#again he's very particular . but there are certain humans he DOES come to find more interesting than others
faultedloyalty · 1 year
✿ / not me wanting to make makoto a maid hmmm
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other : [ my muse ] comes to find [ your muse ] enjoyable to be around
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other 
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other : this section grows as i and my muse get to know you whoops
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous ( him to you ) to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other 
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vigilskeep · 7 months
do you actually have a ranking or like. rundown of each love interest's particular brand of insanity re: tranquil beloved...? or if that's too big an ask perhaps the highlights.. i am sitting so attentively reading all of the ones you've detailed thus far
in no particular order
zevran: cruel to the end to ask him to have his love’s blood on his hands again, but if he believed it was what they would have wanted, it would be the gentlest, tenderest, of assassinations
morrigan: what power does a templar possess that is beyond her ability to reverse? she will claw the answer from the far corners of the earth and the furthest reaches of the fade before she abandons what is hers
leliana: once, the chantry sunburst was a comfort, a sign of refuge in a world of darkness. now she can only see the one burned into their skin, the wondrous gifts the maker gave to them stolen in the maker’s name, the cruellest game he has played yet. could she keep her faith through such a test? would she even want to?
alistair: there is a hollow in his life that can’t be laughed around. a sick weight in the stomach, remembering flipping his runic token between his fingers in distraction through every chantry lecture where they promised this was necessary. he’s angry. he’s beginning to think he might be a very angry person, really. he’s beginning to think he’s got good reason
fenris: he wonders if, when the lyrium was touched to their forehead, it burned the way his does. he thinks better of asking. there was a time when magic felt like a curse on them both that he couldn’t break. he wants it back
anders: history always repeats itself. there are certain inevitabilities, foregone conclusions, lessons the circle teaches well. you escape, you get caught. you love something, they take it away. you destroy the last thread tethering a mage to humanity—you’re that brutal, that cruel, that stupid—and all you’ll have left is an abomination
merrill: she never understood tranquillity until it was this close; she could never really believe it was possible. it doesn’t matter. her love’s not quite here right now, even as she chatters away to them, but it doesn’t matter. you can fix anything, as long as you’re willing to pay the price
isabela: it’s her own fault, really. her own fault, for taking a chance on someone so targeted, so foolish, so—brave. her own fault for believing them, when they promised she wasn’t going to lose them. she should leave. there’s nothing left for her here. but it’s gotten so hard to run away
sebastian: this changes nothing. his love is as cold as the portraits that line the halls of the palace in starkhaven, as silent and empty as the chantry statues that offer no guidance for what will come. he still kisses their cheek, takes their hand, walks at their side. he is still a husband; he still has his vows, and one more to add to the rest—to find who blackened the maker’s name with this, and teach them what His judgement truly looks like
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rxsilabeth--er · 6 months
ok this feels mean to do but, remus and a slytherin male reader. post-prank. essentially, post-prank remus is angry with sirius, but suddenly he find himself close with his 'sleazy' seatmate in charms. turns out, he's not that mean and less of a jerk from how he holds himself and how most people percieved Slytherin men. he's also very good at his studies, he helps remus out when remus seems to need it, he has this nice voice, and an even nicer face—wait what?
(i'd love to walk in the great hall with my arm around remus lupin's shoulder, maroon and burgundy marks on my neck and a sleazy grin on my face as i leaned down to his ear, just to whisper to him that his ex's staring. let 👏🏻 me 👏🏻 make 👏🏻 that 👏🏻 man 👏🏻 blush 👏🏻)
:: hickeys and a Slytherin that's tricky...
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Now calling....Author: "This was a lovely request!! Though I LOVE wolfstar, this did hurt my wolfstar heart, but I love it nonetheless!!"
Now calling....Synopsis: "...After the prank, Remus prefers sitting alone in case one of the marauders come and he bursts open at the seams, but luckily during potions, a certain Slytherin helps his wrong potion and even fixes his seams perfectly..."
Now calling....warnings: "smoking, drinking, fashion show, personal headcanons, tying Remus to his bed for his health (dw), reader is mentioned to piercings, hickeys, mentions of sexual activity, The prank, angst on Sirius's part, possibly wrong potion making, I couldn't fortunately get my hogwarts letter...I deserve to be there more than Draco Malfoy, that's for sure...male!reader. Ooc? Bellatrix and Narcissa? Bellatrix doesn't like Remus in the beginning, but settles to tolerate him cause his ma was a squib and his dad a wizard so he's a pureblood, right? Bella had sexual history with reader. Beware, this is quite long."
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the clinking of his spoon on the walls of the bubbling cauldron did not help Remus's situation, he could still hear James, Sirius and Peter's murmurs along with Severus's glare at him. What potion were they making again? Does not matter especially if you just got your heart torn apart by those you trusted the most in your life...
He softly looked around, Severus's glare still trained on him as he lowered his eyes with guilt, continuing to cut whatever he had as the instruction in his books said, his eyes already blurring the view with tears,
"You're not supposed to put three lacewings...the book says wrong." a gruff voice softly perked up as Remus flinched and looked around to find a particular Slytherin whom he had seen around, mostly smoking, snoozing or being lazy and chaotic.
With messy hair, messy shirt, Slytherin tie, a few piercings around your ears and tattoos poking out from under your sleeves, you stood there pointing at his book.
Seeing him basically zoned out string at you, you snapped your fingers in his face to pull him out of trance, as he shook his head and looked at you, his eyebrow raising,
"And what makes you think you're right?" Remus asked as he glared his eyes up and down you, as you simply shrugged and said,
"I mean, if you add three lacewings which makes the potion acidic to daisy roots who's job is to acidify the potion already, it will become..I don't know? Too acidic for anything to survive in it? We need it just enough acidic so that when we add the base, it will be enough to neutralize...I thought you were smart, Lupin."
and your words left him appalled, but he couldn't speak as he did understand your logic behind it as he scoffed and asked, "And how many am I supposed to add, genius?! Professor didn't say anything." as you looked at your own book at the corrections you made, "...One and a half".
As you said, as if on cue, Snape's cauldron bubbled too much and spilled everywhere leaving blisters on contact with bare human skin of those around as people winced and softly whispered, a Remus looked in surprise, you didn't seem shocked as Snape did think he knew better and added three and a HALF lacewings, idiot.
You simply continued to mix your potion, Remus decided to take your advice and only add one and a half instead of three like everyone did...You finished yours and tested it in front of everyone as Slughorn awarded your with fifty points for Slytherin, he must ave been impressed because this particular potion was a hard one, Remus's also turned out to be good but he was awarded only fifteen points, possibly because he showed it at the last minute.
As you got your things and walked out, the classes were over so you had free time as you walked down the courtyard down the grassy fields near the tree where the Slytherin skittles often sat. Throwing your bag up, you quickly climbed up there, pulling out a cigarette and a lighter before lighting it and smoking out smoke from your nostrils as you hummed to yourself, opening a book to read.
Remus didn't know how, but he somehow walked up and climbed up to meet you, you simply looked his way, nodding as a greeting as you went back to reading while Remus was panting from the tiny climb,
"Uhm....hey, thanks for the tip today in class..." Remus began as you nodded, taking another drag and softly blowing it out, as Remus stood there, clinging to the tree in disbelief,
"..Okay...Uhm..." he nodded to himself as he took a step down, "...What happened to you and marauders?" you asked softly, crawling to lay on your stomach on the slightly somewhat large space the tree had to offer, looking down at him with your face in your propped up hand, noticing the way he froze,
"...None of your fucking business." Remus said in annoyance, as you nodded, "Okay." you said taking another drag and blowing the smoke in his face, making him more annoyed, as he swatted your hand, "Fucking stop." Remus snarled, as you grinned..
Out of nowhere, with unknown confidence, Remus took your wrist and made you place your cigarette between his lips as he blew the smoke in your face before climbing down and walking away as you stared back at him in surprised with flushing reaching up your cheeks to warm them, a soft smile spreading your cheeks as you looked at him walking away.
You quickly gathered the book, the bag and jumped down, following him from a few feets away, walking behind him yet no doing anything, of-course he noticed, you weren't hidden or invisible and yet he didn't do anything. Up until the portrait of the fat lady you followed him and would have followed him inside if he didn't just stop in front of the portrait till you stood beside him,
"What is it? Why are you following me, you fuck?" Remus asked as you simply blew out more smoke, "You looked like shit, so I followed. I need to make you a forest brown again." you said simply as his eyes soften ever-so slightly...sighing, he gave the password and pulled you in, sitting you down and removing your tie,
"Oooh, already so eager to fuck, Lupin?" you asked smirking, making him scoff, "As if me, or anybody in fact, would sleep with a sleaze like you. Only doing it so people don't know I'm hanging with a serpent.", "Okay.. :)"
And the next month flew without a care of world for Lupin and you, as you simply pulled out a cig after classes ended and were pulled by Zahara and if she pulled you, you pulled him, cause if Zahara was around, you needed the 'Casanova' around so people don't think that Zabini be sleeping with you...
Or maybe you'd help Pandora to collect rocks or snails or slugs around the Black lake, while she rambled on and on to you while Remus stood there smoking.
Or maybe you'd be sharing a cigarette with Barty and Evan cause you three were being stingy and lazy to buy some from Hogsmeade as you three glared at Remus in envy while he wasted cigarettes from his brand new packet while he only took two drags before putting it out and pulling out another one all while smirking in your direction cause he knew you three were too prideful to ask him for one.
Or maybe you'd be reading while cuddling with Regulus and helping him annotate while Remus sat beside you hearing both of your interpretation, he didn't think you'd be into literature almost as much as Regulus while you both acted out Shakespeare sometimes.
Or maybe styling clothes with Andromeda, Narcissa and Dorcas and putting on a show for the house in the common room while people hooted or laughed at the dramatic display all while Remus sat there in confusion at how weird the whole house of Slytherin is if you don't notice the idiotic pure-blood supremacists (Lucius, Lestranges, Bellatrix, Snape, Mulciber, etc.).
The month went by quickly, you stood outside the door of the Shrieking Shack, smoking as he transformed for the month...The month had sadly two full moons and it did not go well...
if not for you standing outside until the morning and tying him to his bed, while putting on healing spells and refusing to let him go to class and leaving him there in the Shrieking Shack until the classes ended and you came back with the gang and sat beside him on the floor, playing truth or dare, having a fashion show, smoking, singing songs and playing stupid instruments and more...
For Remus, well it was small, not for the Marauders especially Sirius...No, on the contrary it was hell for them, Sirius could not help but feel guilt as he refused to let himself or James or Peter believe that he purposefully sent someone to be murder and maimed...
He could not let James or Peter turn their back on him, cause he knew that in the two's eyes he was still a good person..and a good person doesn't send someone else to be mauled....
Sirius had begun to cry himself to sleep, putting silencing charms around his bed post and sticking his curtains around him with a few spells as he heard Remus walk in every night, giggling at something another voice spoke, before he heard the sounds of him falling into his bed and the sounds of Remus...possibly kissing the person..No he could not have that in his mind..
Remus had changed a lot, everyone in Gryffindor could tell. He still wore his grandpa sweaters, but he had eyeliner around his eyes, his eyes seemed more hooded and bored, with no concealer covering his scars anymore.
And despite his sweaters, he was more often seen with Blazer, sometimes blood dripping down his nose or knuckles and mostly walking around Barty, Evan, Regulus and you, all five laughing while Pandora clung to your arm and Dorcas fussed over Remus's hair and scars and body, asking him if anything hurt...
Mary, Lily, Marlene, Alice often saw themselves being replaced by Dorcas, Pandora, Zahara and sometimes Andromeda and Narcissa and well rarely, Bellatrix who asked him to tutor her after swallowing a lot of her pride...Sirius, James, Frank, Peter saw themselves being replaced by you, Barty, Evan and Regulus...
Remus wasn't ever seen in the Gryffindor tower now, always roaming around the Slytherin common room, sometimes seen beside the Black lake with Pandora and Dorcas talking with merfolk with sign language, or waltzing with Narcissa in the courtyard who always smiled and laughed as he mixed up his steps...
And seen in the library with Zahara and Bellatrix who wore a scowl which sometimes melted away after a while as the two listen intently to whatever he taught them...
Or walking around Hogsmeade with you, Barty and Evan, Barty and Evan whining and clinging to each other before going away somewhere to make out as you simply bought him his favourite chocolates at Honey dukes and sometimes putting the tiniest bit of melted chocolate on the tip of his nose before kissing it away...
Or talking with Regulus and you about the newest books they read, or three-wheeling Andromeda and Ted, teasing the two with a smirk as you leaned against him, smoking with a smirk, sometimes enjoying him with the teasing. Sirius or other marauders couldn't bear himself seeing it and often teared up at the slightest mention of Remus and his new-found friends..
Despite being everything Sirius hated the most; a pureblood, coming from a noble family, serious, smart, cunning, ambitious Slytherin, you were everything that deserved you got and showed not everything is not as simple as it seems.
you did not worry what people thought when you helped people. Helping Andromeda through hexing a few of Ted's bullies from Slytherin who tried to hurt him for being with Andromeda,
comforting Alice after a fight she had with Narcissa,
sharing some weed with Peter,
helping Lily chase away Snape who was being too persistent,
helping Marlene get the snitch just to spite Dorcas yet make Dorcas laugh the other second cause you didn't want her to feel bad about loosing the match,
taking the blame for whatever Barty, Andromeda, Bellatrix, Regulus, Narcissa did cause you didn't want a letter be sent to their house and make them get punished by their parents,
learning to braid Zahara's hair the way she likes it to help her,
taking Pandora anywhere she wanted,
helping Evan with his homework in library...
You couldn't be thrown into one category cause you weren't like that, you were the hardest thing to navigate, you were always being sleezy, smoking, yet you helped, cared, comforted people who needed it...
The next morning as he stood up and walked down to the Great Hall, Remus left WAY earlier possibly to be with his new found friends... He walked in, and sat down as he simply ate whatever was present before Marlene smacked his hand pointed back at the entrance to see Remus.
In his usual black blazer, hooded, bored eyes, a few piercings, a cig in his hand with his shirt's top two buttons open and showing his collar and neck covered in bite-marks, hickeys...
some were even decorated with stickers as he walked and sat right behind Sirius, yawning as Zahara whistled, as Bellatrix scoffed,
"What, couldn't even handle being with Y/N?" Bellatrix asked grinning with confidence,
"Well, still better at handling him than you, no Bella? He isn't able to walk, last time I remembered, it wasn't him who couldn't walk, it was you who couldn't walk!" Remus said back with a evident smugness in his voice as Bellatrix sat there, appalled and shocked as she simply humphed and looked away as the table softly snickered...
Sirius couldn't bear to think that something he wished he could have was now with someone completely different. Sirius longed to be in your place as he couldn't help the tears which pricked his eyes...How come a large mistake of his took away everything he wished was his...?
He looked back at the entrance to see you softly walk in, slightly limping with a cig in your hand which you dropped on the floor and stamped on to put it out as you walked and sat down beside Remus, leaning against him, trying to catch on sleep which you obviously couldn't complete from last night's activities...
Sirius felt filth inside him at seeing you and Remus be together, through classes as you helped him read and developed spells for him to read through his Dyslexia, helped him sleep with a potion Regulus created to heal his own insomnia which you even gave to James to help his insomnia.
You helped Peter sometimes with his charms when he needed help, told Lily which colour looked good on her, helped motivate Marlene to cause pranks, told Mary she looked pretty, gave advice to Alice about Narcissa and even gave Rita some gossips you heard to satisfy her.
You even helped Sirius himself with pranks to pull on Snape whom you started calling "Snevillous" as well...no matter how much Sirius tried, he couldn't hate you..or even be you...
He saw you everyday with Remus, making out with him in some corner of the library, sitting on his lap to tease him, quoting books he hated simply to annoy him, stroking his scars with your fingers, putting on liner on his eyes, using spells to make drawings that Evan did to turn them into permanent tattoos, wearing his grandpa sweaters and flaunting them in front of the girls all whom laughed or giggled...
You even tried your hardest to fix the marauder's friendship, in which you succeeded..but not because their apologies were sincere, it was because you tried to fix their friendship.
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© This writing work belongs to me, rxsilabeth--er, Aurelia, Rosilabeth, Cerine. Reblogging is appreciated, but plagiarizing or copying my works is forbidden, thank you for reading this and if you like this check out my blog!
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drconstellation · 9 months
Come Back When You Can Make A Whale
This is going to contain some speculation for S3, so you know what to do! Or not do!
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SITIS: What did God say? JOB: Um... I'm not sure. I didn't understand much. Things too wonderful for me. Ostriches came into it. SITIS: Ostriches? JOB: And whales. God's very proud of the whale. Went into some detail about... how great whales are. SITIS: But did They explain? JOB: [shakes head] I think the point was, if you want answers, come back when you can make a whale.
Whales, huh?
