot of fanboys! In fact, Ash is more likely to cheat on May then Drew dispite him being oblivious, as Drew showed 0 interest in his fangirls & ran from them. If he was such a flirt, he wouldn’t run from fan girls, but would try & you know, FLIRT with them. Drew also showed 0 interest for other girls, & only teases May. You advanceshipper fanbrats (not saying all advanceshippers are fanbrats just the advanceshippers who think this) only pretend he is to make up reasons for May to reject Drew.
”He only likes May for her rack, & wouldn’t care for her if it was flat!“
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Talk about reaching. Drew only stares at her FACE! He never stared at them, & the anime gave her chest 0 focus. He isn’t just some creeper. Despite not being interested in her, he treated Breanna nicely & she was flat. He may just have puppy love/a crush on her, but saying he’s just trying to win her because of her rack is complete bs!
”Think about it, Drew & May would make ugly babies!”
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Based on what? Cuz Drew has green hair? As someone whose least favorite color is green (okay, okay dark/forest green is pretty), I think this is a stupid claim. Even with a weird hair color, there’s a chance the child could be cute, & really beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Hair color is NOT even close to a huge factor to what separates not ugly to ugly. And they don’t have to make babies if they do get together. They can just choose to adopt to help out those who need a home or just happily be with each other with no children at all.
”Drew is in less episodes with May than Ash, so advanceshipping is better & will be canon!”
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🤦‍♀️Misty has the most screen time with ash. By this cruddy ”logic,” Misty & ash (so far) are canon. Yes, misty has much more screen time with ash than May. Misty had all of Kanto, Orange Islands, AND Jhoto with ash... as well as a cameo with ash in Hoenn, and TWO separate cameos in Alola. And at this point, May could have spent more time with Drew. It’s been 4 regions that Ash hasn’t even thought of 1 of her Pokémon after all this time. I’m no pokeshipper, but let’s be real here.
And most of the time Ash & May are on screen, it’s them focusing on their goals/Pokémon. They cheer & encourage each other too, but it’s mostly friendship stuff. Could something happen later on between them to spark love? Sure. But nothing in the anime ever pointed to that. And you can literally say that with Ash and... ANYONE! Like Ash could grow up, met back up with Roxie & they could fall for each other.
When Drew appears on screen, you mostly see hard evidence for contestshipping, weather on Drew’s side, May’s side, or both. Yes, there’s evidence on BOTH sides that they like each other. At best, advanceshipping looks one-sided on May’s side. And even then, it mostly looked that way in the beginning of AG. There’s way more evidence that May likes Drew & vice vesa than with ash & May, even with “less contestshipping hints!“ A lot of hints for shippings are overblown. Not just advanceshipping hints, but poke/pearl/negai(actually never mind, negai is under looked & over hated)/amour/etc... are over blown & it’s just ash being his usual nice/childish self. With Drew, it’s obvious he likes her as how he constantly stares at her, teases her, gives her red roses (& says they’re for beutifly), etc... While I think I covered how May likes Drew enough already. And yes, this could just be a kiddy crush for the both of them, but in the end there’s still harder evidence that Drew & May like each other.
Plus there are a lot of canon fictIonal couples who had less screen time with each other than other characters. Naruhina, ichihime, Hinny, gochi, etc...
“Drew never saves May’s life, unlike Ash!”
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So? May never even tried to saved Ash, like she did with Drew!
Ash has also saved: Angie (who has a more confirmed crush on ash), Dawn, Pikachu (3x I can think of), Chinchar, Lillie (or at least attempts to help a lot of times), Celiebi, Erika’s Gloom, Serena, Misty’s sisters Pokémon, a ton of CotDs & their Pokémon...
And what of those who saved Ash? Misty, Sabrina’s... family photographer, Gary, Iris, Clemont’s father, Zeroara dude, a ton of officer jennys, Pikachu, a lapras, Paul, Drew (ya keep on hating him if it werent for him Ash Brock and Max would probably be dead in that crate Jessie, James & Meowth trapped them in so not even advanceshipping could happen).
“Rivals can’t be dating!”
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Where did you get this bs? Even in the pokeani IN THE AG SERIES this has been proven false. Watch Pasificlog Jam again. Who put you in charge of how couples should work anyways? If a writer wants to have rivals hookup in their story, than they have that freedom to have the rivals hookup regardless how upset you get over it.
“Ash & May kissed in a banned episode, so advanceshipping is canon not contestshipping!”
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Come on guys, they’re 10. The anime creators aren’t gonna have two 10 yr olds kiss on the lips. Its really creepy some person came up with this. No, it’s not creepy cuz I don’t like advaceshipping (I actually like some aspects of it). Again, it’s creepy because they’re 10. If they were like 13+ yrs old, it‘d be okay, but NOT 10. Plus, even Japan is very sensitive when having kissing on the lips happen with kid shows. Even with adults, they censor it/show something else as the kiss happens & just imply it happened. Expecally how they view kissing on the lips in the first place, they ain’t having 2 ten year olds kiss.
And there would be NOTHING to imply that they where going to kiss. Around this time this episode that they kissed claimed to happen (episode 357), Ash & co. where heading to fortree. Nothing ever was implied from the both of them even want to kiss each other. They just where supportive friends of each other with no hinting there where secret feelings or developing feelings from ether of them. Theres also nothing beyond that episode that implied the kiss happened. Because if it did actually happen, I’m sure something like that would impact the next few episodes, but nope no mention of any kiss nor do ash & May act any differently around each other in 358 and beyond. So even if it did happen, it was going to more than likely sink the ship, like it was some akaward thing they did because they were “under the mistletoe“ & afterwards just agreed to be friends & forget about it. The pokemon anime was always about friendship, adventure, and Pokemon themselves, never romance.
Also episode 357 is “Take This House and Shuppet!” not “A Kiss Under the Mistletoe!“ The Japanese episode is the same as the English barring names & episode number.
Were do you get such a sorce for this info? “my friend’s japanese friend who talked to the director of the AG anime & saw it!” or some other ridiculous unreliable garbage like that? Give me actual sources with interviews from the writers talking about this supposed banned episode. Bet you can’t, unless it’s fake & unreliable. If it existed, it would have floated up by someone from Japan. After All, even if for 20 mins that episode should’ve existed if it was just banned. Like “Electric Soldier Porygon” was banned completely & only aired one time in Japan. However, there are places that you can watch the episode despite it being completely banned due to putting a lot of children in the hospital from seizures. That was older than the supposed advanceshipping kiss episode as ’Electric Soldier Porygon’ is a Original Series episode in Kanto the 38th episode. No one can find this supposed advanceshipping episode nor is it even listed in the banned episode list. It should be harder to find this older banned episode than it should be to find this supposed banned kiss episode.
“Why should May choose Drew over Ash? Ash is like a literal god!”
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What? Yes, he’s befriended every legendary & come back though poketears, save the world so many times, has arua abilities (he rarely uses), & whatever else, but it’s not like he seems that BA or whatever. Ash not aging seems over focused on, when in reality NO ONE is aging. It took him 7 regions to win 1 league (a questionable one at that), can’t remember Pokémon he seen before & sometimes forgets what he learned, & needs saved by others sometimes. Some god, can’t even rescue himself. Besides, who knows what Drew has done on his adventures. Drew has also saved Ash, Brock, & Max from trouble, isn’t Drew awesome saving someone ”like a god!”? Drew also has beat him in a battle as well, is that y’all’s problem?
And where is Ash’s voice in all this? It’s like this in all this anti-Drew bs. “Drew is just this terrible creature who possesses all 7 deadly sins & is the creation of Giratina & thus May hates & so does everyone else! However... blessed by Arceus himself, we all just know not dense Ash Ketchem is waiting to sweep May off her feet & save her from the demonic spawn that is Drew who is lusting after her bewbs😡” (<-original ideas, do not steal jkjk). Like there’s NOTHING to indicate ash wants her. And do you think this of May as well? Like do y‘all think May is just this perfect, sweetest, most divine woman in the pokeani that only Ash “blessed by Arceus“ is the only guy that should be blessed by such an angel? 🤣
Look, I like Ash & I like May. But even with my favorite characters I wouldn’t go as far as to think so highly of them that it makes Helga’s obsession with Arnold look like nothing. And just because Ash is more amazing with more feets & whatever, doesn’t mean May has to love ash or that Ash has to choose may because Drew doesn’t measure up to him.🤷‍♀️ Just think about it, should Timmy’s mom go with Dinkleburg? After all, he is smarter than Timmy’s dad, has more money & is more successful than he is. And Wandesemo is more popular, not stupid, & mostly competent unlike Casmo. Should Wanda dump Casmo for him? Of course i understand wanting the best person to end with you’re favorite character. But that’s not how love works & in the long run isn’t fair to both Ash & May (& Drew, but I know you haters don’t care about that).
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speechlessxx · 4 years
Crossing Lines. 2 (Andy Barber x Reader, Ransom Drysdale x Reader)
Summary: The line between best friend and lover is so thin... Can you choose which one to cross? 
Warnings: expected ending let’s be honest, angst, fluff, language! (this is the last part... btw)
for fic purposes, Ransom and Andy aren’t twins and their physical similarities will not be mentioned LOL
Word Count: 2.4 k
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Read Part 1 Here
The rest of the night was a drunken blur. You vaguely remembered the way Andy held you in the park as you drunkenly cried into his chest. He listened attentively as you ranted and cursed Hugh Ransom Drysdale – whom he assumed was the other man on the porch. Andy put together the pieces and with your slurred confessions, he understood that the best friend of yours held a special place in your heart, but it didn’t deter Andy’s attraction or his growing feelings for you either.
You woke up in your apartment with a dull headache and fifteen missed calls – along with fifty-five messages – from Ransom. And one “have a good day :)” from Andy, but you decided to ignore and ghost both men. You were too confused to even entertain the idea – the possibility of you and Andy, especially when you were still questioning your feelings and the fate of your friendship with Ransom.
Over a week of radio silence from you left Ransom antsy. You had never iced him out like this. The longest you two had gone without speaking was three days – when he stood you up at a university gala so that he could fly out to the Victoria Secret Fashion Show and hook up with a model. You were so angry with him but forgave him all the same when he showed up to your dorm with two pints of ice cream and a smile.
It always so easy to get you to accept his apologies. He thought it was because you two were meant to be in each other’s lives. That your smiles and laughs – and even your playful jabs – were meant to brighten his day, every day for the rest of your lives. And it hurt him when his pleads and apologizes were left on read.
He blamed your absent responses to his dozens of messages and voicemails on that hotshot Assistant District Attorney. He blamed Andy Barber for turning you against him. And his anger towards – what seemed to be his rival – only heightened when both he and Andy Barber pulled up to the front of your apartment complex.
“What are you doing here?” Ransom said, accusingly, as he balanced the cookies and cream pint on top of the mint chocolate chip.
Andy didn’t even respond. Like the night the two were acquainted, he simply ignored Ransom and began to stride towards the complex’s doors. Fumbling with his keys, Ransom quickly locked the Beamer and chased after the suited lawyer.
“Did she invite you?” Ransom prodded. He felt a dull ache in his heart at the thought. Is this what you’ve been doing for the past week? Ignoring him to be around Andy?
Andy huffed, still ignoring the other man, as he pressed your apartment number’s button on the intercom systems. Ransom looked over at the takeout bag in Andy’s hands. Though he couldn’t see the contents, he recognized the logo. It was from your favorite Japanese place – the one you said had the best shrimp tempura rolls. He remembered you tried to get him to go with you, but he blew you off to go to a bar with his rich friends. Did Andy know your order? Did Andy take you there?
Ransom repeated his question and Andy just gave him a side glare as he pressed the button next to your apartment number again.
“No.” Andy finally answered. “I went by her office to see if she wanted lunch, but her co-workers said she’s been sick.”
Relief rushed through Ransom. So, you were ignoring both of them – that’s fine. Ransom smirked to himself. His years of friendship with you gave him the insight to know that whenever you were sick, you preferred hot soup as opposed to sushi – that you’d puke the raw fish right up.
“Hi, sorry, hello?” Your voice statically came over the speakers.
“Hey.” “Hi, (Y/N).” Andy and Ransom said at the same time. Andy shot a glare at Ransom.
“(Y/N),” Ransom said, pushing Andy’s hand away so that he could press the button. “It’s Ransom. I have ice cream and uh…”
“Ransom, I…” you sighed. “I’m sick.”
“I know, but I know all the best remedies.”
“Sorry.” You deadpanned. “I don’t… I don’t think you should be up here.”
Andy lightly shoved Ransom’s hand away from the button, pressing onto it firmly. “Hey, it’s Andy… Lauren and Sabine said you were under the weather, so I brought you lunch from that Japanese place you liked so much.”
“Andy, I…” You frowned as you spoke though neither could see it. Were they there together? “I’m sorry… I’m just so sick… and I tend to throw up sushi when I’m – “
“I actually bought you ramen.” Andy said, hope still in his voice. “I remember you told me you throw up sushi when you get sick, so I thought I’d better order some soup instead.” Ransom’s brows knitted together – when did you have time to tell Andy this? How long have you two known each other?
“Oh…” You facepalmed. The slap was audible and made Ransom crack a smile. “Okay fine… C’mon up, Andy.” That smile quickly dropped.
Andy smirked at Ransom as the doors buzzed and unlocked, but Ransom was not going down without a fight.
Several days later, it was Ransom’s turn to show up at your office, but this time you were there. Your work friends, Sabine and Lauren, were divided about the strange predicament you found yourself in. They were the ones who arranged for you and Andy to meet, but they were also the ones living vicariously through the love triangle you stumbled in.
“What are you doing here?” You groaned as Ransom showed up with two coffees in his hands. He put one cup on your desk and brought his to his lips with a smirk. “Hugh – “
“You’re ignoring my calls and texts, but you sure do love giving Andy Barber attention… Did you know he has a kid?” Ransom poked. “I know you wouldn’t date people with kids. The ex’s still in the picture y’know.”
“Considering how I haven’t dated anyone since college, I’m in no room to judge.” You frowned. “Now, unless you’re in some legal trouble, I suggest you leave.”
