#again the problems all start when the inside of head goes outside
In This World, There Are People
Ace: I may be stupid but I am free.
Deuce: I may be free but I am stupid.
Epel: I may be-
Jack: I may.
Sebek: I.
Grim: .
( Yuu/MC: Free how, you dolts? The Tomato Tyrant is literally your dorm leader. )
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moonstruckme · 10 months
hi lovely!! i just had the most amazing 7 hrs of my life just scrolling through your page and reading all of your marauders work!! i never even thought about poly!marauders being a possibility until i found your page and i think you’ve altered my brain chemistry forever???
that being said, i would absolutely be so grateful if you could write a gn!reader with poly!marauders at the start of their relationship, where reader’s a much shorter than average person and the boys (who would be so, so tall) have to learn how to walk slower to make sure they don’t leave them behind. i’m so much shorter than my friends and what i do most of the times is run forward in advance and be in front of the group so i don’t get left behind. i’m totally used to it by now, but it’d be nice to have ppl recognize not everyone can go at the same pace, you know? that was so long, so sorry!! and no worries at all if you don’t wanna write it, totally understand! love u so much 🫶🏽🫶🏽
Hi love!! Omg, 7 hours??? Were your eyes okay after that? Sorry it took me so long to get to this, but thanks a ton for requesting and I hope you like it <3
poly!marauders x gn!reader ♡ 644 words
It’s mainly James and Sirius that are the problem. Remus has learned to hold your hand to temper his own long-legged pace, but much like with talking, when James and Sirius get together they start moving at double the speed. 
“Should we call them?” he asks. 
You consider it. “Let’s see how far they get before they notice.” 
A couple more minutes go by, and Remus can barely see the tops of their heads through the crowded sidewalk. 
“Still no idea?” He searches for notes of dejection in your tone, but finds only amusement. 
“Let’s hide.”
He blinks. “What? No, love…” He sighs reluctantly, but lets you tug him into a nearby coffee shop. 
You buy them each a hot chocolate, and it’s five more minutes before Sirius and James go by in the shop’s window, appearing slightly bemused but otherwise unconcerned. You make to go outside, but this time it’s Remus who holds you back. 
“No, let them stew a minute.” 
The next time they come by, the pair looks noticeably more troubled. Remus knocks on the window, and you both wave when they turn to you, gawping. 
The bell jingles as they come inside. 
“Hey, we’ve been looking for you.” James rubs his hands together, blowing warmth into them. Remus feels a tiny bit guilty and takes them between his. He pretends not to see the toothy grin James shoots him. 
“Oh?” Remus makes his tone casual, and you sip at your hot chocolate to hide your smile. “For how long?” 
“Like, five minutes. You just disappeared,” Sirius complains, scooching into your chair so that you have to share it with him. He peers at your hot chocolate, then Remus’. “Oi, you didn’t get any for us?” 
“Interesting,” Remus goes on, ignoring the question, “because we’ve been in here for nearly fifteen.” 
Sirius blinks, and James cocks his head. “Really?” James asks. 
You nudge Remus’ leg playfully under the table. “No,” you tell them, rolling your eyes. “We just wanted to see how long it would take you guys to notice we weren’t behind you.” 
“You could stand to be a little more considerate,” Remus says primly, sipping his hot chocolate. 
“Aw, baby.” Sirius nestles his freezing nose into your cheek, grinning when you squirm away. “Did those little legs of yours separate us?” 
You roll your eyes, but once again Remus comes to your defense. “Their legs aren’t the problem, yours are. Until you two can learn to be considerate of the less…height privileged” —he pretends not to see the aghast look you send him, and goes on with faux dispassion— “there will be no hot chocolate for either of you.” 
Sirius scoffs, but James is nodding slowly, seeming to mull things over. “Sounds fair,” he says. “However, have you considered that we could simply purchase our own hot chocolate?” 
“Not,” says Remus, “on ethical grounds.” 
James pulls his hands kindly from Remus’ grasp, giving him an almost consoling pat on the shoulder. “C’mon, Pads, let’s go order.” Sirius hops up, and James stops by your chair on his way past to drop a kiss on your head. “We’ll try to keep to your speed from now on, lovie. Sorry.” 
“It’s okay,” you say, having forgiven them long before they even knew they wanted to be forgiven. 
“Honestly, who should you really be mad at?” Sirius gives you a conspiratorial look. “Your knight in shining armor over there just called you ‘the less height privileged.’” 
“Don’t let him turn us against each other,” Remus says, reaching across the table to clasp your hand firmly. “It’s how he gets his way.” 
“I know,” you stage-whisper back. Then to Sirius, “Go get your hot chocolate, and I’ll decide who I’m mad at depending on whether there’s a slice of pumpkin bread with you when you come back.” 
He scurries towards the counter.
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shockercoco · 8 months
There We Go
Farleigh Start x reader
Warnings - 18+, fingering, overstimulation, drinking, farleigh being dominant when we all know he's not
Word count - 2366
a/n - this is my first time writing smut I wanted to give it a try, and it was hard for me idk how y'all do this lol. enjoy :)
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Last night, you had your hands in between your legs scrolling through videos trying to find the perfect one, while Farleigh was outside smoking with Felix. You and Farleigh have never had intimacy problems, it’s just you having a hard time asking for or initiating the intimacy – even Farleigh has told you several times before that he’s always willing.  You hadn’t gotten too far in your journey when you started hearing those familiar footsteps outside the bedroom door getting closer. You hurriedly took your hand out of your pajama shorts, switched apps, and readjusted yourself like you had been lying like that the whole time. Farleigh opens and closes the bedroom door, kicks off his slippers, and crawls under the covers next to you.
“Can’t sleep?” he asks as he lays his head on your stomach and you just hum in response.
So now here you were sitting in a pool chair underneath the hot Summer sun watching Farleigh, Venetia, and Felix messing around in the pool, and you can’t seem to control your thoughts – mainly because you never got to finish last night. You throw your sunglasses on and try to distract yourself with the book in your hands and hope you weren’t making yourself obvious to him,  even though you could care less what Jane Austen has to say at the moment. You take a peak over the edge of your book and notice Venetia is talking to Felix, Felix is leaning against the edge of the pool with his head towards the sky not seeming to be really listening, and Farleigh is now swimming towards you.
You cross your ankles as if he could sense or see the arousal growing between your legs while he pulls himself out of the pool leaving the bottom of his legs to dangle in the water. Water drips off of him onto the concrete surrounding the pool and also forms into droplets on his chest and arms. Your sunglasses are pretty dark so you’re pretty sure he can’t see you checking him out.
“Are you okay over here?” Farleigh finally looks at you with his own sunglasses covering his eyes, and places a hand on your ankle. He always randomly does this, but at the moment you’re not a fan. You clear your throat before answering.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” you ask looking up from your book as if you had been reading it the whole time.
“Just asking since you normally start complaining about it being too hot if you’re outside too long,” he jokes with a shrug of his shoulders. “As if we’re not all hot.” He now starts caressing your ankle, which any other time you would love it, but now all you want to do is push his hand off.
“Excuse you, you complain more than me. Plus it’s not too bad right now, as long as we get to go inside soon,” you say, looking back down at your book and start pretending you're reading again. You hear him let out a laugh.
“We’re going out into town for drinks later, do you want to come?”
“You guys are driving all the way out there just to drink?” you raise an eyebrow at him.
“That’s what they suggested,” he tells you, referring to the two siblings still floating in the pool. “We don’t have to go if you don’t want to.”
“No, no. It’s fine.”
“That’s the book I told you about, how is it?” he asks, still rubbing your ankle.
“It’s pretty good,” you answer not knowing what else to say and wishing the conversation would just be over.
“Where are you at in it?”
Oh my god.
You skim through a paragraph on the page and quickly paraphrase it for him. He gives you a look with a smirk on his lips, but with his eyes also covered in dark tint you can’t tell what he’s thinking. Or maybe he’s not thinking anything and you’re just overthinking. Once he eventually leaves you alone and goes back to swimming with Felix and Venetia, you let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding.
Later that night when you all are at the pub, including Oliver who decided to come at the last minute, you’re no longer feeling like your head is going to explode. Well, you do, but that’s just because of how packed it is inside the pub. Everyone in the bar has to raise their voice to communicate with one another, but no one seems to care. The group is several drinks in and are talking about the most pointless things, especially Venetia who is asking Oliver what color she should dye her already fried hair next, but you’re still enjoying yourself. Not Felix though, since he declared himself the designated driver because he doesn’t trust anyone else driving his truck. You’ve only had a couple drinks since you were never a huge fan of drinking to the point of getting drunk. 
Farleigh, on the other hand, is on his way there along with the rest of them, and is constant with his nagging towards Oliver. You nudge him every now and then as a warning and he gives you an innocent look every time. Thankfully Oliver doesn’t seem to mind – or doesn’t make it obvious – that he cares about what Farleigh has to say.
When everyone has decided they’ve had enough, you guys make the drive back and blast music loud enough to sober up an alcoholic. Felix, Farleigh, and Oliver don’t seem to have any problem screaming their lungs out to it. Venetia complains about the music being too loud, probably because the music is ruining her buzz,  and you just shake your head in amusement.
Once you guys arrive back at the estate, and do a terrible job sneaking into the house, everyone goes their separate ways. Felix helps Venetia to her room, Oliver stumbles to his, and you and Farleigh make your way to your shared bedroom. You tell Farleigh you’re going to take a bath to which he asks to join, and you decline. He whines in response and plops down on the bed as you head into the bathroom with a laugh to start running the bath water. 
After undressing and climbing into the tub, you lean back and close your eyes until you hear familiar footsteps enter the bathroom. You open your eyes and turn your head to see Farleigh starting to undress himself. Someone’s obviously sobering up.
“And what do you think you’re doing?” you sit up, obviously knowing the answer.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” he responds. 
“I thought I told you no,” you tell him as he gets down to his underwear and shimmies them off. 
“Yeah, but this way we’re saving water,” he smiles like it’s the best idea he’s ever had, even though he uses this trick every time, and for some reason you fall for it everytime. Plus it’s obvious the Cattons would never worry about something like water.
Farleigh makes his way over to the tub, all the while you’re trying to avoid eye contact with his slightly hard length causing him to smirk. You roll your eyes at him as you make room for him, and he climbs in behind you making the water level slightly rise. Once he’s comfortable, you lean your back against his chest, and he loosely wraps his hands around your waist.
His fingertips tickle your lower stomach, reawakening that familiar ache you had earlier at the pool and last night that you didn’t finish satisfying. You hope he doesn’t notice your breath catching in your throat. Feeling him against your back doesn’t help much either. 
“See, this isn’t so bad,” you hear him say in that playful tone of his. You elbow him in his stomach, and you hear him let out a small grunt. “Hey, did you notice Venetia flirting with Oliver the whole time tonight?”
“It was kind of hard not too, I feel like she gets hornier when she’s drunk,” you say as you start to gently move one of your feet around in the water.
“Well, duh, doesn’t everyone? I’m just surprised she did that in front of Felix,” he laughs and starts to lightly rub your lower stomach..
“Speaking of Oliver, wh-,” you start, but Farleigh cuts you off.
