#aftg bullet fic
i-did · 6 days
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bullet fic where Andrew works at one of those reptile birthday party companies, and Neil is hiding from the kids at Dan and Matt's kids 6th Birthday
Andrew first got into reptiles because a foster dad was really into them, his whole garage filled with vivariums of different animals, mostly reptiles but some were tarantulas and other bugs
Andrew thought it was interesting watching feeding time, and he liked that the animals were set in a designated space where the animal wouldn’t touch him unless he approached the space first
He learned how to fiddle with and maintain the spaces, which can become very self sustaining and many only need to be fed once every few weeks or once a week
After meeting Aaron, Andrew’s first job is at an adoption center, handling all the “scary” pets that aren't cuddly or cute, because of his experience and isn't afraid of them
Andrew ends up working for one of those lizard birthday party companies – unfortunately named Kreepie Krawlies – as an animal handler who both takes care of them and drives the van to events occasionally
Renee, his coworker, handles the kids, doing educational talks and passing off some of the creatures for kids to hold
Andrews maximum involvement around the kids typically being setting up the tanks as well as holding things the kids aren't allowed to touch, but depending on the party size he hangs out back by the neon green and yellow van with the company logo, blending in with his khaki and green uniform
He meets Neil in his mid 30s, at a really expensive birthday party for some professional athletes kid, child of Matthew Boyd and Danielle Wilds
Andrew is waiting out by the Van, waiting for when Renee will need him and call him on his walkie talkie, smoking his cigarette, listening to kids shriek, and play, one giving a startled cry and beginning to sob
When an adult from the party wanders over, like he's hiding from the kids
Hes burned heavily on his arms, half his face and neck melted, one ear a waxy nub, Andrew wouldn't be surprised if they continued down, 
The non burned side has cuts like shards of glass scarring his other cheek, he was hot, Andrew decided, and wondered if he was vain before whatever had happened to him
He reaches out, asking “Can I bum one?”
Andrew quirks his brow, thinking this could very well be a deadbeat dad hiding from his own kid, as Andrew gives one over
The guy, answering a question Andrew didn't ask, says, “Dan doesn't mind if I smoke as long as they don't see it” 
Andrew resists responding with, ‘didn’t ask’, and instead says, “Husband?”
“Ah, no. Friend’s wife – well – she's my friend too, I just met him first.” 
Ah, Dan short for Danielle, Andrew thinks, then states: “Hiding.” 
Neil confirms, nodding his head, “Their kid is used to me but uh, not the others, kinda scared of some of the others.” and gestures vaguely with the hand holding the cigarette. 
“Hm” Andrew says, watching the other man's fingers, burned and some shorter than they should be, a mixed set, fiddle with Andrew's lighter, flicking the spark for the flame, completely unafraid of burning his hands any further. 
“You?” the man asks
“I don’t hide.” Andrew responds, and it's the truth, he isn't hiding, he's waiting, and smoking away from helicopter parents eyes. 
He looks at Andrew for a second, before nodding and accepting it for the answer it was, and reaches his hand out to pass back the lighter
Andrew waits until his hand drops, “Don't burn yourself, not much skin left for anymore grafts”
He laughs, and pockets the lighter, he's about to say something, a smile on his lips when a voice calls out, “NEIL?” and his head whips around, looking for who called him over.
He, Neil, turns back around, and does one last inhale, before he carefully stubs out the cigarette
“Thanks uh..”
“Thanks, Andrew.” and he walks away
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neil with an abusive boyfriend
this has been in my drive drafts for years so i might as well just post this as a bullet point thingy cause its yet another thing I'll never write
tw include implied rape non con, domestic abuse, physical and sexual abuse, implied violence, but theres nothing graphic
okay okay so it all starts the night mary dies
neil walking for miles along the desert, in a daze bc his mother is dead and he buried her in the sand and he's kinda having a breakdown and he's just so unaware of himself
until a truck pulls over in front of him and he's so out of it he doesn't even care if it's his father's people
but it's just a guy who is talking to him worriedly and neil's still dazed and just stares at him right until the guy touches him and it all crashes back
and at once neil feels the pain and sorrow and grief and flinches away from him and hears the guy's panicked voice, "oh my god I'm sorry i didn't mean to- it's just fuck i need to take you to the hospital! you're bleeding and you're burnt and-"
"I'm fine" but even he doesn't believe himself especially when he looks down and realizes that yeah his hands and arms are covered in burns and he's just now feeling it and how long has he even been walking for with these burns exposed?