Ransom shook his head and pushed you back into your seat when you moved to stand. “He’s also really old…”
“Not much older than you and I.”
Ransom frowned. What did Andy Barber have that he didn’t? Why were you so intent on breaking your own dating rules for him?
“What’s it about him?” Ransom wondered aloud. “Is it his job? Dating an ADA would surely get you out of this joint… Hell, maybe you could even be a trophy wife. Stop working, drive around his Audi. You can probably even be friends with the ex-wife… Laurie, I think that’s her name. Aw, you and Barber would be so cute… Imagine him going to the country club with his pretty, young wife.” He snorted.
“Ransom!” You scolded as you glanced around at those who were listening in the conversation. You were already given flack for being friends with Harlan Thrombey’s grandson. You didn’t need your other co-workers to whisper about your attempts at social climbing by dating Andy Barber. “What is wrong with you! Andy’s a good guy. I’d date him even if he wasn’t a lawyer. Now shut up and leave.”
“No… No!” Ransom argued, lightly slapping your hands away when you tried to push him towards the doors.
“You’re making a scene at my work-place, Ransom,” you aggressively whispered.
“No!” Ransom repeated, his voice rising. Those who weren’t paying attention before were certainly now. “I just wanna know… what’s it about Andrew Stephen Barber that’s got you ignoring me? Huh?” When you didn’t respond, he grew angrier. Why weren’t you answering?! Did your ghosting also apply to real life? “(Y/N), I told you I loved you and you just got in a car with him and left me.”
You bit your lip, furrowing your brows as you glanced around. Those who were trying to discreetly listen abandoned their attempts. They watched on as if they were watching a soap.
“You sleep around.” You muttered. “You parade girl after girl around me as if it didn’t hurt, Ransom. I cancelled my date with Andy, so I could go to your mom’s party. You invited me and ditched me, so that you could go fuck some wannabe model in your grandad’s house. You only came looking for me when you needed a damn condom!” You heard some snickering in the background, but you were too focused on trying not to cry to care.
“I – “
“I’ve been at your beck and call for years. And now, I think…” you stared up at Ransom’s eyes, your own shiny with tears. “I think you only keep me in your life because I’m the only one who gives a damn about you.”
“(Y/N) – “Ransom sighed. “No… I love you, that’s why,” he tried to grab your arm, but you pulled away, shaking your head. “No guy has ever been good enough for you. That’s why I never let them date you!”
“What?” You asked in disbelief. Your tongue darted out to lick your lips as you thought about every date – every guy who came into your life who miraculously disappeared after meeting Ransom. “Son of a – “
“And Andrew Fucking Barber is definitely not good enough for you.”
“And what you are?” You prompted. Your eyes wide and with your shaky tone, Ransom knew you were on the brink of crying. “Ransom,” you shook your head, “I loved you for years. I loved you despite you constantly sleeping with other girls, despite you always ditching me, or despite your family. I loved you even though you can be heartless and insensitive. I loved you so much I put my life on pause to always help you – to always be there for you… But Ransom, I can’t do this anymore… I’m sorry. I can’t…”
“Hey pal,” the security guard finally stepped up just as the tears started to roll down your cheeks. “I think you gotta go.” When Ransom reached out to grab you, the guard quickly stood between you. “Now, Mr. Drysdale.”
Ransom stared at you as you slumped back into your seat. Lauren and Sabine immediately rushed to your side, but you waved them off as you put your head in your hands. You were embarrassed that you caused a scene. You were embarrassed that you confessed your love for Ransom. But it gave you clarity.
The love you had for Ransom was toxic.
And you needed to let it go.
Ransom allowed himself to be dragged out of the office and onto the pavement. The guard told him not to come back. “You leave Miss (Y/L) alone, alright, man?” The guard said. “I know Andy Barber… and when he finds out about this, he ain’t gonna be happy.”
“I’m not scared of Andy fucking Barber.” Ransom rolled his eyes.
“Nah, but he’s got some pull in the DA’s office. He can get a restraining order approved in minutes, pal…” The guard chuckled. “You leave Miss (Y/L) alone.”
Ransom watched as the guard hobbled back into the office, closing the doors behind him. He tried to look through the glass, to get one last glimpse of you. He always wished you’d be the first to confess your love … But he never expected it to be like that.
Now, he couldn’t help but wonder… was this your last conversation? He made you cry and he couldn’t even apologize for that … After this, are you cutting him off completely?
Andy Barber was attentive, observant. He was kind. Growing up with a murderer as a father, he found that his compassion was a way to compensate for his father’s sins. He strived to make a name for himself aside from being Bloody Billy’s son. He was a good man.
A man that put aside his late evening plans to drive from Newton to Boston just to pick you up. A man who put his night on pause just to spend some time with you on a whim of a phone call.
If it had been Ransom, he’d be scolding you as he drove. Blaming you for wasting his time. He’d guilt you and make you feel worse.
But Andy wasn’t Ransom.
Andy made you feel wanted.
“I’m sorry,” you muttered when you slumped into Andy’s couch. “I didn’t know where else to go… Ransom knows where I live and if I see him at my apartment, I think I’m gonna lose my shit and I’ll need a lawyer.”
Andy chuckled as he settled down next to you, handing you a cup of coffee. You smiled and thanked him as you put your head on his shoulder. “I’ll represent you, no worries. I’ll even do it pro bono.”
“I don’t think you’re allowed to,” you laughed. “Circumstantially, they say that lawyers shouldn’t represent their significant – “you bit your lip, cutting yourself off. You’re thinking too far, (Y/N), you scolded yourself.
Andy smirked. “Significant other?” He asked, bringing his cup to his lips, taking a long sip. “Taking strides now, are we?”
“Sorry…” you felt heat rise to your face.
“No, you’re fine,” Andy smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “We’ll take strides.” He muttered and nodded. “If that’s what you want?”
“Yeah, Andy… I do.” You smiled to yourself as you brought took a sip.
Your nose scrunched up. You had forgotten to tell Andy your meticulous coffee order. Whenever you were at Ransom’s, you didn’t need to tell him – he just knew. Your heart ached at the thought of losing your best friend, the one of the only people who knew you. After years of friendship, you couldn’t just burn that bridge… right?
You pulled your head from Andy’s shoulder and looked over at him. He smiled at you and you couldn’t help but smile back. This growing relationship was fresh. It was new and it felt healthy.  Sure, Andy didn’t know your coffee order, but like Ransom, he could learn it. Maybe he could even memorize it by heart.
You smiled at the thought and leaned into Andy, pressing your lips onto his.
You weren’t sure what fate had in store for you and Ransom – whether that friendship ended forever or will revive itself in due time…
But you were certain about Andy…
You were certain you wanted this new beginning.
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yukipri · 4 years
On Thatch & Marco - A One Piece Mermaid AU Text Headcanon/Story
So I’ve gotten quite a few asks regarding Marco and the Whitebeards, and while this isn’t a response to a specific ask, here’s a little story on them!
It's only been a few weeks since they've left Dawn Island, and they're still in East Blue but they've somehow already more than doubled the number of brats on board. And while the Moby Dick is far from boring, Thatch has had more adventures in this short timespan than he's had in years, and he's thriving.
Sure, he still feels little twinges of guilt for basically ditching his duties, but he's growing, in ways that the stability of an established Yonko crew hadn't allowed, and he knows that he'll be a better, more useful man to Pops and the others by the time they've caught up in the New World. Honestly, he's wondering if he should suggest these kinds of experiences for all the commanders, and wonders how Pops would feel about that.
But it's on one of these days and brief moments of calm when Thatch is daydreaming about his family in the New World when he spots a blue seagull circling far above them. It's weirdly shiny, and Thatch immediately recognizes it as a species native to an island in Pops' territory, and one that is unusual all the way here in East Blue.
Which means only one thing: Marco's checking in.
A quiet whistle from Thatch is all it takes for the seagull to come spiraling down, and Thatch remembers to take a quick glance around deck to make sure Luffy hasn't spotted it; he's learned the hard way what it means for a bird to land on deck when the ever-hungry mermaid is feeling a bit peckish.
But the bird lands safely on the rail close to Thatch's arm. It's by no means nearly as brilliant a blue as Marco, but certainly more beautiful than most birds you can find out at sea. Thatch still remembers the first time he found Marco making friends with the things, remembers laughing hysterically and making all sorts of bird jokes as Marco, then still a teen, looked more and more like the constipated old man he eventually grows up to be.
Well, jokes aside, the birds are now incredibly useful, serving as Marco's personal messengers to their allies across the world. Which, huh, Thatch supposes that includes him now, which is kind of an odd feeling.
And while Thatch wants to feel flattered that Marco's checking up on his favorite Thatch, he also knows that Marco's checking up on their littlest little brother, and the little brother of that little brother (baby brother^2, Thatch and Marco had fondly dubbed her, when Ace first told them about her). Because while Thatch's definitely accompanying Ace and co for his own selfish reasons (and he also swears it's not just so he could encounter the love of his life, darling Luffy), he also knows that Marco and Pops had ulterior motives for letting Thatch go, beyond just allowing Thatch to stretch his legs.
When Ace had asked, uncharacteristically shy, if he could still be one of Whitebeard's sons without formally joining his crew, and when Whitebeard responded with an affirmative--Thatch wonders if Ace really understands what that meant. A good parent, a good father is definitely a foreign concept to him (and unfortunately for Luffy too, Thatch has found, and knows that Pops will adopt her the moment he meets her if he hasn't already). And the Whitebeard pirates don't take the bonds of family lightly.
So while yes, Thatch is here for his own adventures, he's also very aware of what he represents, both to his family and to the world. For his family, his presence on board maintains the connection between the Whitebeards and Ace. Ace is still so very new to their family, and while no one doubts his competence, he still has much to go in terms of learning to rely on them, on learning that the Whitebeard pirates will ALWAYS have his back. And well, East Blue is kinda far away, too far for a shout to be heard on the Moby. So Thatch is here acting as their representative, and he couldn't be more honored to have the role. He is, if nothing else, excellent at being a nagging older brother, and it's the role he's easily found himself fitting into here.
But the other reason is that Thatch is the Fourth Division Commander of the Whitebeards, and no one who knows anything about pirates would fail to recognize him, and the weight of his presence. He knows people won't immediately make the connection that this crew has already been adopted, or even what that means because it's not quite the same as ally, but Thatch's presence establishes an undeniable connection between them and one of the Four Emperors. Thatch knows that when he makes eye contact with the marines and they balk, it's not just him they see: it's the huge, looming shadow of Whitebeard himself. And until the world learns to see that shadow behind Ace, behind all of the ASL pirates, well, Thatch will stay right here.
The blue gull on the rail looks at Thatch expectantly, and Thatch lets it perch on his shoulder as he makes his way to the kitchen. Sanji glances up in surprise and squints at the bird, but doesn't say anything as he returns to preparing dessert for the ladies (it's a reminder that Thatch should be doing that too, or else the snot-nosed cook will one up him in earning the favor of Luffy, or at least her stomach). Thatch decides to make this quick, and grabs two cookies from the hidden cookie jar, as well as some parchment and a writing utensil.
Thatch knows Marco wants to know how they're doing, but well, the timing of the gull is awfully convenient, so he's taking advantage.
Dear Blue Chicken Sauteed in Pineapple Sauce, Thatch writes, taking advantage of the opportunity to write in "code," despite the lack of confidential information and low risk of one of Marco's blue gulls being stopped. He'll take every opportunity to tease, thank you.
The stove on this ship works great, and the fish is beautiful. Thatch's pen moves before he really thinks about what's coming out. She's stolen my heart, I think I want to marry her. Thatch pauses...huh, well, honestly he's not exaggerating, is he? He'll let Marco guess how serious he is. (he's suddenly uncomfortable because he's not sure how serious he is himself, but that's a thought for another time)
And now, the most important part of the letter: PS - I dropped my hair wax in the ocean. Can you send me an extra from my room?
Because, tragically, Thatch had--and now his beautiful pompadour is a sad mess that's tumbling down his shoulders. Thatch knows he could pick up another tub of hair wax on any of the islands they’ve stopped at, but he has standards, and he needs his special wax that he’s used for decades, which is unfortunately only found in the New World.
Which makes his current situation stuck in East Blue quite tragic, except it isn't quite as heart-breaking as Thatch had thought it'd be, once he realized how much Luffy likes playing with his loose locks, and the sheer number of times Thatch has been finding himself overboard recently would have made putting his hair up again after every time a pain--but well. It'd still be nice to have the familiar weight of his hair wax in his pocket again.
Thatch decides to omit the major change with himself since he last saw Marco that resulted in the hair wax being lost in the first place: the fact that he's eaten a devil fruit. Because that's a surprise. Thatch wants to see Marco's face when he realizes how badass Thatch has become, controlling Darkness of all things. (well, Thatch has to actually get good at it first, and stop almost drowning. It's coming along)
Thatch wraps one cookie in the letter, tying it into a neat parcel, and feeds the other to the bird as thanks for his services. The bird takes off as soon as Thatch opens the door.
Well, now Thatch has a lovely mermaid to feed, and a baby cook to outclass.
Thatch sees the next blue gull a week later, damn those things are fast. It's carrying a parcel this time, and Thatch reaches out gleefully, because he doesn't remember the last time he's had his hair down for this long and he can't wait to have his signature hair style once more.
The bird doesn't stick around this time, and instead just drops the parcel into Thatch's hands before wheeling back the way it came.
And...huh. The parcel's not the right size, or weight to be Thatch's hair wax.
Thatch squints suspiciously, as Ace comes to stand by him, staring after the gull. "Marco?" he asks, and Thatch grunts, already feeling grumpy and just knowing he's not gonna be thrilled by whatever Marco sent.
He opens the parcel, and inside is a little blue bauble, wrapped in Marco's infuriatingly precise, fancy shmancy handwriting.
Dear Soggy Bread, congratulations on graduating from a baguette. May you evolve into a better bread next time. PS - The stone's for baby brother^2.
