#after war of warth
whencyclopedia · 3 days
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Great Sioux War
The Great Sioux War (also given as the Black Hills War, 1876-1877) was a military conflict between the allied forces of the Lakota Sioux/Northern Cheyenne and the US government over the territory of the Black Hills and, more widely, US policies of westward expansion and the appropriation of Native American lands.
The Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868 had established the Great Sioux Reservation, including the Black Hills, and promised this land to the Sioux in perpetuity. When gold was discovered in the Black Hills in 1874, the treaty was ignored by the US government, leading to the Black Hills Gold Rush of 1876. The Sioux, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho responded with armed resistance in raids on wagon trains, skirmishes, and five major battles fought between March 1876 and January 1877:
Battle of Powder River (Reynolds Battle) – 17 March 1876
Battle of the Rosebud (Battle Where the Girl Saved Her Brother) – 17 June 1876
Battle of the Little Bighorn (Battle of the Greasy Grass) – 25-26 June 1876
Battle of Slim Buttes – 9-10 September 1876
Battle of Wolf Mountain (Battle of Belly Butte) – 8 January 1877
In between these, were so-called minor engagements with casualties on both sides but, after June 1876, greater losses for the Sioux and Cheyenne. The final armed conflict of the Great Sioux War was the Battle of Muddy Creek (the Lame Deer Fight, 7-8 May 1877), by which time the Sioux war chief Crazy Horse (l. c. 1840-1877) had already surrendered and the chief Sitting Bull (l. c. 1837-1890) and Sioux war chief Gall (l.c. 1840-1894) and others had fled to the region of modern-day Canada. Although the war was over by May 1877, ending in a victory for the US military, some bands of Sioux and Cheyenne continued to struggle against reservation life until the Wounded Knee Massacre of 29 December 1890 broke their resistance.
Although the first armed conflict between the Plains Indians and Euro-Americans was in 1823, problems between the Sioux and the US military began on 19 August 1854 with the Grattan Fight (Grattan Massacre), when 2nd Lieutenant John L. Grattan led his command of 30 soldiers to the camp of Chief Conquering Bear (l. c. 1800-1854) to demand the surrender of a man they claimed had stolen a cow from a Mormon wagon train.
Conquering Bear refused to surrender anyone, offering compensation instead, and, as the negotiations broke down, Grattan's men fired on the Sioux, mortally wounding Conquering Bear, and the Sioux warriors retaliated, killing Grattan and all of his command. The US military responded with campaigns against the Sioux in the First Sioux War of 1854-1856, which also included actions against their allies, the Cheyenne and Arapaho.
Tensions escalated after the opening of the Bozeman Trail in 1863, the establishment of forts to protect white settlers using the trail, and the Sand Creek Massacre of 29 November 1864. Red Cloud's War (1866-1868) was launched in response to the construction of these forts and the policies of the US government, concluding with the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868, which established the Great Sioux Reservation (modern-day South Dakota and parts of North Dakota and Nebraska), including the Black Hills – a site sacred to the Sioux – which was promised to them for "as long as the grass should grow and the rivers flow."
When Lt. Colonel George Armstrong Custer (l. 1839-1876) discovered gold in the Black Hills in 1874, the Fort Laramie treaty was broken as over 15,000 white settlers and miners streamed into the region during the Black Hills Gold Rush of 1876. The US government offered to purchase the Black Hills, but the Sioux would not sell. More settlers arrived, the government ignored Sioux demands that the 1868 treaty be honored, and the Great Sioux War began in March of that year, with the Reynolds campaign on the Powder River.
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lamemaster · 10 months
The Tale of Leren and Buthien
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Pairing: Rog x GN Reader
Genre: Romance
Summary: The general makes dreams come to life with the play of ink and paper. The catch- the dreams are wet.
AN: No actual smut in a story about a smut writer this is what you call a true lazy ass. I am a proud woman. I mean look at this amazing title.
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"What is it this time?" The hall full of elves buzzed with unfathomable tension. It wasn't a blinding gem, a delicate harp, or even a well-forged sword.
Instead, it was nothing more than a couple sheets of paper crudely sewn together.
"Oh my it comes with illustrations," an elleth fanned her flushing face as others around her peaked into the papers. "By Varda," another exclaimed breathing deeply but none looked away.
What was it that left the residents of Gondolin, millennia-old elves, gasping like teens undergoing puberty?
"It's the neighbor this time," someone added in an uncanny awe. "A peeking neighbor and a married couple who can't keep their hands off each other." Century-old elders in the room giggled childishly.
"The general never disappoints."
"The true pioneer of Edain must I say," everyone broke out into laughter.
All but one. Rog, the lord of the house of the warth of the hammer. As if glued to his seat, he sat with a tense back as the rest of the room cackled over the saucy novella.
Lord Rog had just been assigned his next assignment.
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The general, the source of new weekly entertainment in Gondolin. You came with the host of Hurin and Huor. A warrior known for your might, you were respected, welcomed even by many. However, slighted by your appearance not once did the Gondolians expect you to carry another side with you.
Not until the first of your writings ended up in the hands of a flustered bookkeeper. A writing you proudly presented. Handwritten and bound by you.
Perhaps the bookkeeper had expected a mundane poem or war strategies, even something about the lives of Edain but never had the 658-year-old Ailya expected the raunchiest filth of a story of a night of pleasure shared between a king and their knight.
Let's just say that after a few years of peace and calm your story brought chaos to the streets of Gondolin. In the blink of an eye, every knight in the service possessed a copy of your creation. Even the whispers of your lewd tale were loud enough for the rest of the lords to find out. Some even gossiped about a copy in the king's office...
Surrounded by a babbling Glorfindel and an intrigued Penlod, Rog held it for the first time. Even as he wrapped his hands around the cool paper, written in the clean handwriting of an elven scribe, your original piece was an artifact at this point, Rog felt his fingers tremble with the weight of the mere sheets of paper that carried your words.
The general was an existence whose presence was announced by Ulmo, the Vala of water. Accompanied by Huor and Hurin came their close companion and the leader of their forces, you.
A mere human who challenged the wrath of his hammer with every breath of their existence.
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"Did you hear Lord Rog moved his room?" someone whispered in the group huddled by the hearth.
"What? That's so random..."
Looking around they exchanged exasperated looks before continuing "You're as dense as him."
"What do you mean? We're not here decoding our Lord's every move."
The Vanya sighed trying not to beat up his clueless companion."Okay listen, the general wrote a piece about knights and the next day Lord Rog drilled all his knights until the general saw them, then the general wrote about a misfit rebel and the next day Lord was seen wearing an all-black armor with a very mannish braid. And now with the new neighbor piece, he moves into the room that faces the room general lives in."
The room fell silent. Everyone stared at the paper in their hands. Was their lord truly...with the general...
"Do you think our Lord would be able to keep up with the general...he might fade of pleasure," the dark-haired ellon groaned as a metal vase hit him square in the face.
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Late at night when the stars in the sky dictate the sleep of men, Rog watches you write away hunched over your desk. A clear view from his window. Unhindered by curtains or your own trinkets lying around.
And when late at night your eyes accidentally seem to meet his, Rog finds himself flinching away from the smirk on your face before you go back to wreaking havoc on the paper.
A week later the streets of Gondolin fill with hustle and excitement. A new volume clutched in every hand.
However, this time around the whispers seem to be shuddering with a different energy. Thrumming with a pulsing tension carried in quivering lips.
