#after you hang up we're going ice-skating
with-vorpal-sword · 2 years
hey, how's work been lately? (with intentions to make your partner fall in love with me and my rustic country ways and inevitably leave you because of my natural love of christmas)
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ericshoney · 2 months
Hockey injury ~ Brothers!Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: Your brothers are home in Boston to see you play ice hockey for your school team and also take you to the hospital to get patched up.
Warnings: swearing, shouting, crying, injuries, broken bones, nicknames, fluff
Today was a big game for the season. Your school was close to being champions and had to win tonight in order to win. Everyone was anxious about the game and when you saw Nick, Matt and Chris arrive in the stands you couldn't help but smile wide. You rushed over to them, hugging them tightly.
"Hey kiddo." Nick called.
"Hey! You made it!" You cheered.
"Of course, petal, this is a big game for you." Matt said.
"Now go out there and crush the other school!" Chris shouted, getting shhhed by Nick.
"You can't say that about teenage girls!" The eldest responded.
"Try your best and have fun." Matt replied.
"You sound like mum." You said with a giggle.
"Kick ass but within the rules." Nick said.
You laughed and nodded, heading down to the ice. You got your skates on and warmed up a bit with your teammates. You checked out the other team, seeing they looked determined, but so were you.
The game soon began, the first whistle being blown. You skated quickly, passing the puck with ease and it soon added up as your team was three points to none.
You never celebrated early, knowing it could all change and by the third quarter, both teams were tied. The whistle then went for the end of the third quarter and you skated over to your coach.
"Alright girls, we can do this, it's for the title, to become champions. I want you to give it your all now!" She shouted.
Everyone cheered and you looked over to where Nick, Matt and Chris were. They gave you a wave, making you smile.
The fourth and final quarter now began. You got tackled by another player, crashing into the wall. You groaned as you knew it would bruise, but continued on.
The final seconds were counting down and you had the puck. You hit it hard, it flying across the ice into the goal, the buzzer going at the same time as the whistle but also you crashing to the floor.
You screamed as you felt and heard a loud snap. You looked over and saw a girl from the other team being shouted at by the ref. She clearly had pulled an illegal move. You looked at your arm and knew it was broken instantly.
A couple of your teammates carefully carried you off the ice and helped you take your skates and helmet off, just as your brothers came rushing over. They frowned seeing your teary face.
"Oh kiddo." Chris cooed.
The three came and stood with you as a medic checked you, but as you cried out when they touched your arm, they knew it was broken too. The guys rushed you too the car, Nick helping to hold you as you cried.
Matt broke every speeding limit to get you to the hospital and when you arrived, got you inside quickly. As you were in so much pain and could tell it was visibly broken, you got seen quickly.
After having the x-ray and being assessed, finding out your arm was broken in two places, you got to pick your cast. You picked your favourite colour and eventually returned to Nick, Matt and Chris who were in the waiting room, Nick on the phone.
"Yeah mum, we're coming home soon. Oh wait she's just been let out. I'll pass the phone over." He said.
You took the phone with your non-broken arm and sighed as you heard your mum's voice.
"Oh honey, what happened?" She asked.
"I'll explain everything at home mum, but my arm is broken in two places." You answered
"Okay honey, drive safe." She replied before hanging up.
You passed the phone to Nick as the trio looked at you. They gave you comforting smiles.
"Let's go home, sweetheart." Nick said, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
"The positive thing here, kid, is that your team won." Chris said.
You laughed softly as you all got in the car, you resting your head on Nick's shoulder, feeling tired and in pain as you drove home.
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(im back with a new and improved request >:D)
Hiya, can I pull for Applepom Lilia? Fingers crossed that my 50/50 will bring him home! >:3
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Cater Diamond: Ice Skating
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Hello Beneathsakurashade! ☆
Thank you so much for pulling on the Gacha of Love ♡ I'm sorry to say that you lost the 50/50, but congrats on getting Applepom Cater! Here is your card, enjoy! ♡ (It landed right in the middle of his name, not even close to the names beside his lol ♡)
If you would like to pull on the Gacha of Love too, you can find the event here ♡
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"Don't worry, I got you. Just hold onto Cay-Cay, alright?" Cater says, holding out his hands for you to hold. You scrambled to grab them, gripping them tight so you wouldn't fall. Cater laughs to himself as you stand straighter, leading you carefully around the ice.
He asked if you'd like to go ice skating with him a few days ago, a new outdoor rink having opened nearby. He had gotten an ad for it on Magicam, with a special promotion they were doing for their grand opening.
Lead your lover into a winter wonderland at our new outdoor ice rink, Skate into Love!
Couples get in for free!
Your heart raced when you read the ad, wondering if this was Cater's way of asking you out. He doesn't just ask anyone to be pretend to be a couple with him, right? That's what you hoped at least, hesitating a moment before agreeing to go with him.
His eyes widened at your response, seeming a bit nervous as he told you he'd text you the details, a smile on his face as he left. A few days later and here you were, ice skating with Cater at one of the prettiest rinks you've ever seen.
Designed to look like a snow globe, the rink utilized the woods surrounding it, hanging up lights and ornaments. Snow laid around the ice, and continued to fall gently from the sky, giving the illusion of a winter wonderland.
Music played as you skated, switching between genres depending on what people requested. When a familiar melody begins to play, Cater pulls you in closer, skating beside you as he holds your hand.
"This is my favorite song" you tell him, a knowing smile coming to his face. You wondered if the cold was getting to him, noticing his cheeks had gone pink.
"Really? Mine too! Good thing someone requested it~" he says, taking out his phone. He lifts one arm up as you hold onto the other, leaning in for a selfie. He takes a couple until he finds one he likes, staring at it for a moment before pocketing his phone.
"Aren't you going to post it to Magicam?"
"Oh! Right, um... I will! As soon as we're off the ice." He assures you, yet you never see it posted later that night. It's not until a few days later that you see the picture again, being used as his phone's lockscreen. Maybe it was a date, after all ♡
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𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾! ♡
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paladin--strait · 28 days
hiiii congrats on 100 followers!! 💞can you do “20 - reader gets hurt and (name) takes care of them” with nico hischier?
💕 💕
one second i'm having the time of my life, skating around the rink with my friends, the next i'm on the ice, ankle throbbing and swollen. tears well in my eyes from the pain and embarrassment, but mostly from the pain.
i sniffle and wince as my friend lifts me up, slowly taking me over to the bench and sitting me down slowly. when i reach down to take my skate off, it hurts so bad that i just decide to leave it on.
my friend, angel, takes my phone and walks away. i assume she's calling nico and that's soon confirmed when i hear her say his name in a questioning manner. she's looks at me before she plugs her open ear with a finger, the loud sound of skates hitting the ice of the public rink and people yelling loudly at each other making it hard for her to hear nico.
she nods some, and eventually hangs up. she unlocks my phone and starts typing something that i assume is the address of the rink we're at. she walks back over after she's done typing, "nico said to wait here, that he'll take you to the team doctor and she'll check you out." she says, sitting beside me and putting her hand on my back.
"thank you, angel, i really appreciate it. when will nico get here?" i ask, looking down at my hurt ankle.
"he said as soon as possible? don't you have life360 or something like that? i can look him up." she unlocks the phone once more, clicking on the tracker app and tapping on nico's icon. "it says he's two minutes away."
my eyes widen when i realize how close he is. the house is probably 20 minutes from here, so how fast was he going? the sudden thought of him speeding and possibly getting hurt in and accident or worse makes my heart pound and my eyes water once more.
but my racing heart calms when i see him run in the door, he speeds over to me, placing his hands on my shoulders and then down on the floor, "baby, what happened? did someone do this to you? did they trip you or something? i'll kill them." he speaks quickly, inspecting my swollen ankle.
"no, nico. nobody did this to me. i was trying to do some kind of weird trick i saw on tiktok and i landed wrong on my ankle. i'm okay, my ankle just really hurts..." i look down at him and then to my throbbing ankle.
"lets keep the skate on but loosen the laces." he frowns, loosening the laces some before standing up and holding his hands out to help me up slowly. "don't stand on it. be careful, babe."
i take his hands and stand up on my opposite foot, not letting the hurt foot touch the ground. "how am i supposed to walk out to the car like this?" i ask, looking at him with concern.
he raises a single finger goofily, looking at me with a wide smile. "this is the part where i pick you up." i giggle at him, wrapping my arms around his neck when he lifts me up into his arms.
"you're so strong, nini." i say, the nickname slipping through my lips. "so muscly..." i run my finger down his arm, tracing the toned lines of muscle.
he laughs and sets me down in the passenger seat of his car before he gets in on his side, starting the car and beginning the drive to the teams practice arena. nico asks me if i had fun before the injury and what kind of trick i was trying to do when i got hurt. i tell him everything and we laugh at some of the things my friends did on the ice.
the drive goes by quicker than expected and nico is soon helping me out of the car and into the practice arena. we pass by some of the players who are making their way into the arena for a workout or to train, and the other players who have been there for a while and are now leaving.
they question us about what happened and some hugged me, telling me that they hope i'll be okay. we finally find ourselves in the doctors office and i take a seat on the chair for patients. as we wait for the doctor to come, nico holds me hand, smiling at me and telling me that everything is going to be okay.
"it seems to be just a broken ankle, mrs. hischer." the doctor says, holding up the scans of my ankle and putting them on the board so it's easier to see. "you need plenty of rest and to stay off of it for a while. stay away from physical activity for a few weeks even after the cast comes off and come back to see me in about three weeks. if it gets worse or something feels off about it then give me a call and come in."
nico and i thank the doctor and head back out to car with my newly casted ankle. "mrs. hischer, hmm? since when was i your wife?" nico laughs at my question and shrugs, he's always loved to call me 'mrs. hischer', it reminds him, me, and most importantly, everyone else, that i'm nico's girl and i always will be.
nico drives us to the pharmacy to pick up some pain medication the doctor prescribed and then he drives us to chick-fil-a, ordering my usual for me and his usual for him.
i put the bags on the floorboard of the car and once we make it to the house, i hand the food to nico and we make a trade, him carrying the food and for me, my crutches from the backseat.
"you handled that really well, babe. i know you can be sensitive sometimes so i'm really proud of you." nico says, unlocking the door and letting me in. "from just a look at the scans, it looked like a nasty break, but you took it like a champ. i'm so proud of you, baby." he says, setting the food on the counter and coming over to plant a kiss on top of my forehead while i tell him thank you and apologizing for making him go to the arena just for me to get checked out.
i slide into the chair that's slid under the island, and open the bag, pulling the food out while nico sits in the chair beside me. we chat while we eat and then clean up when we're done.
after we clean up the kitchen together, we head to bed. nico pulls off his clothes and puts on his sleep pants. i do the same, except i put on my tank top and a pair of his sleep pants. sometimes i wear his shorts, but his sleep pants are more comfortable.
the bed is suddenly uncomfortable, no doubt from the huge cast on my ankle. i can't bring myself to sleep due to being so uncomfortable. but my body is extremely exhausted, and it's begging for sleep. so, i carefully, trying not to wake a sleeping nico, get up and go to the most comfortable spot i can think of right now. nico's reclining chair.
the chair is dark brown with a lever on the side that controls whether you lift the legs of the chair or not. i like to call nico's recliner, 'the dad chair'. he swears it's not weird to own one at his age, and that its perfect for naps. and he was right, that chair is looking really comfortable right now.
i find myself plopping down on the chair, putting my crutches to the side. i use my other leg to help control the extending leg of the chair so it doesn't swing up and hurt me more when i pull the lever. thankfully, my plan works, and i shift a little in the seat, grabbing a blanket and a throw pillow to help get more comfortable.
i throw on one of my favorite shows to sleep to, the joy of painting with bob ross. there's something about the big haired man that is wonderfully comforting. his voice his smooth and when he speaks its like a new bedtime story every episode. i adjust the volume and close my eyes, snuggling up to the pillow and drifting off to sleep.
when i wake up, i'm in a new environment. i notice the slight smell of nico's cologne instantly. i open my eyes and realize i'm in the bedroom, and nico is sitting on his side of the bed, his feet kicked over the edge while he plays on his phone.
