#again lmk if I’m crossing a line w this post
based-and-rinpilled · 5 months
how have some of you on this site not heard of Kendrick or Drake. Like I get not listening to their music but not even knowing who they are?? Cmon.
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kutemouse · 4 years
Caught (Part One)
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Disclaimers: All “Save Me” webtoon and BTS MV/highlight reel/film references and plots belong to BTS and BigHit. All pictures of Kim Taehyung belong to BTS and BigHit, I just edited them for my header. The picture of BTS came from Vogue Japan, I just edited it for my header.
A Note from Kutemouse: I know, I know, this has been a long time coming, and I’m so sorry it took so long for me to post this!! I’ve actually had it written for a while, but today was the first day I was able to get up and do some stuff. Pregnancy is rough! Oh, that’s right, if you haven’t seen it yet, I made a Big Announcement earlier today that explains why I’ve been so inactive lately, and also explains my plans for the future.
Age Recommendation: 21+ (this is NOT one for youngsters, kuties, and is MOST DEFINITELY NSFW)
Genre: Mafia!AU w/ BTS, Jailbird!AU w/ Taehyung, Yandere!BTS
Warnings: Not many warnings for this part, kuties. Swears, I guess. Unsupportive SO? Kidnapping. Use of chloroform.
Word Count: About 3k
Summary: Kim Taehyung was the absolute love of your life… until he became a murderer. With him serving a life sentence in prison, you were finally free to live out the rest of your life however you wanted. Just when you thought you were at the top of your game, ready to take on the world, Taehyung reappears like a monster not even your worst nightmares could dream up. He gives you a year to fall in love with him, but now the question is, can monsters even be loved?
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Tag List: @chocolatewolfuniversitytrash​ @btssmutheaven​ @taemaknae​ @rebeccawoodrow​ @sassysaxsolo​ @iconicgguk​
If you want to be added, just lmk!
Caught (Taehyung Series, Yandere, Smut, Angst) Part One
We were skipping class in the school greenhouse, enjoying the humid warmth and the earthy smell wafting from the plants. We were talking, I forget about what. What I remember most is fiddling with his large, rough hands, intertwining my fingers between his over and over again. I remember his deep laugh that seemed to rumble through the recesses of my soul. I remember glee blooming in my chest whenever he grinned at me. 
His tone was teasing, mine was indignant yet flirtatious. Again, I forget what we said to each other, but I clearly remember those two words. “Kiss me.”
I gaped at him. “What?”
“Kiss me,” he repeated.
I hesitated. “Here? Now?”
Taehyung leaned down, tilting his head, until his lips hovered over mine. I felt each of his exhales on my skin, practically heard my heartbeat speed up.
“Kiss. Me.” It was barely a whisper, yet it resonated through my body, down my spine and throughout my limbs.
Without another word, I pressed my lips to his, melding them to fit his, a thrill running through me at his appreciative groan.
He pulled back, his inky eyes somehow growing darker. “I love you, baby girl.”
I sat up, gasping. Blood rushed to my head, making me see stars. With a groan, I covered my face with my hands.
My fiancé, Lee Chanwook, rolled over and peered at me. “You okay?” he asked, his voice husky from lack of use.
“Yeah. Fine. Just had a dream, go back to sleep.”
“You sure?”
I nodded. He rolled over, his breath growing deep and even as he fell back into the reaches of slumber. If I could be so lucky. I hadn’t thought about Kim Taehyung in… well, it had to be almost a year now. Or two. I wasn’t sure.
Either way, my life moved on without him after shit completely hit the fan. My aunt and I agreed I shouldn’t transfer schools, since I only had a month or so left til graduation. I graduated alongside Chaeyoung, who seemed to be my only friend after Taehyung got arrested. She held my hand tightly the entire ceremony, only letting go when I was called to accept my diploma.
As soon as I graduated, Aunt Sunhee and I moved into her place in Busan. It was a tidal wave of change. Compared to my mom’s cramped, two-bedroom apartment, my aunt’s large house was a mansion. She recently obtained a position as COO of a large company and applied for custody of me immediately after.