To sate his curiosity, Lord of the House of the Wrath of Hammer grabs the volume.
Rushing back to his room, he allows his eyes to gloss over the title.
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Hidden behind the curtain, you watch Rog glare holes into the volume clutched in his hands. A warm red settles on his cheeks as his ears twitch with his shaking pupil.
Perhaps the mannish retelling of the Lay of Lethian was not such a bad idea as Ailya had made it to be. Especially given the faces your elf was making reading it.
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Had a G1 Cartoonish idea based off this image.
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The population is low and no one is particularly enthused about the war. The Decepticons are losing on Earth, and the Autobots have lost Cybertron for any practical reasons. The Decpeticons are no the recognized rulers of Cybertron on an intergalactic scale and the Autobot is a government in exile. But the Autobots have resources and other skillsets needed along with Warth's alliance.
All of which Megatron realizes in a conversation with Starscream and the Decepticons withdraw from Earth and offer a peace treaty. Through negotiations both sides need assurances so MegOP marry for peace.
But this ain't about them.
It's about this guy.
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Soundwave is not happy abput this marriage. He is not happy about working with Autobots.
And he is not happy to be asked to put their relationship on pause while MegOP work their stuff out. Soundwave doesn't want to deal with Optimus as a potential partner or partner's partner. Especially not after months of secretiveness and keeping Soundwave out of decisions and ignoring his advice agreeing to this scheme instead of alternative shows of trust.
Soundwave doesn't feel valued and hasn't in awhile so he makes the decision to leave. He wasn't overly fond of Earth but his Cassettes liked it so he becomes the Decepticon representative in Autobot City. Ultra Magnus and his team are all somewhat confused and anxious about someone so highly ranked being assigned to them.
Ultra Magnus gives him a generous office and the best quarters not wanting to aggravate tensions and assigns Hot Rod as his aide during his stay given he does have more manners than Springer, less prone to anxiety than Blurr, less of a temper than Springer.
Hot Rod is bright, small, smiley and Soundwave instantly bristles at his energy. This may have been a bad decision, but preferable to watching Megatron "work things out". Hot Rod meanwhile is just happy the war is over and interested in getting to meet people out of his squad because he was a war baby literally built for Ultra Magnus's squad by Magnus and Alpha Trion.
Okay so okay so okay so okay so
Megatron and Optimus marrying for peace and the cons getting Cybertron and the autobots staying on earth is one thing
Soundwave has opinions about this
So Sounders and cassettes move to earth because he's not happy about any of this.
Mags making sense here yep yep yep
Of course Soundwave and Hot Rod have friction at first (whether it's a full on rivalry or it's one-sided).
I'd say this won't end well but let's be real it will
It will end will
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nevis-the-skeleton · 1 year
Timeline of my AU TFP "The Polar Star"
Age of Harmony: 
– Unicron and Primus are in harmony and get along well. Unicron contains his negative energy and emotions.
- Creation of the first Prime: Megatronus (creation of Primus and Unicron), he got the Capacity of the Traveller
- Creation of the other Primes: Vector Prime, Solus Prime, Micronus Prime, Alchemist Prime, Nexus Prime, Onyx Prime, Amalgamous Prime, Quintus Prime, Liege Maximo, Logos Prime, and Autonomous Maximus
- Solus Prime's constructions: The Forge, Tenebris, Omega Keys, Phase Shifter, the Matrix
- First interaction between Unicron and the Quintessons
- Unicron's anger grow more and more towards his brother 
War of Chaos:
- War between Primus and Unicron
- Solus Prime's constructions: Lair of the Primes, the relic capable of defeating Unicron (unnamed), Apex Armor, the Star Saber
- Sacrifice of Megatronus 
- Banishment of the Spark of Unicron 
- Invasion of the Quintessons 
- Death of other Primes, enslavement of Primus 
Age of Enslavement:
- Enslavement of the Transformers by the Quintessons 
- Creation of other forms of life: flora and fauna (induced by the Quintessons) 
- First appearance of the Predacons
- Fight between the Quintessons and the Predacons (the Transformers being the prey) 
- The Quintessons try to get rid of the Predacons by sending them to another planet (thanks to a space bridge): Earth (those sent there die of hunger)
- The All-Spark continues to create Predacons
- Great Cataclysm (a meteorite crashes into Cybertron) 
- Extinction of the Predacons 
- First appearance of Scraplets and Worms of Rust 
- Appearance of the first Awakened (Transformers endowed with a conscience) 
- Primus create a new Traveller : Alpha Trion, thanks of the remain of Unicron's energy
War of Warth:
- War between the Awakened and the Quintessons
- Primus choose Nominus to be the next Prime, and tell his story to him
- Nominus tell everything to Sentinel
- Death of Nominus after saving Sentinel
- Sentinel tells the story of Primus and Unicron to the Awakened (hiding parts, such as Megatronus Prime being a creation of the two Gods) 
- Sentinel is named Prime 
- Victory of the Transformers against the Quintessons 
Age of Rise:
- Creation of the Senate, composed of the first Awakened: Sentinel Prime, Alpha Trion, Shockwave, Dai Atlas, Jhiaxus, Tyrest, and Proteus
- Composition of a temporary Caste System
- Creation of the main City-States: Kaon, Iacon and Vos
- Studies of the plans of the ground and space bridges of the Quintessons
- Vos creates its own system and becomes independent of the Senate
- The Slaves are the criminals (not indefinitely, with exceptions)
- Miners are Slaves and Workers (alternative mode: Drill)
- Creation of other smaller City-States: Praxus, Tarn, Helex, Delphi, etc. 
- Colonization and cyberformation of planets: Velocitron, Caminus, etc.