“We’re not.”
“Speaking of Oliver,” you try again, “why do you give him such a hard time?”
“Because he’s weird.”
“You’re weird, Farleigh,” you angle your body and turn your head back to look up at him. He gives your side a little pinch making you jump and let out a giggle.
“You know what I mean. Don’t tell me you’re growing a soft spot for him just because of those big blue eyes,” Farleigh lets out a scoff.
“No, I’m just saying to ease up on him a bit. You can be a little mean sometimes.”
“Well, I don’t trust him,” he shrugs.
“Can we talk about something else,” he cuts you off once again letting out a dramatic groan and throwing his head back.
“Of course. When we’re done with this conversation though,” you give him a forced smile. He looks down at you and gives you a little glare. “Just say you’ll be nicer, and we’ll be done.”
All of a sudden you feel the hand that was grazing your lower stomach dip lower, and you feel a finger start to lightly rub up and down your slit causing you to tense. You widen your eyes once you realize what he’s doing, your jaw falling slightly open.
“Are you trying to shut me up?” you furrow your eyebrows at him, and he gives you a smirk. “The audacity.”
“Whatever helps.”
“Farleigh, I’m serio-,” you try to get out, but he starts to rub circles into clit. You hold back a moan that threatens to spill out from the sudden touch, refusing to let him win, even if this is how you wanted your night to end in the long run.
“Sorry, what was that?”
“Farleigh-,” you try again, but this time he dips a finger in you causing you to let out a gasp at the intrusion, your eyes closing on instinct.
You reach a hand down to wrap around his wrist as he curls his finger and starts to slowly pump in and out, but he uses his other hand to take it away and hold it. He adds another finger, still going the same deliberate pace along your walls on purpose to tease you. You bite your lip enjoying the stretch that his fingers bring, but still wanting to hold the noises in your throat back. Farleigh notices this and pushes his long fingers deeper into you, and then uses the hand holding yours to wrap around your waist holding you close to him. 
“If you want me to go faster, all you have to do is let some of those little noises come out for me,” he leans down and whispers into your ear. You love it when he does that, and he knows that, but you still didn’t want to break. “You know I saw you staring me down at the pool earlier.”
You knew it.
You feel his breath on your neck before he starts his trail of kisses making you clench your teeth. You make the mistake of looking down at his hand between your legs right as he finds his favorite spot on your neck, forcing a moan to accidentally slip out. You feel a smile form on his lips while they still attack your neck, and at the moment there’s a part of you that wants to strangle him, but you just give in to him.
“There we go,” he murmurs, and you finally feel his fingers speed up inside of you, causing your face to contort and lean your head back against his chest. He lets go of your waist using that hand to start rubbing your clit again, but this time rougher. This causes you to arch your back into him. If your body wasn’t submerged underwater, you guarantee you both would be able to hear your wetness with every movement.
Eventually, you feel your pleasure come to a powerful end, and Farleigh helps you ride it out as long as possible. You roll your hips into his hand until you’ve had enough, and just when you're about to motion for him to stop, Farleigh picks up a rapid pace forcing the water to start sloshing around. Your eyes widen and you let out a small squeal as you reach both of your hands for his wrist.
“Let go,” he says strongly.
“Farleigh,” you whimper, and it’s all you’re able to get out.
“Let go,” he says again, and this time you do. Instead you put one hand on his thigh and the other on the edge of the tub.
He continues his vigorous torture inside your cunt with you squirming and litterally gasping for air until you can both feel yourself gushing. But, of course he doesn’t stop there, not letting a beat pass. You bring your legs up to your chest with his hand still between, and he pushes them both back down. You let out a cry as he puts his legs over yours pinning your body to the bottom of the tub. It doesn’t take long for your third orgasm to come with a wail, and this time Farleigh stops.
Your heavy panting bounces off the bathroom walls as you finally have a chance to collect yourself, and Farleigh just chuckles from behind you. He slowly slides his fingers out and out of the water, but not before giving your clit a light tap, making you practically jump out of your skin.
“How are you doing down there?” he asks, as he wraps his arms around your waist. You can’t tell if he’s being sarcastic or genuine with your eyes closed, but at the moment you don’t care.
“Honestly, Farleigh, just stop talking,” you tell him, and he lets out a loud laugh that makes your body move against his chest.
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bullet-prooflove · 1 month
In For Five: Tyler Owens x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @hunterthecharmer @heylookwhoitis @shakespeareanwannabe
Companion piece to:
The Mechanic - Tyler faces a problem when Boone brings his mechanic ex girlfriend back into the fold.
Rigs -Tyler reflects on history with you
Ford Mustang - Tyler extends an olive branch.
Engine Parts - Tyler and you try to clear the air.
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Your first job with the Wranglers is to get Tyler’s truck back to your garage in Lawton. When you step out of your tow truck and lay eyes on it, you know it’s going to be a bigger job than you initially reckoned because the poor thing is barely holding itself together in the aftermath of it’s adventures in a tornado.
“You can fix it right?” Tyler asks as you stand before the vehicle with your arms crossed over your chest.
“It looks like it needs an exorcism.” You tell him with a sigh before attaching the chain to the truck. “Let’s hope it holds together long enough for me to get it home.”
Arnett is almost three hours away from Lawton and Tyler decides to ride shotgun, leaving the other Wranglers with the RV as they help locals rebuild the community where tornado hit.
“It’s where the money from all the merch goes.” He tells you as you hurtle down the 60, your eyes on the road, Luke Combs on the radio. “We try to help out as best we can.”
He was the same back then too, you recall, throwing himself into the thick of it, pitching in any way he could.
It’s an hour into the trip that you realise he’s fallen asleep, the lyrics to Fast Car are still playing but Tyler’s voice isn’t accompanying them. You look over to see him tucked up against the door of your tow truck, head resting on the window, arms crossed over his chest. He looks so boyish in that moment, so care free and you remember what Boone had said when he’d taken you aside after Tyler had climbed inside your truck.
“He hasn’t been sleeping since the big one.” He confides in you. “He says he’s fine but what happened in that movie theatre scared the shit out of all of us especially when we almost lost Lily.”
Tyler hasn’t talked much about the tornado other than a brief outline of Kate’s work, it isn’t until that moment you realise just how close it had been for all of them. It explains the smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes these days.
It’s when you pull into the garage that you try to wake him. You try saying his name but he doesn’t stir so instead you reach across to touch him, your hand lightly squeezing his shoulder. He jerks awake, his body tensing, his eyes wide and fearful and you know that he was back there again, trapped in that movie theatre along with everyone else, waiting to die.
“Hey, it’s alright.” You say softly, your hand coming to cup the side of his face, your thumb tracing over the dusting of stubble across his cheek. “It’s just me.”
His hand clasps your palm to his face, his heart thudding in his chest as he closes his eyes and his breathing stuttered.
“In for five.” You whisper and he draws in a deep breath. “Hold for five and then out for five.”
It’s a throwback to three years ago, when you used to wake up with your pulse racing in the middle of the night. He’d be right there with you, his forehead resting on yours as he soothed away your tears.
“Do it with me.” He’d say as he looked into your eyes, drowning out everything else but the sensation of his chest pressing moving in time with yours. “In for five.”
His breathing starts to even out, his shoulders relaxing. His lips brush over the underside of your wrist, his heated breath ghosting over your skin as his eyes meet yours. It takes you back to the last time the two of you were together in a motel room in Kansas, him undressing you by the light of the street lamp outside, his lips chasing over every inch of you before he took you apart.
“We’re home.” You whisper and Tyler sighs because home is where ever you are, it’s just taken him this long to realise it.
Love Tyler? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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yoursweetwife · 9 months
Synopsis: A look at your relationship with Ratio from the outside.
Warning: female reader, fluff, bad English. If you like my content, you can leave a request! I write for all hsr characters
Veritas Ratio.
Just the mention of this name made people tremble with fear and excitement. A genius who hides his face behind a plaster mask, he will make a person feel insignificant only after a couple of words. Despite this, he was respected by students and other professors, but the problem is that Dr. Ratio himself respected practically no one. Practically.
You are a promising scientist striving to improve the world through your inventions and discoveries. Many said that you were destined to become part of a society of geniuses, some of whom you even knew and had the honor of working with, but all you wanted was to share your knowledge with others. Perhaps this is what attracted Ratio to you. Your passion and desire.
Everyone was shocked when they saw that you and the local single professor started spending a lot of time together, especially after the unsuccessful first meeting. Your clumsiness and shyness led to you spilling some liquid on him. His judgmental gaze made you cry. No one knows what happened after that, but some claimed that they saw Ratio enter your office.
Fortunately, after many years of work, you opened up and became the right person to talk to about all your problems. However, your relationship with Dr. Ratio did not remain at the same level. If his attitude towards you had to be described in one word, everyone would say “protection”. He was seen more than once scolding you for your clumsiness, especially when it came to experiments. If there was an explosion in your laboratory, then after a couple of seconds Ratio would run in and start lecturing you, while at the same time treating the wounds on your face.
Or those moments when you were invited on dates. Although you refused, everyone could see how his behavior had changed, and if at that moment someone approached him with a question, they could even experience his anger on themselves. However, this did not apply to you, on the contrary, your innocent “did something happen?” made him cool down, although his voice was just as cold. Ratio trusted you so much that he even let you make him coffee! Although before your arrival he categorically refused to accept coffee from someone else’s hands.
Students who come to Ratio after classes are over (because he very often bullies poor students and they need to ask for extra assignments) often find you there together, excitedly discussing something. Moreover, Professor Ratio's plaster head is missing, which is not undesirable, given his beauty, but shocking. Unfortunately, as soon as they are noticed, the plaster head again takes its rightful place, and Ratio's sharp voice speaks and goes inside.
Each such situation gives rise to a lot of controversy and rumors. Someone says that you are friends, someone says that you are a couple, but no one can say which is true.
You are not against all this, like Ratio himself, although it infuriates him that each of these fools wants to get into your life.
At least it's nice to fall asleep to his complaints while you both relax in a warm bath.
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cu7ie · 1 year
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀૮ • ﻌ • ა ain't nothin' but a hound dog!
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cw; hybrid!characters, mentions of knotting & rut cycles. scent kink. panty/underwear things. some genital specific hcs.
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Hound!Baji was easy enough to share a roof with, but as he adjusts to being the only hybrid in the house, he gets a little too big for his britches & forgoes his respect for you, not honoring the space as something you two share - but that he allows you to exist in. Now he’s stubborn to share - never mind a room; and especially not a bed.
And when he realizes you don’t have it in to argue with him, he stakes his claim on most things in the house. He's become aggressively territorial to the point you don't even have to be actively threatening his space for him to bully you.
He doesn't have a problem with mounting you to remind you who's the alpha in this house. His cock presses into you with the intention to make you submit, since you so often forget your place.
establishing a hierarchy is paramount because Baji will feel actively threatened with you in the house after a point. He'll expect several things of you from that point forward; and no, he doesn't care if it's humiliating, or 'not something humans ought to do' - as the only member of his pack, (nevermind it's your fucking house, he is the pack leader) as soon as you're in the house he's trying to stick his dick in your ass, get all that earthen 'outside' smell off of you. Constant scenting, constant marking (he does it with his cum because he's fucking de-gen-er-ate), and your coworkers start complaining about how you and your office smell like cock & cum.
