#again i’m sorry idk how to do a read more on mobile
[ene(?)mies to loverS] {FEM demon slayer& assassin reader}
R used to me an assassin that only killed the guilty and protected the inoccent but they quit after becoming a demon slayer.
shinobu is kidnapped by a crazy dude in the middle of the night but the triplets and AOI find out in the morning from a note with the ransom money. They ask reader for help and track her down and turns out the dude that kidnapped her is in a team who kills demon slayers? So R kills the whole group and gets shin out of there. some fluffy stuff pls
idk it just came up sorRy if it's too specific.
thanks byee
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Shinobu Kochou x She/Her Reader
A/N: Tried putting these two together because they had the same major plot point. And I kind of hinted to past enemies, but they are in the lovers stage for the majority of the fic. Hope you enjoy, thanks for reading! Word Count: 3,335
(Y/n) woke up in bed alone, which was not at all unusual with how busy Shinobu was. What was unusual, was the commotion that had woken her up. In a flurry of footsteps and distressed noise, the butterfly girls came bursting through the door, Kanao frantically waving a piece of paper in (Y/n)’s face.
“Hm? What? What’s going on?” (Y/n) was having a hard time in her groggy state keeping up with everyone speaking over each other with such concerning urgency.
Aoi took the paper from Kanao’s hand and shushed everyone before reading the letter verbatim, voice shaking.
“We have captured the Hashira Kochou Shinobu. She put up quite a fight, to prove we have her, find enclosed a lock of her hair. If you wish to ever see her alive again, you will bring five-hundred-thousand yen and twenty children with Marechi blood to the summit of Natagumo Mountain before sunset tonight, or else!” Aoi flung the paper into (Y/n)’s lap, “Shinobu-sama has been abducted!”
“What?” (Y/n) picked up the letter and re-read it to herself, “This can’t be happening…” she adjusted her hold on the paper and felt something silky on the other side. She flipped the paper around and inhaled sharply when she saw the lock of purple and black hair tapped to the back. She crumpled the paper and bolted to her feet. In a few quick strides, she tore open the closet, throwing a high mobility outfit and an array of sharp and pointy weapons of varying sizes onto the bed.
“What are you doing?” Aoi asked, her and Kanao pulling the younger girls out of the way as (Y/n) continued to toss weapons out of the closet.
“I’m going to get Shinobu back.“ She answered monotonously, a chill ran through the other girls. It was a tone they hadn’t heard (Y/n) use in a very long time.
“How are you going to do that? You aren’t thinking about giving in to their demands, are you?” Aoi asked fretfully.
“Of course not. I won’t need to. Did you see that stupid little wax seal they used on the envelope? I’ve seen it before in my previous line of work. They are humans that work for demons. They provide the quality fodder, and in return they get protection, money, power… whatever they can get their hands on. But there are rare occasions like this where they think they can get more out of us than they could out of the demons they serve. I’ve dealt with people from their group before.”
“In your… old profession?”
“Yeah. Lots of people have lost their loved ones to that group over the years and came to me for justice. Safe to say, they don’t know who they’re messing with or they wouldn’t have even dared to send this letter.” (Y/n) turned to face the girls, eyes full of fire.
She dialed it back a bit when she saw them flinch backward and knelt before them all.
“I’m going to get her back, I promise.“
“I’ll go too.” Kanao spoke up.
“No Kanao, you’ll stay here with everyone else. This isn’t demon slaying. I don’t want to put you in a position where you may have to kill a human, no matter how much they might deserve it. Trust that I will do whatever it takes to bring Shinobu hole safe and sound. Stay here and take care of everyone while I’m gone. Can you do that for me?”
Kanao but the inside of her cheek, but nodded solemnly. (Y/n) squeezed her shoulder then got up and moved over to the bed to equip all of her weapons that she thought wouldn’t see they light of day again. Hopefully Shinobu wouldn’t be too cross with her for not throwing them out when she asked her to.
When the last knife was strapped down, she patted the head of each girl as she exited the room and then the mansion, disappearing quickly over the fence. She only had about ten hours before sunset, so she would need to get to Natagumo quickly to make it in time.
“Hang on, Shinobu. I’m on my way.”
Shinobu came to with a throbbing headache. She groaned and tried to cup her head with her hands, keyword tried. Her hands were tightly bound behind her back and upon further inspection, she found her legs to be tightly bound as well.
For as beaten and bruised as she was, nothing hurt her more than having fallen into this damn trap. It had started out so harmlessly. A small child had come running to her for help, his mother supposedly sick. The young boy looked dirty and malnourished. Of course Shinobu didn’t give it a second thought before she let the boy lead her up the mountain. She was so used to fighting demons, that she had forgotten there were humans out there who were just as vile.
She had sensed something off when she followed the boy inside the dingy house. She felt a malicious presence behind her and swiftly pivoted on her feet, dodging the burly arms that had reached out to grab her. With a few precision strikes, he fell to the ground, only for six more to take his place. She got a few good punches in, as well as a few slices from the knives in her shoes, but with an ambush of this scale, with so little space to maneuver or time to think, she was overpowered and knocked unconscious.
“Well look who finally decided to wake up.”
Shinobu winced as her head was pulled up by her hair, but she refused to make any noise that would give her captors any satisfaction.
“You sure cut me up pretty bad, little brat.” The man pulled her head back further so she could see the bloody bandage wrapped around his head. The spot where his left eye would be was particularly saturated with blood. “It hurts like hell.”
“That’s what you get when you sneak up on people. You’re fortunate that’s all you endured.” Shinobu smiled sharply, her teeth pressed together tightly when the man sharply tugged her hair again.
“We sent a message off with that bird that was following you around. If anybody cares about you, they’ll be here with our demands by sundown. If they don’t, I’ll carve you up the same way you carved up me and my buddies before we serve you up to the boss on a silver platter.” He grinned wickedly and made a show of looking up at the sky through the trees, before looking back down at Shinobu smugly.
“Not much time left…”
He promptly let go of Shinobu’s hair and her head fell back to the ground. The man laughed uproariously and his buddies joined in, save for the young boy who had lured Shinobu frantically filling his face. The man kicked Shinobu’s bound legs out of his way before rejoining them at the fire for another bowl of stew.
Shinobu kept her breathing even. Panicking in this situation would do her no good. Besides, those fools all but signed their own death warrants by sending En back to the mansion with whatever poorly written scrap of paper they composed. She hadn’t a doubt in her mind that (Y/n) was well on her way.
Still, she’d be damned if she didn’t at least try to get herself out of this mess before then. She was a Hashira, she killed demons, she wasn’t going to let a group of meat-headed plain, human men continue to get the best of her. Shinobu carefully rubbed her feet together so as not to draw attention to herself and nearly scoffed.
For being so upset with her about her sharp retaliations, they sure didn’t think it necessary to take away her shoes. Idiots. Ever so quietly, she bent her knees as far as she could and carefully removed a shoe. It took a little time to maneuver it into a workable position, but she got the blade end wedged beneath the rope on her hands and began to saw at it, and no one was none the wiser, or so she thought.
A heavy foot came down on her hands and she couldn’t stop the yelp of pain that left her lips, drawing the attention of the men at the campfire.
“You idiots,” the new arrival sighed, a man with much nicer clothes than the rest, “while you were all eating and drinking like pigs, you almost let our guest escape. Need I remind you we are dealing with a Hashira here? What do you think would have happened if we let her escape, hm?”
“The- the boss would totally kill us. Thanks for catching on to that, Hyousuke.” One man whimpered.
“The boss?” Hyousuke tilted his head to the side as he took Shinobu’s shoes and tossed them into the bushes, “You think I’d ever tell the boss if we lost a quality catch like this? No… no, no, no,” his eyes steeled and his voice took on a more dangerous tone, “I would kill you all myself. He doesn’t have time to deal with you useless fools. He needs to become a Kizuki to continue keeping us safe and he’s not going to get there if you can’t take the time to do your damn job!”
“My, to speak of a demon so passionately, is it love?” Shinobu smiled sweetly, then added, “Gross.”
Hyousuke sneered down at her and put more of his weight on her wrists before easing up and turning his attention back to the campfire.
“Where’s the damn rope? I’ll need to re-tie her hands.”
“Uh, Masaru had it last.”
“Where is he?”
“He needed to relieve himself. Went out to the woods like… huh, maybe twenty minutes ago?”
Hyousuke stiffened, then snarled, “Well go find him, now!”
The men scampered into the forest, the young boy reluctantly went to follow, but Hyousuke called him back.
“Goro, you stay. I have a special job for you.” He presented the young boy with a knife and lead him to Shinobu, “This is a big job, boy. You do this well, and your stranding in the group will skyrocket, you understand. Meals everyday, new clothes, an actual bed, all will be yours. All you gotta do is watch this woman and if she tries to escape, you slash her tendons. If that doesn’t work, kill her. Got it?”
Goro shook under Hyousuke’s intense glare, but managed a nod.
“Good. This shouldn’t take long.” Hyousuke glared down at Shinobu, “Behave yourself if you want to live through this.”
Shinobu stayed silent, watching him disappear into the woods before returning her attention to Goro who looked at her with fearful eyes, knife tightly grasped within his hands. It was time Shinobu implement her best defense in this precarious moment, so she began to talk to the boy. Ever so slowly, his grip eased as Shinobu took an interest in his upbringing. Having never known his mother, nor really any experience talking to women, the kind way Shinobu spoke with him felt completely foreign.
A pained shout echoed through the forest, putting them both on edge again. The forest went quiet again, but only for a few moments before to more cries were heard.
“Goro-kun, stay calm.” Shinobu tried to ease the boy’s nerves, but he still looked as scare and desperate as a cornered animal. “If you cut the rope—”
Goro shakily held the knife to Shinobu’s throat, “Stop talking!” He commanded through sharp breaths just as another shout was heard in the distance, though much closer than the previous ones.
Shinobu took the risk to keep talking, “There could be a demon out there. I don’t want you to get hurt, Goro-kun. Please free me and give me my sword so I can protect you.”
Goro looked conflicted, switching his attention between Shinobu and the woods anxiously. He heard another shout and shut his eyes tightly, knife still uncomfortably close to Shinobu’s neck— until a rugged rock came sailing in and knocked the weapon out of his hand and into the bushes.
They both looked over in the direction the rock had come from to see a bloody figure emerge from the woods near the campfire, breathing heavily.
“A demon!” Goro shrieked, skittering back on his behind to put Shinobu between himself and ‘the demon’, but Shinobu was not all that concerned.
“None of that is your blood is it, (Y/n)?” She asked calmly as if she already new the answer.
“Of course not,” (Y/n) huffed, “I may have been persuaded into an early retirement, but I’m still as sharp as ever.” She smirked with pride, before seeing Shinobu’s frown and tacked on an apology at the end.
Once upon a time, (Y/n) and Shinobu hadn’t gotten along all that well and a lot of that stemmed from (Y/n)’s line of work as an assassin for hire. Well, it stemmed from (Y/n) having lied about being an assassin when they had first met. Shinobu found out after they had been dating for awhile and it was not pretty. They had broken up, but after a few months of being miserable without each other, (Y/n) decided to retire and ask Shinobu to take her back with the promise of no more secrets and things had been getting better since.
“Mhmm,” Shinobu hummed as (Y/n) came over to untie her, Goro too scared stiff to move, “I recall telling you to get rid off all those weapons.”
“I did. Well, I got rid of most of them. But, see how handy it is to keep a couple of classics around?”
“I suppose...” Shinobu released a relieved sigh when the last of the rope was cut and then sat up, finding herself engulfed in a tight hug as soon as she did so.
“I’m so glad you’re okay.” (Y/n)’s voice was muffled from having her face pressed into Shinobu, but she was heard just fine.
“Sorry to worry you.” Shinobu brought her arms around (Y/n)’s neck to return the hug, despite the blood.
It was really nice for a few moments until they heard a twig snap and looked up to see Goro sticking his hands into the bushes, looking for the knife Hyousuke left with him.
“Hey, kid, just stay put, okay?” (Y/n) put her hand out in warning.
“We aren’t going to hurt you, Goro-kun. Come down the mountain with us, and we will keep you safe.” Shinobu promised.
“I can’t let you go! If you go, Hyousuke-san will kill me!”
“No he won’t. Just look at me,” (Y/n) gestured to herself, “If I didn’t kill him on my way here, then I’ll kill him when he shows up. And if you’re worried about any demons either, Shinobu had it covered, right?”
“Definitely,” Shinobu answered a bit distractedly, her sword back home in her hands, “Help me find my shoes?”
“Don’t come any closer or I’ll- I’ll—“
(Y/n) gently ruffled Goro’s hair, stunning him.
“You must be tired. What do you say, wanna get off of this dumb old mountain?” She softly asked.