- Earth is discovered and is named: E-147
- The Transformers discover on E-147 (Earth) a Transformers Graveyard used by the Quintessons during the Age of Enslavement
- Appearance of Techno-Organics: Evolved form of Cybertronian fauna 
- The All-Spark no longer spawns bots with the Drill alt mode
Golden age :
- The Caste System becomes permanent 
- Slaves are criminals, abandoned Sparklings, orphans and handicapped
- Creation of the First Generation of Cold Constructions
- The Transformers come into contact with prehistoric men
- The first humans transmit the legend of the Transformers until Antiquity, before being forgotten
- Creation of Synthetic Energon
- Discovery of the first Cold Construction with a conscience: Soundwave 
Silver Age:
- Creation of the Gladiator class 
- The Seeker Quake becomes Vos' favorite (the favorite being the robot most likely to become Air Commander, chosen by the Nobles)
- Creation of the Second Generation of Cold Constructions
- The Seeker Skyquake hits a noble who insulted his brother
- Dreadwing and Skyquake are sent to the Colonies (place of banishment)
- Creation of the Latest Generation of Cold Constructions 
- The Seeker Quake is accused of having murdered his conjux and loses his title of Favorite
- The Seeker Quake is sent to the Colonies
- Most Cold Constructions become self-aware 
- Primus create another Traveller, thanks of the remain of Unicron's energy, but the Sparkling dies after being out of the All-Spark
- The Constructor of Cold Constructions create an Hybrid, with a Spark of Cold Constructions and the body of a Sparkling stillborn
- Thrust is named Commander and Prince of Vos
- Sentinel Prime is looking for the Hybrid, but the Constructor tells him that the Hybrid is dead
- Slavery of Cold Constructions 
- First Purge: Massacre of the Cold Constructions of the Last Generation (the Generation which least follows its program) in a hangar, after the promise of a change 
- Revolt of the Cold Constructions, led by Soundwave 
- Massacre of most of the Revolutionaries, Soundwave is sent to the Arenas 
- Megatronus and Soundwave meet
- Cold Constructions are placed below Slaves in the Caste System ranking 
- A crane named Hook becomes a doctor: first robot that does not respect the function of they alternate mode 
- Creation of the IDS: Institute for Deviant Studies (Cold Constructions that don't follow their program) 
- Discovery of the first couple between a Transformer and a Cold Construction (deceased) 
- Start of Decepticon Ideology: Initiated by Megatronus  
- Seeker scientists at Trypticon Station create an energon which is supposed to multiply, but it doesn't work on Cybertron
- Send this energon into space to hope it multiplies on other planets
- Acceptance of a disabled person in the Seekers class: Skywarp (Teleportation ability, extremely rare)
Bronze Age:
- First non-scientific vehicles accepted at Iacon Academy: Starscream and Skyfire 
- Encounter between Megatronus and Orion Pax
- Death of the scientist Skyfire during an expedition to planet E-147, murdered by his partner, arrest of the latter 
- The Hybrid is found and send to the IDS
- Conjuxion between a Slave and a Citizen: Megatronus and Orion Pax
- Destruction of one of the main building of the IDS, a level 7 Cold Construction escapes 
- The Decepticons have a symbol: The face of a First Generation Cold Construction 
- Megatronus and Starscream meet 
- Starscream joins the Decepticon ideology
Age of Rust:
- Rust Invasion on Colonies 
- Massive Infection on Velocitron 
- Closure of Space Bridges to prevent a potential spread of Rust on Cybertron 
- Dispatch rescue ships to impacted Colonies 
- Emigration of Velocitronians on Cybertron and Caminus 
- Space Bridges are destroyed
- Seeker Starscream becomes Vos' Favorite
- Rise of Decepticon ideology, Senate concern 
- Establishment of an anti-Decepticon Propaganda
- Megatronus adopts the name "Decepticon" used by the Senate in their Propaganda 
- The Decepticons are persecuted, but Megatronus does not give up 
- Second Purge: All identities of the Cold Constructions are revealed and the Senate asks the people to destroy them 
- Seeker Starscream challenges Commander Thrust in a Duel Wing, Starscream wins the duel
- The Winglord presents to the Senate his new Commander and Prince: Starscream 
- First declarations of the Prince about a Cybertron without Caste System, intention to go in this direction when he will be Winglord 
- Assassination attempt on Prince Starscream 
- Terrorist acts during Megatronus' speeches 
- Orion Pax is declared Prime by the Senate
- Orion Pax is a spy for the Decepticons, tries to help Megatronus from the inside 
- Shockwave captures Megatronus for scientific research
- Starscream creates a rescue team to save Megatronus
- Megatronus offers Shockwave to join the Decepticons to continue his scientific research and help the cause at the same time
- Shockwave and Starscream's relationship doesn't improve
- Sentinel Prime discovers Orion's double game
- Sentinel Prime turns Orion Pax against Megatronus: Orion Pax leaves the Decepticon cause
- Attempted murder against Megatronus 
- The Decepticons hideout is discovered and the members are arrested 
- Starscream helps the Decepticons escape 
- Purification of Kaon: The inhabitants of Kaon are massacred by the Enforcers, the Senate seeks to permanently eradicate the supporters of the Decepticon cause, most of the Techno-organics are killed there. Megatronus and the Decepticons intervene and try to save as many civilians as possible.
- Wrath of the Decepticons 
Age of Vengeance:
- Megatron retaliates violently against the Senate infrastructure 
- The Autobot camp is founded by Orion Pax to intervene against the attacks 
- Starscream is against these acts of violence and leaves the Decepticon cause 
- Vos becomes Neutral 
- The Senate tries a new Purification against Tarn which is intercepted by Orion Pax
- The Autobots cut bonds with the Senate 
- The Decepticon symbol changes, expressing their anger 
- The Decepticons destroy the Senate: Sentinel Prime and Alpha Trion are the only survivors 
- Alpha Trion and Sentinel Prime join the Autobots (both are presumed dead) 
- Recruit Smokescreen is assigned to protect Alpha Trion and the Archives with the Elite Guard in Iacon 
- The Decepticons declare war on the Autobots 
Great War:
- The City-States of Iacon and Kaon enter in the War.
- Praxus, Delphi team up with the Autobots 
- Tarn, Helex and Thesarus ally with the Decepticons 
- Neutrals move away from large Cities
- Shockwave creates the incendiary bombs that will be used on Vos
- Bombardment of Vos by the Decepticons who make it seem like it was the Autobots 
- Prince Starscream joins the Decepticon cause again, the Vossians follow him 
- Iacon is destroyed by the Seekers demanding revenge 
- Starscream is named Second-in-Command of the Decepticons 
- The IDS is destroyed by the Decepticons during the attack on Praxus
- Ultra Magnus discovers that Sentinel Prime is plotting behind Optimus/Orion's back
- Shockwave creates the Tox-En
- Starscream is kidnapped by Overlord 
- Starscream sends Energon data from the Trypticon Station into space to prevent Overlord from gaining access to the Dark Energon 
- Starscream discovers the truth about Vos, Megatron and Starscream's good relationship is destroyed 
- Starscream attempts to join the Autobots with his Seekers, until he discovers Sentinel Prime is on their side
- Shockwave creates the Spark Extractor
- Orion Pax finds the Matrix, Sentinel Prime tries to kill him to steal it, but fails 
- Orion Pax really becomes Optimus Prime
- Primus asks Optimus Prime to bring back his brother : Unicron
- The Autobots chase away Sentinel and his followers 
- The Sentinels faction is created
- Shockwave creates the first Vehicons
- Slaughter of Neutrals by Decepticons and Sentinels 
- Soundwave and his minicons are captured by the Sentinels, Soundwave and Laserbeak are the only survivors
- Sentinel Prime seeks the All-Spark to reformat the Decepticons 
- Starscream is captured by the Sentinels to find the All-Spark by using his energon radar
- Starscream escapes and slaughters the Sentinels on his way
- The Decepticons capture Sentinel Prime
- Shockwave creates the first Insecticons
- Arcee and Tailgate are captured and tortured by Airachnid, Tailgate does not survive it
- the All-Spark is found by Autobots and Decepticons
- Optimus and Megatron fight for the All-Spark, Megatron intends to do the same as Sentinel
- Both Starscream and Optimus refuse to allow the All-Spark to be used for evil purposes
- The All-Spark is hidden in Theta Scorpii
- The Decepticons discover that Alpha Trion is alive
- Shockwave creates the Immobilizer
- Alpha Trion sends all the relics, and destructive inventions of the Decepticons into space before being captured and killed by the Decepticons. He also hid the last Omega Key in the body of the rookie Smokescreen.