and like the guy's a nurse who wants to take him to the hospital but neil refuses so at the end he says he could take him to his place and get some stuff from the hospital to treat the burns
and really neil knows he shouldn't trust him basically a stranger but he knows he can't treat wounds this bad by himself and what other choice does he have? so he gives in but also "i can't stay for long" "why" "he'll find me" and "i promise he'll never hurt you again"
so neil, in the fragile mindset of mary's death goes with this complete stranger whose name is like jason or something and he takes care of his burns for weeks and lets him stay with him for very little in return
and for a moment neil believes that maybe his mom was wrong, and people aren't bad, he can trust others and he can trust others to help him without going to the police or without being caught by the butcher and neil does trust this man with a small part of his story, just enough
except when neil's better and says he shouldn't stay anymore bc it's not safe for the guy, he gets mad "don't you trust me? don't you think i can keep you safe? all this time you were just with me until you healed?" and just gaslighting neil until neil agrees for them to move together and the guy ends up kissing him and neil is not sure he feels that way for him and when he hesitates when the guy pushes him into the bed he just goes, "hush baby it's alright, I'm gonna take great care of you, i can keep you safe always safe" and yeah they have sex, well it's rape really
but they end up moving to millport by themselves and it goes the same except neil wears long sleeves all the time bc of the burn scars and bc there are now bruises lining his arms and body bc the guy gets a little physical sometimes but it's okay for neil he understands that's how love is, and he still signs up for school and he still signs up for exy
so wymack still finds him even if the situation is different bc neil is not squatting in the locker room but instead he shows up with bruises constantly and sometimes he's really tired bc he hasn't been allowed to sleep much and sometimes his voice is hoarse and the list goes on
and hernandez thinks it's his family, bc how could it be the guy who shows up to support him every game? the guy who holds him sweetly and kisses him just the same
so wymack arrives and for a moment the guy intervenes and wants him to say no bc they're fine in millport but neil asks for a moment with him and the guy tries to convince him not to take it and neil just stands firm for the first time and the guy holds on to his arm so hard he knows it'll bruise and in the end he says some shit like "you owe me, and there's no way I'm letting you go alone, I'll come with you" and when wymack asks if he can talk with neil alone he asks "is he a problem?" and neil defends him "he's just very protective, he- he helps"
bc this is an abusive relationship and neil has had nothing but abusive relationships with everyone he's known so really he doesn't know any better and the rest of the conversation goes pretty much the same except wymack doesn't trust the guy and still asks him to come in may so that they could start his conditioning earlier but really it's just so that he can keep an eye on him
so he does go to palmetto :) with the abusive bitch with him and they get an apartment and during the may training neil still stays with him to wymack's horror
and really the other foxes can notice it too, especially since the guy is an overbearing bitch and even andrew teases neil about his relationship but it's aaron who makes himself be close with neil
by the time neil is allowed into the tower, the guy doesn't want to let him go but it's in his contract so he has no choice and that's the first time in palmetto that he punches him in the face, and then he throws neil out and takes away his key
so when neil shows up at the physical he doesn't want to talk about it despite abby's protests and when he's asked to take off his shirt he tells her he won't talk about any of it, except aside from the scars there are bruises below his shirt, handprints and fingerprints in his waist and abby nearly cries but neil refuses to talk but "you don't understand" "i do, neil, more than you would imagine" so neil leaves that room a shaky mess
when matt arrives to pick him up he just jokes about how he forgot to bring his stuff and he must have forgot his keys at home and of course matt notices the bruise and says he'll come with neil and he does and the guy pretends to be a saint like he hadn't hit neil earlier and gave him his bag and he makes neil ask nicely for forgiveness so he can get his keys and neil just starts "asking" when matt intervenes and says they really need to get to the tower in time so they can leave
the car ride is awkward but neil dodges every single one of matts questions
id like to think aaron has a soft spot for neil in this universe, like he knows what its like to love someone that hurts you, and to defend their actions to those that question them, and unlike canon, this time the abuse stares him right in the face instead of hidden like canon neil is (so aaron likes neil before he has a reason to hate him lol)
also in the columbia thing neil drinks bc he knows that when he drinks it hurts less and when andrew tries to question him, he's cagey both about his relationship as to how he's here and he drunkenly admit his father is a dangerous man "but really (my bf) promised to protect me from him, i don't- that's why it's fine" "what's fine" "that he hits me sometimes" "what" "yeah he promised to protect me from my dad, and he asked for nothing in return, so it's only fair he gets his way with me however he likes"
and of course andrew flinches at that and has to leave for a second and neil just gets passed around dance floor until aaron arrives to get him out of there when he notices andrew left him
and idk what else honestly
like the foxes become very protective of him immediately, but it takes lots of time for neil to understand that love doesn't work that way
once school starts aaron spends a lot of time with neil, even if their majors have nothing in common, bc its an excuse not to send neil home to his abuser
the upperclassmen and nicky also spend as much time with neil as they can
andrew avoids him at first but he still tries to keep an eye on him, and he still allows kevin to train him at nights, except mister douchebag boyfriend doesn't allow night practices so neil doesn't join them as early as he does in canon
as much as the foxes try to accompany him and make sure he knows he doesn't have to put up with his boyfriend, neil cant bring himself to break up with him bc hes more afraid of nathan than he is of douchebag, even if he sees how relationships are meant to be in dan and matt, and even in seth and allison sometimes, so he stays with him, he faces that abuse every single day bc hes not ready to be alone against nathan yet
but he still gets some strenght out of the foxes, he manages to fight for participating in night practices, he fights for being in kathys show bc he doesn't want to quit night practices, and he starts to get a bit of fire back
ngl i have no fucking idea of what else lmao im just gonna drop this as it is
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andreilslovechild · 1 month
8/14/24 Wellspring Wednesday
Iiiiits wednesday lads!!! I'm getting ready to move at the end of the week so I'm looking for ways to procrastinate this time.
I'm really feeling some straight ships (I know what's wrong with me) or some lesbian action this week to help you get started 🤭🤭
Just in case yall forgot the rules here they are:
Pick an au, either one I've already done (find them at #alcs aus), or a new one you want to see my take on. Can be any subject matter including any dead dove, I have no limits
Send in an ask for anything you want to see!