"nico? how did i get here?" my voice is raspy, presumably from snoring, a bad habit of mine that nico has come to deal with every night. i wipe my groggy eyes and look around, wiping the crusties off my eyes.
he turns to look at me and he smiles. "good morning, beautiful. i moved you last night when i woke up around 1am. i noticed you were gone and then i heard the tv. so i went and woke you, and helped you get comfortable on the bed in here. do you not remember?" he says, shutting his phone off and tossing it on the bed when he lays down, coming closer to me and pulling me towards him so i'm on my side and in his arms.
"no...i don't remember any of that. i remember getting up and going to the living room, but nothing else." i say, trying to recall the events of last night, as told by nico.
"well, i put a pillow under your calf so it's more comfortable for you to move around in your sleep. i know you can't sleep on your back so that's what i did to fix it. i ordered your favorite takeout, since it's past 11 already, and i called out of work today. no, don't even try to argue with me about it, i already made up my mind to be here and take care of you." nico says, speaking with stern tone to show how serious he is.
he continues his rant, not letting me speak. "baby, you're hurt. so, i'm gonna be here for you the entire time, as much as possible, no excuses. i love you and i want to make sure you get the best care and the best rest. i'm gonna take care of you." he says, cupping my red face in his hands.
"thank you, nini. i love you so much," i say, smiling at his touch and his kind words of encouragement. "thank you for taking care of me." i kiss his lips and it's soft and gentle, like a warm hug on a winter evening. this day, even though i'm hurt, is the epitome of perfect. i'd love to spend my days like this forever, even if it means having a broken ankle.
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cybertroniannugget · 10 months
I am here for you
Optimus Prime x ftm reader
Dec 12
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Accurate representation of me on ice
After yesterday's discussion, you actually find yourself on ice even after protesting. It's a bit dark once, but turns cute afterwards don't worry.
Warnings: implied transphobia, weird guy trying to be a flirt, crossing boundaries
About this fic: ftm reader, ice skating with the gang
"What are you doing?"
"Trying not to embarrass myself."
"Infront of Optimus?"
Your face, already reddened from the cold turned even more red as you blush, your pitiful attempt on speaking up for yourself failing miserably.
"You know what? Today is the day.", Lennox said, firmly pushing you toward the Prime, who stood at the sidelines, watching Bumblebee spin on the ice astonishingly fast.
Trying to protest, you make an effort to slide to the side, away from the soldier who seemingly wished to embarrass you.
Bending forward with your arms stretched out you try to regain your balance, slowly moving towards the railing of the ice field, hoping no one was watching. Holding onto the wodden handrail for dear life, feet sliding away under you, you curse internally, wishing you'd never set foot on the ice.
Lennox only scoffed in disbelief, sliding over to a group of his comrades, who were challenging eachother to skate as fast as humanly possible. But a few landing on their butts was inevitable.
Bumblebee and Jazz were making friends with a group of teenagers and young adults, carelessly skating around.
You felt a hand on your lower back which makes you wince. "Hey beautiful, just making sure if you fall, that you'll fall for me."
Shooting him a questionable look, you actually lose balance, falling right into the stranger's arms.
He didn't even attempt on lifting you up, just holding you like this with his arm around your waist again, his face too close for your liking.
"Get off me!", you protest.
"But we're having a romantic moment dear.", he whispers, grabbing your chin.
His breath hits you like a truck, the smell of alcohol making you dizzy.
"Hey, they told you to leave him alone!"
You try to turn you head to the right to look at Optimus, who approached the scene, but the strange man ripped your head to face him again.
"Him?!", the guy scoffs, staring at Prime.
Heart pounding in your chest, you try to free yourself from his grasp, the grip tightening even more.
"Let go now", Optimus yells sternly, pulling the attention of everyone around onto him.
"Nah man, she's mine, get your own."
The following events went by too fast for you to register them properly.
Optimus sped forward, sucker punching the dude, sending him to the floor.
He then pays no more attention to him, catching you, and lifting you back up to your feet, guiding you away.
The Prime's arm was tightly around your waist, while you held onto his other hand tightly.
When the two of you had left the ice, you sat down on a bench in a less crowded area, with you still hanging onto his jacket, trembling.
"Are you alright?", he whispers, his hand caressing your back soothingly.
Wrapping your arms around him, you hug him tightly, face buried in his chest.
He hugs you in response, the hand that had been caressing your back on your head now, doing the same.
"Thank you."
"Please do not worry. I am here for you."
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starrybl1ss · 10 months
♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧
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❄️:: ITS TIMEEE!!! December is around the corner and also my birthday! Since its winter, (not where i live) i made a little ellie winter edition fluff<3 IM SO PROUD OF THIS BTW!!!
warnings:: prob wrote smthn incorrectly, so sorry english isnt my first language
pairing:: ellie williams x f!reader
summary‎♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧
you and ellie went on a snow date at the park and found an ice skating rink and went together.
"somethin' is in your eyes,
heaven in your eyes"
It was snowy out, you are so excited that today you get to wear your new fluffy snow boots out with ellie.
"done getting ready pretty?" ellie asks you while smiling infront of the door. "Yeah! Let's go!" You we're very enthusiastic. It was because you love winter.
Ellie grabbed your hand and you two went outside. "You look pretty today m'lady" she compliments you. "You look prettier!" You smiled playfully and hold ellie's face cupping them with both your hands. You saw her blush, 'she is so pretty...'
You and ellie arrived at the park, snow everywhere. So pretty. You looked around when suddenly ellie throws a snowball at you. "Hey!" You yelled. You quickly grabbed some snow and shaped it into a ball--whoosh! You threw it at ellie as she giggles at you missing. "Your bad at throwing" she said in a playful tone.
"Ellie! Look!" You pointed out an ice skating rink with a lot of locals enjoying. "An ice skating rink!" You continued excitingly. "I'm guessing you want to go skating don't you--pretty?" She smirked.
You smiled. Full of joy, ellie almost cried just seeing you happy because it makes her happy too.
You happly ran towards the ice skating rink. "Whoa! Slow down!" Ellie yells trying to keep up with you. "C'mon! Your so slow!" You tease her. You got there before ellie did. "Two skates please" you said to the employee. "Two..?" She asked trying to point out your alone.
You chuckled a bit "she's a little slow" you rolled your eyes and looked behind seeing ellie out of breath chasing you that made you giggle. "Ah alright! Two skates--here you go!" You grabbed the ice skates and sat on the bench about to put them on. "Are you serious?" Ellie asked. "Are you really not gonna ask me to put them on for you princess?"
Ellie grabs your skates and knees down infront of you putting the skates on for you. God shes so sweet. "Thank you" you replied after she puts them on, "your welcome sweetheart" she smiles patting your head and messing up your hair a little.
"Shall we?" Ellie lends you a hand as she got on the skating rink. You took her hand to the ice rink but almost you were wobbling and almost fell. "Easy there" she puts her hands around your waist stopping you from the fall.
"I'm scared..." you told her with your legs shaking. "It's okay my love, i won't let you go. Promise" she insured you. "You skated before els?" You lifted your head facing her since she was a bit taller than you are. "Yeah, a few times before-- here-" she lets go of you but holds one of your hands. "Okay, so- skating is simple. You just need to balance" she instructed you to follow her.
You were really scared of falling but you knew she would not let you go. You glided slowly while holding her hand. "Im getting the hang of this!" You smiled with joy. "Your doing good, just keep your balance okay?"
"Can you let me go els?" You asked. "You sure your good?" She looks down at you. "I'm sure" you insisted. "Are you sure sure?" She asked again. "I'm sure els, don't worry" she lets you go as you glide slowly on the ice with ellie watching your every move.
You suddenly felt it was too slippery and your legs began to shake-- and you fell. Ellie rushed to you and knees down. "Are you okay?" She asks in a shaky voice. "Im fin-" ellie then cuts you off "i'm so sorry, im so so sorry i didn't keep an eye on you, are you hurt? Are you fine? Its my fault i'm sorry love" she looks sad. "Ellie, it's okay. It's not your fault, im okay--see? Now let's get up"
Ellie got up with you "i'm not letting you go this time" she insisted. You chuckled "cmon els, i'm not five" you rolled your eyes. "Still not going to let you go. Ever"
The rest of the day went on beautiful. You had so much fun with ellie today, yet your now all tired cuddling ellie in the living room with the lights off.
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readingadream · 6 months
A Twisted High
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Pairing: Bang Chan X OC Alexa/Alex
Summary: Alexa's favorite thing is Ice skating and hanging out with friend's. Chris's favorite thing is Hockey and working for the family business. What happens when these two get paired up for a school project and become each others new favorite thing.
Genre: Mafia Au, Hockey Au,
Warning and Tags: Drug use, violence, eventually smut, fluff, angst
Word Count: 1,756
Chapter One
Alexa’s POV
"Alexa. Hurry up or both of us are going to be late," I hear my dad yell from downstairs. Frantically I look at the time on my phone and scream. Oh shit we really are going to be late. I jump out of bed and get my clothes on. I find a random pair of pants and t-shirt and start scanning the room from left to right looking for my backpack, finally spotting what I was looking for under my clothes on the floor. I grab it and run down the stairs, grabbing a piece of toast from my dad and smiling as I ruffle his hair. 
"Sorry, I couldn't find my backpack. Now we're waiting on you. Let's go old man," I say, giving him a teasing smile and making him raise his eyebrow, heading to the car. 
Mornings are the only part of our days were we see each other, with him being a firefighter and all. So it's nice. Always my favorite way to start a day. I could easily drive myself, but then we wouldn't have this time together. Though, sometimes I would enjoy a morning to myself. 
"Do you have practice? Need to know where I'm picking you up tonight. I'll be off early," he asks, starting the car and backing out of the driveway. I look at him confused. Grabbing my extra brush I hid in the car, I start to brush my hair.
"Yes, I do. So I guess that means to pick me up at the Ring. But why are you picking me up?" Usually I just walk or get a ride with Jayde, because dad is usually working. So it's weird that my dad is going to pick me up today. This can't be good.
"So we can go to the station for the job fair, silly," my dad replies, giving me a dorky smile. I give him a fake smile but roll my eyes. I love my dad and appreciate what he does for me and our town, but I just don't want to be in his field of work or anywhere near it… which he just doesn't understand.
"Okay, sounds good. I get done at about 5, is that too late or should I skip practice today?" I say unamused looking out the window. I think about how I will actually have to tell him and break his heart that I wanna go into Event Planning.
"No, that is fine. It's not too late, don't worry. Now have fun at school." Finally we made it to school. I lean over the console and give my dad a kiss on the cheek. Getting out of the car I make my way to the front and wave bye to my dad. 
Walking into the school I head to my locker. Placing my books inside, I hear a bang next to me.