“Stop! You’re Just trying to trick me like I tricked you!” He yelled, pointing a finger at Shinobu.
Shinobu smiled sympathetically and crouched down before the boy, “That was a pretty mean trick, wasn’t it? You feel bad about it, don’t you?”
Goro didn’t say anything, but fresh tears sprung from his eyes.
“Don’t worry, I’m not upset with you. It’s hard to be hungry and on your own. I promise if you come with us, you’ll never have to do anything like this again. We will keep you safe.” She held out her pinky and after a short explanation of what a pinky promise was, Goro cautiously wrapped his own pinky around Shinobu’s.
“Well, isn’t that sweet.”
Shinobu and (Y/n) pivoted, shielding Goro from the new arrival. Hyousuke had returned with a few of his men, armed and ready for a fight.
“Damn, I really thought I had taken care of all of you.” (Y/n) groaned in annoyance. “Must’ve been shaking in the bushes as I walked by. Did you think of you regrouped, you’d be able to take me?”
“Hy- Hyousuke! I know this woman, she’s a demon with human blood, an assassin! She’s stolen lives from out faction before.”
“Demon with human blood seems a bit over dramatic,” she scoffed, “But also so, so hypocritical when you consider all you have done to give yourselves a cozy life.”
“Goro, get over here.” Hyousuke ordered through gritted teeth.
“He’s not going anywhere with you.” Shinobu denied, “It’s in your best interest if you let us pass.”
“I cannot return to him empty handed.” Hyousuke pulled a gun from his clothes, “I’ll just have to kill all three—“
In the blink of an eye, (Y/n) and Shinobu were on him. Shinobu’s sword pierced his hand and he dropped the gun in pain. (Y/n) instinctively went in for the kill. Hyousuke staggered before falling into the dirt, whatever was left of the small group scattered and fled into the woods. (Y/n) made a move to go after them, but Shinobu held her wrist.
“I think that they got the message.” She said.
“But they’re going to go back to whatever demon their friendly with and start up all over again with someone less fortunate.”
“En is following them. She’ll report the location back to Oyakata-sama and he will decide how to proceed from there. You already have more blood on your hands than I would like. Besides,” she whispered, flicking her eyes over to Goro, “You’re scaring him.”
“Alright, fine. I guess as long as it gets taken care of eventually, I don’t really care.” (Y/n) went to run her neck, but caught sight of the blood and just clasped her hands behind her back instead. “I’m sorry you had to see that, Goro-kun.”
“I’ve seen worse.” He mumbled quietly, shrugging his shoulders. Shinobu and (Y/n)’s hearts went out to him.
“We’re gonna work like hell so you don’t have to see anything like that ever again.” (Y/n) promised.
“You’ll be safe with us.” Shinobu reached out her hand as an invitation, “Come on, let’s go home.”
Goro hesitated, but he did take her hand.
“Hold my hand too?” (Y/n) batted her eyelashes and held out her bloody hand.
Shinobu’s eyes flickered to (Y/n)’s hand, then back up to her face, “Maybe another time, dear.” The hug they shared earlier was all the blood she wanted to deal with at the moment.
“You know what you can do though? Help me find my shoes. It’s a long way down the mountain, and I’d rather not be without them.”
“Yeah, yeah okay. I heard you the first time you asked.”
“I really needed that!” (Y/n) flopped onto the bed, her damp head landing in Shinobu’s lap, squeaky clean, “I almost forgot how itchy dried blood is.”
“Such pleasant words you are saying.” Shinobu replied with sarcasm. She put a bookmark between the pages of her book to mark where she had left off and put it aside to give her full attention, absently running her fingers across (Y/n)’s cheeks.
“I know. So is Goro-kun all settled in?”
“As much as he can be, but he’s in good hands. Naho, Sumi and Kiyo are excited to have someone younger than them around and surprisingly he seemed to latch onto Gotou-san quickly. I’m sure everything will get better in due time.”
“That’s good.” (Y/n) yawned and put her hands over Shinobu’s to keep them on her face. “And how are you feeling?”
“It was an unfortunate situation to find myself in, but I’m fine, really. I knew you would come.”
(Y/n) pulled one of Shinobu’s hands to her lips so she could plant a kiss against her palm. “If you ever feel not fine about it, I’ll be here for you then too.”
“I know,” Shinobu smiled warmly and hunched inward to return the kiss, “Thank you.”
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satancopilotsmytardis · 4 months
How do you settle down to write? Like do you put music on, have a certain set up, a snack?
I’m mainly asking because I have multiple fanfic on hiatus (some for 3 years 💀💀💀) because I can’t just sit down and write 😭
I have all this inspiration, and all these ideas (I have 582 open docs 0-0) but struggle to write more than a few sentences a week. I’m not short on ideas by any means, I just can’t WRITE them.
Okay so you gotta figure out what works for you. I read this and my immediate reaction was "well I can't answer that, I just sit down and write, that's not going to be helpful". And I do just sit down and write, I have a lot of things I'm working on, but I pick one or two a day to do and then I just write.
BUT I use 4thewords which is a website that creates an RPG around writing. Every amount you write can progress the story, give you in-game rewards, and help you build a writing streak (at the time of writing I am at 999 days in my streak (I have absolutely missed days but you can recover those with stempos)). I'll be honest, I haven't read a single game pop-up that actually explains the story, I literally don't care about it. But I knew I wrote the most when I was at school participating in Nanowrimo where I could do word sprints and word crawls with other people, and I couldn't hold myself accountable to do them on my own. But the monsters on 4thewords and the quests that can be done help me to stay on track and keep writing.
On days when I don't want to write, I still often end up groaning and saying ugh, if I just defeat ten monsters that each are only 44 words, then I can earn my daily chest, that won't take that long. And I do it. Or if I'm at 3.8k words and I want to stop, ugh there's another reward if I hit 4k, so I might as well just finish the last 200 words. And then, oh wait, there's another reward at 5k, how long will 1k more take me?
I use this site because it has built-in goals and rewards so that I have accountability outside of myself to keep me motivated and producing words. That's the method that I've found works best for me. If you're someone who likes external goals and deadlines, then that might work for you too (or a different similar site-- this one does have a paid subscription, but there is also a free trial to give it a go if you'd like).
If you think that having outside deadlines is too much pressure, then this probably isn't the method for you. Do you edit too much as you write? Try writing in white font on a white page (or whatever color you'd like) so that you can't see what you're writing. Do you get distracted researching something that will amount to one line of text? Put that thing [in brackets] and don't research it until you are going back to edit and adjust from there (same works with naming places or characters). Do you need other people to motivate you? Join a forum (4thewords has lots of these but I don't visit them) or have an IRL buddy who will check in with you and ask you if you wrote that day. Is your writing space uncomfortable? Too comfortable? Optimize it for you! No motivation due to mental illness? Been there, fully understandable, take the time you need to work on that first and other things will start to fall back into place as the brain recuperates.
Not writing when you want to write means that something else is going on, and it has to be you who figures out what that is and makes the changes that are needed to get you writing again. Idk if this was actually helpful, but literally I roll out of bed every day thinking about doing my dailies like a mobile gamer so like... this is all I've got, sorry!
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krscblw · 5 months
Ministry Perfume Associations
I’m back yet again with more thoughts about Ghost and perfume! This time it’s fragrances from my own collection that remind me of various places in my headcanon of the Ministry. (Usually these lists are mostly made up of perfumes that I don’t actually have, but this time I can vouch for all of these! I didn’t include any that I thought weren’t good.)
For the sake of organization these are divided into places in the New Wing (the most recent addition to the Ministry), the Old Wing (the original Ministry buildings), and the grounds (gardens, forests, etc). And as always, if you have your own thoughts or want me to do more of this, please let me know! I would love to talk more about Ghost and perfume.
(also: so sorry for the weird formatting, idk how to fix it on mobile but it should be fine on desktop)
New Wing:
Library: old books, wood, dust, paper, ink
The library is part of the New Wing of the Ministry, although it’s not very new anymore. Built in the early 1900s, the New Wing is all soaring ceilings, stained glass windows, and intricate woodworking, done in the Art Nouveau style of the time. The library’s floor-to-ceiling shelves are full of books ranging from ancient esoteric tomes to modern fiction paperbacks, interspersed with desks and secluded reading nooks. The library also houses the Ministry’s private collection of artifacts - some occasionally used for ritual purposes, some purely academic in nature. The library is always very still, with the occasional susurrus of turning pages and quiet voices. It smells like polished wood, faint dust, and the leather and paper of old books. 
Library Ghost - Poesie 
marshmallows, books, ink, polished wood
Myself Invisible - Poesie 
stacked books, spilled ink, black tea, violets
Bibliotheca - Alkemia  
leather-bound books, vintage vinyl records, mahogany, fountain pen ink, black tea, plum brandy
Canoodling in the Library - Nui Cobalt  
old books, mahogany shelves, fallen leaves, ancient stone stairs, amber resin, warm skin musk, vetiver
Miskatonic University - Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab  
irish coffee, dusty tomes, polished oakwood halls
Personal Quarters: carved wood furniture, tea and coffee, soft bedding, books and clutter, spices, vanilla
The personal quarters are also in the New Wing, separated into human quarters and ghoul quarters (for everyone’s comfort and safety). The personal quarters tend to feel very cozy and lived-in, as they are the rooms most frequently used. The furniture is comfortable, often occupied by off-duty siblings or ghouls, and the arch windows overlooking the gardens and forest cast soft beams of light onto the wood floors in the afternoon. The siblings’ quarters tend to smell like the possessions of those who occupy them - books, scented candles, tea and coffee, and faint spices from the small kitchen. The ghouls’ quarters are similar, but with the scents of various elements - smoke, greenery, damp stone, fresh air, resin.
Mysterious Fossils - Poesie  
smoked black tea with creamy vanilla oat milk, a cashmere sweater, tortoiseshell glasses, a cedar chest containing fossils encased in amber, sandstone, and limestone
Whisper Your Bitter Things - Poesie  
pressed coffee beans, dried clove bud and cassia bark, jasmine, neroli, roasted vanilla pods
Grey Cat - Nui Cobalt  
smoked vanilla, marshmallows, fresh blueberries, lavender, earl grey tea
Kensington - Fantome  
earl grey tea, cashmere, vanilla bean, cedar, rose petals, mandarin zest, pink peppercorn, bergamot
Ouija - Possets  
cedar, rosewood, black vanilla, fat vanilla, rose, black silk, coriander
Our Days Bewitched - PULP Fragrance  
walnuts, brandy, roasted cocoa beans, copal, cardamom, labdanum, black vanilla, aged oak barrels
Old Wing:
Chapel: resinous incense, polished wood, wine, smoke
The chapel is part of the Old Wing. The exact dates of its construction could probably be found somewhere in the Ministry’s records, but the gothic architecture suggests it’s been there for at least 500 years. The cold grandeur of the exterior’s intricate stonework and vibrant stained glass windows is matched in the chapel. It is perpetually cold, made fully of elaborately carved stone, and colorful sunlight filters through the enormous stained glass windows onto the altar and the pews. The heavy, still air smells like residual incense smoke, snuffled candles, fragrant wood, and ritual wine.
Holy Terror - Arcana Wildcraft  
burning frankincense, sandalwood, myrrh, dusty beeswax candles
Anastasia the Patrician* - Deconstructing Eden
paper, ink, frankincense, myrrh, benzoin, copal, rose, juniper berries, wine
Leo* - Deconstructing Eden
frankincense, myrrh, benzoin, amber, liatrix, blood cedar, blond tobacco absolute, sweet spices, honey
Parlour - Fantome  
mahogany, rosewood, burning incense, vetiver
*i think these were discontinued? sorry
Crypt: cold damp stone, smoke, dust, ashes
The crypt is the only place in the Ministry that truly reflects its age. It feels like it has been standing, underground, inhabited only by the dead, for hundreds of years. It’s well-maintained, but perpetually freezing cold and slightly damp. The stone walls are minimally decorated, and the candles in their niches do very little to illuminate the cavernous space. The air is weighty, and all sound is muffled. The crypt smells like damp stone, cold air, sweet dust, and smoke.
Gargoyle - Nui Cobalt  
rain, lavender, cathedral incense, beeswax candles, ancient stone
Summoning/Ritual Chambers: cold stone, ritual incense, blood, wine, smoke
The ritual chambers are where summonings and rituals are performed. They are where every new ghoul comes into the world, and, more rarely, where they’re banished from it. The walls and floor are stone, and there are no windows. When in use, the chambers are lit by dozens of flickering candles, some in sconces, some piled onto tables, and years of melted wax have created puddles and formations on the walls and floor. The air is dense, thick with dust, herb smoke, ritual incense, and the scent of dried blood.
