#after this episode i don’t even care if buddie happens or not just as long as they stay close
llove-me-anyway · 6 months
Buck’s soft little m-hm…
that poor puppy he was so scared his closest friend in the world is going to judge him IM SOBBING
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eddiediazismyhusband · 3 months
okay but im hoping that buddie have their own separate realizations and begin pining egregiously, not really realizing that the other is freaking out as well. and then theyre in eddie’s kitchen and he’s rambling about something emotionally-charged and subconsciously confesses that he will always choose buck/love buck the most, and then buck is like “oh 😯” and then he asks eddie if he can kiss him. eddie is horrified when he realizes what he just unknowingly admitted but only for a second before he feels an overwhelming sense of relief that he COULD admit it even if it wasn’t on purpose, and more importantly that buck feels the same way. and then this way eddie finally chooses someone for himself without the influence of others/guilt and buck finally initiates an intimate relationship. thoughts?
ooohhhh i love ur mind anon
like i can imagine the exchange being after buck has been there to take care of chris/eddie after eddie gets hurt on a call (maybe the injury being both of their “oh” moment leading to buddie roommates pining era like what we were supposed to get in s5 after the sniper) and we get a scene w them discussing something about buck being there for them and how eddie spent so long looking for someone to be a second parent to chris, but chris already has buck and that’s all either of them need, and buck maybe chuckles and goes “you guys are all i need too” and eddie looks at him and says something like “we’ll always need you, buck… i’ll always need you” and there’s that charged moment where eddie and buck both realize what eddie said and buck whispers eddie’s name bc neither are sure about what’s gonna happen next and eddie (adrenaline pumping from letting that admission slip put) tells him that he will only ever need buck to make him happy and that he will always choose buck because buck is christopher’s second dad, and buck keeps saying “eddie” trying to placate him, but eddie is like “no buck, i need to say this because if i don’t say it now i never will, and i can’t risk losing you without ever telling you.” and he finally gets his words out and there’s a silent moment where they just look at each other before buck breathes out a soft “can i please kiss you?” and eddie nods before buck places the gentlest soft kiss on eddie’s lips, and they pull back after a moment, smiling at each other and this time buck asks eddie if that was okay, and eddie says something like “more than okay” and we get them laughing softly with each other as the episode ends— queue buddie secret dating era that lasts two eps max and gives them their first relationship hurdle bc eddie is hesitant about coming out and buck feels insecure that eddie is ashamed of dating him rather than eddie just being scared of being out.
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silverskull · 4 months
Chenford and The Rookie S6
This is a post where I vent my frustrations with The Rookie season 6 and the Chenford breakup. I will take questions, but I do not guarantee an answer. Retain the fact that this is a TV show I am mad at, not someone/thing in your personal life.
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This month/few weeks haven't been great for me to absorb what happened in the last episodes of the season. Some of the reasons are listed below before I start sounding off.
-Unrelated but irritating:
Working 3 jobs, only 1 is paid. 
Crunch time at all 3 jobs
Visiting family expecting all of my time (same crunch weeks as work)
-Related and disappointing:
Cancelled cameo
Cancelled convention appearance
Sloppy SM and PR, frequently missing Melissa
Short S6
Late S7 renewal announcement
Delayed start S6 and extra-long hiatus before S7
Okay, so in 606 Tim lied - so did Lucy and Lopez. Why was there no IA investigation for them or concern about their honour? We were led to believe in 214 (Casualties) that everyone involved in an off-book mission could be compromised. So now why is the fact that Tim is lying more important than either woman compromising their career? Why is there no acknowledgement of THEIR discomfort? Lucy was already on shaky ground after he let her take the blame for SOME RANDOM SCENE COPS??!!? at the clown murder before her detective exam, but now I’m supposed to be worried about Sergeant Spotless-Record Bradford and his honour?! He could have just let that Ray guy go, or even fucking TOLD SOMEONE. He'd still have saved the Venezuelan, but it would have been above board.
And then, apparently the breakup happened over the aforementioned lying and Tim and Mark’s coverup of Ray’s misdeeds. We got no further clarification on this. And I really tried. I read deeply, DEEPLY into Tim’s reasoning (there are tumblr posts and twitter threads). I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I earnestly plead with people on twitter to give it time. But instead of that patience paying off, all we got was Tim trying to act normal, Lucy justifiably pissed, and generalised "things" opened up in (blackmail) therapy?
(Here’s where people have been coming at me too: I don’t really care about the therapy storyline. Honestly, if it’s not done well, I don’t know why we bother. I'm not out to get therapy, I just don't think it's working here. Just mention it and carry on like with Lucy after DOD, or show some scenes from the damn sessions. But turning the therapist into a blackmailer for Monica, who was selling to The Swiss?!?? or an Argentinian??? (I don’t even know and I do not care, and I will not listen if you try to explain, lalalalalala) How did we even end up here???)
And it PISSES ME OFF that we spent years building up the momentum for there to be turbulence in their relationship over Lucy going UC. We were ready. We were waiting. The traps were laid and baited. And they just went PSYCH! IT’S TIM’S ARMY DAYS THAT ARE THE PROBLEM, EVEN THOUGH WE LEAD YOU TO BELIEVE HE WAS WELL ADJUSTED BACK IN 214 WITH MITCH AND 311 WITH KATIE BARNES LOLOLOL
We have spent SO MUCH time on Tim's backstory. In fact, here's a list!
Isabel - wife -> ex-wife, UC drug addict, unfaithful
Tom Bradford - abusive father
Army - Let Mitch get his leg blown up; told Katie to let it go with a ladybird; unblemished record;
Cop Buddies - Wrigley -> lazy; Mack -> Addict;
Love Interests - Isabel, Rachel, Ashley
Family - Genny and Tyler (and some other nephew, and apparently a niece and a drunk uncle)
Here is what we know about Lucy:
Mother, Vanessa and father, Patrick, are psychologists and hard on Lucy
Mother had an affair with a patient (also named Patrick) who is Lucy's father, but - boo - he's dead. So is bff Jackson.
Aunt Amy and unseen Nana are nice.
Lucy's other love interests (206 ex, Emmet, Chris, TIMOTHY BRADFORD) have been assholes.
(sorry to those of you who have heard all this from me before, I am literally typing my sporadic thoughts with you guys into longform)
Look, no doubt characters on this show need therapy, but if we’re just gonna make it a vehicle for some random side-characters to have an entire story arc, then WHY? And like, we were misled with the Bailan getting-pregnant storyline too, only to end back up where we started with fostering - because it’s only worth second place if your ovaries are geriatric. LIKE? SO. MANY. PROBLEMATICS.
It’s as if The Rookie plotters were given the outline to the exam questions… then tried to make the answers fit all the WRONG QUESTIONS (I may be speaking from experience). If the cards are laid out one way, don’t struggle to make a different answer fit. Just use what you’ve got, and use it wisely. Especially when it’s been working so well.
And another thing!!! Canon is not fiction - we all know that. We’ve all seen the ones who get carried away with fanon Chenford and ‘Lucy is vegan’-type imaginings that were never actually true. But saying if we don't like canon then we should just write or read fiction to deal with it is only serving to send people deeper into denial. There is a point where you are not crazy, and the writers did something stupid and you start understanding what ‘jumped the shark’ actually means.
Speaking of outdated TV lingo, I saw a really good tweet from Brian_Cronin :
TV showrunners accepting the "truism" that getting "will they/won't they?" characters together hurts the show, always citing Moonlighting, is because they like "rules" that remove their responsibility, as "Don't write the show poorly once they're together" puts the onus on them.
This goes for Chenford. No, Eric Winter. No, Alexi Hawley. We don’t need to see a breakup because it’s more like ‘reality’. Here’s a shocker: we come to watch a COP show, in this age of police brutality, global dictatorships, internationally ignored genocide, timelines full of dead babies and the constant looming threat of utter climate destruction to ESCAPE from reality. We are not watching a COP SHOW - A SHOW ABOUT ONE OF THE MOST VIOLENT, ABUSIVE POLICE FORCES IN THE WESTERN WORLD - for “reality”. Get your fucking head in the game. We supported you through pandemics and strikes, and you pull this season of SHIT on us.
I love all the characters, but I’m hooked for chenford. And I feel really badly treated.
If I was marking your exam, you’d get a failing grade.
“Started off well - linked UC storyline to previously-hinted relationship trauma. Dropped the plot entirely mid-way and brought in a host of unknowns. Tried to blame breakup on army issues previously marked as ‘resolved’, instead of UC drugs and unfaithful wife/abusive father? Reused names multiple times. Confusing and inconsistent. Fatally underused Chen character - inexplicably failing downwards, while Nolan character inexplicably promoted upwards. Use basic research next time."
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outrunningthedark · 2 months
ah yes this once again goes back to what you said: it’s all about validation now.
They need their ship to happen for validation. Because what the fuck do you mean eddies only other storyline in buddie??? Like there nothing else?? At all?? Oh y’all don’t even care about him.
Man I know Ryan is TIRED.
Oh y’all don’t even care about him.
This is the part that I think amuses us all (considering the source). It's absolutely true that *some* Buck/Oliver stans don't care about Eddie outside of Buddie (if Buddie meant Bi Buck they'd have gone along with it), but you do?
If Eddie's not canonically queer, his journey doesn't matter? If Eddie's repression is only related to his religious upbringing, it's not as significant? If Eddie's future relationship isn't with Buck, it can't be beneficial to him? Are they even Eddie fans? Or just fans of the Eddie they've created through fandom? Do they even want Eddie to be queer? Or are they just hoping Ryan kisses a dude to put those homophobic accusations (and that's all they are, accusations) to rest? 🤨 You know what's truly comical about the "nothing else" and "nowhere to go" hill those folks are dying on? Season seven just proved them wrong. Buck got a new partner in season seven. We don't know where the relationship is going, but it's off to a promising start. Eddie JUST ended a relationship and is still hung up on his dead wife. He's not ready for a relationship and shouldn't be in one right away. But season eight isn't the same shortened season all over again. Eddie could very easily spend the first half (8A) once again being confronted with his grief and then spend the second half (8B) getting to a place where he wants to try AGAIN. "Nowhere else to go" isn't a valid excuse/explanation when the show still has 18 (?) episodes to write Eddie's next chapter. And guess what comes after that? Season nine. As long as the show is still on air and Ryan still wants to collect his checks? There will still be somewhere else to go because there will still be more time.