Hybrid trainers and recommended routines don't work on that dog. He's just hellbent on being bad to the bone, rearranging your guts til you send him to the pound.
he is too up his own own ass to think you threaten his status, (wait until he finds out about your strap,) and as a result you can slink about your house without much issue beyond Baji getting a little in his ways, in his feelings and cornering you between your granite counter top; get you better acquainted with his knot since he always imagined rounding you out with pups some time..
And he will, eventually. You've got this fat little pussy that drives him mad, pheromones don't work on you but they are all he can smell and he won't be satisfied until he can sniff out himself pouring off of you in waves - the litter of pups growing inside you cementing you as his for the rest of your natural lives.
Dog!Hanma is always hiding. But he's more playful than Baji, he's hiding to surprise you of course; though more often than not he's not the most honest. Sometimes he'll stay hiding when he shouldn't be looking.
Maybe he came into the closet to try and spook you, but he quickly forgot and ended up aimless and in the dark with nothing to do; but when he tries to leave,
You're passed out on the bed. At least that's what it looks like, but as he swings it open and he slinks out without a sound, that's when he hears you moan.
His ears snap up at attention, his head nearly bashed against your bedpost as he tries to angle himself to -
"Fuuuuck." you growl as you cum on your fingers for the second time tonight , agitated with the feeling of your own flesh, clawing at the sheet as you toss it over yourself and turn off the light. The scent sticks to his nose like blood to a hound and he's just … dogged about ya.
He starts stealing your underwear and other garments sometimes just so he can smell you all over again, soiling the cloth with his seed before the end of the night. He just hopes you don't notice how often your favorite pairs go missing.
Wolf!Taiju doesn't live close to people on purpose, so when you stumble into his neck of the woods, he's annoyed. He can smell your campfires and your food and you and he thinks he hates all of it,
Until he sees your sleeping face, screwed up in discomfort as you shudder from the cold. You look like an experienced hiker, the kind that usually goes missing this far north. 
Courtesy of him of course. Self-aggrandizing aside, Taiju takes a liking to something about you. You two meet formally when you get targeted by another feral & he doesn't hesitate to come to your rescue, and as per your irritating human custom, you demand to help him. Pay his kindness forward.
You have the audacity to look shocked when he tears your shorts to shreds, his breath hot on your ear as he raises your hips and uses you to get off,
his rut making coherent decision-making rather difficult.
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sweetiesicheng · 19 days
san - smartie
word count : 844
you hear someone knock on the door and get up from the table in your apartment. you go to the door and look through the peephole to see your boyfriend standing outside. you unlock the door and open it.
"hey," you smile and kiss him before letting him inside.
san just grumbles and goes straight for the table. he sits down and immediately thumps his head against the table.
you grin while closing and locking the door. you go over to san and tap his shoulder. "take your backpack off," you say to him. he moves his arms, and you help him take his backpack off, leaving it on the floor. "you okay?" you ask him and sit down next to him.
"just got out of office hours..." san says to you, sounding defeated.
"with who?" you ask.
"my math professor," he mentions and sits up. "i'm failing, but he offered to let me retake some stuff for some credit."
"why are you taking a math class when you're a dance major?" you question your boyfriend.
"baby, i've told you plenty of times that it's required. you've literally looked at all of the classes i have to take," san replies. "can you please help me out? i'll make you dinner."
"you owe me more than dinner," you say to him. "alright, take your stuff out. i'll help you."
you push your things out of the way besides your tablet while san takes out everything he needs. san sets up everything while you look over his shoulder.
"gosh, babe. that's a lot of stuff," you sigh. "i'm going to cook rice first," you say to him. "figure out where we're starting, okay?" you say to him.
"got it," san replies and manages to find the syllabus for the class in the midst of the pages of his notebook.
you go into the kitchen and rinse the rice a few times before turning the rice cooker on. once you're done, you open the fridge and grab an energy drink that san likes to drink. you return to the table and find san already looking confused.
"you look confused," you say to him and put the energy drink on the table. you sit down next to him and look at what he's trying to work on.
"i am confused," san says to you. "this looks nothing like the problems we did here," he says and points to his notebook and the quiz paper.
"okay, let me look," you say to him and lean over. "so for this first one, it looks like you didn't use the right formula," you say and look at his notebook. "wait a minute..." you open the notes app you use for your classes and look through some old notes. you finally find the one you're looking for and show san. "babe, you didn't write the formula right," you inform him.
"see? you forgot this," you say, pointing on your tablet's screen.
san groans, "i probably wrote everything wrong then..." he says to you. "hang on, i'm going to go through the powerpoints again," he says to you.
san starts to work diligently, trying to get at least one quiz done before the night ends. you start working on some assignments but move on to cook dinner for the two of you.
"if you are failing because you wrote the formulas wrong and memorized the wrong ones, i'm gonna call you an idiot for the rest of the year," you say to san.
your boyfriend just groans, "don't do this to me right now, baby..."
you giggle, "i'm sorry. i'm sorry."
"that doesn't sound genuine," he replies.
"can kisses make up for it?" you ask him and bring a bowl to the table. "eat."
san looks up at you, "what happened to me cooking dinner?"
you smile at him, "you haven’t cried for help yet, so i think you’re okay for now," you say to him and kiss his forehead before returning to the kitchen. you bring a bowl of food to the table for yourself and eat with san. "good?"
"mhm," he hums as he takes a break to eat. "really good."
when both of you are done eating, you check san's work that he has done for the first quiz. the paper is littered in red ink, and it's clear that san made many mistakes. however, his corrections in his notebook look correct as you look over his work.
"this one is wrong. you forgot the negative so the answer is wrong," you say to san and point to his mistake.
"oh, you're right," he replies. he takes the paper and adds a negative sign. he fixes the answer and hands his notebook back to you.
you look over his work again, making sure everything is right. "i think you're done with this quiz," you say to him.
"yes!" san cheers.
"now you have more to do!" you say to him, leaving him to groan again. "don't worry, smartie, you got this," you say and kiss his cheek.
"thanks baby."
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mustainegf · 1 month
hi elena!
could you do a james angst where the reader gets into a fight with him during the tour and goes out to get some air and gets hurt really bad and james doesn’t realize until he notices she’s been gone for like 30 minutes and then he freaks out and takes care of her/helps her.
thank you babes i hope all is well
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The tour was full bore ahead, and we were living somewhere between exhausted and exhilarated. But this continuous moving, this endless stream of cities and faces, wears down even the strongest of people.
James and I had been together long enough that I knew the ups and downs of touring better than many. But tonight, those late nights, the missed calls, the exhaustion that makes everything feel ten times worse.
We were back in the hotel, everyone else in the band spirited off to their own rooms, no doubt winding down from the show. I perched on the edge of the bed, trying to read a book, but the words swam in front of my eyes. Behind me, I could feel James's pacing, his energy crackling in the small space.
"Can you just sit for a minute?" I tried to keep my voice calm, but I could hear myself getting agitated. "You're making me nervous."
He stopped, but he didn't sit. "I can't sit down. I'm too wired from the gig."
I exhaled heavily and closed the book, setting it beside me. "I know, but you're driving me crazy."
He finally sat, but the annoyance was still there, radiating off his tan skin. "What's your problem tonight?"
His voice was razor sharp, and he immediately got me on my heels. "I don't have a problem, James. I'm just tired. We've been on the road for weeks, and I'm tired. You're so… restless."
"You think I'm not tired, too?" he spat back, his eyes narrowing. "You think it's easy for me? Every night, putting everything I have into those fuckin' shows, And then I come back here, and all you do is complain."
His words bit, sharp as a slap in the face. "I'm not complaining. I am trying to talk to you. It's like, lately, you're just not even hearing anymore."
"I'm here, aren't I?" he barked. "What more do you want out of me?
I felt my frustration welling up, ready to spill out of me. "I want you here with me, emotionally, not just a warm body."
"I'm doin' all that I can!" he bellowed, his voice rising. "What do you want me to do? Quit the band? Stop touring? This is my life, and if you can't handle it, maybe you shouldn't be here!"
The words lay on the carpeted floor between us in the open air, heavy, painful. My eyes stung with tears, but I dug my heels in. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing how much he'd hurt me.
"I'm going for a walk," I said. My voice was shaking. "Maybe I won't come back."
I didn't give him time to reply. I took my jacket, opened the door, and just walked out of the room. At the end, I slammed the door behind me.
I needed some fresh air, an escape from the suffocation. When I finally stepped outside, the night was nippy compared to the warmth inside the hotel. I shoved my hands deep into the pockets of my pants and started walking, really not caring where I might end up.
The streets were very quiet, almost eerily so. It was late, and the city was in that strange no man's land time of night when most people were asleep but the night itself still lived. I walked aimlessly, my thoughts replaying the argument again and again with every single word cutting a little deeper than the last.
How had we come to this? I was scared not just about losing him but about losing myself in the process.
I wasn't watching where I was going. The streetlights were spaced far enough apart that their long shadows reached out into the distance. I was so lost in my head that I didn't even notice the uneven pavement beneath my feet until it was too late.
One minute I was walking along just fine, and then my foot came down on a raised spike of concrete. I stumbled forward, trying to catch myself, but my ankle twisted, sending a sharp pain up the leg. I hit hard on the ground, my hands scraping against the rough surface as I tried to break my fall.
I just lay there for a moment, the shock of the pain making it hard to think. My ankle throbbed, and I could feel the sting of the scrape on my palms. I tried to push myself up, but another shoot of pain came with the giving of my ankle.
I bit back a curse, and frustration welled up in tears in my eyes. Sitting there on the cold pavement, hurt and all alone, I felt so pathetic. It finally settled in, I'd stormed out of the hotel without a single thought for the consequences, and now I was stuck, hurt, and not able to get back on my own.
I pulled myself up to a seated position, cradling my ankle in my hands. It wasn't broken, at least, I didn't think it was, but it hurt like hell. I glanced around, realizing how far I had wandered off. The hotel was out of sight, and the street was deserted, in a city that was unknown to me.
I cursed under my breath, rubbing at the tears that had started to fall. I needed to get back, but I didn't know how. My ankle throbbed, and I could hardly put any weight on it. My hands and ankle were bleeding badly, with visible blood on the pavement, even in the dark of night. The thought of limping all the way back to the hotel was scary, but what choice did I have?
Just as I was about to have another go at standing, I heard my name being called. First, I thought it was my imagination, a trick of my tired brain. Then I heard it again, this time more closely, panicked.
"Where are you? Baby?!"
It was James.
"James!" I called out again, my voice breaking.
A few seconds later, I saw him rounding the corner, his eyes wide. Seeing me sitting on the ground made his expression turn from fear to relief in the beat of a heart. He rushed over to me, dropping down to his knees beside me.
"What happened, baby?" he asked as his hands hovered over me, unsure where to touch. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," I lied, brushing it off, but the wince that followed my words gave me away. "I just tripped. It's not a big deal."