"Why does everyone like Tina? They need to get off her ass, she's a bitch," Chantel whines leaning against the locker next to mine. Laughing, I look across the hall at Tina who is twirling her hair and flirting with the football team.
"I don't know, but why do you care? You have your college boy. It's not like your man is over there with her" I say, turning back to my locker and away from Chantel with furrowed eyebrows, visibly disgusted.
"True, but my cousin is." Glancing back over to Tina who now has her hands in Chris's hair. Chris is the one guy every girl wants but no one can have no matter how hard anyone tries. I used to have the biggest crush on him, but I stopped trying a long time ago, unlike most.
"He doesn't look comfortable, poor guy," I say, which was mostly drowned out by the squeaky swing of my locker door as I closed it. Pulling out my phone, I check my messages and read a reminder from my coach about the hockey team that has practice in our rink, and will be there after our practice. 
"Yeah, yeah, poor Chris. He's the dumbass that went over to her," Chantel snarled. "Anyway, can I go to the ring with you after school? I need a break from the fam and I can like, draw or do homework or something while you skate," Chantel asks, interlocking her arm with mine as we walk to the bathroom.
"Yeah, sure, but you can't really run away from the fam because your cousin and his friends have practice." I pause to focus on putting on my lipstick. "But we can't hangout after practice."
"Oh, Okay. But why not after?" She looks at me with curious eyes. 
"Job fair at the station, so my dad is picking me up. I mean, we can hangout and you can come with us. Oh! That’s actually a great idea," I say with a wink and nudge her, making her giggle, secretly hoping she would want to and come save me.
"So I'm guessing you haven't talked to the old man about the apprenticeship? Or about RDSF? Or, I don't know, your real dreams?!" Chantel says giving a disappointed look, ignoring my question. But how do you tell your parents that you don't want to be like them and that you don't want to help people the way they do?
"How can I? He was so excited and happy about it, but I'll tell him after, don't worry. Who knows, it might even be fun. I could meet my future husband," I laugh finishing up a light layer of eyeshadow on my face. When I finish, I top it off with a wing liner and then some chapstick. Chantel and I head out to go to our classes which sadly, we do not share together. But I do share it with Chris and my other friend Kinsley.
"Well at least you have classes and practice so you don't have to think about it for a while." As we make our way down the hallway passing by some students, most waving at Chantel. Now, I'm not popular, but I do a lot of clubs and interview a lot of students because I’m in the yearbook. So I know everyone, I’m just not close with them, only Chantel and Kinsley. Chantel, though, is friends with everyone. We've been best friends since elementary. It's crazy to think that if we didn't meet then we probably wouldn't be friends now.
"I guess you're right," I nod in agreement. But then I started to worry about the job fair. 
"Always remember that." Both of us giggle and are about to part ways to our first period. We see Chris make his way over alone for once, he's usually with his crew of hockey boys or some girl.
"Hey cuz, Alex," he smiles and nods at me with that beautiful smile as he walks into the classroom.
"Enjoy class with my annoying cousin. See you at lunch unless you have it with Kinsley today." Waving goodbye, I walk into class and take my seat. I love science and it’s my best subject so having it in the morning is pretty nice and makes getting up easier sometimes. 
"Hello class, we will be discussing an upcoming group project. Before you get all excited, I have already chosen the pairs." Great, I never get someone I know or would like to work with. After Mrs. Ferguson named some students, I then heard my name. I look up waiting to see who I will be paired up with. To my surprise, I hear Chris's name right after mine being called. I look over to him already staring at me giving me a smile and an eyebrow raise. I just shake my head waiting for more instructions from the teacher.
“Okay, there are all your groups. Now, onto the whole project. You and your partner will find and collect 50 flowers each. I want you to write every detail about the flower, the animals around, and how fast it grows. Then you guys will have to present it to me and I’ll press them and put them in a journal.” Mrs Furgeson finishes off the last instructions to the assignment.  As I write down the notes for the assignment, I hear a hiss and turn around to see Chris. 
“So I guess we got to do this together. Can’t wait. I’ll get your information at the rink tonight.” I just nod my head and go back to writing my notes. But I hear a scoff coming from Tina next to me in front of Chris. I just wink at her and go back to my notes. The project seems to be easy, which is nice.
When the bell rings, I grab my bag and make my way to the door being the first one out. I didn't want to deal with Tina and her jealousy. I then head to my second period class. Before I make my way to Kinsley at our normal meeting spot, I feel a sharp pointed tap on my shoulder. I turn around to be greeted by the fakest smile.
 "Alexa, I love your shirt today. It's so cute. Did you do something with your hair?” I hold in a laugh as I can see in Tina’s eyes that she is in pain talking to me right now. I roll my eyes, turning back around knowing that she'd throw a fit that I wasn't bothering to give her any more time out of my day… which I was correct, she did get upset. I felt her pull me back and sadly was facing her again. “Don't turn your back on me when I asked you a question, that's rude.”
I faked a smile, shrugging my shoulders as I looked her dead in the eyes. “And touching me without permission isn't? If I wanted to speak to you more, then I would. Though I don't want to. Why would I waste my time when I have class to get to?” The look on her face told me everything. Tina was pissed that I spoke back, that I wasn't giving in to her fakeness.
Watching Tina turn away and storm off made me snicker as I turned to go meet Kinsley at our spot before class, but now we wouldn't have much time left since the wicked witch of the west wanted to try and be nice and waste the time I did have. All because she was jealous of me, I'm sure.
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miowritings · 8 months
do you know how fast i ran tp the request box when i saw that they were open. DO YOU KNOW anyway cqn i request akito with a g/n reader going out ice skating. playing in the snow going to cafes etc shit. pleas
the brainrot is real
꧁“𝐈𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠”꧂
Akito shinonome x gn! Reader
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✮A/N: HI!! I really had fun writing this and i really hope you like it! I dont know how to skate myself so i ended up asking for a friend on how to skate, i also love writing for akito, so it makes me happy requesting for him :DD
✮Summary: since this class year is almost coming to an end, your classmates recently invited you and your friend akito out to skate
✮Contains: y/n and akito are implied as childhood friends, no pronouns mentioned, you and akito are polar opposites when it comes to food, akito doesnt know how to skate, akito wants to impress y/n, might be ooc?
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While you were out skating with your friends, you noticed how akito was desperately holding onto the railings as if there's no tomorrow.
Recently, your classmate invited the class out to skate,you were almost turning into second years and that meant that the class might go in their separate ways.. You always thought your friend akito knew how to skate and was actually planning to ask him for help, he knows soccer and was very athletic growing up, he probably knows how to skate, you assumed.... Turns out you assumed wrong.
You finished putting on your scarf, earmuffs and gloves and head onto the ice rink with akito, at first you wanted to skate with your classmates but.. you werent really close with them so you decided to stick with your friend akito, since you both were the closest, you notice how long it took for him to stop holding onto the railling, so you went up to him.
"Hey, kito.. you alright?" You ask, akito scoffs a bit and sighs "yeah, yeah im cool.." he replied, you carefully took his arm and tried to pull him out of the raillings, slowly but surely. "Oh, okay then.. wanna join them?" You ask, akito looks around, shaking his head "oh, no thanks.. im sticking here with you.." he replied "do you know how to skate?" You ask, akito clears his throat and adjusts his scarf "n-no.. but who cares.." he shruggs, feeling embarrassed as he cant impress you.
"Wait.. you dont? I always assumed you knew cause well... You play sports?" You added, akito groans "just because im athletic doesnt mean i know every sport there is [Y/N]" He crosses his arms and chuckles slightly. "Anyways.. i want to leave.. maybe go to a cafe or something.." he added, wanting to change the topic, you shook your head. "No, we're staying.. please? We're almost in our second years and maybe we're not even classmates anymore.. who knows?" You begged, akito sighs and nodded "fine, fine.. but how are we supposed to have fun when neither of us know how to skate?" He asks, you chuckled "i know how to skate.. i just dont know how to do those fancy moves like twirling around or jumping in mid air.." you replied. "Oh really? Didnt know someone lazy ass you knew how to skate" he teases.
"Hey, just becauze im lazy, doesnt mean i no nothing, now ill teaxh you the basic steps! So first you just uh.. bent your knees?" You added, unsure on how to teach him "sorry, i dont really know how to teach someone.." you saud awkwardly, akito nodded "no,no... Its okay, i understand very well.." he replied and bent his knees. "Not that bent.. like.. oh thats better" you pointed out. "Well.. uh.. the thing i like to do is march..? Then after that i just glide..? March and glide.." you stated, akito nodded his head and tried to march and glide while still holding onto you.
"Okay.. thats it.. yeah.. slow down so that you can take turns.." you mentioned, and akito slows down, he was getting a hang of it! "Wait.. how do you turn away..?" He asks "hm.. well just lean into the direction you want to go.. lets go over there since its less crowdy" you suggest, akito nodded "just lean into that direction and maybe.. shift your weight that way" you replied and kito did so, it took a few more tries but he eventuall did it. "Hey, you did it.!" You congratulated him, he was a fast learner which impressed you, you slowly let go of him and just skated along side him. "[Y/N] how do i stop..??" He asked, you saw ahead that there was a railling and that if you dont stop, you might get hit. "Put your feet together and form a v shape like this" you formed a v shape with your blade and you gradually slowed down, akito however didnt quite get that.. "huh? Shit it wont stop.." he added, you started skating toward his direction "what.? Cmon just try it.!" You added, he shook his head, "i told you i cant.! My legs all wobbly.. [Y/N] if i hit that railing im gonna kill you.!" He said playfully, "just form a v shape.!!" You added, you did a v shape and gradually stopped, akito nodded and formed a v shape, he wasnt stopping but he was slowing down. He eventually crashed into the railings but he wasn't hurt, because he was slowing down it reduced the impact of him getting hurt.
"Will you still kill me?" You ask, akito sighs "..nah.. you did teach me how to skate.. and all.." he says while holding onto the railings "wanna take a break?" He suggested, you nodded and left the ice rink with him. While taking off the equipment he suddenly spoke up. "There's.. this nearby cafe here and they sell really nice cheesecake and coffee.. do you wanna go there..? My treat" he mentioned "its the least i could do since you thought me how to skate.." he added. "You smile at him and ruffled his hair "yeah, sure!" You say while standing up, stretching yourself. "Hey, now my hair's messed up.." he sighs and stood up as well.
You both secretly left the ice rink and went to a nearby cafe akito was talking about, luckily not much people were there. You both ordered you drinks and dessert and sat down "really? Carrot cake?" He asked "yeah carrot cake, you dont get to talk since you like cheesecake" you teased "how is cheesecake bad? Carrot cake's the worse.." he replied. "You took a tiny slice of the cake and tried feeding it ti akito. "Comeon.. try one!" You suggested and he shook his head "no.. you know how i dont like carrots.." He added and you sighed giving up. You both talked while drinking your coffees and eating your cakes, both of you soon left the cafe.
"I cant belive they charged us just to have a takeout bag.." you added while akito sighs "why did you order such a big cake anyways? You couldve orders a slice.." he mentioned "i did.! Yknow how i eat something before we go somwhere.." you pointed out, akito sighs and took out his handkechief to wipe your cheeks "you also eat like a toddler.." he says while wiping your cheek. "Oh shut up! Lets just go" you swatted his hands away and walked alongside with him.
Maybe ice skating isn't so bad when you have a friend around..
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stephiethewephie · 4 months
Blades Can do Much More than Hurt
This is for @boopshoops for her amazing artwork of mine and so many others' twst OCs! I TOLD YOU I WOULD WRITE SOMETHING!