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I’m sick and tired of hearing “buddie is never going to happen” because buck is with tmmy. Like I’m sorry. It pisses me off so much because for those who have watch since s1, we have wanted queer buck for SO LONG and we always were told “you guys are delusional” or “it’s never gonna happen” by the GP AND the SR”. IN IN INTERVIEWS canonically, at the time, THEY ALL talked about buck as STRAIGHT. 9-1-1 s1 came out in 2018 and here we are in 2024. It took them 6 years to make bi buck. As a buddie and someone who viewed these characters as queer coded, i always knew on FOX, it wasn’t going to happen. But now on ABC they made bi buck in ONE EPISODE. ONE!! Of course you are going to see posts about BuckTommy because people they are a couple who touch and kiss. We are to believe in a heteronormative society, that’s what shows you aS bi/queer/gay/etc. what we do know, in the show, the buck and Eddie/Christopher dynamic is the most different from everyone else in the show. Buck and Eddie both have been queer coded from the beginning of the show and NOW we are being policed as to what we are allowed to think? If anything, those same individuals who are policing your thoughts about gay/queer Eddie, they better have been shocked/angry/confused about bi buck if they “NEVER” viewed buck as a queer coded character. They scream “endgame” but yet has less screen time than Natalia. Ali had less but even her character we knew them AS A COUPLE. how are you screaming “endgame” but never did with Ali, Taylor, or Natalia or when buck said “i think she sees me”. Did they forget the way Oliver spoke about Natalia and bucks relationship after the finale? That’s what gets me??? While everyone (myself included) was happy we got bi buck and (yes even Tommy), but that was BEFORE i remembered who he was as a character. You need to ask, Are people excited because Buck is bi and dating/kissing tommy or simply because he’s a bisexual character who happens to be DATING A MAN. I’ve seen more of those people who ship BuckTommy, defend Tommy previous actions but then blame buck for his and don’t LOOK INTO the relationship for what it is. Becuase if they did, if Tommy was a FEMALE LI, her character would be getting ripped to shreds. Not dressing up. The disgusting comments. Not caring for buck. I can go on lol.
but if he was simply the “fun uncle” why did they make buck be the one to tell Christopher what happened to his dad? Why make Chris call buck when his dad was breaking down. Why did Chris leave to buck on the chances of his dad dating again. Why does the show continue to have buck be involved in HUGE moments in Chris’s life. Why involve buck in 7x10. Why CONTINUE to have him be there with the Diaz family? When Christopher left. Why? Why? Why? Why have the show allude to “good cop bad cop” and BOTH answering no. Why, “he takes Christopher there all the time” (the zoo). Why does buck essentially have be there, for Chris, after his dad is in the hospital ? Carla was already there and yet he’s there? Eddie has the breakdown? Buck takes him to school. Buck helping Chris with his school projects/homework? Buck Diaz having multiple dinners together? That’s the fun uncle? Where is all this with bucks own niece? Last but not least, they LOVE to use “Buck is a scapegoat” in 7x10 but Eddie himself says to Buck “I-I don't need you to explain it to him, I just...I need you to check in on him. I'm worried. He won't come out”. There he is never one asking anything of buck but to simply see how Chris is doing after everything. NEVER does he try to sway Chris’s opinions or trick him or anything of the sort. It reminds me of the talk Chris and buck had in earlier seasons of where Chris ran to buck. And buck and Chris simply had a heartfelt talk. Where is dynamic between chimney and Denny? They had 1 SCENE throughout the whole 7 seasons. Chim and hen have been friends LONGER. Where there the dinners scenes. Where are the school projects?
This season unfournately had 10 episodes. They did bi buck in 1 episode. BuckTommy had 3 dates (failed pizza date), second coffee date (where Buck gets Tommy order wrong and invites him to the wedding literally days after coming out?(SPEEDING RUNNING THE RELATIONSHIP) and then the dinner scene. 2 kisses. That’s it. Nothing special in comparison to his previous relationships. I’m sorry. This season in terms of Eddie, he also SPED RUN (or attempted) to with M. He moved her in quicker than when he was dating Ana. And yet, when he saw all her boxes, when does he do? Asks her to move out”. But why? It shows he’s more interested in her than Ana right? What gets me, is, in both relationship, specially Ana, they were lovely. I liked them together. What stopped them from being married. If Eddie ONLY wants a mother role for Christopher, there was his oppporotuinity. But just like Shannon told Eddie “i don’t need a provider, i need a husband”. If Eddie and Ana, were to get married, he would need to be IN LOVE WITH HER. Not only become a “step mom” to Chris. Eddie admitting he has catholic guilt. This season, AGAIN, was a continuation of Eddie doing for Christopher. He wants Christopher to have a “mother role”. Going into s8, this will be the first time, he has no girlfriend and NO CHRISTOPER. When was the last time this? Oh i didn’t know? Maybe before HE MET SHANNON!! Eddie had to grow up at the age of 10. He had to be “the man of the house”. He wasn’t allowed to be like his friends. Why he allowed to cry, was he allowed to express any emotions? This was at the age of 10. I can see this season Eddie going back to his childhood and having the opportunity to understand who is he WITHOUT his son and a partner.
I desperately hope we get an Eddie Begins Again episode this season… like you said. It would do him a lot of good to see what went wrong before he knew Shannon and had Chris. It would also make for some amazing Buddie moments interspersed with young Eddie moments.
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burnwater13 · 22 days
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The Armorer speaking to Din Djarin and Paz Vizsla (out of frame) in the Mandalorian covert on Nevarro. Image from The Mandalorian, Season 1, Episode 3, The Sin. Calendar by DateWorks. Caption reads: When one chooses to walk the Way of the Mandalore, you are both hunter and prey. - The Armorer.
So who exactly was the Mand’alor? Grogu was pretty sure that he wasn’t the Mand’alor, but what about his dad? According to Bo-Katan, whoever won the Darksaber in battle was the new Mand’alor. But even though his dad had done that, she didn’t bow, or curtsey or even nod her head in his general direction. 
Then his dad had given it to her or let her keep it after that weird creature on Mandalore had attacked him and carried him away. Yes, Bo-Katan had defeated that creature, but so what. She had managed to pick up the Darksaber from the floor of the cavern. She used it as a tool to fight with, but it wasn’t like the creature was using it to fight her. 
And okay, even that transitive property of winning a fight with a person who won a fight with a person who had last handled the Darksaber was enough to make that legitimate ownership of the Darksaber, why was that even a way of becoming Mand’alor? That seemed kind of silly. The Armorer hadn’t even believed that was the proper way to become Mand’alor. If anyone was going to know, Grogu figured they would. 
But as Grogu thought back on the few interactions he’d had with the the talented beskar smith, he was pretty sure that she had never said anything about how a person actually became Mand’alor. Why was that? It seemed like a pretty important thing to know, particularly after they’d figured out that Mandalore the planet wasn’t just a glassified wasteland of a planet. 
“Buddy, the point is moot. Bo-Katan is Mand’alor because the Mandalorian people have proclaimed her to be Mand’alor. It’s as simple as that.”
Grogu hated it when his dad read his mind like he was some sort of Jedi. He knew that the people present on Mandalore had rallied around Bo-Katan because she had been the last Mand’alor and she’d led them into that battle with the Imps that no one knew were still on Mandalore. But of course, from his perspective, a lot of that happened because of his dad and the Armorer. None of it really had anything to do with the Darksaber. It was just a thing. What power did it actually have?
According to legend it had been made by Tarre Vizsla, a Jedi, who also happened to be Mandalorian. But how Mandalorian could he have been? The Jedi started training people at a very young age. It didn’t seem logical that they would have let any particular youngling maintain any sort of deep attachment to a home world when they didn’t let them maintain an attachment to their own family. Why would have Tarre Vizsla cared about them or made a lightsaber out of beskar? How would he have even gotten the beskar?
“Grogu, that was a long time ago and even Mandalorians don’t know the answers to those questions. How do you think a person should become Mand’alor?”
There was his dad again! Just butting right into his thoughts again.
“Buddy, in case you didn’t notice, you’ve been using the sign language the Sand People taught you to do all this ‘thinking out loud’. I couldn’t avoid understanding you.”
Grogu chirped a rather sharp rebuke to his dad. He could have closed his eyes and let Grogu rant in peace. But no, not his dad. Not ‘The Mandalorian, Din Djarin’. He couldn’t…
“Okay, kid. Maybe we should just head back to the ship. You seem pretty over stimulated already.”
His dad reached down to pick him up but Grogu dodged his hands quickly and reached out and grabbed the giant Mythosaur shaped lollypop that he’d been considering since they entered the candy shop that had opened right next door to the Cin Vhetin. This was the one piece of candy he wanted. He just hoped it worked.
“Grogu, I know the legend about the Mythosaur and I’m pretty sure that riding a Mythosaur shaped lollipop around New Sundari won’t make you Mand’alor. Sorry, buddy.”
Dank Farrik! His dad had figured him out. Grogu wanted to have a proper pout about that, as he’d learned Mand’alors were allowed to do that when things didn’t go perfectly their way, but that wasn’t going to happen. His dad was a Mandalorian and scooped him up, lollipop and all and went over to the proprietor of the shop. 
“Is that all the little one wants? No fire stacks or popping eggs?”