Baba Yaga - Fantome  
black and red musk, smoke, cracked bones, cardamom, wood, animal skins, mugwort
Conjure - Solstice Scents  
vanilla, amber, cedar, spices, cauldron smoke
Gothique - Alkemia  
frankincense, styrax benzoin, myrrh, cassia, spikenard, canella, liquidambar orientalis, labdanum, atlas cedar, vetiver
A City on Fire - Imaginary Authors  
cade oil, spikenard, cardamom, clearwood, dark berries, labdanum, a burnt match
Vassago - Fantome  
A silver dagger, red wine, blackberries, cloves, orange peel, blood, a black mirror
Gardens: dirt, greenery, sun, fruit, flowers
The Ministry sits on a huge expanse of land. Most of it is still wild and forested, but there is a good amount of it dedicated to gardens, both decorative and functional. 
Decorative Gardens:
The decorative gardens are lush and heavy with flowers and fresh greenery most of the year, tended to by the Earth ghouls. Some of them are small cloistered gardens, decorated with statues and fountains, and some are larger, intended for gatherings or wandering alone. The decorative gardens tend to smell like fragrant herbs and flowers - sweet jasmine and magnolia, heavy white lilies and heirloom roses. 
Basilica - Milano Fragranze 
thyme, rosemary, incense, milk, labdanum, cedarwood, cypriol oil
Fox in the Flowerbed - Imaginary Authors  
jasmine, tulips, frankincense, wildflower honey, pink peppercorns, silver thistle, alpine air
Isabella - Possets 
rose, light resin, white tea, honey, cream musk, spices
Olwyn - Fantome  
magnolia blossoms, white lilies, jasmine, gardenia, buttery vanilla, myrrh, benzoin, orange blossom
Silver Narcissus - Possets  
silver base, narcissus
Functional Gardens:
The functional gardens supply the flowers for decoration within the Ministry as well as the herbs and most of the produce for the kitchens. The gardens, orchards, and greenhouses are managed by the Earth ghouls, and yield so much produce that, despite the relatively small size of the gardens and the relatively large size of the Ministry, they still end up with extra. That surplus is sold at the local farmers’ market to unsuspecting humans who wonder in open amazement about the size and quality of this mysterious farm’s produce.
Sundrunk - Imaginary Authors  
neroli, rhubarb, honeysuckle, rose water, orange zest
Drider Crossing Guard - Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab  
dry, earthy fig, black pepper, nutmeg, black plum tea
Wilcox’s - Solstice Scents  
dry woods, fresh herbs, dried herbs, warm spices, sweet annie, sage, rosewood 
Lake: water, trees, evergreens, greenery, stone
The Ministry’s lake is very deep, cold, and still. It’s objectively beautiful, with its glassy blue-gray waters and lush vegetation, but something about it feels dangerous. The pebbled shores are visited only by the bravest siblings, and even then only on the hottest and most desperate of summer days. The water ghouls, on the other hand, love it (which is possibly why the siblings tend to stay away). It is located at the border between the new and old forests, and its mossy banks are surrounded by evergreens, ferns, and rushes. It smells green and a little salty.
Villa Diodati - Poesie  
wild rosemary, balsam pine, crystal clear lakewater, dry, dark vanilla
Every Storm a Serenade - Imaginary Authors  
danish spruce, eucalyptus, vetiver, calone, ambergris, baltic sea mist
The Forest: trees, dirt, damp air, greenery, wildflowers, fungi
New Forest:
The new forest is a nickname given to the shallow edges of the forest that are closest to the Ministry. The trees are widely spaced, and the ground is thickly carpeted with grasses and wildflowers. Sunlight filters easily through the sparse leaf canopy and illuminates the fallen logs and patches of moss that make popular spots for siblings and ghouls looking to unwind. The air is light, and the breeze carries with it the scent of fresh greenery, tree sap, and sweet flowers. 
Cape Heartache - Imaginary Authors  
douglas fir, pine resin, western hemlock, vanilla leaf, strawberry, old growth, mountain fog
Dendrophilia - Nui Cobalt  
moss-covered deadfall, birchwood and pine, lingering resins, sunlight through the leaves, a trace of woodsmoke, faint vetiver and cedar
Duende - Fantome  
oakmoss, cedar, fir, labdanum, benzoin, tree sap, wild violets, lilac
Solovey - Fantome 
black amber, violets, black currants, espresso, labdanum, black agarwood, tobacco
Old Forest:
If you go far enough into the new forest, you will eventually get to the old forest. The trees are bigger and closer together, the sunlight struggles to reach the ground, and there are more mushrooms than flowers. The air is damp and cool and smells like fungus, loam, and rotting leaves. The old forest is avoided by siblings both because of the unsettling watched feeling any human who enters feels and the unspoken knowledge that if you don’t come back out no one will go looking for you. 
Gaea - Alkemia  
forest loam, ferns, decaying leaves, lichen, wet stones
Dies Irae - Possets  
black musk, fog, bitter galbanum, hawthorn, rotting leaves, orris, smoky oude, frankincense, black amber
Feuillemort - Alkemia  
dying leaves, smoked autumnal spices, dried grasses and fungi, Tibetan incense, cedarwood, rum soaked agarwood, and borneol
Samhain - Haus of Gloi  
freshly turned earth, wet leaves, cold wind
if you made it this far 1) thank you lol and 2) i hope you enjoyed! if you have your own thoughts i would love to hear them!
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bratshaws · 2 years
through the hourglass 5. brb x oc
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a/n: do you ever get jealous of your own writing. also sent a message to staff in hopes to figure out why it's showing as black font when on mobile and........got no answer SO! yeah.
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: fluff, two goobers enjoying pastries for breakfast and a good honeymoon, an a smidge of suggestive content uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!! OR REMOVED! i just kept you guys cause you wanted to be in GG so >- > IDK IM SORRY)
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things
She looks so peaceful, her long lashes brushing on top of her cheeks and her mouth partially open as she sleeps in front of him. He wasn’t expecting to wake up sooner than she did but he was glad he was, choosing to admire Beatrice’s sleeping form was a great way to start his morning. They were on day four of their honeymoon, there were other things they had to do but right now he just wanted to look at her.
He smiles sweetly when she scrunches her nose in her sleep, burying her face into the pillow with a soft sigh, one of her hands tucked under her chin making Beatrice look like those posters depicting Sleeping Beauty, with her hair sprawled over the bed and pillow, looking like the angel she was.
It was still pretty early, he didn’t check his phone but if he had to guess it was barely seven am, Palermo sounded really lovely when waking up too. There was an elderly woman that usually sang down the street and they’ve heard her ever since they went to the hotel, and the birds that surrounded the building seemed to follow along by chirping with her.
This place was really magical, he had to admit. And while he took notice by Bea’s family, especially her aunt Martha, seeing it first hand was something else. He knew that her paternal family came from Sicily, pretty much every person and her maternal family was from Milan mainly with some cousins arriving from Spain to live in Venice and he wondered if they’d have the same kind of magical energy the others had.
Maybe it’d be possible, considering that Michael also referred to their mother as a ‘warlock of some sort’. His train of thought was interrupted by movement, more specifically Beatrice’s movement as she begins to wake up. He doesn’t say anything, he watches her bury her face into the pillow, then turn on her back and - much like a cat - arch her back and lift her arms to stretch, her hair still over her face and eyes.
Beatrice barely opens her eyelids, unfocused eyes meeting Rooster’s adoring gaze with a slow smile forming over her lips, “...hi…” she croaks, her voice dry from disuse - and something else - “mmmorning…” 
“Morning, gorgeous, how did you sleep?”
Beatrice’s eyes blink heavily and she turns to lie on her stomach, humming sweetly with her cheek nestled on the soft pillow, “Fine…” she was trying to keep herself awake for a while longer, “I’m just…” a yawn, “I’m trying to stay away…”
“Away?” he chuckles, “You mean awake, gorgeous?”
“Mhm.” her eyes close again, “Away…” 
“You are so cute.” he coos, leaning closer to kiss her forehead even if it was still covered by her hair, “Do you want to stay in bed for a little while longer? You seem very tired.” and he knew exactly why. Beatrice’s cheeks turned red when he spoke, blearily opening her eyes to give him an amused look the best she could considering how exhausted she appeared to be.
“I’m the only one, apparently.” she whispers, pushing herself closer to him so her cheek is against his chest and his arm immediately drops to her waist, gently rubbing the fabric of her sleeping shirt between his fingers, “Just a few more minutes.”
“I’m in no hurry.” he whispered, kissing the top of her head and keeping his lips there, “And I know you aren’t either.” she just hums back positively, pressing herself even closer to him, smiling when the hand touching her shirt slides down to get under the fabric and touch her butt.
“You have a fascination with my butt.” her eyes are closed and her eyebrows are up with amusement, snorting quietly when he squeezes the soft flesh, “I can’t believe you.”
“It’s a lovely piece of ass.” he jokes and Beatrice finally opens her eyes to give him an unamused glance, but smiles nonetheless, “So what are the plans for today?” he asks since she seems a bit more alert but still glued to his side.
Beatrice hums, blinking heavily with another yawn escaping her mouth as she props her chin on his pectoral, rubbing her eye with the tips of her fingers, “We can go to a cioccolateria first, get something sweet and some coffee and then we can…hm…” she blinks, “Then we can figure it out, I can’t explain too much when I’m just waking up, Roos.”
He just smiles, kissing her forehead, “Alright, well, when you do wake up we’ll figure out.” She hums happily, smiling sweetly at him before pushing herself to a sitting position, the movement making the shirt ride up her thighs and show just a bit more than before, much for his hungry eyes to travel all over.
“I’m going to take a quick shower, then we can go.” she says, already more awake than seconds before, combing her hair back the best she could all the while Rooster ran his eyes down her body with his fingers interlaced on top of his six pack, a little smirk on his face. Beatrice laughs quietly, making her way to her bag to choose what outfit she could wear that day.
It was still warm so she decided that a pair of shorts, an off shoulder cream colored blouse and her sneakers would be more than useful. “I’ll be right back.” He smirks even more, following her with his eyes until she disappears inside the bathroom.
With Beatrice gone he decided to check his phone to see if anyone else sent him messages besides Mav or the Dagger Squad. He runs his hand down his jawline when he sees his reflection on the screen only to feel the stubble beginning to form and immediately sits up, tossing his phone aside to grab the grooming  bag that he often carried when deployed. 
It only had a razor, shaving cream and lotion for his face once he’s done. It was minimal work, only enough to shave his face as clean as he could.  And he hasn’t done it since they arrived at Palermo, it was surprising that he was seeing it just now. 
Beatrice looks up from the shower when she hears him coming in, running her hands down her wet hair to get rid of the shampoo still clinging to the strands, watching her husband run his hand over his jawline and to his chin, turning the small light above the mirror to see his reflection better “Roos?” Her sweet voice calls and he flicks his gaze towards her briefly “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, gorgeous. Just need to shave,” he replies, pulling out his razor and tilting his head up to the mirror. Beatrice watches as Rooster turns his face left and right to have a good view of where to start first and her eyes drop to his thick neck. She really liked his neck, ever since the first time.
“Oh okay.” But her eyes remain on the way the razor drags down his sharp jawline and a bit of his throat, the suds of shaving foam sliding just a bit to his collarbone. She’s so focused on his neck she doesn’t notice him peeking at her by the corner of his eye, only being able to take her eyes away when his Adam’s apple bobs in a swallow. She snaps her eyes up to him, face flaming up when she sees his knowing smirk and quickly tries to get back to wash her hair.
And since Rooster’s stubble wasn’t that hard to get rid of, he gently sets the razor aside and with a quick hand movement drops his briefs down to his feet and steps into the shower. Beatrice didn’t seem surprised, if she was she didn’t show it, in fact she didn’t even look at him when he stepped in, “Do you need any help?”
Beatrice laughs sweetly, looking over her shoulder to where he was, biting her lower lip and giving him a coy shrug, “I mean, if my husband wants to give me an extra hand...” she says sweetly, not finishing the sentence and just goes back to her hair…that is if a pair of arms don’t hold her from behind and kisses drop all over from her shoulder to her neck, one of his hands going up until his thumb is right in between her breasts.
“I can give you more than one hand, gorgeous.” he chuckles against her ear, “I mean, we aren’t in a hurry to leave, right?”
His hand goes down her sternum to her stomach, “No…”
“And, we’ll have time to enjoy whatever we want later, right?”
It gets even lower and Beatrice hitches a breath of surprise, “R-Right…”
“Great,” he smiles, pulling her flush against him, “All I wanted to hear.”
They walk out of their room almost thirty minutes after they planned to, with both looking immensely satisfied and flushed beautifully. Rooster waits besides Beatrice so she could lock the door “I think going to the cioccolateria will be great, we can have some cappuccinos facing the beach, it’d be lovely.”