- Shockwave is thinking of a way to recreate Space Bridges
- Sentinel Prime dies under torture
- Airachnid quits the Decepticon cause and goes renegade
- The incessant bombardments weaken Primus who has already been sick for a long time because of the Quintessons
- Energon becomes non-existent and great famines hit both sides
- The Autobots send groups to seek the energon sent to other planets, Optimus' team finds Earth
- Cliffjumper and Arcee are captured by the Decepticons
- Shockwave and Starscream find the location of Optimus, who invites the Autobots to join him on a planet with energon
- Shockwave is presumed dead after the explosion of the Space Bridge
- Arcee and Cliffjumper join Optimus
- Primus, exhausted, goes into stasis, most of the Cybertronian fauna and flora starve to death
- Megatron goes after Optimus
- Autobots and Decepticons scatter through space
- Cybertron is left to his fate, dying
You can discover the next of this story on Ao3 and Wattpad ;) : "The Polar Star" (TFP)
Wattpad (french)
Ao3 (english)
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cosmic-walkers · 2 years
It was probably Maglor who crowned Maedhros as king, come to think of it. In his lifetime, he has crowned three kings, and being king maker has not always been a happy time for him.
The first time he crowned a king, it was Maedhros and both were broken. There were tears in Maglor's eyes, regret in his heart. All seven of them had left the only home they'd known, had been abandoned and turned away from the Valar. Maglor did not know what it meant to be king, he also knew Maedhros did not know either. Perhaps Maedhros in that moment did not want the crown, he wanted his father, he wanted his mother, but he did not shed a tear, not like Maglor did. Because the second the crown touched Maedhros's red hair, he was no longer a boy, but a king. Still, Maglor was not happy.
Yet, when Maglor crowns his second king and is one again a king maker, he is filled with joy. There are celebrations, swans flying in the skies, roses at his feet. This is because the gold crown now sits upon the head of Elros. It was obvious that after all Maglor had done, including attempting to re-steal his Silmaril after the war of warth, he was no longer accepted by the elves (well there was elrond).
He would have faded away to the sea, but Elros, before he and his followers venture to Numenor, seeks Maglor out. Maglor follows Earendil's star with Elros, and they both come upon Numenor together. When Maglor settles in Numenor, he helps Elros the same way he helped Maedhros. He encourages him, teaches him, etc. but by this time, Elros is already seasoned; he's learned from Maedhros, Gil Galad, Eonwe, Earendil (even Finarfinn) he does not need Maglor's guidance. But when it comes time for his coronation, it is Maglor whom Elros wants to crown him. He wants Maglor to make him a king. It is the only way it feels real to him. It is the happiest Maglor has been, when he places the crown upon Elros's golden, Vanyar like curls.
Yet, five hundred years pass, and Maglor holds the crown again, tears in his eyes.
And he gazes into the tired, sad eyes of another. This is, the king of Nuemnor, the new king, the son of Elros. He is not ready to be king, similar to how Maedhros was all those years ago, he does not want it. Of course, he has been regent as his father grew ill years ago, but it does not make it easier now that he is dead. And Maglor holds the crown, after just have removing it from Elros's corpse, and there are tears in his eyes as he walks down the coornation hall to the throne. Even when he bows, he can hardly stand. And there the new king stands, his eyes wet, just as Maglor's, and with sadness in Maglor's heart, he crowns another king. But it reminds him so much of crowning Maedhros.
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Ukrainian MiG-29 jet suffers accident after allegedly having shot down five Russian drones
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/14/2022 - 09:30 in Military, War Zones
The wreckage of a Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter (in a painting scheme by the Ukrainian Falcons demonstration team) fell in the Vinnytsia Oblast region on October 12.
The Ukrainian Air Force lost the MiG-29 fighter after it was sent to intercept the Shahed-136 Russian kamikasian drones and cruise missiles.
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The Ukrainian military claims that the MiG-29 pilot managed to destroy five Shahed-136 drones on Wednesday, October 12, including three in southern Ukraine and two in the heavens of Vinnytsia.
Judging by the video below, it was the reformed jet that was painted in a pseudo-Falcons scheme at the beginning of the conflict. Non-standard colors were added as a morale boost, reflecting the continued ability of the Ukrainian Air Force to fight against overwhelming odds and local maintenance, repair and review facilities to keep the MiGs in service, even facing Russian attacks.
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He had also knocked down two Russian cruise missiles the day before during a massive Russian missile attack.
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According to some sources, the jet ended up hitting the remains of a dejected drone or was damaged by the shrapnel of its warth, causing a loss of control.
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The Ukrainian Air Force command said the pilot successfully ejected.
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There is nothing in the footage to say for sure that MiG was attacking a drone. Although it is possible that this footage shows the jet that was involved with the various drone deaths and the subsequent ejection, and may be involving a drone, there is simply no evidence that this was the moment when it was lost. This would also not be the first time that a video excerpt showing a confusing air combat situation led to some mistaken or extravagant allegations. This is the "war fog" in the age of social media.
Tags: Military AviationUkrainian Air ForceMiG-29 FulcrumWar Zones - Russia/Ukraine
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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littleeyesofpallas · 3 months
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So the second issue opens with Bruce meeting Harvey Dent (who I guess has been doing better? Not sure since when....) in something between a classy jazz lounge and a seedy speakeasy. They have elaborate bat insignia coasters apparently... There is a lounge singer performing, keeping us with the musicality theme. Also Harvey's sporting this golden Phantom of the Opera look now like an absolute drama queen.
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A curious detail here: The bar Harvey is wasting away in, is named after a Hindu deity, Bhairava[भैरव] is a warthful emination of the god of destruction, Shiva.
Anyway the conversation is ridiculous and Harvey seriously delivers the line, "Look upon my golden face, Bruce Wayne." Anyway they establish that the normal mobsters have gone into hiding and that there is some kind of a change coming, but neither knows just what. Change, btw, is a theme here... sort of... it's supposed to be anyway.
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meanwhile the Orghams have already arrived in Gotham, which feels a little too quick honestly... We get this super weird and kind of frustratingly bland exposition dump where apparently the first Orgham to settle Gotham did so during the establishment of the fucking midatlantic colonies in 1692(the year of the start of the salem witch trials, btw...) which just raises all kinds of questions I know they weren't trying to... like why eastern european aristocracy was buying land on the North American continent with a bunch of anglosaxon heretic peasants. But in any case 1853 the name Arkham is apparently taken to protect business operations??? (Note that the American Civil War hasnt even happened at that point)
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I gotta stop here to point out that this is just a wild series of tiny decisions to have made and laid out so explicitly here... So the eastern european family did not in fact immigrate to the U.S. during any of the notable and appropriate historical migration periods for that region??? The change of the name Orgham to Arkham was not a matter of integration into American culture, as many name changes of imigrants over history have been? (certainly not centuries after establishing themselves as American settlers and land owners) What a wasted opportunity to inject a little real world flavor into things.
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Anyway, we learn the trust fund baby has magic hulk out powers too. The music box is revealed to have the power to actually reverse, as well as apparently trigger the effect. Batman is then concurrently figuring out via consultation with an imprisoned Maestro, that the music box isn't just randomly magic, but specifically musical pseudo science.
With the Maronis apparently broken off with, the Orgham agents in Gotham approach Harvey instead, and hit him with their "Azmer" dust, and now Two-Face is talking to him in his head again.
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Now... for all my beef with the Orgham backstory (and oh boy is there more of that to come... dont you worry...) I really love this idea that the Azmer and the music tap into this kind of subconcious latency and that people like Bruce and Harvey are already so predisposed to carrying on their alter egos that their manifestations are more clear and distinct, where as some rando just goes frothing at the mouth mad and hulks out instead. And there's an aspect that I'll skip ahead to bring up: the Orgham goons all have a mask that allows them to transform. This whole talk of bringing out inner demons is cool and all, but the villains all just turn into fairly generically bigstrong monster men.