Ace ignores Thatch's enraged yowl and plucks up the stone--before cursing and dropping it. Thatch's reflexes manage to catch it before it hits the deck--and he immediately knows why Ace dropped it in the first place.
The stone immediately feels weird, not necessarily in a bad way, but in a way that distinctively reminds Thatch of the sea. He's familiar with what the stone is, but not how it feels, and is reminded once again of his relatively new status as a devil fruit user. At Ace's questioning (and wary) look, Thatch explains, as a good older brother should.
It's a special stone made on Fishman island. There's a piece of seastone at its core, and then it's wrapped in a mix of glass and crystal. It's a luxury trinket popular with a lot of young mermaids, because it's pretty, but also feels like the essence of the ocean is in it, which can be immensely comforting to most merfolk and fishmen.
While not the purpose, the glass and crystal casing also ensures that devil fruit users can touch it without feeling weakened, though they can still sense the sea from it, hence why it feels weird.
Thatch hates, hates to admit it, but it's a ridiculously thoughtful (and expensive) gift for a mermaid devil fruit user who can't enjoy the sea directly, damn Marco for thinking of it first! The bastard's definitely teasing Thatch by trying to woo his crush from half a world away. Marco hasn't even met her, this is just a game to him, but Thatch's serious, damnit!!!
Thatch wishes he could be petty enough to lie and say the bauble is a gift from Thatch, but he can't, because as much of an asshole as Marco can be, Thatch still loves him. Sigh.
Luffy chooses that moment to slide across the deck to them like a playful sea lion, slamming into Ace's legs and snaking up him in a split second to peer over his shoulder at whatever her brother's looking at in Thatch's hand. Ace isn't fazed and doesn't even twitch.
Thatch sighs dramatically. Adorable little brothers and their adorable little brother^2s, damnit.
Thatch dutifully presents the little stone to Luffy, as Ace warns her not to drop it, it's gonna feel a bit weird ok. Thatch lets Ace take over rattling off the information he'd just conveyed, doing his own duty as Older Brother, and is instead transfixed by the way Luffy's eyes widen in wonder as she rolls the shiny thing from one hand to the other.
While Luffy's not really the type for jewelry or trinkets, it's clear she's enthralled by the stone, the way she is with few inanimate objects other than food. Thatch belatedly notices that the stone's a brilliant crystal teal, with shards of gold obscuring the dark seastone center, the same color as someone's Zoan form. Bastard.
"Who's it from?" Luffy asks, and Thatch knows he's told her about his crew before, but she's unlikely to have remembered any names.
He may not lie about who the gift's from, but it doesn't mean he can't take revenge.
"A pineapple man who can turn into a burning chicken," he says with a straight face, ignoring Ace's frantic gestures to abort.
Thatch finds out why moments later, as Luffy's eyes widen impossibly more, and he belatedly realizes that to Luffy (and probably only Luffy), he'd just made Marco sound like the coolest person on earth.
Thatch meets Ace's furious eyes apologetically even as Luffy's COOOOOL!!!!!! rips across deck, and they both sigh.
They're not looking forward to Luffy meeting Marco
Hope you enjoyed! As always, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated and encourage me to create more for this AU! ^ ^
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Read the next part: Marco’s Bauble, Part 2
~This ask has been added to the Mermaid AU Text Headcanons Compilation post~
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neokad · 3 years
Phantasy Star II - The 1989 JRPG that could
(This post is dedicated to @kuukigajan, my best friend, whom motivated me to post here again, so... I hope you'll enjoy this!)
This game. This freaking game.
I'm gonna say it right now: this post will contain massive spoilers about pretty much everything in Phantasy Star 2's story, so if you do plan on experiencing this game fresh, I strongly advise you to not read this post at all beyond the first paragraph, but... here's the gist of it: Phantasy Star II is one of the most important and groundbreaking JRPGs of its time, and I just did not believe this game was from 1989, at ALL. For that and a few other reasons, it has become one of my new favourite games of all time <3 
In fact, I do want to start with the one big flaw of this adventure so that I can just gush about everything else that's brilliant about PSII. I have to be honest: the dungeon design in this game is horrible. Now to be fair, it does make the many places you visit more memorable, but well... there's a rumor floating around that an actual trainee made the layouts for the dungeons - and since this game was a bit rushed for the Genesis's launch, the devs just didn't have time to replace the... stuff he submitted. And let me tell you, this rumor makes sense: PSII's dungeons are too big, too maze-like, too confusing and also FILLED with strong enemies. And in a game where you don't get a way to save anywhere until the midway point, it can make your adventure very frustrating and potentially grindy because of that... Now I wouldn't say that PSII's nearly as bad in this area as say, the original version of Dragon Warrior or ironically the first Phantasy Star, but the dungeons can totally make you feel like the game's harder than it actually is, at least without a map.
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Thankfully, you should never feel bad for using any maps or guides with this game! The execs at SEGA at the time made the very smart decision to include a walkthrough with each copy of the game, including maps, tips, secrets and more! Said guide does encourage youto not look at it as much as possible but... it's totally fair to just use this, without any shame!
And that is a great thing, because... with you armed with this piece of paper, Phantasy Star II can finally show you its actual brilliance.
The game's plot starts off a thousand years after the events of the first Phantasy Star game. Since Alis and her party defeated Dark Force, the inhabitants of the Algol solar system - and its three planets of Palma, Motavia and Dezolis - have enjoyed relative peace. However, at a (to my knowledge) unknown point in time, a computer entity known as Mother Brain has started imposing itself onto mostly Motavia. This, over time, has actually given many benefits to the region: the once deserted wasteland was given rain, water and crops, so that it could finally host viable, comfortable civilizations. The citizens that lived here could finally ditch their (arguably) nomadic, harsh lives in favor of comfort, pleasant weather and more. And most importantly, Mother Brain allowed its citizens, save for a few, to ditch their current jobs and live a life of laziness, without any obligations or pressure to do anything other than well, existence. This is reflected many times during the game through NPC dialogue, too!
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It is on such a setting that our protagonist, Rolf, wakes up from a strange nightmare. In it, we see Alis batting Dark Force and struggling in doing so, but as soon as he realizes this, Rolf wakes up in cold sweat. He then proceeds to calm his nerves, realizing that no such dramatic events could possible happen to him - after all, he and many others have been under the universal protection and care of Mother Brain, whom at this point, has provided all of their needs for centuries. He then gets out of bed and goes to the central tower, where we works as an agent in case some things do go wrong.
And gone wrong things have! His superior informs him that biological monsters, which had been created and bred in the Mota biosystems laboratory, have gone rogue and infected the regions of Motavia at a rapid rate. Because of this, Rolf is asked to investigate the cause of this phenomenon. Once he gets home to prepare for his journey, he is ambushed by best girl Nei, who has been rescued by him many months ago from the clutches of a serial killer. She does not want to be left alone anymore, and since she is also worried for Rolf's sefety, asks him to accompany him on the mission. Naturally, Rolf accepts.
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Here, I do want to bring up Nei in more detail! She's in fact, the first of PSII's brilliant story-gameplay interactions, and here's why! Nei is in fact, a crossbreed experiment between a human and an unknown animal with cat-like features, but here's the thing: this said experiment was a failure. Because of this, Nei is only one years old, and yet her physical and mental age are progressing way more rapidly than they should. And you can feel this effect on the game itself: she needs way less EXP than any other party member in the game to level up, and because of this she will skyrocket in levels way beyond the rest of your crew... with a catch. Because of the nature of the experiment, the genetic code inside of her is slowly being messed up and corrupted, which not only causes her level ups to be less valuable than anyone else's, but it also becomes an important plot point later...  Unfortunately, despite her absolute cuteness, her status as a half-half made her a victim of bullying, racism and so much more, which is... pretty messed up to bring up at the time not gonna lie o_o
Starting up the journey, the party discovers that rogues have destroyed a neighboring city, and it just so happens that their base is situed at Shure, the first dungeon of the game . One assumption I like to make from this scene is that life has become so easy and careless on Motavia that people just went and did crime out of pure boredom, because life just wasn't thrilling enough anymore with Mother Brain doing everything it could for its inhabitants...
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However, upon climbing said tower, Rolf and Nei find out multiple dead rogue bodies, whom have been presumably murdered by the many biomonsters roaming the place. They do, however, manage to find some dynamite and most importantly, a letter. This piece of paper informs our heroes that the daughter of a Darum, the very same person that tried to murder Nei months ago, is held captive in another tower, which explains why he turned to crime in the first place. They then decide to do the obvious, which is to rescue daughter Teim in her captivity location. Once they meet up with her, she explains her desire to talk to her father to set things straight and sway him from the life he's been getting into, as well as hide her from the surviving rogue members with the help of a veil. Our group manages to meet up with Darum, but... her daughter asks the party to stay put, as she does not want them to interfere with her as she explains things to her father. However, in the heat of the moment, she forgets to remove her veil, which causes Darum to not recognize her. In his confusion, he murders her own flesh and blood and sits there, stunned, as he watches the reason he caused many untold atrocities... wither away below him. Shocked and going insane by this situation, he sees no other way out... but to commit suicide with the help of a bomb.
It gets worse.
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While this scene was tragic and brutal to say the least, it does allow Rolf to cross the previously guarded bridge where Darum was always located, which allows him to investigate his mission further.
I do want to make a sidenote here actually! Phantasy Star II does include eight playable characters, but unlike Rolf and Nei they do not join you at fixed intervals - instead, they will become available in your home town of Paseo once conditions are met. Sadly while they do have a recruitment quote, a few lines and a backstory, they do not have an impact on the main story in any way. This does blow as this means PSII does not have much in character development and interaction, but I did want to mention that there’s more to this game than just Rolf and Nei :P 
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Upon exploring the regions of Motavia, the party manages to make its way to the Biosystems lab, and what they find here is horrifying to say the least. The lab is in horrible shape, with cracked floors everywhere. On top of that, there is no one inside the lab anymore, it being completely deserted, save for some horrible-looking creatures being kept insides tubes, decorating the now sinister looking building... Because of this, Rolf deems it safe to pick up the recorder inside the lab, to analyze it and try to find out just what exactly went wrong - if anything at all - to hopefully figure out why the world has been sacked by biomonsters. And sure enough, the gang make its way back to Paseo.  After handing over the recorder to the library located in Paseo’s Central Tower, it is now made clear: the biomonsters were caused by a large amount of energy used in a very short amount of time in those labs, causing them to mutate extremely rapidly. This had the predictable but unfortunate effect of ruining the natural order of the ecosystem, which is why these species are wrecking havoc without control. The librarian giving this information also makes the following connection: this outpour of energy must have come from Climatrol - another lab which regulates the weather of the terraformed planet so that it can sustain its new shape. Following this, Rolf and co. take a few steps to reach Climatrol - and I want to highlight a specific one!
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The story somewhat pauses until then, but one of the dungeons you’ll go through is a garbage dump... and one of the treasures is a jet scooter you can use! Sounds cool, right? Well it is, but even such a cool object has been abandoned by the lazy society, since teleportation is much more convenient to them. I just thought it was a really neat detail, that’s all ^_^
Once making their way through the relatively normal Climatrol, something does wait for them at the top of the building... something... unsettling...
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This is Neifirst. She was another failed experiment just like Nei, sharing the same biological data as her. However, unlike her sister, her creators tried to kill her on the spot due to her status. This made her enraged against the species that gave her life, and as an act of revenge, decided to unleash this bio catastrophy to slowly wipe us out. This is where another truth is revealed: Nei did not come with Rolf just to protect him, she actually wanted to put a stop to her sister, because while she did dislike being treated like a freak or a monster, she never wanted to hate her species as a whole... It remains that she still wants to stop her sister’s plans, and despite Rolf’s protests, the two engages in a fight. However, due to Neifirst being much stronger, Nei sustains heavy damage and is incapacitated. But, this is where the rest of the party comes in, and thus they finish the job and kill off Neifirst dead in her tracks, Rolf then quickly rushes in to his dear friend’s side, but as he does... it’s too late... Nei is dead.
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This is yet another reason why Phantasy Star II is such an important game: it is, to my knowledge, the very first JRPG in which a major playable character dies permanently. Heck, Rolf even tries to bring her back through the local Clone Lab - because yes, citizens have access to eternal life by cloning their bodies until the end of time - but... since Nei’s genetic code was degenerating rapidly, they could not clone her body anymore. And, since Neifirst was also defeated, it is also impossible to get a fresh code back from anywhere in the world. Nei is dead. And you cannot do anything about it.
But don’t worry! It still gets worse!
But just as you’re about to find a way to fix this, it turns out that Climatrol has collapsed, which caused an immense flood all over the world. Since the government - and by extension, Mother Brain - isn’t happy about this, you are now considered a fugitive, a criminal. You are now the bad guy, and you are wanted for treason. 1989, anyone??
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This is where the second brilliant story-gameplay integration of Phantasy Star II happens. Where until now you’ve only fought mutated monsters due to the outbreak, the government has now sent thousands of carious cyborgs and robots against you - and lo and behold, this is now the only thing you are fighting in both the overworld and dungeons, and the previous creatures are now nowhere to be seen. THAT’S REALLY SMART. Now sure, even if you are considered evil to many, you still task yourself with the task of unflooding the planet, and to do so you simply reactivate all four colored dams in the continent. However, upon reactivating the fourth one, your party is suddenly ambushed by a trio of robots sent by the cops, and this time? They succeed in capturing you. Your party is now sent in chains on a hovering satellite, as you are sentenced to slowly wither away and die in there without any trial of any sort, simply because you went against Mother Brain’s dear wishes...
But, something goes amiss. The sattelite starts to malfunction, and is now set to crash on one of the three planets of the Algol system. And despite you all trying to alter its course, it is too late. The satellite crashes onto Palma - the planet of the first Phantasy Star game - and it is gone.
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That’s right! The planet in which many players took the time to save with Alis’s gang, to have a huge dungeon crawling adventure, the planet where you defeated Lassic in a glorious fashion. GONE. In only a few seconds. But... what about yourself? Well, you actually died! But a space pirate wandering close to the crash site pulled out your remains and cloned everyone’s body back to life... which makes you technically not yourself, and also dead, for the remainder of the game! ...May I remind you this game was developed in 1989?