“Of course it will.” he grins, leaning his shoulder on the wall right next to the door as Beatrice locks it, “You said it has chocolate pastries and I’m all in for it.”
She giggles, looking up at him to kiss his lips before she puts the card inside her bag, walking alongside Rooster while pulling her phone out to check the map as they walk down the hallway. His hand was on her waist while the other stayed in his pocket, his smile only faltering when he saw the same group of women from the beach walking down the hall but in the opposite direction.
Oh so they were on the same floor as them, huh? Well, that’s interesting. His smile disappears completely and he tugs Beatrice to his side, Beatrice who’s excitedly telling him about the Museums nearby they could visit after having breakfast, his eyes narrowing when the group of women get closer. They don’t seem to notice them at first, but Rooster’s tall stature is hard to miss especially when they are in the same hallway.
They all look at him, especially the one from the beach, and immediately they decide that looking down at their phones and covering their faces with their hair was much better than meeting the furious gaze of a tall American pilot who got pissed off because they were talking shit about his wife.
He keeps his glare on them until they are away from his view, “- and then we can go to one of the shops nearby and get something!” he finally hears her voice again and his head jolts back to where she stood, looking up at him with a smile, one that makes his scowl disappear immediately, “What do you think?”
“I think it’s a great idea.” he grins, keeping his hand on her waist as they enter the elevator, “Anything with you will be really fun, gorgeous.” She kisses him again in thanks and Rooster lifts his head to see one of the girls peeking from the corner of the wall, only to widen her eyes and disappear when he looked less than pleased to see her there.
He doesn’t have time to get angry, they only had a few days of honeymoon left and they were going to visit her uncle before leaving Palermo, so he wasn’t going to let a group of girls annoy his perfect week with Beatrice. Beatrice takes hold of his hand when they walk out of the elevator, handing the woman at the front desk their room card so they could leave without worrying about losing it.
The cioccolateria was close to where they had the granita with brioches on the first day, the smell was already delicious from the hotel’s door and it only got better when they entered. It was like they entered a chocolate heaven and Rooster was ready to lose his mind the longer he looked at the fresh pastries being brought in from the kitchen.
Much like the time they first went to Mr.Scoops, Bradley was mesmerized by everything he saw and Beatrice looked at him fondly, “Let’s order something and find us a place to sit, okay?” he nods, looking at a chocolate roll that was in front of him inside a basket alongside other types of pastries and bread. 
Beatrice has to tug him forward so they could choose what to eat, which honestly was already hard enough for him. It was a whole new world of chocolate goodness and he was a bit overwhelmed, “I have no idea what to choose.” he confesses, “But that cake looks really good.”
“I think that’s a coffee mousse cake.”she explains, “I kinda want the sfogliatella, see?” she points to the flaky pastry with a smile, “I haven’t had one in years.”  she gives Rooster a brief explanation about it before they decide to order. She speaks to the woman behind the counter, explaining what they wanted before she takes Rooster to a table that is located directly to where they could see the ocean.
Beatrice sits down while supporting her chin on her hand, smiling dreamily at the horizon with her wedding band glinting under the sunlight,”This is a beautiful place.” This isn’t the first time he says it but Beatrice couldn’t help but agree with him with a nod, “I wouldn’t mind coming here more often.”
She turns her head towards him in surprise, “Wait, really?” 
“Yeah, if we are able and I’m not deployed then I don’t see why not.” he shrugs while leaning back against the chair, hooking his sunglasses on his V neck’s collar, “We can rent a house for a few days instead of a hotel, enjoy the markets more than just walking by…those things.”
Beatrice’s cheeks flush a soft red and her gaze turns fond, “I’d like that a lot Roos, I really do. And you know, since I have relatives that still live here, it helps when finding a place to stay too…not that we’ll stay with my uncle Roberto, Jesus.”
“He’s not that bad.”
Beatrice just gives him a look, “He’s like Michael if Michael was sixty years old.” she huffs a laugh, “He’s the wild child within my nonna’s children. He stole a horse once,” Rooster’s eyebrows furrow, the obvious question as to where he got a horse on the tip of his tongue, “He was dating this girl whose dad had like those horse camps, she broke up with him, he stole one of the horses and rode it all the way to my nonna’s house.”
Bradley laughs quietly, remembering how Roberto looked and having to admit he had a strong resemblance to Michael, especially with the long hair that he usually kept in a pompadour almost and the many golden chains on his neck, “How long was your uncle in the army?”
“I can’t say, Roos.” she shrugs, “I just remember coming to visit him here from a very young age, so.” she looks up when the waitress arrives with their food, thanking her and smiling when she notices the flower biscuits on top of the whipped cream at her cappuccino, “He’s my godfather, you know?”
“Really?” Beatrice nods, “I had no idea.”
“Yeah, well, it wasn’t planned because…you know I wasn’t planned. But he stepped up to the game, he always did his best. And I love him,I know I make fun of him but like I said, he’s like Michael so I can’t not love him.”
He smiles when she explains it and he had to admit that the love she had for Roberto was similar to the one he had for Pete. He was also his godfather and his uncle, so he understood when Beatrice spoke so fondly of him, “Well, he seemed really fun at the wedding.”
“Ah,” Beatrice laughs, bringing the cappuccino to her lips, “Before or after drinking? You know we like to call him Shrimp because he gets red so quickly it’s insane.” and her uncle always got beet red whenever inebriated. “I hope that this boat he got is at least somewhat new,” she begins, “I mean,I don’t know he never mentioned wanting one before but knowing him he probably got it from a guy he met at the supermarket months ago.”
Bradley nods, but he’s trying hard to not make a scene while eating the coffee chocolate mousse cake with tiny dark chocolate disks on top. It was way too good, “He makes friends easily, what’s wrong with that?”
Beatrice just rolls her eyes playfully, “I suppose so. Oh!” she quickly pulls out her phone, “I have to take a picture of this and send it to Michael. He loves sfogliatella and he’ll be so mad.” she giggles impishly after saying that, holding the phone right on top of the pastry and making sure to have the perfect angle, “There!” she immediately sends it to him with the same little smile.
“You are cruel.”
“I can be.” she says sweetly, shrugging at him before looking down at the photo gallery, smiling at the pictures they took together. There weren’t many, honestly they were so busy enjoying the trip they didn’t even think about taking the pictures. Beatrice smiles down at her phone before her eyes travel to Rooster who is clearly enjoying having dessert for breakfast yet again, “You seem to be enjoying yourself.”
“Baby, it’s chocolate.” he emphasizes, gesturing to the slice with his fork, “How am I not going to enjoy it?”
“Fair,” she giggles, then takes a bite of her own pastry, cupping below it to hold the flaky pieces that broke when she bit down, “Were you,”she covers her mouth to chew and then continues her questioning, “Were you always a chocolate lover?”
“Oh yeah,” he chuckles, sipping his expresso and making a pleased face at how strong it was, “I loved it from birth I think. My mom loved chocolate, more than me.” he smiles sweetly, looking to the side, “There was a brand she loved a lot, always had it at home whenever possible. I remember asking Pete about it and he said it was the brand my dad got for her on their first anniversary together.”
Beatrice’s eyebrows lowered with a small smile, “That’s really sweet,Brad.”
He licks his lips,”Yeah,” the fork taps on the side of the porcelain plate, “When she got sick she couldn’t eat it anymore, doctor’s orders…but hell, the times I’d catch her trying to sneak a bite…I couldn't even count how many.” his smile drops diminutively, his tongue poking his cheek as he tries to control his emotions, “You know what’s funny though? She hated white chocolate.” he tried to change the subject and Beatrice wasn’t going to stop it, “And I mean she hated it, she didn’t consider it chocolate, she called it ‘sweet butter’.”
“I mean, you don’t like white chocolate either.”
“And I never will.” he finishes his sentence by plopping another piece of the cake in his mouth. “‘Cause it’s not chocolate.”
Beatrice’s smile only widened as he spoke. She knew how hard it was to speak about his mom and she never pressured him into talking more than he felt like sharing, but she was glad he trusted her enough to talk about Carole more often. “Thank God our wedding cake didn’t have any.” she jokes, sipping her cappuccino while laughing.
Bradley chuckles along, leaning back on his seat to run his fingers through his hair, “I mean, people who hated chocolate weren’t invited.”
“That’s true.” Beatrice giggles, “If they were we didn’t see them.”
And they shared another laugh, living in their own little world bubble, almost forgetting there were other people around. It was how it always was too, they had each other and the world was just there, just around them, “Where do you want to go from here?” he asks after the laughter subsides, taking yet another bite of the cake and gasping in delight at the huge piece of chocolate mousse sticking on top of his fork.
“Oh! I don’t know, I mean our options are all over and there are places that sell tickets on the spot. Honestly we can just walk around, check some other places, buy some stuff, who knows! Honestly I don’t mind…although the walking might work because we need to settle this breakfast down.”
“Fair enough.” he smiles, seeing Beatrice pick her phone again to check if Michael replied, “Baby, we are in a different timezone, it’s probably the middle of the night for Michael.”
Beatrice hums, “I guess so, but he has insomnia, he usually replies quickly.” but she shrugs, “You are right, he’ll reply when he can, he’s probably watching some movies right now. I did tell him he could watch everything but porn, because that’d be traumatizing for me.”
“Fair enough.” he chuckles after finishing the cake, leaning back on his chair with a sigh, “This was incredible. Fuckin’ great.”
“I might try to make it at home, that and the sfogliatella.”
He opens his eyes at her after closing him in complete bliss, “If you do I might just marry you again.”  she laughs again, dabbing the napkin over her lips gently, “I’m serious.”
“I know you are Roos.” she says, finishing her coffee,  still grinning “I know you are.”
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mossyfloss · 1 year
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The Night Life of Johanna Constantine
A NSFW Johanna x Reader Imagine (Gender neutral pronouns, afab anatomy)
Summary: You know how much Jo’s work means to her. How much she’s lost, yet she wonders everyday what she did to deserve you. You are more than happy to show her just how much she means to you, but first she wants to show you how thankful she is.
NSFW may have multiple parts, idk how i feel about it yet, but I hope you enjoy :)
Johanna sighed as she set her coffee down. Rubbing circles around her temples, “Fuckin hell.” The need for exorcists has risen over the last year and going through the piles of paperwork have pierced right through her brain. Most of them were false claims like most things, but the real ones. Those get worse and worse by the day. Whatever is out there, whatever’s lurking in the shadows, is getting stronger. She could feel it.
A knock pulled her from her ominous train of thought, “I’m heading out for the night, it’s half past two.” Ric the Vic leaned against the door frame. Jo looked at the clock and her brows shot up.
“You’re right. Fuck, I’m gonna be late again.”
Ric laughed, “I’m sure they’ll understand. After all, they've got to know who it is they invite inside every night.”
“Oi, I’m not a bloody vampire.”
“Nope, just an exorcist that says out till sunrise,” The Vic shook her head and turned to leave, “Make sure you turn off all the lights before you lock up.” She left with a wave. “See you tomorrow.”
Johanna huffed and sat back against her seat, pulling at the tight collar around her neck. “Yeah, will do, if I ever make it out.” She muttered to herself.
A chime came from her mobile. Fishing it out of her pocket she read, ‘Hey babe, you planning on coming home tonight?’ It was you, checking up on her. She felt bad making you worry like this, keeping you up this late for no good reason. Staring at the piles of paper in front of her, the priest made up her mind.
Quickly, Jo shot back a text, ‘Yeah, sorry about that. Time got away from me, but I’ll be out of here in 5.’ Gathering her coat, she slid half the pile of forms into her bag. Not a day goes by where she doesn’t end up working from home.
Flicking the lights off one by one, Jo neared the front door, “Finally.” She pulled her keys out and locked up the office before heading to her car and heading home.
It started to rain as she drove through the streets, her wipers squeaking at every few seconds. The roads were eerily empty, even for it being so close to the witching hour.
Her brain overthinking and her muscle memory leading the way, she found herself pulling into her driveway. Feeling the sting of sleep deprivation as she put it in park and cut the engine. Jo blinked her eyes a few times to push it back.
Thinking about what was waiting for her behind the door; you, bed, maybe a shower. “Home sweet home,” She grabbed her bag and made her way inside.
Seeing as all of the lights were off, she unlocked the door as quietly as she could. Her heels clicked against the wooden floor of the foyer and through the living room. You had left the remains of a bowl of popcorn on the coffee table. Johanna smiled and shook her head, walking over to pick it up. You also left a stack of your sketchbooks, she tidied those up as well. You’ve definitely kept yourself busy, she mused.
After tossing the kernels into the bin and setting the bowl in the sink, the priest hung her bag on a chair and walked back to your shared bedroom. There was a soft glow coming from the room, letting her know you were still up. Or at least, attempted to stay awake.
“Knock, knock.” Johanna spoke softly, sleep laced in her voice as she pushed the door open gently.
