#after writing this i'm so tempted to go and have a third viewing now afsfgsgsg!! thank you so much for asking about my thoughts miki!!
seapasture · 5 months
AAAAAA SEA WHAT DID YOU YHINK OF ALSNT!!!!!! what were your fave rounds/characters???? :D
MIKI AAAA HELLO thank you so much for enabling my rambling!!!! I'm honestly obsessed, I really knew very little about alnst going into it and really didn't know what to expect but my goodness... I'm still scrabbling around the floor looking for the shattered pieces of my heart afsfgsgs - it is so good!
I've just watched all of the rounds for a second time (the fourth (?) time for round six), and there are just so many details!! I noticed so many new things on a second watch and it really shifted my opinions. I think round six is undeniably my favourite due to both the song and the accompanying video; I simply have no words. The tiny details, the glances, the lyrical dialogue, the unparalleled angst of the unrequited longing? I have been wounded by it! But I keep returning to it! It's really difficult for me to compare the other rounds because they are all incredible too; round 1 is so heart-wrenching and sets up the premise so well, I really love the song in round 2, the story in round 3 is so wonderfully sad, and round 5 also has an exceptional narrative to it. They're all just too good to solidly rank; I like essentially all of the songs and the videos, but I know that round 6 is the standout to me currently! I have been reading lots of analyses about the small details in that round which have been making me feel profoundly unwell so naturally it is my favourite and I have watched it several times already afsfgssg.
And favourite characters... well, that's another impossible subject! Once again, I am left marvelling at how good so many of them are and how compelled I am by them by virtue of the small amount of information we are essentially given. I came away from my first watch feeling very drawn to Till - I think I was very compelled by his backstory and saw some of myself in him, and he really stood out to me as a performer. I also loved Mizi and Sua, along with Hyuna, and felt very curious about Ivan - in fact, he is the character who was lingering in my mind for most of yesterday. I had a much greater appreciation for the subtleties of his character during my second watch, especially through round 3. In a way, it's like my first watch was spent with a focus on Till's perspective, but on my second watch I seemed to attach myself to Ivan's view instead, which made me like him even more. My appreciation for Mizi and Hyuna also grew exponentially, alongside my hatred for Luka. Ah, I really, really, could not settle on a favourite character at this point; it is definitely between Till, Ivan, Mizi, and Hyuna - but they are just so, so good it is impossible to decide! I do feel very anxious about what the next round will have in store for them :')
Thank you again for asking - I'm sure I will be venturing down your alnst tag soon, Miki, so apologies in advance!! Seeing a lot of your posts on the dash about it definitely helped pique my interest for sure! I would love to know your favourites also, and I hope you're having a wonderful day!! :> ⭐️
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