Before we moved, I found my aunt’s letters my mom had hidden from me. My aunt had tried to call me multiple times but was never able to reach me. She even flew out to see me a couple of times, but all it took was my mother calling me at school and telling me I needed to stay at a friend’s house for me to stay away. I guess my mom was scared she would lose me.
Yet that’s exactly what happened in the end. My aunt paid for my mom to go to a rehabilitation center, but after only a few weeks, the center called my aunt letting her know my mother had disappeared. Aunt Sunhee called the police and even hired a private investigator, but my mom was nowhere to be found. I succumbed to the realization that she was probably dead. I didn’t get out of bed for weeks afterward.
A year and a massive amount of therapy sessions later, I decided I wanted to do something with my life. I was already attending university to obtain a business degree, but I hungered for more. My aunt got me an internship within her company, and I learned a lot just by working under her. Four years later, with a bachelor’s degree in hand, my aunt hired me as her executive assistant, and I took a year off before going to graduate school to both work and plan my wedding.
I was introduced to Chanwook at a company get-together. He was the son of one of my aunt’s business associates, and he caught my eye almost immediately. Mostly it was the way he was the exact opposite of the boy I hadn’t been able to get my mind off of. He was a stickler for the rules, had a great relationship with his parents, and never, ever did anything that would cross the line or damage his flawless reputation. He was kind and funny, but there was no wild or daring side to him. At the time, he was exactly what I needed.
He helped me forget about Taehyung. In the years before then, whenever I had a spare moment for my mind to drift, Taehyung’s wide, boxy grin and deep voice would float into my thoughts. I spent days wondering what went wrong. When had he become a murderer? At what point did he crack? Why hadn’t I noticed sooner?
Chaeyoung and I kept in touch, and I heard some details of Taehyung’s trial from her. I heard he was sentenced to life in prison without parole, due to the one count of murder against him. It would have been two, but Taehyung’s dad’s body was never found. No one was even sure he was dead.
I spent many nights staring at the ceiling, thinking back to the night when Namjoon got that frantic phone call from Taehyung. When Jungkook wouldn’t let me see him. When he completely disappeared for that entire week.
I had no doubt he killed his father. I don’t think he did it maliciously or intentionally. I think he found the strength inside of himself to fight back, and it ended in a death. It didn’t make the murderous act any less horrifying, but it did make me wonder just how deep the darkness inside Taehyung ran. Was he really the monster the media made him out to be?
Aunt Sunhee caught me one night poring over article after article covering Taehyung’s trial. “Y/n, you can’t keep doing this,” she said, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. “You need to move on with your life.”
It took a long time, but eventually, I stopped surfing the internet for mentions of Taehyung’s story. My conversations with Chaeyoung grew few and far between until they stopped completely. Memories of Tae’s smile, his voice, his laugh, his lips, faded away. I even changed my last name to “Park” both so I’d be recognized as my aunt’s relative, and so no one from my past could find me. Four long years later, I was finally free of Kim Taehyung.
Or so I thought.
Apparently, my damn subconscious didn’t want to let him go. I rubbed at my eyes, trying to wipe away the image of his smiling face. I never imagined that, years later, he would still be haunting me.
I got out of bed, wrapping a robe around my body before stepping out onto our apartment’s deck. The cool, four-in-the-morning air roused my senses even further awake. I stayed like that until the sun began to peek over the edge of the horizon, thinking of Kim Taehyung and our shared past.
“Hey,” Chanwook said, coming up from behind to wrap his arms around me. “Have you been out here all night?”
“Not all night,” I replied. “Just since I woke up from that dream.”
“Mmmm,” he hummed sleepily in response. “Was it a good dream?”
I bit my lip, mulling his question over. “No,” I finally said. “It was more like a nightmare.”
That afternoon, I yawned as I re-read the same sentence for the umpteenth time, willing my brain to focus. “You look like you need a cup of coffee,” my coworker, Lisa, said.
“That would be nice,” I murmured in response, still trying to focus.
She stood and grabbed her purse. “I’ll get yours with an extra shot of espresso,” she said.
“Just so you know, I absolutely adore you.”
She blew me a kiss accompanied by a cheeky wink. “I know. Be back in fifteen.”