You looked up from your book with a sleepy smile, “Johanna,” leaning back and stretching, you asked, “How was work?”
“Oh you know,” She came around to her side of the bed and sat down, “Sometimes it feels like it never ends. I almost feel numb to it.”
You set your book down on the nightstand and scooted closer to her. “Now that’s the sleep talking. I know for a fact you wouldn’t be able to do your job half as good if you truly felt numb to it all. You’re too passionate about it.” You kissed her shoulder.
Turning around she pulled you in by your jaw, and gave you a proper kiss. “Mmh says who?” She raked her eyes over your face.
You smiled against her mouth, “Says me,” you gave her a peck, “The great y/n, king of rules.” She rolled her eyes and smirked.
“King, aye?” Jo challenged.
“Mhmm,” Your eyes full of mischief.
“I know a few people who would call that blasphemous.” Johanna stood up and unbuttoned her uniform.
“Please,” You sat back and watched her push the dress down her shoulders and off her body, “Have they seen you?” Catching her hand you brought it to your mouth and kissed it.
“Oi, watch it.” She gave you a warning look, letting you pull her closer. “I know where that mouth’s been and I’m authorized to hold confession.”
“See, you say that as a threat.”
“I mean that as a threat.” Johanna knelt forward on the bed and pulled you into a kiss. “Mmh, I’ve missed you.” She teased her tongue against your upper lip feeling a shiver run through your body.
“I’ve missed you too,” Granting her access she teased your mouth with her tongue. “Mmh, Both of you grasping at each others bodies. The priest pulled your shirt up, exposing your stomach. Her fingers teasing lightly over the skin then using her nails to dig in harder. Red lines marking you.
“Wait wait,” You pulled away gasping for air. “I thought you were tired?”
Jo laughed and looked you up and down, “Never too tired for you y/n/n.” She kissed her cool soft lips against the angry red marks she made. “Especially since you stay up,” a kiss, “as sleepy as you are,” you felt her tongue this time, “and wait every night.” She met your gaze, “Are you too tired for me?”
“Never,” You whispered, running your fingers through her soft hair. “I need to know that you're safe.”
She kissed your belly pointedly and moved to sit on your hips, “I’m always safe.”
Scoffing, you laughed, “Yeah Johanna Constantine playing it safe?” You brought your hands up to her sides, “That’s not her style.” You gave her a look.
“Shut up. You know it’s more fun when it’s dangerous.”
“Is that so?” You squeezed her hips.
“Mhmm,” Caressing your lips with her own she kissed you deeper. “It sends fire through my blood, the power to condemn.” Tugging your shirt off your body, revealing your bare chest, bringing her lips to your neck, “It’s addictive, sometimes.”
“I’ll say,” You gasped. Feeling your body react to her ministrations and deep voice. “Talk about blasphemy.”
Johanna laughed against your skin, “Nah, this is nothin.” She nipped and sucked along your jaw, feeling your hands find her hair once again, she whispered against your ear, “I’ll show you blasphemy.”
Feeling her take your hands she pinned them next to your head, grinding her knee into your center as she wound her hips against your thigh. Both your hips now moving on their own. She lowered herself close enough to whisper, “Oh y/n/n,” The look in her eyes sent something right to your center. “Have you ever wanted to feel closer to God?”
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cosmiicorvid · 2 years
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serirei swap!au !!!
some info about it (idk how to add the read more thing on mobil, sorry!!): also, there is a lot here but there’s also i didn’t add that i think abt a lot so feel free to ask me about it !! (pls i wanna talk abt it so bad)
- when reigen quits his job at the water cooler place, he never reads that one magazine, and instead is barely scraping by. he stays in his apartment a Lot.
- serizawa is somehow inspired to leave his room (undecided how yet) and open up spirits and such to help people and make a difference.
- toichirou shows up at reigen’s apartment. reigen, to this, says “look man you got the wrong guy, i’m not even an esper… but, i have nothing better to do with my life.” and joins claw.
- toichirou offers to embue his power on reigen for protection, but he declines. after some persuasion though, he does take the psychic embued umbrella.
- at the same time this happens… Serizawa is struggling every day at spirits and such, wanting to close the place up for good. but he always promises himself just one more day. until Shigeo shows up.
- at this point he’s basically “geez. i can’t just leave this kid hanging…” and promises to help him learn his power. he tells Shigeo that he himself doesn’t have powers, but used to, and knows enough to teach him. (this is the lie. he still has powers, however he refuses to use them.)
- during the season 1 finale… it works about the same. serizawa tells Shigeo it’s okay to run away, his power is given to serizawa, and then he proceeds to beat the crap out of everyone. this is an important moment for not just Shigeo, but for Serizawa to realize that holding his own power away may not be as great as he thought.
- during season 2 he opens up to the idea of maybe trying out his own power for the first time in a long time.
- i am… unsure how separation arc works still, so sorry :(((
- serizawa feels very guilty for mogami arc because he knows he could have done something sooner, but his fear held him back
- season 2 finale… this will be hard to explain with words. but!!! i know for a fact that when shou confronts touchirou, reigen is very fast to step in front it the kid to protect him. toichirou does not punish him for this physically, but does make him leave the room. this is when he meets Mob.
- the fight with Mob is again pretty similar, he absolutely refuses to fight him, but also refuses to give up on claw, though, instead of it being out of denial of the truth, it’s more a desperate cry of “i’ve gone this far, what’s the point now?”
- Mob teaches him that it’s never too late to make a change.
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(bonus doodle of reigen protecting shou because … yeah )
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liliansun · 11 months
no one particularly cares but i need this moment to vent bc i’m on the verge of tears and i wanna smash a pumpkin against my wall. and like,, if for some reason you read this lmk if i’m being unreasonable bc i feel like i am but then again i’m not.
so my bf is going into the military and he’s gonna be leaving in december right? so he just left meps today and got to his house and said his family pushed his birthday dinner from tonight (it’s his birthday today) to tomorrow night. i was like okay, he was gonna come over in the morning and we hang out w my baby and then he was gonna skedaddle off to the bday dinner with his family.
with this information i was gonna make him a cake and surprise him bc i didn’t get to see him today. so then he tells me his dad pushed it off to wherever so he was gonna go out w his guy friends to hang out and plan for the bday dinner to be later this weekend and i’m like okay and he tells me he’s gonna come by later in the day tomorrow instead of the morning bc he’s out w the boys. i’m like okay, have fun and be safe and i update him and yada yada. so then he tells me he’s going to texas which is like a few states over (4+ hour drive in the night) and i’m in the middle of a cod mobile game and i’m thinking to myself. wtf? bc in my head that contradicted the whole plans he kept changing for tomorrow (context: i was off today and tomorrow) and then he’s like nvm my friends voted against it and idk if you think like me but i thought that was dumb as hell.
so then i’m in a sour mood, i lost my br match bc i was so just out of it bc i’m like wtf? sure go do whatever you wanna do w your friends,, but if we made plans to hang out how tf do you expect me to feel when you plan to go state hopping instead. so we get into this discussion which i don’t want to call an argument and he’s like “i’m sorry but at the same time i’m not” and i’m like. elaborate. bc that shit didn’t make sense to me. “he’s like i’m sorry i’m being difficult but i’m not sorry bc i assumed you had no plans for tomorrow. well sir,, i was trying to SURPRISE you and idk if me asking a million times what time you wanted to come over didn’t give a hint?? guess not?? but okay and i’m trying to end the conversation bc i’m annoyed and he’s annoying me even more by wanting to talk it all out right here rn and i’m the type of person who needs time to think over everything,, collect my thoughts and readdress it once i’m clear headed and can see where i was wrong and he’s not
and then we get to the point of conversation where he’s like well what do you have planned for tomorrow and i’m like nothing now, you wanna go out w your friends so go out w them and he’s like we’re not going and im like okay, so go do something else w them i’m just not in the mood and he’s like no i wanna see you and i’m thinking to myself that i don’t particularly wanna see him but ik it’s bc i’m in a bad mood and maybe i’ll feel better in the morning maybe i won’t but rn i’m like stay the hell away from me before i start crying. and he’s like well the latest i’ll be by is 3 and i’m like okay. nice. and he’s like my recruiter might need me around 4 ish and i’m like. so you mean to tell me you wanna drive 40 minutes to my house to turn around and drive another 30 minutes and come back for another 30 minutes?? this is coming from the man that literally told me earlier today “since i’m quitting my job bc i’m going into the military, i don’t wanna be reckless w my spending till then”
so i mention that bc that’s a waste of gas and idk where y’all live but that shit ain’t cheep here and he tells me to let him worry about that and i’m like okay bc atp i’m done having the conversation and he’s trying to be lovey dovey and i’m about to throw my phone into the gulf and cry to tswift songs bc i just don’t know what to do.
part of me is like let him come bc he’s gonna be gone soon and you don’t know how long or where he’s gonna be at for boot camp and part of me is like he didn’t take in consideration the fact that he made plans with me and threw them out the fucking window on the highway while he was keke giggling at the thought of driving idek how many hours away and sleeping with his friends in his friends’ car.
so yeah. if you’ve made it this far on my lil ted talk, i love you. i think i’m genuinely gonna go cry and hold my baby and just try to sleep bc my head hurts and my heart hurts and i feel like i’m being irrational but at the same time i feel like i have a right to feel this way.
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bodylanda · 2 years
🏳️‍🌈♣️✨ chodark for tha ask game ^_^
God this ended up long and kinda rambly OOPSIES… SORRY
Also idk how to read more ok mobile without possibly breaking the post so 🫡 im sorry, but thank u again for sending this ask!!
Link to the list of questions: [click here]
🏳️‍🌈 what’s some queer headcannons you have? (Can add a specific character in ask)
I think i have some pretty simples ones all things considered? And they’re all pretty fluid/all exist at the same time but for these
Chosen: made with they/them in mind -> experiemented with she/they/he -> had a crisis abt it -> she/her at the end
Dark: started we they/he -> she/they at the end
This isn’t really a queer headcanon (maybe?) but i do think theyre soulmates in a “whatever souls are made of, yours and mine are the same (insult)”, which is probably the closest thing i have to a queer headcanon LDNWOODOW.
I typically use they/them when discussing them in general tho!
♣️ angst headcannons? (Can add a specific character in ask)
I got a bunch here but not sure if it counts as angst? Makes me 🥹 so i’ll count it as such
Headcanon 1: Chosen knew about victim
-The moment chosen was born she immediately started being a hater. She threw the first punch (fireball?)! Why’d she do that? The moment second was born, they seemed more curious and inquisitive, but none of that curiosity happened to chosen.
-i know the popular theory is that its bcs chosen’s a virus (considering she was beaten by an antivirus in ava 2 + in a way so is tdl and tsc) but idk, they were made by alan (maybe tsc is a virus but thats a theory for another time), but i also like to think its more that chosen knew about victim in some like, unfathomable way?
-like the avatar in ATLA hahaha. Is this angst? I’m not sure. But this is why i think she immediately started going sicko mode
Headcanon 2: Chosen is the tragedy of a stick born without love
-honestly just took this one from kirby
-Chosen’s creation was definitely intentional, while Second’s wasn’t. Why are they so different? Its not like second got that much love either initially, but they did manage to get some free time.
-Second was less a literal second coming of chosen and more of a “history could repeat itself again”
-this is. Getting into second & chosen territory Moving back to chosen/dark APDJOWKFOWKDP
Headcanon 3: Dark has nightmares about killing chosen
-well she was made for it wasn’t she? Sometimes the directive just takes over for a bit
-a lil like wall-e
-Will isolate herself during these moments
-Shrugs it off after the fact but kind of always has this lurking lingering fear that one day her programming will take over and try to kill chosen (even though their friendship handshake thing and also their literal friendship in ava 3 kind of nerfed it a lil to the point that it can’t actually make her do that.
-in the end she discovered a new fear; She actually choose to fight Chosen and it wasn’t some divinely mandated/program forced thing.
✨ fluffy headcannons is you have? (Can add a specific character in ask)
More AU than headcanon: Dark survived!
-Sees error of her ways
-Still awful
-Actually doesn’t she just doesn’t want to get her ass handed to her again by a fucking kid that was pretty embarassing
-Morality gained through wanting to avoid getting an ass whooping. Like “Hmm i think today i will make a virus- no i wont. That fucking orange kid’ll beat me up somehow”
Headcanon: They both have their own way of communicating
-Both can technically speak in the same way Second can speak, but chooses a different method almost always.
-the way they communicate is so completely all over the place. Its a mix of formal (actual proper typing/Some kind of sign language (stick version of it? Body gesture language?) used correctly) and informal (impact text font memes like fucking philosoraptor format)
-Kind of a contrast to tsc and color gang’s communication method that is also all over the place, but older memes and refs bcs they’re an older generation
-Dark: Back in my day the best cat on earth was longcat and now everycat can just be i can haz cheeseburgers…. Tch this used to be a respectable career
Yellow: (what the FUCK is she saying…….)