"Not a big deal?" he echoed. "You're hurt, You're bleeding, Why didn't you come back?"
His words were guilty, and I could feel his torment, see it in his pretty blue eyes. He was blaming himself, and my heart cracked. "I was mad," I said, voice small. "I just needed some air, and I wasn't paying attention. It's my fault."
He shook his head again, and I felt his hands finally come to rest on my arms. "No, it's my fault. I shouldn't have said those things. I was a dick, and I'm so sorry. I didn't mean any of it. You're my girl, and I don't want to lose you."
"You don't have to apologize. We were both upset. I shouldn't have stormed out like that."
He let out a shaky breath, his hands moving to cup my face. "I was so scared when I realized you were gone. I've never been that scared in my life. I thought... I thought you popped on a plane to leave, that I'd lost you."
I reached up, placing my hands over his, feeling the warmth of his skin against mine. "I'm right here," I whispered. "I'm not going anywhere."
He leaned closer, his forehead touching mine, our breath intermingling. "I can't lose you," he said, his voice shaking. "You're everything to me... and I need to work on my anger."
My heart ached at the raw emotion in his voice, he was facing the issue, an that's what meant the world to me. "It's alright, Jamie," I promised firmly. "I'm not going anywhere, James.
He pulled back a little. "I love you," he said, and the words sort of tumbled out of him, like a confession. "I love you so goddamn much, and I'm sorry I haven't been showing it."
His words sent a rush of warmth through me, melting away the last of my tension that had ratcheted up between us. "I love you too."
James gave a sweet nod before planting a kiss on my forehead. "Alright, lets get you up." He slipped his arm around my waist, supporting me as I tried to stand. The moment I put weight on my ankle, pain shot through me, and I couldn't help the small cry that escaped my lips.
"Take it easy," he murmured, voice gentle but firm. "Lean on me. We'll take it real slow."
I nodded, my teeth biting down as I held onto him. With his aid, I was able to stand up, though I couldn't put much weight on my injured ankle. James didn't crush me with his pace, he matched mine.
As we set out to walk back to the hotel, it seemed that I had come a long way from the hotel. But not a word of complaint came from James. He just kept his attention focused on me, his arm strong and firm about my waist.
Once we finally arrived back in our hotel room, after an hour of limping down the sidewalk and into the hotel, James helped me settle into bed, and even got ice for my ankle.
"Breathe, try not to move your foot," James cooed, flicking the lamp of and snuggling to me. With my injured state, James insisted I stay on my back. The roles were reversed as he nestles to my side, his head resting on my shoulder.
"I'll never let go again." James whispered, kissing my shoulder.
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autumnwoodsdreamer · 16 days
You gotta admit, the start of The Mandalorian was a very weird couple of days for Grogu.
I mean, it all starts with blasterfire in the camp (which, by now, is really nothing new to this kid). But then everything goes still and your relatively safe little pod is opened by a droid and a guy wearing a helmet. You know they were the cause of the blasterfire and they seem to be working together but then the droid tries to shoot you—which, yeah, okay, fair; not the first time this has happened, maybe it’ll be over now—and there’s a shot but not from the droid, no, helmet-guy just took out his partner.
That’s… also probably not unusual.
But then. THEN. Helmet-guy tilts his head and holds out a finger in a way people do for babies they want to interact with, not targets they’re gonna bring in. So you reach back because, hey, this guy seems kinda nice.
You leave together and it’s a really long way. You get ambushed and attacked by more hunters and helmet-guy protects you. You carry on. Helmet-guy is NOT a talker. But that’s cool; you don’t talk either.
You see he’s hurt. He’s been pretty nice so far and, hey, he got hurting protecting you. Only fair you heal him. But you keep trying and he keeps putting you back in your pod and, again, the fact neither of you talk is a problem. Whatever. He can suffer; he won’t die.
You get to his ship and, yikes. What a dump. It’s such a mess. And there’s scavengers picking it all apart, making helmet-guy furious. Helmet-guy tries to chase them, I mean, actually chase them. He’s just one little man and that’s a big fat tank. What’s he thinking? That he’s just gonna stop it with his bare hands—oh, that does seem to be the strategy. (Starting to think this guy just wings everything he does in life. Like. There is no plan going on here whatsoever.)
Helmet-guy gets electrocuted by about twenty scavengers and falls like six storeys in an unconscious heap. Is he dead? Well. Can’t fix that. It was nice knowing him. Wonder how long until the next—oh, no. He’s okay. He’s sitting up. Okay. We’re back on track.
You go back to his ship and yup. Dump. Wires sparking and whole walls missing. The toilet’s even been pilfered. Yeah, okay, this place probably wasn’t always like this but—what are you doing starting the engines? The ship has holes in it, man. Gigantic, we’ll-get-sucked-out-into-space-and-freaking-die holes!
Another long walk. No talk. At least the sunset’s pretty. Get to a farm run by an old man. Helmet-guy apparently knows old man. Ooh! Frogs! Don’t mind if I do… (“spit that out” yeah right. You’re not the boss of me. You think I’m gonna take orders from a guy that just tried to fight a tank with his bare hands? Think again, buddy.)
Looooong trek through the night and, cherry on top, it’s raining. Not so great, but, hey! More frogs!
You reach the tank helmet-guy unsuccessfully tried to fight the other day. He and the old man start talking to the scavengers. Probably can’t hear what they’re saying, don’t know what the random fire demonstration is meant to accomplish, but when the scavengers start getting too close and too interested in you, helmet-guy shouts at them to get away. That’s nice of him. Scavengers start chanting. Now this is just weird.
Next thing you know, you’re all crammed into the tank—the same tank helmet-guy fought and fell off of. Helmet-guy doesn’t fit inside. He’s mad about this. He’s mad about everything. Scavengers continue chanting.
Tank stops. Helmet-guy takes you with him to a cave. He leaves you outside the cave and he goes in. Is this… is this part of the ritual? Should have brought a frog for the road… didn’t know this was gonna be a whole day affair… aaaaannnnnd now helmet-guy’s flying through the air. Kind of like how he fell off the tank. But faster. (Very throwable, this guy. The galaxy’s soccer ball, if you will.)
Helmet-guy lands in the mud and, boy, does he look like a train wreck. I mean, he’s been getting beat up pretty much every waking minute you’ve known him but this is taking the cake.
Still alive, though.
And moving.
(Seriously. What are his insides made of? Concrete???)
Then there’s roaring and stomping and this gigantic—and I mean GIGANTIC—horned beast comes out of the cave.
Is this what you were doing, helmet-guy? Provoking the dangerous wildlife? Is getting your butt kicked like a hobby for you or something?!?
Horned beast is, of course, rampaging mad and trying to grind helmet-guy into the mud. Helmet-guy is trying not to become mud and at the same time is making sure you’re out of the firing line. Again. Very considerate of him. But this is really not going well… helmet-guy is definitely not gonna survive this unless…
What the hey?
Let’s use the Force.
You stop the horned beast and, yeesh, should’a stretched or warmed up or something. This is a lot to do after not tapping into the Force for literal decades. Reeeeeallly hope this works… gonna… pass… out…
And then you wake up, like, who knows how long after. Probably starving.
But, hey! Helmet-guy’s alright! That’s so great—wait, wait, wait… are we in space?!? In the ship without a toilet????!?!?
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itsnotgray · 6 months
until forever falls apart | nico hischier
same drill as the cole one, i asked @fantillisdaylight for a player, and this is what became of it. decided this one hurt too good not to share with the masses.
nico and his little childhood girlfriend that start dating at 15, thinking it’s them against the world.
the girlfriend who moves away to canada at 16, promises of forever exchanged amidst the careful kisses they press to each other’s lips.
nico joining her in canada, and for a year, it’s perfect. they’re reunited, and filled with we laugh belief that they may actually make it. they made it when she was in canada, snd he in switzerland, so what can truly part them, if not an ocean?
the nico gets drafted, and still, reality hasn’t hit. “we made it with over 3000 miles between us, 800 is nothing.”
he goes to the show the very next season, headed to new jersey bright eyed and full of hope- hope for a long-lasting relationship, as well as a long-lasting career.
very quickly, nico is swept up in the nhl chaos. the media is more chaotic than ever, swarming through latest number one draft pick, eager to see how he’d perform against the very best.
and somewhere along the way, those 800 miles begin to feel like 3000 again. and suddenly there’s an ocean between them again. and suddenly, it’s like nico isn’t even living in the same stratosphere.
“you haven’t called in weeks nico! i’m lucky to even get a goodnight text. what’s happened to us?”
and nico absorbs the question, searching for answer within himself. “what did happen to us?” he asks himself.
and truthfully, he knew. it was a mixture of things, truly, but there was a primary cause: himself. he brought these problems upon them, and he knew it.
“i’m- “ “nico don’t apologize. i know you. i know how you’re mind works. it’s- it’s not your fault. i just think- i swore we were going to make it. but i think- i think we might’ve been wrong.”
and his heart breaks, but he knows it’s the truth. “‘m sorry,” he croaks out, the breaking of his heart audible, even with some 800 odd miles between them.
“me too,” she sobs back, covering her mouth to try and keep her wails in the confines of her mind, at least until they ended the call.
they didn’t end the call. they stayed on the phone all night, exchanging sobs and apologies, two shattered hearts trying to soothe one another.
at the all star break, nico flys back to halifax, needing one last moment together, not accepting anything less than ending their relationship in an embrace.
he knocked on her door, (the door of the apartment she had moved into at the start of school- nico missed that. he missed a lot. it made his heart hurt thinking about just how much he missed), fully expecting to have to sleep outside her door (but he’d do that, he thought. he’d do it for her. it’s the least she deserved), but to his surprise, she opened the door.
upon her door opening, he was greeted with a sight that made his heart ache in so many unexplainable ways.
she was there, perfect as ever. hair was a little ruffled, but she was perfect. it was like nothing had changed, but it reality, everything had.
“nico,” she sighed out, tears rushing to her eyes at the sight of the boy who had occupied her heart for so long now (but not forever, a voice taunted her inside- that was over now.)
in a blink of an eye, he crossed the threshold of her apartment (that smelt like her favorite candle, he noted inside his head. oh how’d he miss that smell), wrapping her in his arms. at the feeling of his familiar arms encasing her, she broke, sobs wracking her body once again.
“i guess forever wasn’t ours,” he croaked out, a sob cutting him off from continuing his sentence.
“i guess-“ she started, a sob interrupting her sentence. “i guess not,” she finished, tears soaking the fabric of nico’s hoodie (not one of his old ones, she noted. she knew those fabrics. this- this was new. she didn’t like that. it was just a symbol of the distance between them, literally and figuratively).
a while later, after the couple had calmed down, they sat huddled together on the couch, arms still embracing one another.
“it was good, right?” she hesitantly questioned, afraid of the answer he’d respond with.
“the best,” the boy replied.
and with that, it was like the string that tied them together snapped. the feeling was gut wrenching, that much was true. but over time, their hearts would heal. they’d move on, and one day, could hopefully look back on their time together and smile.
but for now, they’d simply remember each other by the ache deep in their chests, the longing that weighed down their bones, and the broken promises of forever in their hearts.