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Okay so here's maybe my biggest issue with all this... (and i say this fully understanding that it is an unreasonably obtuse thing to have expected from pretty loosely associated hooks, but hear me out...) if we're juggling changing the city, the absence of arkham, the power of masks, some kind of ancient lovecraftian madness, barbatos and batman, and batman's declining health and Dawn of DC's (admitedly weak ass) passing the torch themes... then rather than some deep down personal demons being brought out by spooky song, what I would have really liked is for this all to have been about the Orghams having developed a method of channeling a vast unknowable wealth of abstract concepts and powers into the physical world via totems. The physical object reflects the idea and anchors vast formless powers into concrete images, funneling that impossible expanse into manageable human proportions. In that way the ancient evil remains unknowable without making its methods overly concrete and explained, the Orgham's relation to it becomes uniquely threatening without making them either underpowered or limited in their gimmick, and yet the parallel with Batman and the Gotham rogues becomes abundantly clear:
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Batman has unwittingly and tactlessly reinvented this ancient ritual from scratch, and he has for years thus been channeling unchecked madness directly into his skull via his bat persona. So now the family has come to clamp down on this infringement of their ancient rites, and the source of it all is that some ancient ancestor of theirs ran off with their family secrets and spread them unchecked amongst Gotham's unknowing populace for generations, giving rise to Gotham's rouges gallery and all their costumed gimmicks, each faintly tapping into higher powers via their masks and aliases. And above all, Gotham itself is a living breathing psychic organism, and the power of masks works on it as well, and for decades now, Arkham Asylum was Gotham's mask: it projected the image of gothic horror and an archaic madhouse, and so that's the anchor the abstract powers of the aether had to channel themselves into the city through. With the Asylum gone, there is no anchor, and there is no mask, and city can do one of three things: put the mask back on, forge a new mask and a new persona, or face down a sort of withering psychic hangover as all of Gotham's psychic collective rides out the lingering madness raw and unfiltered.
So do we rebuild Arkham as it was, to uphold status quo, but in a way that ultimately means perpetuating the pipeline of madness from the aether into the city and its populace? Do we try to build something new, funneling different and "better" forces into the city, but via an equally tenuous and dangerous anchor? Or do we try to break the cycle entirely at the risk that the potential psychic overload of everything Gotham took into itself for a century taken without the filter of a mask could straight up kill it and everyone in it? And do the mask of Batman and the mask of Arkham go hand in hand? If we agree to retire Arkham, do we accept retiring The Batman as we know him as well? Can the city ever really move on?
That's the fucking story I wanted out of this. Along with maybe some cool immigrant anecdotes, and throwbacks to Dracula's whole London property investment world conquest scheme.
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cosmic-walkers · 2 years
Earnendil would hear Maglor's songs of sadness when he passed by him in the sky , and Earendil would grow not only to love Maglor's voice but pity him, all the same. And he would also understand how privileged he is to hear that music, because eventually Maglor stops singing, his voice which haunted yet saved people) because another hc of mine is that Maglor's voice has healing properties, but that's for another post) fades to silence, and even the elves forget. When Earendil passes by perhaps years after the war of warth (well into the second age), he is saddened when he no longer hears Maglor. His tunes were essential to Earendil in many ways; he felt less lonely, he felt as if these voyages weren't as isolating, and more so he felt that through Maglor's songs, someone understood him.
Maglor wanted to die; he sang of it every day for he hated himself for what he'd become, and Earendil, though a hero and much loved in Valinor, did not want the life of the Eldar. His wish was to accompany Elros to Numenor, and be the father to him that he wanted, but he made the choice to stay an elf, and his son is gone from his grasp. And in many ways, Maglor yearns for the freedom of humans, to leave the circles of the world, but it is not given to him, and it is not given to Earendil. And Maglor sings of those woes, and Earnendil feels heard, because he is not able to reveal such desires in Valinor. (Maglor also sings of Elros and Elrond, and the great love he had for the two of them, and through music and song Earendil gets to know his sons)
So when one day he passes by the beach and hears that Maglor is no longer singing, he is worried. For he cannot find him and he feels alone. 'It's just a while, he'll be back'. Earendil tells himself, but centuries pass and Maglor never sings again. Nor has anyone heard of him.
Earendil searches for him then, both in Valinor and in Middle Earth in various elven realms. And at a point, music starts to irritate Earendil if not sung by Maglor. While it brings other elves joy, it angers Earendil. He hears tales of the Sindar being the most fair singers of all, and when one day in Valinor he is with Sindar elves and hears them speaking of the greatest singers in elven history, he is angry when he does not hear a particular name mentioned.
"What of Maglor, he was the finest singer in all of elven history?"
Obviously, that doesn't go well, regardless, Earendil continues his search for Maglor. Hundreds, then thousands of years pass, and Maglor is forgotten. His music, his beautiful music that brought Earendil so much peace and happiness is gone and it is as if Maglor is forgotten even by elves.
Earendil fears the worst. When he passes by the beach, he shines the Silmaril brighter so perhaps, he can get some response from Maglor, but there is nothing and eventually, in sadness, Earendil stops. It feels as if he has lost his happiness, his heart and one of his only reasons to keep on.
There is a happier part of this AU. Maglor did stop singing of course, because he was sad, but he was also captured by orcs, and was made their prisoner. However, when he escaped Earendil finds him, and kills the orcs who captured him. Maglor is barely alive when he is found but Earendil takes him upon Vingilot to help him. The light of the Silmaril shines upon Earendil and heals him. Earendil returns Maglor to the beach but asks Maglor to stay with him and travel the skies with him and Maglor agrees. He stays with Earendil and eventually learns to sing again - happy songs. And the two of them end up going to Imaldris to visit Elrond from time to time.
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kesarijournal · 1 year
Chronology and History of the Israel-Palestine Conflict
#### Pre-1948: The Ottoman and British Mandate PeriodsThe roots of the conflict trace back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries when both Jewish and Arab nationalism emerged. The Ottoman Empire controlled the region until World War I, after which the British took over, promising both Jews and Arabs their own lands.#### 1947-1948: UN Partition and the First Arab-Israeli WarThe UN proposed a…
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cyberbenb · 1 year
UK slaps new sanctions against Russia over deportation of Ukrainian children
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U.K. Foreign Secretary James Cleverly announced on July 17 new sanctions against Russia over the attempts to destroy Ukrainian national identity and the abduction of Ukrainian children.
London confirmed 14 new sanctions, including 11 against those who participate in the abductions such as Ksenia Mishonova, Commissioner for Children’s Rights in Moscow Oblast, or Education Minister Sergey Kravtsov.
The British sanctions list is also expanded by two Russian propagandists for spreading anti-Ukrainian sentiments, including former Russia Today (RT) presenter Anton Krasovsky.
On Oct. 20, 2022, Krasovsky called for the murder of Ukrainian children, saying they should be “thrown into a river with a rapid current.” He was suspended from his position at RT soon after.
The U.K. extended sanctions also against Culture Minister Olha Lyubimova for “using her position to support the Russian state’s damaging anti-Ukrainian policies."
London announced that the sanctioned Russian officials are to face asset freezes and travel bans.
According to the Ukrainian portal Children of War, Russia has abducted or forcibly moved 19,493 Ukrainian children since the beginning of the full-scale invasion.
Many of them are forced to undergo “Russian patriotic re-education” and are assigned to Russian adoptive and foster families.