She spoke in Mando’a and Grogu was glad that he was able to keep up with her. He’d been practicing when his dad was asleep because according to Din Djarin his accent wasn’t perfect. Uff. 
“Nayc. He’s already pretty wound up about this one.”
She grinned at them both. Grogu liked her instantly. She had pretty green eyes. 
“Every one who hopes to become Mand’alor, children and adults, ask for this particular confection at least once. I’m sorry to say I have never seen it work, but there is no fault in wishing for it.”
Din Djarin sighed.
“Now, he’ll want to come here everyday to try again.”
Grogu laughed and nodded his head. He was definitely going to do that. 
“Perhaps you should ask him why he wants to be Mand’alor. Most of the children have a pretty simple reason for that wish.”
“What the heck. Grogu. Why do you want to be Mand’alor?”
Grogu signed his response as quickly as he could because he didn’t want his dad to stop him.
The Mandalorian shook his head. 
“Did you catch any of that?” 
“Not if you don’t want me to, but I will say that is a very popular sentiment among the foundlings who have returned. They would like to see the smiles and laugh lines and tears. They think that there’s no reason to hide now that they have been returned to Mandalore. Perhaps they are right.”
“Perhaps they are.”
Grogu sighed and let his dad think that was the last word they would have on the subject for the time being. As long as Din Djarin understood that someday soon he could take off that helmet and let Grogu see those brown eyes again Grogu could wait patiently. Eventually he’d ride a real Mythosaur and his dad couldn’t deny him because he’d be Mand’alor for real.
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flavored-soda · 6 months
What do you think about the BuckTommy, Buddie, Buck/Tommy/Eddie situation and arc
(this is a long one so there’s a cut) (edited)
i love all three ships, but if you’re asking specifically about where abc seems to be taking the characters i have so many thoughts.
i’ve said it before but i’ll say it again: buck and eddie do not need to get together this season or right now or even in the next episode. eddie just admitted to having catholic guilt and buck just kissed a boy for the first time. both of them have a lot of things to work through if abc’s intention is to make buddie canon and to make it last. it wouldn’t make sense for buck and eddie to just accept their feelings for each other and ride off into the sunset all happy a couple episodes after buck’s first date with tommy and eddie admitting to issues with marisol and within himself.
buck and tommy work together. tommy seems to be caring and understanding of buck just realizing his own sexuality and coming to terms with it but also he doesn’t seem to be willing to risk his own happiness and acceptance of himself for buck either which is huge. theres this clear line that was set when tommy left that first date that not only says “you’re not ready so i’m not going to push” but also “you’re not ready but i’m not going to hide in the closet with you because you aren’t.” i like bucktommy because it’s canon but also because it works. it makes sense that buck would be attracted to someone like tommy, who is not only eddie’s mirror, but also someone who has their shit figured out.
i know a lot of people dont like tommy and one of those reasons is because he cut their first date short, but we are seeing their relationship from buck’s point of view, not tommy’s. and tbh, he had every right to do that, he was setting a boundary while also making it known that he’s not fucking around when it comes to pursuing this relationship with buck. not to mention that when buck reached out and said that he wasn’t sure what he was ready for, just that he was ready for something, tommy said ok i’ll be that something with you. that speaks volumes for his character. i think people are forgetting that we don’t have to see the character growth on screen for a character to grow and become more nuanced.
i would love it if we could see more of tommy and eddie’s relationship. but i know that’s not going to happen. even when buck and tommy do break up, it would be nice to end things on good terms so we can still hear about him in passing from eddie or buck, or even have him pop back in for episodes whether it’s because they need a helicopter or they just have a friend outside of the 118.
im rehashing what a lot of people have already said on here about tommy, but my point stands, i like him and i like the bucktommy ship.
but for the diehard buddie shippers, and the people that don’t like tommy, it’s been heavily speculated that he’s not sticking around so you don’t have to worry about him ruining buddie ever becoming canon. think of him more as a stepping stone to buddie becoming canon. (once again, if that is what abc is doing. i’m not abc, so i can only theorize and hope.)
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livingwithhorrors · 1 month
Probably unpopular opinion.... but I like the new Crow... but not everything.
There are certain things that could have been written better and or altered to give a better understanding of time and given more action. SPOILERS FOR ORIGINAL, TV SERIES AND REMAKE
They give no information how long Eric and Shelly are together before dying. All we know is they meet in rehab, fall completely and utterly in love with each other and then end up dead. In the original we see how they met in flashbacks, but in the present we can tell they've been together a long time from the clues. They're utterly in love and engaged, planning a wedding. They're looking after a girl who's mother is an absent drug addict. They're known and loved by people around them and they talk about how much they loved each other.
Shelly get's Eric killed, which is a bold way to play this version, adding to the how long have they known each other that they're this in love that they are still living in the area where Shelly is being looked for as a wanted woman and he doesn't know more about her. In the original movie they die for not selling their loft to the criminals who want to make money as well as doing evil things like burning down homes, businesses and so on, killing people, incest and more.
This one we got a guy selling innocent souls to the devil or something of the like, to not go to hell himself. It's in the same realm, but all we see him do with it is kill people and not really show what deal he made. My best guess it was to be super rich and have young good looking woman around him.
The original villains were brother and sister and did it for power and showed what they did to keep that power through out the movie. The sister had visions and was sadistic as her brother. Both sleeping together and with others before killing them.
The remake has many unnamed victims and henchmen that help keep the main villains actions secret. I couldn't name a single one of them if I tried. We just get to see Eric kill them all in interesting ways at the end in one big battle, but never as personal as the original. The original we see and get to know the main villain and the henchmen through out the movie and get to enjoy and watch as Eric hunts down every single one. Leaving them as calling cards to invoke fear for the next on the list and they don't know who that will be.
Another thing that fails is who are Shelly and Eric’s friends. I don’t remember anyone in the remake.
The original we have mainly Sarah, but she makes us feel in on what’s happening and puts stakes in to what’s going on.
She and the friendly cop are missing.
I missed the buddy cop so much in this remake. It seems they are trying to make one of Eric’s friends that, but it doesn’t really work that well. He’s there and gone.
With the original we had a cop fed up with the way the city is and wanting to stop it but doesn’t have the power. He’s not corrupted and he even cares when he sees what happened to Eric and Shelly. Trying to be there for Shelly in the end.
We don’t have that in the remake, and it really shows. We get less than 10 mins of Eric fighting the main villain at the end of the movie and it feels fast.
The original takes it’s time and we feel it. He’s weakened and he ends up needing help.
The reverse happens, we here he is week and then strong, but we do see the reasoning behind it is to set up for sequels.
Which I wouldn’t mind if it means we see more of him fighting like the last part of the movie.
In the end this all feels similar to how they set up The Crow Stairway to Heaven.
They leave it open for Eric to be a superhero for those in need. To see more crazy supernatural villains and the sort.
Even the part were they mention Shelly and Eric meeting again in another life and being soulmates.
That is heavily played on in the tv series to the point that there are episodes where Eric and Shelly were together in past lives. Though Eric has been a Crow as well as both met tragic ends in past lives as well.
They also introduced the idea of other animals bringing souls back and being their source of power to the returned person.
One villain pretending he is paralyzed and tormenting his wife while also doing other evil things when he can walk and his pet snake is his power.
I haven’t had the chance to read the novels/comics, but I can understand upset to those diehard to the material.
But for myself I don’t mind the changes to a great degree. Only a few things like the relationship building taking up much of the run time and not knowing the amount of time together bugs me the most.
If they had cut that down, played it as she’s been on the run for years and in another city and they had to go back for a reason, I’d have bought that more.
The ending as well is confusing, but supposedly it’s universe resetting as balance returns sort of thing.
Bill is amazing as Eric and I could watch him for hours.
I’m not really a fan of the actress chosen for Shelly, but whatever.
This makes two clowns I’d watch Bill play every chance I’d get. Gots me excited for his IT return.
Make the sequel better in the end and I’d watch it.
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heymrsandman · 5 months
Wanna Try Star Trek?
Hi tumblr! I love Star Trek, as do many of you, but it can seem intimidating to folks who are interested but don’t really how to approach such a large franchise. The thing is, Trek’s “golden age” lived in that delicious sweet spot where tv shows outside of soap operas were only just starting to learn about serialisation. These shows were built for drop in, drop out viewing. So I’m gonna write some beginner friendly summary/reviews of various episodes and you can see if it strikes your fancy. If you decide to watch an episode I talk about, please, feel free to talk to me about it!
Also, I made a big spinner wheel of all the TNG/DS9/VOY/ENT episodes and I needed something to do with it.
Today’s random pick is Deep Space Nine’s “Indiscretion”, episode 5 of season 4.
So real quick, Deep Space Nine aired between 1993-1999 and was set aboard the titular space station. It’s still the only Star Trek show not to be based on a ship. The long and short of the premise is that, after a long and gruelling occupation by the Cardassian Union, the planet of Bajor wins its freedom. Having no means of defending themselves from something like this happening again, Bajor reaches out to the Federation (the post-scarcity multi species utopia that humanity is part of) for protection. They send a Starfleet detachment to administer the space station the Cardassians left behind, commanded by one Benjamin Sisko, who has to manage the delicate political situation. This show is by far the most serialised of this era, but nowhere near the extent of modern shows.
First Officer’s Note: Starfleet is an all-in-one exploratory, scientific, defense and diplomatic service, and most of the shows and movies revolve around the various adventures of Starfleet crews.
Our episode today opens with DS9’s First Officer, Major Kira Nerys, receiving a call from an old friend named Razka Karn. He tells her that he’s found a lead on a ship she’s been searching for called the Ravinok. He won’t share the information over a video call, so she’ll have to come to him.
Ship Counsellor’s Note: Kira is a Bajoran, and was previously a member of the Bajoran resistance against the Occupation. Bringing in “one of Kira’s old resistance buddies” is one of the writer’s favourite ways to start up a plot for her. 