Tyler the space pirate then escorts the zombie party back to Paseo, but not for long - you see, your commander, who hasn’t truly approved of Mother Brain’s actions against your group, allows you access to a spaceship. This is a big deal, because space travel as a whole has been banned ten years ago due to a major accident in which Rolf had lost his parents, and thus, the one stationed in Paseo is the last one remaining on the planet. But sure enough, Rolf takes the opportunity and travels to the ice planet of Dezolis, or Dezo.
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And honestly? Even though this next part has nothing to do with the main story, it’s probably one of my favourites in the entire game. In this section, you simply must make your way through an abandoned space station, which has not seen use in years. At first, you’d think it was somewhat related to the spaceship incident, but as you explore this space station, you find a bunch of animals and newspapers lying around. You not only find some irrelevant ads about various products, but also news flash about a horrible gas spreading throughout the station, begging every inhabitant to evacuate immediately, which... definitively implies a very bleak fate to the place and its inhabitants o_o 
And on top of this unsettling setting, this is the first time you get to hear “Silent Zone”, my favourite track in the game. While the rest of the soundtrack is very upbeat, catchy and all around excellent, this track in particular is very... sad, desolate, lonely, in spite of it being just as catchy! It all combines for a brilliant example of “show, don’t tell” that really sets the mood perfectly to me <3
Either way, upon exploring more of Dezo - a frigid wasteland with few inhabitants - the party gets to meet up with Noah, a party member from Phantasy Star I! After reawakening from a cryogenic sleep, he then reveals that unlike Paseo and Motavia, Dezo basically never submitted with Mother Brain’s control and benefits simply because they did not want to live a life without any struggles. Unfortunately, this is also where you learn that Paseo came to terms with this *after* being to MB’s whims and as such, you can connect the dots and realize that the satellite crash was no accident after all... it was all planned.
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Noah, however, knows about how deeply MB has ruined everything for the inhabitants of Motavia and thus tasks Rolf with collecting eight legendary ancient weapons all throughout Dezo, located within some ruinous, empty, cold dungeons which make for stunning atmosphere and presence, believe me!
Once that’s done, he then entrusts Rolf with the ultimate Sword and, thanks to kinetic abilities, sends him and his troupe to the space station housing Mother Brain. And once there, for the first time in centuries, a human being has met with Mother Brain.
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And of course, the computer scoffs at those rebelling against her. She laughs at how they think they’d want a life with struggles, wtihout comfort, without anyone providing their needs, when work and hardship seems so uninviting on a desert wasteland like Motavia, or a frigid hell like Dezo. And yet, after a (pretty difficult!) battle, you emerge victorious! Or do you?
After the victorious outcome, Noah senses some additional presences beyond Mother Brain’s spot, and urges the party to investigate. And then... I don’t think I’ll even explain it in words. Please watch what happens. It is disturbing.
Yeah. We, the humans, were destroying our planet, Earth. Thus, we escaped through this spaceship to avoid extinction, and found the Algo system. It then, to our species, only seemed logical with so few numbers, to instead slowly weaken the population of all three planets with Mother Brain, making it then easy (although a very long process) to get rid of the population and start anew, even if it meant genocide. What I love about this twist ending is not only how it’s presented: the creepy music, the way you did *not* expect it at all, the number of humans on the screen at once, and so on... but also, how you don’t even know for sure how it ends. You don’t know if Rolf, Rudo, Amy, Kain, Hugh, Shir, Anna... if any of them survived. But it looks grim. It looks like we lost. And it looks like everyone we fought and tried to save... will rot until the final days anyway... Phantasy Star II... is important. Sure, I could talk about how the game is challenging due to how both your party members AND the enemies are very capable in battle or the stellar, catchy, memorable soundtrack...   but its story... is stunning. In 1989, we were still used to princesses being saved by armored heroes from dark dragons. We were used to things going all well in the end. But in 1989, Phantasy Star II taught us many things that would become staples in the future of JRPGs:  Yes, your cherished ones may die with you not being able to do anything about it No, you may not be able to save everyone you’d like to. Yes, your actions might make things worse for yourself and everyone else. No, things aren’t quite as black or white as they seem. And no, you might not always win. Phantasy Star II is a masterpiece. It’s a bit hard to approach this game today, but with a guide, this game is a must play. It’s unique. It’s ambitious. It’s chilling. And I adore this game to pieces. Thank you for reading, somehow <3
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Leave No One Behind
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Chapter 11- Mama Don’t Preach Part 1
Co-written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​
Episode Summary: It’s Hannah’s turn to head home for a week to see her Mama, and there’s a surprise request waiting for her too. Meanwhile, back in Sudan Ari’s left holding the baby...or in this case, puppy…
Episode Warnings: Bad Language words. Smut (NSFW, 18+ only)- in Part 2
Episode Pairings:  Ari Levinson x OFC Hannah Horowitz
Song for Episode:  Only You- Yazoo
A/N: This is a big chapter so split into Parts to allow you to read as and when. Part 2 will be posted soon after this.   Translations: “Me cago en todo” For Fucks sake. “Por el amor de Dios” For the love of God “mi niña”- My Girl All I needed was the love you gave, all I needed for another day, and all I ever knew, only you.
Series Master List  //  Main Masterlist 
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Hannah looked out of the window, taking in the familiar sights as the plane got ready to land and a few minutes later, as the wheels hit the runway and the passengers cheered she couldn't help but sigh. She was home. Just as she unfastened her seatbelt and waited for the sign signalling they could disembark, her mind wandered to the moment she had said goodbye a few hours earlier that morning. She felt a pang of sadness at the image of Simon trying to follow the truck as Ari had pulled out of the resort to drive her to the airport, a couple of hours earlier than initially planned-she may or may not have told the team her flight was a few hours earlier than it was so that her and Ari could grab a drink at a small coffee shop not far from the airport. It was hardly what one could call a ‘sweep you off your feet’ date but it was nice to get out alone, just the two of them. It had felt good that Ari and her had been able to experience a certain level of normalcy before the inevitable and emotional goodbye and promises to try not to miss each other too much.
She wandered through passport control and after picking up her bag she went out into the arrivals of Ben Gurion airport almost on autopilot but she smiled hard when she saw her Mama and, just like that, her eyes filled with tears as she hurried forward and hugged the woman tightly. After the emotional reunion they headed back to the house, Hannah's childhood family home, where she had been living with her Mama since she had left the apartment her and Andy had rented once they’d gotten married. Unable to stay there alone after his death, she’d moved home and had remained there up until the moment Ari had come into the clinic turning her whole world upside down. As her Mama opened the door Hannah smiled at the familiar décor of the hallway and let out a little, happy sigh as she stepped over the threshold. It smelt like home, it felt like home... it was home.
Hannah headed upstairs and ditched her bag in her room, thinking to herself about how the last time she’d been in here was before she left in January. Back then she’d never have guessed how things would have turned out for her so far in 1980.  She glanced at her reflection in the mirror and decided that she needed a shower so turned to grab some fresh clothes out of a drawer, and as she did so she spotted a few photos of her and Andy on the unit. She glanced at them, a soft smile on her face and then turned to look around her room at the numerous other snaps of the pair of them dotted in various places in the room. She contemplated moving them for a moment before she finally came to a decision and did just that, popping them carefully in a drawer which she slowly closed after a last, nostalgic look at Andy's handsome face. She’d loved him, there was no doubt about that. But time moved on and she was finally ready to move on with it now. Shaking those sad memories from her mind she went into the bathroom to shower and twenty minutes later she made her way down to the kitchen at the back of the house which overlooked the large communal garden they shared with 4 other homes. 
She found her Mama was stood at the stove, preparing dinner, and Hannah approached, wrapping her arms round her from behind, hugging her close. 
"Nothing like your food mama. Not that Aziz’s isn’t good because it is but, well, there’s nothing like yours." she trailed off.
Her Mama turned to look at her kissing her head. "I’m making your favourite from when you were young, mi niña."
"Beef wellington?" Hannah asked, her eyes lighting up.
Mama nodded and Hannah gave a groan. "Sammy is gonna be so jealous when I get back."
"You don’t have beef in Sudan?" the woman asked as she stirred what looked like some kind of gravy in a pot.
"Half the time I haven’t got a clue what I’m eating to be honest, other than when it’s fish. Last time we had some form of steak I think it was camel."
Mama laughed heartily.  "Your brother must be having a hard time, he’s always been the picky one."
"He’s still a pain in the ass, mama." Hannah said as she moved from her mother's frame and leaned casually against the counter.
Mama looked at Hannah spotting the crease on her brow immediately and, raising an eyebrow, she asked. "Are we still talking about food, honey?"
Hannah shrugged.  "In general, and you look just like him when you do that, stop it."
"When I do what?"
"Raise your eyebrow and look at me like that."
"Like what?" the woman, whose eyes were on the pots and pans in front of her again, asked.
Hannah groaned with frustration. "Come on Mama, you know what like."
Mama sighed and, setting the wooden spoon aside, turned to look at her daughter, her hands falling down to her hips in a typical mother stance. "The only thing I know is my daughter, who I haven’t seen in months, looks more gorgeous, relaxed and happier than when she left... In fact, more so than I’ve seen her in years. Which is ironic really considering what you’re doing out there."
Hannah blushed a little at her mum's last sentence but decided to roll with it. "Well it’s nice to be doing something mama, back in the thick of it all so to speak."
Now she saw her mother was sporting a wide smile, not a sympathetic smile but a knowing one. And Hannah knew she must have anticipated something like that, if anything her mother was clever. "Something uh?" the woman said.
Hannah looked at her blankly, not understanding what she meant, or rather not wanting to give in that easily.  "Yeah, the resort and the job."
"I know that look Hannah, You’re my daughter remember, I raised you. Something tells me it’s not simply all down to those people you’re helping." her mother baited her again.
"No…I…it’s not…" Hannah's train of thought stopped as she spotted her mum's eyes skate down her neck just before she nodded to her necklace, and instinctively she reached up to touch it. Mama smiled and whether it was at the necklace or at her sudden need to touch it for comfort, Hannah couldn't tell.   
"That’s pretty."
Hannah smiled back at her before speaking. "It was a birthday present. Along with my watch, look."
She stretched her forearm and turned her wrist slightly to show her mother the watch but the woman wasn't one to be fooled and smiled before taking her eyes off the watch and nodding back at the necklace. "What is it, some kind of bee?"
"It’s a firefly."
"I take it that it was from the only person who calls you that?" her mother asked then and Hannah flinched. She had served her mother the opportunity on a silver plate and now she felt herself growing warm again under her mom’s scrutiny, but, much to her dismay, Mrs N was not letting go. "I’ve got to admit, it was a nice surprise when Ethan told me what Ari was planning to do for your birthday."
Hannah then let out a low laugh, shaking her head at her mother’s tenacity. "Why don’t you just ask me, Mama?"
"Why would I ask when I already know?"
"And what is it that you think you know?" Hannah asked, trying to sound as calm as possible.
Her mother looked at her for a couple of seconds before delivering the final blow. "That you and Ari are together. And not for the first time."
Hannah gasped. That last part had shocked her big time, she wasn't prepared for that. "You knew about us the first time?"
Mama nodded. "I did, yes."
"How did you…?"
"Once again Hannah, I’m your mother. It was pretty obvious to my eyes that something was going on there between you two back in the day.  And then you started going out almost every night and your friends used to call asking for you, so you clearly weren’t with them. And you were glowing, at the time. Just like you did when you were with Andy, and just like you are now."
Hannah looked down shyly before speaking. "Ok, so clearly I wasn’t as good at hiding it as I thought." she snorted and then paused. "Did you know about why…" she began to ask but stopped mid-sentence as she shook her head. "Actually, it doesn’t matter."
"Why you two split up? Yeah, I do. And I was mad at your brother for weeks." her mother conceded with a sigh.
“Seems like everyone knew bar me." she muttered absent mindedly. 
"Sadly it's always like that, honey." Mama stated while rubbing her daughter's arm reassuringly before resuming her work over the stove.
"Did you know it was Andy who told him? About me and Ari I mean."
Mama snapped her head at Hannah, looking at her visibly shocked. "No, No I didn’t."
"Well it was." Hannah snorted. "Ironic huh, I married the guy that broke me up from the first man I…"
"You loved?" her mother asked, finishing the sentence for her, apparently recovered from the shocking news her beloved late son-in-law had some sneaky ways in him.
Hannah gave a little smile and nodded.
"So how did Sammy react to it this time round…not that I need to ask." Mama chuckled as she bent over to check the meat cooking in the oven.
"You know him. Made a huge fuss, punched Ari again." at that Hannah snorted. "Ari let him have the first one but the second time, well I had to stop him from ripping Sammy’s head off."
"Must have been something worth seeing. No doubt I’ll hear all about it in a few weeks when he comes home."
"No doubt you will. He seemed a little better after my birthday party, and the last mission.” Hannah bit her lip, her mind straying back to the disaster of the mission and she looked at the floor.
Her Mama gently touched her arm. "Ethan told me about the woman you helped and how her baby didn’t make it. Sweetie, that must have been awful."
"Yeah it was…" Hannah paused, frowning at her mother "Hang on, Ethan told you? When did you speak to him, mum?"
"Oh he took me out for dinner last week." she brushed her daughter's question off.
Hannah blinked at her mother’s matter of fact tone. "Ethan took you out for dinner?"
"Yes he did. We had a great time. You look surprised honey.” Her Mama’s eyes flashed with mischief “Is it that hard to believe your mother still gets it in her?"
"Oh my God…mama, that’s…ergh…"
"Hey, you’re acting like your brother now." Mama protested.
"Me cago en todo." Hanna cursed in Spanish earning, a scoff from her mother, and then she looked at her mom. "Mama…did you put out on a first date?"
"Young lady, watch your mouth." she said and Hannah laughed. "And have some respect for your mother." she paused for a moment as if considering what to say next. "Besides, what if I did? It's not like you and Ari are playing chess in that damned diving resort every night, is it?"