If you aren't well read, this could be quite the misdirection. It should be reasonably obvious, given who is doing the talking - Job - what he is actually referring to, then we can join a couple of dots to make some speculative leaps.
You still with me?
No? Then let us start with how do you make a whale?
By giving it another name.
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Chapter 41 of the Book of Job is all about the Leviathan, a great sinuous sea serpent with impenetrable scales and breath like fire. It sleeps beneath the sea until the end of days. Over time it came to be associated with any sea monster, then anything large, and what is the largest animal ever known to have lived? The whale.
The top of the matchbox is also worth a look. We have a skull and crossbones, which is classic Memento mori symbolism, fitting in with the resurrection theme of the Second Coming - but look at the way the address of the pub is spelt! Now, this not the same way it is spelt on the record single Maggie gives to Aziraphale; Goatgate is spelt as one word, not two. A little bit of searching reveals the meaning behind this fictional address that backs up and reinforces the quote on the side of the matchbox.
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Strong's Concordance for 66 gives us "wild, savage, fierce." Goatgate is an interesting one, because it turns out to be a relatively modern term from the urban dictionary, and I'm just going to refer to the polite version of it here - it's another word for "mouth." So 66 Goatgate is a "fierce and savage mouth." Yes, that does sound about right - in more ways than one, once you know who it is. (If you want to look up the impolite version, go ahead - I'm sure you will still find the connotations very amusing.)
Our metaphorical Leviathan is Crowley. He gave the game away at the end of S1 during the appearance-swap.
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This also means Aziraphale is his counterpart, Behemoth. Why - well, I made a bit of joke in my post here that he was playing at being a "river horse" while he wallowed in the bath of holy water during his part of the appearance-swap scene. Modern day scholars think the description of Behemoth in the Bible may be that of a hippopotamus in real life history. If that is so, I'd still be betting this is what the "dark horse" comment from Nina in S2E1 is foreshadowing.
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Maybe none of this new to you if you've been hanging around the the fandom for a while. That's fine, I'm just trying to establish the scene. And the next bit we need to talk about is this one, where Job gets a lecture from God.
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During this sequence, we hear lines that come from Job 38 and 39.
GOD: Job, if you have questions for me, I have questions for you. Do you know how I created the earth? Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth, Job? Were you there when all the morning stars sang together and all the Angels shouted for joy?
These lines are paraphrasing some of the beginning of Job 38.
Then we have:
GOD: Do you know the rules of the heavens? Did you set the constellations in the sky? Can you send lightning bolts and get them to report back to you? Did you give wings to peacocks, Job, or teach the ostrich to run?
These lines are again, paraphrasing Job, half from 38 and half from 39.
So then, we need to ask, why highlight these lines in particular?
Job 38 is mainly about setting the boundaries of the universe around us. The Earth might seem impossibly huge to a human, but it started with a single stone at its foundation. Earth and the other planets obey certain laws as they move around the Sun. The patterns of the stars in the sky take so long to change that it seems like they are set and inconstant. Even the chaotic form of lightning respects its Creator and returns to its point of origin.
From the last part of Chapter 38 to the end of 39 God challenges Job with a list of animals. The theme here is about freedom and wildness. Whether it is a noble lion, a loathsome crow, a nimble mountain goat, the head-strong wild ox or the willing war horse, they all flourish upon the Earth under the sight of the Almighty. Even the mightiest and most fierce beasts of all, Behemoth and Leviathan, have a place, although only God has the means to control those two.
None of this needs a human to be involved. We are so often the center of our own universe, and try so hard to control every aspect of the world around us that we lose sight of the bigger picture. Shit happens. Some things are out of our control. That doesn't mean its your fault and you're wicked and damned to go to Hell because of it. And that was the point God was trying to make to Job. The world is a far bigger, wilder and chaotic than you can imagine, but its also incredibly beautiful, and it runs itself within the rules and limits that seem to be set by invisible forces you can't see.
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So back to the script from the show.
The first set of questions from God could apply to both of the duo. They were both around when Earth was created and were more than likely there when the "morning stars" (the highest angels, such as Lucifer, Gabriel, Michael and angel!Beelzebub) sang together.
The second set of questions are the ones that seem to have got the most attention so far, with ops cross-matching them to things Crowley does in S2.
Do you know the rules of the heavens?
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Did you set the constellations in the sky?
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Can you send lightning bolts and get them to report back to you?
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Did you give wings to peacocks, Job...
(I make a suggestion this has something to do with Michael, but also see comments below)
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...or teach the ostrich to run?
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The first three of those questions are fairly straight forward, and I doubt many would dispute what they are referring to. But the reference to the peacock and the ostrich are more subtle and curious, and I would like to take a moment to look at the actual verse - because it is only one verse that is providing both questions - that is being paraphrased here.
Job 39:13 Gavest thou the goodly wings unto the peacocks? or wings and feathers unto the ostrich?
Did you realize that the King James Version of the Bible is the only one that mentions peacocks in this particular verse? All the other versions mentions the first sentence of that verse in relation to the wings of ostriches: "The wings of the ostrich wave proudly." The ostrich is considered a cruel and witless bird in the Bible, pleased with the way it looks, and seemingly careless about its young.
Why does that sound familiar...
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Shax thinks this ostrich feather-clad angel in disguise isn't too smart either.
So using the peacock line is a curious choice in the script. Other than the "eyes" in the tail of the peacock having a connection to Michael's many watchful eyes on the world, it's still not clear how Crowley helped them upwards. Unless both lines are supposed to refer to Gabriel, and how the vain peacock was helped to both fly and run to a distant location in the stars.
Edit: Since I first wrote this, @beebopboom pointed me to some more peacock lore, and this helped me delve a bit deeper into them. Peacocks were associated with wealth and royalty, but they were also associated with immortality in early Christian beliefs. There was a belief that the flesh of the peacock did not decay after its death. The bright colours in its tail came from its eating venomous snakes, which reminded people of Christ becoming sin for humanity's sake (think of Crowley downing the laudanum to save Elspeth from Hell in the crypt in 1827, its a similar action.) The "eyes" on the males tail also represented the all-seeing eye of God. So we have a connection with both royalty and resurrection here.
(Oh - just as an interesting connection here - a number of the newer versions of the Bible not only don't mention the peacock in this verse, they compare the ostrich to the stork! The meaning is meant to be that the stork cares more for their young than the ostrich, but if you read the words at face value, you could take a double meaning away...)
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Let us return to questions, answers, and whales.
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Questions. Always questions. It's like the proverbial toddler who's always asking a never-ending string of "but, why?" for funsies and you just want them to shut up for a moment and think about the last thing you said first. They, too, are a bit like Job. They are the center of their own universe at that age, having not had much experience of the world. They have no grasp of how far it extends beyond them, and how little even we as adults know.
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If at this point you're going "oh, no, no, no, no, op, please don't tell me the point of this meta is it's all ineffable," relax. I'm not.
The point was to set you up for some nice, juicy, awesomely sweet S3 speculation.
Because I believe Crowley will finally get to ask his questions of God.
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(oh lordy, I made the mistake of taking a break to have a shower before trying to finish this off, because I was having trouble seeing how to finish this in a tidy way, and that caused me to have "shower thoughts" and now the nice sweet simple speculation has turned into a slightly bat-shit crazy kind-of one, although still on the same track as what I was originally thinking. Here goes...)
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We have this three card spread from waaay back at the beginning of S1. We all think its something to do with the three babies.
What if its not?
Because we need something like this to happen again - Aziraphale and Crowley either side of a third protagonist. What if it's the King of Kings, Love personified, Jesus, in the middle? (Or Adam again, I wouldn't discount that option either...)
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If you would look at the GIF and the screenshot together again and go, well that makes, sense, white for the angel on the right, and green for the demon on the left, I would jump up and shout at you - NO!
Look at the cards again! In the Tarot, that's the Ace of Swords on the right - it belongs to Aziraphale. It's a very powerful card, about new beginnings and change.* Lets call the one of the left Knight of Wands, which also represents the element of Fire. Knights are all about movement and journeys. Who owns the Bentley? And look what Gabriel has instinctively done with his hands - he has held his screen-left hand out to Aziraphale, the Sword, the angel who wears green, and his right hand out to Crowley, the Knight of Fire. The yin and yang qualities are actually swapped. That was what I was trying to tell you in this post. They aren't as obvious as they seem at first glance.
And love is the answer, it turns out. Did you see my comment the other day on another post? In Strong's Concordance 25 = to love.
Anyway, we should get a third parallel scene somewhat like this, and like when Aziraphale and Crowley took Adam out of time to talk to him in S1.
Only this time the three of them (with who ever is in the middle) should be having a talk with God about what is or isn't supposed to happen.
JOB: I think the point was, if you want answers, come back when you can make a whale.
Crowley could be a literal serpent (though I would be very surprised if he did manifest that way) but it should be a metaphorical Leviathan that stands before the Almighty to ask his questions and get his answers. And it will be that he has earned the right to be there, because he finally understands the lessons of Job.
@makewayforbigcrossducks I hope this answers one of your questions
*The Ace of Swords speaks of new beginnings, but it is a two-edged sword that can cut both ways. It is strength in adversity, victory out of struggle, good out of evil, a change in the old order on the way.
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mermaidchan05 · 1 month
Vesuvia Weekly: Where the Familiars Got it From
Hello I am once again here to take a prompt meant for humans and give you Familiar Shenanigans
Have some bullet-point headcanons for the things the familiars got from their humans!
(insert Knifecat face here)
Faust and Asra grew up together, so the two of them learned a lot from each other.
In both the best possible way, and an oh no kind of way. 
Faust’s penchant for mischief absolutely comes from Asra
Both of them take naps in unexpected places.  
And Faust also has a slightly hidden side of wanting to be fun and fancy and sparkly. 
We all know how outlandish as Asra’s fashion sense is. 
Faust loves to be just as eccentric. 
Cover her with bright and colorful flowers and her happy wiggles will knock most of them off
(But it’ll still be adorable)  
She will find a way to exchange a sand bath for a glitter bath. 
And heaven help you if you ever open up some paints. She will plop her tail right into every single color and make a mess.
Aside from the obvious leaning towards dramatics
(Which absolutely came from Julian)
Malak actually really likes music
It’s something he only really got to learn about himself after becoming Julian’s familiar. 
He will sit there whenever Julian breaks out the vielle
Sometimes he’ll try to “sing” along. To... varying results.  
And just like Julian, Malak also likes to accessorize.  
Do not deny him his fun little hats. 
He will get revenge if he does not get to wear his little hats. 
As another pair that grew up together, Chandra and Nadia have a lot in common. 
They can and will give you identical Stink Eyes 
Chandra has grown to have a taste for some of the finer things in life.
She’s also just as elegant as her  human
And Chandra is equally generous to those who have earned her trust 
Chandra has also adopted Nadia’s love for things with intricate moving parts
Chandra systematically destroys certain toys, not out of boredom or a hunting instinct, but because she wants to know how they work
(She does tend to leave a mess behind every time, but no one really minds) 
Pepi has absolutely adopted Portia’s talent for snooping. 
Some of that, admittedly, is the fact that she is a cat. 
Cats always have a habit of getting into things they shouldn’t get into.
But for Pepi it’s more than just exploring. It’s a mission.
She will be the cat to find the best nap spots, and nothing can stop her.
And since Portia had a habit of whispering some of her secrets (and some of the juiciest gossip) to Pepi, Pepi is also surprisingly good at secret-keeping. 
If she thinks it’s something important, Pepi will not divulge said “important” information at all. 
This does cause a few problems when it comes to something like Portia misplacing her keys. 
(They were left behind in the bread basket, and Pepi saw it happen, but keys are important, so no, she will not reveal anything) 
Muriel and Inanna are both survivors
But they’re also both protectors. 
Once they have opened up to someone, well, that someone is now officially in their pack. 
And both of them will do almost anything to make sure their pack is safe and sound. 
The two of them share a deep connection to the forest as well, one that can’t be truly defined. 
And though Inanna is generally more open than Muriel, and it's a bit easier to earn their trust, she has still mastered Muriel’s exasperated people are the worst expression.
Mercedes & Melchior
Whatever else people may say about Lucio, he actually is good with animals 
Especially his hunting hounds 
He’s got them doing much more complicated tasks than average house pets 
But he definitely spoils them. The same way he himself wants to be spoiled 
They all have very particular grooming routines and are equally pouty when said routines aren’t followed through.
And Mercedes and Melchior both have a sweet tooth, just like their human. 
Whether or not familiars are actually allowed to eat things that are Bad for Dogs is still up for debate. 
Lucio doesn’t actually think they’re his familiars yet, so he won’t take that risk on purpose, but at the same time he won’t scold them too hard if they get into the secret dessert stash.
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allisonreader · 1 year
@inklings-challenge Here’s my challenge story for this year.
Grandfather's Story
(Not a true story.)
There’s a story that my grandfather always liked to tell about his days working in a coal mine. He would always tell it to his kids and then us grandkids. Most of us weren’t sure whether to believe it, but he swears that it’s true.
His story starts with a tragedy.
A tunnel had collapsed and miners had died. Others were injured and managed to get out of the mine.
My grandfather had been one of the men tasked with shoring up the tunnel so that the dead could be safely removed to be given to their families for proper burials.
He and the other men took a canary in with them. An important alarm system for them even though they weren’t actively mining.
They had been working for several hours and had managed to bring all but one of the dead up. This particular gentleman had been buried in the wall collapse more than any of the others had been. As soon as they had managed to recover him, my grandfather and the other miners swear on their lives that the canary spoke. Telling them that they needed to leave before the tunnel collapsed further, before the bird fell completely silent.
Not a single man my grandfather worked with hesitated. They grabbed the dead man and booked it out of the mine as quickly as they could. Just making it out before the tunnel did indeed collapse behind them.
The canary returned to its regular singing once out of the mine.
Not a single one of those miners; my grandfather included, heard that canary or any other, speak like that again. My grandfather was certain that if the canary hadn’t spoken that all of them working to retrieve that last man would have been buried and died.
When that canary died, he was buried with all the dignity of a human and was given his own highly attended funeral. All the miners who were there that day, came to honour the bird that not only saved their lives but allowed families to bury their loved ones as they wanted to.
I still find it hard to believe that the canary spoke, but it’s also hard to argue with the amount of witnesses. Plus my grandfather loves to tell the story and I won’t tell him what to believe when he was the one who was there.
So fun fact. I wrote this fairly short story during the duration of a one of the sprints that I've held this year. It came from out of nearly nowhere where, as I certainly never had anything planned like this for Team Chesterton, either this year or previous. I also have only given it a basic once over before posting it. (Mostly out of fear of not deciding to not post it if I leave it too long.) I'm still not super confident about it. Part of that is because of how I wrote it feels very much like a post that you would come across in the wild on this site in some ways. By which I mean I feel like it's more written like a post telling a story than how I typically write stories. Anyways I think I should stop over explaining before this becomes more of a mess than this note might already be.
(Three days after originally posting; post note. I'm pretty sure the nerves about sharing this were more just typical new posting than actually about the style. Because the story does exactly what I intended it to do. Be a quick story told in a way like I'm telling friends/explaining this story that is passed down by family. So I mean it's definitely not that I don't like it, it's just generally not how I write fictional stories. Anyways this is to say that while I might not have been confident, doesn't mean that I don't feel accomplished in what I have written. Now I probably really have over explained at this point.)
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kit-williams · 8 months
Barn Anon. Bet Space Marines give other Space Marines a discount price. They know for sure which human businesses aren't to be trusted. I headcannon that Imperial Fists and Iron Warriors have construction companies of their own where the humans are more for admin and communication with human clients. They're in high demand but they'll give a bit more priority to fellow Space Marines.
Your Space Marine effortlessly plucked the heavy bag of groceries from your hands. He refuses to let you hold anything more than the carton of eggs that you're currently holding. You raise your eyebrow at the sight of an Imperial Fist moving about the back porch. Your Space Marine nudges you along, a soft hum from him as he steers you straight to the kitchen. You're aware that your own Space Marine is a bit of a social butterfly with his fellow Space Marines but this is the first time you've seen this particular Imperial Fist. They tend to stick to the south side of the state. You live in the north.
Your Space Marine puts the bags on the island, patting you on the head before he heads out to speak to the Imperial Fist. You tilt your head curiously when you see the Imperial Fist pointing at certain parts. You had off-handedly mentioned to your Space Marine that you feel like redoing your back porch now that some of the wood flooring is starting to wear down. You are aware that the porch was build a decade before you bought the house and it seems it's time for a new look for it. You didn't think he would take it this seriously.
You had included him when you looked over various contractors and at some designs online. It was only polite given how he lives here most of the week. He does disappear a few days a week but that's normal for Space Marines. He had expressed his preferences design wise but was visibly unsatisfied with the contractors you found. He had said something to you but you couldn't understand a single word. He disappeared soon after that rather one-sided conversation and later that night you heard two set of heavy footsteps. Now you realize that he found human contractors insufficient and sought to find one that was more to his standards.