The station’s security officer Odo shows up for a scene where he’s giving Kira a security report, but her mind’s clearly elsewhere. Odo asks her what’s wrong, and Kira asks whether he thinks she should go after the Ravinok. He tells her it doesn’t matter, as he knows she’s going to go anyway, so all he’ll say is “good luck”.
Usually, there’s some hand wringing over whether or not Sisko will send one of his officers on these personal missions, but here we skip right to Kira packing for her trip, only for Sisko to give her the unpleasant news that the Cardassian government wants in on the search too. See, the Ravinok was a Cardassian ship transporting Bajoran prisoners when it was mysteriously lost.
Kira’s come a long way in her feelings towards Cardassians since the start of the show, so she does (huffily) agree to delay her departure by 52 hours to allow a Cardassian delegate to join her.
Science Officer’s Note: Bajor, and by extension DS9, has a 26 hour day. This is one of those little writerly worldbuilding details that stays consistent, and really helps sell the idea of Bajor being its own place. Take note, aspiring writers!
It’s b-plot time! Sisko has been dating a freighter captain by the name of Kasidy Yates. Jadzia Dax, the Science officer, teases Sikso that things are getting serious, which Sisko denies. Kasidy then shows up to say she’s got an interview to sign up as a freighter captain for the Bajoran government. She’d be around all the time, she could even have quarters on the station! Sisko is clearly scared by the idea, but Jadzia is having way too much fun encouraging Kasidy to care. She’s a cad.
Back at Ops (the command centre), the Cardassian delegate arrives - it’s Dukat! Dun dun dun! Ad break!
Tactical Officer’s Note: Dukat (whose first name is never confirmed in the show, but some of the novels name him Skrain) is a major recurring character on the show. Sometimes an ally, often an opponent, but never liked by the crew. He was the officer in charge of the Occupation of Bajor during its final stages, with the rank of Gul. At this point in the show, he’s recently been promoted to Legate.
On their way to rendezvous with Razka, Dukat, galaxy brained individual that he is, decides to debate Kira on the merits of the Cardassian Occupation. When Kira pushes back on this, he says “I have to desire to debate the merits of the Occupation with you”. Charming guy.
We do get Kira’s motivation here, which is that the Ravinok was transporting a prisoner by the name of Lorit Akrem. He was the man who inducted Kira into the resistance, and one of the many friends and mentors she gained during that time.
Back on the station, Kasidy is telling Sisko over dinner that she got the job and how excited she is. All he can say is “it’s a big step”, and before long Kasidy gets sick of this and storms out.
Razka’s come through though, in his new role as a scrap metal merchant. He’s gotten his hands on a piece of the Ravinok’s hull. Kira and Dukat are able to use it to track the Ravinok to the Dozaria system, which conveniently has one (1) habitable planet.
Arriving at the planet, the pair are unable to determine much more than the wreckage’s rough location and decide to land their ship and explore on foot.
Chief Engineer’s Note: Star Trek is famous for its “technobabble”, made up science-y sounding phrases designed to create and solve problems. Due to the “ionic interference”, neither scanning for lifesigns or using their transporters to beam directly to the surface are possible. Ionic interference is a favourite of the writers, great for when you want to make sure a problem can’t be solved too quickly or easily.
Sisko is busy commiserating the situation with Jadzia and the station’s Chief Medical Officer Julian Bashir. They’re no help as Julian is also having entirely too much fun with this. Quark, the owner of the local bar, which is basically a space Dave & Busters, pipes in with his own two cents. Given that Quark is a Ferengi, and Ferengi culture is so misogynistic they make your average MRA look like a feminist ally, it’s not much help.
The Ravinok is found in short order, along with a series of 13 graves. Dukat sets about identifying the remains, and refuses to let Kira help. He claims that Cardassian funeral rites are very strict, and non-Cardassians must not view the remains. Hell, he even quotes a Bajoran religious leader to justify why she shouldn’t concern herself with the bodies of her fellow Bajorans. Luckily, Bajorans all wear earrings unique to their family line, so Kira can identify the bodies from those after Dukat excavates them.
Medical Officer’s Note: they’ve landed in a scorching desert, which Dukat loves. Cardassians are lizard-like and prefer hot environments. This was a major plot point in the season 2 episode The Wire. The desert shots were filmed in Soledad Canyon, California!
A little while later, Kira emerges from the ship’s wreckage with a passenger manifest to discover Dukat lost in thought as he stares at a piece of jewellery that she identifies as a Bajoran pledge bracelet. Dukat admits that he had an ulterior motive for coming on this trip, as he hoped to find a Bajoran woman by the name of Tora Naprem. She was his mistress, and he claims that the two were in love.
Not buying that last part. Also, Dukat absolutely has a thing for Bajoran women. It keeps showing up throughout the show. He even hits on Kira every now and then.
Anyway, Kira’s able to use an old resistance trick to track the survivors.
Later that night, as they make camp in a cave, Dukat manages to get a giant stone spike impaled in his ass. The sight of him hopping around in pain as he rubs a medical doohickey of the wound prompts Kira to burst out laughing, and Dukat even joins in. It’s not really a bonding moment, but there is a certain energy to it. An abatement of hostility, perhaps.
Whatever it is, it gives Kira the courage to ask about Tora Ziyal, the name of a civilian she found on the ship’s manifest. Dukat admits the truth, Ziyal is his and Naprem’s daughter. Dukat’ sensing the Occupation was coming to an end, planned to quietly ship them off to a neutral planet to live out their lives in peace, as neither Cardassia or Bajor would accept them.  Kira, naturally, assumes he’s come to rescue Ziyal. Dukat says he’s come to kill her. Dramatic music sting. Ad break.
First Officer’s Note: Bajoran names follow Eastern naming order, meaning that Kira and Tora are family names. Also, Star Trek loves doing things in caves because they can build a new set out of the same few prop walls they have. It’s a fun detail to notice as you watch these shows.
The next day, Kira & Dukat are arguing as they pick up the trail. Dukat claims that he has too many political enemies, and a bastard child, let alone a half-Bajoran one, would give them ammunition to go after him. Kira accuses him of just being out for himself, but Dukat insists that he can only protect his family if he remains in power.
Are you getting a good feel for the kind of bastard Dukat is by this point?
This is all a bit much, how about another comic relief break in the b-plot? Sisko and his son Jake are having breakfast, and Jake mentions that he (and his friend Nog) spoke to Kasidy. As Sisko’s getting ready to give Jake a talk about the hard facts of life, Jake (having talked things through with his friend Nog) correctly diagnoses the problem as a fear of commitment. Sikso’s a widow, see, and it was his career that got Jennifer killed.
Sisko is rather bemused by this, but he can’t deny that Jake’s spot on. He asks if Jake said any of this to Kasidy. Jake says that he (and his friend Nog) considered it, but ultimately decided that Sisko should speak to Kasidy himself.
But now, at long last, we find the survivors. They’ve been taken captive by a mysterious alien race called the Breen, and are being forced to mine Dilithium ore from the planet. Presumably, it’s quite easy to do, as there’s only a few dozen survivors and no signs of heavy industry. There’s a young girl there too, presumably Ziyal.
Kira tells Dukat to go back to DS9 for reinforcements. Dukat refuses, and Kira’s obviously not going to leave Dukat with a chance to kill his daughter. Instead, they decided to mount a two person raid on the mines, which goes out without a hitch.
Well, except for the fact that Lorit died two years ago and a brief firefight gives Dukat a chance to slip away and find Ziyal. She instantly guesses who he is, having held out hope for the last six years that he’d come rescue her. Kira catches up to Dukat and threatens him at gunpoint to drop his rifle. 
It’s ultimately Ziyal’s words that sway him, and Dukat can’t find it within himself to mow down his own child in cold blood.
Back on DS9, Sisko apologises to Kasidy, who accepts, and Dukat says he’s going to take Ziyal back to Cardassia to live with him. Aww, maybe he’s not such a bad guy after all.
First Officer’s Note: Yes, he is.
This is a pretty great episode. It was directed by LeVar Burton, who had been a main cast member on The Next Generation, and is remembered by many as the long running host of Reading Rainbow. He did especially well with the location shoots, making the narrow Soledad Canyon look like an expansive desert. Marc Alaimo as Dukat shows yet again why the writers kept bringing him back. He’s smarmy, oozy, hypocritical, but still retains a certain charm.
Though he only gets two short scenes, Roy Brocksmith does great as Kira’s old friend Razka. He was a jobbing character actor in the 80’s-90’s and if you’ve seen American tv from that era, chances are you’ve seen him in something.
The b-plot is a needed reprieve from the heavy nature of the main plot, but smartly it’s not played for broad comedy. Instead it’s more subdued, more grounded and relatable. Luckily, Kasidy sticks around and has a sweet relationship with Sisko, built on a genuine chemistry between the two actors.
Would I recommend this as your first Star Trek episode? Conventional wisdom would say no, it’s too steeped in the lore of DS9 and the relationships of these characters, it’s the start or mid point of so many character journeys. Sod that for a game of soldiers, I say. This is a great little story, and even without context for everything you can pick up what’s going on well enough to understand the emotional stakes. That’s far more important than knowing all the lore and linking plot points.
So, what’s next? Time to spin the wheel, I guess!
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Oh boy, we're doing Voyager!