With the promise of caffeine on the way, I sat back in my chair and rubbed my temples, telling myself I’d get back to that report later. My cell phone began to buzz, and I picked it up, frowning at the unknown number.
“Miss Park?”
“Yes, that’s me.”
“Hello, my name is Choi Yeonjun. I’m a representative of the company Bangtan Enterprises.”
“Never heard of it.”
A chuckle came through from the other end. “That’s because we’re a small start-up just breaking into Seoul’s business world.”
“And what does that have to do with me?”
“Miss Park, we’ve been made aware of your extraordinary skills and experience. Your aunt is COO of her company, correct? And you’ve been working under her for how long?”
“Well, if you’re including my internship, about five years now.”
“Mr. Choi, what is this about?” I asked as politely as I could.
“As a start-up company, we’re in need of experienced people to help run it,” he explained. “We’re prepared to offer you the COO position here at Bangtan, which comes with your own office, and we’ll double your salary.”
My mouth dropped open. “Double?”
I shook my head in an attempt to pull myself together. This opportunity was huge. I’d been accused of exploiting nepotism in order to get where I was today, but this could be my chance to prove all my naysayers wrong. I could show them I was entirely capable of forging my own path.
Still, I wasn’t going to just jump at this. I pulled my keyboard towards me and searched Bangtan Enterprises. Only a few results came up, but they confirmed my hopes into reality. Bangtan Enterprises was indeed a start-up, but it was based on a very profitable idea and, from the looks of it, had already lined up some high-end clients.
“And you said you’re based in Seoul?” I asked.
“That’s correct.”
So I’d either have to move there or split my time between Busan and there. I chewed my lip, wondering what Chanwook would think. “Your offer is very generous, Mr. Choi. May I have some time to think about it?”
He chuckled once more. “Unfortunately for you, you are not our only candidate. You’re our first choice, but there are others who are willing to start as soon as tomorrow.”
I clenched my phone. “No! I mean, that’s fine. I’ll take it.”
I knew I might regret it later, but this was a hell of an opportunity. Besides, it wasn’t like I signed a contract. I still had time to back out.
“Excellent. We’ll send you an official offer via email. When is the earliest you can start?”
“Don’t tease me, Mr. Choi,” I said playfully. “I thought you said my competition could start tomorrow.”
“That may be true, but—”
“Well, anything they can do, I can do better. I’ll send you my plane’s arrival time.”
“We’ll have a car waiting.”
I swiped off the call, anticipation flooding through me, causing a burst of excited energy to run through my veins.
“You what?” Chanwook gaped at me.
“I said yes,” I replied nervously. I just told my fiancé about the new job, and he seemed to think it was great up until I said I accepted.
“Sweetie,” he groaned, placing his hands on my shoulders. “Are you serious?”
I frowned. “Yes, of course I am. I wouldn’t joke about something like this, Chan.”
“Well, you’ll just have to tell them you can’t take it anymore.”
I scoffed. “And why not?”
“Because we have a great life here. You make plenty, I make more than plenty. Why do you need another job?”
“Maybe I don’t need it,” I retorted. “Maybe I want it.”
“Want to move away from here? Miles away from your friends, your family?”
I scowled at him in response.
He sighed. “Y/n… answer me honestly. Is this about your mom?”
I snorted in disgust. “Seriously, Chan?!”
“It’s a valid question! Are you sure you don’t only want to go to Seoul to see if you could find her?”
“No, that’s not the reason I want to go to Seoul!”
“Then why?”
“Because! This is something that I earned, that I did on my fucking own. In fact, this will be the first and only thing that’s mine alone.”
“That’s not true.”
“Isn’t it? My job? Came from my aunt. My business degree? My aunt’s money. This apartment?” I said, gesturing around the room. “Your money.”
“So what?”
“So I want something for myself. We don’t have to move to Seoul, you know. I know your job is here, and I’d be willing to make the commute. You know, stay four days there, three days here, or something.”
Chanwook scoffed. “Do you even hear yourself?!” he shouted. “We are getting married! Planning on starting a life, here, in Busan! If you want a job based on your own merit and not because your aunt took pity on you, then find one here.”