I had the idea from your ask where you showed Jocia's love of figureskating to make the fic about Piper taking Jocia out to skate on a lake together!
I hope you like it you lovely human!
(Quick notes: This is going off of TCOAV AU, so Piper is 19 years old in this fic. She is now a Junior at NRC and has developed a lot during her two years there: growing thicker skin, more self-confidence, focusing on herself more, etc. Another note, feel free to take this as either romantic or platonic, I tried to make it so you can see it as either. Also, if I mischaracterize Jocia in some way or get TCOAV lore wrong, I apologize!)
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Two woman in a similar situation somehow found each other. Strange how fate can lead you to the person who understands you the most.
Just as Piper was leading Jocia, hand in hand, to a location undisclosed to her. Normally, Jocia would never willingly blindfold herself and be lead to a mysterious location. But, after knowing her for as long as she did, Piper was one of the only people she trusted to do it.
It was a cold, winter's day. It was winter break, so everyone else had gone home. With nowhere else to go, these two usually spent their days hanging out with each other. This day was no different.
Both ladies were bundled up in heavy jackets, hats, scarves, boots, gloves, and for Piper, earmuffs. Piper braided her hair into a low hanging upside down beehive shaped braid so that the wind would not blow it everywhere. In her other arm was her Pooh bear which she adorned with a knitted hat with two holes to stick out his ears. Jocia was carrying her bat in her other hand. Piper insisted she did not need it, but Jocia always wanted to be on the side of caution.
"When are we gonna get there?" Jocia asked. While she could go on for hours even in the snow, it was getting kind of boring just walking in snow for the past 10 minutes.
"We're almost there," Piper reassured. "We just need to get past this hill."
Once they made it past, Jocia heard the sloshing sound of Piper's footsteps in the snow halt, so she stopped in her tracks as well. Piper let go of Jocia's hand.
"We're here!" Piper said in her cheery voice.
When Jocia removed the blindfold, her eyes immediately grew wide and her mouth agape. What stood in front of her was a small lake covered completely in ice. It was something she hadn't seen in such a long time. It almost brought her to tears.
Jocia then noticed that Piper had gone off somewhere. She looked to see her on the side of the lake picking up some objects in the snow. Jocia's eyes widened again when she saw two pairs of ice skates in her hand. With her usual joyous demeanor, Piper ran back holding up the skates to Jocia.
"I recall that you have mentioned liking to ice skate," Piper said cheerfully. "Me and Jade encountered this lake on our walks a while back. I thought that you might like it since it's mostly secluded." She handed Jocia a pair of skates, she was still in too much of shock to say anything. "I tested the ice beforehand and it's thick enough to skate!" Piper proclaimed before going to put on her own skates.
Jocia looked down at the skates in her hand. Her eyes focused on the blades. Blades which she has not seen in years. The blades she usually saw were the blades used to hurt others. These blades, however, were made for something entirely different.
"Jocia?" Piper's voice called to her. She already put on her skates and was curious why Jocia had not put hers on yet. "Are you ok?"
Jocia was at a loss of words. Piper had done something so thoughtful for her, but she could never come up with the words to express how much this meant to her.
"Yeah," she said in her usual nonchalant tone. "Thanks." It sounded like a thanks for checking in on her, but it was also a thanks for doing this all for her. Thankfully, Piper smiled back at her, so hopefully the message went through.
After the two placed their skates on, they stood and gained their balance on the edge of the lake. Piper laid Pooh in the snow so he could watch. They looked at the lake for a bit, mesmerized by the glisten of the ice below them, the sparkling snow around them, and the trees that covered the area, making it truly theirs and no one else's at the moment.
Jocia was the first one on the ice, as she took a deep breath before taking her first few glides. She feared that she had forgotten how to skate after these years away. But, as one is with a bike, it stayed with her. She moved flawlessly across the ice. With a surprising amount of grace matched with her usual fierceness.
For a moment, the world stilled except for her, and an all too familiar feeling washed over her; freedom, security, peace, home. At this moment, she didn't give a damn about school, what might be going on at home, anything. It was just her and the ice, where she always belonged.
Piper watched Jocia in awe, mesmerized by each turn and spin the bigger woman performed. She herself had not yet taken the ice yet, as she was too focused on Jocia's movements. Ever since they met, Piper could tell that there was more to Jocia than just the brute that everyone said she was. And this, along with the years they've know each other, proved it. And for Jocia, Piper was one of the only people she allowed to see this side of her.
Jocia stopped in her formation and struck a pose. Piper responded by clapping her hands and screaming cheers at her, which caused Jocia to leave her skate-filled trance. She smiled at the brunette before realizing she had not yet gotten on the ice.
"So, you gonna get on, or am I gonna have to drag you on the ice myself?" Jocia asked with a smirk.
Piper became a bit flustered in embarrassment as if she just remembered she had skates on as well. She looked down at her feet before slowly moving one foot forward... which slowly inched forward little by little until she was almost in a splits. She stopped herself with her hands and attempted to lift herself back up, only for her feet to switch and her to start shuffling to try to balance herself. The next thing she knew, she fell butt first on the ice.
"Oh bother," Piper said embarrassed. Jocia was trying her hardest not to laugh, but her smiled remained as she kneeled down to look at her.
"Are you alright?" Jocia said trying to sound as genuine as she possibly could.
"Oh! I'm chipper!" Piper said with a smile that Jocia could tell was semi fake. "No need to worry!" She tried to get back up, but kept landing on her butt at every attempt.
"Do you not know how to skate?" Jocia asked in a manner that sounded like she was making fun of Piper, but was actually genuinely curious.
"I-I can skate! Just... with the help of a handle bar..." she looked away from her in defeat before giving the semifake smile again. "But don't worry about me!"
Jocia frowned as she knew what was happening. Piper is one to sacrifice so much in favor of making others feel happy. Even if that means removing her own joy and involvement from the picture. Jocia could relate to that fondly, but she knew it wasn't the best. While she has seen Piper grow to be more self-focused over the years, old habits die hard she supposed. And she could tell that Piper wanted to join in.
While she was never able to provide the right words in situations like this, Jocia knew that sometimes, actions speak louder. She stood up and placed her hand out with her palm sticking up to Piper.
"Come on, I'll teach you how to skate!" Jocia said, trying to be as welcoming as she could be.
"W-what?" Piper got flustered at the surprise offer. "Y-you don't need to do that! You can just-"
"Either that or I'm going home." Jocia did not mean that to sound like a threat, and she did not want to force Piper to do something she was uncomfortable with. "I-if you want to," she added. But, it seemed to work as Piper took a hold of Jocia's hand, accepting the invitation.
Jocia, quite effortlessly, lifted Piper back on her feet. Piper started to slip again, but Jocia kept her hold on her so she didn't fall again.
"Try and bring your feet together," Jocia instructed. She could tell that Piper was getting a little anxious. So, she reassured her, "I'm not gonna let you fall." This gave Piper enough calm and confidence to finally gain her balance in the ice. Both her and Jocia smiled brightly at the small victory.
Jocia moved her body so that she was standing side by side to Piper. "Follow my lead," she said as she slowly slid her left skate in front of her. Piper did the same. She felt a little wobbly, but Jocia reassured her that she would not let her fall and that she was doing great. One slow glide after the other, the two were moving forward. Piper eyes sparkled and smile widened in delight at the fact that she was skating. Seeing Piper's joy made the other one warm and joyful as well. It reminded her of when she tried to teach her siblings how to skate. One of the more pleasant memories that they have. She hoped that they were doing well.
After a few more moves and teaching Piper how to turn, Jocia let go of Piper's hand to see how she could do on her own. Piper did not disappoint. She was moving straight and making turns all on her own. Jocia cheered for her and Piper jumped in the air in victory before falling on the ground again. This time, they both laughed as Jocia helped her back up again.
"Start moving again. I wanna try something," Jocia said when an idea hit her. "If that's ok with you."
Piper nodded her head. "I'd be delighted to try!"
"Let me know if I do anything to make you uncomfortable," Jocia said in consideration. Piper smiled and nodded before Jocia took hold of her hand and motioned her to move again. Before they could move more than a few feet, Jocia moved in front of Piper and started skating backwards with Piper's hand still in hers. Piper jolted in surprise as she felt Jocia's other hand move to her hip.
"Is this ok?" Jocia asked to make sure, and Piper quickly nodded her head. Jocia smiled as she began to lead Piper across the ice like they were dancing at a ball. Piper held onto Jocia's hip in turn as she tried to follow Jocia while keeping her balance. When she was able to gain her footing, Piper looked up at Jocia and gave her an enthusiastic grin. Jocia gave a warm one in return before spinning them 180 degrees.
Piper giggled as Jocia proceeded to show of her own skills as she skated around her. Backwards, forwards, sideways, Jocia gave Piper an up close and personal performance before going back to her hips.
"Would you mind if I lifted you up and spun you around?" Jocia asked.
Piper could not tell if it was her face trying to warm up from the cold, or Jocia making this sudden request, but her face was even redder than Riddle's angry face at the moment. But, she enthusiastically nodded her head, which gave Jocia all of the affirmation she needed to lift Piper up by her hips and spin her around. The giggles and happy stimming Piper did when Jocia put her back down made Jocia's stone heart melt. She held on to Piper's hand and spun her around in circles a few times by skating around her before letting go, spinning herself, and bowing. Piper was surprisingly able to keep her balance as she cheered for her.
Once Jocia opened her eyes, they widened in horror when they saw that the ice around Piper's feet was cracked and about to break. She hurriedly skated to her and exclaimed "LOOK OUT!" before jumping at her and tackling her to the snow on the edge of the lake. She made it just in time before the ice fully gave in.
Jocia got up to make sure the Piper was ok. Nerve struck as she saw Piper's eyes widen and her breath start to get heavy, like she was suffocating. While in kind of a panic herself, Jocia knew what to do when Piper was about to have a meltdown. She quickly grabbed Piper's Pooh bear and gave it to her, kept a good enough distance so she doesn't feel too close, but is also there if she needs her, and practiced deep breathing to have Piper follow along. Once Piper was able to ground herself with her breathing and the softness of the bear, she looked to see that Jocia had just saved her from the cracked ice.
"I'm sorry that I had to do that." Jocia said once she saw that Piper had come back to reality.
"There's nothing to be sorry about," Piper said giving a soft smile to Jocia. "You saved my life, I should be thanking you!" Jocia smiled back before offering her hand once again to Piper, who immediately accepted. Piper opened her arms wide out to Jocia, who was hesitant at first, but accepted in great.
"Thank you for this," Jocia said as she held onto Piper.
"It was my pleasure," Piper said cheerfully back. They let go when they realized how cold they were. "How about we head back to ramshackle and I whip together some tea with honey!"
"Sounds good to me," Jocia said before joining Piper on their was back.
Two woman, both lost, scared, and trying to find a way back, somehow found each other. Though misunderstanding and unintended boundary crossing and rage threatened to split them, forgiveness, communication, and empathy kept them together. Though soon enough they will have to return to their worlds, they will treasure and savor the moments they have together. So is the tale of the woman who finally sharpened her blade, and the one who found a better use for hers.
Piper had just finished her second period class with Mr. Goldspire and was about to head to the courtyard to rest for a bit before she overheard a few students talking.
"Did you hear about the new student?" Student A asked Student B.
"Yeah, I heard he just came out of nowhere!" Student B replied. Piper sensed a bit of Deja Vu as she decided to ease drop on the conversation.