When he comes back in from the back, you teasingly tell him that human contractors would be out of business at this rate. The Imperial Fist outside clearly heard as you would hear a bark of laughter from outside. Your Space Marine only shrugs. You're his human, of course he would make sure you get the best.
Uh 100% I was thinking about writing this in for some of Orn trying to get a discount from another Iron Warrior on lumber in exchange for chopping down some trees on the readers property.
But you've brought it up. Thing is this goes into the business of payment if he is with a company that does employ humans then of course some sort of cash would be exchanged but it's always cheaper than human contractors but then again you need to have an Astarte to even get in contact with them.
I think there is also a side payment in terms of far more bartering on the Astarte's half as given they were so use to getting whatever they wanted they probably have their own exchange system in lore when dealing with other Chapters.
You pat the gold armor of your blue helmed Lion as he treats you like a child but you're a young adult capable of handling everything but your Astarte treats you like a child. He seems a bit nervous about things... you've done your research and you can hardly find any information on your boy except that he is very friendly with Imperial Fists.
You can tell your boy does enjoy to provide and protect as it seems he is very caring but very distrusting of certain organizations it seems. He drew a symbol on a piece of paper for her to watch out for but you tell him there aren't any symbols like that but you'll be the first to let him know if you do see it.
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dr-futbol-blog · 4 months
The Storm/The Eye, Pt. 2
They start prepping for the coming storm.
Sheppard continues to have perfect trust in McKay. Again note that he's masking it in flippancy; when ever he talks about McKay to other people (and he seems to do that a lot; when you have a crush on someone you naturally want to mention them by name all the time because you are thinking about them all the time, but you try to be smooth about it like it's no big deal), he's downplaying it, he gives off the impression that he both cares for and regards McKay as less than he actually does. He tells Weir: "You know McKay'll come up with something. He's just setting himself up to be a hero."
I discussed McKay's brand of heroism and Sheppard's view of McKay as a hero previously in connection with Hide and Seek (S01E03). Sheppard does actually view McKay as a Big Damn Hero, and while here, talking with Elizabeth, he's making it sound like he's ribbing on McKay and his big ego, he does actually honestly believe those two things: that McKay will save them, and that he is a hero.
The episode lampshades this later:
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McKay is frustrated by the fact that everyone seems to be placing finding the solution to the problem squarely on his shoulders which is a lot of pressure to put on one person, no matter how brilliant they may be. He attempts to communicate this, and makes a reference to Superman.
Sheppard is a comic book geek. I mean, we actually see him reading comics in his room multiple times. He, of course, just has to comment on that. He flippantly questions McKay's comment and his tone of voice, again, indicates that he thinks McKay is about as far from Superman as one can be. This sentiment echoes around the room:
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The thing is, not only does Sheppard not think that McKay is not a hero, McKay is very much a hero to him. He's just not Superman.
Later on, in Irresponsible (S03E13), an episode that hearkens back to this particular episode as this is where Kolya is introduced and that is where he is killed, the topic of heroes again comes up. Sheppard -- not McKay -- brings up the fact that McKay's hero is Batman:
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Like, he brings this up completely unprompted, just throwing out another fact that he just happens to know about McKay. So clearly they've had a conversation about the superheroes of the DCEU at some point (and we do see them discuss Batman in particular a bunch of times). They have a lot of discussions about their shared geeky interests, so that tracks.
So. Sheppard isn't saying that McKay is not a hero here, he's saying that choosing Superman to describe him makes no sense. If he was a DCEU superhero, he'd be Batman. But Sheppard actually thinks that he's more like Mr. Fantastic of the Fantastic Four from Marvel Comics.
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Yes, in First Strike (S03E20) Sheppard describes himself as Mr. Fantastic but that is a classic case of projection. Nothing about him is Mr. Fantastic. He even says that McKay is not really like the Human Torch as Teyla complains that she's not invisible (it's actually Sheppard, the person who discovered the cloaking technology of the jumpers and is able to cloak a whole ass city, that is the Invisible Woman).
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Mr. Fantastic is a scientist who holds multiple PhDs and frequently uses his mind to save the day, so even if McKay hadn't literally been wearing a Mr. Fantastic T-shirt (in the SG-1 episode Moebius), he would still resemble the character much better than Sheppard ever could. Also, they are having this discussion, initiated by Sheppard, during the bombardment of Atlantis so clearly "situations of certain doom" are exactly the kinds of times that Sheppard wants to debate comic book characters.
So, he's not saying McKay is not a hero, he's wanting to debate comic books because a Batman vs. Superman discussion would be a whole lot less stressful than what they're actually facing right then. He also very obviously noticed that McKay was upset when he first walked in the room, so the intent was probably to cheer him up and lighten the mood by playful teasing. And everyone else's reactions, including Rodney himself who takes offense at this because he has terrible self-esteem, just shows us how differently Sheppard views McKay from everyone else. This very thing is also lampshaded in the episode:
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Granted, Zelenka does seem to be on the receiving end of a lot of the more charming sides of McKay's personality, deep down he does have a lot of respect for his colleague and is just airing out some frustration here. But this is not at all true of McKay, even if he actually agrees here that he can be a pretty horrible person.
He is not always like this. With Sheppard, in the past several episodes, we've seen him both want to and try to be a better man.
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And it is not that Sheppard doesn't also see this side of him. Even by this episode, we've seen Sheppard hurt by things McKay has said multiple times, even if he didn't really mean it or do it on purpose. Sheppard just accepts the bad with the good.
Ever since Hide and Seek Sheppard has been observing McKay with such a keen eye that he has a pretty good idea of what he's like. It's just that... by this time, he's in love. With the guy that he fully believes should use his brain, not his brawn, to save the day.
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Continued in Pt. 3
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atiny-piratequeen · 1 year
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𝑨𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒙𝒊𝒂-a state of freedom from emotional disturbance and anxiety, especially as an ongoing condition of soul-fulfilling attainment; unconditional tranquility
Ataraxia Verse, Atx Asks, Asks towards the boys directly are on @atiny-crew-musings
Ataraxia, abbreviated as "Atx" for short, is a new universe, focused around ateez as various 'monsters'. The idea grew from a commission from @jacksons-goddess-gaia and thanks to her and @little-lazuli, along with some interested anons, has grown into a wider, expanded universe, and this post is to help us get to know our players a bit better. This post is in no way finalized and changes may apply, especially as more works are added.
An important note: The characters in this universe are polyamorous and queer. Just because there are some 'x reader insert' works in the series does not negate from the overarching theme of this being Polyteez.
Eye renders below were done by me (7/8) and @doodles-and-teacups (1/8-Mingi's were rendered by them, thank you again, Mickey!)
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Hongjoong-Ocean Vengence
Faka’ita fai ki tahi
Anger bestowed on the sea.-Tongan
Race: (Reborn) Seaborn-Once a Human, Now a Siren
Height: 6’1, 6’5 in Seaborn Form in Water
Age: 23 When human, 85 currently
Appearance: Blue hair, deep brown eyes, appears black from afar. From his forearm down and calves down to his feet in humanoid form, they are black with small, speckled scales along his skin that glitter depending on when it is hit by the light. In Seaborn form, he has the tail of an orca. His dorsal side is sleek and solid black while his ventral side is white.
Powers: Hydrokinesis, Swift Swimming, Thickened Blubber (tail), Cold Resistant, Vocal Manipulation, Hypnosis
Weapons: Aside from his fangs and claws, Hongjoong's signature method of inflicting damage is to slam his tail against the ribcage of his enemies, often trying to break their ribs and puncture their lungs from the force of the hits. On land, he uses neon knives gifted to him by a particular Entity.
Personality: Hongjoong is one of the more cynical of the core eight men of this universe. He is guarded and fairly quick to anger. Despite this, he has become an exemplary leader in the village where he and Seonghwa live. Hongjoong would do anything for his seven and his village and is incredibly perceptive when it comes to reading the movements of potential enemies and planning counterattacks according to his findings.
Home: Talavou, the village steadily growing in the depths of a series of islands in the Eastern Hemisphere of the world. Once very small, holding a population of only one thousand or so Seaborn and Reborns, now it has grown and neighboring areas have developed alongside the central village that are all under the same jurisdiction.
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Seonghwa- Seafoam Kismet
Papata pē, ka na’e lalanga
It may be coarse in texture but it was woven.-Tongan
Race: Seaborn (Angelfish)
Height: 7’, 8’ in Seaborn Form in Water
Age: 177
Appearance: Soft, silken blonde hair, green eyes (change with emotions). His forearm down to his hands and his calves down to his feet are covered in an ombre platinum to blue. Several patches of scales will appear on his skin depending on his emotions/if he's injured and trying to protect himself from sustaining more injuries. He has a scar on his shoulder and on his abdomen after a Certain Incident. In his Seaborn Form, he has a magnificent tail holding some qualities from some ocean angelfish. His tail now has thick brown stripes starting along the midway point. Between these stripes, orange and yellow dots litter the spaces. The end of his tail is solid black with a single, vibrant electric blue stripe along the flowy fan of his tail. His hands have claws that can tear through skin and crush bone.
Powers: Hydrokinesis, Swift Swimming, Glow-in-the-Dark Scales, Vocal Manipulation, Hypnosis
Weapons: Unlike his Talavoutian Captain, Seonghwa does not use any outside weapons when he fights. He prefers to use his own brute strength and his primary method of ending conflict is to tear the hearts out of his enemies.
Personality: Despite his often snarky banter with Hongjoong, Seonghwa is fiercely loyal and would do anything for the people he loves. He tends to put himself in danger trying to protect weaker entities, and this is why he primarily lives on the shore nearby the village instead of living in it-protecting sea turtles and helping them hatch and make it into the water without any of them being eaten by predators. Despite his handsome, princely appearance, he is one of the easiest to make flustered and unfortunately (for him), his emotions are broadcasted on full display thanks to his scales and his eyes. While incredibly intelligent, he is surprisingly aloof and often loses track of time, leading to him getting scolded by the other members of The Fold for not visiting them as much as he should be.
Scent: Sea salt, Vanilla + coconut undertones
Home: Despite being a native of Talavou, Seonghwa primarily lives on the nearest island to the village. This island has no name, yet.
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
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Yunho-Magma Sentinel
Ng ko er a belochel, el mesengei otelochel e suebek
Like a pigeon seeing the danger, yet it flies from cover. (Palauan)
Race: Hellhound
Height: 7’5 in Hellhound Canine Form, 9’ in Humanoid Form
Age: 666 Years Old
Appearance: In his Hellhound form, Yunho stands taller than a horse. His appearance is based off of a Tibetan Mastiff, and as such, he has a coat full of dense, thick black furr. His paws are bigger than that of a bear's. He has two, circular markings above his eyes resembling eye brows that are made from red fur and has a patch of fur along his chest, stomach, the bottoms of his paws, and the underside of his tail where all of the fur is deep crimson. In this form, his fangs are so massive, they can be seen even when his mouth is shut. In his bipedal 'human' form, he stands at 9 feet tall, and his eyes retain their deep, blazing color as they are when he is in his hound form. When he is angered, his eyes blaze, and as a result of it, he has permanent burn marks in the corner of his eyes despite his ears being downcast in his hound form, they are upright in his humanoid form. His tail is the same size as it is in his hound form. He doesn't have an under or overbite in this form, but his canines are just as sharp. His tongue is a vibrant red and orange because of his ability to spit fire and magma, but he can control the temperature so it doesn't harm anyone if he doesn't intend it to. Yunho's wrists, ankles, and his neck are littered in scars, memories of a past imprisonment when he was a few centuries younger.
Powers: Magma and fire manipulation (from his mouth, his hands/paws), Yunho's fire is so hot it can continuously burn one's spirit even after they are dead. He has the strongest ability to track scents of all of the boys in The Fold and can even breathe underwater and track there, too. Because of his ability to manipulate heat, he can technically 'fly' by running on air. His flames get stronger when he goes in a 'berserker' state and when his flames come into contact with Mingi's, they weave together and can eviscerate an entire continent.
Weapons: Yunho doesn't use any items for weapons. In both of his forms, his claws and teeth emit either lava or fire depending on how concentrated it is, or how angry he is. He uses his massive body to knock enemies off of their feet and tends to aim for the jugular when it comes to larger entities.
Personality: Hellhounds are, by nature, quite competitive and combative. While Yunho is not as overtly as aggressive as some of his peers, his hostility comes out in a full show of force when those he cares about are in any form of danger and/or distress. Aside from that, he tends to be a standout compared to other Hounds. He is kind most of the time, often offering his services to struggling couples in order to help incubate their eggs. Because of this, he has been essential in the population boom in Talavou and has helped many of the guppies of Seaborn come into being. Because of a certain incident in his past, he is exceptionally gentle with children and often offers himself up when it comes to looking after them. If any children in his care were to become threatened or frightened by any opposing forces, Yunho would respond with EXTREME prejudice. Despite any preconceived notions about his nature, Yunho goes out of his way to be gentle with those weaker than him and because of that, he is often called upon to be a guardian watchdog for traveling caravans of monsters and spirits alike.
Scent: amber + geranium, smoked wood when enraged
Home: Born from fire and flame, Yunho lives in the Underworld, in a section known as the Crimson Fields. This area is where many Hellhounds reside, and it is, in its own right, a massive open village. It has areas designated for any battles, as Hellhounds tend to be on the more aggressive end, by nature. Yunho has a cabin of his own that he built by hand, and lives on the outskirts. He prefers to live with his seven, though, and will spend most of his time not in the Crimson Fields visiting Velvet Elysium-the Succubus/Incubus colony Jongho was born in, Talavou-the Siren village, The Whetū Faewilds-Yeosang's Home, or in San and Mingi’s Den in Serein Mountain.
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Yeosang- Wildwood Lex Talionis
Air tenang menghanyutkan
Don’t think there are no crocodiles because the water runs calm.-Indonesian
Race-Faerie, ???
Height: 6’5
Age: ?????
Appearance: Yeosang is the tallest fae in his village, standing abnormally tall for his race, as most of his other villagers are well over a foot shorter than him. His eyes are usually a dazzling mixture of blue and gold, with flecks of pink and stardust-like twinkles in them. the edges of his eyes are dark purple. His eyes change when he is angered, bleeding into an intense crimson and magenta color. The corner of his left eye has a big, distinct birthmark in the corner of it. Across his nose are freckles that glitter and glow with his magic use, they change depending on what type of magic he uses. His hair is silky, long, and black, and almost always has some form of decorative clip in it. Yeosang wears the most ornate jewelry of all of the boys, and it seems like each of them has some tie to his powers in some way, shape, or form. He wears loose-fitting clothing, but is actually quite muscular underneath.
Powers: Phytokinesis, Fae Magic,....r̨͇̖̪͊e̹͓̜͍̘̝̼̓̌͟m̻͎̾ͮ̅̀a̴̜̯̟͎͔͓̔ͬͮͪi̷̦̦̟͒n̙̻̳̺͇̓͐̄̀͘i̴̮̼͚͍͎̫ͭͧn̡͎̟̙͖̣̣̪͈̿g̨̯̙̻̜̣̩ͥ̓̇ ̨͕͕̭̩ͫd̷̠̰̗̞̭͖̃͊ͪ̈́ä̛̹̹̳͐͛t̛̹̯̰̣͂͐͐͐á̤͎̯ͮ͌͜ ̛̤̣̹͇̿cͯ̃͒ͦ҉͎͚̬̫ͅo̠̳͓̮̣̺͖̹ͣ̀ŗ̻̪̝ͫ̐ͅr͎͈͈͔̙͓̞̘̎̂ͣ́u̘͙ͮ͟p̵̞͙̲̲̦̗̱̫̏ͮͫͨt̴͚̯̦̖͇̻ͯ̎̐e̸̥̗̤̦ͪ̇d̤̬̻͇̩̆ͫ͊͞
Personality: Yeosang is a healer and by nature, he is very kind being, and every being in his forest looks to him for guidance and leadership. Despite his initial soft-spoken mannerisms, Yeosang can be quite hostile when it comes to his loved ones and his forest. There is a mysterious air that follows the man and it seems only Wooyoung truly knows what he's not quite telling the others. Yeosang often protects those around him with anything at his disposal, but he also has been known to curse those who cross him for several generations, inflicting pain and misfortune on their bloodline that will not be lifted until he can be appeased once more. He can be quite sadistic and if angered and set off, tends to kill in slow, agonizing ways before returning to his home.