What it’s like to know your loved ones are in Russian captivity
On the evening of Feb. 24, Nataliia Sivak received a terrifying message from her younger brother, Ukrainian soldier Yakiv Nehrii. “Tell everyone I love them very much,” the message read. “We are under heavy attack.” It was the last time she heard from him. When Russia launched its full-scale war
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The Kyiv IndependentDaria Shulzhenko
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cavenewstimes · 1 year
Batman and Catwoman clash in the Dawn of DC's latest chapter: The Gotham War
2023-05-26 16:00:00Batman and Catwoman clash in the Dawn of DC’s newest chapter: The Gotham WarThe brand-new story gets straight after the Knight Terrors occasion … House Comics Superhero Batman (Image credit: DC Comics) It seems like the Bat and the Cat are at loggerheads again … DC has actually revealed the next chapter in its continuous Dawn of DC occasion, and Batman and Catwoman’s…
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ultrajaphunter · 2 years
South Korea aims beat China and France to become world’s 4th largest arms exporter by 2027
The United States, Russia, China, and France are currently considered to be the world's top four arms exporters. Korea's goal is to overtake at least one of these countries.
Joseph P Chacko
Joseph P. Chacko is the publisher of Frontier India, Flicks Town and D2Mobi. He holds an M.B.A in International Business. Twitter: @chackojoseph *views are Personal Twitter: @chackojoseph *views are Personal.
South Korea, not among the top ten suppliers of weapons and military equipment until very recently, plans to become the fourth largest exporter of products from the military-industrial complex within the next five years. This goal was set in light of the fact that South Korea has recently joined the list of countries that are among the top ten suppliers of weapons and military equipment. The information was released following the “Meeting on the export strategy for military-industrial complex products in 2022.” According to the data that is currently available, Seoul has opportunities to accomplish its goal.
After the conference, the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Natural Resources of the Republic of Korea issued a statement outlining the new, more aggressive mission. At this event, which was presided over by the President of the Republic of Korea Yoon Suk-yeol, the goal of increasing South Korea’s share of global arms exports to five per cent by the year 2027 was endorsed. This would allow South Korea to reach the top four suppliers of products associated with the military-industrial complex. The United States, Russia, China, and France are currently considered to be the world’s top four arms exporters. Korea’s goal is to overtake at least one of these countries.
Zooming exports
It is essential to acknowledge that, despite the goal’s being exceedingly ambitious and difficult, Korea has strong grounds for believing that it is possible, even though this is something that must be acknowledged. In recent years, the export performance of the Korean military-industrial complex has been growing by leaps and bounds. If in 2020, South Korea sold weapons and military equipment worth $3 billion, then the figure more than doubled last year – $7.2 billion. Even more impressive figures are expected this year. Warsaw is purchasing more than $12 billion worth of military hardware from South Korea. This includes 180 tanks from Hyundai Rotem, as well as artillery, ammunition from the Hanwha group and fighter planes from Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI). Poland is in a rush to build up its defences in the face of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine that is taking place next door. Tank production in Poland is an area of discussion between Hyundai Rotem and a potential Polish business partner. To date, the Republic of Korea has concluded contracts for supplying weapons and military equipment for $17 billion.
Advantages of the Ukraine war
The war in Ukraine worked out very well for Seoul because they could take advantage of it. Because of their assistance to Kyiv, several European countries swiftly began to deplete their supplies of weapons; however, regular suppliers needed more time to rebuild their arsenals. It was a zenith moment for South Korea, which has a highly established military industry but has frequently been excluded from markets in Europe and North America. At this time, countries from the European Union, the United States of America, and Canada have all made deals to buy military equipment, ammunition, and weapons from Korea.
Rest of the world
Korean exports are also doing very well in other parts of the world. Egypt and Malaysia are currently negotiating the purchase of the same model of KAI aircraft, while the Philippines have already begun deploying them. The United Arab Emirates has decided to acquire a surface-to-air missile system from LIG Nex1, a South Korean defence firm. The value of the transaction is billions of dollars.
The Australian government has given Hanwha Aerospace a contract for over 700 million Australian dollars to deliver armoured vehicles and self-propelled artillery. The facility’s establishment, which will be the first international production facility for a South Korean defence contractor and is planned to go live in 2024, is now underway at the company.
Restructuring defence industry
As investors foresee a long-term improvement in the defence industry, the stock market has surged. KAI, Hyundai Rotem, and Hanwha Aerospace have all increased by approximately 40% so far in 2022, while Hanwha Aerospace has grown by approximately 50%. Investment firms believe that all three companies, plus LIG Nex1, will continue to increase their sales and profits in the long term.
South Korea has begun restructuring businesses in an effort to bolster its defence industry. In September, Korea Development Bank selected Hanwha Group as the preferred bidder to acquire Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME), the world’s third-largest shipbuilder, from Hanwha Group.
Hanwha indicated that the acquisition of DSME’s naval vessel business would create an integrated “land, sea, and air” military portfolio.
According to Hanwha, the acquisition will contribute to the expansion of submarine and battleship exports to Middle Eastern, European, and Asian client bases.
Government support
After the meeting, President Yoon Suk-yeol stated that the military-industrial complex industry is one of the primary drivers for the future expansion of the country’s economy and the foundation for other areas of modern technology. He promised to be an active supporter of its businesses, particularly about investment, research and development, and financial assistance for the localization of component manufacture. Yoon Suk-yeol brought attention to transforming the defence industry into an industry focused on exports. “The export of military products is turning into the basis for cooperation between countries … The export of conventional goods is necessary for economic growth, and the supply of military-industrial complex products is vital for ensuring national security,” he stressed.
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atanes-universe · 4 years
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Savs Universe
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Rescue Bots: Cody Burns-Blue Lantern from planet Earth
OH CRAP! I'm doing it again guys, help me. I thanks @bluekat12345 and a random anonymous guy for reminding me of this idea.
In fearful day, in raging night, With strong hearts full, our souls ignite, When all seems lost in the War of Light, Look to the stars-- For hope burns bright!
Because of the hope he has for becoming a hero just like his father and being able to work on his side one day. A ring from the Blue Lanterns corps of the planet Odym themed Cody worthy of possessing the power of healing hope. As too, for being one of the few town people more capable of connecting with other beings, just like with the Rescue Bots and robotics A.I's
Cody gained the ring after the episode Cody on Patrol, as the entity that controlled the power of hope known as Adara, have been seeing Cody's heroic motivations since episode 1, noticing how brave and dedicated to his work he is, and how it was mentioned before, wanting harmony among all living creatures.
At first, Cody just knew that he was smacked in the face with a ring in his room at night... That hurt a lot. It was just a mare of seconds when the ring started talking and being to explain what it was and why it was there.
Cody Burns from planet earth, you have the ability to instill great hope in others. Welcome, to the Blue Lanter Corps! Who? Me! But I don't have any powers... I am not even a hero, I failed to be one! Nonsense, you have a healing power that comes from hope! As so, we the Blue Lanterns, will grant you the power to heal others. All will be well.
Cody did not understand 20% of what the ring was talking about, but anyway... He did not go out at night to go shoot things and fly in the sky LoL, he remained all night listening to the ring explanations and stories about the Lantern Corps, asking questions about how it works and what he can do. That's how he discovered that one downside of having the ring is that he must feel hope all the time, or else the ring would let him...
He also can not tell anyone, not even his family and the Bots about the ring as is a secret identity thing...
He called the ring instructor Áncora because Cody doesn't want to be alone trying to figure out how to do this new job.