Unlimited asks, you can make me write as much as you want
Have fun!
Looking forward to procrastinating and making your dreams come true with whatever twisted (or not!) Stories, pairings, and activities your little hearts desire.
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constelationprize · 11 months
The Kayleigh Day Lives AU
Extremely self-indulgent bullet fic with probably some written snippets later on. Canon-typical CWs.
So most of the canon backstory for Exy stays the same – Kayleigh goes to Japan, she meets Tetsuji, they create and launch Exy to rapid global fame, etc.
Kayleigh and Tetsuji really are friends. They're almost mirror images, both intent on leaving their mark on the world, albeit for very different reasons. They feed into each other's worst impulses, which works out great up untill it doesn't.
Kayleigh doesn't know the Moriyamas are Yakuza, but she also doesn't NOT know that. They are funding her dreams and that's all she needs to be certain of. And if there is some shady things are going on backstage, well, Tetsuji's the only one handling them so it's hardly like she's gonna get blamed if it gets out
The years go on, they are getting too old to play, so Tetsuji fucks off to create the Ravens and take more full control of the side branch after his leg injury and Kengo coming into power, and Kayleigh also retires after having Kevin.
The main problem is that now Kayleigh is expendable. She's no longer Exy's greatest player, she doesn't need to promote the sport as much anymore, and she and Tetsuji start butting heads over what the future of Exy is going to be. He wants them to settle down and strengthen their base in the US first before moving on to establishing it more worldwide, while she thinks they should keep diversfying the sport as much as they can. They start contradicting each other on interviews, and the media catches on to a possible feud, there is talk of a schism that could stop Exy in its tracks.
The main branch catches wind of that and is, in the simplest terms, Not Happy. They've let Tetsuji put a lot of money into Exy at this point and they can't sit by and watch as he gets usurped, or worse, as Exy becomes to unstable to be a profitable investment anymore.
So Kengo calls Tetsuji with the news that he can either put Kayleigh in line or the main branch will do it for him.
Tetsuji considers it for a while. He is not a sentimental man, but he also isn't ungrateful for Kayleigh's help so far. Plus she has that very convenient, very promising son and he has plans for a Perfect Court.
(since in canon, Kevin is not considered Moriyama property, I'm guessing that they didn't plan on fighting his bio father for custody after Kayleigh's death, it was just a pleasant surprise. Maybe he still would have been recruited, just when he was older and more clearly going to be Perfect Court material. There's a reason why Riko hasn't picked all his players when the series starts)
So Tetsuji calls her and lays down the law. He doesn't say everything yet, but makes it clear that Kayleigh can either follow his lead or the very powerful, very dangerous people she's getting in the way of are going to get rid of her. He makes it seem like he's protecting her by giving her this choice.
Kayleigh doesn't want to get steamrolled out of her own sport, but she wants to die even less, so she ends up saying yes to becoming the Moryiama's puppet. She figures she can keep pushing her agendas from behind the scenes, just with more care and sublety this time.
They end up, then, with Tetsuji functionally ruling Exy as Kayleigh takes a figurehead role, parroting his decisions and essentially becoming even more of a media darling
She doesn't agree on sending Kevin to the Nest straight away. She doesn't want to get separated from her son, for one, and also knows enough of what the Moriyamas are about by now to fully trust them with him. It is known, however, she'll eventually have no choice but to enroll him in EAU.
Kevin and Riko still regurlaly meet up for Exy play dates, become friends, and obsess over the Perfect Court and their possible roles as #1 and #2. This sets Kayleigh on edge a little bit, but she can't find a way to physically interfere and just has to hope it never escalates too far.
But as Kevin grows older, the noose starts to progressevily tigthen – specially now that they lost their intended #3 to an overeager mother.
So Kayleigh starts getting sent away in more and more media tours, and signed up for teaching workshops and attending games and really anything that will make sure she doesn't stay in the same place for more than a couple weeks.
All the moving around is going to impact Kevin negatively – he wouldn't be able to study or practice properly – and eventually Kayleigh is worn down and worried for her son's future enough that she agrees to leave him in the Nest while she travels.
Kayleigh isn't naive enough to believe the Nest is a paradise, she knows Tetsuji very well after all, but she has settled into her place well enough to start accumulating some information and power of her own inside the side branch. It's not enough that the Moriyamas couldn't still kill her if they wanted to, but it is mutually assured destruction before she goes.
So Kevin gets treated well... When she's around to watch. Which is not really that often. But Kayleigh manages to stay an influence in her son's life and have some say in what his future is going to be. (And if she has her own opinions of what the real order of the Perfect Court should be, well. That's a problem for another time).
She settles into a sort of routine as the next decade or so goes by. She becomes the face of Exy, watches carefully for Tetsuji's weaknesses, slowly ingrains herself with the Moryiamas, travels the world and periodically comes to stay with Kevin in the Nest and try (mostly fail) to mitigate the damage Tetsuji is doing. It's not her ideal life, but she's managing – all she has to do is hold on untill Kevin graduates so she can afford to throw her weight around to put him in a different pro team than Riko, so the Moriyamas can't use them as leverage against each other as much anymore. The first step towards being free is being safe.
And then, of course, Riko breaks Kevin's hand.