"I swear, if this is anything like that other magicless, otherworldly student fiasco, this school is going to the underworld for sure." Student A said.
"Here he comes!" Student B said. "Act like you didn't say anything."
Piper looked over to see who the student was. She was greeted with a tall man with braided black hair and golden eyes. He kind of looked like...
Wait... WHAT?!
(Final Note: That became so much longer than I thought it would be! I just got way too into it lol. Consider it an early birthday present as well since I saw it is your birthmonth (or I'll just write you something else for your birthday, I DO WHAT I WANT HAHAHAHAHA). Anyways, thank you so much again Shoopy and I hope you liked it!)
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jerseyshoresy · 3 months
I Pucking Love You
Request for @laserotters ! Reader joins beer league hockey team--never having played the sport. Reilly and Jonesy lend their support, but will it be enough to impress Coach and capture his heart?
Coach x gn!reader
Warnings: language, some suggestive conversation
"What the fuck was I thinking?"
You muttered under your breath as you heard the slams of bodies against glass, your heart plummeting. This was a beer league, right? Why was everyone being so aggressive right now? You were watching your first game as a real hockey player unfold from the bench, not yet being put on the ice due to being the newest member of the team. You were tense as you fiddled with the laces of your skates, making sure they were tight for whenever you were sent into the game. You hadn't told anyone you were a complete rookie when you eagerly agreed to joined the league, your mouth and heart taking over the reigns when your head should've won the battle to keep you quiet. Instead, you had managed to make a complete fool of yourself in a matter of a few days and screw up the one good thing you had going for you. You took another nervous sip of your beer as your eyes scanned the players' bench, the doorways, the crowd for one person in particular—Coach.
The whole reason why you were here in the first place.
But you didn't know if he was going to show up to play, like he was supposed to, or watch from the sidelines and support you, like you wanted him to, after everything that had transpired yesterday. You wished with all your might that Coach believed in you as much as he once said he did.
Your team coach's voice pulled you out of your daydreams. "Y/n! You're going! Get in there!"
You gulped as you gripped your hockey stick tight, your knuckles pulsating under your gloves.
Here goes nothing.
“We’re looking for players for our beer league hockey team. You in?”
Coach had approached you three weeks ago while you were in MoDean’s, hanging out with your friends Jonesy and Reilly.
You almost choked on your drink in surprise but tried to hide it as quickly as possible. "Who? Me?"
You were a bumbling, lovesick mess when Coach spoke with you, walked near you, or even just looked your way. You'd had the biggest crush on the man for years but never wanted to make a move in case he wasn't over the death of his ex wife, Barb, yet. You would much rather yearn from afar than ever risk disrespecting him on accident. However, your refusal to admit your feelings was causing you to be on edge every time Coach was around, making you an anxious wreck.
"Yes, you," Coach said expectantly. "These two idiots are already signed up but we're looking for more talent. I'd love to get you on the ice if you're available."
"O-oh! Yes, sure! I love hockey," you said, your words tumbling from your throat. "When do we start?"
"Perfect! First game is in three weeks. There's practices Saturday and Sunday afternoons, but they aren't mandatory. It's a beer league so you can rely on any hockey skills you've learned from the past and you'll do fine." He clapped you on the shoulder and you tried your best to not keel over from his warm touch.
"Can't wait to see you in the barn, y/n."
"Right, yes, of course. Sounds great," you said as enthusiastically as possible, Coach giving you a small smile before walking away. Reilly and Jonesy exchanged glances with each other before turning their attention toward you, confused looks on their faces.
"Y/n... you've never played hockey," said Reilly.
"You've never even ice skated. That's, like... unreal for anyone in Letterkenny," Jonesy piped in, Reilly nodding in agreement.
"You guys are making me feel so much better." You rolled your eyes. "Besides, I have a few weeks! I can learn all I need to know, right?"
"Not quite."
"Definitely not."
Your friends' voices merged as they made their wariness at your decision known.
"You guys were great at hockey and you're already on the team. Can't you teach me some moves? We can practice every day from now until the first game. Please?" You gave them your best puppy dog impression but they, surprisingly, weren't moved.
"Why don't you ask Coach to teach you? That way, you two can spend some alone time together." Jonesy wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
"Then you can finally ask him out," Reilly suggested, making Jonesy high five him.
"Great idea, boys. Y/n can learn some sick moves and get a sweetie. Sounds like a great plan, boys."
"They'll get hockey sticks in both senses of the word, boys."
"Y/n can hit the puck then hit up Coach to fu-"
"Enough!" you exclaimed, embarrassed by what your friends were shamelessly saying in the crowded bar. "I get what you mean. I don't want Coach to know that I'm new to hockey and if I ask him to teach me, my secret is out. Can you guys please just help me out this one time? If I score in my first game, I promise I'll ask Coach out."
"That'll be two scores for y/n in one night, boys!" yelled out Jonesy, Reilly jumping up and down in excitement with his best friend. You finished your drink and paid your tab to Gail, not wanting to waste time at MoDeans any longer. You had hockey equipment to buy.
Your first practice was a total disaster. The simple task of ice skating was proving to be a lot more difficult than you thought, let alone trying to multitask staying upright while watching a puck fly around and doing your best to guard it from your personal trainers. You went home that day completely dejected until you thought of Coach and how happy he would be seeing you score a point. The potential of being the one to make him scream in happiness during the game was a strong incentive for you to return to the rink the next day, ready to give it your all. By the time the first team practice came about at the end of the first week of your private training, you were confident in your abilities to at least skate well enough while wielding your stick. You were competent enough at the sport now to where your teammates thought you hadn't played in a while but were getting back into it slowly but surely.
The second week of your training with Reilly and Jonesy went tons better than your first week and you were actually getting excited for the team practice to better hone your skills. Saturday's team practice was the best you had done, proving you could take a hit from someone without falling over and losing control of the puck. Sunday's practice, though, was one for the books. Coach made an appearance and your heart was hammering through your uniform. He looked so handsome in his hockey gear, a far cry from the suit he usually wore while coaching. You liked seeing this side of him, infinitely more relaxed while playing the game he loved deeply. You were honored when he chose to partner with you for drills but you found it hard to focus on the task at hand every time you spied Coach's muscles bulging from under his sleeves or when his plush lips spoke your name to get your attention. When you did focus on hockey, though, you were able to keep up with Coach's pace and found yourself on the receiving end of many compliments from your friends and teammates alike, igniting a fire inside you to keep working harder. You were dead set on gaining the skills needed to get that puck in the net during the game, if not only as a promise to yourself to finally ask Coach on a date, but as a testament to your dedication to hockey and unwavering determination in the face of a daunting task.
The third and final week of training before the big game had Jonesy, Reilly, and you practicing your abilities to shoot the puck into the net when there were obstacles to maneuver around. They took turns guarding you, as well as the net, successfully blocking you from making a shot all throughout the week, but by the time Friday came around, you had outsmarted and out skated the both of them, smacking the puck into the net and earning cheers and hugs from your closest friends as you celebrated your achievement.
"That's all we can teach you," said Reilly, "now you just have to remember all of this stuff when you're actually playing."
"But we know you'll do great out there. You had the best teachers after all." Jonesy pointed at himself and Reilly while you let out a laugh.
"Thanks for all your help, guys, I really appreciate it. I would've been completely at a loss without your guidance and hockey expertise."
"Hockey expertise? That's my middle name. Actually, according to my birth certificate it's not, but it should be."
Coach's voice boomed from the doorway behind you, making you jump at the unexpected, but very much welcome, visitor. Reilly and Jonesy packed up their gear and made a quick exit, not-so-subtly hinting at you to enjoy your alone time with Coach by making hearts with their hands and kissy faces. Coach was none the wiser at the shenanigans happening behind his back, which you were grateful for.
"So, what was it those boys were teaching you? If you need more help, I'm here to practice if you'd like to join me."
Even with the cold air of the ice rink enveloping you, you felt your face warm at his willingness to spend time with you. You told him what you and the boys were up to earlier and he hummed in approval.
"I like that you're prioritizing scoring. That's a real winner's attitude, I like that about you."
You tried not to let his phrasing get to your head because you needed to keep a clear mind during this practice, but you couldn't help but feel giddy at the fact that Coach complimented you so freely. No one else seemed to get that treatment; did he have feelings for you that ran deeper than friendship? It was much too early to guess at that, but no matter what, his words meant a lot to you since he was extremely honest so you knew he meant what he said.
"Why don't you show me what you got and I can see what needs improving?"
You nodded and drew in a breath, recalling everything you learned over the past weeks. As you skated around, puck flying across the ice, you did your best to avoid getting blocked by the various hazards placed by Coach as well as Coach himself. He was impressively fast and quite nimble in his skates, not leaving much room for you to find an opening to lob the puck into the net. After a few failed attempts, Coach stopped you for a moment.
"Can I show you a better way to hold the stick while you shoot?"
"Please do, this is getting frustrating."
Coach smirked. "That means I'm doing my job well. I want to see you succeed at the game tomorrow, though, so you have to make sure you can keep calm to barrel through anyone who gets in your way."
"You're right. I get in my own head too much, too often. I just have to have trust in my skills and I know I can do it."
Coach was now standing to your side, holding his hockey stick out. "Put your hands like this... no, like this... yeah, sort of? Keep them lined up like this."
His demonstration was hard for you to understand exactly how your hands should be resting on the stick, but before you could express more of your frustrations, Coach caught you by surprise for the second time that day.
"Would you mind if I move your hands with my own?"
"That's fine," you squeaked out, anxiously awaiting his now ungloved hands to rest on top of your own. His soft skin made contact with you as he gently moved your hands to grip the stick in a new position. You didn't want to know how flustered you looked at that moment. You felt like your entire brain shut down and you forgot how to function as a human for a second, too involved in the lovely feeling of his hand on yours. The proximity was killing you as he held you close, the slight smell of cologne wafting into your nose and making you never want to experience another scent in your life but that one. When he finally let go, your hands felt empty in a way you'd never known before. However, you shook off the feelings of heartache for the man who was so close yet so far from you in favor of whacking the hell out of the black disc in front of you.
"Just remember, be quick and precise with it! You'll want to-"
You cut him off with a slam of the stick on the puck as it went whizzing past him and into the net with breakneck speed.
"Like that?" you asked, a cheeky smile on your face.
"Just like that," breathed out an astounded Coach. "What a great shot. You're a fantastic player. Do that tomorrow and we'll have no problem winning."
"Yay! That's what I was hoping for," you told him, taking a swig from your water bottle. You both decided that you had enough practice, not wanting to over exert yourselves before tomorrow's game. You two sat on the bench together, shedding your skates and talking about your hockey journeys. You heard how Coach got started playing and why he's so passionate about the game, and it made you happy knowing that he trusted you enough to delve into such personal topics. It was now your turn to divulge your history, or lack thereof, with the sport, and you tried your best to be honest but not totally spill your secret. However, Coach's presence relaxed you too much and you found yourself speaking much too freely.
"It's hard to believe I figured this all out just in these past three weeks," you sighed dreamily, your chin resting in your hands as you observed the ice. All of a sudden, your eyes widened in realization of what you said. You prayed Coach didn't catch what you uttered, but you weren't so lucky. You reluctantly turned your head toward him and were met with a look of pure incredulity on his face.
"Wait, what did you just say?"
You wished you could lie your way out of this but it was impossible. You screwed up, big time, and now you have to own it.
"I didn't want to tell anyone that I'd never played before because I really wanted to be on the team," you said sheepishly, "but I have the skills I need for the game, all thanks to Jonesy, Reilly, and you, of course."