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begebege28 · 3 months
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This is by no means hate to this individual, but I’m sick and tired of hearing “buddie is never going to happen” because buck is with tmmy. Like I’m sorry. It pisses me off so much because for those who have watch since s1, we have wanted queer buck for SO LONG and we always were told “you guys are delusional” or “it’s never gonna happen” by the GP AND the SR”. IN IN INTERVIEWS canonically, at the time, THEY ALL talked about buck as STRAIGHT. 9-1-1 s1 came out in 2018 and here we are in 2024. It took them 6 years to make bi buck. As a buddie and someone who viewed these characters as queer coded, i always knew on FOX, it wasn’t going to happen. But now on ABC they made bi buck in ONE EPISODE. ONE!! Of course you are going to see posts about BuckTommy because people they are a couple who touch and kiss. We are to believe in a heteronormative society, that’s what shows you aS bi/queer/gay/etc. what we do know, in the show, the buck and Eddie/Christopher dynamic is the most different from everyone else in the show. Buck and Eddie both have been queer coded from the beginning of the show and NOW we are being policed as to what we are allowed to think? If anything, those same individuals who are policing your thoughts about gay/queer Eddie, they better have been shocked/angry/confused about bi buck if they “NEVER” viewed buck as a queer coded character. They scream “endgame” but yet has less screen time than Natalia. Ali had less but even her character we knew them AS A COUPLE. how are you screaming “endgame” but never did with Ali, Taylor, or Natalia or when buck said “i think she sees me”. Did they forget the way Oliver spoke about Natalia and bucks relationship after the finale? That’s what gets me??? While everyone (myself included) was happy we got bi buck and (yes even Tommy), but that was BEFORE i remembered who he was as a character. You need to ask, Are people excited because Buck is bi and dating/kissing tommy or simply because he’s a bisexual character who happens to be DATING A MAN. I’ve seen more of those people who ship BuckTommy, defend Tommy previous actions but then blame buck for his and don’t LOOK INTO the relationship for what it is. Becuase if they did, if Tommy was a FEMALE LI, her character would be getting ripped to shreds. Not dressing up. The disgusting comments. Not caring for buck. I can go on lol.
For example, ppl view buck as the “fun uncle” to Chris BUT
but if he was simply the “fun uncle” why did they make buck be the one to tell Christopher what happened to his dad? Why make Chris call buck when his dad was breaking down. Why did Chris leave to buck on the chances of his dad dating again. Why does the show continue to have buck be involved in HUGE moments in Chris’s life. Why involve buck in 7x10. Why CONTINUE to have him be there with the Diaz family? When Christopher left. Why? Why? Why? Why have the show allude to “good cop bad cop” and BOTH answering no. Why, “he takes Christopher there all the time” (the zoo). Why does buck essentially have be there, for Chris, after his dad is in the hospital ? Carla was already there and yet he’s there? Eddie has the breakdown? Buck takes him to school. Buck helping Chris with his school projects/homework? Buck Diaz having multiple dinners together? That’s the fun uncle? Where is all this with bucks own niece? Last but not least, they LOVE to use “Buck is a scapegoat” in 7x10 but Eddie himself says to Buck “I-I don't need you to explain it to him, I just...I need you to check in on him. I'm worried. He won't come out”. There he is never one asking anything of buck but to simply see how Chris is doing after everything. NEVER does he try to sway Chris’s opinions or trick him or anything of the sort. It reminds me of the talk Chris and buck had in earlier seasons of where Chris ran to buck. And buck and Chris simply had a heartfelt talk. Where is dynamic between chimney and Denny? They had 1 SCENE throughout the whole 7 seasons. Chim and hen have been friends LONGER. Where there the dinners scenes. Where are the school projects?
This season unfournately had 10 episodes. They did bi buck in 1 episode. BuckTommy had 3 dates (failed pizza date), second coffee date (where Buck gets Tommy order wrong and invites him to the wedding literally days after coming out?(SPEEDING RUNNING THE RELATIONSHIP) and then the dinner scene. 2 kisses. That’s it. Nothing special in comparison to his previous relationships. I’m sorry. This season in terms of Eddie, he also SPED RUN (or attempted) to with M. He moved her in quicker than when he was dating Ana. And yet, when he saw all her boxes, when does he do? Asks her to move out”. But why? It shows he’s more interested in her than Ana right? What gets me, is, in both relationship, specially Ana, they were lovely. I liked them together. What stopped them from being married. If Eddie ONLY wants a mother role for Christopher, there was his oppporotuinity. But just like Shannon told Eddie “i don’t need a provider, i need a husband”. If Eddie and Ana, were to get married, he would need to be IN LOVE WITH HER. Not only become a “step mom” to Chris. Eddie admitting he has catholic guilt. This season, AGAIN, was a continuation of Eddie doing for Christopher. He wants Christopher to have a “mother role”. Going into s8, this will be the first time, he has no girlfriend and NO CHRISTOPER. When was the last time this? Oh i didn’t know? Maybe before HE MET SHANNON!! Eddie had to grow up at the age of 10. He had to be “the man of the house”. He wasn’t allowed to be like his friends. Why he allowed to cry, was he allowed to express any emotions? This was at the age of 10. I can see this season Eddie going back to his childhood and having the opportunity to understand who is he WITHOUT his son and a partner.
For reference i added the interviews Oliver talked about buck and Natalia after s6 finale. One would say, screams endgame right? “Things are aligning for them”
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quem-pel · 1 year
I was feeling really unsettled after the finale of The Bad Batch and I wasn’t entirely sure why until I talked to my best friend about it.
Spoilers and unsolicited opinions below.
This is just me trying to sort things out in my head and thought I would share.
Obviously Techs death was pretty devastating, and I thought that it was the loss of his character that had me so in my feelings. They had fleshed him out to be very unique; he was the genius trope while still being confident and warm in his own way. You don’t ever see that portrayed in any sort of media and it was super endearing and refreshing. Then they canonized (I’m calling it canon at this point) him being neurodivergent/Autistic and that felt really good.
From what I can remember, he had never been made fun of by his brothers for info dumping, interrupting or his general demeanor. (The Regs made fun of all of them so I’m not counting that) And again, he wasn’t portrayed as being completely callus and uncaring. When he came across that way, Omega called him out like any little sibling might and he had explained his situation beautifully.
“I may process moments and thoughts differently, but it does not mean that I feel any less than you.” Same my tall neurodivergent buddy, same. And I think that is an incredibly powerful thing for a show to say, especially a SciFi universe/series that attracts this sort of following.
So yea, Techs death felt a little like a gut punch. I get sad over character deaths but this one got to me, and Tech wasn’t even my most favorite character.
I believe it was because of the timing and the tone.
It happened with 15 minutes left to the last episode, at that point we know things can’t get better. There would be no ‘fix it’ curve ball where he comes back to save the day, Crosshair wasn’t getting saved and then Omega was taken. There was so much despair and strife that the ‘I’m your sister’ reveal had very little emotional effect on me. At that point, I just didn’t care. I had been curious before, but it’s hard to feel curious about anything when everything felt so demoralizing and hopeless.
And that’s where my disconnect and unsettled feeling is coming from.
Starwars is about Hope, it always has been. It’s a huge reason why I latched onto the universe as my ‘comfort’ fandom. I’m emotionally sick of shows that everything is horrible all the time, if I want that I just open up Facebook or watch the news.
That isn’t to say that bad things don’t happen in Starwars, they absolutely do. But I don’t remember the last time any of the shows or films left me feeling utterly hopeless. Even in season one we have Omega telling Crosshair “You’re still their brother, you’re my brother too.”
This season we get; Tech falling to his death. Wrecker, Echo and Hunter sitting in a Dark Marauder ready to go feral after already trying everything and having nothing left. Crosshair out for the count after being tortured for who knows how long and Omega being kidnapped by the Empire.
Obviously the writing is really good, especially if so many people are having an emotional reaction to it. And I understand that its set right after order 66, so the empire is in full swing of being vicious evil bastards. But I think I am just really missing that punch of hope at the end, that light at the end of the tunnel that can pull us through until next season.
I am unsettled because it just feels really hopeless and that isn’t the theme of Starwars at all.
I want next season to turn that around, I want Tech to make a Starwars ‘not dead yet’ return, Crosshair and Omega to escape and the found family Trope to be intact. But that all seems like a very big ask at this point.
Makes me scared for the Mandalorian. At least we got to see Zeb Live action this week.
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cherry-valentine · 2 years
Winter 2023 Anime Season
Here’s what I’m watching:
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Buddy Daddies is easily my favorite new show this season. Following a pair of skilled but unlucky hitmen (Kazuki and Rei) who end up taking in and attempting to raise a little girl they just orphaned (Miri), the show is primarily a comedy. The humor mostly comes from watching two people who are woefully ill equipped to deal with a child having to work through the day to day challenges of caring for a little girl, from finding a good daycare to figuring out how to dress her. These mundane objectives are made hilarious through the lens of these guys being literal assassins. They go from shootouts to making dinner for their daughter. The show also sneaks in some truly heartwarming moments, as well as truly traumatic ones. Both Kazuki and Rei have tragic backgrounds that explain why they can’t just abandon Miri. The relationship between the two men is fun and interesting. While a lot of viewers are hoping for a romance between them, I just don’t see it happening. So far I’ve yet to see a single hint that the story will go that direction. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to see it, but I’m afraid there’s going to be a lot of disappointed fans at the end of the season. Other than that, the show has decent animation and excellent character designs (Just look at Rei when he’s in assassin mode. Just. Look. At. Him.), as well as fun peppy music. The series overall is just super watchable. There’s not a moment in any episode that I’m not entertained. Highly recommended.
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The Tale of Outcasts follows a young orphan girl named Wisteria who can see a powerful demon named Marbas, a rare ability among humans. Marbas is immortal, very old, and very bored, so he decides to take Wisteria along with him to travel around the country, meeting other demons along the way as well as avoiding powerful demon hunters sent by the church to destroy him, one of them being Wisteria’s long lost older brother Snow. This show is a bit more light hearted and mild than I expected at first. It does have serious or darker moments, but overall the stakes don’t feel incredibly high at any given time. The charm of this story centers on the relationship between Wisteria and Marbas. Both care very much for each other, and thankfully (so far) the age difference prevents it from becoming a romance. If anything, Marbas takes an almost fatherly role with Wisteria, even if he sometimes forgets how fragile humans are and unintentionally puts Wisteria in danger. It’s a soft, sweet relationship that carries the series on its back. The animation is fine, nothing special, and the design work is pretty good. In particular, the demons all have cool designs. I’m not crazy about the music but that’s a small quibble. Recommended.
