#after work rambling thoughts about my one guy again sorry fhkhdg
splattermouth · 1 year
you know a lot of people coming back to pla and reanalyzing volos character pick up on the very obvious ‘every time i was met with tragedy and hardship, I wondered why Arceus would allow this to happen.’ line (not quite his wording but you get the gist), but i feel like i see a lot of people then glossing over the line almost right after about him using his passion for history and mythology specifically to understand the universe and the world he lives and and his position in it. (and also him mentioning i Believe in the red chain portion of the plot w adaman and irida, about wanting to know where he’s headed in life. i Know he said this, and i Believe it was at the red chain part but i am so due for a replay by this point my memory is foggy)
which just makes me kind of sad bc it feels like such a vital part of his character. but so many (understandably ofc) focus on the melancholic aspect of his character, but not so much the innately curious and thoughtful and introspective volo. like so many write him w a pessimistic ‘fuck this world’ kind of outlook rather than a ‘what could i possibly do to change things’ outlook.
(and again, to headcanon, and ive said this before, but this just further makes it look to me as if subjugating arceus and resetting to world was never intended to be his Big Plan until the final hour, in the midst of what was likely some kind of bad mental breakdown. just feels to me as if his actual goals are way way less Becoming God of the New World and much more ‘why do things happen the way they do’ and ‘i want to know where im supposed to fit in that puzzle, i want to know more about myself’)
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