"OH MY GOD YOU SO DID!" Hannah exclaimed as she brought her right hand to cover her slack jawed mouth.
"Por el amor de Dios, Hannah. I’m not discussing this with you, now go wash your hands…dinner is ready."
"I just showered, why do I need to wash my hands?" Hannah offered somewhat feistily.
"You don’t, I just wanted to shut you up." 
"God, mama, how am I supposed to look Ethan in the face tomorrow?" Hannah whined as she helped her mother with the oven tray.
"Same as I’m supposed to look at Ari in his, when I know what you’ve been up to." her mum retorted.
"Oh, for..."
"Mind you, I can’t blame you mi niña, Ari is a good looking guy. If I was 30 years younger…" the woman trailed, smirking.
"Mama, STOP!"
"What, it’s true?" Mama shrugged, amused by her daughter's reaction.
Hannah just shook her head before she grinned and pointed her finger at her mother "Well hands off, he’s mine."
"I don’t doubt it, honey." her mother declared, a wide smile spreading over her gentle face.
The next morning Hannah woke up and it took her a while to remember where she was. It wasn’t the sound of the waves crashing on the beach she could hear, but car horns and traffic. She recognised almost instantly though the smell of her ma's favourite soap in the sheets, but whilst her bed was comfy and familiar it felt odd. There was something missing. No Simon, no Ari, and that meant more to her than all the commodities she could ever have in Tel Aviv.
Well maybe she could trade sleeping snuggled to Ari for being able to eat Beef Wellington once a week… She chuckled and shook her head at her own absurd thoughts. Considering she spent years sleeping alone after Andy died, it hadn’t taken her long to get used to sharing a bed again, and if she was completely honest it was unnerving how she didn’t like Ari not being there, she knew it was stupid but still. She stretched and laid still in bed for a little while more as there were no breakfast duties to get to, but she suddenly remembered she did have a meeting with Ethan at HQ. Hannah cringed at the memory of her conversation with her mother last night, groaning to herself at the thought of the pair of them having dinner and… whatever. How was she going to be able to look him in the face? Shuddering at the thought she threw back the duvet and headed for her morning shower taking her time because she could, and also because she missed decent water temperature and pressure.
After her shower Hannah got dressed and went down to have breakfast with Mama. They sat and watched a little TV, another one of the things they quickly got used to not really having much chance to do in Sudan, before the car arrived to take Hannah to Mossad HQ. Once there she went through the security checks and headed up to Ethan's office, smiling to his secretary who told her to go in. 
No sooner had she knocked lightly on the door before pulling it open, Ethan stood up from his desk, a smile on his face as he strode over and pulled her into a huge hug.
"You look well, Hannah."
"Thanks Ethan."
"Must be all that sun, sea and sand huh?" he said, pulling back to take her appearance in better.
"And life or death situations…" she smiled fondly at the man.
Ethan chuckled and directed her over to the couch where she took a seat at one side as Ethan headed out and asked his secretary to get them a coffee each. Then he closed the door and sat opposite her. They chatted for a little bit, just about how the resort was going, how everyone was, a debrief of sorts on the last mission which Hannah wasn’t all that keen on reliving, but she knew she had to. Then their coffees arrived and Hannah took the time to compose herself, the emotion of talking about what had happened to the baby girl having choked her a little. She took a sip, then eyed Ethan and smiled.
"My mom says you’ve been out on a date."
Ethan paused, his stoic stance faltering a little, then looked at Hannah. "I’ve…taken her for dinner, yes."
"Has she seen your silk robe?" she attacked again.
"How do you know about that?"
Hannah grinned at the sight of Ethan's creased brow. "Ari told me."
"Course he did." he sighed. "And that reminds me... Sarah Levinson called last week asking me when you were home." Hannah blanched at Ethan's words and he noticed. "Is there something you want to tell me?"
Hannah hesitated. She wanted to take another sip of her coffee in order to buy herself some seconds but with a swift glance she realised her cup was already empty, and that was all the confirmation Ethan needed. The experienced agent rolled his eyes at her before stating the obvious.  "I knew this would happen."
Hannah shook her head. "Why does Sarah want to know when I’m home?"
"Reading between the lines I think she wants to see you." Ethan said, his gaze never leaving Hannah's face.
"But why? I’ve met her like 5 times, if that!" Hannah sort of protested, rubbing her sweaty palms over her denim clad thighs.
 "I think that’s obvious, you’re fucking her husband." Ethan shot, bluntly.
"They’re separated Ethan. And it’s not like that. You make it sound so crass, we’re not fucking…" she trailed off, her initial offended tone dying as she spoke.
"I know." Ethan agreed, his voice softer this time and stood up and headed to his desk. He reached into the drawer for a piece of paper which he gave to Hannah once he had checked it was the one he wanted. "She requested I ask you to call."
As Hannah took the paper from him there was a knock on the door and it swung open to reveal a short, slight, grey-haired man dressed in grey slacks and a light blue, short sleeved shirt. Hannah shoved the piece of paper in her pocket without giving much thought to what it meant and smiled at the man as he stepped into the room.
"I read those fucking reports you left on my table, Ethan, and let me tell you…"
Ethan cleared his throat and nodded to Hannah who blinked at the man, slightly amused at how angry he was despite his unassuming appearance. Ethan gestured to Hannah. "This is Hannah Horowitz. Hannah, meet Barack Isaacs, Mossad Chief."
Hannah stood up and shook his hand. "It’s a pleasure Sir to finally meet you in person."
"And you Mrs Horowitz. I’ve heard a lot about you from Ethan, and of course I knew your father. He was a good man. Taken far too soon." Isaacs said, not an ounce of anger in his voice or features now.
Hannah smiled. "Thank you Sir."
A few minutes later, after having said her goodbyes to both men who would be now no doubt be discussing the reports that had earned all those expletives from Isaacs’ part, Hannah headed down to the car and climbed in the back to head home. She watched the familiar buildings as they moved past and realised that the last time she had been in HQ was when Ethan broke the news of Andy’s death to her, in that very same office she’d been in today. She hadn’t even thought about it until now, but she remembered Isaacs calling her Mrs Horowitz and, now that she came to think of it, Ethan had introduced her to him as such. And whilst that’s what she was, the truth was she didn’t feel like it any more. She felt a little pang in her stomach at her own thoughts, a pang that she couldn’t quite place. Maybe it was guilt, she pondered, but what did she have to feel guilty about? Andy was dead. Had been for years and she had every right to move on. 
Then the car stopped at a traffic light and her eyes drifted to a shop on the corner, nothing special, it was an ordinary grocery store but she remembered her and Ari buying a bottle of wine from there for one of their many clandestine nights in at his apartment. They had snuggled up to the latest Led Zeppelin LP and made out a bit, in fact that was the first night Ari had ever made her come using his very talented fingers. And, as the car set off, Hannah realised that the memories of her so-called hidden relationship with Ari were all so vivid in her head now, especially after so many years of blocking them out. She sighed and her hand fell absentmindedly into her pocket and curled around the piece of paper with Sarah’s number written on it.
By the time she got home she had decided. She was going to call Sarah and see what she wanted. 
Ari had no idea how it had happened but Simon was missing. He’d searched the resort up and down and was currently going bananas looking for him around the beach and cursing the day he had backed Hannah up in keeping the damned dog.  He was legit shitting his pants when suddenly he heard him barking as he rounded the rocks with Max and Jake hot on his tail. Thank fuck, Ari thought. He might keep his head on his shoulders after all. He gave a sharp whistle and Simon looked up and then set off hurtling towards him. When the dog was close enough he jumped up at him and Ari caught him in his arms. "Hey, buddy calm down." Simon was whining and whimpering and licking Ari’s face as he rubbed the pup's back. "What the fuck has gotten into you?" Simon continued his little noises and nudged into Ari’s face and he glanced up at Max and Jake who were now within earshot. "You pup-napped my dog." Ari glared at them.
"It’s Hannah’s dog." Max deadpanned.
"He’s more mine than he is yours." Ari snapped, still angry at his two teammates for taking the dog without letting him know. And as that was just what he needed to appease himself, Sammy appeared, watching the exchange with an amused air.
"Only because you’re fucking his mom." Max mumbled.
Ari glared at him. "I heard that, dickhead."
"Technically he’s right." Jake quipped.
"Technically you’re an idiot." Ari bit back at Jake.
He was on edge, he was fully aware of that but there was nothing he could do about it. They had taken his fucking dog and it had almost given him a heart attack, not helping the bleak mood that had fallen over him ever since Hannah had left two days before.
"Technically?" Sammy asked and Simon growled. It was like a reflex action the dog had every time Sammy spoke.
"Never, ever take my fucking dog without my permission, you hear me?" Ari hissed glaring at Max and Jake. 
Once again he knew he was overreacting but he couldn’t help it. If anything were to happen to this dog, he'd be a dead man, plus he’d miss him too. Ari looked at them once more and then headed off, Simon held to his chest like a small child, with both his arms underneath the dog's butt supporting him, Simon’s paws on Ari’s shoulders, head looking around. He nodded to Rachel, who walked past him towards the spot on the sand where Jake, Max and Sammy were, and without saying a word he retreated to his hut.
All three men stood put for a moment watching him leave and then Max turned to Sammy. "God I can’t wait for your sister to come back, he’s being a pain in the ass."
"As grossed out as it makes me I kinda agree." Sammy acknowledged Max's comment.
"Blue balls don’t suit him." Jake groaned.
"Leave him alone you guys, he’s in love. Wait until it happens to you." Rachel, who had reached them now and was shading her eyes from the sun with the palm of her hand, warned them. All three rolled their eyes and she scoffed. "What?"
"Nothing mom." Max quipped, earning a slap round the back of his head from Rachel.
"I mean seriously though, what were you thinking taking the dog? You know he’s in charge of him and he’s been on edge since Han left. Don’t make it worse."
"See, even you recognise he’s being an insufferable bitch." Max whined.
"Yes and you’re making it worse Maxwell." Rachel looked at him.
"Whatever, I’m hungry now."
"What else is new?" Jake scoffed before stating "You were born hungry."
"All babies are born hungry, asshole." Max snapped as he started walking towards the main building.
"You’re the asshole. The Maltese asshole." Jake shouted at him, following suit.
Rachel groaned, following the bickering pair up the sand. Sammy dropped an arm around her shoulder, giving her a squeeze and she shook her head. She really needed Hannah there to help her deal with the bunch of overgrown kids. So much for the trained Mossad agents they were supposed to be.
By the time the sun had begun to set and they were sat at the table having dinner everyone had calmed down bar Ari who persisted in being a little bitch. There he was trying to eat whilst Simon was on his lap as the fucking dog wouldn’t leave him alone now. Jake and Max must have played some tricks on the pup for him to be so anxious and clingy ever since he got back to Ari. 
Sammy, in turn, was glaring at Simon as every time he spoke, the dog's lip would curl up in a snarl.
"What is your fucking problem?" Sammy snapped at the dog.
"Hey, don’t talk to him like that." Ari warned him, pointing at Sammy with a fork.
"Really, Ari?" Sammy scoffed and Simon growled again at the sound of his voice.
Ari sighed. "Si, quit it for fucks sake."
Rachel who was desperately trying to have a peaceful dinner without having to intervene, again, didn't miss the look Jake was giving at Sammy while mouthing "Si??" so she glared at the pair of them before she cleared her throat.
"We got a letter this morning, from the tourist board."
Ari turned to her "Yeah? What do they want?"
Rachel took the letter from her shorts pocket and handed it to him. She wasn't planning on playing that card, she had just shoved the letter there just in case but the boys' attitude had left her no choice.  "See for yourself."
Ari pushed Simon off his lap and took it. He unfolded it, his eyes scanning the words for a few seconds before he nodded. "They want to visit this weekend. I’ll call Madibo tomorrow morning, tell him it’s ok."
"Yeah…you checked the date?" Rachel asked.
"Yeah it says Thursday…so?" Max, Jake and Sammy exchanged glances and Ari looked around with an air of frustration.  "What?" "Hannah’s back on Thursday." Sammy reminded him, speaking quietly as if he was walking on eggshell.
"Nothing." he shook his head. "I’ll pick her up from the airport if you’re busy."
Fuck Ari thought before pausing and shaking his head. "No need. I’ll go. You don’t need me here."
"Yes we do. That letter says he wants to see you." Rachel pointed at the letter.
Ari frowned and reached for it again before groaning as she was right. "Fucks sake. What time are they coming? Maybe I can…"
Once again Rachel, the voice of reason, cut him off. "No you can’t. They’ll be here by 11. Her flight gets in just after."
Ari looked at her as if she had just slapped him on his face.
"Ari I’ll go, it’s not an issue." Sammy offered.
Ari just nodded as he didn't trust his voice to come out right at that moment. He was raging inside, his mind ticking off all the curses possible. And as such he spent the rest of the meal sulking in silence before he excused himself and went back to his hut. As far as he was concerned his evening was over. One week, one fucking week without her and he had just been denied the possibility of picking her up. Instead he would have to put up with Madibo and who knows who else from the fucking corrupted tourist board.
With Simon whining, as he had clearly detected his dad was upset, and snuggling round his head on the pillow Ari laid on her bed for what seemed like hours, contemplating what a needy bastard he’d turned into (or rather Hannah had made him into) in such a short period of time, before sleep overcame him. 
**** As Hannah made the 10 minute walk to the small Café she had arranged to meet Sarah in, the nearer she got the more nervous she was. She’d only ever met Sarah a handful of times, the last one being at her and Ari’s wedding. When she reached the café door her hands were sweating so she wiped them on her jeans and pushed the door open. As soon as she stepped in she spotted Sarah sat at a table near the back. She hadn’t changed much, was just as pretty as the last time Hannah had seen her. Striking cheekbones, deep brown eyes, light red hair. From the photo Hannah had seen of Maya which Ari kept on his nightstand she could see where the girl had gotten her looks from. She was very like her mother but had inherited Ari’s hair colour and face shape.
Sarah looked up, and gave Hannah a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes as Hannah approached the table. She stood up and offered a stiff hand to Hannah, which Hannah took, the shake very business-like.