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High Card is an energetic action series set in a fictional modern kingdom where 52 special playing cards give people super powers. These cards were accidentally (?) scattered across the kingdom, one of which lands in the possession of a young thief named Finn. After getting drawn into a battle for possession of another card between rival groups seeking to collect them, Finn is recruited to join High Card, an organization trying to gather all the cards for the king. This is a very colorful, vibrant series with a fun setting, exciting battles, and excellent visuals. The characters are cool, especially Wendy, a somewhat shy and mousy young woman who turns into a batshit crazy, unstoppable killing machine when she uses her card, and Chris, the flippant ladies’ man who is rendered immortal by his card’s ability (and there’s obviously more to him than meets the eye). The animation is slick. The music is, in my opinion, the best of the season (both the opening and ending themes are absolute bangers). Honestly, if not for Buddy Daddies, this would have easily been my favorite new show of the season. The show has a generally light hearted vibe but they’ve thrown at least one episode at us to prove how serious and dark the story can get. Highly recommended.
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Bungou Stray Dogs has a new season (I think it’s season four?) and like with a previous season, it opened with a mini arc that’s entirely comprised of a flashback. This is something not every show can get away with, but Bungou Stray Dogs pulls it off. This flashback deals with the creation of the Armed Detective Agency, a group of “gifted” (people with special powers) agents who work with the government to neutralize threats, most often involving other “gifted” folks. When the season’s actual plot kicks in following the flashback, it’s about the Agency being framed for horrific crimes and being pursued by powerful government-sponsored hunters. The strength of this series has always been its ability to balance its genuinely funny humor with the darker, more violent aspects of its plots. It does both things so well, and manages to overlap them without one aspect distracting too much from the other (something a lot of stories, anime or otherwise, struggle to do). This season might just be the darkest yet, with each new nightmarish development making the situation more and more bleak for the Detective Agency. The animation remains polished and the design work attractive and interesting. If you watched previous seasons, you’re definitely already watching this. If you haven’t, this is a great time to catch up.
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Revenger follows a group or mercenaries who take jobs killing targets as revenge for people who can’t afford to hire hitmen, charging only a single coin that has been bitten into, to display the rage of the person who was wronged. A skilled but stoic samurai named Raizo joins them after they get involved in a plot by his lord that tricked him into killing his fiancé’s father. While they’re definitely a group of killers, there’s a lot of moral variety among the group, with some seeming to enjoy the kills while others simply want to see the guilty punished. It’s an interesting mix of personalities. There’s an overarching plot about a giant stash of opium hidden somewhere in the city and corrupt government officials, but the show is best when focusing on stand alone stories of random people needing revenge. The animation is decent and the character designs are varied and attractive, particularly the leader of the group Yuen. The backgrounds are especially nice, with lovely colors and lighting. The music is quite good too. It’s not my favorite show this season, but it has a solid spot on my watch list.
Carry Over Shows From Previous Seasons:
Boku no Hero Academia
Blue Lock
Yowamushi Pedal
To Your Eternity
Best of Season:
Best New Show: Buddy Daddies
Best Opening Theme: High Card
Best Ending Theme: Buddy Daddies
Best New Male Character: Rei (Buddy Daddies)
Best New Female Character: Wendy (High Card)
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scjacka · 2 years
This will probably just end up being a draft because no one wants to hear me ramble. But tumblr is the only place where I can go full hyperfixation on the SC franchise specifically and I really need to get this crap out of my head because I’m an idiot.
It took me like 90 minutes to get through the first two episodes because I kept pausing to scream at thing. Bless my husband for dealing with me
My first pause/scream happened at the Sara scene because I called it from the trailer which I yelled several times. Also Sara’s deal, relatable.
Actually that’s a lie, I paused after the friggin 20 minute pointless donut scene.
Why when there are flashbacks does the aspect ratio change?
Noel confused me and I don’t get his deal. Idk the try hard thing felt like an even more annoying Curtis to me.
Also, I’m confused on the hierarchy of the Pole now. Like I’m under the assumption Betty is the head elf. But then there’s also that other elf that’s there to greet Scott when he arrives (I think her name is Edie but idk cause we didn’t stay with anyone long enough to understand their roles and names) and idk who she is except another hyper exuberant werido, lol
I like that there is an elf named Crouton. Idk why but I like it
Speaking of Crouton, the scenes in the comm center felt very Prep and Landing to me. Like even down to the revised machines and the way Betty feels like Magee.
The elves danced... there was a cake... that is not every what I pictured the end of the season at the pole like but you do you
All the stuff with Carol not remembering her name really freaked me out. Like, literally between 2 and 3 they said that they weren’t going to make Carol the traditional Mrs Claus because they wanted her to be herself and the old makeup and stuff looked weird.
IDK something about all the elves and the way they portrayed the Claus family really weirded me out. the part where they were all like “MUST MAKE TOYS NOW” felt like a cult and just like a little too far. Give them a sec to breathe. The kids are a mess, especially Buddy (which again, why you callin him Cal especially Cal Calvin). But I think the daughter bugs me most cause I can’t get over the nepotism of it all. Also just like the  “there hasn’t been a human kid here in 84 years” warning was also ominous and weird.
Obviously there was the “you can’t even say Merry Christmas” line which like, ok boomer. I’m real scared for how the Christ in Christmas shit he was spouting is gonna factor in.
So is Cider actually alcoholic in this universe now, cause they were acting much more like it was booze than they ever did with cocoa.
Shocked they mentioned Jack at all. Assume that will be it and we won’t see any of the Council at all
Also in one of the those dumb Allen interviews he said one version had lots of other mythical creatures but he thought that was weird and not in the spirit of the movies which like, ok fine if you’re only acting like 1 happened, but clearly you picked and chose what you wanted from 2 & 3 and then everyone is screaming about Gnomes! like what?
Jumping back I guess cause none of this is in order but when he went to the doctor I was like “where is Dr. Histmas” because idgaf about that character but that name is always funny to say. I like the new doctor elf though. Her name is Doc Martin though which is dumb
Except that she basically was referring to his magic going like it was ED and I was like, nope, no thanks!
idk how I feel about all the Kal Penn stuff. Like you’re sorta setting his story as a parallel to Scott’s but he seems to actually care about his kid and when you get to the Charlie scene (I’ll get there next) the line is that the pole is a bad place to raise kids so what does that do to his daughter if he becomes Santa
Charlie... oh Charlie Charlie Charlie. I like in theory what they did with him. Like he’s a good dad now and doesn’t need to learn the lesson his dad did so he’s like, no thanks. But the way they made his wife seem overbearing and crazy felt like it was more of that boomer crap and just kind of ruined the whole scene.
I think I have other things to say but they’re not coming to me now. I will say that my current prediction is, much like Daredevil in She-Hulk, Bernard won’t show up until the second to last or the last episode despite being in all of the ads. Like they’re teasing us cause they know we want to see him so they’ll save him for the very end. I’ve also joked that much like Daredevil in She-Hulk, Jenn’s gonna “smash” him 
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shorty-tolentino · 10 months
Depressive Episode
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I know the title is a little serious, but I'm pretty sure I had one yesterday and I guess this is what I wish I had if I was in a relationship.
Let's get to know our characters a bit:
Maria- Maria is me, I guess. Whenever I wanted to write a story and I wanted to insert myself into it, I'd always end up using just enough of my name so I can separate myself from the story if I wanted to or imagine that it was me because it was close enough to my name. So if you want to imagine it's you, you can do that too.
Seven- the number seven is considered to be the "perfect" number, so Seven is who I've always imagined to be the perfect guy. You can imagine Seven as being whoever you want though, that's the beauty of imagination.
Kylo- I've always wanted a Doberman Pinscher named Kylo. That's all, lol.
Summary: Maria's disappeared for a couple of days and it's stressing our boy Seven out. After a few phone calls, he decides to show up at her house to see what's going on.
Word count: 2.2k+
Warnings: character A has a depressive episode, character B doesn't know what to do
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She didn’t mean to have one. These kinds of thing just sneak up on you sometimes.
Sometimes she'll go a day or two without contact, that happens. But Maria normally shoots Seven a text saying she's alright and that she's been busy, so when she hadn’t answered his calls or texts after about four days, Seven knew something was wrong.
<Have you heard from Maria lately?> <<No. I’m actually a little worried about her. She doesn’t normally go this long without saying something>> <do you know if she’s home?> <<I don’t. Maybe call one of her siblings, they might know>>
He was at work and he had half a mind to just up and leave. It’s been harder to see each other since they both stopped working in the same department. Her coworkers said that she called out the past two days and because of damn HIPPA they can’t tell him why.
‘Maybe she’s just sick…like…really sick’ that thought didn’t do any good for him either. Maria never got sick. So the thought of her practically dying in bed because she simply wouldn’t ask anyone for help stressed him out even more.
“Hello?” Two siblings later, her youngest brother answered his phone.
“Hey, bud. Would you happen to know if Maria is at home?”
“Ummm, I think so. She hasn’t asked us to take care of Kylo so I don’t see why she wouldn’t be”
That’s right, if she wasn’t able to take care of Kylo for whatever reason, she would ask Seven or her family to take care of her precious Doberman.
“Ok. Thanks, man”
“No problem”
So she was probably at home. Seven just had to make it through the rest of the day and then pass by her townhouse to check on her.
Knock, knock, knock.
“Maria? Baby? You home?” He heard her dog huff and his collar jingle as he approached the door.