Coach didn't seem any bit convinced. "You're telling me that the game is tomorrow and you think you can survive out there after never having played hockey? Are you out of your mind?"
"It's a beer league, Coach, not the NHL," you argued. You were upset that he wasn't taking your progress seriously. He had said himself that you were a great player--why did it matter that you hadn't hashed it out with strangers when you were capable of holding your own against your teammates in practice matches?
"It may be a beer league, y/n, but you're still gonna get crushed out there. Absolutely pummeled. I'm not allowing you on the ice for a few games at least."
"I am an adult, you can't tell me what I can and can't do." Your tone was tinged with venom.
"I am a coach and I know what players should and shouldn't do."
Coach, in his anger, was leaned in toward you, his face infiltrating your personal space. You would've been elated to be so close to him at literally any other time but this. You huffed in annoyance while Coach's peeved expression stayed trained on you as you backed up and crossed your arms in defiance, neither of you saying anything but your expressions were doing all the talking. The large, empty rink was presently feeling much too small as you stared into Coach's narrowed brown eyes.
"I don't need this from you. I'm going home. See you tomorrow."
You grabbed your bag and walked away as fast as your legs could move you without looking too pathetic.
Now it was game day and Coach was nowhere to be found. No one had heard from him all day so it was assumed he wasn't playing. With another person out due to sickness, that meant the team had just the right amount of players to rotate you in and allow you some time on the ice.
Which is where you were now.
Literally on the ice because some jerk on the other team slammed into you.
"This isn't the NOSHO, asshole, take it easy," you grumbled, quickly getting up and back into the game. It was halfway through the third period with still no sign of Coach, and you resigned to the fact that he stood you all up. You were disappointed, to say the least. What was his problem? You didn't explicitly lie to anyone and you were able to (mostly) hold your own on the ice. There was no reason for Coach to be this upset at you for something so silly! You shook your head to clear your thoughts. There was no time to care about something like that when you had a game to win.
By the time the last minute was shown on the board, the teams were tied for points. You still hadn't scored your own point, but you were helping the other members of your team score by blocking players and passing the puck back and forth. For it being your first game, you weren't doing horribly. Jonesy and Reilly were by your side a good portion of the time to encourage and support you, making your heart swell with joy at knowing your friends always had your back.
If only my crush was the same way, you thought to yourself.
The puck had made it back into your possession as the clock quickly counted down. You were skating fast and hard down to the net, utilizing your training to avoid the players actively trying to block you. You sped around them, completely focused on the monumental task in front of you.
You were stunned to see his figure up against the glass, slamming on it with his palms. His arrival was enough to kick yourself into gear, ready to prove your worth as a hockey player. You took in deep breath, making sure your hands were positioned just like Coach taught you. Without hesitation, you brought your stick back and rammed it forward right as you got hit from behind by an opposing team member. The puck went flying through the air and landed neatly behind the goalie as the buzzer went off, signaling the end of the game.
You just won!
As the crowd went wild, your teammates rushed over to you, cheering for your impressive game winning move. The exciting moment of victory was over as quick as it began, the rink clearing out in a hurry as people had better things to do on a Saturday afternoon than celebrate a beer league hockey game. It was once again quiet as you collected your things, ready to get home and take a much needed shower. You were currently putting your skates in your bag when familiar shoes entered your vision.
"Why weren't you here earlier, Coach?" you asked, hesitating to meet his eyes out of disappointment, but your love for him was stronger than your dismay. "We were all worried."
His brown eyes held an uncharacteristically soft gaze toward you as he spoke.
"I couldn't stand to see you potentially get hurt and not be able to protect you," he confessed, a blush lighting up his face, "but that's all part of the game, I guess. I thought it was best for me to sit this one out and let you experience hockey as it should be. I wish you would have told me you never played before so I could have taught you everything you needed to know to stay safe out there but... it seems like Jonesy and Reilly really pulled through for you. You played well today, I'm proud of you, y/n."
You didn't know what to say. You couldn't fathom that was the reason Coach didn't want you to play. The normally brash, aggressive man was standing in front of you, blushing, meeker than a mouse, and telling you he wanted to protect you. Did that mean...?
"I really like you," you blurted out. "I have for the longest time and I promised myself I would ask you on a date if I scored today so that's what I'm doing. Would you like to go out with me sometime?"
If you were shocked at Coach's admission of why he was MIA most of the day, he was triple the amount of shocked at your question-- you could tell by the way his mouth hung open before he sputtered out an answer.
"Oh! Well, I haven't been on a date since my beloved Barb left me alone on this earth... but I like you too, y/n. A lot. I'd love to join you on a date."
You exhaled a sigh of relief. "Wanna meet at MoDean's later tonight? I heard it's open mic night."
Coach's eyes lit up. "I'll bring my ukulele. See you there?"
"See you there," you said in agreement, a wide smile never leaving your face. You would have never thought that this day would come, but you were overjoyed that you gained the confidence to ask out the Coach of your dreams. Tonight would be the perfect ending to the perfect day.
You'd better pucking believe it.
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sunskate · 5 months
Tessa and Scott: episode 2
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episode 1 made a thing of Marina going to Champs Camp with Meryl and Charlie - is she giving equal time to both teams? episode 2 makes it clear she shows up for VM's High Performance Camp assessments, so while it turns out to be true that she didn't support VM equally, this isn't an example of it, producers🙃
ep. 2 focuses on HPC - how nervous Tessa is is painful to see. this is where she calls Kate with tears and throws up after their FD
"i really internalize things, just assume that i'm a terrible skater, a bad person" - on the one hand 🥺 but also, huh? i know feelings like this aren't logical, but i'm curious what being a bad person means to her? sometimes ppl think "i'm a perfectionist" "i'm so hard on myself" are a badge of honor and a way to drive yourself, but it feels like a harsh way to do it and seems to lead her to spiral
then there's the cringe moment when Ryan Pyette, the London Free Press reporter who's been covering VM since they were little kids, asks Scott, "did you get lean? you look less bulky" it's not really better seeing a guy get asked questions about his body and appearance in an intrusive way
then Tessa, plaintively - "i wish people would ask me that. all i hear is did you put on muscle? are you bulking up? no!" thankfully Scott answers, "idiots. let's eat"
but in the next scene - he's having a cheeseburger, salad, ginger ale, orange juice. she's having a skinless grilled chicken breast, a couple tomato slices and some pasta shells with not much on them in small portions 😢
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then after HPC, she goes to TIFF with Chiddy (and has a moment exchanging numbers and talking about hanging out with Jian Ghomeshi, who went on trial for sexual assault the next year - god i hope this was the last time she saw him💀)
Scott goes home rather than staying, and Tessa says, "i think it was just one of those nights where he needed to get home and relax and get away from the whole skating world and maybe even me" - whyy does she think this way 😭 after the pressure of HPC and media day, instead of walking a red carpet at a film festival, getting his picture taken and socializing, he went home for the weekend. sounds normal and understandable. he says see you Monday in Canton, so they’re back on the ice bright and early, probs - i mean, doesn't she want in part to go home and recover? TIFF is more her scene than his, and they'd been to it together before:
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YSL after party at TIFF in 2010 (someone pls fix his shirt 😅)
but oof, producers, not subtle - Tessa: "hopefully when we're done skating competitively i'll have more time to devote to a real relationship" - cut to:
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i wonder how they pitched this to him - look out the window pensively and drink your coffee 💀this show was pretty rude to his gf
again, i’d take more footage of actual skating and feedback at HPC. i think these producers were just kind of bad at this lol VM gave them plenty of 🤔moments without resorting to this 🫠
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spiteless-xo · 6 months
MISS TIFF im so late to your selfship game but i still wanna know!!!! what kind of dates do you and eren n jean go on? what would they do if another guy hits on you?? what kind of flowers do they buy you?? i LOVE tiff+jean and tiff+eren i cant wait to hear more!!!
spicy selfship asks
omg tysm for asking!! dw i love talking about my lil guys 🥺
with jean, dates are always very elaborate and planned out days in advance. he's got a table booked at a fancy restaurant, a new outfit picked out for the night, and maybe some fun activity planned for after dinner as well, like ice skating or mini golf. he always treats date night like he's still courting me, rather than us being together for however long, so he pulls out all the stops to make it memorable and romantic.
eren doesn't really plan dates unless it's for a special occasion: valentines day or an anniversary or birthday. eren and i are always sitting on each other's laps any moment we're together, so he doesn't really feel the need to plan out any elaborate "date" when we're already together all the time. although, he loves going out and running errands together. dropping by at a cafe for a little treat on the way or maybe checking out a pretty park nearby, going for an impromptu hike because this trail sounds cool and he packed our stuff in the trunk, just in case. to him, these aren't dates, they're just "hanging w his gf". and also, every once in a while, we'll bail on some plans we have with friends last-minute and just hang out together and watch tv and order takeout.
jean gets really quiet when he's jealous. he'll see someone hitting on me from afar and suddenly his jaw is tense and his hands are balled up into little fists. he would never intervene because there's a part of him that's insecure about our relationship, so he's waiting for me to run off with this other random stranger and leave him alone, but i never do. (and he will absolutely make out w me sloppy style when i come back to his side after being hit on. "that guy was being so creepy to me" is all i have to say and suddenly jean's tongue is in my throat and both hands are grabbing at my ass)
ummmm, eren's not like that. eren will see someone talking to me and immediately he'll rush to my side and give the other person a murderous look. he will make this person feel so uncomfortable for even daring to look in my direction and won't relax even long after the other person leaves. eren will be angry at me for getting hit on. he'll get it out of his system and go back to normal after he's completely split me in half with his dick 💀 and then it becomes a joke. "remember when that guy thought he had a chance with you?" or even "hey, why don't you ask your little boyfriend to help you?" and he refuses to acknowledge the fact that he was so jealous he was shaking.
first off, a bit of tiff lore!! but when i was younger, my dad passed away, and i got so many flowers and bouquets delivered to the house, so now i always associate flowers with death and grief and i don't actually like receiving flowers as a gift. i appreciate the gesture, especially from people who don't know that fact about me, but.......... i don't like flowers lol
jean knows this about me, so he gifts me candy or chocolate or stuffed toys instead. after dating for a while and getting sick of candy and having waaaaay too many stuffies in my room for a woman my age, i tell him to cut it out and find something else to get me instead. so this is why he plans all of the elaborate dates and experiences, rather than gifts.
eren also knows this about me, but he constantly forgets. he will get me roses on valentines day and an assorted bouquet on our anniversary or my birthday. he will remember several days later (usually when armin or mikasa mention something to him) and then make it up to me by buying something else--usually jewelry. it takes a while, but eventually, eren starts remembering on his own so he sticks to getting me jewelry for special occasions. always emeralds to match his eyes or gaudy heart-shaped necklaces that i would absolutely never buy for myself. (it takes him a while to realize that i also am not a big fan of jewelry, so then he just gets me lingerie because "i don't know what you fucking want!" and so he can tear it off of me and have an excuse to buy more)
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soursvgar · 2 years
maybe a fanfic where mc and levi go ice skating?
a/n: this is my take on a slice of life kind of fic ^^" nothing too emotional, just a cute scenario. my muse been kinda low lately so i apologize and really hope this came out to your liking ! ;;
Leviathan x gn! reader ; fluff, some very light mentions of insecurities
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
It's a cold, clear evening in the Devildom when the chilly weather makes you eager to try out a new ice skating rink you had recently discovered. As your excitement reaches a level where it becomes unbearable, you gush about it to the nearest ear in your proximity - Leviathan. When you suggest the two of you try it out together, he declines the offer at first, admitting that he had never tried ice skating before. However, after a couple long minutes of sorting out items on his wish list to bribe him off with, you manage to convince him to give it a try, promising that the two of you will have fun together.