“It’s been a long time.” Sarah spoke in her deep, American accent.
“Yeah, it has.” Hannah agreed as Sarah made to sit down again. Hannah followed and took the seat opposite her, hanging her purse on the chair back. No sooner had they done that than someone was over to take their order. They both requested a coffee each and when the waitress disappeared Sarah spoke.
“Thank you for agreeing to meet me. I wasn’t sure you’d even call so..”
“Well it would have been rude not to, plus I also have a letter for Maya from Ari. Saves me posting it I suppose.” Hannah smiled and reached for her purse, retrieving the thick envelope. She handed it to Sarah.
“Ari said Maya wanted some photos of Simon- my, well, the group’s dog really and she wanted to see the resort too so-“ she nodded to the envelope “- there’s some in there for her.”  
“Thanks.” Sarah took the envelope, exchanging it for a slightly smaller one. “I also have a letter here for Ari from Maya, would you-“
“Of course.” Hannah nodded, taking it form her.
“You know she asks about you in there.” Sarah nodded to the letter “Her and Ari talked about you when he was home. He told her you picked her little beaded bag out, which for the record she still carries everywhere.”
Hannah blushed a little “I’m glad she liked it.”
“Are there any photos of you in here?” Sarah tapped the envelope and Hannah frowned, not quite sure what she was getting at.
“No.” she shook her head. But before she had chance to say anything else their coffee arrived. Both thanked the lady who set the cups down, then busied themselves adding sugar, Hannah stirring hers a little more than necessary before she broke the silence, deciding to ask the question that had been on her mind since Ethan gave her the piece of paper with the other woman’s number on it. “Sarah, why did you want to see me? We’ve hardly ever spoken before, certainly not like this.”
“Curiosity I suppose.” Sarah shrugged
“Curiosity? About what?”
“About you.”
Sarah nodded, taking a breath “Will you be honest with me Hannah?”
Hanna nodded, steeling herself as she waited for the inevitable question about whether her and Ari were back together.  She knew Ari hadn’t confirmed it to Sarah when he visited, because, well they hadn’t actually labelled what they were then, neither of them knew, but she also knew he hadn’t denied it.
“Do you love him?” Sarah asked.
“Oh…” that had surprised Hannah. She swallowed, “Sarah, I-“
“Because I know he loves you.”
Hannah took a deep breath before she shrugged “Yeah, yeah I do.”
Sarah nodded “In that case then I wish you good luck because you’re gonna need it.”
Hannah frowned and swallowed some of her coffee “What do you mean?”
“I mean when you all finish this mission and you’re not in your little fantasy reality anymore and you’re no longer his ‘bond girl’-”
“Hey, now, just wait a second-” Hannah interrupted a little tetchily but Sarah continued, ignoring her.
“-because he’ll never quit Hannah.” Sarah looked at her “-hell he wasn’t even there when Maya was born because he was stranded in some god forsaken part of Saudi Arabia.”
“He regrets that, he told me.” Hannah sighed and Sarah shrugged.
“I’m sure he does but his wife being 8 months pregnant wasn’t enough to stop him going. His own daughter since has never been enough to stop him going. This life, this sense of duty he has to those people, whilst it’s admirable it’s consuming him. And I just want you to know what you’re letting yourself in for. He dragged you back into all this, Hannah. He won’t be as easy to drag back out.”
Hannah looked at her, mouth hanging open a little as she wasn’t sure what to say. Part of her was pissed off, part of her felt guilty, and beneath it all a pang of sympathy. Ari hadn’t been a great husband or father, and Hannah knew that.
“That said, maybe he will quit for you.” Sarah continued “I mean, maybe me and Maya were simply just not enough…”
“Sarah, it wasn’t like that.” Hannah shook her head, sighing “I won’t make excuses for him being a shit husband and a lousy father because there are none to be made, and he knows that.”
“Yeah, he said all this when he came home.” Sarah gave a huff of laughter “He actually seemed different, happier almost, he was so relaxed with Maya and I get now that’s because of you.”
Hannah took a deep breath. “I kind of feel like I should be apologising for something here Sarah, I’m not sure what but-“
Sarah smiled “It isn’t your fault he’s been in love with you for the past 10 years.”
“You ever asked him why we weren’t at your wedding?” Sarah suddenly change the line of the conversation and Hannah looked at her, blinking “It was because he couldn’t bear to watch you marry someone else.”
“No, that’s... that’s not…”
“Ask him. He never admitted it but it was obvious. I was always second best in his eyes.”
“Ari loved you Sarah, I know he did, he’s told me.” Hannah implored “You’re the mother of his child.”
“Oh I don’t doubt he did.” Sarah smiled “Just not as much as he loved you. And here we are, he’s got you back in the end.”
At that Hannah felt the nerve twitch in her jaw, pissed at the nerve of the woman sat opposite her, blatantly trying to blame her for Ari’s attitude in their marriage. Like she was responsible for whatever he’d done over the last 8 or however many years it had been. She desperately wanted to defend Ari but couldn’t, simply because he had been an ass hole to Sarah and she wasn’t about to stick up for him when he didn’t’ deserve it, regardless of the fact she was dating him. But, she wasn’t about to sit here and take this crap from his estranged wife, especially not when Hannah had been through enough shit herself. She took a deep breath, folded her arms and arched an eyebrow. “Yeah, I guess he did. And all it took was a dead husband and a divorce huh?”
If her harsh, sarcastic tone bothered Sarah the other woman didn’t show it as she simply looked at Hannah with a small smile on her face, not a shred of anger on her face as she spoke “Well, fate has a wicked sense of humour.”
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Leave No One Behind
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Ch 11- Mama Don’t Preach Part 1 Co written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​
Episode Summary: It’s Hannah’s turn to head home for a week to see her Mama, and there’s a surprise request waiting for her too. Meanwhile, back in Sudan Ari’s left holding the baby...or in this case, puppy…
Episode Warnings: Bad Language words. Smut (NSFW, 18+ only)- in Part 2
Episode Pairings:  Ari Levinson x OFC Hannah Horowitz
A/N: This is a big chapter! Part 2 will be posted later this week.  
Leave No One Behind Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 10
Translations: “Me cago en todo” For Fucks sake. “Por el amor de Dios” For the love of God “mi niña”- My Girl
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Hannah looked out of the window, taking in the familiar sights as the plane got ready to land and a few minutes later, as the wheels hit the runway and the passengers cheered she couldn't help but sigh. She was home. Just as she unfastened her seatbelt and waited for the sign signalling they could disembark, her mind wandered to the moment she had said goodbye a few hours earlier that morning. She felt a pang of sadness at the image of Simon trying to follow the truck as Ari had pulled out of the resort to drive her to the airport, a couple of hours earlier than initially planned-she may or may not have told the team her flight was a few hours earlier than it was so that her and Ari could grab a drink at a small coffee shop not far from the airport. It was hardly what one could call a ‘sweep you off your feet’ date but it was nice to get out alone, just the two of them. It had felt good that Ari and her had been able to experience a certain level of normalcy before the inevitable and emotional goodbye and promises to try not to miss each other too much.
She wandered through passport control and after picking up her bag she went out into the arrivals of Ben Gurion airport almost on autopilot but she smiled hard when she saw her Mama and, just like that, her eyes filled with tears as she hurried forward and hugged the woman tightly. After the emotional reunion they headed back to the house, Hannah's childhood family home, where she had been living with her Mama since she had left the apartment her and Andy had rented once they’d gotten married. Unable to stay there alone after his death, she’d moved home and had remained there up until the moment Ari had come into the clinic turning her whole world upside down. As her Mama opened the door Hannah smiled at the familiar décor of the hallway and let out a little, happy sigh as she stepped over the threshold. It smelt like home, it felt like home... it was home.
Hannah headed upstairs and ditched her bag in her room, thinking to herself about how the last time she’d been in here was before she left in January. Back then she’d never have guessed how things would have turned out for her so far in 1980.  She glanced at her reflection in the mirror and decided that she needed a shower so turned to grab some fresh clothes out of a drawer, and as she did so she spotted a few photos of her and Andy on the unit. She glanced at them, a soft smile on her face and then turned to look around her room at the numerous other snaps of the pair of them dotted in various places in the room. She contemplated moving them for a moment before she finally came to a decision and did just that, popping them carefully in a drawer which she slowly closed after a last, nostalgic look at Andy's handsome face. She’d loved him, there was no doubt about that. But time moved on and she was finally ready to move on with it now. Shaking those sad memories from her mind she went into the bathroom to shower and twenty minutes later she made her way down to the kitchen at the back of the house which overlooked the large communal garden they shared with 4 other homes. 
She found her Mama was stood at the stove, preparing dinner, and Hannah approached, wrapping her arms round her from behind, hugging her close. 
"Nothing like your food mama. Not that Aziz’s isn’t good because it is but, well, there’s nothing like yours." she trailed off.
Her Mama turned to look at her kissing her head. "I’m making your favourite from when you were young, mi niña."
"Beef wellington?" Hannah asked, her eyes lighting up.
Mama nodded and Hannah gave a groan. "Sammy is gonna be so jealous when I get back."
"You don’t have beef in Sudan?" the woman asked as she stirred what looked like some kind of gravy in a pot.
"Half the time I haven’t got a clue what I’m eating to be honest, other than when it’s fish. Last time we had some form of steak I think it was camel."
Mama laughed heartily.  "Your brother must be having a hard time, he’s always been the picky one."
"He’s still a pain in the ass, mama." Hannah said as she moved from her mother's frame and leaned casually against the counter.
Mama looked at Hannah spotting the crease on her brow immediately and, raising an eyebrow, she asked. "Are we still talking about food, honey?"
Hannah shrugged.  "In general, and you look just like him when you do that, stop it."
"When I do what?"
"Raise your eyebrow and look at me like that."
"Like what?" the woman, whose eyes were on the pots and pans in front of her again, asked.
Hannah groaned with frustration. "Come on Mama, you know what like."
Mama sighed and, setting the wooden spoon aside, turned to look at her daughter, her hands falling down to her hips in a typical mother stance. "The only thing I know is my daughter, who I haven’t seen in months, looks more gorgeous, relaxed and happier than when she left... In fact, more so than I’ve seen her in years. Which is ironic really considering what you’re doing out there."
Hannah blushed a little at her mum's last sentence but decided to roll with it. "Well it’s nice to be doing something mama, back in the thick of it all so to speak."
Now she saw her mother was sporting a wide smile, not a sympathetic smile but a knowing one. And Hannah knew she must have anticipated something like that, if anything her mother was clever. "Something uh?" the woman said.
Hannah looked at her blankly, not understanding what she meant, or rather not wanting to give in that easily.  "Yeah, the resort and the job."
"I know that look Hannah, You’re my daughter remember, I raised you. Something tells me it’s not simply all down to those people you’re helping." her mother baited her again.
"No…I…it’s not…" Hannah's train of thought stopped as she spotted her mum's eyes skate down her neck just before she nodded to her necklace, and instinctively she reached up to touch it. Mama smiled and whether it was at the necklace or at her sudden need to touch it for comfort, Hannah couldn't tell.   
"That’s pretty."
Hannah smiled back at her before speaking. "It was a birthday present. Along with my watch, look."
She stretched her forearm and turned her wrist slightly to show her mother the watch but the woman wasn't one to be fooled and smiled before taking her eyes off the watch and nodding back at the necklace. "What is it, some kind of bee?"
"It’s a firefly."
"I take it that it was from the only person who calls you that?" her mother asked then and Hannah flinched. She had served her mother the opportunity on a silver plate and now she felt herself growing warm again under her mom’s scrutiny, but, much to her dismay, Mrs N was not letting go. "I’ve got to admit, it was a nice surprise when Ethan told me what Ari was planning to do for your birthday."
Hannah then let out a low laugh, shaking her head at her mother’s tenacity. "Why don’t you just ask me, Mama?"
"Why would I ask when I already know?"
"And what is it that you think you know?" Hannah asked, trying to sound as calm as possible.
Her mother looked at her for a couple of seconds before delivering the final blow. "That you and Ari are together. And not for the first time."
Hannah gasped. That last part had shocked her big time, she wasn't prepared for that. "You knew about us the first time?"
Mama nodded. "I did, yes."
"How did you…?"
"Once again Hannah, I’m your mother. It was pretty obvious to my eyes that something was going on there between you two back in the day.  And then you started going out almost every night and your friends used to call asking for you, so you clearly weren’t with them. And you were glowing, at the time. Just like you did when you were with Andy, and just like you are now."
Hannah looked down shyly before speaking. "Ok, so clearly I wasn’t as good at hiding it as I thought." she snorted and then paused. "Did you know about why…" she began to ask but stopped mid-sentence as she shook her head. "Actually, it doesn’t matter."
"Why you two split up? Yeah, I do. And I was mad at your brother for weeks." her mother conceded with a sigh.
“Seems like everyone knew bar me." she muttered absent mindedly. 
"Sadly it's always like that, honey." Mama stated while rubbing her daughter's arm reassuringly before resuming her work over the stove.
"Did you know it was Andy who told him? About me and Ari I mean."
Mama snapped her head at Hannah, looking at her visibly shocked. "No, No I didn’t."
"Well it was." Hannah snorted. "Ironic huh, I married the guy that broke me up from the first man I…"
"You loved?" her mother asked, finishing the sentence for her, apparently recovered from the shocking news her beloved late son-in-law had some sneaky ways in him.
Hannah gave a little smile and nodded.
"So how did Sammy react to it this time round…not that I need to ask." Mama chuckled as she bent over to check the meat cooking in the oven.
"You know him. Made a huge fuss, punched Ari again." at that Hannah snorted. "Ari let him have the first one but the second time, well I had to stop him from ripping Sammy’s head off."
"Must have been something worth seeing. No doubt I’ll hear all about it in a few weeks when he comes home."
"No doubt you will. He seemed a little better after my birthday party, and the last mission.” Hannah bit her lip, her mind straying back to the disaster of the mission and she looked at the floor.