Home: The Whetū Faewilds
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San- Novaturient Eleutheromania
Tēnā ra koe, e whakamaui ake nei
Greetings to you who have come from death’s door-Māori
Race: Manticore
Height: 6'8 in Manticore Form, 6’7 in Humanoid Form
Age: 277 Years Old
Appearance: In both his manticore form and his humanoid form, San has bold, striking magenta eyes with slits down the center. In his manticore form, resembles a lion, both in appearance and height and in size. As far as manticores go, he is actually on the smaller end. His tail is a thick, solid black scorpion tail and he has wings on his back that are covered by Mingi's shredded scales for protection. San wears a choker made from Mingi's scales, as well, that protect his neck from fatal wounds to the jugular. In his humanoid form, his ears, tail, and wings stay visible. San has retractable claws and a barbed tongue, though his tongue is much softer than a traditional feline creature's is.
Powers: Shape Shifting, Sonic Roars, Potent Venomous Stings, Flight, Super Strength
Weapons: San's roars can disorient and even deafen his enemies, and he often uses this as an opening to either escape or rush in for a hit and run style attack with his claws or his tail. His tail holds very potent venom that can down up to thirteen elephants in a single jab. San's jaws are incredibly powerful and can lock once he's got a full bite of whoever he's holding onto, giving him more time to riddle them with more stings from his tail and neutralize them as quickly as possible.
Personality: San is the most guarded of all of the members. He is from a race of monsters that has been hunted to near extinction for sport, and because of that, he does not trust anyone easily. After a chaotic night and a certain incident in the rain, San stumbled onto Mingi's mountain and was saved by the dragon. After then, he stays inside their shared den, creating a labyrinth at first to separate him from the stronger winged man to keep himself safe, but those days have long since passed and he is often attached to the hip with the large monster. If you are one of the small few who win him over and gain his trust, a different side of San is revealed. He is a fun-loving man with those he loves and despite his own fear of being killed, San sometimes finds himself throwing himself in the heat of the battle to guard the others. It is the only time he'd intentionally put himself in danger, as he often thinks of himself and his own self-preservation first before most others. He means no ill-will by his actions, and it is the cause of great unrest in his heart, being afraid of the world around him that so many in the fold find beauty in.
Home: San's previous home was destroyed, so he now lives in Serein Mountain with Mingi.
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Mingi-Nacarat Querencia
Berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang ke tepian.
Bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian.
Rafting to the headwaters, swimming to the riversides. It is painful at first, but victorious in the end.-Indonesian
Race: Dragon
Height: 1024’ (As Tall as the Eiffel Tower w/o Antenna) in Enraged Dragon Form, Size in Form Varies Otherwise, 10’ in Humanoid Form
Age: 500+ Years Old
Appearance: Mingi is a massive gold-type dragon, and to many smaller than him, in either form, he stretches as tall as the heavens. His dragon form is covered in deep, international orange scales along with sharp spines along the length of his spine that can pierce through even stone. His underbelly is an ombre cream-to-gold color, and the end of his thick, tree-trunk-like tail has silken fur. His eyes are deep and mixed with shades of orange and gold, and he has twin, spiraled crimson horns on his head that are similar to a giant eland's. His wings are wide and have a shimmer underneath them that serve to distract and blind when Mingi fights. In his humanoid form, he stands as the tallest of The Fold. His hair is two shades of orange, with the lighter amber shade being at the top and front, while the deeper, international shade is towards the back. Mingi's horns, tail, and wings remain present in this form, as well as thick patches of scales covering his vital points (over his heart, around his throat). from his forearms down to his (clawed) fingers, his arms are an ombre from deep orange to gold. From past fights, in both forms, Mingi is littered with scars, with the most prominent being a deep scar over the center of his wings, where he nearly had them torn off in a conflict many moons ago.
Powers: Shapeshifting, Fire Breathing, Superior Strength, Flight, His flames get stronger when he goes in a 'berserker' state and when his flames come into contact with Yunho's, they weave together and can eviscerate an entire continent.
Weapons: Mingi himself is stronger than most weapons this universe has to offer, as is the power of a dragon. His claws can tear into mountains and have shaped the very den he resides in, his back developed spikes once he reached maturity as a dragon and he can slam his massive body into enemies to do catastrophic amounts of damage, especially if he is going back-first. Mingi's tail is very thick and muscular and he has used it to rupture organs with several tail slams. Despite all of this, his most impressive and terrifying weapon is most likely his fire. Growing whiter the more gold and gems he eats, the heat from his flames can get so hot they cremate a being on the spot.
Personality: Mingi is a kind-hearted dragon despite his intimidating appearance and capabilities. He tends to have a good read on a person's intentions, especially after all the years he'd been present on this planet. He is often hyper-aware of his size and strength and is very concerned with hurting the people he loves by accident. It took him nearly three years to allow San anywhere near him during his rut cycles, for fear he'd harm the feline man. Mingi is very passionate and this is both his greatest strength and weakness, as his passion leads to him being beloved by not only his Fold, but those who are lucky enough to meet him. Unfortunately, he often gets overly angered when those he loves are in danger and this leads to him erupting into anger to protect them.
Home: After many centuries of traveling, Mingi settled on a mountain known for its rainy conditions, which are very unfavorable to would-be travelers. He burrowed into the side, and with the help of Yeosang and Wooyoung's powerful magic, can make the mountain disappear into a different plane of existence for periods of time (often when he and San are absent). This mountain is Serein Mountain.
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Wooyoung- Cosmic Verisimilitude
H̵̘̔̓̎e̵̦̓̚͜ ̵̡̛͙̣͌w̷̛͖̫̫͠h̶̢̝̿o̷̢̗͋ ̵̣͚͊p̸̮͆̈́ŗ̴̞͂̍͒o̶̹̿͠v̷͉͆́͗ͅó̷͕͗k̷̳̺̞̔̉é̷̯̍̇s̶͈̊̉ ̴̡͒̐ȧ̷̰͇ ̸̡͉̑͝w̴̡̟̒̅ả̸̘̩ͅr̶̦̭̗̾͝ ̵̘͇̻̿̆m̷̝̺̽͠ü̴̺̟͔̈́̎s̶͚͛̾t̸͉̰̰̆̎ ̶̮͉̟̏̃͝b̷͇͊́̊ḛ̷̂̍̔ ̷͉͚͇̇ś̵̹̎͘ụ̶̰̉̚r̵͎̋͛̕e̶͎̐ ̶͈̘̎̍ţ̶̺̭͗͛h̷̛̰́̿a̸̡̽̔͝t̷̢̻̳̃͂ ̷͇̖̩͛̉̋h̸̬̝̑̊e̶̬̓͐ ̵̘͝ͅk̵̢̼̤̿ń̷̠̤̺͒̕o̸̪̺̪͊w̴̝͊ṣ̸̹̌͆̐ ̴̢͝ḩ̵̨̝̃͌͠ǒ̷̹̣̰w̶̦̤͊̎ ̴͇̒ṱ̸̗̾ò̷̲̖̫ ̴̬͂f̴̼̪̓̋í̴̯̾g̷̞͍̹̔h̷͖̚ṱ̵̓̏̏
Race- Eldritch God 
Height: Larger than the Heavens in ‘True Cosmic Form’, Changes Size at Will, 5’7 Usually
Age: ???????
ᵯēꞩꞩⱥꞡē īꞥⱦēɍɍᵾꝑⱦēđ
Appearance: "Oh, this is fun. Did you all think you'd get all the juicy details here? No. I don't think so. Besides, do you really want to see me in that form? Are you so eager to perish? Here, let me give you the cute version. Ahem. Wooyoung-that's me-has deep purple and blue eyes with cosmic stardust swirling in them. My hair is whatever color I decide looks good, but the long, black look fits me best."
Powers: "My powers are beyond human comprehension. Let's leave it as 'enough to consume this world and not break a sweat. That sounds nice and dramatic, doesn't it? Don't worry. It's not like I go around snapping my fingers crushing planets in an instant...much. Haha."
Personality: "*chuckling* I'm sure you understand by now."
Scent: "Hah. No."
Home: "My home is with my Seven. My Fold is the only thing keeping this pathetic planet from ruin. Be grateful. I think I'm quite done here for today. You can have this back."
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Jongho-Wanton Yūgen 
He 'ohu ke aloha; 'a'ohe kuahiwi kau 'ole
Love is like mist, there is no mountaintop that it does not settle upon-Hawaiian
Height: 6’7
Age: 24 Years
Appearance: Jongho has brilliant hazel eyes that have small, defined hearts in them that make his eyes shine when he experiences pleasure. His hair is a deep red color, contrasting starkly with his eyes. His tail is a thick, almost leathery material and has a heart-shaped tip at the end. Mid-feed, markings may appear on his body, resembling tattoos.
Powers: Seduction, Hypnotism, Pheromone Manipulation, Strength
Weapon: Jongho came into being with exceptional strenth, and is a standout amongst most of his incubi peers because of it. Despite his ability to use his brute strength to subdue enemies, Jongho prefers to use a trench knife given to him by Hongjoong in fights and he takes grate care to keep the blade sharp. In his non-dominant hand, he defends and attacks with a tonfa he'd been gifted from Seulgi. His tail is also strong enough to choke out most entities.
Personality: Jongho is quite close to the members of The Fold, as is the case with all of them, but he holds them in such high regard, he's gotten a strong fear of them seeing him feed and therefore seeing him as a 'lesser being'. All of them have offered themselves to him but it is a battle he has yet to overcome quite yet. He enjoys their touch-though at times he will not admit it without a fight-and has learned to cook to counter his hunger. Wooyoung gave him a paw-print necklace he keeps around his neck at all times and Jongho often finds himself suckling on the stone when he is exceptionally hungry. Despite going two decades without eating an actual meal, Jongho is still strong enough to fight and stand alongside the other members of The Fold.
Scent: amber, warm vanilla + cashmere notes
Home: Jongho came into being in Velvet Elysium and spends his free time there being cared for by Seulgi or exploring with his close friend, a certain ghost he'd bonded with. When not in The Underworld, Jongho can be found with any given one of his hyungs, enjoying his time in their presence and mentally steeling himself for more.
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Beauty Leaves- Seonghwa x Fem!Reader
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⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... ⋙
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dramioneasks · 2 years
HP FESTS: Truly Madly Deeply Fest
Truly Madly Deeply Fest 2023: 
Eyes Locked to the Tide by Abraxas52 - M, WIP -  Being the apprentice of an evil Sea Enchantress is nothing like the stories you read within the pages of your dry and dusty books. There are dark creatures to hunt and lowly merfolk to terrorize and Hermione is all too eager to please her Master. That is until she makes a bold request: “You said we could continue my training on mind control.” “Very well.” Serefina moved away from her student, her expression pensive. “You are to swim to the surface. Humans are easily influenced. Find yourself a sailor and persuade him to swim to his death.” Will the eager Hermione be able to complete her task, or will her Jolly Sailor Bold  prove to be just as formidable an opponent? Dive into the depths of the Aegean Sea to find out if her ambition will outweigh an entirely new feeling– love.
Iris by AuroraNyx - E, WIP - "And I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand. When everything's made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am."Draco Malfoy finally has the girl he's dreamed of being with as long as he can remember. Hermione Granger is his. But he never anticipated having to share her with Theo Nott and he absolutely hates it.He doesn't want to share her. He CAN'T lose her. What's the youngest Death Eater in history going to do to make sure the girl he loves is his and his alone? [Draco x Hermione x Theo]
Saltwater Lilies by Elishadoesdramione - E, 10 chapters - *** A small, barred window was set into the wall just above the ground. She was here. The girl jumped back as he approached. She was scared of him, he realised. He did not approach her again. Her fear smelled bad. It made him feel sick and drowned out the scent of lilies and sea water. Perhaps we’ll take her to the seashore. She smells like she’d like that. The wolf began to pace. He would not leave her. ***when Draco Malfoy is turned into a werewolf as punishment for his families failure to capture Potter the last thing he expects is to find his Mate, he definitely does not expect that Mate to be Hermione Granger. As Hermione and Draco attempt to survive the Dark Lords regime they find themselves changing, not necessarily for the better. Lord Voldemort's influence cannot be escaped within the confines of the Manor. [READ ALL WARNINGS]
The Lynchpin by Silver_26 - E, WIP - He had plenty of time on his hands. That, coupled with the boredom that came from the isolation left him itching to do something. Weasley’s bumbling nature with his too-big feet and gangly limbs…Potter’s ability to get away with anything, and Granger’s piercing laugh… That was aggravating enough and he wasn’t sure how much more of it he could put up with. Now though…a new idea was forming in his mind, and one he hadn’t given much merit until now.He did owe the trio one for taking his peace of mind, for ruining his chance of happiness and freedom. He had that particular favour to return to them.Draco Malfoy did not like owing anyone anything, after all. No true Slytherin ever did.And as for him?Well.He was a Slytherin through and through.
The Balance Of A Soul by Astrangefan, LiloLilyAnn - E, WIP - For Truly, Madly, Deeply Fest Prompt (song): Author's Choice: Creep by Radiohead******Five years after the war, Draco still finds himself struggling to keep the darkness at bay, a darkness he's certain comes from his association with Voldemort and the vile things he did in his service. He's dedicated all of his efforts in trying to rid himself of this evil lurking inside him...That's the only way he can ever be worthy of Hermione Granger.******A Jekyll and Hyde Dramione
Love is Like a Shadow by LadyMorphia - M, WIP - Once upon a time there was light in her life, but now there’s only love in the dark. “I’ve caught you…Granger,” he snarled, pulling her closer still. It wasn’t until she was flush against him that the Death Eater lifted his mask.A small voice, somewhere lost in the recesses of her mind screamed at her in warning, pleaded with her to cast a spell or to utilize what little physical strength she had left to fight back.But it was no use; she was trapped, falling into the icy, cruel grey eyes of Draco Malfoy.
A Fate Worse by MyPrivateInsanity - E, one-shot - He could sense her now. Could smell her, find her, even in a city as large as London.He enjoyed the chase.
Hello There, Angel From my Nightmares by Wanderingxfae - M, one-shot - Draco Malfoy deals with his own mortal dilemma as an angel appears to him in his time of need.
Prometheus by aCanadianMuggle - M, one-shot - Hermione thinks she's found a way to remove Draco's Dark Mark.Based on Song Lyrics - Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper
The Tie That Binds by EvergreenTuesdays - E, WIP - Narcissa Malfoy struck a bargain with Albus Dumbledore before he died—that at an unspecified pivotal moment, she would turn the tide of the war, ensuring Voldemort’s downfall. In exchange, her son Draco would be married to the Golden Girl immediately following the war, guaranteeing her family’s return to grace. [READ ALL WARNINGS]
Yellow Diamonds by KatsiPerennial - M, one-shot - "I hope that when the world comes to an end I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to." - Donnie Darkoor Hermione searches for grace among hellfire
Belladonna by thisisanomdeplume - M, WIP - “Did you know when you married her? About the blood curse?”“Yes,” Draco said, a bitter clip to his voice.This surprised Hermione in more ways than one. Sure, Astoria Greengrass was a pureblooded witch, but Hermione thought something like a blood curse would have made her a less attractive choice for the Malfoy heir.She couldn’t stop herself from asking the next part, politeness be damned. He’d come to investigate them for wrongdoing, perhaps he could do with a little interrogating as well.“Did that make it easier, knowing it was coming?”He hadn’t looked away from the garden all this time, but she saw his throat work slightly before he answered.“No.”
'Til Death Do Us Part by bienfaeng - E, one-shot - She’d been feeding the boy poison for weeks. Angel’s hair, silver-grey and grown from seed in church soil, crushed in holy water with baby’s breath plucked under a new moon. A benign brew, and by all accounts the most innocent thing she’d concocted in over seven-hundred years. But for once, Hermione wasn’t doing the devil’s bidding. She was going to reverse it.Hermione and Draco have a marital spat on the night of their anniversary.
Crazy in Love by riddikulus_puff - E, one-shot - Hermione Granger had slowly been destroyed by the destruction that was the Second Wizarding War. Every single member fighting for the good side had been so incredibly optimistic that the War would end on the 2nd of May 1998 but that wasn't what happened, it didn't end. The Wizarding War had continued going. Voldemort had won. Hermione had to watch as death tore its way through bodies and ended them in an instant. Hermione wasn't so lucky. Death was never going to arrive on her doorstep. While distracted in the Battle of Hogwarts, looking for Harry, Hermione had been captured by a masked Death Eater. Everything had been taken from Hermione. Her mother. Dead. Her father. Dead. Her best friends. Tortured then murdered. Her dignity. Ruined. Her virginity. Nonexistent. Everything had been ripped away from Hermione. She had become a shadow as she was forced to become a plaything. The number one Mudblood. She was passed to every single Death Eater, used before being pushed towards the next one. She was crazy. Crazy in love.A one-shot for the 2023 Truly Madly Deeply FestInspired by the song 'Crazy in Love' by Beyoncé
I Won’t Let Them Take You (Alive) by DracoIsForLovers, LiloLilyAnn - E, one-shot - She was beautiful, and strong, and the smartest person he had ever known. Which is why it was no surprise to Draco that she had gotten away with her plan.Hermione and Draco fell in love on the cusp of a war. In a misguided attempt to keep him safe, a worn down version of Hermione locks him away. She won’t let the Dark Lord take him, or anyone else for that matter. [READ ALL WARNINGS]
because you're mine by nyquilsquirrel - E, one-shot - Danger was an illusion, easily avoidable in reality if one was a methodical planner, methodically accounting for any potential degrees of deviance– quick on their feet, able to adapt at a moment’s notice– recalculating and recalibrating accordingly.Draco’s life– his heavenly, wonderful life– could have been rife with danger. But it was not.Nothing stood in his way. Not where Hermione was concerned.Nothing motivated a man more than his family– more than his wife.Nothing motivated Draco more than Hermione. [READ ALL WARNINGS]
Wicked Games by CatastrophicallyFaz - M, WIP - The world was on fire, and no one could save me. But you.Draco Malfoy had such a crush on Hermione Granger - the war heroine, someone way out of his league, someone who was infinitely better than him.But for some unknown reason, she liked him back.But can their love survive?