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theleakypen · 2 years
Ok I just finished watching Skate America and while I'm riding high on the emotions from that, here is an All For The Game figure skating AU:
All the Foxes train at the same skating club
Abby coaches women, Wymack coaches pairs, and Betsy coaches men. Ice dance coach is an OC, I think
Matt and Dan are a pairs team
Kevin does men's singles
Seth & Allison also do pairs. After Seth has to retire, Allison partners with Nicky
Renee does women's singles
The Minyard twins both do men's singles (this is a nightmare for announcers)
Neil started out doing men's singles, but after spending time away from the sport gets into doing ice dance with Katelyn as his partner
Katelyn has been doing ice dance all along so there's a learning curve as Neil acclimates to a different discipline
They're very decent professionally but they only really become close once they each start dating one of the Minyard twins
Sometime late in the story, Neil gets Andrew to do an exhibition ice dance with him, during which they also manage synchronized triples (showing off Neil's old capabilities)
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philosophiums · 23 days
hi sam!! so i was skimming through the jjk official character guide and gege says he enjoys drawing people in a clash of opinions—he’s so good at that. it got me thinking, do you have any specific thing you lean toward when writing character dynamics?
hi mariam!!!! <3
ooooo god what a thought provoking question let me put some effort into this
i'm sure the most obvious thing that i love is a sort of like. attack dog/handler situation. it doesn't even have to be romantic, and it can also extend to blade/scabbard or gun/bullet. anyway. it's very explicit with chuuya and umbrius, but it also exists with two other pairings in their universe (though, granted, the universe really allows for it given.... everything). but it is something that i really love. the blind faith/loyalty, the inherent violence, the care and keeping, deep levels of protectiveness from both parties. god you just can't beat it it's so fucking good
but i also really love a situation where characters are talking past each other. they're saying the same things, they're agreeing with each other, but both of them are so wound up for an argument that they're still arguing even though they're on the same page. it feels very real to me, where intellectually you understand that you are agreeing with each other, but you're not saying it exactly the same way, and you were both kind of hoping for a fight but you're not getting it, so you make it one anyway. in the right scene with the right characters with the right amount of stakes happening Anywhere Outside Of The Conversation i think it can have good emotional payoff for the characters and the readers. it's not miscommunication but it's toeing the line and i think that's fun
also i think my years in the aftg fandom/writing andreil fic (and reading tgcf later didn't help either) show through with this one but i love characters (romantic relationship especially but i have it in some friendships too) where they just Get each other. not to the point of reading each other's minds or making predictions but just like. "yeah i know you're stressed because of the way you're doing xyz right now so i'm going to suggest we go have a cigarette" or "well it's 2pm and they're not Here so they have to be There. no i don't need to call them where the fuck else would they be" or "i'm going to say this thing and i know you're going to disagree with me but you need to hear it bc i know what you need right now and it's not coddling." like just... characters who tick to the same rhythm and are able to rotate unobstructed inside of each other's orbits
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captain-danwilds · 2 months
Completed Works
Last Updated 8/10/24
One Step Forward: Tumblr AO3 Winter exchange fic 2020 based off the prompt: “Andrew and Aaron talking and solving their problems”
I’ve been waiting so long (to feel like home) Tumblr AO3  RBB 2021 with the marvelous @mareofthesky  Her Artwork  Hospital AU, Travel Nurse!Neil, Physical Therapist!Andrew
Run Little Rabbit Poetry written in Sep 2020.
Too Broken for a Fox: Bullet Point Fic about Janie Smalls My obsession with minor characters reasserts itself. Follows Janie's recovery through AFTG timeline. Would take me very little to tempt me to turn this into a longer story or write prompts
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oatflatwhite · 1 year
btw i write aftg fic now
i have 3 on ao3! locked for registered users only, sorry
someone has been adding soil to my garden. the plot thickens. | T | 2k
“What the hell is this,” Andrew says flatly, not a question, and Neil squats down to rub one of the big, holey leaves between his thumb and forefinger.
“It’s a monstera,” he says, unable to keep the curl of amusement from his voice. “Kind of fitting, don’t you think?”
piece of cake | T | 5k
The only time they cross paths is in that liminal space between three and four am, when Andrew is on his smoke break, or taking last night’s trash out, and the shitty Mazda pulls into the parking space opposite with a reverse parallel so painstaking it puts Andrew’s teeth on edge. And then the driver gets out. He’s too far away for Andrew to see any tell-tale bags under his eyes but he’s always carrying a keep cup of coffee, even though he works in a goddamn bakery, and limps a little as he makes his way around the hood until his joints loosen up. When he fits his key into the door he turns to give Andrew a two-fingered salute. Andrew has never once returned it, but the man still does it every morning. Like he and Andrew have anything in common besides being awake either side of four am.
OR, Andrew is a bartender. He has an ongoing feud with the baker who works across the street.
we never thought it would end | M | 7k
Neil’s staring at himself in Allison’s bathroom mirror. He swallows, convulsively, one hand lifting from its death grip on the basin to touch the place where the gun had fired, a bullet straight through his nasal cavity into his brain. It didn’t hurt. It was—just a dream, Neil thinks, letting his hand drift down to the basin again. An incredibly vivid, fucked up kind of dream.
OR, the Russian Doll/time loop AU.