He would learn faster how to use the ring, still, it was difficult to fly without someone catching him if he fell, but Árcona is more than happy to see Cody try his hardest. The easy part was using the ring rays, as Cody has good eyes and shooting skills!
It would be in the episode Four Bots and a Baby, that Cody would use the true power of the ring, the ability to heal and aspired hope in others by giving them more power.
And then, to finally be visited by Saint Walker and Brother Warth, the firsts Blue Lanterns! They then introduce him to the rest of the Blue Lantern Cops!
But because there is no Green Lantern around to help him achieve his full potential, Cody can only use the power to heal others and give them strength when they need it. So no fighting big baddy's and no dangerous rescues, yet.
As in the episode Walk on the Wild Side, a girl using a Green Lantern ring would finally appear to help, she goes by the code name Green Redder!
This is comforting for Cody because it means that he can show his full potential and he could finally help more! But he was proven wrong, as Green Redder could take off the emergencies on her own, only requiring a small burst of energy when she had a difficult task...
He still assists people, he is still there for a reason, and he still has hope! But he can't deny being jealous of his partner's popularity and ability. (but he is now more of an assistant than a companion) ... But the other Blue lanterns are on his side taking him to other planets exploring the flora and fauna of those, and Áncora is with him too!
But things can't stay calm, as in the episodes The Other Doctor and The Reign of Morocco, he would have to face his biggest challenge, a Yellow Lantern, known as Eternity!
What do you guys think? Wanna hear more!
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ray-ray-writings · 4 years
Wither or Not-Technoblade
#37, 38, and 39 from this prompt list. Check out my masterlist here. 
This is a Technoblade x gn!reader in the dreamsmp! 
Small Author Note: This is out of character for Techno and also, I don’t think Techno has done anything wrong on the server and this is the hill I will die on… That is all.
Techno attempts to explain to his partner just why he betrayed L’Manberg. 
Pain. That’s all I felt. Pain. The high of winning our war quickly came crashing down as the nation that we had fought so hard to win back was blown to bits by none other than the one that created it. And then two withers spawned by the one that promised to help secure it’s freedom. By the one that swore he was on our side… My side. His partner’s side. Technoblade. The Blood God himself had spawned the withers that further caused L’Manberg to fall into ruins. 
The pain was both emotional and physical. I was so exhausted from fighting that I hadn’t been able to make it far enough away from the explosion. I found myself face down in a pile of rubble, ears ringing. I slowly turned myself over and looked up to find Techno’s mouth moving, but couldn’t hear the words. He placed the three wither skulls atop the soul sand and boom! The withers had made their appearance. Tommy was quick to lead a charge to fight them, but I couldn’t move. I was too hurt. 
My heart hurt at the thought of my partner betraying us. My bones ached from the beating I had taken during the day. I watched the wither’s health quickly deplete as many fought it, taking it down. As the wither died, my eyes met Techno’s. I was still lying helplessly on the ground, a pile of rubble propping me up and I’m sure I looked like a wreck. Techno quickly made his way toward me, but I didn’t want him anywhere near me. 
“Y/N” He whispered, kneeling down next to me, moving his hands to cup my cheek. I jerked away from him, hissing at the searing pain that shot through me, but I help my ground, “Don’t fucking touch me,” I hissed out. Hurt flashed through Techno’s face. “Y/N, please.” He pleaded once more, attempting to touch me again, “I’m serious Techno. Don’t you dare touch me. You’ve done more than enough harm for one day.” I barked, my head pounding from the pain caused by the movement. 
“I’m sorry,” Techno pleaded, trying to get me to listen to him. I let out a scoff though, not believing it. “Don’t say that. Not now. Not after you blew up my country… My home. Something I have built with my friends and family to make. Something I have fought many wars over. Something that was special to me. Something that you and Wilbur have now destroyed. You aren’t sorry Techno” 
“Y/N, you have to understand-” “Oh I understand plenty Techno,” I cut the pink haired man off, “You fought by our side. By my side. I trusted you with everything I had and you threw it away.” I snarled, my hand moving to rest on my stomach. I could tell Techno wanted nothing more than to reach down and help me, to touch me, but I couldn’t let him. Not after this. 
“Y/N!!” I heard Tommy scream from somewhere. “I’m here!” I yelped, immediately coughing after due to the strain it caused on my voice. After a few moments, Tommy’s blonde head came into view, worry filling his blue eyes. “Help?” I weakly asked the blonde boy, ignoring the burning holes Techno was drilling into my face with his eyes. Tommy hesitated at the sight of Techno, but then his face filled with determination and quickly made his way to me. 
Tommy nudged Techno out of the way and kneeled beside me. “Are you okay? Can you walk?” He questioned, his eyes scanning my injuries. “I don’t know,” I answered honestly. Tommy hummed at the answer and reached into his inventory, pulling out a small pink potion. “Here,” He murmured as he uncorked it. Tommy held the potion to my lips, helping me drink. I could instantly feel the effects of the potion hit me. Some of the pain melted away from my body and a warth came over me. “Better?” Tommy asked, seeing me relax a bit. “Yeah, better. I just want to go home. Can you help me get there… If it’s still there?” I asked the boy. “Yeah, your house is still here. It’s just far enough away that it didn’t get hit. You may have to repair a little siding though” Tommy states as he helped me rise from my position.  
I hissed as I put weight on my feet. My body was still a bit sore, but much less so due to the healing potion’s effects. As Tommy and I stood, Techno also stood. “We’re going to have to go slow,” I warned the tall boy that was helping me. Tommy gave me a goofy grin, “I figured as much, old lady.” he teased. I couldn’t help but smile, Tommy was always good at bringing light to a dark situation. The two of us only got a few steps in before Techno piped up. “Y/N…” We froze. I slightly turned so I could see the pink headed man. Techno seemed to be on the verge of tears, I didn’t care. “Please,” He whimpered, “I love you.” 
I couldn’t help a dark laugh that escaped my mouth at his confession, “Don’t say you love me. You don’t get to betray me like this and then tell me you love me, that’s just pathetic.” I hissed toward the pink headed pig man. I turned back around and Tommy and I continued our journey to my house. 
I let out a groan as Tommy helped me sit down on my bed. “Thanks Tommy,” I thanked the blonde boy with a smile. “No problem Y/N… I’ve got to get back to Tubbo, just let me know if you need anything, okay?” I nodded at Tommy’s words. “Will do big man. And hey, the offer goes both ways. Anything at all, you let me know.” Tommy gave me a smile and nod before turning and walking out of my room. 
I let a sigh as I looked around the room. Everything seemed to be in place, the explosions hadn’t knocked anything down off my walls or disturbed any furniture. My body felt heavy and I just wanted to sleep. But I felt really gross and dirty so I made the decision to shower before I fell asleep. 
The warm water felt nice on my skin and the healing potion was in full swing. My cuts and bruises were slowly healing before my eyes. For many minutes I just stood under the water, contemplating everything that had happened over the past 24 hours. Exhaustion rolled over my body and I couldn’t help but cry. Everything came crashing down on me and I just sobbed for multiple minutes. 
The water turning cold was my signal that it was time to get out of the shower. I quickly shut off the water and dried myself off with the towels I had set out prior to me getting in the water. After drying my body, I held the towel to my eyes and took a few deep breaths, calming myself down from my sobbing session. Once I was steady enough, I put on the clothes that I had brought with me into the bathroom. 