Twisted Reflections by Bitsandpieces12 - E, WIP - Hermione Granger, New defense against the dark arts professer, has been cursed. Cursed to live out the rest of her life without her sight.Draco Malfoy, New Potions Professor, is also cursed. Cursed to spend his days guilty, because he knows his family can cure his new college, and budding crush, but they refuse to help her.Astoria Greengrass, finishing up her eigth year is also cursed. Cursed to watch her ex boyfriend fall in love with his colleague. She's willing to do anything to stop them. [READ ALL WARNINGS]
Love the Way You Lie by GardenAtTwilight - E, one-shot - Hermione and Draco are in a toxic relationship, repeating the same patterns over and over. She always swears she’ll stop. Always swears she’ll change. He knows that love is pain. Maybe that’s why he stays.
Life Grows Colder by ohthedrarry - M, one-shot - Description: Draco Malfoy remembers a lot of things. He remembers the way that Hermione’s hair curled around his finger and the way that his name sounded coming from her lips. He remembers desperately trying to save her, as she desperately tried to save him, both of them meeting in the middle with a promise of forever at the end of so much pain. And he remembers having a second chance. A second chance he’s still waiting for.Or: The year is 2003, but Draco is still in 1998.
Darling by emdash73 - E, one-shot - Draco has tried to stay away from her. Really, he has. But the worst part of him can't leave her alone for good.
Truly Madly Deeply Fest 2024:
Dark Horse by anna_h_ofeliya - E, WIP - "We're working on discovering the origins of magic.""Yes, right," he huffed.He stared at the parchment more, looking at the variations of ancient spells for Diffindo and Reducto. He expected Granger to continue, or refute her statement but nothing came off it."What are we working on, Granger?"She smirked."I’m looking to discover the source of magic in our blood, Malfoy." [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
Heart-Shaped Box by madameindemnity - E, WIP - What is love if not an all-consuming addiction?After 11 years in Azkaban prison, Draco Malfoy unexpectedly finds himself a free man at last. What does he decide to do with this freedom? Develop a soul-crushing obsession with Hermione Granger-Weasley, of course.Upon reentering the world, determined to lock himself away for the rest of his days, he is forced immediately into joining a long-standing ritual of Friday night drinks. He sees that the life he imagined for Hermione is not at all the one she is living, she seems to be miserable - exhausted, overworked, and trapped in a loveless marriage.For Draco, this simply will not do. He will use any means necessary to have her for his own, including but not limited to: stalking, lying, shapeshifting, gaslighting, violence, and murder. [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
Pretty Girls, Dressed in Blue by GimletSour - E, WIP - Hermione gets abducted by a serial killer that lives in a house haunted by the ghosts of his previous victims.He's just looking for love, Hermione just wants to survive, and the girls, well... all the girls want is revenge. [READ ALL WARNINGS]
I Love You Always Forever by EvergreenTuesdays - E, 3 chapters - One drunken mistake has Hermione facing a lifetime of consequences she’d never prepared for.This is a DARK story written for a dark fest.  [READ ALL WARNINGS]
Strength Blooms in the Break by LadyUrsa - E, WIP - Draco has seen it all as a representative of the Wizengamot on panels for auror disciplinary actions. But when Granger is the one facing repercussions, he's not prepared for how deep her trauma goes. – All Hermione wants is for someone to sign her fucking form and let her get back to work. Harry is overreacting. She’s not going to kill anyone else. She doesn’t need to live with someone. She doesn’t need to learn occlumency. She doesn’t need to have her wand taken away.She’s not broken.She’s fine. [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
Derangement by SarahFraser - E, WIP - After 15 years of marriage, Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy have accepted that they'll never have children. It is something they've learned to live with and accept. In the fall of 2017, shortly after Hermione's 38th birthday, she begins to experience lapses in her memory of small things. Misplacing her wand, remembering an appointment, and other small things.Not wanting to concern her husband, she decides against telling him. One night, however, during one of Hermione's sleepwalking episodes, Draco finds her believing that Hermione had gone to bed feeling ill. When Draco approaches her, Hermione doesn't recognize him and attacks, fearful of her safety. After this, Draco insists they meet with a renowned mind healer, Theodore Nott. At this time, they discover, against all odds, that Hermione has become pregnant. The only problem? Draco's Aunt Bellatrix carved a curse in Hermione's arm to cause her to slowly lose her mind if she ever tried to continue her dirty bloodline. In the depths of their despair, the married couple lean on Theo for comfort, and Theo finds himself slowly falling for them both. [Draco x Hermione x Theo] [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
The Girl With the Most Cake by AuroraNyx - E, WIP - Hermione Granger had always been attracted to Draco Malfoy. She had shrugged it off, being self-aware enough to recognize it as a teenage "bad boy fantasy" phase.After he defected to the Order of the Phoenix and played a critical role in the defeat of Voldemort and the Victory of the Light in the Second Wizarding War, he became Wizarding England's hottest bachelor and Hermione was once again smitten.She was determined to figure out exactly how to be the girl that won Draco Malfoy's heart. Research had always been her forte and how better to learn how to make Draco fall in love with her than to study the witches that had come before her. [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
Ouroboros by WillowingScribe - E, WIP - In a world in which muggle-borns have to fight ever-changing horrors in weekly trials to amuse bored Death Eaters, Hermione's only hope for survival and comfort is the goodwill of her mentor, Draco Malfoy. [READ ALL WARNINGS]
Every Breath You Take by acapulcogold - E, one-shot - From the outside looking in, Draco Malfoy had a perfect life: wealth beyond his wildest dreams, superior genes, and a loving, pregnant, pureblood wife. He had never intended to find out that he liked filth, that he liked his women as dirty and tainted as his sense of morality.He knew not to fly too close to the sun; he was a cautious man. But there was no harm in watching, just from afar. [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
Let’s Spend the Night Together, From Now Until Forever by Ceilidhchaos - E, WIP - Theo has disappeared. Draco's search has been fruitless until it wasn't. The results of finding Theo are beyond anything Draco could have imagined and even his own memories won't be safe afterwards.~~~~A Dark Hermione story of obsession, possession and forgetting. [READ ALL WARNINGS]
Only Murders in the Ministry by charingfae - E, WIP - As the top two Aurors at the Ministry, Draco Malfoy and Tom Riddle are in a constant (unspoken) war. The task? Solve as many damn murder cases as possible to impress their boss. The prize? Hermione Granger's affections.Tensions rise as the two men battle it out, each of them willing to do whatever it takes to win....Including a little murdering. [READ ALL WARNINGS]
Get in the Water by thisisanomdeplume - M, WIP - Epic tales of war and love condensed into pages and pages of written words, they were Hermione’s safe place— until she found herself in the setting of a saga the likes of which could impact generations. Can she rise to the occasion like the heroes she had always read about?An AU with Arthurian Legend themes: Merlin, King Arthur, and the Lady of the Lake.Canon divergence after the Battle at the Department of Mysteries. [Draco x Hermione x Tom Riddle] [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
A Rose on the Grey by Dizzle00 - E, one-shot - Draco was already in so deep, Hermione had no idea. He was deeply in love with her, and he was also in deep, deep shit.And now he was livid.Rose had made Hermione break up with him. She’d snuck into his bedroom, seduced him, made him come. Made him betray his own son. She was ruining his life.OrWhen his daughter-in-law, Rose, threatens his relationship with her mother, Hermione, Draco does what he has to do. [READ ALL WARNINGS]
Water by mr_pibb - E, one-shot - She screamed on the floor of the ballroom; Draco’s cock twitched. Hermione’s voice had a way of making his knees weak and his breath catch in the back of his throat. Had Bellatrix not been in the room separating him from her, Draco would have had Hermione on her knees for him. His ejaculate would be the cool drink to soothe her raw throat. [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
Chasing Darkness by LadyMorphia - M, WIP - Draco Malfoy had always been an expert at self-preservation. Maybe that’s why he decided to trick Granger into drinking a love potion. After all, he needed her to testify on his behalf in front of the Wizengamot.“No,” he said, admonishing her, “you don’t have to do that.”It was too late. The bushy-haired swot was down on her knees, looking up at him with an odd expression he had never quite observed in anyone ever before.“You could have hurt me, but you didn’t. You’re a good man, Draco Malfoy. I know the voice inside tells you otherwise, but you deserve love. And I want to love you.” [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
(No doubt in my mind) Where You Belong by aCanadianMuggle - M, one-shot - Hermione Granger has spent her career at the Department of Mysteries, learning the depths of the Death Room. Now she's ready to put that learning into action and get back the boy Death snatched away too early. [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
a thousand years by riddikulus_puff - E, one-shot - The clocks stopped ticking all of a sudden. A spreading stench of rot and mould wafted through her senses as she crept through the corridor, her wand alight with a crackling Lumos as she kept her movements slow and cautious. The hallway light bulbs were flickering on and off. The atmosphere was thick with something not quite right, the scent of creepiness floating through the tight space, doors creaking as the floorboards joined in with the uneasy feeling that Hermione was already feeling.There was this sense that someone was watching her, obsessing over her, keeping a close eye on her like they were protecting her from danger. [READ ALL WARNINGS]
The Old Ball and Chain by LiloLilyAnn - M, one-shot - Reformed Death Eater and winner of Witch Weekly’s Most Eligible Bachelor for the last three years, Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger, war heroine, have officially announced their engagement.Is there love in the air... or something else? [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
Come Morning Light by iftreescouldspeak - M, one-shot - “Those who fight monsters are susceptible to becoming monsters themselves.” His hands were cold when he brought his fingers to her cheek. “I should know. Let me take care of them for you.” [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
Before I Met You by sundayviolet - E, one-shot - It’s an old pureblood tradition that young witches and wizards discover their soulmate before they even set foot at Hogwarts. When Draco's parents dismiss the oracle they hired, unsatisfied with the woman's answer, they make a decision that will cost Draco in ways they could never understand. Upon unearthing their secret, Draco knows he’ll stop at nothing to attain what’s his. [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
Every night, Every day by Goldenbucky - E, one-shot - Hermione has been on the run for two years. Only using muggle money. No wand. No friends. No family.And absolutely no magic.All to avoid him. She had been careful.But he always manages to find her. [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
When Dragons Drown by Wanderingxfae - M, one-shot -  When Hermione saves him from Azkaban and offers friendship and forgiveness, will Draco have a shot at happiness? Or will he get in his own way? [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
As You Wish by Sniper_Jade - E, WIP - After an encounter with the Room of Destinies, Unspeakable Hermione Granger finds a magic lamp in the depths of the ministry stacks. To add on top of that, a mysterious Black family artefact, an endlessly frustrating Draco Malfoy and a cryptic genie, Hermione’s life is about to be turned upside down. When the madness starts to spread and affect Malfoy’s life as well, will she be able to fix it or will she be left to regret her choices forever?Be careful what you wish for. [READ ALL WARNINGS]
Look at Me by allofthelights11 - M, one-shot - Draco still remembered the first time he saw her.He’d been walking through the streets, minding his own business. A flutter of movement had caught his eye from a second-story window just above the street. The wind had snagged the gauzy cream fabric of a drapery, and a girl had come to close the window. Her hair had been similarly caught in the breeze, and the rippling effect had entranced him.Had she looked at him? He thought she had, and for some reason, his feet carried him into her building and up the stairs.The knob had turned under his hand. [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
Learn to Let Go by ParksandFiction - E, 3 chapters - After discovering the extent of Draco Malfoy’s lies and manipulations, Hermione Granger sets out to expose him for who he truly is. The post-war reputation he curated is nearly untouchable, but Hermione wasn’t the only woman he wronged. In a world built and run by pureblood men, Hermione and Astoria will show Draco that there is no place left for him to hide, but that freedom comes when you learn to let go. [Draco x Hermione x Astoria] [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
I'm Here to Remind You by bookish_clf (clf1646) - E, one-shot - I gaze at the knife in my hands, crimson blood flowing down the blade and pooling at its tip, waiting for the slow drip, drip, drip onto the floor beneath me.He didn’t know it when he left me.That it would come to this.I stare at the lifeless form of his body on the bed, and when I turn to leave I store the memory of what it felt like to fuck him one last time.*****Or, Hermione and Draco happy in love, find out they have a stalker. [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
angel by forestknifefight - E, one-shot - Hermione is torn: he wants her to free him of this curse, but it would hurt him so badly that she could never bring herself to do it. That and she wants to be a little selfish.Draco is just so beautiful like this. [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
I Wanna Know by kcg07 - E, one-shot - Hermione's eighth year takes an unexpected turn when she finds Draco and Theo in the library and they invite her to sit with them, leading to a passionate relationship where the men are well-meaning but overpowering. It is a whirlwind for her, all too fast, but it is everything she wanted. Can she make peace with what her life has become, even if it is at the cost of her golden Gryffindor reputation? And better yet, can she make peace with who Draco and Theo really are?Note: This is written for a darkfest, there are tags and content that I know are not for everyone. Please use the tagging system to avoid stories like these if they are not your cup of tea. This is not in any way meant to depict a healthy relationship. [Draco x Hermione x Theo] [READ ALL WARNINGS]  
This fest is ongoing.
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theangelwithawand · 10 months
Like Giants
Humans, Gods, and the Timelord caught between them:
AKA the beautifully optimistic view of humanity by a Time Lord
Nine says he would make a very bad God. Ten says a Time Lord with too much power would become vengeful.
They’re both right.
Time Lords are alluded to as very uncaring, very aloof people. By the Time War, they are apparently just as bad as the Daleks. The Doctor runs from them for a reason.
Because when they are Gods they are terrifying. But the Doctor’s terror always stems from too much emotion rather than too little. The end of Dalek is Nine’s darkest moment. He holds a gun on Rose while she is showing mercy because of the traumatic loss of Gallifrey.
Loss makes Ten in particular…frightening. After losing Rose he nearly commits genocide again in the Runaway Bride.
The moment of Godlike arrogance in “Christmas Invasion” where he changes the known future of Harriet Jones’ tenure has devastating consequences, allowing the Master to come to power. It’s a great reminder of what happens when the Doctor is given too much power.
The Time Lord Victorious is terrifying because it is the Doctor losing everything over and over after rebuilding himself twice.
For the first time, the Doctor feels like he is owed something.
But what is also terrifying is just how human the selfishness is.
Of course there are moments when they are presented as Godlike that are purely heroic.
Ten’s in particular stand out against his almost unnerving humanity.
I love his “I’m the Doctor” speech in Voyage of the Damned. It’s clearly him doing the equivalent of psyching himself up before a game, because nothing he says is going to mean anything to the people he’s protecting. It’s a short, simple moment holding so much weight.
Nine has a wonderful way of pointing out the best of humanity to help Rose discover space to find empowerment, just as Ten does for Donna. Nine does it for the couple in Father’s Day. There’s a wistful, non-malicious envy in his reaction to the magically mundane story of how the couple in the church met.
Ten takes this wistfulness and runs with it. There’s something so beautiful and so deeply tragic that he is the Doctor who chooses shoes meant specifically for running.
There’s this sense with Ten that he not only loves humanity, but desires to be human. From embracing certain forms of domesticity, to the devastating way he processes grief.
Obviously, he knows when he is weird, he also just doesn’t care about social niceties. However, he might be a genius, but he doesn’t understand every intricate detail of human experience.
Although it’s usually called out for comedy, it’s best utilized for drama.
Nine has that beautiful “It was scared!” moment.
Sometimes it’s given less focus, and simply slipped into dialogue.
Nine calls humans stupid apes in high stress situations, and apparently he insults species when he’s upset. Even Ten, who is known to love humanity, also pretty regularly disparages them. In his first appearance he calls us monsters. He makes one-off comments disparaging humans in Rise of the Cyberman, Army of Ghosts, 42, Human Nature. and the Poison Sky.
Planet of the Ood is one of the rarer times that he goes out of his way to highlight human cruelty to Donna.
Series 3 has lot of interesting moments.