I was rendered entirely speechless for a good few moments before I was able to gather myself back together. “I cannot believe how unsupportive you’re being,” I said through gritted teeth. “I’m taking that job. It’s your choice whether you’ll let that affect our relationship or not.”
I turned and grabbed my suitcase before stomping out the door, intent on going straight to my aunt’s. If Chanwook was going to be a total ass, I didn’t want to be around him. Thankfully, Aunt Sunhee wasn’t there to ask prying questions when I entered the house with my spare key. I walked up to my old room and hopped on my computer to search for flights from Busan to Seoul. This was my dream. And nothing, nothing at all, was going to stop me from achieving it.
I walked briskly toward my destination, my heels clicking on the airport floor. As promised, a car was waiting for me, along with another passenger in the backseat. “Miss Park,” he said, extending his hand towards me as soon as I buckled up.
His voice sounded familiar. “Mr. Choi?”
“You can call me Yeonjun,” he said, his blonde hair falling over his left eye.
“And you can continue calling me Miss Park.”
He tossed me a smirk. “So, the boss would like to speak with you,” he said easily. “Nothing to be nervous for, he just wants to get to know you. However, he has an important meeting to attend over on the other side of town for which he’s requested your presence.”
“So this car is going straight there?”
“No, you’ll switch to his car once we get to the office. That way, you’ll have time to get reacquainted.”
I frowned. “Reacquainted?”
Yeonjun chuckled. “I meant acquainted. Slip of the tongue.”
“If you say so.”
We spent the rest of the ride in silence, something I was surprised over. I thought he would want to go over my contract or something, but I supposed that would all come later. The driver pulled the car into a parking structure, causing the interior to instantly darken.
“There it is,” Yeonjun said, pointing. A sleek, black SUV sat in the middle of the road, effectively blocking our way. “Go on. Mr. Kim is waiting for you.”
A shiver ran down my spine at the mention of my new boss’s name. Thoughts of Taehyung rushed through my mind, but I shoved them away. Kim was a common enough last name. I stepped out of the car, pulling my suitcase from the trunk before walking towards the SUV. Yeonjun did not follow. After stowing my luggage in the trunk, I opened the side door and hopped in.
A figure sat on the bench across from me, his face covered in shadow. “Mr. Kim? Hi, I’m Park Y/n,” I said, extending my hand. He did not take it.
“I know who you are,” he said, his voice an eerily familiar deep tone.
“Oh, of course you do. Yeonjun said you wanted to get to know me… What would you like to know?”
“I know everything about you already, baby girl.”
I narrowed my eyes, trying to see through the darkness that covered his face. “S-Sorry?”
“I said,” he replied, leaning forward. The light caught onto his inky eyes, causing me to gasp. “I know everything about you already, Y/n.”
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Kim Taehyung was leaning towards me, a smirk dancing around the corners of his mouth. Sure, he looked slightly different. Older. More mature. He had definitely filled out, and his hair was now a complimentary jet-black falling attractively into his dark eyes.
“Hey baby girl,” he said, his smirk widening. “You lost?”
My body suddenly jumped into full-blown panic, and I grabbed at the car door’s handle, shrieking once I realized it wouldn’t open. Taehyung forcefully wrapped his arms around me, pinning me hard to his chest, clamping a hand tightly over my mouth. “None of that now,” he hissed.
I bit him, causing him to yelp, and continued trying to escape, fumbling at the lock that stood between him and my freedom. Taehyung pulled a handkerchief and a bottle from his jacket pocket, putting a dab of whatever liquid was inside on the cloth before clamping it over my mouth. His chuckle came out as more of a wheeze as he held me to his chest. “Damn, baby girl,” he said. “I hoped I wouldn’t have to resort to this, but here we are.”
With each one of his words, my field of vision grew smaller and smaller until my eyes rolled into the back of my head, and I felt myself falling into a state of unconsciousness not even the fear of death itself could fight off.