“Kylo, buddy. It’s me, Seven” he heard Kylo sniff the door and whine. Probably in excitement that Seven was visiting. The jingle of his collar sounded as if it was going away from the door. After a minute or two, Seven got impatient and called Maria.
No answer.
Did he do something wrong? He did a mental check, no anniversaries, birthdays, or holidays that passed as far as he knows. And they hadn’t gotten into any arguments.
He started looking for her hidden house key. But then he remembered that she gave it to him and so he started looking through his set of keys to find the right one.
Just as he was about to slide the key into the keyhole, the door slowly creaked open.
He sighed in relief. She was alive.
But his relief was short lived. Maria’s face was red and her eyes were puffy, like she’d been crying.
“Baby, what’s wrong?”
“Seven..” she choked out as she started to cry again, he immediately wrapped his arms around her as she sobbed into his chest. He walked her back into the townhouse and closed the door. He picked her up and settled in the couch cradling her as she continued to cry.
She eventually calmed down, and he wiped her tears away with the sleeve of his sweater.
“Wanna talk about it?” She just sniffled and fumbled with the sleeves of her hoodie. Well, his hoodie, he didn’t even realize he was missing it.
“Hey. Can you look at me?” He lifted her chin up so they made eye contact. It scared him for a moment because her eyes looked…vacant. Like she was far far away from him rather than just a couple inches away. “I don’t know what’s wrong, but I’ll always be here for you. Even if-“ he took a quick breath in cause he was afraid to say it, “-even if something happens between us”
It was like those were the magic words to take her out of her trance. He watched a little spark of life come back into her eyes and she gave him a weak, but small smile.
“Nothing’s happening between us. The void really got me the past couple of days”   Seven looked confused.
“The void?” Maria took a deep breath and wiped her nose.
“Um..yeah. That’s what I call it. I guess I should’ve told you about it before but it’s um..it’s depression.” Oh.
That makes a lot more sense now.
Maria looked tired. Like just talking to him was taking so much effort out of her.
“I see. That’s why you haven’t been answering my calls?” She nodded. Kylo came up whining and put his head in her lap. She pet him slowly.
“Yeah..I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. It was just…hard. Everything is hard right now. I just want to lay in bed and stare at the wall” that vacant look went back into her eyes. Seven hated to see her like this. He felt so powerless. His girl was hurting and there was nothing that he could do.
“What can I do? How can I help?” She leaned against his chest and took a deep breath. It looks like she was listening to his heartbeat.
“Can you just…hold me?” That he could do. He’d quit his job and hold her all day and all night if she asked him to.
“Of course, baby. You still got an extra change of clothes here for me?” She nodded. “Can I change real quick and come back? I want you to be comfortable”
“Yeah. It’s in my dresser, top right drawer” he stood up and gently placed her on the couch. She curled up into a little ball and Kylo jumped up on the couch to cuddle with her.
“Good boy, Kylo. I’ll be right back, honey” he gave her a kiss on the head and hurried upstairs to change.
His clothes were right where she said they were. He noticed that his scent was beginning to fade and hers was taking over as he slipped the tshirt over his head. After folding his clothes and placing it on one of her hampers, he jogged downstairs, stopping by the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and refilling hers before picking her up again and getting comfortable on the couch.
She looked like she had cried again. He kissed her forehead and allowed both her and Kylo to settle themselves around him.
“Do you wanna watch something?” She shook her head.
“No, but you can if you want” he turned the tv on, lowered the volume, and played a compilation from her favorite game play channel.
“I’m just gonna leave this on in the background. Is that ok?” She nodded and sniffled.
“Yeah, that’s ok” he leaned forward and grabbed her water bottle.
“I promise this is the last thing ’m gonna ask you for now, ok? Can you drink some water for me?” He held the straw up to her lips and she took a couple sips.
“That’s my girl. Ok, I’ll leave you alone now” she sat across his lap and he had one arm wrapped around her back and another went between holding her legs and scratching Kylo behind the ears.
After about half an hour, Maria just stood up and stretched.
“I’ll be back, I have to use the bathroom” she said, and slowly shuffled the restroom,  the door softly closing behind her. Kylo followed her and sat right outside the door. He was overprotective of Maria, so no doubt he was on high alert because of her mood.
Seven stretched on the couch. He could bench press more than Maria weighed, but sitting in the same position for an extended period of time makes your joints all stiff.
He heard the toilet flush and the sink run. Kylo stood up when the door opened and was right there for Maria to pet when she stepped out. When she got to Seven, she just stood there for a moment and he faintly heard her stomach growling.
“When was the last time you ate?” She shrugged.
“I don’t remember. Maybe this morning..or maybe it was yesterday” Seven stood up and cupped her face in his hands.
“I know you probably don’t want to, but I have to get something in your stomach. Will you try for me?” She slowly blinked and nodded.
“Yeah..I can try” she said quietly. He smiled and kissed her forehead.
“Awesome. I’ll see what you got”
After giving her a couple of options, she decided on some instant ramen. As he was nuking it in the microwave, she got up and shuffled to the kitchen and poured some dog food into Kylo’s bowl. He pushed some hair out of her face and leaned down a little to look at her.
“Hey there, cutie” he gave her a small smile. A corner of her mouth lifted up.
“Hi” she said softly. It was quiet for a beat and she motioned towards Kylo’s bowl. “That was the only thing getting me out of bed these past couple of days”
Seven’s heart hurt. He wished he could just make her stop feeling this way.
“Baby, it’s really hard for me to see you like this. Can we talk about it, maybe figure out what else I can do? When you’re ready, of course” she nodded and bunched the sleeves of the hoodie in her hands.
“Yeah, I can talk about it” he had a flicker of hope. When the microwave beeped, he carefully took the food out, grabbed a fork, and made his way to the couch. Maria sat cross legged next to him and he rolled some noodles on the fork, blew it gently and offered it to her.
“I can do it myself”
“I know, but let me help you. Please?” She smiled and opened her mouth. “So, tell me more about this”
“Umm, well. It’s one of those things that kind of catches you out of nowhere. Sometimes I can pick up signs on when I’m gonna have an episode, but this one didn’t have any.” He just listened quietly, continuing his task of rolling and feeding. This way he could made sure that she ate something. Knowing her when she gets upset, she might just pick at the food.
“So the episode started when? Four days ago?”
“Yeah..I was hoping I could snap out of it by Tuesday, but it took everything out of me to get out of bed so I just called out sick.”
“Hm” he said pensively.
“I know I should’ve said something. I didn’t mean to make you worry.”
“It’s ok. Four days I think is the longest you’ve gone without talking to me in a while. We don’t see each other at work anymore, so I think I got a little more freaked out than I should’ve” she shook her head.
“No, I think it was appropriate” he quirked his head as something in his mind clicked.
“Did you take forever to open the door cause you didn’t have any pants on?” She gave him a sheepish look.
“Maybe..” he quickly kissed her cheek.
“You are so adorable, yknow that?” She just looked off to the side. “I’m serious. I don’t tell you enough, but I’m really lucky to have you. You’re so special to me” Seven saw tears pool in her eyes.
“You’re special to me too” her bottom lip wobbled. He set the ramen down and kissed her deeply. Pouring everything he can’t put into words in that kiss.
When they pulled apart, he wiped the tears that had fallen.
“Done eating?” He asked, feeling his stomach rumbling a little.
“Yeah, you can have the rest” He finished off the food as Maria curled in a little ball on the couch again and watched the tv.
“Maria, how did you deal with depression before?”
“When it used to be real bad, I didn't really do anything. Then I learned about it some more, even got a stinking degree in psychology, and learned how to take care of myself. Sometimes I fall back into old habits like this time.” He set the empty cup down and leaned back into the couch. He reached out and stretched Maria’s legs over his lap and stroking them softly.
“Hm. Would you be able to let me know if this happens to you again? I want to help so at the very least you don’t go days without eating.” She looked at him.
“I’ll try my best”
“That’s all I can ask for, baby” he grabs her hand and kisses her fingers.
“Where were you when this was worse” she sniffled.
“I’m here now. I’ll always be here” he couldn’t explain why this happened to her but one things for sure, he was going to help her through it. She would later on send him some articles and blogs about depression, symptoms, how to support and he studied them like he had to take a final exam on them. He even did some his own research and went as far as asking some of Maria’s psychology friends about it.
She was feeling better by that time the following week, coming back to her usual bubbly self. By the end of that week, it was like she had never experience sadness before in her life. She hadn’t realized it, but this had made Seven so much more protective of her. He never thought the person that he would describe as sunshine incarnate could experience such a violent and consuming darkness.
Maria was embarrassed for Seven to see her like that. 'The void' as she likes to call it has been a problem for years now at this point. She's been able to manage it on her own so far. Kylo has unintentionally become more than just a guard dog, more emotional support dog than anything at this point. She doesn't know what she did to get so lucky because now she's got not only one protector from the void, but two.
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A/N: So how we feeling after this?
Hopefully this doesn't trigger anyone. If anything, I'm hoping some people can relate.
Depression is nothing to be ashamed about, and even though Maria mentions getting a degree in psychology, that doesn't mean you need to get one to understand depression and how to take care of yourself or others.
If you feel like you've been dealing with depression, it's ok to get help. And if you don't feel comfortable, maybe find someone you can talk to about it. In my experience, talking to *someone* is a good first step in helping yourself.
I'm going to leave a couple resources about depression if you want to check them out.
Unclench your jaw, drop your shoulders, take a deep breath and a sip of water and finally-remember, your feelings are valid.
-shorty 🤍
What is Depression?: https://youtu.be/z-IR48Mb3W0?si=EUlO3b4cwz8Atm5l
How to help someone with depression: https://youtu.be/UQCzR17HE0w?si=a33z92c68IvPbcn9
Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: 988
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Yesterday Afternoon-Evening, I watched the James Cameron Avatar 2 movie.
Spoiler free thoughts first:
It was fine.
I was expecting something trite but it was mostly fine.