Arriving at the rink, you pick up on Leviathan's body language hinting on him being obviously nervous. He sneaks a stare over to the rink, fidgeting with his scarf and looking around at the other attendees, as if he was worried about what they might think of him. You felt sorry to have dragged him out to a crowded space, not realizing the place would be as packed at these hours, certainly not with temperatures dropping in hell.
"Hey, it's okay." You place a hand on his shoulder, sending a reassuring smile his way. "We're here to have fun, you don't have to be good at ice skating to enjoy it." Leviathan nods, but you sense his hesitancy as you walk over to the rental counter to get your skates.
As the ice comes in contact with his tightly secured skates, Leviathan anxiously clings to your arm, legs wobbling and almost slipping over the thick ice. You quietly furrow at his tension, making sure your grip on him is gentle, yet firm enough to guide him safely. The two of you skate slowly, with you instructing him on how to balance himself; Despite you yourself being a beginner, it is important for you to provide him with reliance.
As you move around the rink, you notice Leviathan is struggling to keep up. He continuously slips and slides all over, letting out a frustrated sigh every time he falls, and primarily looking more and more discouraged with each misstep. "It's okay." You reassure. "It takes time to get the hang of it. You'll get there."
Leviathan only shakes his head. "I don't think I will. Perhaps I'm just not cut out for this kind of thing. I'm not athletic, or coordinated, or… anything, really." His head is hanging low, holding onto the sides of the rink for dear life. The despair in his eyes makes your heart wrench, you're unsure of what to say, but you know that you have to somehow lift his spirits and make this experience better for him.
"Hey, let me show you something I've practiced." You state before skating over in front of him. "Watch this." You alert, making sure his gaze is drawn to you as you perform a graceful spin, gliding effortlessly across the rink. Leviathan's eyes widen as he follows your movements, watching with a mix of awe and envy.
"How did you do that?" he questions, brows arching in bewilderment. "It's easy when you practice enough. It took me awhile to perfect it, and a couple sore tumbles onto the cold ice, but now I can pull off spinning like a pro." You shrug, grinning bashfully.
Leviathan seems hesitant, but also equally intrigued. You start by showing him a few basic moves, and slowly but surely, he finally begins to get the hang of it. As the evening continues, he is still slipping and sliding, but he also moves more fluidly on the ice, and even tries out a few tricks of his own. You smile as you spot a glimmer of determination in his eyes; He is no longer looking down at his feet, or skimming the surrounding, worried about what people may think of him. Instead, he is focused on the ice, mastering his newfound skill.
"Thank you for believing in me, even when I didn't believe in myself." Leviathan says, taking your hands in his own in order to steady himself as he skates towards you. "I'll always believe in you, Levi." You reassure, giving a soft stroke to the palm resting within your grip. "You know... whenever I say anything that's self deprecating, my siblings usually agree with it, and I end up being anxious of failure because if I can't succeed and prove others wrong, people will just keep having that same image of me." Leviathan shares, opening up about his insecurities. "I tend to quit too quickly if I can't master a skill right away." He admits, looking into the distance with a regretful expression. "Everybody makes mistakes, Levi. You know I think you're smart and incredibly capable of anything you put your mind to." Leviathan turns his head back to you. He remains quiet, but the hopeful gaze he shows you is enough to make you aware of how thankful he is for your words.
By the end of the night, Leviathan is beaming with pride. He had overcome his fear, smoothly swaying on the rink, and you can't help but feel exhilarated at the display of his newly instilled confidence. It is indeed a night of triumph and self-discovery that neither of you are going to forget. As you take off your skates and get ready to head home, Leviathan approaches you with a toothy grin. "Hey, do you want to come over to my room? I can sneak us some hot chocolate from the kitchen."
"Sure, that sounds great." You reply, feeling happy to spend more time in his company.
Settling in at his place, Leviathan pours you each a mug of the steaming beverage before claiming a spot next to you. The two of you huddle by the window, watching as snow begins to fall outside. The air in the room is peaceful, and you can sense that Leviathan is feeling content. You peek at his face, capturing the small smile he has on as he feels your eyes on him. In response, he leans onto you, allocating his head on your shoulder and nuzzling slightly into your neck.
"Thank you for tonight." He mutters. "I think I really needed that."
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observeowl · 1 year
Right By Your Side | Chapter 9 - Alcohol
Summary: In the world where wearing glasses makes you a different person. You were forced to swallow a pill that turned you into seven years old. Now, you're living with your crush in a small form, what would you do? Who were the ones who brought this to you? And, can you change back?
Chapter summary: First time experiencing Tony's party as Allison and you finally changed back!
Series Masterlist
Your POV Wanda stayed at Bill's house that night. Everyone just took the mattress and laid it on the floor to sleep together. But I couldn't sleep. I was so close to touching them and they slipped out of my grasp at the last minute.
Nat was wondering where Wanda went when she couldn't find her in her room the next day. Just then, I walked in together with Wanda and saw Nat drinking her morning coffee in the kitchen.
"Where did you go Wanda?"
"I went with Allie to Bill's house!" Wanda said excitedly.
"Wanda heard Hailey call me that so she wanted in as well." I went to grab some apple juice from the fridge. I really wanted coffee but perhaps this is too early. I should have drunk some in Bill's house before coming back.
"Alright, I'm going to leave you two alone." Wanda said as she turned and left. I choked on my drink.
Nat scrunched her eyebrow at our actions. "What's going on?"
"N-nothing! H-how's work... for you?"
"You don't have to worry about me. What about you? How's school?" Nat asked me back.
I sat there at the kitchen island talking with her. It's been sometime since we had some alone time together. I had been so focused on catching the Black Organisation and Nat with Hydra that we hardly spent more than a minute together. Even when we went to the resort, I hardly got to spend any time with her.
I got lost in her eyes as she sometimes tilted her head as she talked. I really want this to be over so I can be with her, as myself.
"It's getting close to winter. Do you... perhaps want to go ice skating?" Nat invited me.
"Ice skating? With me?" Nat never extended an invite. It came as a shock to me. "Yeah, sure."
"Alright, we'll go when it gets colder or during your winter break."
"Ah kid, you're back!" Tony came walking in with his empty cup of coffee, probably refilling for the fifth time even though it was only 10am. "We're having a party today and you're invited!"
"Tony! She's just a kid, what is she going to do at the party?"
"Relax... what is she going to do in the compound alone when we are all at the party anyway?"
"Nat, it's fine. I'm sure nothing is going to happen at the party." I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. I missed going for Stark's parties, they were always lots of fun. I wonder what they're going to put me up against when we are going for games.
"A 7 year old has much more persuasive power than me." Tony remarked before leaving for his lab again.
I got dressed and ready for the party when Nat knocked on the door. I went to open the door for her and she stood outside with her beautiful dress that left my mouth hanging. She looked so beautiful so effortlessly.
"I was wondering if you need any help."
"Allison... Allison?" Nat repeated when she didn't receive any reply.
"N-no, I'm all ready to go." I got out of my daze and stepped out of my room to join her. We walked into the elevator when Nat asked a question.
"Can I... call you Allie too?" I could hear her nervousness in her voice. Nat isn't really the type for affection. After knowing her for almost five years, I've never heard her calling me by my nickname.
"I didn't know the Black Widow had FOMO." I teased her. "But yeah, you can."
I hopped on the bar stool which was a little tougher to sit for my current height and opened my mouth to order a drink but quickly pulled myself back. I almost ordered a martini by reflex.
"What can I get for you?" Nat asked as she mixed her drink.
"Maybe a coke in a fancy glass?" Nat chuckled. I heard the can pop open before she poured it gracefully into a champagne glass, the bubble sizzling as it glides down the side of the glass and has a nice ratio of the bubbles in contrast to the drink.
She placed the glass on the coaster and served it to me with a grin on her face. We sat there, in the corner and chatted as we sipped on our drinks. Nat wasn't really serving anyone. She was mostly behind the counter for her own drinks.
The party was in full swing as most of the guests arrived and mingled with their friends.
Wanda came along and sat next to me and we continued talking about the team. They shared some stories about the team and some of them were about me. I could see Wanda as she enjoyed this moment teasing me when I couldn't do anything about it.
"Remember that one time I walked in on her changing?" Wanda giggled as she remembered the memory. I was turning red, recollecting the shock I received. "She was almost as red as a cooked lobster!" Wanda was having the time of her life as she was holding her stomach laughing. I was going to get her back for that.
"Ladies, Maria over there is begging for more women to join." Steve came over and invited us to the small group where the Avengers have gathered.
"Finally! Everyone has gathered." Tony raised his glass in joy before downing the rest of the liquid and asking a refill from the nearest waiter.
"Time for games!" He continued.
They went for Truth or Dare and of course it was all weird with the slightly intrusive questions about personal past until Steve has to calm everyone down and overbearing dares which people would have refused if they weren't intoxicated.
"Allison, truth or dare?" Sam asked after finished his dare. I sat in between Nat and Wanda as they went the round and I didn't expect them to include me in this game as well. I was too stunned to speak, I glanced at Nat and since she didn't say anything, I figured it would be fine.
"Take a sip out of Natasha's glass."
"Sam! This is 40%!" She exclaimed.
"Calm down. I could have made her do a lot worse." The guys surrounding him all nodded their heads. It was considered calm among this group of people.
"I'll just take a small sip." I placed the slightest pressure on the glass she was holding and she reluctantly released her grip as watched me take a sip of her drink. I made a face as the rim of the glass left my lips.
"Here." Wanda passed me the coke and I drank it quickly. It seemed like my taste buds had changed.
"What are you drinking?" I asked Nat as I started to feel its effect on me.
"Vodka martini."
My heart was beating unbelievably fast. I understand I just drank some alcohol but it shouldn't be this bad. The pounding sensation rippled through my body.
"I-I think I'll go to bed now..." I pushed myself off the couch before stumbling on my feet and Nat caught me.
"I'll bring you back to bed." I could hardly breathe properly as Nat carried me to my room. I didn't have the energy to refuse and stop her.
"That's why you shouldn't have drunk my cocktail. I'll go get you some water. Wait here." She set me on my bed and I rolled over clutching my chest as I felt myself burning. I let out a scream that I couldn't control and I could feel steam coming out of my body at the end of it. Thankfully, the music at the party was still blasting so Nat couldn't hear it.
I looked at myself and found myself back in my old body?!
I hurried out of the current room and back into my old room to find a change of clothes. How did this happen? Why am I back in my old body? I need to get to Hailey to find out what's going on.
I opened the door and Natasha was standing right in front of me. "Y/N?" What a bad timing...
"H-hi?" I raised my hand to wave awkwardly.
"Where have you been?" The concern in her voice makes my heart ache that I can't tell her the truth.
"Ahh.. on a mission."
"But Fury didn't send you on any."
"Personal mission. Nothing to do with SHIELD or the Avengers."
Silence enveloped us as neither of us spoke. There were so many things I wanted to say to her but being the coward that I am, I chose to hide those feelings away especially being in the current situation.
I just wanted her to be mine but I am not capable of doing that right now, I'm unstable. I'm not capable of giving her the future she deserves.