Part Two is Here! 😉
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turnaboutimagines · 4 years
Hello, it's been a month and I want to check up on you if that's okay? How are you? I hope you're doing okay. I also want to tell you that you're my favorite writer, and you pushed me into writing again and wanting to make my own imagine blog, although it's for a different fandom. That's just how much I love your writings. You are also very kind and friendly! I adore that part of you, too. I hope you have a good day and stay safe! -minus point anon
Hello!  It’s perfectly okay and I apologize for the novella you’re getting in response, haha.  But it’s been a while so I feel like talking a bit more about it is good.  I hope you’re doing okay, too, minus point anon!  Along with all the other members of the Turnaboutimagines anon family and anyone reading this.  💚
Just gonna put this under a cut for courtesy because I am a Rambler™️.  ( ´▽` )ノ
(RIP to Tumblr desktop users, but there’s a read more glitch rn where the Read More goes in the ask and not your response alksdjfsdlkjf.  It looks fine on mobile.  If anyone knows a workaround please lmk!  I don’t like clogging up people’s dashboards :”D)
Before I get into what’s been going on with me, I just want to say that I’m really happy to hear that you’ve started writing again!!!  :D  That’s fantastic and I really hope you’ve been having a blast with it and that you have a great time with your blog, too.  Writing is one of my favorite things to do, so it always makes me happy to hear I’ve helped get someone else either into writing or back into it.  ;w;  So, thank you for telling me!!!  It made me smile.  Sharing writing is always a bit scary, but it’s very worthwhile. 💙
But I am... getting on.  This year is really one thing after another and my mental health hasn’t been great, I’ve been having some depressive symptoms pop up again and am doing teletherapy.  But we also have a terminal illness in the extending family right now along with an aunt having a severe mental health flare-up.  It’s been pretty stressful.  ;;;  However, I finished my first year of grad school strong (lowest grade was a 98%!), so that’s some silver lining, at least...  :”)  The reason why I vanished about a month ago is that I’ve had severe burnout from writing for my classes and was also just highly stressed by the format switch since I did not have the skillset for learning online.  ;;  I’m only now starting to gather up the energy to be more present online again now that school’s out of the way.
I would like to apologize to the people who sent me messages and wanted to talk in the meantime.  ;w;  I really appreciate your messages and I’d like to respond, but I’ve barely been able to talk with my three friends.  It’s just ;;; even little things are a lot for me right now.  I thought that I’d have a better social battery than this, but I simply do not and it sucks.  I do plan on responding eventually, but it may take me a while.  ;;;;;
My creative battery is still utterly drained and while I wish I was the kind of content creator who could keep feeding you guys new pieces and banging out requests during all this free time I have.  But I’m not.  Writing takes a lot of energy for me and I’m just barely getting on with the essentials right now.  Video games are the one non-draining thing I have right now, so I’ve been playing a lot of ACNH....like a lot.
I don’t know when I’ll be back over here (hopefully sooner rather than later!  I miss it terribly ;;m;;), but I’ll be responding to the other asks in my inbox when I do.  I like to keep this blog pretty streamlined for writing.  :>  Sorry in advance for sitting on some asks for a while.  ( ´▽`;;)
However, for those of you who enjoy Animal Crossing or just want to check in on me from time to time or maybe send conversational asks (that I may be slow responding to, but I’ll do my best!!! (ง'��-'́)ง), you can find me over on @ad-nayseam!  It’s an AC/personal sideblog attached to this account and I’m going to try and at least reblog or post something over there on a regular basis.
Anyways, this is it for now, pals.  I dunno how long this hiatus will last, but I really do hope to be back as soon as I can get my writing energy back.  This blog is such a joy to run and I love writing for AA.  ;;w;;  Thank you all for reading my content, sending in requests, and being patient with me this year.  It’s really made Turnaboutimagines such a joy to run and I hope to come back with more content for y’all soon!!!  Please stay safe in the meantime and take care.  💚
- Hattie
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a life of danger
haHA idk what this is guys but. i was too impatient to actually write the whole thing before posting so!!! here have a snippet of some jungkook-the-agent and jin-his-handler fic
rated t for ‘totally rad’ and the genre is honestly just ‘jin and jungkook bantering to express their love’ (w Feelings to come in later installments) 
title is (of COURSE) from ‘secret agent man’ 
i’m not a secret agent so uhhh none of this is even remotely realistic i’m invoking artistic license here 
One of the first things you learn at the academy is how to tune out distractions.