-Chosen being gaptek is something thats actually so near and dear to my heart and also a lil bit of jadul chosen. She gets sent some really gen z memes on stick whatsapp by second or color gang and just squints and shows it to dark like “what is she saying” and dark just gags
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soytts · 2 years
Funky little smut fic for my dnd character and his man.
Uh. Idk who would want to read this but y’know
Word count: 3476
Content included: fucking in a room with 6 other people, inappropriate use of mage hand (or is it), bondage, the silence spell not the same as by book because my dm said so, oral (both ways), definite over use of the pet name dear, subtle jabs at one characters past relationship, unprotected sex (wrap your damn Willy), an entire paragraph about one of the characters hands, so much praise, voice kink, I feel I need to preface this again they would have been seen if another character didn’t cast a form of darkness around them, light bending not the spell darkness it’s different.
The end is so rushed because I suck at writing actual fucking. Anyway. Enjoy if you’re reading this!
I’m sorry I don’t know how to do the read more thing in mobile. You gotts to scroll
“- That kiss was pretty good..” Ray’s eyes moved in between Anubis’s eyes and lips “but, it could get better don’t you say..”
“Practice does make perfect,” Anubis scooted ever so closer to Ray. “I wouldn’t mind practicing again…”
“I mean. It’ll take a long time to get to perfect, not that I mind,” Ray’s hand slid softly against the mixed blood's side. “We could add a few other things to it. Things I enjoy, things you enjoy,” Ray paused searching for a reaction on Anubis’s face. Seeing the bright red blush deepening he continued, “if that’s what you’d want that is.”
“I’d enjoy that, a lot actually,” Anubis placed a hand on Ray’s chest. Anubis’s mind slightly wandered back to his time with Kane, would it be similar, no, probably not. They’re very different men. Ray seems softer than Kane could ever be, more deliberate movements, he knows what he wants and so does Anubis.
Their next kiss was not as good as the first one with the magic no longer at play and the desperation and slight jealousy from Anubis less in the picture but it was still very enjoyable for both parties. During the kiss Ray had pushed Anubis down into the bed getting on top of him, it seemed like he was wasting no time getting to what he wanted.
Ray pulled away from the kiss to cast a silence bubble around the two of them. Anubis, thinking straight for a second, pushed himself up from the bed.
“Wait, we’re in a room with 6 other people. I’m gonna be a hypocrite for how much I harp on Jason and Sam…”
“Don’t worry, they won’t be able to hear us,” Ray got his knee in between Anubis legs pushing a light amount of pressure where he wanted it most.
Anubis’s thighs twitched at the idea of someone seeing. Still slightly worried about the others he looked between the rest of the room and Ray.
“We can stop if you aren’t comfortable with this,” almost on cue cypress seemed to notice what was about to go down and bent a darkness around the silence bubble. Letting out a sigh of relief Anubis laid back down.
“Sorry about that. We can continue”
“No need to apologize, boundaries are boundaries”
“Hah, right. Now come here, my lips are getting a little cold here,” Ray smirked, his hands sliding up Anubis’s sides stopping finally at the tie seated neatly around his neck. Starting to undo the navy tie he went back into a kiss. Anubis wrapped his arms around Ray’s neck deepening the kiss in the process.
Ray broke away from the kiss for a second, “may I call you dear? If you do so oblige,” Anubis’s heart skipped a beat, pet names, oh how he loved them, always wanting to be called one but never having the nerve to ask. Always felt like he’d be belittled by his fuck buddies for asking it, it felt so intimate, like you can only get one in the right circumstances.
“Oh gods, you can call me that all the fucking time, it sounds so good coming from you.” Ray laughed a bit, “well dear, I’ll be sure to call you that often,” before Anubis could respond, Ray pressed his lips back on Anubis’s.
Ray pressed his knee more into Anubis’s crotch causing the smaller man to slightly tighten his grip on Ray for a moment. A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he pulled away from the kiss, taking the tie with him as he moved back. Placing it in reach on the bed he then started to unbutton Anubis’s shirt following each undone button with a light kiss to his exposed skin. Adept hands pulling off the shirt, he grabbed the tie sitting on the side and motioned for Anubis to give him his wrists.
“Hands. Unless this is a no from you,” Anubis smiled, giving him his wrists to seemingly tie them up. God did Ray's hands feel good in Anubis’s. Slightly calloused but still soft somehow. Whenever Anubis had been bold enough to grab his hand he always noted how they felt, how his grip tightened when something bad was said or done. He’d most likely never admit it out loud but he spent a large amount of time looking at Ray's hands, he was doing it now. Watching him work, his movements were so smooth and careful. Less rough and forced. He made quick work of Anubis’s wrists, pulling slightly on the restraints to make sure they weren’t too tight.
“Are they feeling okay?”
“Uh- perfect, yeah,” Ray smiled and pushed Anubis’s arms above his head, “perfect, you’re perfect…” Ray's hand slid lower, fingers brushing along the waistband of Anubis’s pants. Anubis’s face warmed at the praise and he hid his face in the crevice of his arm.
“Tisk tisk, no no, we can’t have that,” Ray cooed, grabbing Anubis’s chin “look into my eyes dear,” eye contact, Ray likes eye contact, forcing his eyes to meet with the purple ones looking at him. “Ahem, sorry. Uh, I just get uhm embarrassed with eye contact in these situations,” the soft laugh that left Ray’s lips made Anubis blush more if that was possible, everything about Ray was attractive to Anubis very much including his voice, it’s so nice, and smooth in a way. Everything about him is smooth.
“Don’t worry, I find it adorable. But I do prefer to see the look in your eyes when you’re experiencing pleasure”
“Hah I do enjoy looking at those eyes, they’re very beautiful so I’ll try. For you.” Anubis smiled and winked. Ray, not expecting the sudden boldness from Anubis flushed, it was hard to tell sometimes but in this moment Anubis knew.
Anubis, getting antsy with the no movement of the knee settled in between his legs, started to grind slightly. The layers of fabric not giving him enough stimulation to satisfy the need crawling up him.
“Please, I need more.”
“Can’t be too greedy dear. Good things come to those who can wait patiently, hm, you can do that for me can’t you,” he was teasing him, just as Anubis enjoyed. With one look Ray somehow knew what Anubis wants in bed, or they could just like the same things. A whine left his lips clenching his thighs around Ray’s leg. A hand soothed over his thigh, running softly up and down. He chuckled lightly, thinking about the things he could do to the man writhing impatiently underneath him. Most would have to wait for another time, hopefully there would be another time. He wanted to do much more than he had planned but for the sake of the others in the room he decided not to. The thought of them possibly seeing still adding that bit of risk that makes Ray excited.
Anubis was moving those tied up hands too much for Ray’s liking, tisking he casts mage hand. It’s only going to be for a bit but Ray does need both hands at the moment, as much as he would want to hold Anubis down by himself.
“Be a dear and stay still, I don’t want to keep casting mage hand every minute. I will, but you’re a spell caster, you know how annoying it can be.” A whine coming from the smaller man was what he got in response. Anubis was so interesting in his mind. This very charming and bold man in the streets who gets flustered at simple compliments and gets shy when someone else takes control. He then felt it, a knee pushing against the very noticeable bulge in his pants. He let out a low groan, Anubis’s thighs clenched at the sound as he let out a small moan of his own. Ray then realizes his voice's effect on Anubis. The mixed blood did say he found it hot, he didn’t know that just the sound of his voice would make him moan himself.
Ray did note for the future that Anubis is impatient and will use any part of his body to get it moving along. Ray smiled thinking of an idea that would make the brunette go wild. He leaned down, mouth level with his ear and started rutting against Anubis’s knee. Breathy moans filled the air and Anubis in his desperation started grinding against Ray’s knee again.
Ray tisked. Using his free hands to halt the movement of Anubis’s hips.
“If you can’t stay still dear I’m gonna- ah, make you watch me pleasure myself and only myself while you sit there and watch. You don’t want that do you?” Anubis shook his head, “thought so, you wanna be played with hm, if you’re good for me and stop moving I’ll take my shirt off, I saw you looking I know what you want to see. And if you’re really good I’ll even pay some attention to your desperate little hole,” Ray lightly bit at Anubis’s earlobe while waiting for an answer.
Anubis moaned at the thought, “yes please! I want that so bad, I’ll be good. I swear,” Anubis was jealous of how in control Ray was, he could keep his voice so stable and still make Anubis flustered while he was basically humping his leg.
For the first time while Ray was removing his shirt Anubis looked down at his cock that was so obviously looking for attention, he could tell from the bulge he was a bit over average for size, perfect, that’s all someone needs if they know how to use it, and from what Anubis is experiencing currently Ray most definitely knows how to use it. Anubis shivered in excitement, as much as he wants his aching pussy to be touched not being covered up by layers of clothing he really wants to pleasure Ray and show he isn’t just a pillow prince. Also, if he’s sucking his dick he’ll be able to hear more of Ray’s moans and groans so it’s a win-win situation.
“Ray,” Anubis pushed himself up from the bed. Ray raised an eyebrow at the other’s movements and hummed a response. “Can I- uh,”
“Spit it out dear,” Anubis’s eyes moved in between Ray’s bulge and his eyes thinking of a more proper way to say what he wanted to. Ray, seeming to notice what Anubis wanted smirked, but he made no move to start it. He wanted Anubis to either say it or initiate it. Anubis decided to give up on trying to say it in a romantic way.
“Can I suck you off?” Ray laughed a bit “oh my, no better way to say it dear?”
“Probably, but would it really have the Anubis charm if I didn’t say it in the most crass way possible”
“Hm, I do love that about you. Well, if you so wish you should be getting to work, my cock won’t suck itself dear,” Anubis, surprised by the ‘vulgar’ wording from Ray, hesitated for a second. “Are you okay?” Ray’s eyes filled with a small bit of worry.
“Oh, ahah, yeah I just wasn’t expecting such a refined gentleman to say something like that, you are right though, your cock won’t suck itself,” Anubis smiled and got to work. Using his still tied hands to unbutton Ray’s pants he was then stopped.
“Ah- ah- ah- no hands dear,”
“Wha- how am I supposed to-“
“You have a perfectly skilled mouth don't you, why don’t you use that,”
Anubis squinted at Ray and thought for a second, he did guess that it would be pretty hot to watch. He sighed and lowered his hands. He bit his lip, wracking his brain on how to possibly do this. Deciding that nothing will get done if he doesn’t move he lowered his head and grabbed a hold of the fabric with his teeth. Looking back up to Ray he was met with purple eyes staring down at him. His mouth slightly agape, cheeks flushed, eyebrows furrowed, his hair, as messy as it was in this moment, framed his face perfectly. God did Anubis wish he could take a picture of Ray in this moment, everything about this man was perfect to him, he’s so elegant and Anubis loves it.
He pulled at the fabric, the buttons popped out of their fabric holders from the tension. He was now faced with another issue, how could he get his cock out from his underwear without hurting him with his teeth. Ray, realizing why Anubis is hesitating, stood up and removed the remaining clothes in the way.
Ray’s cock could only be described as pretty, 6 inches standing proud, it curved up slightly, at the base was a neatly trimmed patch of hair that went up into the happy trail that Anubis snuck glances at when Ray was shirtless. It twitched at the cold air of the room, a little dollop of pre-cum cumulating at the tip. Anubis started with an experimental lick, testing the waters, he put the tip into his mouth, sucking slightly while his tongue ran along the underside. Ray’s hips twitched forward at the stimulation on his sensitive tip, letting out a breathy moan that only encouraged Anubis to take in more.
Anubis’s fingers twitched. He could so easily give himself some stimulation, he decided not to, to keep his hands neatly folded in his lap as Ray used his mouth. He bobbed his head, taking him in deeper. The tip hitting the back of his throat he had to suppress a gag, his throat constricting around the tip which made Ray thrust in farther. This time he couldn’t control the gag, Ray quickly pulled out.
“Are you okay? I didn’t force you too far did I?” Anubis coughed on the saliva stuck in his throat. “No, no, you’re fine, don't worry. My throat has been fucked before one gag isn’t game over for me,” Anubis winked as he so attractively wiped the spit off his mouth. He went back in, and in one breath his nose was touching his pelvis. One of Ray’s hands tangled itself into Anubis’s hair, pushing down holding the man in the position for a second before using it to control his movements. Anubis couldn’t keep his eyes open as Ray bruised the back of his throat. His moans filling the bubble causing Anubis to moan around his cock, the vibrations only encouraging him more.
“Fuck..” Ray moaned as his cock twitched, “I’m- close, where do you want it,” he loosened his grip on his hair letting Anubis move where he wanted. He looked back up at Ray and then continued bobbing his head.