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thedivinetexts · 24 days
thinking about reader who mistakes Ghost stalking them as being... well, a ghost.
gn reader x stalker!ghost. sfw . for now
- 🩷🐰🩷 -
Your house is haunted. The realtor waits until you're ready to sign to mention that someone died in it — a man, murdered by his wife, the realtor confesses. The last few people who bought it couldn't handle knowing that there was blood on their floors, metaphorically speaking.
It explains why it's so fucking cheap, despite being almost everything you want in a house. Big and beautiful, with plenty of space to grow into if you feel like it. Plus, the housing market is shit. There's no way you'll find a better house in your price range, so you sign the dotted line that officially makes you the owner of a haunted house.
The first few months are absolutely fine. You move in and get settled without a problem. There isn't a peep from a ghost as you make the space your own; painting the walls and installing bookshelves to hold your collection goes smoothly. You find no bones when you till a portion of the backyard to create a little garden. All is calm and unhaunted.
Then things start moving. A book you had on your table is back on the shelves, even though you haven't finished it. Dishes you left on the table end up in the sink. The box of pasta that was out of your reach in the cabinet is miraculously on a lower shelf the next morning.
You can't figure out what changed. Why is your ghost suddenly active after months of radio silence? You haven't done anything new to the house lately. You've been living almost exactly how you were before the ghost decided it was time to mess with things. You have no idea what it could want.
You think you've read somewhere that ghosts will stop if you ignore them, so that's what you decide to do. Don't give the ghost a reaction, and nothing bad will happen. You won't be like the last few owners and abandon your new home.
Things moving get no reaction. When your underwear starts disappearing, you silently judge the ghost, but just buy more. When you find doors you definitely closed propped open, you simply close them. It becomes a part of your routine; just another fact of life.
You ignore the footsteps that pad down your hallways. You pretend you don't see the shadowy shapes of a man lurking in the corners. One time you see him standing motionless on your stairs, and you force yourself to focus on the cup of tea you're nursing. When you look back up, he's gone.
It makes you nervous, but you persist. You won't let this bastard run you out of your house.
So, when you spot him standing outside your bedroom door, face naught but a skeletal visage as he peers inside, you drop your gaze back to your book as calmly as you can. This is definitely the closest you've ever seen him. You can feel his eye boring into you as you pretend to read. You're picking up none of the words, too aware of him watching you. After a few minutes of reading the same sentence, you give up and put it aside.
You flick off your lamp and lay down, pulling your blanket to your shoulder so you don't accidentally look at him again. Just ignore it, you tell yourself, ignore it, ignore it. It feels like hours pass before your eyes droop, exhaustion winning out over the anxiety. Eventually you doze off; the awareness of him still watching fades out with your consciousness. He's just a ghost, after all. There's not much he can do but stare.
You're still ever-so-slightly awake when the door creaks open. You don't pay it much mind, not until the mattress dips. That jostles you awake a bit, though you're still bleary enough that you don't see the hand until it is pressed against your mouth, pushing your head into the pillow. All of the tiredness dissipates in a moment, fear taking its place as you snap awake.
You can feel the warmth of the very real hand through the glove he wears. You stare in horror at the very real man pinning you down. On his face is the same skull that your ghost wears — it hits you like a truck that it was not a haunting but intangible spirit with you in your home. It was a man. It was always this man.
He chuckles, low and rough, when he notices your breath pick up into shallow, fearful gasps.
"There you go, lovie," he rumbles. "Was startin' to think you didn't know to be afraid."
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greazyfloz · 1 year
24, 25 angst with Luke please
Angst: 24. “Open the damn door” “please” & 25. “Get away from her before I break every bone in your body” w/ Luke Hughes
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Always There
Luke and I didn't fight much, but when we did it was usually bad. Tonight was no exception. I don't even know how it started or why we are even still fighting about it but the words began to cut like a knife.
"Oh come on!" he says annoyed as he watches a tear escape my eye, "Don't fucking cry"
"I can't help it Luke!" I yell at him
"Why are you crying? Grow up Y/n" He tells me as he shakes his head. He turns and makes his way to the kitchen island as I turn and make my way to our bedroom. "I don't even know wh-" he starts but stops when he sees the door to our bedroom start to shut.
When the door shuts I lock the door then begin to slide down it until I am sitting on the ground. It is almost immediately that I hear a hard thud on the door against my back, "You're just going to lock yourself in the room?!" Luke yells from the other side.
"Go away Luke" I say as I hug my knees, but his knocking gets louder.
"Open the damn door" his voice sounds harsh on the other side but the knocking stopped, "please" he pleas sounded hopeless.
I completely ignore him and reach over for my phone to see a message from one of my friends saying they are going out tonight. I crawl over to the mirror beside the door and wipe my tears away before answering her that I'll meet her there. I stand up from the mirror and make my way over to the ensuite bathroom.
After fixing myself up by doing my hair and makeup then picking out the sluttiest dress I owned. I made my way over to the bedroom door and opened it to see Luke sitting against the wall beside the door. His expression changes from apologetic to confused when he sees me.
“Wha- where are you going?” He asks, I can tell he is trying not to get mad as he brings himself back up to his feet.
“Out” I tell him as I walk past him and to the front door.
“Like that?”
“Yes Luke. Like this”
“No” is all Luke says. Before I reach out for the door handle I look back at him and squint my eyes slightly at him.
“I’m not going to sit here and fight with you all night”
“We weren’t fighting. You ran into the room and locked yourself in there like a littl-“ he stops himself from continuing
“Like a little what?” I ask but before he can answer I speak again, “actually I don’t care”
I slide out of the apartment leaving Luke by himself and make my way to the club. The club was not far from Luke and I’s apartment, so I was there about 10 minutes later.
I find my friend Kaitlyn outside holding our spots in line to enter and join her.
“Hello, I was wondering when you’d show” she says chuckling. I explain what happened to her as we made our way through the line and inside, “fuck him” she says as we approach the bar where the rest of our friends were, “you need a new man”
I chuckle slightly but shake my head, “no, no I don’t”
As the night goes on, and after a few too many shots, I find myself still going back to the bar for more. On my way there I bump into someone by accident, “oh, sorry” I say before trying to get around the man
“No problem at all” he guy smiles at me. I tried to get by him and he slides back in front of me, “what’s your name?” He asks
“I have a boyfriend” I tell him as I smile awkwardly before trying to get around him again.
“Wait” I hear the man say grabbing on to my shoulder and pulling me back so I am facing him, “I just wanted to know your name”
“I’m not interested in chatting, sorry”
“Come on, girls don’t dress like that with a man at home”
“Pl-“ I start but suddenly Luke slides in between me and the random guy, protecting me behind him.
“Get away from her before I break every bone in your body” Luke says making the other guy chuckle.
“Okay, okay. Let’s both turn around and go our separate ways” a bystander interrupts not wanting to see the two get into a bar fight.
Luke turns and faces me, “let’s get out of here” he tells me and I nod. I turn to face the door and Luke keeps his protective hands on each of my shoulders as we walk out of the club.
When we got outside of the club and approached Luke’s car I turned and wrapped my arms around him embracing him.
“Thank you” I mumble into his shoulder
“I’m sorry” he says before I pull away from the hug to press my lips against his.
“Don’t be”
Luke chuckles after tasting the liquor in my mouth through kissing me, “someone had a lot to drink” he jokes before opening the door for me to get in, “let’s go home”
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thezombieprostitute · 4 months
Dragonfly - Part 2
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Summary: Steve has just about everything he could ever want in life. He's got you, a baby on the way, and a successful Family. No one would dare interfere with that. Right?
A/N: Reader is female, pregnant. No other descriptors used.
Word Count: ~1k
Warnings: Death threats, Implied violence, Pregnancy. Please let me know if I missed any!
Part 1 -- Part 3
Series Masterlist
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You’ve been stuck inside the house for days. It’s a beautiful house, you feel comfortable in it, but knowing you can’t leave makes you want out more than ever. You try to distract yourself by cooking and baking whatever it is the baby is craving but that only goes so far. Especially when you can feel Steve’s frustration adding to your own. Something needs to actually be done but, with nothing you can actually do, it’s just building up a lot of frustrated energy for both of you. He can at least use the home gym for some of his energy but all you’re allowed to use in there is the treadmill and it’s just not enough. 
Bucky finally has some news and calls you both into Steve’s office. You vaguely recognize the person with him as God the Bounty Hunter, or GBH as he allows only his closest circle to call him. Steve sets you in the chair behind his desk, the most comfortable one in the office, before sitting on the desk facing the two men. 
“GBH has been able to get an appointment with the person who runs the boards,” Bucky starts. Steve’s fists clench as he grabs the edge of the desk, fighting the urge to punch the faceless person. “It’s at the Cairo Hotel and I’m gonna recommend neither of you is there for it.”
“What?” Steve’s anger is evident in his clenched jaw.
“There are a few factors, Steve,” Bucky raises his hands. “Namely, I don’t think you can control yourself to follow the rules of neutrality at the appointment. We can’t afford to lose Pine’s support.” 
Steve lowers his head in understanding. You get up and gently rub your hand between his shoulder blades, trying to help him keep calm.
“Another factor is my professional standing,” GBH adds. “I have a reputation and clout to uphold. These aren’t the kind of people you want to piss off. Anything happens to Mr. Smith at an appointment with me, I’ll be done for. And not just professionally.”
“GBH assures me that there is procedure for a target to remove their contract or for someone else to do so on their behalf,” Bucky offers. “It’s likely gonna cost a lot, but I know that doesn’t matter.” Steve nods. “Plus, it’ll keep her off of the contract postings for at least five years.”
“But I am highly doubtful anyone will get any information on who posted the contract,” GBH confessed. Steve turned to glare at him but the other man seemed unaffected as he continued, “again, lots of regulation and factors. Namely trust within the business. No one’s gonna post a contract if there’s a chance the target finds out they’re the ones who opened it.”
“Just business, huh,” Steve mocks. 
You hug him from behind, “just getting the hit on me removed would be a major quality of life improvement.” You nuzzle your face against his shoulder. “And maybe we can send one of the Garbage Men to the appointment? They’re good at getting subtext and negotiations, right?”
Steve and Bucky both nod at your assessment. 
“I was planning on just me and God,” Bucky admits. “Would it be acceptable for us to bring a third?” 
GBH contemplates, “it shouldn’t be a problem. The key thing is that it’s at Pine’s establishment and he doesn’t have to worry about someone trying to hurt him in retaliation for doing his job.” 
Steve’s grip on the desk makes his knuckles go white. He hates the idea of his wife’s life or death being a matter of ‘business’. But he knows that’s how it is for everyone outside his circle. It’s the kind of thinking that he’s worked hard to make sure he doesn’t fall into. “Whatever you need to do, do it. I want this contract burnt.”
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It’s finally the day of the contract appointment and you do your best to distract yourself and Steve. He’s always been willing to do whatever you needed but it’s been magnified since your confirmed pregnancy test a few months ago. Thinking it might help both of you to relax a little, you ask him to help you out. 
A foot massage for your swollen feet, keeping his hands busy and his thoughts focused on your moans of pleasure. 