Her Mama gently touched her arm. "Ethan told me about the woman you helped and how her baby didn’t make it. Sweetie, that must have been awful."
"Yeah it was…" Hannah paused, frowning at her mother "Hang on, Ethan told you? When did you speak to him, mum?"
"Oh he took me out for dinner last week." she brushed her daughter's question off.
Hannah blinked at her mother’s matter of fact tone. "Ethan took you out for dinner?"
"Yes he did. We had a great time. You look surprised honey.” Her Mama’s eyes flashed with mischief “Is it that hard to believe your mother still gets it in her?"
"Oh my God…mama, that’s…ergh…"
"Hey, you’re acting like your brother now." Mama protested.
"Me cago en todo." Hanna cursed in Spanish earning, a scoff from her mother, and then she looked at her mom. "Mama…did you put out on a first date?"
"Young lady, watch your mouth." she said and Hannah laughed. "And have some respect for your mother." she paused for a moment as if considering what to say next. "Besides, what if I did? It's not like you and Ari are playing chess in that damned diving resort every night, is it?"
"OH MY GOD YOU SO DID!" Hannah exclaimed as she brought her right hand to cover her slack jawed mouth.
"Por el amor de Dios, Hannah. I’m not discussing this with you, now go wash your hands…dinner is ready."
"I just showered, why do I need to wash my hands?" Hannah offered somewhat feistily.
"You don’t, I just wanted to shut you up." 
"God, mama, how am I supposed to look Ethan in the face tomorrow?" Hannah whined as she helped her mother with the oven tray.
"Same as I’m supposed to look at Ari in his, when I know what you’ve been up to." her mum retorted.
"Oh, for..."
"Mind you, I can’t blame you mi niña, Ari is a good looking guy. If I was 30 years younger…" the woman trailed, smirking.
"Mama, STOP!"
"What, it’s true?" Mama shrugged, amused by her daughter's reaction.
Hannah just shook her head before she grinned and pointed her finger at her mother "Well hands off, he’s mine."
"I don’t doubt it, honey." her mother declared, a wide smile spreading over her gentle face.
The next morning Hannah woke up and it took her a while to remember where she was. It wasn’t the sound of the waves crashing on the beach she could hear, but car horns and traffic. She recognised almost instantly though the smell of her ma's favourite soap in the sheets, but whilst her bed was comfy and familiar it felt odd. There was something missing. No Simon, no Ari, and that meant more to her than all the commodities she could ever have in Tel Aviv.
Well maybe she could trade sleeping snuggled to Ari for being able to eat Beef Wellington once a week… She chuckled and shook her head at her own absurd thoughts. Considering she spent years sleeping alone after Andy died, it hadn’t taken her long to get used to sharing a bed again, and if she was completely honest it was unnerving how she didn’t like Ari not being there, she knew it was stupid but still. She stretched and laid still in bed for a little while more as there were no breakfast duties to get to, but she suddenly remembered she did have a meeting with Ethan at HQ. Hannah cringed at the memory of her conversation with her mother last night, groaning to herself at the thought of the pair of them having dinner and… whatever. How was she going to be able to look him in the face? Shuddering at the thought she threw back the duvet and headed for her morning shower taking her time because she could, and also because she missed decent water temperature and pressure.
After her shower Hannah got dressed and went down to have breakfast with Mama. They sat and watched a little TV, another one of the things they quickly got used to not really having much chance to do in Sudan, before the car arrived to take Hannah to Mossad HQ. Once there she went through the security checks and headed up to Ethan's office, smiling to his secretary who told her to go in. 
No sooner had she knocked lightly on the door before pulling it open, Ethan stood up from his desk, a smile on his face as he strode over and pulled her into a huge hug.
"You look well, Hannah."
"Thanks Ethan."
"Must be all that sun, sea and sand huh?" he said, pulling back to take her appearance in better.
"And life or death situations…" she smiled fondly at the man.
Ethan chuckled and directed her over to the couch where she took a seat at one side as Ethan headed out and asked his secretary to get them a coffee each. Then he closed the door and sat opposite her. They chatted for a little bit, just about how the resort was going, how everyone was, a debrief of sorts on the last mission which Hannah wasn’t all that keen on reliving, but she knew she had to. Then their coffees arrived and Hannah took the time to compose herself, the emotion of talking about what had happened to the baby girl having choked her a little. She took a sip, then eyed Ethan and smiled.
"My mom says you’ve been out on a date."
Ethan paused, his stoic stance faltering a little, then looked at Hannah. "I’ve…taken her for dinner, yes."
"Has she seen your silk robe?" she attacked again.
"How do you know about that?"
Hannah grinned at the sight of Ethan's creased brow. "Ari told me."
"Course he did." he sighed. "And that reminds me... Sarah Levinson called last week asking me when you were home." Hannah blanched at Ethan's words and he noticed. "Is there something you want to tell me?"
Hannah hesitated. She wanted to take another sip of her coffee in order to buy herself some seconds but with a swift glance she realised her cup was already empty, and that was all the confirmation Ethan needed. The experienced agent rolled his eyes at her before stating the obvious.  "I knew this would happen."
Hannah shook her head. "Why does Sarah want to know when I’m home?"
"Reading between the lines I think she wants to see you." Ethan said, his gaze never leaving Hannah's face.
"But why? I’ve met her like 5 times, if that!" Hannah sort of protested, rubbing her sweaty palms over her denim clad thighs.
 "I think that’s obvious, you’re fucking her husband." Ethan shot, bluntly.
"They’re separated Ethan. And it’s not like that. You make it sound so crass, we’re not fucking…" she trailed off, her initial offended tone dying as she spoke.
"I know." Ethan agreed, his voice softer this time and stood up and headed to his desk. He reached into the drawer for a piece of paper which he gave to Hannah once he had checked it was the one he wanted. "She requested I ask you to call."
As Hannah took the paper from him there was a knock on the door and it swung open to reveal a short, slight, grey-haired man dressed in grey slacks and a light blue, short sleeved shirt. Hannah shoved the piece of paper in her pocket without giving much thought to what it meant and smiled at the man as he stepped into the room.
"I read those fucking reports you left on my table, Ethan, and let me tell you…"
Ethan cleared his throat and nodded to Hannah who blinked at the man, slightly amused at how angry he was despite his unassuming appearance. Ethan gestured to Hannah. "This is Hannah Horowitz. Hannah, meet Barack Isaacs, Mossad Chief."
Hannah stood up and shook his hand. "It’s a pleasure Sir to finally meet you in person."
"And you Mrs Horowitz. I’ve heard a lot about you from Ethan, and of course I knew your father. He was a good man. Taken far too soon." Isaacs said, not an ounce of anger in his voice or features now.
Hannah smiled. "Thank you Sir."
A few minutes later, after having said her goodbyes to both men who would be now no doubt be discussing the reports that had earned all those expletives from Isaacs’ part, Hannah headed down to the car and climbed in the back to head home. She watched the familiar buildings as they moved past and realised that the last time she had been in HQ was when Ethan broke the news of Andy’s death to her, in that very same office she’d been in today. She hadn’t even thought about it until now, but she remembered Isaacs calling her Mrs Horowitz and, now that she came to think of it, Ethan had introduced her to him as such. And whilst that’s what she was, the truth was she didn’t feel like it any more. She felt a little pang in her stomach at her own thoughts, a pang that she couldn’t quite place. Maybe it was guilt, she pondered, but what did she have to feel guilty about? Andy was dead. Had been for years and she had every right to move on. 
Then the car stopped at a traffic light and her eyes drifted to a shop on the corner, nothing special, it was an ordinary grocery store but she remembered her and Ari buying a bottle of wine from there for one of their many clandestine nights in at his apartment. They had snuggled up to the latest Led Zeppelin LP and made out a bit, in fact that was the first night Ari had ever made her come using his very talented fingers. And, as the car set off, Hannah realised that the memories of her so-called hidden relationship with Ari were all so vivid in her head now, especially after so many years of blocking them out. She sighed and her hand fell absentmindedly into her pocket and curled around the piece of paper with Sarah’s number written on it.
By the time she got home she had decided. She was going to call Sarah and see what she wanted. 
Ari had no idea how it had happened but Simon was missing. He’d searched the resort up and down and was currently going bananas looking for him around the beach and cursing the day he had backed Hannah up in keeping the damned dog.  He was legit shitting his pants when suddenly he heard him barking as he rounded the rocks with Max and Jake hot on his tail. Thank fuck, Ari thought. He might keep his head on his shoulders after all. He gave a sharp whistle and Simon looked up and then set off hurtling towards him. When the dog was close enough he jumped up at him and Ari caught him in his arms. "Hey, buddy calm down." Simon was whining and whimpering and licking Ari’s face as he rubbed the pup's back. "What the fuck has gotten into you?" Simon continued his little noises and nudged into Ari’s face and he glanced up at Max and Jake who were now within earshot. "You pup-napped my dog." Ari glared at them.
"It’s Hannah’s dog." Max deadpanned.
"He’s more mine than he is yours." Ari snapped, still angry at his two teammates for taking the dog without letting him know. And as that was just what he needed to appease himself, Sammy appeared, watching the exchange with an amused air.
"Only because you’re fucking his mom." Max mumbled.
Ari glared at him. "I heard that, dickhead."
"Technically he’s right." Jake quipped.
"Technically you’re an idiot." Ari bit back at Jake.
He was on edge, he was fully aware of that but there was nothing he could do about it. They had taken his fucking dog and it had almost given him a heart attack, not helping the bleak mood that had fallen over him ever since Hannah had left two days before.
"Technically?" Sammy asked and Simon growled. It was like a reflex action the dog had every time Sammy spoke.
"Never, ever take my fucking dog without my permission, you hear me?" Ari hissed glaring at Max and Jake. 
Once again he knew he was overreacting but he couldn’t help it. If anything were to happen to this dog, he'd be a dead man, plus he’d miss him too. Ari looked at them once more and then headed off, Simon held to his chest like a small child, with both his arms underneath the dog's butt supporting him, Simon’s paws on Ari’s shoulders, head looking around. He nodded to Rachel, who walked past him towards the spot on the sand where Jake, Max and Sammy were, and without saying a word he retreated to his hut.
All three men stood put for a moment watching him leave and then Max turned to Sammy. "God I can’t wait for your sister to come back, he’s being a pain in the ass."
"As grossed out as it makes me I kinda agree." Sammy acknowledged Max's comment.
"Blue balls don’t suit him." Jake groaned.
"Leave him alone you guys, he’s in love. Wait until it happens to you." Rachel, who had reached them now and was shading her eyes from the sun with the palm of her hand, warned them. All three rolled their eyes and she scoffed. "What?"
"Nothing mom." Max quipped, earning a slap round the back of his head from Rachel.
"I mean seriously though, what were you thinking taking the dog? You know he’s in charge of him and he’s been on edge since Han left. Don’t make it worse."
"See, even you recognise he’s being an insufferable bitch." Max whined.
"Yes and you’re making it worse Maxwell." Rachel looked at him.
"Whatever, I’m hungry now."
"What else is new?" Jake scoffed before stating "You were born hungry."
"All babies are born hungry, asshole." Max snapped as he started walking towards the main building.
"You’re the asshole. The Maltese asshole." Jake shouted at him, following suit.
Rachel groaned, following the bickering pair up the sand. Sammy dropped an arm around her shoulder, giving her a squeeze and she shook her head. She really needed Hannah there to help her deal with the bunch of overgrown kids. So much for the trained Mossad agents they were supposed to be.
By the time the sun had begun to set and they were sat at the table having dinner everyone had calmed down bar Ari who persisted in being a little bitch. There he was trying to eat whilst Simon was on his lap as the fucking dog wouldn’t leave him alone now. Jake and Max must have played some tricks on the pup for him to be so anxious and clingy ever since he got back to Ari. 
Sammy, in turn, was glaring at Simon as every time he spoke, the dog's lip would curl up in a snarl.
"What is your fucking problem?" Sammy snapped at the dog.
"Hey, don’t talk to him like that." Ari warned him, pointing at Sammy with a fork.
"Really, Ari?" Sammy scoffed and Simon growled again at the sound of his voice.
Ari sighed. "Si, quit it for fucks sake."
Rachel who was desperately trying to have a peaceful dinner without having to intervene, again, didn't miss the look Jake was giving at Sammy while mouthing "Si??" so she glared at the pair of them before she cleared her throat.
"We got a letter this morning, from the tourist board."
Ari turned to her "Yeah? What do they want?"
Rachel took the letter from her shorts pocket and handed it to him. She wasn't planning on playing that card, she had just shoved the letter there just in case but the boys' attitude had left her no choice.  "See for yourself."
Ari pushed Simon off his lap and took it. He unfolded it, his eyes scanning the words for a few seconds before he nodded. "They want to visit this weekend. I’ll call Madibo tomorrow morning, tell him it’s ok."
"Yeah…you checked the date?" Rachel asked.
"Yeah it says Thursday…so?" Max, Jake and Sammy exchanged glances and Ari looked around with an air of frustration.  "What?" "Hannah’s back on Thursday." Sammy reminded him, speaking quietly as if he was walking on eggshell.
"Nothing." he shook his head. "I’ll pick her up from the airport if you’re busy."
Fuck Ari thought before pausing and shaking his head. "No need. I’ll go. You don’t need me here."
"Yes we do. That letter says he wants to see you." Rachel pointed at the letter.
Ari frowned and reached for it again before groaning as she was right. "Fucks sake. What time are they coming? Maybe I can…"
Once again Rachel, the voice of reason, cut him off. "No you can’t. They’ll be here by 11. Her flight gets in just after."
Ari looked at her as if she had just slapped him on his face.
"Ari I’ll go, it’s not an issue." Sammy offered.
Ari just nodded as he didn't trust his voice to come out right at that moment. He was raging inside, his mind ticking off all the curses possible. And as such he spent the rest of the meal sulking in silence before he excused himself and went back to his hut. As far as he was concerned his evening was over. One week, one fucking week without her and he had just been denied the possibility of picking her up. Instead he would have to put up with Madibo and who knows who else from the fucking corrupted tourist board.