“Shit- you’re… so good to me- so beautiful… fuck-“ he grabbed Anubis’s hair again and forced him to take him fully as he came. He twitched as cum made its way down Anubis’s throat, pulling off he swallowed most of what he could keep in his mouth before coughing up some, he looked up, Ray looked picture perfect. Chest heaving as he recovered.
“That- was amazing, dear. I think you deserve a little attention down there don’t you think,” he pulled him into a kiss, the taste of his cum on the others lips. He picked Anubis up and placed him on the bed once again,
“Hands above your head,” Anubis sighed and complied, getting his arms in a comfortable position, he shivered in excitement. Ray wasted no time removing the remaining clothes.
“My my, who could have possibly gotten you this excited, love?” His fingers run through the folds collecting some of his wetness. He raised it to his lips and put his fingers in his mouth, tasting his essence. He groaned at the taste, removing his fingers to go down for more. He licked a stripe collecting the wetness ending at his clit. He sucked on it as his fingers prodded at the entrance. They entered and Anubis’s thighs clenched around Ray’s head. His fingers scissored inside to stretch him out. In the process one of the fingers brushed over a spot that made Anubis’s body twitch forward. Ray smiled knowing he found what he was looking for, his fingers attacking the spot.
Anubis’s orgasm approached quicker than he’d like it to, it was just too good and he’d been holding off for so long.
“Ah- fuck fuck, Rayyyyy…. I’m so close, keep going fuck,” Ray looked up at him, his eyes clenched shut, eyebrows upturned in pleasure. The knot in his stomach snapped when Ray thrusted his fingers in once again. His whole body convulsed as the orgasm took over him. Ray continued his actions, riding him through the orgasm and more slightly overstimulating his sensitive clit.
“Ah- stop, stop, too much,” Anubis scooted away from the stimulation and closed his legs, “ah, sorry my dearest, I may have gotten a little distracted.” Another kiss, Ray seemed to like kissing after oral, maybe so they could taste each other. Anubis didn’t know but he was glad he wasn’t one of those people who would not kiss after you sucked them off. Those people always gave Anubis the ick, the same people who would let you suck them off but wouldn’t even think of eating you out. Anubis was glad Ray enjoyed oral as much as he did, he did get hard again from eating him out.
Ray positioned himself between Anubis’s legs and started to rut himself into him. His hands run along Anubis’s sides, tracing the discoloration and scars that litter his body.
“You’re beautiful, so beautiful,” Anubis wrapped his arms around Ray’s neck looking into his eyes, his fingers touching the remnants of his horns. “Everything about you. Is so perfect,” Anubis didn’t know if he was told that often but he knows from experience it’s always good to hear it from the ones you care about. It’s so easy for Anubis to not lie to Ray, so right, he can’t find a reason to like when he was with kane. It's so nice. No other people for him to look at the same way he looks at Anubis. It felt so good.
“Oh.. thank you dear,” judging from the reacting he didn’t get told that often, he did flush every time Anubis would compliment him, natural response but from what Anubis knows about how he used to think about himself he feels he needs to hear it more, just as Anubis knows he needs to hear some things.
Ray thrusting inside snapped him out of his thoughts, letting out a surprised moan as Ray sighed at the feeling.
“Sorry for surprising you there, I couldn’t wait much longer,” he started at a study slow pace, his thrusts still having a good power to them, shaking the bed with each of them.
Anubis’s moans filled the bubble, as much as Ray did enjoy Anubis’s voice he did need to focus. Pushing two fingers past his lips. “Suck, keep your mouth busy, I do love the sound of your voice but seeing you sucking on my fingers is very enjoyable.” Anubis’s tongue swirled around the fingers in his mouth, his eyes going half lidded looking into Ray’s, pleading, for something. He didn’t know what he was pleading for, it just felt right.
Casting mage hand again Ray moved it to focus in on Anubis’s clit while his other hands were busy, his body twitching, close, still sensitive from his previous orgasm. Ray was hitting all the right places while the mage hand abused his clit forcing the rising orgasm to approach quicker.
A muffled moan coming out around his fingers, words that Ray could barely pick up on. He assumed it was something along the lines of “I’m cumming” as a muffled scream ripped through Anubis as he came from all the stimulation. His body convulsing, his cunt clenching around Ray in the right ways, sucking him in.
Ray was close, so very close when he pulled out and jerked off furiously above Anubis’s slack body. He came with a low groan, painting his chest with white.
He flopped down beside the other man, catching his breath before going to unite Anubis. Placing a small kiss to the bruises forming, casting prestidigitation to clean the two of them. He pulled the smaller man into his chest, holding him there.
There was no need for words in this moment, the silence comforting as they both caught their breath from the mind blowing sex that just had happened,
“My,” Ray was the first to speak, his voice rough, “that was amazing.”
“Hah. Yeah, you sure know what you’re doing,”
“As do you,” Ray smiled and started playing with Anubis’s hair, brushing it out of the way and kissing his forehead.
“I wouldn’t mind doing that another time.”
Anubis giggled, “I don’t think I could let you run away after that.”
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rawrtriesagain · 2 years
Long post incoming idk how to do Read More on mobile, sorry. Tldr: just a post abt my writing as usual and stuff about my interest in lwa (nothing crazy)
I know I talk abt my old fuckin fics all the fuckin time (like Jesus theyre old enough to be considered toddlers now) but anyway this is my vent blog and y’all will never hear the end of it so guess what still has an absolute GRIP over my mind after 3 years
Its forest of arcan- im jk its dreamer of stars lmaooo. I reread it right now for the funsies after months of forgetting abt it, and each time I read it I think “surely I am over this story and can move on with my life” and like the first half of the story its like yea I kinda am over it haha but then the second half just obliterates the thoughts and runs me over and I just lay in my bed and contemplate my life and go into like a State of Emotions and simply have to talk about it (but it also could be because its 4am at the time of writing this)
I do think it mostly has to do with nostalgia though. Truthfully I’m probably not able to write smth like that again because it was 100% written completely on emotion and quite actually everything bad Diana was feeling in the story was smth i was also going through so it was easy to… write a vent and disguise it as a fic LOL. But I was also running on the high of being in love with my best friend which also really easily translated to everything going on in the fic blah blah nobody remembers it but me so this means nothing to anybody and im being cringe and gay on main (not even my main)
ANYWAY the point of my babbling here is that honestly I miss having that intense amt of emotions that would spur that level of creative writing? Like yea forest of arcana (not updated in over a year) is fun and all but it definitely isnt written on a personal level like dreamer was. I also just genuinely miss writing lol and its like ok bitch why dont you write then and then its like good question why dont i?? I probably still enjoy writing more than i do drawing and i know my blogs say otherwise but the two mediums are both definitely different outlets for my life. Maybe i would change my mind the day my art is actually good tho 😛
Im laffing rn seeing me talk abt this “deep” different outlets of life cause like when u think abt it im also literally just Currently describing little witch fanfic and fanart since thats all i do LOL. Not that theres anything wrong with lwa being my Muse of course, but it just adds humor in whatever the emo hell im going on about
Another side sad mini vent but i dont think im as into lwa as i used to be which also waters down my interests in doing things, but im literally not interested in any other media or fandom rn either so lwa stays my hyperfixation. Plz dont be alarmed lol im not saying im NOT into lwa anymore since diana is still a fuckin god to me like 10/10 chara design and vibes, but its definitely not as strong as it was when i first joined the fandom 3 years ago. And you know what maybe it has to do with me not watching little witch academia in full in those entire three years after i first watched it lmao. Most of the friends ive made in the fandom are pretty much gone too which is sad but is what it is. Sometimes i get a burst of seratonin when i think about smth diakko and definitely like now when i reread my fics i also remember the Emotions i had for these Gays and it like floods back for a bit like a buff.
I think something im very interested in for both the spark of writing and also the revitalization for my love for diakko is that i wanna do like a oneshot slice of life series for diakko. Just something easy, cute, subjectively funny, and a vibe. I still fantasize abt diakko shenanigans even if mundane and i wish i could also capture it more in my art but im not at that level yet, so writing it is. First i probably need to rewatch lwa in full since ive forgotten most everything except for key diana scenes haha oopsie And sucy world episode that was a good fuckin episode.
Anyway thanks for reading this far if you did lol sorry for the LONG ASS NONSENSE POST. Sometimes i see how i type in my blog and to people and compare it to my writing and its like where the hell did my comprehensive english go. Sorry if this was just hard to read from the lack of grammar and punctuation but thats showbiz anyway stay tuned for the next diana content ttyl bffl rofl xD zomg
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I just finished Staged 1!! My reactionz (apologies for wall-of-text; I cannae “read more” on mobile);
(tl;dr at the end)
Props for getting me to not despise a Zoom show on sight. Uses the medium really well despite it being, you know, a remnant of the world fuckin ending
Very Rosencranz and Guildenstern are Dead, like the patter/volley, lotta chemistry (goes without saying)
David Tennant using Frost/Nixon as an example to explain who Michael Sheen is to Samuel L. Jackson makes me feel so seen. Maybe it’s an American thing idk
Nina, my beloved… serving cunt as the day is long. Rip to her beleaguered assistant lmao
The celeb cameos weren’t annoying !
Bordered on naval gaze-y but self aware enough (meta!) to skirt the line well
Simon’s sister rules lmao
The exterior shots showing empty Englandland were beautiful and captured a (shitty) moment in time very effectively. And sheep! Pastoral VS city, good stuff
Who the fuck is Michael Sheen?!
I wish David writing the play came up earlier, structurally it felt kinda thrown in the last two episodes, but they’re short so it’s a lot to put in
Michael crying over the old lady possibly dying 🥺 Best unseen character uwu
Welsh is a horrifically ugly language but I appreciate their commitment to the bit
Best ep by far was the 3rd (I think?) one revolving around lying. Fantastically written and all around a tight episode
He is in the naughty corner!!
I’m ignorant af whooooooo is the black actory guy in the 5th (I think?) episode who goes on a run to deal with stress and reads Ulysses twice? Love him. I will follow him into the dark
The Ulysses bit is very haha Bri’ish
Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night Reference !!!!
The credits gag is *chef’s kiss*
I… don’t like the music. It feels very Kevin Macleod student film stock piano sorry
Also could be my hearing issues but I just couldn’t hear sometimes, at least with the wide shots. Maybe there are subtitles but I wouldn’t know since I watched it completely legally uwu
Editing with fade-to-black annoyed me at first since that’s not how Zoom works but it won me over, very effective theater-y choice. Elevates it a lot along with the way the Brady Bunch boxes move
David and Georgia’s dynamic is adorable and they play well off each other. Not sure if I’ve seen Georgia in anything before (statistically speaking she was prob in Doctor Who lmao) but I really like her as an actress! Very charming
Anna’s not in it as much so can’t say for her acting ability but she was fine idk. She has zero chemistry with David and Georgia but her and Michael seem to have a little bit, just not nearly on the same level as the Tennants. It’s “meta” so not quite sure what that implies irl but her awkwardly leaving Georgia on read was very funny
Idk who Simon is but he’s a good actor! More of a writer? Self effacing and fun
D̵̨̜̓̽͆͘Ḁ̴̪̻̘̗̮̀͛̈̊̅͆ͅM̷̭̒͛̓̔̐͛̉̂̈́̔͘Ë̷̲́̿̅̀̐̆̇̅͋̓̋͂̉ ̴̟̖͉̳͖͕̫̑̌́͂̀͑͐̽̈́̃̃J̶̨̤̞̰̙̻̯͍͖̯̠̝̥̤̿͐̄̂̈̅̎̃̌͊͊̓͠Û̶̢͍͔̱̦̩̬̦͙͖̓̿͘D̶͇̭́̋̓̆͆̋̋͘I̶̞̳͕͖͗̓̓͑̐͆͊͋̂̚͠͝ ̴̧̨͎͖̲̳̼̎̈́̋̐͘Ḑ̸̲̖̟̲͓̝̠͍̤͛͆͐͘E̷̛̻̥͙̯͂͌̌̈͂̒Ņ̷̛̭̦̗͔̝͙̖̆̀̆̌̚ͅC̴̢̬͉͈̉͐̃̀̋̓̓̓̀̚H̵̡̠͕͚̹͑͂̃̉̐̈̾̍̕͠
In the same vein, the button of the cookie jar acting game— yes. All yes
Once again hammering the meta theme but it is interesting to see how David & Michael’s chemistry really does get stronger as the episodes go on. I’m assuming it was filmed in order so a lot of it is the awkwardness of acting on Zoom I think since they had better chemistry in Good Omens 1 imo. They said they became closer friends through it and it shows
Also feels less ‘actor-y’/more comfortable between them as it goes on, which I get is scripted but you can tell the difference, like when a sitcom cast for many years either starts hating each other at the end or becomes inseparable
tl;dr Overall it’s quite cute! Well written, easy watch, lotta subtle funny moments and back and forths. Interesting to see something that feels like a play as a Zoom TV show, it’s unique. Everyone is having a good time and likes each other and it shows. Not sure I’d come back for a rewatch if not for it (apparently) becoming a lot more meta as it goes on and then whiplashing from funnier in season 2 to major bummer in season 3.