It was WAY too long. Like, James, buddy, I know you’re one for “epic movies” but over THREE HOURS is just too much. There were times when I was checking my silenced phone to see what time it was so I could keep track of where we were in this movie.
Pacing was very stop-start.
I personally think this should have been a mini-series. Three episodes around an hour, or so, each and you’d have achieved much of the same effect. Or broke this into two films to be released back-to-back. Or, edited some of this monstrosity DOWN.
As we say in writing, kill your darlings, James.
The children characters were fine. I’ll touch more on them in the spoiler bit.
The fictionalized science was plausible but I do have a hole or two to poke into the plot/motivation of the bad guys I’ll save for the spoiler filled part.
It, of course, looked GORGEOUS. The music was also well done.
It was a well put together movie. I can see why it cost so damn much.
Rumor has it, it has to make 2 BILLION to break even.
idk that it will in this economy BUT it does have the fact that it’s mostly being shown in 3D to help bolster that number for the ticket sales and a lack of any sort of real competition.
I mean it’s Disney so I really DON’T care if it does.
So, Tl:Dr for this section���If you have the patience, this is a fine movie to see, and drop-dead gorgeous. Just don’t expect a masterpiece. This movie is a solid B+ (it earned a lot of extra credit from its visuals).
Spoilers ahead!
This movie really ran the gamut of rehashing movie one to Moby Dick IN SPACE.
Don’t get me wrong—when Pikon (Picon?) the lone space-killer-blue-whale showed up and kicked ass, it was pretty epic, but it was the most epic part of the movie and it took nearly three hours to get to that.
Of Jake and Ney’tiri’s four kids, only two really had any sort of personality: the second son Loaq and the adopted daughter Ki’ri (sp? Na’vi names are friggin’ weird). The youngest kid was just a kid. She really only acted as designated hostage most of the movie and she even complained about it when she got tied up, again.
The oldest brother was dutiful son and I was like 50% sure he was going to end up dying from the beginning.
Loaq reminded me the most of Jake—which was likely done on purpose with his writing.
Ki’ri—Grace’s biological child—was the most interesting character.
There is a way this is actually plausible. It’s a process called “parthenogenesis.” Parthenogenesis tends to happen in reptiles. Essentially, she is a clone of Grace’s avatar body.
It’s pretty damn obvious her other parent is Eyowa since she seems to be constantly surrounded by all sorts of critters and such and her whole glowing fish thing at the end of the movie.
The epilepsy thing sounds like it is going to either be a limit to what her body can handle or a side effect of being a clone offspring of Grace’s Avatar.
Loaq and his space-killer-blue-what friend were also an interesting part of the movie.
Of course where the film veers into Space Moby Dick is where I have a nitpick of the badguys.
In movie one, they wanted some rock with a stupid AF name “unobtainium.” In that case, it made sense they had to be there to get it because you can’t make more of a rock.
However, with them being after spermaceti-er I mean amoretia I have a bone or rather a brain to pick with them.
Instead of wasting money on a Aussi space Ahab, why don’t they use their seemingly miraculous cloning tech to just CLONE THE SPACE-KILLER-BLUE-WHALES. Or, better yet, JUST MAKE A BRAIN FROM TISSUE SAMPLES!
If we, in the current non-sci-fi tech level Earth are close to tissue cloning, then that lot capable of inter-stellar travel should be able to EASILY pull it off.
And if they can deal with Na’vi DNA to make human-alien hybrids, then they should be able to handle Space-Killer-Blue-Whales DNA.
Safer. Likely cheaper. Especially if it yields that anti-aging hormone.
Also, I didn’t think that in the year 2022 of our lord I’d be watching a movie with a SAVE THE WHALES message.
Second Bad-Guy nitpick—Why are they fucking around on a moon whose atmosphere is unbreathable to humankind and filled with forms of life HOSTILE to human when Mars is RIGHT next door, and doesn’t have angry native life forms (or any life at all).
Their tech means they’d have an easier time than we —at current tech levels— of Terraforming Mars and while humanity lives on Mars, they can also un-screw-up the Earth and also make cloud cities on equally unpopulated Venus and the unpopulated moons of Jupiter.
Likely, less time in transit, less time spent FIGHTING, and a better investment in the long run. These bad guys are just dumb and spiteful.
As for specific plot gripes: A good HOUR of this movie could have been removed since the kids who ended up kidnapped in the beginning (prompting Jake to move the family and lead to the movie 1 rehash section) end up kidnapped AGAIN at the climax with the addition of Water guy’s daughter.
As pretty as everything looked, a large part of this movie felt like padding.
Everything pre time-skip. Cut. Hell, everything pre-joining the Reef people. Cut it and use flash-backs to explain. Maybe in a nightmare sequence.
Do more montages for the adaptation to the Reef People way of life part and maybe show hints of Ney’tiri not adapting as well.
I’d hate to see the extended cut.
Something that bothered me was, while Jake was lecturing his sons when he was scared to lose them he NEVER mentions his identical twin brother at all.
You know, the one whose semi-cloned body he’s walking around in, the one whose death led to him being on Pandora in the first place because they were Identical Twins? That twin? Not a mention.
Did James Cameron forget?
Maybe it bothered me because I’m a twin. It’s not something you forget.
We’re not even identical twins. We’re not even close.
My father had a twin sister.
I’m just saying. It was a plot point in Movie 1 and since Movie 2 was about family—largely—this seems like something Jake should have told his sons about.
Idk a “I’m rough on you because I had a brother and I lost him.” would have been nice.
Spider saving the hybrid clone of his bio-dad is a thing that may or may not bite everyone in the ass, but it shows that Spider is a good person. I do wish his character design didn’t have dreads, though.
As for Clone Quaritch and his blue-squad, I’ve actually read fanfictions that semi-predicted that so that was interesting to see.
If I was team bad-guy and I had access to DNA samples and shit from the old base, I’d clone JAKE and force him to fight himself. They had brain scans of Jake to synchronize him with the Avatar. They could sci-fi BS stuff and basically make a copy Jake.
I’m also going to call it now: Ki’ri is going to be some sort of chosen one. After all, she’s kind of Eyowa’s daughter.
Of course, this movie needs to NOT crater like a friggin’ pancake if the sequels are to happen at all.
So. Leaner plot. Less fluff. More action.
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im-no-jedi · 2 years
so I honestly don’t have too much to say about episode 11. SUPER cool to see the Zillo Beast again, although I am owed compensation for all those jumpscares tyvm 🫣
loved seeing the boys trying to protect Omega the entire time, and Tech seriously needs a leash now that Echo is gone cause good grief buddy, don’t EVER go off on your own like that again plz 😫
Dr Hemlock seems like he’ll be an awesome new villain to hate now that Rampart is gone, and I continue to wish death upon Lama Su 🙃
and of course, chaotic Hunter flying. LORDY. this man needs to quit being my type already GEEZ 🥵
now as for the whole Omega being hunted by the Empire thing… I kinda knew it was coming. one of the screeners who leaked stuff a while back mentioned it, so yeah, I’m not that surprised. it makes sense all things considered. I’m not happy about it of course, but I’m sure it’ll be fine… it’ll be FINE 🫠
honestly, there’s two things I’ve been mainly focusing on this episode: Cid and Nala Se
with Cid, I’m not too surprised about this rift that’s been created with her. it was hinted at in Faster, and it’s pretty in character for her to be a jerk to them in general. but unlike most people, I don’t think this is TBB being donezo with her for good. nor do I think Cid will be the one to sell them out. despite how she acts, Cid does harbor some good feelings towards them, especially Omega. and I highly doubt she would be THAT cruel, all things considered. I foresee the boys going back to ask for her help after Omega inevitably gets captured. at least, that’s what I’m hoping for. I genuinely like Cid and I really don’t want them to leave her for good ☹️
now for Nala Se… OH boy. I can’t believe they’re trying to pull a Mara Sov on us with her. those of you who don’t know, there’s a prominent character in Destiny who, like Nala Se, has been responsible for a LOT of crap happening (all the way down to the genocide of her own people), but recent events have been attempting to have her “atone for her sins” or whatever. and I AIN’T HAVIN IT 😤
y’all know me, I love a good redemption and will always try to push for that whenever possible. but also, sometimes, you gotta let a bad guy be a bad guy. Palpatine and Pong Krell are excellent examples of characters that I was more than happy to see bite the bullet. and I’m the same with Nala Se. that BINCH has been responsible for most if not all of the Clones problems, and is directly responsible for what happened to Fives. she’s been uncaring and selfish for as long as we’ve known her. so to pull this bs of “oh but she actually genuinely cares about this ONE person, even though she manipulated them for their entire life” is NOT gonna fly with me, sorry. idc if she “cares” about Omega, she’s just as terrible as the rest of the Empire and has NO pity from me. and I can already tell, Omega will be conflicted about her feelings cause she’s such a caring person and won’t be able to see how manipulative Nala Se was in comparison to how her brothers have treated her. it’s fine, she’s a child with the biggest heart imaginable, I can forgive her for that. I just REALLY don’t want Nala Se redeemed in any way. she doesn’t deserve it. let her rot in that cell for the rest of her life for all I care 😠
literally, I cannot believe how much this is rivaling Mara’s story in Destiny. even down to “the person you manipulated for the entire time you’ve known them is suddenly taken away from you and now you’re going to attempt to atone for it by trying to be a better person cause you suddenly decided you genuinely care about them now that you don’t have them anymore”. I cannot STAND this bs. sorry, but you had your chance, and you BLEW IT. take the L, stfu, and get outta my face. you’re selfish, and you know it. and continuing to take advantage of a kind person’s kindness makes you even more of a scumbag (predicting things with Nala Se here, but yeah, this is totally gonna happen 🙃)
tl;dr Nala Se can SUCK IT, and I hope her and Lama Su die off with the rest of the Kaminoans 🖕🏻
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