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moondal514 · 1 year
📓 :))
Hi steph! I assume you want an aftg wip 😆
So this is a Kevin-centric post-canon character study-type thing inspired by a combination of the swimming scene in Tick, Tick... Boom! (2021) and me thinking about how I once heard that when people are taught swimming in Europe, they’re taught breaststroke 1st (as opposed to the US where people are 1st taught freestyle).
So basically many many years after canon, Kevin has retired from exy and found his chill or something. He’s picked up swimming as his new sport of choice to stay in shape cuz once upon a time his mom taught him how to swim and it’s a way for him to remember her now that he can no physically play exy.
Here’s a snippet:
Kevin pulls his body forward, bubbles obscuring his vision, as he does a flip turn. He pushes off the wall, body a straight line in the water, arms and legs pulling his head to the surface as he does three strokes of freestyle before taking a breath.
Kevin has been swimming more lately, especially since his retirement from Exy. Swimming is the perfect activity to stay in shape when injured. The water is low impact on Kevin’s hand, aching more and more with age, and he pulls himself through the water with ease.
His mother taught him how to swim. Breastroke first, the European way. Kevin remembers his mother demonstrating the proper arm strokes, making goofy ribbit noises that made his child self giggle. Missing her is an old ache, a bullet shot into bone, when he was a child, and never removed, skin and muscle healing around it.
Send me a “📓” emoji and I’ll tell you about a fic idea I have that I’ll never write
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jupitersrising · 7 months
Overall Masterlist
Hello! I already have a Camp Cretaceous: Survival of the Fittest Universe Masterlist, but I originally created this account to interact with all fandoms that I write for/am in so I thought I'd make one big masterlist to include everything.
I post fics on Ao3 under the same username (Jupitersrising) and post on Tumblr if I get motivation! I use she/her pronouns but I don't really care about which are used.
[Link] to "Survival of the Fittest Universe" Masterpost
[Link] to ao3
[Link] to 2024/2025 Fic Posting Schedule
Series Links:
--How To Burn Bright (and fall so far): in progress
--Post-Canon Found Family: in progress
--Brand Bowman's Guide: complete
Camp Cretaceous:
all our bloody teeth: complete
All She Is To Me (Is Everything): complete
All The Screams Sound The Same: complete
Brand Bowman's Guide To Making Dino-Nuggets: complete
Brand Bowman's Guide to Bisexuality, Break-Ups, and Brotherhood: complete
Country Roads and Unknowns (i don't think i'm ever comin' home): complete
Hollow Hearts: complete
i found something in the woods somewhere: complete
The Rickety Bridge: complete
Theory of Evolution: in progress
Runaway: complete
Survival of the Fittest: in progress
Stranger Things:
Adronitis: complete
a rebel without a clue: complete
The Strange Happenings of the Harrington House: complete
The Winnebago at the End of the World: complete
This Is Me Trying: in progress
We Didn't Start The Fire (It Was Always Burning): in progress
All For The Game:
Bullet Holes Aren't Fixed With Band-Aids: complete
Percy Jackson and The Olympians/Heroes of Olympus:
Can You Spot The Numbness In My Heart (oh, my love, it won't start): complete
The Logistics of Love (and other bloody, beaten things): in progress
Disney Descendants:
no grave can hold my body down, i'll crawl home to her: complete
i'd tear off cupid's wings for you: complete
The Raven Cycle:
Dried Flowers (and other dying things): complete
Over The Garden Wall:
i've been searching for a trail to follow again: complete
Fandoms I Interact AND have (Tumblr or Ao3) content posted for:
Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous (JWCC)
Stranger Things (ST)
All For The Game (AFTG)
Percy Jackson Universe (PJO, HoO, ToA, The Kane Chronicles, Magnus Chase)
Descendants Disney [Only the movies]
The Raven Cycle (TRB, TDT, BLLB, TRK)
The Magnus Archives/The Magnus Protocol (TMA/TMAGP)
Over The Garden Wall (OTGW)
Harry Potter; Marauders Era
Due to recent circumstances surrounding ai and some situations in larger fandoms, I've decided to include this: I do not allow book binding of any of my fanfics for any monetized purposes; I do not condone reposting my works on other sites (whether or not you credit me); my fanfics should not be posted to any rating sites for published works such as Goodreads or Storygraph; I do not condone using my fanfics to feed ANY ai training programs or ai generators. 
LAST TIME UPDATED: August 26th, 2024. Depending on when this was last updated all information may not be relevant or entirely accurate.
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evenfallwriter · 1 year
Tumblr media
I am absolutely in love with this bingo.
To be honest, I got this more than a month ago but never really got to writing anything for it, or sharing it with you guys- but now I am doing it with a whole au in my mind for it.
So, I was actually in the middle of which fandom I should go with, and with prompts I should focus more on, and had originally planned on going with Bungou Stray Dogs, but changed my mind.