A warm bath to help your muscle aches, keeping his attention focused on your naked body and the temperature of the water. 
Which, of course, led to the two of you in bed so he can properly worship your body. Part of you misses the rougher sex but you understand Steve’s hesitancy. And damn if he doesn’t still make you feel so good you forget your name. 
Steve holds your sleeping form in his arms, gently rubbing your belly. He knows you’ve been trying to distract him and he’s so grateful to you. He’s barely been able to keep from punching walls and checking his phone every five minutes. But taking care of you really helped to settle him. 
He hears the telltale chirp of his phone and moves as carefully as he can so that he doesn’t wake you. The message is from Bucky, Contract burnt. Possible lead thanks to Teach. His shoulders go lax as he finally feels the relief he’s been longing for. 
He returns to his place in the bed, holding you close. You barely wake up, just enough to make yourself comfortable and kiss his neck. It’s not completely safe for you and your baby boy yet. But now that the overarching danger has been taken care of, he can focus on finding and crushing the source. Whoever Dragonfly is, Steve vows they will die in agony by his own hand.
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Part 1 -- Part 3
Series Masterlist
@alicedopey; @aryhyuuga; @cynic-spirit; @icefrozendeadlyqueen; @jamneuromain; @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory; @ktficworld; @leryg0; @rayofdawnworld; @rebekahdawkins; @talesofadragon; @texmexdarling
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wizzdot · 2 months
The Patron Saint of One Way Trips
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Description; what you’ve all been waiting for - REAL progress. We have Gaz and John being heroes- Graves is ‘dead’ 💀 and Laika is saved…
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*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
Graves has holed us both up in Alejandro's main office. He has placed guards outside.
"Looks like we have company.. My boys in the tunnels seem to have stopped replying to comms. I suspect your little buddies have something to do with that, sweetheart.. I've been notified that they have taken the prison back - the Mexican Special Forces are on the loose, along with Alejandro.. I assume you heard our phone call too, huh? Sounds like Captain John Price is stepping into the ring.."
I shake my head.. "No, no - they wouldn't come for me.. If they are with Alejandro, then they will think I'm a spy.. If they are here, it is to kill both of us" I whimper, shaking like a leaf. I still hadn't had chance to warm up since getting soaked over night. My body is aching all over and my shoulder still thumps with pain when I over stretch it. The wound on my leg has reopened as well. I am not in great shape.
"Well, we will soon find out, in the mean time I want to find out more about you. Tell me, Laika.. what are you hmmm? Beta.. huh?" I nod nervously.
"Strange, your Russian file doesn't clarify. Sounds like you're all sorts of fucked up because of the suppressants. You have no scent, which is strange. Beta's have a scent.. You aren't an Alpha, that much is obvious.. hmmm, I wonder..." he circles me, like I'm prey.
"Please, Alpha.." there goes my last ditch attempt... bile rises up my throat, I never want to call this snake 'Alpha' again..
He tilts his head and stops circling, he chuckles.. "Sounds pretty comin' from your lips, sweetheart.." he gets up in my space. I hold my breath, trying not to look terrified.
He pushes his head into my neck and inhales deeply, trying to find a scent. I can't help the yelp that escapes my throat. I thrash in the chair but I'm too well restrained to it to get any leverage.
He just laughs.. "See sweetheart, no scent.. but then again.." He does it again and inhales for longer this time.. he slaps his lips together, making a 'tsk' sound, "the Alpha in me is telling me otherwise.. I could take a bite.. find out, huh..?" My eyes widen and I try to shuffle away but can't. He leans forward but freezes suddenly when a loud, distant rumble sounds from the other side of the facility, followed by smaller pops of gun fire. I gasp, and tears fall down my cheeks uncontrollably.
Don't go feral.Don't go feral.Don't go feral.Don't go feral.Don't go feral.Don't go feral. You need to be thinking straight, mutt!
Weird, since when did my brain start rooting for me instead of against me..?
"Sounds like the 141 are topside.. they won't be long now" he laughs. I just sniff and shake, uncontrollably. I can feel something shift inside of me. I fight desperately not to snap. Stay conscious, mutt!
Graves picks up a comm link and shouts, his voice echoes around the entire facility. He has linked his comms to the speakers throughout the halls and security towers.
"Shadows, hold your position. I want everything locked down. If anyone's here, let 'em come to us.. we'll be waitin' for 'em, won't we sweetcheeks?" He holds the comm to my mouth.
I don't reply, turning away crying silently. He grabs my hair and snaps my head back to face him before kicking me in the reopened leg wound. I wail from the pain he had inflicted. I hear it screech down the speakers all over base. He laughs and throws me backwards by my hair. The chair falls backwards and I crack my head off of the floor. My vision swims for a few seconds before fading to black. I can feel blood dripping from my nose, but find myself unable to do anything about it. All that surrounds me right now is pain, darkness and a high pitched scream inside my brain..
*Ghost's POV*
Graves' voice sounds loudly over the speakers. Cocky bastard wants us to come to him. I have no problem doing that.
"Stay sharp - he knows we are here.." John shouts down comms from his position up in the Helo.
"-won't we sweetcheeks?" I growl. There is a few seconds of silence - he is just baiting us. She isn't actually here. Maybe she's escaped...
Then the most bloodcurdling scream sounds down the facility, it could have shattered glass, I swear. I almost go feral when I hear her. He is fuckin' hurting our the girl. I'll kill him.
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
I start to come round from my brief unconsciousness. The guns sound closer now. I can hear yelling too.
Then I hear Graves from behind "We got an assault team outside the HQ, they're gonna breach" - one of his Shadows reply - it sounds like Oz.. I groan slightly, my head thumping,
"We should move in and plus you up, sir" - "NO" Graves snaps, "I want all shooters holding their sectors- I got what I need here. We're going on the offensive-- That clear?
"Yep yep!"
"Get up girl, we are going" he shouts to me, grabbing my cuffs, slicing the ropes from my legs to free me from the chair, then all but dragging me from the ground and out into the chaos of the base. "Shadows, I'm out of cover - repeat out in the open.."
*Ghost's POV*
I hear Alejandro's voice in my earpiece "Did you hear that?" - "No,what?" I grunt - "Graves is on the move.. Gaz and I will secure this position until you, Soap and Rudy take Graves"
Gaz comms to Price that he and Alejandro had found Valeria and that she was secure. I couldn't care less about her but an objective is an objective. "Good" Price growls "Stay sharp. We're going for Graves now".. He doesn't need to mention Laika - that much is obvious, we are bringing her back..
Rudy, Johnny and I arrive to a metal door. "It's locked. Rudy, what do you got?" Johnny asks, breathlessly.
"Breacher charge" Rudy answers, planting the explosive on the doors. "Nice" - of course Johnny is still fascinated with bombs..
The door crashes open "Clear to engage all threats inside, if you see Graves, drop him" I bark.
The smoke clears and we see Graves running away on the second floor. He is dragging Laika with him. I grumble. "Hold fire.. we can't take him when he is that close to her.. too risky.." I yell.
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
Graves drags me toward a large metal door. It's locked - he comms a Shadow for codes but while he is waiting for a response, we hear their voices from the other side of the door. IT'S THEM!!
I open my mouth to shout for them but Graves slaps a hand over my lower face roughly and drags me back up the stairs. My legs are barely supporting me at this point but he forces me to run. He is far stronger than me. I can't fight him..
The doors crash open as we reach the top of the stairs.. I hear the Lieutenant shouting to hold fire..I furrow my brows.. why?! Fucking shoot at us. STOP HIM!
"Graves is getting away!" I hear Rudy shout. I need to do something. Think Laika, think!
I try to clear my head and think. Be clever, mutt. You have no weapons. Nothing. Just you. Just you and... Omega.. I'm an Omega, right? Supposedly anyway.. And he is an unmated Alpha whose Adrenaline would be sky high right now.. BINGO!
I feign a trip, falling to my knees. "Move, girl! Get fuckin' up!" - "Please, Alpha.. I feel funny.." - his head snaps up and he meets my eyes.. I try to maintain eye contact. The longer I keep him stationary, the better.
"What's wrong..? Your leg..?" - "No.. my stomach - too hot" - he growls. He fucking growls. This is working. He thinks I'm presenting. He tries to scent me, completely stuck in his 'Alpha' mindset now.
I hear the footsteps behind me and can't help the whimper that escapes when I feel Graves' tongue on my scent-gland. I gasp and push him away. My Omega's instincts protecting herself from being claimed without consent. As I push him away, he growls at me. I can feel myself slipping into feral subspace. I'd been brave and hurt for too long. My body didn't like it..
"He's there! Get him!!" I hear from behind me, it's Johnny... My brain clicks off then, turning into survival mode. I shuffle backwards and find myself at the end of the balcony. My eyes are darting left and right. Graves is looking between the exit, me and the men trying to kill us him. I try to run, but get hit sharply by the butt of Graves' gun. Everything goes black. The last thing I hear is Graves' voice. "You'll pay for this, you bitch. You fucking worthless BITCH".
*Ghost's POV*
I see Graves up ahead. Laika is on the floor, submitting to him.. what the fuck?!
Then I see her push him away. GOOD GIRL!
We are gaining on them. Clever girl!
He sees us when Johnny shouts out loud. I was annoyed that Johnny had ruined our sneak attack but adrenaline was high, and we'd witnessed him dominating Laika. So I understood. I'd hardly managed to keep a lid on it.
wait, what's she wearing.. SHE WAS THE FUCKING SHADOW...
Graves meets eyes with us, he runs, knocking Laika out before he does. She collapses against the balcony, teetering dangerously close to falling over the edge. I roar to catch her before she falls.
"On it!" Johnny shouts..
"NO, SOAP" Rudy shouts.. "I'll get her- you and Ghost get Graves - she is feral, an Alpha won't be good for her right now" he explains.
"He's getting away! GO" I nod, finding it difficult to run past the girl. Something is pulling me towards her but I trust Rudy.
"Head for the control room- There's an exit in back.. I'll get her out.. don't worry!" Rudy shouts as we follow after Graves.
"Haul arse, Johnny.. let's find him" I growl to Johnny. He nods, equally as angry as I.
Price's voice sounds through comms "All stations, be advised, Graves went over the wall" - "FUCK"
I hear an RPG fire at Price's helicopter, causing the aircraft to spin out of control.
"We're hit! We're hit!" - "Price-! Fuck, Alpha..." I watch the helicopter start to plummet, smoke clouding the sky.
"Going down. We're going down!" John shouts
"Steamin' hell... Captain..." I hear Johnny shout.
Rudy reappears from nowhere without Laika. My stomach drops and I growl lowly.Dangerously.
"Calm down, Alpha. I dropped her off with Garrick. He is obviously her favorite if that hoodie is anything to go by.."
I immediately feel a little lighter. She is back with the pack.. where the fuck did that come from ? She isn't even pack, yet.
Soap and Rodolfo run forward to the wall.
"Let's end this asshole" Johnny growls
Johnny reaches up to the wall with Rodolfo's help and turns back to me.
"LT, you coming?" - "No. Price and the pilot need help. You two finish this" I instruct.
Johnny and Rodolfo nod their heads as I turn away from them both.