Second POV All those anger that Nat felt when you disappeared on her vanished the instant she saw you standing in front of her. All the remarks of beating you, hitting you evaporated, when she saw you safe, in front of her.
"I- I got to go." You disclosed, not knowing how long your body would stay up. You can't risk changing in front of her.
You went to step past her but she grabbed your biceps and pulled you back in front of her. "Do you have to go so quickly?"
"Natasha... argh" The sensation you felt earlier returned but this time the situation was more dire with Nat next to you.
Seeing you in pain all of a sudden, crumbling to your knees and unable to respond to any of her questions, Nat rushed to get Bruce even though he may have drunk a couple of glasses. There was no one else she would trust to help you.
Using this window of time Nat had left you alone, you struggled back to your new room just in time before changing back to your small body.
You were left on the ground with clothes that were way too big for you. You rushed to pull the sleeves up and make an attempt to put them back in your old closet but Nat opened the door with Bruce behind her making you jump.
"Allie! Did you see a woman walking past here earlier?" Natasha said anxiously.
"No. I thought I heard your voice so I went to find you but I saw the clothes on the floor so I decided to wear it since I was sweating a lot."
"Damn it! She got away again."
"Was it Y/N?" You put on your innocent face and asked. Nat didn't answer your question and asked Bruce to check on you since he was already here. She was afraid you would be dehydrated from the alcohol.
The next day you immediately went to Bill's house with Hailey after school. You explained to her all about the incident that happened yesterday. Grabbing a bottle of alcohol from Bill's shelf, you went to drink a couple mouthfuls of it, trying to prove to her your point.
"I'm telling you... I really did change..." You slurred on your words as you took another sip and hiccupped.
"Perhaps the chemical compound of alcohol is part of it." Hailey said but you were already drunk with the alcohol intake. You passed out on the couch with the bottle opened on the table.
"Oh my god... What happened here?" Bill said when he went down the basement.
You were spread across the couch and Hailey was shaking her head at your actions. "Looks like it failed this time." There was no sign of you changing as nothing can wake you up right now. "I'll try to include alcohol compound in the prototype."
Bill wasn't sure if he wanted to send you back to the compound in this state and risked having to explain or call on your behalf claiming that you were going to stay over at his place tonight. Furthermore, you were still supposed to go to school tomorrow.
He just took a spare blanket to drape it over your body as the weather gets colder and placed a pillow under your neck.
"Allie! Are you alright?" Mitch asked when you walked into the classroom stumbling on your steps, knocking into other classmate's table as you made your way to the back.
"I'm alright..." You said with a splitting headache. You couldn't possibly tell them you were having a hangover because you tried to drink vodka to get back to your old body as Hailey watched your silly antics.
She even kept a video of you saying it was for research purposes. She sure was having fun using you as the guinea pig.
"If you're sick, you should go to the nurse's office." Mitch said in concern. He was the smartest out of the group of friends you made in this school.
"Thanks Mitch, but I'm really fine." You patted his shoulders and both of you went to your respective seats. His was not far, just diagonally behind you.
"That's not what you said when you left the house earlier." Earning a remark from your table mate.
"Oh shut up."
Soon, the teacher came into the classroom, and everyone scrambled to their seats as the teacher started her lesson.
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uglytsumugi12 · 2 years
shine▲polyhedric tri-lights 【ep 8】
♢ characters: natsume, sora, tsumugi, madara
♢ season: winter
― ☆ ―
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Natsume: ......
Sora: Oh, Shisho~! Good morning!
Shisho...? Is something wrong? Your "color" feels a bit clouded...
.."Wheel of Fortune" card?
Ah, did you get another bad omen...?
Natsume: Not reaLLY, that's not iT. I was just deep in thouGHTS.
AnywAY, did you come here to make some research tOO?
Sora: Yes! Sora came to investigate!¹
Natsume: HeHE, what a coincidENCE. I've also been doing research concerning spoRTS.
Senpai was there for a biT, but he had to leave to get resources from the compaNY.
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Sora: Sora will research on sports, too. Ah, by the way Shisho... Do you know what "the 'S' in Switch is the 'S' in 'Sports'" means?
Natsume: ...? I have no idea whY, that proposal was Senpai's doiNG.
I asked him about iT, he said it was some "youthful enthusiasm's result". He was embarrassed to admit iT, thouGH.
Surely that isn't so much of big of a deAL, is iT?
Sora: Senpai was embarrassed to answer..? Sora feels troubled...
Sora thought this matter was important for Switch's formation...
Natsume: What can I saY? It was Senpai who thoughtlessly mentioned how I felt about the Five Eccentrics accidENT.
Work is better done fast and finished than slow and meticulOUS. Senpai's mindset differs from that entireLY.
Sora: ..Not a big deal...
(...Actually, Shisho might be right.)
(A sporty theme might've just been one amongst many others during Switch's formation. It could have no deep meaning at all.)
(But doesn't this all feel strange~?²)
(Tsuka-chan seemed to tell the truth, too.)
(Senpai never does things randomly...³ It wouldn't be surprising if he was hiding something.)
(Is Sora overthinking? Is he making wrong assumptions? Either way, he'll have to hear the truth from Senpai.)
(And Sora has the perfect trick up his sleeve for that—)
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Natsume: SoRA, don't just stand heRE. Sit next to mE.
The interviews I'm reading right now will surely help uS. Let's split up and read them togeTHER.
Sora: ...Oh-- Yes, that's a good idea!
Let's find answers quickly and make this job a success, shall we~?
(...Sora would also be happy to discover what your secret with Switch is, Senpai.)
〈 Two hours later 〉
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Tsumugi: Natsume-kun, Sora-kun! I'm back~♪
I'm happy you guys were still in the office when I contacted you. That way I'll be able to add up the company's data to your research.
I'm sure we'll be able to understand what a "performance where you shine and improve yourself" means with it.
Sora: HaHa~ Thank you! Can we read it now?
Tsumugi: Of course. Let's read it together ♪
Natsume: Let's sEE... "Sparkling sweat, glistening on the forehead. A good day with your friends."
...That doesn't mention anything about outfiTS, righT?
Tsumugi: Correct. It represents lifestyles in similarly to fashion magazines.
The other projects are similar... Some young people smiling wide and enjoying street sports while wearing the company's outfits.
Problem is, isn't this exactly what we did yesterday? Or is ice skating a too classy sport..?
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Natsume: A problem indEED. We're running out of tiME, and we still don't know what they exactly want from US.
I thought we'd find the answers to our questioNS, but this isn't helping one bIT.
What do you thinK, SoRA? Did you find anythiNG?
Sora: Ah, yes! Sora—
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Madara: Hey there, enough chit-chat!
Tsumugi & Natsume: ....!?
Sora: Uwah-?! Why is Sora being tied up!?
Madara: Hahaha, sorry, Sora-san! I'll be carrying you for a bit, so please hang in there!
Natsume-san, Tsumugi-san. My apologies but, I'll be borrowing your precious junior for a bit!
Sora: Shisho, Senpai! Please help!!
Natsume: SoRA!!
Tsumugi: Hey, wait-! What'd you do that for--
Madara: Things never remain static, and life's always full of unexpected events!
If you want your Sora-san back, you'll have to catch me first...☆
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Natsume: GH-- SenpAI, let's go after hIM!
Tsumugi: Y- Yes!!
But- Why did Mikejima-kun steal Sora-kun away, he was so cooperative yesterday—
Natsume: Now's not the time to think about thAT, idiOT! Let's get goING!
UgH, I knew asking this guy for help was a bad idEA. He'd expect something back for suRE.
For hell's saKE, why do I keep getting bad omeNS...!!?
— 1- that term used by sora is the same natsume used b4 but i think sora would use it more literally than the adaptation i did for natsume lmao) 2- more precisely, foggy, uncertain, sort of hazy feeling abt the situation 3- here its more "praying and being fond of lucky charms" because as u may know mugi always tries to avoid bad omens and carries lucky charms with him. a lot. so ig this adaptation is more of saying he wouldnt do things carelessly as hes very meticulous about his work & wants to prevent unlucky events from happening
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ace-malarky · 10 months
hhh ok hi we're trying this?
I'm gonna start sharing the prompt pieces anyway because I keep talking about all these characters but I don't exactly talk talk so. here.
(just going with the ones I've written this year at least lmao bc some of them sure do be Old as Shit)
Judge these dumbasses for yourself
Kari stood amongst the old support pillars (that no one could convince her weren't gravestones in disguise) and peered into the sky in the hopes of one last look. One last flash of blue and white.
Thornton sighed behind her. "I think we'd best be getting home."
Jen started to whine at her, but cut off in a yawn.
The police officer – Ifernia had invited her? And the nurse? - rubbed at her eyes and sighed and shook her head. "I can give you and the bairns a lift back to the car park."
"That would be perfect. Kari, meet us back there, alright?"
"Sure," Kari replied, not really paying attention. She was still scanning the sky.
"I'll move my bike so you can get out," Ash said, following Cooper back towards the track.
"Always wanted to ride in the back of a police car," Mark said.
“So now you have the opportunity, please don’t do anything to end up in one after this.” Thornton glanced back at Kari, before ushering the younger kids down the track.
“Is that just while I’m in your care…?” Mark laughed, fading out of earshot.
“So she’s actually gone,” Katie murmured, standing beside Kari. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get here sooner, but...” She trailed off.
“Looks like it.” Seb turned to lean against one of the pillars. “Kari?”
“Yeah.” Kari squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. “Yeah, she’s gone.” She thought she would feel something when Ifernia left. Like a jolt, or a wave, or the world setting right. Some bullshit like that.
She didn’t feel anything but cold.
“What did she give you?” Katie asked.
Kari looked down to find herself turning the feather over in her hands. Deep blue like Ifernia’s wings. A memento, she guessed.
“I still can’t believe it’s all real,” Katie murmured. “That she really - really had wings. Really came from another world.”
“Well, there’s your proof.” Kari passed her the feather.
Katie turned it over in her hand. “What happens now?” She handed it back.
“No idea.” Kari snorted. “Don’t look at me.”
“Practice,” Seb said. “There’s always a lot of that.”
“And for those of us who don’t cut a dash on the ice?”
“I never said it was skating practice,” Seb replied, nudging Kari’s shoulder.
“Right, yeah, ‘cause that isn’t everything to you.” Kari shifted away from him. He was trying to repair it, she knew, but-
Seb sighed. “I’m sorry-”
“Don’t-” Kari started.
“Let’s not start anything.” Katie interrupted them both. “This was about saying goodbye to Ifernia.”
“Right.” Kari nodded, glancing sideways at Katie. And she’d been late for that, like she’d been thinking of not coming.
“C’mon, kids,” Ash called. “Need to leave about now.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Kari glanced back up at the sky, at the clouds. No glimpse of them. The only thing left was the feather in her hand.
“Bye, Ifernia,” she murmured, and turned to follow Seb and Katie down to the path.
“I can still hang out with you. Right?” Katie asked, playing with the fingers of her gloves.
“Course.” Kari nodded. “Yeah, absolutely.”
“Birds of a feather and all that.” Seb grinned.
“Sometimes, Seb, I wonder why we’re friends.” Kari glanced at him, but she was trying not to grin.
“Because you love me,” he replied, then froze. “That is-”
There were two ways this could go, but - Kari was tired. So, so tired. “Yep, that’s gotta be it.” She tapped him in the shoulder with her fist. They could work things over.
Seb smiled at her, nervous. Biting his lip. “So-”
“You’re still a jerk. But I think that bird has flown.” Kari grinned.
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