This will fully be an AftG spies AU, and I will be focusing on this during the month of October (among other bingo's and challenges before school gets really busy)
Spies Bingo Tumblr Account Spies Bingo 2023 AO3 Collection
blood stained bare teeth || Spies & Hackers AU to hunt a rabbit running with foxes blood stained bare teeth [moodboards masterlist]
THE PROMPTS (and the link to the fic that they are in)
?? & ?? || Taking the Bullet [] Andrew / Neil || Mask [ to hunt a rabbit - CH 3 ] ?? & ?? || Goodbye [] ?? & ?? || Roommates [] ?? & ?? || Survivor's Guilt [] ?? & ?? || Trapped Together [] ?? & ?? || Poisoned [] ?? & ?? || Enemies to Lovers [] ?? & ?? || Hair Petting [] ?? & ?? || Tracking Device [] ?? & ?? || Date Night [] ?? & ?? || Disobeying Orders [] ?? & ?? || Sinister Spy Agency [] ?? & ?? || Huddling for Warmth [] ?? & ?? || Embarrassed [] Andrew / Neil || Forced to Beg [ to hunt a rabbit - P1 ] ?? & ?? || Trouble Sleeping [] ?? & ?? || Spending Holidays Together [] Andrew / Neil || Stalking [ to hunt a rabbit - CH 1 ] Andrew / Neil || Abuse [ to hunt a rabbit - CH 2 ] ?? & ?? || Unrequited Love [] ?? & ?? || Friendship [] ?? & ?? || Undercover [] ?? & ?? || First Kiss [] ?? & ?? || Break Up []
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thatonecrowguy · 5 months
2. Do you read/reread your own fics?
7. How many ideas for fics do you have right now?
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
22. Do you know how your fic will end before you start writing?
27. Is there a fic you were nervous to post/share? Why?
TYSM for the ask <33333
2) Fairly often! I like writing self indulgent fic so it's often like 'oh wow someone wrote a fic that's exactly what i want' but i also have a tendency to overthink it a lot, so sometimes rereading fics i really like also comes with the thought of 'what if i never write anything i like this much again' which is silly! But overall rereading my own fics is fun (especially when i forget what exactly i wrote)
7) oh gosh, too many. I'm a big ideas person, but only a few ever get actually written, and thus even fewer get finished. thanks to currently reading the sunshine court, i'm rotating my aftg au for soc in my mind (which yknow will hopefully get written!!)
14) I feel like Helping Hand would make a nice slice of life webcomic! eyes and hands, sometimes bullets as a body horror short film? any visual medium of my fics would be very cool, i think
22) I try to have an ending for every fic i write at least vaguely in mind, because I've found that writing endlessly into the void is not for me, and i admire those who can! i'm definitely not a planner, but if I don't have an ending in mind then I don't really go anywhere!
27) I was nervous to post eyes and hands, sometimes bullets, mostly because in writing it, i'd desensitized myself to the body horror aspect and kept doubting myself if it is actually as gross as i wanted it to be. i had such a specific idea for that fic and definitely doubted myself at some points. but hey, i like it and i'm proud of myself for it!!
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youknow-igetit · 4 years
heres the thing
like, baltimore happened. right? right.
but like, absolutely none of the foxes believe that andrew and neil are together. like romantically. (it’s mildly plausible that they could have sexual relations with one another but it’s literally only allison that thinks that, and even she’s doubtful.)
(renee is the only outlier here but she doesn’t comment on any of it because she doesnt have a death wish because she’s andrew’s friend)
(maybe also aaron but he thinks they just fuck)
what with neil’s insistence on not swinging and andrews... andrewness, it makes no sense that they’d actually be together
they never touch whatsoever. no kissing (no evidence of kissing), no hugging, no hand-holding, nothing. not even an accidental bumping of knees between the two of them.
kevin refuses to talk to them about the topic, but nicky is a very talkative person. “I live in the same dorm as them. but i’ve never seen anything even slightly coupley.”
even allison is beginning to doubt herself.
by their second year most of the foxes have come to the conclusion that they just said it to get the foxes out of neil’s love life and to make them tolerate andrew at least a little more
like, of course they think that neil and andrew are friends, at least, no one could get that close to the little knife-wielding maniac andrew and not have some sort of connection
also they talk to each other a lot. andrew hardly talks to anyone else. the foxes interpret that as they 
but they kind of just brush it aside until it’s new year’s eve and all of the original foxes are there (because they’re not letting neil leave them again)
andrew and neil are off smoking and nicky’s like “okay guys a new bet.”
so nicky thinks that they’re together, full stop (because he’s lived with andrew for years he knows that he shows his affection differently). 
aaron thinks they’re just fucking and so does allison (one of the few times they have ever agreed on anything)
matt, dan, and kevin all think that they’re just close friends (because kevin is probably thinking about their exy careers and also the internalized homophobia that the nest drilled into him for years is still there)
renee isn’t a part of it (obviously)
and so the bet finally begins
neil and andrew probably know about it, but they also have no idea who thinks what and they also don’t really care. they know. that’s all that matters. they’re a very private people.
none of the freshman even know that andrew and neil are together in the first place, so they definitely don’t know about the bet
so the foxes start watch andrew and neil just a little bit more closely but they’re still not seeing anything different than how they acted before they were ‘out’
it isn’t until the next october that they get anything
they’re all in the girl’s suite (now only dan and allison, renee graduated the year before)
it’s all of the foxes, the new freshmen and the now-sophomores (bonding exercise, dan told neil. you’re all gonna be there) and all of the original ones
they’re all hanging out and some people are chatting but it’s kinda lame
so allison’s like “fuck it, we’re all playing never have i ever.”