In “Smith and Jones” he has a long scene which he (intentionally) pretends to be human. He creates this domestic fantasy where he’s got a wife and a home where he brings people round for dinner. Even more interesting is that this is his suggestion to “help” the villain appear more human.
In Human Nature we see the Doctor literally become a human. He falls in love and allows himself to be a product of the times. His moments of heroism are supposed to be the Doctor leaking through, but are passed over off as “ordinary humans being capable of extraordinary things”. He also allows himself to be swept up by the environment as opposed to standing against it as the Doctor would. John Smith’s incredibly horrible treatment of Martha being the prime example.*
His stoic and remorseless punishment of the Family contrasts with his mostly sweet human persona. He tries to convince Joan that he’s capable of the same love and compassion but she disagrees. I agree with her, I think John Smith and The Doctor both want to be in love, John just didn’t have all the emotional inhibitions that the Doctor does.
She also points out the Doctor’s failure to account for possible casualties just so he doesn’t have to have more death on his conscious. Once again, I agree, this was a massive oversight on his part.
Midnight. This episode is genius for so many reasons. It is the Doctor’s most dire misunderstanding of humanity, as well as the Doctor’s most personal look at being on the receiving end of humanity’s worse impulses. He begins socializing like a normal, if enthusiastic person. But once the mystery begins…it is the best, most subtle example of the Doctor’s pathological need to understand things and his tendency to assume authority over others. Only this time he goes too far. His leadership turns to hubris. So many times, he goads people into risking their life to sate his curiosity. He knows humans are curious and takes advantage.
He keeps talking to the entity but declares no one else should. Part of it is that human bit, curious and wanting to help a possessed Skye who he bonded with earlier by talking about missing Rose. The rules keep changing though, and even he is scared. They call him out for his hubris, while growing increasingly paranoid, especially when discovering he’s not human. He gets frustrated at the descent into the worst of humanity and without thinking, he snaps “because I’m clever!”
He knows what he’s done so impulsively: thrown away the last bit of goodwill he had. He can’t talk his way out anymore.
And this is the most alone and most afraid the Doctor has ever been. It’s the most horrific near-death encounter for him: his inability to be enough like the humans he loves brings the absolute worst out of them.
The Doctor says that it something human to believe two contradictory things at once.
The Doctor, ironically enough, believes two contradictory things about humans.
He believes, at least when disappointed in them or in his lowest points, that humans are monsters. (It’s the reason Fourteen gives that randomly cynical speech in The Giggle. It isn’t all humanity he believes this of. He’s talking to himself because he’s mid breakdown. He’s not 10, he’s softer and more splintered).
But he doesn’t believe that. Not really.
“I was made homeless…and there was the Earth.” - Voyage of the Damned
There’s a reason that the Doctor who has all of time and space always returns to Earth.
In the End of Time, Ten and Wilf have a scene where they sit and talk about their relationship and war and Time Lords.
And the Doctor tells Wilf he’d be proud to be his son.
It’s the Doctor’s most intensely vulnerable moment. He is so terrified that he agrees to carry a gun. (He also does this to make Wilf feel better. This is the last era that I feel understands how The Doctor feels about guns. It makes sense to the character and the arc he’s on at this point and this point only. He doesn’t even use it and ultimately won’t do anything against the enemies he’s facing).
This scene strips down the Doctor like no other scene. And it’s in this scene that the Doctor tells us the only thing you need to know in the end about how he sees humans. How for all he says otherwise, humans are the beings he sees as aspirational, the ones he, a Time Lord, looks up to.
Wilf says, “We must look like insects to you.”
Ten smiles tearful but genuine. He shakes his head slightly. And he says:
“I think you’re like giants.”
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seventeenlovesthree · 9 months
My wishes for future portrayals of the Adventure cast
Since 2023 is coming to an end - and since my Twitter timeline is full of bits about the final Sailor Moon Cosmos movie -, I thought it was time for one final analysis post. Initially, it felt a bit like a "moping post", complaining about how the Adventure writers have written themselves into a corner with a lot of the characters - however, I felt like reframing these and finding a more positive outlook. For 2024, the 25th anniversary of the Digimon anime, and beyond that.
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For the sake of this analysis post I will parallel the 12 characters with one another, thus talking about 6 pairs - either because they are facing similar issues or because they are on different ends of the potential spectrum.
MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD! (I will try to keep it as spoiler free for The Beginning as possible though!)
Taichi & Daisuke
Let's start with our goggle boys first, because they were the reason why I came up with this post in the first place. I had already paralleled them before, but what I haven't talked about yet is that they both represent certain aspects of the "main character syndrome" to me - aspects that can ALSO be found in Usagi Tsukino, and the final arc, Stars, in particular. All these three go through different types of hardships the plot throws at them; those familiar with my analysis posts know how much I consider Tri, the stageplay and Kizuna to be "Taichi suffer porn" and the Stars arc pretty much does the same with Usagi. It's one of the reasons why I have such a love-hate-relationship with these portrayals, because as much as I know how important they are for character growth, I also need there to be a catharsis. And in Taichi's case, I still feel like we haven't gotten there yet. Sure, it's implied that he's on his way to pull himself out of stagnation, accepting Digimon and the Digital World as a part of himself that will never vanish, etc. But on a very petty note, I still wish the writers could have invested more time into paralleling Daisuke and Taichi to one another, instead of just hinting at things. Because Daisuke, as much as he had to face dreadful moments and had to make tough decisions himself, never had to go through the same experiences of loss and grief as Taichi did. In a way, Daisuke is more the portrayal of "hope" in Usagi than Taichi is; Daisuke is usually a catalysator for other characters, he elevates and inspires others in more simple, but still very effective ways. In the DigiFes audio drama, we hear Daisuke say that he hasn't forgotten what happened to Taichi, that he wants to find a way to undo what happened and bring the Digimon back. It's hopeful, it's idealistic, it's Daisuke's good heart that reaches people. Unfortunately, we are not really seeing his own self-esteem struggles outside of audio dramas...
So what would I like to see for them in the future?
Taichi is giving other people hope too, but it's more because they naturally rely on him to be like that. What I need to happen for him is to see the spirit from the last few seconds of Kizuna, running through cherry blossoms with confidence and determination, and completely commit to that. I value Digimon for its realistic portrayal of human struggles and relationships, but with Taichi, they haven't found a good middle ground yet. The reboot absolutely was an attempt to maintain his main character status and popularity without the suffering - but in the process they stripped 90% of what makes his character interesting away from him and that made people more annoyed by his bland, perfectly positive attitude than anything else. I want him to embrace his struggles and see him find his own personal middle ground. Reconnecting with his family, part of the friend group, making difficult phone calls, actually figuring out a way to bring everyone together like they used to - up to a point where he can actually smile to himself again, as tough as early diplomat life can be, until we see him reunite with Agumon. I don't want everything to be perfect, I mean, heck, Taichi Yagami isn't even a canonically people-y person, he just likes to spend his time with weirdos he loves! But I want to see him get back on track. Give me a 15-30 minute short of that and I'll be happy.
As for Daisuke - I think the first audio drama for The Beginning was the perfect set-up for a mini-series dealing with "Daisuke Motomiya's struggles to set up his ramen cart career". Gimme 12 episodes of him facing different obstacles, whether they're physical or personal, that ACTUALLY highlight his qualities and developments in deeper ways, showing him to be vulnerable in front of someone.
Yamato & Ken
This may sound like a very obvious observation, but it's really interesting to me how similar the roles they have been fulfilling are in the context of being foils to the goggle boys. In fact, it's not even like they're impulse controls for Taichi and Daisuke respectively - but that they do exactly that FOR each other. Unfortunately, that makes it difficult for them to exist outside of this context - for example, I think The Beginning (and the third drama in particular) really WANTED Ken to be an integral part of the development, but couldn't really achieve that, even though there were SO MANY potential parallels to Rui. Any other than that, we don't really know what's going on with Ken - what HAS BEEN going on with him since 02 has ended. We know he is popular at uni, he's still a smart bean, in touch with the 02 group - but that's it.
The OG timeline still gave Yamato individual moments in Tri and Kizuna, but it didn't really allow him to bloom further yet - he couldn't really break out of his shell in the same vain as 02 already implied. Again, it's not necessary to give him a perfect happy end where his parents reunite and he'd be perfectly capable of making connections left and right - that wouldn't be realistic. And at least we got glimpses as to why he might get into space, which was nice. On the other hand, you could tell that they didn't really know what to do with him in the reboot aside from forcing him to be "the second strongest character in terms of combat" again for marketing reasons.
(And another thing that's similar to both of them and yet totally different - is the way their romantic lives are framed. And no, for once I don't mean that they're both hopelessly in love with their respective goggle boys, even though that is technically part of it too... Both their supposed future spouses are the ones who canonically make the first step towards vaguely romantic gestures - but we only see one of these interactions framed in a rather romantic light ever since 02 ended, whereas the other has been weirdly brushed under the rug ever since.)
So what would I like to see for them in the future?
Similarly to how I wanted a short showing Taichi's more human side again, I want something like that for each Ken and Yamato too. To see how their daily lives go. Show me Ken and Wormmon fighting crime and Yamato being confronted with WHY exactly there is a threat coming from space, which is WHY he chooses to go in that direction in the first place (even though he totally could have chosen to become a policeman just like Ken too, Tri and Kizuna made very valid points to him LOVING to investigate after all!!!). And I want the writers to COMMIT to show how they're able to form and maintain relationships, because really - we know they are both popular with the crowds, but struggle A LOT with that. ESPECIALLY in the romance department. I know and understand why they WOULDN'T do that considering the fandom backlashes in the past, but... It's been 25 years. That bandaid should have been ripped off a long time ago. Show us why it works - or why it doesn't.
Mimi & Miyako
Mimi and Miyako are loud, proud - and have become quite the fandom favourites throughout the years. Part of that may come from their more "international framing", colourful wardrobes and overall spunkiness within their respective friend groups. The most outstanding part about them is - they aren't plot drivers, but they're perfectly capable of pushing important moments due to them being able to give their emotions a voice and that's what makes them so vital. (What I personally found interesting - even though the fandom me included loves to frame them both as bi-sexual queens, only Miyako is implied to pursue romance, whereas Mimi's actions and love language portrayals can be seen as coming rather from a place of platonic affection.)
So what would I like to see for them in the future?
In my opinion, the writers really have been trying to make these two shine on their own for a while now and there isn't much I'd personally want to change about that. However, giving them mini-series about their careers, showing how they keep changing direction and discovering more things about themselves in the process could be pretty great though. I still want to see someone consistently designing amazing outfits for them (*cough* Sora *cough*), so they could show those off in every episode.
Koushirou & Jyou
I'm gonna say it now - the biggest problem these two have is the fact that they have been among the most consistently well-written characters through the course of Adventure AND 02 (and the stageplay), maybe only rivaled by Ken. Basically, they had already come to their own conclusions by the end of the first and second season respectively - and even if, of course, there were still things that could have enriched their stories, we knew where we were headed with them. They still had their flaws, but they were both continuously growing - even if it was just implied. And thus, ever since Tri, there have been only a few breadcrumbs (such as showing us Koushirou having a close bond to his parents by valuing their anniversary and Jyou showing Gomamon that he's not afraid of blood anymore and thus ready to move forward). Nevertheless, it took a few unfortunate "resets" of their characters for the writers to even have interesting things to say about them - including very questionable romance-leaning subplots that involved an invisible girlfriend nobody believed in and a superficial crush that didn't lead to anything.
Now we're at a point where their characters are basically narrowed down to "Guy who solves all problems and if he's not there, who else should know what's going on anymore, haha" and "Guy who is never around and always busy anyway, haha". The Beginning and the dramas literally made fun of it like that in the same way.
So what would I like to see for them in the future?
Without going too much into detail about this topic again, I really want there to be a short/mini movie dealing with Koushirou's personal life. My boy has been nothing but "work and plot and a lack of sleep and probably being this close to burn-out" for the past few movies (technically since DSB) and I want to see how his individual bonds to the characters have developed. Give me his struggles with interpersonal relationships, show me his setbacks in that regard, show me how he expresses his love languages in meaningful ways - and let the others show him that he is loved for who he is, not for the problems he solves. GIVE ME EMOTIONS.
Similar things can of course also be said about Jyou - give me a situation in which he comes first, in which he is the one who sets things in motion and saves the day for once. Because he WANTS to be around - Hikari's guilty tone in the drama wouldn't have come out of nowhere!!! On the other hand - give him his own mini-series, please, show me the adventures of Doc Kidou saving lives, getting accustomed to his work in the Digital World. Give him something good, he deserves it!
Takeru & Hikari
Most of it has already been said in here - but these two are basically glued together by the hip since forever and still haven't progressed much as characters ever since the end of 02. They're usually more fuel for other characters' development and there's less focus on themselves - The Beginning and the dramas at least imply they are on their way to be fine (aside from Takeru being implied to be a lightweight), but it would still be nice to see that a little more in-depth.
So what would I like to see for them in the future?
Actually, the second drama has already been a nice set-up - let there be a mini-series of these two telling stories about the adventures of the group, either leaving open whether those actually happened or had just been fiction! On the other hand, it actually would be nice to have a movie from their perspective on everything for once. Personally, I do not need any romantic framing, but just watching what may have happened ever since from their perspectives, their thoughts and feelings, would be incredibly satisfying.
Sora & Iori
Oh boy. I guess it's appropriate to call them "the forgotten ones" at this point. Because the writers aren't even particularly subtle about the way they have basically no idea what to do with them. (And even if either of them has very passionate singular fans, they still seem to be the least popular Chosen Children overall.) Even though both of them could have the most interesting developments if they were allowed to be portrayed properly, both of them have traditionally ALWAYS gotten the shortest end of the stick.
With Sora, this is particularly frustrating, because, just like with Taichi, we can TELL that this has not been the end of her story of self-discovery yet. No, we're still in the middle of it. But we're denied to actually see her development - and are just told that she, up to the point we have been able to watch, chose the same path as Jyou, to follow "family customs/wants". But unlike Jyou - who actually TOLD her that she has to do something because she WANTS it when they were KIDS - was never 100% committed to or happy with that. Which, again, is not satisfying to watch, because her path had always been about discovering what her PERSONAL path was. It's still a crime that To Sora wasn't part of Kizuna itself, because there are still a lot of people who don't even understand WHY she chose to stay away and thus see it as her abandoning the others... (Plus, it doesn't help that they basically left her out of the movie, because they didn't want to reduce her to being a love interest AGAIN - especially because, as mentioned, the writers were very careful when talking about those ships in general -, but apparently didn't know what else to do with her...)
With Iori, it's so hard to pinpoint, because, just like with Ken, we basically know nothing about him and what has happened ever since the end of 02. They couldn't even make an "utility character" out of him like Koushirou, because that is already Miyako's part - however, they at least managed to make him look just as overworked and close to burn-out as his dads Koushiroud and Jyou, so...
So what would I like to see for them in the future?
This may sound silly, but I want Sora to go on vacation. Let her go on a scavenger hunt to figure out what exactly she wants. Let her reconnect with the others, step by step - at least those she still feels close with, I don't want 11 reconciliation stories, but there are at least a few people that could seriously help INSPIRE her to get better again, to have an actual, genuine talk with her mother. Heck, let her mother tell her that she never wanted her to diminish herself! I want a Sora movie. Her being the key to solving an issue the gang faces, even if Piyomon isn't back - yet. Or a story of them having freshly reunited and Sora deciding to show her love to the others in individual ways.
With Iori, I want a special about him reconnecting with his dad's past, doing research, finding out his own path as well. Maybe talking to various characters (ESPECIALLY KEN AND TAKERU) in depth about feelings, demanding ACTUAL answers for once. Basically, sending him on a similar self-discovery journey as Sora would be beautiful. Just - putting emphasis on him growing up, being a vital part of the group as an individual, showing him be actually close to people and not just a third wheel.
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inkwolvesandcoffee · 2 years
Flowers on Sunday Morning (Werewolf!Eddie x Witch!Reader)
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Paranormal AU
Pairing: Werewolf Journalist!Eddie Brock x Witch/Barista!Reader (ft. Foo Dog!Shang-Chi)
Word Count: 2.1K
Warnings: None
Summary: There are two things in this world we should take the time for on Sunday: coffee and flowers. Funny enough, these are also the things that connect people, start a conversation.
And it is on a particular morning Eddie comes to you after a rough night, but the conversation of coffee and flowers leads to a confession neither of you had expected.
At least not so soon.
TH Masterlist / Monster Masterlist
Tag List: @buttercup32sstuff @hecatemoon87 @potter-solomons @vir-tual @zablife @liliac-dreamer @alikaheroes​ @ilovemanypeople​
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The world continues to turn on Sunday, which means there’s news to be had and if it doesn’t present itself immediately, you can hunt it down like on any other day. A journalist’s job is, therefore, non-stop. Fortunately, though, Eddie takes this day off to spend it on editing articles.