I was surprised to find someone sitting on my bed when I walked out of my bathroom. I was even more surprised that it was the one person I didn’t want to see. “What do you want?” I questioned with a scoff. Techno stood and took a few steps forward. “I just wanted to talk,” Techno pleaded softly. I rolled my eyes and sat down on my bed. “I don’t really want to talk to you,” I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest. “Well then would you please at least listen? Just hear me out?” He begged, wide and pleading. I felt my heart strings tung at his tone. I could never resist Techno’s puppy eyes. “You have one minute.” I deadpanned, bringing my knees up to my chest. 
“Thank you… You were right. Out there. When you said I wasn’t sorry. I’m not sorry. I’m not sorry for destroying L’Manberg. I warned them what would happen if they formed a government in front of me. And they did it anyway. So I’m not sorry for forming the withers. I am sorry that you got hurt. That was never my intention. I know you didn’t have a hand in the government. The last thing I have ever wanted to do was hurt you. But I have and for that I am so sorry.” 
I felt the tears begin to form in my eyes once more. In my heart I knew Techno was right. He had always been very vocal about hating any form of government and had been very adamant about destroying people with too much power. “I just… I just wish you would have told me. Talk to me about it before you spawned a bunch of withers.” I croaked, the tears falling down my face. Techno hesitantly approached my bed and sat down in front of me. He slowly reached out to touch my face and I let him. Techno’s thumb gently brushed against my cheek as he wiped away my tears. 
“You’re right again,” He spoke softly, his hand stopping motion and just gently resting on my cheek. “I should have talked to you about it and I didn’t. For that I am sorry.” I let out sigh as I leaned into Techno’s touch a bit more. “Thank you for apologizing to me… I just don’t think I can forgive you. Not yet at least. I just need a little bit of time.” Techno nodded in understanding. “Okay, I respect that.” He murmured, “Just… Can I stay here tonight. I promise we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. I just want to hold you.” I pondered to myself for a moment before finally nodding, “Yeah. That sounds nice.” 
Techno smiled gently before helping me lay down slowly. I turned on my side so my back was facing Techno. I felt the bed dip as Techno laid behind me. His arm slowly rested on my side and he pulled himself closer to me. I let out a sigh of relief. Although we’re not 100% great, I couldn’t help but feel better in his arms. Withers or not, I love him. That’s all I know. 
There you go! I hope you enjoy! If so, please be sure to leave a like!
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
This was originally going to be for Teen Titians for MariBatMarck but let’s just say this is the intro for that okay okay. @maribatmarch-2k21
Hope this answers your question @michaelshadow7779
Ao3 *** Part 1 *** Part 2
Normal was not a word Marinette would use to describe her life. She could not remember any time her life may even be considered normal. Or maybe this is normal. Who knows.
One day she was getting ready for bed when a blue light floated into her room. It transformed into a dragon, or is it a bird, or maybe both. But it perched on her desk and turned to her.
"Hello little one. I am Adara, the Entity of hope. Within you is a true light of hope. Would you be willing to share that light and bring hope to the planet at Earth and the stars above?" Adara spoke calmly to her.
"Yes!" little Marinette spoke surely without hesitation. "I will share my light and make everything bright."
"Very well." Adara flew to her and wrapped her by their wings and they crossed space until they landed on Odym.
Yes Marinette was chosen by the ring at the age of six. To say it was a surprise when a child arrived at Odym was a shock to say the least. But her affinity with hope and the acceptance of the responsibility was inspiring.
After her questioning and recruitment she was granted a lantern ring.
"Repeat our oath and promise to all who we protect." The guardians Ganthet and Sayd spoke together.
"In fearful day, in racing night. With strong hearts full, our souls ignite. When all seems lost, in the war of light. Look to the skies, for hope burns bright." Was chorused by the three of them.
A light enveloped her an then she stood there in a royal blue dress, with a black stripe on each side, black cap cape on her shoulders, the skirt fluffed to about her knees, and a white sash and giant bow on the small of her back. Black fingerless gloves that went to her elbows, white sleeves covered her arms and white finger tips appeared from the glove s. White leggings and black ballet slippers round her legs. Her hair was held half up and half down by a blue bow.
Thus her training began. She learned how to harness and control her aura. Allowing her to fly and create projections. She learned to heal wounds. She learned the history of the cosmos. The role the Lantern corps have with in the universe.
She was a natural wielding the ring of hope. She was strategic and her flexibility and speed in combat was exceptional. That was why, when she fell and lost a tooth that couldn't be healed or regrown they began to panic.
So they did the only logical thing and called the Green Lanterns for reinforcements, because they remembered there were humans in the Green Corps.
"I come as fast as I could. What's the problem?" A man in a green corp uniform, the ring of will, he had short brown hair, a lightly tanned complexion, and when his mask disappeared and his eyes were a warm brown.
"Follow me," He was being led over to her by Saint Walker but she couldn't sit still and flew over to him, landing a few feet away.
"Hi!" she smiled up at him. "Your human aren't you? You have a green ring, so the ring of will. What solar systems have you visited."
"Marinette," Sister Sercy stopped her rambling placing a hand on her shoulder.
"Is this why you called a child was chosen and you need her to be escorted back to Earth?"
"That is not it,"Saint Walker clarified. "She is the most compatible being with the Hope ring."
"Then why call for help?"
"Well you see..." Brother Warth began but Marinette stepped in.
"I lost a tooth," Mari beamed at the Green Lantern who now kneeled in front of her.
"That's amazing, Bluebell. Which tooth was it?"
"This one here!" She smiled wider, pointing.
"Why are you not more worried about this?"
"Human children loose their first set or baby teeth and their adult or permanent teeth grow in, It is normal."
"Oh I see."
"What were you doing when you lost your tooth?"
"I was sparring with blank."
"Oh really, mind showing me."
"Can I!?"
"Do you think that wise?"
"It'll be fine. I'll keep the kid gloves on." Two projected oversized mittens covered his hands. Which elicited laughter from her. "I'm Hal Jordan what's your name, Bluebell?"
"Do you have a last name?"
"I think so, but I don't remember it or use it." she responded.
After their spar, Marinette's transformation fell as she curled up into his side.
"Where are her quarters?" Hal picked her up and left to set her in her bed. "Get some rest okay." She nodded her head and replied sleepily. "Yes 'yawn' papa."
Hal made his way back to Saint Walker.
"What are your plans for her when she finishes?" "We aren't to sure. Most Blue Lanterns stay on Odym as there is not always a Green Lantern. Hope is useless without the will to act on it after all."
"What if she goes to Earth." He added. "Then are five Green lanterns of Earth meaning she would almost always have a Green an planet."
"That would be wise but I am not sure she is ready yet."
"She is strong for a Blue, no offense, her constructs were precise, her coordination and strategy may even be a rival to the strategist of Earth (cough 'Batman' cough). That said her will may even be strong enough for the Green Lanterns."
"Do you think that it is possible for the Guardians to allow her to train with and learn alongside the Green lanterns on Oa." Sayd drifted down into the conversation.
"Yes she is powerful and her will is on par with her hope." Ganthet added farther.
That was how Marinette had been introduced and trained by the Green Lanterns until she was 13. Which was when she was finally allowed to travel to Earth along with Hal who had become her father figure. and her Uncle Stewart, she loved him but he was a tough drill instructor.
Once on Earth he had adopted her and given her his last name. She was now Marinette Jordan and she couldn't be happier.
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