It’s fascinating to see a friendship develop in real time, and even aside from that, it’s written and edited concisely. Based on .gifs I’ve seen it looks like season 2 has a lot more of the iconic/memorable moments. Don’t really see the “love story” aspect yet but I guess that comes in time. (And arguing! I’m excited for arguing. Actors love that shit.)
Started season 2 with episode 1 and already like it more with how meta (this no longer sounds like a word) it’s getting. Cool concept and I’m glad it exists
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randoimago · 2 years
Okay but I really hate how editing posts are now. Idk what Tumblr did but editing feels like it’s 10x harder to do.
Half the time I can’t even add the “Read More” line to some posts and it’s annoying. I also don’t like how sometimes when I’m messing with a post, I get a drop-down menu of how to format and other times, I just highlight what I want to change.
Sorry that I’m just in a complaining mood this morning (it’s 6am for me) guys 😔
And another thing (sorry again guys), I don’t like how if I make my own post, I can’t add the community settings thing to it. I mean, that probably doesn’t matter on this blog, but I’m trying to do stuff with my NSFW blog and I can edit stuff that I had from the askbox, but if I make my own post I can’t add content warnings unless I do it on mobile.
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thiswasmadeonawhim · 2 years
Stuff I Do Now
Since it’s been a while since I’ve properly done anything on Tumblr, I just wanted to make a fast list of all the things I’ve been up to the past 7? years.
It’s swords. I’m really into swords. I think Tumblr missed a majority of my big seiyuu phase back then as well as I had moved to Twitter for all that, but I am now a full time sword enthusiast. Oh but also I became trapped in Butai hell. Never expected this to happen, but what you gonna do.
Some Things I’ve Done During Covid:
Ichigo Hitofuri Bot - Twitter bot that posts pics of Ichi every day. Pls live...
Touken Ranbu Stat List - Helpful tool that automatically lists your personal game stats.
Touken Ranbu Sword List - Also helpful, lists all your sword info.
Touken Ranbu 2.5D Actor Sorter - Sort these bois to your liking
Touken Ranbu 2.5D Actor Back Sorter - Same thing, just Backs.
Touken Ranbu Musical Heardle - Heardle but for TouMyu! I need to update this eventually with a 2.0 for all the new song updates (paraiso + kousui need to be added)
Touken Ranbu Scanlations - Lead Typesetter for TouRabu Scans. Come read our stuff~~
My Art Account (p l u g) - Haha sorry, I started learning how to draw back in 2021 cause I Really wanted to draw Ichigo. And here we are...
Moving On
Hi! Let’s talk!
Do You Plan to Finish Any of those Wallpapers You Teased Ages Ago?
Sad to report that I Can’t. My computer died back in 2020 and I lost EVERYTHING. If I ever have the inspiration and drive again, tho, I may go back to it. But right now I’m using all my personal free time to draw for myself,,,
Mobile Games I Play:
Touken Ranbu (JP)
Ensemble Stars!! Music (JP)
Helios Rising Heroes
Twisted Wonderland (EN)
Wind Boys
Fate/Grand Order (JP)
Stand My Heroes
Stage Play/Musical Productions I Follow (*Main)
Touken Ranbu Stage*
Touken Ranbu Musical*
Mankai A3!*
Ensemble Stars Stage
Helios Rising Stage
Wind Boys Musical
Star-Myu Stage
Prince of Tennis the Musical
Yowamushi Pedal Stage
Feel free to hit me up! idk how it’s done on tumblr,,, DMs?? I’m on discord.
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go-to-the-mirror · 1 year
TMA relisten time! I made y’all vote in a poll and I made instagram vote in a poll, and relistening to Magnus won! These first three are going to be much shorter, because, trailers, but rest assured, the future ones are going to be a lot more coherent.
So, without further ado:
MAG 0.1 - Seed, MAG 0.2 - Pre-Launch Trailer, and MAG 0.3 - Launch Trailer
Sorry, idk how to add read mores on mobile, so uhm, good luck.
MAG 0.1 - Seed
I’m too anxious to leave another comment on a patreon post to ask where to find the TMA trailers, so they’ll be listened to on spotify. Did you know they’re running a kickstarter??? /s
I have… not missed the ads. At all. Like. No missing is happening here.
Anyway, uh, connections! This episode has ✨ spooky voices ✨ saying Vigilo Audio Operior, which is Latin for “I watch. I listen. I wait.” This is similar to the Magnus Institute’s motto (Audio Operior Vigilo), but also to the MAG 160 description, Vigilo Audio Supervenio.
Google translate says this means “I watch. I hear. I come,” however the wiki says it means “I watch. I hear. I come.” According to wikidictionary, Supervenio can mean “I overtake” or “I come on” as well as “I surpass,” “I exceed,” and “I excel”
So, uh, what are the creepy voices? Probably web or eye related. Since “I watch, I listen, I wait” is, yknow, spooky in an eye way. But, “I wait,” and having the tapes be web, and then the call back in MAG 160 when a lot of the Web’s plans (and Jonah Magnus’, the bastard’s) come together.
And also on a meta level, like, the joke that RQ is web aligned and the implication that the tapes made it to our world (bringing with it the fears) and the crew retrospective… I think it’s gotta be Web, doing the spooky voices and putting it in the description.
Does that mean the Web they/themmed jon? Diversity win, i guess.
MAG 0.2 - Pre-Launch Trailer
(CW for canon-typical unreality)
It’s well written, but I’m still laughing at the exposition ajsjcjjsxjj
How long after Jon’s promotion did they find the tape recorder, you think? And why was it in storage if Gertrude was using it?
👍 i am helpless to stop him, as i was the first time, as I was the second, :(
The only other Jacob we know worked for Leitner. Jacob Feng, who disappeared after reading A Disappearance. I’m not sure if I think these two Jacob’s are the same, but probably they are.
15 July 2011… what happened then…
Also when Daisy killed Calvin Benchley, but that’s less relevant
And the same year that Melanie’s father died
Holy shit.
Okay new headcanon, Jon started working at the Magnus Institute at like, either the day before or the day of
oh my godddddd. seriously?
Ok, ok, so my interpretation of the statement is like. This is talking to us. Like yeah, it’s also about jon, his beholding will come to nothing and he will (be forced) to end the world
But I think it’s talking about us as well. We can listen to these statements, these recordings, but it won’t help us. They’re already here.
Hmmm spooky :3
Anyway this is like a FANTASTIC trailer! Short little statement, an introduction to, well, something looking back from the depths of the Magnus Institute’s archives
And then, like everything else, it’s just phenomenal on a relisten
Im so excited for this :33
MAG 0.3 - Launch Trailer
The first characters mentioned are Elias and Martin respectively. Cool.
And then Jon’s the first one to appear.
“I swear, if he’s brought another dog in here, I am going to peel him.”
I know he’s a godawful boss, but also, I can understand why he’s annoyed at Martin for that.
Also uhm. Martin’s- Martin’s not the one who’s most likely to get peeled here.
Who? Lured him away to say spooky things into the tape recorder???
“Let’s try this again.”
ITS A WORD CHOICE I KNOW ITS A WORD CHOICE BUT- LIKE??? “Now, shall we turn the page and try again?”
I’m going to be insufferable when I reach 160, I swear
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make-out · 3 years
i really very earnestly am trying to find resources to help me understand asexuality as a sexual identity with a rich and nuanced history since that is the way that modern asexuals seem to understand it, but the more i research the more i seem to find the contrary to be true. yes there is a rich and nuanced history of asexuality but as a political identity that very often is moralistic and divisive and also extremely heteronormative despite being sexually separatist or whatever.
i saw a post ages ago that directed me to read the asexual manifesto and now i’m really wondering if the op of that post actually read it at all. because it doesn’t make an appealing case for modern asexuality, not even remotely. it characterizes asexuality as the result of, first of all, having a shitload of sex. it also characterizes it as 100% a choice—a choice to be celibate or to restrict interpersonal relationships to physical contact and affection of a nonsexual nature. all of that is fine and cool except that sexuality as we understand it is not a choice, so that’s one strike. and also, the people writing this rhetoric were radfems who largely identified as straight women and who at many turns fought against lesbian feminist ideology and queer liberation in general.
i understand that asexuality has evolved to take a different form now, that it’s no longer viewed as a political identity but instead as a sexual one. i get that, obviously, i’m aware of the discourse, that’s why i’m doing this research and writing these thoughts down. but i’m having a really hard time seeing how something that originated as a highly moralistic and frankly puritanical political stance could evolve so quickly into something so completely separate from that. my basic thought about ace people is that i don’t give a shit if you don’t have sex/don’t want to have sex/don’t have a sex drive, i really don’t, it’s not my business and if you feel the need to form a community of like minded individuals so that you can discuss your personal struggles with uh, not having sex, that sounds fine to me, do that. but the second it crosses into moralistic boundaries, the second that a message of sexual supremacy starts to form, asexuality stops being a sexual identity and starts being a political one.
my desire to have cock in my ass is not a political identity. it’s a sexual one, one that i cannot opt out of or into, and one that could very well get me stabbed at a gas station in alabama. i’m not calling modern asexuality a choice—that would be a malformed thought with no real basis in anything because i haven’t done the research to support that. but i am saying that sexual supremacy of any kind, directed at homosexuals, is homophobic. and it’s existed for a very long time. it’s not special. it’s not new. it is actually so fuckign ancient like this discourse is biblical bro it’s just that now the call is coming from inside the house i guess
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wonuism · 2 years
+ just some headcanons i’ve thought abt during the past few weeks (read more link still isn’t working, sorry :/)
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will teach you how to play some of his favorite video games. he’ll be so patient with you. doesn’t matter if you suck, what matters is you’re trying your best to learn something that he loves to do
if you happen to enjoy some mobile games, he’ll lay his head on your shoulder watching you play. he loves the annoyed huffs you let out everytime you lose
when he’s not playing video games, he’s probably doing something else with you
like going to bookshops to look for new books to read
sometimes you based it on how cute the cover is without actually reading the synopsis of the book
he laughs everytime but also picks out some books he knows you'll like even if the cover design is ugly
since you two don’t live together, it’s sometimes hard to buy books especially if you two want the same one but they only have one stock
which will prompt the two of you to share. much like how other couples watch a tv show together, not watching the next episode if the other one isn’t there
that’s how you are with the book.
he probably has a goodreads to keep track of everything he’s ever read. it’s a private account with only you as his follower so you can look at his reviews and pick a book to read
sometime he’ll address you directly on the review section
“i know you’ll love this just as much as i did, it’s very perfectly written and i’m hoping you’ll give reading this a chance once you have the free time to do so.” or
“this book reminded me of you while reading it. everything that’s written here encompasses everything i admire about you. maybe one day, if you give me a chance, i’ll read it to you with you laid on my arms.”
treating goodreads like a post office for love letters
speaking of love letters
will let you borrow his books and midway through reading you’ll see a paper in between the pages
“how are you liking it so far? i hope it suits your taste. i can’t wait for you to finish this and talk about it with me. just seeing the look on your face when you talk about something that you enjoyed keeps me going.” swoons
will look at you funnily when you ask to recreate a scene from a book
like.. idk.. a kiss? slow dancing?
but he won’t refuse cuz he secretly want to do it as well <3
matching bookmarks hehe
either customized or something sentimental to you both
like the first note you gave him while you two were still new and vice versa
or maybe you two do activities like making bookmarks for each other?
watching the film adaptation of books
even if you or him fall asleep midway, atleast he/you know what happened in the end cuz you read the book
will probably rewatch it again after a few days, powering through the end just to see how well the film was
if you two didn’t like it, it’s fine. you can always count on the book
if you two ended up liking it though, he’ll add it to the list of movies you both liked.
ok…. are you ready…. letterboxd
he probably has one too
he has these types of account for you
so even if you two are away from each other, you can see his recommendations and what he’s been up to
the fact that all his reviews somehow ends up being about you and how you might like it/reminds him of you says a lot about your relationship
the way he thinks of you everytime he does something while you two are away from each other and he makes it known by writing reviews on goodreads or letterboxd <3
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notes. i feel like i always centered wonwoo around books so much cause when i was still learning about svt, my best friend sent me a video guide and the description for wonwoo was something about liking books and during that time i was reading soooo many books and thought “oh wow is he meant to be my bias” then a couple months later here i am.
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