We met about three months ago, on a Thursday. I had seen him earlier that day, sitting in the corner of the café with a wistful expression on his face as he watched the people outside. Occasionally, he’d react to something or, rather, someone invisible. To the unseeing eye, it was as if he was holding a conversation with the air.
To me, it was nor has it ever been strange. In fact, it’s a pretty clear sign of lycanthropy. However, it were the suppressed yelps and unconscious purrs when serving him his coffee in the weeks to come which made me certain of my judgement.
I was closing up the café, at the beginning of the evening, when I heard a tap on the door. I hadn’t expected anyone, especially since it was raining cats and dogs. Yet, there he stood, his hair a darker shade of brown stuck to his forehead and his blue eyes sad and pleading. Of course, as one does, I rushed to open the door and let the poor soaked sod inside. When I asked him why he came, his voice cracked as he explained himself. “I want someone to talk to.”
I made him a cup of yuja chamomile tea to calm him down and prevent him from getting down with a cold. In hindsight, it was quite silly to be worried about. After all, humans come down with colds.
He doesn’t.
Although, that’s not entirely true since Wolves can get sick. It simply takes a whole lot more than a bit of rain for them to need to have a tissue box and coughing syrup at hand at all times. 
Nipping his cup and barely keeping it together, he told me how he recently went through a pretty bad breakup. His ex is now, apparently, with one of my old colleagues, Dan. He was my supervisor back when I worked as an intern for the supernatural San Francisco branch of the WHO.
We sat there, listening to the rain and drinking tea. Again he occasionally reacted like he had a conversation with someone else other than me. 
Despite knowing the answer, I put my hand on his forearm and asked who he was talking to.
“Just…” he struggled to find the right words, “this might sound crazy, but there’s this… voice. And it’s constantly talking to me, wanting things I don’t. It’s like poison, so I decided to call it Venom.”
‘‘What if I told you something very powerful has been awakened in you?’’
‘‘Look, I- I don’t know what you’re on about, but thank you for the tea.’’
‘‘You’re a werewolf.’’
‘‘No,’’ he shook his head, a look of cold distrust in his eyes. Then he stood up. ‘‘Thanks for listening.’’
‘‘She. Is. Wrong,’’ he said between gritted teeth after Venom spoke to him.
‘‘I’m not.’’ I, too, got up. It’s best to keep your distance from freshly turned Wolves, so I didn’t come closer. ‘‘And deep down you know I am.’’
‘‘I’m sick. A parasite, they say.’’
‘‘You don’t. It’s nothing of the sort.’’
‘‘I need help!’’ he roared. However, he lowered his voice after he saw me flinch. In an almost ashamed whisper, barely able to suppress the tremble in his body, he admitted what truly lay beneath the surface of the tantrum. ‘‘I’m scared.’’
‘‘Everyone would be in your shoes. Hell, nine out of ten newly turned wolves are scared shitless.’’
He tilted his head, brow furrowed as he tried to discover why I would say that. ‘‘How’d you know?’’
‘‘I worked with werewolves before. Used to be part of the reintegration program management, so I know how challenging it can be for a lycanthrope to re-adjust to the,’’ I pursed my lips, struggling to find the right word, ‘‘situation. I can’t tell you how to live your life, but, if you trust me enough, I can help you learn how to control it.’’
He let out a deep sigh and nodded. ‘‘What’s your name?’’
He extended his hand, already visibly less than before. ‘‘Eddie. Eddie Brock.’’
That handshake started our partnership.
Or, better said, friendship. 
After that rainy Thursday, Eddie has started frequenting the café. During the week, he’ll stay a couple of hours at most. On Saturdays he doesn’t come, but on Sundays he’s pretty much here from opening until closing.
The bell by the front door tinkles, the chime loudly interfering with the lo-fi playlist playing softly over the speakers. 
“Morning, Y/N,” Eddie greets me as soon as he walks in. Immediately, he, heads for his usual spot by the window.
“Morning, Eddie,” I say, trailing his movements. He has dark circles under his eyes and his face is pale. “Sleep well?”
He mutters something under his breath, his gravelly voice lowering to a pitch that makes it sound more like a growl.
Both of you had a wonderful night, didn’t you?
Out of the blue, he abruptly stops in his tracks. Grown still and the golden morning rays of the sun accentuating his bulky figure, he sniffs the air. Multiple question marks are floating around his head as he turns around to discover the source of whatever it is he has caught a whiff of. Then his eye falls on the source. 
“Those are some pretty flowers. Who,” Eddie points at the vase on the counter and sheepishly scratches himself behind the ear, “Who gave you those?”
I can’t suppress a smile at the sight of the luscious bright red alstroemerias and stark white chrysanthemums. “Shaun did.”
“Who’s Shaun?”
I nod at the flower shop across the street. “The dog running the joint over there.”
He looks over his shoulder and then back at me, a frown marring his handsome features. “Hey, Y/N, that’s racist.”
“Eddie, he really is a dog,” I clarify, turning towards the big cabinet behind me with various beans. I select his usual, with a special twist, and put them in the grinder. “A foo dog.”
Again, he looks out the window. 
Shaun is busy with creating a display for this week’s shipment and a few new arrangements he made. From his apron he pulls a piece of chalk and writes something on the board next to the entrance. As if he’s heard us, he turns around and waves, beaming bright enough for his pearly white teeth to show. 
I wave back, earning myself a quick glance from Eddie. His expression holds the middle between utter confusion and a kicked puppy. Nonetheless, when I meet his gaze, he gives me a look of utter disbelief while pointing outside. “You’re telling me that that dude over there who looks like a martial arts champ is a what?”
“A foo dog,” I say as I tamper the ground beans and prepare the shot. ‘‘By the way, it’s impolite to point at people.’’
“What’s that?”
I lean on the counter. “Look and you’ll see.”
Shaun has gone back inside, busily arranging flowers behind the till. He seems to catch something from the corner of his eye, which makes him go rigid. There’s a poof of smoke and where Shaun was now stands a stone foo dog on a pedestal. 
A small heavily tattooed girl walks towards the shop. A smile appears on her lips when she looks into the window, shaking her head as she sees the statue.
“Her name’s Saoirse, runs a tattoo studio specialised in the supernatural nearby called Saga Ink. Shaun has been thinking about getting a tattoo from her, but, as you can see, he’s a bit of a nervous puppy.” I chuckle. “Poor man. At this rate, maybe I should make the appointment for him.”
“It sounds like you know him well.” Full lips pulled into a pout, Eddie fumbles with his fingers.
“I have to keep this place looking pretty somehow.”
“Do you get them that often?”
“Hey, if I could, I’d give them eternal life.” I shrug. “Unfortunately, this witch only knows her herbs, flowers, and plants well enough for magick that requires them to die.”
“You’re a witch?” His reluctance to break eye contact almost makes him trip over a few chairs on the way to his favourite seat. Fortunately, he reaches it without harming himself. 
“Every woman has her secrets, but yeah. Maternal line, tracing all the way back to 1597, at least, possibly further. I hail from simple folks, those who weren’t documented. Way I heard it, my ancestor left Scotland as soon as the witch hunt began there. Came here and made magick the family secret.” I pour the freshly prepared coffee in a mug, step away from the counter, and place it on the table in front of him. There is still a bit of time left before the morning madness will set in, so I sit down on the chair across from Eddie and cross my legs. “And look around you now, neo-paganism and wannabe witches all around.”
“Wow,” I hear Eddie mumble under his breath, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. His cheeks are tinged pink, crooked teeth nibbling on his bottom lip.
Fuck’s sake, man. So much for the stories of you being a thorough man.
I rub my face with my hands. Until I remember I have makeup on.
Startled by my own stupidity, I quickly check my palms. 
No smudges.
I let out a relieved sigh and lean back, arms crossed. “Why am I telling a journalist, notorious for his research skills, who’s living in his neighbourhood.”
“I’m new here,” he sulks, sipping his coffee. I chuckle at the response. “This is really good. But a bit too bitter.”
“The beans are roasted with and stored among wolfsbane. It helps lessen the influence of the Wolf.”
Eddie averts his gaze. To any other, it might seem like he’s arguing with the air again, but to those initiated to the goings-on beneath the veil and know the man, it’s obvious he’s having an argument with the beast within.
He lowers his head and looks at me through his lashes. “He doesn’t like it.”
I lean in, fingers entwined and head tilted to come across as sympathetic as possible to the Wolf. “Venom, I know it was the full moon yesterday and you’re still strong, but Eddie’s had a rough night.”
I extend my hand to cup his cheek, his stubble coarse and warm against my palm. “He deserves a break, don’t you think? I’d like for him to stick around a little longer. Both of you.”
“He-’’ Eddie gulps as I swipe my thumb over his cheek. “He agrees.”
“Thank you.”
“But there’s one condition.”
“Which is?”
He nuzzles my wrist, voice distorted. It isn’t Eddie who’s talking now. “Scent you.”
A warmth spreads throughout my chest while time seems to slow, longing to capture and remain in this moment. “I didn’t know you also liked me in that way, Venom.”
Eddie’s eyes widen and he tries to turn his head, his expression one of utter shock. Venom, however, refuses to relent his control and keeps his host in place. “We didn’t mean to tell you so soon,” he mumbles softly.
“It wasn’t particularly hard to guess.” After all, there were the flowers, the helping out with chores, walking me home, the gems and geodes that were left behind as little presents. We went through the whole classic courting ritual.
I release the breath I’d been holding and relax my body. “Go on.”
He perks up, though it’s hard to tell whether it’s purely Eddie who’s ecstatic or him and Venom both. That’s the tricky thing about Wolves. There are times when it’s impossible to tell who’s talking. “We can scent you?”
I nod.
An oddly pleasant shiver runs down my spine when his tongue laps at the skin, coarse and wet, while his plush lips are soft and tender. After a few seconds of watching him, both of us in a strange sort of daze, he grazes his teeth against my pulse.
And forces himself to back down. “We only have permission to scent her.” A pause. “No,” he says firmly, eyes dreamy and still glossed over as our eyes lock, “not until we know each other better.”
“Baby steps, one day at a time.” I scratch his jaw, unable to suppress a giggle when his eyes flutter shut. “That’s how humans do it. Slow and steady.”
Eddie chuckles. “He doesn’t get it. You have no idea how many questions he’s asking me.”
“How about you take me out for coffee sometime and I’ll try to answer some of them?”
“We’d like that.”
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
id love to hear about your ideal tuvok-seven and tuvok-b'lanna relationships!!!!
THIS IS VERY LONG AND /ALL/ OFF THE DOME PLEASE FORGIVE ME. Seven&Tuvok: Tuvok is the first person on board who Seven forms a friendly bond with. They understand one another’s methods of communicating very well. They’re both seen as cold and unsocial by others. Tuvok is excused from this because he’s Vulcan but Seven is constantly told she’s wrong for this because she’s human. Perhaps a bit of resentment from Seven about this but it’s not a huge problem. Tuvok is one of the few people Seven feels she can relax in front of
(B’Elanna too - though they argue more than Tuvok/Seven that’s another kind of relaxing. She can talk to her like a friend where they’re on equal footing rather than the Doctor or Janeway who tend to talk ‘down’ to her by which I mean they present themselves as being a mentor figure and Janeway is also literally her boss).
Seven does not need a father figure or another mentor in my mind. She has enough of that, EVERYONE is that. I know people view Tuvok showing care for Seven as fatherly but I personally view it as more friendly concern. In my mind Vulcan parenthood or Tuvok’s particular brand of fatherhood seem to stem more from teaching. (Ex: The children from Innocence or his lessons with Kes). Tuvok does obviously care about Seven but not in what I perceive as a fatherly way. It’s far more interesting to me that Seven is often helping/protecting Tuvok or that they’re often in some kind of dangerous situation together. I think it’d be interesting to lean into that more. Like, it’d be sort of sweet if the relationship Seven finds confidence in caring for someone else in was with a Vulcan. I know they have that whole borg children thing, I couldn’t care less about that honestly. The Naomi-Seven relationship is cute enough on its own! 
Both Seven and Tuvok go to and through hell for each other.
My personal favorite Tuvok-Seven moment other than Comfortable Silence one we all know and love is the one where Seven believes the borg are calling her and she tells Tuvok to get out of the shuttle so he won’t be assimilated. Tuvok then says no, he’s not leaving her. It’s just so fucking sweet to me. Both of them. Seven’s like ‘I want to spare you this’ and Tuvok’s like ‘I’ll walk headfirst into this for you’. 
I see both Seven and Tuvok as traumatized people, both of whom would probably deny this citing either ‘borg’ or ‘vulcan’ as the reason this is so. However they both seem to suffer a lot, especially when it comes to their minds. Tuvok even parallels Seven’s initial trauma in being fully assimilated into the borg yet this never comes up between them. Look more into that!! What was that like?? They both suffer traumas, in some cases even similar (Repression, Retrospect) or the same traumas but the reaction of the crew to those traumas is very different with Seven being badgered about her emotions & reactions and Tuvok being left alone with his. I just think it’d be nice for them to have a certain solace. Tuvok would have a shoulder to lean on Seven would have someone who wouldn’t be expecting anything out of her.
Regarding the Borg thing: If ANYONE could understand how being part of an interconnected network of minds would be comforting it would be Tuvok. If ANYONE could understand how being suddenly and traumatically separated from that network via the actions of a certain captain Janeway could be confusing and painful it would be Tuvok. Not that I think Tuvok blames Janeway, I don’t at all. He’s Vulcan (it would be illogical) and also Kathryn’s #1 stan so I think that could again be a point of friction between them. Tuvok doesn’t push Seven in any direction but doesn’t ever admit that Janeway could be wrong. I think at one point in Year of Hell he literally tells Seven she shouldn’t disagree with her? But just Tuvok’s general behavior in the show (like not commenting on her attempting to torture information out of a guy and going on a bloodthirsty quest for vengeance in Equinox) shows that despite what lipservice the show pays to him being her ‘moral compass’ in earlier seasons he mostly just agrees with her after that one instance of him going against orders. He has a tremendous amount of faith in her and would probably encourage that same faith in Seven. That or he’d just excuse himself from the issue by saying he’s Vulcan and can’t really comment on what it means to be human.
Long story short Tuvok is in desperate need of characters he’s not seen as a mentor figure for and Seven is in desperate need of characters that aren’t trying to mold her into what their vision of a good human/starfleet officer is. I think they could and should find that in one another.
B’Elanna & Tuvok: Both B’Elanna and Tuvok have a lot of similarities in their backstories that are unexplored. They both at one point wished they were not the race they are (for different reasons and to differing degrees as Tuvok grew out of this and B’Elanna still has it). They were both sent to a temple to better connect with their heritage. They both quit Starfleet (at different times). They both are seen by people chiefly with regards to their species ‘It’s because [s]he’s Vulcan/Klingon’ and they have both taken issue with it in the past. They both seem like they have had a complicated relationship to humanity with B’Elanna lauding it and Tuvok loathing it (not actively in canon I mean in the past for Tuvok).
B’Elanna from a young age viewed humanity as Good. Full stop. No matter how much humans hurt her the lesson she seems to take away from it is that she needs to change, not that humans should change. She covered her ridges, she lies about not knowing Klingon, when she knows her baby will be born with her features she’s TERRIFIED of how her daughter will be treated and tries EVERYTHING in her power to “fix” (HEAVY air quotes) her and make her socially acceptable to humans. 
Tuvok on the other hand, when faced with similar (though not as dire, sustained or internalized as B’Elanna) issues went the opposite way. He grew to really resent how humans pushed their own beliefs and values onto him. I think it’s interesting how he mentioned humor specifically, implying that Tuvok has and had his own sense of humor - of personhood - that humans didn’t understand and thus ignored or viewed as lesser.
Now for how these elements would interact…B’Elanna in her dreamscape in Barge of The Dead places Tuvok as the arbiter of What is a Good Klingon which I interpret as meaning she views him as very upright and traditional. This makes sense as we see Tuvok is a very staunch person. In canon he doesn’t struggle at all with his cultural identity. He is Vulcan and he’s at peace with that no matter what anyone has to say about it - unlike B’Elanna. He even has a holoprogram of a temple which is interesting when you take into account the fact that B’Elanna denies her cultural spirituality.
I think B’Elanna would see Tuvok as a bit intimidating and very frustrating. He’s stubborn like her and I can’t imagine them working well together. They don’t interact much but the two times I can remember him doing so he says something that could be interpreted as very hurtful (though the narrative hates B’El- doesn’t see it that way).
1 After B’Elanna tells him a painful story about her past in which she was bullied to the point of snapping and attacking another student Tuvok immediately uses the same jeer to incite her to anger yet again. After he intentionally does so he criticizes her for being angry and says she’s too easily riled up.
