#aftg asks
clockworkbee · 4 months
Their I love you is in their Stay, in their Don’t Go, in their Welcome Home, in fingers hooked in belt loops and lingering looks across a room, and they wouldn’t have it any other way.
—Nora Sakavic
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codename-adler · 3 months
Oohhh a French speaking AFTG fan!
Can I ask what’s the general opinion on the Marseille accent? What do Canadians think of it? Is it fancy? Or rough?
ouhh what a question anon! i'm tagging @givemethedamnflowers so she can help me out too if u want to <3
also i don't speak for all Franco Canadians / Québécois. fiy. ya know.
as a Québécoise first and foremost (Canadian comes 2nd in how i view my identity), and as someone WHO HAS A MOREAU FROM MARSEILLES in my close family, i love the accent. to me it's somehow much less grating than the Parisian accent (not the international French accent, that one's ok) despite being much more pronounced and how do you say... quirky? not weird, but like it's definitely peculiar. special! i like it a lot. it also makes me love Jean Moreau even more because it adds character, an edge, another area of fondness. i personally think it's very easy to spot, but contrary to the north of France, it's easier to understand.
i would say the most northern accents are much rougher, more difficult to understand than Marseilles or Paris, also because of the disparity in colloquialisms and regional expressions. but i do love them so. Bourgogne?? Normandie?? oh how lovely. and then down down down down south, neighbor to Marseilles, l'Occitanie (a fave)!!! oh and la Corse!!! so so beautiful to me. music to my ears. maybe bc, as Québécoise, like i said, i feel a little kinship with those regions' accents, bc the Paris/Île-de-France spit upon our accents as shitty, ridiculous, "not real French" or generally make fun of us, like we're somehow less smart bc of the way we pronounce things and speak with our accent. in my experience! and trust me, i've had a lottttttt of 'em. so the little scene where Jean keeps being annoyed by Thea calling him 'Paris' when he's from Marseilles? ACCURATE & GOLDEN! made me smile.
that being said, as it has been discussed many many times in the fandom, characters like Neil, Kevin and Jean, and even Andrew and Nicky, have such wild backgrounds, with how much they move around geographically + their mixed heritage, that all of them must have unique accents you can't really pin down. Jean left Marseilles at 14, was homeschooled, then forced to learn Japanese then English, in West Virginia, from native Japanese speakers. he doesn't have the Marseilles slang, the refs; his French is stuck at that level and it can't progress, and he also probably loses a lot of it, breaking down over time. finding his words must be a a nightmare. imagine trying to translate a word that isn't even considered French nor translatable outside of Marseilles' region!!! also, how old were his parents? what generation of slang has he picked up by default? or was he, sadly, taught international French?
SO MANY QUESTIONS! UGH! aftg & languages, French specifically, give me a headache (and heartache) every time.
i would say, watch films and series! please! from every part of the Francophonie around the world! Belgium, Louisiana Cajun, Acadia, Québec, Marseilles, Niger... it's a beautiful language, despite his devastating shameful hand in colonization and racism. the way the people forced to learn and speak it to survive have all found ways to make it theirs in infinite ways that help the language evolve and become richer. French is as much theirs now, if not more. French is much more that than the Republic. French is not Paris.
thank you again anon for allowing me to go off on a tangent, and apologies if there are any mistakes, misinformation or harmful things. please let me know kindly and i'll own to it and correct anything that needs correcting!
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kevindavidday · 1 month
Your favourite things about kevin or some hcs?
my favorite things about kevin (not in order):
1) unmoanable name
2) so resilient, does not give up
3) so anxious, always one second away from throwing up or having a breakdown
this is why i love to put him in situations
4) hilarious one-liners ('its not a major loss' + 'its easier if he remains heterosexual')
5) hyperobsessive nature (i understand him on a spiritual level)
6) not a sore loser in front of the press but an absolute bitch boy when the cameras are off
7) scathing diva...what a fucking name to give him i'll never be over it
8) dramatic as fuck (he self-proclaimed himself queen 10/10)
9) chronic passenger princess <3
10) the fact that he likes pineapples? i find that so cute?
d'you think the foxes have stacks of canned pineapples or like just actual fucking pineapples lying around? that one scene in victorious when beck walks in with a watermelon for robbie cuz robbie is sad? that but with matt and kevin i can see it so clearly
11) his tendency to subject the men around him to vile levels of homoeroticism and never acting on it cuz he has a girlfriend and 'its easier if he remains heterosexual'
12) lil tramp stamp on his face. perfect for a kiss tbh.
13) he sees potential in people that even they haven't realized. i love that he shares this trait with his father unconsciously because distance separated them but they were both the first ones to see that there was more to andrew than a manic grin. i love that he does it scared. everything and anything he has to do - its all new outside the nest but he will do it scared and it's wonderful.
he's literally the world's specialest boy actually (idk which one of y'all gave him that title but it fits so well)
some hc's for kevin i have loitering about:
1) 20 thousand step skin care routine
2) absolutely sleepless moron he's going to be awake like this 👁️👁️ at the worst hours because he can't always seem to beat the nest timings (this does not help his skin)
3) voyeur (i will not elaborate)
4) muscle memory in reaching out for andrew or neil when he goes pro and being devastated when he realizes they're not there yet (they get a call asking them to 'graduate faster')
5) he would take time out for his history books no matter what - best gift for him is just an ancient book he hasn't read yet
6) remember the sex toy convo with jean and cat? would be so funny if the foxes tried that with him tbh allison's like he's so stuck up we should get him a sex toy and kev's like andrew already did (pin drop silence)
lot's more where all this is coming from but this has already gotten so so long i'm sorry 😭thank you for the ask i love thinking about babygirl of all time
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andrew-minyard-stan · 3 months
Hiiii for the all for the game ask I wanna know all of them but for now 3, 5 and 7.. have a great day 💖
3. favorites scenes? Definitely the hotel room in Baltimore, and Andrew breaking Riko’s fucking arm. Those scenes had me kickin my feet and screaming at paper and ink.