All I hear before I'm out of earshot is Johnny shouting "Holy shit... Graves brought a fuckin' tank".
*Johnny's POV*
Prick has a fuckin' tank.. Rudy and I run forwards regardless. The slimy bastard climbs down and teases us by saying "Looks like the hunters are gettin' hunted now, huh? Ain't that a kick in the ass...?" what a fucking prick..
"Can't wait to bake this bastard"
"We'll need something stronger to kill Graves in that tank. This is our training area- plenty we can use, look around" Rudy suggests..
"You and your Mexicano friends fucked with the wrong hombre, MacTavish" Graves speaks from the safety of his tank..
Coward. "Come on out and let's talk about it" I taunt him.
"You think this is a fucking game out here? You wanna play war? Let's play some fuckin' war, chicos! One o' you dipshits needs to die last-- who's it gonna be...?" He taunts us.. get out the tank and lets find out. I'd take pleasure in killing him with my bare hands..
"Go fuck yourself, Graves"
"You got a healthy disrespect for authority, Soap. I like that about you..." - "You're Shepherd's lapdog. You get paid to break the rules"
"There's only two rules here, boys. Walk away or win. Guess which one I choose? Shoulda gone home when you had the chance, Soap- you and that asshole with the mask, hiding behind that uniform... and that FUCKING BITCH.. Oh she is DEAD next time I see her. I promise you.."
"Got Graves' attention now..." Rudy whispers - good, the plan has worked. Bastard always liked the sound of his own voice..
I throw the C4 ammo on Graves' tank and detonate it.
"Tank is taking damage, hit him again! Graves is on the run, stay after him, Soap... Boom, roasted!!” Rudy shouts after me
Eventually, Graves' tank is destroyed with the C4..Rodolfo and I run forward and inspect the destroyed vehicle.
"You did it, Soap!!!" Rudy laughs - "You and me, hermano" - "Brought a gun to a tank fight..." he laughs. I nudge him, softly and share a friendly fist bump.
"Soap to Ghost, I'm with Rudy. Graves is KIA. How's Price?"
He takes a second to respond and I feel a wave of anxiety roll over me.. Thankfully his voice sounds over comms after a few seconds.
"Angry. Lost a good cigar in the crash... Pilot's okay, too. Over."
"And Laika..?" - "Not back yet. Gaz, where are you?" - "Having some troubles with Laika.. could do with some help.. she ain't calming down.. Alejandro ain't helping either..." He shouts down the radio. We can hear shouting and hissing in the background.
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
I wake up to a familiar scent but I cannot shake the feeling of danger and pain. I am being carried. I thrash desperately and realise that I'd been uncuffed. I hear a grunt as I fall to the ground. I start scrambling away and I feel arms wrap around me from behind. I swing an elbow and here a crunch when I make contact with his nose.
"FUCK.. Garrick.. Control your girl.." - "Shit.. Laika.. Calm down, love.."
Smooth voice.. Garrick.. C'mon, snap out of it, mutt..
*Gaz's POV*
Rudy appears from nowhere carrying an unconscious Laika. Initially I feel elated when I see her, until I see blood all over her face and leg.. she looks completely awful..
I grab hold of her, cradling her in my arms, feeling the instinct to protect her. Rudy explains to me that I have to be gentle and quiet. She could be feral when she wakes up.. I've never dealt with this before. I nod and promise to try not to be too imposing.
Rudy runs off to help Johnny and Simon with Graves. He leaves me with Alejandro and Valeria, two angry hot-headed, strong smelling Alphas. Not ideal.. Valeria is restrained so at least she isn't a threat..
I can feel Laika starting to wriggle slightly in my arms. I relax when I feel her subconsciously press her nose into my neck. She was scenting me.. I hope she recognises it.. We hadn't seen each other in a while...
She starts thrashing. I try not to drop her but she escapes my grasp and falls to the ground. She starts shuffling backwards along the ground, away from me. She looks like a frightened animal, running from a predator. Alejandro sneaks behind her and grabs her. She yelps and throws an elbow busting his nose. "Oh shit.." I mutter, feeling bad for Alejandro but also finding it a tiny bit funny. "Deserved that to be honest, mate" I whisper to him as he shouts at me to control her.
I step forward with my arms outstretched.. "Hey, Love.. It's me.. Kyle.. C'mere.. want to check you're ok..?" I try, with the softest voice I can muster, even though the Alpha in me is clawing to get out. Her scent has changed. It's as strong as I've ever smelt it.. I hope that the sound that leaves my throat sounds like a purr instead of a growl..
"Al-Alpha..." she whimpers.. I freeze. Oh fuck, she shouldn't be calling me that.. FUCK..
I gulp and try to control my urges. "Captain.. could do with your assistance here.." I growl quietly down the line. "Don't send Johnny or Si.." - "Understood.." John replies cooly.
I turn, probably more aggressively than I intend to. "Alejandro, go.. I'll be fine on my own.. Take her and go with Rudy.. we will meet you later, mate.. Get your nose looked at.." I add on, teasing the man.
He huffs a small laugh and turns to leave, understanding the situation.
I turn back to face Laika. "Hey, Love.. You want to come over here with me..?" She shakes her head. God she looks so scared...
"Look.. it's okay - I'll sit down.. you come to me when you're ready.. okay, love?" I try, slowly lowering myself to the ground in a submissive position.
I can see the cogs turning inside her brain. She isn't all there right now.. acting off of instinct and instinct alone. She scents the air and whines. "Alpha..?" She whimpers again.
I roll my shoulders and grit my teeth, trying to contain the growl I so desperately want to release.
She starts crawling towards me slowly, as if she was keeping the option open to run if I so much as move a muscle..
She is so close now. Still sniffing and crawling. God, she reeks..
She pats my knee first, as if to test if I was going to pounce. I close my eyes and stay still.
The next thing I feel is her entire weight crawl into my lap and she clings to me. I can't help the noise that escapes my throat this time. A low, deep purr. I bet she can feel it rumble through my chest.
She shoves her nose in my neck and inhales.. I lift my hands and oh so gently rest them on her waist.
She tenses at my touch, but quickly relaxes.
"Ky-Kyle..?" - YES!
"It's me, Love.. It's me.."
She whines happily. I almost lose it when she starts nipping and licking along my neck. I squeeze her waist a little tighter, trying to remain in control.
I groan out roughly "Love, whoa, love... Come on now, we've got to get you home, yeah..? get you cleaned up.." - "Noo, wanna stay w'you" she murmurs against my neck.
Fuck if I didn't want her to stay with me too. C'mon Garrick.. control yourself!!
"I know love.. I know.. but I want you in your bed, safe.. yeah?" I try, manipulating her instincts a little bit. She nods against my neck. Okay, that was progress...
"Love..?" I ask her.. "Mmmhmmmm?" - "I called the Captain.. he will be here soon. Is that ok..?" - "Is he mad at me..?" she shakes against me.. "No, Love.. he was worried.. So worried about you. We all were.." she just shakes her head against me.
"Can I stand up..?" I ask- she pulls away from my neck then, and meets my eyes.. she looks so lost.. so confused. "You want to leave..?" Fuck
"No no no.. Love, that's not it at all.. I want to take you home.." - her eyes soften slowly at that and she starts nodding.
"Gaz.. I'm about to come round the corner to your location.. is that alright..?" Both of our eyes snap down to my comms. My eyes dart back to Laika’s..
"What do you say, Love..? Can the Captain come and see us..?" she looks scared.. time to manipulate her sensative state a little bit again.. I felt bad doing this but I have to..
"Pack Alpha.." I add on.. "Alpha..?” she replies in a whisper.. "Yeah.. our Alpha.." - "Our Alpha..?" Damn that sounded good...
"He could be, Love - can he come see us..? Please..?" she looks at me with wide eyes.. still sitting on my lap, our bodies pressed tightly together. I have to readjust myself several times so she cannot feel my knot pushing desperately against my jeans, looking for an escape..
She nods. She finally fucking nods..
John must have been watching from the corner because I don't even have chance to radio him before he is in front of us both, staring down at our position on the floor. Laika looks up at him with wide eyes.. John growls down at her, he never liked to see his things covered in blood. She tenses up and scoots backwards slightly.
John immediately softens his approach, slowly lowering himself to the ground. I bet in his head he is thinking that his back hurts and that his knees aren't going to thank him, but he does it willingly.
I can see him subtlety scenting the air. He can smell her too. She stares at him as he lowers himself down. She crawls off of my lap and I immediately stand and readjust myself, turning away to cool off.
*John's POV*
I finally hit the ground. My knees won't be happy about this tomorrow..
Get to her.Get to her.Get to her.Get to her.Get to her.Get to her.Get to her.Get to her.Get to her.Get to her.Get to her.Get to her.Get to her.Get to her. The Alpha screams inside of me.
I open my arms and grumble, in as soft a voice as I can manage "Come over here, angel.."
She starts crawling from Kyle's lap and towards me.. I purr at her.. From my peripheral, I see poor, sweet Kyle standing and fixing himself. Good boy, he had done such a good job helping her out of sub-space..
She climbs into my arms and I whisper "Good girl, there we go, that's it.." I start standing from the ground, squeezing her back so she stays against me. She wraps her legs around my waist and arms around my neck. "C'mon, gonna take you home now.. get you taken care of.. what a clever girl you've been..." I reassure her.
She is whining and sniffing in my scent glands. Her scent starts changing from anxious to more relaxed. I keep purring, finding that it seems to be helping.
I start walking and she whimpers Kyle's name into my neck.. "He's here, Love.. right here.." I reply, nodding to Kyle to walk closely so she can see him.. he understands immediately.
She fits perfectly here..
Don't get ahead of yourself, John...
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
i honestly would love to see more of jamie with bea like him deciding to take her to see the team for the first time after she’s born because maybe him and reader wanted some time for themselves and get adjusted before having everyone meet her?
My whole family is out today and I have nothing to do, so I’m going to be answering some requests! And maybe opening up my inbox again
I’m a sucker for requests that ask for continuations of my other fics. Thanks for requesting!
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lyrical smile, indigo eyes
How did you become lucky enough to have a baby like this with the absolute love of your life? You were pretty sure that you and Jamie had peaked at marriage, but Beatrice Georgie Tartt just takes the cake. You are exhausted because labor was intense, and Jamie swears if you gripped his hand any tighter you would have shattered it. But you didn’t, and you’re out of the hospital and back at home. Bea is a week and a half old, and there are only four people who have met her, outside of the hospital staff: Georgie, Simon, Roy, and Keeley. Jamie didn’t want you to be overwhelmed by a lot of visitors right after you had Bea, so he asked a favor from Ted, who promised to keep AFC Richmond so busy that they wouldn’t have time to drop in unannounced.
But now Jamie’s getting ready to go back to training, and he wants to take Bea with him before it starts.
“I can take her this Friday, Isaac’s been texting me all week and Coach said he’d end training early,” he says from his place on the living room floor, folding onesie after onesie.
You roll your eyes from the couch with Bea in your arms, half-asleep in the middle of her feeding. 
“You sure you’re up to it, babe? She goes through diapers like crazy. You’re gonna have to bring a brand new pack if you even want to stand half a chance.”