There’s always too much going on in the world, which is why the ability to take it all in, pick out all the relevant information, and tune out everything else is so important. Distraction at the wrong time — focusing on something stupid rather than what you should be focusing on — can, and has, led to death. All good operatives practice doing this until it’s ingrained.
Jungkook’s a good operative. A fantastic one. One of the best, even, and that isn’t arrogance, it���s just the truth.
There’s one thing, however, that all his training, all his instincts, all his will can never tune out:
“You know, you need to go out more often,” Jin says through the earpiece. “It’s unhealthy, the way you refuse to socialize with anyone.”
“You know what else is unhealthy?” Jungkook says, voice a hush as he continues trying to crack the safe. Safe-cracking isn’t his expertise — those are more long the lines of get in, kick ass, get out — so frustration’s welling within him as it takes longer than he wants, and Jin isn’t helping. “Your obsession with me. Why are you even keeping track of my socializing habits?”
“First of all,” Jin starts, and there’s so much indignation in his voice, Jungkook’s lips twitch as he thinks about the way Jin’s probably gesticulating, the expression he’s wearing as he talks to a set of computers in a dark room with no one around, “I’m not obsessed with you, and honestly, if you think this is obsession, says more about you than it does about me. Second of all, I know about your socialization habits because gossip is currency and secret agents are even better at it than the old woman that used to live across the street when I was growing up, so I don’t go looking for this information, it just appears in my lap.”
“Just appears in your lap.” Imagining Jin’s face as Jungkook scoffs — Jin hates being scoffed at; this is why Jungkook makes sure to do it as often as possible — makes the smirk grow on his face, and he adds for the finishing touch: “Is that the defense you use when accused of anything? ‘No, no, sir, I wasn’t bothering this woman, she just appeared in my lap.’”
Seconds go by as Jin makes incoherent, outraged sounds. “I know how to respect women! I’m not a disrespectful, rude brat like you! I have never had a complaint, thank you very much, and never will, because I’m capable of interacting with normal people like a normal person, not like an emotionally constipated — constipated asshole.”
“You? Normal?” This time, scoffing is even easier. “Right, of course.”
Mission accomplished — Jin is now ranting about Respecting your elders and Learning some manners and Not being a mouthy smartass — Jungkook has an easier time focusing, Jin’s voice washing over him, bringing familiar words with it, and it isn’t too long before he finally cracks the safe.
Showy celebrations are amateur, so all he allows himself is a small, “Nice,” nodding in satisfaction as he reaches in to grab the paper documents, the content of which he was told he ‘didn’t need to know.’ The urge to look is hard to resist, but he shuts the safe and slips the documents into his pocket, straightening out his suit jacket and running a hand through his hair, checking his reflection out in the window to make sure he looks good.
As always, he does.
Most of the building is glass — he hates it, hates feeling so exposed, hates the bullshit bougie modern art concept it’s designed on — which means the walls serve as one giant window; as soon as he leaves the room with the safe, he’s assaulted by sunlight and he wrinkles up his nose, says, “Too bright.”
“Yes, sunlight is bright. Maybe you’ll finally grow old enough to develop object permanence and retain this information.”
“Sunlight isn’t an object,” Jungkook says, “so what does object permanence have to do with anything?”
There’s silence for a beat. “You know what,” Jin says, and then stops.
“Yes, I know ‘what’ — it’s a word often used to ask about information.” The building’s a maze of hallways, as if M.C. Escher himself designed it, and then Jungkook realizes he just thought about M.C. Escher outside of an art history class and resolves to spend less time with Tae.
“Actually,” Jin says, “ ‘what’ has sixteen different definitions, and you only gave me one, which means you don’t know what.” The best part of it is, he sounds smug.
“Did… did you seriously look up ‘what’ in the dictionary,” Jungkook says, offering a polite nod to the woman who passes him by in the hallway, looking him up and down.
“Yes,” Jin says, “and I don’t see why you’re asking me as if I’ve done something ridiculous.”
“You are ridiculous. Everything you do is ridiculous, because you are ridiculous,” Jungkook says, taking the stairs down. The interview he’s here for is on the third floor; he only has five minutes to make it down from the fourteenth, so he sprints, footsteps echoing in the stairwell.