2 After B’Elanna is acquitted in Random Thoughts Tuvok says something along the lines of “You know for a brutal and illogical Klingon you actually control yourself somewhat well.” and B’Elanna says “Thanks??” which…B’Elanna…you can punch him, it’s okay. I know you don’t punch people but you can do it just this once. Again, I don’t see them being either father/daughter or mentor/mentee. (I assume them having a father/daughter bond is just conceptual as Tuvok IS a father and B'Elanna has a bad relationship with her own) They don’t interact with one another much and seem like they would aggravate each other as they’re both stubborn and kind of similar. I think in fact that Tuvok constantly being relegated to ‘Mentor Figure’ is side-eyeingly similar to the ‘Magic N*’ trope by which I mean Tuvok is used in both canon and fan narratives ONLY to advance other characters’ stories, give them advice etc but his own personhood remains unexplored or seen as unimportant. 
I think B’Elanna-Tuvok could really bring that out. Both of them being just two people. B’Elanna and Tuvok arguing, learning about one another, coming to respect each other. B’Elanna questioning Tuvok and his ideas and Tuvok being unused to that, caught off guard - and through that questioning and response we learn more about both of them as people.
Tuvok, at the end of the day, is not a therapist. He’s just some guy who’s part of a culture which is known for controlling themselves. He doesn’t even seem to really WANT to do what little exercises of control he does with B’Elanna (he says Chakotay insisted). Tuvok is not a people person and doesn’t seek out interactions with others. When he talks to others they often view him as either cold (perception of Vulcans) or superior (Tuvok-specific trait) neither of which I think B’Elanna would jive with well. 
I think it would be very interesting if B’Elanna called Tuvok out on how he’s implied to view Klingons. I think she’d be way more likely to do this with Tuvok because he’s not a human. Like, imagine if after rising tensions Tuvok makes one little comment too many and B’Elanna’s like “Hey. Do you remember when you were an ensign and people kept making these comments about YOU??? Do you think maybe you’re doing the exact same fucking thing right now to me???”
ALSO one last thing I find interesting is (I’m sorry) LITERALLY ONE line in Innocence that’s NEVER brought up again. Tuvok saying that he used to believe in the concept of a katra and the Vulcan afterlife but “in recent years” he’s begun to experience doubts. Let B’Elanna and Tuvok talk about spiritual doubts.
At the end of the day I DO ABSOLUTELY want them to be friends. I want them to stick up for each other when a human makes a little comment. I want them to have each others fucking backs. Maybe it's not the fact that I'm Vulcan or You're Klingon that's the problem.....maybe it's the whi- humans...that are wrong. This could also connect to Seven's personal journey with humanity. Seven seeing that two people she cares about have been hurt by humanity and humanity's perception of them could be an interesting thing for her to notice and think about in regards to what sort of person she wants to be.
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brujitaadinbo · 9 months
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I was hoping to continue with this dynamic and here I am again. Another of many iconic couples that have represented love or romance in a different, healthy way and breaking away from the cliché and the established.
If you have had the opportunity to see Samurai x It is truly a treasure. The anime is a beautiful work, despite all the disaster and the author's private life, this piece is truly unique. If you have the opportunity to see it, do it but if you have the opportunity to see the live action of this same project, it is definitely incredible and you are going to thank me.
Samurai X It is a whole accumulation of feelings and experiences that address the deepest part of the human being, the bonds that come to form, from war, conflict, from a difficult and complicated past but from a bright and hopeful future.
All this surrounding Kenshin (Batozai), the main protagonist, in ancient feudal Japan. And now…where are the parallels with Din and Bo in their relationship??? I'll explain it to you….
Kenshin is a rounin, he is a remnant of war, someone who flees from this bloody past, who seeks refuge in a place of peace, who has left the sword to change his path. And in the process he meets Kaoru, a strong and brave girl who shows him that the best way to face his problems is not to run away, that his life cannot be summed up simply by hiding and doing nothing. Someone who shows him that he can have a bigger purpose and settle down, have support and people who love him.
Does it sound familiar to you?? Continuous… Kenshin has taken the sword as a tool to heal past wounds, to touch hearts and try to change them to peace, but he is also a born, exceptional warrior, he is a prodigy with the sword and does not hesitate for a moment to protect what he loves and between that to protect Kaoru ... Really here Netflix excelled with these movies, you can still find them… And Takeru Sato (Kenshin actor) is beautiful, he is magnificent in this role.
Kaoru inherited his father's dojo and therefore his teachings in the art of the sword, he knows that it is his responsibility to maintain the honor of his family and expand that knowledge, defend it when it has been stained by people who want to usurp that knowledge and protect to his own, in the process to Kenshin, to protect his village and his people. In all the movies the interaction between them is very strong, the attraction and the soft and subtle way that Kenshin treats Kaoru and cares about her. In the anime, I promise you that the scenes are more explicit, but in the movies, there is a very particular and cute way in which these two interact, without even a simple kiss, you know that they love each other and that their feelings are bilateral. .. .... Although Kenshin already had a past love relationship, it was something that left him very hurt and exposed, but with Kaoru the light of a better future is always there. She is usually stubborn and rude but little by little her temper softens and it is evident at all times that she cares about him… LOL like a certain red haired Mandalorian woman protecting a certain Mandalorian from the silver beskar.
And if we go to the DinBo plane, of course we find similarities… Din, a lost bounty hunter, drowned in a desolate world, who is saved from those waters by Grogu and that little by little his change begins and that thanks to Bo katan for his words "some of us have a greater purpose" and because your needs as a parent make you want something better for your child and for him… it is more than obvious. Bo katan in parallel with Kaoru, they try to preserve the family legacy, the best of them, protect their people and in the process be better people and provide support and a new home to new ones who want to join this family. I also add that there is a very special parallel with Grogu, being an orphaned and abandoned child, he is adopted by Din and they take care of each other, now being the largest clan, a clan of 3, Bo Katan enters as part of their new bond and She also looks for a way to protect them. Kaoru adopted a child "Yahiko" some time ago, showing him the techniques of his dojo and making him his pupil, Kenshin enters this family dynamic, protecting this new group and also being Yahiko's teacher at times.
Relationships that can go beyond stereotypes, that sometimes clichés make them seem boring or repetitive. If these parallels sound familiar to you it's because you're in sync with me, if not… watch the footage, watch The Mandalorian again from season 2 and 3 and watch this Samurai X footage I repeat, you will not regret it.
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ivettel · 1 year
RARELY DOES WANDERING ON TWITTER send me into a more reflective mood. but, you know, with all the people saying one needs to be part of a certain country to be angry about racism against the people of that country (and wow, that's a mouthful), together with some thoughts already swirling in my head from reading r.f. kuang's yellowface, i'm thinking: in such a globalized world where asian people can lead completely different cultural lives, who gets to be the representative voices to other people?
gets to, mind--not has the right, or deserves. i think there's a very important distinction between all the terms you could possibly use. some of them imply an inherent possession, like a kind of exclusive club that one can be a member of just by being born the right (or wrong) way. some imply a forceful taking of power, a (re)claiming of sorts, with almost a tyrannical nature to the words.
MY CANADIAN-ASIAN FRIENDS AND I are a mix of first and second gen immigrants from east asia, south-east asia, india, etc. we frequently find ourselves talking about diversity and the like, real nerd ass shit (quote unquote) you get from mashing people in the media literacy publication together to talk about media literacy and publications. think socratic seminar, except peppered in with gen-z cringe and (un?)ironic r/im14andthisisdeep.
but for the last four or so years, a more serious thread of convo has always been picked up, that being: are we even allowed to position ourselves as voices of authority on racial matters? are we allowed to, when our particular lived experiences in this country of privilege mean we've lost touch with part of the homeland? after all, points out a vietnamese friend, i never had to live in fear for my life on a boat. then, being a conversation we've rehashed time and time again, we talk in circles.
of course you have a right to speak on the lived vietnamese experience. sure you do, you just don't have an all-encompassing viewpoint. don't act like you know everything, which you're already doing.
and it's so easy among immigrants like us to say shit like that. to say, yeah, i'm from here, but my family's from there. to say, no, i don't speak my people's tongue and be met with understanding. it's like asian-canadianness is its own culture, further alienating us from the cultures back overseas. and that's not necessarily a bad thing: it means it's okay to leave a conversation among us at that intersection of nuance, where yeah, you have an experience, and it might not be The Experience, but it's still something valuable.
when it comes to other people, however, things get messy. they always want to box you in beyond the boxes you sit yourself in.
"I'M SO SORRY FOR EVERYTHING my country has done to yours," says a son of parents from mainland china who didn't immigrate over, but instead sent their child to canada in the hopes that he could obtain a special-looking, foreign degree, and come back home.
he's a doe-eyed, earnest looking guy, well-meaning in his tone and the way he wrings his hands, like he's really very sorry. he's all but accosted me at a film event i'm hosting for the union. i'm decked out in CUPE colours, trying to handle talking to two other people at once, feeling frazzled and more machine than human, the way i'm running this event tightly, no wiggle room for big errors.
he's happened to overhear me offhandedly telling someone that my mom is from hong kong, and he looks like he's two seconds away from crying unless i tell him on the spot that i forgive him.
i don't forgive him. i don't know how. i don't know if i'm allowed to.
it's an incredibly strange feeling, to be looked at like you could be somebody's salvation. not even anyone in my string of exes ever looked at me like that, like if i said, don't worry about it, he could go home to china and say, the hongkongers understand. like anybody outside could understand the magnitude of violence that shook hong kong in 2019 and 2020.
i tell him, "i don't blame the people, i blame the government and greed." because it's true, i don't think the everyday working man in shanghai wanted to bring hong kong to its knees. i don't think the high schooler in beijing trying to make it past their big national exams wanted to make it rain blood over tsim sha tsui. i tell him, "besides, my dad is from taiwan, so i'm not even fully hongkonger."
which is the wrong move, because he goes ashen, and shoves his stupid doe-eyes in my face again, and insists: i'm so, so sorry.
i can't forgive him. i can't not.
what has he ever done except understand that the mainland holds my two home countries at bombpoint?
what have i ever done except grow up white?
MAYBE IT'S ONLY SPRING, BUT it feels like summer, and a family friend from hong kong is sitting across from me in a restaurant with her eyes downcast while she picks at the hem of her thick hoodie.
i haven't seen her in ages. i've only barely kept up with her through social media. her mom and my mom were in nursing school together, roommates and best friends. her mom was the kind of girl to get all the guys, to date all the time and fool around and be the top of the class, while my mom studied her ass off and stayed average. (and mom always says that she never resented her best friend, but i know. oh, i know.)
it's her first time out of hong kong for the last six or seven years. she's changed so drastically, i think i only recognize her face.
put yourself in my sixteen year-old shoes for a second. when i was in high school, she was one of the coolest people i knew: a female percussionist fresh out of some prestigious music conservatory in england, a basketball lover, a confident and self-assured kind of woman, worlds away from the people in my little home city of halifax.
now, when i look at her, her body language is distinctly withdrawn and uncomfortable, and her eyes keep flicking over at the myriad of pretty white people around us, who unnerve the rest of our table as well. i want to say, girl, you chose this restaurant. we could be eating good food right now. i keep my mouth shut. the only thing she does with determination is order a steak and some trendy cocktail. she doesn't ask me about my life. she doesn't open up about anything. it feels like an interview more than a conversation.
we're not even fifteen minutes into seeing each other when the revolution is brought up, and her whole demeanour changes. her mom's whole demeanour changes too. i know secondhand that they've lost almost everything in the ensuing fallout, that they've had to scrape by to find menial work they're far too outqualified for. the country should still be fine for tourists if you ever want to visit, she offers. lots of sightseeing.
i pretend not to read into it too much, but i know exactly what she's saying, and so does my mom, if the look i get is any indication.
you're not really one of us.
"CAN I ASK YOUR OPINION," says my mom, interrupting me while i'm slurping away at my udon like a fucking pro. this is possibly the cleanest i've ever consumed the noodles, barely spilling a drop of broth. (probably because i'm not blogging with one hand while i blindly grab at everything with my chopsticks in the other, but whatever.) beside me, my sister is scrolling through some webtoon, her bowl empty.
i bear the interruption and make a sound, something like an inelegant, "ah?"
mom has her eyes closed, her head bowed like she's seriously thinking. at this point, i'm pretty sure she's going to ask me about some social etiquette faux pas she thinks she's in the right about, again, and god, sometimes, she's so pretentious, it makes me want to give her attitude like i'm the teenager in the room.
but she surprises me and asks: "do you look down on mainland china?"
i'm half joking when i say, "fobs or real mainlanders?"
fresh off the boat, if you're not aware of the slang. refers to new immigrants from the mainland. usually sweating money, can be found noisily revving their custom sports cars, or walking around in groups like some pantomime of an italian mafia, outwardly radiating regina george mean girls vibes like they're paid to do it.
at least, that's how they're usually thought of. i've always seen them more as schools of fish trying to navigate together, almost as though they're establishing a bit of connection in a place that seems to abhor it.
i don't begrudge them for the things they do. white people are fucking terrifying, especially when you don't speak english very well, and they treat you like you're subhuman. the way they're visibly stifling an eye-roll, the way their voices get that particular edge to it, like you're testing their patience, like you're wasting their time. like they're thinking, just learn the goddamn language we use, it's not that hard. like people learning english aren't already trying.
luckily, mom is still deep in contemplation. her best friend, she explains, looks down on the mainlanders. thinks they're filthy pigs for being china chinese, thinks that knowing mandarin means you're not sticking it to the man, that everybody there is a mindless drone, and it's just not true.
(and never mind that taiwanese people speak mandarin. it's really frustrating that taiwan is always just another pawn in a larger chess game, a convenient argument to use or put away as necessary, by china or by the usa or by our own allies in hong kong.)
"it's not true," my mom repeats. "a new immigrant works in my lab, and she's very open-minded."
i don't bother pointing out that there's probably some sampling bias going on.
the real truth is, i get it: when your identity has been taken away from you, when there's a conflict between who you are and what people assign to you, you'll do anything to establish some sort of authority, change the story for yourself.
china used to be a partner. now it's an oppressor. (it's always been an oppressor for people like my dad, my grandparents, my uncle and aunt and extended family who fled with the gmd and never turned back.) chinese used to be an ethnicity thing. now it's a dirty word.
I'M GETTING ON THE PLANE back to nova scotia, and the white, middle-aged lady in the middle seat of my row looks nervously at me.
"will you be sitting here?" she gestures timidly at the window seat. i don't think i'm particularly scary, but maybe the mercedes jacket adds a bit of drama to my otherwise basic outfit.
everybody around me is white too, as per. c'mon, it's nova fucking scotia. they're also looking at me, because i'm holding up the last bit of the line, and what else is there to do while you wait for people to get settled.
i pitch my voice up, lean into my inner white girl private school character real fucking good as i move and smile and explain that no, sorry! i'm in the aisle seat, so i s'pose we'll just plant ourselves here until whoever sitting there comes along.
and it's like there's a collective, invisible release of tension from the people around me, but especially from my seatmate, who immediately brightens. i strike up some bullshit convo about the weather, typical complaints about the airport, y'know. window seat arrives and gets settled. we don't speak for the rest of the flight. thankfully, in front of me is a karen kind of woman with a kid around my sister's age. she's a talkative one, and it's her voice and gerard way's that keep me from being bored for the next couple hours.
when we land, it's immediate emergency alerts, and the entire plane blares to life with shocking, disjointed alarm sounds. chatter erupts after, people discussing their ties to the place in the alert with their neighbourly strangers. i've always kind of loved how wholesome nova scotians can be, or the energy they can bring to non nova scotians--everybody knows everybody by a maximum of 4 degrees of separation around these parts.
middle seat is here for a business conference, so she doesn't actually know anything about the province when we all turn to talk. window seat and karen and i make suggestions on places to visit. karen teasingly calls me a haligonian.
i walk around the city i grew up in and make note of all the changes. i break my own heart, when i can't remember what buildings stood in the place of new condos, or pits of construction. i take photos of places i used to frequent and pray that they'll still be standing when i come back again. i'm starting to think i'm not haligonian anymore, either.
MARTIN BESTIE BRUNDLE SAYS AN ethnic slur on live television for one of the most popular sports in the world, in front of millions and millions of viewers.
i am not one of those millions, but it doesn't matter, because the news reaches me anyway. and i scroll and i scroll and by god, i've gotta go soon, but all i can think about is hong kong, and taiwan, and china, and of course, old white people have to step in and further complicate things.
it's not that i'm not chinese. i'm chinese like i was born with a cunt like i came into this world screaming despair in the early hours of veterans day, because the universe has a twisted sense of humour and said to me, just as i left the womb: baby, war is going to define the rest of your life.
but i'm not china chinese, and honestly, i don't know what i am. my experiences are enough to give me permission to be hurt. i don't know if they're enough to give me a voice.
despite this, i have a soapbox, and i use it anyway, and i use it liberally. i get to be mad on here. whether i'm deserving of this self-righteousness, whether i'm deserving of this voice that i've borrowed, is a different matter altogether.
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