Jamie just grins. “No problem babe, I’m a pro. Ain’t in the Premier League for nothing.”
“Alright,” you say, “I’m coming too, but only to go have girl time with Rebecca and Keeley. Becca says she has some like spa-day stuff for me. Apparently she did all the research into postpartum care.”
Jamie makes a hm, interesting face and Bea lets out a gurgle and wakes herself up.
You roll up to Nelson Road at 1pm, diaper bag packed with everything you could possibly need. This is your first time out of the house with Bea, and both you and Jamie are nervous. He’s trying to make you laugh with dumb jokes but your eyebrows are tightly knit together. 
Bea is incredibly tiny, and the Richmond boys are… well, they’re not. You know they can be gentle, but you also know they are capable of getting overexcited way too easily. You nervously fiddle with the toy hanging from Bea’s carseat so Jamie looks at you in the rearview mirror and says, “Babe, relax, it’ll be fine, yeah? They don’t have to hold her or anything, and I’ll make sure she’s alright.”
That calms you down a little. You know Jamie means it. He’ll watch Bea like a hawk, and isn’t afraid to be a prick when it comes to taking care of the people he loves. You take a breath and nod as he pulls into a parking space.
The team is on the pitch, so you and Jamie walk out to meet Ted, Roy, and Beard. The boy see you walk up and immediately stop their drills, but Roy shouts “Oi! You lot still have got thirty fucking minutes! Keep fucking going!” So they go back to whatever the heck they’re doing.
Ted says, “Look at this cute little tartlet! Ain’t she just the sweetest thing?” and you can tell by Beard’s reaction that Ted’s been waiting to use that one for a while. 
“I washed and sanitized my hands three minutes ago,” says Roy, “can I hold her?”
That is a little bit surprising. You would have assumed Ted would be the first one to ask, but you suppose he’s Phoebe’s favorite “Uncle Roy,” a reason, so you hand her over with a kiss on her forehead. You kiss Jamie and say, “Bye babe, I’m headed to see Keels and Becca,” then turn on your heel to Rebecca’s office. You’re headed inside when you throw one last glance at Bea, and almost burst out laughing; Jamie’s helping Roy put on the wrap so he can wear Bea while yelling at the team. You look out the window once you make it to the second floor of Nelson Road and see Roy coaching with Bea snugly secured to his chest and Jamie hovering close by. You’re glad today’s drills don’t seem to involve any footballs.
You tap on Rebecca’s door then push it open, and are immediately almost knocked over by Keeley, who has launched herself at you. 
“HI BABE, HOW-FUCKING-ARE YOU?” she squeals, and you wonder if she’s so loud because she was containing herself when she met Bea. You grin and squeeze her back.
“I am so fucking tired and so fucking happy,” you reply. “Hi Bec!!”
Rebecca gets up off the couch and gives you a tight hug as best she can, because Keeley is still holding you.
“It is so wonderful to see you, darling,” she says, “I saw Roy has the baby out on the pitch. She’s going to be kicking a football before she knows how to walk properly.”
You laugh and Keeley says, “Oi, Roy’s got her? Good luck getting her back. If she’s anything like Phoebe she’ll throw a right fit when it’s time to go.”
“I know,” you sigh, “She’s going to have so many aunts and uncles, it’s insane. Not sure where Jaim and I are going to fall on her ranking of favorite people.”
Rebecca smiles and moves to the couch. “Would you like to sit and have some tea? I read there are certain types that help with breastfeeding.”
You grimace. “I would, except sitting is not exactly my favorite right now. But tea sounds wonderful.”
“You can lay down on your stomach, babe,” Keeley says helpfully. “Rebecca and can cuddle and catch you up on everything you’ve missed.”
You say, “That sounds fucking amazing,” and you’re asleep ten minutes into their chattering.
You startle awake to the sound of a knock on the door. Rebecca calls, “Come in,” and it takes you a moment to figure out where you are. There’s a blanket draped over you and Rebecca and Keeley are still on the other side of the couch, both furiously typing and scrolling on their laptops.
You rasp, “How long was I out?” as Roy pokes his head in the door. He’s still wearing Bea.
“Twenty minutes,” Rebecca answers. “Keeley and I thought it best to leave you be.” Keeley nods, not looking up from her screen.
Roy clears his throat. “Hi babe!” says Keeley. She half glances up from her screen then does a double take.
“Holy fuck, you look right sexy like that, Kent.”
Roy grins at her. “Don’t get any fucking ideas.”
Keeley says, “Too late. I have so many fucking ideas,” to which you and Rebecca share a disgusted face.
“That’s disgusting, Keeley,” you tease.
“Oi, you’re one to talk!” she returns and Rebecca nods as if to say, she’s got a point. 
“Any-fucking-way,” Roy says, looking at you, “Figured you’d want to be downstairs when the boys meet Bea. They’re changing and getting clean so it’s going to take a fucking minute.”
You nod. “Hey Bec, you wanna hold her?”
Rebecca closes her laptop. “I would absolutely love to.”
Roy growls in a way that means fuck no, but Bea’s your baby so he unwraps her and gently hands her to Rebecca. Bea settles so sweetly into Rebecca’s arms that you swear you want to cry. Stupid hormones.
“Your prick husband is still downstairs bothering Sam and Dani,” Roy says, and you remember oh yeah, I have a prick husband. You get up off the couch.
“I should probably go see him,” you reply. “Becca, you want to come, or..?”
Rebecca is still gazing at Bea, but she nods and stands up, heels discarded on the floor.
You make your way to the locker room to find Jamie surrounded by the team, scrolling through something on his phone.
“…And this is her wearing her Tartt onesie. Here she is with me mum, and this one…” he trails off when he sees you. 
“Hi love!” he says, “Just showing the lads the pictures I got of Bea.”
There’s something about Jamie standing in the middle of the locker room crowded by his team that just makes your heart feel like it’s going to explode. You laugh and bound over to him, throwing your arms around his neck.
“You’re such a dad, Jamie Tartt,” you tell him affectionately, to which he replies, “Learned from the best, didn’t I?” with a glance at Ted.
“Alright,” you say, arms off of Jamie’s neck but now entwined around his left bicep, “who wants to meet Bea officially?” 
Hands go up around the room and to your surprise, they’re all quiet. In scary unison, they move to sit on the benches and hold their hands up, palms facing outward. 
“What the fuck is happening?” you whisper to Beard.
“Ted had a baby-etiquette debrief,” he whispers back. “Inside voices, clean hands, neck support, the whole deal. Had me make a slideshow to back him up.”
Rebecca shakes her head in disbelief as you all watch Isaac make his way around the room, inspecting hands and pronouncing them clean.
Rebecca does not look like she wants to give up Bea, but you tell her you’ll invite her over in a few days, as long as she doesn’t mind a messy house and takeout. She reluctantly hands Bea to Dani, who is beaming so hard you’re worried for his face muscles. 
Jamie, meanwhile, rests his head on yours. 
He leans down and whispers, “Hey babe?”
“Hm?” you respond.
“I’m going to fall asleep standing up. D’you think Bea would be fine if we crashed in Ted’s office?”
You grin. You think Bea would be fine anywhere there’s a member of AFC Richmond.
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dirtyvulture · 2 years
GP!Virgin!Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Requested by anon: FUCKKKKK cheerleader taking college gp nats virginity she would be so innocent and y/n teases her for it so much degrading her while riding her” aw your so close and ive just started” “you wanna fill me up natty” “let go for me thats a good girl make a mess”
18+ only, read at your own risk
After the homecoming game, you attend the afterparty, still wearing your cheerleader outfit and hoping to score with someone tonight. Natasha stands out in the sea of rowdy students sloshing beers all over the floor and bouncing to the thrumming bass of the music. You walk up to her confidently and offer her your hand, taking her outside to talk for a little bit.
She warms up to you quickly, telling you she’s a transfer student who came to the afterparty to try and make friends. You lose track of how many times she shyly brushes her red hair over her ear, looking away when she notices you staring at her lips. You tell her that this afterparty is not the proper place for making friends, and offer to take her back to your apartment for the night.
To your surprise, Natasha goes with you, and not a second sooner than when you have her inside your apartment, you dive in for a kiss that she doesn’t resist.
Her lips are soft and sweet from her lipstick, and you grab onto the collar of her shirt to push her into your bedroom. Natasha’s eyes go wide when you lie her on your bed and straddle your waist. You grind down on her crotch and are surprised to feel the bulge there.
“I..I’ve never...” Natasha stutters, but you quiet her with a finger to her lips.
“Do you want me to take care of you tonight?” you ask, lifting yourself up to pull down the skirt of your cheerleading outfit. Natasha is quick to follow, unzipping her jeans and yanking them down her legs. She leaves her boxers on, maybe out of shyness, but you have no problem lowering yourself on her clothed bulge with your bare pussy.
You carefully rest yourself on her clothed bulge, grinding your heat back and forth. Natasha reaches for your hips, trying to slow your movements because she’s afraid she’s going to cum early before you’ve even fully touched her yet.
“Too much for you already?” you ask, pushing her hands away and rocking faster. “But you’re not even inside me yet, baby.”
Natasha pants, unable to formulate words as blood rushes to her cock and causes it to harden.
“You’re gonna fill me up with your cum, right Nat?” you ask, slowly pulling down her boxers and her cock pops out, the veins pulsating and her tip a dark red and already dripping. “Look how big you are. I don’t even know if you’re going to fit.”
“Y/N,” Natasha pants, struggling to keep her hips down when you take her throbbing cock in your hand and start to stroke it. “Please--”
“Please what?” Your hand stops moving.
“I--Oh, God,” Natasha moans, pushing her head back in the pillows when your thumb circles the spot below her tip.
“Tell me how it feels,” you say, stroking her again, squeezing her length in intervals and smiling when her body bucks uncontrollably.
“It feels...so good,” she mumbles.
“I know how to make you feel even better.”
You don’t let her protest as you remove your hand and swing your leg over her waist, positioning your opening at the head of her cock and sinking down a few inches. The burning ache inside of you eases as Natasha stretches you out, and you place your hands on her stomach to steady yourself.
“Fuck, Y/N,” Natasha almost sobs, overwhelmed at how tight and wet your pussy is around her cock. The pounding at the base of her cock is too much already, and she’s embarrassed to know she won’t last long.
You relax and try to suck in her entire length, finally meeting her thighs with yours and Natasha goes rigid as a board, trying desperately not to cum.
“You’re being such a good girl,” you praise. “And I know how close you are. It’s okay, Nat. Let go for me, Nat. I know you’ll make up for it later.”
Natasha bites on her lip, almost drawing blood, desperate to please you, but as you clench around her, she can’t hold back anymore.
Her back arches off the bed, lifting you up, as her cum spills into you. You continue to milk her for every drop she has, massaging her thighs and saying, “That’s a good girl. It’s okay to make a mess in me.”
Natasha finally drops down on the bed, her chest heaving, and you feel her cum drip down the inside of your own thighs.
“I...I’m so sorry,” she mumbles. “That was barely thirty seconds--”
“Don’t worry about it, sweetie. You have all night to make it up to me.”
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