“No, I’m Jin.” A beat passes as Jungkook sighs, and Jin starts laughing.
A cackling Jin in his ear isn’t the most conducive to a professional interview, so he says, “Stop laughing or I’m gonna have to cut the line,” and steps out of the staircase, discreetly slipping the documents into the recycling bin where someone will come to collect them.
“Don’t you fucking dare cut the line. I will surgically sew an earpiece to your ear if you try to do that again,” Jin says as Jungkook smiles at the lady at the front desk, excuses about how he got lost and how confusing the building is pouring out of his mouth, and the lady — Jan, her nametag reads — waves them all away.
“Don’t worry! You’re just in time, please have a seat as I inform them you’ve arrived,” she says, chipper, and Jungkook nods at her.
Taking a seat in the corner chair, Jungkook covers his mouth, whispers, “Then stop talking, and I won’t cut the line. Also, we’re sure I have to actually go through with the interview?” It isn’t that he’s nervous or anything — he just knows he’s completely out of his depth here, knows he’s going to bomb it because he doesn’t really know enough to convincingly bullshit, and he hates feeling incompetent, even if it doesn’t really matter.
More silence.
“Jin, answer.”
“Oh, you want me to answer?” Jin says, voice dripping with mock surprise. “But you said stop talking.”
“Jin.” If he’s whining a little bit, well, it’s justified.
“Yes,” Jin says, “we’re sure, because if anyone happens to find out today was the day the documents were taken, an interviewee disappearing after ‘getting lost’ would be suspicious.”
“That’s crossed paranoid and landed straight into conspiracy theory territory.”
A pause, and they both sigh, “Namjoon.”
“If he wasn’t such a good person, I’d hate him,” Jin says, and Jungkook makes a small hum of agreement, eyes scanning the room. The lady reappears, then, followed by a man in an expensive-looking suit and an I’m more important than you vibe, and Jungkook smiles, stands, holds out his hand.
The customary greetings are exchanged, and before Jungkook’s led into the back, Jin says, “You’re probably going to make a fool of yourself, but remember — you don’t actually have to do good, you can just bullshit and fail.”
Since Jungkook’s still talking to the man, nodding along with what he says, he can only grit his teeth at Jin’s words. A couple moments later, Jin says in a high-pitched voice: “Wow, Jin, you’re so smart and encouraging! I wouldn’t be able to tie my shoelaces without your guidance.” A pause. “That was you, by the way.”
“Yes, Jungkook, I am smart and encouraging and you would fail at life if not for my generous guidance,” Jin continues, deepening his voice enough Jungkook has to bite the inside of his cheek to keep himself from laughing. “I’m also handsome and hilarious and cooler than you’ll ever be.”
“Oh, Jin, you’re so right! As always! I promise to listen to you more often and give you the respect you deserve.” Jin’s Jungkook impersonation has Jungkook biting down harder, hoping he can pass off the smile threatening to break out on his face as excitement for the job.
“Ah, and here we are,” the man says, flashing Jungkook an insincere smile as he opens the door to a conference room.
There are two men, one woman seated at the table, all looking at Jungkook as if he just burst in wearing a clown suit and honking a horn. Anxiety buzzes under his skin, no matter how hard he tries to ignore it — he fucking hates feeling stupid, especially in front of assholes.
“Alright, brat. Remember you can kill all of the people in the room within a matter of minutes if they start laughing at you, and maybe take this opportunity to fuck with them instead of actually trying.”
Jungkook wants to say thanks — a sarcastic thanks, even if he means it sincerely — but instead he takes a deep breath, breaks out his most charming smile, and introduces himself.
Jin knows how Jungkook feels, anyway; he doesn’t need to say it aloud. It’s why they work so well together.
i’ve never actually written jungkook and he's kind of the member i’ve thought about the least?? idk how i feel about his characterization but. he’s a fun character to explore let’s see where this leads 
anyway thanks for reading!!! pls lmk what you thought 
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calumcest · 4 years
(part 1 of many) I know I’ve only been gone for like three days but as always I have a lot to say so here I am, prepare yourself for a long boi and by boi I mean ask not anything sexual don’t get it twisted. first, I’m done painting my room and I ended up doing the walls off white for the top half and a dusky pink for the bottom half. I love the way it looks but the amount of times I swore at the painter’s tape while trying to put it on in a straight line should probably count against it.