With Simon whining, as he had clearly detected his dad was upset, and snuggling round his head on the pillow Ari laid on her bed for what seemed like hours, contemplating what a needy bastard he’d turned into (or rather Hannah had made him into) in such a short period of time, before sleep overcame him. 
**** As Hannah made the 10 minute walk to the small Café she had arranged to meet Sarah in, the nearer she got the more nervous she was. She’d only ever met Sarah a handful of times, the last one being at her and Ari’s wedding. When she reached the café door her hands were sweating so she wiped them on her jeans and pushed the door open. As soon as she stepped in she spotted Sarah sat at a table near the back. She hadn’t changed much, was just as pretty as the last time Hannah had seen her. Striking cheekbones, deep brown eyes, light red hair. From the photo Hannah had seen of Maya which Ari kept on his nightstand she could see where the girl had gotten her looks from. She was very like her mother but had inherited Ari’s hair colour and face shape.
Sarah looked up, and gave Hannah a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes as Hannah approached the table. She stood up and offered a stiff hand to Hannah, which Hannah took, the shake very business-like.
“It’s been a long time.” Sarah spoke in her deep, American accent.
“Yeah, it has.” Hannah agreed as Sarah made to sit down again. Hannah followed and took the seat opposite her, hanging her purse on the chair back. No sooner had they done that than someone was over to take their order. They both requested a coffee each and when the waitress disappeared Sarah spoke.
“Thank you for agreeing to meet me. I wasn’t sure you’d even call so..”
“Well it would have been rude not to, plus I also have a letter for Maya from Ari. Saves me posting it I suppose.” Hannah smiled and reached for her purse, retrieving the thick envelope. She handed it to Sarah.
“Ari said Maya wanted some photos of Simon- my, well, the group’s dog really and she wanted to see the resort too so-“ she nodded to the envelope “- there’s some in there for her.”  
“Thanks.” Sarah took the envelope, exchanging it for a slightly smaller one. “I also have a letter here for Ari from Maya, would you-“
“Of course.” Hannah nodded, taking it form her.
“You know she asks about you in there.” Sarah nodded to the letter “Her and Ari talked about you when he was home. He told her you picked her little beaded bag out, which for the record she still carries everywhere.”
Hannah blushed a little “I’m glad she liked it.”
“Are there any photos of you in here?” Sarah tapped the envelope and Hannah frowned, not quite sure what she was getting at.
“No.” she shook her head. But before she had chance to say anything else their coffee arrived. Both thanked the lady who set the cups down, then busied themselves adding sugar, Hannah stirring hers a little more than necessary before she broke the silence, deciding to ask the question that had been on her mind since Ethan gave her the piece of paper with the other woman’s number on it. “Sarah, why did you want to see me? We’ve hardly ever spoken before, certainly not like this.”
“Curiosity I suppose.” Sarah shrugged
“Curiosity? About what?”
“About you.”
Sarah nodded, taking a breath “Will you be honest with me Hannah?”
Hanna nodded, steeling herself as she waited for the inevitable question about whether her and Ari were back together.  She knew Ari hadn’t confirmed it to Sarah when he visited, because, well they hadn’t actually labelled what they were then, neither of them knew, but she also knew he hadn’t denied it.
“Do you love him?” Sarah asked.
“Oh…” that had surprised Hannah. She swallowed, “Sarah, I-“
“Because I know he loves you.”
Hannah took a deep breath before she shrugged “Yeah, yeah I do.”
Sarah nodded “In that case then I wish you good luck because you’re gonna need it.”
Hannah frowned and swallowed some of her coffee “What do you mean?”
“I mean when you all finish this mission and you’re not in your little fantasy reality anymore and you’re no longer his ‘bond girl’-”
“Hey, now, just wait a second-” Hannah interrupted a little tetchily but Sarah continued, ignoring her.
“-because he’ll never quit Hannah.” Sarah looked at her “-hell he wasn’t even there when Maya was born because he was stranded in some god forsaken part of Saudi Arabia.”
“He regrets that, he told me.” Hannah sighed and Sarah shrugged.
“I’m sure he does but his wife being 8 months pregnant wasn’t enough to stop him going. His own daughter since has never been enough to stop him going. This life, this sense of duty he has to those people, whilst it’s admirable it’s consuming him. And I just want you to know what you’re letting yourself in for. He dragged you back into all this, Hannah. He won’t be as easy to drag back out.”
Hannah looked at her, mouth hanging open a little as she wasn’t sure what to say. Part of her was pissed off, part of her felt guilty, and beneath it all a pang of sympathy. Ari hadn’t been a great husband or father, and Hannah knew that.
“That said, maybe he will quit for you.” Sarah continued “I mean, maybe me and Maya were simply just not enough…”
“Sarah, it wasn’t like that.” Hannah shook her head, sighing “I won’t make excuses for him being a shit husband and a lousy father because there are none to be made, and he knows that.”
“Yeah, he said all this when he came home.” Sarah gave a huff of laughter “He actually seemed different, happier almost, he was so relaxed with Maya and I get now that’s because of you.”
Hannah took a deep breath. “I kind of feel like I should be apologising for something here Sarah, I’m not sure what but-“
Sarah smiled “It isn’t your fault he’s been in love with you for the past 10 years.”
“You ever asked him why we weren’t at your wedding?” Sarah suddenly change the line of the conversation and Hannah looked at her, blinking “It was because he couldn’t bear to watch you marry someone else.”
“No, that’s... that’s not…”
“Ask him. He never admitted it but it was obvious. I was always second best in his eyes.”
“Ari loved you Sarah, I know he did, he’s told me.” Hannah implored “You’re the mother of his child.”
“Oh I don’t doubt he did.” Sarah smiled “Just not as much as he loved you. And here we are, he’s got you back in the end.”
At that Hannah felt the nerve twitch in her jaw, pissed at the nerve of the woman sat opposite her, blatantly trying to blame her for Ari’s attitude in their marriage. Like she was responsible for whatever he’d done over the last 8 or however many years it had been. She desperately wanted to defend Ari but couldn’t, simply because he had been an ass hole to Sarah and she wasn’t about to stick up for him when he didn’t’ deserve it, regardless of the fact she was dating him. But, she wasn’t about to sit here and take this crap from his estranged wife, especially not when Hannah had been through enough shit herself. She took a deep breath, folded her arms and arched an eyebrow. “Yeah, I guess he did. And all it took was a dead husband and a divorce huh?”
If her harsh, sarcastic tone bothered Sarah the other woman didn’t show it as she simply looked at Hannah with a small smile on her face, not a shred of anger on her face as she spoke “Well, fate has a wicked sense of humour.”
Part 2
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cantgetoutofmyheda · 4 years
Falling in Love in a Quarantine: Part 6
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PART 6: Day 13
It had become a routine, now that Clarke was back on a strict dayshift schedule—both women woke up at the same time, Lexa would go for a run while Clarke would take a class on her spin bike, and after their respective showers, Clarke would join Lexa in the kitchen. They’d catch up about their morning workouts, talk about the shows or movies they had each watched in bed the night before, all while Clarke watched Lexa make some sort of extravagant breakfast for them before Clarke would have to leave for her shift at the hospital.
This particular morning, the smell of something baking and another smell of something insanely savory and likely artery-clogging caused Clarke’s stomach to grumble. The aroma was enough for her to pounce on the plate as soon as Lexa put it down.
“Okay, what’s all this?” Clarke’s hungry eyes scanned the plate.
Lexa laughed, taking the seat across the blonde, “Well you said the other night you were craving biscuits and gravy but I put a little spin on it. It’s a ham and cheddar scone with bacon gravy. Got creative with the leftovers we had from earlier this week.”
“How do you make cooking look so easy?” Clarke asked, her mouth full of flakey-scone goodness, not caring that her manners disappeared as soon as the food hit her palate. “This is insane.”
“It is easy,” Lexa shrugged. “I’m glad you like it.”
“God,” Clarke said after swallowing another mouthful—she wasn’t even sure if she had thoroughly chewed the bites in her mouth. “Can I keep you here forever?”
Lexa raised a brow at the statement, “If you’d like?”
Especially after her recent conversation with Raven, though Lexa was (hopefully) completely unaware of Clarke’s recent realization, the blonde couldn’t help but feel sheepish after the question came out of her mouth. “I mean, this is the best I’ve eaten in my whole life. And it doesn’t hurt that you’re not awful company.”
“Always had a way with words, Griff,” Lexa offered. “I must say, I do enjoy being here. It’s almost been two weeks and we haven’t annoyed the hell out of each other yet.”
“I don’t think that’s possible,” Clarke laughed. “I think we’ve known each other too long and know too much about each other’s personalities to let something like that happen.”
“So there’s nothing about my existence here that you’d change?” Lexa raised a brow with her question.
Clarke wasn’t sure if her friend was trying to get to a certain point with what she was asking, “Not a thing. Would you change anything about how I’ve been?”
“Clarke,” Lexa smiled. “I wouldn’t change anything about you or the way you do anything in a million years. That’s why I… that’s why you’re you.”
Clarke smiled and nodded, before turning back to her breakfast. The two ate in a comfortable silence. But what Clarke didn’t understand is why her friend—her best friend—felt the need to stop herself from saying something the pair used to throw around all the time. It wasn’t until that moment that she realized she couldn’t remember the last time the pair had exchanged “I love you’s” with each other. It had been a saying that ended every phone call, something they would exchange every time they parted ways—and sure, it started back when they were drunk college kids, but they were, in fact, best friends. And they did, in fact, love each other, so why did Lexa stop herself from saying it a mere few minutes ago?
“Clarke,” Lexa’s voice snapped the blonde out of her daze. “You’re going to be late if you don’t leave soon. I put some leftovers last night in a bag for you in the fridge to eat later.”
“Oh, right,” Clarke set her fork down and started to gather her things to start her trek to the hospital. “Sorry, I was out of it for a second.”
Lexa raised a brow, “Everything okay?”
“Mhm,” the blonde nodded. “Everything’s good. I’ll see you tonight?”
“I’ll be here.” Lexa grinned before adding, “Where I’ve been for the last thirteen days.”
Clarke smiled, “Good.”
“Well, well, well, look who finally picked up my FaceTime,” Anya smirked onto the screen.
Lexa raised a brow, “You literally haven’t tried to FaceTime me this whole time, Ahn. Don’t be dramatic.”
“I know,” her friend laughed. “Figured it would be a good intro, though. Anyway, how the hell are you? Week going well?”
“Yeah,” Lexa smiled. “Week’s been good. Work hasn’t been too crazy so nothing to be totally stressed about. Been cooking a lot, which you know I love. And Clarke and I have started a few shows that we’re both loving so all is well over here.”
“What shows?” Anya asked.
“I don’t know,” Lexa shrugged. “Hollywood. Little Fires Everywhere. The Stranger. Good mix of everything, I guess. We have a good cadence going on, trying not to binge anything too quickly so we don’t run out of the good shit.”
“Nice,” Anya nodded. “So things are all merry at Casa Griffin?”
Lexa offered a soft smile, “Yeah, things couldn’t be better. How’s it going with Raven?”
“Pretty well, but seems like you and Griff have it all figured out. Maybe we can learn a thing or two from you guys,” Anya wiggled her brows at her friend.
“Ha,” Lexa started. “It’s just easy for us to fall into a schedule together. Morning workout routine, breakfast together before she heads to the hospital, dinner when she gets home, and wine and Netflix at night. It’s a pretty simple formula.”
“A domestic formula,” Anya added. “You guys sound like an old married couple.”
“That’s not the first time you’ve said that,” Lexa pointed out. “Remember during the hurricane forever ago when Clarke and I stayed at her mom’s? I seem to remember you making similar comments.”
“The hurricane in which you opted to stay with your best friend and her mom instead of your girlfriend and her mom?” Anya laughed. “It’s hard to forget that. Remember the fight you and Costia got in because of that?”
“In my defense,” Lexa raised her chin. “Cos’ mom hated me and Abbey loves me. It was a no brainer.”
“Dude, you ditched your girlfriend to be holed up with Griff,” Anya laughed again. “As smart as you are, kid, you can be pretty dense.”
“Whatever,” Lexa muttered. “Did you call to make fun of me or was there something else?”
“Just wanted to check in, seems like you’ve been so busy with Griff that you forgot the rest of us existed,” Anya said. “Are you guys joining the Zoom happy hour later or are you going to be too busy wining and dining your live-in girlfriend when she gets home from the hospital?”
“Anya,” Lexa’s tone started to show frustration. “I’m not exactly sure what you’re trying to get at. Care to stop dancing around the lines and spit it out?”
“Fine,” Anya cocked her head to the side. “Are you boning Griff?”
“What the fuck, Anya. No.”
“Well,” Anya started. “Do you want to? Because you’re getting pretty good at playing house with her.”
“We’re literally in a fucking quarantine, Anya,” Lexa snapped. “What else am I supposed to fucking do? I can’t leave the house, so yeah, I’m going to take care of things around here for Clarke while shes risking her fucking life everyday at the hospital taking care of everyone that’s clinging on to life.”
“You’re getting awfully testy,” Anya quipped. “I can drop it.”
“I’d appreciate it if you did,” Lexa said, starting to calm down. “She’s my best friend, you know that.”
“And as your other best friend,” Anya started. “And this will be the last time I bring it up, but as your other best friend, I don’t think it would be such a bad idea to explore.”
Lexa didn’t necessarily submit to her friend’s badgering, but she wanted to get a deeper understanding of where this was all coming from, “Why exactly are you bringing this up?”
“Because like I said,” Anya responded. “I don’t think it would be such a bad idea to explore.”
“Okay, well I need to take Sandy out,” Lexa, confused as ever from what Anya was suggesting, responded, trying to find a way to end the call. “I’ll catch you later for the happy hour. Tell Raven I said hi.”
“Yeah,” Anya nodded. “Sounds good. Talk later.”
“So how’d it go?” Raven approached her girlfriend from behind as Anya hung up the FaceTime with Lexa, craning her neck to place a soft kiss on her cheek.
“Operation Clexa is in progress,” Anya smirked.
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