they establish things such as if you feel uncomfortable revealing anything you don’t have to, no singling people out, etc
so the game begins and there’s the usual tame questions like “never have i ever skateboarded” and such
but it slowly delves into the more revealing things, like “never have i ever broken the law” (and nearly all of the foxes drink because they’re foxes)
but jack, the asshole, goes “never have i ever sucked dick”
nicky, obviously take a big gulp. and allison, dan, matt (”what?? i was experimental in high school”), andrew, kevin (everyone kinda knows about the hookup culture that the nest had, so whatever), and many of the freshmen and sophomores drink as well. and, astoundingly, so does neil
nicky literally gasps, allison coughs on her drink, the rest of the original foxes simply gape (except for kevin, who swears loudly) because there was no one that neil would give a blowjob to besides andrew
neil, completely unblushingly, goes “what?” at all of his speechless friends (except for kevin, who is still swearing. it was only twenty dollars that he lost, but still). andrew, next to him, has the same bored expression
so matt, kevin, and dan have already lost the bet, even if it’s still going strong
but eventually they’re all like okay yeah, whatever, they’re fucking, but that’s it
except nicky
so it basically all of the foxes trying to get neil (not andrew, andrew’s scary) that it’s a fwb thing without explicitly asking outright
but every time matt asks how his thing with andrew is going he just kinda shrugs and goes back to what he was doing because it hasn’t really changed much except they trust each other a lot more, both emotionally and physically but neil’s not gonna tell anyone that
so allison’s like “got any dick recently?” and neil’s like”???? yeah?? i guess???”
but suddenly it’s andrew’s fifth year and nearly all of the original foxes have graduated and the bet is still there, obviously, but it’s come to the point that if they stay together after andrew graduates then nicky’s right and he wins the bet
but it’s before that that shit goes down
so it’s spring break, and they’re all at the cabin that they went to that first time (i like to think that it becomes a tradition and no matter what, all the foxes are there every year)
so  it’s the third night and things are... tense
it’s not that andrew and neil are being quiet, since they usually don’t talk a lot, but the air around them seems charged, like a bomb about to go off
they’re all gathered around, sitting on assorted furniture or the floor, and their all conversing quietly and dan gets up, grabs an assorted but large selection of alcohols, and sets them on the coffee table, declaring that they’re going to play drinking games and absolutely no one can sit out (glaring pointedly at neil, who looks ready to bolt. he hasn’t had that expression on his face for years. they all hate it.)
it is, again, during a game of never have i ever, when things come to a crescendo
they’re all mildly tipsy at this point of the night, and neil and andrew are sitting on the same loveseat, but nearly as far away from each other as possible (they’re still playing, since dan insisted, and despite her having not been their captain for two years, she is still mentally their captain)
allison, because she felt emotional or it’s just the alcohol, goes “never have i ever been in love”
and dan and matt share dopey smiles as they both drink, aaron drinks, nicky stares off into space while drinking, thinking only of erik, and kevin takes a hesitant sip from his
its silent for a full second before neil, with a determined look on his face, looks andrew in the eye and takes a huge mouthful of the alcohol and swallows
no one says anything either from knowing better than to say anything or being physically incapable of speech
neil and andrew maintain eye contact before andrew, andrew, picks up his own drink and drains his glass
as if rehearsed, they both get up at the same time and storm outside onto the deck, slamming the door and shaking the paintings on the walls
it’s a terse silence as they hear faint voices arguing but it isn’t until they fall silent that kevin gets up to investigate but then immediately goes to sit back down after one glance out of the window
he picks up a bottle of vodka and drinks directly from it before going “they’re fine”
“how do you know?” matt asks tentatively
“because they’re making out”
the room is silent again, surprise coloring the air
and then
“pay up, bitches”
Nicky is very pleased upon knowing that his cousin actually does have someone to love and so does neil his adopted son but also that he won six hundred dollars (”I never should have fucking bet that much” allison muttered later)
and for the rest of their vacation everyone’s happy and fine and dandy and they all ignore those hickeys on andrew’s neck
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pipedream-parrish · 4 years
Andrew w/ Sensory Processing Disorder:
When Andrew was on his meds, everything was turned up
volume up, sound up, brightness up until everything was just one big blur of color and light and noise that went by much too quickly for his addled mind to make sense of, until all he’s left with are the too-bright afterimages burning behind his eyelids
its the sort of stimulation that anyone else would be drowned by; it’s too overwhelming, too loud too bright too much
but his meds force him to deal with it, force him to stay above water and laugh through it all and smile smile SMILE GODDAMNIT SMILE
so he lives his life like this - under constant siege, unable to breathe for all of the information being hurled his way, his only respite when he comes off his meds for games and Columbia, but other than that?
he’s pushed along the river of his thoughts at such breakneck speeds that all he can do is watch life blur by on the shores
And then he comes off his meds but he can’t even enjoy the quite because then he’s at Easthaven and everything hurts and he’s not laughing anymore oh no not laughing anymore at all no more smiles from me Bee no sir no smiles here--
But once he’s out of Easthaven, and he has time to the think clearly for an extended period of time for the first time in years, he realizes that the quiet is nice.