(part 2) also, since I’m 5’1” and do not own a ladder, I was on my tippy toes for like two whole days, and now my legs refuse to support me like what else are they even here for?? also also, you were right about me hallucinating! except not from sleep deprivation, it was from paint fumes bc I forgot to open my window. Lol, that reminds me I have a great story about a misadventure w chloroform, lmk if you want to hear it. next order of business, I’m here to gush about your writing again.
(part 3) honestly who do I stan more, you or 5sos? Pretty sure it’s you; everything you write just flows SO naturally. It’s like the type of thing I can read and then not realize how long I’ve been reading bc it’s so easy to lose myself in. Beyond that, every time you post something I go back to my debate au and write like four sentences bc ur writing actually makes me feel inspired it’s that good. Specifically about the soulmate fic, GOD the slow burn might kill me but I love it.
(4) Also, I wholeheartedly expect some insider secrets about London in the form of fic shenanigans like if that’s where they are I want some content in case I ever visit. Also, the newest addition to the holyverse is undoubtedly my favorite, despite not having any idea who Noel/Liam Gallagher are, other than men people question your attraction towards. Which, like, I usually trust your taste bc Taron and Richard Madden, but Helen, I’m truly sorry, having just looked up pictures I can not support
(5) you in this endeavor. Now, adding to the discourse about having too many tabs open, I’ve never related to anything more than my family being just me and my 3000 tabs. I finished all my final projects two weeks ago, and yet I still refuse to close any of the tabs I used. I always feel slightly ridiculous every time I have to go back to an old tab by like remembering when I was thinking something, like “hmmm I looked up the spotlight effect in between that YouTube video and that fake online
(6) online shopping spree, so the tab should be roughly at the halfway point between those two” yeah I’m bad at math but those are some calculations I am more than capable of doing. I think that’s probably all tumblr will let me send for now, but you should expect me to be back later bc my ability to ramble is still unparalleled anyways have a lovely day/night/whatever time it is in England -arbor day
that sounds like EXACTLY the kind of room i would like to live in i vibe with that so hard also i hope you managed to get some SLEEP in the few days you were gone don’t think i forgot about your 40 hours of wakefulness also yes please i do want to hear this chloroform story i forgot chloroform still existed i always associate it with like. jack the ripper
STOP?? this is the sweetest thing in the world i do not deserve these compliments you are too fucking lovely to me truly i cant believe firstly that you enjoy my writing tha tmuch and secondly that it inspires u to write?? ICONIC from u u shoudl write more and then post it xoxoxoxoxoxo 
i cant even tell you how refreshing it is to write london me in the last chapter writing the exact directions from the aquarium to charing cross because i know central london like the palm of my fucking hand whereas whenever theyre in sydney i’m like Luke walked down the street <3 Luke got on the train <3 SNKDJFNKSJDF 
I’M SO GLAD YOU ENJOYED IT please support my potential britpop au where i have calum in oasis and michael in blur (if u dont know they were like. At War in the 90s and constantly having a go at each othe rin the media and vying for awards like releasing songs on the same day etc) so its got britpop and romeo and juliet vibes and malum were childhood friends who drifted apart in late adolescence...please...ALSO!!!! look ok i totally understand my taste now is highly questionable i cannot contest that BUT liam gallagher was fucking pretty back in the day (example example example) and i also personally think noel was (example example) but i will still accept criticism on that. BUT LIAM??? come on he gets rights 
GOD I FEEL THAT SOOOOO HARD ur just like...but what if i Still Need It for Some Reason. i believe in u though u can close those tabs although i have to say i literally cannot speak the number of tabs i have open right now would send some people (bella) into heart palpitations i genuinely have so many tabs open that chrome isnt showing me all of them but what am i meant to do...close pictures of liam gallagher looking pretty? absolutely not. i want to have them there so that when i do look at the tab i remember oh yes thats a picture of liam looking pretty so i can click on it observe him being pretty then go about my day 
ALSO i hope u are having/have had a good day too i am glad to hear from u again i hope all is well and that you are SLEEPING well 
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