5. A character that deserved more representation in the books? Betsy Dobson. She was such a good character and she barely had any screen time.
7. Part of the extra content I agree with? Andrew and Neil’s kitty cats 😊 I think it’s so cute and domestic because they have animals to take care of and it’s a symbol of them being comfortable enough with each other to settle down.
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jtl-fics · 3 months
Hi! 4 for the aftg asks? Have a nice day!
All for the Ask Game
4. If you could choose to make one fictional place from the books real, which one?
I'd like to sneak into Wymack's apartment. For completely innocent reasons U_U
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3, 5, 16
3. Favorite scenes:
I think it's often really quotes that stand out to me when I look back; "hope was a dangerous, disquieting thing. he thought perhaps he liked it" and "I'll still solve you" being amongst them. I haven't reread TSC enough to have quotes engraved on my soul yet, so from that I'd say the first time Jeremy calls Jean after the championships game with the Foxes, and all of the kitchen scenes, and Jean and Cat bonding when she takes him for a ride on her motorcycle so he can get some space.
5. A character you think deserves to be more present in the books:
I mean, being a ride or die Jerejean, I always wanted more of them, so I'm thriving. Now I'd say Kevin, but I'm pretty happy with the amount of space he's getting in TSC and the new trilogy
16. How did I discover AFTG?
In 2016, I saw some people on my tumblr dash talking about it--I remember most specifically a moodboard and some quotes and being intrigued. I read it with very little fore-knowledge of what I was getting into, and it was a WILD ride. Iirc, I pretty much read straight thru the trilogy only stopping to sleep (barely) and go to class. I was very into the AFTG fandom in 2016 and kind of up thru 2018, then less in it on main until recently again.
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odetojupiter · 4 months
andreil are perfect for each other bc neil thinks he’s mysterious but gives so much away whilst andrew thinks he’s being straight forward but is actually being mysterious
neil’s out here giving andrew all his secrets whilst thinking ‘no one can know’, and andrew’s out here going ‘everyone should know this already’ but actually no one figured it out.
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aalyre · 1 month
one thing about the foxes that will always make me giddy is the team taking shots at their own goals knowing that andrew’s gonna catch the ball
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medeaaasworld · 5 months
Woke up thinking about this part from extra content:
like—are we just going to ignore the fact that Andrew comes to Wymack to drink and talk about Kevin??? So often that Wymack just assumes that every time Andrew starts talking it's about Kev??? And the first time Andrew doesn't drink because of Kevin is when he drinks because of Neil???
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wuzeio · 7 months
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the council will now decide your fate
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crunch-barr · 4 months
post the kevin pledge of allegiance that you posted on instagram please please please please please i need to share it and nobody on my instagram has read it please please pleSe
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clockworkbee · 4 months
Andrew Minyard and ‘family: a trigger word’
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codename-adler · 3 months
hey adler just wondering your thoughts on the big ol' polycule of kevkatheaaron
um... i will be a disappointment, i'm sorry 😭
i'm not a fan. i've read fics, and enjoyed them, but they are very much not my go-to ship nor go-to polycule. i think part of it is that if Kevin is in a relationship with a woman, i can't imagine anyone else but Thea. a) because i wouldn't wish that man on anyone else but someone as strong as Thea and equally a drama queen and b) i don't much believe in Kevin dating a woman, period. personal opinion! that's all!
oh and c) to me Katelyn is for Aaron or Thea, no one else. god knows Thea x Aaron x Katelyn would NEVER work, so, impasse for me. i'm so endlessly careful if i have to separate Kate and Aaron bc i love them both sm and i want to do right by them, so to me if it's not worth it, then i don't really ship them with other people? contrary to Kandreil or Kerejean, i feel Ke
ohohohoho how interesting!!!!
hold on a second lemme screw my head back on right.
Thea / Aaron...? Thea / Aaron... Hmm. Vibe is: divorced gays who separated after realizing their homosexuality but they fall in love w the same 2 people (Kev and Kate) and turns out these bitches bi & they just not attracted to each other, so now they got shared custody of the other 2 hotties. they would be kind of hot together tho... oh lord jo what have you done!
yes. just yes. i'm on board. i'm so fucking on board i just got my boating license and i'm navigating this ship offshore into the pacific ocean.
Kevin: That's Thea, my gf
Kevin: That's Kate, Thea's gf
Kevin: and that's Aaron, Kate's bf
me: And who are you?
Kevin: I'm Aaron's bf.
yes yes yes. this polycule is perfectly balanced, as all things should be. I WISH U AN ENDLESS SUPPLY OF SWEET DREAMS JO. THANK YOU BESTIE. I AM HAVING A BLAST (and a stroke)
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thepriceofsurvival · 6 months
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“Riko still believes he can win his father's attention with his fame. If the lord does not recover, Riko will take his anger and grief out on everyone around him."
Neil considered that, then said, "Good thing you're not there anymore."
"Jean still is," Kevin answered.
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emry-stars-art · 21 days
I would love to see more of the aftg characters in the rodeo au thing. Especially more rodeo clown Andrew
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Chibi cowboy Neil with chicken and more rodeo clown/bullfighter Andrew for u (and @ittyybittybaker ) dear anon
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deklo · 1 year
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fem!andreil 😌🖤 hehe
pls don’t repost!
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