It’s nice to be able to thoroughly process everything going on around you, and control your own reactions to things (never smiling again, Bee, never smiling again)
because here’s the thing that people don’t understand about Andrew:
he likes the greyness and the silence that dwell inside his mind
he likes them because it’s so very different from all of the awful-horrible-dreadful-painful colors that he had to live with for so long
and he finds himself dreading any of the stimulation that he used to have to deal with all the time
you see, everyone has a limit to the amount of stimulation they can handle at any one time - for some people it’s less than others, and some people may never cross that border, but everyone has one
the thing is, Andrew had to live with that border crossed for two fucking years
His limit had been crossed so severely, had been smashed into smithereens in such a violent and painful way, that now even things that were well within his limit just bust right through
((the bottom of the pie of had been punched through, so now everything else goes all the way down))
meaning that he becomes very prone to sensory overload
so now, when things are too loud or bright, it becomes much too overwhelming much too quickly, and that same too loud too bright too much feeling that his meds used to give him comes back, but now there’s nothing forcing him to stay afloat, meaning that sometimes
And he has to leave the room and leave the conversation and lock himself somewhere quiet and dark and safe 
because its so overwhelming and all of the stimulants crash into his system until he just needs to squeeze his eyes shut and cover his ears and yell for everyone to SHUT THE HELL UP JUST BE QUIET JUST ONE SECOND OF QUEIT--
At first, he guards this secret with his life; this thing he has is a weakness, and if anyone knew about it they could exploit it and exploit him and that’s bad bad bad bad BAD
But of course, Neil finds out, and--
It’s not terrible.
Having someone who will make easy excuses so that they can leave parties early when he notices Andrew starting to get overwhelmed
And someone who buys him noise-canceling headphones for his bad days
And shuts up without Andrew having to ask him to
And slowly, slowly, Andrew starts to learn that this perceived weakness of his doesn’t necessarily mean danger and harm and exploitation
really, it doesn’t have to be a weakness at all
It can just be.
thanks for reading! if you reblog I’ll love you forever :)
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andreil and goodbye kisses (pt 1)
pls this is so soft i cant 😭(also a lot longer than i anticipated but that's FINE 👀)
part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8
gang we got this ADORABLE art from @super-yellow-paris go give them aaaalll the love
so andrew and neil aren't too big on PDA, but after Baltimore, leaving the other is always followed by a lingering fear
neil notices how andrew always tenses a bit when neil leaves him, even if neil told him he was going somewhere beforehand
it could him going be to the mall, a restaurant, even just lectures
neil really doesn't like seeing andrew so tense but he can't figure out what's wrong
so one night on the roof, neil straight up asks "why do you always look so stressed whenever I go anywhere?"
andrew doesn't answer for a few moments, and neil assumes he's not going to get an answer but then—
"last time you left, you barely made it back. do you really expect me to trust you now?"
oh, neil realizes. oh, he's afraid i won't come back
andrew looks like he wants to drop the subject, so neil doesn't bring it up again, choosing to rant about his Intro to Stats teacher instead
but he doesn't forget. and he starts noticing how other couples leave one another
matt and dan kiss or hug, nicky and erik say "i love you," aaron and katelyn squeeze each other's hands and look into each other's eyes
it's all very... comforting. reassuring. and neil realizes that that's exactly what he needs to do. he needs to make sure that andrew doesn't forget that neil would never leave him again, not on purpose
so he thinks and thinks and thinks
(he quickly learns that paying attention in his Sports Medicine class is a lot less interesting than thinking about andrew)
neil knows that andrew wouldn't want showy affection with lingering kisses and they haven't really gotten to the "i love you" stage yet, so he needs to figure out a compromise
and then on a cloudy monday morning, the perfect solution hits him
he and matt study together almost every thursday, so 3 days later, they have a plan to head over the library to do some homework
so matt comes up to the monsters' room where neil and andrew are to tell neil that it's time to go
neil hops up from his place curled under andrew's arm on the sofa and goes around collecting his stuff — as usual
and andrew's shoulders begin coiling up with near-unnoticeable tension — as usual
this time though, instead of walking out the door directly, neil pauses in front of andrew and sets down his books on the coffee table near the sofa
and before andrew or matt can react, neil does it
he reaches over, gently cups andrew's face in his hands, and kisses him on the nose
it's feather-light and short, but andrew freezes, his face more expressive than he usually shows, eyes wide
neil gives him a small smile shit shit shit andrew's heart is beating so fast, come on andrew get a hold of yourself say something do something and then he picks up the books delicately and leaves with a gobsmacked matt
andrew doesn't really know what to do with himself and just sits there until kevin arrives 5 minutes later and asks why andrew is so red, if he's okay, does he has a fever, can he still play exy?
andrew shakes out of his stupor, stomps over to his room, and flops helplessly on his bed to be very gay
(this is how neil finds him 1.5 hours later. he tries (and fails) not to laugh. andrew gives him a bruising kiss to shut him up)
it becomes habit though. neil treating andrew like he's something precious, holding his face so reverently, kissing his nose softly
and andrew doesn't know what to do with himself. every single time
but it's okay, he thinks. because while goodbyes might sound permanent, kisses are a promise that the other will come back
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wishbonetea · 3 years
me: no more wips. only osab
also me: okay but what about an au where neil is the one on mania-inducing meds instead of andrew. think about the upperclassmen being terrified of neil and neil immediately wants to join the monsters because kevin is the only thing that can hold his attention because he’s always been obsessed with him and now on the meds it’s even worse. andrew thinks neil is a threat so refuses to let neil within five feet of kevin, except neil’s mania makes him spill all his secrets just to see people’s reactions and of course with that manic grin no one ever believes him but andrew does believe him and when he realises how neil’s passion for exy is keeping kevin at psu he offers to protect neil and neil finds the concept too funny to disagree because andrew is a 5’0 goalkeeper how could he ever stand up to his father
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